THE OMAHA DAILY gffUESDAY , JULY 7. 1891 8PK61HL NOT10E8. Hll TJIK K COMJMNB ADVKiniMPMKNTH will lo Inken until 12 an p.m for Ihe urcnlDK nnd until ! , Xp ) m. for tlio morning or Hunclur odl lonii | All rrtrrrtl rmfM In thorn rolnrans J cent * a orcl rim InfCttlon ami 1M rrnln n word thirondrfi or R per linn per month No nrttcrtlK-Hipnt tnknn for IPDS tlmn Zi cent * for HID Hrnt limerllon 'Jcrm ranh la ad * Tcnrp Initial * , fluurcit , ey mt > ol , etc. , fiehcoiinliw a mini. All mlTCilliemenU muni run ronncti tltoly / jTfrtlfrri" , by rf < i r"tlnK n numbered cheek , mil hnve Iliclr imfwimn < 1dieii < > il to "num bered letlrr In rnreuf Till ) Uc. Antwcrafo nd < lrp cd ullllii ) ilullTi'tcilonlr on pronentatlonofllie check. * pHAK7 iT"o fV fci'.r TA F > \ K HT i IS o To HT n K < ! K J- > column * will tic token on Ilio nbOYO condition * t tlio fol'imlrK lilinlnrfn linuv i , who nnniitlior Ired to tnki ! rprrlnl notices nl thu same rates n cnn IP li ri at Hi)1 main office f ontli ( innliB llrnnpli ejlllcc No 2(33 N utrent , I.ln itrblodr. JoliuT licll , MmrrnarlM 11th nnrt Mn on Ktrni't" H II rnrmworth Phnrmnct't JllsrumlnK street V ? J HiiKlion , llinrmacltt I24N ir.tli Hiwt ( IcornoV 1'iur , I'lmnimdst , 1719 LcnTenwortli ( Ireet. lliialicn' Hmrmnoy , 2Uh and Knrnnm SITUATIUXH WAXTKI ) _ , rlr. . Kit lop nf flirt r fu iii OH tint ixiy. ATIONS Kfvi ioo AVANnmT my wnltliiK reemit nrn nlonys full from 9 a in to ftp m Cntmdlan llmployment olllee. IIHW S l.'ith aclcphoneWI _ 4SJ HITt ATI ON UV tiADY A1 IIOOKKKKI'MIt ' flit Canhler tut clais roferentc * 27U5 Woolwurth M " * nro Jy-"J WA.NTID : M A ij m , dr. . * ff l n nt f > * l c"l i n "M " ' ' * WJf. israpher Aultnmn Taylor Co. . ill Houlh loth tit 191 i 1) WANTii : > . SMAHT IHISIIMAN , I'AYH f 175 J'perdny Call belwccn U and ID. room utt lleo liulldlntf Mr llyland M7M ) 2 T > VVANTKI ) Hllrir l'LA S MAN TO CANVAS J > fnr newspaper nclvcrllsuueiils Call 612 Mifoly block M77 ( . n WANTKI ) . OOOI ) IIOTIIL HUNNKH , t'MON ' JJdepol llth ami Miunn nlrceln M77I 8 * n WA'NI KI A JIAN Aiiti ) T 2 on no YIIAHS JJold to leave clly , onn who understands book fcccpltiunnd I" a ponil correspondent , with Kcncrnl knowIcilKttnfbusiness one who 1 % not nfrnld lo work ami don't expect to draw salary on Ills nbnpo , Ktnta salary expected Address a 'a , caru Omiiba Jleo. MKtt i ) . -WANTii : > , AN KXI'HHIUNCKI ) COAPUM VV J'Miist havellrst class city references. Apply 1MJO California nt. 743 -4YoijM > MIN : noon I'AY CALL nooMlT uOi > N loth st , up stairs COOT * T > - WA.N'lIil ) I'UACTICAfj OIlACKHIl HAKI'-US JJaml lultvrn. Apply .McClurn Cracker ruUory , Cth nnd iTcn\iortli. : . VJJ 7 * T > WAN-JHD. 2 KXI'KltlK.NCKI ) OANVASSriW J > Cnll7plTi promptly , Monday , 1S21 N 18th street. basement 75'j 0 B-WA.VJ III ) SAM HMKN ON SAI.AUV Oil CO M - mUfdon to handle the new patent chemloal Ink ernolmriieiiFll , thu KreulcM selling nori'lty erer produced , eraics Ink thorouuhly In tno necondi , no nhrnslori of paper ; 80(1 to 'Mi per cent profit , ono BEcnt's Miles amounted to 'ir.M In nix days , another IT2 In tno lours \\e want ono tencral ncenl In each Btatn and territory 1 or terms nnd full par tlculars aildrcss thu Monroe Kruser MfK Co IJi Crossc. Wl 411 _ f > WA.NTKD. AN KVI'KltlHKCKI ) ALKSMAN JLn | general store , must he a Dane and iiipubli of th ( ii-rmun langiiaKu Address C W KlliiRliell , Hooper , .Vdi mV. BWAM'I'.I ) WOOD TI'UM'.ll , WOOD CAIIVKH , mnchlni ) men , cabinet makers , steady work St ' Tens , Hcrlni ; A , Co , Charles < Ity , la UVI d * T ) WANTKU , 200 l.AJlOltDUri I Oil WYOMINO aJ end South Dakota 1 reii transportation Al brlulu I thor Aiiency , 112U rurnum struet M" > U8 T > - VKNOK C.OOD ADIUK < ! S MKTllOI'OMTAN J > M'f Co , lUUlluwurd Omalin , or 1J7 N l.'lh I.ln coin 12'ijyl8' -m SAi.icsiinN WAM'iiD'roHr.i.i.ouu p 1 1 K mlnm nursery stock , the laiKe-it nur erj west of the MlBslulppI river ; the llni-it stock , all the new and old fruits , the lowest prUes and blucest pay to RKfntH , money advanced ecrveck. . ontllt fiec Wrltu us at once U. J Carpenter Co , talrburr.Neh 677 JyU _ _ _ _ _ _ T > -OllOANI/.iitH : WAVl'I'D-f'fl AVI ) JltX ) JN J 'live months , llrst rertllUatu In fill clnindnto July 1 , 18 * * ! llrst cliiss orpanlrers wanteil , wrlto for terms huprcmu led c , the Universal prOKrevsl\o league , 172 Washlntiton street , llostun , .Mass J1710 ] y2 ! * _ _ _ nm MO.NT.V SKM.1NO Tin : I.IFI : or iF i IIAII num onlj fl H ) AKents wanted Amcrlcuii Ilixik Co , Nuw \ ork I.lfo biilldlm ; Oniiiha , Neh 7Ji Jy'J WAXTKD I'or rale * , rtr. . Me ton of Jit \ column on tilt * pnye. CWAN'JKU HY A WHOLKHALK HOIJSI5 yoiinjr lady.ono enl ) nho Hun experienced stcno ( Crnphar anil has nome knowledge ot book kccplnt ; ; nnlnry HOO ] per month Address In own hand wrllloK H 41 , Hee oillco S17I,7 7 C-WANl'il ; ) , 1M.MKDIATKLY ONK 1'Mf.ON lo reeelTM Initructlont to M-np books Hnlnry , ft& J. II tnilth , UJj \orkLlfobuildtnc , _ , M751 7 * C WANTKD AT ONCK. A COOD ( ! IUL 1 OH GUN oral housework 2412 bonnrrl street 729 C-HIKI. Kll HOUhllWOUK MllS 'JIIOS F. Hall , ] I U Shonuan uvo. V47 C-WANTKI ) , GIKL , r.'U DOUGLAS BT. 74S 7 * - WANTK , GOODKimill.V GIHL. MINT BK llrBt cl isi washer and Ironer , nt 2211 Harney iM required 753-12 'FOR UnxT nousKsl Fo > mtc . etc. , tec top of ftist enlumn onl/iN / 7 i ( ; D-MODI'HN DOIIHLK IlIlirK 8 HOOMS KA01I , on corner nnd molar line , $2i a month to treed fporly ti'iiant. Kyerythlnjf now nud clean .1 L tlco. 1123 JV. V Life. 704 S , \-rroil HHNT.fl llOOil GOTTA UB. INQUlHi ; /I2II North 10th B -8HOOM COTTACK , CHIIAl' . 1NQ. 2MS CAP ' ; 'live. Mhll JiU < DtOltllKNT , 4 UOOM COI'TAOIl WITH TWO lnrii > < IsseUi nt thn reir of 501 So Mill t J115I ) liar month Knqulreof P H Sulnioii , 9th unit Jonpx . 711 B &UOOM HAT IlllirK HL'lUHNaI.KAVKV wprlli * t > bclopon 11 Hi ' 'nil ith 71,1-11 * "T\-fi HOOM HOr.SI ) , MCKAUnSUAl > KTUKr.s" j-'elty nnd cistern wnter , elecant nclghhnrhnoil , . ' liloeki from olivet curs , 1411 s 7th nvcnue , or Hell i plinrmnev , vor lllti and .Mnxon tJ 11)11 HUNT , 4NK\V T HOOM lUVKLLINliS AT .ilth nml .laiksou KH. , with furnace , hath , hot nnil cold \Mitel , OMtrythlnii In Hie llnest rhupo nnd onlyHI iicr month to xood paitylf takm qtiltk nnellty'1 nisi Co b78 1) . BH1CK 1101'SK , ALL CO.VV11NI Ji 'dioci , fl'iOO ; llrooiu lilli.k houeo , f'-O UO 11 , i ; Cole , UContlncntul ja\ \ -IliVlNr-K ALL KINDSTllllKM NICKLY I'lMl nlshed lluiuly A Co . lit | Ciipltol avenue. WJ -KOH HUNT , n\M ) OMI ? II HOOM llOUSlT , all moileru coiiM'nlinren , In perfetlordcr ; pa\eil atrrelR. motor and \\ltlitn 'iintmitus nulk of jioit Oltleo Nathan Bholton , II14 1 arnani slicel MM ! NIW : MoiiiiN : ANDsto r i > KSiK\nni : IN tlio illy S or 4 room eulle Complete for lunmti kf | iliiB blSMsticet , P lj Van Itorn M.W , - I -FOH HUNT , 7 HOOM HOUSH.lnir ! IIAIINuf Inquire A , II ( iliulstono , UIO Doitelui otreet B-KOll HiNT,7 : HOOM COTTAOK , KA T KHON r , Slicrninn nvo , near Clnrk , tJO Wrlxlit \ Ias bury II01 Iloivnnl un D KOIl HUNT , C < mNiTuT-r.AT Al.Ii OU'ISIDK rooms Wrlxlit nnd l.aalierrj , 1IX)1 ) llonunl llonunlM&W T > - > On HUNTS ItOOM COlTUiK 2JI3 DAVKN- -L pori fisai 8room rottntioai nml Knrnnm , J13PO _ Heed \ Seluy , room 1,1 , lluanl of Traflo 651 JV Ft III HUNT OIIKAI' . ' N1NK lilK ) > T HOtlSK , J-'fiiriilnlred or unfurnishediina burn , convenient location llolbrook , t lleoliulhllntf Jli.'JI TI I OK HUNT f A MttNTII , KLKdANT S vl/ioom niinlr pnpered i omer brick on motor line J U Hlco MS N. Y Life M7 I ) HUNT 10HOOM Hoi'SK CnNTHALI.Y locRlcilmodern Improvimieiits 7UN iHh < 4M TV TKN HOOM linrsi : WITH HAHN" , .1 'nhlu locution , moderate rent , llcuid ilroh mu Douuliis Mrcel. .MIJ7 TV IV YOU WISH lOHL'.NT A 1IOUSK OH hTOliV : J see U K Cole , C'onllufnliil block 4W fVXll HUNT. hl'LKNDIl ) 11 HOOM HINIDKNTK , J all moiiernconvenlciires , tlnosl loeallon In cltyi Dlftl'ark moi preient oceupunt. Mr 8 H Knudiir , jio 9e | on ( jhen July 1 , Rood barn nttiuhed. will hold 4 homo ! liberal lermi and loiiu Icnuo lo rlKht rnrty Apply 923 Ueu bldk % or IIUI 1'nrk uvo Jolm liruiil VJ4 DIXH HKNTDlldOM HOl'Mi : , MODKHN rO.N- \onlenoen.V-J4 | ia > cnport ulrecl. Inquire ar"i Duvenport uroct , IX1H HKNT , 110USK1 HOOMS. Jtlrvol. .M 5J7 7' j 1 Oil HI , NT , KliKHANTfi HOOM HA'1LANU ; 'ulockU)3i. ) ! llth , cor , luck on > t , bTil U - HKNT. l AVBMJl 1,04 WMl IlKVT , HOOM COTIAIJK , OH.YntAl ronlll coltngo , ni > r roolor. IISOO. 4 room c'l'ttniH near motor , tlUUX grooms untiirnlihed , flUUU And tlm bent r sltenro ttati In thr city. (3) ) to It5 Ko tor < 's The Jtc-urt lur't Co , ul Dee Hid * Bm D UKATKI > MlrlNM.ATS. 7117 AM W lttli tr Pl. E. F. Hlnuer , J51 ! F rnum For r3tt > , etc. , Mtoji of ftil column un lhl > ml/ . Jij IM HaSYfioNTiiQOji rnot CAIJITOI AVKN VK FOlt KKS'T-FUnNIHUKD KOOMB. > - wlnh to rclaln two rooms 1703 LcaTC'nwomi , iecond floor _ TOTI * 1 ? KOH HKJnvfwO KAHT IKX1MS , flINril.K Oil J 'en miltn In prlvntn fnmlly , lo man nnd "Ifo nr two Kcntlcmcn. f.M Boulli Kill t. Hcfercncg * ' 1,1a HOOMH mil IIOU.HIIKKKIMNO KOH MAN -Ijnnrt wife ; no children , renltnkenln board .113 N I7lli Ml 1 ? NH'i : HOOM. AI.lJcoXVKNIK.VCK8 , 1719 IAV- Ijeaport JRM 10 T,1 KUHNISIIKI ) HOO.M8 , f5 AND K I'KBMONTtI ni lil Fnrnnm. Ml o * iton iuvi : , HJHNIMIIKI ) UOOMS. UIAIXIUH- IlllM 54(1 ( 12 * 1-KL'HN1SI1KI ) HOOM.4 , li * CAPITOL AVK T.T-KOH IIK.NT. Kt'HNIStlJ'.l ) HOO.M.H fOUMOIIT I JhoiiK-kirpInu nil conveniences , 1,2 or 'I en lulle 1718 Nicholas Hi .M7lj > _ 11 IIK ST CLAIH KUHOPKA.V IIOTKf * COH ul.ltli and Dodeo , will rnnko low rnten I or room * by thn week or month with or without board 2M ir-H > u Hi.vr : , NicTu.Y KtMiNisfiin ) COOL Ivroomunt northeast corner lull and llownrd Lawn around building Krom ST UOto JJU a month 349 1i-Ftm ; HUNT. VI'.HY DK IHAHIK HOOM3 J Jwllh or wllhoiit board , to parties of reflnemcnl Only n few boardert Cull or address 20UN ISlli ht. 76.V8' 1 1 NiriJ KIIONT HOOMH toll ( HINTLKIIAN I-JOllly , 2UIO Davenport slreet 231 -ViilV : IM.IIAHAN'T I'HONT HOOM IN I'll ? rate family for Keiillcman. 8B8 2VHh tlrcet. 321 I ? -FlfllNI IIKD HOOM ! * . LIGHT UOUSKKKKI' 1-Jlnit SlW'i.Sl Mary s avenue 879 | "i-l'UHNlsllii : 11OOM3 , 1334 N 21ST NKAH iJcable. C57Jy7' I'or nitfs , etc , ft toj > of flnt column on this jxioc. i5 KtiTNisTiKTr OOMT 'AN IIOAH ! ) ITJI -t llodgo ntreet _ M'lU II * H-MIUNISIIKI ) UOOMS , WITH Oil WITHOUT I honrd una uio of bntli 410 S IStli street Hut 4. 3d lloor JIT.'U 11 * Tf l Oil KKST. rUHNlSIIKl ) UOO.M3 WITH -I honnl , 1812 Dodito > t 7IJ ) U' -j'AUi < ricn. . < n NOHTH ISTII IIKST of bonrd , haiiUeomo rooma , slnglo or un suite , rea7 - 7 * 17 UOOMS AND 1IOAIU ) , all DOIKHMS JL slrcel 7-FUHN1SII1CD SHCOND 8TOHY HOOMH TO rent with board 201 H 25th nvcnue (61-9' ( ' ROOM3 GOOD 110AUD 210.1 -I'LIJASANT , , - i * | i42 8 IJ-lOU HUNT , NICK IAIUIIHOOM : \S'ITII I board for Iwc ) ul Jj00 per week , JOU llarnoy t ( ,157 17-HOOMS AM > liOAHD 192,1 UODGK STHKKT 1 M.7Bly23 % I7-HOOMR AND HOAKD AT YOUNG WOMK.VS L home , IK ) S 17th street. 700 Jylb * UOA11DING. For rater , etc , recto ) } of first column on l/ifs JKI0 iioAUD wirnoii wTiiouT IOJMS ( AT fashionable private boarding houses at cut rates Duvlcs Hros , ISlli and Chicago streetsMln2 Mln2 10 FOR RKNT STORliS AND OKK1CKS. Formtes , etc. , 'ttoi > of first column on ( A ( > J-lOltllKNT THi : OKFICU tOIIMKIlhY OCCU- -Ipled by Alexander & Muilth In the Continental liloc k , corner room , lu perfect order 1 rieland , J.ouinls Co. M78J l-l-Oll HUNT Oil SAT.i : . MY HUir.DI.NO ON Ljonesst , hct IDlhillth G.A Llndqulst,3lU SlSth .M I-FOHJli.NT : , TUB Sb'IOHY IllllCIC BUILDING , 1110 Douglas street , sulliblc for nliolcinlo pur lie es fllU per mouth Clma IMi DOIIK Ins strpct. M ) Tf-SIOIli ; I ) OMS AT 707 AND TIN SOUTH K.TII. J-cti-nm heated K F Kinder , 15I'J Fnrnani M441 14 * 1 IO11UKNT 'JI1K 4STOIIV 11UICK ItUH.DING with or without power , formerly occupied by thn Ilca I'jilillililni'Co , Hid Kurimm Bt 'I he build tins n tlrepoof cement basement , complete stuaru hi utiiiK dxtiirrs , water ou nil the Hours , gas fto Apply at the olllee of The lleo J1S FOR UKNT-MlSCUhANKOUS. 1'tir rates , eta , see (011 ( nf Jlrtt column on till * pdcrc. i PASTUUK-I IIAVIJ MW : pAsruiu : JUST 'fenced for horses and colts , 2J > at ress of tame and wlldKruss , will call for und deliver , charge * riMsonahle Inquire Kvuns , Ktl 1'nYtou Mock or address GcorKO G. Gans , South Omaha. Mill .lyld * IVANTlSn TO ill-NT. For ratcn , etc. . fte-top of frti cnhon'i on tliLi j > toe. A GlIVllSMAN WAVrH KUIlNiaJllsD room nnd Kood board In private family , statu teims aud particulars Address 841 , lice olllee M778 8 * KHNTALi AGKXCV. For tntff , etc , see top of first column on this page. L-H U COLB ItUM'AIj AO1..NCY , CONT1NKN ml block. l. ' hTOUAGU. I'or rates ftc , , trctopof jntt column on I/its / page. ciiiiAi'KST AND HUST STOHAGIS hoanolnctty Wlllniuiii ACrosi , IJH llarueyM5I3 M5I3 M CHKAl'KST AND I1KS T STO11AGK I Oil fiirnlliuu Wells , lilt Varnimsl. ill M-HIS % b'lOHAOU HUILDINO IN OMAHA : Kovermuent bended wnrolioiiso ; lioiisohold Kondn cnicdfor : loucsl rutea. W .M. Uusliiuan. 1015 l.euvcuworth 613 M-CM1AN , DIIYANI ) 1MUVATK STOllAOK OP furniture Omalui Stove llupnlr Works , HW Douxlaa MUj \VAXTKD TO HlJV. Tor rnte etc . sec lop of frttl column mi C/ilt / vr-FUHMTinilJ 1IOUGHT , SOLD , bTOHKD. LVells L , 1111 tartinm si 511 \TT-WANTKD TO nouiiow 6 MONTHS 1 > anil fo \ trust deed on (15 ( WO north of Improved rc l ntato , liiLumliuied for f7MW. J , I , lllce. ' ( > } I.lfo lliiiminn 7M 8 N-WANTKI ) . TO riJHCIlASK OO1) ( JiVl'Ii : horse. Htiltntilo for Indy to drive , miiht lie Ihor * ouclily sonnd , "ell broke nml nfinld of nollibm * Applj , tp m , W S Senvcy , chief of police 754 a AT WANTKI ) ANT.ST.MII.ISllKI ) 1'A YI NO 1'ncKs , rcqulrlncf.'fll.'WltoJWloou cnpltnl , tnn n puiLlmsci who Hill pay hulf cash nnd hnlf CCur | Omnh.i realty No prospoflUo or Hohemlnj ; enter pilies connlilertHl Address S4I , lleo olllcii. 7433 -\r-WANTiiTlo HOY. cooTT iiilsiii\ci ; ixn- J.1or liouiiu imd lot , or sinernl lots locntcd su ns lo mnke a KOCU ! bullillnu site , lie lu nrst clnss rc'sldpnpopnrlof liiuclly rarllim nnsnerliiK tills should tlve. full ilcscrlptlonof property , lowest price , lermn , wliether Incuiuburod , and If to luur uiiicli O I'.t , Hoe -171 H 13TO. i < if i f.etr . , , < .e tot ) of nibt cn/u / in ( in l/i / ( * JK71/C. " - * HIJACK \VAI.M T'STANI ? luu dfHk nml rullliie , clicnp A Mnv lioUhelmc-r Co UUSIGth. _ 7J08 Ol on SALT ; KUKNITI'IUJA"NIMIKSIJOFTIIK ' bust bonrdlng house Inlliu clly. Address b 2olloi < / ' ) If 1 1 mi. fie. , ffe tnp ofJM ( rolnmit on tnn -i ) i-oii SAM : , I'ONc A UT AN iiAiiN n" 1elieiipi lilt o it > tliMieet MTUS O-I-Oll 8AI.K CIIKA1' , I.ltT lA 1 awny nnd Kood plum ) box top IMUK ) both In Kooit onlvr lniiilri ) ) l room 'M , Oiuulm Nut Iliuik biillfllng HKAVY'lllNAUON ( Oil I ) ONK AYKAItOM ) HAY I.lUlis I one retlBlered llnmbleUniliui brown mare , 5 jeiini. vorj KC'iitlo : ono norrol lU'lil driver \ery fpeeil | ) . Clienp forciikli. H. K. Cole , u Contlni' block MV.a to IICYANI ) CAN opy top mirrny , ncnly pnlninl , mrrey ImrncM nnd tnmlly borer , will mil ncpuraluly Kuqulie Turk me stHblei I4J1 7 fr KoiT SAiVK , TAMII.Y OAUUIAOI : . MJif'i. I Nichols' Mnblc.telh nnd l.uaMiiniortli. M5H 1) KAMII.Y jiiiss i mbA.Tsi.MiK : ( iuiiv" J em or rnrrhujii U'lims Can fnrnlili any khut of lioreo Juilrcd Cull itl C K WooduorlhX C < i . or nddross , T J KlemliiK , Cultiniin , Nub 7bl ' ' FOlt Si\Mij--ailSC1ii < l < AXKo'iTS. For riifw. ( ( e , , re tnp of flnt column on tilts page QVOIl MIX. ONK NKWM HOIISM POWKH KN klne , chuapi I o. omo lioraemnd cairliikTJs Maiturt , room ( , Wlthiiull blk Ml ) 7 r -JIICYCIillGHT UAUlRiHAFKTr. NKW Wiieror IMHUI un-d , UU1 pnlturn , IIIU A 11 I'urrUo A Co , nix , iiojuo. tni/i , . fte , , rre. top ofjlnt coliimit on Viti WANTVirKAMILIKa : TOAl > ( ) l r HOY a AND Mr .MoKe ,3 H North 2ilu itr t tMT7iT 1 > Dll . -ll furcllK'nsot iiecuIUr lo women , dlOS. Ulb ilrtwt 1) iaiJHVMNII HODS.110IAaALK ANIJ UK- -IVull. j j Mcljiln , tXO Syuucer d. , Qwnb * CIjAinVOVANTH. for ratu , ttf. , ttt tap ot flnt column on thv \ > W S MINH HKADKR A.N'I ) SKCONIt MHIIHT SKttll. Tb nrf t fortnnn trllor In lid * rlly hn n mite ol nnrlnrnnl tlm Howard I otmp corner of It'.tli nml llownrd itrcetn Thin Imly has n trnnimltter nt thnncht by which nhn pan tell what Hid fntci of fortune hold In xtura for you nnd nlm ha a mnelo mirror In which you can neo your fiiltira hubnnit nrwlfp llneniy or friend nil business strictly con lldentlal. lu "HJA 3 _ MASSAdU ilADAM UKtMKK , OVKH filfl S. mil. a ors - * MUM NAMNIK V. WAIIUKN , CI..MUVOYANT , trnnco uponklne. wrlllnir nml n'llablo bmlnoin medium , four ycnrn In Omaha , IIU N lull _ SH MAHSAOK. JIATIIS , liTC. Tor rittai , etc , tre lop of finl column nil till * IHII " parlort Sd Hour. 420 H 15th slritot. MsS'l 10' , MAUAMKUKLZIKH.OVKH mo s u sou Jyai MUStO , AllT AND IjANGUAGK. For tn'ft ' , rtc. , see tnp of ftrtt colii/nn un thin vayf. tnnjoi with Ilospe 1511 Duiiklna 1U AND HANJO MUSIC SIMl'MKIKt ) I'lccea rend at Klnlno No knowledge of muilo required Head ( or clr Uultnr Muslo Co.Atlantlcla t 3 A I * _ \T I'Vl'lia , UUAMMAH A 81'KCIAI.TV. 1W7 > DoiiKlas ZWJrJl- TTH tonic IJUYINO AI'IANO K.XA.MINK Tin : tiunr scale Klmbnll piano A. Huspul&U Uouxlas.HO HO \ r-TWO8KCOSIJ-IIANII 1'IANOS AT A OIIKAT bn ricnln uprlnliti Mi Chicago t. l&IJylfl Vwi rrtKK UST OK j.ouo IMKCKS MUSIC AT > 10 eent u sheet , address KV. . Duvonport , ! i' > Mnln ntreet Cumuli Hlull Mi.7,1 0 _ MOXJ3Y Tu"l7oAX mjAIi USTATii. For i-alei , etc , scf tnp of Ural column onifi ( / pdge. 'W-.T I. HICK. INVfaTM'T HiCUHL"TIis : : DM I.lfo llul Id 72IA4 * \\r DUAHANTIII : : ) MOHTGAOKS ON SAHPY > ' Thn > er , Ciimlmt nml Stanton Co lands for sale by II T Clarke , 1'J ' Hoard of Trade. 4'JU \\r-0 I'HH CKNT FIHST MOHTOAOI ! LOANS HlchardC I'nltoraon , 1107 New York Life Mill \\r-MOKTOAHKS WANTKI ) . LONG OH SHOUT ' lime ( ieor cG Wallace , 310 J. J. Drown build I PR , lulh and Doiixlns. 513 \V NlJILDl.NO LOANS0' ' 7 I'KH CKNT. NO ' > nddlllonnl elinrKC'i forooinmHMonornttorticr'H frcii W 11 Jlelkle , Urst National bank bid * . 520 \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVKI ) CITY ' ' property al rtirrenl rales ; funds on hand , no delay Ceo F Illuil .V Co , 2UI HUIIIKO bldK. 6-'l \\r-l'lllVATK MON1SY TO LOAN. J. I ) ZITTLK , 1)4 ) | N Y I.lfo. 6rt \V MOHTOAHK IXANS WANTED , McCAOUK * 1 Inveatmenl company. 523 OMAHA I'KOl'KHTY \r-MONBYTOLOANON ' Hilcllty 'Irusl compniiy , 1014 Karnam b.4 \\f-KASTKUN MONKY TO LOAN AT VP.UY V > low rates II It Irey,20liN Y. Life M5.'J \\r-cm : A P MONKY PIIII < A MOIIIHAHH AND T * Trust Co wants Kilt edge loans 4ieo W * I * . Coates , representative , 7 Hoard of Trndu 6 (1 ( \\r-lWO SUMS OP $700 AND $1000. ON TM" ' pro\cd property , low ratus , II 11 Irey , New York Ufo Mba 7 \\r LOANS W.M IIAHHIb , II. SO.FUUNZllHHLK > > Ijl4 TIT ANTHONY LOAN ANDTltUHT CO , .113 N Y Life , lend at low rate for choice sectirlly on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property Mtr.'j \\r Lownsr HATKSON HHALKSTATK LOANS C.J Caswcll.SK. N. Y Life. 078 JyS r-siro.NiMoinGAGK LOANS rnoMtsooTO S10.000 AlexJloore , 401 llee bulldlug. Ml l Till ! CKNTIIAL LOAN AND TKUST CO has removed to 'Ihu lleo bulldlutr , main lloor , nt rltdit of entrance City loans at lowest rates C. A. faturr , manager. 152 Jyl9 MONKY TO IjOAN-GHAT.riJI.iS. For rata , elc. , off top of first column on this page. X MONKY TO LOAN MY 11 K MASTHUS ON chattel and collateral securities for nny tlmo fjom 1 to 1,2 monthsIn any amotit to suit borrower Loans made on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , etc , at the lowest rates possible without publicity or removal of propert ) My loans uro no arranged that you can make a payment of an ) amount at any tlmo and reduce both pilnclplu and Interest If jou o en balance on your property or have a loan that jou want changci ! 1 will pay It oil and carry It for you If you Und It moio convenient tall up telephone 1W1 and your business will bo ar ranged at home. Money alwa > son hand. No delay. No publicity. Lowestrutes II I' Masters. Uoom 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th aud Harney Bin S2T _ X MONKY TO LOAjr ON TIOUSKSrWAGONS , furniture , pianos and collateral security , lliist coiilldentlul. fcrud Terry , U 4 U UaniKe blk MS X MONKY ON KUHNlTUIin , IIOH nS. 13TO KoyslonoMortBnge Co , room203 Sheoly blk.M529 M529 X CHATTKI. HANK. 311 S 15TII , LOANS MONDY ou chattels or collateral at reasonable rates &IO r S10N15Y LOANKD ON ALL KINDS OK SKCDH k.lly W ! Now York Llfo. H. A Morris 5,19 ] y-23 * 1JUSINESS OllANOKS. For i ales , etc. , xce top of first column on ililx piuje. \T TUB rSsitJOODKY SCHOOL OF STONO- Krapliy , lloclitstcr. N. Y Tliorongh Instruction by inutl InclntllnK manual , render mid upccil lunik , $10 UO Hooks' iiiipllu | < l for self Instruction. Kn- Kravdl ayiiopsla for " cent alamo. M770 7 * Y-I'.VUTNKll WANTKI ) : 11KST 60 HUT , WAT13K power roller mill In Nebmakn ; well located ; $2 ( XO to W W.O cash reinilrod , bnlnnco to null T. M Warno , Union , > , cb. M77.1 'J * Xr rOH SALK , A KINK STOCK OK MILMNIIUY i In ono of tlio best olllea of .Nebraska , miwRoocK nleo llxtiirco , etc. , Ill honlth tlio cnuso of Kolnic outer or tin-dni'as ddrem H.iS , Hoe M772b * \T-1\U SAI.K , STOCK OK HOOKS. NKWS. bTA L tlniicrjr , Jowplrjclieot mimic , notions , tovn etc. Must bo sold Immediately Address K V l > mrn port.2J5 b Muln street. Council Hlults. MG72 'J Y von HAI.I : WIITJ : KSTAIIIIHHKI > COAT. nnd feed ( millions ftldo truck will soil low for oiisti ( ioocl rpiiHOiiH for eulllni ; . Call at N. 21th street and bell Hue. 751 ID * Ar IOH hAI.K , Till ! MII.UNKUV DIM'AUTMKN P J-of onuof the llncul utoics la Umnha Adilri"m fe W , ileo r > , 1 ! -WANTCIIA HU'SINK S MAN AS I'AIITNKK , J with MU ) or J3UUU , In n prolltnlilo tni8liie , cstnblltliuil six jciirs. Address rt 4. ' , llou. 74J 12 * \ - WANTKI ) , 1'AUTNIJH , A TIIOHOUOIII.Y 15V- . pcrlciiced mnn In the laundry liuHlncnH , one \\lio lint u low hundrtnl nollnra preferred. Address S M , Hee. 7Wi 7 * \ MY KMl'I.OYKll CAN IIAVK 11SK Ol'f JIOOO to KiOOUO nltliout InturoBl Indoor position Aclclres S , 1,1 lieu olllcu M M3 7 * V CASH PAH ) KOIl iNIMWVKM' : I'OLICIKS IN 1 old llnu companies Send rltiacrl | > tiou A. K. ltrocklo b > , Uok M , Hurtford , Couu , V-io" SAM : , nnuu STOCK : IN WISTIKN : : I lotrn. nu Terms reasonable. Addrcia S III , euro Dull ) lleo M7U1 U * V" FOK SAf.K , l.KASK ( TYiaitq ) AND KUIlNl' 1 lure of IJ room liolel Locution and Inisliu-M Kund AdilrnsB "lloiol , " caruaouth Omuha lirnnch of Tlio Ueo. .M5'.rj 7 y HH ) SAUC , A KIUHT OIAS5VKJi ! KSl'AiT * llnlif l ttutclutr biiNlntmti In thin clt ) I luo tlx- Inrt'M nnd Kood cash trade 'Jo nny onu it eaniiiM biiittni'si UereUiui cxcollrut ( linnet ) M net lie no Id In next avly | da > M A Uptna Co , lleo Imlldlni. . M5.ll ! Ii MTA' TAKl ! MU'K'K. DOOU WANT - . . , . , " . bti > 4liies > 4v Huy UIA Commercial , thn Ixt'llni : liolnl at llrokcn How , Neb Mi r .MnilCHANT TAIUOIl UUslM.SS : HIAMC Sochur , ln\hl City , .Ni'h' l-Xlll I'IT t ntcf , etc. . sec tnn of Hint column on ttili / piul iii li to ciiliniiKo for iiic'rcliundl o , liuutniiru prnforriMl Addruss K ( llnitletl , 7(1 ( ifroudvmy , Cuuncll lllutrs / UMI i\ciiANiii : : . iiKsiu.uiu : I'n /Jlu imntiirn Colorado , nllltrudu lor Oiuulm re l ili'lico or lolH ivoll lornti'il Unniir nt Room .11)8 ) .S < nr t ork I.lfo bulldlna tills week , aftur thul uddri-Bs II II llu\lr. atiTlttii ! . C'olo. M7T1 7 * 7 WANTKI ) TO THADK TWKNTHVK HUN /Jilii'd ilollurs worth of no Dim nloi'k In nn ( Juiulm iniitiufucturlUKcaiu-ern , VOpc-rcenl paid up , wlili liiinkiihlo ruforiMicu , ami n qunrti-r nvcllnn In How- nriliniinty .Sebranka ii | miles north ot ft I'mil , tot clrnr Oumbn runlduncu propurty J \t itlcu itt N \ Ufe _ mi t rr KOH KXniANliK , WHAT IIAVK VOU BO /Vtruilp for th largest nml tlnum IIiiKlUli xhlrtf draft stiilllon In tlio ntutu ? 8yrnr old , welifhs l.N.'U llm , ro t ? . ' UK ) to Import , utock urocorlcu nru fiirrc'it let IK lieur from you Aildruss owmirs , Wlilto A. Ixilloy , rulrbnry. N b. M7I7 7 y iiiviiK.Ni > i'AyiN < j STOCKS FoTi uobn /-Jfurm laiuls or iluslrublo clly propcrli W . I' o boxutt JIUS nl' Z OU KXCHAMGE , SKVUIIAL VKllV VIKtt homes wiu | all modern tuiprovumunlN , In rery nna locution , Tor naru propi'rty near Unmlia or Council llluH * . HUollty Trust tViupuny , lull Kur nam si. _ _ i ; .7 y TO BXCIIANOK"koil CI.KAH I/IT. IiAllGK , /Jitjllih futility bone and carriage. 113 lloo uulld- Ing. iw _ ' FOIl SAM2 UlCAIj KSTATI& Vorrnttt , etc. , tee ( onofr rotumit on this i < agt , FOll BOUTU OMAHA I'lloTKIlTIKS , IIUS1NIJSS. Iraokaso or residence , no to tb leading real e * t U > do lur ln Houtu Uiuttha , bd JulnnUm A Co , ourutr 3IIU and K aUvuu. FOU HliBTtKAlj K9T.VTM. 17611 MAI.K KAHM plfrPAlSINcV W ' "M'IK ? IM J proriHl land nnd ll'iicrri ' timber ! fnrm I * nil frncod ; 13 * crM tlmothyl pajlurc. orrhnrd , grove , \\i \ \ Mory biiu'p , bnrn , urnnury , windmill , nil In KIHH | liKp < i : farm Is & rullM a Mthwcst of 1'latttmoutli , Ilio county snil nf l'aK if , intr. unit 9 tnllpn from Murray , a newt iwn o jtlin Ml'nourl I'acino rill- ro J ; I mlle from ichoolrnqj church , For p rllcii- lar dilrp 1' 55. llod onlcj' ? TH3 " irOH 8AI.K CHKAlt. > ' 'WAaV I'AV.MKNTS. ! < < i. story now room hoii rt with bath , cellar , pic : full lot. N. Sliellon , IHU < f < rn m. TO ion $ wnuiN'r\ YKAIII PO Von motor line nnd pntvU ntrret In Iximnlnu city In Ncbr ik , Intestlijujo , J U lllcoK1 \ N. V 1.1 fe. _ , v M7JT b l.'Olt SAI.K. SHVKItAlj Nl\V : MODKK.V IIOUSIIS I of f nnd T rooms i acn , lu n > r > ilc-lrnMc lotntlonn , nllli bntfa , clOKut. bol and cold water , furiimi' , sow cr , na' . llnu yards. wnlk . ptc. Miu-nt cotuil ) to hoimpi In tlm city , from tlMuuu to rvtmuto c-ncli Will tnkiirlc-ir lot nt tlrnl piiymptitir ilrolrtil Cnll nml ire us lirforc tlioy nro all sold Fldullly Trnxt Company , Hill rurnum t. IW7 1 A ) 1 1 * . \T.K. 5 ACIIK UriM AIU01NIND TUB 1 clly of lIlBlr. Neb II. W .Mcllrlila .MM U * l > osi nvis iiAiHJAis.-cuoirn notmi.i : IIIUCK I 8 room modern rrsldoncp , world HO.tXJO , will cell for I7.SW rash. .1 t * lUce. Vli X V Life .M 7.14 7 * OUHKS FOU tALKON KA V TKIIMS. IIOUSIH for rent. Address Ooriunn Amurlcan HaTlnns llnnk , IM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IPOIl SAI.K , TO WOHKINI1MKN ONLY fSl'UCU- lntor nrod not npply ) . on tlmu or niontnly piy mcntn , a neat rottniie nt lots than ncliml rnluo In sldo property , only on block to electric Him In- qulro at room 20. , Omnlm .Nutlonul bank bulldlntf.MMI .MMI IXJTi.III.OCIC S riOVKIUAIK Vtlon. W fcnt front , llils price good until July II J. J. Cook. Ul" Dounlas at. 7T U * T/IVKUOOM 1IOUSKS IN OHCIIAIll ) IIII.I , . tlJMO Joncli on Monthly puymeuls Tliuiniis K. Hull , nit 1'nxton block f > , J FOR HAM : ( iXti WAKKIIOUSI : LOT , COHNIII : pnved strc'i'U , trAcknut * . 2 blocks from depot ; T ry cheap. N Sliulton , K.ll Fnrimm tw \VA.NTKD , A ruitcJiASKit I-OK ACIIOICB wr 'i Pltunlert In Albrlnhl's iinnc-x to foil Hi Umnlm , price , $175 terms cnny , or will tnkn food driving iiorio at part pnymcMit Hiiro clianro for cheap home Cloou to pncklnxhoiiHos , rnllwnyniulmolor cnrs Apply W S buiivcy , ihlof of police 763 8 EO M Kit KILT , DUALKH IN HKAI , KSTATK. Contractor nnd Hullder , residence , Hiker Pliico Wuluutlllll CottiiKes for trade or silo on month ly payments In Poncken * add Saundcri ) & HlmcbniiKlt'8 mid , "Cllflon IIIU" and "linker 1'lnce , " nil new nnd conrenlmit to motor I'rlcps way down Improved nud unlmprovcHl farms In Murrlck Co , Neb. Koreulo or trade , dish for lots 57ljy2'i4 ) FOll SAI.K ABMAMiCOUM'UY HANK , IIKI.NO the only bank In lown nml no other wlthlii It tullrs Ilestof reasons K'ven ' for selllnK Call at or nddrcss room UI8 , .Now York I.lfo bulldlnir , Omaha , Neb. 4W ] i liOST. For rate * , etc. , nee top of first column on tills pnae. LOST , AHOUT WKKK AIO. ! HMAI.I. OOMJ bndKO marked " 1'resldent " Liberal reword ro- Inru to lice otllce. M7I > ' . ) 8 * LOST , SUNDAY MOHNINO 1IKTWKKN K1118T CoiiKreKnllonal church nnd Capitol avenue n pulrnf KOld rimmed none glasses , nnder please re turn to 1(92 ( Hurnoy etreet. JI777 8 * T OST. BLACK KOX HOUND , NAMK ON COU.AH J-'Murtln Ulbson , fJUO reward O. S. Veltli IbUl Ciisi 3t77'J ' 7 * LOST HTMCK LACK SCAHK OX CAll IinTWUKN C. llluffs and Omnhn. 1 luder rclurn lo 15 2 louir- laBiuid receive rennrcl. 7C.MJ OST ON M01011 KHOM MANAWA JULY 4 ] Indies' jacket A rowurU If returned to 1,119'Oth Omatm , Neb. , 74b8 * LOS1'-ON FRIDAY KVKNI.NO , A Ilt.tTK IIK.V- rletla suck , between (3eOrjln avenue and the Ilco otHcc. Mnder plcnso leavont tbu lieu builneis of- Ilco M717 ST10AM FKAT1I13U JlUNOVATOlT ' _ _ „ . Fortutes , etc. , fee ton of flnl rnlumn on tliix pane. B Bite , TICKS AMD I'lLUWSVAHI1UD , HJATIt- eis boiiKhl. Slnll ordera promptly tlllc'd Work called for nud delivered 1 rank Anson.Jlsl X h rnnklln ; M745 PATENT SOMOITOltS. For rates , etc , nee top of Jtrxl column ou lliU page. SOLlCITolS.OW. Jbues A Co , Ilco building , Omaha lirnnch ofllce nt Wnshlnston , I ) C. Consultation free 6JS DKUSSMAKING. Fnrratex etc. , rectop nfjlrtt column mi Hits pao' . ttollclted Miss sturdy. 2olU llarney street I'ATTEUXS AND MOOKLiS. For ratrt , etc. , He top of first column on this pane. CON DiriON - OP THE - German Sayings Bank , OF OMAHA , At Omaha , In tlio hUito of Xnbraska , at Ilio oloso of business , Juno JJ , JS'JI. ' RESOUKonS. I/oans and discounts . $ J51.2" ! n 15 O\or < lraftssocnrod nm ] unspcurod. . . JSI80 Oilier stocks bonds : uiil iiioi IK.I OS . . ISOtO Hue from b.uiks . C4SJ ! 4'J estate , furniture .uicl llxturrs , ( "cluirccd oil" ) . . . , . Current oxiioii'OH und t xcs p.ild . . . . S.fiOMO Uliuuks nml other unsli Horns . u,7 * > l.Ul Hills of other batiks . . s . . 0.81SOO IVactldnal papoi ourronuy , nickels and cunts . , . 27 " > 8 Spoolo . , . I/xU'SJ Total . . . . . . $ II8,72.U1 ! ) LTAHII.ITina. rnpltnl stock paid In . 8 100,00000 Suriilns funrt . 10,0H)00 ) IJmmldocI ] irollt . 6IJ04r > Dividends unpaid . 4J.OO Individual deposits suli- juottooliocl . $ 2JJ.310.31 Demand certificates ol deposit . 10,235.00 Time coitlllcatcs of < lo- poslt . RMSSSl Cuttllled checks . . . . J'u2.uO Cashli'r's cheeks ont- stamlliiR. . . . . .05 Hue to national bun UK. . 2,820.10 Dun to state h.inkb and bankers . 78V.7S Total . $ 448,7x0.01 . UOUNrVOt D(1UIIA ( ! , f „ 1 , Ij. I ) . Towler , rashltir of the nbo e named bank , do solemnly sHC.ii that the ulKmi stato- niuiit Is true to the Iieat of m v knowledge and belief. 1 , . I ) KOWUit. Cashier. bubiorthrd nml snoni lo before mo thlsUth day of July , IS'll. ' All 1 11 UK 11. DA Li : , Notary I'ubllo. Correct Atti-st : IIKMIV I1OMA. I'KKI ) .METJH. . OHAIIMS.I. : KAKIIAOH. Directors. I < "IIKIKIUOK ) Kllt'O , I1I.NKV MKT/ . 01 OKOC 11UIMKOD , [ 8KAI..1 EoWs Korye Tonic Pills Quro Jnttomuala Nf kuuiitujd I'hfBN tal Dchllltr , \ Ital ifiluustlnn , J'alu In tht Hack , Cold IIimlsurKcot.Uud ClrcaUtlon , Illuo Uncs under the Eje , rimplesauJnllr.lhor.\trTOua . or Illood bheascalnSfltiicr Sex. EoWs Ner7i > Tonlo Pills MAKES NEW iHfeALTHY BLOOD AMD RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM They urlDR the rOHy rtltit ofUcalth to the . . . AMI * * JB A * V/l JWL * pn * " * * * * uuwu - v IIobbH' Ncrvo T W c Plllm the Orenl lAfo Koiie\ver , slli yiwlU enrich your Wood * Dcl etretiRtboBToar Nencs. 1'rlco , 80 cunts a Tuu , For ealo by clrugutsla oy ypt by mall. HOBB'S MEDICINE CO. _ B N PRANOIDOO , CAU , OHIOAGO. ILll SIAMU : : Tuns wiuff'iiiriTnor.ivi " fir the board of supervisors for ttio election nf u court liousti ut nidorn , Iliirdlii county. lown. I'lunn and stlJOclllciitloiiH will be on Illn at the auditor's olllcn ut Hldoru , In. , unil ut thu oillco of the nrchltecl , T D Allen , ut Mln- nuapoltH , Minn , , on und aftur July 21 , livil , wheru they miiy bo seen by contractors Illds miiHt bean Ilio with iimlurx ined beforu noon of August 11 IhOI , and the HIIIIIO n III be opened it U p in. The boara reserve * the j-luht to reject nnv und nil bids , J .M Stout , IJ'iiintj Auditor , Eldoru lu .TjTll.'t.M 8THMA CcbUfmana1 ! Asthma Can " "un' " ' " / ' tS om ci i effirtj cam FRENCH SPECIFIC. JtA POSITIVE nndpernnnent CURE > ar all ( Jljoii.ioTlhsbrTlNARY ORGANS , Cur when other Iroatmenttallt.FulTclireotioni with each bolllo. Price , ono dollar , Sea signature ol E. L SIAHL fet Qnlo O'j All To / / / . ' Citizens of Omaha and Vicinity : Dr C. Oco Wo U a regular craduato of nicdlclnu from China , unvltin tAken n thnr- uiiKh cournu of stinly , extending over roitrs , in somuof thn hott Chinese eel lliioHem Mis sorrlcot to nil tliono Hff fruin UIso.iHpsof any kind , mid ftoln uonllduht that In uvury ciso : no undortaUcs ho vun do you Rtxid. Muster tlio ItiRrrdluntii ho tionH In his reme dies nru ootiinleiil xiihatuiices from ( Jhlnn , many of tlioni unknown outsldu of lhtt : couu * try. lloelmrKcS nollilnp for I'xjinlnntlon , cun-iill- tntlon or advlco , on mil oall and litoo < \ frli'iiilly chat with him. and ho will frankly state what ho can do for yoti. MM consulta tion * and communications conducted In the tilu est privacy utul slrlcluonlldfiico ! Ills romcdloa uro uaxy to tal < o and .perfectly harmiCHs , The tm t of thorn not on tlm btoo I , nurlfyliiK It and dostroylnj : tlio microbes or bacteria. I'crlinpi you are siilTcrlns ! fiom "Miriio dls- o.iso of Ions : HtandlriK and Imvo tried almost mery roinody UnouiiIUionl succors Would it not I o neil to try the I'lilncso jnodo of t rent iniMit now , or at any r.ito call and lut Dr. O. IJeoVo \ oxumlno the case anil tell you what ho can do ? Dr. 1) . Gee Wo hn thousandsof testimonial * In his possession , among which uru the fol- lowlnc : II. II. YODNO. 2715 North Twcntv-fourth stieot , Omaha. Cured SUN ere cold and Irtly oo\oloilnR | consumption ; was told could not last six months ; cured wholly with Chl- IIOMI remedies SI US II JiUGH. 1XI2 rifth Htrect.-SulTerod with sick hoadnclio and Ki'iieral debility ; Imd ricd all kinds of medicines and doctors. iNow obust and healtnv. M. V. VAN WORMI3R. 1717 Tliinl str ot , ouncll Illurrg. tiener.ildeblllty and p : ilnl" best ; few NOOKS treatment ; novur felt o o3 ban at present. MKS. i1. O. KICK , South Omuha. ( AlbrlRbt ) . Aflor irvinir other remedies for elebt yo.irs used Dr. Ceo Wo's treatment ; now Loniplutoly cured. JOHN II. HAMMHTT. South Omaha , ( West AlnrlRJil ) . Heart disease and u.iln In chest ; shoilcoiiMoof treatment ; now almost ciiiud MKS. W. A. N10I10I > ON. IK)7 ) UKIiteentb street. Khcuiiiatlsm. then hemmoiraKO of thu luiiKS and llnally heart disease ; complete wiecK , went to Kuropound tried everytbln j now entirely curwl bv Dr. Oi-o Wo MRS. .1. K YATiS. : i" > jO Q Htreot. South Omaha. I'emalo noakncos and sick ho.vd- nchu ; could cot no relief till Dr.Ueo Wo cured me. Will gladly recommend him for tueno troubles. I'or the benefit of those who cannot see tlio doctor ho h is piop ired the following eight leinodlcb for tbe most prevalent diseases : BLOOD PURIFIER , RHEUMATISM CURE , CATARRH CURE , INDIGESTION AND DYS PEPSIA CURE , SICK HEADACHE CURE , LOST MANHOOD CURE , FEMALE WEAKNESS CURE , AND KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE These troubles can easily bo diianosed and the proper remedies procured. Kor all other troubles write , enclosing st.imp for iiucstum blank ami book , as the doctor uses a speolul remedy for each disease. DR. C. GEE WO , North 16th Street , Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. , Every Day. WHAT TYPEWRITER TO BUY Are you opou to convletlon' If so cnusldo nndl lly our iniiohlno Don't repeat to your self what Is told you. Investigate , nnd your own opinion will bo of Konio v.ilun. If you wish expert opinion do not consult Interested competitors. Send for Illustrated cntn1ouo chins full oscrlptlon of the Smith Premier Tyiw-writer TliG Eraitli Premier Tyos Writer Co , , R H. MAYHEW , Mnnnzor. IGODi 1irnam Street , Omaha.Nob. BICYCLES SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS M. O. DAXON , 1007i JTARNAN ST. Tel , 1182. - - Omaha. Neb WEAK WOMEN Sine Y > 'ono Henna wlllcuro wuHk linck , lake ntv.iy ( lint Klooni ) , tired fccllnit , Unit iierviimexlinustlon putro u ? In your cheel.o. brkbten youre > i > t , give you now life , unibj- tlon uppctltc , uiuko yon tenlold mora nttructlvo Abxiliitiily Ilnriiilnii , Sum , $1 n box puitpnld I'uniphlolfrei ) NUItYIJ UKAN CO , Uutr ilo.N U held by lloodmnii UriiK Co , 1110 1-nrniimSl Omuhu Nubruaka Nutlco to CoiitrautorN. Notice Is hereby Kh en that bids will bo re ceived by the lloird of I'ublie Land > ami ItulldliUKiit tbuollitoof tliaWecietnry of ' tutu , until July nub , 1-1)1 ) , at U o'eloulc noon for the erection and completion of tViOwniKH , Kitchen , iud laundry building * foi the Insane Asylum at Hustings , .Nebrihlca Illds will be reeelMKl for the v.irloutt branches ofoik und niutur- lul und IIHII eonipleto bid I'luns und spoelllcutlons may IMI seen nt tlio otllce of thnrjummlHslonerof I ubllu Land * and Jtiillillius ut Mnuoln , NebrasUa , und also ut tlio olllee of T. M. Jill3. : Arcbltoct , Oniah.i , Nobr.iHk.i. Contr.ietors will bo required to conform strictly to conditions of tbe hpetllleutlons. Tlii ) lio.ii d rosurvus thu rlibt ; to t eject any and all bids. Duted Junolfltb. IROI A U. miMI'lllinr , Pros't. of Iloara John C. Allen , heu'y. of st.itu. Jn 138tM _ _ Notlco to OuiitraotDi'H. Notice Is horoliy eU en that bids will bo re- culvud by the board of public lauiln und build- Inns at tlm oillco of Koeret.iry ofotuto until July 0 , 18'JI , ut IS o'clock , noon , fur the erec tion utid completion of u chapel and dormi tory for the llomu of the J'rlondlusj ut Lin coln , Nnb. 1'lntii and atieclflcatloin may bo soon at tlio ollloii of the oonimlsMlcinur of imblle lamU ami bulldliua ut Lincoln , Neb Uoutr.ictor-i will bo ruijulreu to conform strictly to condition * , The boord rosorvci the rUlit to reject any and nil bids Dated Juno 30. 18U1. JOHN U , ALLEN. A. U. IIUMl'IWKY , fieurutary of Btute. 1'roa'l of Hoard. Jlil.'Otm _ Xolluu to ContrnotoiM. tlom urepniad to iuratih promptly Ilubbla Illp- Hup Diuuutlon Slune nnd Irtiitied Hock of butt quality ul Jonojt prlco. tor ngurut call or < ldre I * U MONUOU. IM.NewTfufk Life nulldlotf , Ouiatii , Not ) . Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plcusunt and refreshing to tlio insto , nnd nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Howcls , demises the sys tem eirectnnlly , dispels colds , head- aclics nnd fevers nnd ctiroa habitual constipation. Syrup o Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd nc- ccptnhjo to the stomach , piompt in its action nnd truly henelicinl in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and ngreeahlo substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and Imvo innilo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 5c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable dnggist who may not Imvo it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL , KY. Nf W YORK. N V A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or _ MONEY REFUNDED. 'ourcuro it pcrmanenl nnd not a patching lip. Ca ei treated ll > o years ago have nc cr noon a ymptom elnro. describing case fully wo cnn trtat } ou fcy mall , amlwoRlvo Ilio nome utroiigciiirantoii lo euro or refund nil money. Uho o lie ittfortocoino hero for Ircilmcnlc n do BO nnd wo will pay railroad faro both wnjs nnd lintel bills whllo hero If wo fall to cun\ Svn challenro th * woildfor a cn o thatourllAOlO III MLDYwillnotcuro.Nrlloforfullparlicularsnnd ttcttliotnlJcncc , o know that jou nro ekcptlcal , justly no , too , ns the mint eminent phyildansharo nei cr boon nblo to clro more tlmn temporary rillcf. In our 11 o jcira' pi acUco with tlio MAOIO ItKJll.DY It has been > no t lo orcrcomo Iho prejudice's nitilnit nil no calif d specifics , ll'it under our troiiR B\mranleoo\lfl ould not lio-llaU to try llili lumdy. You lake no chain n of loolng } our nionoy. W o truar- antre to euro or rt fund oveiy dollar , nnd ns wi > liavo n reputation to protect , also financial backing of I3CO , . 000 , It ia ] io fectlyfoto all who will try tliotunt- nicnt , llerctofon-you have , brpn piittlnrfnp nnd paying out j our jnoncy for nitre n nt treatments mid nllliuueh jou aronotyotcurcdnoonc lias pild birlcjour luon- oy. Do notwasteanyinoiomoncy until you tryui. Old chronic , deep eatodeaw < cuiTU In 30 to 90 days. In- Test Iprito our financial ttandlnc , our reputation as budlnois men. > VrIto us for names nnd adJrcsDca of thee wo ha > o cured who Imro cU on pcrndsslon to ro- fortolhini. lleokts jouonly pot "B" to dothlsilt 111 E ivo } ou a world of mifferlntf from mental strain , and If j ou nro ri irrlcd what may your offsprliiR differ tliioiiKliyouro nncillB''nro. ' If your symptoms nro sere throat , mucous patches In mouth , ih unntliiin in boms nud Joint" , Jmlr falllnir out , eruption * on nnjr rnrtofthobocly.feellneof oncral dcpros'don , pains In header bones , you have no tlmo to wuto. Thoto who nro conntantly Inking meivury an 1 polafch should dhconttnuolt. Constint use of thc.odruffj wlllnurely brln bert nando itlnff ulcer * In Iho end. lion' t fall to write. All eorreupomleiHo stjit n-ilccl In plnincmd op. R. AVe fnvltu thomoitr' id Invefctlpntloii und will do all In our power to aid you In it. Addnsfl , COOK JljMjur CO. , Vnialia , ycltrathn. OfHco 12th end I arnam , second floor , entrance 13th Fl FOR MEN ONLY. A 500 for a caao of Lost or Falllnj Manhood. General or Nervous Debility , nu.ikncvi of Lodyoi mind , the Ollects of errors or excesses In old or youn wo oannolcuie.UKU i- r.mtco nvoiy u.iso or refund every dollar. 1'lvo d.iys trial treatment $1 , full course S5. J'tr- copllblo benellts realized in three clays , lly mail , securely picked from obsoiv.itIon. COOK KEMEbY CO , OMAHA. NEB. LADIBS ONLY MARIO FEMALE REGULATOR , F.ife and lilHUlU Coilain tea d.iy or money lefunded. I'llceby mall ! 2. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , OiiMlia. Neb. Pliysiciiins , Surgeons and Specialists , 14.O9 JJOUGI AS s OMAHA. NEII. The most widely ami fn\oiably Known spec- lalMs In the United States Their ImiK ex perience. ruinui U.ibk * hklll : uul unheis.ii unc ross In tlio treatment .mil cum of Nervous , Chronic' and buiKlcal Diseases , eutltlo UICMI eminent tihl slclans to thn full confidence of the allllcted eveivwlieir They cii.irunno : A OKKTA1N AND POSITlVr , I'lHtl , for the awful olTects rtf parly vice mid the nuniur- otm e > IK that follow in ft * li.iln. 1PKI\ATK. I1I.OU1) AND SKIN DISEASES snecdllv , completely nnd tieiiuniii ntlv ourod NPIlVol liiiriTTY ) ; AM ) hi\IIAh : Dlh- OIUM Ity yield lu.ullly to tliclt bklllful trout- nient 1'1IDJ. FlhTULA AM ) UIXTAU ULCKK - iiaranlcoil cured without pain or doluntion from buslii ) HS HVDUUC'Khn AND VAKICOOnU : nerma- uentlv and hiicecHhfully cm ml in iivervcn c HYl'IIII.IH. O0 > ( ) ltltlll A tll.KhT. ' rpi-r- matorrhoM. femltialVakness , I.iiit Maiilinud Nlilil Emissions. Decayed 1 uciiltles I-IIMI ill Weakness ai. d all dellc.itu illsuuUns jiucnlliu totiltht'rHux ] ioslH > c lv Hired , as we.l as all dlhordntt tlnit result fiom youth ful folllnti 01 HIII cxi'H&sof m.ituru yiuis. ' | ' | ) | / " | % . ) Cuatnnleod iJiirjiiatientlv D I 1MI1JLLi UDiml , ICIMOViil eoillllletO , without > Mittlu , eauatlu or dilatation. Line olfeoli'd tt homo by jmiltmt nllliuiit a mo ment's tiiiln or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A fOU1U UUlXlv i.tiiy % | UU wlikh orennlo alviii".s , destroyim , " both mlr.d .ind body , with all Its dreaded Ills , ueiinaiu'iilly ' * s' HUT lts Addrowi these who have \.J , 1JI. . 1 U Imjialrod thi'tiihClvf a by Im proper IndtilKPncn und hOlltir > liublth , which ruin both mind and body unliuliia thorn fur business study or marriage MAHUIKU SIKN or ttmso enterlns on tbat happy life , aware of phyblcul debility. tiulckly usslsted. OUB SUOOB33 IB based upon fuels I'trst I'ractlcal experi ence hiiounil llvory eaKe Ishpt'clully stuclled , thna HlartliiK rleht. Tliliil Medicines uro prepared In our laboratory exactly to null oai/n case , thus ( .IToctliiK cures without lu I ury Drs. Belts & Betts , H09 DCUGLAS STREFT. OMAHA , NEB DOWNRIGHT FHAUU oxlats lii the i Ulnis of mmiufiiLtuiera und dual cm for thu old fanhlonud " poixine" piasters ninl tin ) luniiy Imitations of lliN : > hON'h now on the Uimket- HENBONB U * the only po iiis planter po'niwilnic inedlcin.ll vnluo llu turn f l\ \ you net , HKNSON'H I twrtale t > fnf Uv * nioitjum rfulfomitV i < ifulai < u * * ? [ c lly * * f Ne r fall. ij.iKHJ-pai t Sendee iuiup > ( or piiticuUrt Addnii LION IWUG COliufllo K Y For bale by Goodman Urug Co , Oinulia OF Tirrt Nnlni ) kn. The mnlns of the extension of the Qono * \vnU > r\vorko nw belnif laid. The Tnlinnpo creamery h tnnnlnit from WO to MX ) poutuU of butter dally. Tlio Unruly county fair will oo liohl nt Honkclmnn bo lnnlnu September 4. A conipiuy IIIM benn org.inUod by Ilimvoll mplliilUU to bulltl nail ouor.iUi Irrlii Utii { dllc'lics. In tx bull KI\IVIO nt Friuik Vickory was struck by u biso runner unit had hit leg broken The election Ijcitl lu Lo ati county to vote on the propOHilloti for Isstilnit $ ) , iX)0 ) fumlltiif twntls , reiulloit In tlu > proposition oarri Inir bv u mijority of slxtv-llvo. ( Ji-or r Hill , nllas lU'iirv U'atiL-h , wns nr- icstt'il In Holt ooiintv for inoit a liiu itmitf- luiiry iirotx-ru to Hntister Ayms. Hoiw botiiiil ever In the sum of $ . " > JO to appear nt the district court for trial. The Indrpondotits of ( irrolov county will hold n ronviMition JtiU m to selcot ilelrpatos to the Mate anil Judicial fonvrtiMons , but the convention for i.ouiimln ! ! > r county ollUora will nut bo hold until Soptumbor ID. Whllo thochildien of IMItur Koompfor ol tlm KtaliiKCitv IndrK'iidcntcic | plnvhiK In thoyimt tlu'llli.o bov fotttid .1 hatch'ct nml necuioiitnili struik his sister In the furohcad , making an ti lj but not datitfimwa wound. The Cluv count ) U'.u-hei-s' Inslltitto will ba helil nt Kiiirtluld , couiineitcing Moniltiv , July I.I , and contlniiltiK until the BTith. tunn'ct tlio s 5s I on o Siipinliitoiuleiit Ootlil ) und 1'iof Huntof the statu university \ \ III each deliver u lecture. DurltiK the Fourth of July cclnbrntiou nt Undsiiv Illborl M VniiBht nnd Miss Kninui U llclinnnveroiimriiodboforoiuiadinlrlnif nuiltltuilo. The hujipy oonpio was iiinilo the i-eciplentof n present of $ , ' 0 from the town nnd u handsome rocking c-h.ilr from the l.itul- snv state bank. UuilnK u thtiiKler storm ntCJroonwood ou the I'outtb the r sldcucoof J.V. . Scott was struck by llL-htnlnp. tearing the roof com- plctely oft and dcmolishltiK ono sldooftho bulldliifr Mr and Mrs. Scott , who were In bed nt the tltro , had a vorv narrow oic.jpo , the bed vlolhiiitt belnn lorn cntnely off of them. Thojeiosouiol. . \ biuised bv fnlllnn debris The other membots of thu fiitnllj es caped unhurt The uluotuc curiout seems to Iinvo pi > ssed ontitely around the building as the plnslcnns was torn ftom e\orv 100111 111 the house. _ IlllVil. A Coon Kapltls m.ui has beau arrested for KlvltiK nw.iy cltjar bo\us without cnncelllne the goveiuinent stamp. The major of Ottumwa , since the demo cratic convention , has ordered all the IMmbllng houses lu thu city to close. The Jown Drlvlim Park association has completed n now tnllo track nt Kno\\lilo , which is said to bo the fastest In the wet Id. There hns boon moio Rraiti shipped fiom Scott county stations dunnf" the past thioo months than In any silting for numeioui J ears. A Clinton \\ell diaper unoarthecl n lo of \ \ oed ut n depth of fort } -live feet. H w as not petrillcd and t > eon crumbled after exposure to the air. The QlKht-inout us-old baby of Geoi tro linker of Villlsca was drowned in a sulll pail whllo Its mother WHS out near the house plckinir diet ries. Headed by a onnd n party of Wall Lnko WIIRS maichea to the potato patch of a promi nent citizen ono day last neck nnd hood out the weeds. The state auditor issued n wnriant of f.'lM0 ! Wl to the Oi plums' home in Davonpott. There were IIH soldiers' orphans nttho homo and 20J others In June. Tony Piuifer's tutm in the penitentiary for klllltifj the husband of the uotoilous Mrs. llanitiLfton , has expired and ho has returned to his homo in Dubuquo. Sumpson C'.uter. n colored tosldent of DCS Molncs , oclobinted hh 100th biilliday July 4. Ho wiii a slave for sixty anil Is wtlll possessed of a good memory. A warrantor $ .jr , > bU has been iasuod by the statoauditor to the soldiers' hornontMwshall- town Tliero wore 45) ) inmates in that insti tution duriue the month of Juno. Fifty photORraphs of n building in Eldora , on which appears the iusctiption , "Ijldorn will pay thu $ . -.0,0H\vniiiLT ( from her cttirens by the liars of Iowa Falls , " nio hntielng In the business windows of Iowa l''nlls. "Tho inscription nns ptmted by lildora duilng the couu house Ik'ht last lull. John Waniko , wlulo ictiirnlns : to his homo 1 ram Paullina with n load of lumber , was tlio vii-tlm of n seuous accident. Ills team became frightened Koing down hill , throwing him from the wagon and under the \\hoels Four libs weto uiolcvn from the spine , and ho received other intermil iujuilea that may provo fatal. For the past year the dining car of the Chicago cage , Burhnetou and Quincy ralltoaJ which has been set oil ever night nt Alt. 1'lo.mant under the management of its nf ro cooks has de\ eloped Into a saloon , gambling don and housn of prostitution. Tlio other night Frank 1 'otter , ono of the cooks , was shot in a drunken quarrel , since which ho and the others have kept out of sight of tlio authori ties who are looking for them. St. 11 1 VouiCrmmil. . When you nuke up your minct to tnka Ilood gSarsapiiilla , do not bo Induced to buy soinoollirr piopai.ition instead. Uloiks m.iy claim that ' 'ours ' is as good us Hood's" and all that , but the peculiar merit of Hood s Sar- sapirilln caipiot be equalled. Therefore liavu nothing to do with substitutes und insist upon having Hood's Sausupaiillii , thu best blocd purllicr and building up inedlcino. Now Line lo DCS i Sunday , JSluy ill , tlio Chienfjo , MilwnuKoo & St. 1'iitil mil way will rstiililibh n throuyli line of stooping cars between Sioux City and Dos Moines via Mar ] rid. Pus-on ors from Ornnlri and tlio west can lua\o Onmlia at ( filM ) p. in. , socur < 3 bleeping cur ii < ; coininoilatioiis imd arrlvo in JJew Monies at ( i a. in. Ko- turnin , leave DCS Moincs 9:10 : ji. m. , arrive OuiahiiDMdn. in. IJlulnrr ears on both trains. Ticl < ot olllcu , ISOl Fanitun stroot. F. A. NAWI , Oon Atjt. J. E. PanSTO.v , City P.ias A-t. 'inn TNSntUMENTB pi mu t on roaorJ July 8 , JL id i. WVIUUNTV IIKIIIM \Vllllum ndco and wife lo P. a Oils , n y lota (7 ( and IK. blk " . llelvldfie i l/i JO O 1' AinJi'iMin und wife to ( - ' J Andeison , iindiv ' .lot . H , blk 1. Otl 'hilhim 803 01' Andoisin and wife to 0V Anderson uiulh M lot. H , blk.i. Uik Ohutli im BJO N 1 > Dennett to 0 It Denny , lot 7 , .Uon. nett'H Hub CIO li hchroruei Ir tol' lit lshl < i\ok. lot ) , blk in. lliown nark . 3 JO 11 M Iliiilbut tl ill to U i ; lliiilbut e ' , , lots II anil 1L' . hi k ( I MiinnV Jst. add , 1 W 1) ) llennett to II Ilolmslni ; , lot H , Dun- nelt'a sub BY ) Mlnnlu Miatbman and linsbiind to II Jeltoi. H ' > lot ( > , blk 7ii Koiuh Onulia f.,700 ChurJes InsUiep and wife to W 1 * Jlayex lot U , blk 5. Arbui place 1,10) 0 J llaithel and ulfu lo hamuel ( , 'utia-i , lot 'M. Kills uhue a.ouo S < ' lire wi-ttr and wife lo William llyan , ll'lurrcriin sw .O-lil-IS 400 Jkiob Strli-KliT lo J i ; ( Miiumers , n n ft of N sj ft of e , U ft , lot 7. bll. I4J Omaha. 303 01 Hl\lnlus and ulfii to I' I ) UlvlnliH uiidl v li lol.s U lo : 'l , blk I' . J , DOIII U1 i.ub 17b7 Union I'ae lie railway Liimpaiiy to ! I" Uolchardt , n \ \ H \ \ f-Hl-tO , w tl 5S7 Hail T Wiuiiluaid to ( ' A Itedlleld , lot I , blk - liiinc , iitur I'luri * , w d 103 V A Itedlluld nnd wife to Hairy Wood- cl , lot - ' . blk t ! , Lanc.iHlvr I'lace , d 1 l.ubtek anil husband lo Samiii 1 Moilli iiscw lot ! ) , HDI'IIJ Y illuy , w d ° ,0 0 ( J A l.olieok null wife loSiiiiuml Mm tlwi- soii Intt I. ' . ' , II blk I luti 1 und 7 lo II , into' " hll < t. LolMink'HHiih , w < 1 8,100 ir ; liniiili'll In I' ! ' Mn uy ) , lot .1 , hlk N Soloiuon'M uilil. w il G.V ) Tliouma Tuinntun to W T M ' 'hilnti > | i- nun lot I ! , 1)1 U , l4. Iliinnon , w d iao T 0 HlinftT. initsH'r In chnin'ury , to ( I H Sluy ton , pt hit h , blk J , ro'lur's add , doi'il T ( 'fluifor , nini'lfr In chuiu'r ) > ' , to O S blayttin , lit lot T , hlk J. 1'iislur' uiid. deed am .Siuiiuol MortimtiLn lo F L I.ulii'uk , a ' 4 f n IM of loll.1 ! , ta JL Itoxiir'x Oklnhuinu. w U. . . 203 QUIT CLAIM urcii Iilu V Houdy unil luisli mil 10 ,1 i ; Orocn , lotf , lilK It , rjiniihti Vluwijoil . . . 25 Total amount of transfer * "vVhon your luurt Is bad , nud your bnart U bad , nnd you nro hurt clean tbrouL'h , wh t la needed I" asiied a Sunday ncbooi tur.chei of her clnis " 1 know Aicr'a Sur.sapailllH , ' answered a little girl , whoso toottioi tntJ ra- cently btion ruatoiud to health by tbia pied. Icino.