PART TWO. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 9 TO 16 : TWENTY-FIKST YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY , MOKNING , JULY 5 , 1891-SIXTJBEJN PAGES. NUMBER 17. Moving Sale. Only a few more clays in the new annex. Prices are being cut deeper and deeper to reduce stock. ' Silks. Grand clearing sale in cur silk de partment for next week. In order to reduce our stock of silks wo will quote prices that will bo grand est chance wo have boon able to olTor our friends. Please note the following prices : We'll sell you a good quality of plaid surah silk worth SI , for this sale 4So. Balance of our China wash silks , in stripes , worth SI ; for this sulo57c. } Balance of our China silks , in dress styles , worth 45c ; for this nalo 28o. Fancy brocades for trimming , worth from Si'up to $ , ' 1.60 ; for this sale 7'le. . Hnlunco of our Cheny Bros. ' dress silks , worth SI , for this sale 02 jo. Black grenadines , plain , worth $1 to $1.40 ; for this silo : ( iOc to SOc. Black grenadines , in stripes , worth $1 ; for this sale 70c. A fine quality of black surah , worth fec ( ) ; for this bale SOc. Arinurosilk in blacks , worth SI. 25 ; for this sale 75c. Gros grain silks in black , worth SI. 25 ; for this sale 74o. All other silks will bo sold at the eamc reduction. Notion Dep't , Note these low prices : Children's hose supporters , with belts , at IOc ; actually worth 20c. Ladies' hose supporters , with belts , at 12Jo ; actually worth 25c. Full count pins le per paper. Safety pins lo per do/.en. Best Kngllsh pins 60 per paper. Boudoir curling irons 60 each. Fast black darning cotton , 3 balls for IOc. , 12-yard rolls carpet binding 20e per 4 toll. toll.5hook ' 5-hook corset stools 6c per pair. Darning eggs only Se each. Water proof dress shields only IOc nor pair. Black and white tape at Ic , 2c and He per roll. Brooks' machine cotton , 3 spools for 6e. Barbour's linen thread 3c per spool. locks and eyes Ic per dozen. The Barnhnrdt-Cabinot hair pins Co. Black and colored shirt braid 4c per roll. Ribbons. At reduced prices. , FIVK CHOICE LOTS. Lot 1 at 2e per yard , worth Sc. Lot 2 at 6c per yard , worth- from IOc to 16c per yard. Lot i < at 7c per yard , worth from lee to 25e per yard. Lot 4 at ISc per yard , worth from 25o to ! 15e per yard. Lot 6 at 27c per yard , worth 50c. Our 3 } yard surah silk sashes , with knotted fringe , in all shades , at S7a THE TRAIL OF THE SERPENT. " ' gnat Mtuidorson's ' Insight into Vermont Prohibition , THE SUBTERFUGES OF THE PEOPLE. Devious \VnyH Through Which thu Nlinrod AliiKt Pans Itcl'oro "Wet Unit" Is Scoured A Trio k. , of IminkValtons. . UUTI.ANP , Vt. , Juno 20. [ Special to Tien Br.u.J Senator Mandorson Is on his first visit to Vermont and somu of his experiences with prohibition will afford him useful Information mation to bo applied to the situation in Ne braska. Ho Is accompaulou by Mrs. Munder- son , and before coming hero they were at Northampton , Mass. , where the senator ap- K peared In a new role and ono with which ho is so well satisfied , that ho Is likely to try It ngaln. The cause of the senator's visit to Northampton was a commencement at Smith college , whore Mrs. Maiidotson had a cousin among the graduates this year , and It re sulted in the senator being called on to de liver an oxtamporaneous address to a class of eventy-Iivo tuveat college graduates. The girls wcro charmed , It Is said , and the sena tor has discovered thut ho has a talent hith erto unsuspected. Since arriving In Hutland ho has been en tertained by Secretary Proctor and Senator Edmunds. General Anson McCook with his family is with the tenator. McCook Is a rare sportsman , so U the Konntor , and in Edmunds they find n kindred .spirit. During thu week tno trio have beoa bass fishing up.on Lake Champluin where the fish bit faster than the mosquitoes nnd wcro no small fry cither. * - > i.niong nil the experiences of Mandurson It Is likely ho will longest remember his en counter with Green Mountain prohibition , McCook of the tlghtini ; McCooks mul secre tary of the honorable senate of the United States arrived hero about two weeks ago and when the tlmo drew near for Mamlorson's It happened ho.saw the propriety of securing loino refreshments. Now , the landlady Is the widow of a former governor at that ana an arrant prohibition- 1st , So It was with grlof she saw McCook tall In with a seal suited to liquid refresh ments and heard him ask If there was any thing In the hou < > o. No , there wasn't , not a drop , and the only place she know ofns the "Agency. " Now , the "Agency" U an institution that flourishes like a bay tree In Kutlnnd. Its iiippofccd that no spirituous drinks are dis pensed except at the "Agonoy , " and that all thus sold uro for legitimate uses and not for refreshment as a beverage. That's one of those beliefs that makes good people happy and doesn't Interfere seriously with anybodv elso. elso.McCook found the "Agency" without anv trouble. It is not at nil an ostentatious bul'd- lug , being about as largo us a good-sized due- out with a meek looking piazza , where the snuko club meet to swap reptile stories calculated to nuiko a sober man iwoar ho has boon Inside the "Agency. " There Is ono chair and deal table inside , ami lu tuejroar u small room where the stock In r trade U kept. The town hires the white tvhlskurud agent , funiMies the stock and takes ! hb profits , and yon can count on there ) Doing plenty of those. McCook confidentially hamlod his flask svcr und with placid assurance ordered wliUkers to "fill her up. " sl\\\\ the law was curious , "what do vou , /ivniit It forl Modlcluul" "Drink , of course. Do I look as If I needed medicine. ! " t "Can't lot you dave It then.VoJ ouly loll for medicinal purposes. " So MeCook gathered up his empty flask iml startck on a tour of the drug store ? , Uut Special Reduction Ladle * ' funny silicon blouse waists , 75c , reduced ffom $1.25. Lndlus' dressing sacks in plain ami embroidered : Out1 $1.25 nnd SI.60 reduced to 80e. Our $1.75 , 42.00 , $2.25 reduced to St.2. " ) . Ladies' wrappers in ginghams , sateen , calico , 85c , OHo , $1.15 to 81.SO. Ladies' , nitron' and children's white dresses , to close out , one-half of former p'-ices. Ladles' fancy silk blouse waists , 32.75 , reduced from * ; t. " > ( ) . Ladies' madras cloth , silk stripes , blouse waists , $1.25 , reduced from $1.75 and $2.00 , Stationery Dep't. Regular Co package of envelopes for 2c. Regular lOc package of envelopes for 6c. Regular 12e packsigo of envelopes for 8c. Reyular lOc tablet for 5c. 11 'irulat 1 "ic tablet for 7c. Regular 20c tablet , for lOc. Pure Irish linen note paper at 25c nor pound. Pure commercial note paper at 10 < ; per J ream. An immense assortment of children's books at 00 per cent below book store prices. SPECIAL SALE OF Muslin Underwear 100 do/.cn ladies' night gowns , plaited frontcambric ruflle on neck and sleeves , only 50e , reduced fiom 75c. 50 do/.un ladiea' gowns , embroidered front , cambric rutllo on nock and sleeves , only 6e ! ) , reduced from S5o. Special 25 dozen ladies' gowns , Mother Ilubbard back and front , trimmed with embroidery edge and in sertion , only 75c. worth * 1. Ladies' drawers , splendid value , 23c , 8c ! ) and50c. Ladies' white skirts 7oe , $1 , $1.25 and 51.50. Children's seamless ribbed waists in all sizes only 35e. others ask 50c. Special Bargains On stumped tiav cloths , dresser scurfs , bplashcrs and doylies. Laces , Black silk laces , in endless variety , in now designs , at 8c , IOc , 12jc , 15c , lUc nnd 2oc. , Black silk drapery nets , 48-in wido. at 43c , oOc , 05c , 75e and ! )8c ) ; actual value 75c to $1.50. the apothecaries were as hard-hearted as the agent. No ono trusted him. No ono would break the law , and the general began to think ho'd ' have a fine example of prohibition prohibiting to hold up to the Nobraslian's eyes. When just ubea-l ho spied a 'man with a gait that never would betaken taken for a bqo lino. As ho walked slowly nnd despondently along the gait wound into n side door and thcro was a glunpso of an interior that was bettor than tco water in a desert. Thcro was a bar a real bar ; no make-believe , but with nil the furnishings , even to a doyen men pouring Kentucky nectar down their Uutlnml gullets. Of course the sad journey was over , but It wasn't many days before Senator Mundi'rson , who had meantime arrived , found himself taking a lesion In Hutlanil liquor laws. In the Mandcrson's traveling trimmings Is a small spirit lamp that was yawning when they reached Uutlund , nnd before It could bo used a two-ounce vial hud to bo tilled with alcohol. Now ulcohol is a favor ite beverugo up hero. Half water and half alcohol will thaw twenty degrees of frost out of any Vermonter and the unsuspecting senator had a dolicnto Job ahead. With a two-ounco vial in his pocket aud McCook by his sldo ho attacked the first apothecary's , as Innocent of prohibition as a three-year-old. Uut the drugeist waa ob durate. No two-ounce vial would ho lill with alcohol , not oven for a spirit lamp , and ho wasn't qulto buro thu lamp was in It at all , and directed the mildly surprised senator to tbo "Agonqy , " the same old "Agency" that McCook had met and surrendered to. Nothing daunted by the recollection of the general's fate , the senator collected his sar casm and bnicnd un to the bowhlskorcd agent with "Will you tell mo what Is the process of securing that two-ounco vial full of alcoholl" "Gotiiny money In your pawklttl" drawled Whiskers. Mandorson looked his surprise , but was pretty positive the lining of his pocuot was prottv well covered. ' Thou that's all yon need , " This was so simple the senator was stag gered. "Uo you moan you sell liquor under a U- cen&o for vour own self I" "No ; I'm an miont of the corporation and the selectman pick out all the liquors. " Manderson'K mind grasped the situation nnd gasped. Sunp'J u Omaha ran an agency nnd the city council had a chance to sample Us supplies. 1'robably there wouldn't bo enough voters to furnish a vote all around for the candidates. "Hero the stock Is , " and ho ushered the now appreciative senator lute n little back rcom , There was rovoalcd Jugs , hogsheads "claret " " " "whis anil barrels marked , "port , ky , " "brandy,1' and so on , making about as good an assortment as any tlwt class bar could provide. "I sell those , " said the agent with a generous wave of his hand , "for med icinal , mechanical aad chemical purposes cnlv. " " 'Now , my good man , " roturnnn Mander- snn , persuasively , "aren't you perfectly aware that nine-tenths of all the liquor you sell bore Is for use as a boveragol" "No , I don't. " "Hut don't vou really think sol" "No , Idou't think so I" "Don't you keep other liquors ! " "Yos , oil kinds of wines , " nud another door was o [ > cned , "llcor , 1 suppose t" "Yes , and champagne , too. " "Champagne , hey I What brand do you keep. " " .Slum's Kxtro Dry. " "Very good , too , Don't suppose you have ti'uch call for It. do you I" "Oh , but I soil lots of it. " "For medical purpose ) , I suppose. Of couno you don't use It for mechanical pur poses , oven up here , do you 1" The agent allowed thnt all the champagne Vcrmontcrs bought went where prescriptions ought to go. ' Sunposo I cnino In hero- , you know I wasn't ' in any business likely to use cham pagne for mechanical purposes ; I was strong nud healthy looking , anil asked for half a dozen bottles of champagne , saying I needed it for medicine , what would you dot "GIvo It to you probably. " "But suppose I wu going to eU'O a dlauer Dress Goods. Dress goods muat go ; wo have got to reduce stock. Yard wide Batiste lOc yard. Fnyal Datl&to , lOc vanl. Java Cloth , reduced to 7Jc yard. 8e Challis to bo sold at 2Jc yard. 32-inuh wide Challis , lOu yard. lc ( ) Challis. 5c yard. Madras Hntisto , lOc yard. Imitation China Silk , lOc yard. Persian Silk reduced to IOc yard. Manchester line Saloons , 60 yard. Josephine Seersucker Gingham 7jc. Norwood Dress Gingham only 5e yard. Avoyron Cloth only 12c } yard. Brandonborg Cloth 25c yard. Canton Cloth 15c yard. Pine Apple Tissue 12c } yard. Shantong Pongee 12Jc yard. Toll Du Nerd Gingham , Bates Amos- kong and number of otncrs , first clats Ginghams , all reduced to lOc yard. Scotch Zephyr Gingham 12io , lee and lc ! ) yard. May Flower Organdy 10a yard. Armadale Zephyrs , which sold at 25o , now reduced to lee yard. Best plain colors in Manchester Cham- bra v lOc vard. Koriih Moire 35c yard. Armenian Serges , 'M inches wide , 7lc. Brotonia Suiting 15c yard. Garner's ! 12 inch wide shirting Per cales reduced to 6e yard. Online Flannel. 5c , 8c , IOc and 12Jc. Fine white twilled tennis Flannel 35c and 40c yatd. 100 pieces line lawn cheeks , plain white , worth 15c , now ( ijc. Plain fast black lawns in remnants 5o yard , worth 15o yard. Wo are displaying more wash drcsa goods than any other house in the west , Wo are showing a great many novelties which are controlled by us in Omaha. Our stock is much nutter assorted than any you will find in this city. Seeing is believing , therefore call and judge for yourself the truth of these assertions. Special closing prices on fast black lace stripes and lawn checks at lOc , 12jc ane 15c yar.1. We carry the best line of polka dots in the city' , from 2c per yard up to 15o per yard. Just received , another case of those popular coin spots in black ground fast black wash dress goods , all color dots , at 15c yard. . Remnants of wash dress goods at prices to close. GENTS' Furnishing Dept. 1 case of Gents'"Domot Flannel Shirts only tf5o , reduced from 50e. * Gents' extra line Domot Flannel Shirts only 50c , reduced from 75c. Gents' line Madras Shirts , nice pat terns , shaped arm holes , only 75c , re duced fiom $1.25. One lot Gents' Night Gowns , nicely trimniod and well made , only 50c , re duced from 75c. 1 case Gents' Shawknit Sox , only 12c per pair , reduced from 25c. 50o Suspenders on sale Monday for 25c. party that night , mid you know it , nud I asked for n couple dozon'bottles. " "You couldn't have It. " "Thou it's simply n mutter of judgment , " The senator by this tltno was bound for the bottom of the matter , while McCook watched the fun. "Suppose I can get all I want at the drug store ! " "No , you can't. Drug stores only can soil compounds. " "Druggist mixes whisky and quinine , ho can .soil that ? " "Certainly. " "Any law as to proportion of quinine ? " "Nono thnt I over heera tell on. " "Then , " brought out Mandorson , with n glunm of light trickling through his scicntfio tones , "I suppose ho put ono grain of qulalno In ono gallon of whisky , it's a compound , and goes ? " The agent felt both sides of the corner squeezing Ills elbows , but gallantly stuck to his creed , and concluded that If the druggist was so inclined ho could put ono lone grain of quinine to ono hog-ihoad of whisky , and still Vermont prohibition would allow him to go scot free. That wound it up , but Senator Mandorson thinks the "Acency" ( s a great Institution and the agent gifted with the Judgment of a second Solomon. Ho has been collecting data on Vermont prohibition , and since It catno to him that ono man had been sentenced to ten years' imprl onmoat for liquor selling , is ready to consider the liquor laws up hero as' something too wonderful to bo trltlou with. Summer visitors who como with rod and reel to clean out Vermont's brooks need noti bring their wet bait along with them. J.IU'1 KTl 1N. Rlploy T saw a very curious blblo the ether day. ( Jutting Well , moat' bibles would bo cnrlous to you , Hlploy. A discharged cboristcr In an Ohio town took rovcngo on the congregation uy sitting' ' In u puw anil purposely singing out of tune. A Kansas l-o.v who earned a blblo by mem orizing versos traded the book for a shotgun and then accidentally shot his auut in the log. log.A A London church has taken up n collection ! for the relief of a baronet who owes & 1IH ) . Why doesn't the old stupid send hU tltlo over to New York for Inspection. Ho was In the midst of his prayers. "GIvo us this ilr.y our Uivlly broad , " ho said , ami then , hesitating , nskcd : "Say , mamma , mayn't I ask for pie cherry plol" "Who was Peter ! " asked a Sunday school teacher. "Peter was a brick. " "Why , Johnny , I'm surprUod at you 1" "It says so in the bible , anybow , I read It the other day. Itsitys : 'Tl.ou art Peter , and upon this brick I'll build my church. ' " "Uock , Johnny , rock ; not brick. " "Well , I know It was some Itltul of building material. " "I didn't got uny money out of old Got- rex , " said tun solicitor of charity , "but I evi dently inuile homo progress. " "How ! " "Why , 1 got him to sn.r that charity ought to begin at home , it Is the lint time , 1 think , that ho ever admitted that it ought to begin at all. " A little lad who went to Sunday school for the first tlmo recolvou a picture card showIng - . Ing the lamb at the foot of the cross ; Ho studied it gravely for some minutes after reaching homo and then Inquired : "Mamma , what makes that goat try to butt down that telegraph polo I" The little lad will probanly go back to Sunday school thU morning. The late Archbishop Tail of Catcrburyonco miulo an elTectlvu use of a sermon. Driving down Hollowuy hill bo was confronted by a runaway horse with a heavy dray making straight for his carriage. Ho throw a sermon in IU faco. The her o was so bewildered by thu iliitterlng of the leaves that It swerved and paused , the driver regained control , the sermon was picked up and thu bishop pro ceeded on his way , "I don't know , " ho bald to his companion , the present archbishop of York , "whether my sermon did any good to the congregation , but It was of considerable service to myself. " Atchlson Glebe : The first thing a man does when you toll him a secret , U to look around ( or some ouo to toll It to. Black Dress Goods Special sale on all of our immense stock of Black Dress Goods commencing Monday and lasting for only one week at prices quoted. Black English Cashmoro.lOo and IOc. Remember , wo nro altering a flno Henrietta for only 2Sc. French Henrietta , all wool nnd 40 Inches wide , for only 60e , reduced from 7e. ! ) German Henrietta , silk finish , 40 inches wide , for only 55c , worth at least 880. 880.Black Summer Dress Goods , such as wool grenadines , for 37c } , marked down for this sale from 600. All wool fast Jot black Nun's Veiling for SOc , reduced from 800. All wool imported Sorjjos , soft finish ; iml a beautiful color , for 5jc , Goods that you will not bo able to got after this sale for less than 8oc. Corsets. 100 dozen Ladies' Summer Corsets only 39c , reduced from 60e. 50 dozen Sea Shore Summer Corsets only SOc , reduced from 75c. Ono lot of Browster's pure whalebone Corsets , in large si/es only , sizes 20 to HO inch , only 75o per pair , worth $1.25. 1 case of French Woven Corsets only SOc per pair reduced from SI. 60 do/en French Woven Corsets only 75o , reduced from $1.50. 25 dozen S. C. Corsets , sizes 25 to 30 , price SI. 10 , reduced from S2. 1 lot S. C. Corsets , sizes 25 to 30 , price 75c , reduced from 81.25. Handk'f ' Dep't. Prices cut in half. Children's handkerchiefs at Ic , 2c and 3c. Ladies' hemstitched handkerchiefs , in white and fnnev borders , at Sc , Oc. 12c , 15c and 2 < ) c. Ladies' drawn thread nnd embroid ered at IOc' , 12e , 15e and 20e. Ruchiiig. 100 styles to select from , at 8c , IOc , 12e } , 15c , IOc and 25e ppc yard. Art Embroidery silk 5c per dozen. Tinsel balls 2c } per ball. Plush balls IOc and 20o per dozon. Gilt banner rods 12c , loc and IOc. ECHOES FROM THE ANTE-ROOM News of the' Week Among the Various Fraternities. A NEW SECRET SOCIETY INSTITUTED. The Frntomnl Mystlo Circle Ized In Oniiilia IIoln H or the Masons I'ytliiiin Brig ade Camp. A new social , fraternal and beneficiary order dor has gained a strong foothold In this city and Is rapidly increasing lit numbers , ( t Is known us the Fraternal Mystic Circle nnd has its head olllcos in Columbus , O , The bodies of the order are called "rulings. " Douglas ruling was organised in this city lasi Tuesday evening lu the A. O. U. W. hall < n the Barker block , by W. M. Ouiwits , special supreme deputy for Iowa and Nebraska. The now ruling was Instituted with about fifty charter members , Including many ladles. This Is ono of the few orders where men and women arc admitted on exactly thobnmo foot- Ing. It is purely a social and fraternal order with n beneficial department "on the side , " In which the male members may carry Insur ance policies of Sl,500 or fct.OOO. 'Iho function of the order Is to provide social amusement for the members and promote a kindly feeling of fellowship among them. For this purpose entertain ments of a musical alid literary nature , together with parties ur.d picnics , forma very prominent fcaturo in the business of the tpeetingB. , The order has been In existence noout sovcn years and has a membership of about ten thousand , s Douelas ruling elected the following ofll- cors , who will bo Installed by Deputy Gulwlts : D. M. Havorly , worthy ruler ; if. G. Knox , vlco woithy ruler ; W. N. Dor- ward , sitting past worthy ruler ; J. B , Ralph , M. D. , chief examiner ; W. , O. Ilodgors , M. D , , second examiner ; C. E.Allen ; , recorder ; N. W , CharleH , collector ; J. 11. Kmmons , treasurer ; W. E. Cody , Tnarstml ; H. S. Allen , chaplain ; Mrs. C. K. Allen , warden ; Miss Mumio Allen , guard ; ! ' . A , I'arkor , sentry ; Carl lirandeis , Thomas Hingwalt and C. 1C. Taylor , trustees , i The tlmo nnd pluco of mooting has not yet boon decided. i I. O. O. l \ Washington lodge. No. 41 , of Arlington , will dcdlcatoits nqw temple on the lllth lust. , and invitations tmyo been expanded to thu fraternity all over the state to bo present. The ceremony of dcdlcdtloniwiU bo followed by u grand ball. O. N. Unthauk , D. C , O'Con nor and E. D. Haith constitute the committee on arrangements , aad they huvomado elabor ate preparations for a grand celebration. The Union Pacific band of this city will bo in attendance , AO. . Ui W. Omaha ledge , No. IS , has elector ! ofllcors as follows for thu ensuing term : William Hll- kor , M. W. ; J. M. Vauglmn , F. ; Alter- bury , O. ; C. 1C. Colllor , . recorder ; C. II. Withncllreceiver ; N. W. Charles , financier ; J. T. Solar. U. ; II. U. Merrill , I. W. : K. L. Hnox , O. W. ; William Hllkor , Ccorgo E. lirowu , II , I1. I hue , trustees , Masonic. Grand Master Slaughter will lay the corner stone of the JofTorson county court house At Kalrhury on Tuesday next , assisted by the grand ledge ofllcors. At Its hut session the grand ledge granted dispensations for the formation of now lodges at Carlcton and Dlllor , aud tbo grand master will constitute lodges at these places Furniture Dept Our business in this department is still llist-clnss no falling olT , no dull times. Wo are delighted with our furniture - nituro trade nnd congratulate ourselves that our prices are just about right. Wo intend to keep them ho and prove to the public that the best article for the least nossiblo amount of money is our motto and stay. Just received , a car load of bedsteads. For finish , material nnd general appearance they are the best and the prlco is very low. Beds at $1.1)5 ) , worth $2.50 ; $2.1)5 ) , worth $ I ; $ U , worth $5 ; 1.25 , worth $5.50. Just re ceived , some line writing desks at $8.50. worth $12 ; $0.50 , worth 816. Solid oak book cnco $2.05 , worth $ I. High back dinner close woven cane scat Doe , usual price $1.50 ; rocker to match , $ l.l)5usyal ) price $2.60. Remarkable bargains in bedroom suits , at $12$15. 317.50 and up ; Full and extra line line of center tables and extension tables at the low est price in town. Got our prices on nlush furniture nnd lounges. Fine rocker $7.50 , worth $12 ; at $7 , wortn $10 , Pine plush armchair $5.85 , worth 89. Grand Mark-Down Sale on Baby Carriages. Never before such bargains. $10.60 carriages $0.60 , $12 at iki.85 , $15 at ยง 10 , and so on. The iuraest stock to pick Jrotn ; over SO sold already. Wo assure you that you can save money on car riages if you buy hero and now. Have you purchased ono of our line brass- tipped bamboo easels ? Only 75c , worth $1.50. Wo carry 11 complete and varied line of bed lounges , both in tapestry and plush ; wo have thorn at $8.50. $9.50 , $10.50 , $11.25 , $12 and $15 ; all these are faolid , good first-class lounges. LADIES' Knit Underwear. 1 ease of Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests only 8c , reduced from ISc. Lndies' _ Fancy Ribbed Vests , silk rib bon tied on the neck , only 17e , worth 25c. . Ladies' Egyptian Cotton Vests , V- shaped neck and trimmed in silk , only 89c , reduced from 76c. Ladies' Fancy Jersey Ribbed Vests only 50c , reduced from SI. BIG CUT ON Ladies' Scarfs. Ladles' embroidered and drawn thread scarfs at 8c , lOc , 12io , I5o and 25c ; worth from 15c to ( inc. Wo have an elegant line of Windsor scarfs at lOc , 15c , llc ) , 25e , 35c and 43c ; worth from 20c to 75e. Veiling in all tno latest shades and styles , lOc , loc , 20c and 25c per veil. this week at Cnrleton oa Tuesday .ovonlnp and at Dlllor on Wednesday evening. The Masons of Columbus , O. , have formed an organization which they call the "Mexican club. " The purpose of the club is to arrange for a tour through the principal southern cities and the City of Moxlco as soon as the triennial closes in Denver in 1SOJ. There is great agitatian in Missouri Just now amoncr the Masons and Catholics of the state over a letter written a few days ago by Father P. B. O'Louphlin. a le.iding Catholic priest of Holla , to the ofllcors of the grand lodge of that jurisdiction , in which the Driest demands that the grand lodge , request Dr. John D. Vlncll , the grand secretary , to re sign , and in case I'o ' refuses , to remove him. The of complaint Is found In an ad dress delivered by Hight Worshipful Brother Vlncil at the laying of the corncrstono of the Masonic temple- Kollo. The loiter says : As soon as Grand Secretary \ incil'a address - dross had boon begun I entered the opera houso. but did not take a reserved sent , or indeed any scat , as I intended to stay but a short while , ai > d was there at all wholly to toward f 3llow-cltizons and show respect my < - , especially my own townsmen nnd neighbors. As soon as Grand Secretary Vincil had ar rived at that point in his address whcra ho was to explain the word "frco" in the order's tltlo of "Ancient , Free aud Accepted Masonry , " ho took occasion to refer very forcibly to "another institution" that was and isaccording to a conservative recalling of his language , anything but freedom-loving , freedom-prodUcng | or freedom-preserving ; an Institution that ho did not hc.'ltato to designate with llerco emphasis as "damna ble" and "up to its neck In blood , " etc. ; an "Institution plotting now airalnst and under mining or secKing to undermine American frco Institutions ; " an "institution that only three weeks ago sought to prevent our order from laying the corncr-stono of the now city hull in St. Louis. " At this juncture , nnd speaking simply as a citizen , I said : ' "That must lie contradicted , sir , " meaning thnt I could not sco my way to shirk what seemed to mo the duty of a con tradiction of the entire passage of Impas sioned oratory. After a notable puuso , dur ing which nothing was said in reply , I added slowly : "I will take my leave , " or words to that effect , hut before reaching the foot of the stairs and the door leading to the street I heard Grand Secretary Vlncll comment : "That's hoi That's onu of 'cm ! That's the Institution I menu. Ho admits. Ho is gone. He must bo gulltv.1' And ho received some slight applause , this time , doubtless , for his wit. wit.Tho grand ledge ofllcers took no notlco of thu totter , but gave It out Unit "Catholicism should understand now that It must co/iso in terfering with the political or fraternal Insti tutions of this country. Masonry seeks no controversy with any church or denomina tion , hut Its members insist as citizens that churches must confine * themselves exclusively to tholr spiritual functions. " u. or i . The divisions of the Uniform rank will elect officers during the coming weok. IT , n. Halcombo and II. It. Weber will rep resent Triangle ledge at tha eriind lodge , C. E. Currlor , L. A. Merriam , W. V. Coo and J. C. Mitchell will represent Triune ledge at the next session of the grand lodgo. T. II. Dally was elected as representative of Nebraska ledge No. 1 to the grand lodge , that ledge being entitled to ono moro dele gate by Its consolidation with Marathon lodgo. Brigadier General Dayton has Issued an order announcing that the vote on Urn pluco for holding tno next encampment In favor of Hcatrlco and thu encampment will bo held at that place August IT to - . i A Baltimore fronk Is n frog of good size and a trlllo lltfht In color , but apparently not different from any other frog. The freakishness - ness developed when hU frogshlp was wor ried , when , Instead of hopping oft or giving utterance to the deep , sonorous note usually heard from frogs , he simply opened his mouth and cried , Thu frog Is nothing if not human , and suggests both In tone and volume a bud. poovlsh child. The cry Is not a single note , but several , and Is coutiuued oven after the annoyance coiucs. HOUSE Furnishing Goods Pie pans Ic each. 1 qt tin pans He each , 2qt tin puns Ho each. ! 1 qt tin pans -He each. 4 qt tin puns 6k' each. 5 qt tin pans die each. 0 qt tin Ptins 7e each. 8 qt tin pans ! ) c each. 10 qt tin pr.ns lOc each. 12 qt tin pans 12c } each. Preservi ngf Kettles. 2 at preserving kettles lloo.ich. 8 qt preserving kettles 12Je each. 4 qt preserving kettles J4e each. 6 qt preserving kettles loc each. G qt preserving kettles 17e } each. 8 qt preserving kettles 21c each. 10 qt preserving kettles 23e each. Tea Kettles. No. 7 tea kettle , copper bottom 25c each. No. 8 tea kettle , copper bottom 35o each. No. 9 tea kettle , copper bottom 60c each. Our whole line of tinware has been reduced to manufacturer's prices and wo will soil you one piece of tinware just as cheap as you can go to the fac lory and buy by the gross or cur lend. Mason Fruit Jars. Our prices on fruit jars are the lowest , in Omaha. Drug Department. Liobig Beef Iroi. and Wino SOc. Hood's Sarsapnrillu 8'ie. Hall's Hair Renower75c. Parker's Hair Balsam 40c. Ginger Ale 15c per bottle. Bay rum 25c per bottle. Ammonia , largo oottlo , lOc ; small,5c. Liobig Beef Extract H3c. Vaseline , perfumed 7c per bottle. Vaseline , plain , 6c per bottlo. Mothino Balls , 2 boxes for 15c. . South Down Toilet Soap , Ic per cake. Milled Olive Oil Glycerine Soap. 2e per cuke. Glycerine Soap , in round balls , 4o per ball. Bouquet Toilet S p , 4c nor cako. Trimmings , This department is makinp speoia cuts on all kinds of DIO&S Trimmings , Linings and Dressmakers' Materials. SMA ti VMjA IIITIES. A state otllclal of Malno la wearing a straw hat that ho bought in 1859. A lisa with two tails Is the loading curi osity at Madison , Ga. It Is alive and doing well. In the gizzard of a hon killed at Luboc , Mo , , last week , was found a small gold pin lost ten years ago. A man bought $ l.r > ; i worth of farm ma chinery In various parts of Arkansas City while his wlfo was selecting a spring bonnet. At a lira In Georgia recently , there being no water at hand some little colored boys pelted it with watermelons which wore grow ing In a neighboring Hold , and the melons bursting , soon quenched the Humes. A Kansas farmer proved by actual meas urement that corn on his place grow three inches between sundo\yn Sunday evening and 9 o'clock the following Monday morning. And yet thu agnostics turn up their uoses at the story of Jonah's gourd. A ten-year-old boy In an Arkansas town has been detected in stealing letters from a postonico box by means of a string and a grasshopper. The grasshopper was tied to thostring and lot down lute the box through the aperture. When the insect got o lottur into its pinchers , ho hauled it up and took iho letter. A floating rock Is ono of the wonders of Coroa. It stands , or scorns to stand , In front of Iho palace erected in its honor. It is an Irregular culm of grout bulk. It appears to bo rostinir on the ground free from support on all bides , but strange to say two men on opposite culls of the rope may pass it under the stone without encountering any obstacle whatever. Klnggold , Ga , , was visited by a wonderful phenomenon recently. Mllllans upon millions of llrellles issued irom neighboring moun tain ridgoj and toulc down the course of the ChicKanmuga river , which sltirts that city on Iho southern border. The pyrotechnic dis play was grand. Trunks of trees Hkirtlnit the river were plainly visible a quarter of a mlle distant , and the entire mountain sldo was Illuminated. Thn horde of flrollles was fully forty feet high and It toolc a quarter of tin hour to pass down the stream , extending over a mlle along Its course. Wcllsvlllo , O. , has a wonderful monstroc- Ity. It is a fomala pig , about eight Incites in length , entirely devoid of hair , has a douulo set of oyus , feet like the bunds of a human , distinct linger nails , largo cant and the lower I art of the face like a human The most po- culittr part of the freak is the upper part of the taw , which looks llko an elephant. It has along trunk projecting from the middle of the head , which turns backward and lays between the two oars , and In the and of which are two largo holes , through which the air or bre.ithlng takes plaeo. The nose proper has no holes on either side and re sembles a human noso. The chin is as per fect as a child at birth possesses , A O VMllSriES I \ JK H'ii , It V. Jeicfte s' llcvlew. A silver wlahbono is a belt bttcklo dis played by Jowolui's. Glass lamp shades are being Introduced with deposits of silver lloral work. Silver wlro purbos of late Issue have tiny lleur-ilo-lU scattered all over them. Chrysanthemum blossoms are applied with' very pretty effect tochinu dishes. Ahorbcshoo scarf pin Is crossed uy two pliUlna noils with diamonds in their heads. A dog whlstlo , a matchbox and a cigar cutter - tor U the nowoatcomoiimtioii In silver. Enamel panslos with Jeweled cantors coin- pose ear screws abundantly worn A bracelet of a now character U of gold wlro clasped by an emerald lizard. Especially appropriate for thu season Is a blue nnamel heart brooch sot In u circle of pearl-tipped gold wires. A scarf pin that appeals to fishermen U a gold trout whoso shining coat U formed by mall diamonds. Among the necessities for ladles who wear outing shirts U a sot of gold cnaaiol studs , connected by a slender cbalu , Chenille Portieres Wonderful bargains from Now York auction salu of Wlndol , Stokes & CO'B mammoth stock. Splendid now styles at ftt.7o , SI SI.60 , S5 and ut to * I2 , for gooJs never sold loss than 8 to * 25. Tlinso are extraordinary values and should not bo overlooked. Toy Department. The toy department Isunannex on 1st floor. Anything you buy in this de partment you get nt a bargain just now. Toys of all kinds Dolls , Gnmos , Ilam'mocks , Croquet , Wagons and Velocipedes. .Tust received the now , popular nnd mysterious gnmo of Oulju , the latest and most mystifying game on earth. See Ouija , for sale in toy department. Trunks and Valises. The quality of our trunks and valises and the prices wo sell thorn at tells tlio whole story. Trunks that sell every where for S5 wo let you have for Sit.05. Fine zinc covered trunk , iron bottom , strips on top and sides , valence all round , good lock and hasps , covered hat box , in fact an A 1 trunk. Do you want onoV Got ono. On bags wo can suit you in any style at any price. All we ask is your inspec tion of our goods. Wo are always glad to show you. Bargains iN- DECORATED WARE 100 piece imported decorated dinner set , SSK50 : worth $25. 112 pieces imported decorated dinner sots , S10.50 ; worth $ . ' ! 5. Decorated cups and saucers at 02c per bCt. Decorated dinner plates , 35c per sot. Decorated pie plates , ! Wo per sot. Vegetable and covered dishes. 60o each. Decorated sauce dishes , 22o per sot. Milk crocks at 3ic per gallon. Playing Cards. Finely finished playing cards-at 5c , IOc , 12e. } 15c , IOc and 25c per uncle. PEl'l'KUMl&T MtKOl'S. A stable currency the horso. Health is not wealth for the physician. The king of A-shantoo must boallut-ontot Because you fcol good Is no reason you are. Prcsplratlou has tbo drop on the republic ] at large. All McMlnloy Jokes are now dc-clared to be simply tarittlc. A mule Is Ilka a gun when ho kicks on account of a heavy load , On a windy day these very baggy trousers have rather u flip-pant air. High living is dangerous. At least the bill- loomsts seem to find it so. Hotwyen wind and wato , the soda fountain has rather an active time. Tno trees which began to leave it the spring will stay all summer. The man who advertises his business 'can't bo soared out by competition. Iludglay say.s the most difficult part of a drinking song is the "refrain , " The deed of an incendiary is correctly re ferred to as u "burning hhamo. The farmer's wlfo who trades geese feath ers pays down for what she gets. If wind would alnno do It , the air ship would have boon nuulo a success long ago. A fellow who ulwc.ys walks when hu goes to sco his girl IA apt to bccomo beau-logged. The capitalist In collecting his. Income has respect and consideration for the leased. The discharge of the cook Illustrates the transition fronr'tho frying pan to the lira. A man who puts too much corlal extract down his throat Is sure to go with a rye fuco. A Kentucky inun called his horse "Hot I3i cult" bocuuHO It was the flnoit bred ho know of. The man who practices In a shooting gal lery may loam to hit the pipe without acquir ing the opium habit. When lightening trios to bo runny It Is very liable to muko even the .stroagmt oaka split thnir sides. " Yes , " remarked the unconscious humorist , "ho'll make a very good .shorilt when ha learns the rapes. " Twynn What makes the wealthy people In the boxes chatter so noisily ) Trfpploit .Money talks , you know. The now ftylo of punctuation Is modelled after the railway oxjiross train. It has the HinallcHt possible number of stops. It is said that Senator Cullom never til. vulgcs anything. Hut watt until ho gats la mid-ocean. Hu ban never taken a sea voyage yot. "Funny how hard It Is to ralso an um brella I" remarked the nncak-lhlof us ha strolled out of the third unfruitful hall way. "They say celery Is a good oplato. " "What's datl" "Puts a ni-in to stoop. " "Aw. go on. What's do matter wld uo sandbag ! " Chicago Tribune : "I'upa , what nro yeti going to preach about next Sunday I" in quired the youngest son of n prominent South Sldo minister the other day. "Next Sunday , my son , " replied the father of tha youngster , "I expect to preach another ser mon on the subject , 'What Is Truth 1' " "I can't understand that sort o' unnon , " re joined the boy , digging the too of hit * shoo in the carpet. "Why don't you pre.ieh about 'What is Gaodnussl' or something llko that ! " The prcauhur looked flxodlv at the bay ovoi his spectacles , pigeonholed the sermon ha was writing and went to work at once on another. Match boxes Imvu boon devised with stlvci coins on the outside , Gentle pressure below/ tbo date of thu piece will ruvcal a place fair a photograph. _ A copy of a wooden packing case In gold , tmiuloil around with silver strips , U a gvn < tlemtin'.s locket that has madoits appearance. In a silver scarf pin uiado to represent n tobacco pip' ' } u yuruet Just tills thu mouth ul the buvs 1.