THE OMAHA DAILY BJBE : JTEIDAY , JULY 3 , 1891. 8PK01HL NOTICES. . KOH TJJK8K COLUMNS ADVKUTIHK.MKNTH : ) p.m. for the i-Tcnln nd until 8.SO forithe motnlnn or Hundnr ceil- All ntlTfrtl om ( > ptii In thc n rolnmn * 1 rrntu word flret Infortlnn Riiil IK or-ntu n word tlicrcnftrr , or W pi-r line per month , No nilTertlnpnicnt tnkpn for IPM tlmn Zi rent * for thi > nrnt lnrtlon , Tirm cnnh In ml- rnnrr , Inltlnln , nn\iii \ > . nymtioln , etr.cncliciiintn n Kord. All nrtTrrllffiiictitii mnut run connorn- tlTclf. Ailrrrtlifrn , hr rcqui-nttnK n nuuibcrpil < lifckc > ti linre tliplr nnnwrm ( irtrtrc n'il to a "num- Ill-rod Icttor In cnrnof TIIK 1IKK. Answer * HI nil- Irrmcd wlllliodollTvrudunlyon prciontatlon ofthe Check , column ! " will In * InU'M nn tlio nlioru conilltlons fit tlip following IIIIHIIPM | > linniii'K , who nro nutlior- In < I t Ink' ' M > c < lnl nntlci'ii ut the B.IIIIO rntva n > cnn li'lmcl nt llminnln nllKrt hoiilli Uninlin llrnnch Olllrc No. 33 N lrc t , M - tirMock , John W. Hell , I'linrmnrlM , Illli unit Mnoon Btrei-tn. r1. II. Fnrnnwortli , I'lmrmnclnl , illACuinlnir tre t. Vf .1 llnitlip * , J'linrniiK'I'l. I IN. IMh utri-i-l. ( irnrRO W I'nrr. I'liarmnclit , I'M I/varcnworth tri-pt. lliinlic * ' I'hnrmncjr , Jllli nnil Knrnnm. _ F HITUATIONH W'AXri'KU , dr. , trc tint nffrrt ciitumn nnlhii " " Klrl. Artilromi H TO , I Mini 6' A -WANTKD SITUATIONS FOH GOOD GlHI.Si 1 my wnltlng rooms nn' nlwnyn full from 9 n. m. tu 0 p. in. Canadian Kinployment onice,3IIH S. 15th. Telephone K 4. fJO HWANTKI > 7 SITI'ATION BY A COACHMAN , untlerstiinds ( lowers nnd lawn work. Address S 25 , lleo , * " " * ! . N KXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN A NICKI.Y A finished n-rooni modern IHIIIMI nnd lot , " " 17I. close to Hamilton and Lowe nv . only J3.IM ) If sold nlonce. Hutchlnaon A Wead , 1524 Douglas at. -SITUATION IIV I.AIIVAH llOOKKKKI'KIt Oil Cnshliir , let cln" rdforoncos. 'J705 Woolwjirth - WANTKI ) , HY A YOliNU MAN OF ( IOOII AWANTKI by July 8. Aililrcss , llox7'.U _ , CJrnnil lalnnil , Ni'li. Slf , l I * ' \VANTI { ' -Mi\IjH'jTKl7l' . Tor nilM , etc. . tee Inji it f flint column nn thl * jxttfr. fi-WANTK A MAN AIlOtlT 2T"oH no' Il-All'lS : Jiolil to lenvo cltr. one who tinctprBlanilii lunik- kocplnn anil l a ( ! 0oil ciirrospomlcnt , with uuiiunil knowleilue of biiolnrux , ono who IB not nfrnlil to work anil ilnn't export to ilraw ealary on hla nlinii' | . Aililrcnn H 211 , care Omiiliii llco. MTO3 5 _ 1 WANTKI ) , CI.OTII1NO BALKSMAN. WK J > want an RKcnt nr nrni In every county of the Dnltuil Htatun tu hiinilln our line of merchant lull- orlnu. Iluntpr MiinnfiirtiirliiK compnny. Clni'ln- unit. Ohio. I'nntii to urili-r , UtXI. SiiltK. 11.100 anil nptrnnln. Write for untuplca anil rules for elf ineniiiirenicnt. MC7U.I * l > -WANTKIHAI.iSMKN : , ON8ALAHV OH COM- -IJnitnilmi to hanillu thii new patent chonilcal Ink crnnlnit pencil ; the isri'iiti t BOtlInK novelty over proiliiccil ; ermes Ink thoroimlily In two tn-rdnilm nil nhrarlon nf papi-r : tun to UK ) per rent profit : line ncnnt nalci amonriti-il In fiiVO In nix cluyn. nnnther l.'I'iln two liourn. Wo nnt on Ki'noral nicnt In cnch ntatonnil territory Kur tpnnminil full par- tlruliira aililreiig thu Monroe llraier MfK.Co. , Lit Cro BC , WIs. < JU _ 1WANTKI , AN KXI-KHIKNTKIl SAI.KSMAN J > fn Rennral ntoro : miiBt lie u Danit nnil capuhlo of tlin 'Clcrman lanKUU e. Aililresti C.V. . Kllnubcll , Hooper , Neb. UOV. T > XYANTKD. WOOD TIIHNKH , WOOD CAHVKH , J > inni'lilno men. ( 'nblni't inaki'rn ; Blendy work. Sic- Tuns , llorlnit & Co. , Clmrles City , In. ( W.l-li T > -FIHST CI.A9S IIHKAI ) AND OAKK IIAKKIl JD for thu country. Inqulro 111U Howarit street. , J-WANTK1I , 2 .MILKKHS. AMKS AVK. IIAIHY. J iJ. K. llocli. IViO 4 * Y > - WANTKD , 2 GOOD FARM HANDS ! GOOD J'wRgen and employment year around. Address box54.1 , Ashland , Nou. Ii4li 2 T > -WANTKD , MAN AND WIKK TO WORK ON Jlfarmi good wages lo both : linn opportunity lo both parties. Addrers box 511 , Ashland. Neb. 1)472 ) - WANTKD , 100 MKN FOR H II. WORK IN Iowa , Free faro. 1000 for Montana. Idaho nnd Washington , Kramer A Kramer , labor agency. South llth Hired. M tni 4 * j-4 YOUNG MKN ; GOOD 1'AY. CALL ROO.M 3 , J'fOD N. ICth st. , upstairs. ( WO 2 1 > WANTKD AGKNTS IN KVKRY CITY AND Jtown for the "Confessions of n Nun. " Kvery- body Is rending It. I.lheial terms to agents. Sum- Jtlu copy nfiil postpiild for 50 cents. George A. oplln , western agent , Omnha , Neb. U13.1 * "n-OUTTKHS AN i > TAIUWS WANTKD. OVKH J'1700 have adopted the A. D. Kudu now method. Numbers of them nro leading cutters of this conti nent ; others are on the. way to fnmo nml fortune. Tnugnt nt.Clqvoland Ciitllng.School. MVvS 4 * -WANTKD , JOO LAHORKHS KOH WYOMING JJsnd South Dnkotn. ' Free transportation. Al bright Labor Agency , 1120 Karnnm street. M.VJ8 11 MKN OK GO'OD ADDHKSS. MKTHOI'OLITAN Jj.M'fj Co. , 1HW Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 12IU Lin coln. 125-Jyl8 1500 SALKSMKN WANTKD TO SKLL OUR 1'RK- J 'inlnni iiurwory Mock ; the ) argcf > t nursery west of the Mississippi river : the Uncut Block : all the new nnd old fruits ; the lowest prices nnd Mggest pay to fiucnts ! money advnnced every week ! outfit free. Write us nt once. O. J. Carpenter Co. , Knlrbury.Nch. 877 Jy.14 n-OHGANIT'.nRS WANTKD-MO AND flOO IN J'tlvo months ; Href ccrtllleuto In 150 clans date July 1,1891 ; nr t-elnHs orgunlrers wnnted ; write for teims. Supreme loilgv , the Universal progressive league , 172 Washington street , Boston , Mass. -IllnJIONKYSIU.I.lNCTHKLIKKOKl'.T.ltAH- fi 'num ' ; only 81.60. Aiicuts wanted. American Book „ Now York Llfu building , Omaha , Neb. 702 Jy'J T > WANTKIJ ORGANI/.KRS BYTIIK FHIKNDLY J 'Aid society. I'aj s Us members $100 every six months , Hull pnld J.'iHI.UU ) In henctlts. Reserve nnd henellt fund held In trunt hy the stnto of Massa chusetts. Termn liberal. Address Friendly Aid so ciety. Wnlthain , .Mnaa. M5.V ) .Iy3 * WANTKD FKaiAMa HKljP. For rnlfji. etc. . cfc top of tlmt column nn this page- GFOH HKNT , TllRKI ! KLKGANT UNKURN- . Ished front ronnm. nil modern Improvements ? * Mrs. II. C. Moites , gi.S ; Knrnam. Slfi375 _ -WANTKD BY AUGUS'r 1 TIIK SKRVICKS OK u go orllCSl to tnko full ehnrgo of boy of 5 ; per manent potdtlon to competent lady. Address S 27 , jBoo. (1M ( 5 C-IKL ! WANTKD TOR GKNKHAL HOUHK- . work , IBI2 Cumlni : at. III , ! jj * C-WANTKD. GIRL Toll GKNKHAL HoUslT- work. Apply 1,114 S. llth street. JIHIU 3 * ' -WANTKD , GOOD HUH , TO DO KITOIIIJN work and help with wmlilng anil Ironing. : w > Hurt Htreet. jiii' ; | 4 * e-OIHI. FOH GKNKHAL HOUSKWORK , 808 8 18th street. 8.TT-2' -WANTKD A COMI'Kl'KNT GIRI , AS COOK and laundress , Mr . R. K. Gaylord , 1010 So. 2iUh Btreeet. ny F < JH llKXi1 IIOUSKS. Forratcetc. , see tnpof flntt ciiTumit on thin jxioe. J J-KOR RKNT NKW 7-ROOM VlOUSli Wlill -L/nll moduru lmproveinc.nti < , 1 block Irom Walnut Hill motor , lii. > . Theo Olsen , S04 N. Y. Llfo. 4M _ -KOH HKNT 10 HOOM IIOUSK CKNTirAliL\ ' Jocutedmodel n ImiirovomontH. 712 N , luili. UKi - - HOUSK WITH IIAHN B-TKN-HOOM ; DKSIH Hhlu locntloii ; modcrnto rent. Benid Bion , . 1410 Douglas street. MI'J7 1A-IK YOU WISH TO RKNT A HOUSK OR bTORK .1-Sneo II. K. Coin , Continental block. ( yi -5-HOOM HOUSK , NICK YARD , SIIA DKTHKI7S. city and cistern nntcr. elegant nclghborhnod.'j Works from strcet'cnm. 1111 S. 7th nvunuc. or Bell's phniuincy , cor , llth and Mason , 500 B "BROOM 1IIIICK HOUSK , ALL CONVKN1- L/i nci > , fiSOO ; ilrooiu brick house , JM00. H , K. ' ( iU'vili'oiitlnmitnl. 601 P-IIOUSKS , ALL KINDS -TIIRKKNIOKLY FUR- mailed Buiiily A Co. , Iflll Capitol uvc'nuo. Oft TFOH HKNT , I1ANDSOMK ll-HOOM HOUSK" . -I-'nlI modern conveniences. In nerfeelordnrtpnved Mri'otm motor and within 5 mlniiles wnlk of iu t * onke. Natlian BliBltoii , I'ill ' Farnam itieet. M50.I } ) NKW MODKRN AND MOST DKSIHABLK IN J-'lliovllr. : < or4 loom nulti'i. Complete for house keeping , biased street , F. L. Van Dorn. M60I TV KOlFllKNT , 7-ROOM TlOUSKTsowTLUlisTKY. J-'luquIre A. H. GluiUtoue , U10 Douglas street. . _ M505 ' ' TV FOR HKNT , 7-ROOM CIVITAGK , KAh'l' KRo'sT , /Sherman nvo. , near Chirks FA ) . Wright .V Las- bury , li < OI Howard. cut -y | FOR HKNT. SIX ROOM COTTAtiK , FUR- J.'nl lK'd. hiiiiilro | 55il I'lt'rco ttreu ) . MIW 4 TyT'-oirHKNTI ' coiiNlni KLAT. ALL OUTSUIK 4'fimim. Wrlghl and Ijtsborry , liJOl Howard. MM9 , _ _ _ BFOR HKNTSROOM IIOUSK.O ROOM CO1TAOK. Uuth.ete. Apply C , W. Klgutter , ) l N , V.l.lfi ) hldg. 4'JiJy ) BHll IlKNT , HOUSK S ROOMS. Illi ClIKUliTl ireot. MSirr ? TV > YcilTwANT A BAHtlAlN ! IK SO. TlTAT .I'homeof T rooms , with cnllar , well , cistern und full corner Int. t5lh and I'utrlck nvo. , will suit you : I10U cimh ami 125 every 3 months will buy U. lleorgo I'aul , 1009 Furiiiiin. Ml I Ml ' 8-HOO.M COVfAGK , CHKAl' . INQ. JS CA ? . nvo. TV-.FHH HUNT. TWO NKW six ROOM , ivcliiiali , with large , Imrn , nil modern Improve- menu , on Purkor > tri'i < t kttwneii 25th uiid Xoth. tn quire , III'J north Illi it. 57JJ' n-roil HKNT8 lioOM COTTA rtls" ! ! " ! ) ! VKN. { . 'port lit M. ( room collnKv > I | nnd Knrnam , tITfiO. Heed A , . Selby , room U , Buaril Of Trade. 531 | > -roil HKN1V KiniSJSHKIf COMPI.KTK. rTt | L'lwo or Inrre nivntlis tu reliable iiuall family. j rrildanc * and Ur * > anl. corner ifiilli and ounUj. i with to retain two alveplnic rooms. iViu. J , W l ll m'JOOiN. . Y. Llf llulWlug. 5U 4 i POIl IlENT-HOUSKS. T1-FOKKKNTBrLKNI > ll > l.1-HOOMHKHlllKNCK ! J nll moilorn convcnlenccn , llnest location In city ! 915 Park oi prc i > nt occupnnt. Mr. S. H. Iloedert | ) o fion | glren July It good barn ntlac'hcd ' , will hold 4 hnrfwt ; liberal tcrmii and long Icano to right party. Apply K ] lit" ) bldg. , or lir.l 1'nrk nve. John Grant. 254 B-KOH HKNT t-IKXIM HOUHK , MODKHN CON- Tfnlnnccn. tint Davenport tlreet. Inqulro VTtl Davenport i > tri-ct. 4S ) TV FOll HKNT LARGK NUMBKH OK 1IOUHKS , - ' tormllatn.etc. . 1500 per month nnd up. Now 1111st of each month. George J , I'aul , HUl Fnrnnm utrect. D - FOR HKNT , KLKGANTJ-FLOOH HOUMK , ALL modern Improvcmcnti , 4tB N. 'KA at. Apply nt rnam et. IVI5 5 D-KOH RKNT. FOR rlt'MMKIt , A NICK FUR- nlnlipd cottaBf , No , JfllB Knrnnm t. , large ynrdl termn very rennonnulc. Call and > ee Ull 4 V-COTTAGK KOH HKNT , 411 8.21TII AVKNUK. / w)5 D -KOIl UKNT , 6-HOO.U COTTAOK , CUNTKAL , - . t > room vottnKP , ncnr motor , $12 IX ) . 4'room rultiiKH nonr inntiir , flUUU. 3 ronms unfiirnlitlieil.flUlU. Anil llio In-Kt rv liluncc flntit In tlio cltr. J20 tofJS No etoros. The .Moail Jnv't. Co. , IU lion Illilit , 18 KIIHNIBHKI ) COTTAOIJ. INquire -KOIl HKNT , A D * ' . MCB 4" quire at JUi St. Jlarj's nTuniio. -FOII HUNT. ADIIHIIt.Minr.S HtXIM HOUSK. I ) ( Moilcrn linprorciiicnts. Inqulro at.'i N. ZM nt , MI5I 4 -STKAM IIKATKI ) MODKItM KI.ATS , " 07 AND D TUU a IMli ttruct. K. K lllnuer , lilt ) Karnam.a a > l-.t27' ' KOIl HUNT KUUMMIIKI ) UOOaiH. t'nr rafeo , etc. , rcf ton of first rndimn on thto ] > nae. I-1.AHOB KltONT UUOM.K01 CAl'ITOL AVKNUK Jj ! 600 -KOH lllNT ! AN KI.KOANT LAItUK KUONT room nt I'M Ciipltol nvcnuo ; rctlrcil , slindy nnil view. U10- 7NICKI.Y FrilNISlinDUOOMS.SINGLKOUKN- mjltP , : ilNJMh t. HH3 _ ' E VUllN'iailKl ) HOOMS , VMS CAl'lTOL AVK. M69I 7 * E TIIK ST. CIiAlU KUUOI'KAN HOTKL , OOll Illtli nnil Duilxe , will nmko low rutrs for rooms bjr the week or month nlth or without lionnl. 2'fl 7FOll HKNT , TWO 15A8T UOO.MS , HI.NCU.K OH 1pn dtilto 111 prlvntn f\mlly , to limn mid wlfo or two Kuntlcinfii , muiouth 17th fct. Heforcncca. M S3 -Nl > , WANI > KIKlANTI.YFUHNISUni ! > KOO.MS , slimlo or on sulto : llrut clnas tionrcl. Sll N ll'th. ' , BW 5' E NICKI.Y KUHNISHK1) HOOMS KOH I.IOIIT lieu > ckpcplnic. C07 H. 13th streot. MBS7 E KUIINIHIIKI ) HOOAld 119 S. 2JT1I BTIIKKT. Lnrce lawn. MIS ? ' l-rUUNIiHKI ) HOOMS , M AND N ) 1'KH MONTH Jlll81 ( ! Farniun. * MM ! ' E-3 HOO.MH FOlt IIOlISKKKKl'INd KOH MAN nnil wlfo ; no children ; rent taken In bourU. : I1D N17th. Ml E-TOIt KKNT , KUHNISHKII HOOMS. 2J15 1)IT(1- lag utrcot. Mfij * NICK HOOM , ALL CONVKNIKNCK9 , 17111 DAY- cuport. SIW10 * E KOR RKNT , NICKLY FUHNISHKD COOL rooms at northeast corner lith ! and Howard. Lawn around building. From 17.00 to J20 u month. 343 E-i NICK KHONT HOOMS KOH QKNTLKStAN only , 2UIUInTonportBtrijot. Kt VKHY I'LUASANT KHONT 1IOOM IN I'HI- E vntu family for Kt-ntleman. 83. > 8 Kith tryet. Sll E KUHNISIIKD HOOMS , LIGHT 1IOUSKKKK1 Ing , 21KI1 St. .Mary's nvcnuc. 879 E-KUHN1SUKU HOOMS. 1J34 N 21ST NKAH cable. C57-Jy7' FU11NISIIKD 1100MS AND HOARD. For rates , etc. , ee top of first column F AND BOAHD , Jcl DOUOLAS street. ' FD 1'LKASANT HOOMS , UOOD BOAHD , 2103 1 Douxlas. , B42-3 * F-LAHCK KUHNISIIKD KHONT ROOM AND board In private family , S blocks from postoltlcu , for two K'entlouion. Hofcronccs reiiulrod. Address S2 , lice , 611-3' F KOH HKNT. NICK LAHCK HOOM WITH board for two at K 00 per week , 2013 Harrioy st. CI5-7 OH SALK , SKYKHAL NKWMODKHN HOIISKS of II nud 7 rooms ench. In very'tlenlrablolocHtlons , with bath , closet , hot nnd cold water , furnace , sow. or , KIIB , tlno yards , walks , etc. Finest complete houses In the city , from } 3.rjGOOO to J.I.OOO to each. Will tnke clear lot ai tlrst payment If desired. Call and see us before they nro all sold. Fidelity Trust Compnny , Hil4 Furnnm st. ( W3 7 IT'OR SALK , fi ACHK LOTS ADJOINING TIIK JL1 city of Blair , Neb. H W. McBrldo. MKll 14" F FOK HKNT TO GKNTLKMKN , NICKLY FUH- nlshed front room , alcove nnd bay window ; mod ern conveniences ; lawn ; private fumlly ; G22 Ueor- gtn nvcnuo , S. 2tlth et. 401 3 * - KOH HKNT , TUHNISHKD HOOMS WITH IVKOH hoard , also lady wishes roommate. 1721 Daven port st. saw ] ? HOOMS AND HOARD llttlDODGK STHKKT. I1 M270Jy22 * T ? DKSIHAHLKSKCONDKLOOHHOOMS.KITIIKR JL furnished or unfurnished , unit board nt the Kreiuor. 111 ! N. 25th street. MSTI-JvS' F I HOOMS AND HOARD AT YOUNG WOMKN'S hoi mo. IRI S. 17th street. 700-Jyl6" ' ROOMS AND L'lHST-CLASS BOAHD , 1101 CALl- fornln. 585-lyS- -7-FUHNISHKD | HOOMS , BOAKD , 25,15 ST 1. Mary's nvcnno. 64-Jy3 F011UHNT UOOaiS UNFUHNISHKD Fonatrx , etc. , fee top of flnl column on IMi paoc. - 5 UNKUHNISHKD HOOMS FIRST FLOOR 1815 G-5 Cass. U40-4 KOH HKNT 4 I1NKUHNIS1IKD ROOMS KOR G hoiiBekccpInx to family without children. City water , etc , 1'rlco { 15.00. 1701 Webster strcot. 751 ! KOH RUNT STORES AND OFFICES. For rata , etc. , tee top of ( In * , column on ( his pane- r FOK HKNT OH SALK. MY 1IUII,1 > INT ON 1 Jones it. , bet. 10th & llth. U.A. Lllidu.ulst,31U S 15th. 603 T-KOHIIKNT , TIIK 3-STOHY I1HICK 11UILD1NO , 11110 Dou lns street , suitable for wholesale pur poses , $110 per month. Chns. Kaufman. 1U03 Doug las street. 609 r-STOHK ROOMS AT 707 AND 70 ! ) SOUTH KITH. I steam heated. K. F. HlnKor , 1519 Knrnnm , M119 14 * -KOH HKNT , 1 bTOHl ! HOOM ON TIIK COHNKH .lof llth and rarnuiu , (25.00 per month ; also onu on llth street , nenr Farunm , } I500 per month. John II mill I n , 917 S. 13th , Llnton block. MM.i I-KOH HKNT TIIK 4 STORY BRICK HUILDINU Illli or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo I'libllshlngCo. , tilii Karnam st. The build- IIIK has a nrepoof ninirnt liasumout , complutu stpaui-hc.itliii. llxturt's , water on all the floors , KU * etc. Apply nt the olllco of The Bcp , 1)15 ) FOR- REST -JUS UEIjAN'KOUS. For ruff * , eta. , fee ton of tint column on f/if.i / f - FOR RAlS,7lN-K NKW 5VHORSK i'OWKH KN itlno. rhrap ; also , some horses and carriages. Masters , loom 4 , Wlthuell hlk. 01'J 7 r GAHDKN FARM FOH HKNT. T. .MURRAY. , .MURRAY.M.MO I -HASTtlllK I 1IAYK NKW I'AHTURK JUST i' fnnci'd for horses nud colts , 225 ncruss of tame nnd Mild giuss ; Mill cull for and deliver ; charges reasonable. Iminlru Kvans , i.ll I'nxton block , or ndilicM Groigu li , Gnus , bouth Omaha , Mill JylS * RENTAIj AGENOV. Fcr ititrt , ftc. , t'e top of first cnlurnn nn l/i / ( I11. . K. COLK RKNTAL AGKNCY , CONTLNKN- ital block. 1119 STOIIAGH. t'w flitt * ttei , Kxtfliinfflnt column on this pane. - OLDKST. "cilKAlM7 ! T"TN7 > UniTBVi"sWltAtiK house In city. Williams A Cro , 1214 llurniir , M5U r-miKAi'jsT : AND IIBST SToitAtiK FOR Lfiiintture W"ll , 1111 Farniim st. 511 MHKhT STORACi : BUILDING IN OMAHA , government boiuled wnruhouie : household goods cured for : lonent rates. W. M. Bunliman , 1015 Lvavenuurlli , 51.1 M-CLKAN , DRY AND I'HI VATK H'l'ORAGK OF furnltiiru , Om.thii btove Repair Wurks , 1207 Duiiglat. .MUI : AVANTED-TO UUV. For ratrtetc. , tee tap uf jtrnl column on thin pane. AT-WANTKD TO BUY , GOOD HKSIDKNCK LOT L'nr house Hint lot , or several lots locatud so ni to make a good building it In , mini be In nrol cl residence purl i > f the city. I'arllus answering till ) should iivu | full description of property , lowest price , toriuf , wutther liiuunit'erml , und If > o lion much. U 19 , BiH-i P7 > KOH HALE-FURNITURE ET(3. Fnn-iito , tte.itelOfi offlrtt column nn thU | iy < . fi-LADY I'ANVASSKRS WANTKI ) KOH " NK Vvbraskn ami Kansas clllex and towns ; new Hue of goods. From 17.00 to li ) 00 easily clnarvd each day Apply from tin tl p. in. to Mr . Graham , room 15. I'axton hotel , Omnha. jit/.1 , 0-IXH AI.K. AT A flACIUKICK , A FKW I'IKCKS uf TOry ilpslrnblefiirnlture.lncliidlntt rattan bah ) rarrlnto ami cradle : must bo nold ; parties Ivavjiu town. lu < ) utrequlckal u. o. corner ' . ' 111 and Blnnev 051 Oi - F4)H SALH FUHNITUIIK AND I.KASK * OKTIIK t > i boarding home Iu the city. Addreu 6 auitw For lermt , ttc , ret top of Ant column on HIM wot. P-KOK SALK , LIGHT TRACK HIII.KY AND CAN- X npy top iMirrpy , newly painted * anrroy harnc nd family home ! will lollicparately. Knnlilre I'ark ave. ntnhlos. CO ! 7 P-FOR HALK , FAMILY CAHHIAOK. LKK A I Nichols' t ble , Mth and Leavenwnrth. M5II 1) ONK BAY LAD1K8' HOHSB. i ono regUtercd Hamliletonlan hriiwn mam , S yearn , very gcnllot ono norrol light driver Tory npeedy. Cheap for cash , U.K. Cole , 0 Continental block. M5M ID I > -FAMILY 1IOHSK CIIKA1' KOR CASH , 3.115 I Spniildlng street. M.U75 * P-FOIISALK , SIX 1IKAII OF TIIK CIIKAI'KST I fre.ih com In the city. Cnll nftcrnoon at Kith and Hurl strceta. K H. Jester. 875 ? ' > -HKAVY SPRING WAGON FOH SALK AT I IT avenworlh at. Ml T > -FOK SALK CIIKAP. LIGHT GLASS HOOK- I iiway and good piano box top buggy , both Ui good order. Inquire al room 2W , Omaha Nat. llunX -KAMILY HORSKS FORHALK. SINGLK DH1V- J ern or carriage tcami. Can furnhli any kind of horio deidred. Cnll at C. II. WOodworlh A Co. , or addrcm , T .1. Fleming , Cnlhuiin , Neh. "ill roil For ratff , etc. , tft top of flrtt column on thtt j > ifo . Q- , jewelry , nliecl mu lc. notions , toys etc. Miisthenold Immediately , Addrcua K. W , I > avcn- port , 225 S. Main street , Council Blurts. 511172 tt Q-FOR SALK , LKASK (3 ( Yll.Otgl AND FUHNI- ture of ilO-room hotel. Location and hiislnea * good. Address "Hotel , " cnro bouth Omnlm branch , of The Bee. MS9J T * Q-ll'JO WILL BUY A MAGN1FICKNT Ul'RKlHT piano , standard make and an good n now. In qulro nfter 7 o'clock evenings nt ' 'll'J Caldwell at. 764 For rate * , etc. , fee top oj flrtl column ' } ii ttilt U-IIH. LON.SDALK'S Sl'F.CH'lO MKD1CINKS fordlionson peculiar lo women. 010 H. Uth ntrect. I'M I nug2 * IJ-WIIO HASACLKAR VACANT 1XT WORTH JVJI.OOO ? We otTer n choice of 3.7 lo 8 room hou e , new nud modern , on N. 22d street , at lesn thnn nctunl cost , nnd will take as the tlmt payment n vacant lot nnd give ensy terms on balance , Shrlvcr AO'Donahou. MOT 5 > -KURNITUHK BOUGHT , BOLD , 8TOHKD , k-Wclls , III ! Karnam st. 511 -WANTK1) . A HANK AT K.MI'OHIA. NKH. -LVllest ( oration In state ; also livery stable , L. Waterman , 1'axton block. 044-3 K-WANTKI ) ; 1.000 I'KOl'LK WITH HIIKUMA- tl m or almost any disease cnuscd by Impure blood , thnt don't believe the Hot Sprlnirs of Ulcn- viooil , Colo. , will euro them. Wo take nil such skeptics , furnish them nice , cozy rooms , uood board and pay for their batht on a positive Kiinrnn- tee thnt the water shall euro them ; and should the water fall to euro It will cost you nothing to live nt the Hotel llarloir , Ulcnwood Sprlniis , Colo. Ask for our guarantee. M5M 3 * H LUlHTNINd HODS. WilOLKSALl ! AND HK- lull. J. J. McLuIn , r.V.I Spencer St. , Oinnhn. iKB-JrM' K-J,11. SMITH. KXI'KHT ACCOUNTANT. GIVES In-itructlons In book-keeping nnd assists In pro- curliii ; sltiiHtlons. Kli New York Llfu. SlVj * - WANTED , SCHOLAH3 MALK AND KKMALK , KWANTED to lenrn shorthnml and typewriting. Kxporl- en rod teacher wants to Becuro a class. Charxes rcnsonable , easy system , M. M. Haskoil , 1704 Capi tal avenue. S3 * S * CIjAHtVOYANTS. Forratet , etc. , fee ( dp of Jlnt column on thu vaac. S JUST AHIUVKD KHOJI SALT LAKK , UTAH , the wonderful prophetess and colehra ted clairvoy ant and life render , Mrs. Dr. Leurnvo , while on- trnnecd will reveal every htddon mystery In llfo or the llfo to come from your cradle to xrnve. shows photo of one you will wed. State Initials of name throiiRh mall , send S2.00 , lock of hair , dnto of birth , namoand receive accurate. Ilfo-Blzcd chart If you have been deceived , your fond hopes blasted , lie- fore Ktvliiit up In dlipalr consult this wonderful oracle. She was born with the double veil of second Hluht ; reunites the separated , causes lost alluctlons to return with the wonderful Kxyptlan breastplate worn for Luck nnd successful business enterprises , tnnkos > ou win law suits , brlnirs luck where others fall The madamu cures all diseases with massage treatment nnd alcohol baths. OIHcc , 1107 Tactile street. Take llth street motor. Ollico hours , 9 a m. to 9 p.m. Como one , comoall , you will not re- Bret It. M.Vil 3- S 1 GO AND SKKl'ROF. WARING. MKUIUM AND ; real astrolORor. at 323 N. IBth street. HOO.OO to nnv ono who can equal him In tolling past , present nnd future , cuiitdni ; speedy marriages , bringing the separated together , and ID business arjalrs his nd- vlcnls Invnlunble. He tells your numo In full , auks no questions and uses no cards of any description In his profession , batlsfnctlon given or ny pay. Consultation fee , ladles , tl.OO ; gentlemen , tl 00. M572 Jy5 * S .MASSAOK MADAM DliLZIKH , OVKH lilO S. 13th. 200 , lti S SIRS. NANNIE V. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT trance speaking , writing and reliable business medium , four years In Omaha , IP. ) N. Iftth. 515 MASSAGE , UATHS , ISTC. For ratet , etc. , see top of flrsl column on tliti jiciuc. MASSAOK , BATHS AT MADAMK SMITH' . parlors , 3d lloor , 420 S. 15th strcot. M8S9 JyS rp MASSAGE , MADAMKDKLZIKK.OYHR BIO 8.11 X 200-Jy2il MUSIC , ART AND IjANGUAGE. For ra'r.i ' , etc. , see fop of first column on this jini/c. \r-KOH KHKK LIST OF 2,000 PIKCKS .MUSIC AT > 10 cents a sheet , nddress K. W. Davenport , 225 Main street , Council BliilTs. Ml.7.1 9 \f-THK OSGOODHY SCHOOL OK STKNOHRA- ' phy , Rochester , N. Y. Thorough Instruction by mall Including mnnunl , mailer and spued book , f 10. Books supplied for self-Instruction. Kngravod synopsis for 2 cent stamp. MMi ! ) 3 * V-1 BUYING A PIANO KXAM1NK Till ! T now scale Klmball piano. A. Hospu,15U Douglas.Ml . Ml ! Y TWOSKCOND-IIANDl'IANOS ' AT A GRIIAT bargain : uprights.6l'i \ Chicago st. l53jy9 ! \r GU1TAU AND BANJO MUSIC SIMI'LIKIKD. > Pieces read ut glnnco. No knuwlcdge of music required. Send for clr. Guitar Muslu Co.AtlanticIn. 52 Al * 1'UI'ILS GRAMMAR A Sl'KCIALTY T , , 1IM7 Douglas. 2i9-Jy21' . K. ( SKLLKNBKCK. TKACHKH OK TIIK > banjo ; with llospo , 151,1 Douglas. 219 MONEY TO LOAN REATj ESTATE. i'ornt/ei / , etc. , see top of firtt column on thti payc. 'I Thnyor , Ciimlng nnil btunton Co. Innds for sale by It. T , Clnrko , 19 Hoard of Trade. 40(1 ( \\7 -i ! 1'KH CKNT KIHST MOHTGAHK LOANS. ' Richard C. rnttcrson , 1W New York Llfo. .M517 lir MOHTGAGK3 WANTKD. LONG OR SHORT ' * time , George ( i. Wallace , 310 .1. J. Brown hulld- Ing , liltli and Douglas. 513 Yy-BUILDINO LOANS ! ! TO 7 PKH CKNT : NO ii additional charges forcommlssion or attorney's fees. W. B , Melklo , Mrsl National bank bid * . 520 Ty-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'ROVKO CITY ii properl ) nteurient rntei ; fundi on hnnd ; nn delay , ( jco. K. Blunt & Co , , ItU Humgu bldg , 621 TIT I'TilVATK MONKYTO IXAN. J. U./ITTLK , > 014 N. V. Llfo. DW Tr"MOHTGAGK LOANS WANTKD , McCAGUK T ( Investment compnny. 52.1 -MNKYTOLOAN ( ON OMAHA I'ROI'KRTY. Kldellty Trust company , IliU Knrnnm , 524 \V-KASTKRN MONIIY TO LOAN AT VKHY i T low rates. H. B. Irey , 20i ! N. Y. Life. M525 \\r riIKAr MOXKY I'lllLA. MOHTAGK ( ! AND ' Trust Co. , wants gilt edge loans. Geo. W. I' . Coules , represontatlvo , 7 Board of Trade , 52iJ t " SUMS OF J700 AND J1.0JO , ON IM- ii proved properly , low rates , H. II. Kruy. Now York Life Mi 3 ti \\r LOANS. W M. HARRIS , R. M.FRKNXKR BIJv J j , till \ \ -ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO.'illS N Y" ii Life , lend ut low rate for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city properly MUSI \V LOWKST HATKS ON RKAL KSTATK LOANS , C. J. Cnswell. blii N. Y Life. U73-JJ3 AXr-'SKCONDMORTIiAGK LOANS FROM J5U ) TO ( I ilO.UJO. AloxMonre , 401 B u building. MUSI \\r-TIIK CKNTRAL LOAN AND TRUST CO. ' has removed to The Reo building , main Moor , al right of entrance. City loans ut lowest rates. C A. Starr , manager. I w jj-'j | MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTEhS. Mil' ratet , t'le. ' , t : tnp ofjlrot column on ( Jih page. A'-MIWK Y TO LOAN ii Y B " K. M ASTKHS " ON Vchntli'l mill collateral sociirltles for any tlmo fjom I to 13 monthsIn any umoiit to butt borrower Loans lunilu on household good * , plniios , organs , horses , mules , houses , loasiv.tnruuousn receipts , etc. , nt the lowest rail's possible without Publlclt ) or removal uf property. My loans tire so arranged thnt you can in like n payment of any amount at any tlmv and ri-duce both principle and Interest. If you owe n baluncii on > our property or have n loan you wanl changed 1 will pay II oir and furry It for you. If yon Hint U more contonlent enll up telephone USil and your tiuslnes * will bo ar ranged at home. Money always on hand No delay. No publicity lowest rates. II. F. Masters , Room , Wltlmell blk , 15th und Ilnruer Ms. 527 V MONKY TO LOAN ON HOIISKSYAGONK iVfnriilturn , plaiiosamlcollutural security. Busl noscoiindoiitlal , Krnl Terry , 11.41 ! Itaiugoblk. 5J- V MONKY ON FIMNITUKK7 IIOHSKM , KTt -Vhi.y.toiiu Co. , room 203 Sheely blk. ' Mte _ j V-OHAT-l'Kr. BANK.SI9 H. 14TH. LOAN ! ' MONH\ von cliulteli or collateral at reasonable rntus. 5SI X-MONKYLOANk7oN | ALL lONDS O SKCl'lt lly. K3Nevf York Lift. H. A. Morili , M H A I1USINESS CHANCES. _ _ J.It . . _ _ _ - - - - - - | i i im vuiw 11-1 ! For rait * , ttc , , tettopofjlfft col m i on t/tl jvw . ' i can cMnhllsh herself ( n n builnc which will yield from 11,500 to IJ.OODkVnar. Apply from 7 to 0 , m. to Mr * . Or hani"rpont | 15 , i'nxtun hotel , & mah . > ' " MM4 ( S V-MAN WITH 8MAf.IfCAIMTAI.TO HUN C1IIAH latoruUD Farnam tre K , Inquire6'JO H. 1.1th St. , 1 west ran Join In foitmlirm new city In the atato of Washington. Kxceptlonnl opportunity for large , sure money. Call upon qVliddrras A. C. Ilntchln- son , room 3U9 Brown bull-ling , Omaha , Neb. li ) ) MlttS 3 V-WR SALK. A KIHSXrW'ASS , WKLI , K.STAH- 1 llsbed hiitchcr biislnnni , ln this city , I'lnu III- lures and good cash Iritdo. . Tn any ono moaning business here Is nn excellent chance , Must ho sold In next sixty days. M. A. Upton Co. , Bee building. M.v1l V-1IOTKL MKN TAKK NOTICK. DO YOU WANT 1 n good business ? Buy the Commercial , the lending hotel at Broken Bow. Neb. MJ V-WANTKD , MANA UN ( I'AHTNKR KOH A Iflno paying business ; must traml somn ; bo sober nnd honest anil Intelligent ; haretOU to * 1,000 ; no mashers , lushers or loafers lined apply. Address , or call , Mrs , T , , Merchants Hotel. IVW 4" sir WANTKD LOCATION FOH GOOD STOCK OF L general merchandise. Box 141 , Osmond , Nob. 0581" V-FOH SALK , A GOOD GKN'L. MDSK. BUSI- X ness , no opposition , moit healthy location , In s. o. Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Llttlo A Ath- earn , Jordan Valley , Ore. 057-5 * V CAHH I'AID FOH KNDOWMKNT I'OLICIKS IN I old line compnnlcK. Srnd description. A. K , Brocklcsby. box it ) , Hartford , Conn. 4S9Jyll V-l-'OH SALK , MILLINKHY STORK , IN GOOD I location. Klrsl-elasi opening for a competent milliner. Address Milliners , box 316 , Syracuse. Neb. M5'.iO V-WHALK AN OLD , WKLL 1'AYING KSTAB- I llshed cigar business ; good reasons given. Address 1 > 5.1 , Bee. M730 y' ANY KMl'LOYKH CAN IIAVK USK OKf-10000 to tUfiW without Interest Indoor position. Addres S , M Bee olllco. M UU 4 * YMKRCHANT TAILOR BUSINl'.SS. FRANK Sochor , David City , Neb. tWlJySI * r-i ROOM IIOTKIf KOH RKNT AND - lure for sale. Apply 1811 Cass A7"-KOH HALK A CI.KAN STOCK OK ItAUD- JL wnro tinware nnil etovos. Stock will Invoice about 11,1)110 ) to 14,600 , for null or part omh. Any ono meantiiK biiBtnusn nililroHS It 31 , lleoolllce. MIIW Jy5 * KOH JO.VO1IANXJH. F < r rate * , etc. , tee ton offlnt column on this jtaae , Or FOuToXciIANUB , IOWA KAHM KOlTSTOCK ' tot boots and shoos , Addre , S 24 , Ilee otllre. MIB3 3 V IHVIIIKNH I'AYINO STOCK.FOll ) (10OD AJfnrm lands or desirable city property. W. . 1' . O. box tM. .MliM al * y KOH SALK OH KXCHANC.K , KXCKLLKNT 'Jelly lots nnd farm lauds free of Inciimbrnncu , In MluimHOtn nnd South Dakota , for sulo or trade for Omaba property. Addruds O. U. Curtis , care of Omabn Hubbor company. MI111 & y-FOll KXCIIANOK , 8KVKHAL VKHY KINK /JlioMii's with all iiiodorn ImprovcmentH , In very flno location , for acre property near Oiiinhn or Council lllulls. Fidelity Trust Comimny , 1(114 ( Far- nil MI st. U)7-7 ) Z HOHSKS KOH LOTS , 4U3 UHOWN BUILDINO. .MSUOJ/5 I1'O KXCIIANK ( KOK CLKAH LOT , LAHC.K. / stylish fnuilly uorso unit carrlnne. 412 lloo build- IIIK. 15R l-'OH SAIjU IlKAIj KSTATIO. For rates , etc. , see topof flrit column on this page. ONK CHANClflN A , LIFK TIMK TO BUY vuluublo property$700 less than It cost two years ago. A 10 room houae with conveniences of city water , hath room , closet" and sewerage , houso3 years old and cost f3,7lK ) , lot 4lxl0 feet to nn nlloy , 20 minutes' walk from courthouse , H blocks from motor cur , HChool and churches , price } 4,000 , $500 cash , balance terms easy at 7 per cent Interest , 2 per cent discount for nil cash. The owner him good reasons for selling ut this sacrifice. IMoaso call to examine property after IV p ; m , Will furnish ab stract ; title perfect ; will take part trade city lot or farm , but must bo at a loivjcash valuation. Guar antee the house will rent for 10 per month ; will execute lease for n yeui > 'or ' longer. Willis M. YntcB , S. W. corner 32ml and California sts. G5ti 4 T7OH SALK , WB HAVE. 60 IOTS IN NOHTII -L Omalm addition , on the line of the motor to Courtland Ileuch , we will sflll at old prices for 'iO days longer , when prices will advance on account of the motor lino. Wo will build cottages on small payment donn nnd balance monthly. Shrlver A O'Donnhoo. MU2-S HA VK YOU KVKK 11KKN TO CAHTIIAOK ? TIIK most henutlful nddltlbil to Omnhn. The Knrunm street motor Is the roUte to tnke. If you want it home on ensy paymcntH , wo will build you 0,110 In CartlniKo , Cull anil uct prices. Shrlvor & O'Donnhoc. , MMi2 S IflVK-HOOM HOUSES IN OHCIIAUI ) 1111,1. , JI.V cnch on Monthly payments. Thomas F. Hall , 311 Paxton block. ( . ' 13 IT'OH ' SALK. TO WOHKINCMKN ONLY ( SI'KCU- Jlatorsnei'd not apply ) , on tlmo or monthly pay ments , H ncatcottagu ut leas than uctual value. ln- xlde property , only one block to electric line. In- uulre nt room 202 , Omaha National bank bulldlnK. bulldlnK.M534 M534 DO YOU WANT A I1A1U1AIN ? IK SO , THAT house of 7 rooms , with cellar , well , cistern nnd full corner lot. 35th nnd I'utrlck avo. , will suit you ; $100 cash and W5 every 3 months will buy It. < JcorKe 1'anl , IW.l Karimm. M44J 6 E. ( ! . MKHH1LL DKALIIH IN ItKAI. ESTATK , Contraotor nnd Ilullder , rcHldcncc , linker IMnco Wnlnut Hill. Cottages for trade or saloon month ly pnymentH In Donekeun add. SnundersA HlraebauKli's add. , "Clifton Hill" nnil "linker 1'lneO , " all new mid convenient to motor. I'rlces way down. Improved and unimproved farms In Merrlck Co. , Nob. For sale or trade. Cnsh for lots. , 570jyJ * FOH SALK One-half aero lot with four-room house , furnished complete , for ti25 ! cash. Address - dross H , box 311 , Hooper , Nub. M 381 S * FOK SAL ? ! ( JOOD WAHKHOUSK LOT , COHNKH , paved streets , tracknue. 'i blocks from depot ; very cheap. N. Hliclton , 1IJI4 Karnnm. 400 FOK SALK ASMAIJ. COUNTHY HANK , HKINO thoonly bank In town and no other wtlhln 12 mlles.ollest of reasons Klvrn for selling. Call at or address room 013 , NOIT York Llfo bulldlntr , Omaha , Nob. 4W-I2 FOll SALK FAHM CONTAINING 80 ACHKS 1M- proved land and ! ' > ncros timber ; farm Is nil fenced ; 13 acres timothy pasture , orchnrd , xrovo. lW- tory hoime , barn , Kranary , windmill , all In Kood shape ; farm Is 5 miles southwest of riattsmuuth , the county seat of Cas county , and 2 miles from Murray , n now town on the Missouri I'liclrto rail- roiul : 1 mile from school and church. For particu lars address I'M , lleo o.lllcu. 7US HOUS1SS KOH SALKO.S'KASYTKHMS ; HOUSK3 for rent. Address ( ioriiuin American Suvluus llank. 1SS 77011 SOUTH OMAHA I'llOl'DHTlKS , 1IUS1NKS3 , -L trnckn e or residence , KO to the leadliiff real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston & Co. , corner 24th and N streets. M2M1 1'OH SALK CIIKAr , KASY 1'AVMKN'M , 1 - -L story nowi ! room houne , with b th , collar , etc. ; full lot. N. Shclton , lull Knrnnin. ' . ' .tj IjOST. Vnr rates , etc. , fee < < > of tt > l column on till * " osTvMMUKKN KST "CHAIN , " IIOM'A N Juolit charm nnd brluht polished chain , lleturn to lieu olllce nnd uct loward. Mr.l ) .1 * r KIOATflKR JtlONOVATOH. t , f For rrittD , He. , ate ti > i > of Jlrst column on tlili ixtue. BKIH , TICKS ANI ) 1'ILLOWS WASHKO. Kl'WTl l- ers bouKht. Mall orders promptly tilled Work called for nnd delivered Frank AlisonJl t A Franklin M74S SOLICITOUS. For rate * , etc. , net top / fivt , column o/i t/ib / ) , nue. IJAl'lINT LAWYKHS ANt ? Soi.IClTOItHrTT W * SUCH \ Co. . lli'O bulldliii ; , Omiiha. llrnucli ollleo \VaslilnuKin , 1) . C. Consultation free. 6-C. For riifM. etc. , tee top offfisl tolnmn nu'AM paae. Ni HliSrt'NW dT iyfcjhHSiAKIMTTN'KA"M- lltes nollclted. MUs SliiVfly , 2UIU llurpey street. „ ' MlSIJyaT for ratft , etc. , ' AND JACKSON 3.'IJSU ( Notice to I am iu-ep.iro.1 to furnlih vr'Tiniitly Hiibbb Hip- Hnp DlmeiitlonStono nuii'iL'ruihed Kunk of bait quality at lOHOit price. KoirxiKurei eiillor nitdross T70 I' . U .MONHOK , 42i ! New York Llfo Vulidlnir. Omaha , Nub. BARKER HOTEL . Hr and Mrs. Oeorge Van Orman have tnken the HARKtflR HOTEL under thel A'oU-.snown managament. This hotel Is the best Two Dollar a Day Houaa In OmahaK with all modern convenlonoas. Firs esaipai anil fira prcof floors , 8pcial ratoa for baaa jail aid theatrical companius. Tabla tin- II ) MKI3 WOUTII la The man who kcopi his ilomnch In tlrst-olais con , litliiii IUlii thuu , li tlie only mm who tttmu n I'liuncoouecor In life , For all illionR'rJ of thv io iiui-h , liver and kldnoyi the uunulnu .surudiil r.ilt U without ui\\ial. \ ami mikm : llfu a Mlua iir n timd of nburduii. It In 110 'tally benu- ik'lnl forthroiilo con-tlpatlon KOuly anil iitnalloix. lln sure tn obtain thu ci'nulnu artlcl'i vlilch hM tliu nl of the cltr uf C.trl bad , and lhi > iiunilurc t ' Klincr & Mondolton i u. . auunli > i urtla/jr tr ot , New Voik"pu every tiottle. DOCTOR McCfREW THE SPECIALIST Morclhan 11 yei\r otpirlenoa In tin tro\ttnji j { PRIVATE DISEASES. Acure guaranteed In 3 to 4 days , without helonof nn hour's time. GLEET. ThB moil complete ami absolute cMre for gleet and nil nnnoylngdKchnrgei ever known to the modleal profession. Permanently curoil In from ! lo U d.iyi STRICTURE Or pain In relieving Ilia bladder euroJ without pMn or Initrumenu , no cutting , no diluting. The mail remarkable remedy known tu modern jcHncu. SYPHILIS. Cured In X to W rtny Dr. McOrnw'i treatment for this torrlbto blood dlseiifoha * boon pronouncodtho moitsuccossfulremcdy ovordlicuvonta tar the b tolutu euro of the ilt.ioiio. Ills succoii wltlitult dl > onv > han never been equalled. A ooiupluto ourj guaranteed. guaranteed.LO3T MANHOOD nessnil woikne os of tl o sexual organs norvoin. And timidity and despondency absolutely curoJ , Th urolluf Is Immediate and complete. SICIN DISEASES , nnil nil dhensoi of tha blood , llror , kldnoyi , * nl bladder permanently curod. FEMALE DISEASES The doctor's "Homo Treatment" for lailloi li pro. nounccd by nil who hare mod It to bo the most com plete nnd convenient remodjr ever ollurod for the treutmcntof fcmilo disease ! . Itlitruly n wonderful 'remedy. Hours for ladle * , from ' 2 to 4 only * DR. MoOREW'S Mnrvellons s\icco s In th'j treatment of private dt - onsoHhaswon for lilra n reput-itlon which Is trulp national In character , nnil hla army of p.itlenti ranches from tha Atlantic to tbo I'aclflo. Tha doctor It a Kr.idunto of "regular" medicine nnd In ) lift ? long nnil careful experience In practice , nnd Is classed nmont ; the lending upocialliti In modern - ern science. Treatment by corroipondonco. Wrlto for circulars uboutoaoh of the nbovo dlieiioi , fraa. Office , 14th and Farnam Streets , Omaha Neb. Entrance on olthor street. Notice to Coiitrnctors. Notice Is hereby Riven tlmt bldi will uo ro- cuivod by the Hoard of 1'iibltu Lauds and thuoftlcoof thnSourotiiry of Stuto , until July HHIi , li'JI , at 12 o'clock noun for the erection : iml comulotlon of two WHIRS , kitchen and laundry buildings for the Insane Asylum at Hustings. Nebraska. HliU will be received for the various branuhe of work and mater ial and as a complete bid. 1'lans and specifications may bo soon at the ollli'o of thoCommlsisloiiorof I'ubllu Lands and llulldinxs ut Lincoln , Nebraska , and also at the ofllco of V. Al , Ellis. Architect , Omaha , Nebraska. Contractors will bo required to conform strictly to conditions of the specifications. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Juno IRth. 1SOI. A. H. HUM I'll KEY , Pros't. of Hoard John C , Allen. Scc'y. of Stiito. JlTiliMtM Notice to Contractor ) * . Notice Is hereby Riven that bids will bo ro- polved by the board of public lands anil build ings nt the office of secretary of state until July 20 , IbOl , nt 12 o'clock , noon , for the erec tion and completion of a cliapol and dormi tory for the Homo of the Friendless at Lin coln , Nob. Plans and specifications may be soon at the ofllco of the commissioner of public lands nnil buildings at Lincoln , Neb. Contractors will bo required to conform strictly to conditions of specifications. Tim boord reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated .111110:10. : 1891. JOHN O. ALLKN , A. R. HUMPHREY , Secretary of Stato. Pros't of Hoard. Jld.'Otm AND OTHER RHILWHYT1MBGHRD Leave * CHICAGO. IIUIIMNGTON & Q.l Arrive * Oiuiiha. I Depot 10th nnd Maaon Btt. I Omnha , Lcnvcj li'OV .t . J. l uri/ Omaha. I Dupjt DilitnJ M t'on Su. I O n > 1 Leavoi K. o. , sr j. a. c. u. I Arrive i Omaha , j Depot 10th an , ! .Mnsj i Sli. Omihv 9.3U n m.Knn | as I'tty lnr ) Ktpro . I 5.5i p m 9.4.i p iiillC. C.NIght Ktp , via U. I' . Trani I 11.15 a m I eaves I UNION 1'ACIFIC. Arrlvois Omnha. | Depot lUlh nnd MnrcySts , Omaha. 10.10 a m .Knnsai City Kipresi ( ox Sun , ) . 4.15 p m 1020 a m . . .Denver Kxpresj. 400 p m 2.50 p m .Overlnnd Klyor. , Dili p m 4.30 p m . .Grand Islnnd Kxp. ( ox. Sun } . , 11.55 a m 7.JJ pju , ,1'aclllc Express , , J.MJ p 01 Leitvot'lCHICAUO , MIL. & ST. 1'AUL I Arrive Omithn. J U. I * , depot. mil Mnroy flti. I Omaha C.20 pTiil Ch"lc7igo Kxnron Si.V ) m U.l.'i a ra | ( hlcigo Kxprusi 11.10u LraveTT CHICAGO , ll. I. A PACIFIC. I Arrivoi Oiimlm. | u. I' , depot , loth nnil _ Murcy St < JOiii iha. _ ( i.2 > ) p nil Night Kinross i jf.vj n ra ! > .15 n m Atlimtla Kxprms I ii.55 p m l.ili : | i ml Vestibule LlniHoil | 10..Vi n in l.envut | MISSOOIU I'Ai it'll } . I Arnvei Omiilin. I Dopol IJlh and Webster Sli. lonulm lOJafn ml. . .St. Ixiult A K C. Kxprcit. . . I H.w ; n m 9.'iO P Jill . .St. Ixiuls A K. I * . Kxpreri . , I 5.20 p in 'Luavm I K. C , , ST.ToK A ( Ml. "T.Urlvi'i Tmnsferl Union llopot. Cuiuu-ll BliitM. ITrniinfar. 100) ) a m ! . . .Kan ai t.'lty Dny Kxpta77 175.4I \ p m ID. l.i p m | . .Kansas City Night Kxprou . .I tl.'jj a m U-nVori OMAHA AST LOUIS. I Arrival TrcnifoJl Union Depot , Council lllulf . _ iTrunifar 4trt p ml. . . . .St.l uli V > n iiBall _ . . . 113.15 p m Lortvut | UlfJAGOliURL'N ( I-rouiNCYrfTrrliei I'fiinifnrl Union liepot. Council lllulM | Trnn far " " " " * li.W n m t hkagu Kipruss > 0it ) p m , . , -Chlciuo Kxpresi | * ) n ui 7U4ji m . ! re um l > eal | 15 a m Ul M l > ' i III . 7,45 a mi Sioux Cltr iiodatluu , I V.ttl JW i ) Hi ) , . , tit. l' ul Kiprt . ,10.00 p ui The Shah of Persia Though rulVAiiccil In yp-\n , IIA Imlr of rnvrn Jitio. ( iray Imlrs nrn strictly iirohlbltcd In Ills ttomlnlom , niul Imnco tlio Inrgn .tlilp. mcnts to Hint country of Ayer's ll.\ir Vigor , by tlio of wlilcli tlio Stinh'i .itilijeoLi SAVO not only their Imlr but Ilirlr licnils. Ayet's Hnlr Vigor restores the color of tlio hair. U sltotilil bo on every toilet-table. " Sonic tlmo ngo my lirtlr began to fade nnd to fall out so bnilly that I thought I slionM bo balil ; but the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor has restored tlio original color nnil made my hair strong , nhiinditiit , nnd hralthy. It docs not fall out any more. " Addle Shatter , MO Itaco St. , Cincinnati , Ohio. "My hair ( which had partly turned giay ) was rcMorcd to Its youthful color ami beauty by the mo of n few liottlei of A/er's , Hnlr Vigor. I shall continue M use U , as tbero U no better drcsshiR for the hair. " tialdo ( lapp , Guorftcana , Al.i. Ayer's Hair Vigor , I'KCfAltKI ) I1T DK. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mnsu. SolJ by all DriiKgUti and rerfumort. DPS , Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , OMAHA. NKU. The mont wldnly and favorably known spec- lill : ta in the United States. Their lonit ex- pi'rlonun. reniarlcablo .sUlllitnd universal siit- I'OSB In the trontmont and euro of Nervous. Chronlo and Surreal niscasiis , cntltlo thcsn enilnout DbyHlelans to the full confldeneoof the alllluti'd overvwheru Thi'V cuarantre : A OKKTAIN AND I'OSITI'VK L'UIIB for the awful olfocls of curly vice and the numer ous tit IK that follow In Its train. PRIVATE. HLOOI ) AND SKIN D1SKASES apoprllly. eoinpli'toly mid iiorniaiipnllv cured. NKIlVOUS bKIIJi'lTV ANIKSKXUAL DIP- OHliKHS yield roudlly to their skillful treat ment. PILES. FISTULA AND HF.OTAL ULUEUS unarantopd cured without pain or detention from huslncH-i. 11VDKOUKLK AND VAllICOOnLB uiirinii- uently and succpssfully eurod In rvorv case. SV1MIILI.OONOIUllKKA , ( SLKKT-per- inatnrrhipa , Hetnlnal WritkiiPssLustMniihood , Nl'ht Knilsslons , Doc-ayed I'auiiltlci , J-Vmaln \Veuknessar.dnIl delicate dlsoidnrs peunllnr to I'lthorso.x. positively cured , as weil as nil functional disorders tint ri-.sult from youth ful follies or tbo excess of tmituru yours. e'l'Dlf"Pliup Guaranteed permanently OllM lUlVlv cured , removal complete , without uttlnji caustic or dilatation. Cure Directed at liomo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A < NlIttl TT ! ] ? ! < ' Th ° aWfl11 OTOCtH Of /i. OUlvL , UUiVL early vice wbluh brings orcanle weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded Ills , pormansiHly cured. W 's ' RT < T'l'ls Address those who have \O. IJi llO linpaliod thumsplves by 1m- proper Indulgence and solitary Imblts , which ruin both mind und body , iinlittlng tlioin for business study or mat I IHKO. MA11KIKO MKN or those cntorln ? on that Happy life , aware of physical debility , qulekly assisted. . OUB STJOOBSg Is based upon facts. First Practical experi ence. Second Every eiisn Is .specially studied , thus starting right. Thlid Mi'dlnliics nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit ouch case , thus directing cures without InJ ury Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB. AUKNUINK MlUlir ! KKHlIK I ) KUW8 tJKUM EHAIlUATOl-Ciire ! nil litmuses Locniuo itkllls tlio microbe or ccrm. Put up anil rot.illoU In f , $8 and t5 sUoi , the hitter 2 1-2 xnlloni Bent : uiy- wliorn propalit on rnrclpt of price nrO. I ) I ) . Via lasuo HKimrnntco to cure. Tlio nubile , trndo nnil lobbom Hiipplloit b7 thu lloorlnian Drui ; Co . Mo- CornilckA l.iind , Uinnhn ; 0. A. Molchur , llon'iird Mjur * unit K. . ) . tfeyknrn , Wnutli Oinnli ; A. I ) . Kos ter Hint M. P. IIIIN , ( ; OIIIIP | | HlulN. " Continual dropping wears away the stone. " < . The continual breaking of lamp-chimneys costs a good deal in the course of a year. You can stop it. Get Mac- beth's "pearl top " or " pearl glass. " You will have no more trouble with breaking from heat. You will have clear glass instead of misty ; fine instead of rough ; right shape instead of wrong ; and uniform , one the same as another. You will pay a nickel a chim ney more ; and your dealer will gain in good-will what he loses in trade : he will widen his trade by better service. Plttaburir. UEO.A. MAciuvra&Co. BAD BLOOD ! : Plraplos on the Pace | Breaking Out | | Bkln Troubles | ; Little Bortj | Hot Bkln | : BolU | Blotches | ' Gold Sores | Bad Breath ) ; Bore Month or Lp ! | i If yiMl llIT. r from nr of tflLHO ) UlplUUIV , tUkO TffjjSJ yQa ENGLISH i'o euro Dlllousnois. Sick Headache , Constipation. ilalarla. Liver Complaint * , take I ho eafo and certain renojy , K.MITJI'S U othoBMALLBI B(40 ( llttlo tvunitoRiotmt. Uo ) 'ihey are the imiU convenient tutt ull aa&a. t'llceuf either ilia , 26t. auptrbfltuo. SSSIMIG nt 7' J.7' 70 : I'hoto , ' , aavl HVa ' . . ' irraTtiro panolaliogf Ujb picturu for 4 : snu ( coppers or clamps ) . , . Ji.1-SMITH ft CO. Vakonof "llelt ! | n , fit. Louis Ho : DOCTOR Tbeie Colebra.t 0 E.VUI.lHIl ; ' 'III * re a I'oilllva Cur for Sick ; lAGKER'S llcuilunhe , lllllouinrii , and ! nttljuktlttn. Htuoll , plfa- * i PURE a ut ami > futorllu with Ibc ! iiillct. Hold In KiiKlAnd lor It.I j PINK ISJIn > m rlca for eSt. 0(1 ; tticiu frum your PmrjUti , or ; nd to n , u. IIOOIIK t ro ; i PILLS. 40 WM | flr 4w r , | l w T rh. { JUST AN KXIMjUSlUN. Mvoly Hlinkhiir Up In * Mr. T. ,1. A RIM explosion nt tlio rcMilonco of Tnomru .T. Honors , 3703 Farnaiu street , about 4:00 : on aid about $ . " > 0 tlamngo anil gnvo tha fnmlly n scnro that thny won't got over for t weolc , bosldo * giving thu cook n koilnk view of the promised Intnl. The Rlrl U roimtod to be careful , rw servant Rirl.s RO , but In sotno nminior ulio loft a burner of the steve partially open nnil a quantity of KftS escaped Into tlio clilumoy by means of n small pipe that ordinarily servos ns n i > nsanta ; way for tlio c CAPO of ilisntjrccuulo odors from tlio steve nnd cooldtiR dlshos. Thus It happened that \vlion slio nttompteil to llRht n nro Inter on , It cntno wltUtn nn nco of bulni ! her lust effort on this mumlnno sphoro. The Ilittno wns Instantly coininunl- nit IH ! to tlui storage tatilc fortncU by the chlinnoy , and the nott tni > mont the sliiti of tliochlinnoy Jumped from Its plncovith aur- prlslnR nlncrity nnd vehemence. For n fo\r seconds It rained brick , mortnr and gas steve in tlmt vicinity , nnd the workmen employed near by looked up to see what smnll boy hnd stnrted In on his fourth of July colouration , The Rlrl wns knocked senseless by the explosion - plosion , nnd when Mrs. Honors luirrlixl lit she found her lylnc hnlf-wiiy nci-oss the room surrounded and partly burled uiulitr the do- brls. Thu Rlrl wns uiiconstilous for halt nn hour , nnd It xrns lint until .sho recovered lior scnse.s Hint It wns learned what n narrow o.s- capo she from death. Sim was .stoopluf ; down when the explosion occurred , and tha mass of brick How back Just over her Inmd. The clilmnoy Is n lurgo ono , fully six foot wide. Into which the I-HIIRO Is uullt , nnd n section tlirco and n tmlf feet liiRh unil the full width of the chlmnoy win blown out. The top of the pas steve was shnttorcd , nnd n larpo vontllntlng roRl.stor , Mx0 ! inches In slo , wns blown from Itsplaco nnd hurled ncros.s tlio room whom tt was dnshud to pieces BRiilnst the sink. The ex plosion attracted the munition of the otitlro neighborhood' shook thlnps up very ROU- orally nuout the house. The Rlrl has recov- urrdd from the ofTccts of the shock and U duly thankful that her head wns missed by tho'llyliiR brlek , ovou If the distance wns only a few Inchoi. No matter what may bo the Ills you boar from tmllROStion , a dose of Ayor's Cnthnrllo 1'Ills will ease you without question. Just try thorn once nnd bo assured ; the v have much worse dyspeptics cured. You'll Hud them nice and amply worth the | > rlco. GIST SOMI2 H.YCH. 1 AY. County ConimlH.slonorH I'rollt by a Ku- prcinc Court Doul.sluii , County Commlsslonor Tlinma Is n happy man happy because ho has won his suit in the supreme court. Timmo U not alone In lib Joy. us Chairman O'lCeofTo nud ox-County Commissioner W. J. Mount are iu the same mood and for tlio same reason. The case Is ono of long .stnndiiiR. Prior to 1830 the county coinmtsslonore were paid $3 per uay and inllcaRO. In 1887 the loirtslaturo enacted n law providing for $5 per dny. The Inw was passed In January nnd went Into effect In July. The commi.sslonors claimed that under the now law they wore entitled to the $5 per diem , but the county attorney could not see it in that light. Timmo , who had boon in olllco but six months , conforod with the other members of too board and decided to sue the county for the extra $3 per day that had nccu- mulatod slnco ho had taken his sent , The county attorney held thnt n law could not ho passed to iniso n man' . ' sa' > ? ivhtlo ho hold the olllco. The case i ns trial n the district court and Timmo won , . . tv th : the county appealed to the supreme court ' 1 1 a decision hnnded down yesterday uillrius the decision of the lower court and places $1IB in Mr. Timmo's pocket. O'ICeofTo , who had served nearly a year after the now law wont Into effect , will pot $ (101) ( ) and W. J. Mount will Co richer by nearly $1,000. The money will bo pnld out of the general fund. For Schlltz beer apply to U , K. Grotto lo'-JOITarnnm. WANTS HIG DAMAGES. Jr. AVilllnniH of the Medical Institute Sues the IVorld-llcrnlil. Dr. John P. Williams , who ivns ono of the physicians of the Omaha Medical Institute , has commenced suit In the district court for $7",000 damages against the World publishing company , publishers of the Omaha World- Herald. Tlio suit is the outprowth of the World- Herald's ' treatment of the recent investiga tion of the medical institute. In his clnim for dnmnpos Dr. Williams quotes the reports of the World-Herald on the InvustiRatloii of Klchard Molodv and Hello licnvor's deaths. Ho al- Ioies that nil of the uaper's reports were published "with the wicked and malic ious deslpn to cause the public to believe the plaintitT had been guilty of tlio crimes of robbery , malpractice and robbery. " The plaintiff nMts judgment for damnpcs to the amount % of $76,000 nnd costs of the suit. AH a Drink In Fevers Use Hereford's Acid Phosphnlo. Dr. Chas. H. S. Davis , Meriden , Conn , , snys : "I have used It as nn accessory in cases of melancholia and nervous debility and ns n pleasant and cooling drink In fevers nnd have been very muoli pleased with it. " lllds I "or Army Grain. Bids for supplying oats and hjiy for the department - partmont of the Plntte w.oro opened yostqr- day in Colonel Hughes' olllco. Considering the scarcity of grain at present In the west the bids for oats were considered qutto reasonable. The bids wore forwarded to Washington , where they will bo examined and decided upon. The 0" . S. government nro using mrponnm bors of the Improved Howoscalm . lionleu Ac Sclleck Co. , asents , Chicapo , 111. 'lllli HI3.ll/r > : SIAHKHT. TNSTKUMUNTS plaooU on record July 2 , WAHIl\N"rY IIKISD4 , Q W Amos unil wlfo teA ll falconer , loti 5 nnil ( i , 1)11 ) ; II , Aini'.s 1'liico $ 1,100 11 1) Olurlf nnd wlfo to llorimui Aiidnr * son , lot 7 , Miilillut'iu add 300 S C Knnclier nnd wlfo to J ) V bholes , lot Hi , lilk U , Inslltutii 1'liifo 100 .1 II 1'arrln to A/i ; Matthew , und V R 1'8 foot of jot W , LiiKOitTemiilnlnn's mid , . 503 Christian llartinan anil wlfo to Al U llur- li < w , H ; ) foot of w K of lot 7'J , Hurt- in nn's mill 1,000 Laura Jolllllo tu Mons Johnson. to 1'J- Ml-U , Minis Johnson nnd wlfo to Lnurii Jolllire , lot . * . hlkx. Wiilniit Hill 2,000 LAKInirinid wlfo to Andrew llnnson , n li nu KW : M-I5-1I 1,100 Jai'Dli Klir.iinil wlfo to Andruw llunson , w'/ , sw''l-iri-ll SUM ) J W MuK.ithron to 0 A Klnklo , lot y. blk fi , Kllliy I'liico 4.010 I. II iMiiiilKOiuurv iipil limUund to L II Kent , lot57 , und n ! } of lot ! W , Ilowoll I'liico 7,500 KS Itiiod and wlf lo ! ' W Wyllo , loin 4 and A. lilk II , Allirl lit'H Aunox to Noutli Oniiihii , * i-5 * ouch 670 Same to A A l > 'ulllim , Into , hiuno. \V KSiM'esy nnil wlfo to. ) A Llnaliiin ot ill. Int I , blk II. fw iMssy'DiMld. . BOCO ( ! I. , Sntswioil | ) to LI//10 Mnnllc , lota ! U anil "I , blk IS. Mattlii'W'M Hub l.BOO Siinin to M A llosworlli , Hitinu UOJ A I'Tnkpy nnd wlfo lo Iiia Aiidnrson , o f.O ftjol of s HI foot , lot , M , blk "F. " I'lim- puct pluvo , sooa QUITCLAIM lIKKDi. . McDornild and wlfo to K It IJiini- II H , lots l.'l and 14 , blk 7 , ( Jraihly'a Kill ) . . , LI//IO Miirdlo nnd biiubmid to V OSpotH- wooil , lots It ) and ' 'I , blk 0 , Mattliuw'n sub IS Total iinioiint of tiansfori Jia.iO : Do Witt's Little iiarly ftisors. OoH llttlo pill ovnr mado. Cure conxUpitlo'i every time. None oijunl. I/so them now. NIMV Iiliui t ( > HUM Cutninonolii ) ; Sundivy. May ill , the Chiuuifo , Mllwivukoo & St , J'uul rullvruy will ii thnniKli line of slooplntr earn botwuou Sioux City nnd HOH Moines via Mini rhl. I'nHsungor.4 front Onmlia unil tlio west cnn leave Orrmhu ut (1:20 ( : p. m , , securenlooplnp ; car ncuoinniodutlona nnd iirrlvo In Loa ) Moinon ut 0 it. tn , Ru- turniiif , ' , louvo Dos Moiims 0:10 : n. jn. , iirrlvo ( ) iniihuU:15a. : Hi. Dining car * on both trains. Tlckut olllco , 1601 strcot. K. A. NASH , Gen , J Ii PunSTON , City Haas. A ; U