THEOMAHA DAILY 8PB61HL NOTICES. DVKHTIHKMHNTH FOIl TI1KHW COtUMNH will l.nlnkcn iinlll IZ : ) p.m. for the arcnlng nnd until 8,50 p-rn. for the morning or Sunday cdl- "Fcnmlo Help W ntP < 1 , " IVi trn\ * word first Inser tion and I rent ft wor.1 thcrnf lor. All othe advcr- tlnenipnlKlrrthrsn columnR ? renU word tint lm > nr > tlon and IM cent" word thi > rralter , or tl per Una rer month No dv < * TtlK > m nl takrn for \rtn \ than 25 cents for the flri t Insertion. Terms cnMi In ad- Tnnce. Initials , figures , nymholn , etc. , raclironntas n word , All advertisements must run conx'cn- lively. Ailvpftlnern , hf reiiii | < mlng a numbfreil cliock , run afo thelranswrrs nddreMPd to a"nnm- berfd letter In cnrr of TllK HKK. Answers o addressed - dressed will bo delivered only on presentation of the check. orFICKSADVEHTIHINOFOHTHESK BRANCH will be tsken on Ihn ahrtvn conditions tthp following bnidne homes , who am sntlior- lied to tnkf > uperlal nntlrra at the name rntcs a * can pa lind lit the mnln olllrr : South Ouuha llranch Office No. 2'33 ' N itrcet , LIst - t r hlotk. John W , Ilrll , I'hnrmrvrljt. llth nnd Mn on streets. fl. 11. Farniworth. I'linrniftol.t.Jlir , Cmnlne street. W. J. IltiKhPn. Plmrmaclsl.iaiN. liith street. George Wk Parr , Pharmacist , 1718 I iavenwnrtli ( trect. . IlualiPs' Pharmacy. 2llli ami Farnom , H1TUATTOXH WAXTKD _ Far ant et , etc. , tu top of Kr > l column nn this jxioc. WAN-TED'OHlTltlN IIY HITSSIAN IIOOK- hinder or paper hanger , II years experience. K , Oancles , It'll S. llthdt. .191-29 * _ WANTBtl SITUATIONS FOIl ( Min OIIH.S ; my waltlmt roomn are always full teA A p. In. Canadian Employment onico , 3II ! { S. 1.1th , Tolephom ! 8B4. 214 WANTKD-MAIjB IIBIjI' . For ratef , fte. , nee top of flitt column on I/if / * i o , p-AVANTBlCsiEN FOIl IIAILHOAD WOHIf IN J'Mnntann , Idaho , Washington and Iowa : good yaw. Kramer & Kramer Labor Agency. 'JlilH. llth iitrcot. M4.V < .TO- TJ-WANTED , SALESMAN , ATHOKOUOII iumi- Jiness man , to Introduce a device lndlspen lhle In nil Inrgu sterm plants. Aildrcss , K. K. Winch , Contropollshotel , Knns.n City , Mo. MIIOI' -WANTED , A ( iKl ) MILLEH. ( ItLMOUli , NKII. Uenry llurgdorf. .WI-29 T > WANTKD , AN EXPEHIENCED IHITCHEK ; J'Rerman preferred. Apply to dim. Hclnrlchs , Wakclleld , Neb. ! ll5-27 * -JIENOF OOOI ) ADDHKSS. METHOPOL1TAN MTgCo. , 1WJ Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 12th Lin coln. l25-jyl3' T > WANT El > 100 MEN FOIl H. II. WOHIJ IN WY- J > ornlncHiHl South Dakota ; good wages. Albright X vhor agency , 1120 Famurn street. M' > ' ' > -U SALESMEN WANTED TO HKLL OUH PHE- mlnm nursevy stock ; Ihn largest nursery west of Ihfl MIA'Isslhpl river ; the llnest slock : all the nnw nd old fruits ; the lonent prices and biggest pay to ngcntnt money ndvanceil every week ; outtlt free , Wrlto us at once. U. J. Carpenter Co. , Falrbury.Nch. B77Jyl4 n-OIUIANIXEHS WA.NTED-fM AND IOO IN J'llvu mnntlis ; llrst rcrtlllcato In tM olnn ( Into July 1 , jKlli.llrst-claKS organizers wanted ; wrlln for terras. Supreme lodge , the Universal progressive league , IT1 Washington stiect , lloston , Jiass. _ M7 ) Jy IV -WANTED MEN TOTIIAVET , FOH OI > iTo.\T ? adlan nureerles. Stone \ Wellington , Madison. WIs. M2U.-I : ) fIlin MONEYSELLINCTIIKLIIfK OF P.T. IIAK- 4'numS only II.Ml. Agents wanted. American Hook Co. , New.Vurk Llfo building. Omaha. Neb. 7112 JjrU T > WANTKI ) OIKIANIXKHS IIY THE FHIENflLV' JJAId society. Pays Its members Slot ) every six luonthx. linn paid CIOU.IXH ) In henellts. Hi-servo find benetlt Cum ) held In triiHt by the state of Massa- chusettH. Terms liberal. AddresH Friendly Aid so ciety , Waltham , Mans. MKiU .lyi : T-WANTKD SALESMEN ON SALAUY OH COM -DmlBslonto handle the now patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ends ; , no abrasion of papnr ; 21H ) to fX per cent Vrollt ; one agent's sales nmounted to ( I3l < In six clays , nnotlien(32 In two hours. We wantonngen- ITS I agent In e.ach state anil territory. For terms nnd full particular ) * address the Monroe Enittcr JUg. Co. LaCrosso. Win. 247 WANTBD IIBIjI * . I'or rates , etc. , teetoi > offirnt column on this page' " ou ( > BNKRAT < HOUSE- Owork ; family of two. 12.'U No. 20th. MIS' ) 29- C-WANTKD , A COMI'KTKNT HlllI , AS COOK. Mrs. W. O. Taylor. Wil h and I toward sts. M I.V.I 2'J" ' C WANTMI ) , Ollir. FOIt OISXKIIAI , HOUHK work ; waxes , 14 per week. Apply al201G Kmmet 4U4 27 C-COOK WANTED ; IIICH WA < IKS PAID TO A Hmt Killiss- cook In munll family. Call ufl.m Doiigltiyiitreet. Ml U ! M C.-.w.v.Nri'i : ; > , A OOMPKTKXTcooic AND LAI.V- ilroxi , niiKca 120.00 pnr month , ilrs. Chambera. 101J North 21th street. M4IJ4 I * fWWANTKI ) , FOUll IAI)1KS , ( JOOD I'l.AIN * -/wrlterH to copyj. II. Smith's Oumlm work on kookkdeidittf. Addrcsn Teacher , care Dally lleo , Council IIIU1T0. Xl473 2U n-OOODCOpKAT CITY IIQTKU .174 ! KOIt ItBXT HOUSBS. Farrftltst etc- . ; tee top of first column oni ( * pane. D-FOIl UKNT , 13 IIOOM HOUSE AND UAKN , 1001 -7th'-ivfiiuo | , SK.W. 10 room house , 222UIenvonworthmodorn conven iences , only JM ) 00. 0 room house , 1807 I.cuvcnworth , a beautiful pl ee , IHUa , , > m house , 8158. lOtli street , bath , sewer , etc. , , room house , 2IHO Fenard. $20.00. 7 room house and barn , 1117 Howard , cheap at I ! ro'oni V.OUSO , IDOii N. 27lh , $13.50. 6 room house , , uurnam street , city water , $14.00. 4 room house , 812 H. nMh.-clty water , I10.UO. Store room , 10th and Arbor , water nnd ( tan , J12.50. Wirhnvo the larKest and best list of lmnso and Itorcs to tent In the city. If you want a house ull ind oo us. H. a. C1.A11K ft CO. , " 1213 llaruoy Htreut. .M4.7J 3B pV-FOlt UKNT , I.Alir.R NUMBKlt OF HOUSES J.-'froni to 'II rooms each , MOO per month und upwards ; now .list July 1. ( loorgo J. I'nui ; IIIXI Fur- nam , Jlllt I D-STI5AM IIKAT15D JIODKUN FI.ATST , 707 AND 7UUH Iitir ; treot. K. F , lllnifer , 1518 Fnrnam. * ail-jiff. . D-FOIl UKNT , SIX 1UIOM COTTAUK , Ftlll- nlshedj I''nijulru'JJ.'Vi I'lerco utrec-i. .MIW 1 * B-FOIl UKNT , A (1OOI ) 5 IIOOM HOUSK.2EO ( Charlqt street , Inquire SOU Charles ; M425 'J0 B-FOII UKNT.O UOOM'H ON SKCOND FI.OOU , N. K. a r. IStli and Doreas , Shi.XI. ( Mt2 W ' ' \-\-VOH U15NT , A nKSIIIAIIIjKS IIOOM IIOUSK. J-'Moderu Improvomeuts. Inquliu 20i N , 2Jd st. st.M45t4 M45t4 "n-1' ' ° , UKNT. IIOUSM 8 UOOMS. SOT 8.2.VTH. J-/JIH.OQ IIIT month , limulru 711 S. IGth. Mllli 1 * TV-FOIl' UKNT , AT 220r > KAUNAS ! STUKKT , A J-'iiliiO'rooiii house ullh all niodarn conveniences. Win. O. Donne , 615N , V. l.llo bldtt : 3'J4-2il D-FOU 1IKNT.8 IIOOM HOIJflK.0 IIOOM COTTAOK , batbotu.'Aply ; C. S. Kliiutter , 801 N. Y.MfvblilK. " " I'.OJyS Tpjc > roll'WANT A HAUOAIN ? IF so. THAT -I'houseof 7 rooms , llh cellar , well , rlsturn and full corner lotMill and I'atrlek avo. . will ault you ; lUtlciish and ( U every 3 months will buy It. lieorco l"aulUW r'nrnnm , JlllSa " * -T\VO IIOOM NKW nillCK IIOI1SKH , ain. 2J7.1 Ilarnoy street. Smeaton & Allen , 1XX ( ) Farnnm itreet. W-v : * D-KOIt UKNT. KUUNISHKI ) IIOUHK N1SK room ) and barn. Ilolbrouk , 4 Ice bldn. 341 ' HUNT NKW 7-llOOM lIOUSK , WITH /all modern ImprovumunU , 1 block from Walnut lllll molor , K.VUU. Thou , Oluen , ' 'Ul N. Y. l.tfo. 13 t'OlTUKNT 10 IIOOM iOUSn ' OHNTKAuiV ' locaudmodorn linpiuvriiimm. 713 N. liith , 2M VOUK OK ID and nillco , on N lillh , and the lnron now orcupU'd by the I't-uplca' nianimuth Installment uflu * * , Wotv terand liith. Will runt the utoro o | > - Krnti > ly If xlnliod. Moam , IV)3 ) N , V. Llfo. : ll3--iO ; S FulTuHNT , ( i-HOOJI CO'lTAUK , lriiit. ai 4/iT / U' _ fSHOd.M 1IO1IHK , AlJi MODKIl.S LMI'ltOVK .1 'niciitii. ii31 8 , nib Ht , , a Hooka from ncr oin > ra hou.iu. w bouso with furnaou. ? JI-W * DKDIt II BNT.BI .KNllUMiMuIoM'liKSmirNr'Ki all mmlurii convvnlunoi'n , llni'st locution In city ; ( li I'urlt iivii ! prooiit occupant , Mr. ti. U. lluudcr ; Ru f slou ulvun July lj wood barn nttnohed , will did t horix's ; llboral tvrm and IOIIK leaxo to rlitht punyAlfply Sfl ilee bldtr. , or UMI I'ark uv . John U rant. -TKN IIOOM I10IJSK WITH HAUNl DKS1H. ablaloratlon , moduratu runt , IH'nrd llron. UIO L > juiiKln > Btrout. .Mil ? TKOK UKNT , 5-HOOil CO1TAUH AND 11ATI1 , JAH'iilralf.'S. 6 room uottaKo , rrntral , f 1.1 00. 5- room cullBKii , ni'iir motor. 117.00. I room collnno near motor , tlu 00. a roiinu unfurlilibod , I1U.UU. -And the bout residence Halt In the rlly. I'W to RS no itoro. Thtt Muad In/'t. Co. , 4U lloo llldn. arj VS'HOOM CO-n-AUK , CHEAP , INQ. CAT. 'avo. TKOU UKNT D-HOOJt IIOUdB , MODKUN CON- - 'venlenfi'8.Wll Davenport trout. Inqulro yifi Davenport trout- su 1) IV YOU WISH TO UKNT A HOUSIS OltbTOHK ; tto II. K , Cole , Cuiitliifliitnl block. iVI D-6-UOOM HOUSK. NICK YAUn.SIIADKTKKKS , city nnd cittern water , elegant nitlghborhood , ) blocki from i tree I cam , Illl S 7th nvenutf , or Hell's y , cor , llth nd Mmon. ? a D 1IOUSH OK J IIOOUS AND I r ANTUTr > , WKI.I , and rlttern water , with itabl . 4tli and Wll- lUnu § treel . Au uit llandow at Jenuliiici hotel. ' IIHICK KOV4H , AM. C'ONVHN. J. Monet. * , ; frroom brick bouw , rww. II. K. IXile , OConllpeutal , 1W n-HOU8KS , ALL KINDS 1'IIUKK NICKLV Ktllt" ulibxl. llundy A Co. , ( till C'upllul maua tin iron HENT-HOtfR8. TV-POK HKNT > IIA.flWOMK II-1IOOM IIOflHK X'all modern cnnTCillenren.m perfect orders pnved streets ; motur and within : minute * walk of post * ottlca. Nathan Hhnllon , trU Fnrtiftni nttect. M1SI l-'storos.ilBln.ote. . : > .W per month and up. New , list 1st of each month , ( Jcortte. ! . Paul , KM ) Knrnam treet. UOI-JyJ -NKW MODKUN AND MOST DK5MUAU.K IN the city. Three or four roomi suites , l.'omplclo for housekeeping. 818S22d trect. T. I. Von Dorn. J MtHI D-FOIt UI'.NT , FOIJIl FIlWT-CrAHSii houses. Kmiulro of Dr. CoHra uoffice 220 S -FOIl UKNT 7-IIOOM IIOIfSK , 21IM HAIINKV. In'iulrn A. It. ( Hailstone , 1.110 Doimlas street. _ MKJ KOU UKNT K'lJUXI.silKI ) Itd'oMSJ etc. , i" < la i of flirt column oil ( fifo fHW. E"VO\i \ IIKNT , , , en stillnln prlvntu family , tu man nnd wife or two gentlemen , TOJfoiilli ITth si , llefercnces , M4S8 " " 3"7-KOH ItKNTnAttOR SOUTH IIOOM , 2IOI IXU(1 liu . Ma jya Ftnisiyiinr ) nooMs , COMVLKTM KOH housekeeplnitt all conveniences ; uood and eool forsiimiiior. 1718 Nlcliolas st. * Mill 2U * " _ _ -HIOXT HOOJrAT"l915 CAl'ITAI , AVENIIK. < 1 ? NICK COO I. fllONT UOOMS KOU THE SUM- I Jmer. furnished or unfnrnlihed ; 3'JJ South % th street. M47H-1' _ T-inantAin.v IHIIINISIIKI ) UOOMS WITH I J board In small private family with pleasant homo , llofcrcnces o. < chanKed , 2ISO llnrnoy street. Al Is ! * . ) KtmNlHIIKiMIOUSKKKKPINO ItOOM 7 PMIl E month. Hi ) H. liltli. thlnl Boor. Mttti 23 * _ I.i-KOU UK.NT JflCKIjY PimNIBIIKI ) ANI > I coolest rooms Inclty : all modern conveniences , opposite Hull school , SUIT Dodito. .M ISO ; | Q _ I -NICK 1100M , Al.hCONVHNIKMtiKd , 1719 DAV- J-Jdnport. S 10 * TKOIl HUNT , NICKIiY FIJllNISIIEl ) COOI ( I.Jroonii" nt northeast corner liith nml Iloworil. I.BWII around building Fruni IT.OO to $20 u month. 17-2 NICK KIIONT UOOMS KOI I OENTLBMAN ' -/only , 20IU Davenport street. 381 1-Ftn.VI3IIKl > ltOOMSj HATH AND GAS. 1721 I jDoiiOT t. M a a' 1 VKItV ri.MASANT KUONT ItOOM IX Till- JJvnto family for gentleman , 825 a Will street. .a\ \ -UOOM3 (5 , (9 , 112 , 115 , ( MT N 18th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MliP-Jyi * E-FUUNI8IIKI ) IIOOM8. JjlHUT HOUSKKKKI'- In ir , SOW St. Mary'g aTiinue. _ 8711 17 PUUN1SI1KU UOOMS , 1MI N 218T NKAIl -liable. C57-JJ7' _ 1 ? I.AItOK KHOXT ItOOM , 170 ! Cupltol avenue. U 418 _ rim jfisiiKiriiooais' > " ito/uux For rata , etc. , ue top of first column on this page. TTKOU IIKNT ; J. board , also lady wishes rooninmtu. 1721 Haven- port t. IW.V2' KOH UKNT TO ORXTLKntOX , NICKLY KUfl- nlslicd front room , alcovu and bay window ; mod ern conveniences ! lawn ; prlvnto family ; U22 < ! enr- Ida avenue , H. 29th st. 4UI 28 171 TWO SOUTH UOOMS WITH HOAIII ) . ilill 1. DouRlas. 015-31' _ _ KOOMS AND IIOARI ) . 1923DOIXIK STUKKT. M2TUJy22 DKSIUAIII.K SECOND KHOOIl UOOMS.KlTIinil furnished or unfurnished , und board at tlui t'rciucr. 1 lit N.23tli street. M5'l-Jy5' _ i < UOOMS AND IlOAltn AT YOUNG WOMKN'S I homo , lOU a. 17th street. 700-JyIG' 1UOOMS AxiJ KIUST-CI..ASS UOAIID , 1001 CAL- i'fornla. . KO-JyS' 7 FIJUNISUKI ) UOOMS , IIOAItU , 2KB ST. - Mnry's avenue. 624-Jy3 * - SKCOND 8TOUY UOOMS TO rent with board. 201 S. 25th avcnuo. JW.Vi 30 * UOO.MS AND UOAUU 2103 DOUGLAS. 274-M * -THK HT. CI.A1R KUItOPKAN HOTKU COIl Wtli nnd Dodno , will make low rates for rooms by tha week or month with or without board. 250 FOIt UKNT UOOMS UNKUUNISIIKI ) For rates , etc. , nee top of first column on this paue. KOll H K NT. T WO NIO B G rooms for lliihthousekecpInK ; 2921) ) Douglas , ' M481- - UNHIJII.NISHKI ) 11OOM3 NKAIl business renter ; moilern conveulcnceii ; $18.IX ) per month. Address a 14 , liuo. M47i ( 'JU' - UKNT 4 nNFUUNISTlKD HOOM3 FOIl G-KOIl to family without clilldron. City water , etc. I'rlco $15.00. 1704 Webster street. 7M HOARDING. For rate * , etc. , tre top of first cnttiinn nn Hi -PUMMANIluaK.3oiOIVK KOod board , nice rooms , modern conveniences ; rates and location In cannot bo oicelled. Mrs. Horn , 1'rop. M4t Jy2 POll RENT STOIIKS ANJ ) OFFICES. For rntfn , etc. , net top of .first column on tht * page ' , JUtonm boated. K. V. lllniicr , 1'ilD Kurnani. M440 14 * T-FOIl UKNT. PAl'KIl STOItK AND PAINT -1 shop. 113 N. 20th street ; will take labor for rent. Apply 11IU N. iqtli street , upstairs. _ M443 21. ' ? T-KOU UKNT , JfiTOrtKUOOM O.V.THK COUNKIt J-of II tli and Far mi m , (2.VOO per month ; nlso ono on llth 8treot'nnar 1'arnum , JI500 per nioiith. John Ilamlln , HIT 8. 1 th , J.lnlun block. JKCJ2 I VOtt'RKNT TIIH 4-8TOUV I1UIGK BUII.niNO with or wlthont power , formerly occupied by the lloo l'llbll hlnK Co. , 1(1 Futnnni > t. The build- has a tlrepoof cement baucmunt , complete nteuiu-beatluR fixtures , water mi all thu Uoorns etc. Apply at the otllco of The Deo. 1115 -FOIl UKNT OB BAI.K , MV IIUILDINO ON I Jones St. , bet. lUth and llth. , U. A. Llndqulit , 31118. 16th. _ , _ Wt - UKNT TUK TIIIIKK-STOHY IIU10IC I-KOIl bulldlnir , 1110 PoiiBlas street , Biiltablo for wholesala purposes , fllO per month. C'has. Kauf man , I'jttt Douuluf street. % Sii.'l FOlt RKXT-MISOEriAl''ta6U8. For rates , eta. , see top of first cohimn-on ( hf.i jraoe. T 'ABTUUK I . IMSTUuj'j ' fenced for horses and coltn , 225acress of tnmo and wlhlHniss ; III call for and deliver ; charKCD ronsonublo. Innulro Kvnns , Cll I'uxton block , or address ( ioarite ( ! . ( inns , South Omuhn. Mill Jyl8 * T-0 AllUKN KAIIM TO 1U3NT. T. MUUHAY. J M273 1U3NTAIJ AOKXOY. For mtrf , etc. , see top of first column nn tilt * 7x1(76. lKlcOIVKuKNTAL AtJKNCY , lal llloc- . . STORAGE. Forratti etc. , teetop of flnt column on tlila page , " ' Mjn AN UV"Al I'llVATW SToui'Kot' furniture , Omaha' rituva Itepulr Works , 12UT Doutiliis. M-cn ' ANI > IlKrtT STOUAdK KOlt furn Ituro. Wells , 1111 Vnrnnm street. 2iM M-OMI ) < : ST. OlIHAl'KST AND 1IKST HTOUAQH house In city , Williams & Cross , 1214 Harncy. M497 IIKST STOUAdK IIUIMMNO IN OMAHA. KOvcrninHiit bonded warehouse ; household Itooda cnrcd for ; lowest rates. W , M. Uualuunn , 1UI5 Leavemrurth. ' - * > ' ' > ) TO nilV. For rattsttc. , ite taof first > fu m on tM * ) fioe. " " " i * In if. Will 1:0 out fulr dlstailcu from Omahn In order to tot ; rensonublo price. Huvo a customer who will pay cash. Want It right away. A. K * Itlluy , room 40. Ilnrker block. _ M4tU-sa ATV'ANa rOiniY A5-UOOM IlOtlSK AND LOT - ! > In uood locality for about t J.IXM for customer. A , K , Itlley , room 10 Hxrkor block. M 4U4 ' . ' 9 - \VANTK1.3NIIUANDNRnitAHKAMUl'lllMU | -i * court reports. Address box 484 , Central City , Nob. 34U-KI * _ Xr-WANTKI > TO 1IUV. UOOU IlKHlllHNOr : IXT * or housu and lot , or nuvural lots located no us to nmko n uoAd bulldliiK Bile , must bo In llrst class residence part of thoclty. Parties ansn-erlnit this shuuld tllvo full dc.iurlitlon | of property , lowest price , terms , whether Ineiiuibered , and K so how much , o'j \ , litm. 'J71 "M"-IOOI > SHOUT-TIMK PAPKIl WANTHD. < 7. A > 11. Vo s , SO ) lit Nut. bunk bldg. SSI-2W FOR SArjI IipuirNiTUItiirKTa For rntfi , tie. , wefop o//lnecolii > n > i on tMt r < ia ( > O"von aAi.k , j'Airrv OOINO HAST. TijimNVi ana ir olln itovM , bed ml drtfttar , bronkfast and center table , saroa uood chain and luumlry utomlli , Ac. Mrs. K. M. , J and Cummliu. 401 a * -UOUSKHOJ.n KIIUN1TUUK NKW AND HKO end bund , for satt on easy payments. Call aad uxuiuluu before purcli&ilnv. Store , Ittil llowurd t. MXI1-JU ) IIORSKSWAOpXHKTO. orteniuttctettoi > of Jlnt column an thu jags I' , A FINK ! FAMILY IIOll8k nd phaeton. Kree driver and pt rfoctly tafa for UulM. Apply t > eiteru Newspaper Union otlico. ) KOll 8AI.K A NKW DOUULH SKATEIJ CANopy - opy iurr/i $ Sa.H c itt. Call UOt UadUon nvonue. FOR SAM ? HOR3Kr3M'A C7OyHF.TC. -HKAVr HPItlNfJ I WACIO.N TOH 8AUJ AT lli irt. * - ' W-l - , , . . - 1 nwajr and Knod plnno hot lop biiKiiy , both In Kood order. Inqulru at room JttJ , Omitlm Nau llauk bnlldlnit. MO _ P-V-bn SAI.K , AN KI.KUA.NT OirrKtT. IIOIMK , ImriM'H nnildouhlo xpntcd surr.iy. Prlco , f35.0il cn h , A bargain. Addreai. KK7 , Hoc. 4 1 ' _ P-KOU HAMTKAMUA CAIuTlAdK. LKB .V -L NIcluiK' stnhle. Mth and Ix-avenwortli. Mail T > KAJI1I.Y IIOIIHKS KOHSAI.K IMIV. J urn or rarrlauo tennis. Can fiirnlili any kind of liiino desired. Call at ( M > . Wondwortli A Co. , or n < ldresi , T. .1. Klemlmt. Calnunn. Noli. _ TCI FOR"KAIjl' : ai IHCKLlTAX' For rtitff , e'c. , t toi > of ftrtt column ontM * - M AST vv niinKavMMt \ Q-KNiis SH4D Decatiir t. , Omaha. M4M 1 * -HIM Wll.r. ntJY A MAOXIFK'BNT tlPUIUHT Q piano , standard makn and as uuoil ni new , In quire after 7 o'clock evenings at 2IIU Caldwcll st. J Fur rntrr , fte. , Mr loj ) nfflrtt column' on tMs pay . " all. J. J. McLatn , ' 'Ml Hpencer St. , Umaha. -ij WANTKll , TO K.\CIIANI5 ( ! PAHTUIIAOH ivfnr thenerrlco of aKOOd Jersey bull. Address Hux-iW , city. M32 ! ) Jyl * " _ -MA8SAOK TltKATMHNT. KI.KCTltO-THKIt- JVmnl Imths , main .V hair treatment , mantcnre & chiropodist. Mrs. Post , 31W a. IDth , Wlthnoll til It 273 iTUun noiHiiiT , SOLD , srouuit. Wells , till Karnnm street. _ 271 - MUS. 8. K.UOtn'ON. R-PIIOFKSSIONALNUIISM .im-JIH ) OIjAlRVOYAXTS. For ratef , etc. , fc too of ftrtt column nn this vnyr. S-io i AND SKlrPlUJF.VAUINO. . MKtluM AN11 real astrolovur. at 323 N. l tli street. ilUU.UO to any ono who can equal him In telling past , present and future , causing speedy marriages , bringing the separated together , and In business ntfatrs his advice - vice In Invaluahlo , He tolls your name In full , asks no questions and uses no cards of any description In his profession. Satisfaction given or no pay. Consultation fee , ladles , fl.UUi gentlemen , f ! . ( . M572 Jy5 * - MADAM DUhZlKlt , OVKlt 1110 8. S-MASSAGK ! Uh. am .lyii * . NANNIK V. WAKIIKN , CI.AIKVOYANT SMU8. speaking , wrltlnu and reliable business medium , four years In Onmlin , 119 N. 10th. ' "M For rata , etc , tee foji of fiift column on l/i / ( . < jxioe. " "AT MAIUMK 1 parlors , M lloor. 42U 3. 15th street. _ M83U-2 ! ) ' ril MASSAGE , MAI > AMUDBLZIKIlOV131t 010 S.13 PKRSOXALS. For ra'cs , etf. , UK top of firtt column on this pauc. U ? OItUK5ONDTioirA : M US HMfTriJjHTliuC- tlon or matrimony. The best correspondence bureau. Particulars In plain sealed cnvelopo for IQc. Lock llox 32il , Omaha. 218-127 * TT WANTKD FAMILY TO ADOPT 2 HOYS , ARM * J 8 and 5 years. Addreii S 9. neo olllco. iUit W MUSIC , AUT AM ) tJAXOlTAGK. For rates , etc. , sec top of firtt column on this page. Tr TWO SKCONU-IIANU PIANOS AT A OUKAT > bargain ; uprights. 1B12 Chicago st. ISIJyl'J \T PUPILS , QUAMMAU A SPECIALTY , IG07 V DoiiKlns. Ztt-y21' ) ] Tr-OKO. K. GKLLKNIIKCK , TKACHEIl OF THK I banjo ; with Hospe , 1513 Douglas. 249 -1IKFOIIK 11UYINO A PIANO KXAMINK THK now sciili : Klmbull piano. A. LIospc,1513 Douglas. MONEY TO LiOAN-UEAlJ ESTATE. Forraten , etc. , nee top of first column on tliln WANTKI ) AN ACTIVE. UKLIAULK MA'N Hnlary $70 to $80 monthly , with Increase , to represent In his own section a rcsponslblo New York house , Iteforcnccs. .Manufacturer , lock box' 1M.1 , Now York. Tir-r.oon SUOIIT-TIMK PAPKU WANTED , o. U. Voss , W 1st Nat , bank bldg. S8I-29 T\r ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUST CO. , 318 N. Y. ' T.lfo , lend at low rnto for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. MJI29 tOWKST UATKS ON UHAL KSTATK LOANS. W ; C. J. Cuswoll. 81 N. Y. Llfo. U78-Jy8 TIT OITAUANTKKD MOIITOAOKS ON SAIIPY , vi Thayer. Cumins and Stunton Co. , lands for sale by H. T. Clarke , 19 Hoard of Trado. , . 6X ! ! SKCOND MOIITGARK LOANS FllOM JMX ) TO $10.000. Alex Moore. 401-llee bulldlug. MR84 ATf 1'Kll CKNT FIUST JIOUTiSAOK LOANS. Vi ItlehardC. PuttornonUOTNew'YorkJ.ife. MS71 ( SIONKY TO LOAN ON CITY'PUOPBUTY OU eastern Nebraska far is. K. V , " Itlngof. 1519 Farnam. ' 2U8'J27 * \\T MOUTRAHKS WANTKD , LONG Oil SHOUT V time. Georco O. Wallace , 310 J. J. Brown building. 18th and DounhiH. 631 TV LOANS J1AD1 ! AT LOW IIATHS ON1 CITY ' proW . W. M. HiirrIsrU20 , Fronzor block , 420 UU1LDINO I.OANS II TO 7 PKll CKNT ; NO W ' ' addltloniilcharKesforcommlsslonoratt'orncy's fees. W. II. Melkle. First National bank bldg. 2ta -MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVKD CITY property at current rates ; funds On hand ; no delay. Goo. P. lllust & Co. , 20.1 Uanine bltlif. 274 THK CKNTIIAL LOAN AND TUUST CO. has removed to The lleo building , main lloor , at right or entrance. City loans at lowest rates. C. A. Starr , manager. lSiyl9 ! ] PIUVATM MONKY TO LOAN. J. D. SIITTLE , 1)14 ) N. V. Llfo. 277 MOUTOAGK JOANS WANTHD , MCCAQUK lnve tm ut company. 278 MONBY TO liOAN ON'OMAIFA PUOPHIITY. Fidelity Trust company lUU Fnrnam. . 279 KASTKIIN MONKY TO LOAN" AT VKllY low rates. H. U. Irey , 20U N. Y. Llfo. jiaso ' - K1MIIALL , CHAMP A UYAN , make loans on Improved city property at lowest rates. 1205 Karnani street. 413-J30 _ -CHEAP MONEY PII1LA. MOI ITO AGK AND TrustCo. , wants gilt edge loans , ( ieo. W. P. Contes , representative , 7 Hoard Trade , 291 MOXKV TO hOANr-OHATTBhS. For raid , flc. , set top of firtt column nnit ( * jxioe. " " " MONKY T chattel and collattcral securities for any tlmo froml to I'i mouths , In any amount to suit borrower. Loans made on household goods , pianos , .organs , horses mules , houses , leases , warehouse recelptj , etc. . at the lowest rates possible without publicity or removal of property. My loans are so arranged that yen can make n payment of any amount at any tlmo and reduce both principle and Interest. If you owe a balance on your property or have a loan that you want changed 1 will pay It oil and carry It for yon. If yon nnd It more convenient cull up telephone 1(121 ( and your business1 will bo ar ranged at homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No publicity. Lowest rates. II. V. Masters , Itoom 4 , Wlthnell blk , 15th nnd Ilarnoy sts. V MONEY LOANED ON KUUNITUHE. LIVE -A Block , etc. , 1 to 3 months , without publicity ; low est rates. Dull Qreen U2U Continental block. 2IO-J27 MONKT TO LOAN ON HOUSES , WAGONS. furniture , pianos and collat'al security. lu lue s confidential. Fred Terry , It 4ICI , Uamge bile. 415 MONEY ON FUHNlTUHM , HOUSES. ETC. K eystone Mortgage Co. , room 203 , Shcoly blk.M381 M381 V CIIATTKI , HANK , 31 8. 11TII IXANS MONEY iVon chattel ) or collateral rcusouablo rates. 28J For rate * , etc. , > fe top of flrat column on Ml * CAwTOIUlSliiOWMKSmw Y line companies. Send descrlRtlon , A , 1C. Ilrocklesbj- , box in , Hartford , Conn. 4S9-jyll FOll SALE A FIHST-CLASS , WELL llshod butcher business In this city. Fine fixtures und good cash trade , To anyone meaning Iniblnctvs hero linn excellent chance. Must be sold In next sixty days. M. A Upton Co. , lieu building. Mat ) _ V OIl 8AI.H AN OLD. WELL PAY1NO ESTAII- 1llshod cigar business ; good reasons given. Address P & . ' ! , lleo. .MT89 V FOIl SALE , FIHST CLASS MEAT MAHKBT. X Call nt Louis Heller's , HlUJuckion street. MCT80 * _ VINESS MAN WANTKD COMPETENT TO L run a general supply More , connected with large manufacturing bunlnessi must have good record and be able to Invest H.UUO In good dividend paying concern , Address U 67 lleo SOS U ) AFOH SALK A CLKAN STOCK OK II All n 1 ware tinware and stoves , stock will Invoice about H.fHI to tl0t ) , for cash or part msh. Any ono meaning buslnets address IUI , llcuolllce. MllWJyi- V-S1IOE DEAI.Elfs , I 1IAVB JUST UKCKIVKU X H largo stock of tennis shoos. / . T. Llndsoy. 3.W 1 V-JIOTKL MEN TAKE NOTICE. DO YOU WANT a. a Eood business ! lluy the Commercial , the leading hotel at llroken How , Neb. _ 409 FOll KXOi'lAN'QB. ' , .etc. . , lie topof firtt colKmn y Foil BALH'OII KxciiTNOrT /Jacrei of land , les thin Jiulloi from a town In central Nebraika. House , nubia and well , 45 acre * under cultivation , balance good bar land. Abttrkct of title , avurytblug couiulslu. Addreis 1IU lloa omc * . FOU y-Klt ) KXCIIANdKifUlt DIIY Oil DIIYp /-'clnlhlnit , n nlrnn Mockl-if ruoor | p and dolnitncond builnrx ; | fitcnt ry f.l.UD ) . lock box lui. : : I.liicDln M7 ti z- -WHAT IIAVK YbtjPjK.XCIIANdK ? CAM. OH /Jwrltn full particular/ Alex Moore , 401 line hit Ud hiif . * .1Q ' _ _ _ _ _ ' r/Hro'KXnitANIIK nK ) CI.KAH UT. /Jityll h family liorso ninl\'arrtait , II ] lleo build Ing. C IW For rates , etc. , * ce top offlfst column , on thin ( OiACIIKH OK I Iclmnufi for Insldo Omuhn or Lincoln property. Clear or wltli very llxht Incumbninci * . Adilrus 1' Ul , lleo nrilce. _ M4IO iroACHKMlNIOtrI.AS ! COt'NTY , IIAI.K MIM5 1 from rnllnmd station , 14 mites from Omaha. Well rented and Improved. Kor sale at f4.1 per aero , fair cash payment nml ns Innit time ns bti > or wants on balance. A , K. Hlley. room 40 , Hatker block. M ti'Aya I7 < ) H HA1.KOnehalf aero lot with four-room house , furnished rninplcto , for fK3S cash , Ad dress It , box ail. Hooper. Noh M ; WI ; > _ SMAI'-NlTAT fOTTAHK WITH CONVKNIKNCIM on Hamilton St. . Walnut lllll , Inrno lot , R1000 Hntchlnson & Wend , 1534 Douvlus Ht. 3I7-3T I OII SAI.K KI.KOANT IIO.MK3 ON MONTHIiY I payments. Will hulld any priced homo to suit you. K. R Hlnycr , liia t'nrnam. _ 'J)7J2 ) ; * H010K ACIHMSMII.KS VllOM T.O. . flM.KXTUA ImrKaln for a few ilnys. on 2ltli st. . South Omnha. ( lood east front It-rooms IIOIISH ( furnaee ) , full lot , llnn.lcom plnco , II.UiO. Ilutclilnson * Wead. 405 W l OH HAI < K < 1OOI ) WAHHHOUsr. IX JL linvml streets. trucktiKO. 2 blocks from depot ; very cheap. N. Shelton , lllll i'ariiam. 400 OOlT "AT Tlil llAHHAIX. AN KA8T KKO.NT lot 111 the heart of Omaha , with n 10 room house almost new , that cost f..TOU. hetddes other Improvements , only JI.500. f.Vx ) ensh flOO every S months. 2 years' rental lho , rate uf $ 'W per month will boKiiaranteeil. 2 per cent dl-H-omit for cash. In case ofrash sain will | > ay 2 years rent In advance. Willis M. Yatcs , Nebraska Nnfl. bnnk. 21 SEVKilAI , K1UST CTiAUi IIOMKS TO SKI.F , ON easy terms. Will tnko clear lot ns first payment. Call nnd sea us. Fidelity Trust company. 11114 Bar 17011 SALB-WA1T UNTIL SOMK ONE , BL8K HAS JL1 bought2.)2ii Davenport St. rnd then say that Is Just the kind of a homo I wanted to buy. 217 1ST YOUU UIAL KSTATB FOU SALIC WITH I Jllco. J. Paul , HffJ Fnrniini st. 21I029 SALK FAUM CONTAINING 80 AOIIKS 1M- proved land and 15 acres timber ; farm Is all fenced ; 13 acres timothy pasture , orchard , grove. IW-slory house , barn , granary , windmill , all In good shape ; farm U 5 miles southwest of Plnttmnouth , the county sent of Cass county , nnd 2 miles from Murray , n now town on the Missouri Par-Hie rail road ; I mile from school and church. For particu lars address I'M , lieu olllcu. 793 OU SALB AT M.OO PKIl AC11K , A SPLKNDID section of South Nebraska laud , four miles from station on II , t.M. H. U. Kasy terms. W. U. Ho- man , room * 8 nnd 10 , Fronier block. 034-Jyl Oil SALK FAUM ADJOINING CITY OF IKiAlK. Neb. II. W. McHrldo. M50.VJ2" OT9 , IILOCIC O. SIIULI/S 2ND , $2,200.00. SKWKIIH 1 paid for. Call at once , C. F. Harrison. Vl'i Now York Llfo. 70S 30 FOU SAI.K O.V KASY TF.IIMS : HOUSES HOUSES for rent. Address German American Savings Dank. 153 FOU SOUTH OMAHA PUOPKUTIKS , MUSINKSS , trackage or1 residence , go to thu leading real es- tttto dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston & Co. , corner 21th and N streets. M2SO T7IVE-UOO5IIIOUSK9 INOUCHAIID HILL. $ I 500 JL each on monthly payments. Thomas F. Hall. 311 Paxton block. _ 237 FOU SALE CHKAP.t.KASY PAYMENTS , 1M- story now li-room holixc , with bath , cellar , etc. ; full lot. N. Shclton. llilt'lfa ' rim in. ir.lj FOU SALK TO WOUItWGMKN ONLY ( SPUOU- lators need not apply ) on tlmo or monthly payments , n ncntcottagu at less than actual value , insldo property , only ono block to electric line In qulro at room 202 , Omnha National bank building. STEAar FKATlirClt REXOVATOR. For rates , etc , , nee ton of.Jirtt column on J/ifa jxif/e. KlW/lCKS AND Pll'.r.OWa ' I WASHKn , KBATl crs bought. Mall onleWi promptlv tilled Work called for and delivered Frank Antioii,3lst A Frnnklln M743 PATftXT SOLICITORS. For rates , etc. , see top ofiflnd column on I/ifs pnoc. A NT'LAWYElliTWD SOLiciTbusr "oT\V. P Sues li Co. , lieu bnlliflnk Omaha , llranch olllca at WashingtonD.O. GoManltatlon free. . K'i ' OHESSMAKING. For rates , etc. f fee top nf r t column an this paor , solicited. Miss Sturdy , 2tilO llarney street. M45l.lyiT ! * _ PATTERX8 AND MO'nisEs. For rales , etc. , se top of first column on tills page. AND JACKSON. iB.I-Jy gt RHILWRYTIMBOHRD Ieavo5 ICiilOAliO. HUKLlNUTON A g. | Arrlvoj Otnnhn. I Depot 10th nml MIIBOU ijf * I Omaha. Leaves I UUHI.INiiro.V It .MO. ill v'.O H. i Arrl vo Omaha. I Depot mill anil M non Mti. i Om ah Leavei I CIUUAUO , H. I. ft PACIFIC. I Arrives Oma ha. | U. P. depot , 10th an.I Marcy St1.I Omnhn. ti.2l ) p mi. . Night Express. . . * 11.50 a m 9.15 n nil Atlantic Exprnsa. . . 11.5.1 p m 4.a p ml Yestlbulo Limited. . 10.5:1 a m Leaves SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. I Arnvoi Omaha. Diipot IQtli and MaroySU. I Omaha. 7.15 a ml . . . , Sioux City Pa enxor i0.20p ! m & .M p ml iit. Paul Express H0.5. ) n m LoiiVerT SIOUX CITY A PAUIFIO. I Arrival maha. Depot 15th and Webster SU. I Omaha , S5p ml Bt. Paul Limited I 9.2.V a in Loaves ICIIIOAflO * NOUTIIWIMTKIIN.I Arrives Omaha. | U , P. depot , 10th and Maroy Sti , ! Omaha. Tuavo I OMAHA. Jt ST. LOUIS I Arn vos Ool.ilia.lU. I' , depot. 10th nnil Marcy att.l Onuh n. 4.0J p ml Ht. l.oula Cnnnun llnll I- ! . : p m For scalds uae Pond's Extra-t , ont be a spider nnd crawl in thcso days I Why not keep up with the nineteenth century ? You would not hny n steam cngino raado like these of a century ago. Thou why should you buy the old-fashioned , bijj , drastic pills that gripe and debili tate your system ? As great improvements have been made in pills as in steam engines. Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets are tiny , sugar-coated granules , or pills , are easiest , to take , aud nuver gripe or shock the system. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. One little Pellet's a laxative , three to four are cathartic. They rcgti- late and cleanse the liver , stomach and bowels quickly , but thor oughly. They'ro the cheapest pill , soid by druggists , because- you only pay for the good you get. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction , every time , or your money is re turned. That'fl the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierco's medicines are sold on. on.Can you ask moro ? BAD BLOOD ! : Pimples on the Faoa | ; Breaking Ont | j Bkla Troubles | llttlo Bores | HotBHn ) : BoiUl Blotches | : Cold BoTOJ ) Bad Breath | j Bore Month or Lips | : IT you iulTiT from any of ' ' - theire eiV5 fho"pol"oS"fr-om 'iho svten. , ' O ? ' 'ft"froln ' § yourdruprl < t. or wrieo to W. II. IIOWKMI. A.- ; Ol > . . 41) Went Hroudwuy , > oworlc Clly. ; AND OTHER BlCYCJLES SOL'l ) ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS .M. . 6. DAXON , 1007 } FARNAN ST. Tel. 1182 : - - Omaha , Neb " " * HOTEL. Tin * Jlfiirraa , Cor. 14th anil ITarwi'i , titltamont mtliHttititlitllv coiiHtrtictPtl Hotel Jlittiaing In Omtiha , ni'rnl licnru brick Jlro inilln rimiilnti fi'om liiiHetiifHt tu foof. All tint cettina * nnil ti'ltk AsbtiHtoa Jlro jii'ouf nl tifi , } iuili tit nii ] > onniltlu to linrn fliiifl. : Jt-Vi-ci-/ictii > vn anil jre < tl < innn tin-oilaliont the Intiltlimj. Htcainheiit , hot itnil colil itntcr anil niinnitinniu cverurooiit. 'futile ititmtrjittHneil any . where , B. SILLOWAY. Prop. HOTEL DEI.I.ONE. Cor. 14tli nnil Capitol ATC. Just completed , has 1OO rooms , three stairways , from the top to the bottom , has tins elevator and dining room service , is fire proof throughout , fine billiard rooms and the finest toilet rooma in the city. Large sample rooms. Suites with bath , etc. Cor. 14th and Capitol Ave. Street car servloa In all directions. Rates , from $ a > 50 to $1 Xntlco tu Contractors. Notice Is hereby glvon tlmt bids will bo ro- cnlvud by tbo lloard of I'ublla Iximls and HullilliicHiitflioollcoof tliu uerutary ofStuto , until July HHIi , 1MI ) , lit K n'oloulc noon ( or tlu > croutlon nnil uoinplatlou of two win s , UIH'hoii and laundry liiHllir's ) for the Insnno Asylum nt llaHtlii 'H. NobnisUa. Illds will bo roculveil for the vnrldim branches of work und matur- lul and lisa complntu bid. I'lniiM uil'l 8oolIentlo | ( m may bo soon at tint nllluo of tliuCotnmlssloimrnf Public LunilHand Ilulhlini'H at Lincoln , Xobnslca , and also at tlioolllcoof V , M. Rills. Architect , Omahu , Nubrnftkq. Contractors will to required to .conform strictly to conditions of the spucilloaMons. Tbo Hoard reserves tlio rlsht to reject any and all bids. Dated Juno rath , 1801. A , It. HUMl'llUFA' , Pros't. of Hoard John O. Allen , Sco'yot State. J 1 ll uL JL OEALED l'KOl'OSA ] < S WILL HE UKORrVKU Quntll the. mornlns of July 1.1HI1 , for the erection of u three-story brick normal school building at Unrroll , la. , uccnnlluK to plans und spccldcatloiis now In the hands of the committee. The right to reject any and all bids in reserved. A. L. WIIKHIT , Chairman of Committee. O.uiitor.T , . Ta. Juno a. . 18'JI. JMilSt M. CLUB MEN LIVEWKLL ! The fouodation of Gout , Dys pepsia , Uhaumatism , Qravf * T T T T > el and Klduoy Diseass ta 1 _ , VJ 15 laid at the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a , Simply because so much "FtXJin" and Boltd " matter cannot ba assim -WHY ? ilated , und the wanto goes to URIC ACID- MAN'S MORTAL KN- KMY. 'Hovoin mn llv welt nnil CLUB Keep clear of this ? " " WHY ' , this wore not true , why IF would Us gala i ba larger tliuu all other waters combined ? At your LONDONDERRY LITHIA WATER , PAiTON JkUAU-iUlIKU , Dl tll | > utlu AlinU for a riitKIN3 & CO. , M Kllby Street , Coi- lunl Ballluv Ag ut , X GOSSIP. Kcnnioy , Mrs. L > . O. tloolcy U vtsltlnjr rolntlras at Stnploton , Nob. Jonn Olnoy , who ha boon In , Chorokco , la. , for some tlrsc , has returned. Miss Jonnlo House ot Omaha attomlod the Morrison-Downlnif woddlnff. Mrs. \ , . M. Vance ha returned to hur homo nt Red Cloud nftor vUltliiR her husbands parents hero. P. J. Cnrpontorof' Chorokco , In. , formerly In the dry woods business hoi-o , Is culling on old frlcml.4 in the city. Miss Lois Gtlchrlst has KOnotoUes Molnos to visit u sister , After ilnUhinir her visit there she will o to Cloycland , O. , to spend the summer with rclutWoi. Miss Maron Downiiifr is the only daughter of W. A. Downing , ami stio U strictly a Kearney ulrl , claiming Kearney us her nlrth place , bho 1s a graduate of the Boston con servatory of music , nnd Is well ronmlod Into womanhood by nil of the charm * anil ac complishments that could bo doslnvl. The lomline society event of the woonr was the inuiTlaifO of l-'rancls H. Morrison of La Porto , Ind. , nnd MUs JSIaron Downing , the accomplished daughter of W. A. Downing of this city. Tlio ceremony took plaeo nt St. Luke's KpUcopal church at hlith noon on TUursdny nnd was conducted by llov. Dr. Oliver , the ring ceremony bolng ob served. The church was Illloil with Invlloil guoHt.t , each of whom loft n beautiful re minder of friendship In the way of costly and elegant proaunts. The happy pair sUrtuci on the afternoon train for Ht. Pnul , Minn. , where they will visit for n short time , and then they will vNIt sovornl ether places of Interest ooforo taking formal possession of their nont little homo In La Porto. Mr. Morrison was formerly an omployo of the Konrnoy National bank , anit mis hosts of young friends horo. TIe Is now secretary nnd a heavy stockholder In the La Porto Eloctrlo light company at La Porto , Ind. AVe t lo I n I. A son of F. Xlmmormnn died of dlphthorla yesterday. The aged wlfo of C. Hanson , an old veteran , died yesterday. Mrs. O. Livingstone of Uurnott li visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. Chada. A llsh pond , built and stookod with tlsh by Paul Stuofor , was destroyed by the high water. Miss Florence Crawfonf of the city schools Is attending n rummer courao In the Shonnn- doah normal. Miss Inn Marshall , who taught in the pub lic schools the past year , has returned to her homo in Casey , la. Miss Mary Herso starts for Hot Springs , S. D. , where she will spend the summer trying to recuperate lior health. William Stuofor's residence was struck by hf-Mt n hip ami the chimney win tumbled out of place. Airs. Stuofor , who was Ivlng dangerously ill , wa ? stunned by the shock. D. J. Crollln , nn old settler , loft for an ex tended tour accompanied by his wlfo. After spending the summer sight-seeing in the cast and south they will sail for Wales , which U Mr. Crellln's fatherland. Mrs. .lohn Sexton , .wife of ono of West Point's merchants , died yesterday nftor a short Illness. Lung trouble , msasles , and ether complications were the causes that led to'her untimely death. Deceased leaves ilvo small children to mourn her loss. The "Llttlo Helpers" fair and sociable , held in the city hall this week , was u very successful affair. The proceeds wore quite large , and will be distributed among the poor of our city. Tlio society is composed of little girls under twelve years of ago and has alleviated much want among the needy. _ Grant ! Inland. Mrs. Dr. H. B. Lashlco of Marietta , Cal. , Is in the city visiting' friends. J. W. Hoffman of Lincoln , Nob. , was n Grand Island visitor Thursday. II. II. Glover , a former resident of this city , but now of Pueblo , Colo. , is in the city for a few days. Dr. nnd Mrs. D , A. Finch are rejoicing over the arrival at their' homo Wednesday morn- Inc of a bouncing girl baby ; Ed Loan , who has boon engaged In busi ness in the western part of the state for some months past , has returned homo and expects to remain permanently. Ed Kiofor , ft prominnnt merchant of Pueblo , Colo. , was in the city last week. Our city holds quito'an attraction for T3d In the person of ono of our most nopular young ladies. Arthur B'ontloyand Bayard Palno are homo to spend their sufnj'nor vacations. The former has beerr" attending tho'-fohn Hopkins university at Baltimore and tbo latter a college - lego at Evanston , in. Franionr. L. D. Richards has returned from Sioux ' ' City. , . Hon. George W. E. Dorsoy has returned from Washington. S. B. Colson has gone to Hob Springs to spend the summer. Mrs. Fred Nyonnd daughter have returned to their homo in Chicago. "Hutch" of the Trlbuno Is the happy father of a bouncing boy. Rev. E. W. Tate has boon recognized as pastor of the First Baptist church. Hon. L. P. Larson has returned from his trip in the Interest of the now brewery. Rov. N. G. H. Fife and family will soon leave for their future homo In California. Mr. J. W. Sherwood , editor of the Uodgo County Loader , and Mrs. Addle Moshlor of Lincoln were mnrriod this week. The Misses .Tortulo nnd Farinlo King of Jacksonville , 111. , are the guests of tholr sister , Mrs. A. W. Atwood , and attending the Chautauquo. _ _ Another bridge will bo constructed across the r-iurto river west of Lexington , Tno structure ) will no ouo mUa.onir | nnd cost Sl.T- 000 , This will mnko a largo amount. 0 addi tional territory tributary to this city. C. W. Aldrlch of Douvor , has boon in Lex ington the past week completing arrange ments for the construction of nn irrigating canal. The canal will start from Gothen burg and run to a point about four mllon below - low Lexington , will ba forty miles long with 100.000 acres under it. It is estimated that the canal will cost ? W,000 , Including n A. A . Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or _ IU ) MONEY REFUNDED. Our core li permanent and not a patciin ! up. CaUM tr aUxl flvu years ntra bavo novur auun asymptura Inco. Ilydcucrlblnitcaao fully wo can trrat you by mall , and wo elvo tuo Kama' strong guarantee to euro orrcfuad all nruaoy * 7ho o Mho prufur to coma hcrfl fortroatmcntcandaiiu anil w will pay railroad faro both ways end betel bills wblln here ir wo fall to cure. We chullonco the world for a cn o that our MAOIC HKMriDY will not euro. Write for full purtlculurs and ftct the evidence. Wo know that you are skeptical , jiiitly BO , too , as tlu ) most eminent phydclans hare novcrliccnablatoelvo moro than temporary rt'llcf. In our II vo yuan' piactlra with the MAHItl Hlilll'.OY It lias been moat dinicult to ovcroomo the prejudices gainst all en-ruUnl npnclflca. " " ' umlrr our etrung gunrantcu you hould not hoeltixttt tu try thU rumcdy * You take no cliwioo of losing your money. Wo RUUP. antco to euro orrufund every dollar , and as wo have a reputation to protoct.aUo financial bntUlncfof I3CO , . 000 , It In perfectly gafo to all who will try tlic trcut- mcnt. llerutuforoyou have bcon putting up and paying out your money for dlltercnl trcatmrnH and allhougli youaronotyctcurcdnoonohas paid badcyour inon. rr. Da not waite any niom money until you try us. Old chronic , di'cpscaluil caMsicurt'd la 80 to 90 days , In * f fjtlcnto our financial etandlnir , our rep'ilallnn us budlnotiB inon. Wrlto us for named ami adilreui-a of thoyo wuhava cured who have ghenpumibisloiitoro. for to thriii. ItedaUynuonly poltaso to dothlult VlU vo you a world oCpufTurlnic from mcnt-il ( train , and 1C you lira nmrrlt < d what may your otTuprlni ; un"cr through your own nogllEvnco. If your lymptoms are toro throat , mucoiu patrhra In mouth , rhi < umatl m In boiw Mi/1 JuliiH , Ji lr I Minn out , cruptluns on any rirtofthebodyifcollntrotei'neral depreulon , paint In head orbonr t you liarono | lmo to wante. * Ihoi * who ere constant ly taking nn'rcury and potannBliould dUi'nntlnuolt. Constant n o oC thenodruiri wlllvurely bring sort's anUeitlng ulruriln tlioond. Don't full to wrltt , AUcorre pen > nco cnUimlollii plalnvnnl. o [ .j. WolnVltdlhaniottrl ld Invcitltfatlonpnilwlll da til la our power to old you In It , Addnvu , COOK JU-LVKHY CO. , Omaha , Jfflirailta , Onicti 13tU aad Karnm , Mcoail floor , cntrutctf 13th tli $600 for n cuv ) uf Los tor FaiUny Mauluo J. General or Nervous Debility , wonluiesi of Uoilvur niliiit , the eltcolHOf urroriiur uxcnsiot hi old or yoiinn that wnuuuiiutuuru.Vutliin - runteu iivori'uaso or refund ii vury dollar. Flyo days trlul truntnirnt $1 , full oouno $5 , Ptir- ceyllljlB lieiii-tlH ruiitl/inl in thn-o lny . Ily mall , sdoiirnly u < xuke < l from nlisarvatluu , COOK KEMEbY CO , OMAHA. NK . LADIES ONLY UAHin FKMALE nEOULATOR , Snfo iind mnUlu Cortaln to u day or ninni < y nifunnml , I'rlco by mall K. Soalml from observation COOK REMKUY Oa , Omuha. Nub , ro orvotr or lake oororlnp ; 1,000 ncnw , which wilt ba ronstniotod nt the boail of thu cnnnl. Work will DO commenced as soon M the watnr right for 10,000 acre * N sold. Frequent showers Insitro Un\vson cotintr the InrpoitcroiH In Its history. The rnln fnll so far this season ainonnU to seven mid ono- fourth lnchtM. The fnnnors nml tmslnoM men < li > not forpot the pxporlnnco of Instyear , however , nml nru loiullnu ; tholr alii In every poi lblo way to the Immomo Irrlgnilon on- torprUo. _ _ t _ _ Jlynunlx , Jmlco Collins mnl family will spoml the s > iminor In UtMi. DniKK' MiiRtilro Is in MIchiRan after a "bn n now wife. " Mr , I * Shnrp. ono of our roll.iblo stookmon. vi.iltcU Umiiha this wuok. Our school clotoil smldonly last week , the tcaohor belnclorlonilj - til. Hiiyliik season Is at hanil nml how to taKe cr.n > of It nil Is the itiu.ttlon. | T. A. Ycnst slilppoil thlrtoon enrs of cnttlo from here to Omnha liut Moiulny. Wo arc to have nn "oldfaihlonod" colohva- tlon on the Fourth of .Inly nt IlvrinnK Mrs. Holeomh , wlfo of Or. Hoicomb , ar- rlvod in H.vnnnls this \vcuk from Clinton , Mo. Mo.A. A. Stuckoy of Broken now , Nob. , who tm * larijo stock Intorosis In Urantoouuty , wn * In Hynnnls this wook. XKll'8 OV THK XOHTKirKST. Durclar * carried off SIM ) worth of poods from N. A Cnmp's store In Hclvldore. The broken Klrst National bnnk of Rod Olouil ox poets to bo able to pay doposltors In full. full.Tho The Central Nebraska Veterans' nssoola- tlon will hold lti rounlon nt Onl Annual 'JJ to ' 'S. The Friend Fair association U making arrangement * to liuvo Its Augmt , meeting tin boat ono ovorhcld. Stnnton's camp of Modern Woodmen on. joy oil a bnnqnot of whluh about on a humrod ! guests pnrtoolc. A resident of Hnstlnfrs claims to have In- vonlcd n uovieo for coollnp ; the tomporatun which Is better than Ire. ( } . \V. Perry lias bcon appointed aurvoyou of Cherry county to 1111 the position left va. cant by the dontn of County Surveyor Put. torson. Hov. F. Accorsinl , assistant pastor of St. Stephen's church nt Kxoter , hns boon plncod in charge of the Ciithollo church nt llonvor Crossing. The llttlo daughter of Dnvld Gould of York , paiutod the lusldo of her stomach with iodine , but the coat wasn't thick enough to do surious damago. Mr. W. V. Barry , HvliiR near Stockvlllo , has marketed the llrst load of timothy liny over sold In Stooltvlllo. Ho rnlsvd olghtcon tons on hid farm this yonr. A McCoolt Undo ininiod Smith Is upending twenty days with the sheriff becnuso 1m secured n pair of pants by RlvIiiR the tailor n mortpnKO on n horse ho didn't own. Freddy Baker , n six-yoar-old Republican City boy. Jumped from an express train which was running forty miles nn hour and lauded In a mud puddlo. Ho was not injured in the least. A call has bcon Issued for n meeting of tha newspaper men of the Clmdron and Alliance land districts for the purooso of forming n press association. The mooting will bo held at Crawford July 1-1. Jacob Mauk of Broken Bow has heard from his son whom ho had supposed was dead. The younir man , who loft homo thir teen years aso. has written to his father from Stockton , Cat. , anil the latter has started to visit his boy. A Mr. Cherry of Weeping Water intended to RO to Lincoln ono morning last week , nnd his wife on the previous evening mnilo nil preparations for getting an early breakfast for him. During the night snnio" tramps en tered the house nnd completed the work ol cooking n good meal , ate it and departed without having disturbed the sleeping family. The total assessed valuation of property hi Phelps county , ns rotu'rnod by the assessors and oorroctod by the board of supervisors , Is Sl.iiOo.i'k'M. Oosper county's total assessed valuation is SOSl'.WJ , and Dawson county's ? l,00lt2.10. ( ( Tn the latter county WJU.'J 17.87 , or moro than ono-thlrd of the whole valuation , represents railroad nnd and telegraph property. In ( iosnor countv this property is less than ono-olghtb of tha whnlo. The returns of the various assessors show some remarkably strange things , says the Sidney Telegraph. There Is not a carriage In the county worth moro than $15.00. The gold watches are evidently all in ' 'soak. " The ladies no longer wear diamonds. A do ? Is taxoil at $11,00 , a cow is as sessed nt 81.4" ) . Qivo us ronro dogs nnd fewer cows. While the dogs don't amount to much for dairying purposes , they glvo tha revenue n big boom. It has been supposed that Cheyenne county was fast cominf , to tha front as n horse brcedim ; center , but the assessment returns show that there Is not a stallion to bo found within the bounds of the county. Town. The Buena Vista county supervisors have decided that cooltios are too rich for paupora. O. V. Jensen , living near Earlv ' , reports a find of coal on his place at a 'depth of ! ! 00 feet. The vein Is thought to bo llvo foot thick. The wlfo of Prof. Blggon , musical director of the college for the blind at Vlnton , was stricken with paralysis and died the follow ing day. A boy named Hnrtman was picking ( lowers at Eagle Point when some ono sot n doe on htm. Ho was so badly bitten that ho fainted from loss of blood. Two llttlo children of L. Hnrrii of Vllllsca , nged 4 nnd 2 years , ate some Ily poison nnd It was only by prompt and nctlvo work of the physicians that the llttlo ones' lives wcro saved. FA > llollf"hock of Audubon county whPo working In his corn Hold was bitten by n rattlesnake and for several days his llfo was dospnlnid of , lut | it is thought ho will recover. During the school year lusi/ * .in < t nrnirn university at Do.i Moines had 8:17 : stUmmU : enrolled , i-oprosiin'lng sixteen states , Includ ing ono from Canada , 0110 from Turkey and onu from China. Hlshop Perry of Davenport , who was in jured lately by falling ovoraomo obstructions placed on the government bridge by the Lusslg Bridge company , ha ? sued tha latter Tor 9iOlX ) damages. David Beatty of Dei Molncs , has boon granted a dlvorco from his wlfo to whore ho was married on January IS , 1801. nnd who on January 'JS gava birth to n child which bora no resemblance to Hoatty. A countryman visited Dubuqu'n on clrcim day and at n street stand where "nil the lemonade-you can drink for n nlckol" was being sold ho stewed away twenty-three glasses. It coat him a $20 doctor bill , Henry B. Hlbbc , market master of Du- buriuo , and who had quite a record for falli und broken bones , died from tha effects of his last .tccidont. Ills leg was broken and refused to heal. The surgeon concluded that it must bo amputated , but before thu opara- tlon wax performed ho died , The lust legislature reduced the Interest , on school fund loans to 0 per cent , supposing there would liu nn trouble In loaning the money , but itsooms that the farmer. ! don't want It oven at that price. Floyd and other counties report u largo amount of school money on hand nnd no domnnd for It. ThU would indicate that the Iowa farmers afo pros pc. ring , John Corsou 1ms boon Justice- the poaca In Moialom township , Dubliquo county , nearly twenty years nntl the jlrst case tocomo before him was up tha other day. Two or three times during the progress of tha trial ho ailjournod court to catch his bees which were swarming , nnd ho rendered n de cision , If it was his first , If he wn.i botnorod by the swarming boos. The ball of Mrs , Newton IS'usblt , the Lo Clalro woman who U conllned In the Davenport - port Jnll for shooting her husband , U about to bo reduced from t2,000 to K > 00 , Mrs. Nosblt U about to bccomo n mother and the W. C , T. U , have Interested themselves In horcasO and expect to got her ball reduced so sha can bo tnitcn out of Jail and given proper cara , tier husband has almost ro- covercd from the effects of his wound. No matter what may ba the Ills you benr from Indignation , a dosa uf Ayor's Cathartic ) Pills will uutu you without qtioitlon. Just try them once nnd bo assured ; they huvu much wo no dyspeptics curod. You'll find them ulco aud amply worth the