Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1891, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City.
flusliiess Ofllcc , No. 43.
N. V. I . Co.
Council Uluff Lumber Co. , coal.
Crort's chattel loans C04 Sapp block.
If you want water In your yard or house
goto Hlxby's , ! Morrlam block.
A fir prl/o will bo contested for nt Hnch-
Wit/ ' bowling nlloy lit Lake Mnnawn this
Mnry Crlss. nn Irish Arabian , was fir-
rested yesterday nornlnf ? on thu chnrnc of
pcciuillng without a license.
The Women's Christian association will
meet nt Mrs. L. Klseruan' , Pork avenue ,
Monday , .Juno 2 ! > , nt ! i p. m.
Wanted Pupils for tbo plnno. orpan and
pultiir by nn experienced teacher lately from
ChlunKO. lloom'Htl Mcrrlam ock.
Klnborato Sundny dinner nt C5rund hotel
from r. HO (07 : 0 Cool and breezy. Dining
room on sixth lioor.
The Models and Athletics will piny bill at
Mnnnwn this afternoon , Game will bo called
at ! t o'clock , mid a sharp contest Is assured.
Lnko Manaiva will attract \i\n \ \ crowds to
day. There ate n score of .special attractive
features , ucsldcs the longest and highest
wntor tobo''Kmi slides In the world.
Mnrriapo licenses were issued yesterday to
Wllliiim .1 , Galbraith and LIlllo 7. . DoLotno ,
both of Oniahii , mid to .Jo.snph .1. Koppolkom
and JZosey Klmons , both of Council liiulTs.
The scaled verdict of the jury In the case of
Johnson against JOIIM , which was on trlul in
the district court last Friday was opened
yesterday mnniiiiB bvJudgo Smith. It was
found to be for the defendant.
The hearing of Charles Olson on the charge
of obtaining money under false pretences has
been continued until next Wednesday , the
prosecuting witness having fulled to bo on
tmml when the case was .sot for r hearing .
Eltibornto Sunday dinner nt Grand hotel
from r'lO toTHO. : Cool and brce/y. Dining
room on sixth lloor.
Cm Us have been received announcing the
marriage ol Chariot A. Starr and Miss Jcan-
netto MrCaity at Logansport , Ind. Mr.
Starr was formerly connected with the
Omaha Republican In this city and is remem
bered by many.
The tent nicotines nt the corner of fifth
nvcnuo mid Eighteenth street , under the
auspices of thu Fifth Avenue .Methodist
church , have resulted in r number of con
versions Both the church and the outsiders
mo taking a gieat interest In the work.
Ada , Huth , Esther , Martha and Electra of
Harmony Chapter No. S5 , Order of Eastern
Star , will entertain nt a lawn sociable given
nt Mr. Frank Lavin's , ! * > ( . ' Madison street ,
Wednesday evening , July 1 , The presence
of all members and their friends Is courted.
Miss Louisa Hocschn , a member of the
class of IS'.ll ' of the high scnool , was pre
sented with a. watch lust Friday night by a
numborof her German friends at the close of
the commencomuntcxcrcises , In honor of her
sianding at thu head of her class during the
past year.
Great preparations are being made for the
celebration to bo held at the driving park on
the Fourth. A number of delegations from
outside towns are expected to spend the day
bete. A telegram was received yesterday
morning from Hnllnn announcing that a
party of seventy-live from that place would
plcn'ic hero.
Elaborate Sunday dinner at Grand hotel
froni5iO : : to7Q. : ! ) Cool an u breezy. Dining
loom on sixth lloor.
Mrs. Colby arrived yesterday to attend the
C'hutitnuqua assembly" , she having in charge
a home uducutlonal department , which gives
jromlso of much interest and Instruction.
Mrs. Colby is one of the worthy workers at
'hu New York Chnutauqun , and the manage
ment hero is to bo eonpratlntod upon having
.secured her presence here.
O. S. Gibson , sheriff of Cowloy county ,
tCmisas , arrived In the city yesterday with
Oliver Webster and Frank Hitchcock , n
: ouplo of young fellows who stole a team of
lorsc.s and n wagon and run away from homo
nbout n week ago. The boys were arrested
in Oniahn yesterday morning and were taken
back to Kansas last night.
E. M. Bunker , president of the Young
Men's Christian association , and wife , have
Issued Invitations for u mootiiiK of the active
members of the association at their homo , 81(1 (
Third avenue , next Tuesday evening. The
meeting is for the purpose of having a con
ference on the subject of association work , as
well as a social time generally.
C. F. Peters , a wealthy merchant of Pana ,
111. , turned up in police court yesterday morn
ing with n red nose and a feeling as though
ho bad been through the mill. Ho had boon
rrrested by Ofllccr Martin on the "How , "
while his pocket book was being flattened nt
the rate of a dollar ininuto by some of the
frail damsels In whoso smllos ho was bask
ing. Ho was taken to the station , whore he
was found to have a purse containing over
ffiOO In his pockot. When ho started from
homo ho was equipped with iilour $1,1)00 ) and
an overwhelming Intention of having a high
old time. Ho has had the time , although It
has cost him .something. Ho paid a Una of
flO.'JU lor drunkenness , and was released.
ol' I inn.
Owing to change of Him wo will rloso out
all millinery goods nt cost for the next ! ! 0
3ays. Mlssos Sprink & Kagsdule , 3211
Umbrella Sale.
AH tlio stock of sun umbrellas and parasols
on snlo tomorrow , Monday at actual cost-
Boston Storu , Council Bluffs , la.
M'KltSOXA Ij i'A It A It A I'HS.
.T. O'Connell of DOS Moines Is at the
O. H. Dwight of Burlington is at the
J. C. Mitchell of the Northwestern is in
City Auditor J. C. Laugo went to Colfax
last evening.
( T. P. Morgan and C. T. Stewart of Kansas
City are at the Grand.
Will Hnymond has returned from Grinnell
where ho lias been attending college.
William Duell has returned from n two
months' visit to his old hcmo In Scotland.
V V.Vlllty and wife of Baraboo , Wis. ,
arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lincoln.
Judge .1. K. Heed goes to Denver tomorrow
to organize the United States court of private
land claims.
Mrs. V. Jennings returned yesterday from
tbo cast , u hero hho was called to attend thu
funeral of bur mother.
Mr. Donald s > , Culver , of West Superior ,
Wis. , has been In the citv for several days n
puest of Kov. and Mrs , . G. W. Crafts.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , \\llloffor
their cntlro .stock of parasols and sun um
brellas nt actual cost tomorrow , Monday.
Boston Storu , Council Blutls , la.
For Snlo Tlio 5-room house and all ma
terial In old street i-ar barn , very cheap. Win.
Leu is , at Grand hotel.
CVIclirntc tlio FOIII tli ,
The members of tlio Ancient Order of
Hibernians of this city are making great pro-
p.uatlons for their celebration on the Fourth-
There will bo a cram ! parade through the
principal streets In the morning , and U Is
expected that suveral hundred Hibernians
will bo on hand to take part. In the after
noon there will bo speaking nt Fairinouiit
park by BOHIO of the most nblu orators , uftur
which there will to dancing. A banquet and
ball will bo held In Mnymla temple In the
evening. _
For . .InlyHIi. .
Union nark raccn , Omaha and Council
Blulls , hippodrome circus , three running
races ; n free barbecue , ox wolgbjnp 1,750
jiounOs ; boys' pony ruco. Children under
fifteen half price. For particulars and nrlvl-
ogcs address T. 13ray , manager , Council
Bluffs , lit.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves mid
household goods of Mundol & Klein , Council
Bluffs. Puces very low ; frolt'ht prepaid to
your city.
Important Meotipg othn _ Board of E
tion Held.
1. 1st Itccointnciiilcd by the Committee
Adopted \\UllOllt DlHCUHHloil
Some Objection to u Junltor
Tlie McftliiK'H Work.
The board of education held an adjourned
session last evening for the purpose of select
ing the teachers and janitors for the coming
year. All the members were present.
Chairman Schoentgcn submitted his re
port. In It ho called attention to the fact
that ho had included In his list nearly M ) per
cent of the teachers now employed. Ho alss
recommended that the year consist of thirty-
seven wcous , commencing Monday , Sootcin-
bor 7 , and ending Juno l.'l , lsiJ. )
The following Isallstofthoteacncra recom
mended by him :
High Si-hool Principal. H II. in : tmnn ; ns-
sIst.itiK M.VVyrimn ! tone-half day , JTOO ) ,
( J. W. I'rlee. Mr . M. Mourn
( laminar and primary departments. Miss
Aldili'li. Ciirrlo Alexander , Ada Alnswoith ,
II ir ara Anderson. Huu Itiulollet. Janio
Iliildwln. Mrs llitrcluy , MnpKle Britain ,
Louisa HoeKclie. Mrs. Oluru Newton
Hopo. Myrtln HoHrdninti , Klllo Hultitl.
Kate Illuxwlni. Annii Ill.inulrird. Anna Cliam-
liorlitln. M//iu Connor , M//.lo Cro-uer. 'lou-sii
Ciiyno , .foslc f'lanst'ii. Mr . M II. CurtK Myr
tle Culler , .Marv Damon. Maiy ln\onport.
Muccii Doughty. Miirv Dniieaii , Mary I'ITJII-
fion. Kuttlo ( j raven , .Mrs. I.ou Unites , Dora
Class , Carrie doff , Mrs. U//lo Gle.i-
MMI , Mary ( larliiittv , .lennle Howe Ml-
Inn Hart. Clh'o llonn , Minnie Ilim on.
Nanlo llardln. Ivatlo Holder. Dora Hood ,
rmiiiii Howard. Ada Ilownrd.lfo ) ertii IIntten-
hniiur , 11 n Id a l , < vlmw. Mary McMillan. Miintle
MUIIKIIIII. Mary Mlthen , Kttu MuMahon. Cliir.i.
Meyers , Cella Muli-iieon , Anna MlUesull , I.lla
MacUlntosli. Delhi O'Knnrki * . No > llu Parsons.
Jennie I'lle. Kate 1'nj ne.Cl en Prior. Jose Itlef.
I'lora Ketlcker , Vernle Iteynolils , May Sims ,
KniestlneStnllan Joslo Shoii. I.oiiKo Swan ,
Mury Tlnluy , I'lancn Totnllsoii , I'lora \ an
Order , Nc'lllo Wadswortli , Nelllo Wk-Uliain
Mis. I. T. Waru. Julia Walkvr. Virginia White ,
Kate Wlcliain. Wllllo White , huvla Young ,
C'arrle X.urmlulilon , I < la Xlpp.
Substitutes Miunlu Dickey. KateOronenog ,
I'annlo Swire.
Special Tcaehnrs Wrltliri and drawing
teacher. Harriet lilood : mui > ic teacher , Mn.
M. J. O'Neill.
Somehow n report had gotten out that n
frcQ-for-all light might bo looked for when
Mr. Schoentgen handed In his report , but on
the contrary nothing could have been more
peaceable. The members of the board lin
gered the report and asked just enough ques
tions to show that they were in it , and the
report was adopted unanimously as sub
Chairman Stacy submitted the following
list of Janitors for the ensuing year :
Washington avenue , Halph Simpson ;
Bloomer , W. S. Wilkins ; Hill , N. E. Tyson ;
New Pierce. Celin Schindler , Third street ,
Georgu Autonreith ; Twentieth avenue , Mrs.
Mary Itapp ; Eighth uvenuo , Mrs. Mury
Goff ; Eichth street , George B. Miles ; Second
end avenue , C. F. Hurio ; Avenue B , Marga
ret E"ans ; Fifteenth street , Mury Klpplinir ;
Old Pierre , Mrs. Knlcdhart ; Twenty-ninth
street. D. H. Whipplo.
Hunter objected to Autcnreith's retention
on the ground that he seemed disposed to
contest the right of the board to run the
schools. The report was adopted , Hunter
voting "no" as to Autenreith. „
A Iloyal IMutio.
The Mueller Music Co. has received the
finest piano of any kind ever brought into
this country. Of course it is a Hardman ,
but it Is the king of the Hardman's. It is a
parlor grand , new scale , encased In old
English oak , and it will take just
$1,000 to buy It. Mr. Mueller is ex
cessively proud of it and wuuta all of his
friends "and the public generally to come in
and sea it. A special invitation is ( given
to the music people of Council Bluffs to ex
amine and admire it. It holds thu place of
honor in the big music house on Main street ,
and people will bo justlHed in approaching It
with uncovered heads. It was ordered ex
pressly for a patron and will probably not re
main long in-Its present location.
Assignee's sale of Gil moro's stock of Jew
elry , stationery , toys , etc. , ! 2JD Main street.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
Sun Umhrcllu Sale.
1GOO sun umbrellas and parasols on sale at
TOX SroitE , Council Bluffs , la.
Benefit to Tlev. J. T. IMnckny.
Royal Arcanum hull was filled to Its ut
most capacity last evening , the occasion
being the benefit to Uov. T. J. MacUay ten
dered him by the members of the Hoyai Ar
canum and the Commercial pilgrims of Amer
ica , In view of the fact that ho Is about to
leave the Bluffs for Omaha to take charge of
All Saints' Episcopal church. H. J. Mac-
Bride of the Commercial Pilgrims acted in a
very cfllclout mannerasmastorof ceremonies.
The lirst number on the progiammo was
n selection by the mandolin club , consisting
of D. J. uoss , J. H. Mlthen. Cam Patterson ,
Frank Hnus and Johi | Keating , rendered In
u very taking manner. This was followed
by a tenor solo by Mr. V. Furnekos , entitled
"Oh , Happy Day , " which , though well
known , has lostnono of Us popularity by ago.
A trio for llute , cornet and piano was the
next number on the programme , by Messrs.
F. V. Budollot and W. L. Murphy , ana Miss
Maud Cuvln. Miss Mary Oliver then sang a
song in her usual winning way , after which
came a duet , ' 'Divertimento , " for
Hutu and piano , by Messrs. Bud-
ollet and Sims. Then followed
a violin solo by Mr. C. A. Higgins of Omaha ,
who is well known on this side of the river
and Is always well received. The "Vacant
Chair , " was the title of a tenor solo sung by
I. M. Troynor. Mr. Ed Cogloy entertained
the audience with a monologue , in which ho
fully demonstrated his ability to lie two or
more people at ttiu same time. The musical
programme was finished by a beautiful duet
by the Messrs. Waller and Lou Dulo of
Omaha , Much of the success of thu pro-
L-rummu was due to thu itblu work of tbo an-
companlsts , Misses Anna Patterson and
Daisy Higgins and Mr. Bert Sims ,
At the close of the progrnmuiu A. T. Fllok-
Ingcr maae an address In wtilch ho paid Kov.
Mr. Muckay many high compliments for the
active part which he had taken In every pub
lic enterprise- , and especially for the way in
which ha had brought about the orgunl/utlon
of the Commercial Pilgrims through ft ser
mon preached to the drummers about three
months ago. Ho then presented Mr. Mnokuv
with the proceeds ut the evening's entertain
This last was a complete surprlso to the
reverend , ho having been given to under
stand all along thatlt was to bo a free-for-all
affair , But ho was mlt > tnkun , owing to the
inability of thu promoters of the entertain
ment to keep a secret , and a handsome purse
was transferred from the attorney to the
I'lorgyniun. The latter responded in a fuw
well chosen words uml the uudlimcu broke up ,
unanimous in the feollng that thu only bright
spot in connection with Mr. Mackay's de
parture was thu fact that It had given occa
sion for so magnificent mi entertainment.
There are plenty of bargains yet to bo baa
at thu special lemovul sale ut the Louis' , Mu-
bonic block.
t'liilirclla Snlc.
All the stock of sun umbrellas and parasols
on hitle tomorrow , Monday at actual cost ,
Boston Store , Council Blurts , la.
Gasollnoi-it oil ; cobs , wood and coal :
prompt delivery. L. O. KnottsJl Main ,
tulephoni iiJ3.
Swanson Muslo Co. , ! < < " > Broadway.
Gentlemen desiring elegantly fitting suits
for summer wear will llud just what they
wuni at Holler's , the tailor , UIO Broadway.
'I\vo Much \Viitor.
Judge Smith bad an Injunction suit before
htm yesterday morning In the dUtrlct court.
The plaintiff ; was M. Marcus , and M , Cusoy
and J.V. . Luake were made , dofcndaiiui.
Marcus claim * that the spouting on Casey's
building , In which Is situated tbo Initial
Point meat market , Is arranged so M to
throw all the water from It on his premises ,
and that in this way the safety of fits brick
building l.s thro.Unncd. Judge Smith gnvo
him authority to fix tha'spauts on the meat
market to suit himself mid issued nn injunc
tion restraining Cnspy ntutnk.o ) < from
hindering him jn the work.
Hats and h its for the Fourth of July at
the Louis' , Masonic block.
The lied Mrns' Anniversary.
On tomorrow evening the Pocahontns ladles
\\ill give a delightful entertainment at
Hughes' hall In honor of the second anniver
sary ol the Improve J Order of Hod Men. A
splendid programme has boon arranged and
in addition to the literary and social features
of the evening elegant refreshments will bo
served. The following Is the programme :
Address of Welcome I. C. Tlpton
Violin uii'ii . J " Scliuliort'8 Serenade I -
jbj "
Mnmrkiido Concert f
Clinton A. Ca < -
fonn The I'ropos il . . . Miss Minnie Merkle
Iteelttttlnn Slonx Chief's Daughter !
Mr . lllanelio McCollouili
Arnulilon Quartette ivi-nln : llolls
Wnlto. Jixct'li. liilrliiK. Uuvls
Song When the Tldu Comes In
In.Mrs. . Klngsherry
IMuno solo Miss Stella Maxon
SOUK God Uiiiinl Thee , l ivo . V. Purnekes
Itccltutlon Dolsartu Exercises
Mis. lllanuliu McCollouah
i-'oms-Snteotion . . . .Mlm Illrdlo IjOggett
I'unt om Iniu Tableaux.
The progrnnimo shows that some of the
best Council Bluffs and Omaha talent will
take part. Mrs. McCollough is n profes
sional elocutionist , whoso brilliant perform
ance elicited prent pr.iise at the Sioux Oily
corn palace last year and the year previous.
Will Close at 7 O'Clook.
After July 1 Evans'shoo store will close
at 7 o'clock , except Mondays and Saturdays.
Mar Bourlcius , music teacher , removed to
53s JJroadway , over C. B. musio company.
Bright upland hay nt slaughter prices for
next thirty days ; 4. > u tons , H. L. Carmancor ,
ner Pearl and 5th avenue.
I'urusol Bale.
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will offer
their entire stock of parasols and sun umbrel
las nt actual cost tomorrow , Monday. Boston
Store , Council Bluffs , In.
Ten I'er Cent Discount.
10 per cent discount on all oxfords Monday
and Saturday nights at Evans' shoe store.
Low R tcs Cor the I'oiirtli.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific rail
way will beli tickets at the usual reduced
rates for round trip to excursion parties for
the national holiday .season. A. T. Elwoll.
ticket agent , No. 10 Pearl street , Council
Hotel Arivuls.
The following arrivals registered at the
Grand yesterday ;
Geo. P. Morgan , Kanas City ; A. B. Knlrd ,
Now York ; Frank E. Johnson , Glowcestor ,
Mass. ; H. B. Ueede. Chicago ; D. L. Allen ,
Chicago ; J. Molcalt and wife , Iowa ; Miss
M. M. Barrett , Denver ; Miss D. Overton ,
Omaha ; H. E. Warner , Boone , Iowa ; It. E.
Davidson , Chicago ; J. M. Henrv , Omaha ;
W. L. Miller , Cincinnati , O. ; E. Mehring ,
Chicaeo ; T. II. Dnrrah , St. Louis ; O. S.
Gibson , Winliold. Kan. ; Charles C. Kahn ,
St. Louis ; Saul H. Kahn , Chicago ; Thomas
1' . Anderson , jr. , Hamilton , O. ; D. C. Herrick -
rick , Chicago ; E. J. Brausch , Chicago : J. A.
Tavlor , Davenport ; W. H. Stoner , DCS
Moines ; A. F. Van Dovort , Black Hills ; L.
D. Hinklcy , Milwnuiice ; C. Hoberson , Balti
more ; W. Grossman , Baltimore ; 1 : M.
Stephens , St. Louis ; J. T. Wallace , St.
Louis ; J. A. Leens , Creston , la. ; Thomas
Hoffman , Chicago ; D. Frank , Chicago ; W.
A. Fanner , Omaha ; J. W. Norton , Chicago ;
J. D. Van Emun , Ottumwa , la. ; George P.
Crosby , Chicago : S. H. Plumcr , Chicago : S.
C. Rolling , Sioux City ; Ed Holdnerness ,
Creston , la.
Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's.
Union Park races , Omaha and Counci
Bluffs. September 8-11 , $ < ) ,50J ; October 0-2i
$4,000. For programmes address Nat Brown ,
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
Sun Uiiilirelln Side.
lr > 00 sun umbrellas and parasols on sale at
actual cost tomorrow , Monday at the Boston
Store , Council Bluff ! , lu.
llncen .July 4 ,
At the Union Park , Council Blutls.
Running races.
Roman chariot races.
Roman standing races.
Free barbecue , l,7.)0-pound steer , killed ,
dressed and cooked on the grounds.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 533 B'way
' for furnltu Installment
Morgan's prices o on
ment plan lower than any other house In city.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit juice
tablets. They are delicious.
Commencing July 1 the cash system will
bo adopted at Kelloy's grocery , 101 Broad
Picnio at Manhattan beach , LakoManawa ;
good iishing , line bathing and boating ; plenty
of shade ; best place for camping out parties.
War on Superintendent < fainca Heady
to Itrouk Out Aiaiii.
There was some very sprightly caucussini ;
done yesterday bv members of the board of
education. The election of toauhors and of
superintendent of schools will ocour tomor
row night , and the James and anti-James
factions wore In close consultation'for sev
eral hours during tbo afternoon.
The friends of Superintendent James
claimed that they had eight votes that they
could Imuk on , but tbo nntl-Jumes wing of
the board also clalmad eight. As thro are
but fifteen members of the board ono or tbo
other side must have been leaning upon a
brokun or badly bent reed.
There is also a Conoyor mid an anti-Con-
oyor party. There are others who aspire to
the olllco of secretary to tlio hoard , and al
though the election of secretary does not
come until December , the lines are already
belnu drawn.
Most of tuo James men are unti-Conoycr
men , so that the relations borXveon .Suporii-
tcndcnt James and Secretary Conoyer are
not the most harmonious In the world. Mr.
James scorned to bo looking upon the affair
with the utmost serenity. Mr. Conoyor was
doing some very enurgotio hustling poster-
day afternoon. Whether ho was interested
nltognthor on his own account or partially on
account of Mr. Bless of Kansas City ,
who Is an applicant fortno posi
tion of sup Tliitondont , could not
bo definitely learned , but ho was evidently
very much mteroatod in. matters outside of
tho'noard rooms mid In the vicinity of the
rooms whore a spirited caucus wits In pro-
gltiaS ,
\ Hi'llllnnt VOIIIIK theologian. HtiuIicH
Thorn and Goes Insane.
NEW HIVKN , Conn. , Juno 27. The theories
of Lieutenant IS. A. L. 'Potion , wholsondeav-
orlnu to convince pepplo that the world will
end within the prusont year , huvo already
taken root with a disastrous roault. Yester
day Rev. Frank Stevens , n brilliant young
minister who has been taking n post graduate
course at the Yule divinity school , was com-
mlltud to the Hartford insane retreat , a hope
less maniac. Mr. Stevens was the most bril
liant man In his class in the theological school
mid won a scholarship which entitled htm tea
a long course of study in Europe. Beforu
going ho dolormlnod to take a year more hero
and fell In with Lieutenant Tottcn , with
whom he soon became very intimate.
It was not long before the voung
minister was the niostenthuslastloadmlrorof
the United States nrmy officer , and ho
shortly became the most blneoro disciple of
the dashingTotU > n's milienlum theory. The
proximity of tlio world's end wits too much
for his brain and he slowly but surely lost
his ouco splendid mind. Mr. Stevens' insan
ity has taken the form that ho h the Re
deemer whom Lieutenant Totton predicts
will again be on the earth this doi'udo. Ho
bus been stationed In a line pulpit at South-
ineton. Conn. , but last weak was called to
Brooklyn to supply u pulpit thoro. While on
the way his wife discovered the first symp
toms of the terrlblo calamity and at once
took measures to discover what she feared ,
but dreaded to know. It took but llttlo In
vestigation of Ihoi family physicians to show
that the once line mind was destroyed. Ho
Is connuctod by hlp/xl mid marriage witn the
best families In thtrsinto and wn.s marked by
iho theologians of-YYilo for n most brilliant
career In the ministry.
Jlt.tllKKO'lfoJt UKATU ,
SlrnriKO Story Jiit.KnrtllMt | | Sllolmel
Giveu'o.'r'Ni'W Vork.
New YOIIK , JuiiQi7. ; ? Mlko J. Orcon of
Now York , but nqw Jn Cincinnati , says that
he Is a "marked \ nnand \ that tbtco men
have been murdered within n short tlmo
under clrcumstnncustwhlcb strongly Indicate
that Mr. Green WiH'tho Intended victim and
escaped through mfstakon Identity.
A reporter found the wife of Green ycstor-
day afternoon nt 00 East Ono Hundred mid
Sixth stroot. After consider iblc reluctance
Mrs. Green admitted that her husband about
eleven months ago had had .somo trouble with
some society and sltico then ho had been trav
eling. Mrs. Green had the appearance of n per
son who was constantly harassed with some
great fear and evinced the greatest hesitancy
In answering any questions. She said her
husband formerly was "an agent. " but six I
months ago ho became an artist. It was said
that Mr. Green had the following address
printed on his business envelope : "M. , l.
Green nsciit. No. Jis Broadway , Now York , ' !
Investigation proves that No. W8 exists on
The case in many respects resembles that
of Dr. Croniu. Mr.'Ureen was one of fifty men
who sailed In I MIT lu the brignntino Jucmol
In the Interest of the Fenians. Subse
quently ho was suspected of being a spy and
has b''cn kept out of all secret societies.
Mr Green lirst became aware that ho was
bointr followed when ho loft Chicago for Cin
cinnati , Juno 10 , where ho secured employ
ment. When ho left Chlcaco ho gave the
people to understand that his destination was
Cleveland. On the morning of Juno il , the
body of Louis Cadar , a Hungarian , was
found noir Cliadwick street , Cleveland.
Cadur bore n remarkable lesemblanco to
Giccn and the fuel that Green was supposed
to be leaving Chicago for Cleveland tends
additional Interest to Green's belief that ho
Is a "marked man. "
Thu next murder occurred In Cincinnati on
Juno 18 , when the body of William Kondcll ,
n well-known business man , was found in
the Ohio river. Kondell was murdered just
after dark while on his way to his homo In
Newport. Kendcll also bore n striking resemblance -
semblance to Green , so much so that in the
dusk of evening the two men might easily
bo mistaken for each other. This murder
might indicate that Green had been traced to
Cincinnati by his enemies and was again
marked for death , and that Kundoll had been
mistaken for Green. This belief is further
strengthened by the fact that Green fre
quently crossed the river , and Kundcll was
last seen going in that direction.
The third death which is strangely con-
nectcu with Green Is that of a man who was
found dead some time ago in Central park.
Green had been near the same place in the
park the night before , and thu dead man
lxie n strong rosouiblunco to him
IIA It Itfi I , E l''S A FF. I lit S.
Investigation or HIM Trannactlous
with GlemlcnnlnK & Co.
Piui.AiiEU'iiiA , Pn.j June 127. In the course
of the investigation of the affairs of ex-City
Treasurer BnrJsloy in connection with Glon-
dcnnlnc & Co. the law department has
learned thai the bnnk'crs , who were deposit
ors in the Fourth Street National bank , had ,
May i2 ! , received n clearing house duo bill
.from that institution , for $ . ' ! 0,2.17.5S About
ten days ago it was presented by a messenger
of the City trust company , who asked that
the bill bo raado pavr.blo to their
order instead of Glendenning & Co.
This request was made on behalf
of Bardsley , who said thu duo bill was his
property and not 'public ' money. Miss
Tatham , a niece of Bardsluy , who made the
request , said bur uncle wanted to have it
transferred this way to thu trust company.
The demand was refused , mid the city
solicitor , after investigating the mittor , ha I
a bill filed In the court of common pleas
apulnat Bardslov , his wife and niece , the
Fourth Street National bank , Glendenninp
& Co. and the City trust company. The in
junction asks that the Fourth Street bank bo
restrained from paving the bill and that
Burdsley , bis wife and niece bo restrained
from negotiating it , and compelling thum to
trnnster it to tlio city authorities. It is also
asked that Glendennlng & Co. bo compelled
to explain the transactions which led to
Bardsloy getting the duo bill.
Judge Gordon and Presiding Judge Fin-
letter today banded down two conflicting
opinions in relation to the right of the city to
claim the property of the Urudford mills
and to continue the Injunction re-straining
John mid James Dobson from selling the
Bradford mills under a judgment for S173.000.
confessed by the Bradford mills to the Dob-
sons at the instance of John Bardsloy in
order to protect the Dobsons against liabili
ties incurred as sureties for Bardsloy as city
Judge Gordon stated that on the motion to
dissolve the injunction In the case of the city
against John and James Dobson and the
Bradford mills the court was divided In its
opinion , nml that according to the ordinary
rules of practice the preliminary injunction
grunted by thu court 01. the filing of the bill
would fall. Thu bill , however , was not dis
missed , but would pass through the court
mid bo heard according to the usual routine
In such cases and that the full cwurt ml'ht
make another decision when the case cmnn
up for llnal hearing ,
THE . .V.ll'.l.IX IU AMI.
in t'm \ \ eird Snnke Dance ,
Hut Not ( oln ; * ; toVar. .
Ai.nrqi-Kito.ui : , N. M. , Juno 'J7. The alarm
ing reports that have been sent out concern
ing thu Indian trouniu on the Navajo reserva
tion are much uiorc sensational than the facts
would warrant. Ono of the paymasters
located hero says that ho returned from the
reservation a few days upo and that the In
dians ut this season of the year collect In
bunds , paint thcm&ulvos and indulge In the
weild snake dmico.
A few white settlers near the reservation ,
unacquainted with the habits of the Navujos ,
becumo timid and mndo exaggerated reports
at the forts and several troops of cavalry are
on the ground , but no trouble Is uutlclf atcd.
There Is some slight difficulty with the
Moquls , a branch of the Pueblos living near
thu Navnjo reservation.
They object to thy United States authori
ties taking their children and sending them
to schools in thu east , saying that It Is against
the terms of the treaty. A few of the young
bucks nro executing ; a war dance as n kind
ot blutT , but thu troops at the reservation can
easily bundle thum , and there is no fear of
unv surioiis trouble.
Hoi.imooK , Arl .runo 27. Colonel Corhln
loft hero this morning for Keun's canon with
two troops of thu Tenth cavalry under com
mand of Major Mc 'Iellan. ' At Kenn's canon
the forcu will bo joliied by two companies
from Fort Wlngntclhlho ! two more pieces or
artillery. It Is Cdlonol Corbln's purpo-,0 to
arrest the ringloadU'M and medicine men and
remove them from their trlbus Tor a time , nt
least. This hu hopes to do without serious
trouulo. Thu coautry is very dry , mid there
having been littlu nr no rain since March , the
movement of troops is mudo n difficult
problem. < , Jt _
Have Not l e.6 ired TlieniHelves.
W MUVIITOV , Juno , 'J7. Don Pedro Montt
and his assoclatos. rttpresenttnt' the Chilian
congressional purtjynmdo no effort today to
meet the president , Acting Secretary Whnr-
ton or any of the government olllcori , and
have so fur given no oflU'lal notice of thulr
presence in Washington or their mUslon to
the United States. Thulr position in ropro-
scntatlvtH of what is rightly or wrongly re
garded in this country as an insurgent party
makes necosvtry extreme delicacy and the
cxorcho of taot In their effort to establish
communication with the ofllcials of this gov
ernment. It Is thorofcro probable that
their first overtures will bo made only aitor
unoltli'lul moins have been taken to loul up
to thulr object mid make clear the justice
of thulr contention that the so-
called Insurgent party should bo
accorded the rights of belligerents In the
United States. The principal udvnntugo ex
pected to uccruo from such recognition la
rut her of a negative character , us it would
not involve allowance of the right of the con
gressional party to nuy arms and recruit men
fa the United Stulos , but would ( prevent the
I Unhnaccda government from exercising this
right , ns It may now'mid would thus place
both factious on mi equality.
NAJt li'oott's * ivitiin.
His Wife Writes a Letter Giving an
Account ol' It.
Tor-sin , Kan. , Junoi7. ! Mrs. S N. Wood
has written n letter to ono of the newspapers
liuro giving an account of the murder of her
husband at Huguton , Slovens county , last
Tuoiday. Mrs. Wood's version of the kill
ing coincides with olhcr reliable roporl.s In
so fur as It shows llmt Iho attack
upon her husband was made wbilo
his back was turned and that all of the
wounds were In hU back and sldo. Mrs.
Wood gives n long circumstantial account of
the murder and slaloi that she has evidence
lii her possession that the death of nor bus-
husband was the result of a conspiracy by his
onemlos to get him out of the way. She ac
cuses Judge Botkin of the Slovens county
district , against whom Mr. Wood caused lin-
pcucbinonl proceedings to bo brought In the
last legislature , and County Attorney
O'Connor , whoso election Wood was
contesting In the state supreme cdurt , with
bjlng the ohiof conspirator ? . Jamas Bron-
nun , the murderer , sue says was only thulr
willing tool. In support of her theory of con
spiracy MM.ood rocltos the following In
cident : "Alittloson of ox-.ludgo Nnsh said
in the presence of Mis. Fleming of Ul\&se.3 as
wo drove into town , 'Thuro comes Sam
Wood and they arc going to kill him today. '
A girl qulcklv told him to keep still , that ho
was talking too much. " In conclusion Mrs.
Wood suy.s : "I have not tno slightest hope that
any of those murderers , whether in olllcial
or unofficial stations , will uvcr bo brought to
justice. But I do know and thank God that
His eternal Justice never fails. I shall try to
bo pntlont mid strong. I can only hopu mid
pray that the tlmo may swiftly come and that
'wo may not bo sundered long , ' "
Governor Humphrey today took the Wood
murder cuso out of the hands of the local
authorities of Stevens county mid ordered
Attorney Gcnurul Ives to proceed there t
once mid t iku the casu In hand ,
STKONCI Ctrl , Kan , Juno 27. The friends
of the Into Colonel \Vood , who accompanied
his body to this place today , where tbo
funeral occurred , nro wrought up to : i Mgh
pitch of excitement over the murder of their
leader They are very rnticent regarding the
action thuv will take concerning the murder.
They say , however , that If Murderer Brennan
receives'a fair and impartial trial no blood
shed will follow. If , however , the trial is a
farce , us they qelievo it will bo from the fact
that O'Connor , prosecuting attorney , and
Judge Botkin , the Judge before whom the
case must bo tried , worn both thu bitturust of
Wood's enemies , then the course of the law
will be Interfered with und a determined ef
fort will bo mudo to mete out summary Jus
tice to the murduror.
HVMi 1A .i.\ Fit A A CIHC'O HA ItllOlt
Coaster Palestine Struck a Rook and
Went Down with Full Car o.
S\N Fiu.vci'-co , Cal. , Juno 27. The coaster
Palestine struck u rock Just outside the har
bor lust night mid sunk. Tlio Palestine was
commanded by Captain McCartney , was a
vessel of 1,100 tons and was nine days out
from Tacoma with 2,5'JO tons of coal for the
Southern Puuilic company.
A big hole was knocked in her bottom and
she sank an hour after strnUng in thirteen
futhoms of wutor. Only the top of her masts
aio now to bo soon. As soon as it was
seen that she must go down , Captain Mc
Cartney ordered the boats lowered , and all on
board , twenty-one In number , embarked
safely , as tbo sou was quite culm at the time
mid the wo'Uhor clo ir. The tug U'uard
towed the shipwrecked sailors into the har
The Palestine's captain , Thomas McCart
ney , who has been in the coasting trudo for
many years , said : "I have been in and out
right over the bar there lots of times and I
cannot understand how this happened. The
weather \vus clear as a hell. TJtero was a
pilot boat near mo , but coasters don't tuko
pilots and I had no need of ono. The tug
WUurd spoke to mo and wailed to in ,
but it was clear nn J the wind was fnir mid I
told him I did not want a tow. The ship was
right in the main channel where I know
there was thlrty-threo feet of water. Wo
were drawing twenty-four feat. The shock
was n lively one and the ship began to fill
forward Immediately. The Wi/ard came
back after wo struck and took us In tow to
try und pull us In , but could not do anything
as the ship settled rapidly.
"I got the boats over and the mon Into
them. The Wizard had to lot go uud the
ship drifted outside. The tug staid by the
ship till she sunk. She was then about a
mile and a half .outsido the bar. She wont
down in about ttiirteon fathoms und just her
three topgallant masts are now above water.
The sen was comparatively calm when wo
struck. It was clear all ubout Us , but hazy
in towards shore. "
The Palestine was built In Bath , Mo. , in
1S77 and was owned by Captain Samuel
Blair of this city. She was aiil feut lone , -1(1 (
feet depth und 'Jl breadth , valued at about
ft.,000. As far as known thu msuruncu on
thu vossul was but SI. ) , ! ) ) . ) . Thu car o of
coal , valued at $10,0'JO , , was insured. JIJBX iin
Kx-I'rc-idont Cleveland 1'alks on the
Subject at I'rovidnee. .
PUOVIIIIISTI : , R. I. , Juno 37. Tlio dinner of
the Commercial club this uvonlng was the
lust of the season and was marked by ono of
the most distinguishud assemblies that ovur
sat at its bourd. Thocomp my numbered 170.
The especial guests of the ovcnini. weio
ox-ProsIdont Grover Cleveland , Richard
Wuthon Glider of the Century and ox-Chlof
Justlco Thomas Durfo. "Private and Special
Legislation" was the theme of the ovoning.
Chief Justice Durfu was thu Hist spiako r
Ho lamented the corruptions of the lobby and
emnhnsi/.ed thu importance of citi/ons and
business men taking a more active iutorcst in
Cleveland said business men wore UMiallr
engrossed in thu Immediate details ot the y
business to Mich an ex tout as often led to thu
haoltuul neglect of affairs of legislation and
the 1011 rae of governmental policy. Business
mun ought to bo particularly intorustod in
such things because thuy are more
closely affected. Still few \\ould for
got thulr ordinary work to engage
in tbo biibiness of legislation , indeed , busi
ness mon wuie accustomed to regard politics
as something which , If not entirely disrep
utable , might well bo loft to those wno hud n
taste lor it. Business interu-t.s Imvo made
spasmodicintorfuienco in pollio ! > spurred on
by the solllsh deslro to bo specially and ex
clusively aided throuirh legislation. Such
Intorfuronco was womc than Inactiv
ity. Ho desired to impress the
fact upon his hearers that each
and every citl/.on ought to tuko Intense in-
U'rust us members of the American body
politicin wholesome irenerul laws mid hon
est administration. They should sen to It
that they wmo properly represented in thu
national councils. If they did not , then they
would tie got ernud bv men who simply iniutu
a trade of politics. The present privuto and
special lughlutlon was nnovil chuvgoablo tu n extent to the lislUmnais mid c truless-
UOI.S of the people. Mr. Cleveland said na
tional representatives should bu freu to givu
their host , nttuiition to thu subjects of
legi-datlon. This was denied them when
peopiu of their neighborhoods loaded thorn
down with private bills. Tuey worn otlun
thus bribed w'tb votes for their measure to
volu for another measure equally bud ,
Gilmon Conspiracy Cane.
G'mcuin , Juno 27. In tlio criminal court
today Judge Collins quashed all the counts
in the indlcimonts against Guor o J , Gibson
of the whisky trust charging him with con
spiracy mid these for having explosives in
his possession. The charge of altompt to
commit the crime of blowing up the Shufold
distillery , thereby dostroyt-ig llfo mid prop
erty , was taken undur advlsumont.
During the arguments tlio infernal ma-
chlno , which it is ullegod was found In Uni
son's valibO when ho was nrnjstod. wa *
brought into iho court room und exhibited lo
Iho judge.
Charged with Murder.
Fred Hornbory was rearrested last evening
and charged with the murder of Michael
Foley The Krug bro-ving company signed
his bund and hu wuj ruluaacu ncadtug a hear-
ini ; .
XI A It HI Kit.
united n ho
Haladln Wilson , In thu Uicpcncc of
thousands of niliniroiM. All Stronntli und
True Urn to. At IHUH.O \Vclr-Mhiitfurt
Ol. , ufter.Junu l9t.
t'di'tlm riHtilt of ihU liafmy itiiliiu .o/ ' , . . t . ,
Light , Ofauufiti , en
3 3
With either grained bodv nml gear or cnrnilno'gpiir and black body , olld panel under the
se it le.ithoi orel ith fancy trimmings , omr springs with heavy curves the whole overvomtnit
iib-o'utely the great objection to toad unions their Heavy and olunmy uppuiiranee , and unit *
Inn Mrem/th. beauty mid grncc.
Send for for i-ntato iiu and desi'ilptloii of thu Now Iil-.o Celled Sprliu Purrliisp. "Tlio Drum
mer's friend , " and other new mid taUn , ' novelties. Wu guiiiantuo uetter values Mian any
otbui houvu In the west ,
SOUTH OJl.tll I.
Stock Inspection.
The Inspection of cattle under the national
law , bus been commenced at the picking
houses of Swift .t Co. , South Omaha. The
official number of Iho abattoir is live and
Drs. Sesco Stewart of Council Bluffs , la. ,
and Dr. S. W. McGrow of Auburn , Nob. ,
have been appointed respectively chief mid
assistant In-pcctors by the national govern
Ever since the enactment of the law , this
packing house has been making every elTort
to have the factory nuinbmed and Inspec
tors appointed. Inspection was commenced ut
the earliest possible period.
Drs. Stewart and McGrow on Friday com
menced their official labors. On the lirst day
llii cattle were inspected and yesterday the
entire killing of the day , 'III , passed the ex
amination and not a single animal or carcass
was found diseased.
The fourth at Waterloo.
The local commltteo having in churgo the
picnic nt Waterloo , Julv 4 , has made every ar
rangement for entertaining the largest picnic
crowd over assembled on that popular giouml.
Two line bands will furni-.h music. Hun
dred ? of dollars will bo awarded in premiums
to successful contestants in the matches
Some of the finest speakers in tlio .state will
make addresses and everything possible bus
been done to insure a pleasurcablo picnic
among the tiees by nil who may wish to leave
the heated city.
Vi restlinu.
I , James Millray of South Omaha , have
been informed that Mr. Monroe mid W. W.
Woodbow , the champion colored lightweight
of Georgia , is desirous of wrustling me : i
match. To settle all disputes I will wrestle
oi iher party In the Cumberland style , catch
we lulus , best three out of live falls , for $30
or * iOO. An early reply through Tun BII : : ,
South Omaha ofllce , will be promptly nt-
tended to. If you don't moan business please
close your features. JAMES MII.I.UVY.
C.nirl Tent.mill Flection.
Court Teutonia No. 19" > of South Omaha ,
bus elected the following oflicers for the ensuing -
suing term : William Schoen. C. R. ; Franz
Schuollor. V. C. R ; Rdnhardr Storgast , R.
S. ; Gus Wordeman , F. S. ; Herman Tronklo ,
treasurer ; William Xoebisch , S. B. ; Her
mann Anger , J. B. ; Frederick Willuhtii I.
W. ; William Reske , O. W.
Court -kandia Kloutloii.
Court Sknndiu No. 'J-iO , Independent Order
of Foresters , has elected officers as follows
for the ensuing term : Charles W. Eklund. C.
R. ; Lars Johnson , V. C. R. ; John A. John
son , R. S. ; Edward Peterson , F. S. ; Jacob
Smithberg , treasurer.
Notes Ahout I lie l Ity.
D. A. Stein of Chicago is visiting with II
A daughter has been born unto Mr. and
Mrs. S J. James.
Ml > sos Gurtiu mid Ella Walls of Columbus
are the guests of Miss MollloCondon ,
A largo delegation of railroad employes
from ttiis city will go to the Switchmen's
picnic loJny ,
Miss Mattie Young of Shenandoah , In. , is
the guest of Mr. mid Mrs. A. It. Millar ,
Twenty-second and J streets.
Constable Peter Hutler.wlio has had n seri
ous .sick spell , is better and was ublu to bu
out yesterday for the first , timo.
The Athletic ball club will play on the
Third ward grounds today with the East
Omaha club at 10 o'clock and with the Al
bright boys nt l ! o'clock.
Mr. mid Mrs. Mnrslmll 13 Fleming of St.
Louii , Mo. , are visiting Mrs. Fleming's sister
mid brother-in-law. Councilman and Mrx
Pali ick Rowley and her brother , Jtimus H.
Fleming ,
Rev , Robert L. Wheeler , In the First Pros-
bylurlan church , Twcuty-lllth and J streuts.
at 11 o'clock this forenoon will preach from
"Tho Mun in Rnxs or the Poor Huvo the
Preached Unto Them. "
Gospel Regular servIce -
Ico- , will bu held in the evening.
Rov. Thomas W. Stcphunson of the First
Baptist church has gene to bouth Dakota on
a business trip. On account of tlis ? absence
of Mr. Stopuoiison no .sorvicos will bo held
today. Sunday school will bu at 10 o'clock.
Monday evening Key. F. W. Fo.nor of
Omaha will conduct the * 1'oung People's Al
liance meeting.
IjL'CKV M'MliKltS. '
Llht ol' 'Ihose \ , ho .May Kntor the
MlKh Seh ol.
At the recent examination of pupils of the
eighth grudo these holding thu following
numbers were successful and will bu ad
mil ted to the high school at the opening of
, , ail ,
The numbor-i Unit do not appear In the
above list fulled to pass no us lo bo admitted
lo Iho hlk'h .school.
Tlioau who have not yet received diplomas
for complotinir the Kr.iinmar coursu ciin ob
tain them by eulllni ; at the otlleoof the sui > or-
intondont nny utternoon of ibis week between
Iho houra of1 ana ( i o'clock.
Mot a IIlull llmllier.
The Improved Order of K id Mon hold a
very i > lCiUaut uiuotint ; lost nifht at their
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Altraetfons : Pine I'lshln.HoatliiB , Untlv
linriinil i\cellentMIneial : Water.
Unlv fifteen minutes ilile from C'oiinoll
Illiilfs. Motor trains every half hour , direct
to centers of Council Hliills and Omaha.
Most delightful und uutfcsslble place for
plcnlu parties.
Of Council Bluffs.
DinicTOIIS I. \ . Mlllor , F O Oleaion , K. L.
6hui.-nrt.lil K. IlirUJ U tCdmundsoti , Un irloi
It. llannan Banltliu biui-
ne ciipltjil anil surplui ot any
banKln Sontliwoitorn I.-TI _
N Tltvll DEPOSIT ;
Council Bluffs. la.
This Elegantly Appointed Hotel
is Now Open.
George T. Phal ps , Manager.
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Capital , - - - - $10' , ( )09 )
Oldc'H urKnNlzud bank In tliu cltj. KoreUu nrid
< ! mni' tic tnvlimxe uml locil jcciultlm. HipjcU
uttvntlon p il < l to ojlfjotli ) n. Accmiitsnt Inllvll
imK li inks bnikursuiilujrpuiMtluii : < jollollu I. Jj.-
ruipiintloiKO Invited.
GKO 1 * . SANKOIIIJ. I'rodilont.
A. W. lUKKMAN. Cmhlor
A. T. KICK. Asslslnet < 'aililor
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asnesl No SMOKK.
Just the tlitm- for hath rooms , bed rooms ,
Call and kuo our mr u assortment.
C. B. Gas and Electric. Light Co.
211 I'o.irl an'l 'JIO Mulil Street.
\v 7 ANTI'D Mo'it and pastry cook limned 1-
iiudyI ; South i > th MI cot. Council HUiil'H ,
171OUAI.nA choice M-aere farm , 7H miles
-L1 fioni Council llliilK ut Jll.lK ) pur acre.
Investluatu this. Johnston & Van Patten ,
Couni'll llliilfs.
\A7 ANTED lilrl to work at bo.inlliij hoii'O ,
> T A. ! ! buveuth .ivumio.
\VANTKO-A flr-,1 class girl , by .MrsTTieoT
> > Kenllne. IIIKI I'luieo struct.
IjIl Iliirliorshop. with throu chairs ,
doing fair aio Ilioiidway.
I"\Oyou want tlio uuith In thu vHnlty of
IJ Council ItlulfH , ollher Improved or iinlin-
IIIOMMI'If hoeall and siiuuiii list of Imrualn *
at the real citato an I lo in ulllce of .1. U. Cole
.V I'o. Uht your property for H'llo , runt or ev-
clianire. with us. mid scimio customer. J 0.
Cole & Co. , No , 4 , I'o'irl Hlreut. ground lloor.
GljAlllVOVANTimil tiyilioiiiulrlc. or clmr-
iu > terraiclliiK : > < ; iilfeodliiKiioslH of illneaM ) .
nenil louk of hulr for ruudlnirii by fuller. Nm-
liiismil oven ngs. Mrs II Hooper. US Avo-
due i : , near corner l.'itfi stieut , Council Illiilw.
'lertns , A'oainl tl.OJ. _
TTHNH broil uiin liiut Ml. Hill nu !
J-1 ortr.ulu. Aildross or cnll on It. Hrowu
1IC. ' West llro.uhv.ty , Council llliilfH.
A T Swan A Wulker'hf.U Main ttreut and , il.J
Al'ourl , Council Illuirx. you will always lml
a "Mi.ip bargain" In luiil I'st.iU * If yoi | want to
buv , orui.'oo < l pliieo to list , n burxuln
i\uut to sell or trade. . _
l. earrl.uu tiiiun mid line
TtjAllMriCI.NTai'rii iiropwly In II vineru
J.W tinets loeiito.1 li'J ' miles fiotn poslnlll , p.
. Soniu line l-
for mle on ri'iihonahlu teiiiis. ie
for bv l.iyA. )
ili nu > pmperty rout _ Jjoss
l/ulc UIINT Thu MoMahon lilock. .J htory
JL' irli-k. wllh biisumuiil und oluvutor. J. W ,
i-ijn ic' , , UI I'earl strout -" Kaiu Jintan land. "Iti
JD Uuu4u * , or J It. Kloj. mi .Uiln it. . OouuaU
Ululf >
iVolfcci ii/ /ju / IJ * ( irliM
eri > ti > : Mil < tt'l < l < tt"iml "IK trimnt * .
NKIADN-llent , K 'd M'vunty-mx V. irn nil
rildui. Juno V' ' ! . lnu\es wlfiJ. ' } ,
MIH .fl. HHWiin. und HMII. X S. No soi , I I
noial from li. late resilience , low North
" . htreol , II undo , today at . ' o' . lo. . If.
Inturiui'iit I'orest li.nvu cumclury.
hall. 1''IU Parnam street , In honor of I hmntw
1C. Donnalluy , the i/ruat Incohoinu of tha
United States , lie has boon IIM letup an otll-
clal tour , vlsltlnu the dllterent tribes
IhrouKhnnt tlio United State * , and hou ircd
VulinundiihalnTilho No. of Omaha with a
very pleasant call.
Worlil'H l''ali-liill ! < lilitfItenn. .
Cnicuio , Juno ' , ' 7. Work upon the first of
luo world' * * fair buildings was botfun vcstcr-
day. The ulruoluro is thu woniun'h uuUUInsn.
' IJO feut in sUu and thre
It is to bo 'JOO by N
stones Muh.
( resident U. U. Oilman of the Johm Hop-
MMH uiiivor.sity ban dei-llueil the poilliuii of
i'hief of thu bureau of hlicral arts of the fiUr.
Over MHO thousand upplitutiuiii for space fg *
czhibiliou have already been received.