r A HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. * TWENTY-FIRST YEAE. OMAHA , MONDAY MOHNING , JUNE 29 , 1801. NUMBEK 11. MORE BOMBS ARE EXPLODED. Continued Surprises in the Hastings Insane Asjlum Investigation- HORSE HIRE AND MINISTERIAL FEES , "Wine Suppers Swell tlio FIjjurpH ol the Drill * ISIIlH of the Institu tion -Wan y.cl ler DOHCI ! to Death ? HASTINGNob. . , June 23. [ Special to BBK.J TIIK BEB is inoro than over in demand these days because of tbo Investiga tion of the officials of tbo insane asylum nt this place. Much M the people bnd expected , the crltn- muting disclosures which have bciTi mndo have surprised oven these who had placed their confidence in tbo accused. The gratification which these disclosures regarding Superintendent Test and Steward Llvcringliouso nnd tncir mnnngcment of the hospital has been received has been equalled only by the fear which they have aroused among their confederates. Tbo mass of people were over joyed when It was learned , sev eral jours ago , that the asylum bnd been located at this placo. Such ,1 designation nddcd to the importance of the city , oven though the latter desired little erne no pecuniary advantage In tbo purchase of supplies. Many of our people bold tbat tbo furnishing of the latter should not bo con- idorCd a local matter. They hold that tbo necessaries of the Institute should bo pur chased where the most reasonable prices can be obtained , because tbo taxpayers of the state hnd to stand the expense. They nlo bold , and still hold , that where oth r things being equal , Hustings merchants could supply the goods , the latter should bo obtained horo. The investigation , , has .shown that , so far from buying the goods required at the lowest prices , the purchases have boon made In thu interest of n few people bore to the exclusion of n num ber of others who sought to sccuro the con tracts. The explanation , therefore , which Steward Llveringhouso makes of increased cost bccauso of a deficiency Is laughed at by nearly all the disinterested merchants of tnis city. The mochants who supplied the coeds , we're curried by the bunks , which of course charged but little moro than the customary Interest. They were glud also to afford thoau- iJcoimnotiatioirbccniiso they well know thnttho Teat stutn of Ncluoska would never repudl- to a legitimate debt contracted in the inter- at of ono of Its asylums. This uccommoda- .ln Is no excuse for tbo exorbitant prices which It bus been shown have been charged. The Introduction of the witness Darling yesterday , although comparatively little In terest was paid to bis testimony , wns really nn Important feature. Darling has boon hero nt times nnd was shown nn order in Llvor- inghouse'.s own handwriting ordering tbo is&ulng to him of sugar , ten , coffee , out meal , rice , heap , molasses and corn meal , while nt the same time ho bus stated lie bought other articles for which bo paid either In cash or by bavinir the amount of tbo goods culled for taken out of his wngcR. These goods belonged to tbo state. It Is assorted that no record of these sums hns boon made on the boots of the asylum. If the board of public- lands nnd buildings is disposed to do Its duty , It will make dlllgont examination of tbo books In question for these items , If they should fall to find any references to them , Mr. LIveilnghouso will tiavo some difficulty In explaining the omis sion. It wns noticed in today's BBC that the Btcwnrd bnd imld nearly $100 for the use of Ills mother-iU'Iaw's ' horse. Now , with several horses on the farm , which were networked worked all the time , what business hnd Mr. Llvcringliouso to hire a horbO lit nil ) What business had he to pay as much the hire ns ho could hnvo nn nnlmnl for ! The horse was fed premises and was not worth moro than 4ts feed would have cost hnd ho been in u A by tbo owner. But tbo state Is out nearly ? luo. It is also noticed that a clergyman was nllowed ? 70 on the pay roll. Ho visited tbo Institution sovcral times in his capacity ns minister. Now , of what , practical use is the talk of n clergyman to n crowd ot Incurably insnno people ! other clergymen visited the asylum , but they > liBd-Uo much sense to talic religion. They ' C know that It wns execs ? of religion which bail ' Bent ninny of the patients to the Institute. These ministers , however , were not placed on the pay roll. Ills duo to Mr. Llvorlnp- bouso to say , however , ( tint the reverend gentlemen did not get his money us chaplain , but the item was Included under tbu bend of "ninusomcnts. " A consideration of this fact , bad it been known to the reverend gentle man would , perhaps , have led him to reject thn pittance. With regard to tbo overdosing of poor Xelgli-r , that was an irreparable Hbamo. Ho was well connected. At ono time ho was president of the Young Men's Cniistiun as sociation In Philadelphia. Ho has a sister In this nttito who is distinguished In her sphere. Twelve hours before ho died bo wns ns " * althy n patient ns could bo found In thn In- 'tution. ' It makes no difference that Dr. -mo nud Dr. Test certified to the fact that denth was theresult of natural causes story is not credited horo. A strong does not dlo in twelve hours. But the uwns dead nnd the responsibility for his athhndto bo shifted on nature. No doe- . tor would have emitted it. That is to bo ex pected In every case of the kind. The victim was only an Insnno man , nnd thoiuforo nobody must Inquire beyond tbo ox-purto decision of inter ested professional gentlemen , The cause of this man's death , tbo people here say , ought to be inquired Into , ' ' 'ho evidence shows that the night watchmen have no right , to proscribe for patients. Loofburrow , how- > - < Uiurgavo this man medicine. Ho gave It cither on the order of n physician or ho did not. If the former bo the ca.se , who was the physician ) If tbo latter then ho violated the rules and should have boon discharged Im mediately. Tbo fact , however , l thai ho is still at the institution and Is ono of tbo most trusted employes. This subject suggests the query , where did Loofburrow got the imidi- cine ! Except when visited by the pharma cist the drup .store Is locked. How did Loof burrow gain ncco"s to It I U has boon sug gested that ho got the key out of Llverlng- bouso's pocket because that gentleman , not withstanding the rules to the contrary , bud keys to all parts of the house. Even If Loofburrow had been ordered to give Kloglor medicine , the rules required him to report tbo fact to Plncknoy , the pharma cist , bccauso he was held responsible for every medicine- which was compounded in the drug store. And yet , Loofburrow is still retained. The query Is , bow many violations of the rules hr.s bo made sinrel The enormity of the drug bills bas at tracted u grout deal of attention hero. Ono competent pharmacist said thut ho could , for JO.OO , buy nil tbo drugs required by the PA- tlcuia for n year , and would still have some loft over. But If that were done ha could tint , bo claimed , hold live or lx card parties qvcry month nnd give stippms' o politicians whom the management desired to placate. Tlicao parties certainly were well supplied because , Mr. Llvorlughouse'sstatement to the contrary notwithstanding , all the liquors necessary to enliven them were abundantly Provided , Under tbo bead of beef wine und Iron , whisky was supplied In a two-gallon ] ug , box boor was snugly onsconscd In the now ICQ bouse and at night mndo Its appear- nnco tor the refreshment of the gucsu uud visitors. It was seldom that tbo Institution did not have a guest , either n relative or friend of the management , or a politician , \ bo little thought or cared thut bo was living upon the taxes of the people. Superintendent T sl ana Mr. Llvorlng- house have returned and will remain buro Until Monday night. .Everybody Is ou thu watch for Interesting developments on Tuesday. Some Interest Is felt In this city ns to whether or not the board will order nn In- vc.vtigatlon of the rtsylutn extending bacK of the opening of tbu Institution as suggested by the governor. If this should be done , It Is believed some most outrageous transactions would bo discovered. This move was sug gested by the governor as If ho felt the present officers had In some way been mndo the victims of those who wont before. If the board should decide to not go buck of the present management , some people fear It would afford his excellency an excuse for sustaining the present officials. A gentlomnn who Is qulto Intlmuto with the governor , however , says ho cannot see what the past has got to do with the present management. If the original management was rotten , Llv eringhouso nnd Test must hnvo boon parties to the corruption , bccnuso they hnvo been in the institution slnco It was opened. H Is n well known fact that they so worked to gether as to knock out the first superintend ent and have since hnd everything their own wav. If they bad no finger in the plo It would have stood thorn well to have venti lated tbo methods of the first minngcmont nnd the condition of the institution and Its finances when they took charge , Conductors. CiunitoN , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to THE Bii.l : : The Long Pine division of railway conductors gave Its third annual ball at the Kink opera bouso last night , and made of It not only the event of the season , but ono of the finest gatherings of fair women aud bravo men ever wltnoised inChadron. There were from three to llvo hundred people pres ent , many of them from eastern points nud from the Ulnrk Hills. The music was fur nished by Prof. Hovov's orchestra of Nor folk. The weather clerk mislaid his fan und consequently there was scarcely a breeze to overcome the swiltorliii ; hnat. The con ductors showed themselves capital enter- tnlncrs , ni'd much praise Is duo them for the perfect arrangement of this , their third an nual ball. A fine supper was served nt the O'Hnnlan house. Trains have all been running ou time today. Now Council at Grand Island. GHAND ISIAXD , Neb , , Juno 23. fSpeclnl to Tin : Bni.j Grand Island council No. 0 , wns Instituted lust night atthlsplncobyE.il. Hnworth , supreme venerable pilerltn of Council Bluffs , la. , assisted by Marlon Swal low of Council BltilTs , John Mullony of Omaha , J. II. Owens of Chicago , nnd E. H. Stnppof Dos Moincs , nnd the following of ficers wore elected nnd inatnllod : Worthy pilgrim , William Murr ; worthy vice pilgrim , F. G. Lockwood ; counsel , D. A. Finch ; worthy secretary , Jnclc Donald ; worthy treasurer , Frank Buchhoit ; tourist , W. H , Chupmup ; keeper of inner portal , W , L. Eustmnn ; agent of outer portal , W. P. Colo. This council starts with thirty charter members and with very bright prospects. Charge Not HiilHtiintlat . O'NKiu , , Nob. , Juno 28 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEI.J Judge Kmkald has rendered n decision in the Dickson habeas corpus case , tried hero in district court Thursday. The case has attracted attention throughout the state. Tno sheriff of Full Ktvcr county , S. D. , had the governor of Nebraska Issue requisition papers for It. H. Dickson of this city some time ago , churglntr him with fraud In obtaining land in Hot Springs Habeas corpus papers were issued nnd the case wns tried bore. The de cision \\as rendered in favor of Dickson , tbo judge defining that no charge of crime was made either technically or substantially. The .First Train. * ' ' MumiAY , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to THE BF.K.I During n heuvy storm a largo barn three and one-half miles northwest ot here , bcloncing to Jacob Vallory , was struck by lightning , and tbrco out of snvcn men who bnd taken refuge In the building were knocked down , but nut seriously injured. Tbo barn was not fired nnd but very little dam ngo was dono. The first passenger train over the now line of the Missouri Pacific passed hero yester day afternoon about 4 o'clock. Report says that regular passenger trains will bo put on July 10. Stockholders Goitno.v , Nob. , June 28. [ Special Telegram toTur. BF.K.J Itov. D. W. C. Huntlngton of Hocbestor , N. Y. , nnd Hon. John Brown of Chicago , n retired oil operator of Bradford , are here to attend the annual meeting of tlfo .stockholders of the Maverick ban It , Rev. Huntlngton being president and Brown , stockholder. The present outlook for crops in this vicii.- ity gives great encounvjomont to eastern Investors. Sheridan county will yield twon- ty-fivo bushels of wheat per aero as an average. Hurled with Honor. GHAKTON , Nob. , Juno 28. | Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn.J The funerals of Mrs. Tutro and Mrs. Halnoy , the two ladles who were run over hero on Friday , were held todny , the Knights of Pythlns of Grafton - ton nnd Geneva taking part out of respect to Mr. Hnlney. There wns the largest con course of people in Grafton that wns ever seen here on nny occnsion. The floral trib utes were both profuse nnd elegant. The ladles woto both old residents of Grafton nnd were highly respected by all who know them. Not nil Harmony. MINDKN , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special Telegram toTiiK Bui1. ) The great aggregation muao up of fanners' nlllauco men , Knights of Labor , sore head democrats nnd republicans , with about ono representative from onch , hold n caucus hero today , behind closed doors , nnd decided upon August 22 ns the day for n convention to nominate a county ticket. There Is not the utmost harmony in tbo alliance party In this county , II l Injuries Fatal. YOIIK , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKK.I O. W. Bean , tbo Burlington fireman , Injured in the wreck west of this city , and who had his leg amputated the second end time this morning , died at 3:45 : this aft ernoon. His remains will bo taken to Vll- lisca , la. , this evening on a special train ac companied by his wife nnd son , father and mother. The Masons of this city were In chnrgo. tlio Track. YOIIK , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Telo ram to TIIK BKK , ) The wrecking crow nt work on the Burlington freight wrecked wott of this city , have thrown all the debris to the sldos of the trackway und succeeded In rais ing the engine to the track at 10 o'clock last night , A bridge gang Is now at work and will have n temporary bridge built so that trains can pass In the morning. Bishop Honmioll at O'.Velll. O'NKiu. ' , Neb , , Juno 28. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKK.J Blsbo'p Scnnoell of Omaha arrived here tonight and will con duct confirmation services tomorrow. The bishop wns mot ut the train by Father Cassldv of thU rlty and a largo delegation of Cuthoilcs and escorted to the parsonage In carriages. _ _ Con Men at ColuiiilniH. Coi.t'Miiuc ' , Neb , , Juno 23. [ Special Tclo- prara to TUB BEB. ] Two confidence men entered - tered William Sploco's tailor shop today about noon. Ono engaged Spleco by selling him n book whltothoothurono appropriated several suits of clothing. Struck liy Neb , , Juno 28 , | Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEB. | Tbo residence of J. A. Lyons was struck by lightning laU night. But little damage was done aside from knock * lug oil tbo rhlmuoy topploco. I WINNERS OF THE LAURELS , Fair Hands Grown the Victors in the Oon- tssts of the Turnbzirk. OMAHA ATHLETES CAPTURE THEIR SHARE , The Sun Shines on tlio Ijnst Day's Sports Clmdrou Conductors Dance n Night Away Fitr.MOST , Neb. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun BIIB.J The exercises of the second day of thoTurnbezIrk were held In Turner ball nud were very interesting throughout. This forenoon was devoted to a continuation of the class work , the performances being by the Omaha class. Those consisted of Jump ing , putting the shot , wand exorcises , parallel and horizontal bar work. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the delayed street parade took placo. The procession wns inoro than two blocks in length and was mudo only of the bands and active turners , nil in uniform. It was n very crodltublo demonstration and elicited many compli ments from the spectators , The prlzo exercises were continued nt Turner ball in the afternoon , the contests be ing individual work on the horse , horizontal nnd parallel bars , wand nnd Jumping. To night a crnnd ball was etvon at tbo hall , the attendance being very largo and tbo occa sion u highly enjoyable ono. The active Turners present from abroad and participating In the contests were as follows : Sioux City Turner society nnd olcho- President , Wllll.im Hundt ; tltst turn ward , William Strauss ; second turn ward , C. Oldo- wartel ; C. Ivnrron , C. Grant. C. ICutzner , J. J. Veldt , Anton Victor , C. Hlls , H. Holden- ried , C. Ivupper , C. Brodsch , C. Feuchtor , O. Diehl. Lincoln : A. Eisner , O. Junco , Loulo Hnsso , Charles Klass , Ferguson , George Tochlor , Otto Wittmnn , F. Pcskor , L. Frotsche , George Jacoz , II. Brugmnn , II. Burtli , II. Voltb , P. Andres , George Vlslo , E. Hascbonburger , W. Li ml or , C. Schwartz , Uobort O. Walb , and Mesdames Mnrtha and II. Haschcnburppr , H. Hassc , Martha IIusso , and Misses Mnirdo Schwartz , Anna Hasso , Lena Brochelmoyer , Lena Anthony , Clara Wolf. PInttsmouth. John Saltier , Louis ICargcs , Henry Kumrnerow , Paul Wurl. Emil Wurl , Herman Hollicker , Sim Patterson , Karl Hannl , Fred ICracler , Ed Schultof , Otto Wnrl , John Lutz , Gus Stadtlor , G. Muhl- stoln , Fritz Elbingor , L. Groesonbacker , Honrv Gabloman. Phil Gabloman. Huns Fr.ihm , Hans Gees , nnd an excellent band of twelve pieces. Omaha G. Blattcrt , W. Heye , A. Wlnd- hoim , H. Wcidorwucr. S. Powers , II. Hix , II. Well. F. Eck , O. Schlick , F. Jensen , II. Tbiclo , W. Uohshub , F. Stangcl. Besides these are teachers a * follows : Profs. Itostlan of Fremont , Kutnmerow of Plattsmouth , Schulz of Omuhn , Blobenstoin of Sioux City , Bcnnofold of Omaha , Hons. Louis Hcimrod and Phillip Andres of Omaha , nro among the prominent visitors. Dalby's Council Bluffs bund with the following members : C. W. Dalby , A. A. Covolt , John Keslor , U. Bnrp , M. Lee , P. Hanson , A. Glen , T. J. lioff , J. E. Follott , C. E. Ulttig. The Judges were as follows : Sioux City Tumor society , Biobonstoln nnd Hunot ; Sioux City cicho , Schneider and Hllger ; Omaha , Hulmroa and Schulz ; Lincoln , Tay lor nnd Andrews ; Plnttstnouth , Lutz and Studlor ; Fremont , BroiU-nft-ld a-id Schaffer. Tbo bezlrk closed its throe days session today. For the IIrat time during tbo session the sun came out oright and thn weather was perfect. This enabled the turners to hold the exercises In the prove , , which was in ! ino condition , notwithstanding the excessive rains. About eight r > hundred visitors , in ad dition to those already here , came in on tbo special excursion trains from Omaha , Nor folk nnd Lincoln. Many Germans came with their teams from the surrounding country which , with these from the city , numbered fully three thousand people on the grounds. The prue tournament wbioh bus been , in progress for two days was continued today , at the close of wliich this evening tbo prizes were an nounced and awarded. Tbo announcements' were made by President John Stattlcr ol Pltittsmouth , the diplomas and oak leaf wreaths bolnc distribtuott by a number of young ladies from the Fiomont turnvorem. Awards were made ns follows : Society jirize Plattsmouth , first ; Fre mont , second ; Omaha , third. For tbo six host nil around turners First , luirl lloii.c , Ptuttsmoutb ; second , Sam Pat terson , PJattsmcutb ; third , Paul Wurl , Plnttsmouth ; fourth , H. Hclficker , Platts mouth ; tifth , Emll Wurl , Plattsmouth ; sixth , Henry Zukwoilcr , Plattsmouth. Polo vaulting , putting the shot , high Jump ing Paul Wurl , Plattstnoutb , first ; Emll Wurl , Plattsmouth , second ; Walter Price , Fremont , third. Foot Racing First. Joe Pfoll , Sioux City ; second , Emil Wurl , Plattsmouth : third. Otto Neidorwelsor , Omaha ; fourth , Otto ICrepi , Sioux City. Boys'Class Alfred Muller , Fremont , first : Isaac Sickol , Fremont , and Albert Niut , Omaha , second ; Charles Schwartz , Lincoln ; ICarl Hells , Sioux City , and Otto Wurl , Plattsmouth , third ; Edward Grotto , Omaha , fourth : BortDana , Fremont , nnd Otto Witt- man , Lincoln , fifth ; Edward Huschonburgor , Lincoln , sixth. Bears Omaha and Fremont first , the classes being an exact tlo on a general nvor- ago of thjrtccm points out of a possible twenty. Dancing continued until about 9 o'clock to night , when the last excursion train loft for Norfolk. All tbo visitors speak in high praise of the cordial reception given by the Fremont turnvereln. The Fourth at AI1)I in. AI.IIION , Neu , , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun HUE. ] Alnlon will eclipse all her former ef forts in the way of Fourth of July attractions this year. Instead of having ono ring to her circus she will have two. The town bos raised n largo sum for athletic sports , fire works , eloquence and all the ot cotoras that go to make the National Day glorious and It goes without saying that all tlio youth , beauty and respectability of the country round about will fall over each other to got hero first and see all tbo fun , The oration of the day will bo delivered by the eloquent Hoy. P. O'Kollly. Reduced rates have bo n secured and special trains will be run from ' Cedar Kapids' , Fullerton , Columbus , Genoa and all tntormediato points on the Union Pa cific. cific.Then the Albion Driving association will have their annual meet on July 3 and 4 , nnd this will bo thu largest and finest display In that line that has ever been given In this part of Nebraska. Fifty or sixty of the best horses In tbo state will bo on band , some coming from cities and towns as romqta as Kearney , Hustings. Grand Island , Norfolk , Columbus , David City , Wayne and Scrlbnor. Ono thousand dollars In nurses will bo given for tbo races. They will take place on the fair grounds a half mile from town. It was discovered by u survey that tbo track bas heretofore been about thirteen foot too long. This bas bean romcdlod and now the associa tion think it bas ono of the fastest tracks in the state. As a special feature the associa tion has offered a $50 purse for a ball game to bo p'avoa on the fair grounds on tbo after noon of the Fourth of July. Cednr'u Fine Crops. IltNUOMWi Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB IKB. ] From the first of tbo month wo Imvo bad frequent but gontlu rains. Tbo ground U thoroughly saturated , Grass , small grain and flax never were doing bettor. At tbo close of May fears of Injury from several weeks ot dry weather were prevalent , but all crops are now doing well. Corn is backward and In some fields uneven from cut worm * . WUb favoraUlo warm weather In July this crop will bo n fair ono. Our crooks nro not booming ns In many parts of the state. Along tbo Short Line nn immense area U newly broken nnd put In flux nnd air extra good stand is made by this crop. Cuttle are doing "well In tlio luxuriant grass. An unusual -amount ot millet Is sown to mnko UD In part for tbo shortage In nay land now under plow. Clouds iiro still hovering round , but farmers keep hard at. work in the corn llcltla. TllK CEXTltAli A Hrl ht Outlook Tor the Chaittattiiin ] nt Km mo nt. FIIHMOVT , Neb. , Juno US. [ Special to THE BnK.l Everything Is progressing nicely nt the assembly grounds. The river Is falling rapidly , the grounds nro In good condition nnd every ono Is happy. Visitors are con stantly arriving nnd crowds are expected next week. Several now additions Imvo been made to the urogrnmmo nnd Improvements are being made on all sides. A liner leoturo than the ono given by Prof. Shclton last night would bo dinicult to imagine. ( Ills subject was "Travels in Brazil , " nnd ha handled It In n manner which lllled with enthusiasm all who heard him. The lecture this ovcnlnc by Dr. Patten will bo especially KOOU nnd will bo illustrated with tine storooptlcou views. The work In nil departments Is worthy of the highest praise nnd no ono trembles for tbo success of the Central Cbuutnuqun us- sombly. Evpprlcnucd n GliniiKO of Heart. YINKTO.V , S. D. , Juno S3. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKH.J Mrs. Marietta M. Bones , ono of the ccloDratca womttn's rights advo cates of South Dakota , who bos fought long nnd hard for prohibition In the state , In an interview with Tau Bnr representative to day denounces prohibition ns n farce and says she will work hereafter for high license. Her brother , Turnle Wilklns , Is now In the Keoloy institute in Dos Molnes , being treated for drunkenness , and her experiences with him in the past few months have caused her chnngo of heart. Mrs. Bones has boon prosecuting Investi gations Into the women's relief corps of the state and publishing her discoveries , claiming frauds nnd scandalous abuses of the privi leges of that order by It * members. The Aberdeen Dally News commented editorially upon her conduct nnd she has bocun suit 'or ? -iO,0 < X ) damages. The An-iovcr-Day C6unty Gazette- bas also called hQ < 'names , nnd she will sue tbo editors of that paper. She says Bill Irwln , the noted St. Paul attorney , has agreed to represent her in tbo suit against the Aberdeen News , dona'i } ' ) , b.is services. Mrs. Bones claims to btt acquainted with the facts in the case of Phoabo CensUs nnd her secretaryship of the wdYld's fair lady managers' board , and says Miss Cousins will oo victorious. Cnss County's Great Day. PiATfSMOUTii , Nob. . Juno 28. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun. ] Preparations on nn elaborate scale have boon completed for the apropriato celebration of the' laying of tbo corner stone of Cass county's now court house in this city on Monday next. The ceremony will performed by the most worshipful master of the grand lodge of Nebraska Ancient Free nna Accepted Masons , and all the civic nnd military organ izations of the county will talto part. All business in the city will bo , suspended at noon for the appropriate observance of so Im portant an event in the 'htstjjry of Plaits- mouth. The different lodges atfd orders will assemble on Main street at 1 p. .in. , nnd will then proceed by a short f snr , through the principal stroeta to "tbo bft.ldlng. A grout many visitors from Omaha , Lincoln and other points in the state nro expected. After tbo ceremony the visitors will bo treated to a fine game of bull between the Falconers of Omaha and the Burllngtons of this citv. The contest is bound to bo close nnd interesting , ns both teams can put np a grand gnmo when the occasion demands. Sirs. V oed WriloH a Letter. TOI-KKA , Kan. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEG. ] Mrs. Sam N. Wood , wife of the man murdered nt Hugoton , Tues day , bas written a letter to a local paper in wliich she gives mlnuto details of the killing of her husband. She gives circumstantial ovidoncn to provo that there va a conspiracy kill tier husband , nnd that Judge Botkin knew all about it. In conceding her letter she says : "Tho members * 'of the Kansas state senate , who voted 'sustain Botkin , and the governor who covertly labored In his behalf , are responsible forth" ) imirdcrof Col onel Sam Wood. His blood will bo required of them. I have not the slightest hope that any of these murderers , whether in ofllclal or , ' unoftlclal stations , will ovo'r bo brought to Justice , but I know and thank God that His eternal Justice never falls. " / Wood's remains were brought from Hugoton to Strong City today and buried , An escort of six citizens of Woodsdulo accompanied Itio body , of whom ono was a member of the eoVonor's Jury , The Jury pronouccad tbo killing a premeditated murder. _ Drowned in tin ; JMatte. WATEUI.OO , Nob. , Juno 88. [ Special tele gram to THE BEE. I Thoirias E. Garvin , a young man employed by VV. fj. Murray , who lives on an island nine mlios south of here , was drowned this morning in the Platte river , which 19 out ? of its _ banks and bas flooded all that portion of the country , com pletely cutting It off from" the main land. Mr. Murray bad sent him down in the timber to hunt up the horses so n to have them to attend tbo funeral of his ( Murray's ) child on Monday morning , and after four or five hours a searching party was sent out and nftor a long hunt the body was found lodged In some drift wood , about a mlle from Murr.iy'a'houso. ' The body Is held pending action of the coroner. Gar vin was a stranger hero , bavin ? no relatives In this part of the country , 'nnd is supposed to have corno from Clnrludrt , tin. Tbo Elkhorn river Is out pi Its banks , flood ing all the farms along It , Tuo damage can not bo estimated at present. More I'nuts Than Tuoy Nocdcd. PAWNEE Cm- , Neb , , Juno 28. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] There has boon some tramps loafing uroun'd .hero U day or two. Yesterday a small boy dlscovorcd u couple of suspicious looking bundles under the platform of the ROCK Island depot. Proper officers were nottUcpVnnd upon In vestigation fauna them toicoataln eighteen pairs of pants and other goods. Watch was kept and two of the tramps I were caught In the act of removing tbor bundles. They were promptly arrested aud proved to bo a couple of fellows hudly wanted nt Bolviduro for mtrglarlzing the store. oTiMr. Catno re cently. Sheriff Town of Jefferson county was notified and came hero today accom panied by Mr , ( ' 'amp , whoieaslly identified the goods and the men nnd they will bo taken to Hebron on the night trtdm IJurfjInry nt AVymor * * . WiMOitP , Nob. , Juno 'l3.t ! [ Special Tele- grain to Tun BEE. ] A burglar entered the rcsIJonco of Jacob Sbattuc , ft B. & M. engin eer. last night , while ho was asleep and took $ . ' 10 and n tine gold watch and chain valued nt not loss than JUKI , from his clothing. There were footprints of ; some barefooted person beneath the window. A thorough boarch was made this murnlng. Two BUS- plious looking persons wera scon in town last niehtand ills thought they are the guilty parties , but they have made good tliuir escape and cannot bo found. Liquor LlotiiiHu llovoki'd. xB , Nob. , Juno 28 , . iSpeclal [ Tele gram to Tuts Brs.l The post trader at Fort Niobrara received otliclal communication from the secretary ot war this morning tbat his license was revoked , to take effect April 1 , isirj. This town rejoice * at the lomovnl of that bublnvss from tbs reservation , U means * 100 , ( XX ) additional business and gives parlies living off the rtisorvutlou cuuul chances in supplying contracts at tbat place , NEW FRENCH PARTY FORMING , It Will Oppose Cardinal Lavljccrio's Policy in Support of tbo Republic. COMPOSITION DISTINCTLY MONARCHIST , If Prince Victor Wnnts Kx-Kmprcsi ile'H Fortune Ho Will Have to Improve Ilia Moral Conduct. Pxni8 , Juno 23. Under prompting from Cardinal Hlcburd tbo other leaders of the Episcopacy In Franco hnvo united In oppo sition to Cardinal Lavigorio's policy In sup port of the rotmblic and a now party is form- lug Called the Union do la Franco Chro- tlcnne , The organizing committee includes the principal conservative senators nnd depu ties. Tno composition of the union Is dis tinctly monarchist , but In the meantime legislative notion will bo limited to a demand for the alteration of scholnistlc laws effecting religious teachings nud to tbo abolition of tbo military law involving a period of sorvlco for stoical novitiates. Tlio committee alms to embrace Protestants within tha union , al though the provudlng spirit is Catholic. M. Hibot , minister of foreign affairs , has obtained nn assurance tbat the czar and bis family will visit the French squadron nt Constandt on August : ) nnd that the cznro- witch en his return from Slberln will also visit the fleet. The French onicers will bo Invited to n gala reception nt Potorbof , while n select number will bo received nt St. Petersburg and another contingent bo feted nt Moscow. In short , everything will bo done to ollicinlly omphusizo the entente be tween tbo French nnd Husslan governments. The bakor's strike has collapsed. Tbo tram men last evening resolved to strike nnd this morning they prevented tbo cars from running. Largo crowds of strikers gathered at the stabling points of the various rends nud monncod tbo non-union men , but tbo police guarded tbo cars , accompanying them along the routes. Ex-Empress Eugonlo makes It a condition of her granting nn annuity to Prince Victor nnd also of her bequest to him of her whole fortune , estimated ntovcr 1,000,000 , that he rupture bis laison , now of sorlous duration. The ex-emnross Insists that the prince must nbondon his mistress nnd effect a marriage with some reigning family. August Moreuu , tn an article in the coining number of Hovuo DCS Deux Maudes , will sayTho : McICinloy tariff , which was to shut against European manufacturers the American market , has so far done barm only as it effects consumers , The discontent of Eurono Is quite out of place , coming ns it does from states which are either protection ists themselves or Inclined to protection. " M. Morcau procoeds-to aavocato the abroga tion of the French decree against American pork and commends the United States min ister's efforts to obtain the rescinding of the measure. Ho also piaisos Secretory Kusk's ' action In the matter and tbo regulations for tbo inspection. Napolean Noy , nn ox-oflleor of the guards , ' is included in the French commission' tbo Chicago fair. M. Proust , the art commis sioner , states that tbo decision on the part of the managers of the fair to pay tbo freight on objects of art will secure n large and splendid display. Consul GenornlJKing learns from leading ' champagne iousca , th'iitprfcoa will bo higher this autumn owing to'uthreatened scarcity of the vlritagd. ' ' Mrs. MoKoo and Mrs. liussell Harrison were present nt Madamo'Carnot's gret'.t gar den part } ' nt tbo Palueo a'Elysoes. Mrs. Kold , the American minister's wlfo , presented - sonted them to the president nnd wlfo. Mr. Held presented Mr. Thomns B. Reed , ex- speaker of the American house of representa tives , nnd Mr. A. S. Howott , ox-mayor of Now York. The party was the event of the season , 2,000 invitations having boon issued. Mrs. McKco and Mrs. Harrison dined with Mr. Monroe , the banker. Huhrlng fen loot's .Movements. VICTOIUA , B. C. , Juno 23. Her majesty's ship Nympho , Commander Turner , loft for Esquimau Immediately after bar malls wore received this mornlnir aud will go direct to Nanalmo , There she mot the United States ship Mohican , In whoso company she will proceed to Bcbrlng sou. It is expected that her majesty ship Pheasant nnd the United States shin ' Alert will also make tbo Behrlng sea crulso'in company , leaving hero on Tues day. Captain Hitchcock of the Alert is seriously ill nnd was removed from the ship to St. Joseph's hospital today. The somtnand will bu taken during the northern trip by Lieutenant Wniuwright , senior offi cer , who received orders from Washing ton so to do. During the past week both the Mascot and Otto , two Victoria schooners , have been fitting out for sealing. Both vessels last night sailed for Behring sea. Their captains did not receive any ofll clal notice of the suspension of sonllug , nnd it is needless to say that they did not ask for It , They will take chances of securing their share of sealskins before fulling In with war ships. Famous Itandlt Killed. HAVA.VA , Juno 23. The famous bandit , Artuo Cnrciu , has boon found dead near Art- ornlsa. Numerous bullet and stab wounds wore found on the body , but it Is not known who killed him. UE is cojir.tsi' J. Tlio Only Oguliillu Iiil'antryiimu la tlio AVorld. WASHINGTON BUIIEAI ; TUB BBC , ) 51iFoc ! ri : NTii StiiEicr , WASHINGTON- . C. , Juno 28. I Lieutenant George H. Harris , ono of the three commissloncrsrocontly appointed to in vestigate tbo condition of the Sioux Indians , writes from Pine Ridge as to the vain efforts to got Indians to enlist as soldiers. Thu gov ernment has boon endeavoring to clvlllzo tbo rod man by thus inducing him to take up a sotnt'Warllko occupation , but Mr. Harris writes that tbo Indians think a soldier bas too many hardships. They nro specially averse to becoming "walk soldlora. " A few have enlisted as cavalrymen , but up to date only ono Sioux buck bas enlisted as an In- fantryman. A company was created for him and ho is tbo solo member of Company I. Ho Is the only Ogalalla Infantryman In tbo world nnd unless some ronmrknblo mental upheavol takes place there never will bo another one. Continuous nnd strenuous efforts have been made tq sccuro for him u companion in arms so that when Lieutenant Klnzlo says "Twos right" ho will not necessarily have to obey his own command , but failure has marked every attempt. Adjutant General Kelton un consciously got off u Joke on Lieutenant Kliulo when ha officially notified that gentle man tbat bo had failed to make proper return of the strength of Company I for the month of May. Till ? COl'VIIIOIIT LAW. President Harrison's long deferred procla mation giving English literary worucrs tbo American murkoi under the International copyright law will bo Issued during the coming week. This Is stated on the authority of nn ofllclnl at tbo oxncutlva mansion who Is Informed upon thu facts , Under the copy right law the president was empowered to IRSUO his proclamation whenever ho was satisfied that tbo laws of a foreign country cave American authors copyright privileges iu the foreign country reciprocal to ttuxo grunted by this country to foreigners , There has boon some delay in ascertaining the exact extent to which American authors were privileged in Great Britain. Prof. II rice , the eminent author , recently secured from the law officers of the crown , an opinion to tbu effect that the English law ns U now stands , affords ample protection to American authors wbo publUh ttioir works simultaneously iu the United States nnd the British empire. 1 his opinion Is shared by the < o of the state department nud , acting upon these advices , tbo president has concluded to Issue his proclamation during the coming week. It will put into actual effect the beneficial fea tures of the n copyright law so fur ns Grent Britain mcernod nnd will bring to nn end the ll\ \ * -y piracy which bus long been going on - - voen this nnd the mother country. ' p. S. H. It'll , t , if * . IT THK FA I It. lirlllHh Hoiulif , Guatemala and Uuundor I * -irlnn to Attend. W\RiiixoroN , J\ \ ' 23. Captain Gilbert Colton , special ' iimlssloner of tbo world's fair to Cent Vmorlca , reports tbat the government of 1 , h Honduras has ac cepted the tnvltatld > participate In tlio world's fair and has appointed commissioners to look nftor nn exhibit. The commission consists of Hon. J. H. Phillips , Frederick Gauhe , M. D. ; E. C. Connor , J , M. Currlo , W. S. Marshall , J. M. Molr , M. D. ; Sidney Cuthbort nnd F. Fisher. Tbo first acts of tbo now ministry which was recently appointed In Guatomafa was to Issue n decree concerning the representation of that country nt the Chicago exposition , The Dlarlo Olllclnl of Juno 5 , which ar rived by tbu last steamer , contains the fol lowing Issued from the executive palnco : WliiTeuB , The govprntiinnt of the republic has been Invited by the t'nlted Sl.ito < to take Cart In the woild'H Columbian exposition , lo o held at Chicago In l-.U ' : and vvhereas , In order that the nation should pronoily respond to this Invitation and show to the world Us losourcus and ulomants of prosperity In this nu.ieoful contest It Is ni-ci-s- iury that the republic'of ( iiiatomala bo repro- ccnted ai this great exposition : therefore. It i decreed : I. Tlnit the republic of nuutotunlu tuUo part In the oYpoiltlou which will be hold In Chicago " . That the products and urtlelcs duxtlnod for that exhibition may boucriulied uy p lylnjl their value ) out nf the public treasury , and bo carried to tlmlr destination for the account of the government , and without any taxes lii'liu levied then-oil by tbo ollicers of the republic. I. I ho nilnhter of proJtcss will tnkooliarco of the execution of tills deciee. taking the nce- oss.iry stops , uppropilutlng the nuccts.uy Mini and organizing the commission to curry ft out A report was received today from Mr. Tis- del , thu commissioner of the Latin American department of the world's Columbian exposi tion , who is now ui Quito , the capital of Ecuador. Ho confirms his cablegram of some two weeks ago announcing the nccoptunco of the invitation to participate In the exposition by that republic and says that the govern ment will erect its own building at Chicago It is the intention of President Floras to bold a local exhibition at Quito during the month * of November and December In IbW , the ob ject of which is to interest the people in tlio display of the national resources and Indus tries and soctiro a collection of native pro ducts and antiquities which may afterward bo transferred in bulk to Chicago. In this way tbo president thinks that ho will bo able to nmit'rt 11 tntlitli 1ntir tt < nv Vi t lit t I.tn fm-vm L"Vm.i dor than could bo obtained for Chicago nloue. Census Statistics on I/lnirKtonc. WASHINGTON , June 23. A bulletin issued by the census office shows that the produc tion of limestone in the United States fur the census year of 18s9 was as follows : For huilding purposes ( .l2itrb'Ju , cubic foot , val ued at i,40.i71 ( ! ; converted Into lime IS , 174- WW barrels , valued nt $ S,2l7,01o ; stone for burning Into limo fl78OSi tons , valued at fl84U4 ( ; flux for furnaces , :1SU47 : ! ! ; | tons , valued at Sl.r > l > ll.n2 : ; for street work , 40.4'Jl- 2d cubic foot , valued at S.a33,4r ! > li : for bridge , dam and railroad work , 20G7U,012 cubic foot , valued at * l,2b'OJ2 ) : miscellaneous uses. 6411,970 cubic foot , valued at $40,0711 , making a total vnlueof fUIOW,17U , , The expenditures were as" follows : For wages , 10,121,5SG ; for supplies and materials con sumed , f4,2-J7'i4l ( ; dther expanses of , fluar- rles $74.V ; , making n totalof , $15,09ii,714. The capital Invested In the industry amounted to 83rU2. ( ! iJ. ( Of this sum $14,771,200 was in land , M,9S3,207 in buildings and fixtures , $4,541,023 In tools , Implements , etc. , nnd S2,721,295 in cash. Notified to Keep Oft" tlio OrnsH. WASiiivoros , Juno 23. Tlio Chilian loga tlou today received the following cable gram S kNrrAOO , Juno 28. The chief of the Chil ian Insurgents , the ox-captain of the Chilian navy , George Montt , has notified the Ameri can admiral at Iqulquo tlmt the crows of the American vessels ought not to go on shore , ns they would run the risk of being assaulted by revolutionary mobs. American Locomotive SnIoK in Hr.i/.ll. WASHINGTON , Juno 28. A report from the United States consul gcnaral at HIo Janeiro states that the sales of locomotives of Ameri can make In Brazil have boon very large. Ono linn in Philadelphia during the past ten years has sold 251. The sales for ouch year were us follows : 1831 , 1(1 ( ; 18S2 , 113 : Ibs'l , 27 ; 18b4 , 2 ; 1835 , 8 ; 1830,21 ; 1837 , 17 ; lbS3 , 1'J ; 1880 , 4-ij IB'JO , 20. Added to tlu Free List. WASHINGTON , Juno 28. Mr. McLaln , the United States consul nt Nassau , West Indies , reports that the following nrtlcios have boon added to tbo fret ) list of Importations Into that colony ; Tallow , rosin , caustic soda , potash , palm oil , crude petroleum nnd metal roofing. On all kerosene oil used ns fuel In the working of Rtoum engines n drawbnck of IK ) per cent will BO allowed on proof of Its consumption. 'IS to * Of 1IIAPFIC. Some Want to Knforco That Section of the PreHldcnts' Agreement. CIIIIMGO , III , , Juno 23. Some of tbo lines in the Western Trafilo association seem de termined to enforce that section of the presidents' agreement which provides for a division of traffic. As the result of applica tions that have boon muda for an cquull/a- tlon of tonnngo Chairman Smith of the trans-Missouri division has ordered thn Atchison road to deliver to tbo Hock Island (100,000 ( pounds of salt from Hutchison , Kan. , nnd the Missouri Pacific to divert 1,570- 000 pounds to the Hock Island. The Atchison has applied for a division of bullion ut Pueblo and tbo Hock Island for a division of bullion ut Denver. The negotiations b jtwoen tbo Chicago & Northern Pacific and the Baltlmoro & Ohio for allowing the latter to oomo Into the city over the Chicago Cmitrnl , which the Chicago & Northern Pacific In now building between Blue Island and the Grand Central depot , are said to have boon concluded. It is under stood thut the Chicago Central will bo com pleted within a month , when the Baltlmoro ti Ohio will withdraw from the lake fiout and begin running trains into thu Grand Central station , . 'ina For Omnha and vlnlty Fair ; slightly warmer. WASHINGTON , Juno2S. Forecast till 8 p. in. Monday : For Missouri nnd Kansas Light showers ; stationary temperature ; variable winds. For Colorado Showers ; warmer ; westerly wlndB. For the DnkotUR , Iowa and Nebraska Fair ; cooler ; northwesterly winds , Sto unship Arrivals. At wow York The Spain , from London ; tbo Ethiopia , from Glasgow ; tbo Sorvlafrom Liverpool. Passed Ilrowhead The Auranla , iromNow York for Liverpool , At Havre La Bergogno , from Now York. IUoodli-HH Revolution. PAIIIS , Juno 28. A dispatch from Buenos Ayrcs says that a bloodless revolution has taken place In tbo province of Santiago and thut Senor Delcstoro , the president , bus been arrested und forced to sign his resignation. TCAIIH llfowery ' 1 rouble. D\I.M , Tex , , Juno 2S. Lant night the Dallas brewing company filed a deed of tru .t to secure creditor * . Liabilities , $30,000 , as- MU ) estimated at t60CWO. , DAMAGE WAS EXAGGERATED , Losses at Movlllo , Holstein and Corroction- villo Not Up to Reports. FLOOD FATALITIES WERE VERY FEW , Only Klvo Iilvi'N Known to Ho Lost So I < 'nr Work of Clearing Away the DohfiH P Kiiimlly. HOI.STKIV , In. June 28. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UKI : . ] The reports of gtvut low of Ufa throughout thn Hooded districts nra erroneous. TIio only drowning occurred at Corrcetlonvlllo , two cliliilrou iminoil Hart- rauii being uiuiblo to escape the fury of the llooa. Two mem wore drowned Iti the Mnplo , but they Imvo not boon liluutllloil yet nnd It Is not known where they wore overtaken , A man named IClttorhiim was drowned nt Klngsloy yesterday while nttomptlng to sccuro n urlugo which hud boon washed out. The lots of stock nlong the Maple has been great. Especially Is grout damage done to bridges. Nearly ovury road in any direction hns lost ono or inoro bridges to the tnllo. The report that Holstcln had boon burned Is totally without foundation , there having boon no tire here. The tire at Correction villo was started by llmo slaking mid firing a lumberyard , nud \v.is con lined to the yard. Only ono liouso was moved by the water , ami that slightly , but many were badly soaked , the water de stroying furniture and doing dainngo to buildings and merchandise in collais. At Movlllo largo damage Is done to merchandise - diso and household goods from being Immersed , but no building * were de stroyed. The Chicago & Northwest ern will resume business from this place east tomorrow and will push the re pairing of the Iluo to Movlllo as fust as pos- slblo. The waters nro subsiding and order Is being established where all hns boon confu sion. Every endeavor Is being mnito by the health ofllecrs of the Hooded towns to clear away the debris and putrid matter which hns been lodged In the trees and on the highland to avoid sickness. Tratllo by rail in the Hooded districts will have boon resumed by Saturday. < Jront DIIIIIIKU Around Kmporla. EMPOMIA. Ivan. , Juno 28. Word is received in this city of great damngo caused by the heavy rains of Thursday In this mid nd- Joinlng counties. Many farms have been ontlix'ly lion led and barns , implement * and entire crops washed away. On the farm of .lotin Stotlor a large orchard wns de stroyed. The storm also did great damage to buildings. At Taylor's ranch many hogs and a lot of poultry were lost. The people were compelled to'lly for their lives to high land nnd see their property destroyed. All farms about tins place are submerged. At Soden's mill , Just below Emporin. the Cottonwood - tonwood Is out of its banks nnd spread over the country lor miles. In the liond aa it pas.os : may bo soon all kinds of wreckage , barns , parts of all kinds of farm machinery , wheat , in abundance and herd and Micro a piece of driftwood or wagonhcd or dead' ' nnlmul. Thu Hood is now subsiding. AVntora nt Elkliorn. EI.KUOHN , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special Tola- cram to Tin ! BiB. | An unknown man and eighty head of cnttlo were drowned In th i Elkhorn river south of this pl co today. Coroner Hurlgan ot Omaha and Dr. Baldwin of this plauo started for the scene of that drowning at about 0 o'clock tonight. Full particulars mo not at hand. Both the Platte and Elkhorn rivers are rising rapidly nnd as a consequence a largo portion of thai bottom lands south nud west of huro Is under water. _ THR KAMI. IS SKNSATMOX. Humphrey Milken Some Indig nant Hcmurkn. TOPER * , ICnn. , Juno28. [ Special Telegram to Tins BKII.J The charges of conspiracy against Judge Thoodoslus Botkin and other republicans In the Thirty-second Judicial dis trict to murder Colonel Sam Wood hns cre ated a sensation horo. Governor Humphrey has written a letter to Attorney General Ivos instructing him to personally investigate tho. case and conduct the prosecution. Tlio letter written by Mm , Sam Wood to the Democrat of this city charging the conspiracy Is only ono. of numerous others to follow. A long1 Rtory has boon prepared by A. W. Mackot. late- law partner ot Wood , reviewing all the troubles between the people of Iloughton and YVoodsdnlc and attempting to show that ttio. courts which were controlled by the repub licans have always uphold the Houghtoa people. It will appear in all tlio peoples' party papers of the atato on Wednesday next. Governor Humphrey has boon walling , to ddy , to Imvo it consultation with Judge- Hotkln , who hns started from Houchton to. this city. Botkln will probably arrive at midnight , .ludgo Ilumphroy is Indignant at. thu attempt nindo to saddle the killing on llotkin and thu republican party. Ho said today that it wns the rankest kind of non sense. "O'Connor , the prosecuting attorney , Is & democrat , " said ho , ' 'and Charles 13. Cook , uho is Implicated In it , was postmaster under- Cleveland. I do not think the peoples' party will succeed In making a hero out of Wood , " I'JCMHb OP 'JC1IK SAMOA NTOIUf. Ilurlal oCltio Nineteen Bailers nt Muro iHland. VAI.I.IMO , Cala , , Juno2,9. The bodies of the nineteen sailers who were drowned In tho- great storm at Samoa were burled at Mara island yesterday withImposing coromonlei. The remains of the nineteen men wore taken to the cemetery , seven in ono hoaruo and twelve on a caisson constructed of gun car riages. Thu escort consisted of n battalion from the United States marine corns , a com pany of sailors from the Independence , Com mander Dosaon from tbo French frigate Hu- bourdlcu , members of Farragut post No , 4. ( iinnd Army of thu Republic , Kcar Admiral John Irvlu and staff and Commander Wilson United States navy , a survivor of the disas ter. The line was preceded by the Independ ence band , which played martial music. The entire escort was under the charge of Com- mnndcrC.E.Ctnrk , United States navy. At the graves the services were conducted by Chop- , lain .1. 1C. Lewis , and were impressive. At" the conclusion a parting salute was IIrod over the graves and the lust cull was sounded by thu buglo. Hound to Dlo. SALT LKK , Utah , Juno23. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BEK J Wnh 1'on Ka Neh T , an Indian convict confined In tbo Utah peni tentiary , committed suicide last night In a novel manner. Ho first drove a sharpened nail Into till navel , using ns a hammer a pndded board. Next bo tied a cloth around hi * ncok so tightly ax to cause strangulation. Ho watf discovered this morning dead. Two other Indians conllncd in the sanw cell pro fessed Ignorance of the time when the deed wns committed , The Inijuest developed nothing mid the savage wns burled , The trio were awaiting trial fur murdnr , Two Fatal 91.nn Aoulilimlu. AMIII.AMIVU. . , Juno 23 , A miner named Mlito Loonoy fell down the shaft ut Hyan Option , nenr Hurley , and was instantly killed. Another fatal accident occurred at tbo Ashland mine , ( Jus Johnson , u Swede , being struck on the bead by u fulling tlmbor.