JT2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SU rpAY , JUNE 28 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. Lot Closing1 Prices on Summer Underwear * No. 354 25 dozen extra make.fancy stripe balbriggan un derwear , full French neck , $1 value ; to close at 75c per suit No. 6005 25 do/en.Greatest Seller in Omaha.tan colored French neck balbriggan , double value at our price SI suit. A combination of three lots , Nos. ' 103 , 463 and 510 ; the grandest bargain the season will produce , quality and su- perion fnish considered , colois in tan , drab and mode , closing price per suit , $1.50. 'Our line of neglige shirts embraces every production of the season , prices ranging from 50c up. I summer neckwear , no house in Omaha shows the quan tity and quality , at such low prices. The few extreme hot days have well acquainted the people ple with the fact that Ours is the House , to look for nice goods , novelty patterns and low prices on Sum mer Coats and Vests , $2 and up. Our men's suit department is booming. Low Prices Does it. Our boys' and children's department keeps the full force busy. Everybody knows there's a comfort and "satisfaction trading here Not Found Elsewhere. Endless variety in ladies' and boys' Shirt Waists. In hot weither commoJities. we're prepare 1 to accom modate the rank an 1 file , let them come single or in squads. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. ( Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy. ) ( Send for Ilustrated Catalogue. ) | Suffering from _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ ! youthful tlio cffucts orron ol early decay , muting weakness , lort nmuluiod , etc. I will Fond a valuaLlo troutlto ( waled ) coutolnlnt fullrortlculurs for homo cure , FlUili of rharxu AKDlonilM medical work ; should Iw rcadbyi-vefl . man who la nTTon * and iUil > llUatcd. Adarer * Prof. F. ' . VOWIiIUt. nioodua. Conn OMAHA Send tor circular creation \VT. 11. SHEUWOOl ) . 423 Now York SCHOOL OF Ufa lIlil'K , Uiiiiiua , Nub. TELEGRAPHY. TIMBER FOR PRESIDENTS Chicago and Illinois Willing to Supply Both Great Parties. M'SHANE AND THE FULLER BOOM. Mayor Wnshlmrno'H Heforin Adminis tration MiimcHOtn'H Ivo\v Turin RopiiblloniiH Chlcu o mid tlio GUM TriiHt County Hospital. CHICAOO , Juno 24. ( Special to THE BEE , ] Well may the staid Father Knickerbocker nud lho rest of mankind conlomplale with breathless nslonlshmont the daring ambition of the world's fair city. As If it were not enough to bring the cotlssoum from Homo , the national congress from Washington , and from the .southern waters the very spot in which Columbus first sot his adventurous fool , it is now proposed , as n sort of prelude to lho main event , to furnish both lho great parlies with presidential candidates for lho entertainment In 1S93. One Is from Chicago proper and the other Irom her suburb , thu state of Illinois. During the recent nicotine of the republi can stuto central committee the fact devel oped that an organized effort is to bo made throughout the state in the interest of Son- ntor Cullom's presidential boom , The chair man ot the committee , that veteran cam paigner nnd astute politician , Mr. "Long" Jones , Is credited with entering Into lho pro ject heart mid son ) , nnd ho has with him some of the most iulluontl.il men in lho parly , Whllo there is no doubt that tbo Blalno Idea has n very strong hold , particularly among the younger element In Illinois polities , thu older bonus assort that this feeling for the Plumed Knight is largely .sentimental. Said a mem ber of tlio committee : "Blaine Is lho Idol of nil republicans nud lho greatest statesman IH the country , but we cannot use him as a presidential candidate. The .sentiment in his favor , though strong , is not of a character to win n victory with and our worship of him must always bo of n secret character. " The state republican league , on the other hand , U understood to be favorable to Mr. Bhilno's candid.iuy. It wants to renew the state organizations and obtain olllcinl recognition from thu state central committee. Should this recognition bo granted It will bo with the distinct under standing that tlio league Is to bo subordinate to nud act under tha direction of the commit too. too.For the suffrage of the democratic voter II U proposed lo present the nnme of Melville K. Fuller nnd the Hen , John A. McShuno of Nebraska is credited with leading the move ment in that direction.VhlIo the Nebraska statesman hoa been variously credited with negotiations Involving the sale of stockyards In South Omaha anil silver mines In Mexico , ho has been all the \\hlle encageu , with the other domo- co-operation of western - eraU in orgauUtng a boom for the nhlof Jus tice. When asked If ho had deserted the cause of Cleveland , Mr. McShuuo replied that ho considered Mr , Cleveland a great man , but that , in bis opinion , the Illinois man -vns the moro available under present circu nstancos. When asked what would bo the attitude of the Nohraski democracy , ho inclined to speak with authority hut ex pressed the opinion that it would giva hearty support to 11 ticket \\Ith Justice Fuller's anme nt the head. JMImu'Hotii'H Tariff Hoforiiu'ru. In a line with the "Knights of Reciprocity" movement , us already published In TMK BIK , comas tha unnouncemonl of thu formation In Minnesota of a turttt reform organization within the ranks of thu rouubllcan party Referring to this new factor and In probable effect on tlio polities of the state , a SU Paul man who is slopping at one of lho holels , said : "Tho'poUtical forces of the stale have 'been moving in Ihis direction ever since the McKinley bill began to be talked about. There has for a number of years been n senti ment among the republicans ot the northwest In opposition to thu high lariff policy. This sentiment has received lho open encourage ment nnd support of the St. Paul Pioneer Press nnd smaller papers throughout the stale who have boon constantly gaining in strength. The men who were behind it now feel that the time Is ripe for standing out openly for tariff reduction. Although I be lieve , as staled by ono of them , that its load ers have no specltlu design with rccard to the campaign of 1SK3 , their ucllon will , no doubt have an Import tint bearing on the result. When you consider how strong is lho anil- high lanff sentiment throughout.ns voiced by such Influential republican papers as tbo Chicago Tribune and IIIK OMAHA BIE : , It Is not bard to under stand that an initial movement of this sort may have a most important effect on the future of the republican party. " Till ! OAH THUST COMES TO TI'.IIMS. By far the most important thing thus far achfovod by Mayor Wuahburno's administra tion is the contract with the gas companies by which the city nnd private consumers nro to uo supplied nl a substantial reduction on the old rates nnd u percentage of the annual gross earnings of the companies is to bo turned in to lho city treasury. Similar at tempts to bring this exclusive organization to terms have been made regularly for years , but without result. The only difference be tween the present controversy aud these of preceding years has been that in this in stance thu city's representatives had to d , il r.ol with lho old gas trust , but with lho in dividual companies that formerly comooscd it. Voi , although the lru"t has been bereft - reft of legal standing by the courts , It is still nn entity nnd Ihero are these who maintain that the concessions obtained were too dearly purchased , the gas company Insisting us n condition precedent that nil pending suits against tbo trusl should bo dismissed. TUB PKOOIIUS.S Of IIKPOHM. Although there is hot wanting evidence Unit In carrying out his campaign promise to divorce the management of municipal affairs from tha spoils system , the now mayor has granted u suspiciously liberal allowance of alimony It cannot bo denied that ho has inaugurated n vigorous mm salutary policy of roform. Whatever else may bo said of him , he Is certainly a man of force and uo- clsion of character. His inauguration was signalized by un order closing thu gambling houses , nnd thu promptness with which thu order was Issued was no loss striking than the thinness with which it is enforced. Within twenly-four hours after the ofticial mamlato every gambling resort in lho city was .shut up , and the combined Influence of their owners with their well known political "pulls" has not succeeded in opening them again. No loss notnblo is the determined manner with which war is being waged on street obstrucllons of every description. Out on the lake front over the Second regiment armory is nn enclosed place known as the city yard , nnd in this has accumulated dur ing the past few days n collection of curios Hint would delight the heart of nn autlnunry. The venerable lamp posts which have for so long lighted lho feet of sulut and sinner to the First Methodist church , at the corner of Clark and Washington streets , repose bosldo brazen signs which recently marked "Tony's Place,11 "The White Klophant" and similar dispensaries of liquid refreshments. Bronze lions stand in attitudes of violent dispute with Iron dogs nnd huge- dragons In black nnd gilt for the possession of bats as big as beer kegs nnd shoos In which lho feel of the famous Ohio girl would lose them selves. Many of ttaeso signs are very ornate and represent a considerable outlay , but Superintendent Boll has fallen upon them nil with nn Impartial hand nnd it is said even tha rich nnd expensive awn- lugs , for tbo erection of which city ordinances were passed , must share the general fate. It is also said the streets and alleys are to bo cleaned uud the smoke ordinance rigidly enforced , although whateveretloro are bolug 1409 Douglas St. . - Islelo. L , . OFFICE HOURS From 8 n. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays , 10 n. HI. to 1 p. m. SPECIALISTS IN CHRONIC , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Consultation nt oflleo or by mnil froo. Medicines sent by mnil or express , BO OM rely packed , free from observation. Guaranteed to euro quickly , feiifolv and permanently. NERVOUS DEniLTTY. Sporinatorrlior. , seminal losses , night emissions , physical decay arisinjj from indiscretion , excess or inilulfjenco , pro ducing sleeplessnessdosuontloncy , pim ples on the face , aversion to society , easily discouraged , lack of confidence , dullunfit for study or businos-j.nnd llnds life a burden , safely , permanently and privately cured. Consult Dr. Bolts & Bolts , 1409 Doticlas street. ULOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis , a disease most horrib'o in HH results , completely eradicated with out Iho aid of mercury ; scrofula erysi pelas , fever sores , blotches , ulcers , pains in the head and bones , syphilitic sore throat , mouth and tonrruo'catarrh , etc. , permanently cured where others have failed. KIDNEY , URINAR V AND BLADDER Complaints , painful , dillicuU , too fre quent , burnintr or bloody urine , urine Inch colored or with milky sediment on standing , weak back , < ron6rrhooanlo'jt , cywlites , promptly and safely cured. Charges reasonable. DRS. BETTS & BETTS' case book bhows that they have been consulted by 8,01U persons , residents in Denver and adjoining towns ana states , during the past twelve months , 7,782 of whom took treatment ; o-J01 have reported them selves cm od , 2,281 have beei greatly bonoflttod and nro now under treat ment , 2o report no improvement , ? claim to bo worse , and 5 out of the 7,782 are dead. This is the record of Drs. Belts & Bells' practice for the lust twelve months in Denver a locordof which they have jusl cause lo bo proud. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Do you look out on life's highway and see a soared and ruined past , forward tea a future aimless and enfeebled , and to the silent lomb your happy release':1 Are your Kidneys , Stomach , Urinary Organs , Liver or Blood in a disordered condition' ' ' Ilavo you carried marital relations to excess , leaving you weak , nervous and debilitated ? OH , MEN1 If you need help , delay no longer. "Ho who hesitates is lost. " Now is tlio gold en moment to seek for health. Speedy , satisfactory , safe and permanent euros guaranteed. Address DRS. DE1TS & BETTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. made in either direction have not thus far moth wilu fluttering success. Health Commissioner Ware Is busily en gaged in the task of improving the sanitary condition of the lower quarters- the city. In the course of his investiga tions on South Clark .street in what is Known as "Little Italy , " ho tins discovered a most appalling condition of lllth and squalor. Ono lop-sided frame tenement house turoo stories high contaiucd no loss than ninety famllloi. The deni/ons of this district live by gathering old rags ana cigar stubs and kludroU occupations. In thcso foul smelling koutiels the rag pickers and "snipe- shoolors" and their wives and children sleep and eat , whllo from the roofs they dry their nigs and clear stumps. Chickens and dogs share the quarters of the human being. The owners of these places will bo compelled to see that they uro kept In bettor condition nnd it 1s not im probable that many of thorn will bo torn down by the city authorities as unfit for hab itation. Tilt' COBNTV IIOSI'ITU. bCANlUT. . In county affairs the perennial scandal is on top. Isot long since a Swedish girl named Anna Johnson was discharged from the coun ty hospital as cured , and a fuw hours after ward dropped dead on her cousin's doorstop. A short tlmo afterward Tim BKK'd dispatches told how two men , each with n broken log , had bien dis charged and driven from the hospital because they had remained out longer than the rules of the institution permitted. During tha investigation now In progress It developed that a paltcnt suffering from rheumatism had boon compelled to got up at midnight nnd wash dishes and clean medlclno bottles ; that ono patient was worked continuously for eighteen hours nnd that It is the custom to pull patients out of boil to compel them to work. Vet it Is doubtful whether the present In vestigation will result in anything moro than lho usual whitewashing. Whllo Commissioners Llob and Struckman have shown n determined effort to get at the facts , other inemuors of thn board , led by Dr. Brandt , exhibit au equally fixed purpose that they shall do nothing of the land , and It is Improbable thai any radical reform will bo accomplished until n legislature can bo found honest enough to pass n bill to tnko the man agement of county Institutions out of the hands of politicians and vest it in an indo- poudont board of charities. I.\HR HUUK/1'.S. Chlcnco Is not to bo outdone by the effete east in the matter of picturesque histrionics aud will have nn entertainment the latter nart of next month after the style of Mrs. Parun Slovens' recent outdoor theater parti' . The play will bo "As You Like U , " nnd will bo produced nt Hurllugton p.irk under thu auspices of the local lodge of ICllts , The ilrHt stop toward the long talked of press building has been taken In the Incor poration of the Chicago Press Club Auxll- ary association , with a capital stock of $100,000. Another magnificent hotel to cost > ,000,000 Is promised for the corner of Jackson streol nnd Michigan avenue opposite the Leland. "Parson1' Dnvlos expresses the onion that it is un open question whether Sullivan can got into proper condition to fight Slavln , and that If the two como together Slnvln will maxo n chopping block ot him. By an Invention which ho calls the "har- mania tone rovenlcr , " a Chicago genius chums that anyone may learn to phvy at sight In from two to thrco hours. Secretary Uusk's Idea of n corn palace for the fair Is mooting with favorubla comment , and it is suggested that Colouol Murphy , who failed In hii endeavor to carry out a similar Idou in Paris , bo placed in charge of It. Another schema lo give lho city a theatri cal stock company Is said to bo on foot. The Chicago university Is to have n chair of llfo Insurance and thu Ufa agent will uow rank with olhor professional men. The yacht owners and yacht clubs of the city nro forming central organization with thn purpose of having anuutil cruises and races , Grain r-.tcs on tbo lakes are so low Hint thu trafllu is practically at n standstill , and it is said that of the millions of dollars. Invented in llonling property not u dollar is paying a dividend. FitIM ; ATKINSON , Medical and Surgical Institute , 1409 Street Omaha Neb. Bbuglas , - - , . I FOR THE TREATMENT OF AL.L , J' ie , Sorvous , and Surgical DISElASEXS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. DPS. Bolts < fe Belts nro the oldest , most experienced and widely known specialists in the United S-.ntes in UIP treatment of Chronic nnd Surgical Diseases. Our Extensive American and European Hospital , military and private experience , should entitle us to your confidence as the most skllllul Specialists in the country. t&Vlnclose a stamp in all letters asking questions and desiring an answer. This Is no litlle ilem to us at the end of n year , consider ing that thousands of letters have to be answered every month. Our success in these specialties is universally acknowleded , and our diplomas can be sren nt our office at all times. 1)RS. ) BHTTS & BUTTS , 1409 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. A Cure Guaranteed In all cases ot Private and Skin Diseases All fllsordors of the Sexual Organs CURED And Vnnliood and Hii- crn-y resulted. COXSULTATIOXFREE A Friendly Talk Costs PILES Fistula anil Rectal Ul cers Cured. ' No knlfo used , fcs'o p.iin or detention frnm nnsl- iios. Cure Kii'ir.n Consull.itlon fice. If wo c.iii not ouio you wo will frankly ,1011 you HYDROCELE AND VARICOCEL ? Permanently cured. A SURE CURE The awful ofTocts of EarlvVico , whici br nga organ o weak oas , do troyluff both m iid and body , witi all its dreadful ills , p-rma- nently cured. DRS. BETTS Address the = \vho have impaired themselves by irrpr per hidul- croncos and s lit ry r abits , which ruiti both body and mi id , unn'tinu them lor btt iuoss , s udy and MARRIED MEN , cr the o entering - ing 01 tha1 : happ/ lifo , aware of physical dobi'ity , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon fact' . Pirat Frao i- cal oxper'm - > . Second Ev ry case ia ocp3ciallstu' od , thu- starrinor rr yht. Ihhd Medicines ar'o prepare 1 in our laboratory ox ctly to suito'o'i case , thus ef fecting cures w.thout injury. OP Men and Women Suc cessfully Treated. Lost Manhood. Nerv ous and Physical Dobll- II y , nvhanili'd Vitality , I'n in itnie H o c > 1 i n u , Weakness In Women , and all fund Ion.U ilr- ranKeiunnls that , icsult fioni youthful follies or oxL'o-is In after years. All communications and coii"iMS'itlons sa credly conlldentlal. Quaranteoa perman ent cure , loinoval ciim- pli-lc. without euttln , ; , canitlc or dll.it. itlon. I'uii's ulTncted .it homo by piitli'nt , without a inoincnt's pain or an noyance. Avondoiful ininedy wlileh never falls , nun also cures all discharges and li illa tion. \VcSuccessfullyTreit \ Woman and Her Diseases. Hvory complaint Inci dent to females at the dawning of womanhood , the age of maternity , and chu : i mi or life , fe male weakness , prolap sus uteri , uleeratlon , loucorrhu'a , alTeotloiis of niothr.i and Dladder , p.ilns In the back , p.iln- fnl or suppressed mens truation. TiH.itment warranted to inodiu-o expected losiilts. Ad- vlco fiue. conlldentlal and reliable. ADDRESS OR CALL ON DRS. BETTS & BETTS Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 1O a. m. to 1 p. m. TREASURES IN AGED TOMES. The Valuable Works to Be Found in Omaha's Libraries. LIBRARY LIFE-WORK OF BYRON REED , The Colic tiou nt Crelghton College and the Interest Omniums Are Displaying In the 1'urolmso of Hare Works. \Vhlloltcannotlruthfully bo staled that the number of valuable llbr.irios as u whole is very largo It. Omaha , it is true bopond nil question that the rare books possessed by in dividuals will compare more than tnvorably , numerically , with these of any city in tbo union. First In the lisl of v.Uuablo prlvalo libra ries Is that left by the late Byron Itood. Mr. Heed was an antlquaiian in lho best accepta tion of the term , Inasmuch as ho not only devoted voted n lifetime to the collection of the rare volumes which adorned his library , uut he was also regarded by all \ \ ho over had the plcasuro of meeting him , whether on the mart or In the seclusion of his parlor , as ono of , if uot lho very best Informed men in the city. In his pioneer days , whilst laboriously laving thu foundation of that magnificent fortune which ho afterward achieved , ho began to gather together the nucleus to the array ot volumes now lining the walls of his late residence. The lilorarv nodules around which till lho olbrrs formud were oddlv enough n r.iro copy of Byron and u copy of the Wyoklllt blblo. Ills love for books Uept pace with his Increase Sn worldly goods , and year by year ho added old uud costly books cud precious manuscripts to his collection. A few years before his death Mr. Heed compiled and published a tasty catalogue and sent about two Mil rid rod copies to friends In Europe aud America. ContrratuKilnry lot- lors poured mlo him from all sides , lho bur den of whoso praise was that Mr. Hood was the happy ° iossobsor ) of a very rare and well chosen library , "a vorltablo literary oasis In the desert of commercial llfo , " as Lowell prettily putll in his nolo of aekuowl- mont. ' The collection ( s miscellaneous In scope nnd embraces literature , science , art , religion , theology , phllcsoijhv. priceless copies of the bible , LoaullfulCv . Illuminated missals nnd wonn-eatod , niusiy- manuscripts , filled with bcholostlu lore , InuUnct with classlo elo quence , or lumi.ious with the word of eternal life , which have came down from these nur series of learning , the convont-s and monas teries of the mldaloAgos , The gem of th v'jllcction is an old worm- bored blblo two jcct in length , bound in thin llmo-sinluod veltunV , The book Is the work of some medhuvat artist who interspersed the text with many oxqtilslto illustrations. There is food for imagination hidden under tlioso yellow covers ana huge brazen clasps , Wo see In these fair pages something moro than the results of the patient toil which porpelualod "thoughts which will live in a llfo beyond life , " Prom these carefully penned lines nnd bril liant initial letters the pale , thoughtful face of the cowlod transcriber looks upon us , nnd from thu quint of his nustero cell , ho seems to dart from his severe eyes a glance of pa tient reproach at our worldlier nud moro modern ago which enjovs thu fruit of tils labor nnd repays him by declaring him n "fat , lubberly do-nothing. " Another book to which Interest at taches on account of its antiquity nnd quutntness is n large bible , pub- lUhod. in 1 IS , ' ) in Gorman blnek-Iolter. Thu rubrlcutlon of the volume is milil to have em ployed seventy-live men. Some of thu Illus trations no doubt viewed by our moro cul tured nud artistic eyes , would cause n con- lomptuous smile on account of their gro- losquoness , but when wo remember that our native land was then an "undlscovore.d bouino" and "human thought still at spring- lido" our contempt will change to ndmiralion. A nolnblo manuscript is the "Historia Porsunarum , " a series of heroic poems commemorative of the martial deeds of the Persians. It Is written in in the Persian language without an accom- panlng translation in Latin. A llttlo thick quarto curiously Bound in parchment with silken strings holding it together upon ex amination proved to bo a copy ot the "King's Quair" composed by James the First of Scot land whilst a prisoner of stnto in Windsor Castle for 18 yo. rs of his youth. The poem was written about 1418 In honor of his lady-love.Jnnc Beaufort.dauRhter of the Earl of Somerset , of whom ho became enamored during the weary years of his confinement. Its peculiar value lies in the fact that it Is the mirror of the royal singer's true feelings and the simple touching story of his loves and fortunes. Monnrchs have seldom time or Inclination to thin parley with iholr hoarls , and it is gratifying to lho pride of men "casl in lho common mould" to see the affections of human nature throbbing be neath the royal ormino. A person not usually poetically Inclined would grow ! > o while musing over this volume which lolls the story of the romantic affections of Scotia's royal lovor-bard for beautiful Lady Jano. Thn library is osposially rich In historical papers relating to America. Mr. Heed was for years u member of the American Archio- loglc.il society , and was a recognised author ity upon American antiquities. Ho bcquoated to the city his collection of coins , rare books , manuscripts aud lilitoric.il documents. Competent authorities estimate the value of his bequest from SSO.OOO to SluO- 000. Ho also donated a site for a free public library on llarnoy streel , 8Sxju : , nnd Is just across the street from lho Crei.lio or day nursery. Tlo .losult fathers have very many old tomes nnd rare manuscripts Iroasurod In Iholr magnificent library in Crolghton Col- lego. The boolc of Chronicles containing about U,000 wood cuts nnd published in M'ja by Koborgor Is u very curious folio in German block-letter. Another rare volume la Schaffor's Uorman translation of Livy's "Historia Homae , " published In Mutz In ll.'ill. SchatTer was lho grandson of John Faust , the partner Outlon- berg the inventor of printing , the "art pre servative of all arts , " of whom Carlyle s.ild : "Guilonbortr Is lho Christ of literature , for through him lho dawn of printing was the outbur > lof n now rovolallon. " The history of the Council of Trent pub- Used during the reign of .Imnos I , almost simultaneously with the famous King J.imes version of the bible is a volume of almost priceless value. There are but two other copies in America , ono in the Boston Atun- naeum the olhor In lho library of Woodstock college , Maryland. John Uo Mariana's ponderous derous history of Spain , work from which our own elegant Prescott drew much of tils data for his charming historiesIn another. A brass bound volume of Viigil , lho Mantuau bard , "who sung In Ihu sweet Tuscan tongue the wanderings /Knoas and the pitiful woes of Dido , " Is highly prlzou. Kach piiL'o Is ornamented with n bro.ul bor der of pen nnd ink suetchus Illustrative of the text. It boars the date 11(10 ( , and U lho work of n Florentine monk. The most mea gre attempt to give u list of the valuable vol umes contained In this collection ulono would obviously bo beyond lho scope of ihls arti cle. cle.Tho lalo BUhop O'Connor loved lo mouse among the ancient tomes In this library , ilo used to take pleasure hi ( wring fur hours over thoao Umo-slalnod pngos of ulnck letter endeavoring to iilu' out the golden truths hidden beneath. Ills f.ivontu work was "Vltn Dell Anlma. " by Bortolomoo Solulhlo , published In ito-iio in INK ) . Kach alternate page contains u splendid lull page Illustra tion of some sculptural subject. Mr. Llnlnger'a collection of old works bearing on Masonry is probably the llnost In the. country , next to that loft by Ihu late General Albert Pike. To makeup tlilu col lection every corner of thu glebe hat con- 1409 Douglas St. Oi.Tia.lia. - Neb . . . , K\\RIIITYTnFrn Nervous Diseases , * * * * * * Sexual Diseases , URINARY TROUBLES , Kidney and Liver Diseases , EYE AND EAR , Head and Throat Troubles -AND- CATARRH Treated With Success. Private Diseases , It is the duty of every liononiblo phys ician to do all ho cun lo roliovc humtin. sufferinff , andwhilo such diseases exist , wo deem it our duty to minister to their nlluvintion and euro without quoation- injj the degree of depravity which hus brought on the trouble. Mtiny men and women of uuro minds , who have never psirtod from the paths of virtue , hiivu uneoneiously cotitnioti'd diseases which , sooner or later , will sap the springs of lifo or Uvy the foundation for a miserable old ago , unless cheeked and cured. Iltivinp had a largo experience in this chiss of diseases , wo civn , in all sincerity , assure the nlllicted that under our method of trnatmont rapid cures are effected in the worst conceivable cases in. a short time and at a roabon- aMo expense. Kemembor that Iho only danger como's from neglect or attempt ing to euro yourself-by using prescrip tions that have proved successful in curing your friends. Do not , therefore , waste'timo and coroplicnto the dill'culty ' nor lol false modesty dolor you from al once applying to us , either in person or hy lotlor. Btrlct connaoiico will t)8 ob served and exposure will never como at our hands. tributod its quota.Vhou in Malta years aijo ho succeeded In securing a valuable collection of old pictures of the commanders of the knitfhts of Malta. The story of the suppres sion of tno order of the Knights Templar In Franco during the reicn of Philip IV. , surnamed - named the Fair , is told in the barbaric French of that period in n 100-paro pamphlet by Jacques Hutin , n contemporary chronicler. HutrU declares that that the Templars were not nearly so blame worthy as the sycophan tic court historians make thorn out , while In Germany nnd Spain the order flourished in its pristine purity and vigor. An old book on art , the subject nearest Mr. Linlngor's heart , is ono published in in lOSSby the Hoyul Society of London , which contains two ruuo wood cuts , the first a plough and the other a boat. A nrst edition of Aristolles Politics published in Florence in the ilfteonlh cen tury is also a valuable sot. Ur. Gilmore possesses , some old and valu able medical works , mainly on the subject of physlolocy , In which ho is considered an au thority. General Mamlorsou has ono of the most comprolionsivo law libraries in the city. Rabbi Uoscnau is an ardent lever of old volumes and wlion ho comes across a rare edition on the book stands Is surq to add it tote to his library at homo which moiiopoli/os all his sp.iro moments. A talk with Mr. Schonfold , the loading dealer in second-hand books who has Just loft for Kuropo on n book-buying excursion , icve.ilod tno very significant fact that ho im ports r.uti old works right along and llnds as sufllciont homo demand to Justify this outlay. Among the curios in his store is a dumpy llttlo volume bearing the very slartllng title : "A History of his Nib ; , The Devil , with a Doscriptlsn of His Dwelling. " The author of this highly sensational work Is old Daniel Uofoe , whoso simple story of "Tlio Adven tures of Kobinsou Urusoo" was a source of iinfnllinc delight to us In our childhood days. The book boara the date 17IO ! , and was printed in London. "Tho Institutes of Theology" In highly scholastic Latin by Ilop- klm , the famous English divlno , Voltaire's works In llfty-sovon volumns , published In 1777 , n complete not of the original Spectator the old "breeches" inhlo tor , and a copv of published ut Geneva in the fifteenth century , are all rare and valuable works. In Hi own- oil Lull library there is nn elegant copy of Iho celebrated old coinpcntonslan polyi'lpL blblu printed at Alcala in l.VJ'-l , the oxpunxes of which were dofraynd by Iho immortal Cardinal Xlmonos , who , besides being the greatest statesman of his age , was also u mu nificent patron and lover of learning. Tlio text 1s in Hebrew , Chaldalc , Uiouk and Latin. Tno Omaha public library , although estab lished but a few years , is a veritable bowiir by the way side , where the weary may turn from the dust and heat , of the dav and drink of the living streams ot knowledge. Founded in Ib77 with fewer than Ihroo thousand vol umes and uu annual appropriation ot ? lUi)0 ) , it has increased voarly. until now It numbers Hlt.tlW volumes , of which 0,001 weio added this year , and the last appropriation was IW.OOO. Though making no protcntlons to have any rare books , still the library possesses a num ber of mlsHals , bibles anil chronicles several hundred years old. A fao slmllo of lho 111.1 ! ) folio edition of Hhaitospearo Is much used in Shakospoariun contests , and the old tome had quliou run u few ycnr * ago dining the Bacon-Shakespeare controvonv. U. ! ' . Slovens' fao slmiloi of manuscripts in Euro pean archives vitiating to America , In eight volumes , HmlUid to 200 , Is qulto raro. An tonio Do Soils' ConiiucBl of Moxlco by the Siwuilurds , translated by Thomas Townsend in 1700. Is a wont of great historic value , and Is frequently quoted by 1'roicott. An old "tioaclu" bfblo , also known iw Queen I Jess" blblo , so called txjcauso of thu error In pilnt- lug the'-'Till verse Ifitn chapter /oroinmh / : "It , tlioro no treacle In ( Jiload I" Is In musty covers and largo , dirty black letter. An old Venetian mlssul dona by some tonsured dwullor In "thu city of the sea , " Ib n bcautl- tul book whoso pages resemble the nmny-huod splendors of a grand cathedral - dral "window richly dight" through which the rays of the sultsng ami slroum In rainbow magnificence. No volumoi In mouldering covers nro pi ously entombed uud left loblaikcu and uioui- DOCTOR McG-REW THE SP ECIAL1ST Morullian n ruin nxporlnnoo In the troUiiuul o' PIUVA.TE DISEASES. Aouro guaranteed In .1 to A ilnyi , wlllioni baton ot nn hntir'1 time GLEET. The mo t romplctn and nlxolutn euro for stool unit nil rumoring iUcliM-iei oircr known to Ilio niodlctl profusion. I'ormiinunllr curotl In fronii to U dtjri STRIOTUBLl Or pain In rcllorlni. the t > ] iddor uurtvl without pain or Irnlrumi'nt' . no cultliii ; , no illUtlni ; Tlio moit rcui.irkabluroinodr known to modor SYPHILia Cured In TO to ft ) dnr - Dr. Mcdrow's IroiUmmit for tlil tcrrlblo bloo < tilhoiiolmi boon pronounced tlm must MicotHsfnl roinody oror dl oovontd for th ( nb- m I n to euro of HID clUe-xo. llli sucroii wlltiilili dUt > .uto hm uovor boon oqimlloJ. A ooiupUtj ourj Kuurunluud. Kuurunluud.LOST MANHOOD nenll woilmoum of II o 'oxii.M orgim , narvoiu- And ilmlilltjr niul duspondenu ; alMOlutoljr uurul. Tli crulluf li Imniudl u and coiiiplotu. SKIN DISEASES , and all dltoaioi of tlio blood , llvor , klilnors , nail bladder piTiimnently cured. FEMALE DISEASES The doctor "Homo Trontmunl" for Ivllai In pro. mmncvd by nil who luvvo usisl It to bo tlui luml com. plotoand conrontont remoljr ntur olTortM for tlin tru itinunt of ruinaluttlicnioi ItUtrnlya wonderful rouieily. Hours for Imlluj , from 2 to 4 only. DR. McGRBW'3 MtuTelloui sueoiu.i In tlnj trnatmont of prlratu dli- wnm hii won for him a reputation wltlrh H trulii n.itloiml In elnrtictpr. an I hi * Knt it army of pntlonti reaches from the All intlu to tlio 1'acinc Thu doctor li a Kraduato of "roaular" nuvlli-luo sml li.li Iny Ion * and careful oxparlinco In limplttl pr.ictlcu , iind li clii'vil nnmiin the Inadlmt npoci Ulili In mod * out sclencii Tro itinont hy corn'iMm | < timco WrltJ for clrculan about oarli of tbu abuvo dlioi o < , froo. OtHco , 14th and I'arnam Streets , Oui.ihi Nub. Entrance on oithur atroot. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS , In order to satisfy the public that we mean what we advertise , you are hereby notified that if there is any complaint made , \ or people are not satisfied with the effects of the Turkish Rem edies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment , Cough Cure , Asth ma Cure and Halm's Golden Dyspepsia Cure , to notify us and return empty package and we will cheerfully refund money. Respectfully yours , Turkish Remedy Company , Omaha , Neb. dor in dusty oblivion In the splendid law library In ine Now York Llfo building. All the sheep-bound volumes , replete , vllh lho Ireasures of modern Jurisprudence and ranged alphabetically around the walls look ns upic and span In their bright yellow dross as u now circuit Judge making his dehut. Mr. J. S. Caulliold has n splendid collection of Americana at hla store on Fnrmi'ii all ' lie has A rare e'dltlon do luxe at "Jano E by Charlott Bronte , In two folio volumes of which there are only twenty-flvo copies In lho world. Dr. U. Goo Wo , lho Chinese physician , possesses n number of books 1,010 years old. These are on rico panor on very familiar leu chest hieroglyphics nnd are profusely lllus- Irqtod in water colors. Messrs. I'opiilotou , Thurston and Webster have large law libra ries and collections of sclonlillo work goner- ally. ally.Dis. . Coffman , Leo , Poabodynml Grossman are lovers of old volumes and lioro and Ihorc on Iholr shelves peeps forlli some yellow bound lomo "writ It characters caba listic" and capable of being unriddled save by the learned sons of Aescalaplus. Llttlo did the authors of tliuso old limes Imagine when Ihoy buried Ihotnsolvos In cells and cloisters and devoted themselves to Intense - tense rollcctlou and painful research , thai all their labor would bo warso than vain , for lho onlv Immortality It has .secured them Is an inch of dusty shelf In the library of some bibliophile. As the writer ga/ed about on thnir moro modern shultmntos in all lho bravorv of gllf and costly binding , ho felt much like good old Xerxes when he reviewed his magnificent army and reflected that in a few years proba bly notoni ) would DO In existence , if they should chance to exist , their merits will only bo relished by the quaint taalo of tlio book worm a diver after the fragments of an tiquity who will produce tnom for the grat ification of some curious visitor like the writer. I < \tNIIM Xt I-'ttlt JIICX , The sash is numbered nmotig the things that wei . lilnck neckwear Is now and probably always will bo popular. The shorl Tuxedo coat Is popular for the theater nntl for semi-dross occasions. Scarf rings nro coming in attain , and tnoy are worn most with tli-s of light colors. Hnsset leathers aio utill thu thing , nut the well-dressed nun wears them 111 darker colors. The three and four-button cutawny coats are llxturos , ami Ihoru Is no change In suits for evening dross. T.isto In men's dross loans toward severe simplicity , and where contrasls In coslumo prevail they aio mostly very modest. In sack nulls the browns are by far the mint popular color , and next lo tlio brown Mines lho gray In u varioly of shades , in collars ttiora is u wide range of styles , Ono of thu neatest Is the broad turndown tol- lar. The i oil , instead of the sharp edge , U easier for the neck In warm weaihor. ChovloU and lUnnols am also being worn this "umnicr. Thu pink and blue colors are in the smallest and llnnil llnoi formed of minute squares. Keurfs lo match aio sold with lhuo shirts. There Is a ureiit deal of style In tics Thu " .smart" man tloi his own nook scarf ' 1 ha broad , Hawing Windsor Uo hns como In with lho warm woalhor. II is lied lo suit the fancy of thu weal or. These tics uro of light limteil.il. A very popular combination for summer wear Is a dark blue or black serge Hack coat nnd trou ors and a white doublo-bieasted waistcoat. The waistcoat patlorm me whllo with line utrlpes of blue or blaeic , forming checks. . . . . Hlnco the ndvonlof lho Iliinnel shirt for summer wear several years ago thorn nus Inon n great reform In this article of dress. Oilier materials have been advantageously substituted for tbo llannol , ana thin yi' r the proper thing Is the zephyr for day wear and silk for Ihu evening , 'lhoophyr is n happy combination of starched collar uud cuffs uud a bolt bosom , _ _ Use Ilaller's Karsupailllaaiiil Hurdoclc , the great blood purifier.