Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    'T ?
I3ellver l by Carrier In any part of tlioClty.
Business Office , No.t. : .
Nlphl Kdltor. No. 23.
N. V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs dumber Co. , coat
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Snpp bloc * .
If jou wnnt xvntor In your or house
po to Hlxby't , Boa Morrlnrn block.
Wanted A irnod slrl for gcncrnl bouso
work. ' Mrs. .1. W. H quire , 'JW Story street ,
W. M. Moycn nnd OHIo Duan , both of
Walnut , were innrrlcd yoitcrdny morning by
Justice Hwenrltijrrn.
The Wonmtm1 ChrlitlnnTcrnporanco Union
lunch purlers ntChautnuqun null an excellent
mcnl for fifteen cents.
firework1 ! were the order of the evening at
Fall-mount park. They were witnessed by u
large number of citizens.
Dick Nash and M. O. Calvin , botn of
Omnhn , wore nrreitcd yesterday afternoon
while paltitliiK I'lorco street a deep erinison.
They were booked with drunkenness and
fast driving.
Deputy Marshal Fowler served three of
the writs of iihateinont yesterday which
were issued In the superior court auainst thu
saloons kept by N. ISluto , N. O'Hrlen iind H.
L. ( iorinan.
Oonnd tienr.Inhu UeWItt Miller , the eml-
ticnt divine of I'lillndclphla , at 2 : ) tlil af
ternoon , at tin ) Chaiitiiurjiiu nsiemblv. Tim
Iowa State Hund will ulscourso sacred music
throughout the day.
Kt. Alb.ln'K ted pa No. 17 , Knights of
Pythlus , uill Install olllcers tomorrow even
ing All nicinbers are requested to IMJ pros-
cut and liritiK their ladies with them. Ue-
frcslnnt'tits will bo served.
liHoigo Dutton was arrested yesterday on
the charge of assault. William Walters
claimUtittrm tried to ruin his reputation for
morality , and when ho remonstrated ho tried
to tniorro his remarks with a curving knife.
The following Jewelers have agreed to
close their places of business at 7 p. in. dur
ing tlio months of July and August. C. U
Jiiciiucmln ft Co. , 1C. Iturhorn , I'1. Hicvert ,
Klrlilnnd Ac Warfcl , A. A. Hart , N. P.
Connut , C. A. Ulchardson , and M. Wollman.
The accommodations on all branches of the
motor line ycstcrdnv were liHiifliclent. Dur
ing the afternoon on most of the trains there
were more passengers standing up than sit
ting clout ) . Passengers were compelled In
many cases to stand on the street corners
walling ten or llftccn minutes before a car
came along to take them tothclrdestinatioiiH.
A row took place jcsturday afternoon at
John ijeiler's saloon nt the curlier of Broadway -
way and Fourteenth street. There were
several engaged In it , and considerable blood
was spilt. Informations ivcrc tiled against
the entire party last evening by the proprie
tor of tbopliic.0 , and William JcfTerles and
Harrison ( Jllinun were arrested.
Stephen Dunn , Thomas Hugticn and Hans
Ilunsen were lined for drunkenness yester
day morning in the ( loliee court , Alexander
Hunter , who was arrested Friday night on a
chatge of drunkenness and passim ; counter-
felt monov , was found guilty and lined on
the forinbr charge , but Urn prosecuting wit
ness failed to show up on the second charge ,
and ho was dlscilssed.
Mr. nnd Mrs H. N. Wood entertained a
pnrtv of their friends nt Ignite Mannwu bst
Krldnv afternoon and evening , in honor of
Miss Morton of Dos Moines , who Is visiting
them. The affair was highly enjoved by all
who participated. The following guests
were present : Mr. nnd Mrs. George Dav
and Mr. John Christian of Omalin , II. T.
ICi-ollng of Austin , Texas. , Mr. and Mrs J.
M Fliieler , Mrs. Kisser , Miss Alllo Lyon ,
nnd Miss Anna Cassady of this city.
The tire department was called out yester-
dev morning by on ularm from the corner of
Fifth avonuoand Eighth street. A fire had
start.-d In n house owned by Dennis Swccnev
at lll ) . " > Fifth avenue , but It was extinguished
within live minutes after the department
roiched ho placo. James Incoldsby lives In
fie house , and his son , a Mimll boy'had gene
down cellar to celebrate the Fourth , on ac
count of the wet weather outside. One of
the lire crackers set n pile of rubbish 0:1 : tire ,
and It was tnls that gave rise to the alarm.
The dunmge was nominal.
Dynnmlto bombs were oiisalo yesterday at
omo of the fireworks stands , and were im-
nionsolv popular with the small boys , ns well
as with soii'O ' of the larger ones. George
Pullman , who measures six feet seven , nnd
who keeps books for M. Duquette , was ono
of the latter sort. Ho amused himself by
standing In the doorways along Hrondway
nnd throwing the bom to ut the girls atul
women who passed by. Officer Murphy hap
pened to catch him In the net and placed him
under arrest. At the station ho was found
to have two revolvers In his pocket which ho
hod been firing ott during the day. Ho was
booked with drunkenness and ca'rrying con
cealed weapons.
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located first-
class house in city ; straight $3 a day.
I'JiltSOXA I , I'.l It.t < ) It A 1'IIN.
Mrs. M. F. Hohror loaves tomorrow forthe
west , where slio will spend snvoral weeks.
Miss Salllo Poe of Richmond , 1ml. , is in the
city ttio truest of the family ofllenry Luring ,
fiti'J Washington avenue.
Miss Katie Grlnnoll of Grinnpll , la. . Is
visiting her sister , Mrs. A. H. Dlllln , at the
corner of Seventh street nnd Seventh avenue.
Miss Sadie liurkonrotid arrived yesterday
from Now Orleans and will visit during the
summer tvlth tier brother , Max Uurkenroud ,
of the Model clothing company.
Try Duquette & UO.'H I'pmona fruit lulco
tablets. They are delicious.
l.dHt n Ijlnil ) .
Adolf Hissono , u brakemun on the Wabash ,
met with u serious , nnd probably fatal ac
cident yesterday afternoon at about 5
o'clock. While passing from the tender to
the biiggnBO rnr ho slipped nnd fell , ttio
wheels passing over one of his limbs , and
severing It from the body several inches
above the knee , The accident toolc place
about six miles below the city , llo was
picked up and brought on the tram to this
city , where ho was taken to the Woman's
Christian Association hospital * far treat
ment. Dr. T. H. Lacey attended Him. His
Injury was found to b very serious , and It
was thought last evening that ho would pro
bably die before morning. He said his homo
was In St. Louts.
I'rojiosulH for Improving Mnniiwo.
1 , IMll. |
Bpnlod proposals will bo rocclvod by tlio
undersigned , ul hit o 111 co , up 10 noon , July T ,
1MU , ( or Imiiroveimmli to bo niiulo In sulii
town for thu pnrpoM ) of protecting tlm
watcra of snld In lu > and for protei-tlni ; the
property uf tlio Inhiiblinnts of said town.
tSnld improvement * iiro to bo innilu In ac-
conlnnco with protlles , plium iind speclMcn-
tlniiH on IUo nt my tilllco ,
bepnrnlo blds'nlso received for Hrmllnj ;
proposed luvoo.
Tlio rlKbt Is tcNorviMl to reject nv or nil
bldH. P. U. KEKII , Aiuyor.
Hlnil liy n Cannon.
Juy Joseph , who lives on Mill utreet , met
with u bail nculdont yesterday wlillo pluylng
with Kunpowiler. IIo was Hhootliitf u small
cannon tbitthu hnd inudo out of wood , and no
11 ut In too Inrh'u n loud for tlio stronKth of the
irenrin to utmid. It exploded ut Doth umln
nnd In the mlddlo nil at oncn , nnd the ehlpn
from the eiinnOn wuro burled In the boy'a
cheek. All thu llesh nn Iho ttldo of his head
was torn nwny or burned to n ctlsp , n..d his
eye hnd n narrow oiciipa Iroin boln torn out
of hU head , AH It U ho will always unrry
ttio murks of hi * experience. Ho was tnkuu
to Atkln's drtii ; htoro , where his wounds
were cared for ,
tfottrt * nIin ( HUM nr IMI nil Ur Will luu I , Aftu
ttntiriirti tulillllniuil lint ten centt.
WAIiTI'.It In C'ouiiell IHiiirN on July < , utS
o'olnoU 11,111. , l.iu'llli1 , dniiithturof Mr. und
Mm. U A. Walter of SM W Dminliis nt root , at
Uimiliu , nuiul 11 niunvha and 3 days , of iplnal
iiirnuiiiclllA. 1'uneriil i iiiiduy ' ) u'eloek ( nun
icnldonuo uf J , O. I.niiKo. ItaVouth Hovonth
it i cot. Council llltiiri , Intcruicul UutUullo
qciuotury , Couiicll JJlu0 .
Ecrearaa of the Eagle Ware Bomowhat
Mnflbd by Moiature.
Illliernliiii Picnic nt Pnlrmount Pnrk
I'roKraiiiinu nt the Driving
I'nrk A Grent Day for
C'lintttuiiuniiM. ( |
Had the weather been pleasant the Fourth
.would have been celebrated yesterday ns It
never has been celebrated In Council muffs
before , but when the day dawned It was evi
dent that the preparations which had been
inado for the occasion hud been well nigh
useless. There was n steady driizlo that
lasted until noon , and oven then scotncd
likely to resume operations nt any minute.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians had
planned to have n grand parade at U0 : ! a in. ,
with delegations from a doren outsldo towns ,
but the delegations did not arrive. Along
toward noon It was decided to postpone the
celebration until afternoon.
About ' ! o'clock in the afternoon the dele
gation from Omaha , consisting of about two
hundred men , South Omaha with seventy-
live and Plattsmouth with about the same
number , arrived In the city In com
pany with Ancient Order of Hibernian band
ol Omaha and were met at the depot by
Dnlboy's band nnd a committee from the city.
Tht'j were escorted to Masonic temple , where
the parade formed and was curried out ac
cording to the line of march already pub
lished. At Fail-mount pant the exercises
were held on u platform which had bcn
erected for the occasion. Speeches were de
livered by Kintnct Tinloy , J. M. Gnlvln ,
.ludfe'o W. I. Smith and D. M. Reynolds of
DCS Moines. In the evening a ball was given
In Masonic temple nnd was largely attended.
At the driving park the crack was too
heavy to permit even the exereiso of
thu line string of horses that
were In the stables ready to
contest for the big purses offered. The
other features of the programme , however ,
were given and were highly cno\ed ] by the
crowd. The motors quit running ut ' ! o'clock
and this , coupled with the teport that all the
rjces were declared off , diminished the at
tendance. The barbecued ox was served up
In gorgeous style. It was delicio-jsly cooked
nnd its preparation was pronounced by con
noisseurs In the art of cooking to bo a per
fect piece of work. It was given freely nnd
without price to all who desired it. At , ' )
o'clock a monster hot air br.lloon was sent up
and this ended the principal events , the
minor events being n number of foot races
and amateur ball games.
At the Chnutauqua the morning programme
was abandoned. The lecture which was to
have been delivered by Kov. KoLert Mulu-
tyro was omittnd , as the Kcv. Robert failed
to materinli/e , nnd Instead Prof. W. M. K.
Fiench gave ono of his popular chalke talks ,
which was well received. In the afternoon Dr.
A. J. Palmer delivered his famous Grand
Army lecture on the "Die No Mores , "
which was a history of n regiment
which enlisted from a Methodist , col
lege in New Jersey , which heasut that
time attending. The company received its
name from the fact that all the members ,
buing Methodists , made a practice of .singing
the hymn , which contains the sentiment ,
"We're going homo to die no more. " The
heroism displayed by the men in baltlo nnd
the wholesale d\inp off of the company at
the battle of Charleston harbor were pic
tured graphically. The exercises were in
terspersed with music by the lown state
band , which mndo a very favorable impres
sion on the audience.
Last evening Prof. Byron King gave un
elocution entertainment which was attended
by t'io largest crowd of the day. The recita
tions were Interspersed with music by the
Iowa state band , every selection being greeted
with an encore. Hon. Champion S. Ctinso of
Omaha was present , and made a
few remarks in which ho ad
vocated the holding of a . national
convention in some western city outside of
Chicago In 189H , for the purpose "of Inculcat
ing among the visitors who will bo present nt
that time Ideas of republican form of govern
This morning the service will bo in charge
of Hnv. Samuel L. Lindsay. Jahu DeWitt
Miller will nrrlvo In the city this morning ,
nnd will preach in the afternoon at ! ! o'clock.
The band will play sacred music today and
every Sunday during the assembly. This
evening there , will bo n bible reading by
Prof. Byron King.
Gasoline mid oil ; CODS , wood nnd coal :
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , a ? Main ,
telcphom ! i03. _
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co,539 B'wny.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 1'earl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
tlio Hciiiorn.
The committee on programme for the b.xn-
qiiot to bo given the class of ' 91 of the high
school by the Alumni association , has been
busily engaged making preparations for thu
event , anil the results of their labors are at lust
inndo public. The Danqnet will be held
Tuesday evening nt 8 o'clock In the Bloomer
school auditorium. The exercises will Include
nn address by Kmmott Tinloy , the president
of the alumni association , a violin solo by
MUs Claim Chamberlain , a vocal solo by Miss
Mary Oliver , and a lluto and violin duet
by Messrs. Frank Baddollet and
Paul Tulloys. After the banquet
the following toasts will bo responded to :
"Our High School. Through Which on Op
portunity fora Liberal Education Is Given to
All , " Finloy Burke ; "Tho Common School
System. " Lucius Wells ; "Our Guests , the
Class of 18(11. ( " WllllamS. Balrd'Our ; Kn-
tertalners , ttin Class of IblKI , " George H.
Mayno ; "Education Is the ICevstone of our
Clvlll/ation , " John M. Gulvin ; "Tho
Alumnii ! , " Prof. H. W bawyer.
The Alumni association , under whoso
auspices the banquet Is to bo given , numbers
. ' : tl > members , of whom all but ulna nro still
Picnic nt Manhattan beach , LnkoMatmwa-
good llshlng , fine bathing and boating ; plenty
of shade ; best place for camping out parties.
Try It.
O. Younkcrnmn it Co. , feed and commis
sion , 103 Broadway , Council Bluff * . Tel. " 7.
Church Ann uiiccmcutH.
Hrondwny Methodist Service at the
Musoi'lu ' lompU ) ut 1(1 ( ; ! H ) o'clock. Subject :
"Piety and Patriotism. " Upworth league
devotional meeting at 7 p. in.
Bureau Baptist The pastor will preach at
10:110 : n. in. At H u. in , the Young People's
clrclo will present "William Cary-nnd Mis-
sions. "
First Presbyterian Mr. S. II. Merdanlan ,
n native Turk , will preach at 10'tu : n. m. on
the "Hullglous and Social Life of the Turks. "
No evening service on account of the Clmu-
tauqun assembly.
Uuv. J. N. Lenkor , western secretary of
the Lutheran board of church extension , will
preneh nt 11 a , m nl St John's Lutheran
church. In thu Young Mon's Christian asso
ciation rooms , Hogular services ut8 p. in ,
Swanson Muslo Co , , ! UVi Broadway.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
Bluff * , September b-ll , tlfi)0 ( ( ) ; October ' 'O-'JJ
H,000. For programmes nililruis Nat Brown
Merchants hotel , Onmlm.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of Mandel & Klein , Council
Bluffs. Prices very low , froiuht prepaid to
Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Durham's.
Klromnn Found ,
Fireman Dick Kvans.vho left No. 3
house on lower Broadway Friday morning
with the avowed Intention of drounwg him
self In the river , was found yesterday after
noon. A number of the firemen and relatives
of the misting man put in a largo part of the
night look I UK fur him. Among the acarchura
was an older brother. Shortly before
dark Friday evening Kvans was discover-
orcd by iUo seaicUcrs , but before they
could got up to him he disappeared in the
wlllnw and rafused tocomo to respond even
to the call of his brother. This woi the Ia t
aeen of him until yesterday afternoon , whan
the searchers suddenly came Upon him at a
point A mile or moro southwest of the b\g \
elevator. Ho was bare-headed and consider
ably chilled from his night's exposure and
the cold rain , but otherwise scorned to bo In
n normal condition nnd willingly accompanied
his friends. Ho is very rotlccnt and will
give no explanation of his itrange conduct.
Milwaukee A Ht. Paul Itnll-
Time table of special trains between Clmu-
tauqua and Council Bluffs , July 1 to July 11
Inclusive ;
Leave Council Bluffs OslO n. m , , 7f : < 0 a.
m. , HtfiO ft. m. , 10:130 : n. m. , 1 :50 : p. m. , 4 :45 : p.
m. . 7:00 : p. m. , 7:40 : p. in.
Leave Chautauqua 0:10 : a.m. , 8QOn. : m , ,
11 1'JO n. in. , 20 : p. m. , Ji:03 : p. in. , 0:00 : p. ra. ,
7ISp. : m. , 10:10 : p. in.
Ticket ofllco 50U Broadway.
J.vo. M. .LINE , Agent.
Bright upland hay nt slaughter prices for
next thirty davs ; 4.'iO tons , II. L. Carman , cor
ner Pearl and 5th avenue.
Cliiiutiiiiiin |
Hoblnson Brothori' store will bo closed at
7 o'clock except Mondays and Saturdays.
Don't wear n heavy , IH-llttlng suit when
you can get elegant sutnmersults nnd eastern
prices at Keller's the tailor , 310 Broadway.
Short Cnniincntiiry on ( lit ; I'rodl nl
( OIII-MC ol'tlic City Council.
It Is an open secret that the city is hard
pressed for monov and Is finding much dllll-
culiy in meeting its linnncial ongng-enicnt.s.
To make mailers worse It has half a dozen
damaga suits on hand , which , if successful ,
will draw from the city's already depleted
H minces some 10,000. There is n vcrv
strange thing about the conduct of affairs in
reirard lo liieso suits. Some months ago a
widow whoio husband was killed by falling-
over an embankment , which , owinir lo Iho
negligence of the authorities , was not marked
with danger lights , brought suit ngalnst the
city for W.OOO. The suit was con
tested nnd judgment rendered In
favor of the plaintiff In an
Inferior court The authorities however ,
refused to acquiesce In Iho decision of Iho
county Judge , nnd had the case continued in
the supreme court. A few days nro n
wealthy corporalion whoso plant AS as sit
uated on L street merely signltlcd Its inten
tion lo the city fathers that It would llKo a
setllemcnt for damages to Its property , nnd
mentioned * 4f > 00 ns n sum upon which It was
willing to compromise. Without any suit for
dunugcs being instituted , the city quietly
paid the required sum. Far from the Im
provements made by the city damaging the
property of Ihe company , ll In
creased Its value several fold , and
what orltrlnallv cost the company
$ . ' ,000 was sold lately for ? 7Xx5. (
The city is now about to make another simi
lar settlement with n wealthy syndicate ,
while the less fortunale private pelitloners
for Justice are squandering time nnd money
in In ing to sccjro their richts through Iho
courts. Much open discontent is being- ex
pressed among a minority of the councilmen
whoso clients uro being thus treated , and
thrcals are being made Unit public business
will bo obstructed unless some amicable set
tlement is soon arrived ut between the coun
cil nnd the plaintiffs.
? oten Al ) it the City.
Miss Stella Coe left loday Tor Auburn.
W. H. Voorhis hits gone lo Kui as City.
Miss Ada Blackslone of Blair is visiting
J. T. uoruish.
Dr. Carpenter of Broken Bow spent Ihe
Fourth in the Magic City.
John E. Owen , pnvato secretary to Man
ager 'S' . N. Bibcock , has gene to Chicago.
Commissioner Peter Cornsran has returned
from Denver loouing very much Improved in
Messrs. Mnrlin , Saxo and Loykoru also
burnt lanro quantities of eunpowdcr in honor
of the day.
Colonel Samuel K. Brigzs , formerly land
lord at the Exchange , was a welcome' visitor
nt the yards.
The regular meeting of the board of direc
tors of the slock exchange will meet tomor
row ut 1 p. rn.
The old Presbyterian church has been sold
nnd Is being moved lo Twenlv-lhlrd blreet ,
between K and L sireets.
James P. Murphy , ono of the trusty men at
the yards , is acting fcedmnster in the ub-
senco of Fccdrnnster Anderson.
Mesdames J. P. Claroy and Julia Thomp
son and Miss Josephine Bonn have goni lo
Crete to attend Iho Ctmulauqua assembly.
Welghmaster Berl Anderson , ono of the
popular boys at Iho yards , has gone lo Chicago
cage and eastern points on n fortnight's visit
with friends.
The Sarpy county old setllers had a
"screamer" of n llmo up nt Pupillion. fouth
Omaha sent out about two hundred to swell
Iho numbers.
Poslmaslcr Glasgow's oflico on N slreot ,
was ono mass of llugii iind bunting ycslerdnv ,
ard his enthmiaam found vent las't evening
in the form of a splendid display of flic-
The Ancient Order of Hibernian's picnic
nt Council Bluffs was a grand success not
withstanding the dampness of thenlmcs -
phoro in Iho morning. Eleven curs curried
out the picnickers.
General Superintendent C. C. Hughes of
Omaha nnd Division Superintendent H. v
Mabouns of Fremonl , of Ihu Fremont , Elkhorn -
horn & Missouri Valley , visited Agent Frank
Heed ill Iho Kxchango yesterday.
The YOUIIC People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the First Presbyterian church
will give n social nt the homo of Mrs. K.
Maxwell , Twentieth and 1 , next Thursday ,
July 9. A musical and literary programme
has been arranged.
Presbyterian s > ervicps Sunday will bo hold
in the building on Twenty-seventh and M
strcels , formerly occupied by the United
Presbyterian congregation. Uov. David II.
Kerr , D.D. , will occupy Kov. Kobort L.
Wheeler's pulpit Sunday.
The Presbyterians will hold their services
In Iho United Presbyterian room. Twenty-
tovonth and M streels Kov. Dr. Kerr ,
prosidenl of Bcllovuu college , will preach at
11 o'clock. Subject : "Loyalty to the West. "
The evening services will bo'conducted by
Key. Kobort Wheeler , who will also preach.
\ \ lllt UhT WATISU.
ArrniiKcinentH fur FurnlRliiiiK Fire
1'rntcctlon to Chiton lllllltuH.
Superintendent Hunt of the water works
company has completed tbo location of Iho
lire hydrnnlH lo bo placed In Cllflon Hill
and Iho work of luylng the pipe will bo com
menced about the middle of the coming woeu
and completed by August 1.
A ten-inch pipe will bo connected with the
present ten-Inch main on Lowe nvenuo near
Gurlich bl.-eet In Orchard Hill and extended
north lo Iho intersection of Pat licit avenue.
The line will then extend west across the
Belt lln-,1 track along Patrick uvenuo to
Forly-second street. The sUe of Ihu pine
will bo diminished nl this point to eight
Inches , mid It will extend north alone Forty-
second street to Krsklne.
A ylx-inch branch will bo extended west
on Patrick nvenuo to a point 'too feet west of
Fortv-lhlrd slreot , und six-Inch brmcho ? on
Burdetto , Grant and Ersklno to Forty-
tilth street and Military avenue. A six-Inch
pljui on Military uvunuo nnd Forty-llflh
street will connect the mains on Burdotti ,
Grant nnd Kmkliio slrools.
Hydrants will bo located nt follows : Cor
ner of Lowe avenue nnd Gnrlich , corner of
Lowe nvoniio nnd Barker , corner of Lnwo
nvenuo and Jackson , corner of Forty-llrst
nnd 1'atrlck avenue , corner of Forty-second
and Patrick nvenue , 400 fent west of Forty-
second on Patrick avenue , ItOO feet west of
Fortv-thlrd on Pat licit avenue , corner of
Burdotlo und Forty-second street , 400 feet
west of Forty.socond street on Burdotto , 150
feet west of Forty-lhlrd on Burduito , corner
of Burdotto and Military avenue , corner of
Grant und Forty-second , 400 feet west of
Forty-second on Grant , IftO feet west of
Forty-third on Grant , corner of Grant und
Forty'llftii street or Institute boulevard , cor
ner of Krsklno und Forty-second , 400 feet
west of Forty-second on Krsklne , IftO foot
west of Forty-third on ICruklno , corner of
Hrskluo nnd Forty-tilth or Institute boulo-
Vurd , malting eighteen now hydrants In all.
Kyln Toolc a Turn.
ELK POINT , S. D. , July 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TDK BKK.J Senator ICylo In ix
speech today tackled corporations , trusts ,
syndicates and the labor qUMtlou , bidding
for nlllunco honors.
. riiisfi'Anr.l
lonjf sleeved drcssoyWhlto , llk with two
rows of ostrich .ivteathcr trimming on
the shirt ; tnnilUdi to match wild
Brussels point lace o'n bro.vl brim and plume
of white ostrich fathers. Of course , tro -
seau Is complete anljjxtcnslvo. | |
Hliop Kcoiilirn
West end shop kdWrs nro growling ill the
disastrous condition ol lrado nnd complain of
the few AtncrlcatibpycM ) of the good old
kind who exclaimed , "My , how cheap ! " It
would bo latnentaulo indeed for many west
end shop keepers If the old variety of Ameri
can shopper became ( extinct. Some of these
shops dcjKtnd for profits upon American's.
Their owners sny fewcrtVmcricans nro hero
this season than for many jcars nnd that
only n small percentage of thcso are of what
they call the better clasi. There may bo
something In the wall , but there nro no lack
of Americans In town. The big hotels are
full of them. In fact few English go
10 mo oiff noiels , whlcu were mint
because the Americans \\or3 dlsguslcd
nl Ihe inconvenience of the old fashioned
English hotels. ThcaC American-English
hotels are crou dnd to Iho doors. I met n man
yesterday who slept In the bath room of the
Victoria hetel and was charged 81.SO for
headache , stilt neck and n pain in the small
of his back , yet ho went to owl bobcr.
Naval Manoeuvre * .
The coming naval manoeuvres are likely to
bo Important because thu admiralty 1ms
decided to permit no correspondents on board
on the ground that nothing of Interesi to the
public lakes place.
The Ilonly Hc atta.
The greal nquntic event of Iho season , the
national regalia al Hcnly , begins Tuesday
and ends on Thursday. No Americans nro
entered this your. Po'rhnps It Is as well , for
Psotlu made n poor showing last year and
the year before , when ho was nowhere in the
race for thu diamond sculls ,
Guy Nickalls will probably win
again , Ihough his brother , Viv
ian , may push him closely. People
hero wonder why the Manhattan club should
go to the expense of sending Us present ex-
poneiitsof long distance running lo England.
They nro not in it with English athletes
Pary , the sprint runner , can have any man's
money behind him and Is considered a won
No Canadian I'ccnKi'i.
It is the impression hero that not many
mcro peerages will bo conferred
cti Canadians , and It is consld-
eied quito clear lhat they will not
bo conferred where Ihero Is the sllpblest
chaic3 : of transmission. Ncllhcr Lord
Mhunstcphncn nor Lady Macdonnld have
heirs lo whom lilies can descend. In spile
of all that has been ? aUl on Ihe subject it Is
not at all likely there , uas euer any Intention
of conferring the peerigo on Sir John.
The deepest regret felt nt the death
this morning of W. H. Gladstone , the
eldest son of thb grand old man , from
an operalton for tunior , the patient died at
the house of his father-in-law. Lord Blan-
lync , in Berkeley Square. His condilion
was not considered Unfavornbo jesterduy ,
but ho had u relap ; , ! rluring the night. Hi- ,
mother , Henry nnd 'Herbert Gladstone and
Miss Gladstone were with him when he died.
His father was at Lowcstop , the guest of
Column , the mustard manufacturer. The
news of his son's 'death was communicated
to him early this moriilng. Ho secelved It
quickly and at once took n train for London.
Ho looked very forlorn upon his arrival and
Ills feared the oonetithe 'had received was
wholly desttoved by Iho sad event. The
dead man had been 111 for years , bis lust
severe illness resulting fron ; paralysis. He
was bom In 18-10 ; educated at Klon : enlered
pnrllamenl in ISTi for Cheslor ; from 1609 to
Ih71 was a lord of the treasury. In 1873 ho
married tno daughter of Ihe Iwelflh Baron
Bluntyre. Ho lived at Ilutvurdcn.
Fir. ; in Cotton Ship * .
The recent fire in the City of Richmond
has been thorouchly investigated by the
by Iho board of trade , yet It seems the board
was unable to control Iho carrying of cotton
by ocean going ships. In yesterdays discus
sion In the house of lords upon the CHy of
Ktchmond fire , Lord Balfour. of Burleigh
said that In leu years Ihero had been 171
llros on colton laden ships from America ,
while in Iho len vears Ihero hnrt hpnn nnlv
four fires in cargoes of cotton from India.
His information was evidently obtained from
ship owners. Nearly all complain of the
loose way American cotton is packed. The
Inman line hald it would carry no moro
American cotton unless packed like Indian
The Copyright.
A Brilish author is a hopeful person , yet
ho is not wholly batislied with the American
jopy nglil law framed in his Inlorost. It Is
beginning to dawn on the most ardent ndvo-
caies hero of Iho act lhat UncloSam , ns usual
looked afler his own before considering lhat
foreigners might bo
well to respect.
It may bo dlfllcult to knock out
salvattonism with prayer , but the
fact was nearly accomplished
Mayor Enstburno. Eva Booth , the daughter
of Iho general , called upon Iho mayor lo ex
postulate with him touching the prosecution
of the army for dlflurbing the peace. Her
arguments being of no avail , she dropped on
her knees In the mayor's parlor and asked
the Lord to glvo him a now heart. Eva
counted without her host. The mayor.u devout
Scotchman , had no objection to Miss Booth
praying , but had no Idea of allowing her to go
it alone. Ho also fell on his hnces nnd fer
vently prayed that a now heart might bo
vouchsafed the law-breakers as he termed
Salvationists. Eve , tlndln < her knee drill
ineffectual , rose and left the mayor master of
the situation.
The twenty-sixth anniversary of Iho Sal
vation army will btf , ( celebrated at Crystnl
palace on Tuesday hj t. The feature will bean
an Illustration of ih'o worklnff of Iho social
reform wing In tho.alttm camps nnd repre
sent the lives lost nild'slavos ' ,
The census of thd city , which is n mile
square , shows Ihut for nt least eight hours a
day It Is the most thickly populated pleco of
ground of Iho sUqJin the world. The employers -
ployors and cuiploypcloiiimbor ! )01t31 ) ; , nn Increase -
crease of 10,000 in ten years. Thu surprising
growth , eonsidorlnt"tljo urou , cannot ho ex
tended. The cdil js of street trufllc
shows that In twgn y-four houw 1IU1,704
people and U , ' , 188 verifies entered the city.
No wonder irulllo isvoccaslonnlly congested
there und not a htrbtlt In It is as wldo as
Broad street. I'iKiell Is preparing for
another defeat. .A low days ago ho told Iho
electors of Carlow that ho would aosopt
their verdict as final. Next ho told a
reporter lhat Carlow was ono
of the seals ho had a real
cliunco of winning , Now ho says , " 1 wish lo
light on , no matter what happens at Car-
low. "
Cheerful , this , for Irishmen who have the
good of thdlr country ut heart , und It cannot
well hnvo u loosening effect on American
purse hiring * .
Agnes Hunllngton sang at the ball given
Friday evening by the duchess of Westtnln-
atGrosvcnor house. When nt nn entertain-
men ! there before she could not sing , ns
Harris hud an Injunction preventing her
singing. The duchess remembered this nnd
said last night " ! "
: "May you stng now
Ituntliitflon did und was heartily applauded.
That light between Abbey nnd
Grau aud Marcus Mayer lor the
possession of Pnltl U still on.
Mayer wants tier concerts nlono nnd thinks
ho will win. Abbey wants her for concert
and opera , tbo latter In New Yoik only I
understand Abbey's plan Is to plvo concerts
nt the lowest price In Madison Square gar
den. Pnttl wants JEI.OOO a night from Abbey
tU Grau , but can't get so much from Mayer.
The tin pinto trndo is nt n standstill ,
twenty-five thousand men were loaned out
for a month In order to put life into the prlcoi.
Of course the McKlnlov bill Is blamed for the
lockout. The report that the locked out men
nro going to America Is Incurred. Of course
though , many of them will emigrate If tin
plate making becomes a bona tide Industry In
the United Stales.
Latest Developments in Iho Superin
tendent nl'SohnolM l-'luht.
Members of the board of education substi
tuted polities for patriotism yesterday and
saved their fireworks lor Ihu meeting of Ihu
board which will be held lomorrow night for
the election of a superintendent of .school *
and n secretary of Iho board.
The ilghl over the election of n superin
tendent has narrowed now to two men , Iho
present Incumbent and Prof. Schaitfllcr of
New York. Prof. Flt/pilricK , the assistant
superintendent of of the Kansas Clt > reboots ,
was the strongest opponent of Mr. James ,
nut has withdrawn from the contest. He Is
In n fair way to be made superintendent of
the Kansas City ehools as the present sup
erintendent Is about to be given a state po
Prof. Slmufller Is therefore Mr. James'
onh opponent , and Ihu hittcr'ti supporters
feel confident of his re-election , ns the
James forces cannot bo combined on the
Now York man.
The re-election of Mr. James will undoubt
edly mean the selection of a new man ns sec
retary of the board. Secretary Conoyer has
been a pronounced anti-James worker und
can hardly bo re-clecled if Mr. James suc
ceeds himself.
The Fifth ward citlrons' club docs not
lake kindly to Iho scheme of electing an as
sistant to tLo secrelury of Ihe board ol educa
tion. Alamceling of Iho club on Friday
nU'hl Iho following ioolulions tout-hint :
school mailers were offered by Mr. Schnnke
unu nuopico :
Resolved , That tin- board of education l
reminded that economy nn nil Miles Is uh-o-
lutely neci'-s.iry and essential lo tluclfuto
of Ihe lav-pavers of Om ill t.
Iti'MjUeil. Thai Me oppo-e the attempt to
i.'re.iti'u-eU"-H olllces , audio gl\o fal jobs lo
fa\orltc .
K'-ol\ed , all salaries should be re
duced to the utmost as far as consistent with
good pulley.
Ix'sohrd. That uo abhor to M' < > politics
creep Into 110choo > ! board und no remind the
member * thi'irof thii the board should he
non-partisan In oxer ) rrspuet.
Ii'esiihed , That our bojs ought to be In
duced lo ruler the normal school nnd lhat
male tea hers a umlil be employed UB much as
Holiday PasHcil Very Qiilotly liy
Oinalui'rt lonuh IVople.
Yesterday was an unusually quiet day in
police circles considering that it was the day
we celebrate.
The only excitement wni the arrest of S.
A. Allen churned with cutting Orvil Birnoy
wilh inlonl to Kill. About I o'clock Charles
Johnson , M. C. Seward and Birnoy were sit
ting at n table in Gus Shullz's wine
room at the corner of Eleventh
street und Capital uvcnue drinking
beer. A woman of the town came in fol
lowed by Allen. A flora short conversation
Allen und Birney got into u row about the
woman. Birnoy attempted to draw n le-
volver. but Allen was too quick for him.
Flashing a ra/or Allen made a dash for his
fee and 'with ono slash cut a seven inch hole
in Blrney's anatomy.
Oflicer Hudson was near , nnd was called.
When he arrived Ihe injured man lay bleed
ing on Ihe iloor. As soon ns possible
Iho patrol wagon arrived and
carried Birney to police hcadquarlers. Dr.
Loid was lelephoned for and sewed up the
wound It was found Ihut thu ru/.or had
made a gash through Iho coat nnd vest and
.sunk nearly two it.ches into Ihe flesh between
the ribs under the left arm. Dr. Lord found
it necessary to luito fourteen stitcncs in sew
ing up the L-ash. After the wound had been
dressed the pati"nt was taken lo St. Joseph's
hospital forfurlher treatnumt.
Ollicar Hudson look Allen in low und later
on arrested Johnson and Smart as witnesses.
None of ihe parlies nrrcsled would talk about
the affair. Unless unforeseen
happens Blrney's Injuries will uot result se-
He KxplaliiK Charjien of Neglect of His
It is but Justice lo my many friends , mv
family and Iho workers of Ibo People's
church , wilh whom I engaged In mission work
in Omaha , lo answer tho" charge of neglect
of my family published a few days ago in the
Omaha und Lincoln papers.
Last March I felt led of the Lord to drop
the missionary work of the American Sunday
School Union and enter the cilv mission
work. After having vislti-d Now York city
missions snd others to prepare for the work 1
decided Iho Lord would hnvo mo Join hands
wilh His people in Iho mission fields ot
Omaha and nave been laboring hero in coil'
neclion wilh Iho People's church , lately or-
guni/ed , for the last iwo months \\ith blessed
results. In Iho meantime my family and my
self make the sacrifice of being separated
until I got settled in the worn and can Arrange
to move. My Inmlly is very dear lo mo and
have n pleasant homo in Lincoln , Neb. , nro
well cured for and feel very much grieved
over the affair as anyone can know by writIng -
Ing lo my wile. The mission band of Iho
People's church Is nol large or wealthy but
they are devoled lo this work and w ill do
what they can In harmonious conjunction
with other workers In Iho mission fields of
Omaha to "rescue the perishing" souls ull
around us. Wo usk your friendly aid. Yours
Iruly , E. GOOPM vx.
Cclcliratcd in
CHICAGO , July 4. [ Special toTiiR Bni : . ]
Among westerners in Chicago loday wcio
Ihu following :
At the Auditorium H. E. Bonosteol ,
Nlobrarn , Nob. ; W. Sterns , Lead City ; E.
W. Bach , Helena.
At the Leland E. E. Bnrtlcll , Omaha ; J.
M. Stotsonburg , Fort Nlobraru.
At the Wellington John W. Paul.
At the Palmer-Frank Martin. Falls City ;
H. C. Pllenbcll , Omaha ; Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Calson , Nebraska Cily.
At the Grand Pat IUo J. C. Savory , DCS
Moines ; John C. O'Kcofo , C , D. Dormun ,
Omnhn ; N. Trowick , Salt Lake.
N. D. Allen of Omaha , arrived hero today
from the cast where ho has been In the in
terest of the Nebraska towusite company.
Ho found much interest manifested In thu
onlorpriso , ono capitalist In Ohio taking
worih of block.
A lie IJiicoln'H Advice.
An mitofjniph letter of Abraham Lin
coln to u friurnl in said to contain the
following : "Do not worry. But threu
guuaru iiiouls u day. Say you r prayers.
Think of your wife. Ho courteous to
your uroclitorH. Keep your digestion
good. Steur clour of billiousiiosb. Exor
cise. On blow und fo easy. May lie
tlioro are other things that your especial
citbo requires to make you happy , but ,
my friend , thobo , I reekou , will ylvo you
a good HfU" .
Jury Lllo In Arl/.nna.
Slltliif , ' 011 an Arl/.ottti jury Is not with
out. . elements of ( luntror. A man named
Slum U land at Tomh'-tone , ArU , killed
Dr. 0. G. Wlllta buciu o the hitter did
not pay the former several hundred dollars
lars Uio Old Guard mining company ownd
him , and of whioh company Willis wns
the resident afoul. A jury was una'ilo
to njjree on u verdict , eleven hoiiif , ' for
Shanlflnnd's acquittal and one for con
viction of murder. Then the friends of
Sluinkland molibud the ono juror.
LiiHt ol' the ; < 'oiirli. (
At 1 : : r > this morning tire was discovered
in Iho fruit nnd commission store of C.
Kosso , 11210 Howard street. Chiefs Sailor
and Barnes , followed by the down town de
partment , promptly responded. The blare
was In the bay nt the rear of the second
story , Chemical No. H played for n moment
nnd extinguished Iho lire. The loss will lx ]
less than $ | S. Fire Reporter Heard answered
Ihu alarm nnd brought Mr. Kosso to tils
store , bul there wns no need for his services
bo.vond the locking up of the store after the
Uro wns out , _
Chi I Iron of Mnry.
Among the lending associations whoso
active pursuits In the cutiso of good me
uortu.v of special commendation , none de
serves more honorable mention than tbnt of
the Children of Mary , n society which counts
among Its members ihe most distinguished
Catholic ladles of Omaha. If Us works have
received an unusual development during the
past year the c.iuso must bo atlrlbuted to the
indefaligablo of Its energetic members
who vied with one another In efforts to pro
mote the exterior ends for which the society
was organised , namulv , to provide for tKJo'r
churches nnd to usMst needy families.
On the set end nnd fourth I'rlihus
of the month , the ladles meet nl Ihr convent
of Ihe Sacred Heart , south Twenty-seventh
street , iheio lo .steadily ply the neullo In
favor of thcso two laudable clririlles , and
many a poor missionary priosi nnd desiiiuto
half-clot lied family , nro rcndcn-d happy and
comfortable in consequence of these re
Qno of the dearest wlstirs of tbo Into
Klght Kov. Hl hop O'Connor for ihe spi.-l- I
lunl welfare of Ins dlncrso was the rapid
development of this association wbi h lie
well knew wns capable of becoming a mighty
imwrr for irood If Its splrll weio thoroughly
Imbllx'il nnd It wonts properly dlrciied. Ills
pcr-onnl efforts lo advance its Interest * ww
unlluggintr , and his worthy surcei'or ,
Klgiit Kov. K. Sfinncll , Is evld'ntlv
determined lo pursue Iho same crtursr as
his Illustrious predecessor. In nn informal
meetinr of Hie ladles at which he nr < * sidcd ,
ho expressed bo'h suiprUc and pleasute nl
Ihe rapid extension of ihelr charitable under
takings , and urged them to continue the irood
to which they were so devotrdlv ntlachr-d.
Hib words of ciu-ouingemeiit did
much to reanimate the ronl of his interested
listeners , and inspired them with renewed
eagerness not only lo prornoli ! slill farmer
Iho works of their noble association , but also
to induce others to Jon [ n soriety RO calculated
lo draw down heaven's special blessings upon |
themselves and their families j
On the llrst Friday of each month mass is
snld al 8 o'clock In the convent chopi-l.
followed by nn Instruction from Kov. 1'r
Fitrij'crnli. S. J. , under whose wise spiritual
guidance BUhop Scanncll kindly placed thu
Any lady desirous of receiving further ex
planations can uddr-ss the Sacred Heart
academy or any of the sodnlisls , among
whom inav bo mentioned Iho well known
names of Mrs Gilmore , Ihu president , Mrs.
Lieutenant Nordor. , vice president , Mrs.
Schenk. Mrs. Dr. CofTman , Mrs. Tcmplcton ,
Mrs. Knhl , Mr < . Furny and Mrs. General
O'Brien. Many young ladles , prominent In
our social circles , are proud lo rank among
Ihe "Children of Mnry , " where lhe > are dis-
tinpulshcd by their devoted eagerness lo ad
vance tbo works of Iho nssociallon. H.
At the- Park Toilny.
Down nl tlnnscom park Ihis afternoon Ihe
Seventh ward band will render this pro
gramme in its illimitable slylc :
Dude's March . Wasncj
Selection liellplons . Weiglaad
I'oinunn' Czar and Zimmerman
K. M. fft
OxcrlureCro' . n of Victory .
Danct Clinrti ter hilfjuo Kilrlalloa . lialbe.r
MKcrcie. from II Tratntore . Ytrfil
i'rliH'e March fomlque
. . . . . 1 * M. t
Gloria , from Mozart's. ? Mass. . .
\ Valtriri'ftln.'s. . . . .
selection KoiuHiiti' * .
Orand Muren Moreau . . . .
First--National--Bank : ;
Paid Up Canltal , . . . . 6100,009
Oldc.-t oivanlieil In the cltr Korel--n ail
domestic cvcta irvo nn I losil iTCjrltlji. Kvfli
attention p ilil lo cjllo iluit.eojiuio * lil/ll
uals btnks , b rikersanduorpantlja * jjlUUjl. Jo. *
rctponilence Invited
OEO. 1' . 3AXKJUI ) . I'rottdent.
A.V IUKKMA.V. Cnihler
A. T U1CB. AislJtustra hler
I'OK HAljK A tlno ult-co of irnrilcn ntui
fruit lund , nt Ku per aero. Johnston & Van-
I'UlU'll ,
VJTlUYE nr toietiTTifiiViriiiirii' . heavy
' in.iiib nnd tnll , fnretop , c ro on left fron
foot. A ; dri'M IX T llocjinut. vJUJCth uvcnucj
uiiitctl lllulTs und KI-I reward.
lVJrou iitittliu ctttii In tlio vu7lnlty of
* ' tmilii'll IlllilTK. ultlnsr lniirnvod | or ilnlm
proved ? f ! nnd eo our list of tiarnulm
nl the real rnt tto it nil olllco of J. U. Cole
, v i o. l.Nt your pioporty for sulo , runt or ex-
eiiiimjc. wuh ut. mid st-ouro eiistomur. J. O.
toll&J. . " - , _ _ I'e irl street , ground floor.
K ] syrhoniolrle. or
nrttirr ii liiR itNitiltiiKiioiM of dlipuso.
noml lock of Imir for rimdlnu-s liy loiter. Hun-
- ' Mrs p. Hooper , ita Avo-
I ii' I. , no iri-iirnurl-th street. Council lllutr .
lerins , ft io and ti.OJ.
A i1. r l'VA Waikor'srilS Main H trout nnd'sil
t. J. i , ° 1".1,1 ' " "If" , vou ttlll always Unit
1111 ? ' ! i lrtfllu ! , ' " real I'-talu If you wiinv td
'l-NTni-rf pmpcitj In flu'-iicn
. S " | " " " , ' " " " from | iostnnici %
for < nlr on ro.iNiui.iulo in
IIIK Sciiiie line resl-
iltii.'oprnprrty for runt liy Iity\ ) llos.
K'Olt Itr.NT-rho MiMnhon"lilok. . : : ItoT7
* - ITU k. nltli 1jiHOinuiit ; iiml elevator. J W.
Siiin0 | ! | ro.irircot.
VLB or Kant- ir Ian iinT wUf !
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
AttiartlnnsI'tno Pishln ? . lloatlns , ll.ith-
liiian I P.x. i-llcnl Mine-nil Wntur
dnlv fifteen minutes rl'lo frmn Coutii-II
lil'iiTt ' Motor tra us f\iiy liulf lninr , illrcoO
t i i'i > iiti rs nf Ctniiii'lt Itluirs iiml Om.ili i
Moit dillKlitful and lucc-siUi ) pl.u-o for
plinlf parties
Of Couno. . Bluff * .
CAPITAL STOCK 5150,000 ,
nmr. rotn I A. Mtl ! sr , K 'J O ! im , E. L
Ehu nrt ( v E-llir'-J U Edtoundnn. Ch irioi
lullannan. Trjniiot jintr l bimciit ban-
neii Liriest cap.11 iuJ urpiui ol a ?
jjut'i ffeiMrn to TI
INTbiEsroN TiM . Ogo TS r ;
Council BJuffi. la.
Thls Hle-gant'v Appointed Hot3l
i ? Kov.Open. .
George T. P d ps. Manager.
Gas Heaiirao Slopes.
3SS > JLl 2-0 tC'CE.
? turt "in .iUlnr iti ! 3-ian
uSI unU nut CILJ . .LJo'
Gas and Hles'.ns Llgh : Co.
-11 Peiri aa3 Sia Main Street.
D. H. McDancld & Co. ,
Butchers' ' aid Pao'wri1 Sin.jlnj ,
Markat Fixlum , Casing ,
nlces nnd Sauao Maker * ' Machinery. sJ.
iJ M.vln St. . Coune.l Hlutl * la. Also Uoilorj
n Hides uiut l'ur
Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Buggies , Spring Wagons , Carts antf
Road Wagons.
Guarantees better value and more satisfactory gooJs than any
other house in the Missouri Valley. General western repository for
the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and
Columbia Carriage Go's buggies ,
surries and phaetons. Bonanza
buggies and phaetons. All styles
spring wagons. Van Brunt and
Michigan road and farm wagons ,
carts and harness in great variety.
Correspondence solicited. Catalog
ues and price lists on application-
12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
; ' $ l'tbs& & M&
G. A. Sonoecl nck , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broudsvny , Oounall
Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rqflnish goods
of every description. Packages received at either olfico or ut tha
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 2Oth St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
MurchiintB who tnivo whop-worn or noiloil fiibncs of any oharuulor can luiva
them rodyod nnd linlohad umml to now.
latest und mobt approved machinery , ut losa cost than you ever paid bofora