Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY' ] LUESDAY , JUNE 30 , 1891.
The General's ' Book Ocmplotcd and Nearly
Ready for the Public.
JUft I.cjjnl nml Military Career Hc-
vTijxvci ! nnil Home of Illn 1'cunllnr
AclH Kvplulucd Illn VoteH
for .TofT DuvlH.
BOMTOV , Mnsf. , Juno 29. The long oxpcct-
cd auto-biography of Oonornl Honjnmln Hut-
Icr will very soon bo put In the hiuius of ilia
American public. It will be Isiucd In a
single volume and will bo sold by subscrip'
tlon exclusively. Tlio title of this worlt will
bo "Culler's Uook , " anil It Is advertised us n
complete ) review ot Ills legal and military
career. It Is dedicated 10 the good and brave
soldiers of the (3mini Army of the Republic.
The llrst chapter frlves attention to the mat
ter of blood and broecdlntf.
"Tho politic system of tills country , " Oen-
oral Iluilorsuys , "U founded on what Kufus
Choatc once lermeu the glitter of ( jononillty
contained In the declaration of Independunco ,
thut nil men nro created equal. This Is a
trull ) applied to political rights , immunltioi
and burdens , but Is utter absurdity so far as
it Is iniuio to describe other mutual relations
of people. "
General Duller dwells at length In several
cbaptors upon bis childhood days and early
manhood , and pays his respects to
persons and institutions with characteristic
distinctness. For Instance , ho says : "My
family had not a coat of iinni , and I luivo
been taunted with the fact by my political
foes , some of whom priiio themselves on an
ancestry which won distinction by amassing
wealth from the sale of codllsh and Now
KiiL'laud rum , with which In early colonial
times Africa was supposed to bo Christian
ized. At such times 1 have beet , tempted to
reply , since I had before mo all the swords of
generations , each actually worn In Iho mili
tary .service of the country : ' 'Tis true my
family bus no coat oi arms , but wo have the
Ucncrn Duller sent his son I'aul to Har
vard , "not , " ho says , "beunu o I deemed It
the best school in the country , but because I
could not foretell what might bo his future
and 1 chose ho .should not be hindered , ns his
father bus been , by the fact that ho was not
a graduate of Harvard. A class of Mass
achusetts people bollcvo Hint n course nt that
college Is imllspunslble to advancement In al
most any pursuit In life , especially political ,
and ns ttoon as a graduate obtains political
preferment he is nulled as the scholar in pol
itics. "
General Butler dotes his political career
from the Inception of the temperance move
ment. Then began the struggle. It was a
long and a very Hard one. Ho says : "There
was no bad name that could be used Unit
was not liberally bestowed. Hut the leaven
of right eventually leavened the whole and
finally produced the bread of life for Iho
. " Ho further "I
worklngman. says : re
mained a monounccd and somewhat promi
nent member of the democratic party. Wo
ton-hour men introduced ten-hour resolu
tions Into Its platformsand the philanthropic
frco soil party , which began to obtain a hold
in our state , adopted our ten-hour proposi
tions before it nominated Van Huron in Isls. "
Later on , in IS-I'.I , General Duller was in
favor of coalition between the free sailers
and the democrats. The democratic party
held to the doctrine that the constitution
recognized slavery and that slavery could bo
abolished by an amendment to the constitution
tion , where'as the frco soil party , in Iho lan
guage of one of Us loaders , William Lloyd
Garrison , held that the constitution was "u
covenant with hell and a league with death. "
General Hutler says that ho was very strong
ly in favor of such coalition , because he saw
11 hope of ten-hour legislation and ho added :
"Although I stood with the democracy , I did
not foci myself obliged by my party relations
to go bounding over the graves of my fathers
to calch a fugitive slave who was seeking
Canada when It was not made my duty by
legal enactment. "
General Hutler's very Interesting resume
of his war experience bos In substance bcon
read by almost everybody before , and It is
part of the common tradition ot American
life. Hut the expression of political opinion
which Is included In the chapter of the pre
liminaries of the war ouelit to bo read by
"Tho politics In which I very early took
part was that practical politics which deals
with the condition and welfare of the citUen.
Prom my earliest youth 1 had bcon taught to
believe In the democracy of which .lefferson
was the apostle and to nhhor the federation
of which Hamilton was the exponent. While
1 had been da/rled with the brilliancy ol
JacUson's adinlnlstiallou of national affairs , I
curly tiad scnso enough to see that It con
flicted , In a very considerable dt > grec , with
the teachings of .lefforson. I may ns well
state hero as anywhere the conclusions to
Which I have boon brought by a lifetime of
the closest study and connection with na
tional and state affairs and practical policies.
This country is to continue corlamly for years
In accordance with the theories of Hamilton ,
whoso great genius and clear reasoning for
mulated n system of government , while the
philosophical lucubrations of Jefferson are
the best Instructions as to the mutual rela
tions of Its citizens In all conditions of life. "
General Uutlor's relations to Jefferson
Davis have excited us much critical com
ment , perhaps , as any other feature of his
public lifo. Hut his explanation of Iho rea
sons why ho voted for Davis in the Charles
ton convention In ISM serves to put that
criticism in it "SUV IIRUI. uu 3 3 i :
uiri"V ! " „ ' V .bnu : war Davis had
onlcied by him as sec
retary of war that much of the prosperity and
prowth of the northwest Is duo. U'o ewe to
the surveys anil explorations Iho Pacific rail
road , which was built to bind the fan
nnil west together with a chain of stool.
While ho was iccretarv of war lie
mailo a tour through Iho Now Kin-lana. stales.
In a pnrt of this trip I accompanied him and
1 1 lion Imd occasion to learn his character
nnil ability. Ho was not an original dls-
unionist , tint felt bound to follow his state.
Ho himself told me this In December. IbliO.
"For tneso reasons I voted for him seven
times and thnn the convention aillonrnod
without any break In the votes. Near the
bCBinnlnp of the voting when Uoutjlns was
within ono vote of n majority , onoof Douglas'
t riends citmo across the hall'to our delegation
and suld ; "Who hero Is voting for Jeff DuvU I
A vote for Douglas , which will glvo him n
majority , Is worth S.'fl.iHlO. " I said to htm :
'Sir , it takes two of us hero to carry a vole
ns you know. Ilorulsmy colleague voting ,
Mr. Chapln. Ho U worth a couple of lullllons
or inorti Perhaps you can provall upon him ,
if you would UUo to try.1 That couvorMitlon
went no further. For these votes for .left-
orson Davis I have bcou crltlclsod in every
form of words that characterizes calumny.
Yet up to the tlmo ot my voting for him , the
only boccsslon by the representatives of any
stale was that of the dologatlon of South
Carolina , when It withdrew from the demo
cratic convention. For aught that anybody
in the world know Davis was still loyal to
the union. As a loyal union uoluicr ho had
been rewarded by a scat in the cabinet of
1'rcsldent 1'Ieroo M seeruliiry of war. This
i > est lie baa tilled with commei'dullon mid
had then taken a scat in the .suimto. "
( icneral Duller gives his omnlon of the
thrto greatest American lawyers and ho
places at the head the name of Jeremiah
Webster aud t'hoiuo ho cites next.
No matter what may bo the ills you bear
from indigestion , a dosa of Ayor's Catuartlo
Pills will ouso you without question , Just
try them once and bo assured ; thov have
much wor o dyspeptics cured. You'll llnd
them ulco and amply worth Iho price.
Now Idiio to DCH .tfolnoH.
Conunoiiolnff Sunday , May 81 , the
ChlctiKO , Milwnukuo & St. Paul ralhviiy
will obtubllsh u through line o (
cfti' butwoon Sioux Cltj nnil Dos Monica
TM Uudrhl. Piibsoijof8 ) { from Onmlui
dtlro.wcbt cun leave Omnlin ixt 0:20 : | i.
in. , sccu'ro nlooplnp c r necontinodixtlons
tuul urrlvo In IICB Molnes nt 0 u. in. Ho-
ttiniiiin , lotivo Dos Molnes 0:10 : p. in. ,
urrlvo OinuhitO-i5iu : in. Dinlnt ; cars on
both tnilils. Tlokut otllco , 1601 Farnum
itroot. I'1. A. NABII , Gon.
J , li PIIESTON , City Pass. Agt.
Col. Fnlrbrotlicr's Collection of North
Carolina 1'roilnotn.
"Toko your choice , gentlemen. If you
don't co what you want , press the button
mm you'll got It. "
Such was the ( fronting of Colonel Al. Fair-
brother to friends ai.d acquaintances who
met him by chance nnd otherwise nt his room
in the I'axton yesterday. Hero was unread
out a variety of natural and manufactured
tobacco that would cnthuno the most Indolent
devotee of the wi-cd. Tar heel plug ns well
as the blontlo article was scattered about In
slabs Just the size to fan the small boy. Cut
plug , chowlntr and smoking tobacco , clpa-
retts and snuffs , made up In packages of va
rious slzoi anil shapes were displayed In
abundance , and the fortunate participants In
the smokers soiree helped themselves liber
Colonel Falrbrother brought about 203
pounds , of tobacco from his homo city ,
Durham , N. C. Few cities of
equal slzo has been as thor
oughly advertised as Durham. Every
Hinokor Is familiar with the name. From
Alaska to I'atagonla and from London to
I'ckln , the products of the Durham's ' mills
curry comfort to countless millions , learned
nnd lllltcnili ) . It solaces the nuihdls of the
Soudan and rivals Now England rum as the
advance agent of civilization on the plains
and forest ol the dark continent.
Ditrtiam Is ono of the vigorous young cities
of the now .south. It has n population of
U.OUO , and ovt'rv man. woman and child are
live , active people , who know and appreciate
the awakening enterprise ; * and Keep abreast
of the march of Industry. The city has Its
millionaires who energetically spread Its
faino and lavishly dispense the gohlcn fruit
of enterprise. Among these people Mr. Fair-
brother pitched his Journalistic tout ten
months ago , purchased an evening paper
thru nfllicli.-il with n paucity of brains and
vitality , Infused new blood In its veins nnd
restored It to life and activity. That the
venture was a prolltablo ono is attested
under seal , "The Dallv Globnnn hummer
with horns. It gives the news when news
la news. "
The oolonol will visit his old homo In
TecMimsch for a few days , and then return to
the harness in Durham.
As a Drink In Fevers
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Chaa. H. S. Davis , Mcridon , Conn. ,
says : "I have used it as an accessory in
cases of melancholia and nervous debility ,
and as a pleasant and coolingdrink in fovcis
and have been very much pleased with it. "
Dr. Konsinpton , eye , cnr , nose and
throut surgeon. 1 ; > 10' Dodge stroot.
Tlio Now KnyHtono KxprefH oT tlic
Pennsylvania Ijlncx.
Those who hiivo to travel will ap
preciate the fact that the inaimgcmont
of the Pennsylvania linean tici pales
business necessities , and improves ito
facilities for moving passengers com
fortably and c.xpodiliously , sotnowhat in
advance of the actual demand. This
suggestion is verified by the inaugura
tion of : i now pabsongor train service
between Chicago and Now York to bo
known as "The Keystone Express , "
which leaves Chicago at 10-5 : ! o'clock in
the morning and readies Now York the
next day at li o'clock , over the Pennsyl
vania lines a little shorter time wo believe -
liovo than has yet been attempted by
any of their competitor : ! .
\Vo are told that this train will have
the celebrated Pullman vestibules from
front to rear and will albO carry Mr.
Pullman's iincbt cars. Excepting in
special features , it is said that it will bo
equal to the famous Pennsylvania , lim
ited , and while no extra faro will bo
charged , passengers holding other than
llrst class tickets will not bo allowed to
ride on it. The venture may seem to bo
premature , but wo predict that the busi
ness of The Keystone express will grow
with Unit of tlio country , and at no dis
tant day wo believe it will have become
ono of tlio most popular and best paying
trains of the enterprising Pennsylvania
coin puny , whoso management furnishes
this now evidence of a determination to
excel in all that pertains to the trans
portation of passengers.
Statistical llcviow ol' tlio Fedora !
Court'H IlnslnuHS.
Mr. Buldrldg. assistant United States at
torney , has prepared a statement of the busi
ness demo In the United Stutos court during
the post
The number of criminal cases terminated
during the year was as follows : Connected
with the Internal revenue , ITS ; the postoftlce ,
ill ) ; pension mailers , U : embezzlement , r > ;
miscellaneous , IL'O. Total , Ji
The convictions have been ns follows : In
connection with the rovtnuo department , 70 ;
pnstoftlcc , Kl ; pension mattcis , 0 ; miscel
laneous , 'J3 ; total , 111) ) . The acquittals Have
been : In connection with revenue ? , 1 ; post-
office , 1 ; pension , D ; miscellaneous , 13 ; total ,
Tlio number of cases now pending is 1 19.
There were iili'J civil eases begun in the
United States court during the year Just
closed to wldch Iho government , was not a
party in action.
There were 119 ! civil cases disposed of dur
ing tha year and tLero are now pending 'J07
Do not forgot thit Holler's Pain Paralyzor
will euro all pases of dysentery ,
griping pain and restoring ti -
hnnlt.hv ni'tlnn. _ - - - _
. c < nrfToir"7ir Invor of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee Ai St. Paul JCy.
The now nalaco sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & SU Paul Ry. ,
\\ith electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , daily , Passengers
taking this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Ulutl's , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 :
a. in. , in ample time to maic all custom
connections. Ticket olllco , 1/501 Farnntn
street. P. A. NASH ,
J. E. PUKSTOX , General Agent ,
City Pu3songor ) Agent ,
The following m itri.i'J lliu.Hji worJ is
sued by Judge Shields yostoi'dky :
Name and address. ABO.
I Hubert II. llloie , Omaha , . - ' :
1 Ella M , Triiokoy Omaha . 1'U
I John lOlcOulloch , Omaha . 41) )
1 Mary K. HlgKln. Omaha . M
I David II. Christie. Omiihit . ' 'I
1 Kll/.ahitb ! II. Hamou , Omaha . ' . ' 'I
I Clans H. Holier , Dunclus county . .M
I Mary Doll , DoiiRlas county . IS.
I Harry L Mnrtln , Unuilin . S5
1 Nellie 1) , Purk-er , Medtield , Musa . 23
A Card ,
Wo want every lady and all the boys and
girls to call on your druggist mid got some of
our beautiful cards nnd n book of valuable
ntoriuutlon frco.
llu.ujn PitoriiicT.iav Co.
Fourth of July ItatoN.
July 3 and -I the Chicago , Milwaukee
ft St. Pa\ll railway will sell round trip
tickets between all stitionn on their line
for ono nnd one-third faro. Tickets
good for return passage until July 0.
Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnain strcot.
UN Furniture Hold.
Mr. A. Ui W.vinnu , receiver for the Ne
braska IIM insurance company , sold the
oftlco furnlturo of the defunct company , con-
slitting of desks , counters , typewriters ,
chairs , pictures , etc. , yesterday forenoon nt
auction In the Withucll block. The sale
ilruw a pretty good sized crowd , and the
things went at about one-half their original
cost. The nine largo stool engravings bold
for $ .V ) . Sqmo of the large , rolling top dosm
brought t.'O , The entire duttlt sold for about
Use Hnlcr'i ! > Sarsapatilla and Burdock , the
Irout ; "blood purifier.
Closing Out William Dnrst.
Buy your family liquors from this
stock. Bust selection iu the west. Pure
goods ; cost price ,
Hcrtln Wcston Drowned In n Pond Iicjivntiworth Htrcot.
At li:30 ! : o'clock yesterday nfternoon Hortlo
Wo ton , who lived with his niothornnd step
father Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Richards at 2.105
Leavcnworth street , was drowned In o deep
nond near the corner of Twenty-fifth nnd Pa
cific streets , immediately south af the Mason
school ,
Bertie Wcston nnd four other boys were
floating across the pond on n section of side
walk that had bccomo detached from its
proper place on Twenty-fifth street whore
the edge of the pond extends under the walk.
When the boys had almost crossed to the
east side with their Improvised raft it was
unfortutialcly overturned plunging the lads
into water to'n feet deep.
Ono of the lads , Bennlo Snwlilll Is n good
swimmer nnd by oxlrnordlnnry efforts ho
managed to rescue two of his comnanlonsbut
by the time ho had them safely ashore Bertie
Wcston , who fell in farthest from the bank
had gone down for the last timo.
Mr. Frank Clark , who lives on Pacific
slrcet , heard the cry of alarm
and hurried to the scene. Ho
Is a good swimmer and ho plunged Into the
pond , and after diving for live or ten minutes
ho succeeded In finding tlio drowned boy
lying on the bottom. All efforts to resusci
tate the poor boy proved vain and the under
taker was sent for.
Dr. Harrlgan was not to bo found
but Mini's ' undertaking wagon was
called and the remains wcro removed lo
Iho homo of the deceased.
The boy was ten years old , a bright , active
I ml and his parents are almost heartbroken
by the loss. An Inquest will probably beheld
held today.
Constipation poisons tne blood : DoWltt's
Lltllo Early Risers cure Constipation. The
cnuseromoved the disease Is uone.
The Durst Stoek.
Tills immense stock of wines , liquors
ind cigars is now on sale by the mort
gagee at 1U1U Farnam street , at cost for
cash. Goods will bo sold In any quan
tity until the entire stock is sold.
Uow Over the Possession of u Hard
ware Store.
Lawyer Andrew Bovlns was In police
court this morning after a warrant for the
arrest of Fred W. Bullanl , who formerly run
a hardware store at the corner of Thirteenth
and Williams streets.
Mr. Bevlus' charge was that Bullnrd had and robbed him. and a warrant for
Bullard's arrest on that charge was Ksued.
Bullard has been having a high tlmo
lately nnd was disposing of his worldly
wealth at such an alarming rate thut his
wife , who owned both the store nnd the
stock of goods , executed a lease of both to
Mr. Bovlns and wauled him to clear out the
Bullard objected. For several days ho stood
guard over the place and refused to
allow Bevins to enter the store. He was
Ilnnlly pacllicd however nnd yielded posses
sion on Saturday.
Mr. Bevins took charge of the pluco and
with a constable was busy all day taking an
Invoice of the sto-'k. He was just leaving
the store on Saturday night when Dullard
nnd n companion entered and Bullurd de
manded the key to the store. Mr. Bovlns re
fused to glvo up iho key , whereupon Uullard
assaulted him and held him up in ono hand
and took the key with the other.
Gniyncm , baldness , dandruff and all dis
cases of the scalp and falling off of the hul
can bo cured by using Hall's Vegetable Sicil
ian Hair Hencwer.
Closing Our AVillliini Durst.
The entire stock of wines , liquors and
cigars for sale at cost. Goods sold in
any quantity for cash. Mail orders will
rcccivo prompt attention.
Adjourned Another Week.
The special committee of the city council
met yesterday afternoon to contmuo the In
vestigation of the charges preferred aeatnst
Deputy License Inspector Frank Kdoy. The
meeting was called for 2 o'clock , but It was
an hour later before a member of the com-
tnlltee put in an appearance. When they did
arrive they were alone , as none of the wit
nesses for the prosecution had been sub-
pccnocd. Chairman Cooper of the committee
slated that the witnesses hud promUod to
Councilman Olson said the sorgeant-at-
arms .should sco that the witnesses attended.
Councilman OstholT explained that the
sergoant-at-arins Is n very busy man , and has
not tlmo to find the witness.
Inspector Kdoy offered to admit what the
witnesses would swear to , but the councilmen -
men would not have it that way , and the
investigation was adjourned ono week.
"Excuse , mo , George , but when I saw you
n year ago your face was covorcU with Dim
ples : it seems to bo nil right now.1' "Yes ,
sir , that's because I stuclf to Ayor's Sarsn-
parilla , the greatest blood medicine in Iho
world. I was never so well as I am now. "
Notice to Td < | iior and Clfiar Dealers.
The entire stock of wine $ , liquors and
cigars of William Darst is now oll'ercd
for sale u.t invoice price for cash. GooJs
will bo sold in any ciuant-ity , ' "i pro
posals for tlio purchase of the entire
stock will bo considered.
by John C. Btu-niird
Inspector Uiloy is of the opinion
that the passage of the ordlnanco licensing
coul dealers will be a source of considcrablo
revenue to the city. Ho stales that thirty-
eight of the retailers now stand ready to pay
their money into the city treasury , and that
Iho other principal dealer * will pay up during
the weak. The ordinance gees into effect
July 1 , and provides that each dealer shall
pay a license of $100.
In the words ot Mr. Kiloy It freezes out
the small dealern.
Small in sUe , irroat in results : Do Witts
Lltllo Earlyltisera. Best pilliforConstlp.t-
tlon , best for Side Headache , best for Sour
Stomach. _
Stopped l > y tlio Pump.
The board of health and the council com
mittee were booked for a session yesterday
afternoon to ngrco upon a cede of rules for
the government of the board. The members
of the council were busy at F'orcnco ' , seeing
that the now pump was properly stnrtud.
As n result the meeting was adjourned until
10 o'clock next \Vidnesday morning.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren tcolhlng relieves the child from pain ,
' . ' 5 cunts a bottle.
Wifn n bjr wan ifck , we garo her Cutoris ,
When ahe wna n Will J , ilia crlcj for Ctutoria ,
When BIO beeamq ) IU , > he clung to Ctutoria ,
Kftien olio had ClilUrtm , the g ? o thorn Caalorlr
Pimples oo the Fuca |
Breaking Out |
Bkln Trouble ) | ;
Llttlo Bores I not Bkla | :
Bollil Blotoaeil j
Gold Boten B dBreatb |
Bore Mouth or Llpi | :
V If you unVr Irom UBT f ;
tbc.C juiponi | , tl > Lo .
AffiKER'8 i
WHY ? " "TO
no ! t ll you ilui yui t .
. toeinur * freedom froni ! > "Jf.T . *
. .
vcti IF Acker' . Cazllih I1I J l.llllr l.tbe.
"ly known raJdlcl-i. u . ( . ' ' " " ' * " * ' '
< U the polwo from tlM Uf'Vi
yourdrufvrUt. or writ * o ft , II.
111) . 40 Wett lir * dway ( New
Nlntconth yester
c n notion to run away.
The hor&lM Ki TSightful dash down Far-
nara street and succnssfully ran the pnuntlot
of vehicles , street caraundlKidcstrlnus without
n solitary collision.
At the conior of TTCwoltb nnd Farnam Hob-
crt Greoloy , a brawny KiiRllshmnn , dashed In
front of the Hying aiuincs and seizing thorn
by the bits soon brought them to a
standstill. The frightened driver arrived
ten minutes Inter nnd was about to drlvo
away without even asking who stopped
the team , A pollcu ofllcer standing by sug
gested to him rather pointedly that U ho had
much of tin ! gentleman in bis makeup ho
ho would at lonst thank iho man who had
risked his llfo to sayo the property of a
stranger and to prevent tbo team from run
ning over somebody.
For Schlltz boor apply to It. K. Grott
lO'-'OFnrnnm. o
The finest Fourth of July in Nebraska
nt the C'liuutiiuqimiiBscmbly , Crete , Nob.
Beautiful proumls. Splendid procriunino.
Ex-Senator In alls of Kansas nt 2 p. in.
on "Tho Problems of Our Second Cen
tury. " Ono railway faro for round trip.
Admission 2o cents.
1'nrty That Ijct't for the
North LmHt Nl lit.
Thee who wish to catch anything that
belongs to the tlsh family now swimming in
the lakes of northern Wisconsin bad bettor
get there right early. In a week or ton days
the finny tribe may have , to a lario extent ,
disappeared from ttioso popular haunts.
The reason for this lies in the fact th nt
Hon. Thomas H. Bcnton , D. O. Courtney , C.
H. Merrill , J. D , Lnuor. J. U. Knight , John
McMannignl , F. C. Iiowo and Ben H.
C'owdery , nil of Lincoln , nnd now at large ,
loltinst night by special car over the Chicago.
Minneapolis , St. Paul & Omaha for the llsh-
ing resorts and summer hotels of northern
Wisconsin. They are prepared to take flsh
of nil sizes and conditions of appotlto nnd in
all sorts of weather. They expect to clran
out the lakes in about ten days and then
come homo.
For beauty , for comfort , for Improvement
of the complexion , use onlv Pozzonl's ' powder ,
there is nothing equal to It.
American Wonders.
Yellowstone pnrlt is beyond all ques
tion ouo of the world's uroat , wonders ,
and tlio Union Pacific excursion in July
will bo the event of tlio season. Ask
your nearest Union Pacific agent about
1C *
Another Move In the Ilniiscoiu 1'nrlc
Concert Muddle.
Members of tho.national loasjuo of musi
cians don't want to manufacture any of the
melody rt llanscom pnrk unless thuy can
innko all of it. The league is strongly oppos
ed to the action of the park commission lu
dividing the concerts between the profes
sional nnd amateur organisations.
At the last meeting or the local union the
following was adopted :
Hi-solved , That the Musicians 1'rotcctlvo
Union refuses to allow Ha nuMiiliors to play
any more at tiubllo uonccrts In llanscnm purl ;
unles-i total servlcos bo clvon to union musi
cians by the park aommtsMon.
Do Witt's LlttldEarly Uisors , best pill.
New Knirinu House.
The now cnglno.hnuses nro well underway
and most of them will bo completed during
the week. Plans'for the equipment of the
houses have not yotlbeen fully mode. Chief
Unlligan and the dli'Oc.board , however , will
take precautions agauist ilres on July 4 , and
on that dny will temporarily supply the
house at Walnut Hill and the ono at Twenty-
sixth and Jackson.
A very small pill but , a very good one , Do
Witt's Little Earlv Hisen.
Illds for Street
The parties who are desirous to furnish 700
street llglits for the suburban portion of the
city were promptly on band with their bids
at noon today. All scaled , the bids were filed
with the comptroller and will bo opened at ,
the council mooting to bo hold tomorrow
night. Two gasoline lighting companies and
the Thompson-Houston company are the
Wntcr KontH IMie.luly Int.
No discount allowed after July 1st. 5
per cent discount allowed on water rents
if paid on or before July 1st r * * . olllco of
Itoomjoa , Pee buildin ? .
St. Paul Globe ( dom. ) : All the conditions
are favorable for n sweeping democratic
victory , whichIII put the state safely in
this democratic column for next year. The
republicans will mnku n desncruia-s' * *
recover 11. - . } ut " " ' " - -
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40' Years the Standard.
Delicious Cakc-arid Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and" Wholesome.
No other baking yowder does sucli work.
Sioox City
Ladles , full privileges , IS cents.
Game at 4 o'clock.
Cur. Illh nuit Puriinm Streets.
Jmt'l'l' ' K Co 111 n. | Itiu S K Uiiiirh. the bnjr chief
of iho I'liniicH In llirn : , nlll Irrturo < m the mi | > oirtl
tliiut liluii anil Imlillt uf thu illHervni Irlbea of
Ini1l n <
Mtilurlun Qunrli'tlo.
W W. llrtt"rn' ilrarantlo oumpnnr prcscntlnz
tlmt Croat plar l'nclcJu > li
OniOiuiu futmlii in nil. Open itally from I tu 10
" 1 wainntatilu toiln mjr homework for ' yo.iri ,
nrt.M'i Mctiula * WII onT-ti. Dlvliliinbl lliiiTalo
tt V. "Doctorcil with 11111117 | ihr lvl ii ( ur lunmlu
(1 eakueji.siij utcd manr rcinnllix wltliout tioiietlt J
QxciNeuvc llEAKSeureil inu I urn 1 1 runt * ever !
o nil raj ewe work " tlperliux , Hlihiumlur 15.
Addren. NKHVh UUAN CO. . UUKPAU ) , N V
bel < lbf QoodmiaUruiCo lUOFaraam tit , , Ouabk
The average man wants to be a little better dressed than usual. If he's
ayoungmani going to take his best girl to some picnic or on some excur
sion ; If he's a married man and going to take his family to some quiet
resort to spend the day , or if he's a learned Judge going to some coun
try town to "Make the Eagle Scream" the day we celebrate , he'll
want to be a little better dressed than on ordinary days. For Fourth
of July week we have arranged for your comfort , a special sale of Fim
Summer Coats and Vests at Extremely Interesting Prices.
We will sell elegant Black Mohair Alpaca Coats in
all sizes from thirty-three to forty-six , worth two
dollars and seventy-five cents to three dollars.
We will sell beautiful brilliantine coats and vests ,
in handsome shades of tan , brown and mode , in all
regular sizes , worth just three dollars.
We will sell magnificent corded Mohair Coats
and Vests , in all regular sizes , in half a dozen dif
ferent shades and colors , worth exactly four dollars.
We will sell the finest Drap 'D Etc Co its a
Vests , in blacks and handsome colors , in all regu
lar sizes , worth five or six dt liars.
Open Till Nine O'Clock All This Week-
The Time * , London.
'Delightful and refreshing. "
The dyspeptic , the iloWlltntoil , ] ith r
from rxcrxs < > f work of inillil cir boily , ilrinlc
orrxiiiiHiirct In
will llnilTiitl'H 1'lllrt till ) inc > tt Krnlil : ru-
Btorutlvo ever oflered the HUfluringiiivalltl ,
Ilcadiirlic , Illllou nc f , and !
Goniillputlon. bnuill , plcuM. "
PURE unt And a furorllo ulth the *
Ici. Sold In England for ! . ;
PINK 'L.'n ' ' America for S5c. Get ;
thc'm from your Drueglits. or ;
send to W. II. lOOKI.t ! : It (0. ,
PILLS. 48 W t Irot4 ! r , > t Jorl. !
CA111N , ( M tu Ml. AcionlliiK to Steamer
mid locution of Stateroom.
Intcrmt'rtliito anil StcontKO l luw mica *
SKUV10B Ol'1
via IxMiilomlerry , overKortnlxht. .
lUli July , STATK OK NKIIItASKA. 11 A. M.
A iU8totli , BTATi : OK NHVADA. 10 A. M.
CAM IN , Mi up. Hi-til rn. | i5. ! Stoernito till
Aiiulr In II. S. A. AI.IiA.V , MnntriMl , ur lu
II. tt. MOOIIKS. Wiibash 'II ket Olllio.
W. K. VAIIi , llurlliiKtun Tlca-tO IIIco
A POSITIVE and permanent CURE'or ' all
dlieuoollNe URINARY ORGANS. Cures
where oth rlrcatm ntill.FulTdirectlons | with each
bottle. Price , one dollar. See signature ot E , I
8IAHU. Fo'l Sale By All Druijalote.
e lleint.tlic iiiottpnwciful femalereifulilor l' r.
( ecll Never flit. if. l npalil. Scntl c UUmplfoi
Addifi. LION DKUO LU , ll flllu , N. Y
For ball ) by tha Good man Dnic Co ,
T , Ur
Tlio crnnil term of Dili acnilemlo so ir Di'ulnn tlrnt
Moinlay in July unit cloiui third Wuitni'iduy In
Dfcuinber noil.
fin , II K IIOVI > . Supt. I'ont. Olllco , I-'AHMIIAI.K , KV.
ur M\INUTUN : , MO.
B HEI.LEIIB , Uup rlnl ndcnt
e iuiv-D
Krcncli Monthly Mntfittlne. An liiraluilila help to
Frvnt-b tudonu ind ivachorv.Frco vauipte copy ,
, UKULITZACu. , W , Mtdltua b'l.Scir folk
to advertise , for we know the Newspaper
Advertising Business thoroughly. Our patrons in
every State in the. Union can verify this statement. Do
you wish catchy cuts , designs , advertisements on any conceivable
subject , written and placed where they will-count ?
or circular letters written ? and with all this to save . -
some money ? Write us for facts and figures
< - on any line of advertising. Let us send ,
you our beautifully illustrated pam
phlet , which will u'J ° u "
s are i 1"1
for six cents in Btatnps.
vli < w M < v *
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
er th ftoolf mi for lulwtrl iiitn UKI
Ever ? MAN can to BTUONO
inditing from NERVOUS DE.
BIL1TY , Loit or rallln * Manhood -
hood , Fnrilcal Eietiifl , Mental
Worry , Stunted Dtvtlopmint. or
reltored to PERFECT HEALTH akd
VIEW , tn. rrldo and rowirof Hatloni ,
Wo claim by yenrii of prucllco by
Diir fxrlimlvn rnptluuM n uniform
Ing all Dliiain , Wiakniiiu nml
AQIttloni of lien. Trr.llninlilnln
Irom MHtato * and Tcrrltorlcn.
nun nirtir onniwitiit ii/rfrpenipii.pont'
DUn NEW BOOK p lil.fornllmliril Mine O.I
Itwbllijroucan. full Eiplanatloni for UOMB TREAT-
UENT Yon can lit FULLY RESTORED Thociaidl
bail bun brm Read oar tutlmonlali Addriiiatonct ,
JCho Best Pill On Earllit
Dr. JIolili'n Lltllo
Vc otuhlo 1'llln ucl
tly yet iiromiitljr on
. _ - , itin-
NIiVSiimllIOWICI.5 ,
1'uvvrn nuil 4/'ulilM |
liming tbo eynteiu tbiir-
ouKlily nnd thuy cur *
lialiltunl aonntiriiitUin.
'J'liisy nro BURiir coattiil ,
do not grlpo , very
drool ] , a y tu take , ouo
pill n dodo , anil nro
. clulilo. 40 t'ltl4laeaci ) vial. 1'er-
( vet illKC'Stlou fiitlnvH tliflr uto. Tliny AltSO *
indaro llcruiiinit'iidvil liy Liiudlii I'liy *
llclniiH. rorsnloliy ilruKKl'tx or feuut ty luull.
K ccuU n vial orO furSl.OO. AJdrovi
Ian Franclico , Cal. Chicago , lit
National Bank
Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 , - OSi.DOJ
onitrri niul Dlractnri llnnrjr W Valna.l'rvililiMit
I/ntliS KU.-.I VI. o Ir I . Jnwio W bnvu.ii.-y
V Mtr e Jin ! n C'uMiu , It t luililiu , J .N 11
1'atrlck W II H llughi'-Liuliler
. . HiON 13A.NK.
Corner Utb auJ far Dam 3U.
"l.iit another niun tmvlsothco , nnd not thlna
nun month. A Htranuiir and not tlilno nwo
IIH. | " Ituv. ( JuoiKu Mllliir. Carllli ) , Iowa ! ICnv.
Anlliiiny Jacobs. Sliliuiy , IIIVTIII Hov. J.V
( uilur , I'liiiiHiint Orovn , Iowa ; Hov. 1" . If
I'piry. CciJur Ituulds Itnv.V. \ . Idle ,
Ii-iiv ( > nwortli. Kunsaht Uov J. T. Mumford
irnrtM : > n , luwii ; Idiv. J.V. \ . ( Jiilhnurt , Kmor
son. Iowa ; Ituv Unman I'urKrr. ' I.MICI-HOII
Inwiti Hon. T. J. Aim ! . Di'cutnr , Illlnoli ) ) W
A htroni ; . I'ounoll llluIN , Iowa.Vhnn BUOli
n.un us the utiovn him' ' u'lvnn thnlr tustlmon-
luls In pr.ilbiitif Moore's Trijii of Mfo uncl the
Irmlliii ; wholiMalu < li itir IIOIIHUH nuy thuy huvo
Kit un I'lillrn Kiitlsfiu-liMii whuru thuy Imva
l i'n Hilil , wtmt bot'i-r I'vlilenco do you want ?
Why should yon milTm when von can bu uuruclf
I v iiHln Mooro'u Tri'i'iir lilfu. J |
Muoru'a Trou of Mfe. iiiHlttra curd for ICIdnirJ
eml Liter Cuiniiliilnt ini'l ' nil t > luoil dliH.noi. Dom II
imjf lomiTiir Khan jrdiioiiibucurulUr mini Uoora'l
Trt'nut I.Ho. UoUruul I.lfu llu.iioJf )
Graduate Dentist.
Arulldot of Tooth on Hubbor.
lor nVii DOI.I.AUI. A porfuol
vt < llliuut l lu or dungtir , - ,
. ! without n > a < tli tlr < . Hold aii
U.llvor lllllnifi nt Iniroil raeti. '
llrldk-u nod Crown Work. TeolU
nllliuut pluloi. All * ork w r-
JCutranco , icth itrest lei tor. 0 [ > a
UDllU o'clock.