Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA : DAILY KBE , MONDAY , JUNE ,30 , 1891.
Lambs Went Down Before the Drawers at
the End of a Hard Fight ,
Itcninrknliln Cltmo nnd DcHpnrnto
BtniRjtlc Uclwccn tins Iio ulors
Idticoln IJOHJ Two Oilier Hun-
day Ilnflclmll
MIlwnuKco , 7 ; Omahu , 0.
Sioux City. ia-r ; Lincoln , 7-1.
Kansas City , 12 ; Minneapolis , 0.
Denver , 10 ; Duluth , 0.
absence from the
team dumped the
second game to the
Another $25 line
would , In a poor
mcasuro , offset the
loss. That Is , if
the management
' _ . wanted yesterday's
gamo. If it didn't ' ,
U should raise the
Profossor's salary.
It Is high tlmo the ball player ls convinced
that ho has no more right to go on n drunk
than the railroad or hank clerk , that ho Is
Just as much of nn employe ns olthor of the
other two , nnd his duties aru Just as onerous
nnd ODllgatory , nnd that ho is Just as amena
ble for Indecorum or misconduct.
Pine 'em good and hard' , and If that don't
answer , suspend them for the season. The
remedy Is plain nnd should bo utilized fear
lessly and unsparingly.
Colonel Strlef was n vast improvement
ever Saturday ; nnd yet his miserable de
cision In declaring Shannon out at second in
the seventh Inning lost Omaha the gamo.
The crowd In ntlondanco was a blb one ,
nnd about ns enthusiastic as you ever saw.
It cheered nnd yelled nt everything. Fouler
or three-bagger It made no difference , either
iviis n signal for n burst of dissonant sound ,
But it was n great balllo. If wo did lese
roplolo as it was with all the beauties and
blemishes , the glories nnd gauchorles of the
game , nnd people couldn't have Helped en-
jovlng themselves if they bad tried.
Thnt is , after a fashion.
It Is tough , very , very tough to see Mil
waukee pulling out gnmo after game that
Omaha should have had , and stride off the
field with colors Hying when they should bo
trailing In the dust.
But you nave noticed probably that the
sweets of this lifo nro generally mixed up
with a good deal of Iho hiltor.
And so It is with baseball.
But you are anxious for the particulars.
Well , from the Ilrst man up until the last
ono down It was n treat lit for the delectation
of the gods.
But the Brewers won nnd that is what
Still it is gratifying to bo nblo to slate that
it was a prodigious Husk for them. They
stacked up n mighly stout gnmo to bo sure ,
nnd a luckv one , too , while the Lambs were
very ragged and nil but distraught at limes.
They hit the bull , though , mind you , both
frequently nnd hard , but as luck would have
it , at critical times it went straight nt someone
ono of the Pubst representatives.
Elteljorg and Vlckery both pitched in ad-
nlrablo form , the former getting In a small
way the best of It.
The crowd , It Is repeated , was very largo
and very noisy , 'the grand stand was
packed and tha bleachers n solid mass of
sweaty faces , while carriages , drags and
phaetons encompassed the Held.
Omaha bats first.
Shannon thinks he sees ono coming lhat
suits him , but ho Is mistaken. IIo bangs Iho
ethereal a smash lhat raises a carbuncle as
big ns nn egg.
Thrco times In quick succession the wall
eyed plko who was In the box tor Gush does
this , and Manager Dan goes back to the
tranquil city of the bench , where Donor Is
not measured by success , where pretension
docs not trnmplo nn merit , where genius is
not n Jest , goodness not a seeming and devo
tion not a.sham.
O'lloollgnn nnd Old Cyrus oulckly follow
auit , and Captain Petit and his stocky
athletes try her n whirl.
But thay can do no better. Butko pops
up a llttlo ono to tlio laa whoso tresses form
a golden aureola about his brow ; Captain
Bob gets his base on balls ) only lo bo llrod
oul at second , and Ueorgo Washington
Schock collides thrco limes wllh the
odoriferous zephyrs that cnmo blowing softly
Iroin o'er ICount/o's addlilon.
In iho second the Lambs cracked Iho Ice.
The Deacon sllpued'hls hymnal In his hip
pocket , shouldered his club and stepped to
the plate. Ho then caught Mr. Vlckory in
n tender spot nnd a two-sncker was the
result. Papa's llttlo creeper down toward
third lot him home , nnd every body yelled
"hoy I hey ! hoyl"
The war-cry of the Omahas.
The next thrco men , iho Commodore ,
Josepbus Walsh and Iho Ureencusllo lad ,
furnished easy outs.
Abner Dalrymplo you170 nil road about
Abner in tha old fourth reader haven't YOU I
No , 'Well no's iho man who welcomed iho
Pilgrims nl Plymouth Koolt. Bui as I was
going to Hay , Abnor , ho went to the bat , but
that Is about all ho did do. His long lly was
taken tender cnro of by the Commodore ,
Howard ISarl , however , was moro .success
ful. Ho laced out a protly single , and on
Campion's three cushion punch trotted
homo , Camp following a moment later enG
G rim's snfbono.
When Schrivor Hied to Traf , and Jack
throw Victor Emnuuel out at Ilrst , and the
score stands 3 to 1.
In a Jiffy Iho Lambs nro retired In the
third , and so aru the Brewers , nnd the signs
nil point to n hot nnd furious buttle.
Again in tha fourth Shannon's ' people take
an can , hut Cii'hmnn'a myrmidons run their
Bccfre up to throe.
Abner sends ono up for Old Cy's bonoflt ,
hut Earl cracks' out ono tiekolod for the
third station , nnd on Campion's sncrilloo runs
over'HIP rubber. Grim fouls oul , but a
sulphurous smelt pervades the air.
Then there U a gladsome change. Urlm
makes a bad muss of Commodore's ' grounder ,
nfid. tlm Commodore reaches second , but
Jocko , llko Prometheus , Is crurlllcd at first ,
still Twitch roaches third , nnd homo a mo
ment later on a passed ball. Then Vlnkary
has an nttm-u of monkeys in his hand nnd
Walsh goes to llrnl on four bad ones. Billy
Traflloy makes n hit , and it looks interesting.
But right hero Manager Dan sends up u high'
ono to Ear ] , and hopa of tying the score IK on
the wave.
But bow doluslvo Is this great sport of
ours ,
liulllgan wollds his sapling , and before the
Hoot-rooted Burlta can recover Iho sphere ,
both Walsh and Traf are .safo In port and
JbclfiJ. llko the goddess of liberty on Bodloo's
Island , Is perched on third.
My. what .1 row there U nt this.
A tiirco-bairt'or nt the right tlmo. You've '
all aeon them in your day , nnd know what a
tingle It sends through one's veins ; what
lorono Joys of thought , what pure , swnot ,
lofty sentiments are Its offspring.
To.cap'lhn climax , Old Cy sneaks in a little -
tlo scratch , and Jocko ambles In and gathers
up the silver with which the fans straw th
"Old Cy" take * an extra hitch in his
trousers and actually steals second , and this
mokes ino cranks scream with delight.
as If "Old Cy" uovor stele anything boforo.
Grim throws Griffin out at Ilrst , though ,
and Sut was loft.
Four-Tims , however , wa ulouty , nd for n
time they looked as big as the now city hall.
The Deacon made a great sprint for.Sohrlv-
or's fly , but It got away from him und the
Wir backstop reached second on the nils take.
Then every boay said "ah I"
Ylokorv wont to first on balls , only lo bo
forced at'sncoiiQ by Burlif.Sohriver reaching
-Uinl on tbo play , whence no soorod < borily
after on Captain Bob's sanrlllco to Traf.
Then School * got hi bnso on four wldo onw ,
but Aimer's out ended the agony.
After blanking tba Lambs in the sixth , th
Brewers not ouly tied the score , but wctt
nua't , too. after Earl ana Campion bad
both been tossed out at first by Idlojap.
Orira hero raado a lnBl > Sobrtyer a luoVr
doublu , and Vlekerr a smgia..Tha , . la lor bit
lot Orlm lo , and oa TwlloUell' allowing the
ball to got by htm Schrlvo crossed the pi a to
also.That was rough , some moro' , wasn't ill
But they got no moro , although Burke got
his base on balls , and Pottlt followed with a
hit. Shock's lly to Traf brought the Lambi
But they were unable to distinguish thorn-
solves , nnd In fact neither sldo scornd again
until the ninth , when amidst a deafening up
roar Omaha tied the score , Twitchcll hav
ing relieved Eddlo In tno box In the iovonth.
It hauponod thusly :
Kltoljorg was presented with first by
Vlokcry , whoso br.iln again began to
work on htm , only to be forced out nt second
by Walsh.
Then Tranloy swiped her safe for the third
time and \Vulsb wont to third.
Now for a homer , a three-sucker , n twofcr ;
aye. oven n single I
The bow before the grandeur of Niagara ,
where seas plunge upon the globo's heart in
reverberating thunders : wo linger for noun
on the beamy lights and velvet similes of the
old masters ; of uimnnlchlno , of Olorglono.
of Titian and Tintoretto , whoso names glitter
with thu magic tints of Italy and ring with
the golden richness ot her music. But what
nro nil those alongside n good corning hit In
a game of baseball , with two men on bnsos ,
and ono run needed to tie the score , nnd an
other to win the gnmo ?
Nothing , absolutely nothing I
Manager Dan braced himself. There Was
blood in his eye , and n big club In his hand.
"Ono .strlkoi" proclaimed the heartless
Colonel Striof , as the ball whizzed by Man
ager Dan's oollyband , directly over the pinto.
"Danny ! Danny ! what nils you ? " cried the
crowd In Imploring tones.
The next second , smash I It wns his tree
meeting ono of Victor's most Intricate con
"f ley ! hey 1 hey I" screamed the delighted ,
delirious thousands.
Walsh scoots across the platoand the score
Is tied , then Trallloy comes tearing down the
lines llko n bouse afire. Ho can mnko it
easily , only ho can't. Ho' afraid of soiling
his clothes. Bnrko nnd Petit got the ball In
and big Sohrivor nails It , and as Tratlloy un
dertakes to run across the plate , ho nails him ,
The crowd shouted murder , but it did no
coed , the man was fairly out , and that , oh
think of It you ranting , roaring , raving fans ,
when n slldo would have won the gamo.
Shannon made second on bis masterly
stroke , and third on Jocko's sacrifice , but
"Old Cy" struck out , and the crowd foil
back , limp nnd lax , yet thankful that the
score had been tied.
Then the battle grow fiercer still up to the
last half of the twelfth , when after Enrlo had
died at lirst , Twitcholl plugged Campion in
the back , nnd onOrim's two-baegor ho scored
and won the gamo.
And that was the and of it. The score :
An. it. la . RII. ! < > . A. K ;
Shannon , 2b 8 a 1
IlalllKan : ib 0 '
Sutclllfo. o III"
( Jrlllln , in 5 1 'J 0 0 0 0 1
MeCanloy , Ib 5 0 1 0 0 17 0 0
Twltcholl. If &p. . . . 5 1
Kltoljoo ; , P A rf. . . . . " > 0 0 0 0 1 : i 0
Walsh , " " " " " ' 4 a 0 0 0 3 : t 1
Trallluy.j'f & If"-5 I II 0 0 .6 1 0
Total 45 "o U 3 2 ; in 4
AH. u. In. an. sn. ro. A. x.
Ilnrko , in. . . . S 0 1 1
I'ettlt. Six 5 . 0 3 4
Shook , as 5 - 5 0' 0 0 0 5 0 0
Knrl.rf. . . . . 0 2 'J 0 0 a 0 0
Campion. Ib t 0 0 14 1
Orlm. lib il i
Hhrlvnr , o 5 2 000
Vlukory , p. I 0
Total 45 7 10 0 0 'M 21
One man out when wlnnlne run mado.
Omaha. . 0 100 fi
Milwaukee. . . 0 201 I il 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
Earned rlinsf Omahu , 1 : Milwaukee , 3. Two-
base hits : Shannon , Orlllln. Shrlvor , Orlm.
Tlireo-bnse hts ( : HaHI''an. Karl , Campion.
Double nlnys : Walsh to MeOauloy , Vlckory to
Shook to Campion , first base on balls :
Twltoliell. 1 ; Hltoljorg. 4 ; Vlukory.II. lilt , by
pitched ball : Twlteheli. 1. Struck out : Kltol-
Jor. , 1 ; Vlekory , 4. Passed balls : Shrlvor , 1 ,
Time : Two hours and llvo minutes. Umpire :
Wostoril Assoijitioii :
1'lavod Won. Lost. I'ur Ct.
Milwaukee . f > 9 23 JtlO
Omaha . Rlt 33 21 .C.04
Lincoln . 55 : rj IX
Minneapolis . Cl : st 2S MIte
Kansas City . 5S 23 : to .483
Sioux Olty . Si ! 25 31 .440
Denver . S3 21 35 JSI7
Duluth . 00 20 40 . ' )
Lincoln Rovcrsotl Imst Sundny'fl Story
and Lost Two Games.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Junb23 ; The grounds used
for Sunday ball games ware in miserable con
dition today , all but the Inllold being covered
with water or mud , but In spite of it Lincoln
nnd Sioux .City played two # amos , t\lo \
visitors taking both. Darnbrough's wildness -
ness , together with au error by Flanagan and
two hits , gaVe the visitor * u load in the
second Inning of the first game which was
never recovered. Score :
LINCOLN. Biouxcrrr.
AII In ro A i : A n In PO A K
Cllnp , rf 6 : i : < 1 o flw rtwoodcf4 : i t 0 0
llurkott , lf..l 0 0 U 0 Strauss. rf. . . , <
.I.llowo , n.i.i : 1 1 t 0 Vnn i > rko , ir.r. 1:100 :
Klannnmi , It.5 171 Morrliuor , lb.5 0 13 1 0
HtutTonl , cf-p.4 Nlcliolion , Jb.,1 3343
Tomner , Kb..a 0310 Sclielbeck , 3b.S
Hunt , : ll > 5 1 1 3 U ( ionlna , 8H..1 0000 Kiirlu , o . ' )
Wilson c 4 0 U 3 0 Hurt , v 3 3 0 & 2
1'otton , cf.3 1000
Totnl 37 82412 1 Totnl 3j 13 Z7 H &
Lincoln w 0 li 0003300 7
blouxdtr 3 -12
Kurnodruns ! Slonx Cltjr , 2. Tivo-bnsn liltn : Put-
ton , Htrnii n , 2. Tln'co-haim lilU : Hurt. Homo
runa : Hwartwooil. .Sohvltiouk. Stolen bnncai lluwo
3. Kt.iironl , Nluliolson. Duulilo jituxi" tUrlTuril to
nnmik'un. li'lrnt bu o on halls : DnmliroiiKli , 4 ;
Htnirnnl. Si llart,8. lilt liy pitched linll : lly Hurt ,
2. rilruok out : lly Dimilirouuli , 1 : Stiiirord , 0 !
Hurt , I. ra sp < t linllmVII.on. . \VIUI pltchi's :
Hurt. Tlm" : Two IIOIITN mill thirty luhmtcs. Urn-
O'Day pitched winning hall , but his .sup
port was Indifferent. Sioux City bunched
her hits while Lincoln bunched her errors.
The stick of CUno nnd the Holding1 of Rowe
wore the features. Score .
AH lii ro A E AU lii ro A x
Cllno , rf . ,4 ! l 2 0 0 Swnrtw'cl , cf : i 3301
Hurkolt , If. . .6 0 U o 1 Ptriiusa. rf..4 0 1 U U
J. llewt > , i. 4 1 S I 0 Vim Dyku , lf.,4
Klnnnciin , ll > . 4 I fi 0 0 Mnrrlimor. lb.4 I 10 0 I
Stnllonl. ft. 1.4 II .1 0 II NlfliidiKin , 2b.3 0330
Tomner.2t.i ( 3332 Solii'llM'ikat ( > . ; l 1 t I ) U
Itoot , b . A * 3 il 1 II licnliix , . . .
O'D.iy , i > . S I II 3 0 Knrln. a 31300
Uocurs. o..r..4 Hurt , | > 4
TotnU 40 II ' . ' 4 S 4 Tout ill H 37 lit .1
Lincoln . ,1 0000003 1 4
Sioux City . . . .I 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 6
Knrm'i ] runa : Iilncohi.i : Stuuv Chy , 1. Twn-liaia
hits : Toiuiuiy , 8wnrtivmnl , Hurt. .Stolon bnnum
Uo'Jt , Nlcliulnoli , Double iilayn : Hart to .Morris-
miy. Ural bnnauii bulls : O'D.iy. I ; Unit , 4. lilt by
ltclicil built , 'O'Dav. HtrtiflKout : O'Dny , 3\ \ Hurt ,
, I'limmt. built lurl . Tlmus Tire huum. Urn *
KANSAS VJITV. Mo , , June 33.--ICnnsas City
won from Minneapolis today by outbattlug
and outlleldlng thorn. The Millers p t u u
very ragged Jloldlne game. The feature of
the gnmo was McQuald's playing in loft field.
Manning , wns overcome by the hunt in the
sixth Inning nnd Stearns 'took his place at
second , Wilson , covering Ilrst ; Suoro :
CITr. I MINXBAl'Ol.ln.
All 111 I'O A 1 A IIIII I'O A X
.Mannhik' . 2h..l I U 'i DI.MrllloiiM , Jb.,4 0 3 U 3
Wilson , Ib. . . 1 U : i 0 OlMcOnnM , If. . . ) 3 T I 0
llvovHr , rf..4 130 l.l'nrllju' , n . . . . .1
Ko tcr.df..l..S ISO ll'.MInrelmn. | 1 > .S I f. U 7
Hmlth , lfSb.,5 I 3 0 OiHhimart , U..4 3 0 5
Hlc.-irniII ) . . , . . R 0 Ollli.nsli > . : b..l
1'lrkotl. . . . .r. 0 1 J I Trondwnr , cf.H 0 i 0 2
Carpenter , 3t > . I 1-1 fi Kllonn..3 |
r.iiniun.o S 1,0 .u e usritun ; rf.4 0300
Swiirtn-l. IL..S 1 01 0
Total WSK1I11
TOUI 41 II K 0 3
Kaniai City ,1 C-a ! ( ,3 1 .1 0 0-11
Mlimoipollil.,1 l-0 U'-tf t ( J I 1- II
Karuei ] riipit KAUiuk Clt ) ' . \ Mluneaiiolli. X
THU-IM.O hll : UooT rJ < nit > ol SbiiKiitt. Tliron-
tiniii hll : McOifMJ , narllnit , ; lliuiart. htnlen
Un iNt I'lotett , Kuttor , Htmrin. McQuulJ. Klrit
bu o on balltt ( III KwirUul. tl ; ult Klllun , U. lilt by
pitched hull , Mcfllonu , Klllan. Utruck out : lly
HHurtiBl , lirhy Klllan.t. l' iicU bnllsi r.uiihon , I.
\Vlli ) pltcbi' i Hnitrti l. 1. Tlmat On * hour unit
mtjr nilnului. l.'mplroi UHRuuy.
DInito a Triple Piny.
DISVKII. .Colo. ; Juuo US. Denver won to *
Aty't guiua by superior batting kuil QclJ
work , assisted by some error ? of .tho visitors
in the seventh , The feature of the canm'was
a triple play by the Denver ieatn. Henra :
Denror 0 I I 3 0 0 i 0 1-10
Duluth 1 1 1 0 3 0 3 0 09
Knrncil rnn : Dcnx-or , 4 : D'lliith. ' I. Tnro'liano
hlli : O'lirtl" , ( Illlllutnl. Tlirpa-lmsn liltm
Ilnrtn. Hnmn rum ! lnltotim. | .Stolen tinstn :
Denver , 4 : Douliln iilnyit : Mcditrr nnd
Ti'bcaii. Trlplo piny" ! Mctlnrr , Nowmnn ninl
Trliu'iu. Klrit Inno on bnllm Off ( illllhiml. it : oil
Hnrt. 2. Struck out ; lly Ollltrninl , 0 : Uy Hurt , I.
I'nimfil tinlls : NuiTinniii 'I : Mr.Mnhon. I. Tlmu :
Two hours anil tun nilnnto * . Uinplrn : Knisllo.
A .11 Kit IV. 1 A' AS.S O CIA T1O.V.
I'lill Knoll Wont Grnzy In tlio Ninth
nnd Colninhns Lost *
ST. Lents , Mo , , June 3S. Today's game ,
which was delayed about an hour by a heavy
rain , was ono of the most exciting played
hero this season. It was scoiaw until the
ninth inning when Knoll started In wild an d
giving a few bases on balls and n few hits
brought In four runs , winning the game for
the Browns. Attendance 4,50) ) . Score :
St. Louis 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 II 4 10
Columbu.s 0 02002210-7
lilts : St. I.oulH , 11 ; Columbus. 11. Errors :
Ht. I.onlH. n ; Uolitiiibns , n. llnttarlos : Stlvetts.
lloylo and Munyan ; Knell and Dowse. Karnod
runs : St. Louis , I ; Columbus , 3. Two-baso
hits : Knller. IhilTeo. Knoll. Crooks. Homo
run : Dulinc. Stolen bases : .Boy. O'Noltl. 2 ;
Lyons , 2 ; Comlskoy , 3 ; Munyan , Urnnks.
Double plays : Kuan to Coml.skuy. I'lrst on
balls : UlT Stlvottt. 8 ; oil Knoll , 12. lilt by
pitched ball : Ejan. Lyons. Struck out : lly
Stlvotts , 3 ; by Knoll , 2. Passed balls : Munyan ,
1. Wild pitches : Stlvotts. 2. Tlmo : Two hours
nnd fifteen minutes. Umpire : Davis.
IiOuisvii.i.R , Ky. , Juno 23. The Louis-
vlllos played magnillcontly this afternoon
nnd had no trouble In defeating the Clncln-
nntls. Attendance ! 1,400. Score :
I-oulsvllIo 1 01102002-7
Cincinnati 1
Hits : Louisville. 13 : Cincinnati. 8. Errors :
Louisville. I : Cincinnati. 1. Hattcries : Fltz-
corald und Cahllli Dwyer and Vaughn.
Earned runs : Louisville , 2. Two bnso hits :
Wolf. Weaver. Three bnso lilts : Kelly ,
Wolf. Left on bnse.s : Loul.svllle. 5 ; Cincin
nati , 3. Double nlitys : Haymond , Slilnnlck
and JennluKs ; Seory to Oarnoy. Passed balls :
Cnhlll 1 ; Vaughn I. Struck out : Shlnnlck ,
.Icnnlncs. Soury nnd Andrews , Cntiavan.
Koblnson , Johnson. Viiughn. Haso on balls :
Oir I'lt7 crall. I ; olT Dwvor , 4. Stolen bases :
Shlnnlek. Tlmo : Two hours. Umpire :
American Stnmllng.
I'lavod. Won. Lost. I'or Ct.
St. Louis l7 ! 43 24 .012
Boston 00 : t3 23 .KB
Ilaltlmoro SO ill l .570
Cincinnati 03 30 32 .4ai
Oolmnlms 05 31 U4- .477
Athletics 81 27 U434 .413
Louisville B7 2 $ 39 .413
Washington 50 .10 39to .333
All Blalr'H Shortcomings AVIpnd Out
by Ycstcrtlny'8 Gamo.
BIAIII , Nob. , Juno ! 23. ' [ Special to TUB
BEE. | If the Blair baseball players ever
made any grave errors In the games previ
ously played they all redeemed themselves
today by playing an errorless game and shut
ting the Missouri Vnlloy- team out. Brett
had on his pitching clqthos and pitched a
great gnmo for Blair. Ho struck out four
men ana did not allow Missouri Vhlldy to got
a slnglo bnso hit. Not a man of Missouri
Valley saw Ilrst base oxqopt Eriokson , who
was gtvon first on an error by tha umplro.
Ilo was hit by the pitcher , but it was the
third strike and should have been called out ,
but Dan cauifht him tryint * to" stoat second.
Dan is catching great balMor Blair now and
his batting is way up. " % Camp played Short
for Blair and made two' Vftry1 llnb throws' to
Ilrst , which bronght cheers , .from the grandstand
stand- and Koim novorfalls , to , get , thorn on
Ilrst v/hon they , come toward 'him. Tow
played second the best ho'ovcr did. In fact ,
all the boys were la line trini.Brott.knocked
out a homo run , which Brought out a bouquet
from ono of the ladies in the -grand1' stand.
' ' " '
' '
Score : . . , fa' .
llmm earned : lllalr.3. Ilaso onhnlla : . . OITflclst ,
1. Hltby pltc'hor : lly Ilrott , I. . . StruckouU lly
Ilrott , 4 ; by ( 3 , Tworbrno hits : llnlloy , l.lnne *
linn. Homo runs : Ilrott. I'nssoil bulls : lly Wood ,
1. Tlmuof ( inino : Ono hour nnil forty minutes.
Umplro : Wnldow ,
I < Y < ; mont \Vlhnor. .
FitnMOXT , Neb. , Juno -9. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bui ? . ] The game between the
Fromonts nnd the Shamrocks of Omaha ,
this afternoon , was a line exhibition nnd was
witnessed by u largo crowd of spectators.
The Fromonts won another victory , playing
oven with the visitors , who lust Sunday pre
sented them with ono of their two defeats of
the season. Fremont played its two now
men , Connors short and Patterson second.
Hcoro :
Kinir Koll'H Killers Downed.-
The Nonparlels downed the Orchards'In none
ono sided gamo. The features were the work
of the Nonparolol's kid battery , 'MoAullffo
and Bradford , nnd the pitching of Snyder for
tlio Orchards. Following is the score :
Clo40 ! fa ! 1110 at Florcnoo.
The Florence and Omaha View loams
playnd a cloo and exciting game out at
once yesterday. The score :
lly HnrhihJ , ; | , ur 1111 , V K uiu ; Two
liourn. Umplru Winder ,
' 1'nko Vour
Usio.x , Nou. , Juno 23.Specl [ lTolpRrft
to Tun BBP. ] rtiUNohawka today-tho Union
and Nebawka ulaU ( played a tlo came , tno
ncoro standing l wch , Hatlorlos for Union ,
Frannnd Ora nt for Nohawka , llarshican
n yd Hnll. Umplr i Mason of Oninha.
NKII.VWKA , NqS . [ June M. ( Special Tclo-
ttram to TIIK B .l A match gnmo of huso-
ball was played , , hcro todny between Union
nnd Nehnwka.jjtfyo scoro' standing ! ) to 0.
Union forfcllodithaganio by refusing to play
off n tlo. , , , f _
Oood Oiiiirat. ? N'ulirnskii Cltv.
NKIIKASKA Ci ? , ; Nob. , .luno 23. [ Special
Telegram to Ti'iK lUiK. ] The sccona game
of ball between -Nebraska City nnd Plaits-
mouth was plnyt-dHlcM this afternoon. The
f.rana stand was packed. Conslilerablo
money was placed , but the fellows who bol
on Plnttsmoulh wont homo with long and sad
fuoos. It was a clean , fair nnd exciting shut
out. The I'lattsmoutli Ulckors were given
everything they asked for , but the trouble
was they didn't know how to hit the halls
pitched by Miller , the colored nhcnomonon.
Nine Innings wore played and Plattsmouth
only got two base hits off of Miller. Ondko
caught splendidly for the homo team. The
Plnttsmotith batlory was Porrlne nnd Crolgh-
During the last half of the second Stroblo
of the homo tonm swlpod the hall over the
fenoo very close to the foul line nnd Umpire
Shannon cnlldd it a fair ball. Plattsmouth
kicked in vain and finally put on their coats
nnd started for tho'gato. Before the crowd
left the grand stand n compromlsovas of-
feclod by pulling In a now umplro , but the
hit went. It brought ono man homo nnd gave
good cournuo to the Nebraska City boys.
The garao proceeded and Plnttsmouth
strueglod along to the finish without
winning n score.- Billy Schafors umpired
tbo lost seven innings.
Pornno was pounded hard , but the out-
Holding of the visitors was good. Miller
fanned out strikers In one , two , three order ,
The result wns :
Nebraska Olty . 0 2000100 * 3
I'lntlsmouth . D 00000000 0
Ilnnohlts : Nebraska Olty. 0 : IMattsmoiith
3. Struck out : lly Miller. 0 : by 1'orrlnc , 3
ItiiHo on bulls : I'errlnc , 1. Hit by pitched ball.
\ app. Two biiRo hlta : Adams nnd Mot/
Doulilo plays : Uonloy to MoU. Homo run
Stroblf. Ilatterlus : For Nebraska City , Mll-
lor and Oudko ! for Plat tsnionth. Perrlno nni'
Orolghton. Ivrrors : Noliraflka City , 1 : I'latts
moutli. 5. Tlmo of Bamo : Ono liour and flftoci
minutes , llmplro : Sohafers.
At Fort Om.ilin.
A very exciting gnmo of bssoball was
played at Fort Omaha yesterday by the
members of company B. , Socoud infantry.
The captains of the team were Sergeant
Carper and Corporal Vail. Nine innings
were played resulting in favor of Vnil's toam.
Batlories : For Carper's team , Kelly and
Upton ; for Vnil's team. Cornell and Kear
ney. Iludgrons did some oxccltont work In
center Hold. The principal feature of Iho
game was a half barrel of beer on third base.
Score ;
Curpor . 0 0033310 2 12
Vail . , . .0 0 0 0 3 a 1 1 2U
011 the Itailrondoi-N.
The Flflh street Browns wreaked sweet
vongoaneo on the Railroaders yesterday
morning by boating thorn by ono run after a
close and cxctling contest. The score :
llrowns . H'- ' * 0020400 0 10
Uiillroadors . /'O 31000320 0
Atk In 8011 * f ook tlio First.
ATKINSON , Nob. , Juuo 'J3. [ Special to TIIK
BKK.I A game of' " baseball was played at
this place Thursday between the Butte City
and Atkinson nines , resulting in a score of ' . )
lo 1 in favor of Alklnson. A return game
wil ! bo played at Butlo City on July 4.
SI'JKKIf Itl.lG.
Today's Eiitrtoj nt Shcnpsliend.
SilEKi'sitKAD , Bifi N. Y. , Juno iJ8. The
card for tomornAv'at Sheopshcad Bay is nn
exceptionally brilliant ono and promises one
of the best day'gjipart. of Iho meolintr. The
event of the day will bo tbo great Trial
stakes for twojyoar.olds. All Iho cracks
horeaboxits-uro cjnlerCil nnd if the track is in
good.condition the flbldr-vlll bo' a "largo ono ,
for thirtmlucoment to win is certainly a liberal -
oral ono. The entries nnd weights for the
sovcral events uro as follows :
First ruco , all.nKcs. , , a swoopstukos , with
81,000 added , futurity course : Konwojd ,
Worth , Stryko , 123 each : Kitty T , lOti : Kcllpso ,
Ur. Hasbrouclc , Monterey , Judge I'ost. Soxtus ,
111 ouch ; Odette , 111) ; Volunteer If , J3I { Hello
1) , 83.
Second race , a handioan sweepstakes , with
Jl.OOO added , weights , ono mile : Krontenae ,
114 : Houlnro. Chesapeake , 112 ouch ; Woodcut-
tor. 103 ; Dollo D'Or , 10U ; Pagan , lOOj Llzzio. IB.
Third race , the Thistle stako.s.u sweepstakes
for three-year-olds , tl.Sofl nddod , ono mlle und
throo-sixtecnths : Nelly lily. Equity , 117 ;
Wcstchostcr , Montana , 122 : Hoodlum , 113 :
Adellna , 103 ; I'nlry , 110 ; San Juiin. 1 H.
Fourth race , the great trial stakes , n sweep-
strikes for two-yoar-olds , $10,00) ) nddod of
which $2,000 to the second and $1.000 to the
third , maiden and allowed three pounds , fu
turity Course. Take IJiolf : , O'Kolly. Fred Leo ,
Panhandle , 111 ; Osrlc , Tammnny , St. Dorian ,
1SS : Merry .Monarch , 1'ldullo , Mis UlRlinuss ,
Vletory , Air Plant , Air Shaft , Oh.irailo. Vos-
tltnile , 118 ; Oauonut. Uadoneu Filly , Anna II ,
115 ; Hello 1) , Adage Filly , Kettle II , U8 oiioh.
Fifth race , a hiijidloap swoopstnlius for
throo-yoar-olds nnd upwards , $1,5)0 nddod ,
mlle and ono-qimrtor ! Urlz/.Io , ll'J ; b'toekton ,
110 : Mustorlodo , 108.St. John , TO ,
Sixth rnuo , a handleap swcopstakos for
three-year-olds nnd upwards. * l.i)00 ) added ,
mlle and ono-hnlfun the turf : Come lo Taw ,
123i Tammnny , 12.1 : Voneenr , 117 : llrhinbour
J. Oavniiagh , 115 ; St. John , 11.1 ; Lysander , 110.
A until Today.
Omnlm nnd Milwaukee will como together
again today , and you bet your llfo if the
Brewers got three straight they will have a
story to loll when thay got through. Shan
non spent a few moments last night talking
lu a sort of fatherly .way with the Lamns ,
and each wont to bed to dream of a hard aft
ernoon's work with victory at the end. lon't '
miss this gamo. Yesterday's wns a burd ,
but if you want to see n burd with two sots
of wings , go out this afternoon. The clubs
will play something in this position :
Omnlm. Positions. - MllwauKuo.
Khun nun Sooond I'otlt
Donnelly Third ( irlin
UulllKiin Itlght Earlo
KutulllTo Uatiih. . , Soli river
( Jrlllln Mldillo Hnrko
MuDauloy First Ounplon
Twltohofl I'ltoh . , livls :
Walsh Short. Shook
Trallloy l.oft. . . . . . Dal ry in plo
Cannon DoloatH IChlnow. . In ( Jncco-Romnn
, Juno,28. a - con-
tc&i hero today Tom" Cannon , the American
wrestler , easily vanquished the
Uhtnow. T.ho match lusted only 11 vo minutes ,
la iho great chngrin of the Gorman specta
tors. Ohrlstolhe } French nthlolo ,
proved to bo a loughor opponent ,
but after an ojpuJUrjg.Blrugglo . of thlrtoon
minutes Cnnnon'vriii'jtKaln viotorlous. Can
non maintains tlijtluVwuu not dofentod by
Abs , who , ho sny rip * > rely remained on the
dofonsivo. Ho tuts-Issued a challenge for an
other trial , but It.isunlikely that Abs will
rospond. " ? r * .
Hvnnsvillo'k..Njiw" Itnoo Trnok.
EVANSVII.I.H , IiiiM5Juio | 2S. July 3 and 4 n
now milo rnco traClcwvlll bo opened here by a
series of races , for , vmch ihora are nearly n
hundred entries. .The irarlc Just completed
is said by judguuJto be the fastest in tlio
country and that it fully oiiuals the famous
Cleveland track.J'5i"
o Hull. *
Sioux Cur , Iiii. rune 3d. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiiK jj-rliho Sioux City ball club
may bo sold. OrnnnUuplds ( ) , Si , Paul und
Indianapolis nro Afibr 11. U. Sehubln , n
Sioux City man , JSA | O considering Its pur
chase. It has lost inonoy. und a new deal of
some kind la almost-certain.
No Strike Lett.
OTTU.MWA , la. , Jdno. 33. ( Special Tolo-
grnm to TUB Bun. ] The mlnorss at Mystle ,
Chairman Scott's homo , have llnally suc
cumbed , and last night voted to resume
work. A fresh consignment of sixty blacks
arrived there on Wednesday , and the striken
declared they would .obey the ordorno longer.
At Controvllto : WO minor * have resumed
wortc , and iho histvcsilgnof the strlitoU now
Victory for Mine. 1'nttl.
BEKUX , Juno 23. The ocllon of the Hus
sion Improstarlo ugalnst Mine. Pulti fftj
breach of contract hai boon decided in
Pattl's favor. _
For Schlltz beer apply to II. It. ( Irotto
Adjourninent of the Italian Daputio3 Auiitl
Terrible Disordor.
Premier UiKllnl , Thoroughly AroiiHotl ,
tlint , tlio ( jovurtiniont
Wilt Adlior- Firmly to'
the Dfolbuiul.
HOMR , Juno 23. There was another scene
of wild disorder In the chamber of deputies
todny when the foreign policy of the govern
ment came up for consideration. After n
few preliminary .skirmishes Admiral Brln ,
ox-mlnlstor of marine , who wns speaking
yesterday when the sitting hud to bo sus
pended on account of the tumult In the
chamber , rose to proceed with the foreign In-
torucllatlon , but ho wns mot with sucn n
storm of radical protests that ho was only
able to repeat tbo text of tbo Interpellation.
Premier Hudlnl then arose and declared In
the most emnhntlo icrms that the govern
ment would ml hero ilrmly , stolidly to tno
drolbund , adding that Europe might rest as
sured thai ihoso alliances would bo main-
lamed and Hint European pcaco would long
bo preserved. With this the wtiolo house ,
wllh the exception of the oxlremo loft , rose
and chcordd long and hcato Hy.
After further bickerings some deprecatory
allusion made by Signer Marlon ro elicited
the anger of the radicals , who sprang from
their seats , gesticulating violently nnd
drowning iho voice of Iho .speaker wllh their
Signer Cnvnlottl mndo a rush al Signer
Mnrlonro and would have struck him but for
the Interference of friends , who parted the
two men.
Th'o scene at this point defies description.
Every member stood shouting , disputing nnd
motiuclt'.g in the wildest manner. Finally the
president , tlndlng hlmsolf unable to pacify
iho members , donned his hat and suspended
the sitting.
When the sitting was resumed Slgr.or
Story of a Saturday Night's SluioUni *
in Now Vork. - -
Nnw YOUK , June S8. Darwin J. Mosorolo ,
the twonty-tureo-yenr-old son of General J.
V. Mesorolo , who shot nnd killed .Theodora
Larhlg nt Comstock's flat in Brooklyn on
Saturday nlcht , was today committed to the
Kaymond street Jail by Justice 1'igle. ' Mrs.
Comstock was also committed ns a witness.
Larblg was n traveling salesman for the
Phillips insulated wire company of Provi
dence , H. I. Ho was forty-three voars old
and leaves n wlfo and two children. Airs.
Comstock comes from the same elty. She
was widowed some tlmo ago and under the
protection of Ijtirblg ramo to the City of
[ Jhurohcs to live. The deceased lilted up the
Hats where the murder was commit
ted nnd when not traveling lived
In it with Mrs. Comstock. Young
Mescrolo rented a part of the lloor on his
return from Eurfipo u month ngo. A sudden
friendship sprung up between Mrs. Com
stock nnd the young man. They went to
Coney Island yesterday nnd were mot there
by Lnrbicr. 'I ho latter grow Indignant , but
did not allow his temper to got the
best of him until Mrs , Comstock re
turned to the tin * . . While Mesorolo was
seated on his bed after returning from the
island Lnrblg started In to. abuse her. She
rushed Into Mesorolo's room nnd Lnrhlg fol-
owed her. A general light ensued and in
iho melee Meserolo drew his pistol nnd shot
Ltirbig dead , The body was removed to nn
undertaker's today. Mrs. Comstock Is thirty
years old and Is said to bo handsome ,
Orjjanl/.iuioii ol * n Company Whonn
OiiorntloiiK Will IIo In Klorliiii.
NKW YOKIC , Juno US. A company has Just
joon organized with a capital of 1,01)0,00 ! ) for
cultivating n farm o.113,0X ( ) acres In Florida.
This will bo the largest farm In the world ,
nnd upon it enough coulu bo raised to supply
the city of Now York with food. The nnmo
of the company Is tha Sebastian land Im
provement , sugar and Investment company.
1'ho farm lies between the Indian , San So-
juttliw and St , John rivers nnd Is drained
ute the St. John. The farm has a muck soil
similar to that In the valley of the
Nile , Most , people think of Florida
us a Hand heap , .strmilcod hsru nnd
there with hammock land , but the presence
of this great tract of most forttlo land of n
soil rarely found In tropical countries proves
the general Idea erroneous. Tha company
does not propose to rulso cereals or garden
stu IT , but uugar cano and cocoanuts , especi
ally the latter. This will bo In tha nature of
in experiment , as cocoanuts are not Indcgon-
ous to Florida. The company U composed
of Now York nnd southern unnltalUts , The
nnd was bought from u nymflcato of yountr
non of Now Orleans headed by Mr. W.V. .
iVallls , who has some slock In the farming
enterprise and will bo president of 1U
l'i' ' In
llnrvoHtlntc < > gri' Hlinr
ST. Loiris , Mo , , Juno 3 $ , The secretary of
ho state board of agriculture f urn lilies the
Assocatod press with the following weather
and crortbulletin for the week ending today :
fbe cloudy , ramy weather that has. prevailed
for the past few weeks continued until Mon
day. Slnco that time bright sunshine has
prevailed and no rain has fallen except In
the extreme northern part of the state , whore
ho.u'y rnlns occurred Wednesday night. This
rnln delayed harvwt and plowing In that sec
tion , but elsewhere the weather has oeen nil
that could ho desired nnd harvest has been
pushed under the most favorable elroutn-
stnnees. By tonlaht the ontlro crop In the
southern nnd central sections will bo out.
The wheat prospect Is uottor than wns reported -
ported Ust week , liolng less than was ex
pected. Corn Is growing rapidly and Is being
cleaned ns fast as possible. A few moro
bneht days will put the crop In excellent
AT 31A1TUV. .
Summer Wnnilm-orB from Oninlm N'nt
NtiincriniM nt tlio Hcmirt.
MANMTOU Sriitxns , Colo. , Juno 27. ( Special
to TUP. BiK.J ! Monttou Is to the people what
a sugar barrel Is to the Illej on n bright sum
mer day decidedly nttractlvo. There Is nn
absence of ( lies nnd nn Inllux of people nt
Mnnltou that Is refreshing , These Juno
days nro of thn leafy Juno that poets prnto
of cool mornings , warm onouifh nt noon-
tlmo to remind the outdoor wanderer that It
Is .summer , and evenings full of moonlight
nnd coolnois.
The walks , drives und trails about Maultou
nro so numerous that old tlmiM-a of several
soiison's oxpcrUMieo Und some now beauties
whenever they go out. The country is n
parudlsc for the lively young woman or thn
brawny young man who delights In exploring
ox pcdi lions.
As yet the Omaha citizen In Mnnltou nnd
the Ute pass resorts Is few aim far between.
Kansas City , St. Louis , Chicago and other
cities of the great , west are largely repre
sented , nnd there Is a sprinkling from tlio
entire country.
I. . . M. Wcthorboo and C. U. Webster of
Council Bluffs nro guests of the Manlrou.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. J'omltnson of Clarlnda ,
In. , nro passing a portion of their wedding
tour nt Mnnltou. Thov go to tno coast.
The Northwestern Kansas Editorial assocl-
eiatlon , Dell Valentino of the Clay County
Times , president , arrived today on'n special
car and will spend Sunday and Monday in
the mountains.
J. J. Dickey , superintendent of the West
ern Union , with headquarters at Omaha , was
in Manitou this week.
Senor Montt Tnlkfl a llttli > .
NEW Youi ; , JtineSS. Senor Pedro Montt ,
who is on a mission to this country from the
congressional party in Chilli , has boon In
formed by Senor Errasurih , the minister of
foreign affairs of that party at Iqui-
quo , that a committee of the government
has appointed General Luis Pcrriro its con-
lldential agent nt Buenos Ayrcs. This is n
relative position to Unit filled by Senor
Montt to the United States. Senor Montt
still declines to say anything wltn respect
to his mission in this country , out to
an Associated press reporter tonight ho
said that his dispatches contained n
denial of the reports from Santiago by the
way of London to the effect that the revolt is
making no progress , that provisions
nro scarce and that the army Is
discontented. Senor Montt said the
fact of the occupation of the Lobns
islands by the Ksmeraldn is In Itself proof
that the revolt Is making progress. Pro
visions nro not scarce , ho says , and the army ,
being composed of volunteers , Is not discon
tented nor is the party of the soldiers In
olill Hilitlfl.
ST. P.iur , Minn. , Juno 33. The storms of
yesterday ana today were general through
out the northwest , which will do the crops
inestimable good. At a few points the rain
did some damage , but In the majority of cases
it was heavy and not accompanied by severe
winds. Spring wheat prospects In central
Minnesota owing to the raius nro fair to good
and ahead of an nvorago in every way except
ns to lateness. In southern Minnesota tno
harvest will bo earlier than usual , many Holds
having already headed out.
South Dakota reports the present condi
tions of spring wheat 20 per cent bolter than
last year. Itafa will bo needed again in
about n week ,
In North Dakola there has boon plenty of
rain , the water still standing in the lowlands.
Woods have boon developing fast. Wiscon
sin reports the past few days moro favorable
for growing crops , which arc thin and back
K. of Ij. Ij.Yccutlvc Hoard.
COI.U.MIIUH , O. , Juno 28. The executive
board of the Knights of Labor today hold n
consultation with representatives from the
local assemblies in the stntq , there being
fifty delegates present , 'fho'conforouco was
private and a resolution was adopted tenet
not dlvulgo the proceedings. The busi
ness , it Is understood , looks lo the
perfection and extension of the order in the
stato. Mr. Powdorly nnd other members of
the executive board state that there was
nothing of a political nature in the confer
ence and the subject wns not discussed. A
Joint mooting will bo hold tomorrow with the
united mine woruors.
Crooked lOxpross KmployrH.
Sr. LOL-IH , Mo. , Juno 'JS. Warrants were is
sued this evening for the arrest of Charles
Bigftlow , nsslstantcashior.nndNnrmun Perry ,
chle ( clerk Of the American Express com
pany In this cltj\ The men nro charged with
embezzlement of the company's ' funds , but
the amount Is not stated. The warrant
merely charges a defalcation of Sl.-OO , but
this is believed to bo only ono count. Perry
was arrested Ihto this evening und loelced up.
Blgclow has been in Chicago since Monday
last , visiting his wife and children , and U ex
pected hero tomorrow morning. IIo will bo
arrested when ho reaches the depot. Both
men nro under heavy bonds to the express
Want. Ilio Ilntn < linn c ( | .
NK\V YOIIK , Juno 'Jd. The people in charge
of the Chicago fair want thn date of the un
veiling of the ColummiB monument In New
York changed from October 12 , 1B')2 ) , to the
middle of April , 181M , when the navy review
will bo hold In Now York harbor. The
buildings of thu Chicago enterprise are to bo
dedicated on October 12 , 18'Ji , nnd the Chicago
cage folks think Iho two ceremonies might
injure each other If they should fall on iho
same day.
Ttfliy l ) ( ) Another Itonwcll
Nr.vv YOIIK , Juno 2S. The poliro have sent
out n gotiurnl alarm for n young Englishman
named Charles Warner , who arrived hero on
the _ . ' ! d by the steamship Towerhill , from
Devonshire , England. lie U known to have
had $10,000 on his person , which ha raised in
England at his brother's request in order to
develop the hitler's business hero. Foul
play is suspected ,
Arrest of n Pair of the Moat Notorious In
in the Ooim'ry.
Di'.ipnrntn Criminal * K.xtcnslvn Cnrcor
Cut Slinrt by a Com-n roim Itov-
citiio onicir Drtnlls of
the C.iptlire.
W. Va _
llns , tlio loader of the notorious .Mulllns gang
of moonshiner * , who have boon tmiklng
whisky anil caintnlttlnK murders niul other
crimes In McDowell county for .SOVOIM ! voars ,
has boon arrested , together with Plico Cooper ,
ono of the ganir. For yo.iw Illicit distilling
has boon conducted on Mnlllus mountain ,
and the gang , numbering twenty-live ,
nil of the moU. dcnperato ehnrnc-
tcr , Imvn boon enabled to nlludo
nrrosl , although sovcral posses of onleers
hnvo nttomptod to get thorn. In every easu
the oilleors hnvo bonn driven nnek nt the
mu7zlos of Wlnohostnr.s. Numerous cold
blooded nn.rdor.s hnvo boon committed In the
vicinity , nil 'ittrlbuted to this gang , and a
nuinbcr of tbclr men are under Indictment
for murder * . Mulllns himself Is said tohayo
killed ilvi ) men , although a mere boy _ , and lit
tinder Indictment for innrdor In West , Vir
ginia and Virginia. Ho Is nso under Indict-
munt In both states for moon.shining nnd bis
capture Is OUH of the nuist Important as Well
its oiio of the most hiriin ; pieces of work on
the pirt ; ot ofllcors In recant years ,
Last full a desperate attempt WIH made to
capture the gang by United States deputy
marshals , but tlioy were repulsed nftor a
sharp light , In which the marshals had suv-
oral norsoj killed and some of Uio men nar
rowly escaped with their lives.
A short tlmo later a man named Cox was
shotj.ind killed by the gang whllo riding
along the road , having boon mistaken for a
marshal. The day after Mullins' cnpturo
twogoiillemi'u riding along the road near
where the c.ipturo was made were llrod on
from the woods by Mullins' gang , but cs-
cnped. It is supposed they too were taken
for deputy marshals.
Mullins' cnpturo was nmdo by Oeputy In-
tcrnul Kovonuo Collector lleadlor , who took
a poise of men with the determination of
breaking up the Ho took warning
from the fnto of ether oflleoivj nnd Instead of
an attack made > i still hunt anil hid in the
woods for several days , being nt last re
warded by ambushing Mullins and Cooper ,
both being armed. Mullins attempted to
shoot when told to surrender , but was
knocked down with a clubbed rlllo nnd hand- >
oulTcd. Cooper surrendered when ho .found
ho was covered by rillcs. They will b
taken to Parkersburg before the United
btatcs court tomorrow , after which an at
tempt will bo made to capture the rest of the
Vntn of Ii'altlil'ul 'orv iit.
MAXITOU Si'KiNnH Colo. Juno .
, , 33.--Spoclal {
Telegram to Tin : Biu. | Ll//.io Allen wns
buruod to donth last nu'lit in a horrible man
ner. The homo of Charles Pollen , In which
slio was a servant , caught tire wlillo every
body wns out save two children , three nnd-
sovcn years of nge , asleep in the .second
story. The woman woat in , got the chil
dren , too ic them outsafelv. nnd then returned'
for bur own valuables. No ono know sno was
in the building and the house was burned to
the ground. She was found with both legs
.burned off and her body in n pulp.
\Vill Quit AlnisliiK HIM Kamlly.
NKW Ai.iuxr , Ind. , Juno ' . ' 3 , In the neighborhood -
borhood of Patokn township , thirty miles
northwest of this city , lives .Tohn Torbitt ,
about fortv years old , and bear-
iitg a bad remitation , whltooaps
have warned Torbitt to nuit , abusing his ,
family and to provide for theiti innro li.bnr-
nlly. IIo has paid no attention , nnd oi { the
night of the 27th was called out by whitecaps -
caps and lied to a tree and given llfty lashes
with hickory switches. There were llfty
masked men of the whitocaps. IIo says ho
will quit the neighborhood.
X iilf'S / > ' VKStKIHHV.
Gold was quoted In Hiionns Ayres at 2.01.
The rainy season has oDinnioncoil in Denial.
At East Inko , Ala. , Kdwnrd Urinstorol Olil-
caijo was drowned.
Iov. ! Spnrcenn of London Is n trlllo butter ,
but Ills condition Is still erltlual.
At San Krnnclson a slight Hlicjclc of earlh-
( 'jnakn was full. No dninauo nullified. _ _
Twonty-slx Turkish hrlKnndsliaviiciiptilruil
a wealthy .low named .Jabot * ! . They dumh1 '
JU.IXM ransom.
Captain Khaw , who for ninny yours lias btjr-ii
the head of tlm London lire hripulu. ' .bus ro-
.smicd his olllee.
It Is reported that sorlimsantl-Senmlle riots
ImvoDO'iurreil In Kherson , KilHsla. jUrlnl so-
ernoy Is 'iinlntntnod In olllohil qu irtor.s about
the alleged trouble.
The portrait of Christopher Ooliimnns.
minted bv Uliovnller Antonio Moro , has bmm
iioiiKhl bv Charles ! ' . ( Iiinthur , tlio onKo col-
loetorof 'Chicago , for JIO.OX ) .
Cardinal Olhhons refutes the stiitomi'nts
made to the lioly sect that the spiritual unndl-
llon and needs of forttlsMi spnakliu U'lthollcs
In the United States nro lmproierly | provided
The Itimslnn harvnst prospects have hocotilo
worin , and thine arc' fears of a partial failure
uid famine. Huean * < of the bad condition of
Iu > eiops It Is proposed to prohibit the oxpor-
.atlon of corn.
In a quarrel over a biiBolmll game In I'M *
' .i\K I'Vanl. l-'urost llred three tlmos. .losopli
/.prof , Imils h'ranek anil Tliomas IA'OII itaoh
revolved n hiillnt. X.i'rot was lilt In the breast
ind will pt-obubly die.
Tlio I'oiiiiiiunufliiiunt nxerolses of the sixty- '
seventh session of tlio 1'nlverslty of Virginia
worn InaiiKiiraled at. OmrlnUsvlllo. The
Inal sermon was delivered by Hov , U. II.
Sled. D.I ) . , of Norfolk. Vu.
llonrv Martin was shot nnd killed nt 1'lno ,
lllnir. Ark. , by Edward I'rlfo , a eolort-d pollee-j
nan. Martin wns hulnv arrested for driinkon-
lessnnd disturbing the peaen. Thu pollee
nan surrendered to the HliurllT.
( t Is reported that the Is anijry at
) anish erown prinee for noiidlnx out pni
ihlots prolvstlilK ajjalnst Ihn iioriooutlon
.liu .lews In Itnssla. It Is not likely , hownvur
that this will Interfere with tlio e/.ar'H visit to'
the Danish conn ,
At a meeting of the Nin" York Central labor
inlon n resiKntlon was adopted for the ap-
jolntniont of a new speulal conimllteo \ > con
sider the platform of the peoples' iwrty. but
vhen lleaine to the appointment of tui | eoni-
nltteu ni ) deltinates could be found wllnK | | to
nerve , so the matter wan laid over fdr a wdok.
Word tins been received nt Miiseatlnn. In. ,
uniionnolni ; the death of Alex Clark of Hint
elty. tlm Amurluan nilnlslrr to Idhurlm llu ,
died at Marovla. the Ulmi'Jaii ' euplliil. on Jnli ,
; i. t'liirk ' , who wns .1 eolored man , was nlxty-
llvo years of no. Ills family will liinlco an-
nlloiitlon to tlm H | ttodi'iMrtinutit to have liU
body hroiiKht home.
That Hood's ' Sftrsaparllla docs possess unr.v than any other similar preparation In thli '
tlvo power Peculiar to Itself la conclusively country. If yen hnvo never taken llonil's
shown by the Wonderful cures It has cfli'ctcd , 8ar.sai.irilla | , a fair trial will convince you of
unsurpassed In the hlMory of medicine. This lit Moellcncn and merits. Tnkolt this sttikoii.
absolute merit It lionesses by reason of the " I can linnlly esthnato the benefit received
fact that U Is prepared hy a < 'onilIiiiiilon , from using Hood's Sarsaparllla. Last summer
I'roiorlIouanJ l'rocv lVcnll.irtIlii ( ( r.H I was prostrated for nearly thren months , from
BamaparllTa , _ B D in poor clrctlitlnn | :
known other inrdlclnr to no , To Itself
mid hy which the full medicinal power of all lh allhough my physic Ian treated mo for ncrvoui
' troulile. Tills sirhiBtho aino yjiiitom | returned -
Hood's Bom-
used Is retained. -
IligredlehtB turned , and I roncluUcil to ho my own pliysi-
rarllla is a Mghly concentrated extract of Sar- clan , and beR n using Ilmxl' * B.irtauaillla. I
aparlll.1 , tlindcllon , Mandrake , Dock , Juni have not lost one d.iy from my worK , aim teel
per Herrles , and oilier well K-jown Teyetable llkd a dlrferent person. " It. J , ltii.BY.Husl.
remedies. It has won Its v.r.y to the leading nt Manager Oarclln , 8t. Clalrnvlllo , Ohio.
picn ! : amoiifl medicines by Us own Intrinsic HiKxI'i HiniMrllU II told by druKliti. t\ \ ; !
undisputed merit , and has now a larger ale forl . l'rtp r dtiO.Illooi * Co.Uiw llMu .
100 Doses Dollar