r FHE OMAHA 'DAILY ' BEE \ TWJSNTY-iFlKST YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , JULY 7 , 1891. NUMBER 19 , FATAL LOUISIANA CYCLONE , d Baton Ron jo In thi Path of the Dovaitatln g Storm of Wind and Edn. WALLS OF THE PENITENTIARY BLOWN IN , Ten oftho ConvlutH Killed and Thirty- Six Injured IMinnKC Amount- iiiK lo Thirty Thou- Hiind Dollar * * . BATON Roror , Ln. , July 0. A cyclone parsed over this city early this morning , wrecking many houses. The only casualties that occurred wcro nt the penitentiary , Where the Jeans factory was blown down nnd Mm walls of some of the other bulldlncs were blown In. The following Inmates wcro "filled whites : ISAAC SIcOI.KM.ANI ) , Cjlcasloii. J. A. WAOHONEK. C'lnlborne. I'KKI ) OAOK , Oinicliltii. JA.MPH VAN MI'TKIt. Natcliltochcr. WIM.IAM WIM.OW. Now Orleans. JOHN OIIISUN , New Orleans , ono of the Mealy murderers. Tlio negroes killed were : NATHAN OHANOr.V , Hast Pcllclnna. IinNin CAIjESTIN , Now Orleans. III'KItKOrAHl ) IIAKDIN , Itosslcr. KIMVAKl ) MJOKNKU. Unddo. There were forty persons at work In the pants factory nt the time of the crash. On the second or central floor was the hospital , whuro twenty sick prisoners l.iy undergoing medical treatment , of which num ber four wcro killed and fourteen seriously If not fatally Injured. The lira alarm was sounded nnd the cntlro fire department summoned to the scene of the dreadful catastrophe and Iho cilizans . nnd prison ofllcinls , aided by the uninjured prisoners , worked vigorously for the rescue of the unfortunate souls who lay some dead nnd others dying confined under the great neap of debris that was thickly strewn ever every quarter of the promises. Scenes of the greatest Imaginable horror greeted the eyes of these engaged In ttio rescuing work nnd the pitiful walls and death groans from the men buried out of sight beneath the massive / heap of brick nnd mortar could bo heard ' 4P arising from uvcrv part of thu wreck imploring - ' ing help , and altogether the scene was heart rending. The storm was attended by a most violent rain , In which the rescuers were working , nnd lasted for several hours or until both Iho living and the dead were excavated from the ruins. The whlto people wounded from Now Orleans uro : 'is ' CI.AIII. M. .1. I'l.NNKflAN. IllJNUV .Mt'lvAV. JAMKS Moi.io. JOHN DUFFY. JOHN O'LtiAitr. I * II. Iiuniiv. : JAMES VAI.UAIU * . Colored from New Orleans : JAKK JONKS. HAM JACKSON. MA.IOIIViiiTi : . WlM.IAM fiIIIM.V. ) 1'roin thu various other parishes ; JOxKI-H 1'OWEI.I , Jit , O. M. YOUKCI. , - > V T. 11. bTKWAHT. A I * OKIINKIT. I ) . A. OAMi'iiKt.h J. U. HOI.AN. I'llKMX KlCHAItnS. JIAUTIN PUIIKI.SS. WAI.TBH IXHIOI.ASH. JOHN II'OI.RV. I'liANK AAIIO.V. JOHN KAIII.ANP. MKEMOO'NUI , . Al.KX KKIIIIII , ( uldto ) . Mil l'IIII.MI'4. , M PlIllllV. IlKMIir DOIISON. Ilnuii : I'KTTKIISON. IIOIHMIT COMKAUX. llAIIIIIPO.N AI.I.K.N. WiUiiAM SCOTT ( colored ) . The total number of wounded 1s thirty-six. Of the number of wounded about six are ex pected to dlu before nighi , anil the recovery of several of the other. ' Is oxtroincly douht- lul. The total damage to the penitentiary buildings is estimated at 10,000. A visit to the capitol and other stnto build ings showed them unharmed uy Iho winds , ns was also thu business portion of thu town on Main and Ford streets unaffected by the storm. The southern portion of the city , ptyloil "Irish Town , " suffered great loss and damngo to property. In this section of the city several persons were seriously hurt and bruised by flying timbers from falling houses and fences. The druir store of B. A. Day was completely de Y- molished nnd ciitted of its contents , the loss amounting lo $ oOlKI. Several of the small grocery stores and small shops In this vicinity are destroyed. The brick yard of Unrig , Ready & Co. was badly damaged , but thu lovs Is covered by Insurance , which Is thu only storm policy held by these damaged. The extent of the dnmngo done throughout the city by this storm cannot accurately bo estimated at this tlmo , but It can bu said that this Is the greatest loss Baton Kongo ever sustained , cither from n cyclone or n llro. The cyclone did not mnko n stinipht sweep through thn city , but would strilto thu gionnd and bounce lor ward Ilka a bouncing ball. It would pass over several houses at a time and descending again tear Its way for hundreds of fcut at a time. Thu trunks of largo trocs wuro popped off HUe pipe stums. So sudden was the btorm that a number of bread carts , express wagons and other vehicles wcro caught and wrecked In the streets , and It deV - V " 'tud ns suddenly as It camo. There wuro a number of very narrow escapes , but no serious Injuries are reported beyond these mentioned. CyoloneN In MlsNlsH-ipl. | BIIOOK UAVCV , Miss. , July -This morn ing nbout tl o'clock the southwestern portion of this county was visited by a destructive cyclone , demolishing houses and fences and uprooting tieos. Attha Davis logging camp one man wus killed and three woundod. Another cvclono passed twelve inllo cast of this pinco nt fi o'clock , doing great damage , but no details have been received , The cyclone struck Madison , Miss. , at 11 o'clock. On II. II , McKay's plantation the negro cabins wcro destroyed and several ncgros Injured , The residence of Hassock and Brown In town ware wrecked and much of tholr block injured. The Presby terian church and school building wuruswopt away. At M. 1C. Jonas' place thu outbuild ings were destroyed and stock injured. The cyclone also destroyed two colored churches nnd the house of a colored man. Towhont Struulc hy the Storm. Nnw OUI.CANII , La. , July 0. The towbont Smoky City was caught In the cyclone at a o'clock this morning eight miles below Baton } ] ougo. The cntlro cabin wns blown down , and the escape of the crow from death was something wonderful considering the fact that they were all asleep and that the great est possible damage wns done to the boat by the violence of the Morni. No ono was daucuronsly hurt. A negro fireman is . .MILTON J OHN ; SON ( colored ) firemen or f.oulsvtlle , blown overboard nnd drowned Tbo wounded are ns follows : AliTilt'ii GIIEEIIIS , deck hand ( whlto ) Louis ville , Ky. , fucu and Internallyi serious ; sent to Now Otlonn * on the Alto. lUiuu MAIITIX , ( whlto ) Plttsburg , Pa. , as- ilitnnt engineer ; leg and ankle. Charles Dlckion , fireman ; hurt In thuncck. Captain McCiuro , cut ixatt bruised about the body in several places , but not seriously. Jntnes Bordsloy ( white ) , Louisville , steers man ; arm and lug. C. W. McBrlde , Louisville , pilot ; hands hurl slightly. Alfred Jarcl ( whlto ) , Cincinnati , cook ; In ternally : serious. Pete Haas , second mate ( white ) , Plttsburg ; head ; slight. Gnlvt'Hton'H Ti-rrlllu Storm. Ou.viwrov , Tax. , July (5 ( , The storm which rn-rcd hero Saturday night and Sunday cul minated last night about 1) o'clock. A blinding southeast wind , accompanied by h -nyy rain , caused many of tbo lower portions of the city to become - como practically Inundated. The wind reached n velocity of fifty-live miles per hour. All street railway survico was abandoned. The worst damage done was along the gulf beach , where the surf carried away almost ovumhtng ulthln In reach , The break water in front of the Bench hotel was completely wrecked nnd destroyed. The electric railway tracks were curried In shore. At the cast end the hoavv nea did much damage. Build ings weru damaged and in manv Instances the occupants wuro compelled to ascend to the second floors to avoid thn water. The schooner Fnirwlnd broke her moorings mid wns driven on the flats. The tide was the highest known for vears. Much uneasiness Is foil for the safety of the steamer Franklin , duo from the banana Holds of Nlcurnuf-iia since last Friday. The occupants of the pngodas and many ot the beach resorts have to bo assisted hero by means of life-saving lines. Throughout the city houses wcro blown down nnd steps and stairs wcto carried away. Ono house full before n furious blast upon Iho inmates , ono of whom WHS seriously Injured. Pcoplo were blown ngulnsthousc.s and fences and fractured arms wcro the result In suvcral cases. The sccnu along thu beach simply beggars description. A mass of twisted piles , timbers , poles and dabrls occupies the attention of nn army of workmen today. Taken all in nil it was'lho most destructive storm which Gal- vcston has seen for years. HACK UOW. Mncoii Cndcts Have a Tight with Indianapolis Nct-roc-4. IxniANAroMs , Ind. , July ( ! . Among the contestants for military honors here during the past week were the Mncon Cadets' . This morning as several members of that company were walking along Illinois street thej saw a colored man named Brown getting his boots , blacked , when ono remarked , "Wo nio going lo kill a lot of you , " whom , upon Brown Jumped up nnd strucK ono of them In the. fuco nnd started to run. The cadets followed him with drawn knives and one of them sl.i.shcd him In the back of the neck. Brown then ran Into n colored saloon on Kentucky uvcnifo , when a gang ot colored toughs started out to make It u "freo-for-all light , " using chairs , billiard cuas and roclts as weapons. In the melee Cadets Edwards and Williams wcro severely injured nnd Brown and Lynch ( colored ) were badly used. The caduts threaten vonpoanco'before leaving town. The caduts are being detained pending an investigation. All the nocroes have been arrested. Tbo affair caused a great deal of excitement , NOWM. NIJW YoitK , July C. ( Special to Tnc BRR.J The following lowuns bad to celebrate their Fourth under tno British ensign and on British territory. They are : Mr. L. G. Watson of LcMurs , Mr. John Stcwartson of Odcbolt , Mr. Albert F. Arpuhns of LeMurs nnd Mr. II. C. Curtlss of the same looillty. All these persons nro tourists that sailed on Iho Scrvia of the Cunard line that sailed from hero on the Fourth. At Qucenbtown Arrived , the British Prince , from Philadelphia. At Antwerp Arrived , the Noordland , from Now York. At London Arrived , the Franco , from Now York ; sighted , the City of Chester , from Now York ; the Switzerland from Phila delphia. A't Southampton Arrived , the Allor , from Now York for Glasgow. At Now York Arrived , the Elder , from Bremen ; the Furnossln , from Glasgow. Nuw Yoiiu , July ( ! . The steamship Elder , which arrived oft Fire island this afternoon , brought the cows that the steam ship Sorvii , which loft on Satur day for Qiicenstown , Is returning to this port , having broken the crank pin of the high pressure engine. She was seen about ono hundred nnd tifty miles out in tow of the oil tank Ht earner , Chester. The Scrvia had on board a largo number of passengers , mostly pcoplo of Chicago. Prince George of Greece was also a passenger. Break in the l'l Muddy. ATCIIISON , Kns. , July G. Tlio Missouri river broke through "Donipnnn Point" nt the neck yesterday afternoon , transferring the main channel about n nillo east of whore it broke through last week. Jacob Koch's house was loft standing on an Island of nbout slxiy acres. Ho has transferred all his pos sessions to the mainland. The i Ivor Is cut ting tbo banks on both sides of the now chan nel and * hc main body of water flows through it. Itohhed Diinhled Minister * . NBW YOIIK , July 0. Hun ry C. Adams , for many years treasurer of the Umversallst relief fund for disabled ministers of the Unlvorsallst church , wns arrested today by the sheriff on nn onor ! in a civil .suit for the recovery of f 17,700 , tlio alleged amount of his deficit ns treasurer of the fund. Adams' ball was llxed utlf > ,000 , in default of which ho was committed to Jail. Mother and Son Drowned. FOIIT Moitf.AX , Colo. , July ( I. Mrs. Hens Ycpson , n Dane , nnd her fourtcon-ycar-'old boy Louie were drowned in the Llttlo Hea ver crocn , six miles touth of this city , yester day afternoon. The boy wont In bathing and B truck u washout- Ills mother came to his rt"-cuo and stood on the bank trying to save him , when It caved In and she too wus drowned. ! > .menus Statement Corrected. D L\s YEI\S , N. M. , July 0. The statement In a Kansas City paper that Hon. II. Ii. Smith , special bank examiner , had como to Las Vegas to tnko charga of the First National nnnk hero is totally unfounded. The condition of thu Institution In every particular was never moro satisfactory than nt present , HaviiKCK of the Grip. OITIWA , Out. . July IU ) Is reported that thu grip Is making havoc among the Inhab itants In the vicinity of the straits of Bullo Island nnd that n great many uro loportod starving dead nnd dying. Murder of an Mil 11 or. CIIUII.KSTOS , S. C. , July C.--J. D. Shaw , editor of the BMiopvlllo Eaglu , was shot and klllod nt n picnic no'ir that place by two drunken rowdies whom bo and others were trying to keep in order Union Pni'ltlo Statement. BOSTON , Mass. , July rt , The Union Paclllo statement ( preliminary ) shows not earnings of f I.OW.IKX1 a decrease of 'W-.OOO. For llvo mouths to May ; i | , the not earnings show an Increase of fii'.OOO. Brazilian Cabinet Iteor anlr.cd. NF.W YOIIK , July 0. A eaolo rocolvod from Rio Janeiro , states that the Ura/illan cabinet linn bean reorganized with Lueonn ns minis ter of the treasury. The Death Itoll. PF.OIII111. . , July 0. P. R. K. Brotherson , an old resident of this city , nnd suvcral times mayor , died hero this afternoon , Cash Italanoe In the Treasury. WASUIXUTON , July 0 , Treasurer Nebccko reports the net balance lu the treasury this morulug at Kl O'.OOU. ROYALTY HAS A WEDDING , Granddaughter of Queen Victoria Married to Frinoo Aribert of Anhalt. CEREMONY PERFORMED AT WINDSOR CHAP Hrlllliint Kvcnt SliKjo the Weil- tlmljiito Duke of All ) my People in Attcndnnue. LONIIOX , July O. Prlncess Louisa , second daughter of the Prince and Princess Christian of Schlcswig-Holsteln and grarid daughter of the quean of England , was married today to Prince Aribort of Anhalt. 'I ho ceremony took place in the historic chapel of Wlndstr castle nmtd n scene of splendor ntul with the most Imposing ceremonies. As tbo hour fixed for the coretnony I o'clock in the afternoon draw near , Windsor castle and Its neighborhood was fairly nltvo with ncoplo. Not since the marriage of the Into duke of Albany has the chahol been crowded with so miny distinguished people , and not since that event has thu chapel been so crowded with members of royal families. The route followed by the proco-tslon was the castle hill and was lined on bo'h sides with troops. All the castle guards of honor wcro mounted on every available point. The royal standard of Great Britain from the highest tower of the castle floated proudloy over the whole. Down Castle hill Eton boys on the award on the loft ran with the carriages containing the bridegroom's family , composlngtho llrsl section of the pro cession. Tlio second section consisted of the stuto carnages , which conveyed the emperor and empress of Germany and the imperial party with the prince and princess of Wales , the duke and duchess of Edlnburg1 , the Julio and duchess of Connnught , Prince Henry of Bat- tcnberg and his wlfo , the Princess Beatrice , the Princess Louisa and the duchess of Fife. The prlnco of Anhalt , the bridegroom wearing n Gorman uniform , with his attend ants formed the third section of the proces sion. The ( juet'ii of England in the most elaborate of nil carriages , surrounded by life guardsmen , formed the fourth of this bewil dering , attractive panorama. The qucrm was greeted overwhelmingly with Uio wildest acclaim of loyalty. The bride , accompanied by her father , Prlnco Christian of Schlowig-HoUstoin and by her brother , had already driven from Cumberland ledge , their residence , to Windsor ser castle , and as the queen started for St. Goorgo's chapel the brldo and her two male relatives followed. As each and every mem ber of thu Imperial or royal families reached the chapel royal their arrival was heralded by a resounding blast from the bugles of the state trumpeters. At the chapel doors the wedding guests were received by the Lord Chamberlain , the Enrl of Latham , who ushered them with much ceremony to their places about the altar. In front of the altar a dais was erected and covered with a blue velvet carpet , with the order of the garter and the royal arms handsomely interwoven in Its center. Upon this royal carpet were velvet and gold scats for the members of the imperial and royal families. The banners of the Knights of the Garter , all renewed for thu occasion , overhung the scats of the other important guests. Bolides plants and flow ers there were no other decorations. Thu prlnco of Walcu entered thu chapel having upon his arm the empress of Germany , who were n sea green moire antique. They wcro followed by the emperor - peror of Germany , escorting the princess of Wales , who was sparkling with Gorman orders and who were a most splendid paruro of diamonds. The einporor and princess were followed by the queen of England , who were a simple black dross , plainly though gracefully inado. Upon her head the queen were a beautiful diamond cornet , but with this exception tbero was little or no orna mentation about the queen's ' attire. After Queen Victoria had boon escorted by the lord chamberlain to the seal of honor the bridegroom , in company with his two brothers , appeared and was lad to the altar bv the lord chamberlain. About ton minutes later the bride arrived , supported by her father and brother. The bride's dross was of cream white satin of most exquisite texture It was oordored with orangu blos soms and the skirt was draped with honiton duchcssp lace , which was designed by the late prince consort for the queen and which was afterwards worn by the brido's mother , Princess Christian , Just twenty-five years ago. The train hung gracefully from under the bnsquo In plain straight folds , Its border of white buds and croon giving it n very effective appearance. The bodice was of white satin with slouvos of honiton lace similar to that on the skirt. A glrdlo of ormiL'O blossoms and myrtle blossoms hanging down In two long ends hid the Juncture of the bodice and the skirt and foil gracefully over the satin train. As Jew elry the brldo wore a naclclaco of diamonds and pearls , the gift of her parents. The wedding veil was the ono worn by Princess Christian upon the occasion of her marriage. The bridesmaids wuro Ladies Emily Cado- gnn , Enthward , Mabel Egorton , Esther Gore and Beatrice Brldgeman , They were hand some white satin dresses , draped with delicate - cato white crepe Mo chine , and caught up. The bows were of frosted silver. All were ostrich plumes In their hair and hnd silver girdles around their waists. The bridal bo- quets were composed of marechol niel roses. The archbishop of Canterbury performed the marrlngo service , which was most simple , nud made only n brief exhortation. The bridegroom's responses wcro given In n tlrm voice , but those of the hrldo were Indistinct. The brldo was given away by her father , Prlnco Christian. After the service Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" was played and the ceremony was concluded. The marrlngo register was later on signed in Windsor castlo. After luncheon at thu castle the bride mid bridegroom loft for Cliveden. After thu benediction the nucon advanced and kissed the bndn. The emperor insisted upon the samu privilege and then the brldo was kissed by all thu princesses. Thu pro cession was than reformed and returned to the castle , the queen preceding by n prlvtaa carriage so as to bu In readiness to receive the couple. Hero tharo was a pretty bcono In the grand drawing room. All nssomoled to sign the reg ister , the quean's .signature following these of the emperor and empress. On the route to Chtvdun , the duke of Westminister's residence , where the couple will spend the honeymoon , the brldo was grouted with the usual showers of rice , satin slippers nud ( lowers. A great bnnquut nt the castle closed the day. In the evening thu queen drove through Windsor to see the decorations. The ompuror and empress meanwhile walked to Frogmoro house. A Venetian fete and a dis play of llreworks were given on the Thames tonight , which was witnessed by the royal guests. MKXTti OF VIIK 11.11 t'K It Oil Ho VltillH Kton School and 'fallen to the HoyH. Lovnov , July 0. The emperor of Germany arose at an early hour this morning and after a light breakfast left Windsor castle on horseback , accompanied by the duke of Connaught and stuff for a visit to Eton school. Three hundred nud llfty students > vuro drawn up In line to rncolVa the omporor. AfUirln&pcctlng them and watch ing their military evolutions the cmporor spokn n tow words of prnlso to tbo young soldiers. Will Take Part. ST. PKTUUSIIUHO , July 0. The government has consented to take part in the world's fair at Chicago. _ Ship Hallway \\oi-k Stopped. K , S , , July o , _ Orders Uuvo been given to cease work on the Chignocto ship railway. The comoanv ' tins already spout M.UOO.OOO upon Its cons'tructlon nnd Is under stood to bo completely out of fnndt. Steamer Sunk In OolllHlon. Los'nov , July 0. Intelligence has been received tlmt u largo. steamer was sunk oft Dover some tlmo during Mst night. The steamer Itlnlock hits landed nt Grave-send part of the crow of the sunken steamer , which was the Dunholmo , bound from M'ddlnsboro ' to Illo Janeiro. The Dunholmo was sunk nt 'J o'clock In the morning two minutes after n collision with the ICInloch. There Wan no time to man thu boats. Seven of the persons on board nt the tlmo of the collision are inNslnp. The captain , mnto. two sailors nnd three llrcmcn of the Dunhoime were saved. Brought the K'dM. ' LONDON , July U. The Gorman Imperial yacht Hohcnzollorn returned to England to day , bringing the children of Emperor William. The children were landed at Follx amid thu choc of a small crowd of visitors. Condoling \vlti ! GlnilNtonc. LOVPOX , July 0. Many persons hnvo called on Gladstone to condole with him upon the death of his oldest son. Among the callers were Minister nnd Mrs. Lincoln. Huv. Spnraoon Belter. LONDON , July 0. Mr. Spurgoon U re ported slightly better this morning. Ini'iicst Itctumrd hut Nothing of Im portance Ijo.'irniid. At.uixoK , O. , July ( ! . The horrible wreck at Knvonnn , O. , on Friday morning Is still the topic of conversation every , vhero. The Inquest was resumed by Coroner Sherman. but nothing important was learned. This morning considerable excitement was occasioned by the report that Conductor Boynton's report of the tickets showed twelve pcoplo yet unaccounted for , though some may have loft without making themselves known , Conductor Boynton Is firmly of the opinion that others were entirely consumed In the lire , nnd his son , who was the negligent tint-man supposed to have been the cause of the wreck , was ono of the vic tims. The inquest may develop some sensa tional facts in the mutter. Those who visltod the wreck on Friday morning noticed pieces of burned flesh lying about the ruins too small to bo identified as belonging to any part of u human body. The bodies huvo nil been taken awny except that of the nurse girl , who was killed in the sleeper. Her name was Miss Mnmio ICon- nan , IP the employ of IgimtluJ Kugcl of Cin cinnati. The child she had with her was a llttlo boy instead of a girl , as reported. Six teen bodies were taken to Corning , ono to Brooklyn and ono lo Cincinnati. Friends were in Uuvenna todnv looking fern n missing man who was reported among the killed. Thure were two Pftt , Ryans on the train , ono of whom was known to have boon killed. The other one is missing nnd his friends think that he was among the ones un accounted for and presumably burned In the wreck. Two of the Injured nro still at the Aetna house and are doing' ' as well as could bo expected. FIGHT n'lTIl IbDIAMi. Ttvo Constables Killed While Attempt ing to M'iko nil Avrest. B-.KBIISFIBMI , Cal. , July 0. Friday last Constables John Powers arid Sam ( iann , with Mr. McCoy , n llyoryman of Leraore , wont out to the Mojave dos < $ rt , near Coyote Holes , to arrest the Indfws't charged with firing haystacks A fight Snsued nnd Pow ers and McCoy were killed ; also two Indians nnd two horses. Gnnn's mustncho was shot off , but he managed to get Powers' ' horse , his own having been killed , and rode to South Fork , on the Kern river , for help. T'volvo men wont back with him. Tlio two Indians who were killed were found .buried in the sand. Tbo body of Powers was found with his throat cut from oar to ear. , The flesh was torn from McCoy's face In shrends. Pow ers was a single man ; McCoy leaves n wife and six children. Klown , tlio ringleader of the Indians 1 ? a bad character. Ho and his two sons word concerned in the murder of nn Indian not lougngo. Ho bad a personal grudge against Powers. A posse of citl/cns has gone In pursuit , but tbo In dians nro well mounted and nrmad and It is feared that more blood will bq"shod. . There were six Indians In the first /party , but there nro perhaps u hundred more ; in the vicinity , and several hundrodbotwcon " there nnd Inyo county. _ ( " American i' alibis. BU.TIMOHK , Md. , July < ! . The delibera tions of the central conference of American rabbis wore concluded tonight. The meotinp next year will bo hold In Now Ycrk city. The committee j on prayer book was excused. It ; had prepared ao report nnd n commtttco was appointed that was willing' ' to do some work. In the discussion on the prjiyor book Presi dent Wlso said ono was wanted that would contain the bast elements of advanced thought. It should not contain the doctrine of the personal coming of Christ nor the resurrection of the body , iNobody now bo- llevod in these doctrines. The report of the committee appointed to draw up n response to the frntonml greetings extended by the Jewish ministers association of America was read. The < resolution stated that the conference heartily reciprocates the friendly greeting. The conference , however , refused to recommend the croatlon of south ern and western rabbinical conferences. Omaha People Outing. DOUOIAH , Wyo. , July 6 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB.I Tno Collins and Patrick coaching party , en route for nn outing In tlio Big Horn mountains , nrrived by special train under escort of Genera ! , Superintendent Huehos nt 10 this morning , -ind are quartered at iho Valley house. The party consists of J. S. Collins , A.S. Patrick , I ate Crary. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Mr. and Mrs. Hurry McCormlck , Miss Oirdou. Miss Wnkoly , Miss Marshall and Mrs. Mathowson. The coach was billed to leave this morning on arrival of the special , but a heavy raln'.has been falling nil day. The party leavoi tomorrow If the weather is favorable. ConduotqrV Cniovno , July 0. Grand Jchlof Clark of the order of railway conductors had a lengthy conference with' 'a1 ' number of Illinois Contra ! conductor * hero today concerning - corning the wholesale dWchnrgos by that company last month. It U * iindorstood that ho will confer with Illlnols'iCentral ' ofllclals tomorrow. ' A committee called on .General Suporln- intomlnut Sullivan of the Illinois Central this afternoon nnd the luttor reported that the only reason ho would glvq } hum for the dis charges was that the sorvlceof the men was no longer satisfactory. i Pcoiillur Condition. Hfiiov , S. D. , July 0. iSpficial Telegram to Tut Dr.K. I Peculiar atmospheric condi tions luivo existed hero kinco ! l o'clock , when the tern porat tire suddenly" full 10 degrees Mid u lively northeast wind not In , bearing a peculiar odor , and continuing to grow colder until S o'clock , when the thermometer had gonu down 2 * degrees. Fears of a heavy hail and wind storm in the nortu nro entertained. iMl loIleiiiK u Dol'nultor. AI.IIINV , N. Y.JulyO , Charles Ii. Burton , secretary of the Burtoji & Carey cldor nnd vinegar manufacturing company , has con fessed to oolng a defaulter to Urn amount of & 0.000 , It Is feared' that the amount may reach STiO.OOO' r ' The. Flro llouord. , July 0. Fro | this evening destroyed Prlostly's carpet mill In Lawrence street , involving a loss of $ IOOM , ( ) . Furbush & Co. , who hud machinery stoicd in the building , lose about fJU.UOO. Partially In- aurou. IRON COULD NOT HOLD Hill Desperate Priajnor's Mysterious Escapa From Matllsou County's ' Jnil , HORSE THIEVES AT WORK NEAR BLAIR. Fatal Fall From a Derrick Heavy itnln nt Valentine Death ol' n Well Known Sowanl Lady Crop Notes. V , Nob. , July 0. iSpocInl to Tnr. BEK. | Madison county caught n tartar In the person of a house breaker nbout 11 f teen days ago. Last Saturday night between 0 nnd 10 o'clock the prisoner , who gave his name ns Clark , picked his nay out through the brick wall of the Jail. A burglar attempted to ply his vocation In Newman Grove the following day and was captured by Mr. Brlnchmnn , who at once notlllcd Sheriff Losey , and on Friday the bad man was remanded to a cell In the county Jail for a second time. Ho said to the .sheriff that the jail could not hold him four dnys If he dcslrod to leavo. Last night Clark made his way out through the Iron bars and , Ilko the Arab , silently folded his taut and stola uway. How ho se cured the tools to cut the bars Is a mystery. Stolen a Second Time. Hi.UK , Nob. July 0. ( Special Telegram to Tun Bii.j : : A short tlmo ago n team of horsas belonging to William Coltmau of Calhoun - houn , was stolen and the toarn caught In Omaha , having ran away from the thief. Last night ono of the same hor/ns was stolen. The ono stolen Is a bay mnro about fifteen hands , weight lO.V ) pounds , with black mane and tail. The thief was tracked north nnd 1ms pro bably gojo towards Fremont or Teknmali. Tlio supposed thief is about 'J3 years old , dark hair and six tcet tall. Fifty dollars reward is offered and the ofliccrs hero , sheriff and duputv are scouring the country. Glorious < rep Pr ispootH. COUPON , Neb. , July 0. ( Special Tclogram to TUB BKE. ] Hon. Gcorgo F. Blanchnrd , register of the Sidney land ofllcc , has boon hero for the past few days looking nftor his extensive stock and ranch Interests. Hou John Brown , capitalist of Chlcncro , left last night for homo by the way of Lin coln. Mr. Brown expressed tmnselr as hiirhly pleased with the country nnd predicts a bright future for Sheridan county. Mr. Blancbard was out today about twelve milo-i , and ho has been familiar with tills sec tion for the past twenty years nnd says that ho never saw such glorious prospects for the farmers in Nebraska before. Death at Seward. Snwuin , Nob. , July 0. [ Special to Tin : BKI : . ] Mrs. Edmund Mclntyro died nt the lamlly rcsidonco in this city at 0U : ! this morning. She has been n surtoror for sev eral years with dropsy and other ailments nnd bar death was not unexpected. She loaves n husband nnd daughter. The funeral will take place tomorrow af ternoon at It o'clock , and her remains will betaken taken to her old homo in the cast for Inter ment , Air. Mclntyro , her husband , is widely known In Nebraska , having boon prominently connected with the Stuto Agri cultural bocioty for many years. 'thrown Irom a Derrick. PJ.ATTSMOUTH , Nob. , JulyO. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKC.J This nfternoon Gcorgo Luschlnsky , n workman on the now court housn , mat with an accident and sustained Injuries which are likely to provn fatal. Quo * of the guy ropes of the derrick broke , and Luschlusky undertook to catch hold of the sling. Ha was flung n distance of nbout llftoon feet , his head striking against a block of granite with great , forco. Ho was picked up unconscious nnd convuved homo. The phy sicians are doubtful of his recovery. Kaln at Valentine. VAI.F.J-TISJB , Nob. , July 0. [ Special Tolo- trrnm to THE BRE. ] Unlu fell here last night which registered one inch at the signal ollleo out it is claimed that the fall was much heavier at Fort Nlobrara and further oast. At the fort water fell In torrents tilling all the collars. This afternoon last nights storm was repented nnd slight diunuiro is reported along the railroad tracd near the Nlobrara bridge. No wind nor hall fell therefore no damage was done to the crops which promise all any ono could ask. Finn Hold Over. Scm-Ti.r.H , Nob. , July 0. ( Special Tele gram to THE BED. ] Upon n preliminary ex amination today , before Judge Allan Thomas , Finn was hold iu the sum of J 1,000 for his appearance to the district court on the charge of incest with his niece , Allco Finn , n young girl about twenty yours old. Ho is a married man nbout fifty years of ago. Destructive Hall Storm. NEWMVS Guovn , Nob. , July G.--SpccIal [ to Tun BEE.J A destructive hail svorm struck this section of country Saturday , destroying crops entirely for n spnco of flvo miles. Two miles south of this place It took wlndowx , splintered sidings upon buildings , and not n thlsa go of grain Is luft In Its path. At this place It did very llttlo damage comparatively. Daiiiatp < l hy Storm. CiiAwroni ) , Nob. , July ( ! . [ Spoc'nl ' Tele gram to Tim BIK. : ] The heaviest rain of the season fall hero toJay. Two inches full within two hours nnd four inches up to eight this evening. Small damage was done by high water , but a crop U assured. iiOI.lt Illl.I. kXIMTKMKXT. Speculator * ! and Mincm Flocking to thn Scone of Itccont Discovery. SvitATOdA , Wyo. , July 0. [ Special Tclo gram to Tun BhK.J Prospects of a paying camp ut Gold Hill continue to grow britliter. Snow has entirely disappeared from the camp and building and development works are rapidly goini ; forward. Water in shafts and tunnels hitherto prevented much worn In the mines already open , but much prolltnblo work has been dono. Theru are prospecting of now leads being found dully. Some eight or ten mine owners uro preparing to uhlp oio for milling. Davis & Cussldy , the owners of tlio Bluu Boll , will ship a ton of ere at onca and as much more from six different mines. The road to Saratoga nnd Gold Hill Is In splendid shnqo and stngos mnko round trips rogulurlp In eight hours. Considerable excitement exists over ' .ho discovery ol rich placers both In Cuslck gulch nnd Kncainpmcnt river. Experts pronounce the placer mining thu great coming event this summer nnd predict largo returns from llndi ulreadv located. Placer claims are staked out In limits of Saratoga and are yielding richly and from sovouty-llvo to ono hundred nnd llfty colors to the pan are taken from the surface. Great activity hero In building and real estate. The town Is crowd ed with Investors nnd gold soakers on the way to Gold Hill. New Trial DeHlred. CIIRVKNNK , Wyo. , July 0. [ Special Tele gram to TDK BtE.--Arguments : ] for the now trial wcro madoln tbo district court today In the casu of Frank B , Parklson , convicted of manslaughter in the case of Key Dakar. Both of thorn are members of the Seven teenth Infantry. ADldavlts made by two barbers were pro duced to the effect that a trumpeter numud Knight had sutvd to them thai bo had killed ' Baker nnd w , \ not let Piuklson suffer for it. Knight hi - tire loft the army nnd was last heard of ? ' .Jrcolr-y , Colo. It I * con sidered rather , * larkablo notwithstanding the publicityi. . \ the case , neither man cnmu forwardstlfy during the trial. .Itidgo Scott tool , i i mutter under advise- incut nnd will n bly render n , decision tomorrow. hvttu o i.vr7jfi ' v Ji rs TIW r. Information Hart Olitaln llcgnrd- \\\K \ New York , n lUlectrojiitlnn. SIMI Si NO , N. V. , July (1.-All ( day long newspaper men bavo been haunting the peni tentiary to got , If possible , something about the electrocution of the four murderers which everybody oj-pectod would take place some tlmo today. None of tnum were allowed to go beyond the line of guards established br the warden. Although preparations scorn to bo In progress for the execution , the statement is mau'e from asuinl- otllclul source that there would bo none todnv , but that It would occur In nil likelihood at daybreak tomorrow. Several witnesses arrived after 0 o'clock. Dn iho II o'clock tram from Albany came Dr. Samuel B. Ward of Albany , a personal friend of Governor Hill , and Dr. Franklin Townscnd , also of Albany. Dr. Ward said thai he supposed ho was to witness the CAO- cutions , although he was not at nil positive about the matter. Ho had been asked to como down hero nnd huu obeyed the request. Further than that no knows nothing and so could tell nothing. Dr. Townscnd said ho was In the snmo po sition. On the tiuin was a phvsicinn from Rochester , who when asked his name replied : "I cannot give It. I am Instructed to say nothing and you will hnvo to gat mv numu from the wardon. " Ho admitted that ho had been invited to nttcnd the execution. Dr. Southwlcuof Buffalo , Dr Alphon/ Rockwell of Now York , Dr. Unniels of Buffalo , Warden Durston of Auburn , Dr. Carl S. McDonald of the state board of lunncv , Prof. Lnudcv of Columbia college , 1C F. Uavis of New York , E. A. IJrown , the prison purchasing agent , Dr. Wnrd , Dr. Townscnd and the Rochester physician are nil at the prison for the niirht. Father Cruodon when going homo said that ho would not be back tonight. One of tlio witnchsui stated definitely that the execution would not tuku plncc before 0 o'clock lu the morning. There nro yet three or four witnesses to arrive , but they are expected by the late trains. Evoryonu of the witnesses hare except Dr. McDonald nnd Warden Durston has bcon seen , and all do- cllna to talk , claiming they know nothing of the arrangement. Dr. McDonald will not como out of the prison at nil. It tins been decided that Father Creadon and his assistant , Father Hogan , will accompany Wood and Slocum to the execution chamber. Father Lynch , who has boon with the prisoners a urent deal , was invited to go with them , hut ho has a horror of witnessing the executions and ho asked to bo excused. Deputy Attorney General Hogan nrrived this evening with the death warrant. Rev. Father Creedon nnd his associate , Father Hogan , clad In their prloUly garb , arrived at the prison about ! l)0 : ) p. m. At midnight the warden said : "All the men nro nwnko. I was Just down to sco thorn. They are very quiet , but they evi dently know that something is coming. " The warden also said that unless some papers were served upon htm by the time for the execution ho would ox- ectlto all of the lour men. He denied that Mr. Hot'iin had broucht any pa pers of an official character with him , nnd added : "Father Creadon nnd Fattier Lynch were in the prison nt midnight , as wns Mr. Edgerton , the prison rhnp- lain. They will Join thu condemned at an early hour , some tlmo before the hour sot for the execution. They will probably bfi the first to know what the hour is. It Is not Improbable that 10o'clock will bo the hour. The gcnorul expectation , however , Is that It will bo nearer sunrise. R. J. Hnirc , attorney for Wood , arrived In Sing Sing at o'clock and drove Immedi ately to the prison. Ho had In his pockut n certllied copy of thn petition for habeas corpus filed by him with Judge Mucombo. The guards stooped Iho attorney nt the terrace until Head Keeper Connaughton came forward nnd gave Mr. Hulro permission to enter nnd interview the warden. 12:15 : a. in. Lawyer Hnlro claims that the filing of his potl'ion acts us n stay in the Wood case. Ho is now with Iho warden trying to convince him. EX. 131IX Kit lUtKWti JHS.1IMHS A / / . Correspondence on the Mib.Ject Made Public hy the Department. WkbiuxoTON , July ( ! . The correspondence relative to tbo dismissal of Bank Examiner Draw was made public today. Juno ! iO Comptroller Lnccy wrote to Draw calling his attention lo the fact that in his report of Jan uary 24 as to the condition of the Keystone bank Drew hnd omitted completely to men tion the Indebtedness of the bank lo the clearing house of $ .jHS.l , for which notes and bills amounting to .i03 : ! wcro pledged as security. Drew , under duto of Juno 80 , responded that his failure to mention this amount was clearly nn accident. Ho did not include It In the regular report , Intending to mnko It a subject of special note. The correspondence also touches on other points and ends with n latter to Drew from I'omptrollur Lacey , under data of July B , In forming the examiner that so Important nn omission after liftcon days examination of the bank Is not consistent with the conll- dcnco whion must bo reposed by the depart ment In reports of examiners , and calling for Draw's resignation. Bank Examiner Shepnrd of Plttsburg and Bank Ex-unincr Belts of Cincinnati will conduct the affairs of the Philadelphia onlco until Draw's successor Is appointed. Proclamation on Ifiinilln'H Death. WASIIINOTON , July 15. President Harrison tonight authorized the following official an nouncement on tbo death of ux-VIco Presi dent Hnmlln : "To the Pcoplo of the United States : The president with profound feeling of sor- rou announces the death ot Hannibal Ham- lln , nt ono tlmo vlco president of thu United bitetes , who died nt Bnngor , Maine , Satur day , July 4. Few man In this country have filled moru Important nnd morn distlngulsho 1 public positions than Mr Hainlin , nnd In recognition of his many eminent nnd varlod services and as an expression of great respect and rovcroncu fait for his memory , It IH or dered that the national flag shall bo displayed at half mast upon public buildings of the United States on the day of his funor.il. " COIIHIIH Bulletin on Kdni'atlon. W\sniNiirov , July 0. A census bulletin on education , prepared by Mr. James II. DIodgott , expert special agent , gives the preliminary showing of public school enrollment. Tlio combined bulletins for the whole country show nn apparent en rollment in the public schools for IbM ) of 0,9.ilii'S ' ) nnd for Ih'.iu ' a public school cnrnll- inont of lUr > 9 > ilT'JI , an apparent -rain of en rollment in publlo schools of 'J7.M per cent , Thu gain of population meantime was 'Jl.blJ par cent. The close correspondence between the par ccntaga Is nt least n striking coinci dence , U orld'H Fair VlNltor * to lOuropc. WASHINGTON , July (1 ( Acting Secretary Nettlelon has rccuivod u letter from Director General Davis of the world's fair exposition announcing the names of the following gen tlemen to yli.lt Enrojio In thu Interest * of the exposition : A. G. Bullock , Massachusetts ; William Lindsay , Kentucky ; W. Pock , Chlciiio ; Benjamin BuHenvorth , Ohio : M. P. Handy , 1'onnsyivnnU. The last nnmod gentleman bus bean selected as disbursing ofllcur. Kyo Corner In UIIH | H. ST. Pr.TKiifciifito , July 0. Corn merchants have taken advantage of thu icarcity of rye to create n corner In tlmt commodity. Defeated ! ' ! ! < > lilndlnt ; i wine , OTTAWA , Out , , July (1.The mutton to place binding twine on the fruu list wus on division Uofcutqd bjr 100 to 60. FORCED TO MEET THE ISSUE , Chairman Finlo/s Decision to bo Sustained or Rejected Today , TRAFFIC SURRENDERED TO THE SOO. Prosperous Times Predlfted IY r the Kiillroiulh New \ \ iicnt .Moving niul . \ rrHiienicitH : Completed to Iltuullo tlio Output. Cmi'uio , July 0. It Is expected that nt the meeting of the Western Passenger associa tion tomorrow the members will bo forced to moot the Issue ns presented by the Alton and decide whether that company or Chairman Flnloy shall bo sustained. Thu chairman's ruling has practically placed the Alton ouUldo of the association nnd no representative of tlmt road will bo present nt the meeting unless especially Invited by a vole of the members. Whether such nn In vitation will bo extended remains to bo seen. It may bu that the whole imittor will eventually bo referred to the oxccutlva oftlcois of the various roads for settlement nnd in that event the presidents will no doubt mnko a.strong effort to force the Alton Into thu western trafllo association. Sl'llltiNDtit-l : > TO TUB ! < ( )0. A reduction of U' cents for 100 pounds In the rate of flour from Minneapolis to the seaboard was put Into olloct today by the See HUP , much to the annoynnco of the rends operating butwoon Minnuapoll' and Chicago. To meet this cut tlu.v would bo compelled to ro-estahllsh the old basis of"1 ; cents to Chicago mid rather than do tins they would ratlior surrender tbo business to thu Soo. W\Nrs A DIVISION Ol' Tim'FK. ' . At the meeting of the advisory board of the Western Tralllc association next weak several appealed cases of the Atchlson , Topeka i\ * Santa Fo will bu considered. Among these Is an application for n division on the dressed meat and provision tralllc from the Missouri river to Chicago , the complaint being that the Alton Is securing the bust- ness. It is also chan-ud by tl.o Atchlson that the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City Is got- tinir more llvo stock tradlo than It is enti tled to. ri.rsli TIMUS roil IIAII.UO\I > S. Railroad oniclnls arc now convinced that they nro on thu verge of n season of prosper ity. New wheat is already moving , 50 cars being reported for arrival huro and " 00 being duo at St. Louis at the same tlmo. It is predicted that before thu end of the month there will bo no n"o cars on any of the vvost- i > rn roads. Tlio custom lines also expect to show largo increases in eastbound tonnage. JIA.v 'riiK.ii. Bold Work of Sharpat the lc Aloinos I. and Olllce. Dis : MOINI : * , la , . July 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BIK. ; } When the govoinment. land ofllco oponcd In this city this morning there were several hundred persons present ready to Illo claims for lands on thu line of the Sioux City A ; St. Paul , Chicago , Mllwnu- keo & St. Puul railroad and the Cedar Ran- ids & Missouri Klvcr railway companies In northwestern Iowa. These lands are located. In Lyon , O'Br'.cn ' , Dlckcnson , Osceoln , Em- raott , Kossuth , Sioux , Plymouth and Pocn- hontas counties and aru these which thu rail way companies hnvo not entered , and which are not for ft Hod as supposed. Thuru are said to bo about fifteen thousand acres of them , Man } ' of the applicants hud lain nt thu door of the land olllcu all night. Although J50 entries were miido they were all rejected and it is doubtful if any claimable lands remain in the district. There was much excitement over the appearance - anco of two men who gave the names of linker and Ilaggitt from Notiruakn and who had sold applicants numbers so that they might got bettor chances at the land ofilco dour. They had an onlco In thu Clapp block and It 1 said swindled the rural pcoplo out of about f 1,5 : K ) . They Mcippcd this forenoon , but a warrant was Issued bv Justice Doilson for their arrest on the charge of conspiracy to dofruud and they were arrested this after noon. noon.W. . II. Clarke , register of the Lincoln , Neb. , land olllco , is in the city and says the swindle is tin : sumo kind of a game that Is played frequently In Nubraslcu. Trou lilo Over Prohibition. Dnifcji'i : , In. , July it. A man opened a sa loon nt Elkadar , the county scat of Clayton county , Iowa. Koultoi3. ; Price , who has been prominent In enforcing the prohibition law there , and his son commanded the man to clnso the saloon. On bis re fusal Price secured the city marshal and closed thu saloon. As Prlco and his son wcro going home across u bridge after dnrx , n mob attacked and cut them badly. They were forced to lice into an adjoining building and barilcado the doom to kcup tlio mob from executing Its threat at lynching. The latest reports are that Prlco and his son are > In a critical condition. Destroyed the Wxmu.oo , In. , July ( i. Farty-nino cases of beer , llvo cases of whlslty and eighty bottles tles of whisky , the properly of a Pcorla brewery , weru destroyed hero today by the sheriff. The brewing company operated an original pacuago hoiiHtf hero last summer and the goods destroyed today weru suUud hut October under the provi sions of the original package act passed by the last congress. The company endeavored to compromise by paying coits and shipping llio Interdicted hcvuragu from thostuto , but no ugiocmont could no made. MlncTH * < onvontlon. Dr.s Mo INKS , In. , July < ! . [ Spaclal Tele gram to Tun UKC.I A state convention of minors has been called to moot tomorrow at Osknloosa. Thu basis of representation Is ono dclegatu for each mlna of fifty employes or fraction thereof. The call Is signed by President Walter Scott of the United Mlno Workers of Iowa. Consideration of the recent strike Is the sup posed business. Oonli-H the Itnnort , Ci'.DAii Uu'liiH , la. , July ! > . [ Special Telegram - gram to Tins Hen.J President C. J. Ivos of the Burlington , Cedar Itupids it Northern road today said the report sent out from Sionx City to the affect that the Chicago. liurlington & Qulnoy company had scoured full control of the first named road was untrue true- . - _ _ J < -011KVAST. For Omaha and vicinity Showers ; slightly warmer , Kor North Dakota Light showers ; no change In tompuruturo ; north winds. For South Dakota , Nebraska and Iowa Showers and slightly cooler uxcupt stationary tRinpcraturo In wosturii South Dakota ; not to. winds. For Missouri , Kansas and Colorado Local liiHtantly Killed. Muusvn.i.t ; , Mo. , July II. [ Special Tola- cram to Tim HUB. ] Mrs. Harriott More- bouse , mother of ' .hot'x-govornorof Missouri , A. 1 * . Moruhouio , was thrown from a buggy this morning and liiHtunlly killed. The team became frightened and upset the buggy , iVImoliitnly Untrue. WAHIIISUTOS. July 0. Sunor Romero , Mexican minister , when shown the San Francisco dispatch that Mexico was rlno for u rovoil nguinu thu government of Presi dent | ) ia < , kaid tnu telcgruua wu * absolutely utitruu ,