Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of tlysClty.
ftliidiicss Onico , No. 43.
Nlcht Kclltor. No. KJ.
JUAOlt .11 EXT1O.V.
N. Y. P. Co.
A Council UlnfTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Conf'Crnft's chattel loans , ' . ' 0-1 Sapp blocK.
jfO. Hill of St. Louis In at the Oeilon.
'P. A. Stookcr of DCS Molnw Is at the
O > len ,
W. n. MuNcldor of Sioux City Is nt the
G. E. Arnd and wife of Cincinnati nro at
the Grand.
If you want water In your yard or house
po to Hixby'B , BOa Mcrrfarn block.
Mls Mamie Ilcobo loft yesterday morning
for Hcd Cliff , Col. , accompanied by the
rurally of J. T. Hart.
Kov. T. n. Orcenloc , of Hlllsboro , 111. ,
occupied the pulpit of the First 1'rctbytcrlan
church yestoruay morning.
Sheriff O'Neill will no to Fort Madison to-
( lav with the sentenced criminals In his
charge , destine 'or the stuto penitentiary.
JuilROV " "l Smith will hold district court
for n few days thL week for this nurposo of
dixpnslng of'socio business which na so far
been crowded out.
Tno case of Harry Boyle , charged with
having stolen n diamond from Charles
, ! > KnysiT , will coma uo for hearing before
Jus'tlcc Hammer today.
The Hed Men will give an entertainment In
Hut-lies' hall this evening. A programme
will be rendered consisting of musical and
literary Detections , anil at the close there will
bo ( Inuring. A pleasant time Is looked for.
The paving on lower llroadway , between
Twelfth and Sixteenth streets , Is in had con
dition from the effects of the lute storms , and
Is practically lloatlng In water. It has been
pronounced unsafe for a illstuml of several
hundred yards , and the council will take tin-
mediate action to repair the damage.
A telegram was received last Saturday by
the pastors of this city , from two of the
clergymen of Cherokee , asking for aid for
the r > ( K ) people who have been laft desolate
bv the recent floods. In accordance with
the request , collections were taken up In the
various chnrchr.4 for this purpose , and a
hamlsoma sum was rcnll/cJ , which will bo
Bent to Its destination today.
Mothers will find that Hnllor's I'.iInPar-
nlyzor is n sure and plo.mtit euro for dru-
Umbrella Kale.
/ All the stock of sun umbrellas and parasols
1 on sale today nt actual cost. Boston Store ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Ti-n I'cr Cent DlHuount.
10 per cent discount on all oxfords Monday
and Saturday nights at Evans' shoo store.
I/ow 11 tew for tlio Fourth.
The Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific rall-
wi.y xvlll sell tickets at the usual reduced
rates for round trip to excursion pirties for
the national holiday season. A. T. Elwoll.
ticket agent , No. 1C Pearl street , Council
Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's.
Itcv. Slnckny'H Knrcwoll.
Last night was Hov. T. J. Macltay's last
service as rector of SU Paul's Episcopal
church , and the church was crowded with
the friends of the popular clergyman. The
service was In the nature of u f nro u ell , al
though the farewell Idea was not allowed to
predominate. The rector spoke of the book
that each ono of his hearers had been writing
during the past year , nnd the impossibility
of erasing anything that had been written.
Ho spoke Impressively of the duty of each
one to inaUo his Hfo correspond with the
teachings of the blblo , .so that at the end
there may bo no regrets wasted over an Im
properly spent existence. Ho was listened to
with the deepest attention by the audience.
Music was furnished by the burpliccd
choir under the direction of Mr. Bert Sim.s ,
and an added attraction was made to the
musical part of the program In the shnpo of
n solo by Mr. I. M. Troynor , entitled , "Come
Unto Mo , " by Cocnon.
Mr. Muckay will preach next Sunday nt
All Saints' church in Omaha , his now
charge , but ho will live In this cltv for some
weeks yot. as the rectory which is being
built by the church Is not yet completed.
St. Paul's church will bo closed from now
on , until some ono Is secured to till the
vacancy caused by Mr. Mackay's Joparturo.
' The best and cheapest Car-Starter Is sold
bv the Hordon& Sollook Co. , Chicago , III.
WUU it ono man can move a loaded cur.
! or bale The Iv-ructu-hpuso and all ma
terial In old street car burn ; Tofy cheap. Win.
Lewis , at Grand hotel.
For July 4th.
Union park races , Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs , hippodrome circus , thrco running
races : a free barbecue , ox weighing 1.760
pounds ; boys' pony race. Children under
liftccn half DIire. For particulars and prlvl-
egcs address T. Bray , manager , Council
Bluffs , la.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of Manilel & Klein , Council
BlnfiH. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to
your city.
A Quiet Sitmlny.
Yesterday was one of the quietest days of
the season , the weather was all that could
bo desired , and consequently there was a
( Treat rush for the outside rcsorta. Lake
Mannwn was the most popular placa and
hundreds availed themselves of the oppor
tunity of spending an hour Hilling , boating
nnd bathing In the lake. A ball game was
played at the park between the Models of
this city and the Athletics of Omaha , result
ing In a victory for the former of 14 to 7.
Falrmount park was also visited by the
usual large crowd. There was no special at
traction , with the exception of some orches
tra music at the pavllllon , but none was
needed , as there are enough natural , every
day attractions about Fulrmount to draw a
crowd nt any time.
The fact that everybody loft the city made
n dearth of events. All day long , up to 7
o'rloclc In the evening , thcro was out ono ar
rest , nnd the unlucky man In that case was
only u "vng. "
Use Hallcr's Sarsaparlllr. and Burdock , the
Emit blood purlilor.
I'urnhol Sale.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will offer
their entire stock of pnrasols and sun um
brellas nt actual cost today , Boston Store ,
Council Blurts , la.
Will CON | at 7 o'clock.
After July 4 Kvnns'shoo store will close
nt 7 o'clock , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Mar rtourlcius , musio toaohor , removed to
K13 II roadway , over C. B. music company.
Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for
next thirty ilavs ; 4Au tons , H. L. Carmancor
ner Pearl and Stb avenue.
Charley Wyckoff , who lives on Tenth
itrcot , had au oxporlonro yesterday after
noon that came near being serious , lie was
finning with his father at Big lake , near the
Northwestern track , A train came along
and the two fishermen left their positions ou
the tr.ick to allow it to pass. An overgrown
yearling calf that was standing near by was
not so considerate , for ho stood on the truck
nnd contested the right of the train to pass.
The tiuln came out best , however , and the
calf was sent through space nt the rate of
several miles a mliuito. In his aerial Might
ho collided with young WyckoR , who was
dent crushing through n barbed wire fence.
The boy was picked un nnd taken to bis
home , where Ur. T. B. Lacy was culled to
attend him. It is feared that ho suffered in-
ternnl Injnrloi , and his recovery ls consid
ered Homewbat doubtful.
Kotoriiin ( linger Ale
U sparkling and delicious , pure anil healthful.
U U a mild stimulant and stomachic.
, organs , C , D. Mmlo Co. , WS B' war
District Oonf < jranoa of the Mothodiat Church
Will Convene Tomoirow ,
Jinny Prominent Mcmbcra of llic lo-
noininntluii Horn Alt 1'nrlH of
the State Kxpuctud to
Tomorrow will commence In this city the
district conference of the Methodist church ,
and will last until next Thursdaj , meetings
being hold dally. The conference will attract
to Council UlulTri many of the prominent
members of the denomination from various
purls of the state , as well as from the country
embraced In this district. Committees have
been appointed us follows : Examination for
license to preach , W. M. Dudley , M. II.
Hnrncd and L. Jean ; local preochoM1 course
of .study , llrstycar , A. V. Conroy , 15. P. Dur-
fee and ,1. S. Tllllnchast ; second year , A. L.
Hunt , J. L. Ualnchnrtl and lT. . Stevenson ;
tbiril year , M. It. Hnrncd , ( J. W. Hodcrlck
and \V. A..Walker ; fourth jcar , C. M. Ward ,
W. M. Dudley and C. W. Brewer ; for ndmls-
son to the traveling connection , T. McK.
Stewart , II. Linn mid W. F. Bartholomew ;
for orders , L. B. Wlckorsbnm and G. C.
The conference will open tomorrow mornIng -
Ing at 0U : ! o'clock , and a special effort .1ms
been made to Induce the delegates nil to be
present at the opening session , led by F. T.
Stepheuson. At 10 o'clock thcro will be a
thirty minute meeting of the Junior league ,
after which addresses will bo made on the
following sujccts : "Relation of Chapters to
Bcnovoloncc , " C. M. Ward ; "Relation of the
Chapter to the Spiritual Life of the Church , "
G. W. Uoderlek. The programme for the
afternoon session will bo as follows :
li.'IO : Di'votlnmil exorcist" , Mrs , Olllo
I.ulKlity. ' . ' : A ppolntm out of coiMinlttocs , re
ports of chuptcrs. ete. 'J : Itclutlun of
Clnmtur to the S-ouliil Mfooftho Chiireli. L.
M. Mmw. : iu : : ) : Itulntloii of the Chiiitcr | to
Tciiipuriincc. T. AltiK , blimrt. 4.00 : ( Jiii'stlon
box 4V ; ) : Mi'ctln ' of committee. Ijxciilng
session 7:0j : ; Vvspur scrvleo. 7:110 : ! Ad-
diu8icsby Dr. llerrv.of Kpwuith Iluiald , and
Dr. Carroll , of Cincinnati. Question box ,
ivportof roiniiilttuc's , and election of iillluors.
Kndi president will report for his chapter.
Tlio president of eneli chapter will
report to Itov. U. W. llrewur. Council
IllulTn , tlic niuulicr to bo In attend tic
The programme for the remainder of the
days of tno conference will bo as follows :
Wednesday District conference. 8:30 : a. in. :
Devotional services , \V. A. Main. 0:00 : a. ra. :
lluslneis. 11:00 : a. in , : Ministerial .Manners ,
.1. II. llirrls. : 11:110 : a. in. : Wesley on Oratory ,
Cl. W. Kodcrlck. lie : ; p. in. : Devotional serv
ices , .1. H. TIllliiKlmst , 2:00 : p. in. : John Wes
ley , Theologian , W. P. IliirUiommcw. . ' : ! . " > p ,
in. : Kviiiiirellst. J. L. Itluncliard.ill p. in. :
KefoniH-r , t' . M. Ward. 2:45 p. in. : Org-inl/or ,
T. Mi'1C Miliirt. 'Ill On in : General ilisens-
slon. : i : 0 p in. : Methodism , a of
Primitive KxmiRullsin , ( J. C. Wiiynlek. 4nO : :
Meeting of commltti-us. Tilt ) : Devotional
ROM lees , M. Ttteody. ( l'IO : : ennon. U Hull :
altiir service , L. It. WlcUorsliam.
Thursday 8:110 : n. tu , : Dovotlonal services ,
I ) . 1'rnlttlliislni'ss. ! : . 11 ; .Methodism and
the Common I'toplo. Iltit'li I.Inn. 1IM : : Meth-
oillsm and Education , W. M. Dudley. 1MO p.
m. : lievotlonul servlucK. J , . ll.Cook. 3 : Aliith-
odtsni and Literature. M. It. Ilarned..Ui
Methodism and MNsloim , A. K Conrey. 3 :
Mntliodlsm In IIH Holatlon to D.irUest , Social
I'rolili-iiis. II. II. llarton. : iU : ! : Method sniiind
Sister Cliurchus , I , . M. Hniw. 4 : Iluslni-ss 7 :
Devotional service , W. A. Wolkor. 7.W : : Ser
mon , Jason Qullup. Altar service , 1 . K. Car-
No griping , no nausea , no pain wbon Do
Witts Little ICarlv Khots ard .taicon. Small
pill. Safe | ) ill. Best pill.
Sun Umbrella Sale.
1,500 sun umbrellas and parasols on sato at
Council Bluffs , la.
Gasollnond oil ; CODS , woou and coal :
prompt delivery. L. G. Kuotts , itl Main ,
tolephom 20i. ! _
Swanson Music Co. , 835 Broadway.
Gentlemen desiring elegantly fitting suits
for Bummer wear will lind Just what they
want at Holler's , the tailor , U10 Broadway.
Commencing.luly 1 the cash system will
be adopted at Kelloy's grocery , 104 Broad
I'nrasol Snlc.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will offer
their entire stock of parasols and sun umbrel
las at actual cost toduv. Boston Store , Coun
cil Bluffs , la.
A G-mill Wli3it HnrvoMt.
Frederick Davis , secretary of the Wolr-
Shugart implement company in this city , has
Jnst concluded an extensive Inquiry Into the
condition of the winter wheat crop in south
ern Nebraska. To omptiusb-o the glowing
reports sent In by the numerous special cor
respondents of the firm samples of wheat and
barley were received from several conntlculu
the southern part of the state yesterday.
They are generous-sired sheaves , and are
now'oioupyinc places of honor in the windows
dews of the ware rooms on Main sticot.
There ate two sheaves of wheat , one of the
beardless variety and the other bearded.
The stalks arc over thrco and a half feet
high with heads nearly six Inches long llllcd
to the extreme tip with big plump grains.
The sheaves were cut ut random , but a care
ful Inspection docs not reveal n blighted
grain. Tno stalks are very strong and woody ,
capable of withstanding any ordinary storm.
The rye sheaves are over tlvo and n half feet
high , developed to the same extraordinary
dogrca In titre and grnln.
"Thoro never was sucb n prospect for
wheat In Nebraska1 said Mr. Davis In
speaking of the samples. "In the two south
ern tiers of counties for a distance of 200
miles from the river the country seems to bo
one vast Held of winter wheat and rye , and
oviry aero of It will yield from t\vontj-llvo
to furty bushels. More Holds will yield forty
bushels than twenty. In these counties
nearly one-half of the total cultivated area
Is covered with wintorwhcat. Itwlllmokoono
oJJ the grandest harvests the state has over
scon. Although there have been some suvcru
storms these grain fields huvo not been In
jured to any appreciable extent. This Is
largely duo to the fact that seed was planted
with the new press drills , that puts the
seed grain two Inches below the surface
and gives the plant , an anchorage In the soil
sufllclcnl to enable It to resist Heavy winds
and rain storms. Last year wo sold BOO pros
drills in this locality , hut our sale * this your
will ronch over one thousand. In mv opinion
the drill has olTectod the solution of the win
ter \\hent problem , and there will bo but
little spring wheat sown in that tor.itory
hereafter. The farmers , when they are as
sured of such harvests as this year , will
plant more winter wheat and grain than any
other kind.
"Thn harvest will bo ripe within ton days ,
and If the ruins do not Interfere the two
southern tiers of counties In Nebraska will
make a record that \\lll attract the nttcn'.lou
of the \\orld. "
Gcs.ilcr'3 MagloHeadache Wafers. Cures all
buadiiches In 'JO minutes. At all drug Uts
For beauty , for comfort , for Improvement
of the complexion , use only Pozzonl's powder ,
there U nothing u < iual to it.
Sun Umbrella Snlo.
I , MO sun umbrellas and parasols on sale at
actual owl today ut the Boston Store , Coun
cil Blurt' , lu. _
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They arc delicious.
Assignee's sale of Gllmore's stoclc of Jew
elry , stationery , toys , etc , , ! ! 5 Main struct.
Cn UK-lit u
As a burglar , H. F. Griswold Is not a mon
umental success , but as un example of pure
unadulterated gull ho Is away up. J , T Hurt
and fnmily loft for the west yesterday morn
ing ami In some uay Griswold found it out.
Yesterday uftorncon ho paid n visit to tlio
house , ut the corner of Sixth avenue and
Eighth street , and proceeded to make him-
bolt ut homo , Ho went down to the kiteheti
mid made a ruld ou the pantry , nnkln ? away
with all the odiblea that WON to bo fouuu ,
Ho then went through the rest of the house
and helped himself to inch article * ns milted
his fancy. Among other things ho took ft
violin , the property of Mr. Hart , a lot of
clothing , a tdlver badge , fourteen pocket
handkerchiefs , some Hltver spoons and.forlis ,
a .shirt , a pair of cull buttons , , u gold pin
and a paid ring.Vh this layout
ho loft the house at about ' o'clock. But ho
dltl not go far , as MIIIIO of neighbors bad
been quietly watching , ' < ho got. out
Into the yard he was met by S. T. Couch and
K. K. Ajlesuorth , and Invited to stop. He
did ns ho was told , anil In n few minutes the
patrol Wilson was on the scone. Ho was
taken to the police station , where ho was
booked with burglary. How ho got Into the
huuso Is not Known positively , but Uo had a
largo bunch of keys and n bent button hook ,
which furnished a cluo. So far us known ,
GrUwold Is u new hand at the business , as
the pollro have never had any dealings with
him until now. Ho will have a chance to ex
plain himself this morning before Judge Me-
A very small pill but a vorv gooJ oao. Do
Witt's Little Karlv Ulsort.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , ; 10 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
giado work a specialty.
Hats and hats for the Fonrth of July nt
the Louis' , Masonic block.
There are plenty of bargains yet to bo haa
nt tlio special removal sale ut the Louis' , Ma
sonic block. , .
Umbrella Snlc.
All the stoclc of sun umbrellas and parasols
on sale today at actual cost. Boston Store ,
Council Blufls , In.
Dalloy Will
There Is n tumor that Colonel Dalloy , who
had been holding the position of captain of
the Dodge Light Guards for about a year
past , will resign his post to make room for n
successor who Is yet to bo named. The
colonel does not enjoy the the active military
worl ; as well : is ho did years ago , and that
accounts for his non-uttcmlnnco nt drill of
lato. It U suld Captain ScurlT , who lias been
captain of the Omaha guards for several
yo .rs past until within the last few months ,
would bo .vllling to lilt the vacancy made by
Colonel Dallov's resignation , If It takes place ,
and it is probable that ho will be the llcst
man to receive an invitation to take the posi
tion , ns many of the members of the com
pany nro hoartllv In favor of him. Captain
ScarIT is recognised as being a lender In mili
tary affairs , and he would uio doubt 1111 the
position of captain of the Dodge Light
Guards with srtisfactlou to all.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
Bluffs , September 8-11 , ? 0.rOJ , ; Octooor V.'O-2'J
$4,000. For programmes address Nat Brown ,
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
JlnocH July ,
At the Union Park , Council Bluffs.
Running races.
Roman chariot racos.
Roman standing races.
Free barbecue , 1,7.10-pound steer , killed ,
dressed and cooked on the grounds.
Morgan's prices for furnttu o on Install
ment plan lower than any other house In city.
Picnic nt Manhattan beach , LakoMannwn ;
good tishlng , line bathing and boating ; plenty
of shade ; best place for camping out parties.
Try It.
Conductor Killed.
SU.T L Ki : Cirv , Utah , .nine 2S. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BII : . | Lawrence Madison ,
conductor on the Salt Lake it Fort Douglas
road , was killed this evening by a car Jump
ing the track. Ho was In front and the
shock throw him under the wheels , crushing
him out of shape.
Aiuliiihlie < l by
Ariz. , Juno 23. A Chinaman
was attacked by live Apaches in Canon
mountains near the Mexican line last Friday.
Ho was shot four times and loft for dead.
The wounded man was brought in by his
friends and Is still alive. No pursuit of the
Indians is being made.
Fourth of July.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & ,
Omaha railway will soli tickets between
all stations on their line in Nebraska atone
ono faro for the round trip. Tickets to
bo sold July 15 and 4 , good , only on day of
sale ; good to return until and including
July ( i. To and from Sioux City the
rate will bo Uo conus more than tlio ono-
half faro. T. W. THASDALI : ,
G. P. A.
How the KcKiilntloiiH arc Observed at
Soutli Omiilia Quarantined tic.
"Tho inspection is most thorough , " said
Dr. Stewart , , now at the Swift packing house
at South Omaha , on being asked to detail
the whole course of beef inspection under his
Instructions. "In tno first place , while the
animals are In the company's yards a careful
inspection is made of each bullock before It
Is allowed to bo driven in the slaughter
houso. Then as soon ns the animal is on the
slaughtering floor a critical , Inspection is
made of all tbo vital orgaus and if found free
from disease it is passed. Our examination
on the killing floor consists of a careful
handling and occular examination of the
ontrals and parts of every carcass and the
possibility , of questionable meat passing is
reduced'to the minimum.
"After the inspection the halved carcasses
nro put In the coolers , and there remain
ready for shipment. Before being shipped
each quarter is tagged with the government
tag , certifying to the Inspection and the pur
ity of the product. "
"Wo inspected 138 beeves Friday , and
afterward the carcasses and the vital organ ? ,
and on Saturday ! I41 , and have not found n
single questionable animal. "
Manager A. C. Foster was next soon ana
expressed himself well pleased with the
workings of the now law and the result of
the ' work. "You "
inspectors' may say , con
tinued Mr. Foster , "that hereafter all moats ,
whether for local consumption , Interstate
commerce or foreign shipment , from this
house will bo inspected and tagged ullUo. "
Quarantine Ito u atlonw.
"As tbo quarantine regulations do
not seem to bov well understood , "
said a prominent stockshlpppor , "I
wish you would publish In TIIK Bin :
an article on the subject. In January 18SS ,
Governor Thayer , by proclamation , following
the report of it special committee , prohibited
the shipment of cattle from Texas and other
districts into or through this stato. On Juno
18. by proclamation the former quarantine
regulations were modified so as to admit
Ciamo at 'liO : ; o'clock.
Ltulios , full privilocuH , t5 ! cents.
FirstNational : - : - Bank
1'alil L'ji Uinltal , . . . . $10i ) , ( ) ( ' )
OIUo < t oritnnliuil bulk In Iho cltr. Porulmi ati |
doiiH' tvo oichinja un I > aojrltlik Ki 'ii
nltcitlunilil | fi ollJoil.i ii. Aoojli'.int
unU. b.inln , binkuria'idcjrpurttljiu i
ruipuiiiluniu lnvltt > i | ,
UKO. I' . SANKOIID. Pro. Mont.
A , r. uici : . Aii
Gas Heating Sto"es.
Just the tlilir. for li.itli rooms , boil roo-in , eta
Cull uiul boo our liir. u Uksurtmuut.
C. B. Gas and Eluctrlo Ligh : Co.
11 1'oarl aua ' . ' 10 Mala StrcoU
cnttlo for Immcillnto ahlrtatfnt , but did not
allow It U ) bo shipped Iniothnhtnto ami then
bo rc-shipm.'J or forlfftr'Acd out of
the itatc. By the proclA'tfliUlon of the . of this month ovcrythlflK'from the 'pan-
haaillo' district of Texas U'tidmlttod , wlillo
cattle from all other pirts of/Texas are per
mitted to bo shipped In orrtlirouKli the state
and res hipped If iinloadcd'wlttiln ' the state.
The only qualification boln'feuthfit the steen
must bo pointed la places ucd oxcluslvcly
for slock from the pronlbltocfjdlstricts. This
opens n largo stoc'it territory to the South
Oman a tnarkct * and will crusUy bcnullt the
South Omaha yurd * . " ' i"
,1 .VA O V.C't. J ( ,
Ucorgo Thatcher's mlnsfrcls are now re
turn Ing eastward from ono of the most suc
cessful minstrel tours over made on the
Pacific coast. They are lu Denver all tl ls
weolt. They will appear at the Grand opera
house on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
of next week , closing their season here.
Lew Uoekstadtor nnd Uurt Shcpanl are
with the company , but will sever their con
nection with Thatcher after the Omaha on-
gagomer.t , and will their uwu com
panies for next season. The regular Thatcher
company will bo Joined hero by the Hieh ft
Harris comedy company , and will remain In
Omnlia two weeks , rehearsing the now farce-
comedy , "Juxcdo , " with which they will
open their next season at the Urantl opera
house on July 111 , playing au opening en-
gifromcnt of two nights. Tins Is the most
nutablu midsummer theatrical event thut
Omaha has over had , ami will bo watched
by the theatrical world with gteat Interest ,
With His Thumb ,
A boy in said to saved the Nolhcrlaiuli
from inundation. .Multitudes ha\o bcnn
sa\cd f i om the Invasion of disease by a
bottle of A > ut's Sars.ipartlla. This incdlclno
Impart ) tone to tlio sjstcm and strengthens
every organ and fllnc of tlw body.
"I ha\e taken a gical deal of medicine ,
but nothing has done me so much good as
Aei's Sarsaparllla. I experienced Us bcne- effects before I Imd quite finished ono
bottle , and I can fiecly It Is tlio
best blood incdlclno I Know of. " L. W.
Ward , sr. , Woodland , Texas.
"Confined to an ofllcp , as I am , from ono
year's end to another , ulth little or no out
door exercise , I find gicat help In Ajer't
Barsaparllla , which I IUMO used for several
jciirs , and am at present using , with excel
lent results. It cnaliles mo to keep awa ! > s
at my post , enjoying the butt of health. "
II. C. Dames , Maiden , Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
DH. J. C. AYER & CO. , Lowell , MA-B.
Bold by Drugglsti. $ leU5. Worth $5aboltlo ,
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 ,
DinKOTOm I. A. Mlllor , .F. p Qleaion , E. L.
Shuimrt. R E. ItarUJ. D KdmuruUon , C'ti trial
K. llannan. Transact O.inklui busl-
ncn Largest capital and turpluj ot au7 I
tiankln South wostom Iowa.
Council Bluff's , la.
This Elegantly .Appointed Hotel
is Now Oppn.
George T. Phel ps , Manager.
ft Souier. Resort.
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions : Fine Flsblni. Boating , Itath-
Ingand Excellent Mineral Water.
Only fifteen minutes rldo from Connell
ItlntTs. Motor trains every half hour , dlrcot
to centers of Council Itluffs and Omaha.
Most delightful nnd accessible place for
plcnlo nartles.
About Cushion TircH.
Why Is the pneumatic a fallnri ) ? Don't
know. Why does tno cushion tire "got there"
on rough or sandy roads ? Don't Know. "I do. "
Therefore be In the sn Inc. Which Is the best
cushion tin ) } The Columbia. Why ? Ilecauso
o\ery tire Is Mibii'ltti'il many times to a pres
sure test before being put on the wheel. It Is
backed by the Columbia uniniostloiied guar
antee. There are objvetlonH to all cushion
tires , one biting that they are morn liable to
oeeome loosened than solid tires. The Colum
bia Is not put on by anv mysterious chemical
process , nucuhsttatitig tho'roturn of the wheel
to the factory In case of aeclclent. It Is
cemented on. and will hula "till the cows
come home , " but In view of the many possi
bilities In cycling allow us to suggest that a
spirit lamp nnd a ten-year-old boy can re
place a Columbia tire.
Tills Is the first reason In the field for any
cushion tire. Wo therefore do not claim to
have been dreaming over It for seven years.
Why Is the Columbia double diamond fiamq
so popular ? It Is stromf. firmly bracing every
point where strain Is recalled. It Is light. It
is graceful.
Why Is the Columbia such a .seller ? Why Is
the Columbia the butt.if attack of all otber
makers ? Why Is It that these uttaclcj don't
hint ? Wo know.
r. C. DcVol Bells ' 12m.
Why n Lady \Vas Po Unattractive.
"f n'v a lady with pinch d feutiirrs. blue
lips and a ruddy nose , li4 I came down In the
cars this inoriiliiK. " . said ono of the leading
doctors of America recently. "She was un
happy , and really did not know the cause.
Hut I. us n physlclMi. though never having
seen hcrbeforc , knew exactly the source of
her trouble" , What was It ? Slio was sulfnrlng
from malaria. ThU , yon know , Is now the
pie it disease , and It seems to be on the In-
In malaria clangorous doctor ? "
"Ves , nnd no. It Is tno Indirect ciu o of
many , perhaps most dldi'iinn and It always
puts a person In a condition to Invite ill seam1 ,
although IMS bailoiuiUL'h of Itself , "
"And n hut do yon do for It ? "
"Ah ! Tli'-ro In the hardest part of thn sub
ject , The principal remedy Ims t eon ( | iilnlnc ,
but 1 1 Is not alwi.ys ad visible. Ono thing how-
over. Is alinoit a ni'i i-ssltv , In any c iso of
malaria , and that Is a pure flliiiuliint. prefer
ably whlsKov Where It U ttio rliiht kind It
t > ocms to kill all tl.ogi-rmsof malaria , quicker
than any nlhcr known thin : ; . "
Tlio remark * of the doctor are most valu
able , but 1m did not go on to Htuto what Is
knin.n to the writer -that bnth himself and
most priimlni'tir p yslelaijs pm-orlbo HulT\'s
1'nro .Malt Whl kuy. Their ii > .i iins for this
are many , the prlne ; ] ) U one.s ln-lng that It Iti
thii only ii'cdlclnal whlsKoy In the market an I
the only one which for yea is has stood the
most sciutlnMiigchctnh-r.l tests , Of onnro
eho ipi'r and linpnro whiskies hi\o hoi'ti ad
vocated and cert In unsi'riiploim dealers tiy
to sell thorn bee , us.i they can make n larger
prollt upon them than tlutv c in upon a pine
and expensive whlslutv like DulTv's Malt , hut
anvonuwho desires health and to kiop oir
m ilarla should limlsl upon having Duffy's ami
take noothiT
AXTIJD Mo it and pastry cook Immedi
ately ; 1KV ! South nth street , Connell Illutrs ,
TJ OH SAFjB- choli'o 80-uoro farm , 7' ' { miles
Jfrom Council Illuirs , nt itl.K ( ) pur ncie.
Investigate this. Johnston ft Van I'atton ,
Connell IllunN.
W ANTED Ulrl to work at boaid IIIR house.
T > .2 Sevcntli avenue.
WANTED-A llrst class clrl , by .Mrs. Oeo.
Keellnc. ll.n IMoreo streot.
FOItSA Til ! Harbor shop , with three chair * ,
doing fair business , 21(1 ( I llro.uittny. I )
DO you want the earth In the vicinity of
Connell Illuirx , either Improved or unim
proved ? If so call and see our list of bargains
at the real ustnto anil lo.ui olllce of J. U. Cole
fi Co. 1.1st your property for s.ile. rent or ox-
uliiuiiio , witn in. mid aecnro eiistomer. J. ( J.
Cole & Co. , No. 4 , 1'uarl street , ( ( round lloor.
OLiAlltVOVANT mil ) sychoinotrlc. or chnr-
acter roailliiK'1 ; also ( IliiKiiONlH of dlbeasc.
nentl look of hair for roidlnn by letter. Sun-
bays nnd evenings. Mia IX Hooper. 141TJ Avo-
due K , near corner l.Hh Htreet , Council IllulT : > .
Terms , Wo iinrt 8I.UJ.
TTHNr : bred horse , that can heat S:3" : , will snl
JL ; ortr.idc. Address or call on I ) , llrouu
ic."J : West llroadway , Council IllnfTH.
Swan i Walker's SUi Main street and 51.1
AT , Counull Blurts , you will always find
a " .snap bargain" In rnal estate If yon want to
buy , or a oed place to list a bargain If you
want to sell or trade.
FOR SAlr.--KIen-ant earrluuo team and line
Hlnulo drivers ; prlre-i reasonable : call
and see thoin before bu vlns. Isuuo M. Smith
sates stables No. 418 North bevcnth Htreet ,
CotitiL'll HI nil's.
MAO N 1 riUKNT acre property In llve-itero
tracts located 2'4 mllrs from postotllec ,
for sale on reasonable terms , borne line resi
dence property for rout bv Duy & lles .
The MoMiihon block. 3 story
lirlcK. with basement and elevator. J. W
Sqi ij ro , ! UI I'e.irl street. _
TOOK SALE or Kent Jinlaa land , with
JP houioi. or J. UUlao. . W Mala it , QouaoU
on liiHtullmciitN.
Wo buy only Incur lots. CHII give lowest
prices. Our Kaclno rcTi Iterators took llrht
prl/e last year at .Minneapolis for best and
most economical refrigerators against all
Gasoline StovoH on InetnllnifiitH.
The crnulno New Process and Quick Mo'il
Now l'rocss. No Inferior Imitations. Call
and bee ui , Old generator stoves fui JU.03 up.
i Victor Moyolcs.
Wo are now able for the flrst time to supply
our trade on tlie-ie eelolnateil bicycles. Tlio
bcht Is alwayi the cheapest.
Screen AVI re. Doors and PrnuicH.
Largest line of fancy and plain doors.
frames , hlnk'cs and wire. If you knew bow
little It costs to fit your houses with screens
no ono would bo without.
Cni.u & Col.E , 41 Main street.
H Is the amount that people nave , not so
much what they earn , that eventually makes
them rich. In buying a household necessity
like a refrigerator Ills well to consider some
thing else than the llrst cost In determining
Its economy. The Guernsey Household Refrig
erator IH as handsome us u piece of parlor
furniture and costs less tlinn any other llrst-
class article , and stands at the head ns a.n
economl/erof Ice. giving the lowest cold a' r
tomper.tture. All the packing Is mineral
wool , the best non-eoniluotor of heat and
moist nro known. All parts can bo taken nut
and cleaned. ln\ estimate the Guernsey
Household before Uiiyliu.
Ij-iwn flloweri.
The Now Quaker City Is In every respect the
counterpart of the Philadelphia , and much
cheaper. Krom f I totT. We carry the 1'hlla-
dolphla also and you can take your choice. Q
Screen Doors
and window screens , the largest and finest MI
the city , and all the latest novelties In tli o
hatdwurellne. at MIUQAKT & bO.NS.
No. U Main Sticot. Council lllnlfs.
Kr nnnilfK Attorneys at law. 1'rac-
< X OdUnUClb tlco In the state and
federal courts. Kooms : i , 4 and 5 bhu art
licnoblouk , Connell Hinds , la.
HI Plninhnrc Attorney at Law , No. 10
. J. UlillllUUa , i-oarl Ktroot , over llnsh-
nell's store. Telephone No. Vi. Ilnslnosi
boors- a. in , to U p. in. Connell Hlnlfs , In.
G. A. Scnoed kcU , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broadway , Council
Bluffs and 1E521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rofinlsh goods
of every descrlptloW. Packages received at either office or at the
Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list.
MurctmntB who 'havo shop-worn or soiled fabrics of iitiy clmriictor can huvo
them rctlvud nml linlHhocl equal to now.
latest ami , apprised machinery , at loss cost than you ever paid before.
Browning , KingLet
Lot Closing Prices on Summer
No. 35-1 25 dozen extra
makc.fancy stripe balbriggan un-
denvear , full French neck , $1 value ; to close at 75c per suit.
No. 6005 25 dozcnGrcatcst Seller in Omalm.tan colored
French neck balbriggnn , double value at our price $1 suit.
A combination of three lots , Nos. ' 103 , ' 163 and 510 ; the
grandest bargain the season will produce , quality and su-
perion fnish considered , colois in tan , drab and mode ,
closing price per suit , $1,50.
Our line of neglige shirts embraces every production of
the season , prices ranging from 50c up.
I summer neckwear , no house in Omaha shows the quan
tity and quality , at such low prices.
The few extreme hot days have well acquainted the people
ple with the fact that Ours is the House , to look
for nice goods , novelty patterns and low prices on Sum
mer Coats and Vests , $2 and up.
Our men's suit department is booming. Low Prices
Does it.
Our boys' and children's department keeps the full force
busy. Everybody knows there's a comfort and satisfaction
trading here Not Found Elsewhere.
Endless variety in ladies' and boys'
Shirt Waists.
In hot weather commodities , we're prepared to accom
modate the rank an 1 file , let them come single or in squads.
31.1 H HIED.
BTKKNOTH-CKACK-llimp'ly ' united In the
Haladln Hnad Wa on , In tliu picv-cncu nt
thousands of admirers , All Strength and
True draco. At homo \Vulr-bhngart
< > > . , after June 1st.
ror the result of this happy union look ut this exquisitely boatitlfu now novelty , thl
Light , Graceful , Stiong.
4 4
With either grained body nnd gear or carmine goir and blaolc body , solid panel under tha
seat leather orel ith fancy trimmings. Ion'Nprlir.'s with heavy ourves the wlmlo overcoming
absolutely tno great objection to . road wagons their heavy and clumsy appearance , and unitIng -
Ing Htrenuth , beauty and grace.
Send for for catalogue and description of the Now nice Collud Hpilns Carriage , "ThoUrum-
mer'H I'rleml , " and other new uncl taking novelties. Wo gnarjiuteo Duller values than any
other house In the west ,
Carriage Repository1
Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Buggies , Spring Wagons , Carts and
Road Wagons.
Guarantees better value and more satisfactory goods than any
other house in the Missouri Valley. General western repository for
rsae = 555llte the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and
Columbia Carriage Go's buggies ,
surries and phaetons. Bonanza
buggies and phaetons. All styles
spring wagons , Van Brunt and
Michigan road and farm wagons ,
carts and harness in great variety.
Correspondence solicited. Catalog
ues and price lists on application.
12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council BlufTs , Iowa.