THE OMAHA DAILY BJ BSD AY JUNE 30. 1801. 8PBQ1HL NOTICES. nVF.HflPKMENTa KOtt TIIKSB .yO' . will l > taken unlll tt-M p.m. for thfl " " " ' " nnrt ur.tll8.lO : p.m. for Ilia mornlnt or Hunday < " "uitM . "mtuatlons MTuaH-'l. " "Krinalo llplp Wnnled. m S ms wor rst n cr- tlon anil I rent a word thcrmrii-r. All other advor th > i > mr > nli > In thrfe column * I cents word flrst Inw-r- tlon and Ui emits n word thirpaftir. or fJ per line . ' columns will I.P Inken on tlm nbovo condl. . . . , , nt the following business houses , who nro nutllor- lied to toku special notices nt the same rales as can teliflrtst thpmnlnonicr- : Hoiith Omaha Ilrnnch OlllcoNo. . 2ai ( N ttrcot , LIs- John w' . Hell , Plinrmnctst. llth and Mason streets. H. II. Knrinworlh. Pharmacist. Ztisnnmlng street. W J. Hughes , Plmrmnrlst. 131 N. 1'Ith ' street. OcorgoW. Parr , Pharmacist , 1713 U-nvcnworth street. IIuKhcs' Plinrmnoy,2lth and Karnam. XH'WAXTKI ) t'liraaler , etc. , itr fop nf nnt column rinjhi 'wANTKDi i'Y A VOtrNd MAN OK ( ! < > < H > bnhln pmplnymonl by July 8. Address , lint 784. ( Irani ! Island , Nub. M.VVJ 4' A - W NTKDTToSrriON IIY HU8HIAN HOOK- -fVblndor or paper hangur , II years oxpurlunctK. . Ganolcs , 12:11 : S. llth st. Jli ! - WA TKD ITUATIONS KOIt GOOD GIHLs" ; my waiting rooms are. nlwnys full from n.iii. to Cp. m. Csnndlnn Kmploymunt Olllco , 3IIW 8. l.itli. Tolcphoniiixil. 848 AVANTKII-MATjK II K For rntr * , tic. , tee ti > i > f fl' on till * v ilf- T > -WANTKD , KXPKIUKNOKD DHY noons KN- JJtryclurk with a largo concurn ; mint bu rapid ut figures ; stale salary and references. Address SIS , Jluo olllco. < > ' u < l * -WANTKI ) . WITH A LAHIJK COHPOUATION , young man hnvlng n practical knowledge of gen eral unien work : must bo quick nnd accuruto at tig- uras nnd wrlla n good hand , slalu roforunces nml snlnry. Addrow 8 la , lice olllcu. W2 W riiw HAY STAr : I.KMIVK , Tin- : MOST rnp- ular one year piulowniLMit order In thu Iliilti'il Btates , pays $10 DO vfeckly sick benefit , f 100.0) ) In one year Ovur KOO.OOO In rpscrvn deposited with the ntnlii treasurer. Cbarteri'il under tlm laws of Miis - chusetts , Costsonly } . ' > .IIUlo loin. Ladles admitted ns well us gontltimen. No medical oxnmlnallon re quired , Agents wanted everywhere. Term * and circulars on application. Krnnk I'owell , I ) H. , president , room K , No , 1519 Howard ntrcut , Omnlm. M6."i" 110 * JWANTKI ) . TWO OH TIIHKK GOOD KAUM hnnds. Notlilng but men willing to worlc nml experienced In the. handling of horsoa nceil npply. Address The Stunton llruedlng Kurm Co. , Crest on , Nob. MS58 2 T > -WANTKIK1HST CLASS CAHHIAGK JDpiilntor. Wm. Pfolrfur , 28th nnd Lcnvunworth. M55I 1 * -WANTKD GOOD 8Al.KS.MKN TO SKLLAD- J'verllslng curds nnd noveltlei on coinmli lon di rect from manufacturer Yon can mnko ( MM pur wcok. Aldross ( Advurtlslng Specialty Co. . llnJTalo , IJ-STKADY WOIIK KOH A GOOD MILKKII. JJdalry hand. Apply to K Purdy , 8113 Cumlng st. - MAN AS COI.IKOTOK , SKCUUITY B required. ; Call liil ! ) Howard street. W4-2U * - ) A r.OOD lll'TCIIKH ANIISAUSAH B maker B. A. Marsh , S14 No. ICtli street. KM B -WANTKI ) MKN KOH UAII.IIOAD WOIIK IN Montana , Idaho , WashlngUin anil Iowa ; good wages. Kramer A Kramer Labor Agency Mil S. llth street. M453 0 * _ _ T > WANTKI ) . SALKSMAN , A THOIIOUOH nUSt- J ness mart , to Introduce n device Indlspenslhlo In all Inrgu sterm phintH. Address , II. K , Winch , Ccnlrnpolli hotel. Kansas City , Mo. M4IU 1 % 1 > WANTKI ) , A ( IOOI ) Mil. I. HII. GII.Mom < : , NKn. J'Henry llurgdorf. JJU-l-yj _ , T > MKM OK ROOD ADDHKSS. MKTHOI'OMTAN ' JJM'fif Co. , 1WJ Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 12111 Lin coln. 12.VJyl8 _ T > WANTBI ) 100 MKN KOH H. II. WOH1C IN W Y- Doming nnd South Dnkoln ; good wages. Albright Labor ngency , 1120 Knrnnm street. M9CS l > -fiOi ) SALKSM N WANTKDTO SKLLOUH PHK- J'nilnrn nursery slock ; tlm largest nursery west of the Mississippi river ; the finest stock ; nil thu new and old fruits ; the lonest prices and biggest pay to agents : money nilvniiced every week ; outfit free. Wrltu us ut once. U. J. Carpenter Co. , Fnlrbury.Neb. b77Jyll _ _ 'n-OIin'AMX.KKS WANTKD-JM AND JIOO IN J'tlvo months ; first wrtlllrnto In MO class date JulTlMRU : llrst.elass'organUers wanted ; wrll for terms. Muprenio lodge , the Universal progresslvo league , 172 , Washington street , Huston , Mans. ' M7'.iQ JyK * _ -WANTKD MKN TO THAVKI. KOH OIIH CAN- adlan nurseries. Stona , V Wellington , MndlNon. T5 1IIIJ MONKVSKI.I.1NGTHK MKK OK P.T , HAH- J nnm ; only I1..V ) . Avcnts wanted. American Hook Co. , Now York l.lfo building , Omaha. Neb. 733 Jy9 WAN'l'KD OHGANI/.KltsTlYTHK KHIKNIU.Y Aid society. Pnys Us mombnrs flW ) every six months. Has pnld KUXJ.UU ) In benellts. Hpscrve nnrt boncflt fund held tn trust by the stnto of MUHSK- chusctts/ / Terms liberal. AddiOM Friendly Aid so- cloty , Wnltliain , Mass. MWO , ly3 T > WANTKD 8AIK8.MKN ON SALAHY OH COSI- J mlsslon to handle thn now patent choiulcnl Ink oraslno' poncll ; tin- greatest selling novelty .jjTcr produced ; priibca Ink thoroughly In Iwo ieo- "lv T > or/islon of paper ; SIX ) to MM per cent - . - , onoaiient'Ks.'ilcs amounted to fiVU 111 lx d' ' . another 132 In two hours. Wo wnntonogcn- " ' } niti'iu In each state nnd torrltory. Kor tomis fir / . , " 'tlleiilnr address the Jlonroo Krasor 'llg.o. . l.n lTt > * < , tv 241 I'nr rntet etr. , rte ton f flrnt fofiimn on thin jiii " ' W , No canvassing. School teacher preferred. Sal ary tie per month and expenses. Call at 47 Chamber - ber of Commcrco. MM ) ! -1)1111. KOH UKNKKAT. HOUSIiWOHIC , SOS S v > 13th streot. .Vi7- ' / llllll , WANTKlTT'Oll ( SKNHHAMIOUSKWOHK V-/I8U Cinnlnit street , Mrs. I , Lniarus. CI.1-2 ! ) * -O1HI. FOR 1 1 OUB K WO 1 1 1C , MHS , T7lOsT K. Hall , littiSlurninn avvnue. 617 WANTKD ; 111(111 WAOK3 I'AII ) TO A VJ first elms cook In small family. Call at lilt ! Doiixlm street. MllDSU * -WANTKD , A COJII'hrrKNT COOK AND LAIIN- dress , wages $ ' . ' 0 00 per month. Mrs. Chambers , 4UI4 North 21th struct. M434 ! riOOl \ ) COOK AT CITY IIOTKU 374 1 l-'Olt 11KNT IIOUSKS. For rnftii. etc. , fee fop nf flrnt rnlumn nnthti " " lKNT. U IUKIM i JL'N 7th nvffmio. I.1S 00. 10 room house. ' ? M Lonvenworth , modern conven. I cures , o u I y ( .1(1 ( 00. u room house , 1S07 Leavonworth , a beautiful pl cu. 110X0. 7 room house , SIS S. I''tli ' street , bath , sewer , etc. , tS5.l . 7 room house , X'lQ Reward. C.UOO. J room house and barn , 1117 Howard , cheap at " ' "il'rooni'lionse , lt M X. 57lh , $ I2.H ) . & room house , 31 W Karnam street , cltjr water , 111.00. t room house , 313 S. Xith , city wntt-i , f 10.00. Store room. 10th anil Arbor , water and gaa , JI2.W. Wuhnvu the largest and best list of houses and tores to rent In the city. If you wnnt n homo call nd see us , II. O. CI.AHIC \ CO. , I21U llarney Street. Mm SO * _ \-VttH HKNT , COHNKK FLAT. AIiTiUuTS 1 1) K in.oins. Wright and lasberry , 1UII Howard. SIMO _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ D-KOH HKNTSUOOJI COTTACIK 2il.'l DAVlTx- port HAW. 3 room rottaK S3 nmt Knrnnm. fll'rO. ! Kw.l .V Sulby , room l.'i. Hoard of Trade , Ml B-KOH HKNT8HOO.M HOUSK.ll ItOOM Ct > TTAIJK , balb.etu. Apply C. 8 KluiiHor. bUl N , Y Llfn bldg. 41V Jy H JAO YOU WANT A IIAIUJA7NJ IK SO. THAI1 -I'honsuofT rooms , with cellar , well , cittern nml full corner lot. .I3lli and Patrick nvo. , will suit > ou ; fill ) cash mid 2J uvi-rr S months will buy It. Ceoi " - - Knrnum. , 'lliirni-y itruot. Bu.eulua A Allua.lOOO Kprnuui trrt-t. Jti-3a TV KOIt UKST , KIIHNISIIKI ) I10L'sl { iNK .I'loomi uiul b rn. Ilolbrouk , 4 llco blilit. 241 TSj Toit UK.NT NK7.lK.M | ) IIDU K , WITH l-'nll inoilcra tmiiroranmiitii , 1 blnck frnin Walnut Hill motor , f.'MXI. Thou. Ol cn , Wt N , Y. Ufu. .VIJ 1I'iN UOOJt HOU.SKVITII IIAUNj - * 'nlilaluciilton , muUvrutu ri'Mt. llimril IIn > . HIU ) Hiuilii > Iri-ot. 3H.ST I'l XH 11KNT , 5-UOOSI COTTAUK AXlTil".T'nr J 'control , J'tt. ruum rotlnzo , rcntrnl , 115.110 , troniu follnvo. near luulur. Ill 00. 4 ri > um rottniw nrnrmotur. I1UU ) . Iruurun untiiruliliod. lluu ) . Ami tbu brut ri lclencu Unit In Iho rlty. ru to MiNe No itorca. The Mi'nl Inr't. Co. , 4U lira l\\itf. \ \ tJl 1 1 MtOOM COTTAOKr < . : ilKAlINg7 lS CAl" 7 KOU ItKNT V-UOOM HOU.SK.U > l > : u.NllN > J' nlBoco , W34 lUvunpurt ilreut. Inqulru ? . ' l > * r n | > ort ttroot. 4M ) \r \ wiwisn TOHKSV ' fO II. K Cole , Conllnvntnl lilock , BftItOOM HOUSK. NICK YAltD.Mll AllKTUKKS. - lly unit cistern wster. t-letiKnl nchililiothoud , 1 ax-ks from slre tfar . III ) ft Till Mvenne , or lldll'i nanoftcy , cut. Hth nnd Jlsi-on. 5i3 lS 4-IMKI.M UHICK IIOU8K. A1U WNVKN Ji'l ncti . r.'i.OU ; Sroom brick lioiu * . RUUU. It K , Coli , il Continental iia „ VaUbcd. liundy AUu filll Cujiltul avoauo. SUT POIl 11KNT IIOU ! K8. _ _ TV-KOU IlKNT HANIWKMK ll-HOOM HOU8K .Uall modern conTp.llcnces.ln petffctordcn PIJTIM ! trc < tii : motor tml within ft minuted w U of poit- ornco , Nathnn H-mUonlcil rn ni street. MIM T\-KOIIHKNT.SPI tNDIDl.T- . . _ _ . . - _ _ I 'sll modern conveniences , n < * tl locn.ion I cltyi PIS Park svn : prewnl occupant , Mr. 8.11. H > , < lnr ; iHissesslon given July I ; goml barn nttaeheil , will hold 4 horses ) liberal terms and long lease to right party. Apply 3W llco bldg. , or llfll Park nve. John Grant 251 - KOIt IlKNT LAHGK NUMIIKH OK HOUSKS stores , tintsetc. , f.VOU per month nnd up. New , list 1st of each month. Gcorxo J. Paul , liM ) Knrnnm street. roi-Jyi D-KOH HKNT 10 HOOM HOUSK CKNTHALLY locatedmodern Improvemonls. 712 N. ll'th. ' 253 n-KOIl IlKNT.THK NKW VOIIIC IIOTKL OK 40 . /rnnms nnd orilco , on N loth , nnd tbo stores now occupied by Iho Peoples' luninmoth Instnllmi'iit homo , Webster nnd Kith. Will rent the store pep- nrately If wished. Fearr KM N. Y. Life. 3j3 ; iO "KOH IlKNT , ADKSIUA1ILK8HOOM HOUSK. Modern Improvements. Inquire 205 N. Sid st. -KO H HKNT. LAHGK NUMIlKIl OK 1IOUSKS from,1 to II room ) cncli , fi.Wper month nnd upwards ; nuw list July I. Gcorgo J. Paul , IWJKnr- num. Mill 1 -mil UKNT. g HOOMS N HKCoNi ) Fixmi. N. K. for. IBth and Dorcas. tlli.M. M4M TO * _ -KOH IlKNT , KOIIH KIHST-CI.A88 IIUICK houses. Kmiulro ol Dr. ColTinati , unicu ? M S. Kith. WOW -FOll HKNT , AT K05 TAHNAM STHKKT , A nlno-riinm linusn with nil modern conrcnlunres. Win , i ; . loane.SI5N. Y. l.lfo I ) Ida. i l-iM _ -STKAM IIKATKI ) .MODHHN KI.ATS. TOT AND rw 8 liHh street. K. K. ItliiKur , ISI'J Karnam. a ) | _ -KOH Itn.NTSIX HOOM COTTAOK , KUn nlslied. Kmiulro 2Mi ( ricrco street. MIM i " " " - Kim" 1 1 K NT , A "TToO I > S ItOOM Charlie stieet. Inquire 3014 Charles. M4MiM' UKOlT UKNTTfrHOOM COTTAO K , 1115 N. ITth strei-t. M4J7.TO' _ D -8-HOOM HOIJSIC , AM. MODKHN IMI'ltOVK- niunts. ial H. 17th St. . a blocks from no / opcrn housu. New house nltli furnneo. 'Jl ' "J" N AN M)8T IKSIIIAM.K IN . Three or four roomi snllcs. Complulo for huusukfcplnit. 818 SWd street. T. J. Von Uorn. -KOH IlKNT. IIOIJSK 6 HOOMR. 807 S. 2.VTII. 118.00 per month. Inquire 711 a , Ilith. 'Mir , f -FOll IlKNT 7-IIOOM HOU8K. W3 IIAllNKY Inquire A. II. Olndslono , 1310 Uouiflat street.M234 M234 I-'O R It KtVJ.- U 1 1 X I .sTTlilTTtOOMH" y-'or raf , etc. , trc lop nf firtl column nn tliln l > fiue. 17-KOIt IIHNT , TWO KA8T ROOMS , 8INI1I.K OH J Jen suite In prlrnte fninlly , to man nnd wlfo or two Ronllonien. KM South 17th st. Itofercnces. M488 -NKW AN DKiTKJANTIYKHHNmHHi : > HOOMS , sliiKlo or en suite : llrvt class bonrd. fi'tt N l'.Uh. 643 ! > ' -KOH IlKNT LAIIUK SOUTH HOOM , 21OT DOITd- las. aiSfiH Jy ! ! 1J1-KHONT HOOM AT 1 15 CAPITAL AYKNUK. ill M4liil - COOL KHONT HOOMS KOH THK SUMmer - E-NICK mer , 'urnlshod or iinfurnlshudj 510 South 2iith street. M476-1 * - - HOO.MS KOH HOUSKKKKPINO KOH MAN E--3 wife ; no children ; runt taken In board. 319 N 17th. 541 EKOK HKNT , KUHNISIIKD HOOM3. 2315 DOUG- las street. 5IH 5 * -KOH HKNT NICKI.Y KUHNISIIKD AND coolest rooms In city : all modern conveniences , opposite High school. 2017 Dodgo. M130 'M' E-N1CK HOOM , ALL CONVKNIKNCKS , III ! ) DAV- onport. 5M 10 * -KOH IlKNT. N1CKLY KUHNISIIKD COOI , rooms nt northeast corner Ilith and Howard. l.awn around biilldlne. From $7.00 to J'-T ) n month. 343 FUHNI9IIKI ) HOOM KOH HKNT , 1WB KAHNAM struut , 4'JO-l' E-2 NICK KIIONT HOOMS KOH GKNTLKMAN only,2UIO Dnvunport strcut. 284 VKHY PI.KASANT KHONT HOOM IN PHI- vnto family for ttentlenuui , 8'i'i 8 ' "Jtli street. , 41 ' p-ROOSIS ! 5,18 , $12 , J15 , W ! N 18th. -KUHNISIIKD HOOMS , LIGHT HOUSKKEKP- Inc. 203B St. Mary's nvenuo. 879 - ) HOO.MS , 1334 N S1ST NKAH E-KUHNISIIKI cable. C57-.Iy7' E I.AHUK KHONT HOOM , 1701 Capitol avenue. 413 : FUJINISIIKI ) KOOSIS AS1 > HOAIll ) . For rates , etc. , see top of first colinnn on fftf * page. IKSlilAIlTlY Ku'riNISlTKD HOOMS WITH F hoard In small prlrato family with pleasant homo. Hoferonces exchanged. 2130 Ilnrnoy street. M4SI ] yl * F FOll HKNT , KUHNIS1IEI ) HOOMS WITH board , also Indy wlahoa roommate. 1721 Daven port St. SO-2 * - HKNT TO GKNTLKMKN , NICEI.V KUH- F-KOH nlshinl front room , alcove and bay window : mod ern conveniences : lawn ; private family ; G22Goor- gin avenue. 3. zath st. 40123' 17-TWO SOUTH HOO.M3 WITH BOAHD. illl -L Douglna. 815-il 17 HOOMS AND 11OAHD. IU23 UODGK STHKKT. 1' SI370Jy22 -DKSIHAHI.KSKCONDKIX3OHnOOMSEITIIKH furulihed or , und bonrd nt the Krcnzur. liny.2Mb slreet. 17 1 HOOMS AND 'nOAllD AT YOUNG WOMKN'H JL bomo. 101) 8.17th utrcot. 700-lylO -HOOMS AN1 KIHST-CI-AS3 1IOAHD , KOI CAM- F fornlft. ' KC-Jy6 nOAUD. 17-KUIlNISUKI ) 8KCON1) 8TOHY Uv . _ JL rent with bonrd. 201 S. Mth nvcnuo. M3M SO * J7-HOOMS AND IIOAHD 2103 DOUGLAS. 274 17-TIIK ST. CI.A1H KUHOl'KAN IIOTKL , COH L 13th and Dodie. will mnko low rates for rooms by the week gr month with or without board. 2.'iU FOUUIOXT JIOOMS UXFUItXIHHKl ) Fornilw. etc , , see lop of firnt KKNTT\VONICK GKOll for llKhlhousokoopIni , ' ; 2530 DouKlas.MI81SO MI81-SO * / - -.TIIHKK UNKiniNISHKD HOOMS NKAH \JIbiinlncsscenlun modern conveniences ; J1SOO per uiuntb. Address S 14. lieu. JI470J10J i.'oTl TllsN'F 4 IINKUHNISIIKO HOO5IS KOH liousekeuphu : to family without children. City water , otc. mco JI3 ( ill. 1701 Webster street. M ItOAUDlXR. Fontltt * , etc. , ee. ( rip of flrttn\umn \ nn thla Jiuir : , -i'UMj > iWilOtsK.3o > ( ) D/i Kood bonrd , nice rooms , mudurii < MtnvenlcncoH ; rutcii und locatluii. It caunut bu uxcullcd. Mrs. Horn. 1'rop. . M4ill Jyj 1 1 Ij T-yTro i : iw AX i > iv 10 KK. Vt > r rnta , etc , , s.fe tun of ( Irniniliiinjiii'i CilsWIQK \ Vist STOHK IUKM8 AT. ' ist oum heoti'd. K. > ' . HIiiKur. I.M' ' Karnnm. Mll'.l 14 * f Koit 8TOHK UmiM ONTIIK COHNKIt lof llth and Knrnnm. * ilU > pur month : nUo emi on llth htrcut , nuur lnrnnm. Jli.vl ( per month. John llnmlln , U17 S. Kill , Union block. MIU I -KOH IlKNT THK I H'FoilY IIHICK UlMl.DINd I with or without puwur. formerly occupied by tlio Iloo PublWilMK Co. , t'l'l ' rarnain st. Tbo build- Inn hns a llrcpoof ivinent Imseiuont , complete stcain-hpatlrii.-IKtiirrs. watt-r on nil thu floors , nun etc. Apply at thu otllru of The lleo VIS I Kl ! u UKST oil 8 Al'.K. M V I ! UII.DI SiT ON Ijiiiu-fi st. , b.U ) lUth uud llth. . U. A. Undqulst , 31(1 ( a. 151U. ll _ _ VToiT * "lTrNl TTl'B THltrTK-STUHV 1IIIICK Jl bnllillni ; , 1110 DoiiKlnii streot. tultablo for wliolosnlu purpoM-K. fllO | n r month. C'lms. Kiiuf man , I'M ! Douiilns struol. 2iU KOH I C KXT 01 ISO I : Ii A N'T-X > ir.S. For rntrt , et . , tee tup nf firtt riiliiHin nn 1/iJx / ' 1'ASTUHK JUST I-I'ASTUUK-1 IIAVK NKW * * fciKed for horses nnd colts. S ncressof tumo und wlldKrnM ! will cull for und deliver ; charges ronsonable. Inquire Kvuns , Ull I'a .VI on blooU. or nUdrcH tieoriio ii. Uaiis011111 Omaha , Mill Jyl8 * iN F.\"ilM TollKS'l" . JintUAY.MJ72 MJ72 WAXTICI ) TO UKNT. For rate * , tt f. . urofop of frit roliinui nn thtt " " ---DHSK ItOOM vANTKa CK NTH * ! UH\V tlon. riluttftnrmi. Address Krunk 1'unoll , 1511 ! Howard. . 6IO-M- AOKXCY. For ratfi , rtc. , Krtiifiofftriit column enid < jnqe. AliKNUV , CONTINKN nl llluck. 330 hTOUUIK. 1'tir nitet etc. , Metniiofjint r < i.'iimii nnthti pace. M-rKAX , ' " i'U ' Y AND 1'fll VATK STOHAli K ! OK furniture- . Omaha MUTV Hepnlr Wurkt , I 'JO 7 Houul . ' _ _ _ Mill MCIIKAIMsT AND lliSTSTOHAUM : lU furnlturu. WelU. till Kurnaui itrvtit. > ; o.DKST. CIIKArKST AND IIKST BTOUAtIK hous * In clly Wlllhuus A Crow , nil Harner.M M U7 " -.lHJST : tTlIUK ( ) HI II.DI.M1 IN OMAHA BOttumieul 1'Oiuled woruliuuso : bousoholi B..I.U carnl for ; luvvsl r lu . W. M. Uu buian 101J leaver worth. i > AVAXTKD TO UY. For ratettte. , MI top f flnt tnhtmn on thin ViW. V-GOOt ) HHOHT-TIMi : I'APKH WANTKI ) . tL IN H. YOJS , COS 1st Nal. bank bhlg. 231-29 T -WANTKirTO HOY , GOOD IIK8IDKNCK LOT IT or house nnd lot , or ravorat tuts located o this should RVB full dosctlptlonuf f price , trrnts , whether Inciimbcrcd , and If so liu * much , O 111 , Heo. V\\ \ \T WANT KI > .2NOHANI > NKIIIIA8KA8UPIIKMK J. ' court reports. Address box 441 , Central City , .14H-2-J * Neb. - KOIt HAliK KUUXITUUK KTO. M > r rntft , dr. , t'f.tnii nfjlrrt column nn tlii * t\ta , "iioU8K"llTl."irKUIlNlTOHr"NKW"ANlr"sW ( ; nnd hand , for saloon easy payments , Call nnd exninlno before purcliaHlnK. Store , KrJl Howard st. MXII-.I30 I-'Oll H A 1 j 10- 1 1 0 KS IPS , W AC OXS , UTO. Fur ( r row , etr. , tee fop / flnt column nn tnut nnd phaeton. Free driver nnd perfectly safe for Indies. Apply at Western Newspaper Union iilllce. .Mi8H : Jyl _ _ 1HKAVY HI'IUNO WACION KOH 8AT.K AT 1 2705 l.onvcnworlli st. 161 _ "P-KOH RAI.K CHKA1' , I.IUHT ( IIAS8 HOCK- I away and uood piano box top luiiiKy , both In Kood order. Inquire at room HK , Omaha Nut. llnnk building. _ jtiO P-KOH SAI.K KAMH.Y CAHHIAtJK. I.KK * I Nichols' stable. 2itli ! and Lfnvi'liworth. M2iM l > -rAMII.Y IIOHSK3 KOH8A1.K. SINOI.K 1)111 V- 1 crs or carrlnito teams. Cnn furnlsb nny kind of hornodcslrnd. Call at 13. 1) . Wpndworth ft Co. , or nddros , T. J. KlumlnK. Cnlliouu , NC1 > / 701 li'OU For ratet , etc. , fee lop of firtt column onUittjiao _ , V Nf iTTl S I F M'A ST I K K 7t ? IU' I KH KO iV V iTR ! pcdlKrcod. 3810 Dccatur St. , Omnha. MI3J 1 * - , 1IUY A MAdNIFlCKNT UIMUOHT piano , standard mnko and ns good ns nenr. In quire after ? o'clouk evenings nf-HlyCaldwoll st. _ _ For rae > . etc. , rte foj ) nfjlnt rnlumn 'JU ( Ms ) > < i0f. " " ll. J. J. McLaln , 2209 Spencer st. , Omnha. " | > --J. H. SMITH , KXPKHT ACCOUNTANT , GIYKS .It-Instructions In buok-kcopInK nnd nsslsts In pro curing situations. 035 Now York Llfo. SI5-3 * 1 > WANTKD , 8CHOLAH3 MALK AND KKMALK , JVto learn shorthand nnd typewriting. Kxperl * cnccd teacher wnnta to seeuro clnss. Charges reasonable , easy system , M. M , Hnskoll , 1704 Capi tal avenue. 6335 * WANTKD , TO KXCIIANGK PASTUHAGK for the service of a good Jersey bull. Address llux 23 < i , city. M3'J8 Jyl * JJ-MASSAOK THKATMKNT , KI.KCTHO-THKH- Jimnl baths , sculp A hair treatment , manlcuro & chiropodist. Mrs. Post , 319M 8. 15tb , Wlthnell blk 273 K-KUHN1TUHH HOUGHT , SOLD , 8.TOHKD. Wulls. 1111 Knrnnm streut. ttl --PHOKKSS1ONALNIIHSK-MHS. . 8.11.HOUTON , J V13I5 Cnss street , Omaha. 301-J30 CI AIUVOYAXTJ Fnrratct , etc. , sea tap of flrst cnlmnn on ( ftU vage. FHOM SAi/r k-Jtho wonderful prophetess and celebrated clairvoy ant nnd life render , Mrs. Dr. Legravo , whllo en tranced will reveal every hidden mystery In life or the llfo to come from your cradle to grave , shows photo of one > on will wed. State Initials of nnmo through mall , send M.OO , lock of hair , date of birth , name and rccelvo accurate , life-sized chart If you have been deceived , your fond hopes blasted , be fore giving up In dlspnlr consult this wonderful oracle. She Was born with the doutil veil of second sight ; reunites the separated , causes lost unectlons to return with the wonderful Kgyptlan brcnstplato worn for Luck nnd successful business cntarprlscs , mnkes you win law suits , brings luck where others fall. The mndaino cures all diseases with mnssugc treatment nnd ulcohol baths. Olllco , HOT 1'acltlc street. Tnko llth street motor. ORlco hours , ft m. to 9 p. u. Coma one , coma all , you will not regret - grot It. M.W1 80 * _ SOAND ! SKK I'HOF. WAUINO. MKOIUM AND real astrologer , nt : I22 N. Itith street. $100.00 to any ono who can equal him In tolling past , present nnd future , causing speedy marriages , bringing the separated together , nnd In business ntTalrs his ad- vlco Is Invaluable. He tolls your nnmo In full , asks no questions and uses no cards of any description In his profession. Satisfaction given or no pay. Consultation fee , ladles , f 1.00 ; gentlemen , ! 1.00. M572 JyS * _ S MASSAOB MADAM DKL/.IElt , OVBH 010 P. 13th. 200 Jyti * SMIIS. . NANNIMV. WAHUEN , CT.AlHVOYANfi trnnco speaking , writing and reliable business medium , four years In Omnha , 119 N. Ilith. 2SU aiASSAGK , ISATIIS , KTO. For rates , etc. , see lop nf Jirst column on UiU jiade. ' -L dies nnd gentlemen. 418 S. I5th street. MK030 * p MASSARH , 1IATIIS AT MADAMB SMITH'S JL parlors , : > d floor , 430 ti. IMstreet. . M8IJ9 Jy2 * p MASSAOB , MADAMKDKIJ'.IKll.OVKU f.10 8.13 -L ! MO-Jy2i ) PKUSONALS. Forra'es , etc. , tf top of fir t column on thin page. TT-W ; FAMILY TO ADO1T U 8 f ) and A years. Address S 9 , lleo olllcei MUSIC , AUT AX1 > IjAXGUAGK. For ra'.tx , rtc. , ee top nf first column on ( hf * jmoe. * phy , Hocbostur , N , Y. Thorough Instruction by nmll Including manual , reailur nnd speed book , J10.UU. Hooks supplied for self Instruction. Kn- ravcd synopsis for 2-cont Htamp. MWli 30 * Tr TWO SKCOND-UAND PIANOS AT A GKKAT > bargain ; uprights. 1111' ' Chicago st. ! MJyI9 V Iougf s.u QHAMMAH A SPKCIALTY. 1007 \rGKO. F. G1SLLKNHKCK , . - . _ > banjo ; with Hospo , 1513 Doimlas. il'j " \T HKFOHM IIUVINO A 1'IANO K.TAMINK THK i now scnlo Klmball piano. A. HospoIS13 au MONKV TO LOAN ItKAIKSTATK. . J''or me < , etr. , nee foj ) of flrxt column on thh page. ' ' V v R. Voss , 508 1st Nnt. bank hldtf. 281-29 \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. , 313 Tf. ? . * * l.lfo , lund at low rnto for cbolcuHocnrlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. Mitt ) AIT I.OWK8T HATKS ON HKAL K8TATK LOANS. V C. .1. Cuswoll , 81U N. Y. Llfo. tl78.jy8 \\r-GUAHANTKKI ) 1IOHTGAGKS" ON SAHl'Y. 'I Thnycr. Cnmlng nnd Stnnton Co hinds for sale by H.T. Clarke , 19 Hoard of Trudu. .W ASKCOND JIOHTGAGK IXANS KltOM JJfJO TO i IIO.UW. Alux.Mooru , 401 lluu biilldlug. MI184 T"PKH CKNT KIHST MOHTGAGlf 1'OANS. AV Illcbard C. I'allerson , ' . * J7 Now York Llfo , MU74 vir xtewTKAriKS WANTKD. i.osa on HHOHT II tliuu. Ccantii 0. Wullqcu , 310 J. J llruwii tiullillnir. ' ' jBth nnrt l oiiyl . ' . M' . ' MAIK ATW "ATKtf ON cm- iirnptirty. W. .M. lliirrls. USO , Kron or block. CT \ HIMUM.VU LOANS U 'IX ) T I'KH CUNT ; NO it nilillllonnlchnrKt'ii forconinilnnlonorntturnuy'ii . W. II. Mulkle. Klmt Ntttlonul lunik hliltf. 27U " " VtrIONKV" LOAN OX it proiutrt/ curront. rutcft ; 1 1111119 on hmul ; no clulny. ( Ice ; K. must & Co. , 'Mi Iliuuiiti Uilu. 274 \\T I'iTn CKN'l'llAI , I.OA.V ANT TltUAT'aX it haM ritniovcit to The lloe millillm ; . muln Jluur , ut rlnlit of enlrunca. City loans ut luwfst rule * . C. A. rJlurr , innimfivr. IMJylJ TO LOAN. J. I ) . y.tTTLK , ill 4 X. Y. Life. 27T Air-MOHTIIAliK LOANS WANTriU , McCAUUK II Investmunt company. 278 " T-MONKY TO LIMN ON OMAHA PHOPIIHTY. Kldt-llty Trust compnny , 1UII Knrnam , Ji'J 7--"l5A ' TKirN MONKY TO LOAN AT VKHY rlo' w rules. H. II. Iruy , 801 N. Y. Llfo. M2SO KIM1IALU CHAMP A IIYAN , make loans on Improved city property nt lowest rates. I2U > Knrnam struct. 4I3-J30 \\r-CHKAP MONKY-PHILA. MOItTGAGK AND < i Trusl Co. , wauls Kilt edeo loans. Guo. W. P. Coates , ruprcnenUtlvu , T.Hoard Trade , 231 TO IjOAX-GlIATTKIjS. Fur ratet , etc. , tc' tun nf flrnl column nn Wih | xryc. " " " I nnd collattural srcurltlus for uny tlmo from 1 to 1'J niontbs.ln nny umuunt lo suit borrower. Umn nindu on household goodi , pianos , oruutis , horses , mules , houses , lenses , wnrenouso receipts , etc. , at tbu lowest rates poululo without publicity ur removiil of pru | orly. My loans uro so arranged that you can mnko n payment of uny umuunt ut any thuu und ruducu both prlnclplo and Interunt. If you UWIIB balunruon your proixtrty or hnvo n lonn thul jou want channod I will pay It oil nnd carry It for you. If you Mud U mora convenient cull up telephone ! lir.'l und your bualnet * will bu ar ranged nt homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No publicity. Lowest rates. 11. K. Mnslers , llooiu 4 , Wlthnell blk , 1Mb and llarnuy sts.b. . b. V-WONKY LOANKD ON ALL KINDS UK8KUUU- Aty.lW | _ Now York Life , H. A. Morris. 439 J2V J Vfurnliuro , pianos and collal'alsvcnrlty yunMdtfMlul , Kml Terry. U 4'B , llamxu blk. 416 MONKY ON KUHNiTUltK , HOIISliS KTt Kcjstouu Murtiiago Co. , ruum 2U8 , Sbvvly blkMWI MWI V CHATTKL HANK. 319 8. liTII IA > ANS MONKY -iVoncl tl Uor collateral at ruasouabl * iatu > . 2tU V-CAHH1' . 1. old linn c MlitCIKti IN Hrockloi by , h ptlon. A. K. 4S9Jyll M. KSTAB- Imtcnc city. Hno Turps nnd Rood ono nionnlmt business hero Is nn Mus In ooit sixty days. Ice bulldlnx. .M.W V 8HOK DKALKHS. T 1 \mTuRT HKCKIVKD JL o largo stock of tcnnte boes. Z. T. l.lndsgy. 333 1 \r-KOH HAI.K A CUy&j < STOCK OK HAHI ) . I-wnro , tlnwiiro nnd .stoves. Stock will Invoice about ll.onu to II..V11 , for Cnnh or part cash. Any ono meaning business nddreft It HI. llc olllce. > II3il.ly5 * Y-KOH SAI.K AN OIftVWKI.I < I'AYINO KSTAtl- llshcd chtar business ; good reasons Riven. Addrrt s I * W , llco. M7K ) Y KOH 8AI.K , KI1I8T CLASH MKAT .MAIIKKT. Call at Louis llullcr'i , HID Jackson street.M3711 M3711 TO * AT HU8INK88 MAN WANTKI ) COMI'KTKNT TO 1- run n HOIHTU ! supply store , ronnectml with largo mannrneuirlMK bmlm-ss : must ImvoKOOd record nnd bonbln to Invest WI W In iiooil dividend paying concern. Address It M Ueo 30.1 ) \r-HOTKL MKN TAKK NOTICK. IX ) YOIT WANT JL n Kood business ? nny tlm Commercial , the loading holol nl Uroken How , Neb. 4UU KOIt KXCKAXOK. For ruff * , tie. , set top nfflitt column on Uil * paae. /JaiTMS of land , less thou 8 nilles from n tlirlrlnff town In central Nebrnnkn. llou o , stable nnd well , t > acre.i under cultlratton. batuneo Rood hnr land. Abstract of title , OTorjtblnii complete. Adilrcs 1U3 lleo omco. M 171 30' _ rn l KXCflANOK FOll IIIV ( JOODS Oil /JolothltiK , a clean stock of groceries unit natures , dolnitnituod business ; Jitvcntory t.lWO. Aditress lock box 1313 , Lincoln , Nel. KIT ? J -IIOHSKS FOll 1XTS. 41)3 ) IIIIOWN 1IUIMIN(1. ( Z WHAT 1IAVK YOUTO KXOHANOKt CALL OH write full particulars. Alex .Mooro , < U1 lien btilldlnif. 7SO _ I/-TO KXC'HANIJH KOH CI.KAll I.OT. IAH(1K , AJslyllali family horsu nnd carrlaKo. 112 Iloo build- Ins. 1M _ FOlt HAIjK KHAIj K8TATK. For rate , " , etc. , ict ( opoflrtt column nn tlili pane. ITOH 8AI.K One-half ncro lot nllh four-room home , furnished complete , for K25 cosh. Ad dress It , box .111 , Hooper , Nob. M "v8t & plIOICK ACHKSSMlI.RSFnoMl'.O. . H35K.\TItA V/lnrgnln for n few tlnys , on 34th st. . Houth Omaha. flood cast front 9 rooms house ( furnace ) , full lot , HunJcom placu , i4UUU. Hutublnsun & Wead. 40i W OH SAM ! riOOI ) WAUKIIOUSK IXT ) , COUNKIl | pavud atrcets. truckage , 1 blocks from depot ; very cheap. N. chclton. 1C14 Faruuiu. 400 OOK AT THIS. UAIUJAIN. AN BAST KHONT lot In the heart of Otunlm. with u 10 room houio almost noir , that coil 15.700. besides other Improvements , only 14.500. f.VX ) cash $100 every 3 months. 2 years' rant nt th rntnof $ .10 per month will bo iinaranteed. 2 per cent discount for ensh. In cnso of cash sale will pay 3 years rent In advance. Willis M. YatCB , Nebraska NiH'l. bank. KKI Oil 8ALK A SMAMj COIJNTHV HANK. J1KINII the only bunk In town nnd no other within 13 miles. allent of reasons Riven for sollln ? . Call at or address room 018 , New York 1,1 to building , Omaha. Neb. 4'.t3-12 _ SKVKKATj FIUST CLALIj HOJIUS TO SUM , ON easy terms. Will take clear lot us Hrst payment. Call and see us. Fidelity Trust company , 1014 l-'nr- nam street. o40IIO 1ST YOUll HKAIi KSTATK KOIt BALK WITH CJoo. J. I'aul , IUW Karnam st. 2DO ' "J SALK KAUM CONTAI.NINO 80 ACIIKS IMproved - proved land and 1.1 'IKTI'S timber ; farm Is all fenced ; 13 acres timothy' pasture , orchard , Krovo , IH-Btory house , barn , granary , windmill , all In good shupn ; farm In A miles southwest of riatumouth , the county seat of Cass county , and 2 miles from Murray , a now town onltho Missouri 1'acltlc rail' road ; 1 mlle from school and church. For particu lars address 1 * M , IIco olllcc. 793 17OII BALM AT M.OO I'Kll AC11H , A Sl'LKNDII ) X section of South Nebraska land , four miles from station on 1) & M. H. 1U iKasy terras. W. K. Ho- man , rooms 8 and 10 , Krcnier block. U84-Jyl OK SAIjK KAHM ADJOINING CITY Ok' lUjAlll , Neb. II. W. Mcllrldo. M505-J3' _ OT It , IK.OCK 0. SIIUM/8 3NI ) , 3.mOO. SKWHIW paid for. Cull at once , C. b' . HarrlBon. 012 New York Life. 70330 _ HOIMK9 KOH OATjKONKAaVTKIIMS : IIOUHKS for rent. Address German American Savlnxs Hank. 68 FOIt SOUTH OMAHA I'llOPHHTIKS , . trackajco or resldunce , go to the leading real estate - tate dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston A Co. , corner 24th and N atruftls. M2SU l IVK-UOOMIIOUSKSlNOHCHAIin HII.U H..VXJ JL1 each on monthly payments. Thomas F. ilnll , 311 1'axtoa block. ' " - ' M7 _ I Oll 8ALK CIIKAP , KASV 1'AY.MKNTS , U ? story now G-rooin house , with bath , collar , etc. : full lot. N. aiielton. 1014 Farnam. _ UQj Eon SAI < B-TO WO11KINOMKN ONLY ( Sl'UCU- Intora need not apply ) on tlmo or monthly payments , n neat cottage at less thiiu actual vnluo. Inshlo property , only ouu block to electric Una In- qulru at room 202 , Omaha National bank building. For nttei. etc. . nee Joji of flrtt column on I/its / page. esT iiif ) i rs o i oiin SVATCI i , AT ii A NSCOM park yesterday. Monoitrain on ouuidu of wat A. II. L. Leave at U1S 8 nth and receive reward. LOST A I-OCKKTBOOK ON TUB MOTOH TO Mauawa Sunday containing n pair of blue cyo- Ulassesand some monoy. Howard hyleavlni ; at this oHIce. KM I For rates , etc. , teetop of fnl cnlamn on thtt > ) ) toe. UP-OSK IIKO' AND W1I1TK COW , (1 ( mllcs west of Omaha ; past lluser'a 1'ark. J. II. G. ( Illssmann , 1 . O. box 1 % , Omaha. 649 I * STKAM KKATIII'lH UKNOVAT Oil. Fur.ratea , etc. . Me t n of Jrtl ( column an thti i > aac. B JJ era bought. .Mull 'UJi't .Promptly nViiiA1" ' callodfornuddelivered Krr nkAnson,3lst&KrnnkTln ; M745 1'AThNT SOIjIGlT.oita ; - For rates , etc. , tee top nf flrtt column ui , " tvfll PATENTAvVKUSv isoMClTolS , ) W , Hues A Co. , lli > 3 bul1illnif.'Oinuia. Ilrunuh Olllco nt Washington , I ) . 0. Consultation frcu. ' > ' ) t'orrnteo. etc.iect i ) iifjirtt column unf/iu NGAiNTST < riJolllJSSMAKINriNi'V\M ) lllus solicited. Miss Wurdr.ailO llurney stront. MtSIJy'.T _ PATTICUNS AM ) 3 For rates , etc. , se < oj > nf firtt rulmnxim I/i / ( jxri/c , " " ESANDKHSON , COHNKH 15TI1 AND JACKSON , 3-.M-Jy ! WHAT TYPEWRITER TO BUY U Aroyoit opou tnonnvUJnn7 If so oonsld candidly our maohtne. I > on't repeat to your self what Is told you. Investigate , and your own opinion will bo of spiuu valueIf you wish export opinion du not consult Interested competitors. { ' \ Send for IllustratocLx'atalojuo Rlvln ? full oscrlptlon of the Sm J j'rumlcr Typo-writer THe Preiiiicr'TyD3 fritcp Co , , K H. MA-YHDW , Manazor. 1009 } Fill-mini Struct , Omnhn.No b. BICYCLES SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS M. O. DAXON , 10071 PAHNAN ST. Tel. 1182. - - Omnha , Neb To the Citizens of Omaha and Vicinity : Ir. C. Oco Wo Is n roRtilnr crnduatn of miMlloIno from China , havlnit taken a thor- oitKh course of study , extending over nlKht yi'iirs. In iomo of the Chlnoso eollacoi. lie olli-rs Ills Borvlces to nil those nuflVrliiif from ( llsoiiRcsof nnr kind , mid fcols conlldont that tn every cnso no undertakes ho can no you good. Most or tlio Ingredients ho tines In his remo- dlei are Botanical substance * from I'hlim , many of them unknown nutslilo of that coun try. lIocliarRps nothing for examination , consul tation or advice. Von van call and have it ftlundly chut with nlm. nnd ho will frankly state wnat ho can do for you. HIH consulta tions and communication. * condurtcd In the utn est privacy and strictest cotilldcnce. Ills remedies are easv to tiikoand perfectly harmless. The most of them not on I hti blood , purifying It and destroying the microbes or bacteria. Perhaps you are HUlTorlnir , from some dls- oasoof lom ; standing and have tried almost every remedy known without success. Would It not. bo well tu try the Uhlncst ? mode of treatment now , or at any rate call and let Dr. U UcoVo e.xatulno thu case and toll you what ho can do ? Dr. ( J. Gee Wo ha thou5.ind.sof testimonials In his possession , among which are the fol lowing : It. If. YOUNG. 2715 North Twenty-fourth street , Omaha. Cured severe cold and rapIdly - Idly developing consumption ; was told could not last .six months ; cured wholly with Uhl- nexn remedies MKS. II. UIGE. leO ! Fifth streit.-Siirfored with sick headache and general dublllty ; had rled all kinds of medicines and doctors. Now obust and honltny. M. V. VAN WOUMEK. 1717 Third street , ouncll Illurts. lionural doblllty and pains In lipst ; fe w weoicH treatment ; never felt outter bun at present. MKS. T. O. U1OE , South Omaha. ( Albrlzlit ) . After trvmir other remedies for oliht years used Dr. Gee Wo's treatment ; now completely curod. JOHN II. HAMMETT. South Omaha. ( West Alorlftht ) . Heart disease and ualn In chest ; Bliort course of treatment ; now almost cured. Mljy. W. A. NICHOLSON , IW7 KlKlitcontli street. Hheuinutlsm. then hemmorraKO of tlio lungs and finally heart ; complete wrecK ; went to Europe and tried everything ; now entire ! v curnd bv Dr. Oco Wo. MKS. J. E. YATES. CiO Q fttreot. South Omaha. 1'Vmalo weakness and sick head ache : could pet no relief till Dr. ( ! eu Wo cured me. Will gladly recommend him for these troubles. I'or the benefit of those who cannot see the doctor he has prepared the following night remedies for the most urovalont diseases : BLOOD PURIFIER , RHEUMATISM CURE , CATARRH CURE , INDIGESTION AND DYS PEPSIA CURE , SICK HEADACHE CURE , LOST MANHOOD CURE , FEMALE WEAKNESS CURE , AND KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. These troubles can easily bo diagnosed and the proper remedies procured. I'or all otnor Iron Dies write , enclosing stamp fur question blank and book , us the doctor uses a special remedy for each disease. DR. C. GEE WO , North 16th Street , Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. , .Every Day. DOCTOR Me GREW THES FECf/LIST Storothun U roan ozporlonoii In th3 troiUiuat ol PRIVATE DISEASES. AcureRuarantocdln 3toS days , wlthont haloiiof an hour's tlrno. GLEET. rno mu.piatn and absolulo cure for l nt anl alluiinoylnKdlscharnoj ovornuonu in UiomodioM profcKlon. I'urmanuntly cured In from J to U d.iy STRIOTURB Or pain In rollarlm ; the bladder cured without pain ' l " cnttlnif , no dllatlnif. The moil l i Hi .ol'jnco. TKIH : Cured In ,10 lo SO dnys Dr. MeQrew's trnntmnni r i this terrlblo blooddlsoaiahai been pronounoid tha mostsucuoisful remedy evordlscovonid for tinat > - solute euro of the dlseaio. Ills succo < wltltllili nlncjvjo Imi never been eqimllol , A camplula oura cuaruntoed. cuaruntoed.LOST MANHOOD nessnil woaknonoi of tl o sexual oricani , norvoiu- And Ilinbllty nnd despondonoy absoluloly curoJ , Th erulluf U tuimedlutu and cornptotf. SKIN DISEASES , ami all dlseaiot of the blood , llrar , klilnayi. anJ bladder ( lurmanontly cured , FEMALE DISEASES The doctor's "llorno Treatment" for lo < lloi Ii pro. nounced by nil who have u od It to bu the moat com * plctonnd convenient ruined/ over otTered for the treatment of fcmalo dheasui. H In truly a wonderful romodyv Hours for ludloi , from 'i to 4 only. DR. MoQREW'3 Mnrvoliouj.puccnm In tbo treatment of private Uli. oases has won for him a reputation which Is trulp natlbnal In character , and his . army of patlont * reaches from' Ino Atlantic to the lUclfla. The doctor Is a urniiiiute of "reKUlnr" medlclno and hai hay lonif and o.irofnl oxporlenco In hoipltil practice , and Is clHSsod nrnonz thn leading specialist * In mod' am science. Treatment by corrii | > un < ti > iicoVrlt9 /ur.clrculnri nbout oauhof Iho abova dltoiiix , fraa. Ollicu , Mth nnd Furnam Stroota , Oinaui Nab. 'Entranoa on oithur stroot. Vf end tua marvrluui French I ItomixlyCALTHOS Tr - , amlnf I KulKUarantKothat will HTOI > DUrhBrcr * A Kiul > * lun % I 4IITUF Nrrrmnl rrliraVfirlrorelo [ m.d HKHTOHK lxtl Vljor. Use it and pay ifsalisjieit , 4Umt.VON MOHLCO. . . Bolt lutrku ijmU , ( UtliiiU , Oklu. I is what you need , for it cures all liver , kidney and nerve troubles. 250 package. Remember that HAHN'S ' GOLDEN DYSPEPSIA CURE is warranted to cure dyspepsia , sickhcadache , billiousness lump like fooling In the stomach , o money refunded. Prieo 60o , of you drucL'iat or by innil on receipt of price TURKISH HUM 131)Y CO. , Omnha , Nabnislm. Suinplosof Tea & DvspopsluUuro for"ostinni : GKT THERE CAPSULES , u positive euro for fjoiiorrhciMi , gloot or any urina ry troubiu , will not cuusostrloturo. For wotiknesa of both mnlo or foiualo It haa no aqunl. Will guarantee to euro ubovo complaints with ono box. Eu. y to take and quick in etlcct. purifying the blood at the eiuno tlmo. 91,60 par box , by mailer or your druggist. TUHKIUH MtKSIKDVCO , , OmaJiU. Both the nictlirxl nnd results when Syrup of Figs is tnkcn ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , and ncU gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , clonuses the sys tem cflbctually , dispels colds , lieiul- aches nnd fevers nnd cures Imbihml constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd nc * ceptahlo to the stomnch , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its eflbcts , prepared only from the most healthy nnd ngreeablo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd hnvo in ado it the most popnlnr remedy known. Syrup of Figa 5a for snlo in COo and 81 bottlea by nil lending drug gists. Any relinblo druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL , ( OUISVIUf , Kr. NEW YORK. N. Y. AWrlllcn Guarantee ( o CUI1E EVERY CASE or _ , MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is permanent nml not a pitching up. Casol treated flro yrftrs ajro hnvo novtr seen a symptom Inco. BjrclMcrlblnecMofullrw * can tr nt you by mall , anil wo giro tlio tninc itronf KUM-antco to cum or refund nil money. Tho. o who prefer to como hero for treatment cnn do go J wo will pay rallrond faro both waya and hotel bill * whlla here If we fall In cure. Wn eliilliniro the worlil for a caj that our JIAUIO KK1IKUY will not euro. Write for full partleutars nd KetthoerMence. We know that you are floptical , Ju.tly BO , too , as the mo t eminent phyflelanaharo novcrltonablo totlTO inor * than temtwrary relief. In our Hve yuan' practice with the MA010 KKMliY It ba < been nioit dir.lcult to overcome the prejudice ) asalni.t all no-called n > clflc . Hut uniler our ttrong BUAranteo you ihould not hedltato to try thl > remedy , You take no chntico of lonlnfr your mon y. Wo fruar- antee to cure or re fund every dollar , and ns we hare a reputation to protect , nlao financial backing of I3CO , * 000 , It Ii perfectly afo to all who will try the treat ment. Herotoforoyouharo boon putlln IT up ami raying out your money for different treatments anil althoilffti youaronotyetcurednoonohas p.ild back your mon. . Donotwaitonnymoromoni-yunlllyoutrynt. Old ey. chronic , deep seated ca o cured In SO to to day * . In. Tcitlgatoour llnanclal standing , our reputation as builneis men. Writ * us for names and adJrrwea of those we have cured who have given pormUtlonto re- fertothcm. ltcot youonly poslaio to dothUilt will save you a world of suffering from mental strain , and If you are married what may your offspring suffer through your own ncKHzcnco. Jf your symptoms are sore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any rartotthebodyfeellnKOf Krnoral depression , pains In head orbones , you havono tlmo to waste. * Ihoso who are constantly taVInK mercury an I potash nhould dl-conllniielu Constant use of these drugs will surely bring sores and eating ulcen In the onil. Don't full to write. All correspondence pent sealccl In plain envel opes. Wo Invite the most rigid investlcatlonnndwlll do all In our power to aid you In It. Address. COOK. JtKSfKDf CO , , Omaha , fi'tbratlta. Office 13th and Pamnm , second floor , cntriutce 13th El FOR MEN ONLY. $500 for a cnao of Lost or F.illin.3 ! Manhaod , Gunonil or Norvoua Dobllity , woil : < ness of tody or inliid , the olTfots ot errors ur i-xccsso.- ! In old or young tlmt wo cannot cure. Wouua- ranteo o very o.asoor ro'f nnd nvery dollar. Kl vo days trial treatment $1 , ( till $5. 1'ur- ccptlblo beneflts roallzod in tlireo ilays. lly mull , securely packed from ohsorTiitlon. COOK KEMKfiy CO. , OMAHA. NKB. LADIES ONLY MAniP FEMALE REGULATOI ? . Snfo nnd ninulu Corl.aln ton day orinonoy refunded. 1'rleo by mull 8'Scnloil from obsurvutlon. COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Nob. DON'T BE BUNCOED by dealers who try to sen you worthless porous plus- turn which pay thetn more profit thun the Kcnulne IIENSONSvhlcli are In- dorrcd by the voluntary testimonials of over 5OCK pharmacists and phyal- chill ! ) na the best. Take nothing but . IOlo2Odayi Kop rtllleur il.DR. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , STREIilT OMAHA. NEU. The mot widely nn 1 fuvnritlily Unnwn npec- liillsts In llui Unllril H tales. Tholr IOIIK i-x- piirlonco. reinnrkiiblo .skill and inilviirsiil .silt IH > .SJ In tlio trnulniunt ami cum of Nervous. Otirniilu uiiil SurRlciil DNiKisosj. untltlo tlicsn eminent uliyslL'Iuiis to tlio full eoiilldunot ) of thn allllctntl overvwlirro. Tlmv KUnrunluu ; A UUUTAIN AND I'OHITI'V ? ' : OIJKB for Ihu iiwfiil offoctii nf wirly vlco nnd the immur- OIIH urllx tliul fnllotv In fti train. IMUVATK. 111.001) AND SICIN DIHKA8E8 spcedllv. roiupliilcily and uuriimni'titlv oiirud. NKIJVOIJS bEHljjlTV ANDHi.NUAI- - OltliKUS yield rcudlly to their skillful troit- : luciil. t'IM-IS , h'lSTIJLA AND KEflTAI , UI.CKItS uuunmtood curud without pam or detontuin from business. UVUItUUKhK AND VAKlCOOKI.i : nuriim- nontly nnd Micceshfully uuriul In uvury cisr. aVIMIIMrt. UONOKUIKKA , HliKKT , M 'r- nintorrlKna , r > uiiilniil WouUiinns , lfi t Miinliood , Night Kmtsslont , Dncuyod KuuultloH. h't'iiinlc Woaknons and all dollcuto dhorduin poctillui to ultlior BOX positively curud , us well HI nil funutlonul disorders Unit result from youth ful follies or thn exrein of niuturn yuutfi. 'riir"inl Unuruntfoil puriniuipntly O I l\l\j l U 1Loiiroil , ronioviil coniplutr , without cultliiK , oaustto or clllntutlon. Ouru anuatnil lit homo by putlunt without a mo- MHint's pain or unnoyaiii'o. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A llttl' niPI ' The ow' " ' otTootg of /V OU1\L UKU early vloo which brings oruanlo weakness , destroying hoth mind nnd Ixidy. with all Hi droadud Ills , puruiiinently H1K R1JTIAddroM those who hare Ul\J , 1)11 U Impulred thuiiiHalvf * hy Im- Vro | > ar IndulKnnce and solitary hahlta , wblah ruin both mind nnd body , iintlttluK tliom for buidueM ititdv or murrlaita. MAKKIKDMKNor tJioso ontcrlnx on that happy life , uviaro ot phyilcul cloblllly. riulokly oislsUd , OUIl BUOOB33 Is Imird upon faoti , I'lrst 1'raotlcM nxperl- once. Sooond Every ca n Impeolally itudlvd , thin itnrtlnK rlclit. Third Mcillulnes are prepared In our laboratory eiuotly tu suit eaoncme , thui effectluK curoi without luj ury Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGUS STREET. OMAHA , NEB. fiOVTJl O.tlAIIA. IllK > i Hohool Mntortnlnmont , The clo.ilnf ( oxorcUos clvon In Hunt' . * oporn house Snttmlny ovonuip by the olKlith Krudo of the high Achool irow nn nmlluiica ttmt tnxoJ Iho room to Its full ciipnclty. Ami If over pnronts were ploastxt with tholr chil dren nnd tlio lionrtl of oducKtton , .lUporln- tuiulont niul to.trhor.i sntbllcil wltli tlio re sults of tholr labors It was wlum the oxer- clsan closed. The voting Indies nnponrod on the stngo with n.t much dignity unit KMCO as bonuty nf ( turson , whllo tuolr .schnlnstlo Httnliimonti oxceedml their oilier virtues. The Musical Union band ot Onmhn fur. nUtiod the imislc. The proK-niiniiio n ( nibllshcd IP Tin : UKH was remturcd throiiKtout. Sotdnm hiu n i-lns * nt itny scluvol cxnrcisiM slunvu raoro or- iKIiinlliy In selcotinisubjccU ami In hand- line ilu'ni than did HUH clnxs , mid thn lltor- ttry niprit was equal to ovorv oxDontntion. After the overture from Flotow't "Mur > tlm. " Miss Mlunlo DunnU rend nn Intoroat- ln ; | mi < : riin the "Olass Hlstorv. " With ox- LTliunt imislo Ititcrvunlnp Mis Maud Now- comh's iv-isayon "Tho iNltrht Drinks Out Inn Stars , " nnd Miss Annn Wells' n.vnitlon"Tlio n.vlni ? Sorsonnt , " pleased the lnr audlunro. "The Two Sides of n l-'armor's Llfo , " by Miss Mary Morttmseti , nnd "What the Man In the Moon Saw , " by Mlvs Klla Illeo , fol lowed musical selection * , nnd wm-o well ri > - colvcd. The ossnys uf Miss Jennlo Oniliain , "Anon ! llu > Mills , " nnd Miss Mtnnlo Uotuils , "What 1 Saw nt the World's Fair in IS'.U ' , " were cbiirnilnply reml. Miss Annu l-'owlor'.i "MnsliiR.s of n Slroot Car llorso , " win fol lowed by nn Instrumental solo , "Tlm Piano KliiK. " by Ml Maud Nowcomb , both of which received uptireclatlon. "Woman'8 Place , " by Miss Maud Thomas mid Iho "Class Prophecy , " by Miss Mary Mortonson , were of merit. The tiddross of Mr. .lames U. Van Duscii was nxcellont nnd ns pleasing to the nudlenco as titled to the occasion. Superintendent Mtinroo may well bo proud of his class nnd year's work nnd pupil and parent may tool fully satisfied. Not OH About tli City. Misses Klla and Gertie Wells of Columbus are visiting with Miss Molllo Condon. Mrs. J. M. Taylor of SI , Francis , ICnn. , Is visiting her son , J. P. Taylor. Mrs. Ur. Kirkputrlck nnd sister will lonvo today to visit tnolr parents in Ottumwn , In. Austin Klrby , nn oniulnya of the Cudnhy company , met with painful accident yoster- dny nftornoon. The middle II n nor of his left hand was caught in n tin prosscr Mid mashed off. off.Mr. Mr. Ddiilul Murphy , nn omplovu of the Cudahy company , will bo marrieA to Miss May Adams , punchier of City Attorney Uon Adams , this morning nt S o'clock In St. Agnes' church. Mayor Sioano , City Clerk Hyan nnd City Treasurer Hoetor went over to Florence to witness the ceremonies aUcmliml upoh the slnrtltif ; of the now engine by Ihu water works company. L. Coltrian , whilst riding about his fnrntnt Yutnn Sunday , was attacked by a vicious horse nnd luul the tlcshy part of nts right log so badly chewed that ho may never regain the full use of that member. Some vandals wont along N street late Sun day evening mid cut out the wire in nil the screen doors , and the Irate merchants have offered n reward of $ il ) to anyone who can glvo any information as to tlio culprits. A. N. Miller has re turned from nn ex tended trip through Wyoming , Montana and Idaho. Ho reports the range In the best con dition it lias been for many years , owing to the abundance of buffalo grass , which the cattle llko. ti. Dbin : arrived nt the yards vestorday with u train load of California cattlo. They were eight days on the road , but , looked flno nnd attracted n great deal of attention , ns this was the Hrst shipment east mado'from a point so far west. U. C. Uurgess from Clayton , N. M. . was In South Omaha yesterday with several loads of line cattlo. The Now Mexico grnngors. nro fast , liuding n market for their cattle hero and departing Kansas City on account of the high freight charges. At the meeting of the council Wednesday evening a proposition will bo mndu to estab lish a regular paid lira department in place of the $10 volunteer concern now In exis tence. Several members of the council will endeavor to have an ordinance passed estab lishing the number nt ton , Including the chief. The city council did not moot last evening but will do so tomorrow. The city fathers want to glvo the property owners on Twenty-fourth street n chance to ngroa on what kind of material their street will bo paved with. Unless they como to some decision - cision by that tlmo the contract will bo de clared null. A petition Is In circulation asking the council to change the grade on lj street. Many of the property owners nlolig N street are vigorously protesting against the pro posed chnngo nnd hnvo Hied a remonstrimco in the mayor's oillco to that effect. They claim that nil the travel will bo transferred to L street nnd the business center' will go with It. John Adams' saloon on Twenty-seventh street was the scene of an altercation yes- terday. The proprietor refused to pay Peter Honnett , n fiery young Teuton , n sum of monny which Dennett clatmod was duo him. and ho forthwith undertook to clean out the establishment. Ho shoved hU llstllirough tbo show case ami cut a deep gash on 1.1s wrist. Ho then proceeded to punish the proprietor , nnd in the imdco various store fixtures weio demolished. Marshal Druilhan appeared on thu scene and hustled Dennett oft to the locu-up. At the Htntlon It was fouml tlmt ho was severely cut and bleeding profusolv. Dr. Kirkpatriok was called in and dressed Ills wound. Peter will appear before Judge King tomorrow nnd answer to the charge of disturbing the peace. Known that at this season the blood Is filled with impurltlRH , the accumulation of months of mitllal. . , ! ties unit every trnco'o . _ or other diseases may bo expelled by taking Jlood'.s Sarsuparilla , tlio best blood purlllor over produced. It is the only medicine of willed " 100 doses ono dollar" Is truo. HX.GUIIKION TO TOUOVJ'O , O.VT. , Via tlm Wiilmsli ( tallrojul. For Iho national odiiciitionnl conven tion at Toronto. The Wubiwh will Boll ' round trip tiekuts July 8 to II ! at hull faro with $2.00 added for inomborRhli > fee , good roturnlnif until Soptombor.HO. Kvor.vbody invited. Excursion rntcH hstvo boon niiuio from Toronto to nil the an minor rosortn of Now Enulnntl. For tlukots , sleeping car ncooininodiitloim and u handsome nouvunlr giving full Information , with cost of Hi'lo ' trlpi , otc. , call nt the WuhiiHh tioUot olllce , 1602 Kitrmim street , w write G. N. Olityton , northwestern passenger ngeiit , Omuhii , Nob. _ TUB HI5\I/1'V M.YUIIKT. TNBTUUMKNTS pUauJ 011 roaorJ Juno 28 , 1 IsJi. M 11 Croll to K I. Orots , w H f o 00 ft , lot 2 , Iliirtlett't ndd . t S9 Ui-rmnn land and innrtKnxe romiiany to J 1' lllndcsUH , so no IIL > U-l5-ii : and lot 1:1 : , hiki Miiynu 1'lai-o . . . 15,000 Ilulrnof B A Afugfiith to II 1) lUulmrdsou senw SO-I.VIIl . COO 1' K Wllllnms to I' W I'orklns , lots and 0 blk I , Wooili I'liicn . fl.000 K II llowlnnd and wlfu to Louis llradfiird , und MaxCOln lotH , blk r , llrnt udd to South Omaha . . . 1'JX ) Jl ) Murphy and wlfn to Martin and I.1U- niinth Oracp , lot T.Mk : i , UolTiiianTur- raiTi . . . . , 7W I , W Nil 111 tn II \Vnturlluld. . lot ft , blk S , I'nrk Kor Ht . 'HA U U Urlllllh anil wlfo tu T U Urllllth , n'i lotfi. blkUl , i-outh Omaha . TOO John I'loinlni ; and wlfu to Ida 1' Koady , lotH , hk | II. Lincoln Vltiw. . . 1,5)0 Mutual trust cumpuny to NnUun Ton- cmy. lotH I. 2 , lUaiid H , 1)1 ) k 3 , JoUnr'a adilloHonthOiimhii . 12,000 V K McJluro tu K A Holland , lot , , Mc- Ulnru'HSub . B23 I ) J. MeiiiirKin and vrlfn to W It llainnn , lot T , blk 1 , Jultur'u add to Boulu Omnlin . 4.500 \V U llonmn und wife to J I' 1'Miiluv nt nl , lot 7 , blk 1 JotUi-'n udd toHouth Utunh't ' Total amouutot tianifon. I 47.M7 Hnvo You Rot n Iloran ? Kvcry man who owns a horse should knew Unit ifullor's Ilurbed Wire Lilnlmont U the only remedy that will glvo nrotnpt rulluf to nil spralim , cuts , brulici nud nallt , uud U warrautud to effect a cotnploto cut-