Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1891, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Twelve Thousand Dollar Purchase Fine
Stamped Linen Bought from
\Vlio Palloil May lOuml IVIiosc llitnl-
IICHH HUH Just Ilcii ! Wound Up.
AVe Arc Kimliled to OlVcr
Tomorrow Homo < > ! ' tlio
Thousands of nil linoii Htnmped tidies
'mil n yard ffiunre , with fringe , worth
Mi1 , at 2e cneh.
Five hundred dozen Inrtfo nil llnon
slumped HpluBhcrn , fringed on ono sldo ,
Ci1 each , worth H > c.
Lnrjjo oloirnnt linen tahlo scarfs nnd
tidies , stamped In unique and novel do-
gij/ns 10c , worth fiOc.
All linen btnmpod momlo cloth splash
ers nnd line upon worked tray cloths ,
stamped aprons at SOe ouch , and elegant
pillow shams at ioo ! per pair , worth
11.00.IMMENSE ! 50c , WORTH 81.CO.
12-yard lotitf line drawn worked table
frnr'f with fringe all around , stamped
dro.ssor huarfs. drawn worked splashers ,
damask hem , stitched tray cloths , all lit
50c. worth $1.60.
Fancy damask stamped towels , knotted
fringe and open work , ( jo at 81.-3 , worth
63. ou
200 odd pieces of the finest hand drawn
applique work and Irish point linens ,
knotted fringe. These are so beautiful
that words fail to describe their beauty.
If you wish to see real works of art
don't fail to visit us tomorrow and ob
tain ono or more , as they will go quicklv
at oOr , 98c , $12.00 , $1.00 and $ o.OO. Some
ol those pieces of linen if bought in a
regular way would briny as much as
$ 10.00 each.
They go in . " lots.
LOT 1 Full si/.o Marseilles crotchet
pattern bed spreads -Ilk1.
LOT " - Extra sixe heavy Marseilles
bed spreads Too , would bo cheap at $ l.-r > 0.
LOT ! t Tlio linest bedspreads in tills
lot go nt $ l.-j. They are worth fully
82. ( JO.
From a hard up importer who unloaded
to us for c > > sli.
Mi pieces nil silk , figured and plain
china and surnh sines , cost to import 76c ,
go ut 19c a yard. Only ono pattern to
ijach customer.
'M pieces elegant imported china silks
crepe do chines , satin surahs , summer
rhadamasandall the popular French and
silver grey , now blue and now rose , at
8lo ! a yard , warranted to bo worth $1.00.
17 pieces half mourning China silk ,
plain and figured ground , polka spot
stripes and two toned olTccts at 47c a
yard , worth'i.
12 pieces of double twill , all shades ,
warranted pure silk , 27 inches wide , at
ii"c a yard.
10 pieces of the finest faille francais
over imported ; every tread pure silk ,
all now shades and bluck , worth SI.75 a
yard ; go at 87c.
All silk grenadines 20c ; worth fiOc.
All silk grenadines 47c ; worth 800.
All silk two-toned grenadines G9c ,
worth $1.50.
All silk iron frame grenadines 88c ,
worth $1.7.r ) .
There's hardly n man or woman in or
nrouiul Omaha who has not hoard about
our great iiro sale of furniture , yet there
IP something more to say. Some of who
really want to buy and have boon held
back by the weather should not delay a
moment longer , because others are not
BO squeamish about a drop of rain or
mud , and the choice pieces tire going
like a chunk of ice in the noonday sun.
Wo offer tomorrow early { but they
won't last' long ) the following bargains :
1 chamber sots , solid oak , $10.00. ( i
more still liner at $12.t5. ; 4 more at
$15.00 , worth $ -10.00 , and at S.'tG.fjO that
itro worth SIM.00. ) This is old walnut.
Chairs , 6e ; beds , $2.00 , &UO , $1.50 ; com
modes. $2.00 , $2.50 , $ 't.50 ; bureaus , $ I.50 ! ,
15.00 , $ (1.00. ( $7.00 , $8.00 , $10.00.
Come quick and see the big bargains
nnd great crows at
N. W. cor. 10th ami Douglas.
in Pine Trimmed Hutu.
This is done as an advertisement.
Miss Alice Isaacs will sell her entire
stock of trimmed hats in two
lots , ono nt $5.00 which has boon
sold from $10.00 to $15.00. The
other lot at $2.08 which has boon sell
ing from $5.00 to $9.00. Miss Isaacs
only makes one sale each season , but
when she does It means bargains and
splendid bargains to her patrons. Re-
moinbortho now location.
Gasoline stoves repaired. Omaha
Stove Repair Works , 1207 Douglas.
Go Kaxt , Yoiiiif * Mnn , Go KilHt.
Reverse Horace Greoloy's famous ad
vice and go oust. Go for a change , to
fish , to climb mountains , to loiter In
shady lanes , to saunter by old ocean , to
revisit the scones of your boyhood , but
go , nnd go by the "Burlington route. "
Three daily trains leave Omaha at 0:50 :
n in. , 4:80 : p. m. and 0:20 : p. in. , for Chicago
cage , making close connections In the
latter city with all express trains to Bos
ton , Now York , Philadelphia and all
points in the east and southeast. F. W.
Vnlll.clty ticket agent , 1223 Farnaiii
Miss Bruner's summer school will
commence Monday , July 0 , in room 1H ,
Central building.
.Money Loaned
Wo will loan money on select lots of
Apply to
1508 , 1510 , 1512 , 15U Capitol uvoiiuo.
Ice ! ! lee ! ! lee ! !
Wholesale nnd retail. Kennedy &
Newell , 110S. 15th street , Tel. 11511.
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California and Pacific- coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago
$ -17.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKixnsas City $35 , bleeping car rate
from Chicago $1 per double berth , from
Kansas City $3 per double berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. Those
excursions are personally conducted by
experienced excursion managers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars nnd nmp folder and time table of
Bantu Fe route and reserving of sleeping
cnr berths , address E. L. Palmer ,
Passenger agent , A.T. ft S. P. railroad ,
Ul Ni Y. LUoBldg. , OinuUtt , Nebraska ,
C , W , COOK'S '
20 Per Gent Discount Moving Shoo Sale for
This Week.
Tills Fourth of July WocU We OfTcr
Our Kntlre Stock of Vine Shoes
nt 1 ! ( ) I'or Cent Discount
nt 1K1JJ I-'nrimin.
Wo nro not given to "brnggtng" upon
ourselves , and wo Mi Ink that none of our
customers will think of accusing us of it
when wo say that wo have the finest and
best selected stock of shoes for men ,
women and children in the city of Oma
ha , and that our goods have been sold
at the lowest living prices is beyond
Therefore , when wo announce that wo
will give for the coming week a
on all the shoes and slippers In our
stock , a treed and valid reason must bo
That's why wo wish to reduce o'ur
stock and therefore this week wo will
give a general discount of 20 percent otT
on each 81.00 worth of goods bought for
All goods marked In plain figures nnd
you may select any shoo In our immense
stock and you will get the discount
without asking for It.
This will give you
Our $7.00 French kid shoe , 20 per cent
olT , at 8.5.00.
Our $0.00 French kid shoo , 20 per cent
olT , atSI.SO.
Our $5.00 French kid shoo , 20 per cent
olT , at $4.00.
Our $4.00 line kid shoe,20 per cent off ,
at $3.20.
Our $3.00 ilno kid shoo , 20 per cent olT ,
at $2.40.
Our $2.00 kid shoe , 20 per cent otT , at
All Oxford ties and low cut shoes will
bo oltcred at the same cut price of 20 per
cent discount from our regular marked
This will give you
Our $8.00 silk vesting top patent
leather shoo 20 per cent otT , 80.40.
Our $7.00 French calf shoe 20 per cent
off , $5.00.
Our sJO.OO patent leather shoo 20 per
cent oil' , $4.feO.
Our $5.00 fine calf shoe 20 per cent off ,
$ -1.00.
Our $1.00 fine calf shoo 20 per cent off ,
Our $3.00 fine calf shoo 20 per cent off ,
This cut price is general through our
entire stock , and our object in giving tlio
uroat reduction sale is to reduce our Im
mense stock to got ready to move into
our now store.
This pale will continue through 4th of
July week so as to give everybody a
chance to buy fine shoes cheap. No
goods will bo charged at this cut price
sale , as we cannot afford to sell goods at
cost and charge them. Come on Mon
day and get first selections
G. W. COOK , 1312 Farnnio.
Oarllcld Icicli ; oil Great Hultlmlco.
The famous health resort , Garfteld
Beach , on Great Salt Lake , 18 miles
from Salt Lake City , is reached via the
Union Pacific , "Tho Overland Route , "
and is now open for the season.
Tills is the only real sand beach on
Great Salt Lake , and is one of the linest
bathing nnd pleasure resorts in the west.
Owing to the stimulating effect of the
brine on the skin , or the saline air upon
the lungs , the appetite is stimulatedand
after a bath the Irithors are ready for n
hearty meal , and feel greatly invig
Fine bath houses , accommodating 400
people , have boon erected at Garficld
Beach , in connection with which there
is a first-clahs restaurant and a large
dancing pavillion built out ever the
lake. All of these nro run by the Union
Pacific , which guarantees first-class
resort in every respect.
For complete description of Garfield
Beach and Great Salt Lake , send to E.
L. Lomax , general passenger and ticket
agent , Omaha , for copies of "Sights
and Scones In Utah , " or "A Glimpse of
Great Salt Lake. "
Tomorrow morning wo will begin to
sell Ice boxes nnd refrigerators as fol
lows : Ice chObts , $4.50 ; refrigetators ,
$6.50. Refrigerator with water cooler ,
$7.50. STOETZF.L , 714 S. 10th.
The LutcHt
Improved sleepers , as well as elegant
free parlor cars on the Chicago & North
western railway vestlbuled trains , leav
ing direct from the Union Pacific depot.
Omaha , at 4:30 : p. in. and 0:10 : p. m. for
the east dally. City ollico 1401 Farnam
Fln'o carriages , Seaman's repository.
In Your Own Country.
"The Mediterranean of the Pacific" is
the term aptly applied to glorious Puget
Sound. There Is nothing to compare
with it on this continent. Always cool ,
refreshing , invigorating. Reached by
the original overland route , the Union
ITolln & Thompson , tailors and men's
furnishers,1012 Farnam. Summer stylos.
Dr.Swotnam.N E.cor. 10th fc Douglas.
"O.i. . o. of o. F. Picnic. "
Take the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis
souri Valley special train at Webster
street depot Thursday morning , July 2 ,
0 turn , for Arlington , at which point will
bo held the annual picnic of the G. U.
O. of O. F. and their friends from Oma
ha and Council Bluffs. Geed music ,
baseball game , oto. Come nnd enjoy n
day's on tin IT. Remember the date. F.
E. & M. V. special train , July 2 , 0:00 :
n. in. J. R. BUCHANAX ,
General Passenger Agent ,
P. E. & M. V. R. R ,
Shormnn & MeConnoll.proscrlpttonlsts
nnd family chemists , 1513 Dodge.
Quick niul Comfortable Trip.
Two now trains hnvo boon ndded to the
already excellent connections east that
the Great Rock Island Route has been
offering to Its patrons.
The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
has put on a now train , leaving Chicago
daily at 10:30 : a.m. , nnd the Fort Wnyno
( Pennsylvnnla lines ) ono at 10:45 : a.m.
Thes.0 are dally trains , scheduled on
fust time , ana arrive at Now York city
next afternoon at 2 o'clock , and via the
first mentioned Boston passengers roach
their destination but 2 hours later ,
The Rook Island Route sleeper leaves
Omnlm dally nt 4iO ; ! p.m. and arrives at
Chicago nt 8:05 : a.m. , in time to make
this important through connection.
For rates and tickets npplv to
Gen'l Agent Pass. Dept ,
10th & FarnnmBts. , Omaha.
Gon'l Ticket and Pass Agent
R ST. JoiJW , Gou'l ' Manager ,
NO o.\u HUIIT.
Store Crowded with Customers.
Their smiling faces t ll of the great
bat-gains obtained at the FIRE SALE
OF SHOES , 114 S. 10th street.
Prices for shoes slightly dninngcd by
water , and are not hurt only to spoil the
sale of them , go for half price. Wo
moan business only 30 days more.
Ladles , if you want a bargain , this week
Is your chance.
Ladles Oxford ties , 75c , 98c , 81.48 pair ,
worth double the money.
For Monday only wo offer nil our
HURT'S OXFORD TIES in olght dif
ferent styles for 81.1)8 ) pair. Never sold
for loss tli.ui $1.00.
Ladles' hand turned opera slippers ,
73e pair.
Ladies' red Oxford ties , ladles' patent
leather Oxford tics , all go at fire sale
prices , and you know what that means
We have about 08 pili-rf : of ladles' fin o
kid button boots for Monday at 61.23 ,
worth $2.05.
All of our ladles' Burt shoos go at $3
a pair , worth $0.00. ( Don't miss this
bargain. )
Gents' line shoes at less than the cost
of making.
Bo sure and call Monday , for our bar
gain counters are loaded.
IMS. 10th street , ( Old Boston Store. )
Wo have no connection with any other
Store open evenings. Look for out
Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Alice Isaacs will divide her entire -
tire stock of line trimmed hats into two
lots. The first lot will bo sold for $5.
These hats have been selling from $10
to Sl.l. The second at $2.98. These
formerly sold for from $5 to $9.
Via the \VnliMMh ( inilroatl.
For the national educational conven
tion at Toronto. The Wabash will sell
round trip tickets July 8 to 13 at half
faro with $2.00 added for membership
fco , good returning until September 30.
Everybody invited. Excursion rates
have boon made from Toronto to all UiO
summer resorts of Now England. For
tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and a handsome souvenir giving full
information , with cost of sulo trips , etc. ,
call at the Wabash ticket ollico , 1502
Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton ,
northwestern passenger agent , Omaha ,
Money to Iioui :
On good inside property only , by
Room H10 Ramgo Bldg.
Three Interesting Facts.
It has been calculated that a railway
train , at a continuous speed of forty
miles an hour , would pass from the
earth to the sun in about 200 years.
This is an interesting fact , and is al
most as important , so far as one's needs
are concerned , as the knowledge that in
about , 000 years the entire coal supply
of this planet will have been exhausted.
There is , however , another fact which
is much easier of remembrance than
either of the above , and which is cer
tainly of much greater utility to all , and
that'is , that tlio "Burlington" is the
route from Nebraska points to Chicago
and all eastern cities.
The "Burlington" has three daily
trains connecting Omaha and Chicago.
Those trains leave the union depot ,
Omaha , at 9:50 : a. m. , 4:30 : p. m. and 9:20 :
p. m , and run through solid to Chicago ,
arriving there at 0:45 : a. m. , 8:00 : a. in.
and 1:00 : p.m. Their make-up , particu
larly that of the "Burlington Flyer , "
leaving hero at 4:30 : p. m. is unsurpassed.
For time tables , tickets and any in
formation , apply to W. F. Vaill , 1223
Farnam street.
Far tlio Glorious Fourth.
The "Burlington" will sell return
tickets on the 3d and 4lh of July , good
to return until the Oth , at very reduced
rates to all poins Chicago , Kansas
City , Lincoln , Atchison , St. Louis , St.
Joseph , and all intermediate ) stations.
W. F. Vaill , city ticket agent , 1223
Farnam street.
Money Loaned
We will loan money on select lota of
Apply to
1508 , 1510 , 1512 , 1014 Capitol avenue.
Gate City Ice Co. ,
Ollico 215 S , 15th street.
Telephone 1385.
The Short MIIO the Host.
July 8 to 13 , the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway will soil round trip
tickets to Toronto and return for ono
first class faro with an addition of $2.00.
Teachers , tholr friends nnd all others
contemplating a trip to any eastern
point will find it to their advantage to
call at the Chicago , MilwaukeeSt. .
Paul railway ollico or address.
F. A. NASH , Gon'l Agt.
J. E. PIUJSTO.V , City Pass. Agent , 1501
Furnuin street , Omaha.
Money Loaned
Wo will loan money on select lota of
Apply to
1508 , 1510 , 1512 , 1514 Capitol avenue.
Water Itontx Due duly Int.
No discount allowed after July 1st. R
per cent discount allowed on water rents
if paid on or before- July 1st r. ' , ollico of
Room 103 , Boo building.
TcaohcrH * ExuurHfon to Toronto.
The Chlcngo & Northwestern railway
has made a half fare rate to Toronto and
return in July for the annual mooting of
the National Educational Absolution ,
This rate is open to the public. The
railroads oust of Toronto have named
tourist rates to all the eastern
points from there. For further informa
tion apply at city ticket ollico , 1401 Far
nam btroot. R. R. RITCHIE ,
G. F. WEST , Gon'l Agt
0. T. & P , A.
The ( M-Ccnt Ktiire , 1JII ! > Fnrimm
Btroct ,
Secures a inannfncturor's consignment
of llruworks with instructions to close
them out. know what this
means , and wo proiiOMO to give our cus
tomers the greatest benefit they have ever
enjoyed for a 4th. of July celebration.
Wo have everything and a little money
will go a great way In making the chil
dren happy for thu 4th. Wo nro head
quarters on Inwti tennis , baseball goods ,
liainmockH , croquet , etc. , etc. Speoinl
bargains in children s carriages to close
thorn out. THE 99 CENT STORE.
/.OC'.I/ , llltt'.l ITIKt.
Three minor permits ngiroRiitliiIOO ( wore
Issued by the RUt > ertiituiidcnt of buildings *
The Thcosonlncal society meets cvnry Sun-
dny evening nt fc o'clock iii room 8 , Fron/.or
Bloclc. Lovers of truth Invited.
Trinity enthotlrnl. HlKlitcentti street nnd
Cnpitol nvomic Very Kov. C. II. Gardner ,
ilciui , Holy communion , 8 n. in. ; Sunday
school , 10 n. in. : mornlnu' prayer , litnny nnd
sermon , 11 n. m. ; evening pr.iyor nnd ser
mon , 7:43 : p. in.
The funcnxl of Bert Nelson will tnko plnce
nt i ! o'clock today from his late residency ,
Twenty-lifth and Blonde streets. Friends
nro Invited to nttend. The deceased wns
seventy-six yearn of iigo nnd had resided In
Omnlm twenty yeara. Ho loaves it wife , ono
daughter , Mrs. M. Hon cn , nnd n son , N. S.
Nelson , now connected with the lire de
T. 1C. Sudburotiqh , who entered upon his
third consecutive ycnr as umster of St.
John's lodRO Wednesday evening , was pre
sented with a muster's Jewel by the lodge
n'tor iho joint Installation of ofilnors of the
four blue lodges by Grand Master Slaughter.
The presentation speech wns mndo by W.
W. ICoysor In a most eloquent manner. The
jewel is the most elegant over seen in this
country. It Is in the form of an eight-
pointed stnr about two nnd ono-tmlf Inches In
diameter , of bright gold. On each point of
the stnr is a lurgo diamond of ttic first water.
The center of the star Is a blue field iur-
roumlcd by a luurol wreath of bronze gold ,
and In the center of thn Held is a very largo
diamond of sparkling brilliancy. The jewel
proper is of clmsod'goh ] , mounted on the
laurel , and in the head of the compass is a
Inrpo sapphire. The whole is mounted upon
n pin and forms n Jewel of surpassing beauty
nnd elegance.
Ueo llivo lodge. No. IS I , of South Omatm
gave a public Installation of onlcors St.
John's Day , Wednesday ovonlnir , Juno ! M.
The elegant rooms were tilled with the-metn-
bers nnd tholr families. The ofllecrs installed
wore.I. Illlber , W. M. ; C. U. Stanley , S.W. }
\V. H. Wynmn , .1. W. : Isaac A. Hrayton ,
treasurer ; Claud L. Tulbot , secretary ; J. 1 $ .
Wutkms , S. D. ; George R French J. D. ; S.
\\yman , tyler. and Philip C. Bray ton nnd
A. L. Bralnnrd , stewards. I'ust Grand Mas
ter John J. Mercer , of Omalm Installed the
ollicers elect and delivered a line address.
Canon Whltmursh also delivered n line ad
dress suitable to the occasion. Misses Kate
E. U'ynmn and Maud Hnywnnl and Mr.
.TamesC.Barley favored the n.ssemliled friends
with music. A well prepared lunch was en
joyed by rill. The emblematic cake , present
ed by Brother Harris , was admired by all.
The fraternity is delighted over the social
and fraternal success.
Grecian Nobility.
Prince George , the heir apparent to the
throne of Greece , accompanied by Count
fnlster and a largo rctlnne , will arrive from
Denver on the Burlington at 4 p. m. today.
The party will remain in the -city until
4oO : p. in. when tney will leave for Chicago
on the Burlington llyer.
Cool Itct rents.
There is Denver , cool , clear , in
viting ; ColorndoSprings , tlio homo-like ;
Mnnitou , the abode of the gods ; Idaho
Springs the famous baths , and Boulder ,
a lovely resting place nt the foot of tiio
mountains. Garllcld Beach , on Great
Salt Lake , as a bathing resort is not
equalled in this or Kliy other country ,
nature's champaign' flows the year round
at Soda Springs , Idaho ; the Columbia
river , broad and trrand , is without a
poor for a summer tour , while the
beauties of Coaur d-Alono lake and the
now region of the Pacific Northwest
opens up a line of tourist travel un
surpassed in America. You can have
your choice of climate , any kind of
sport , and every condition of superb
scenery on the manifold lines of the
Union Pacific System.
W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages.
Very ICeasonalilc.
Summer tourist rates are offered by
the Chicago it North western railway.
Full Information at their city ticket
office , 1401 Farnam street.
Decision In Favor ol' tlio
All I wank oo & St. Paul Uy.
The now induce sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:1 : > 0 p. in. , daily. Passengers
taking this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Blutrs , and arrive in Chicago at 9:30 :
a. m. , in ample time to niaice all eastern
connections. Ticket ollico , 1501 Furnam
street. F. A. NARK ,
J. E. PitKSTON , General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
Bothcsda & Colfax mineral water ,
Sherman & McConnoll's pharmacy.
Fourth of July llntcs.
July 3 and 4 the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway will boll round trip
tickets between all stations on their line
for ono and one-third faro. Tickets
good for return passage until July 0.
Ticket ollico , 1501 Farnam street.
Grand Kxcurnlou to YellnwMnno
tlonnl 1'urk and Oilier WcHtcrii
The Union Pacillc , "Tho Overland
Route , " proposes to run , In July , 1801 , a
grand oxenrsiomfcom Omaha to Yellow
stone National j park , Great Shoshone
falls , Idaho , Offdon , Salt Lake City ,
Garliold Beach , lionvor , Clear Creole
Canon , the ( unions Loop , nnd other
points of interest. The Union Pacillc
will furnish six ihorso Concord coaches ,
which will carry the party from Beaver
Canon , Idaho , to and through Yellow
stone National | parlc. These coaches
will also bo taken to Shoshone station ,
nnd used for the-rido to Great Shoshone
From Beaver .EJanon to Yellowstone
National Park.thb trip will occupv three
dnj s going , thruo- days returning , and
olght days will ba spent In the park. Ex
cellent tents audi good equipment for
camping out will fbo furnished by the
Union Pncifieon route from Beaver
Canon to the natffnml whllo In the Park
the tourists will bo qunrto'-ed at the
various hotels.
The very low rate of iJ2' > 0.00 per pas-
Eongor ban been mndo from Omaha ,
This rate indudcs railroad , Pullnrm ,
and stage fare , meals and hotel bills
from the tlmo of leaving Omaha until
the return of the excursion , In all thirty
days. No hnlf faro rates.
Only thirty-live passengers can bo ac
commodated , and as accommodations are
limited , early application for same
should 1)0 made.
In ordering tickets send money for
same by express to Harry P. Douol , city
ticket agent U. P. system , 11102 Farnam
Btreot , Omaha , Nek
No children will bo allowed on this
trip. For furtherinformatlon relative to
this excursion nnd intlnerary , apply to
Gon'l Pass , and Ticket AgU ,
Ornanu , Mob.
WASIIIVOTOX , Juno ' . ' " . [ Special Telegram
to Tur. BKK.I Pensions granted Nobrastonns :
Original-William U. Coffy , Edgar P. Mil
set ) , William Seel , Henry W. Nichols , .labor.
U. Hill , Phllo H. Slumborgor , Saimiol B.
Pnlmcr , Michael Droundt , Joseph Hnrwlck ,
Jntnes E. Burnett , John Coon , Orson A. War
ner , William R Puriiiton , Albert Brunnor ,
Edward Messenger , Ocoreo W , Tlagloy. In-
nrenso-Lorin M. Hilt , William H , Shoemaker -
maker , Jnmcs C. Heswiek , William H. Par
ser , John D. Davis , Charles W. WIlllniiH.
Original widow LouUo llaslor. Original-
Samuel S. IJuvls , George W. MelCenn , John
Knthulscr , Andrew Moffott , John Fnrnoy ,
/.edition Force , George W. Pyles , Henry tl.
Will , S. MullliiE , San ford G. Van Motor
Jumos A. Strange. Additional Andrew H
Clmndlo , Henry Wntt. Increase George
S. Nowimin , Uales S. 1'Vrguson ,
\V llllun : Stewart , Cnnrlos C. Jnsolmnan.
Original Gustavus A. Ila'l ' , Robert II. Dur.
bin , George P. Garliclc. Clinrlos Evans ,
Charles Comstoi'k , James Caragan , llcnju-
min C. Campbell , Augustus C. Ostoiiinnn ,
Karlis Burr Connor , Frederick Ctlno. E/.ra
B. Olives , Ira F. Burroughs , Washington J.
Walling , Theodore Cooper , Joseph Jones ,
John W. Lott , Knmuel MuFarland. Addi
tional Nicholas M. Morgan , James Craw
ford. Iiu-roaso Amo.s Sherman , George W.
/on , Snmuul Proiner , Amoroso II. i'arrlsh.
Ki'lssuc William Ii. Tniev. Original widow
-Eliza M. Wilson. Original-Edward B.
lago , Jnmcs M. Bull , William T. Johnson ,
John C. Baldwin. Ira L. IXidloy , John Iol-
larhldc , Cieorgo W. Uussoll , McfchlorKcccliu-
loy , George Bauni , William Hi-ll , Fuddo
Fixson , John Domoo , I'Vancls ' F. Uyhn , Hain-
uel Mcrrmmn , James Oulp , Henry A. Saiin-
ders. Increase Mloluu-l DoWyant , Henry
Shultz , Joshua Summers , William II. Mc-
Cowln , Henry Kr.iuso , Alon/.o Boswick ,
Hiram L. Williams , Walter Hull.
Iowa : Original William G. Foster ,
Aaron Aufonson , George C. Bradwny , James
L. Col ton , John H. ICunUlc , .1 nines H. Phclnn ,
James E. Arnold , Guorge W. Bonham , Joseph
W. Abarr , John C. Kieswleli , John H.
Baugh , ( Jcorgo Hipploy , Gabriel Sjdilrlnucr ,
Charles H. Walllo , James L. Berry , William
H. btoitdnrd , Franklin Aukorman , Andrew
Thompson , Sylvester II. Baldwin , James
Brutniago , James D. Murklo , Andur-son Bell ,
William Frank Wado. Incronso John
Htortz , Lorenzo B. Green , U.ivid Marrintt ,
Nathaniel Porter , Andrew J. Prakos. Ko-
issue John II Walmor. Uelssuo and in
crease John C. Powell , Charles F. Morton.
Original widow ( special net ) Emily J. Vol-
lor. Original Benjamin R Umbort. Will
iam H. Garner , Barney Smith , Illllbonruo
Loiter , Cieorgo Witlott. Patrick Nicholson ,
William Deltrick , Sherwood D. Himiman ,
UobortfjRSchackloton , Kufiii Conger , Kit T.
Morris John W. Jones , George N. Hollings-
wortli , Benjamin U. Uawlins. Mathlas
Kirsch , Charles WhUaker , Isnao N. Gardner ,
Erastus S. Carpenter , Jumos tiilTord , Hora
tie S. Howe , William Koberts , Ira Stevens.
Allen N. Wright , James Uoylc. Additional
William H. McKoburts , Hugh Thonnw , Ed
ward Hastings , George \V. Purcell , James
McManis. Increase Daniel Chafl'ec , Charles
L. Kenu. George W. Hill , Ueorgo C. Tracy ,
James Roberts , Samuel Porter , Ephruim
Pritchott , William H. Colcman , William N.
Blakcman , GodfreyColl , Charles L ) . Unhnin ,
Samuel M. Elliott , Jasper N. Mnrsh , Frank
Clupatch. Charles P. Hunt. Original John
G. .loniM. Jesse E. Evans , Michael Hnssoll ,
Stephen G. Ilosscnger , Lawrence Sehoon-
over , Sylvester Pontisous , Joseph Cnrr ,
Sumucl F. Coocer , William G. Cain ,
Peter Schcrff , William O. Howlmds ,
HuHiert Moore , Aaron H. Purdum ,
Wellington Wright , George Watrous , Asa
Merrill , Charles Kutton , John MeSowers
Hcnrv C. Hicho.v , John T. Furrar , David
Morns , Jason H. Emry , Uriah llentar , An
drew Scliolcs. Additional John Finloy ,
Elias Van Bauph. Increase William A.
McGraw. Dodridgo W. Cook , Madison 1C.
Rogers , Isaac Eastlnkc , Charles E. Tyler ,
( Joorgo C. Nieholl , Pelor Iloaf , Oregon 1'res-
cott , Thomas Johnson , Alvlu M. Perry ,
Charles H. Grconnmn , Ellas H. Wilson ,
Joseph GroiiL'h. Original Amnzinh Hull ,
John F. Gilinilcn , Edgar F. Haltrht , Milton
Davis , John James , James A. Newman , Pulln
Notharcut , William Boylos , George Bell ,
Jonathan E. Myern , Hiram Hfckson , Abso-
lam M. Aylor , Oscar A. AIcElwan , Koubon
Ely , Henry M. Wallace , John TBrltt , John
Wright , Andrew Chnto , Harvey Hoffman ,
Benjamin Beadllng. Charles Jackson , An
drew Morris , Hiram Bissell. Addi
tional David Hoastand , David Natcher.
Increase Joseph Goto , Calvin U.
Broughton , Jomi 'P. Harvey , Leun-
der II. Leo , Klehard Hobson , John
Chase , George W. Davis , Andrew B. Mosh-
vitor , Thomas D. Minor , Justus O. Fordyce ,
Henry W. SclnlU , Hiram Martin , Josiali
Milbourn. Kcissuo William H. Myers ,
Martin lioland. Original , widows , o'tc.
Mary M. Varnoy. mother , Prlcllla Cummings -
mings , Cvnthln N. Ycnter , minors of James
E.Vlltsoy , Curolino I'loruy , Sarah Haskell ,
Harriet L. Druw.
South Dakota Ernstus C. Stevotis. John
Haguman , Jnmcs Lunger. Original Isaac
N. Have , Edward A. Hackett. Increase
Enoch M. Pease , William B. Parker.
Original Charles Stow , William Hood , John
ICnox , Chester F. Dutton. Increase George
Mr. Cariientcr's
Assessor Carpenter of the Fourth ward
denies that ho has admitted himself on erred -
rod in the assessment of the Glebe Loan &
Trust Co. It was reported that ho had done
this and that on the straiiith of his admis
sion the county commissioners would reduce
the assessment from SiUQ.,000 to $ -0,000.
Mr. Carpenter says that ho assessed the
Company at $200,000 the amount of their
' claimed paid in capital nnd on account of
iheir refusal to gtvo him n statement as re
quired by law. Ho has admitted no error
and pioposes to stand by his original action
in the matter.
Tomorrow morning we will begin to
sell gns stoves as follows : 2-burnor , $2.00 ;
3-burnor , frli.OO ; 4burnor.1.00 ; cabinet
style , 2-burnor on tojr , oven and broiler.
$8.001burnor ; cabinet , oven and broiler ,
$10.00 ; 4-burnor. cast top to bo connected
with chimney , $12.00. Stoot/.ol , 7M S.
Eaton's for photographs , 1H20 Farnam.
The \l orld'H | JIUIKUIKC. :
When Shaitospoaro and Milton wrote ,
only five or six millions spoke their lan
guage. Ono hundred years ago
forty millions of people spoke
German , thirty millions French
and fifteen millions English.
Prof , F. A. Marsh says that more than
ono'lialf of the letters of the world's pos
tal service are now written and road by
English-speaking people. Jacob GrJmin ,
ono of the ablest historians of language ,
says : "Tho English speech may with
full right be called n world language. "
E. & M. V. R. It SUNDAY JUNE 2S.
Io\v llatcH. Fourth ol'July.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
railway will sell tickets at the usual
reduced rates , for round trip to excur
sion parties , for national holiday sea
son.Soo small bills or apply to any ticket
agent of the great Rock Island Route
sybtein for rates and limit of tickets.
Gen. Tk't and Pass. Agt.
E. ST. JOHNGon'l Manager.
J , Ej Dlotrick.nrehltcct. 000 N.Y.Llfo.
Hpoeial Sunday
The Nebraska Turnfost at Fremont ,
Nob. , Grand Picnic Sunday Juno \
1SI. ! ) Cheap rates 75 cents for round
trij ) . Tickets good on thla dny and
train only. Suei-Ial train via Fremont
t Missouri Valley 1C R. , will leave
Webster St. depot at DiJIO a. in. , Sunday
Juno i8 ! , IbOl. A grand tlmo assured.
Committee B. M. MOIIU
Tickets on eulo 1401 Farnam St. and
at depot. J. R. BUUIANA.V.
Goucral Pass. Ag't P , E. & M. V , R. R.
Hiiiiiiucr Ahldliig I'laoc of tlio Pretty
Oiniiha School Teacher.
Omaha's army of school tcnchors is rapidly
disporting In various directions to spend tha
summer , The examinations hnvo In the mnic
boon quite satisfactory. Tboro will bo nearly
throe hundred students of the eighth grnilo
who will bo given neat certificates and will
on tor the high school next year.
Many of ilia touchers will romnln nt homo
In Omaha during the vacations , others will
go to their Ivomos la other cities nnd states ,
while others will take in the summLU- resorts
of the east or the Hooky mountains.
Suporintcndcnt James said yesterday that
he feared some of the best looking and
brightest of the young ladles would not re
turn. Ho thought that opportunities to
chntigo tholr nntims and occupations might
become so favorable that some might decide
to accent. The toauhcr.-t all disclaim any
possibility , however , of their giving way to
Iho persuasive eloquence of any man they
may chance to meet , nnd they all declare
they will bo back when tin * leaves begin to
turn to tnko up Iho work as usual.
Following Is a list of those who will leave
Omaha for the summer , nnd thopostofllco ail-
dress of o.ieh during the vacation : Cora M.
Howes , Adalr , la. ; Virginia Kennedy , Wll-
kesvlllo , O. ; KlUabeth Biirkor , Concord , N.
11. ; Miss M. D. Ballentyno , Brooklyn , la. ;
Miss Bcrtlm A. Birkott , JS | Pacllle
street , Brooklyn , N. Y. ; Miss Lulu
Knight , Irvington , Nob. ; Kato
A. Wok-ott , Elk City , Neb. ;
Hattlo M. Duncan , Kcokuk , la. ; Annie 1.
Gillls. Evansvilto. N. Y. ; Amelia S. Crans
ton , Nunda , N. V. ; M. J. llydu , 'Ji'i Tncoma
nvoiiuo , Tncomn. Wash. ; Mary Johnson ,
Cable. 111. ; Mary E. Kalnes , Toledo ,
O. : Ida P. W'lson , Sidney , O. ;
Jennie L. Ked Ik-Id , Toronto , Can. ;
Walcott , Elk City , Nob.j Martha E. Evans ,
Lincoln , Nob. ; Lottlu L. Jassottc , Albloii ,
Mich. ; Kettle E. Kend , Madison , Nob. ;
Marie J. CJallagher , St. Mary's , Kan. ;
Mary D. Edmonds , Kochello , III. ;
Emm i Cnmnbell. Cblllacothe , Mo. ; Mrs.
Elizabeth Cravim , Willlamsbnrg , la. ; Dollic
Church , Pomroy , O. ; Emma F. McCllntock ,
Pauline , Kan. ; Mary L. Alter , Camp Point ,
III. ; Xorn McKnlght , Pomeroy , O. ; DOIM
1C. Squire , Corning , la. ; Ai'iics Hutehinson ,
KIchland Center , Wis. ; Emma Wheatloy ,
DuHuoln , 111. ; Ada I. Hopper , ilUii Oak
street , Kansas City.Mo. ; JeannaltcMuDonafd ,
Cornwall , T. E. 1. ; Clara B. Mason , Burling
ton , In. ; M. Florcnco LIttletleld , Wells , Me. ;
Emily J. Robinson , Exeter , Neb. ; Carrie M.
Hioks , Joliet , 111. ; Fannie Nevins , Kearney ,
Nob. ; Orio Brown , Newton , In. ; Eoln W.
Nichols , Williston , Vt. : Helen Rogers ,
Whitehall , Mich. : II. J. Boyd , Monmonth ,
111. ; Ida Dysart , Auburn , Neb. ; Ella Thorn-
gate , Weeping Water , Nob. ; Martrarot Scott ,
Turkic , Mo. ; Emma J. Carney , Oawego , N.
V. : Ellen M. White , Middlesex ,
Vt. ; Mary Agnes Fra/.cr , Marion ,
In. ; L. Haniinn , Marshalltown , la. ;
H. Jennie James , KX10 Pennsylvania
avenue , Denver , Colo. ; Margaret c. Mc-
Laughlln , Waterloo , Nub. ; Emma Whitmoro.
Capo Cod , somewhere ; Georgia Valentino ,
Richmond , Ind. ; Edith Goodspeed , Topeka.
Kan. ; Lizzie M. Elcoek , Van Wert , O. ;
Ilnllio M. Squire , Corning , la. ; Etta Powers ,
Carroll , la. ; Esther Heston , Mount
Pleasant , la. ; Mhuilo S. Dye , Mil
waukee , Wis. ; Knto M. Miles , Dowoys ,
Mont. ; Mary Lucas , Dnbnquo , la. ;
Katlierino Armbrnstor , Marshalltown , la. ;
Iluttio S. Eddy. BeRovue , Nub. : Clara T.
Cooper , 12.VJ Wilcox avenue , Chicago ; M.
Lizzlo Howott. Auburn , Mass. : Mary Moore ,
Indianapolis. Ind. ; Helen Lloytl , Keokuk , lu. ;
Mary E. Brolllar , Phillips , Neb. ; Mabel L.
Jenni-ton , Osage , la. ; Kato E. Crane , Morrls-
ville , Vt. ; Alice E. Hltc , Lincoln , Neb. ;
Jennie E. Fair , Cedar Kapids , la. ; Helen
Wychoff , York , Neb. ; Mrs. F. C.
Goodman , Gothenburg , Neb. ; Eliza
beth Hoonoy , O'Connor , Neb. ; Anna
Phonix , Albia , la. ; Clara B. Duval ,
Atlantic , la. ; Stella Graves , Council Bluffs
la. ; Clara Elder , Qninoy , 111. , Anna B.
Moore , Buchanan , W. Va. ; Alnrgtirct R
Goss , Edinburgh , O. ; M. E. Allen , ( .ionova ,
N. Y. ; Elizabeth B. Lcighty , O-iago City ,
Kan. ; D. Ihirnuy , Colorado Springs , Col. ;
Ellen M. Stall , Wooster , O. ; Kato M.
Wright , Weeping Water , Nob. ; Ada Arm
strong. Ncvnua , In. ; Avis Z. Hanson , Scranton -
ton City , la. ; Margaret Vincent , Crcston ,
I.i. ; Nolllo IreUnd , Papillion. Nob. ; Uoso C.
Fitch , Washington , Neb. ; Agnes M. Dawson ,
Blair , Neb. ; IJono E. Hamilton , Arlington ,
Nob. ; Louise B. Mann , Arlington Neb. ;
Amelia Brown , Washington , la. ; Minnie
Knowlton , 171 Front street , Blngimmnton ,
N. V : Julia Carter , Dubuque , la. : 1C. M.
Stillwoll , Fort Branch , Ind. ; Ella Kings-
bury , Osatre , la. ; Margaret L. McAra , Bella-
fonfain , O. ; Margaret Ellis. Austin , Minn. ;
Sn'lio Pitman , Mount Pleasant , la , ; Ednu
Harnoy , Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Eli/.abotu
Alban , Napa City , Cnl.
'tooro is
Constable DIngman lovlod upon the stock
nnd fixtures of Frank Moore , an Eleventh
street commission house man yesterday. The
constaulu said that Moore bought a scalper's
ticket for Denver Into Friday night and
It is understood that Moore was run
ning n tort of wildcat commission
houso. His ilrm would send out bul
letins through the country offering to
pay high prices for country produce. Ho
caucht lots of suckers , who consigned almost
everything in the produce line to the Elev
enth street house. Settlements were few
nnd fnr between. The country customers
began to got anxious. So did a couple of
hundred merchants who had sold goods to
the smooth talking commission man.
The levy was served to satisfy n claim of
Sol. All the property in sight was removed
to Maggiml's storehouse , where It will bo
.sold to satisfy claims.
At ( lie Park.
A concert will bo given nt Ilnnscom park
by the Union Paclllo band today , commenn
uie at ! ) o'clock p. in. The following Is th
programme :
Qiilckstnii Klopso . . lly I'otno
OvurtUM ! "ThuCJoldnn Du-ain" . . . ! . I ! . Uuulslu
Consult Kantiislu "Our Hand" .
. lly II. U. Mllnr
Waltlllrd of 1'aradlhu . lly Kounlg
March Medley Musicians' Itovcrln .
. lly R Iluyors
Medluy Overture "riaored Ktanard" .
. II I , . Collln
Purmiailo "Slurs Aru Twinkling" . . .lly Itlpluy
Hold for llitrltonu or Trombone "Tlio Vis-
Ion" . lly K. llrooks
1-AllT III.
Poluetlnn Maritana . lly K. lleynrs
I'olliii "Tnlia'M Ulmlcu" . W. I' . ( Jhamliors
O'rturo "Crystal I'uliiuo" . Hontlnvull
Uulop Tonmdo . M U. Kamsdull
Al'tor the Convention.
The committees npi > olnlcd by the board of
trade and Heal Estate Owners' association , to
go to Cedar Huplds and secure Iho encior o-
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
, } o Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake nml I'u-iry , Light r'laky
Jjiscmt , Ijru. < V-1.-5 , 1'ulatablc
and - - iimc.
jrfo other baking j. wocr dues iuth wotiu
mont of the lowix ropubllcnn convention on
the Invitation to hold the next nntlonnl con *
vontlon In Onmhn. held n Joint mooting ntt
tlio bonrd of trnilo rooms yesterday nfternooti A
nnd dlscuMcd plans , ntc. Tlio commltta&i
will ( ro to Cedar Knplds Tuesday loaded wilU
statistics nnd lu-compnnlcd bv sovorul Itillu
ontlnl business nmii , who wlU work In tin
Interest of Omnlm. Those who will go am
John tj. Wobstur , John It. Webster , K. A.
DoiBon , U. U. St-ott , W. A. L. Gibbon , W. J.
llrotitcli , A. 1 . Tukuv , Joseph Darker.
Thomas ICllpatrlelt and U. H. Drown. 'I'll *
list will bo milled to beforeTuosdnv and It li
expected Unit a largo di'lok'ailon will BO.
Senator Slii-n'w Kmicrnl.
The fnnernl sorvieot of the Into John O.
Show will lie hold nt thu litto roilduiu-o of the
deco.nml , I.VII Yntcs street , nt 'J p. in. today.
Following will bo the | iill ; uonrori : John M.
DouRhortv nnd Frank. ! Mnrrny , represent-
bit ; the Snmoaot association. T. J. Miilioiioy ,
U'arroii .swilzlor , 'I' . J. Morlnrty , F. L.
Weaver , Itfimtloim Dunn nnii J. A. 1'uwors ,
ropi-osuntlli ) ; the bur.
Tlio hoarse will bo di-.i-vn by four liatul-
snino blimk horses , drnpud with hiindsonio
liliu-k inonrniiiK noli. 'L'ho ' body will bo Interred -
torrod la the cemetery of the Holy Sepul
IflH Heait l-'alleil.
Coroner flnrrlgnn hold nn Inqnost on the
body of Frederick Murkl yostontny nftornoou
nt Hcafoy & licnfoy's. Ur. Ctmrles Allison
tu.stiiled that ho in.'uio n imst uiortcn oxnint-
niitlun and found that donth hiul boon causuil
by heart failure superinduced by cou c-ttioa
ot tlio brain. The jury found n verdict in
ncc-ordniico with the above facts.
The dead man's brother , M. Morkt , nrrlvcd
from Modale , In. , yesterday morning and nt
once mudo arniiiKoiiionU for the fimoraL.
Son-Ices will oo hold at Hoafo.v's undortaK-
ItiK rournn tills mornliiR and the body will ba
interred In Lixurol 11111 oomutery.
to ConipInintH.
The county commissioners wore In session
live miniitos yesterday afternoon. Tnoy thou
ndjonr nod until Tuesday and devoted the ro-
malndcr of the day to sitting as a board of
cqnlllz'.itlon to listen to the complaints of
property owners who claim to have oeon
wrongfully assessed. The bankers occupied
the greater portion of the tlmo and at the
hour of adjournment they hud not completed
the work of proving how llttlo property thojr
own that Is taxable.
The following inarrlago llceiisos were Is
sued by Jiulifo Shield ! > yostorJoy :
Nuino aim AddrrsK. Aqo.
J I-'Imor Suttoii. Oiniiha 19
MlniilL" Ilnulur. Oiiialiu W
Oiinlel T. Murpliy , Hnutli Omaha 20
1 l , . Adiiiiis , Hoiith Omaha IV
Hnmilton Warren , M. IX , eclectic and ,
ningnotic physician and Hiirgoon. Spe
cialty , disoa on of women and children ,
110 N. 10th street. TelephoneMSS. .
Great Summer
Clearing Sale.
M pieces line Swiss embroideries in
creams , white , blue , blade , rod , pinlc ,
none worth less than Ifie and up to 50c.
Von can take your pick Monday at 50
50 pieces white checked munsoolca ,
very line quality , regular lOe and IL'io
( jowls , they go for oiio day Monday at
( He yard.
lid pieces curtain scrim 45c yard.
Elegant line black India linens 10o.
l * o. lee yard.
Beautiful black organdies at 12Jo , lee
100 pieces now chnllis , the very latest
designs and colorings , worth wholcbala
! / > < - . choice Monday lOc yard.
Elegant all wool challia Monday 39o
yard , worth ( > 0c.
Beautiful line now pongee wash
goods in light and dark colors at 10c
and 18o yard.
HO pieces solid pink ginghams Ic " .
day Monday only oo yard.
2 bales : fi-inch ( unbleached mus
Mondny ; you can got 18 yards for $1
' Fancy btripo outing llannels -lo
10 Diocos 80-Inch black lawns Go yard ,
worth lUjc.
Monday wo offer choice of 100 pieces
best French sutineH worth 35o to SOo ill
lilc yard.
Children's fast black hose , all sizes ,
Ific pair.
Ladies' fancy stripe jersey ribbed
vests only DC each.
100 pieces fancy all silic ribbons in
nuniboi-H 10 nnd 40 , worth 35c to 70c |
choice Monday lOc yard.
BOYD'S | ; | ! | ' One Night Only.
Tim ( Sunday ) Evening , Juno 28 ,
I.cctino hy Ilio
"The Mistakes of Iip'sol ' j.
Literature and Rclipn. "
Donnelly Upholds the Bible nnd
Denounces Ingorsolllsm.
Donnelly Snys Shnkcspenra
Wns n Man , nnd Not D God ,
Mr Domiclir win ho inlr < > < lucc < l IT Governor
Jniuuj K lloyil 1'rli-t'i n imiuil.
Ooraur lltli and l-'iirnain Ktruot-J.
Week of June 20th.
I'k'rii H K [ .lixurli , Ilio boy tlilof nf Iho I'nwnco ln
( lluiiri , xvlll liM-turu uti the MiporHlltluiiN Itluav aad
lilihlli < il Ilin illiruronl Irlliun nl Inilliin. .
Salurian Quartette.
\V. W llultorn'n Driniintlo Co. , prvionllnK Ilial
( IllHAT 1'I.AV
OPEN DAILY , 1 to 10 P. M.
Admission Ono LJlmo.
( iuine at ! tUu : o'
ii , full . 25 cents ,