Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1891, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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For Beginning Week GREA T CLEA RING
June 29.
GO .VNS QOo. GO dozen Latlloti' fine Muslin Gowns , with tucked yoke , O ur entire fleck of10ln black nil silk
SPECIAL BARGAINS enle price 6Oa Those Gowns nro well wortn 70c.
French Sateens 12 Jo/.on Ladles' Una Muslin Gowns , with line Ineo Insortlon tind edge DRAPING NETS
trimming , OBs ; would bo peed viiluo lit $1.115.
- - 15 dozen line Muslin Drawers , trimmed with line Inco , OBo ; peed vnluo AND
nt 80c.
10 dozen Ladles' line Muslin Skirts trimmed with hemstitched 42-1 n black all silk
, beautifully
100 lo/.en nnd drab silk .
( / mltU.anp
Mifslin Underwear stitched embroidery , snlo prieo $1.40 : worth * l."o. orior quality , that wo have boon selling
SUMMER OOR BT3-IBo. 50 do Lndioa Summer Corsets
, on Zephyr Chantilly Flouncings
from 60c to 7oc , sulo price Ii3o per pair ,
n corset thut la worth 75c , ( or this sulo ISc each.
I ) I licit Milanese silk mitts , n apodal
reduced regardless of cojt. quality , JMe nor pair.
Blnek Milanese silk mitts in two
For thla grand clearing Rile wo offer ' ' lengths , ilfic. worth 46o.
For the week wo hnvo 'decided to ! ! LADIES' FINIO
ALL REDUCED TO coming MJ 45-inch white Extra heavy Milanese slllt mitts ,
you the heat fju ility frcroti ICooahlin IIOSIEUY nt prices thut will surprise our mnny customers and price COc .
n grand bargain to nil. These poods , which nro flrst-daba per pair.
French Iris boon provo Embroidered
satcciiH tlrit never Skirtings Milanese silk fjlovoB with patent roln-
In every respect , nro divided into four lots , nndo innUo the fol
Bold for less than ! Mu nnd ( Oc per yard , lowing prices for ONti WEEK ONLY : forced llnjjor tip , the only silk glove
nnd 15-In fast blaelc that will tflvo you satisfactory wear at
nt LOT I. Consists of all our fine Fast Ulack Hose , higti spliced heel , double solo , which hnvo Tfic and $1.
Now Is your golden opportunity. On never before been sold for loss than Hoc per pair , for this week's sale , Embroidered Skirting's Ladies' Misses' and Children's
15c. 15c. 15c. ISc. Monday morning wo will plnco on sulo
nil of our finest llpureii CHINA SILKS , 25c , 25c , 25c , 25c , 25c , 25c , 25c. fiqTHeduced to almost ono half the
nil new styles of this season's imuortu- AT LOT II. ' 00 do/en Ladles' line Fast Ulaek Hose , h'ch spliced heel , never before sold for less former prices.
tior.H , regular price 81 and 81.12" ) , your than fiUc per pair , for Urn week at the extremely low price of
TUSSffl GLOTH choice this week at '
39c , 39c. 39c , 39c , 39c , 39c. The Ladies' Otifiiuc Sashes ,
95c per yard. LOT III. In thin bargain you will find a quality of Ladles' Fast Black Ilo e , such ns you hnvo The Ladies' "Gordon" Sashes '
been accustomed to pay from OOo to 7 < " > c per pair for.Vo make them a bargain to nil by , LaHies' Take Notice.
placing them at the ridiculously low price of
' " " With every pair of tnn ahoea wo giv
The Ladies' Sashes
PRICES 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c. 50c , "Stanley" you Wo a bottle continue of tnn to call dressing. your attention Id
WHSPILKS ! The correct thing lo wear with shirt the fuel that wo are still disposing ol
LOT IV. Consists of LADIES' FINE LISLE HOSE , with plain fast black boot nnd drop waists , bln/ors , etc. Prices range from our too largo stock of ladies' misses' and
stitch top , In line assorted colors. These poods have alwavs been considered good vuluu $1.16 to $2 each. children's line shoos at extraordinary
This now wash fabric has nov or been FOR at from C-3c to 85c ; our price for this sale will l-o low prices. In fact , many styles wo are
Bold for loss than l0c ! and 2oc. For this belling below cost price. These goods
week's sale wo make the price 59c. 59c. 59c. 59c. 59c. 59c. LAD I US' are llr.-t-rlnhs in every way , only wo
have too many of them.
15c. 15c. 15c. 15c. ONE We' Shall Also Add to the Above Silk Tennis and Outing Belts Wo have a few Indies' tan goat oxford
Men's Half from -10c to 31 each. ties , that have been sold heretofore at
' ONE BARGAIN IN $3. reduced to $ - , and wo will give you
olTor for this week's sale our entire
Great I'nrgaiii 11 Il'ic Pair. a bottle of tan dressing with every purchase
' All Silk Windsor Ties
56 tire stock of wash silks , regular price LADIES' FINE SWISS RIBBED VESTS Wo liuvo just purchased 100 do/on chase of these line goods.
GHEL1S $1 nnd $1.10 , at WEEK men's line imported black half hose , Ladies' tan front lace , all widths , wo
, Viz. 100 dozen fine Swiss Ribbed Vests , in albo fancy htripcs. These goods are Choice plaids , stripoj ana dot-t , at 2oc did sell them for $ . " > . but now they go at
white and octu , which the manufacturer lias gold worth In m lOc to 60c n pair , for this and 60c each. $ ; i.60. These goods are just the thing
Two cases light and dark cha'lls , 79c per yard. all the season for $1 per do/on ; wo offer them to you week our price is 800 pair or three for vacation dayrt.
regular 8cquality , for this sale flo per as a gotiuluo bargain at 2oc each. pairs for $1.00. 350 Pan AND WE WILL Til HOW IN A BOT
Folding Japanese ? TLE OF TAN UHESSING.
vard. BLACK Misses' tan oxfords at 8. > e. regular
' [ Manufacturers'samples , ] at ICc , 25c , nrleo il.SO.
YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY MEN'S 85e and 60c each. Wo have a lot of broken sl/.es of la
Dress Ginghams Shirts e TWorth double the prlcos. dies' , misses' and children's low cut
Silk ! bhoes which if bo
O China GcniicF raid Balbripi Sliirls & Draw , lilted , in remnants saino , you can got you now can at 75o
Ladies' Embroidered per pair. These are line shoos ; able to
For ono week we will oiler you 21- The entire production of a largo factory at manufac see them.
turers cost for this weeks'salo. . HANDKERCHIEFS Children's tan oxforda at 05c , worth
black China silks that are honestly
Inch '
Men's striped dotnot flannelette Nonshrinkablo Shirts SI. 00.
Ono case good styles dress ginghams , worth $1 , at the ridiculously low price For this week only wo will s-oll Men's Genuine French for tins sale f 0c. ' 4 hpocinl bargains nt 8Jc , 15c , 19o and EverthinL' in the s hoe department will
of nalbrigan Shirts and drawers , that are worth $1 each , at ' Men's line striped fancy Flannel Shirts , s-alo price Ooc 25c each. bo ho'd ' nl proportionately low pricesand
regular 8ic and lOc quality , sale price ( ttje ; do not make any mistake , buy now ; all sizes from Aleti's fine English Cheviot Shirts , in fancy stripes , for each.'t if you are in need of shoes of liny do-
1C.1 per yard. 75c per yard. HO to 40. 't fail to see these bargains. S'Jription call and got a pair.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets.
Interview With the Ohiof Magistrata on
His Eoceat Long Journey.
People of all SeotloiiH In the South
v and West Did KverythliiB 111
liw _ Their Power to Muko It
Nr.w Voiuc , Juno 27. The World today
prints nn interview with President Harrison
relative to his recent Journey through Iho
touth anil west. The president is quoted as '
follows : "My Journey wns of course nn Im
portant event In my hfo. As a working law-
jcr , whoso fnco has buon , so to speak , held
closely to the grindstone of active practice , I
have iiot hail the tlmo I would hnvo liked to
tpund lu travel. Mv visit to the soulh nnd
to Iho paclllu country Ihuroforo wns a series
of dally surprises , and I oxparlonccd a konn
tense of personal enjoyment and gratillca-
tion from Iho beginning to the cud.
"Tho mountain regions of the Cnrohnns
ot Tennessee nnd of Georgia with the now
Industrial communities whloh have sprung
Into existence c.mnot fail to intcrosl Iho
visitor from other sections of the country.
The Importunco of these manuf.icturlng
to.vns should not bo iindorastlmiiod. They
nfford n vision of Iho south thnt Is to
come , a south of Increased Industry , pros-
porlly nnd luulcrinl wealth. Places like
Chuitnnoogu nnd Birmingham will become
greater und groalor ns llmo passes , and there
lire Ihoso nlivo lolny who mny behold un-
Dlhcr Plllsburg In many of them.
"Tho reception n.wlvo.1 was n trlhulo of
rot > i > cot to the presliU iitlnl ofllco nud of hos
pitality and courtesy towards the individual.
1 run say without rosorvutlon thnt from first
to Instl wns rocolvcd with kindness by every
body. As I strain my memory nnd review
everything Ihero wns nothing Ihnt occurred
that wns unplousnnt or annoying during my
" ( bur In the portion of the country thnt Is po-
llllcnlly opposed to mo. I rcc.vll on savoral
occnsIo'uB thut small sti-oot boys ran oat bo-
tidti the currlngo nnd shouted , 'How are you ,
lien ( 'with Uuowing looks on their cater ,
childish fnces. 1 refer to this to illustrate
how observant I tried to bo of nil that oc
curred , uo mutter how trilling.
When I deehleil to go south I resolved to
Bpe.ik Just ns freely ns I would lu Indiana ,
litlii not propose to enter Into controversial
discussions , but If in thu course of romnrks
iiuiilo to mo In iinblio I MUV nnythlng thnt 1
thought It my duly to niibwer I would do so
without hesitation. Permit mo to say thnt
the rognrd for the imtlonul cmblom iho Hug
of n foinmoa country which I everywhere-
beheld wns very agreonblo. The men of the
EOiith ronllzo ted ivy as they never did before
thut wo hnvo lu the United Stales a grout
nnd powerful nation of which they are proud.
It Is no longer , ns formerly , 'I nm n Carolinian
' 'I ' ' Alabain-
linian , nmnUeorglnn.'or'l utiinn -
Inn. ' It is instead ' 1 uiun citizen of the Ujiltod
Stntos.1 Not thut they rvgnrd their sinles
a whit less , for love of common wealth re
main * llxod la the ooulhorn mind , as wo all
know. Thu changes nro a stop In iho unlver-
enl progress which wo ns Amurlenns nro ex
periencing , and I was glnd and proud to
recognize ihls tendency.
"The old tlmo southerner generally led nu
ncriculturnl Ufa In his land , surrounded by
differential followers. Ho rode about , ro-
vlewcd his possessions nud , being thrown
lnrgcly upon tils own resources , thought
iiiuch. Ills mental vision bought not
to cross tun boundaries of his state. Now
the southern mun U inclined to look beyond ,
and beholding Iho grandeur of Ihe collected
tales Is Influenced thereby , all of which
< lux-lira well for the future.
"Nearly all iho states I visited nppcnrcd
* treuioly prosperous. A * I approached
( carer und nearer to Texas I became moro
Hid moro Impressed by the opportunities
* rnlch aroenjojod and nro becoming appro-
Aitea by the people. The agriculturftl rich-
of the upper portion of the Lone Stnr
state undthocommurcinl future of tbo lighter
sorted regions nonr the coast were carefully
noted. With a rapidly increasing population
und growing understanding of the possibili
ties that tlmo will realize I see unlimited
prosperity for these within her borders.
"I wns received with warm hospitality by
the Toxnns nnd my trip down through the
midland counties to Galveston wns attended
by a general welcome from all. At Houston
I was received by a committee from Galves
ton nnd somewhat prepared by them for the
Ilatterlnc demonstrations of my reception.
My remarks upon reciprocity and upon the
doVolonmont of the trnuo of Galveston which
ought "to follow , among ether things proper
and much needed harbor Improvements ,
were the result of my earnest convictions.
If words have any moaning the responsible
citl/cns of this southern metropolis under
stand ns well as any others iho advantages
for themselves nnd to their state of progress
in trade fa-'ilitles. I uttered some strong
words concerning the need of improvement
ot waterways for Gnlveston , which subse
quent rollcct'ons ' has intensified.
" 1 held Interesting conversations with
many prominent citizo'is , ono , for instance ,
with Governor Hogg , whom I found to bo a
progressive nnd enlightened man. I have
seen the governor since nnd ho gave mo information
mation which will , I thinkresult ; well for the
futtlro ; of his state. His earnestness lu re
pressing lawlessness In certain sections will
result favorably to Immigration In Toxns , an
empire of itself which hnsn great hcroafter. "
The president related nn Incident nppropos
of his visit to Ciiilveston. The people were
enthusiastic over his speech , and after his
loturn \\Vslilngton a request was sent to
Unprosentotlvo Craino of the "Shoestring
district , " a * it is calleu , which contains Gnl
veston , to get the Texas dolejation together
nnd call at the white house and congratulate
the president In botinlt of the city. Craino ,
who is somewhat of a wag , tolopraped buck :
"That is nil very well , but you have not considered
' . " General
sidered the president's mossngo.
llurrUon recites this anecdote with twinkling
"Callfornln , " ho continued , "llko Toxns
wns n now country to mo. I had
previously visited the northern Pacific
slope , Oregon and the Puqct Sound dis
tricts. The characteristic exuberance of
California hospitality poured on mo until I
felt there was no limit. In the infrequent
Intervals whoa not occupied .by the attci.lions
of iho pcoplo I feasted my eyes upon the rich
fruits , the gorgeous ( lowers nnd the peculiar
nnd varied natural attractions tbo climate
develops. I s polio when It was fitting that I
should do so , and the souse of pleasure which
was cniromloiod nt iho commencement of the
trip attended mo throughout California and
continued until I returned to Washington.
"If all men were permitted to derive ns
much personal satisfaction from n tour
throughout thcircountry as mvsclf , I think
thu span of human existence wotiU' bo in
Kv-Scnntor Moody Talks About the
Interior D.'p.irtinent.
\ \SIIIVOTON Bt'itc IIT or Tun Bin : , I
fll.'t Fill IITEI.S'TII STItKKr , >
WAMIINOTON , D. C. , Juno J7. )
Ex-Sonator Moody of Uondwood , S. 1) , is
nl the Hbult. HJ eum on profofitoanl busi
ness nnd will remain till some tlmo next
wcok. Ho says ho Is out of politic ) , but
makes this reservation ; "President Harri
son's administration has boon satisfactory ,
but wo thlnic the interior department
muclo a big mistake In lu tro.unio-it of Iho
Indians , The people ot the Dakota * , who
nro nonr them , think they know something
about what ought to bo done In thU matter.
The Indians should bo taught to lake c ire of
themselves so thnt they can bocoma citUutis
nnd bo merged with Iho great populallon of
the west. They should bo taught thnt It
pays to bo friendly , nnd the fnoadly Indians
ought to bo dealt with fairly. The hostiles
should bo put down easily. Quo of the
creatoit mistakes over nuuto wns the policy
pursued In the treatment of the Indians.
South Dakota will glvo n good republican ma
jority next year. Our prospects uro line for
largo crops this year. "
Acting Secretary Chandler has reversed
the decision of the general land olllce in the
BiiplUntlon of J. M. Aldou guardian of John
Volwilor , agalmt Arthur ityan to cancel pre
emption filing and reinstate homostcnd entry
In the Mlobrnra district. Ho modified the
decision below in the case of the American
investment company , trnnsforrer of Ellhu V.
Martin , Mitchell , S. D. , district ,
nnd directed that upn > satisfac
tory evidence being furnished the
entry bo passed to patent. Ho affirmed
the decision holding for cancellation the
homestead entry of Andrew Thorpe , contested
or William Uead , Huron , S. D. , district ;
also the decision In the contest of Danlol
O'Connor vs Eugene Chandler holding for
cancellation Chandler's homestead entry in
same dislrict. Ho revered the decision in
the case of Alfred E. Batomnn , ox parto ,
Mitchell , S. D. , holding for cancellation his
homeslead entry , nnd ordered palent to issue.
The comptroller of the currency today extended -
tended the corpornto oxiUeuco of the Ne
braska City National onnk of Nebraska City ,
established 18.w , to July 12 , 1011 , II. D. Wil
son , cashier.
Hurry Drcsbach of South Dakota has been
appointed ton fUOO position as copyist in the
pension oflico.
Postmasters appointed todav : B. L. Fos
ter , at Brudstmv , York county. Nob. ; D.
Gray , nt Beaver , Boone county , nnd J. M.
Anderson at Pioncor , Humbolt county , In.
State Normal Training School Finishes
the Year.
Y\NKTOV , S. D. , June -Special [ Tele
gram to THE BBB.J The closing exorcises of
Sun too normal ( training school of the Amor-
lean Missionary association , commenced yes
terday. This completes the twentieth year
of the school , which is the oldest in the
country for the higher industrial , normnl nnd
biblical training of Indians.
Public examinations took place yesterday
nnd the principal's reception In the evening.
Today the Industrial exposition exhibited a
largo amount of work from the blacksmith ,
shoo and carpenter shops , farm products and
the printing o31co. This evening Iho Christ
ian 10-ido.ivor society will hold its mooting
nnd on Sundny evening the Indian Young
Men's Christian association.
Monday will bo taken up with n parade of
cadets and the literary exorcises.
A largo mimbar of distinguished guests nro
present , among whom are Dr. Dorchester ,
superintendent of Indian schools ; Dr. F. P.
Woodbury , secretary of the Amarlcaa Mis
sionary association of Now York ; Hon. J. C.
Jacobs , ono ot the Indian commissioners ;
Uov. T. L. Ulggs , missionary from Cheyenne
river agency ; Uov. James F. Cross of Hose-
bud agoncv ; A. Wnples , M. D .of Ann Arbor ,
Mich. , nnd n largo ntimbsr from Ynnkton ,
Croighlon , Niobrara and Spring-Hold.
The principal , Uov. A. L. Uu s , D.D. , 1ms
d -3 voted his life nnd o lucallon to developing
this school and u system of training and edu
cation for Indians. The pupils if the school
are scattered In every reservation from the
Sascatchowan to the Platte as toaehors.
preachers and missionaries , and Include such
men us Dr. diaries Easlman , M. D. , of Pine
Itidgo agency ; Uov. John Eastman of the
Prosbvtorlnu church nt Flamlreau : Uov. Jo
seph Hopulns of Devil's Lake , N. I ) . Thu
scnool has nlso a large number of pupils at
academies and seminaries lu iho oust.
Crops In I'M no Condition
Huiins , S. D. , Juno ' ! . ( Special 'lelcgram
to TIIU BKB.I Last night the rainfall was
an inch and a h.ilf , making over seven inches
in Juno , the t'TJ.itost for iho same monih for
many years , The crop outlook is the best
since ! & > ) . Wheat , barley and oats through
out Iho Jim river valley uru heading nicely
nnd llux , com ana potatoes making murvelou i
growth , _
IMI'H Day.
At a meeting of council No. ' . ' , Comrr.orclnl
Pilgrims of America , last nlt-hl n committee.
was appointed to meet u llko committee from
the Council I tin Us lodge at the Grand hotel
nt \ p. m. today. These delegates will ar-
rungu for tha celebration of travultnu men's
day on July Ib. This celebration will tnko
place ut the Council Bluffs Cimutuuquu und
the full programme will bo arranged at thu
mooting this afternoon. All traveling men ,
whotuer members if tno association or not ,
are Invited to attend and will bo
Failure of the Esd Oloud National Yes
terday Morning.
Well-to-do Fanner Living Near Madi
son Suicides No Apparent
Cause for the Ilaah
RED CLOUD , Nob. , Jjno 27. | Special Tele
gram to TUB Bni : . | The Rod Cloud National
bunk , which WHS supposed to bo ono of the
strongest institutions financially in south
western Nebraska , was ordered closed this
morning by the comptroller of the treasury.
Bonk Examiner J. M. MelCnlght oboyoa his
orders nnd today them are mimy louij faces
in Red Cloud. L. P. Albright , until re
cently the cashier and supposed to under
stand the affairs of the bank , says that ho
knows of.nothing that would cause anything
of the klud. The bunk was reorganized
about a month ago and now ofllccrs
\vero appointed anil elected nnd at once
they commenced to make cxtonsivo Im
provements , which of rourso was
looked at with favorable eyes by
the pcoplo of this city. Nothing aoflnlto can
bo loarnoil from those In chnrpo at present.
The stockholders of the First National
bank , which failed a month ngo , think they
should by this tlmo know the condition of
the Institution , ns the bunk has been under
an examination for n month past. The gen-
crnl feeling Is thut the bank will resuino
operations in n few Onys.
J. M. McKalcht , the examiner In charge , Is
nt present very much rushed with business
In his line , nnd a moro surprised community
would bo hard to tlnd. About a month ago
the First rsntlonal bank fuilud and u now In
the hand of a receiver.
Shot Himself In the Head.
MUHSOX , Nob. , Juno fft , fSpaclal Tele
gram to TUB HKB. ] Hunnan Dvursson , n
farmer living about tttroi ) mlles north of
town , committed sulcldusomatlmo yosiorday
by shooting hlmsolf in tap head with a U2-
callbro revolver. Ho WM : ( ound In bed t > y
Moses Head , n nolghborj who found Dyurs-
son's horaoa loose and tof K' them homo. The
coroner was notified anil ut ; oaco wont to the
farm , but no Inquest wnn told , ns It was too
plain a case of suicide , ; Ho had evidently
taken nearly nn ounce ot acconlto , as the
cmiity vial was found In the bed to elhur
with two leaded revolvers. ) No cause can bo
assigned for iho rush not. as his lli\nnilal :
ntT.iliMj . nro in ; good coailitlon , owning a tlno
farm , n large amount of. . personal projKjrty ,
including Koventl humlruU dollars In the
bank. The deceased was a bachelor , coming
here from Horlln Ih'o yaiw au'o , and has no
known relatives In this country.
IlnrdcHt Storm In Iwonty Voiirw.
OecEoiA , Nob. , Juno 27 [ Special to Tin :
Uhfc. | Osccola has been shutout from the
ouuilda world nnd wo bavo had no trains or
mail smco Wednesday on account of
washouts 'along the railroads. An old sot-
tier su.\s that ho can't romombcr of over seeIng -
Ing .so much rain In the sumo length of tlmo
for the past twenty yuois.
Edward Mastln of Htromsburi , ' was brought
before the board of Insanltj \\Vdnosday
and after a trial lasting two days was ml-
juilgcd Insaiui and ordered to bo taken to the
asylum at Lincoln. Ho in now locked up in
the Jail and it takes two inon to hold hlui.
Without .Medic-ill Am-niliinoo.
ncvTiticB , Neb. , Juno2" . ( hiieclal to TUB
IlKK.I The coroaur's ' Jury la thu CHSD of the
Christian Hclontlsu va. Uortrand F. Hun-
neil , deceased , mot at the oQlco of Coroner
Wells last evening at 8 o'clock , nnd rendered
a verdict.
In their opinion , proper medical attendance
was not given the child , which would un-
doubtndly have saved its life. The treat
ment of the Christian Scientists was injur
ious to the boy and aggravating to the dls-
Injunction Denied
Bnmiicn , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special to Tun
Bnc.l Judge Applogct handed down his
decision in the case of the application of
James W. Pueo for an Injunction restraining
the Beatrice rapiu transit and power com
pany from operating its electric motor line
across the south Sixth street bridge. The
Judge's ruling in the case was : Ai.pllcatlon
for injunction denied ; case dismissed. Plain
tiff cxcopts , nnd prays for appeal. Same Is
allowed. Defendant has Icavo to Illo reply.
The manor will now go to the supreme
court if appeal Is taken , which will in nil
probability occur. In the meanwhile the
motor line company expect to have the cars
running regular trips Monday morning.
Second ltcjiiiifnt Itnnd.
Iluauo.v , Nob. , Juno 27. [ SnccUl to TIM :
BKB.J Chnrlcs J. Bills , colonel commanding
Second regiment Nebraska national guards ,
last night selected the Silver Solo band oJ
this city In preference to nineteen ether np-
pllcants for the Second regiment band of
this state. This is on honor nt which not
only the members of this organi/ation , but
the citizens of Hebron .should Justly feel
proud. The boys will bo sworn In Moiul iv
and will recolvo their uniforms ns soyn ns
possible nnd bo ready to attend the encamp
ment this fall.
Set-Biiolc to FurmorK.
Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special to TUB
Ben. ] Yesterday it rained enough to Inst
for a week nnd this mornlnr several inches
moro fell In about three hours. Water Is
standing in comparatively high places. This
will uo n serious pot- back to many farmers ,
who hud hoped to get through their corn the
second time by July 4. A small washout on
the B. it M. tracks near Grctna delayed the
11 o'clock ( Iyer some two hours.
CIIF.TT , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special to TUB
BKB.J Graduating _ exercises of Crete high
school closed this evening with nn oxhluttlon
by the second division of the graduating
class. The second division consisted of Clny-
ton Mann , Themes ICeasoy , Joseph Frand ,
Ray Norris , Rrsa Kubicok , Minnie l > ro-
cuaska , Maud Hawk. Ornco Skinner and
Llllio Mullln. After the exercises the diplo
mas wore presented by Prof. Sklnnor.
Damage to Crops.
PrsnKit , Neb. , Juno 27. ( Special to Tin :
BcK.J The heavy rains have caused much
damnpo to crops In this section of tiio county.
On the bottom land two to three Indies of
water Is standing , which will drown nil
crops , The Logan river and other streams
are causing n good deal of damage.
a Cyclono.
OBST.VNob. . , Juno 27. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BIK. : I This section win visited
last night by a very heavy wind , accompanied
by n hard rnlnhlch lasted about twenty
or thirty minutes and had the npponranco of
n cyclone , lu passed over without any dam
age. _ _
MnHonlo ItiHt illation.
UiiiM > ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 27 [ Special to
Tin : line. ] Public Installation services wore
held Jointly by Ashler lodge No. ! 13 , Ancient ,
Frco and Accepted Masons , and the Eastern
Star chapter , No. 14. After the services a
grand banquet was given , which was highly
\ \ orM Kvor Known.
CHAPMAN , Nob. , Juno 27 [ Special to TUB
BUB. ] This nluco was visited by the worst
rain and oluotrlc storm ever known by the
oldest Inhabitant. Haln fell In torrents.
Some ottimato the fall at ton Inches. Fields
nro almost completely inundated.
Htreot Hallway in Aclivn Operation.
BKXTIUCU , Neb. , Juno 27. [ Special Tole-
grain to Tiiu Btc.j Ttio Beutrlco rapid
transit and power companv gnvo n compli-
mcntiiry excursion this evening to the press
and ofllcors of the city nnd county over its
now motor line Irom Court and Sixth streets
to the Chuutnuqua grounds. The line Is now
in active operation and will make regular
trips hcroafter.
Itihtul cd I'uhllcly.
SCOTIA , Neb. , Juno 27. [ Special to TUB
BKK.J Thursday evening Crystal lodge No.
101 , Ancient Free nnd Accepted Mnsons ,
celebrated the festival of St. John by a pub
lic Installation of officer.- ; and n banquet.
Covers were laid tor 100. The officers In
st illed were .1. T. Price. W. M. ; W. .
County Central Co mm tlco
IlAsnsns , Nob. , Juno ! I7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BE . ] The independent county committee of Adams county mot In
this cltv today nnd fixed August 1 as the
date for holding the county convention.
.i VH i'it it a ' { .i JIM a ,
Sunday Kc.ittircH at tin ;
Chant 11 iiiui ( | Asscm lilies.
icE , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special to Tin :
BIK.J : The sumo'dlsaireeablo rainy weather
prevailed today that has signalized the en
tire .session of the Chautauqua assembly
since Its opu'ilng Tuesday. Notwithstanding
all this the campers are nicking the boil ot
it , and are determined to enjoy themselves in
splto of the frowning elements.
Today's session was rjpluto with Interest
and an increasing enthusiasm Is In
all the classes , The bible exposition at 8 a.
in. , conducted by Dr. M. M. Pnrkhurst was
largely attended as was thu chorus class
The theme of the Young Travelers'
class was "Guided Through the Lamb. " lhat
of the normal class was "Tho Llfeot Christ "
At 11 o'clock Leon II. Vincent gave nu in
teresting talk on Dickens , which was largely
attended and attentively lUtcnod to.
Dr. Ilcnson's lecture in the afternoon
"Grumblers" of-
on was un Interesting -
lort nnd was greeted with a largo audience ,
The remainder of the day was devoted to
class exercises in the vnrious hulls.
Tonight n grand concert by the assembly
chorus was given at the tabernacle. An Im-
menho crowd was In attendance uosplto the
threatening storms and alternating showors.
The concert was conducted by I'rof. Case ,
Madame Ros i Lin lo of Now York assisting
in the solos. The concert was ngrooably in-
t'jrsiHii ! > ud with tccltatlons by Prof.V. . W.
An Interesting programme Is promised for
tomoirow us follows :
A. M.
0:03 : Devotional hour. Dr. M. M. P.irUhurst.
10:00 : .Morning > > uriuun. Hov. Dr. I' , b. lien-
r. M.
20 : ! Assonitily Huiiiliiy ? oliool Dr. I'/ilon.
IOJWomen's : Clu isllun Tuiiiurinuu | ) Union.
Do\otlinal liunr.
ftaiO Uhintaiiiia | b'uiutay vuspur service ,
7:10Ctun.nK : surmon. Dr. M. M. I'.uUinrst.
OMiu stt'ii'iiptlcun vlowa and huiliitutu reuil-
Ink1. "The hlfuuf ( lirlst. "
Trt-il ( if a Now Gun.
M ivcinibTHi , Juno 27. A prlvato exhibi
tion was given hero today of a now gun
wtilch , It Is predicted , will supersede n great
part of the ordnance now In use. The In
ventor is J. K. Bolt , an engineer. The de
tail * of the now piece uru kuptu profound
secret until the American and continental
patents hnvo been secured. The princiiilo of
the gun is pneumatic , and it is claimed that
It will surpass thuCullnakl gun In range and
that It will throw llftv pounds of dynamite a
distance of three miles. The now weapon ,
it is asserted , can be 1 1 rod twice a minute.
PliiDlio ( ouiliiH' CIIHU.
CHICAGO , Juno 27 Arguments on tho. mo
tion nindo some months ago by PhiiiOe Cous
ins looking for restoration to the secretary-
hhlp of the board.of lady manager * of thu
world's fulr , were begun bufoio Judge lllod-
gull in thu federal court loduy. They will
probably occupy two days ,
Oar Jolly Jack Tars to Bo Given an Insight
Into Actual Warfare ,
Chilian Conire.HNloii il 1'nrty DolcR.itca
Have Not aw Yet Mudo Known
the Object of Tlielr
WASIIIVOTOV , Juno 27. For the first tirn
in the history of this country wo are to Invo
n series of naval mnmouvroi involving tin
problems of actual warfnro ns presented In
an attack on one of our great maritime ports
by u foreign naval forso and Its defense by tin
Amarlcan nmy.
For yean past Great Britain , Franco ,
Italy and other ICuropoan powers h.ivo an-
nuiill.v practiced similar miniuivro ) , somo-
tlmes , us in the case of Uroat Bntnln , at
heavy expense , but the rusulU have
boon so important as to Justify
the expenditure. In the case of the United
States there has boon sluuo the war no naval
force adequate to carry out maniuuvros of
any vuluo. The squadron of evolution was
formed iVltli such a purpoio in vlow , but
until recently it was not sufllotontly numer
ous to undertake the solution of tha larger
naval war problems , nnd Its operations were
limited to great gun practice mid fiool evolu
tions.Vith the recent additions to the
naval list , however , this obstacle has disap
peared , and Secretary Tr.ioy has propircd a
selio no to carry out his views , which will bo
given effect nt onco.
Tno llrit mjveinont will bo to attach tha
dynamite cruiser Vesuvius and tha torpsdo
boat Cashing temporarily to the sqti'Uron of
evolution , nnd orderi to that end hnvo nt <
leady bo3n made out. Admiral Wallcor hai
alsoboea directed "lo propiro linnuJlulolji a
programme of mimiiiivros for ihu sutamoi
and early autumn which will dUpoin ol
the forces under your command to tha
host advantage and confer practical tralnma
on the oIllcoiM and mun under conditions fof
lowing as closely as pojsiljlo these of actuu !
warfnie. It u Intended that the mamnuvra i
shall follow ns soon as may bo convenient
upon the preliminary operations at DoUon
and Now York to taku plnco in July , thi
practical object of which is to cxnmlno tin
conditions of the problem of the nmrltlma de
fense of New York , Long Island Sound and
the cast of Newfoundland. "
It is expected that the doubled turrctod
monitor Mianonoumh. now ut New York ,
will bo completed In tlmo to lake part In th
manoeuvres. There will bo bat ono torpedo
bout iingjgod , so that a fall demonstration ol
the elllcacy of their clau of olTonsivo voisoU
cannot bo thoroughly demonstrated , but ar
rangements have been nindo to supply hot
with fish torx | > dee * . which will thus bo given
thulr first trial In American naval operation !
under conditions approaching these of actual
wai faro.
The proposed evolutions , according to Sco
rotary Tracoy's vlown , will boot largo practi
cal roiults. The detects of the now tihips , If
they have any , will bo fully rovoulod and
llielr actual capacity nt olfunsivu nnd dci-
fensivo forces will bo demonstrate ) . Thoia
will also bo opporluaitliit in plenty for thn
display ol Individual o.itorprlcj and practical
slull on the part of iho olllccrs and of disci
pline and iimrKnuiiship on thu part o ( ttm
men. Among thu rosulU of thv Bnglish
naval mnuiouvros were the rovnlntloas of
startling dafeots In the systems of coaling ,
engine construction and inurlno designwhich
have since been followed by notabia
chnngus in Iho Kngllsh navy , and
II is presumed that valuable rciulU
will follow Admiral Walker's rnancumres.
Mango. ) | < 'oi- olio Murdor.
K IVANS in , Oa. , Juno 27 , K-t klul Lcraax ,
was hanged nl Bambrldgo yejtorday , for th |
murder of ub wife.