Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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A Bull Pako Turns Out Merely a Flash in
the Pan.
Heavy SliljimciilH to lirltlnli I'orli A
Btinrp Demand for Corn Outs
Ilia HtronK Kciitliro of
the Day.
CHICAGO , Juno 29. Tridlng In wheat win
not very brisk today and the foo'In , ? tenrtid
to weakness during tlio c-irly imrt of tlio scs-
Ion. Tlio nowii was nil bearish. Tlio won-
therIn HID winter wheat bolt wits favorable
for harvesting operations ; there wcro HOIIIO
fihowors yesterday , but nut enoiit'li to Inter
fere with tlio gathering of tlio crop ; It was
( nlr toiluy with high barometer mill Indlcn-
tlani favorable for n continuation of clour
Bklc . Cullies reported dull mid lawor mar
kets , and now wliont Is beginning to
nrrlvo ( jultc frroly nt Ht. Louis Untli-r
these conditions the donmnd was rather lim
ited mid tliorn was free liquidation of
July , which was cnmp ir.itlvely woikor : thiin
the morn dnforrod dollverlos An attempt
Hindi1 by tlio bulls to chock the downward
li'iiduni'y by circulating n utory from Now
York to thn cITuct that Injury to the Itusslan
who itcrnp was so Hrrluiia that grave atarm
wns foil In thit country and tlmt there was
word of prohibiting the i > xmrt | of breadstuffs
Hut us nil the prlvatn cables continued to
iiioto | Inrrons ng weakness and ( { rowing Indlf-
frrrnoo among buyers the dlsmtcli | was
quickly voted a f iko and nxuitcd little Inter
est. Iliter In the day It WIIR noticed
there wns an Incroasn of domain ! for Do-
ccmbur. partly In thn vvuy of InvcMtincnt and
tinrtly to cover shorts and prices lianloneil
I'ardrldgixovored a blir line and Cudnliy also
look In Inrgo lilies July Improved
with Di'i'cmhrr mid the gi'nornl Htrmiglh was
Increased by ( ho Hharp upturn In corn , the
fnct that tin * Inrreaso In the visible Kiipply
was lamer than expected and free buying by
H. V Uliltc. Mllmlnc and Hodman and
Kchwnrt/-lupeo ) supposed to bo Hliort on
whent for thn account of Now Voik. Thij
fthlpmcntsof .Now Vork last week nern lurac
iu.'gri'gatliitf 07 boat lo.ids , inostof which , uslilu
fiom.'l lo.uls for Antwerp went to llrltNh ports
1'arls calilos nuoti-d nr ces ! i.lo eonllmcs
lower on whott , mil Mveinool Id lower , llci-
lln lower anil Antwerii dtimorallri'd , July
( luaned lit DJiiic , against 00o at the cloio on
Saturday. Mild ofT to f > ' ) T e , back toWs i ; . up to
Wii' , and closed at Ufl'mi. '
C'oi'n started slow nnd weak on line growing
weather , hut when It WIIH known tlint the re-
crlplR wuro nearly ono hundred oars
less than WIIH oxpeclod , : i sharp demand
suruntr UP from the Julv MhiirtH ami
under good hit } Ing. led by Conu'don , Hnrvny
nnd Ilovden , thrrn wan n xh.irpuptiirn of fully
Ic from tlio low point though p.irt of this
wns noon lost. Hnldwlii-l'nri.inn bought In a
largo line on the o.irly depression but Ihon
hold freely on tlio consequent decline. The
fccllnir continued nervous and tlio cnsh de
mand hct'ouilng brisk and prices high , tlio fu-
turi'H broamu excllcd and July was oulckly
bid up "o from tlio low point curly nnd
September aih annul I'H.c. This was followed
by a period of we.i .ness ncconip inlod by con
siderable recession m values. July opened at
M'lSi.'d'Vc ' against .1 fp , the lust price on Sat
urday , advanced to&ISc , sold oil' to Mo nnd
closed nt that ,
O.itl weio nervously strong , especially for
July. Them appears to bo n liberal short In
terest In Unit month and the buylnn st.irted
the market. Other futures followed suit ,
lluckley wns a good buyer most of tlio day ,
and I'r.itt also tool In a good deal , riuctu.i-
tlnus In July are conllnsd ton r.ingo of JJ'i-
siSc. closing ntc : > ' r- .
Provisions weio firm , pirtly In sympathy
with tho.strength In grain and partly from thu
light receipts In bogs and the blgber prices at
the yards , ononlng at $10.10 , the Until prlcoof
Saturday. September pork touched TI007U ,
advanced to $10.40 , receded to JlO.i'i and close * !
at JIOIH ) . Lard nnd ribs followed the lluctmi-
tlons In pork.
The leaning futures rnngod ns follows :
Wilt AT No. 2-
July *
AllKlUt 80J1 B
Cdll.s .So. 3
July 67' < M
AuKimt . . . , w 61
OATH No. 2
July 11m aiH
AllKIIrt m
September. . . . 28' <
t 962K 10 074 9 IK ) ) 17
toplember. , 10 IU 10 40 1007H I3J
LA nn
July , 6 15 02K 1 IS
September. C 42W G.10 I 40
Julr , t > 75 t 75 i87W
September. , o ir.'l- C 02X ; is
Cash notations were ns follows
fii1111 011101 and unohangod.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , { K. " , ! ! jo ; No. a.
iprlng wheat. 8.Vu,85Jo ; No. 2 rod ,
Con.N No. 2 , Me.
OATS No. 2 , IlKfMl'ic ; No. 2
No. 8 white , Xi'iGKWtC.
ItVK No. S. TAiiTfic. '
UAIII.EV No. 2. nominal.
I'bAXSKhU No. 1 , $1.110.
TtMHTiir SUED Prime , tl.251 28.
I'OIIK Me.s , barrel. ,
! pork per . V. MVIU Uj
Innl. porcwt. , fl.l2 ! { ; Bhort ribs sides ( loose ) .
tft.S-fiM.KT ! dry nalU'd shoulders ( boxed ) , * 5.05
® 5 15 ; abort olenr sides ( boxed ) , M.'IOiJI Iti ,
WiiihKv Distillers' llnlshod goods , per gal
lon , { 1.16.
SunAlts-Out loaf , unchanged.
Kecolpta and shlpniouts today were as fol-
Tlio VlHll > lu Supply.
OliiCAno , Juno 2 ! ) . Thn visible supply of
grain nstoportod for the board of trade Is us
follows :
, „ , Hushols. DocruaHO
Wheat iJMaooo 1 OdT.OOD
Corn 3K11.00l S'J'l.iiOO '
oats y,7raouo 15.VOOO
Kyo 10.000
Hurley 107,000
Now York Markets.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 20. Stocks of grain In
itoro nnd hlloat Juno 27 : , 1IU',12S ;
corn , 227.0KI ; oats , 1)17,251 ) ; rye , 17.UJI ; mult ,
IM.iCMJ : pens , I0.0ir. .
I'l.oiiu IteciiiiitH , I7.A70 packages ; exports ,
10.GG2 barrels , ll.ur.'saeks ; market dull , weak ;
city mills active ; sales. 4. * > jn barrolb.
CJonN MKAt. yulot. steady ; yellow vvostorn ,
13 2. '
WHKAT Koeelpts , M4.KW buRliolni oxpoitx ,
7SlkU bunhvlH ; Hales , buKhoU of fu-
turob : ai.OOJlHisluils ujiot. Spot ninrkot stroni-
or ; No. 8 red , fl,044 < i l.0.i ( n store rnd ole-
vntor ; ( I OTUQI.O.VJ nlloat : I'.U4 > 41.05' , f. o
b.l uiizrnded rod , tl.ai40l.0i.1 * : No 1 northern
to arrive , ( l.tiA'ii M > . 1 hard to arrive , JI.OIV
o. 8 Uhlonco , Jl.U'J. Options opened 'iOI'io
up on Uusslnn crop nowx and cov-
crlni ; declined littlSo on thu ro-
niarkably lar o Kast India Rhlinionts [
nnd Increased htouks linro. advanood Vtl tO on
loeal buyliu' , ( ' ; weak nt U'lt-'i < ever hat-
urday. No. L1 rod. Juno , ll.HlWI.U5y ( ! , oloslni ;
l.04'Jj July. | .0 ] > , ® l.02 > i , uluilllK , II.UOUI
AuKUNt. WKtn/iUf. / olosln. , IXISe :
ui'iffiwiuc. chuiiiK , IMO : October , in amsu ,
olosliik'.lKUio : November , elo lnir , UT'.o ; Io-
coinber , U7t-inlt : ? ! ( < c , I'luslni : , U'lio : January
oloslnsr , 18'jo ; Febrnury. ulu lnBi W-Sii ) May ,
ll.oiyoi.iwi , , oljslnu' . Jifie.
llVK-Qulut , Binudyi vvostorn September und
Oi-toborilollvory , 71i87'JiO. ( !
llAin.EV MAIT-II | ) | | .
UOIIN ItoeulptM. ll.MOO busholii oxnortH.
l-"Ai.ii7liu : liolsjsak'8.lll,0XbiibliijSif ( ! ( ) | futuri's ;
47,000 buHhelH of spot. Hiit | market llrmor ,
( lull ; No , s , f/o In I'levjton avi ( , iio nllunt :
uiiBradcd iiilxoll'ilWju ( ) ! ; options iidviineod
SUil'.o and closed llrm with Ilk-lit oirorlnKn ;
Junol41ittO.Mii' . ehisliig iViUoi July , W'i .or-.o ,
cldslnir eiSei AiiKUht , M 1-lixa.v.i 1-lCo , vloslni ;
NSo : yc'ptoinher , M l-liiitflTHtfi closlim' 07 * e ,
October , WVJJS'e , eloslnic Ko.
OATH lieoolptB , busholst exports. 07.1
biiHiiulH ; sales , Ul.noobuHholsot futures ; 108,000
bimhels of spot , tipot market IrroKUlar. mod
erately autlvoi oiit.ous dull , tlrnior : July , ,17ft
hpot Mix 'J white. I mixed wustorn ,
HKJIOo ; white western ,
IIAV Klrmor ; ( dilpphiB , t' 00 7.50 ; good to
cliolco. HMii HI,00.
llors htoady and quiet ; ntnto oonuuon to
ioleo. 7.Vit.lOo ; I'aeltlo const , 2.ViJJOo.
CoirrBR Opttoni upepod btotdy and uu-
ttitineed to liiiolnts up , olobi-d , 1,1 to " 3
v > > lnts up. Hales , VH.'iVj IIIIKIJ , InclndhiKI Juno ,
fi. 117,1.1 ! July , * IH. ; tlD.7,1 ; AiiBimt , tlSKoaiil.oot
reptombiT. HM-MtslWO ; October. * l4.4 Jt4.u ;
Doccmbor , iLHl : l ua Buot Itlo , tlriu. nulot ;
fair eurKO . 18..Vj | No. 7. 117.50.
bUHAH Huw , nulot , steady ! re II ned active ,
flrm.MoWf 8K8 rorolcn , iiilet | ; M test In bhds ,
I''o ; Now Orleans steady , nulot ,
KICK Qulot , sio.idy.
LAiti ) otroiiKuri inodoratodomand : western
itoam , MU7H ! le . kOQ tierce * at < U7li
Oyttr alv8l f.NJ tlorec | July ,
l'BTiioi.rtr > i-Qulpt , Rtcfidy ; united closed at
nCc for July.
I OTTOXSKED Oltr-Qlllflt , BtOady.
TAIM > W uiilet.
Hosts Dull nnd weak.
TUllfKNTtxit QnlnU ea y ! H' Wa'c.
Kiioft Qulot. Irregular ; western , l.vai.Uc :
rccolpti , .1.777 packnCes.
I'OIIK Stondys oed donmndi old moss. JIO.OO
ait.0 > ; now mess , tlt.f > 0 < Ql'.U ) ; extra prime ,
C'UT MmTS-I'lrni ; filnlcnlnnd.
MIIIDU s sironijcr nnd more active ; short
clear , i.V.'v
closlnu , (3. ( : ; August , 1C. 19 blilt September ,
IOMii'1.11 ' , closhu. M HI r October. M.7
IlUTTtii1'iiiu'v falny nctle nndRioadv :
wi-sli-rn dairy , liUIJci western creamery , 11 ®
ISc : r.lgln , isic.
( JiiEK-iK-qulct , Hloiuly : pnrt sklrm. 4/33Uc. /
I'm liioN--qniot ; ilfi-ooaiii. ' .
t.'opi'Eit Dull ! lake , July , II. ' .01.
l ; doiuostic , tl
TIN Qulot and o.nlor ; strntts , 120.30.
City A
CITV. Mo , Juno 2i ! ri.otnt Dull ;
fumlly , * l IVtH.'jTi ! eh dco , fl IVftl.V ) : fiincy ,
il.nxl.Vi ! ( ; cxtrn fnncv. II.SO | half p.uent , II.'O '
ai.l ; p.itent . ' I0 2.a ) . .
With ATWo ik ; No. 2 hard , cash , 8US8.IC ;
June , 8 0 bid ; .No 2 rod , cash , Wft-MJo.
CoiiN-Slo.uly ; No 2 onth , MUtaJIUoi June ,
OATH-Qulot ; NoSciAh nnd Jiinn. .IJ'iC bid.
llAf-Kteudyiolil. linoo ; now. N Oil ; choice ,
tfl.0 Wfl.O'l ; low Krudos. itorfii. ) 00.
IltJTTKit-Ste.uiy ; crouniory. IMUfic ; dairy ,
lOUHu : store PIIOKLM ! . li < u ; paoUlntf , i'c. '
( ; nitESE Mo.uly ; full northern twins
nnd youns American , lOu ; vcalurn , He ;
Rlommud. 4W > c.
Knot Weak at ISc. , .
I'ltovisioss HiiRtir ciin-il ham , DMlOc ;
bioakfnsl bacon , * ' ! : drh d beef hums. lOe ;
dry suit moiils. clour sides. 7c ; clour ribs. Oyo ;
loiU clears. ' 4'i ; shoulders , fiye : smoUod
mo.its , clear rib Hides , 7'ic ' : Ions , ' elonr sides.
7'ii1 ! clear sldox 7'lv ' ; shoulders , 0'4c.
MK < B I'DiiK $1.1 V.
Tiuiitu IMltn I'ure , 7 > 4o : roflned , " * e
Wooi-Marlct dull ; Missouri utiHiishiMl
hc'ivy fine. l. JI7c ; lluhtflno. 17@l u ; IIHMHHJII.
IKXtlJ''e , Knnsis nnd Nnhriskn. heavy lino. II ®
I.le : Il ht lino. Uftllic : low and eariiot , ' .KiJIIc ;
tub washed , choice. .l.'a.'Vio ; medium , :
dlnity nnd low , 87 < ! l7ii ? .
\\hnat. 21,600 ; corn , 2.400.
\V hi-at. 2.ldOO ; corn , 2,4 JO.
St. I.oiilH Markets
ST T.nutn. Mo , Juno 20 WHEAT Lower ;
cnsh. Ole , July. b.Vsvio , .
Cons Irroiiilnr ; cash. 3.l'5e ' ; o.
OATS-Stondy foi cash at Jlo ; July , .Uie. !
I'OIIK Plriuur at ? in.i7"i. :
iMUti-lllirhurat $ .bO.
\VISKV | | ? I 111
HtnTKH-- Unchanged ; crcnmcry. rilic ;
dairy , lliillo
MliinoanoliH U lirat Market.
5tN.NKU'OM9 ! , Minn. Juno 21. NOIITIIKIIV
WIIKAT fairly aetl-vo ; low prades , dull. He-
eolpts.lUJ ears ; shipments. 40cirs Close : No.
llinrd , June. Wc ) : on trick , IWeail.OJ ; No 1
northern , Junu nnd July , UI7 c : on trick , OJc ;
No. " northoin , June , 9lc ; on trucx , 0154'Jlc.
Mllwauki-c Mnrkott.
MiMVAUKBP , WIs , Juno M.-WnrAT Weak ;
Nn 2 Kprlnir. cash. f'Se ; No. 'lsprlni ; . oac.
Coil.N StroiiK ; No. I. 53'jiii ' ° > < iC.
OATS- Dull ; No. " . white. : i7iSe. :
I'lioviBiows Sic.uly ; pork. July , J0.95.
Cincliiiititl 'Mnrkots.
CINCINNATI. O , Juno 29. WHEAT Easier ;
No 2 rod * l.o- > .
Cons StronKor : No 2 in -cod. I . fiS QGOc.
OATS In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , U9 < 3IOc.
WIIISK$1.10. .
Toledo MnrkctH.
Tot EDO. O. . Juno 29. WHEAT S toad V ! cash
and June. Jl.OO'i ' bid.
Cons Stonily ; i-ash. 50c.
OA is Quiet ; caah. 40c.
Ijivorpool 31-irkctR.
LiVEiti'OOr. . Juno SO. WIIKAT Dull ; hold
ers olTcr uiodor.itoly ; California , No. 1 , 6s Id ®
Ssljd percental.
COHN Quiet ; mixed western 5s 4d pur cen
LINSEED OIL 2.N per c\vt-
NEW YOIIK , Juno 29.-Tho ta'k on the course
of the market over Sunday was most discour
aging , but while there was considerable sell
ing , as predicted. It had moro the ap
pearance of being done to buy upon
than liquidation of long stocks , nud
most of the loading shares were sup
ported , If not by the Insiders , by the covering
of shorts. London was a buyer to a limited
extent , which had some olTcct to encourage
buyers. There were further engage
ments of gold. but they failed to
have any material Influence , and In
fact , after the announcement tint It was
taken , Improvement set In nnd .small frac
tional gnlus were scored. The list. It wns no
ticed , yielded very hard and notwithstand
ing a very marked Increase In the amount of
business done , the concessions forced In most of
the active shares were confined to the most
Insignificant fractions , while some stocks ,
among which may bo mentioned St.
Paul. Richmond it West Point , Ilur-
lliuton. Itock Island aud the other
grangers , were hold above the opening figures
during mostof the time. Theory Mattering
reports of the harvesting of the crop in'.ho
winter wheat districts had some Influences In
this direction , but the reluctance of Investors
to pnrt with these blocks. In view of the bright
prospects for the season , had more. Tlio wo ik
points In the IKU wcro Northern Pacific pre
ferred and the conlers , especially Jorsov
Central. Chicago Ons nnd New Eng
land , all of which stocks are noted
for moving In an opposite direction
from the rest of the market. The effect of the
gold shipments wns mote to check trading
than to induct ! soiling , and thu Into dealings
were marked by considerable dullness. The
opening wns rather heavy , nut whllo the sell
ing was moro pronounced than UMUI ! of late ,
there was a sustaining force which oven forced
biuall aihani cs In some BtocKs and only In
those mentioned wuro the declines of
any moment. This measure was abated
towards noon , though renewed again
lifter 1 p. m. . a rally occurring In the
meantime In which onlv a partial recovery of
the losses wns made The Into dealings vvnio
marked by the old dullness and a Ihmer tone
which again brought back a portion of thu
oiuly losses. The trndln ? , however , lucked
feature nnd the inarKoi finally closed dull nu'J
linn at Insignificant change * from the i
lug prices In most cnsesnnd with the gia- . „ _ .
generally slightly higher. The final changes ,
fur the uuy show that whllo thu general list
Is generally , only H 1'iitiy ana ir-
ri'gulurly changed from the close
of Saturday. Chicago ( ! as Is down W. Jersey
Central l1 . Northern I'nolHc preferred 14 and
Huiidlng 1 per cent. Railroad bonds showed
the usual llfht dontlniis , the sales of all Issues
for ted ay reaching $ r > GOOOO , but the tu irkot
wns heavy without accomplishing any mn-
trrlnl declines among the moro active Issues.
The Atohlsnn. Henulng and .Northern 1'nclllc
led the tr.idliu.'butln neither of these was
there any particular feature , all holiix frac
tionally lower tlds evening. As In stocks the
market was Inclined to rally toward the oloio.
Uovernment bondb were dull , steady to
State bonds were entirely neglected ,
The petroleum ninrkot opened dull , declined
Hllyhtly on a fe\\ xclllnordere from the
and closed dull. Pennsylvania oil July options
svlos were 12.000 bartelbi opening , Wi ; hlgh-
t"i bOUi lowest , CO ; closing. 06.
The following are the closln : ? quotations for
the loading stocks on the New Vork stock ex
change today ;
AUhUon aOHi do preferred 130
Adnms Kxpre * 111 ! N V Contra ) . Vl
Alton * Terra Haute , 27 X V Chlo. A St. Li 11M
do preferred . K5 do preferred . . . 11mi
American Kxpriw . Ill OhloMUalsnlprl. , mi-
II C. II. A N 25 do preferred . .
Cnnndlnn I'nclllc 7 'i Ontario A Weitorn
Canadian Boillhern 4V Oleituii Improvement Vii
Central 1'aclllo . Oregon N'ur I' )
flies A Ohio. . Irt'nun Trnni ll\4
do lit preferred nUHeMiill , U'
do 2nd preferred 25 Vorlu Dec A Krnm 16H
Clilcnco A Alton . l.'l I'llliburg ll&
C. II A Q . . . 8Uin I'ullmnn 1'ulaco . .175
C t1. I1. ASt. I. 57J | Ito.iillinr 277i
Delaware & lluilion I''ii ltdck Iflnnd . . . . 701 < ;
Del I * AW , . . .1JSK SI U AH VI p'f d , M
1) ft II ( > preferred 4il > ( til 1'nul lilH
Kaillunn 6 doprefarrod . . . . lO'i't '
do Ut preferred . SO bt t'aul.Mlii A.Mnn.lyiJt
do 2nd preferred 12 bt. 1'aul A Oainlia 21
lirle ISM do preferred 62lii
do preferred. . . . 47 Temi. Ciiul A Iron II1J'
Kurt Uuy no . 143 Texas rnelrle 1J' ' <
flit , A Hint HI. . . . U4 lol. AO. fen pfd. . TO
llorklnu VnllO ) 21 Dillon I'uplllo . . . .
llnuitun A Tesns . .tti U. H Kxprosn . . . .
Illlnoli Cenlral . . . UH W bt I A ! . . .
HI 1'aul A llulutb. . . . 3i du preferred . .
Ktnins A Toxin 13H .110
l.ake Kilo A W. . . . . . Ij Western Duloa. , , ,
tin pro ferred M14 Am Cotton Oil 204
l.nko Shore IUSi ) Colorndu loitl : J
IxjiiliTlllo.V Nnth. . . 70H Honu take. . . , . , . . , . 1 *
IxiuliTlllu.V N , A . . . IV Iron t-llver 100
MempliU A Cluir .14 Ontailo S
Mlcliltfun Central MW . 5
Mil U H AV . . . . 75 dopraferred . 31
doprelerred 107 Suraj &
Minn AM. 1. . . . . 35 , liulner 40
d preferred . H Itloh A W I1 Tor . mi
Mlitourl I'aclllc. . . ( i \\UconilnCoMtrnl li.Ti
Mnlillu A Ohio S7 ? < tironl Northern pfd 66M
NntliTllle Cnutt 100 CblrnKO ( iui . . Mt
N J. Cenlrnl 10.VU l.c-nl'l ru l ,
Norfolk A Went pfd eo < i iiKir Trim . . . .
Northern 1'aclllo . r.'U Southern 1'aclllo .
ilu preferred . . . Mkj Ore Sh I. A U Nor W '
1) . I' . Denver Adulf 111 lllu drunde We t. . . .
Nortbnuilurii , . . . . IU3H do prufered
The total sales of stocks today weio K. , ! tt3
shines. InctudlnBAtehlson.U.WOj ChlonKiKlns
. .04S ; 1 , iko yiioro , i.lMi ( .oiilavlllo .1 Nabh-
> llle , S.0,0ft ; .Missouri I'acllle , UVCI5 ; north
western , ao.OM ; Now Jur ey Ct-ntral. M 'Jj '
Northern 1'aolllo ' profurrud. It.TuO ; Heading ,
. . ' 0 : Itlchmojid . I'olnt , S.UII ; bt ,
1'aul coiumon , 40,100 ; Union i'ucltlc , ll.eia.
Ffimnolul Noti-H.
CHICAGO , June l . New York exohango 75 ®
4o premium. Money flrm and uuolaauk'oil at
0 nor cent on cnll nnd C per cent on time In ins.
Cli-nrlngs , in.w..OOJ. Sterling exchange firm
nt (4 H7 for bills and Jl Hti'i ' for night
NEW YOIIK , Juno 20. Clearings , Mi.lOO.GSO ;
balances. *,4ia
llonTO.v. Mas * . . Juno 2a C'onrlngs , 13,700.-
8M ; bnlnnccs. II.RAi-'S. .Money , : i per cent.
Kxclmngoon New York l'Oi2lie illsconnt.
IIAI.TIVIOIIF , Mil , Juno 21) ) . Olenrlns' . I3.&M-
8& ! balance ! tlllM't ' * > Money.0 percent.
PIIII.ADRMMIIA. Juno ' "i.-Clear-In s. . ,7M-
021 ; balances , ll.2J7.UV ) .Money. 4 per cont.
The Mo toy .Mm-kcJ.
NBW YoltK , .Tuno20. MONKVOX UAUi Hnsy.
rnnglng from SlCftJ'i ' percent. , last loan 'J1' , !
closing nirorcd 24 ,
I'lilviK MKili'ANTit.K I'Ai'Kii MSfl,7 per cent.
StKKM > i lIxcilAMiii-ynlot nut utroiu nt
11 8. * > K for sixty-day bills and tl.MHt for de-
m a nil.
The following VToro the closing price * on
bonds :
U H. 4n , rcxMeret 11070 M irt t i tra *
IT S 49 , coupon ) .li ; < j Mutual Union li . .KWf
.100 .V .1. Lontlnt Cert ID-iJi
100 Northern I'nc Inta HUH
I'acllle , Bi of 'S'5 ' .109 do Wi . . . . . . Ill
wl , Niirlliwo l' con"0l IIS
'lonneoeo N. H M 100 do ilrtientliro f > ! . .HH'-l '
do lit , .10-'U St. U ft 1 M ( Ion Si 87
do H . . . . . ! ! < < t I , AS K fien M lai
Cnnnili .southern 2d i IHi St. I'nul Cin ( oli. . . . . I'.M
Centril I'neltlo l ti HW ( HI I' 0 A I' lull . HI
D A It. ( I. lst . . . t4 ! T I' . I * U Tr. llcts. W.1 |
do 4 * WljlT I' U ( I Tr ItctK . 7iJi
I ) A II ItViat iKtn 71,14 linlon I'acllldlit HWi. .
Snn rr.inulHCo Mining Quotations.
SAN riiANCiM-o , Juno 2 ! ) . The olllclal closin ; ;
quotations for mining slocks today were us
follows :
London Mining Stocks.
LONDON. Juno 29. ClosliiB lit 4 p. m. :
liar stlor 45yd per ounce. Money 4@Jj per
cent. K ito of discount In the open inarltot
for both short and three months ullls 1"6 per
St. Tjouln Mining Stoukfl.
ST. Louts Mo , .Tuno20. There was very little
doll ) : : on thu mlnlnx exchange this morning
and few chnnKcs In quotations were recorded.
The folio lug 1)1(1 H were made on c.ill :
Ailnms IUO Montrose ( / ; ) <
American .45 M. llroen 40
Aztec W Kllrnbolli 172) )
lllmelullc 1100 inma TiH
Granite M 'MM
Now York 3Iinin < j Stocks.
NuwYoiiK , JuuoS1) ) . Tlio following are the
CO ! > IUK inlnln ; stock quotat ons :
Allcj IIM Horn bll\er 140
Adam * Con ISO Iron MHcr IUO
At < pen 200 Mexican 2UO
Con. Cain & Va 575 Ontario JMJO
Duadwuod 125 Sierra Nevada 115
llomestako 11UO
Now York Dry Coeds Market.
NKW YOIIK. Juno 20. Huslness In dry roods
opened encouragingly 1th nKonts. Orders In
many Inntancos uoroof an Impro\o0 ohnrac-
toi , moro particularly , however. In thooisu
of prominent makers of hrown. lilo iched mid
colored cottons 1'rlnts were also In fulr de-
tnancl , and duullc.ito ordo were also re
ceived for woolen dross coeds nnd llanm Is.
\\hllo the outlook was not wholly free from
niis UiiiKIn the minds of some , the dominant
sentiment in the innrUot and apparently
nrnoiiK the trade wns ono of confidence The
tr.ido In now men's woolens develops slowly
but It is yet early for tlio season to open In
full Ihe Koneral market was unchanged and
prices steady to linn.
The Coffee Market.
Rio nn JANUIIIO , Juno 2" . COKKKE Rosuliir
firsts , 8,800 ruls per 100 Kilos ; Kootl second. 8,450
rels ; receipts during the week , bag ? ;
tiuicliiiscs for United States , IIO.OOO ba h ; ship
ments to United States 23'JUO ' bags ; blocks ,
l.V..OiW b.ics. .
TOS Juno 27. COFFFF OooJ uvoniBO ,
rols per 103 Kilos ; receipts during the
- 4oofl lugs ; purchnses for the United
ves. 2,000 bags ; shlpnionts to the United
Dt.ites , ri.O.O b.iBb ; stocks not given.
) Illilo Market ,
Ciiicuio , Juno 29. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK HUE. ] llldea. dull and weak ; ijuotatlons
Foreign Olio.
IHd pur quarter ; llnsoed oil tils 2ii < l per cent.
Triulo Talk.
CHICAGO , June C'J. Kcntiott , Hopkins & Co.
to S. A. MoWhortor : Wheat The pn-bs
dispatches from Kuropo relating to the Uus-
Elun grain harvest wuro sensationally bullish ,
Intlmiitlnu' tliut the outlook Is so poor that a
decroii forbidding the exportation of
btullb Is under advlsoiuunt , It was bald that
n great drouth ID threatened In India and
food supplies are advancing lu price In cense
quence. Naturally strong ndvkcs from
foreign markets were looked for In confirma
tion of thU Intelllgonco , but they were rather
the reverse. 1'rlces were decidedly wuaitvr
and the Imllui shipments of wheat
for the week were surprisingly large.
2.800.0DO biihhols. against 010.UJO for the corro-
Kpondlng week a year ao That country has
exported In tlio first quarter of the now i par
lV.Ui,000 ( Inibliols Of cuurso It is nut ex pee ted
this rate of export nlil long bo kept up , but
ulillo It lasts It can h.irlly fall tohavuado-
prcsslng ollect. The > l.sllilo hiipply duoiuabo
was Inrgor than expected , thy reduction of
Mocks lji > lng to l.l.KW. ' 00 , against moro than
' . ' 0io ( < ioou a week ago , and c.lo-,0 to the minimum
BtocKs of lojontyearb. It lo.iks as If that low
record would soon bo broken. December
wheat Is now nbout the same as
a year ago , with Liverpool 15u
lilvhor. A LoiKlon paper says America will
not bo able to Mipply half the probable Kuio-
pcan delleioncv. admitting our biirpluH to bo
IIH largo as claimed , \\oak.forolgn eableb.
Improving weather In the harvest Holds and
leports of hirvcst yields In the bouthwo&t
overshadow the prospective ho trolly tibroid
'Ihoro Is a Misplolnn , too , that unfounded
damage reports are Vielnic ! > oiit fiom thu other
side In the Interest of speculative holderswlio
may ho tiyliu to ork up a murkot to sell on
The news , s NO out of Joint with the markets
M ) as to uaiibo ionsUleiilo ! comment.
Corn nnd Oats Hoom traders attempted to
break the market on L-ood weather prospects ,
but thu hulls promptly accepted all olTerlnza ,
especially corn , and boon had thohhorU on the
run , scoring a substantial victory. Thu siiurp
advance was not wholly nuilntulned , and at
the clone It looked llko soiling lowor.
I'rovislons-It Is Mild that the carriers
IniniL'ht ul out today's rully. ndvanulng Sei'-
temlior stiiirtoget a bettor carrying rate from
the longs , who nro cliaiu'lng ever thnlr hold
ings from July to September The differences
between thoto wus widened lirccoitlbly | In
c'oiiHCiiicnce | , and some timid shurts were
dilvon to cover. It U not believed the Uuliju
will laat long.
llrltlnli Grain Itovluw.
LONIION , Jitno20 , The Mark Lnnu Hxpress ,
In Its weekly rovlow of the IlrltUh grain
trade , says : Fnglish wheats are weak. Prices
HIOW | an average decline of ( Id , foreign wheats
are In liiruo supply. Thu total arrivals of
breaiUtunx during the week amounted to
5'4Wk ' > iiiarter | , being 14M7iuartors In excess
of thoeiitlro would/ wants of tlio Uuitud
Kingdom. The talcti of 'farmers' wliuitt
amoiinttd to 108,770 mmrter . There romulus
to bo UUpotedof 12.1WJ ijuurtera of whuat
und flour utovo ordinary demand. All for-
ulga wheata UtoypcJ i . Orvguu la < juood ut
42s .111 anil CalUornlir-rm Vli * ifO at 4 ' . Corn
li firm , Aiiicrlean" ' ! * hold for rTufld. Oim
and beans nro stcaitr. .1'eits nro fi < l dourer. A' '
toluy's market bli5ni ( nun lower , ni
whllo Kngllnh wluVJliS , were 40v'itlls. forcltfi
wheats were weak. L'.ulfornU wan M lower
foreign Hour vrnssu-ndy. KnclUlt Hour wasOi
lowor. UatM nnd cortitMoro llrni , Hyu , beans
nnd peas wcro nc lfrttud.
O3t AHA ' / . * i / ; ti rticif.
jll O AIIA. Juno SO. IsU
OATTI.B Oniclnl rdoolots of cattle , 1.702 as
rompnrod with i.ijjri Siiiurdnv "nd PK
Monday of last /v i'k. ; ( The mnrkqt wns
BUI nly on deslr.ihld"ijitivo ! hooves unit Mow
and we ikon othu' Vs'r.Mlorfl. Ono I butcher
slooUvnsaotlvo uutt firm whllo olhur grades
worn tinchatiRod. Kuoilera were ijulot and nil-
chnnzod. , ,
llom Odlol il receipts of hozi 2.ROO , ns
compared with fi.UO Saturday nnd 2.V8
Monday of lust week. The niarKol
onoiicn uotlvu and ntrong to r > o hlgluir. nnd
closed a hlit fto higher All were sold Thu
ringoofthu prices pild wai II ; WiS .45. the
hull : Follinc at } ii.VUlin. : Lleht , f I : ) iil4 4J ;
hi'iivv , ifl.I'dM 4" ) ; mlted.iH.i.vai4.lO. : The average -
ago of thu prices paid was f4..i"'i ns coiupnrt'ii
with Jlrj' : , . > -utiirday and W.2S'i Monday of
last wrok.
HniJKi'-Thoro wore no frosli receipts of
sheep. Thu dom.ind holds prices strong ti
higher. N lives fJ.7VrV.oi ! westerns , t..M ®
MUood CO to 70 Ib lambs t' < OW80.S3.
ItCCOlptN n Ul i lHlSltlll | ( OP StOL'k.
Olllclal rncolpts.ini disposition of stook ns
shown by the hooks of the Union stock yards
compnny for thotwiMitv-fuur hours ending at
6o'clock p. in. . JunoSU'lh < ili
Hoos-Rccolpts. 22.0JO ; shlpihonts. ll.OOJ ;
Market active , sti'ady to higher ; rough and
common. W.IOiil.M ) ; , il\ud nnd packers ,
JI.I.OO4 liA ; prlmo ho ivy and butcher weights ,
t4.WtH.HO ; lUht , JI.IUiat.T.'i
SiiEKi' Uecol ) ts , 7 , 03fihlpmentsi.OOO ; : ; mar
ket uotlvu. hto.idy : natives , J4 S'Vft'J.'i ) ; Toxnns ,
; westerns. 81 ll'i ; lambs , } 3.75 < ao.OO.
Nmv Yoric Uvo Stock Market.
NKW YOIIK , .luno 20. HEKVFS Kocclpts.
r > , : S head , Includliik' 8) cais for Kale ; market
lUo hlclicr : native steers , ( .i.tnj&'ia.t ; bullB and
cows , K.2WS4.W ; dressed hoof , llrm , 8'4 < ao'c. ' {
CALVitb Kccelpts , 4ur > head ; market 'ic
loner ; veals , t > .WliO.i'l ; butturmlllc calven ,
t..O ( iii.M.
SiiEtiKocelntK. . lO.OJfl head ; dull nnd oasloi ;
lambs , QIIII. Hu-op , S4 WHAM ; lambs KMit
iOJ ; diessed muttons slow , UlilUHo ; dressed
lambs llrm , Ifl'/ittl'-V.
Ilons-Uecelpts. 1 direct ;
market nominally ( .toady nt f I.JOWi.J.'i ,
Kniimin City Iilvo Stiuk .Mnrkot ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. Juno 23. OATH , * Ko
cclpts. ll0 : shlpmouts , l,74ti ; ninrkot natives
steady to htroni ; ; TL-.IAIIS Me.uly to lOc hlKlier :
steers , tl W > hU ; oovs. fl.7Mt.l.lK ) : slockers nnd
feeders. . fcJ.WBl.OO. < T'
lions Receipts , IfJYQf shipments , 1.120 ; tnar-
r > o to lOu higher ; brllnl.4UilD4.-l' | ) ; all Kradeo ,
J4 twill M. ? iii
SIIBEP Itocolpts , lylji ; market steady. H
St. IjoulH IjlVe Stook Miirkol.
ST. Loots. Mo. . JiijipSO. OATTi.K-Hocolpts.
Mil' . shipments J , n ; steady , fair to
fanoy nntlvo stcorA3)KH&50i ) ; Te\ans and
Indians , f..4J ® 1.1'J. M
Iloilrt Hcco'ptsSuO ' ; Rhlpmnnts , 1,000 ;
ilnlior ; ho ivy , Jl. itl.70 ; mixed
llulit. ItMdi ( > 1.
McShane- j Conghpn ,
300 8.13th St. I Ps Natlonal B nk BuildIng -
Ing , OWftha. Neb
Deal In ntucln , bonlti ( uelirlllet , romnicr l tl pa
per , lo Ne otlnto loam on Improve I Oin ill i real
eiialo Short llino tiiani , wllli bunk Hock , oren all
> p rove I collatcrulni'curltT _
Hln Mother Savoil Him.
Nlno-ycar-old Joe Btrcalor , coloi'cd , who
was nrrostod Sunday ulb'lit tor brcalcliic into
Ed Mosler's store and stealing soiuu II re
works was dUclmrgcd by Judge Holslev
The boy's ' mollioi snys hu Is Incorrit'ublu and
wanted him sent to the reform school. At
he last uioinout tlio mother wuaUunud and
icr boy wasdUcbarKOd ,
No Briplnjf. no nausea , no pain wuon I5o
Witts Little Earlv KUow uw ; ui < ou. Small
pill. Safe p.ll. UoU pill.
Jobn Crnft's rosldcnco nt tbo corner of
Sixteenth nnd Sherman uvonuo was entered
Suailay nlRht by burglars nnd a duo gold
watch and chain stolon. The property wns
reported to be worth $200. Mr. Urofts 10-
ported bli loss to the police and offered a re
ward of li. " for the recovery of the watch.
Detective Dennett worked n whllo on the
case , but discovered nothing. About f >
o'clock Crofts catuo Into the station nnd hnd
thi' watch nnd chnln In this posscMton. Ho
stated that hu had found the articles In the
rcnrof his sUblo nnd thought tint through
fear the party , who Is probably n novice lu
crime , hnd returned them ,
Mothers will find that Hnller's I'alnPar-
alyzer is n sura and plausant euro for dr.i-
The Omnhn Ouiiriln Start Tor tlio In-
tci'Hlitto Drill Toiirnatiiciit
The armory of the Omaha KUimls wan n
scene of busy netlvlty with porters bustling
to and fro loading up the liiKKitgo of the sold
iers and spring uots and mattresses on which
the valiant guards will rest their weary
bones. The nrmorv was surrounded by n
crowd of small boys who hootad and cheered
as the boys donned their wur clothes and prepared -
pared to do battle with thu enemy.
At 4 : ! ! 0 yesterday afternoon the guards
marched to tbo Tenth street depot , wbero
they entered u special slcopor attached to the
HurllngtotJ fl\erand , .started for Indianapolis
under the charge of Colonel W. IValllo , city
ticket nirout of the Burlington , who will look
nfter.tho comfort of the bovs on rotito.
The RUiirds have started for
Indianapolis to participate In
the Interstate drill which opens
In that city tomorrow nnd closes next Mon
day. About fifty of thu crack military com
panies of the country linvo entered the lists
and the winners of unv of the prlres will have
to do some pretty drilling. The Omaha bo.vs
hnvu nlmcd high and Intend roturnliic with
the Ilrst pri/o. which H a silver cup , $ Jf > 00 In
cnsh and tbu tltlu of champions of the United
The guards will arrive In Indianapolis at
" : ! < ( > p. m. today and will return about ,
the 8th.
The following Is n roster of the drill corps :
Captain , H. D Mulford ; Lieutenants , F. U.
Unmford and C H. Wilson ; Sergeants , W.
J. Poyo and L. M. Clarke ; corporals. II. L.
Senrlo , O. P. Goodman. T. D. Dakln and r\
L. Gregory ; privates , George Adam : ) , .1. 12.
Altchlson. W. T. n. Bolt , - Ulnlr , IS. H.
llovullo , C. C Chotrvholms , M. U. Coo , A. P.
Conu. H. f. Cook. S. S. Unv , P. Knnpp , .1.
Lund , George Minor , H M. Murray , W. 13.
I'nlmeter. - Suunders , H.V. . Stouter.-
borough , W. n Ten Kyck , B , U. Weeks ,
Charles Wltinan , C. H. Prltchott ; druur.ner ,
C. II. Duller.
Cook's ' Imperial Champagne has stood the
test for thirty years. There Is no better
sparkling wine tn.ine. It's extra dry.
NuIirnHkn anil Iowa I'onilon.q.
WASHINGTON' , Juno 'JO. [ Special Telegram
to THE DKP.J Pensions were granted Nu-
brasknns today as follows : Orluinnl Am
brose Jones , John Martin , Elliott L. Browne ,
James A. Smith , Thomas C. Lovoll , Henry
K.Austin , Hlchard P. Drccdcn , James li.
Wade , James \V. Wood , George Close , Will-
lam L. Dunlap , John Baker , Henry Mont
gomery , John C. Doyd , Jacob Miller , Emery
A. Chase Samuel M. Win to , Charles How
ard. Additional Muhlon C. Pugh , James
Crawford , Gilbert Durnoll , Fincollns S.
Mortis. Incicase Eioktol C. Dick-
ford , Thoniiis McCnrty. Hcissuo and
Increase John M. Hurst. Origidal widows ,
ote. Lucy A. Doukor , Catharine Ilbiicy.
Original Stephen C. McEliay. James Mur
phy , ( deceased ) , Wlllnrd M. lOvatis , Aloxan-
dur Arnoel , John Martin , Joseph ll. Uiodgo ,
Clmrlcs A. Outman , Frank O. Daniels , Si
meon W. Ames , Emerson Austin , \Varren
J. Me Wain , Samuel Clifford , John A. Harper ,
William Conner , Harvey Hillior. Additional
Henrv Hoffman , Andrew J. Horriclc. Alex
ander Coates. Increase Navy Golden B.
Gioff , Charles H. Drake. Original widows
Lurutln O. Dlanchard , Dorothea , ICoenhoo
fer. Catharine Mutphy.
Iowa : Orliflniil Henry II. Cann , Myron
Wai uor , Jacob Yeagor , Samuel Atwood ,
Thomas Vinscn , John Wallace , O. C. Shelton -
ton , Luther S. Koycs , Henry C. Petois ,
Henry C. Smith , Joss'o L. Arbaugh , Thomas
C. Boamer , John Montgomery , Hnrvov
Church , James E. P. Vnnfleet , William
Dunn , Lotvis Perkins , Edvvm Lowar , Will-
Iain Corbm , Samuel Porter , John A. Ran
som. Additional vVllltam D. Williams ,
Thomas McKce , James Kennedy. In
crease John Weaver , William K
Douldin. Reissue Stephen A. Col-
burn , Dasll G unroll , C. W. Neal.
Original widows , etc. Minor of Joseph Ack-
loy. Original Joel D. Clerk , Frank AI.
Dolclmll. A. W. Gllchrist , William H. Ferric.
Navy Peter N. Dunn , Bsrryuiitn Cros-
thwalt , Edmund W. Dncho , John Derringer ,
Matthew Elliott , John L. Alooro , John H.
Mitchell , Franklin Dolloff , Samuel T. Fish ,
Luther N. Test , Henry A. Conklin , John C.
Armstrong , Christopher C. Muten , Jesse R.
York , William W. Morgan. Joseph Albiuger ,
Cyrus Highland , Lorenzo D. Phelps , Charles
Y. HuDncr , Edward Young. Navy Thomas
L. Rcpd , James Ol.icn , Truman S. Chapel ,
James M. Howe , Jnmo % Morton. Joel R.
Hlekok , Artomus N. Colwo'l ' , Archibald F.
Lnmbortson. Additional William H. Drake ,
Jotiii Jlill , Joseph B. Drlesoach , Moses D.
Thomas , Thomas Laughlln , George W.
[ louse. Increase Sylvester J. Ponsloy ,
James R. Luverty , Thomas W. Carter , David
L.lngenfolter. Original widows Susau
Lcavell , Ella Wheeling.
DoWltt's Little Eany Risers ; best littlrj
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad bromh.
Ho Wun Ijeaileil.
John J. Clonoy , an employe at the white-
cm ! works , died in great ngony at 4 o'clock
restorday afternoon. Deceased had worked
'or the lead works comdnny since last fall.
When ho went tovork nt 7 o'clock ho com-
ilnincd of being ill and was soon nftcr taken
nto the lead works boarding house , kept by
Vlr. and Mrs. IJovoro. Dr. Brown was sent
for nnd did what ho could to relieve the
spisms of the suffering man. During the
afternoon tbo patient grow worse nnd Dr.
Jllmoro was called mid wus at the bedside of
lis patient when ho died. Tbo remains were
removed at once to Ilcafoy & Hoafey's.
Clonoy mid friends In Cleveland , O. , who
invo been notified of his death. The physi
cians claim that the man had been "leaded , "
and that wotking lu the lead works was the
causa of his death.
Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Best llttlo
till over made. Cure eonsttpitioa every
imo. Nona equal. Use them now
, YtaltorH fiom Omnlin.
Messrs. Euclid Martin , D. H. Wheeler , W.
N. Noson , L. D. Fowler and Frank White ,
ofllcers of the Omaha board of trade , were In
ho city yesterday visiting the merchants'
exchange , says the St. Louis Globo-Domocrat
of Sunday. The state of Nebraska ban Just
inssod an Inspection law , and those gentle-
nan are now on a tour of Inspection and
getting lufoimillion In regard to thu tnspoc-
ioti laws of several status. They have
Isllcd Duluth , Minneapolis and Chicago ,
and will leave for Kansas City. They spent
ostorday in visiting the exchange and taili
ng with State Inspector O'Shca. In the
iftornoon President Buinholmcr and a com-
nltteo fiom the exchange showed the gentle-
nen the city , and In thouvcning they e > ioycd ]
he excursion on thu Grand Republic.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers ! only pill to
euro sick headache and regulate the bowels.
Swift's Specific
A Tested Remedy
For All
A reliable cure for Contagious
Dlood Poison , Inherited Scro.
Tula and Skin Cancer.
Ai a tonic for delicate Women
and Children it has no equal.
Being purely vegetable , la harm-
lets In Its effects.
A triutlic on lllood and RklnDls-
caica nulled KIIFE on application.
JJruuat'ta Sell Jt ,
Dnwcr 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
' and
nmha Tent & Awn
ing Co.
Uj , llMiimitck * , Oil ami
ulil ) orClothlnK. Send lor
Mnloitno 1111 Knrrmin.
A , II. Pcrrigo&Oo. Mi 0 , Daxon ,
, All I'rlcos , All Illcjclcs Sold on Monthly
TnrK I'njrnicnls.
1315 IKjilL-o Street. m Knrnnm St. , Omihn
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law triofs , bank snpplloi , nnJ crer/tiluj ! In tlio
printing line
10th niul Douitl 11 street *
Ackormaiin Bros. & Ilcintzo ,
I'rlntcr" , bliHlcrs , cloJtrotTpori , blank book mann *
fnniirer. ,
lllilllo vnr I trii't , Omihv
Omaha Coal , Ooka ani Ooutaat & Squirai ,
Lime OD.
. Ilnrdnnd soft coal lil | >
* "
Toncray & Bryan , 8. A. MoWhortor
Ilrokcr * . urn In , nroTl SI3 Id NiMHUnk llroknri
jnd nooks 815 B lull I'rlrMe nlroi to Nu
Bt t'rlrntawlro to Chi- Turk , Chlfnuo unit tit.
" . SL Louli and New Ixinli. fnsh irMit
boiiKlit for all tutrketi
Oookrell Bros. ' F. 0. Swarte & do ,
llrokcM. PrlTAln wlreii MriikprnnrAlnrrorl lflni
toljow . Verk , Chlciiitd , v I'tc I'rlrnla wlto to at
Bl. Louis Bi-eclnl inion- Uuilt mill Ohlcmo. Oltloo
tlun Klteii to irnck blilt InUl.Nntl Hnnk.OmMm.
uneraln In Nut'l Hank K chiiKo buy , 8. Umaliit
Rector &WilholmyOo Loo-Olark-Aiulroeaan
Cor. loth and Jnokton sti liarJwAM Oo ,
finmh . IM-IIIO Itnrncr strojt ,
* Dnmlin
Paxton A ; Viprlinj Oumha Safe & Iron
. . Iron WorK Works
iSroiiL'ht nnd cjt't Iron ,
, Mnnu'r < flrnniut
brn i work , jnnorn pruof > nfc , TMilts , jnll
fdilnclry , lunc'hlim mil work , Iron Milliters naj
MnckMiillli work. U. l > t flro p rnpoi. tl An-
Itr nmlUttut , I drecn.Htli A Jock.otuti
Wilson & Drake ,
M'fff tnbnUr flnoj , Art !
box bollar * , ttnkt , ola
I'lorcoflnd ( nth slroots.
Ilor A ; Oo. , William Dint ,
Liquor Morcliinti \Vlno' , l.lqiiorj nnJ Cl-
1IU llnrnor .trojt
Hannfnctilr'n KOH uljr'i
Knitlndlnlllttorj 1111 St. , Omitu
L , Kinsoht & Co. , Frick & Horborta
Wholosnlo Liquor Doilort Wliulosnlo Llquorllcat r
11X11 Knrnnm Street SOI - WJ B 10th St.
R. R. Grotto ,
Importer nnd lotibir oC
Wlnoi nnd l.liiiiin |
IDA ) nnd Urn Knrnnin St.
1'rlcu llsti on nppllcntlon
Q. W. Douglas & Oj John A. Wakefiold ,
linporleil Aniprlrnn.l'Uf
Hnrdtrood fiiirabor , Innil CciiCMtMMtvnlikii ) >
lldriiullc CcniiMit nnd
1310 North ir.lh Stroll ( julnujrlilto I.lino
Oharlos R. Lee , \Vyatt - Billiard Lumber -
Ilnrdnond Imntmr , wooJ
bor Oo.
cnrput > nnd purquoi
Dili nnd Donuliu.
Cady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Llrao , ccmont , eta , eta Lumber
, Mine , comentoti
cor , ! > tli nnd Donuli dtruot.
0. A. Stonohill , I , Obcrfeldor & Oo , ,
Millinery , Notion * Importers nnd Jobber * la
Clii ki , IClo Mllltncrr
H)8,5IO ) nrJU Houth llth
-USS lllthSt. , Omihi [ trcct.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. ,
I'f'B Jewelers , dealers In I'laiio. , Organs , Artists'
musical Instruments ,
ele , Mntcrlabi , Kto ,
Farnam and ICth. lilt DoiiKlas Htrcot.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
llellned and Inbrloitlnf
oilti , nxlo rrasn , ot3.
H II Uuth , Mniruor
Eibbel & Smith , Sohrood'jr & Oo , ,
) enler ln country pro-l Caili buyoM butter ti I
uce , fruits , vegetables , pk'Kvand Kcnarttoan-
elf. mMnlon innreba-iti ,
1SU7 Ilownrd stroot. Ul HuuthlltUBtreoL
Hobart Purvis , E. B. Branch & Co. ,
1217 Howard strost.
Produce , fruits of all
Vrllo for | irlci ! < on but kinds , ojjlors ,
ter , , poultry and
e K *
1 Illi It Hartley street.
Zirschbraun & Sons , Jns. A , Olark & Oo.
lluttor and poultry lluttor , chenio , em ,
lioultry and Kamo ,
1209 Howard street. UK ) South IStli street.
Bates & Op. , Williams & Oren ,
Connlry product'rulU , lroduco nnd frulti
TeKOtablo < , grocer i'
ffnectalllo . leii , nploai ,
clc. 17-4iua UtliHt 1214 Ilnrney ttrais.
Eaiidazzo & Son ,
211 Smith 12lb Street ,
foreign .VDomostle Krnlti
h lurid t Oranicoi A Sicily
Frutti Ilrnncli house. 7
N 1'eteri 8t , Now
Carpenter Paper Oo , , ' Omaha fiubbor Oo. ,
Carry a full "lock of Mnnnfacturlni ; an1 Jot-
Iirlntlnit , wrapplnic nnd bora all klnlu rubber
writing papur , card pa goodi.
per , ole 100S Farnam
Emerson Sae 1 Oj. , DufTy-Trowbridja
Seed urowori , deilori li Stova M nufao'g Oj ,
itarden , vnat , Kr.ilu lU '
treuxoili , Matiufastur'ir storoiinl
4JI-12I South llth NtOVO pip )
1211-1SI5 Uiavenworth st ,
M , A , Dishrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
Manufacturers of aaih Manufacturers of mou
ilou r * . b 11 n d f a nd Into , blinds , ( IIors ,
.Moulding llrancli of eto , eUll
Nco , t.'tli anil ItarJ all irth and Clark streets.
Ooinpauy ,
UU nnd Illti llurnoriu
Otnaba , Neb
H. Hardy & Oo. , Tim Brnnswiok-Balk - - "
Tojs , dolls , iilbuma.fanor n Collondor Oo.
Iioud9 , housefurnlildn Illlirl uiiriiii die ) ,
Hiilnon Hiturji
' , thlldren' * car-
KGO'ls 407 40V H. lOtti stroll.
rlatiei I'll ! ) I'lmiamit. Ouiaba
A. D. Boyer & Oo Huntor& Qroau ,
tA-tn Kiclmiik'o Uulldlnt , 10 llicliunk'o llulldlni
bunth Omaha. tioulh Ouiann.
B. J. CofTman , Sm loy
& 0o , ,
20 Hxrlmnno lliilllln <
Bunth Omaha.
OMAHA HUnatUui4 proouied fur
Hlll'.llU'OUl ) IlllO-t. , 4111 Noif
SCHOOL OP Vork l.llo llld'tt , Ooialm , Neb.
hnnllTl HANIIAIiWOOU OAl'dllMW ara lli *
lllllill I A bvitaua onlr ciptulti iyr crlt ) J bA
UUUU I fl ruiuUr phriltttni Jut Uu cum ol
Oonorbuk * nil dUeauKni froai ttiv uilu rr 011104
luUtrltcd or aoqulitil , II.W i > ur Lux. All -