Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1891, Part Two, Page 9, Image 9

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Silk Department.
10 ploccii CntniiR , in dicxa Htylcsworth
JOc. reduced to iSc.
\Vu h SIllcH , to close , former price $1 ,
rciliu'cd to fi8j. (
1" pieces Cheny's Dross Sill n , form
er prlro $1 , reduced to ( Klc.
15 piece * fluid SurnhK. fonnor price
81 to $ l.2o , roil need to ( We.
10 pleic9 ; Kiiilles , in pure Bilks , former
price iJl.ltt , rodiii'uil to 88c.
( ! pieces Grod Grain , blnekH , former
price $1.2" ) , reduced to Hoc.
Groniidiiicf , In plain black , former
price Sl.'ij , reduced toOOc and Too.
Gror.ndincH , in stripes , former price
Tto \ $1 .2) . reduced to "lie and Ton.
In Armuro Dross SilUa you will find u
splendid sillc for $1 , worth Sl.fiO.
Our celebrated Royal Dress Silks wo
can soil you lit Side , worth $1.'W.
A tfood Black Surah at , COo.
Black Dress Goods
Special sale on all of our immense
stock of Black. Dross Goods commencing
Monday and lasting for only one week
ut prices quoted.
Black Kngliiih Cashmere.lOc and Ilk1.
Homembor , wo ttro ottering u flno
Henrietta for only 2Sc.
French Henrietta , all wool and -10
Inches wide , for only COe , reduced from
Gorman Henrietta , silk finish , 40
inches wide , for only 0-r > c , worth at least
f Black Summer Dress Goods , such as
wool grenadines , for o"jc , marked
down for this sale from fi'io.
All wool last jot black Nun's Veiling
for 60e , reduced from 800.
All wool imported Serges , soft finish
nnd a beautiful color , for 5' c. Goods
that you will not bo able to got after
this sale for less than 8"ic.
The prices wo quote for our Silk Warp
Henrietta will bo sulllcient to provo
/that we have made a great reduction ,
mid when wo olTor yoil a genuine silk
" rp for only Ooc wo moan it.
fvVo have a very largo stock of stripes ,
Jtiecks and polka dots , in fact wo htivo
n.11 the newest patterns made , and wo
bavo them so wo can oiler a special
bargain in them , starting at oOc per
yard.Wo will clear out our pollen dot Bril-
linntino at 21c per yard. A-orth 45c of
any person's money.
Our pure Mohairs and Sicilian are
going for 4mi , as u'ood as you can buy
from any other houbo in the city for
Fire Works
In immense variety and in any quan-
tilv , al Ilayden Bros. ' popular prices ,
wholesale and retail.
" ' " ' .ich Strike on the Road Over Which Snp-
were Hauled to Another Miuo.
Now Gold niul Copper Kinds In AVyoin-
IIIR'X Gold Hill District Rx-
ourslon ol' Minors to
Hie No\v Camp.
RAiiATom , Wyo. , Juno 24 , [ Correspon-
dcnco of Tin : Bun. ] Prospectors nro fast
finding out thai this section is n veritable
"now" country so fur as Its mineral resour
ces nro concerned. Thu mon who have out
fitted hero during Urn past few weeks nnd
taken up the hutit for mineral-bearing ledges
on the mountains which surround the upper
Platte vnlloy have , as n rule , already been re
warded , Whtlo tr.ero Is less commotion hero
now than there was earlier In the season , no
body who keeps posted as to the prospect
work recently done , need lobo no faith In this
part of Carbon county as n prospective bull
ion producer. Moro hard work Is being done
right now than at any other tlmo since the
Gold Hill excitement began. Prospectors not
boomers are masters of the situation. The
nhn ! who sits down and contents himself with
trumpeting his find of the past will not bo
nnywhoro near Iho sight fit iho line when
thu procession begins to move. It Is safe to
cay thnt some of the strikes made by thu new
comers or hi fri-oh fields will eclipse these
which helped mlvortUo thu Gold Hill camp.
Whllo Tin ; Binhn.s : nuvor had any occasion
to chance Its- rood opinion of that locality ,
the friendly ndviso has oft been repeated
_ .that search should ho made elsewhere fur
rich mineral deposits which undoubtedly ex
ist. There uro Indications so encouraging
thnt a good mining man wouldn't think of
ignoring thorn unless ho had a bonanza in
fcight. Prospect work where these favorable
signs abound had mot with marked success.
Until development phall he possible on Gold
Hill there is no excuse for Idleness on the
part of ni.y minor who is nol already
loaded down with claims there. Ono
of the partner * in valuable properties on
Gold Hill put In his tlmo to good nuvunt.igo n
few days ago by milking some locutions near
the scene of thu strike at ttio head of Lake
crook , previously roportml In Tim HUB. Ho
hud no trouble in enlisting partners who uro
to furnish the working capital for opening
up his claims.
Over on the Sierra Madres , which bound
the Platte valley on the west , prospectors
are hcttlnnlug to pick into the lodges which
run In grout belts across the Continental
divide from the Atlantic to the Pacific slope.
In some cases n little surface work has
turned out so well thai preparations wcro
Immediately mndo for exploiting such lends.
Quo instance tuny bo rttod to Indicate the
lurccss attending careful nuit systematic
prospecting ,
I'rotly well up on the range between Jack
erecU nnd the north fork of Spring creuk art )
toma claims located n nnmhvr of vcars ngo
by btato Senator Frank O. Williams nnd
Henry Janus. They wcro among the first If
uot the pioneer prospectors on thnt part of
the Continental divide. They have n claim
( here called the Alma on which enough work
ba been done to secure n United Stntes
patent. It bns been developed to such an
extent thnt good silver rock lias been taken
out which It will pay to ship. There uro u
number of tons of sorted ere on the dump
that will run high In silver. The roud ovnr
which machinery niul supplies have boon
hauled up to the Alma for a number of sea-
IOQI bank loads over a backbone crossing
Iho divide.
Along ibl riiisonasjuit boon located
Dress Goods.
Wo will call your special attention to
our Hue of Dress Goods which will bo
on sale Monday and at extra low prices.
I'J.inoh all wool Plaids that is sold in
the city for $1 per yard , wo sell them
to-morrow at 48c.
: { 8-inoli all wool stripes , was n bar
gain at 60c , Monday lc. ! )
40-inch Silk Stripe Plaid , good value
for $1.10 , to-morrow O'Jc.
42-inch Silk Plaids wo sold early in
the season for $1.555 , for Monday 7oa.
40-inch Albatross , very line , former
price $1 , It will bo on Monday 0-5c.
60-inch pure Brilliantines , a great
cut , only ( We.
43 and 60-inch double faced Plaid , in
elegant patterns , would bo cheap for
$1.25 , for to-morrow only 8oc.
This is something special , 38-in black
and gray mix , former price 4oc ; Mon
day lllc.
48-in pure camel's hair suiting , worth
$1.60 , on Monday $1.
40-in enmollellcs , in grays , browns
and tans , worth 7oc ; tomorrow OOo.
\Vo have a few suits left from the last
sale , $ lt.50 ; , $14.76 , $15.2o , $18 and up to
$20 ; you can have your choice , tomor
row JJ8.5U per suit.
Wo have the best goods and lowest
50 dozen rod fringed napkins to close
loc dozen.
200 11-4 heavy largo crochet bed
spreads , Maiseillcs pattorn.worth $1.50.
reduced to OSe oach.
50c towels 25c each.
25c towels at lOc each.
lUc towels reduced to lOc each.
lOo towels going at oe each.
Fine Marseilles bed spreads at less
than cost.
Best shirting cr.llco 3cyard. }
Good apron checked gingham 5c yd.
Good cotton flannel nt ocyard.
Shnkor flannel 5e yard.
Rubber sheeting 75e yard.
7-4 ebonillo table covers $2.05.
8-4 chenille table covers $3.05.
8-4 sheeting 15c , 0-4 sheeting 17jc.
10-4 sheeting 2lcyurd. (
Wo are making lower prices than
wore over made in Omaha on first-class
dry goods , all on account of _ , moving.
Wo are compelled to do so in order to
reduce stock. Take adviintngo of the
low prices.
by John Paulson nnd Hurley Brewer , which
looks very promising. They traced the lead
for a considerable distances and then dug
down only u few feet , where the
ledge cropped out bold. Galena ore
was struck In two wide streaks
between well defined walls. Kven with the
small amount of work which has been done
there nrn indications that a gonuina ilssuo
vein xvlll bo uncovered. The faith of the locators
caters was demonstrated by iho prompt ac
tion taken to develop their claim. Without
making any ado ever their find Paulson and
Brewer cumqto town and Jald in supplies
yesterday und started a paclc outlit with
supplies for ' en nip at the now find. They
will'not bo satisfied with simply sinking n
ten-foot hole , which is necessary to get tie
claim recorded , but will go to a greater depth
to measure iho extent and importance of
their discovery.
That such a find should bo made in the
neighborhood of a mine belonging to Jones
and Williams will occasion something bord
ering closely on n sensation when the facts
become generally known. Both are deserved
ly ostcomed as honest nnd good minors be
cause tnoy have faithfully developed the
claims they locntod without making any fuss
over It , and have seen not a little experience.
That such men should have missed so good a
lead as thai of Paulson and Brewer only
tends to show the opportunities for making
good locations to who take pains to
hunt for lodges , Or will prospect loads with
which the Sierra Madros are ribbed.
The sumo old story will DO retold many
times over during the present louson , In all
probability , of the discovery of gold claims
in localities over which miners have tramped
til ) n trail has been worn , all unmindful of
Iho prosoiiro of rich stores of mineral which
will bo found by a stranger. Such la tiio
history of many n good mine thai
bus added very materially to
the output of u district. Often
has it been the case that strikes hko those
have either been made by "tenderfoot" or
the disheartened miner on the eve of quitting
s camp. But It is u safe rule to follow for thn
man who Is willing to work and has unv
knowledge of mining , to thoroughly prospect
the unstaked toirltory adjacent to a scene of mining whi-ro any success has been
gained or earned. Opportunities for carry
ing on such campaigns abound in both the
Medicine Bow rungo and the Sierra Madres
throughout their extent of sixty miles on
cither side of the Platte valley. There are
scores of localities where strikes recent and
remote have domostratod the presence of
mineral deposits , which it Is unlikely nro re
stricted to the limits of the recorded claims.
A little Judicious prospect work m such
places may bo attended by results that will
on rich the men who attempt it.
A prospector named Morrison nnd his part
ner have just como in from a trip with speci
mens from two claims which they Intend to
work. Ono of the locations is on the Paclllo
slope of the Sierra Madres In what Is known
as the Sasory country. Severn ! years ago
thuro was n big excitement In thnt section
over thodlscovory of rich gold digging * thoro.
A great dial of placer ground was located
but aficr n whllo It was demonstrated that a
largo amount of capital would bo required to
wash out the gold. The trouble was' that the
streams on that sldoof the rnntrodld not have
a Mitllcii'nUy largo fall to work the placers
and the water Mipnly was not largo enough
without an extensive system of hvdraullck-
Ing. Whllo the excitement Instoa numerous
quartz loads were located but with the
subsidence of iho furore ever
the ilacors these clnluu were
abandoned along with the other locations.
' 1 no Morrison fluid looks well but work will
bo nccossnry before any judgement can bo
formed as to its worth or the extent of the
orobody. The surface rock pans out well.
But the other claim referred to U on the
Atlantic slope where the ledcos nra bigger
niul good gold rock was found. It occurs in
n lime formation with decomposed iron and
quartz. 1-Veo gold appears In the specimens
brought to town and although no assav has
boon made thn vein matter nil puns out well.
The country round-about this now strlko will
no doubt bo gone ever thoroughly now.
Good reports coutluuo to como from tuo
Dress Goods.
Drcs ? goofo must go ; wo luivo got to
reduce stock.
Yard wide Uatisto lOc yard.
Puyiil Ufttlbto , 10o vard.
Java Cloth , reduced to 7Jc yard.
8c C.'hallls to bo sold at ic ! yard ,
KU-inch wide OmUlH , 10c yoitl.
lOo CluiUla. oc yard.
Madras liuttato , lOc yard.
Imitation China Silk , lOc yard.
Persian Silk reduced toHlcyard.
Manchester line Sateens , fie yard.
Josephine Seersucker Gingham 7Jc. "
Norwood Dress Gingham only Co yard.
Avoyron Cloth only lUJc yard.
Urundunborfr Cloth Ur > c yard.
Cnnton Cloth 16c yard.
Pine Apple Tissue lijc ! yard.
Sbnntonif Pongee ISjcyard.
Toil Du Nerd Gingham , Bates Ainos-
keag and number of others , llrst elass
Ginghams , all reduced to 10o yard.
Scotch Xophyr Gingham I2fe , lee nnd
le ! ) yard.
May Flower Organdy lOc yard.
Armadale Zephyrs , which sold at 25c ,
now reduced to irie yard.
Boat plain colors In Miinehoster Chambray -
bray lOc yard.
Korah Moire 35c yard.
Armenian Serges , lit ! Inches wide , 7c.
Brotonia Suiting 15c ynrd.
Garner's Hi ! inch wide shirting Per
cales reduced to 5c yard.
O.itini. Flannel , f > e , So , lOcand 12o.
Pine white twilled tennis Flannel"3oo
nnd 4Ucymd.
1K ( ) pieces fine lawn checks , plain
white , worth Ific , now Ojc. .
Plain fast black lawns in remnants 5c
yard , worth 15o yard.
Wo nra displaying more wash dress
poods than any other house in the west ,
Wo are showing a great many novelties
which are controlled by us in Omaha.
Our stock is much octtor assorted than
any you will find In this city. Seeing is
believing , therefore call and judge for
yourself the truth of these assertions.
Special closing prices on fast black
lace stripes and lawn checks at lOc , 12c
ano loc yard. Wo carry the best line
of polka dots in the city , from 2c per
yard up to 15c per yard. Just received ,
another case of those popular coin spots
in black ground fast black wash dress
poods , all color dots , at 15c yard.
Remnants of wash dress goods at
prices to close.
100 piece imported decorated dinner
set , $0.50 : worth S25.
112 pieces imported decorated dinner
sots , $10.50 ; worth $35.
Decorated cups and saucers at G2c per
DccocatGildlnnoixpntes,35c ] per sot
Decorated pie plates , 33c per sot.
Vegetable anil covered dishes. .69e
Decorated sauce dishes , 22c per sot.
Milk crocks at ; tjc per gallon.
French crcok country whore n big silver lead
was traced along the bed of the stream last
month. Some of the prospectors who had
been waiting at Larantio for a chance to got
Into Gold Hill from that place in the event of
a rend being opened over the snowy ran fro
made u rush for French crock. When , the
Lnrainio folks ImJ abandoned Iholr route to
Gold Hill as impracticable an nttcmnt was
made to stampede the minors' for French
creel : to which Lararnio had a road part of
the way. The dinlcultios to oncountofod
wore too great for any sane vonturosbmo
spirits to tacklo. A few went in with pack
outlits and now locations wore made by thorn ;
The original locators' plan being tq open up
somoof their claims as soon as possible.
If a eond showing is made the Saratoga
board of trade will build n road into the now
camp. It Is six miles south of
Gold Hill and was the scene of operations
for a number of years of an old prospector
known as "Dutch Joo" about whom and his
work there was a largo element of mystery.
For a long period ho was reputed to have
annually taken out enough gold to support
himself but ho loalously guarded his secret
as to the source from which the treasure was
obtained. "Joo's" sudden dloappcaranco , his
mining operations nnd hormlt-llko existence ,
formed the basis for a sort of mythical story
of the character whtoh surrounds the "Lost
Rubin" and "Adams' Claims" in raining
legends. There is no room for argument
that ut some time in the past somebody had
faith bunlcient to expend much time if not
money in development work there. A sixty-
foot shaft was sunk and there are other-evi
dences that mineral was taken out or else the
indications wcro HO encouraging as to war
rant a systematic search for an ore" body.
With the work already done it will bo an
eusy matter after the old shaft Is cleaned out
to determine what actuated the original loca
tors to stay by the lead.
In the event of any big thing being dis
closed n road would bo Immediately built so
that the section could bo brought" into easy
communication with Saratoira. The distance
from iho town to whuro Million rreok empties
into the Platlo is about thirty tulles , ever a
good road. From there a trail loads up part
of the way to French crook , which can bo
traveled by horsemen and pack outtlts. A
wagon road could be built cheaply and ever
the best and shortest routa Into Hint section.
A number of prospectors went in ever that
course some time since , but contented themselves -
solves with looking about nnd then struck
off in u new direction. Most , of the now pros
pectors who have como into the country of
Into are a secretive sot and nro not much
given to taking people into their confidence
or allowing the public to enjoy the benefit of
their opinions or observations. The only
chance lor tlndlng out what they are doing Is
to see for yourself. This pollov doesn't hurt
the prospector any but Is not of much bone lit
to the country. Now and then some scrap
of Information floats about and through per
sonal inspection a mlnerls let Into the socrot.
All this will explain why there have been so
tow reports from the many prospectors who
bavo passed through Saratoga slnro May 1
or outfitted hero. It docs not necossarilv
follow that because no record has been pub
lished of the doings of this class that they
nave not mot with success. The chances are
that most of the prospectors have been re
warded to a greater or loss degree thin the
tow whose Iliuls have neon made known.
Copper dlscovorloK on Huld mountain ,
twelve tnilos duo oan from Saratoga , had the
ollect of attracting miners thoro' As.u con
sequence the whom country has not only been
staked off but Jumping has begun. Good re
turns have been received on rock sent away
for assay. They all run high In copper and
usually with a truce of silver. A chunk of
surface rock weighing thirty pounds , which
W. I ) . Hngus took from ouo of Ills claims and
tent to Omaha for u test , made a showing of
20' ' * ' per cent in copper which would bo worth
upwurd of WO to the ton.
There has boon some delay In building the
permanent road Into the Gold Hill camp. The
stage now runs to Anutru crack through the
timbei on the ridge far above ttio winter
line , which became so soft when the snow
molted that It could not bo traveled. This
gives a good road from Saratoga for twenty-
seven miles and to wlihm oua milo of the olil
stage line tenn.nus.
bom * of the bluest points oil the hill
Muslin Underwear
100 doxen ladies' night gowns , plaited
front.catnbric rullle on neck and alcoves ,
only oOc , reduced from "So.
SO do/on Indies' gowns , embroidered
front , cambric rullle on nock and
sleeves , only 6c ! ) , reduced from Sue.
Special 2.i do/on Indies' gowns ,
Mother Hubbard back and front ,
trimmed with embroidery edge and in
sertion , only 75c. worth SI.
Ladies' drawers , splendid value , 2oc ,
3le ) and 60c.
Ladies' white skirts 76c , SI. $1.25 and
Children's seamless ribbed waists in
nil ai/cs only Uoc. others ask 50c.
Knit Underwear.
f Indies' joreoy ribbed vests
only 8c , reduced from Ific.
L'adies' fancy ribbed vestssilk ribbon
tied on the neck , only 17c , worth 2/ic.
Ladies' Egyptian cotton vests , V-
shaped neck and trimmed in silk , only
3lc ! , reduced from 7fic.
Ladies * fancy jersey ribbed vests only
60c , reduced from $1.
100 dozen ladies' summer corsets only
30c , reduced from 50c.
60 dozen Sen Shore summer corsets
only COc , reduced from 7fic.
Ono lot of Browstor's pure whnlobono
corsets in largo sizes , only sizes 20 to 30
inch , only 75c pur pair , worlh SI.25.
1 case of French woven ! corsets only
60c per pair , reduced from 81.
50 dozen French wov on corsets only
75c , reduced from 61.50. ,
2.5 dozen S. C. corsets ; elzcs 25 to 30 ,
price SI. 10 , reduced from $ " .
1 lot S. C. corsets , Fizoji 25 to 30 , price
7Cc , reduced from SI.25. ;
Furnishing : Dept ,
1 COEO of gents ' clcmet flnnncl shirt
only 35c , icduced ftcm 50q.-
Gents' cxtia fine domot flannel shiitj
only 50c. reduced from 76c.
Gents'flno Madt tts Ablets , nice pat
terns , shaped arm hofes , only 76c , re
duced Irom 81.25.
Ork lot gents' nigbt gowns , nicely
trimmed and well made , only 6Uc , re
duced from " .in. / r
1 case fonts' Shawknit sox only 12jc
per pair , reduced from 25c.
50c suspenders on sale Monday for
where the claims liavo been partially devel
oped and the most prospect work done nro
covered with snow to a depth of several foot
on the north side.
No attempt has been made to empty the
shafts of water. Most of it Is surface water
and could ho taken out in a short time , but
everybody seems to be waiting for the com
pletion of the road. This ought to bo fin
ished the first week in July at the latest , and
then the camp will bo speedily out In shupo
for working or at least so thut it can bo In
spected to advantage.
ooi.n mr.i.'s snow.
Plans are perfecting for an excursion of
mining men from Denver about July 13.
Some of the boys who have nscd up nil their
money In doing assessment work and pros
pecting have expectations of interesting vis
itors to such nn extent that they will have
the means to put their properties in better
shnpo. The primary object , as ronrosoutod
by the projectors of the excursion , is to dem
onstrate to mill men that it will be a good in
vestment to put up ontj or mor custom stamp
mills. When It is known that the visit , of
the mining men is assured , the owners of
claims will make has to to pul.their properties
In a condition that will make Inspection pos
sible. That will bo not only a good thing
for the camp , but for the entire
distnct of which Saratoga Is the center.
So far little placer work has been done , al
though a farce has been engaged in opening
up some of the old diggings which nro sup
posed to bo the relics of Spanish or Azteo
operations of several centuries ago. The sus
picion Is that owners of the thousands of
acres of placers on North and South Brush
crtiok nnd on the Medicine Bow river nro
waiting to see what the relocators of thcso
old diggings discover bcforo beginning work
themselves. Whllo the snow wns late In
le.iviug a lot of valuable time has been wasted
if anything is expected to bo accomplished
this season in gold washing ,
Gnoiiau P. CASIS.
Small in slzo , croai in results : BDo Witts
Little Early Uisors. Best pilUforConstlpii-
tlon , best for SIcu Heuducho , best , for Sour
Bishop Coxo of Buffalo JiVicns women on
bicycles to witches astride 'broomsticks ,
The theological seminary cun'l hold a can
dle to the country congregation when it comes
to turning out a minister.
Kuv. K. W. Goodwin dcolarad at a Meth
odist meeting in Chicago thuf"Satan has the
best show at a campuiectitig , " Three-ring
circus , oh I
A father hearing his littloboy In the other
room singing "I want to bo an angel , " told
his mother she had bettor go'iu and see what
ho wns up to.
"Short work should bormndo , " says the
Christian Advocate , "of mlnUtors , young or
old , who are engaged to mor a than one
woman at a timu. " <
"Wo all have here our ,
If we'd to worthy of oucihlrp ;
Foraorno must watch , white dome mustprav ,
The fighting wo do in the choir. "
"You shouldn't fight with neighbors' chil
dren , " said a I'lltslmrg Sunday-school teacher
to her scholars ; "you should heap coals of
Hro on their heads. " "I can't , " wus the re
ply ; "wo burn natural gas. "
"But do you accept the thlrty-nmo arti
cles ( " nuked the visitor of the editor of the
religious weekly. " 1 do. without exception , "
returned the editor. "Gosh ! " said the ofllco
boy. "That beats the record. Thlrty-iiino
articles accoptnd nil nt onco. "
A Philadelphia little girl of nlno years ,
who had got a book from a Sunday school
library , throw It from her with the pxclama-
lion : "This U a horrid book ! " .Sho was
asked to explain , nnd said : "Thoro isn't a
thing in it except about God I"
A church was L-elnij removed across the
railroad track nt OkiTsd.ile , Oro. , Sunday ,
when a special train ; convoying an oponi
troupe came along , and before thu engineer
could slop his ungh.e It struck the church
square amidships , cutting It in two.
Constipation i > oisons ino 01004 ! Do Witt's '
Little liarly Itisorc euro Constipation , Tuo
cuuiuromoved the discuo is goue.
Furniture Dept.
Our business in this department is
still llist-claf-s no falling on" , no dull
times. Wo are delighted with our fur
niture trade and congratulate ourselves
that our prices nro just about right.Vo
intend to keep them * o and prove to
the public that iho best article for the
least possible amount of money is our
motto and stay. Just received , a car
load of bedsteads. For finish , material
and general nppearnneo they are the
best and the price is very low. Beds at
81.11. " ) , worth 42.oO ; $2.05 , worth $ -1 ; SU ,
worth So ; $3.2. > , worth $ . " > .50. .hist re
ceived , some tine writing desks at S8..r > 0.
worth $12 ; $0.60 , worth $16. Solid onk
book case $2.05 , worth $ -1. High back
dinner elope woven cane seat Doc , usual
price $1.50 ; rocker to match , 81.05usiml
price $2.50. Remarkable bargains in
bedroom suits , at $12lo. $17.50 and up.
Full and extra line line of center
tables and extension tables at the low
est price in town. Get our prices on
plush furniture and lounges. Fine rocker
$7.50 , worth $12 ; at $7 , wortli $10. Fine
plush armchair $ o.85 , worth $9.
Grand Mark-Down Sale on Baby
Never before such bargains. $10.50
carriages 60.60 , $12 atj.8r ( ( > , $15 at $10 ,
and so on. The inrucbt stock to pick
Irom ; over SO sold already. Wo assure
you that you can save money on car
riages if you buy hero and now. Have
, you purchased ono of our fine brass-
I tipped bamboo ousels'/ Only 75c. wort h
I $1.60. Wo carry u complete and varied
line of bed lounges , both in tapestry
! nnd plush ; wo have thorn at $8.60. $9.50 ,
SI0.50 , $11.25 , $12 nnd $15 ; nil these nro
solid , good flrst-class lounges.
A beautiful stock of Dress Robes just
received and will bo placed on sale Mon
day for one-third the price asked for
ihcso goods by any other house in the
WASH TUBS 35C , 45C , 55C EACH.
Unbundled cupa and snucors , 2Jc each
Handled cups and saucers , 3ic ouch.
Dinner plates , 4Jc each.
Pie plates , 8c each.
Wasli bowl and pitchers nt27c each.
Sauce dishes , 2 each.
Platters at So , oe and lOc each.
Soup plates and bowls at 5Jo each.
Chambers nt 23e each.
( . 'roam lutchfei's at 5c each.
Vegetable dishes nt 3c and 60 oach.
Tumblers at 2jc each.
The above goods are the very best
white ironstone china made.
'HIE IllItTII ( Hi1 A I'll A rKll.
JuliH tlctdtti ( food ironls.
About the church soft muSlc flowed ,
Fair voices borne on organ waves.
With tinted light thn dim aisles glowed ,
Like caves that sunlit water laves ;
The twelve'Apostles carved In stone
Looked grimly down upon the nave ,
Where faces chillv as thuir own
No sign Of kindling fervor guvo.
The music and the sunshine kept
The secret of their gladness well ,
As o'er our heavy souls they swept
The tale of empty praise to toll ;
Nor ruby light , nor old gray walls ,
Nor vested priest , nor musio fair ,
Nor the sweet holy bush thai falls
Within n church , move hearts to prayer.
I sawn gray old man bond down
His shaggy head , his furrowed face ,
And , with a pleased and patient frown ,
Help his wee lass to llnd the plnco ;
The Uvo heads bobbed aboul the page , and withered loaves ntplay ;
Ono linger plump , ono crooked with ugo ,
Picked verso by verse the doubtful way.
Great glasses , jigging to iho lines ,
Braced his dim eyes tbo ivords to trace.
Whllo the small pouter wuichod the signs
Of hope or failure In his face ;
The knotted finger stopped nt lust ,
So did the plump ono with an air ,
And up and down such looks were oasl
Thai in my hoarl was born n prayer.
Ignatius Donnelly , the Hrlllinnt Au
thor anil StntcsiiKiii.
The Illustrated American of the Issue of
.Iuno-7 , publlsho.i n flno full-pugo portrait of
Hon. Ignatius Donnelly , and nn accompany
ing sketch of hU brilliant career. Omaha
people will bo nll'ordod the opportunity of
hearing Mr. Donnelly this evening at Boytl's
opera housOyWhoro ho will deliver his cele
brated lecture on ' 'Tho MtsUkos of Ingorsoll
In Litunuuro and Kcllgiou. " Cardinal
Gibbons , Urn highest prelate of the Roman
Catholic church In America , pronounces the
.lecture to bo of the highest lltorarv form.
Ingersoll's pretty-colored eulogy of Shakos-
pcaro , which ho recently delivered here , will
bo picked to pieces as only a master critic of
Donnelly's stamp can do it , nnd ho will at
tempt to show how utterly impossible It was
for a man of Shnkcspeuro's limited education
to have written the worku popularly attrib
uted to him. The following is the sketch of
Mr. Donnelly's career :
The now people's party may not hnvo
much chance of electing the nojit president
of the United States ; but , as the purpose of
The Illustrated American in publishing pres
idential possibilities Is to oxhtult the loading
candidates of all parties , It adds a farmers' '
alliance man to Its gallery this weok. Most
notable among the people's party candlduto-i
is Ignatius Donnelly , the fee of Shakespeare.
Ho was burn In Philadelphia fifty-eight
years ago. Ho was educated for a lawyer ,
but choppad nnd changed from law to poll-
tics , nnd from politics to literature , and then
combined politic.- , and literature. Formerly
u republican , ho drifted into the domocnitlo
ranks , and , havini ? curtain bucolio tastes , be
came an easy victim to the farmers' nllianco
doctrines. During the war ho was governor
of Minnesota , and was later lieutcnanl gov
ernor for four yours , Ho s < rved In the state
bcnato for live years nnd nfterwnrd repre
sented his district of Minnesota In the house
of representatives for six yonra.
It was in IsSJ that ho began unravelling the
mystery of the cipher. Ho owned n photo
graphic copy of the earliest folio edition of
Shukespouro's plays , und In Ills charming
homo near Hastings , Minn. , ho pored over
the loaves nnd discovered thai William
Shakespeare was a fraud.
How did he como to think of the cipher In
Iho playbI His attention was first culled to
It by reading u chapter In a book which a
friend gave ono of his boys. It was called
"Bvory Boy's Book ; An Keoyclopiudln of
Sports und Amusements. " Ho had luug before
fore been satisfied in his > jivn mind mat
LJacon bud u baud la writing the plujs , and
Furnishing Goods
Plo pitns le each.
1 ql tin pans tic each.
2t | tin pans " > } o each.
H qt tin pans 4je each.
4 ( | L tin pnns 6Jc each.
6 qt tin pans 0c } each ,
ti qt tin pins : 7c each.
5 qt tin pans DC oacb.
10 qt tin p : us ICc ouch.
12 qt tin pans 1-jc each.
Preserving Kettles.
2 cit preserving kettles lie each.
( I ) qt preserving kettles 12c oach.
4 qt preserving kettles Me oacb.
6 qt preserving kettles loc oach.
( I qt preserving kettles 17ic eai-h.
8 qt pret-crving kettles 21c each.
10 ot preserving kettles 2Ho each.
Tea Kettles.
No. 7 tea kettle , copper bottom 25c
No. 8 tea kettle , copper bottom Me
No. 0 tea kettle , copper bottom 60o
Our whole line of tinware has boon
reduced to mnnufneturor's prices and
wo will toll you one piece of tinware
just as cheap as you can go to the fao
lory nnd buy by the gross or car load .
Mason Fruit Jars.
Our prices on fruit jars are the lowest
in Omaha.
Drug Department.
Liebig Reef Iron nnd Wino 50o.
Ilrod's Sarsapnrilla 8Ie. !
Hall's Hair Kenower 76c.
Parker's Hair Balsam 40c.
Ginger Ale loc per bottle.
Buyrum 25c per bottle.
Ammonia , largo Dottle , lOc ; small,5c.
LiobigBcof Extract HItc.
Vaseline , perfumed io per bottlo.
Viiiclino. plain , 5c per bottlo.
Mothino Balls , 2 boxes for 15c.
South Down Toilet So'ip , le per cako.
Milled Olive Oil Glycerine Soap. 2c
per cako.
Glycerine Soap , in round balls , 4c
per ball.
Bouquet Toilet STtip , 4c per cako.
Trimmings ,
This department is making special
cuts on all kinds of Dross Trimmings ,
Linings and Dressmakers' Materials.
when ho road in this boy's book that the
philosophical premier of .lames I. had iniulo
u study of ulphern , It suddenly Hushed upon
his mind thnt somewhere In Bacon's works
could bo found some duo to n cipher put in
the pluys. Ho took down the "Do Au'inen- (
Us , " road Ilacon's esauy on nlplmhots , nnd
believed thut ho hud discovered abundant ,
evidence thnt my Lord Vorulam was thor
oughly tit homo in cipher writing , nnd thnt
ho made use of ciphers both In public nnd
private life. The next stop ho .took wns to
llnd points In "Shukospcjiro's" plnvs which
Indicated the presence of secret writing. It
occurred to him thnt if Hncon wrote the
plays , nnd hud nut his secret murk upon
them , ho would find the fuel distinctly stutod
In some such rammer as this : "I , Franrls
Uucon , keeper of iho grout su" ' ° f Kntrluml ,
wrote these plays. " So ho beuan to look for
such words. It was n dospuirini ; , tiresome
tusk. In time , however , no found , in the
opening r'lsus ' ! of "Henry IV. " :
I will unclasp a secret book ,
And to yourqulrk-ooiicoIvliiK discontents
I'll rend you mutter deep uncl duiiu'eioiiH.
As full of peril , and ndvcnt'rous spirit ,
AH to o'crnulk u current , roar In ; . ' loud.
On the utiMtoiiddist fooling of u tpour.
These lines appeared to Mr , Donnelly like
n sifjnbonrd put uu to cull his attention to
some secret , hidden inennini , ' . The cipher
seemed to bo u part of Shuke.spouro'8 name.
And this is how ho drscribos his work :
I countud elf all the words In the play ,
nmlttlnK the br.i'-kutiid anil hyphenated
words , which , If thuio word any ruasim for
tlirlr bcltiK Itallui/rd and hracuctcd and hy
phenated , must have I'uen t-uino hrurut one ,
NIII-II as the cipher. I counted oil' all
words hy tons p nttlnt ; a red line iindui each
lenth word , and puttlnir under the red line
HID number of the word from the lic lnnln ,
so Hint I hud Iliem riiiinllii ; flout 10 , SO , HI , 4l > ,
. "Hi and so on , every lentil word inurKod. Then
I bi' au an uNpurlmunt connllni , ' the luael-
otod words , ilin ItullolKud and hyphenated
words on each paur , and on tin ; foot , of every
pni.'c I put ilon n the mimtior of each of these.
and so wnnt on ihiouuh lint play. Tlion I he-
Kan multiplying ; the number of thesn peculiar
words wild HID pugu iiuinhers , and , by eonnt-
li > K friKii llm lic lnnlnu ol the play , to pick
out the woid represcntln.- UK nro which
rtmiltud from the multiplication.
As wo have nlreudy htulcd , Mr. Donnelly
must not bo treated us ft more lltorury crank
who Is working to win a mtto of llnottti } , ' fume
or to keep his nnmo buforo the public. Ho Is ,
on the contrary , u rjuletunussumiiiK man nnd
splendidly educated. Ho is short nnd stout ,
with u head of blomf hair. His llrst work ,
"Atlantis , " Is nlmost forKOtton , hut , ut the
timu of its publication by the Hnrpers , wui
considered ono of the boldest mid must uriKl-
nnl works thnt had nppnurod for many years.
Its story wus thut there onro existed in the
Atlantic ocean , opposite the Straus of Gibral
tar , nn Island Known to the ancients n.s
Atlantis , nnd thut 1'lnto's description of this
island wns n fact , and no futile. Man llrst
rose from barbarism to civilization in Atlan
tis. and Its population becumo a mighty
nation thut spread ever the cimtlnont and
formed the origin of the Imllnns nnd olhor
nations of past anus ; being , in fact , the ( Jar-
den of Kden of biblical stnry.and iho Klyslnn
Fields and the ClaiMon of the Huspurhles of
mythology. Atlantis was finally destroyed
by u grout convulsion of nnturo.
When Mr. iJunnoliy wont to Knglund with
his liaeonlmi theory , ho nntiirnUy found no
was rather disliked there. As Thomas Carlyle -
lyle had said : "If the English Had to give
up Shnkosjio-iro or the Indian Kmplro , tntiy
wuuld sacrillco the Indian Kmpiro. " Hut ho
wus well roi'iilvc\l nt Ktratford-on-Avnn ,
where ho was looked upon moro us a curiosi
ty than anything olso.
All ho asks of the American critics Is fair
pluy. If his dhcovcr.v l.s a reality , ho con
siders thu AimiricH.ii puoplo will hltiiro In the
honor and creditor it , nnd If the raviawora of
America concede that there m u cipher in
"Shi.kospuaro's" ' plays , ho hnpcis they will
have the innnlli'oss and hone ty to say so ,
not only for truths sakn , but for the credit
of * . ! ioir country.
Hut why America should * houldor Uio re-
sponsihility of thU IncouoclusM to ; ioas > o him ,
Mr. Donnully Uoos not a into.
A vi-ry small pill but n very sooit oti . Do
Wit . f.Ittlo Karlv UlKors.
M' ' . uho Imve j. vvrlb fur \\ii'u
the rvUiLL' tuumsuj . cJ.
Ribbons ! Ribbons !
The largest stork of flno Hihboiw wo
have over shown and at lower pricoa
than over before.
Fine quality of silk Ribbons at Ik' , at
6c , at Ac , nt 7c and lOo yard.
Fringed and plain 'silk cashes in all
colors ut b7e , $1.25 up to 82.25 each.
Chenille Portieres
Wonderful bargains from Now York
auction nlo of Windol , Stokes it Co's
mammoth stock.
Splendid now styles at M.75 , $4
$4.60 , ! ? . " > and ui , to $12 , for gooJs never
fo'd ' loss than M to * 2. ' > .
Those are o.xtraordlnary valued and
should not bo overlooked.
oy Department.
The toy department Isnii iinnox on 1st
floor. Anything you buy in this do-
parttnotit you net at a bargain just now.
Toys of all kinds Dolls , GainoB ,
IlniiKiiooks. Croquet , Wagons and
Just received the now , popular and
mysterious gnmo of Ouija , Iho latest
and most mystifying g\mo : on earth.
See Ouija , for sale in toy department.
Fire Works
In immense variety and in any quan
tity , nt Hnyden Bros. ' popular prices ,
wholesale and retail.
Trunks and
The quality of our trunks and vnlieoB.
and the prices wo sell them at tells tlio >
whole story. Trunks that sell every
where for 5 wo let you have for & 1.05.
Kino zinc covered trunk , iron bottom ,
strips on top and Hides , valence all
round , good lock and hasps , covered hat
box , in fact an A 1 trunk. Do you want
one ? Got one.
On bags wo can suit you in any style
at any prieo. All wo ask is your inspec
tion of our goods. Wo are always glad ,
to showyou. .
Fire Works
Til iininoiiBo variety nud In any quan
tity , nt Ilaydon Bros , popular prices ,
wholesale and retail.
M'EPl'KItJllST ItllOl'S.
The end of n long strike a homo run.
The money lender is usually noto-worthy.
A man caught In a shoot of rain la upt to
blank It.
A happy old ago Is the dessert of the din
ner of ilfu.
The rose would probably bo less fragrant
if it could talk.
A mealy-mouthed man is the ono who an
nounces dinner.
I've i/ot the bulge on you , us the immpidn
said to the vino.
If you drink n schooner It Is no sign II will
mnk you fleet-footed.
Dons mid men both Imvo summer pants ;
but a dog him u fit sometimes.
Adam was proudly conscious that ho never
made a mistake in his boyhood.
Girls in country postofllcos are mall clerks ,
although they Indignantly deny It ,
The man who patronizes a pawnbroker
very quickly finds out why time is money.
The mercury in the thermometer Illustrates
some very decided peculiarities of climb it.
Sho--When Is the honeymoon supposed to
omlf Ho When the lust ijuurtor Is gone , I
Some men nro born greatsomo men nchlovi
gri'ntness , and some men uro not worth a
It ought to bo easy for n writer on warm
weather costuming to getun-wrapt-pori with
his subject.
The patent medicine man is never more
prosperous than whun his euro all Is a drug
in the market.
Klchos Imvo wings. Wtiat they need , no-
cording to Iho average man's ideals a tail thut
will steier them his way.
When n dealer In custom-made clothes stio
cc"ds In suiting n purchaser , can ho bo
charged with counter fitting I
Dolllo-Whcuh is Wogglo ? Haven't BOOH
iloiih boy for a week. Chollio Bod. Nohvous
pwostwatlon. Boon twylng fleam t'play
baccarat , pooali boy.
"Wo must draw thn line somewhere , " muttered -
torod thu leader of n vigilance commute , as
ho looked for n limb to throw the rope over ,
preparatory to putting nn end to u hurKothiof.
" 1'vo a picsslug duly to perform , " said
the lint Iron to the shirt. "Nevertheless wo
ahull remiiin friends ; there has always been
n warm feeling between us , " replied Iho
I.out III'
.linnci mittuinli Itlleu.
'Twns n summer npo when ho lefl mo hero.
A summer of smiles with never n tour ,
' 1111 I Hiildto him witli n sob , rn.y dear !
Good-bye , my lever ; ( lood-byul
For I loved him , oh , as thu stars love nightl
And my cheeks for him Hashed red and whlta
When ho llrst culled me tits heart's dvllghtl
Good-byo , > ny lever ; good byo.
The touch of his hand was a thing d ovine.
As ho suld to mo In tuo soft moonshine
And drunk of my love us men drink of wlnoj
Good-byo , my lever ; good bye ,
And never n night as I knelt In prayer.
In n gown us wblto ns our own souls \\era.
But In fancy he came nnd kls.-iod mo tlorot
Good-bye , my lever ; gooil-byo.
But now , O God ! what nn empty plnc
My whole heart is ! Of the old embrace
And the kiss I loved , there is not u truca :
Good-live , iny lover ; good.bye.
He sailed not over thn stormy sea ,
And ho wunt not down In iho waves , not ha :
liut , oh , lie. IK lost , for ho married met
Good-byo , my lover , good-bye.
A Cnro Cor niiirrtxrii.
Mr. .f. A. Bnrnlson of Colburg. MmitROra
cry county , Iu. . has : out now ho can
euro nny CKSO of illarrliuM. Two of his chil
dren had the dlsitiiio , for nbout nix \yeoks ha
trli-d fnur different patent modiclnoi without
boiuiflt , bul hi ) finally got hold of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Choler.i nnd Diarrhoea
Ki'Minlj , wbii-h liu says comploii'Iv cured
Ui"ii , , , lii'is i-Dii'iituitt it will e.iro : any cm *
u' . c pi iiuo pri .toJ'J.nL'iio.t are fol-