Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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-d ny Carrier In any pnrt of tlio City.
11.V. . TILTON . - - MANAOIiK.
iiirss Onice , No. 43.
Klzht Killtor. No. .3.
N. Y. I' . Co.
Council HhilTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Crnft's chattel loans , ' . ' ( M Kapp blot-k.
Superior court adjourned yesterday until
tomorrow morning.
There have been only twelve deaths In the
city during the past month.
If you wnntviitur in year yard or house
pete Hlxby's , : ioa Morrliim block.
U'ni ledA irood lrl for general homo.
work Mrs. J.V. . Sijuhe , ! # > . ! Story street ,
Unrlbaldl Stnhr nnd Mlnnlo Storrs , both ol
Oinahn , were inarrlud yentcrdny morning by
Justice Hammer.
The IndlcA of Ciilnntho assembly will give
an ciitortnlmnont In Hughes' hnll next I-'rl-
jav evening for the bonollt of the Uhorokeo
Murrln o licenses hnvn been Issued to Curl
Mirk nnd Kcglna Hanson , nnd to Janice
Christ Andomon nnd Mary Christiansen , ull
of this city.
Hon. John N. Baldwin nnd Indies ciioved ]
the sacred concert-serenade so richly ren
dered In their honor by the lowu stnto band
> n Sundny evening.
The motor car recently smashed by n col
lision with n hose cart has been rebuilt ut the
company ' shop. It nppi-iirs us n now c.-ir and
reflects credit on the skill of the homo work
men.Mlko Lawless nrrostcd yesterday
morning , charged with ns uultlng ono Will-
lam Atkins With n pitchfork. Ho was re
leased on bonds of $ . > UO until tomorrow after
noon nt " o'clock.
The court rooms In the federal building are
ticnvll } draped with mourning In memory of
Judge ,1. M. Lovo. who died nt Iveokuk lust
v > oek The work was done by direction of
Clerk Hunter , who loft for Hundny
night lo attend the
fiortlm Ann , the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
\V.II lionnctt , tiled yesterday morning nt
the family rosldonco , 1000 avenue G , of
cholera inraiuum , ut the ngo of nine months.
The funeral took plnco yesterday afternoon
nt 4 o'clock , the remains being Interred in
Falrvlow cemetery.
Adjutant General Green tms Issued n call
for Iho oiiciimpinont * of the various lowu
guards for the present year. The Fifth
regiment , to which the mflltiiry company of
this city bulongfl , will liavo its encampment
to commoner August U , nt a plnco to bu
decided on hereafter.
J. T. Evans has returned from Lake Oko-
bojl , whore ho has been for the past weok.
Ho reports the' luke fully two foot higher
than nt thin time last yoar. Ho witnessed
the yacht r.ico last Saturday , In which John
Churchill of this city won the first prl/.o in
ono hour n > id four minutes , beating his com
petitors by about live minutes.
f Superintendent Stone tmi invented a
headlight what promises to prove of great
pnvonlonco for these who manipulate the
motors , and especially for the public who
riclo at night. The Invention consists of a
bcrlcs of slides , so that any headlight can
bo speedily made to show a certain color , in-
difiithifi what line thu cur travels over. In
this vttiy n Fifth nvenuo car can readily be
told lit a distance nt night or any other car
in similar manner.
John Short , whoso anarchistic tendencies
have afforded himself n great deal of iimtiso-
inent nnd never done \onoclso much harm ,
has decided to go into the injonction busi
ness on a largo scale. Ho announces thut
the spending of money for band concerts nt
Full-mount park is nil wrens ; , nnd if ho can
find an attorney who will handle the case for
two dollars ho will have an injunction issued
restraining the city treasurer from paying
out any money for the purpose.
The cases against Martin and Al. Pruttt
charged with having stolen some clothing
from M. Kolomna's junk shop on upper Hroud-
wuy , Friday afternoon , came up for a hearing
In . l ust ice llummer's court yesterday morning.
Solomon hud received the pay for the panta
loons In the meantime , and ho was willing to
lot the ends of Justice go. As bo failed to np-
pear the cuses weio dismissed und the costs
of iho prosecution wore taxed up against him.
When ho was notified of the latter fact , a
lusty howl went no from the junk shop.
Several weeks ago nn election was hold
among the military companies of tnc Fifth
lowu regiment for the purpose of selecting n
colonel. There was no election , owing to tno
fact that. Colonel Cioori-'o H. Custle received
only Ili'J votes , which was less than n major
ity of the votes cast. The lack of a majority
was duo to n boomlot w"1111 ' was started
among the Dodge light guards of this city by
the friends of U" . li. Atthlson , who received
ton votes. A now election was necessary ,
unil last week it was held. Colonel Castle
withdraw from the contest. The result was
as follows : C. V. Mount of Shcndo.ih , tt ;
M. Miller of Bedford , 110 ; G. H. Castlo. 2.
Cuptuln Mount received n majority of the
votes and was declared elected.
for Improving Mmmwn.
' MAVOII'H Office , 1
Towsor LKC MI.V < WA , I.i. , >
July l , 1M)1. ) )
Sealed proposals will bo received by the
undersigned , nt his ofllco , up to noon , July 7 ,
Iblll , for Improvements to bo made in said
town for the purpose of protecting the
waters of snld Iako and for protecting the
property of the inhabitants of said town.
Said improvements iiro to be made in ac-
cordunco with profiles , plans und specifica
tions on tile at my olllco.
Separate bids also received for grading
proposed levee.
Tlio riyht is reserved to reject nuv or all
bids. F. C. Kixi ) , Miiyor.
r. Don't wear a heavy , lll-llttlng suit when
you can got elegant summer suits and eastern
prices nt Keller's the tailor , ! 0 IJroadway.
i'KHSOXA I , 1M it.I < i It A I'HS.
Mrs. Lucius Wells is visiting friends in
Dlxon , 111.
Lucius Wells has gone to Colorado for a
ten days' vUit.
Sponctir Smith is taking a recreation at
Liiku Ukobojl ,
MM. J.V. . Dlxon hai returned from a two
weeks' visit to Chicago ,
S. T. Clover of the Chicago Herald is In
the city , u guest of the lira ml hotel.
MM N. W , Williams loft last evening for
Colfax , accompanied by her daughters.
Ohio Knox leaves this afternoon for n
three week's trip to Slduoy and western
General M. nrayman of Kansas City , 1 in
the muffs , visiting Mrs. A. Colwell and his
niece , Mrs. U. C. Hubbard.
Wall McVaddon and wlfo left last evening
for Idalia , where they will spend the hot
wouther. They will return about Septem
ber 1.
T. H. Hays and family are preparing to
leave for Wankona , ICun. , whiro Mr , Hays
will go into business. They will leave tlio
city during the present wi'Ok.
Ex-Congrc.isnmii U. O. Herr of Michigan ,
now connected with the New York Trltmno ,
is In the city spending a few days with his
brother-in-law. Dr. O. tl. 1'innuy. Ho is on
his way to Utah , where ho will take the
stump for tlio republican party In the btatu
campaign which is now in progress.
I'lfiilu at Manhattan beach , LakoMnnawa-
rood fishing , line bathing and boating ; plenty
of .shade ; bust place for camping out purtios.
Try It.
O. Younkermiin & Co. , food nnd commis
sion , 10 Uroadway , Council llailTs. Tel. 77.
Swauson Musio Co. , iClo IJroadway.
rolllileil with a Drunk.
Hurry Davis , who Is employed In W. C.
Estop's undertaking oitabllshment , hud a
tip over night before last ou the i-oail between
the Hlnlls and the Chautaiuiua grounds. Ho
liad been attending the exercises at the
grounds during the evening in company with
a young Indy , and was returning when hemet
mot man who was searching in a zlgitig and
befuddled way for tbo road horns. Ho was
evidently a llttlo more than half seaa over ,
and thn couple lu tbo buggy did not see him
until the two rigs collided. Tbo drunken
man , who was tn a heavy lumber wagon ,
had considerably the advantage and the
buggy was upsut , both of the occupant * fall
ing hi n heap by iho wayaldo. Neither Davis
nor bis companion were Injured.
Charley Nicholson Drowned While Swim
ining in Spoon Lake ,
Ills Companions \Vcre lowcrlu t <
Hnvo the IM'c of 'lliulr Young
CoimiuluHiultloti Crump
the Cause.
Cliarloy , lhr > fourtccti-ycnr-old son of Con
stable Chtirlca Nicholson , tnot liU death yea
tardily mornltiK by Jrowuliik' . Ho wont t
Spoon iako with Adolph I'etorion , lei
Kiokotts , Axtil I'etcrson , Carl Lnmtrlpp
and his brother , Harry , nil of them boy
tiboiit his own aifo , at 0 o'clock to IMh. Aboil
11 o'clockthoy * tleclJoel to go In swimming
Choi-Icy Nicholson , Adolpn I'eterson nni
Prod Ulckctt.i ii rcoil to swim across th >
liihe , which It nbotit sixty foot wltto. Nlchol
son took tholcu < 1 and was Knlnlni : consldcrubl ;
on his companions , \vhun ho suJdouly callci
for help. lie Immediately sunk from slglit
unJ bis horrified companions swatn towan
him to help him out. Hn rose again , nnd n
this ] uiu-turo n man who .stood on the banl
ami httd scon the whole Affair pushed a plan !
out toward him. Three ) times the boi ros
and sank , but the man on the shore K'We. tn
alarm and made no further effort to hel ]
him. The bovs who stood on the hank rai
for help , and In it few minute" 501110 of tin
Union I'adllo omployoi rushed to the scene
Amos \Vllson , a switchman , dove for tin
body and ilnnlly succeeded In drawing It ou
of the wator. Every possible effort wai
madi ! to rcsuscltnto it , but It bad been In tin
water too long and lifo was extinct.
The father of the boy had bon notified tr
Uio meantime and ho was soon on the .scene
Ho took the body with hl'n to the under
taking establishment of W. C. llstcp , when
It was at llrst intended to hold u coroner's
Inquost. An examination , however , showcc
thut un intiiiost was unnooossary , as tin
musrlus of the stomach and abdjinen were
drawn up in n way that made it evident tha
the boy had been a victim of crtutp.
The funeral will occ-ar this afternoon at !
o'clock ffom the residence , -JT North Flrsl
street , Hov. Stoihen 1'liulpa ofllclatiug.
Key Urns' . Carrluuc Factory.
If you want to see a busy place visit ICc.i
Uros , carrlatjo factory on lower Broadway.
Thuyoiro working ninety men but still arc
crowded to keep up with their orders. This
is the liu-Rcst cnrriugo factory W03t of St
Louis , and there is only ono its l-argo In that
city. The ma.sivo building , that is a laud
mark for the western part of the city , xva :
built by ICoy Bros , oxpro sly for the bus !
ness , and Is n model of convenience ant
comfort for employes and all others , cool niui
pleasant In suminor and warm and chocrfu
in winter. The ( jrcat factory makes ovoi
thirty different stales of work , Including Hm
carriages , cut-under surrles , buggies , spring
wacons , park wagons , road w.igons , ro.ii
carts , etc.
It is u busy and cheerful place to visit , nnd
Key Bros , fnalto all welcome who desire tc
visit the factory and sue what Is going ou In
our midst. _
What tlic Pupils iif Summer School
Jlcaril YiM-r < l y.
There n poodly atteudatico , and mucli
of the Chautauqua sirt yesterday
In the forenoon there were the various
features of the classroom work , in blbli
study , elocution , temperance , training , voice
culture , harmony , etc.
The morninif literary Iccturo was by Loon
H. Vincent , bis subject being "Lowell. " The
feeling of many was expressed in the Ian.
gungo overheard from the lips of ono coming
out of the amphitheatre : "Ho grows bettei
and bettor. " Certain it is that these whc
enjoy good literature llnd fresh inspiration
In hearing Vincent , while who are liv
different tind themselves stirred into some
what of enthusiasm. Mr. Vmcenl
Is graphic. In his descriptions , cleat
In his discriminations and dissections ,
modest yet confident In his opinions , ami
better than all ho not only evidently know.
what be Is talKing about , but his hearers havi
no diniculty in knowing what bo is talking
about. These who fancy these literary lee.
turos are dry and for students only , and whc
therefore stay away , miss ono of the most en
tertaining and liibti'ucthc features of the as.
The Swedish male quartette , which was tc
have appeared early in the afternoon , did not
reach the grounds until evening , havinir un
fortunately missed a railway connection ,
They will bo on hann this afternoon and will
provo u drawing card for today. This quartette -
tetto lust season gave 17U concerts , visiting
all parts of the country and creating the
greatest enthusiasm , The dibnppointmont
caused by tholr non-appearanco yes
terday was well atoned for by n
concert by the Iowa state band. This
band moro than twice the stzo of the Rogers
band , and while it Is not UN Ice as good in all
respects , yet laying aside odious comparisons ,
it is an attraction which ulono repays the vis
itor. Tno bund gives 0110 concert each after
noon and ono each evening. Its music Is cre
ating great enthusiasm. Its repertoire la
varied , und besides much that Is classic and
of lk'li ) order thcro are numerous now and
"catehy" pieces , besides the moro familiar
ones of "Tho forgo In the Forest" and the
"Hunting Chorus. "
Yesterday afternoon Lydla Von Flnklostcln
gave u lecture on "Tho True Life of Jacob.1
bho was assisted by a number of ladle * and
gentlemen who were arrayed in oriental cos
tumes and who , by dress and action , vividly
pictured the various scenes in
Jacob's lifo , illustrating the ori
ental customs and making clear
many passages of scripture generally misun
derstood and misinterpreted. Mudamo Von
Finlclestaln takoa rank as "tho orientalist"
of this day mul generation. A woman who
can t-unso the doors of Spurgeou's church to
swing open for her admission to lecture for
the twentieth time upon her favorite theme
needs few other comtm'iiOutions. Shu will
Iccturo again this evening.
Last evening , lahu Dowitt Miller gave an
other of his inimitable lectures , his ihemo
iiolug "Three-thirds of a Man. " This lecture
i * pronounced by many as his best , It cer
tainly aroused much enthusiasm.
The following Is the programme for today !
11 a m. Lecture "Holmes , " I.eon II. Vin
i ! v " ' Concert Swedish mule quartette.
iw : : p , in , l.iMturuThi ) Distinguished Men
Whom I llnvo Mol" J < ihii Dlwlu Miller.
7 p. in , Concert Ion a Htutu band
8 p , in. Lecture "The lledulnus of the
IH-sert" hydia Von Flnkelnteln of Jurtisnlum.
Impersonation by llfteen In rich Oriental cos
Chicago , .Milwaukee- St. Paul Hull-
Time table of special trains between Chnti-
Inuijiia and Council Bluffs , July 1 to July 11
Inclusive :
Lcnro Council BlulTs0:10 : a. in. , 7:50 : a.
m. , UW : ) a. in. , 1U : ' ) a. in. , 1:50 : p. in. , 4:4r : > p.
m. . 7:00 : p , ni. , :4 : ( ) p. tn.
Leave Uhautnuiiuu U :40 : a.m. , S.ta. : in. ,
II : ! > ( i u. in , , ' . ' : iO p. m. , 5:03 : p. ui , , 0OJ : p. m. ,
MS p. in. , 10:111 : p. in.
Ticket oftlco fiOi Dtoadway.
Jso. M. Li.NU , Agont.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and
tiouschotd goods of Mundcl & Klein , Council
BlulTs. Prices very low ; frelnht prepaid to
They Cntulirntn the Fo'irth.
The grist of disreputable * thut bad been
: icciiim > tatlng over the fourth and Sunday
caused Judge McUoo's eyes to fall out of
their sockets when ho opened police court
i-osti'rday morning. The court room was
imcked to the doors tn u way that Is seldom
seen except during political causu&cs. II. H ,
I'ryor. Jack HHIU-D , L. I * Craft , Tom Carter ,
Jharles P. ( Jrant , K. Pogloy , f. Kroul , U'lll-
.am . Clrovcn , U.V. . Tnlbot , Conrad Prlnton ,
Jharlas Harris and Dan Dumfer were all
irralgnod on the charge of Intoxication , and
-ach was lined , the amounts ot the
ranging from fit ) . 10 to * I5.70. George
[ 'nlliuau pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct
m the streets and was 11 nod S'J.ttO. John
Ilalluhan was lined $11.40 for drunkenness
mil disturbing the peace , II , N , Durko $21,00
for the same offence. For interfering will
Ofilcer ICelloy whllo the latter wa * trying ti
arrest n prisoner C ) . R Mctzircr pnld a line o
111.40. Dick Nash Was lined rJO.'O for drunk
en nous , reckless driving and carrying concealed
coaled weapons , and W. O. Oalvli
paid $10.40 for the sarao offense minu
tuo concealed weapons. II. N. Buvk
and , i. N. Adams wore fined JJ1.U
a piece for drunkenness nnd dUturbln
the pence. The cases iigalnst William Jet
ferlcs and Harrison Cillman , for dUlurbini
the peace , nnd I'nt IJonahno for assault nm
battery , wore i-ontlnued until this inornlnii
( tcorgo Dntton , charged with threatening t
iarvoVlllintn Walters , had been released 01
bail , and ho failed to apnour. A contlnuanc
was accordingly granted until this morn lti |
In the lioiio Hint ho will come back to b
cinched. An Information has noon l.sstici
nuatnst him In Justice Hammer's court b ,
Walters , charging him with assault with In
tent to kill , nut the city authorities rofusui
lo give him up to the constable.
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located llrst
class house in city ; straight $ J a day.
Try Duquette .t Co.'s Pomona fruit julo
tablets. They are delicious.
Home Mighty Interesting City Iltisl
IH-HS liookotl After lniHt Night.
The mercury Indicated SO degrees In th
close llttlo council chamber at 8 o'clock las
evening when the board mot in rcgula
monthly session. The mayor and all tin
members answered to roll call. The older
men worked persplrlngly through the grea
piles of monthly bills and disposed of then
within the llrst hour and the remainder o
the hot evening was L'ivon to the dlscussloi
of miscellaneous business.
The attention of the council was agali
called to the squatters who were occupylni
streets and private property in the lowe
part of the city. On motion of Van Bruni
the council agreed to Investigate the troubli
as a committee of the whole.
Mr. Brown Introduced an Improvemen
resolution divesting the property owners 01
the east Mdo of Pearl street to tear up thi
brick sidewalk from Broidway to Firs' '
avenue and relay the same with artlllclii
stone to conform with laid before Judge
.fumes' property. K L. Hhugart nnd other ;
interested registered nn onorgotio kick
claiming that the walk already down was tin
best brick pavement In the city , and was laic
in conformity with the special ordinance
nnd in obedience to the orders of the city ,
and these gentlemen servd a general notice
upon the city that the Improvement , 01
change , could onlv bo effected at the con
clusion of cxtcnrivo litigation. The mattei
was laid over.
The question of paving Avenue E was
brought up by a petition asking for the pav
ing of the stioot. The engineer reported thai
the grade was li.7 , a grade next door to the
Impracttblo and the steepest hill in the city.
Several of the property owners desired tc
have n sewer before the paving was done.
The petition was granted.
An ordinance changing the grade on Benton -
ton street from Prospect lo Harrison was
passed. The change reduces the grade on
the upper und of the street.
The petition of E. II. Shoafo for $ .200 damage -
ago for overflow of It'dlan creek was refused.
The committee recommended that the en
gineer's estimate for sewer work on Lincoln
avouuo bo published.
The city solicitor was instructed to provide
a wav for the issuance of cortlllcatos of
assessment against the property of W. W ,
Bilger and others to pay for curbing done on
Fifth avenue by H. L. Williams under
private contract , the property owners no !
being able to pay for the work.
The sheriff reported the condemnation ol
property for the opening of Hawthorne
avenue In Madison park addition. Protests
vero made against the award nnd the city
was asUod to stand half of the damage.
Van Brunt moved that the city pay JIUO ol
the amount provided the property owner. "
would pay the remainder , but on roll call the
motion was lost. The sheriff's condemna
tion was approved and his fees ordered paid.
Contractor Hurlbut who has been awarded
the contract for grading North Sixteenth
street , was reported ta have loft the city and
abandoned the contract. Dr. Snyder and 1. C.
Bonlmm were ordered to go ahead and com
plete the work.
The engineer and special committee re
ported that P. Sweeney had drawn 570 not
duo him by false representations , and thut
the assignment of Ills contract to another
party would not psrmit that person to collect
that amount after completion of the work.
Sweeney's contract was for grading and was
assigned to William Fitzirerald.
The reports of city oflicors nnd heads ol
departments were received and vouched for
bv the finance committee.
The Union Elevator company served notice
that it had appealed from the assessor's
rating and carried the matter to the district
J. M. Hnrdin nnd R. E. Hincs were re
ported by the engineer to have filed the satno
bids for constructing thrco foot , four fcoi
and six feet plank sidewalks , and they \ \ ere
ordered to settle the matter between them
selves by Hipping pennies , drawing cuts , or
any other harmless aut'-gambling game they
were familiar with.
Resolutions vacating ar. alloy In Sunnysi do
addition and the establishment of grades In
Baboot place were introduced and passed
together with necessary ordinances.
An ordinance approving the plat of Pros
pect Place addition was passed.
Sixty-live property owners and citizens on
avenue C and West Broadway complained
that , that portion of the city was the
rendezvous of sneak thieves nnd other bad
characters , nnd that ns half of the men work
nt night the petitioners think they are en
titled to electric lights and a lire hydrant.
The remainder of the session was devoted
to hearing protests from property ownora
against paving and sowerngo.
Gasoline and oil ; COPS , wood and coal :
prompt delivery , L. U. Knotts , 'J7 Main ,
tclephom > 03. _
Bright upland hay nt slaughter prices for
next thirty davs ; 450 tons , II. L. Carmancor
ner Pearl and 5th avenue.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
Bluffs , September is-ll , $ < i,500 ; October 'JU-2i
J4.000. For programmes address Nat Brown
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
A SmirrlloiiH Sheet.
COUNCIL BI.UITH , la. , July 4. To the
Editor of Tut : UEK : Whllo In Carroll , la. , I
picked up n copy of the Omaha World-Horalu
which some stranger who didn't know the
thing had carried that far to throw away in
disgust. In it I noticed a report ot the anni
versary entertainment given by the Decree
of Pocahontas and Improved Order of Rod
Men. I was surprised and Indignant to note
the coarse and brutal manner in which some
of the ladles wore caricatured , not criticized.
It was a little social gathcrlngontortalncd by
local talent , and the presence of any sharp
critic was neither ox pec ted nor desired.
There was absolutely no justlllcatlon for
criticism of tlio ladles , oven if it
bad boon made in u far less coarse
nnd ungontlomanlv manner. I know
that the ontlro programme and these who
rendered It earned the good opinion of the
entire audience , and I know that every Red
Man deeply regrets iho coarse wording of
the attempted humorous report that unneces
sarily wounded some of our own ladies and
others who wore our ( uvl'.od guests. I for
ono favor the Idea of the two lodges taking.
in addition to the action alroidy taken and
contemplated , stops to clearly Impress upon
the World-Herald people that tholr presence
Is not at all desirable in * uch places unions
they can at least mai < o a decent and gentle
manly mention of the ladle * who take part
our social exorcise. In planer words , I advlso
inviting thoin to fuvor us with tholr absence.
R. L. WII.I.H.M' ,
Past Sachuni Pottawatamlo Tribe SI , mom-
bar of Etchotah Council No. ! ) , D. of I'oca-
Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's ,
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , Ml ) B'wny.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , ,1 } Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotti Telephone HX High
work u specialty.
Nuiirl Urowno : ! .
A man named Marshal , who lives in Sioux
City , had a narrow escape from doith by
drowning at Luku Manawn luit Sunday aft
ernoon. He had Just en to rod the water for n
bath , Ho took u run down the tobDran
slide , and just as ho struck the water ho wu ?
taker , with a cramp. He commenced to
Houndor around ana went down. He sank
twice and rose , und Just as ho was about to
kluk the third tltno his hand waj vaught by a
bystander and ho wa puJl > id out. He win
nearly uneonsclouK from IM effects of his
Midden Immersion , but "fm was brought
around all right and loft for homo in the
Whom Pokerl Knh's.
Almost tiny mini nt Aho Hot Springs
would rutliur bold four aces than bo
piesldont. Buys the PitlKburgh DlHjwtcliJ
Homo mon eomo here fufp their health ,
to rest , and I'hungo ' the subject ; others
I'oino hero lo ot iuvny from snow wtoi-tna
and cllnmto Iciukx , 01if win red liquor
nnd tlio nicotine llund nnd othor.s for no
reason discoverable oxocnt tliolr ability
to nay tholr hotel blilM. ' hut there IB
hardly a man who does not play poker
when ho gets hero. Seine play it for
their health. Some/don't / , liero and
there some dear old fogies settle down
In a corner for a game of whist , and in
tlio evening the ladies heaven bless
them make whist an oxi-uso for con
versation. Tlio quiol and harmiess joys
of uribbage , I own , I have lasted , and
euchre , progressive and straight , in
played in holomn state once a week and
oftener in tno big hold { urlor.i. But
when a in-in takes a deck of cards in
sober earnest hero , poker is the result.
In the Arkansas club , Iho principal
gambling house hero , faro , perhaps , is
llrst favorite ; but I understand thut
moro money is lost und won even there
at poker , and the roulette wheel cannot
whirl fast enough to keep pace with the
"ante" of the national fjame.
Nearly all the buildings in town are
two btoriohigh. . The ground lloor is a
fealoon or store , and the second lloor a
gambling shop of some sort The arch
itects have planned with an eve to
poker. In nearly every second-Hoot-
room in the business part of the city ,
often in daytinio and always at night ,
men are constantly bhullling and dealing
cards. In all the hotels card playing is
incessant. Poker is tlio game and the
stakes vary with the pluco and the
player. You can find negro waiters who
are content with U-cont unto , and from
there mount to the game without a
limit , at which only a wealthy man can
afford to loso.
There are all sorts and si/.es of gam
blers here. Tlio aristocrat who frequents -
quonts Phil Daly's when ho is in the
east , and can toil you curious tales of
Monte C'arlo or of Carlsbad inlti 'palmy
days ; a dignified old man , with gray
hair and a piercing 'eye and a grip like
a vise , not a gambler in looks , but. a
profosnional tramestor all the same , sur
vives hero still. PIe is not so often mot
1ioro as ho used to bo , if the stories of
the veterans bo trno.
DoWltt's Llttlo Eany Risers ; best llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
John llrowii'H Creed.
Brown placed emphasis on "doing. "
Ito despised "moro talk. " Ho would defer
for others what ho would have others
do for him. Tlio character of his "do
ing" in Virginia , considered from a
military point of view , struck the coun
try generally as it did Iho young Vir
ginian , who tiiikcd inaina/.cnicnt , "What
on earth did you think you could do here
with nineteen monV" The "folly of the
tlio thing' ' was the phrase everywhere
tossed about. It is by no means "certain
that there was so much folly in it as was
generally supposed , 'it ' is claimed that
a strong defense can lw made of Brown's
original plan , writes Sidney II. Mor o in
Li'ppincott's Magazine. Ho bitid that ho
betrayed himself by a too tender regard
for the feelings of the inhabitants. But ,
to wander in nm-ortain speculations of
this sort , is to lese sight of the whole
significance of the deed as it stands con
fessed in history. What is of consequence
quence is to follow along the train of
events his action marshalled into vic
torious motion , swelling the party op
posed to slavery by millions of hearts ,
fixing , as tha succeeding months illus
trated his deed , the signature of the
north to the proclamation of the emanci
pation of which Lincoln was but tlio
scribe. "A now saint , " said E
"than of whom none purer or moro bravo
was over led by love of man into conflict
or death a now saint , waiting yet his
martyrdom , and who , if ho shall suffer ,
will ruako the gallows glorious like the
cross. "
DcWitt's Little Uuriv Rissw for taoL. Ivo
Origin of'onio KiinUIiar Expressions.
Detroit Free Press : 4'O , dear , " is
equivalent to "O die mio , " "O my
God. "
"Thimble" was originally "thumb
boll , " the thimble formally having boon
worn on the thumb.
"Stay" is not the "slave" of the old
etymologist , but , in reality , a person of
noble lineage.
"Rotten Row , " the famous London
street ; gained its naino by being called
"la route du rot ; " in English , "tho
klntr's passageway. "
"Dandelion" is dent do loon , "tlie
lion's tooth , " and vinegar was once vin
aigro ( sour wine. )
"Madame" ' is "my lady , " and "sir ! >
has boon extracted from the Latin "sen
ior" through the French.
"Biscuit" keeps alive the Latin
phrase , bis coctus , "twice cooked , " and
a "verdict" is simply a voro dictum
( trno saying. )
An "earl" was an "older" in primitive
society , while "pono" is the same as
"papa , " and "czar" and "kaiser" are
both Ciosars.
A "villian , " before the stigma of dis
grace was attached to him , was simply
a laborer on the "villa" of a Roman
country gentleman. .
The < : amo ol'
The inventor of the game of chess , on
being- promised by the king , whom ho
first taught the game , that ho should
have any reward ho might ask for ,
meekly replied that ho would bo content
if the king would give him ono kernel
of wheat on the first square , two on the
second , four on the third , eight on the
fourth , an so on , doubling up to tlio
sixty-fourth square. The king gladly
acceded to this seemingly modest request -
quest and ordered | his attendants to
bring In the wheat , which they began to
do , but to tlio astonishment of the mon
arch , it was found 'flint there was not
wheat enough In the whole dominion to
pay oil the crafty inV,6b.tor. , It would require -
quire ll27,2lS,7 ) ( ! ( iim.L77.,108 Kernels ,
equivalent to ; iOOii7,07.1M,48o ; | bubhols.
AH Modest aH'ltti IN llravo.
Some youni. nianflH'walking around
the city , says the Nd\y York Tribune ,
with a proud of having
done his duty bravely without making
any fuss about it , .Jlo stood under ti
window from which in heavy child was
falling a consldornbio'i distance , and he
succeeded in catching it , so that the
child was uninjured. Ho was a mere
pahsor-by , and had no acquaintance with
the child or its relatives , and modcbtly
refused to give his name to the o who
wished to thank him. Ho can feel that
ho deserves all the prniso which ho
would have received had ho allowed his
niimo to bo known for his bravo and
skilful act.
\Vh n llaby wan lclc , WB guvo her Ccjtnrla ,
When -die wiv ! a Child , shq crlwl for Cfutorln ,
When fcho became MUn , khe climj ; to C.ulorln ,
Ybozi th u .J ClUUrou , tha gava ihuu Cniiorij ,
Snlo of Iho KITootH of Two Helios of
riramlmothcr Iayn.
The public sale of the effects of Miss
biHiui Forney , the old maiden lady who
died here recently , leaving JlfiOO ! stored
awav in a leather b'd , took place lliis
week , says the Until moro American. A
largo crowd of curious people each day
filled the qua' ' nl old homo , over the
threshold of which a stranger or visitor
had not been allowed to pass for sl.vtv
years or mo o except when Miss Susan's
elder sisters wore carried out on their
last resting nlaco in Mount Ollvot cem
etery some years ago.
In the early part of tills century these
Misses Forney woto the belles of Hano
ver town , and were nlwuvs uttircd In
the most fashionable clothes of
days. When they retired lo tholr hor-
mlt-liko life they laid carefully away
tholr line linen nnd silks , which wore
never disturbed until the ruthless hand
of the auctioneer pulled them out of the
heavy chorrywood closets , it was a
strange sight , this crowd of people
their arms or biskets lull of now silk
and woolen clothing of all kinds , unused
silk umbrellas , great poke bonnets and
many other article * , all of the styles of
years ago.
Do Witt's Llttlo Karlv Ulsor.s , oeM pill.
Delaware' * Now Whipping I'ost Tried.
The now pillory and whipping p ni in
tlio jail yard at Now Castle was christ
ened recently for the first time since its
erection , I ho old one having become rot
ten. Shut-in" Simmons applied the lash
and pillory to these convicted o ( the
various infractions of the law. About
two hundred spectators in the jail yard
watched the Hogging. Hopes had
to bo stretched across the
yard to keep back the crowd.
Alexander Wortonbtiry and William
II. Bradshaw. both colored , blood in the
pillory from 10 to 11 o'clock , and Samuel
Swell and Andrew .lackson , also colored ;
occupied it from II to I" o'clock. Hach
of these prisoners received twenty lashes
from the cat-o'-nine-tails , which were
well laid on. Tlio oilier victims of the
lash were : Benjamin Caulk and James
Williams , both colored , ton lashes' ;
George Cummins and Frank ,
colored , and Andrew Reed , while , live
lashes ; George Hartman , colored , four
The Empress Hlixabcth of Austria
Kovcral years IIRO , after a so veto spoil of Melc-
IIPSS. nut mlvNod by 1iL > rliiii ) * > o physicians to
tisc.Ioliaiin Holt's Malt Extract to rebuild her
weakened toiistltutllon. U aett-d so admir
ably that In appreciation .Tohaiin lloll iceulv-
< -il this Oidi'r of the ( lolden t'ross of Mi-rlt.
Tlii'io K nothing "Justus K"on" when yon can
obtain thu mMinliiu aitlcle. whlfh have
tlieslcnat iiro of " .lohann HolT'on thoneekof
every bottle. Take no other.
Centrally located in the business
portion oi" Council Bluffs , nil the
street car lines in the city passing
the door. Modern and conven
ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O
guest chambers. The best $2 a
day house in the west.
Board and room from $3O per
month up. Table bonrd $3 per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
OITIOE 415 Itroadway. Council HlulTs , la
Medical and Surgical Institute
Chronic diseases of all kinds and deform
ities specialties. Nos. 2ti01 und -GiU Uro.idway ,
Council lllutTs. la.
Over O. R. Jncouoniln & Co. . . .lowolrtor
LeaVOH | CUIC.\iO.
Omaha. I Depot IQlli n nil Muann Sta.
4.30 p in ChloiiKO Vestlbulo SUJ n u :
VM n m i.ijio Kxpre * * lUU'i u in
U.VU p in h..M | l 111
Chlciiiio A Iowa I.oonl S.l.'i n m
1,011103 | ULIItl.IN i I'J < .U. I , . ' . .I
Omaha. I 11 'in ! Mt on SU
lU.ri n in Denver Kxpron ! 40. } p in
ID.ri n ra
10.VJ H in Denver Kxprens. . . . . . . . . < i.i ) p in
; .1J ( p in Denver Mtht Kxpress J.JS a in
iW p m Lincoln l.hnlU'tl I1..1) ) it in
S.l.'i n in Lincoln Local . . .I VU ) p in
1X.MVU4 K. I' . , br. .1. A U. 11 I An Ii-o i
Omaha Depot lUlli : iml Maaun att. Omi'i-u
H..U ) n tii.Knti5a | City liny KxpriM.i . .I ft.fti p in
ji.45 p mK. | C. Mglit Kxp via U. _ . [ . 1 u m
1 cr.Tus I UNION PACIFIC. I Arrlvoji
Onmlia. I Depot lUlti ntirt Mrercy St . I Oni ilia.
10.10ft m .Kannat ( 'llr rixpresi ( ox bun. ) . 4.31 p m
10.20 n tu Denver Kxpross. MIO p m
2.60 p in Ovcrlnnrt Flyer t'UJ ' p in
4.3) ) p ra . .Uraml lulunil Kxp. ( CT. Bun ) . . H.M a m
7.W p ui . . .I'aclllc Express . . . . i > , .q p m
J .caves | CHICAiO M flT i"ST. . I'AUI. \rrlro
Oiimlin. I U. I * , depot , _ an 1 Mttrcy St * . Onmhn
istii i > ml . nllcnito KTwrc < .T7. . . . . .
U.lj n m | . t lilc.iiro Kiprua * Jj.JU 31
Umvol I ClIlCAliU , U I. & 1'AOIKIC. Arrives
Unuilni. III. I' , ilopnU Illtli mul M.'iri'y SU. Omaha.
6.'M p m. Nliilit Kxpress
li.l.'i H in Allnnilc llxpnoi ti. tj p ui
4.M ) p ml VeMllMilo l.imllg'l ' 10 U a in
O imlift. Depot Itlth ami Mnrey St . I Onmlia
7. IS a ml . . . .sTciux ( llr . llOVUpm
6. i _ p ml . > 1. Paul Hxpru Ui'i n in
i .iToTl Hitiux i-rrr A PACIFIC. i Arnvui
milm. I Depot nth ami Wubitor St < [ ( innilm
455p ml . St. I'nul l.lmtteit . I l > .2. > n m
Leavei ICIIICACO A XOHTIIWnsrKll.V. Arrivuj
Omaha. III. I' , ilepot , IQtli mil Maroy M . Oinuliii ,
1U5 in . Chlciufn Kxpro i. . . . . a in
I .U p m Vc tlbnlo .imlteU. . l' . : l n ni
V.'JU p in , ,1'aslorn Flyor. V.6' ) n m
6.JO pjn Loral ll.iu Kx. ( exce'pt MonduH " _ 'l.SO ' nni _
Leave. 1 O > l\ll\ A. T I.Ol'IS . . . , l Arr i vo
O in ulia.lU. 1 * . ilepot. llltli mil .Marcy 8t . I Otn ahu
I OJ p in | M. Loill < 1 nnnon' Hall . .7. 112.'U p ui
Leiivo'l f. . K A.MO. VALI.KV. I Arrlto"
Ouinlia. I Depot IJtll nnil Webiler Hti. I Oiniiha
9 OU it in Illnck HtlU i\prosH. : . . . I & ra p in
lltlOBin . . ( Kt Nil ) Wyo Kxp IK . Mon > I 6 'Al p in
( .10 p in Wahon A Lincoln I'ao. . Mm 1 II 3.1 u in
S.IU p m . Viirk ft Ki.rfolk ( i : > llltt ! nju
I Arrlvo
Depot IMIi unit Wcii tert ! I Oinaliii
. . .Kloux llt > Aeeoiuinotl.itlon. I IHI p ni
1.00 p m gloux Ltty Ixiri' : | i ( Khi I' ' I'J p in
'i.t'i p in St I'Hiil Llmltoil. KVj u in p m liancroft I'aMrenuer ( K < < i H.4'i a in
Lenvei I MliMUJill I'.vi IKI , ; . I Arrive )
Uniiili 1.1 Depot Ulli anil Welnter St' . I O.u i ha
\U.t \ : ] n ml . .ft. Louli \ K. O. ixpn ; > . . fiiTiririn
lWHl _ > juil . . .hi. Uul _ \ K.J'ixpieti : I ti.'fl p in
"Le.ivui" ! H'7-TST. .1(11 ! A C. II. " I Arrlvet
Trunnferl Union Ili'pot. C'oiitull Illulli. ITriin ( iir
1(1 ( UJ n m .7..Kim-it i lir H x l.'x"i rv ' . ' 6 It p in
lU.ISpiu _ _ . . .Kiintai t'liy Nlk'lit Kipre' ( . ' 'J ii m
VWveT I ClTlUAiToTlTT"A I'ATIhToT" Arrival ! )
Trnnfer I Unlnn I inMl. Council Illnltt. Trnn fer
ii.UI p in Nlvht Ktpre > . . . . l'4J ' u in
U.Uain All'inlle Ktiirixm . . . & 55 p in
S.ul p mi Vu-llbiilu LlmlttMl. IU.IU u in
J. uvo , "UA JO . S' I I . \rnvo.
Unlciii in , it o null lllu | . Truuf u
11.40 n in Chlcnk'o Krprulf < MI p m
5UJ p in Veitllmlo I.licit oil i'.t'J ' m
IUUU p m IJi.turu HXLT 2.IU u m
8.UU p m' ' Allnntle Vull , . < 0 u m
IJ..T ) p inlliiwu Aecoinmoiliilliin > Sut iinlyi I'JO pjn
LeiivoH I ( T\lAHA * Hi1 UiIllH" I Arrlvoi"
'l' < fo < | _ L'nlon Dopoti'ounrll _ ' ' 111 ijt . I'l'ransfur
4.Ill p nil. . Kt. LoiiUr'n'nonJlJBll. . M'.MS p m
Leavni ICIIICAUO. lltlltl/N .C'gtJlNI'V" Arrlvot
Truiint'-r ! Union > u > | , ot. ( iiuncll [ " ' 'VruMlet '
H.ll u m l hltatiu K > prc . U..i ) p in
low p m ( .hli'iuu Kxpresi. W n in
7.U3 p m i rviton Ixjcul . . 15 u in
l'rin < le. | ' 11 i l a ur btouxtlty Arcoiumodatlon I .40
t.'M f Uit St. Paul tiprgji
' Positively cured by
thc Mttlp nils.
They also rclicto DIa
tress from Oyspopsla. In
ITTLE dlgvstion nnil Too Hourly
Eating. A perfect rrm
edy for Dlulmm Nuuscn ,
Drtm Mncss. Jiiul Taste
In tlio Mouth , Coated
Tonpue. 1'aln In tlic Slilo ,
TOHl'II ) I.IVKU , They
regulate Uio Bowels. 1'urciVegetable. .
All kinds of Hyuu .tnil ( . i > > nun ? ilouo In the
lllL'hetti-tylooftlio , Fiiilu.1 mul St.iinoil
I'tibrli's iniilu to luiik as Kood m uu\r Hi' I
I'untlirlt ( lua IIIMI Ity MtMin , In I irxt i'.m
Maiinui. Work uromutly dune and dullvero.l
In ull iiurU of lliu ' 'ountry frond for prloj
o. A. MAOHAN , 1'rjn. .
IOU llroailwrxv. Noir Nortliwcstorn
COUNUIIi Itl.Uf CM. I i.
. . ,
606 Broadway , Council Hluffs , la
HAIiU ) : w iiu'j to tiiKo contract forurnd-
Ci IIIK u half inllu track , Achillas W. II ,
Oaks , Silver City , town ,
FOIl SAKE A HUP lilt-no of Kimlisu and
fruit laiul , at &V ) per licit * . Johntton , V VHII-
_ _ _ _ _ _
STKAYK1) cir Rtoloti , litacU IKIIM- . heavy
inatio anil tall , fotetop. scare on left fiiint
foot. Address \ " . . 'I' , lloquutt. ' "Joo Uth uvciiuc ,
Council lllulTs , and pig reward.
"T\O you want the oartli In tlio vlolulty of
U Council Illuirh , cither Improved or unim
proved ? If = o call and -eeour ll t of bar .ilni
at tlio real estate mid lo in oflk-H of .1. U. Cole
& Co. I.l t your juoporty fur sale , lent 01 o\-
, witli lit. und neciiro customer. J. U.
No. 4 , I'earl street , Rronn I lloor.
LAIUVOVANT-ind jvihmnotrlc. or oliar-
aetur loanliiKs ; also diagnosis of disease ,
ncnil lojk of hair for roadinjrs hy letter. Hun-
Hays and oven UK" . Mis II Hooper. HL"i Ave-
( liuil" , near corner Ijtli stiuet , Council mints' ' .
Terms , .Ve and } l.UJ.
T Walker's.ii | : Main sticot and ni.'l
ATSwanA HliilK you will always llnd
a "snail bargain" In itvil estate If you want to
buy , or a irood plaeo tii list u Uar alu If you
want to sell or trade. _
aero property In five-afro
trnt'ts loe.ited S'l lallos from pnstolllcn.
for sale on reasonable term * . bomo line resi
dence property for rent by Day & Hess.
: ) K KENT The Mc.Mahnn block. P. story
brick , \ylth baxcmcut and elevator. j. W.
pOKdALE or Kent 3irdau Und. vrltU
houie * . Or J. It. Ulua. UJ Al-Un it. , Oouuali
A Summer Resort.
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions. I'IIIP rishliu , lloatlhf : , It.lth-
Inir nn I Bu-ullrnt Mlm-ial Wnli-r
Only llftct'ii inlnntc * ililo from Council
111 u Hi. Motor trains \ory Imlf hour , dllect
to editors of Council ( Hulls and Umalrt.
Must di-llii litful and itccc.islblo plai'a for
ptcnle parties.
Of Council Bluffa.
CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
Pllir-TOlM t. A. Mlllnr , K. O ( llonoti , R. U
PMuiut. K. K. IturU J. U KilmmiiUoii. Ubirloi
It. llunniiti O.iuklnt uuil >
licit lir ; < r > it c.ipltvl uiut turplu * ol my
banltln SouUiwoUoni IJIT.X.
Gas Heating Steves.
.lust tlm thins forliath rooms , licil nio in , otd
Cull and s o our lar o assortment.
C. B. Gas nncl Eloatt'lc L-tj'.v. Co.
UI I'o.irl and ' . ' 10 Main . 'Ueut.
First--National--Bank : :
I'nlil U | > Ciuiltiil , . . . . $101 > ,010
Oliti < l iiiK ni''l li.uik In thu city toruun in > t
i1oinv liu ovi-liiiiiio nn.l liwil uiMrltln. Utpi'lt
iiltuntlon piiil tn o illi'i'tloin. Aooiiiti i ( lujuil
uaH. bMiikii inki'r < .tiiilu.irpiir.ltloii < ell U 1 o :
re"poniluiu o Invited
UKO 1' . BAM OKI ) . I'rn li1ent.
A Vt UinKMAS. CaMilor
A 1' ItlCi : . AtMitnat fsuhlar
Eye , Ear , Nosa and Throal
Council HlulTs , Tii ,
Shu'ivrt-l } , > uiio 13'k.
Kootu 1. II to 1m
7 and 8 p. m.
14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs
Funeral Director and Embahnor.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegantly Appoints : ! Hotel
is Now Open.
George T. Phelps , Manager.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
K OUAHI. AHo.v , ruor-a.
1O1B and LO1Y Broadway.
Ktllninlo tiiniNheit on nil klmli of ( iiilvnnlieil
Iron ( Mrnlio Work. Iron lloofliu , ftoro Fronts nnd
C < ipi.r ; Work. Aitlitlo work n Hpee'ii'ty. ' l"oiro
pontleneo Hollclieil frmn points HOO mllui Ironi Cotia
ell Illuns iiiul Oinuhii.
Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Buggies , Spring Wagons , , Carts and
Road Wagons.
Guarantees better value and more satisfactory goods than any
other house in the Missouri Valley. General western repository for
the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and
Columbia Carriage Go's buggies ,
sutries and phaetons. Bonanza
buggies and phaetons. All styles
spring wagons , Van Brunt and
Michigan real anl farm wagons ,
carts and harness in great variety.
Correspondence solicited. Catalog
ues and price lists on application.
12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
G. A. So looclsack , Proprietor , Officod Oiil Di-onclvvny , Council
Bluffs one ! 1B21 Farnam St. , Omnhn. Dye , clonn and roflnlsh goods
of every description. Packages recolved nt either office or nt the
Works , Cor. Ave. A nnd 2Oth St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list ,
Murchiintfi who huvu Hliop-worn or aollud ( ubnud of imy uhuniutuf citn luvvo
them n-dyuil nnd llnlHlidil ociuiil to now.
lutost und mo si upprovod machlnury , ut loss cost than you over puld