THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 27. 189.1-TWELVE PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. . KOH TIIKSK COLUMNS ADVKHTISK.MKNTS 12 ,1) ) P in , for Ihn rrprilng nil until 8:30 : p.m. for tbn mornlnit or Sunday cdl- \ Ilsl'pn "Hltnutlonn WnntPd.M lnHi > lpW ntrd. " -"Keinnlc HPP ! W ntp l. " IS rrnln n word nmt Inner- lion nnd I rent n word llnrrenllcr. All other advcr- tln-niPiil"In thpi-n column' 3 rpntK n word nr t lu pr- ( Ion and \M \ rento n word llicrenllor , or H per linn pprmnntli. No ndvprtlfpment taken for IOM than 25cents for thi > nr t Innertlon Terms cash In nd- rnnco. Inltlnls , nnuron , > ml > olii , etc. , each count as word. All ndvprtlMimchtri mint run ronpcu tlvrly Advcrtlitrrs , by ipqucMInx n numliered check , Pan have thplr nnawers nddref'Pd to n "num- bored li'ller In cnroof TilK IIKK. Answers no nd- drcn-cd nlllbadellrcrcdonlyon prosentnllon of the eh ck , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! nHANt'lI oT1KTri' ) AIVKIlTIHINII KOH TIIKSI ! J5 columns will ln tnkpn on thn above conditions tllio following lniiilneM IIOIIM-S. who nre nuthor- Ircd to tnkn i ppclnl nollrex nt Iho amu rntcd n can behnd nt ilin mnln nlllce- Pouth ( iiimhn llrnncli Oltlco No. 213.1 N street , Ms- John XV Hell , riinrmncttt. Ilth nnd Mnson street * . H. II Knrnnworlli. rimrm elst,2ll. ' > riimlnK street. W .1 IJIiKhP" , riinrmai-lst. WIN. Illth street , ( ieoriioV. . 1'nrr , I'hnrmnclst , 1718 I uvunworth Itreet. IluuheV rhnrmncy , 21th nnd Fnrnam. SITUATIONS WAXTKI ) Fnrnntft , tie. , ft fop nf flirt column on tin * WO' . A W N'TBTClTY XvoT- iiy klml In whelp alonr retail Inline ; satisfac tory references ; speak nnd wrlto Kniillsh nnd lier- tuiii. AddrensSO. Hen. .MM2B * ) IIY HKKINKI ) MIDDt.K Ad Mil LADY AWASTKI thn euro of young child for room nnd bonJd. . M.iS'J 28' Ilcfercncci. Address H 8 llee. AWANTKII. HITKATION IIY A YOUNII I.A1IY stenoKraphcr. Wllllnx to eommenco on small alnry. Address 8 1 , llee ottlrn. M.'IDI 28 ) . WANTKD. A POSITION IN I.A1I- ornlury by well experienced Knitllslimnn. Will accept smnll salary to H-Kln. Dr. Maslora , l ) P Bt. , I.lnpoln , Neh. Ml ) 31 * - WANTKI ) .SITUATIONS FOH ( ! OOI ) (1IUI.H : A my wnllliiK rooms an-always full from ! ) to Op , in. Canadian liniployment olllce , 3HW M. 15th. T lephono8HI. 2H AVANTHD-MALK Ill-Mil' . 1'orratf * , etc. . tec top of fl'ft column on tlila p uf. WAN-rrTlirTUAVKLINO 8AKSMAN | ; KPK- cliilllen : worth f.'fll pi-r wi-ek lo k'ood man ; vnl- uablu sldu lino. Allison , 177 Monroe street , Chli-nito. B WANTKI ) , AN KXI'KltlKNCKU HAT HALHS- man. Jones of Omnlm. M.'I70 23 T > WANTKD , IMMKDIATKI.V , THAVKI.lNd JJsnleMm-n for Nchrnskn. ( loodssold to the Irudo only Poriiiunent position , I'lm-sl side linen known. Unclose stamp. S. J. Owen , 415 'Dearborn Mrcpt. Clili-niso. J MM 3 B WB OKFKH AOKNTS' 11KJ MONKV IN H.XCI.U- slvn li-rrltory. Our IIPIT pnlrnt snfcs sell nt rlKht In elly or country. New intents llrst In Held nnunlly xpttliiit rich. One nitent In ono dny nleured fwi. rln t-nn you. CnlnloKiin fnm. Alpine hufe lAiui- imny , aSl-371 Chirk ntreel. Cincinnati , U. T > -WANTKI ) . AN KXI'KUIHNCBII HUTOIIMH ; J'Oerman preferred. Apply to Chns. Ilclnrlehs , Wnkellold , Neb. 3I.V27 * B WANTKI ) , A 1IHOO.M TIKH , P1HST CLASS , 'at ' once. 4W west 7th street , ( irand Island , Neb. .XH-28 * IJ-WANTKD RAILROAD MKN KOH MONTANA , JJldnho and Washington. Cheap faro. Railroad laborers for Iowa free faro. Kramer & Kramer labor agency. 30.1 8 Ilth t. ! ll I2t I > * T > - VAN'17KI ) 2 KUWTrLASS MKN KOR DA I HY JJirork. Ames Ave. Dairy. J. K. Hoch. 801 > TJ-CUTTKRS AND TAILORS WANTKI ) , OYBH -I'1,700 liare adopted the A. D. Hudo new method. Numbers of them are leading cutters of this conti nent , others are on the way to fame and fortune. Taught at Cleveland Cutting School. M2'X > 27 * AdTcNTS WANTIID ON SALARY OR COMlfirT- slon. llrewer Jt titanuard , Nurserymen , Ottawa , Kansna. 215 JW * T > MKNOK HOOD ADDHMSS. MKTROl'OLITAN JJ.M'fK Co , , 1IWJ Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 12th Lin coln. 125-Jyl3 * -\VANTKI ) 100 MKN KOH H. \VORlf IN WY- omlng and South Dakola ; good wages. Albrrght Jjabor agency , 1120 Karnam slreel. M'X'i T > - X ) BALKSMKN WANTKI ) TO SKLL OUR PHK- J * mlum nursery slock : the largest nursery west Of the Mississippi rlVer ; the finest stock ; all the new nnd old fruits ; the lowest prices and biggest pay to agents ; money advanced every week ; outllt free. Wrlto us ut once. U. J , Carpenter Co. , Kalrbury.Nch. 877 Jyl4 T > OH(1ANI7.iilS : WANTKD-fM AND (100 IN -Olivet months ; cerllllealo In f. * class date July ] , 1691 ; llrst-class orgnnl/ers wanted ; write for terms. Supreme lodge , the Universal 'progiesslvo league , 172 Wushlnglon blreet , Hoston , Alass , .M7-.IO Jyl2 * BWANTKD MKN TO TllAVKI , FOlt OtJll CAN- iiillan nurscrleu. SliinuVullliiKton , MinllMin. T > -II1JMONKY.SKLL1NTIIKLIKKOKI'.T. ( ! HAR- JJniini ; only SIM. Agents wauled , American Hook Co. , Now York Life building , Omulm , Neb. 732 Jy9 -WANTKI ) OIinANKCKRS HY Till ! KHIKNDLY Aid society , Puys Its members $100 every six months , lias paid ! , " , OO,000 In bcnellts. Hescrvo and benetlt fund held In trust by the stale of Mnssn- chnsclls. Terms llbornl , Address Friendly Aid so ciety , Wnltham , Mass. M.VO Jy3 * T > - WANTKD SALKSMKN ON SALARY OH COM- JJmbslon to liandle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ends ; no njiraslon of paper ; SOO to RIO per cent profit ; one Kent's sales amounted to (430 In six days , another M2 In two hours. Wo want onegen- oral agent In pach state nnd territory. For terms nnd full particulars nddress the Monroe Krascr > lfl'Co. . l.a Crosse , WIs , 2t7 WANTKI ) KKMAIiK For rates , ttc. , ret top of first column on tlitt jxiye. C -GOOD COOK AT CITY HOTEL. 3741 * ri-WANTKl ) . A GOOD GIRL , GOOD WAGIW AT VVbO-J South suth street. 375 211' --WANTKD ] RKKKHKNCKS RKQUIRKD , A woman to do cooking and general housework on much In Wyoming. Kaiy work and good wngea , Kxpenses paid to Wyoming. Wanted by July 7th. Apply to Mrs. Remington , Theresa P. O. , Converse Co. , Wyoming. 3ii-2iV : > 0-WANTKI ) OIHL KOH ( JKNKRAL TITI'rl ) ] ? work , nlno strong nurse girl. Mrs. M. Levy , 20:17 : Dodge street , opposite high school , M3.ll 27 C-WANTKI ) , A CO.MPKTKNTGIRL KOH NI.'HSK and iei-ond work , Mrs. Gcorno Paturson , ym Jlownrd'st. MII27 27 -WANTKI ) ATONCK , YOUNG mill. TO TAKK charge of children nnd assist In housework. flood homo for nice girl. Mrs. D. O. Molitoan. 1411 Bo 2iih ; st. . 313-Vti * FOK KENT HOUSES. For niton , etc. , see top of flnl column on thin jxiui % B-KOH RKNT. KLKI1ANT2KI.OOH1IOUSK ALL modern Improvements , No , 403 N. 2Jd street Ap- Jily ut 1.109 Karniuu struct. 373 23 Tk-KOIl IIKNT8KOOM I1OUSK.O HOO.M CIVITAUK , J-'bnlh.ctc. Apply U. ti. Kliiutter , 601 N. Y.I.Ifn lildK. < ! J , ly a pj-Koii HUNT , i ) uoojt MODKHN noTisT : , a lnritu linrn , soulh front ; 2.1W Cnpltol iivenuo ; rout tQ 00 per month. Also severnl Biunll houses well located. Hhrlver .tO'Donnhoo. MiLVI 23 -KOIIUKST , KI.K ( > AN1' R-HOOM HOlTsTT Ni ( ) .lOiMPnclriu street , HlekB , N. Y. l.lfu , IM'J-'H B-TWO SMIOOM NKW IIUICKIIOUSKS.-.W llnrnej itrout. riniiMiton , V Alton , 1O J Kariuim I rout. xta : u > lK.S'T , KDIt.NISllKI ) HOUSK MNK rooms nml burn. Holhrook , 4 llco blilif. 1141 -STKAAl IIKATKO MODHllN KI.ATrf , ,01 AND -M ti luth itrcut. K. K Hlnuur , 151'J Karniuu. D-KOll HKNT It ) 11OO.M HOUSK , AI.I , MIllKKX IniproTcniontii. or will roll furniture. ' . N. K. cor. ? .M niul lllnnujr ots.lvountjo I'lncu , I"O inontli. I > i7 - > ; S-HOOM COTTAliK , CIIKAP. INIi.'ilS CAP. PSHOOM iltsl-'l " Jyl.i * D I KOIl HKNT JULY AND AIM1UST , Kflt- olshcd six room cotlnne , ISM Clarke street.M.1S3 M.1S3 2S' 1 J KOIl HKNT NKW 7-llOOM 1IOIJSKnTll Jall nioilttrn ImproTciiR-nts. 1 block from Walnut lllll molOr , ta.UU. Tlioo. oUen , 'JO * N. Y. Ufa. 2JJ TAi mil HKNT io HOOM"HollSr" : " i -i-/ | 0fiiluiliiioilerii liiiproyiiiiiunln. 7U .N. luili. U UKNT.Tin ? NKW YOIIK IIOTK1. OK 41) ) J-'rooin * nnil oitlcion N liilh. ami the lorcs now orruiiliHl by tlio IVoplot' laaiiiiiiutli Inntiillincnl IIOIIMI , Wi'luicr niul IDtli. Will ri-nt Ilia ttoio BI'P- iiriitnly It l Ucil , Scnrs , ! Uj .V. Y. l.tfi' . ; ni. : So T\-j > UltNIDIlKU lUHItSK , AUj CONVHNlliNl'Ks" J'July lot to tiuptembur 1st , IU. Adtlrou Utr.l ] ) ouula . ; urj ; g 1"k 8-HOO.M HOUSK , AM. MOIIIIHN IJIIMtliVr ? .1-/IIIUIIU i ! l H. Utli HI.i liloi-ks from nuw opera lion i' . Niiir liomo with Inrniioi , ; , H "J * TV KIHl HKNT , Hl'I.KNIIIDM llHM ) ItKSIDKNCKi J.'nll modern coiiTonlenceii , llnett lucntlon In i-lly ; B15 Pnrk mo ; present oi-euptint , Jlr. H. It. lloi-der ; lilvuii July I ; intoO torn ntlacIuMl. will hold t liornoi ; llhcrnl terms nnd Inns leant ) lo rliiht | < arty. Apply Vfi lieu Uldit. , or IttJI I7urkuvu. John urnnt. Ml T - .rpv. . KOOM IHHISl : WITH 1IAIIN ; DKSlll- ulili-location , moderate rent. Heard Ilros. 1110 Jouu1 i street , T\- Ko"lt HKNT , i-UOOM COITAUK AND J.'contnil , 12) . ( room niltage , central , f U 1)0. ) t room c-otlmtu , nenr motor , l\t \ CO , 4-riinin rntlmto uenr motor , tlUUD. Sronim unfurnlshrd , Jiuiw. And Iliu bt t re.lilenco Huts In the city. f3) ) to t:5 No > tor i. Tlio Mead Inv'l , Co. , llj lloo Illdg. trt I-KOltillliNT V-KOOM HOUrJK , MODKUN CON- venlcnos , T ; ( Uavniport stree-t. luqulru tuft l > * vunporl itrvvt. to'j TKOIt < UKNT.TWO KIVB-IIOOM IIOUSKS AND u ° 'Krwrooui tioutu. Inquire J , I * Hill , x M Bouth IJlh MjtJ 21' " ' .J'OU WISH TO IlKNT A HOUbK Oil BTOItH > H. U. Cole , Coutluoulal block. lij POIt nKNT 1IOU-SKS. For ratet , etc. , iff toy of flrlco'umn on tM * l-'clty nd clutcrn wntor , pli-nmit nclnliborhood , J Mocka from i-trci-l rnr > , III ! H 7th menus , or llell'n pli ami icy , cor. Hill and Mmon. _ Ml -HOUSK OK3 IlOOMfl AND * PASTIIV9 , WKI.I. D nnd rlslcru wnter. nltli ntntilo , 4th nnd WII- llnnm streett. Aimnut Unndoir ntJcnnln hotel. AliW ) r-r * D-KOIl HKNT SIX HOOM COTTAOK. 8M . * . : Mst atrpgt. MW ; 2S -KOH HKNT.A IIOUHK WITH 9 IIOO.MM. SOt.'TII- west front , slinilo trees , itood front and back yards , all modern Improvement * ; onn lilock from cnhln nnd ono block and n half of motor cars. Cur- ronndltiKS nxrcenblo. 31111.ako street. M377 2a * KUIINIHIIKI ) COrrAfrr6T ( 5BVI5.V HOOMrf for rent for the summer nt Ol N. Zlnl street. ( llrl will rnnlti If desired. MM ) 23 D-KOIl HKNT IIANDSOMK IMIOOM all moik'rn coiiveillpncea.ln perfect order : pnvcil strrctn ; motor nml within flmlmitus wnlk of post- olllco. .VnUmii Shclton. 1CII Far mini slreot. .Mill - FollKNIM.AHtllNUMIIKU : OK stores , tint * . pin. . fS.UU ppr month nml up. Now , 111 1st of each inontli. ( ioortio J. 1'nul , 1WJ r'nrnniu slreet , _ Wl-Jy'J DNl'.W AinilKHN ANDMOriT DHrllHAI.hK IN thticlty. Threeor four rooms suites , Complete for housekeeping. 819 SZM street. T. I * Von Dorn. -KOIl IIK.VT. Kiil ( ; KIIIHT-C'IASH II KICK houses. Knqnlro of Dr. Coltmun , olllcu SM S. I.'th. D - HKNT 7-HOO.M 1IOUSK , yia IIAHNKV. Inqulro A. II. Gladstone , 1311) Douglas street. -S-HOOM 11HICK IIOl'HK. AM. CON V UN- lcncp . 2J. ) : frrooui brick house , f'JO.UO. II. K. Cole , ! Continental. Vfi KINDS-TUHKK NICKI.Y KUH- -IIOUSKH , AMj - - iil-ilied. llundy \ Co. . lull Capitol avenue. m FoitTTti'iNT I-'uilNTsiTioT ) iTooivFHi / 'or ntf * , etc. , tte to > nf flrsl column on tht } > > wc. I ? KOliTlKNT AlMTK OUTlTii MrSiMTKWr- Ijlns. M r.Jy2 l-FL'HNISHVi : ) HOOMS KOH HUNT , SINdl.K Oil IVn suite. IWrDoiiKlas street. M873 23 * 1 KOH HKNT , NICHLY KUHNISIIKI ) COOL I Brooms at northeast corner 10th Und Howard. I-uwn around building. From fT.OJ to t2U a month. 313 -2 HICK 1'HONT HOO.MS KOH (1KNTLU.MAN ( only , 20IU Davenport street. 28i 17-1'IJHNlSIIKI ) HOOMS ; HATH AND HAS. 1721 UiDoditimt. M2IJJ ' - " 1-KUHNlSll'i ] : ) 1100M.1UH CAl'ITOL AVKNUK. Ill \H \ ) 2ll- 17 VKIIY 1'LHASANT KHONT HOOM IN 1'HI- liYato family for nentleiiian , 2.'i S gJlh street. i l I ? HOO.MS * o , J8 , f 12 , JI5 , WJ N 18th. 1 MIS9-ly2' - ' HOOMS , LIGHT llOUSIIKKMi'- E-KUHN'ISIIKD IIIKjrfi St. Mary's avenue. ' 879 1-KUHN1SHKI ) HOOMS , 13:14 : N 21ST NHA1 J1Jcnblc. C57-Jy7 1 , LAltUK KHONT HOOM , 1701 Capitol avenue. KUIlMSIfl-M ) 11OOSIS AM ) KOAUI ) . For rate * , etc. , fee top of first column on JJi ICKIA'T'UH > ris7lKirKIlONT HOO.V J. for wuok. 2U11 Ilnrney. ' MIC5 23 * IJ-TWO SOUTH HOO.MS WITH 110AHD. IfiU I1 DoiiBlua. 91X11' \f \ IjAUOH KUHNISIIKD HOOM AND I1OAHD J In prlvnto family for two uenttemen : room second end lloor , very dcMrnhlu ; location central ; refer ences required. 'Address S 2 , Heo. MU > ! -3' 17-KUHNISIIKI ) SKCONI ) STOIIV HOO.MS TO I- rent with board. 201 S. Will nreiiuo. M ! > 55 3U * F HOOMS AND IIOAHD 2105 DOUUIiAS. Z74-29 * ? -IKSIHAHIi : HOOMS AND liOAUD , 182i CI11 cn o. M2KI 27 * -KOOMS AND HOAHD. llttl IODil3 STHKKT. J : M27oiy2a * I ? DKSIIIAHIKSKCONDKI.OOH110OMS.K1TIIKH I. furnished or unfiirnl hed , und board nt Iho l-' ll N. 25lli utreut. M5'l-Jy5 * 1(1 HOO.MS AND IIOAHD AT YOUNG WOMHN'S 1 borne , 1M ( S. 17th street. 70U-JyIti * ITlOOMS AND KIHST-CLASS BOARD , I'.OI CALI- X furnla. Ss5-ly5 * F-KUHNI8IIKD ROOMS , HOARD , 2MJ ST. Mary's avenue. . 624-Jy3 * 17 THK ST. CLAIH KUHOPKAN HOTKL , COR X 13th nnd Dodge , nil ) make low rates for rooms by the week or month with or without board. 2.VJ KOllllIONT JtOOMS For rates , etc. , tec top of column on tills ; -KIRSTKLOOH INlvATK UOUSK "YARD AND GKIRSTKLOOH shade. 012 S 10th street. S > 4 28 * p KOR RKNT 4 IJNKURNISHKD ROOMS KOR vJliousekoopIng to family without children. City water , oto. Price J15.UO. 1101 Webster street. 7W I5OAUDING. For rales , etc. , scf top offirnt column on IMx 7 > nue. K-PULLMAN 1IOUSK. 1,110 DOIMi KSTRKKT , KOH good board , nice rooms , modern conveniences ; rates nnd location In cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , Prop. M4ftl Jy2 * FOK KENT STOJIES AND OKKIOES. Forrnttf , etc. , < ( oi > of fin' column on ( Vife T "Km ( R KNT7W6Tlli-VVt6ojr6NWl" " -lot Ilth nnd Knrnnni , ! 25.ou per month ; nl o ono on Ilth street , nenr Fnrnam , (15.00 per month , John Ilamlln , 917 S. 13th , I.liuon block. M332 "I STOIIK HOO.MS AT 707 AND 7I SOUTH IBTII. Jsloam healed. 15 , V , Ulngor , 151'J Knrnani. 05 J27' 1--KOH HKNT THK 4 STOHY IIHICIC IHIH.DINU with or nllliout power , formerly occupied by tlni lli'o Publishing Co. , illii Knrnnni st. The build- hiK has a Iliepoof cement basement , complete ste m-heatliiKtlxlurei , wnler on nil thu lloors , pas etc. Apply nt lliu olllco of Tlio llco , U15 1-KOH HKNT Oil SALE , MY 11UIIIIN(1 ON l.lnm-H st. , bet. lOtli and Ilth. , U. A. I.lndqulst , SIRJ 15th. ail 1 KOIl HKNT THK TIIHKK-STOIIY IllllCK IbnlldhiK , 1110 Dinik-hii streel. sullitblo for wholesiilo purposcH , J1IU per month. Clins. Knuf- man , iw. : Douglas streel. 2UI FOR KI'NT-SIlSOI-UiANI-oUS. ! For riilw , ets. , see top of flrtt column on I/if / * ptiue. 1"-YA"8TUKK I IIAVlY NKW i'ASTUHK "jUrVl1 ' 'fenced for horses and cells , 22. ' > across of tame nnd wlldgruss : will call for und deliver : charges reasonable. Inquire Kvaus , Kll Pinion block , or address 4eorgoi. ! duns. South Omaha , Mill JylH * I KOR RKNT PYTHIAN H\Li7pA.\TON HLK. , " Monday and Thursday evenings ; rent t20 , Includ ing light , elevator , Junllor , Ice water , eto. Apply lo F. J. tiackctt , manager , 202 Now Vork I.lfo bldg. bldg.M22123 M22123 _ T GARDKN KAHM TO RK-VI' T. Ml'HHAY. ' M272 WANTED TO KENT. lforrateKete.fffti > pofflri < t column , on f/ib / pica K WANTKD-IJOOD ROOM WITH PHIVATK family lioar business. Ruferences , K. K. llrando. 1 * . O. box S18. M ; l 23 * HIONTAIi ACiENUY. For ' ' / . ttc. , nee topoffint column on tilt * - - KNTAL AdKNCY , CON'NKN- Jjtnl lilock. 2M STOKAGE. For rinV tic , , Mttopof flnt column on thd paue. - CLK A N , I ) RV A N D PHI V ATK STfmA iSK"o"F furnlturo. OmoJm Stovu Rvpslr Works , 12U7 Douglas. CI1KAPKST AND HKST STOHAliK KOR turnlturo , Wells , lljl Kitrinim street. _ 'M M-OLDKST , CHKAPKST AND HKST STOHAil5 ( huuio In city. Wllllums & Cross , 1211 llnrnuy. M437 _ -HKST STOHAIill HUILDINO IN OMAHA , government bonded warehouse ; household goods carisl for : lowest rules. W. M. Hunhmu IUI3 Umvenworth. WANTED TO 1IUY. For nit'fi'.fic , , ft' Cop nf flrtt column on tliln IHW * . N-A I.K1IIT SKCO.ND HANI ) DOUIIliK IIAH- lien. Aililroa HCJ , Heo orhYo. M8D7'1 * MVANTKI ) , 2NDirrNTNKI1HASKA 8UPHKMK court reportii. Addre > .i box Ml , Central City , Nub. "M-WANTKI ) TO I1UY , HOOD HKnlDKNUK 1XJT -t'or homo in ; ; ' , lot , or nereral lota loi-ateil to ni to make n KOOI ! linlbllim fit" . nniH bo In ilrtt clans ri-sliliMK-H jiart of the city , rarltes aiuwerliiL' tills slionbl ttlvu lull ile > crlpllon of property , loweil price , tcriiii , wheibcr lucuuiberoil , ami K 10 how iiuifli. O IV , Met- . jn | \r-IIHIl ( | rlllOUT-TIJIK I'Al'KU WANTKI ) . (1. -11 It. Vow. lit Nut , bank blil 281-SI KOH SALK-I-'UKXITiriU- : . etc , , trtlop nf first column on thl * ii\at , 0VoirHAI.K , KIIHNITIJIUCOKA " " tOJH ; 'i.KTKT ° > Vu"Si.w"lill1 ) northowliolo. , M.rS il ? , ' . P Apply mil N. . Y. i.ito b'liy. see in * O-IIUUSKlftjiTu KUHNITUUK NKW AND SKl > ona tmml , for > n1aonua > y pnymuiili. Call unit etuuilnv bufur purchailug , Store , 1(21 ( Howanl Bt MaiJ JO l-'OltAl7n HOItSlis' , WA Fur fcrmj , etc. , Kt top of flrst column on ttiui page iV-VOII HAI.K CHKAl' , LHIHT VnAH8 HOCK 1 a uy mul ioo.l | ianii | box top bn < ; r , bolli In Kooil orilur , luqulru at room .V. , Onmlia Nm , ilntik tlUllltllltf , iV ) P r-OIl 8ALK KAMIIA CAHHIACIK. LKK I A X Kloholf' lUbU , tlih and Lmfcuwurtli. For ralet , itcnntopi > f frt raliimti ontht * IV-Voii SAI-K A NKW IKJUHI.K ftKATKI ) CAN Iopy aiirry ; M.IM ) cosh. Call \W'i \ Mnillson ntmmo. M.T.I ) TJ pKOII HAM : CIIKAI' , A KINK KAMI IY HOIWI- : I nnd phanton. I'rt-o ilrl nr nn < I perfpflly wifofor Inillca. Apply at Western Newspaper Union olllco. p-IIKAVV SPIHNJ ( WAt'.ON KOIl 8AI.K AT nTcnwortli > t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tgl -KAMU.Y HOIWKM KOH SAt.K. SINtll.K DlltV- > or or rnrrlHKe ti-nms. t'nn furnlnli any klml of Iiomoile < lroi1. Call nt 0. 1) . Wooilworth A Co. , or oililrv5n. T. J. KlPiuInK , Callioiin. Ni-b. "til p KOH PAI.K. i UAIMK THI : OM > KAMHION 1 Morinn IIOMCIH trnru Olroct to .luMIn Mornan. Do you want onu. Direct to 1. 11. loil o , Walnut , inn. 3SI-S TOR HAMS For rate * , ttc. , tec top of flrtl column on < Mt iigf Wstnnd ami QtUclimonts-clic p nt 42J .V. Y. I.If" hldg. M.tt7 M' -KOH SAIK. VICTOHSAKKTY II1CYCI.K. NKW , AtiituslHllast , uood condition , price III" ) . I'm- body.the bailer , 217. S. ISlli. M-fa 83 Q-MiHHYiO-HOUND : , $ IMO ; COSTM.IXM. SKATfl 41. horse power. Address A. H. , 1W Chnmbprof Commeico , Clileinin , III. MM 23' _ " -KoTTsAT7i-r"cori\Kii : SPANIKI , DOO. PKDI- ; im-ed. Aihlresa Cocker , box 74' ' , city. M37U27 * -I7J.OO IIUVS TWO HOOM IIOU8K AND 11AHN with two yi > ar < lonno of ground on cublo lino. 1318 Don ln utrettt , 151 W _ -I1M WluTilUY A MAONIKICKNT UPUIUUT piano , Btnndard makn and a.-i KIIOI ! nn new. In quire nftcr 7 o'clock eveiiltiKu at SHU Cnldwell nt. _ For ru'fd , etc. , fee top offlrrt column on tilts page. - \ > iw\irK \ wwrixl AifticK KIIKK"AD - JAilross Lawyer , 31 Church slreet , New Vork Clly. l 17li XT * 1NiW : KNOLANI ) K.MPI.OY.MKNT 11UHKAU , JLHoom 40. bunk biilldltiK , Ilith nnd Dodue. Hefor- ciices , Woman'a Christian uasochillon. Klrst clnss fuiniilo help. M 38323' 1)-WANTKI > TO KXCHANOK I'ASTUIIAOK .1 Vfor tlionurvlco of n good Jersey bull. Address HoxSW , city. M323 Jyl * 'IJ-WAS1IINCTON IS THK WOHD. MIIN WITH J Vi-ome means , men wlllliiK to work nnd bo ono of n colony that wilt build n ( treat city on the PnclHo const nro Invited to Investknlc tlio plan * of the Wnshhntlon Colony Co. Call enrly nt Omului hniid quiirlcrs , IMS und 'IU-J Ilrown bulldlnu. 3U > 2ii I ) -WANTKI ) A I'AIH DiltVINO 110HSK KOIl ITS J v keeping by n reliable party. Uood usinjo nnd Keeping. Aildresi It IT. Hoc. 21P29 -MASSAriI5 THKATMKNT , KI.KCTHO TIIKH- J Vnml bulliH , scalp .V Imlr Ircnlmcnl , muolcuro & chiropodist. Mrs. Post , 319M S. l&th , Wlthnell hlk Tl-KUHNITITIlK HOUOIIT , SOU ) , STOHKD. IVwells. 1111 Kurimm street. 271 T > - iHKAT HAIKJAINS IN ALL KINDS OK JKW- JVolry nmli silverware on ncconnt of the recent tiro. S. Jonnsen , Karuani nnd Ilth sts , 174-J20 Hi PHOKKSS1ONALNUHSK MHS. S. K.HOUTON , 1815 Cans street. Omaha. WI1-J30 CIjAlllVOYANTS. Fornites , etc. , see top of ftrtt coltimn on thin vaaf . AND renl nstroloter , nt .122 N. IClh slreet. J100.00 to nny one who can equal him In tellliiK pail , present nnd future , causing speeily marriage * , brlUKlnic the separated tOKCthor , and In business nlTalrs his nd- vice Is Invaluable , lie tolls your name In full , nsks no questions nml uses no cards Of nny description In his profoMlon. Satisfaction xlvon or no pay. Consultation fee , ladles , f 1.00 ; gentlemen , tt.W. M572 Jy5 S MASSAGK MADAM 11KL7.1KU , OVEll HIO S. lath. X ) JyB * S MRS. NANNIK V. WAHHKN , CLAIRVOYANT , trance speakliiK. wrlllnc nnd reliable business medlunij four years In Omahn , ll-l N. 10th , 2-.H ) IIATJIS , For rule * , etc. , fee top of flnl roliinin on rp MASSAOr ATT MADAMK 1 parlors , 3d Moor , 420 S. 15lh struct. M 883-27 * _ ril-MASSAOK , MADAMHDKLZIKR.OVKH CIO S.13 -L 209-jyti * 1'1-MtSOXAIjS. / 'or raV.i , etc. , see top of flrft column on this pave. U-COHRKSPOND KOH AMUSKMKNT , INSTHUC- tlon or matrimony. The best correspondence bureau. Particulars In plain sealed envelope for lOu. Lock llox ma , Omaha , 211J-J27 * 1 T ANY ONK WHO WILL SKND MB ONK TRIAL U subscription for thn l.nilles' Homo Journal 8 months for ift cents before July 1 can reserve Wo for their trouble. K. O. .Morroll , 1'Jll Fiiriuun , Omaha. coiilostant for t I.OUO prim. MHO 27 _ BlUSIC , AUT AND IjANGUAGU. For rate * , ttc. , nre tup of flnl column un IM Wje ' . barKaln ; uprights. ltI2 ! ChlcaKO st. IMJyl'J ' V I'lJl'II-S. ORAMMAR A SPKCIALTY. 1OT V Douglas. 239-jyai * VKO. . K. nKLLKNHKCK. THACHKH OK TUB banjo ; wltli llospo , 1513 Douglna , 219 -WANTKI ) PUPILS KOH THK PIANO , OHOAN and uultnr by an experienced teacher , lately from Chicago , Apply Wednesday orculnes. 7 to 8. ut 107 S. Ilith. ' M23T 27 \T HKKORK HUYINO A PIANO KXAMINB TUB ' now scale Klmball piano. A. llospo,1513 Douglas. MONISY TO IiOAX-lCKAIj KSTATK. For rate * , etc. , tee top offlnt column on Hit * page. \ rOOD SIIOHT-TIMK PAPKH WANTKI ) . ( } . 1 H. Vuss , W3 1st Nut. bank bids. 2S1-2 ! ) W-ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Life , lend at low rate for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Oui.iha city property , Mlttl \\r LOWKST HATKS ON HKAL is : TATi : LOANS. C. J. Caa oll.8IIIN. V. Life. 73-Jy8 \\r-GUAHANTKKD MORTOAOKS ON SAHPY , ' * Tliayer , I'limlm : and Stanton Co. , lands for nalo by 11. T. Clarke , 19 Hoard of Trndo. KW \r-HiCONDMOHTlAOK : ( LOANS KHO.M fMO TO I I10.UOO. Alex Moore , 401 lleo bulldlujj. MiBI \\r-0 PKH CKNT K1HST MOHTfJAfJK LOANS. II HlclinrdO. PattersonH07 Now York Llfo. Mir ? ! \\r-MOHTiACKS ! WANTKD , LONO OH SIIOHT 'l tlmo. ( ieoruo < > . Wnlluce , U10 J. J. Ilrown bulldlnir , Ii'.th und DoiiKlus. & 31 \V-LOANS MAIVB AT LOW HATKS ON CITY properly. W. M. Harris , H a ) , Kren/er block , v.-O \\r-lllTlMllNti LOANS tl TO 7 PKH CKNT ; NO M mlilltliimilclmrniH forpomnils'doiiorntloriioy'a feea. W. H. Melkle. Klrst Niitlontil bunk bld . 270 Ay MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPKOVKD CITY it property at current rates ; funds on hand ; no delay , ( ieo. K. lllnst A Co. , 2U.1 Itumuo bldK. 271 \y-TllK CKNTRAL LOAN AND TRUST CO. * f has removed to The Heo building , main lloor , nt right of entrance. Clly loans at lowest rates , C. A. Starr , manager. IWJyl'J \\r-pTlTvA7'liTlONKV TO LOAN. J. U..ITtl K. ' .IIIN. Y. Life. 277 \\r-MORTGAGK 1XANS WANTKI ) , MuCAGUK > * Investment company. 278 \y-MONKY Tl ) LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKHTY. ti Kldellty Trust company , lliH 1'arniun. 27'J \y-KASTKHN MONKY TO LOAN AT VKHY low rutui. H. 11. Irey.'JOiN. Y. Llfo. \\r-KIMIIAIiU CIIAM11 .t IIVAN , 'I iniiko louiiHon IniprOTOil city uropnrty at lo\vu t ratua. I'M.'i Karnum ktruol. < 13 ) M \ \ riiKAi' MONiv-i'iiii.A. : JIOUTOACK 'AN M Trust Co. . waiitaullt mlk'u loan . Uvo. W. I * . Couto , ruproaontatlro , 7 lloanl Trailu. 241 \-\r-MO.NKY TO LOAN ON CITY 1'KOI'KUTY Ol ! 11 cnsturn Nubruskn farus. K. K HIiiKor , I.MU Karnam. -.MS JJ7 .NHY TO LOAX-OHATTHhS. For r/'.top offlnt fonimnon tltli TO J.OAN lYr."R SI.VSTruS ON vi'Imtiul ami I'Ollnltural m-uurltlu * for uiif tlmo fronil to 1'J inontlnUit nnynniount to suit borrower. l.oann nnulo on lioiiicholil uooila. i.hino.i , oruiuu , horni > H , niiilu.-i , liouatid. luasus , wivrmiousu rcculplH , i'to. , ut tliolo u i rates posslblo without piiUllully or ronioval of proporty. .My lonns are BO arrnneoil tliat you ran innko n payiuunt of any amount at any tlmo anil rt-iluco both prlnclplu nml Intoruat. If > OH ewe n balunco on your property or luivo n loan Hint you nnnt chuiiKfil I will pay It oil ami carry It for yon. If you II ml It moro conviinlunt cull up tiiluphonu ItCJl anil your bu lnu s will bo ar- raiib-t'il at homo. Monuy alnayion bnnil. No itolny. No inilillclty. I.otu-at rutim. n. K. Jlamum , lloom i , Wltlinoll blk , 16lli anil llnrnuy t . _ _ V-MONKY TO LOAN ON IIOUHKri. WAdONS , * V furnlturo , planoii i.n.1 cullut'ul m-i-urlty. llutlnvsn conlliloiitlal. Fruil Turry. U O.I , UUIIIKO blk. 4li Y-MO.NKY 1.0ANKI ) ON r'l.'UNITIJIti : . I.IVK v.tock , vio. , I to a inonttii. without nnbllcltjr ; low- cit ratoi. Dull Urcou UUIL'ontlnunUI block , 'JIO-J.'T V - i6sKv"os "TuuNrruiiK , HOIISKH. ITO. : VKuyilona MortunKe Co. , room 'Ml , Hliei'ly blk. M'JH < _ V-CIIATTKI. HANK , UI9H. liTH LOANS MONKY -.VoncliattuUor collutumlut ru onabj | ralu . Ktl UUS1NKSH OIIANCKS. Fvrjralti. ttc. , tec top of flrtt column on thlt ixiue. V 8IIOK DKALKH9.T 1IAVK Jt'ST HECKIYKD 1 a lariiv ilockut tennis elioin. X , T Mudiey. W I V T-tir ) TLK.TrH8T"cT.AS MlAT : "jiAHKKT -LC II at Louli Hullcr'i , IIIO Jnck uu lrcft. IUJSIXKSSCHNCKS. . Tor totti , ttefe V 1 Urt I N J-SrlM A N Vi NTKlMI'KTKNTIXl I run n itpnnral nupply n/nro. / ronnr-cted with largo mnniirni'UiMnu hnslnn : muf t IIHTP food record and lie Aliln to | IIYP I f.i.fVJ In Rood illfldcnd pnrlnn concern. AddrcM U H , ; yd _ .lUV ) M A flpKNDID HpflATION KOIl A ( IOOI ) physlclnn In enstcrn'.Nobrnskn ' , Addrc9.i U At , lloo. ' ' I' J4iJ' V--KOHSAI.K , A r > Tiut LAI-NDHV i 1. ( food business nnd lycjUlun. Addresa It , Vi Don. aJij i il3 ! ! ! V'AHi | PAID KOIl KNfXNVMKNTI'OI.IOIKS IN 1 old III * companies ! / ttonil descrlpllon. A. K. llrocklesi y , hot . HaHKird. Conn. 4fl-Jyll V - ' 'OH SAI.K A ni-CLAi ( ! > sr WKLI , USTA- * ! I llshcd bulelier linilnpsj In this city. Kino llxlnres nml KOIII ! cnstLirndo. To nnyone mcnnlnit business hero I * an excellent chance. Must hu sold In next titty days. M. A Upton Co. , lieu building. \rKOH HAI.H A CliKAN STOCK OK HAHD- I warn tlnwnrn and stoves. Stock will Invoice about flnu lo ( IAD , for cash or part cash. Any ono moanlim Inislncn nddresa 11,11 , lleoolllci ) . MlHiIy6 : * - r WANTKI ) A IIAW I'AUTNKIl IN I honrilliiif und salu stable ; 14UW. Addrcii 1 > UI , llco. MlMt7' ! V-KOIt SA1.K AN OM ) . WKI.I , I'AVINO KSTA11- LHshed nlitiir business ; . KCOI ! ronuons given. Address t'&T.Mee. MiH-J V HOTKI. MKN TAKK NOTICK. IK ) YOU WANT 1 n tjood buMnpM ? lluy tlu * Commercial , thn IcndlnK liotol nt llrokon How. Noli. 4U9 KOH K.VOHANOK. Furrattf , tie. , tct totioffint column on thin i iar , ACHKS IM'UOVK ) , t , for line stock of urocerlej nnd llxturci ; food locution In Umnhn. Inqiilro of H A'.l , lieu olllco. Mitoit 28 * rTO KXCHANOK , ONK QITAUTKIt 8KCTION Ol- ' / Improved liind for n itood nrcond liiind hnnrgu. Address box 31 , ( I , Uushvlllo , Nub. , A. W. Ulunu. 317 2ii y FOIl K.XCIlANdK KOH DIIV ( iOHS ) OU ' -'clothliiK , clean slock of Kroeorli' nnd lUturos , dolntf n ( tooil lunlneis ! Inventory fJ.IXJO. ddronn lock box iul. : : Lincoln , Nob. xny ) _ y WIIATHAVB YOUTOTUADK IN AS I'lltST AJpnyment on .1-room honnonnd full lot In North pnrt of cltv. llnlunco monthly. ( I. U Urocn , 47 llnrkor block. 2SO It _ rHOUSKS KOlt JOTS. 4031IUOWN UU1I.DINO. /-I r/ WHAT 1IAVK YOU TO K.VClIA.NdH ? CAM. Oil /Jwrlto full pnrtlculnra. Aloz Moore , 401 lli-o bulldlnit. 'M _ / TO K.\IIIANK ( ( ! KOH CI.KAIl IXT. LAIUiK. /J.ityllsh fumllr liorso add carrhiKO. 4J2 lloo bulld- y-KOH HAI.H Oil KXCIIANfSKHY OWNKH ICO 'lucres of land , less Ihnn 'I miles from iv Ihrlvlntf town In central Nebraska. House , slablo and well , 4. ' > acres under cultivation , buhinroKOod hay land. Ahxlrnct of title , everything complete. Address ItM lieu olllco. M 171 W rTO KXCHANOK COHNKH KACINO HANS fJcom Pnrkand live olherxood tola forChlcnuo residence property Addresi O ID. lice. 18.1.120 KOil'KArjH UKAij KSTATJi. ForrattK , etc. , see topof first column on this | i/c. | I poll S A LK One-half acre lot wltli four-room house , furnished complele , for ( t > 2o cosh. Ad dress H , box 311 , Hooper , Neb. M 331 S * IOH SAI.K , U-HOOM NKW DWKLLING , NKW , J nil modern , en-it front , In rue burn , 2Uit S. illst avc- niio. Severn ! email dnollliiKH , $100.00 cash and monthly payments for balance. 7-room dwelling , cistern , fnrnncc , bath , city wnter , hot and cold , all llrsl-class ; will take a clean vacant lot for ! ( of price , balance on easy terms , Slirlver & O'Donnnoe. MS.V1 23 LOOK AT THIS llAHhAlN. AN KAST KIIOXT lot In the heart of Oniiilm. with a 10 room liolMo now , tlint cost S-,700 , besides otlior Improvemcnta , only HJtx ) , $500 cnsh tlU ) every ,1 months. 2 yours' rent ut'the rate of J-'iO per month will bo guaranteed. 2 pnr cent discount for cash. In case of cash sale will 2 yearn rent 111 advance. . Willis M. Vales , NebrasknvVafl. bank. KO S NAl' NKAT COTTAfJK WITH CONVKNIHNCI'IS on Hamilton St. , Walnut Hill , lariiu lot , f.'UWJ llutclilnson & . Wcad , 1MI Doimlns St. 347-27 SKVKHAL KIIIST CliATib IIOMRS TO BUM. ON easy terms. Will take clear lot as tlrat payment , Call and neo us. Fidelity Trust company , IBM l'ar- mini street. ' 34030 Oil SALIC WAIT UNTIL SOMK ONK HI.SK HAS boiiht | iV.i ) Davenport st. mil then say thnt Is just thu kind of n homo IVunted to buy. 217 I 1ST YOIJll KKAIj KSTATK KOH SAI.K WITH Jlieo. J. I'nul , ROD Knnmni st. VJO 2U I OH SAIjK KAH.M CONTAININO fO ACHKS I T L proved Innd und l.r- Acres timber ; fnrm Is nil fenced ; 1:1 : ncres tlmotlTy pasture , orchurd , Rrove , IWj-story house , barn , KDilury , windmill , all In Kood hhape ; farm Is 5 miles MOiitlnvest of 1'lattwmouth , the county neat of Ca 3 fonnty. nnd 2 miles from Murray- new town on tho'Mlsiiourl 1'uclllc rail rend ; 1 nillo from Kcliool aiut churcb. For particu lars nddietts L * 5 , llee otlloo. 7')3 ) 170H SAI.K AT KM 1'KU ACHK , A Sl > IKNIll > -L section of South Nubruskn land , four miles from Htatlon on 11 AM. H. It. Kasy terms. W. H. Ho- man , rooms 8 and 10 , Kronzor block * * < 84-Jyl OH SAI.K KAUM ADJOINING CITY OF 11LAIII. Neb. 11. W. Mcllrlde. MW5-J2 * LOTP , IILOCKD. SHITW/S2NI ) , r..200.00. SKWKHH paid for. Cull at once , 0. K. Harrison. .112 Now York I.lfo. 70SJ1U HOIISK3 FOK SALMON KASY TKHMS ; 1IOUHKS torrent. Address Ucrman American HuvliiKS Hank. 153 1OH SOUTH OMAHA rilOPKHTIlW , 11USINKSS , -L trackage or residence , KO to the leading real is- tutu dealer * In SonUi Omaha , Kd Johnston A Co , , corner 24th nnd N directs. M2.SI ! 17MVK-UOOM HOITSKSINOHCHAIII ) HIM , . ttJSOO -i each on monthlv puytucnts. Thomas K. Hall , ail 1'axUm block. 287 S . HOHllINS , KKAL , KSTAT15 , lOil N , Y. LIKK 17011 SAIiK KIiICOANT HOMKS ON MONTHLY 1 paymenti. Will build any priced homo to suit yon. K. K. lllngor , 151U Karnnm. 207J27 * FOH SAIiW CIIKAP. KASY 1'AV.MKNTS. 1M- story nutv ( i-room house , with bath , collar , etc. ; full lot. N. Sheltiin , 11114 Karnniu. W ) 17011 8AJ.K TO WOHICINli.MKN ONLY ( Sl'UCU- .1 tutors need not apply ) on tlmo or monthly payments , n nent cottntio nt less thun actual value. Insldii property , only one block to eloctrlo line In- iiulro ut room 202 , Ouialm National bunk building.MKW MKW STKA91 KKATHUU KKXOVATOll. for rntes , etc. , KCC toi > nf flrst roluinii on tlil.i j > aye. ) S , TICKS ANI ) 1MU.\VS WAs ers bouKlit. .Mall orders promptly tilled Work culled for and delivered Krank An on,3Ut1'riinklln M74S 1'ATKNT Forratn , etc. , nee tap tif flrtt column on t/ifx / ixtae. I > ATKNT TA\YYKHS ANii soijciTOHs , 7T"\v. JHues & ( To. , Hen buildingOmahn. Hruucli olllco nt Washington , I ) . C. Consultation free. 2 ' .l VATTKKNS AM ) AlODKLS. / 'or rutrx , etc. , sc Jo ] > nf flrtt column on thin linyc. R1 TN3TUU5IENT3 plaoocl on rooorJ Juno 28 , 1 13'Jl. WARRANTY IKEn3. Ida M IltvldrlilRO mill husbnnd to Agnes Simpson , lotx 7 mid 8. bllt 14 , Clifton Illlf. . . . . . 1,300 Humor lilanelinnl nnd wlfo to ( irunt llnlslzor , Iot8. blkK. lrilu's : mill . " ' 'CO J M Duiiclmrty to G W Jlutturllold , loll' , blk 11. Olovordiilo.,4 . . S50 S I Gordon nml vrlfu til J p llr.iillo at nl , trustuo , lot ' .U , WlnUfnr I'liioo , Kxt. . . . 1,0'jO N A lieiistrom nnd wlfihlo W T MoL'iiu Iny. wV s' , lotil : , bll < i , OninpbnirK udd 1,800 HI Whuulor nnd liiHlnlnd to I ) KGruuu utul , lot H , iillt 1 , I'nutfii imric . 450 QUIT Cf.AlIM. IlKHl)1) . Krank Murpliy to W l 'Sivi > esy. lot 1. lilk 0 ; lots , I to t , 111 ! ; . ' ( ; low l to 14 nnd w : a ft lot IS , lillc 14 ; lull U to 8 mid wltt ftlot'J , bllf'J ' , Swiioafry add . 1 ni . Total amount of trjjisfors . $ (1,001 ( WHAT TYPBWftlTHR TO liUY Aroyou opnnto 'lavt'tlii' Ifsoconsld candidly our mnoblne. Don't ropqat to your self what N told you. Investigate , and your OWH ( niliilun wilt bo o ( so no value. If you wish expert opinion da not consult Interested competitors. Bend for IJ hut ruled uatnlotuo slvlns full cscrlptlon of the riinlth i'rumlur Tyu < i-vrrltur TliB PrcEiicr Typ ? Writer Co , , R H. MAYHEW , Mana or , 1009 } Farnata Street , Omaha , Nob. To the Citizens of Omaha and Vicinity : Dr. P. Goo Wo U n refliilnr graduate of mcdlelmi from China , having taken n thor- otiKli course of study , extending over i < lftht jri'iiw. In some of the best Olmicio enlloKus. lie otters tils services to all those MiifTorlitK from diseases of any kind , and fcoU conlldent that In every case no undertakes ho can do you good. Most of the Imrrodlcnts ho USDS In his riMno- dloi are Dotanlcnl siibstuncos from l/hlni : , many of them unknown outside of thnt coun try. try.Ho Ho charges nothing for pxmnlnnt Ion , consul tation or advice. Yon can call nnd have n friendly chat with him. and ho will frankly statu what ho can do for you. HIM cnnmiitn- tloii ! " and communications conducted In the utn prlvaey nnd strictest rnnlldencc. Ills romodlns aio easy to take"and perfectly harmless. The miMl of them net on the blroil , purifying It nml Uostroylng the mlciobcs or bnctorm. 1'ei baps you urn sulTerlim from seine (1U- ( ousoof Ions standlm ; and have tried almost every remedy known without success. Would It not bo well to try the Chinese mode of treatment now , or at nny rate call and lot Dr. U Dee Wo e.Mimlno the case and tell yon what hoean do ? Dr. C. Gee Wohnstbonsandsof testimonials In Ills possession , among which are ( he fol lowing : 11. H. YOUNG. 2713 North Twenty-fourth street , Omaha. Cured severe cold and raii- Idly developing consumption ; was told could not last six months ; cured wholly with Chi nese remedies MRS. II. LUGK.1503 Fifth strcot.-FnlTered wllh sick houdncbo nnd Koneral debility ; bad rluit a 11 kinds of medicines and doctors. Now obust and honltny. M. V. VAN WbllMKK. 1717 Third stront , ouncll llluirs. Ueiioral debility nnd pains In boat ; fo w woons treatment ; navur felt bettor linn ut present. MKS.-T. U. KIOK , South Omaha. ( Albright ) . After trvmir other remedies for olaht years usprt Dr. Oeo Wo'.i treatment : now completely cured. JOHN II. HAMMF.TT. Poutli Oimibn. ( West AlDrlRht ) . Heart dlsoiiho and naln In chest ; short course of treatment ; now almost cured. MUS W. A. N1U1IOI.SON , 007 iMjrJiteonth street. Khcnmatlsin. then hemmorratie of the iniiKS nnd finally heart disease ; complete wrocifj wont to KurnDoand tried ovcrythlns ; now onllrol v cured bv Dr. Ht-o Wo. J1RS. J. E. YATIW. ilM Q street , Poiilh Omaha. Komalo weakness and slek head ache ; could ( let no relief till Dr. CJeoocnred mo. Will Kindly recommend him for these trouble ! ! , For lliu benefit nf those who cannot see the doctor ho bus prepared the follovln eltfht remedies for the most prevalent discuses ; BLOOD PURIFIER , RHEUMATISM CURE , CATARRH CURE , INDIGESTION AND DYS PEPSIA CURE , SICK HEADACHE CURE , LOST MANHOOD CURE , FEMALE WEAKNESS CURE , AND KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. These troubles can easily bo dlaenoscd iinrl the proper remedies proi-ured. For all otncr troubles write , enclosing stamp for question blank and hook , ns the doctor uses n special remedy for each dlscaso. DR. C. GEE WO , 519 North 16th Streat , Office Hours fro'm 9 n. m. to 9 p. m. , Every Day. BICYCLES SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS M.O. . DAXON , 1007i FARNAN ST. Tol. 1182. - - Omaha. Neb RRILWHY TIME GRRD "l oavoi | U1UUAU > . HUHLINliTON A Q.I Arrlvoi Omahn.-I Depot 10th nnd MosonStH. I Omahn. Leaves I IIURLlN.ifON X .MO. Ill WJit. ArrlVJ Omaha. I Depot 1'Jth ' and M neil 3tt. O.nn h j Lea VIM I K. t ! . , ST. J. A C. H. 1 Arrival Omaha. I Depot loth and Mason Sts. I Oui inn. -.1.30 n nil . . . .Kansas City Day Kxprois..i 5.55 p 9.45 p m | 1C. C.Night Kxp. via 1M * . Tram. I C.4S a Leaves I UNION PACIK1C. I Arrlveu Omaliii. | Depot IQIIi and Mnrcy 8t < , I Omaha. . .Kansas City K.xnrnn ( ox Sun. ) . 4..15 p m 10.20 n m . Dfmver Kxnross. , , . 4.00 p m 2.50 p m Overland hlyer 9U3 p m 4. .TO p m . .Grand Island Kxp. ( ex. Bun ) , , 11.55 a m Paclllc ICxpreas 3.1)0 ) p ui " Leave * { CHICAGO. Mil * A ST. PAUU ArrFvo" Omaha. I U. P. depot , . land Mnroy SI * . I Omaha 6.20 pin ) , tCtilcntro Kxpros * , . tf.50 > n 'J.I3 a ml : l hlciiKO Kxpreii. . 0.10 Leavoi | CHICAGO , It , I. ft PACIKir. I Arrival Omalia. I IT. P , diipot. lUtli and Mnrcy Sts. I Oiunlia. 0.s5 iT inT. , Nlghi i-Jxpress R50 a m 9.15 n mU Atlnntlo Kxprois , li.55 p ni 4.W p ml Veillbnle l.lmll"d. 10.5.1 n m Lcavoi I SIOUX CITY A PACIKIC. Arrlvoi Omaha. I Dapot IQtli and Marcy SH. Omahn. 7.1S n ml . . . , Sioux City Pnn enEur llU.2Up in t > M p ml . . . . . . . .St. Paul Kxpron * llU.M n in Leave * I SIOUX CITY A PAIHKIC. I Arrlvoi maha. I Ioi > ot 15th nnd Webitor Btt. | Omaha. 4 55 p ml St. Paul Limited | n.r , n m Loitvoi ICH10AGO.V NOHTIIWKSTKItN. I Arrlvoi Omaha. I U. P. depot , 10th and Maruy SK. I Omaha. l.iinvo I OMAHA * ST. I.OUia . I Arri'fn Omaha. | U. 1' . ilopot. lUlli nuil Marcy tjlu.l Ouiilui. 4.l p ml . St. l.onli Cnnnon Hall . | | j. : p m Lcnvo K. . K. , t MO , VAIfl5Y. I Xrrlfo" Omaha. Depot jMli ami Wotnler Stl.- I Omaha , " " " U.lW a m . . .7. . . llluek"lll"lT > "Kxpru 6.2 < ) p m I.U ) n m . . ( Kx. Sat ) Wyo. Ktp.lHx. Jlonl. S."J p m & .1U p m Wnhno \ I.lni-oln I'm. ( Kx. Muni ' it in 6. Ill p m . .York .V Norfolk ( Kx. Sinnlay ) . . . ! ! ' in . Sve ? " Onialia. Wt'lntorHtf. I Omaha. H.IU n in . . .Sioux Clly Acfommodiiilnn. . . IMl'i p m l.U ) p ru Sioux Clly Kiprex ( Kx. Sunday ) 12 4 > ) p m .Vl p m St. Paul Limited I''J. ' ) a m 6.15 p ni llancrnfl Pniaeniter ( Kx Sunday ) 8.1) a m MISSDUIH PAtlt.'IC. I Arrlvui Depot lit h and Webiler Sl < . I Oiinlia | . . . . . Lonli .V KTc."Kx"pro" . . \ . : > in ) n7. _ g..ip l' _ in ! . . . .St. Louis A K. C. mprim. . . I 5.21) ) p m. Traniferj Union ) , ) ' Illulfi. rlramfer lt)0) ) n . . . . City Day Ilxpn-si..I i.l.l jTfii IU.I8 p ml. . .ICiiniat City NUlit Kxproii. . . | n in jAiavei I OMAHA \ hT. UUIS. I Arrival Trnn fujinlon | _ ' IHj"itCiiindl _ lllull : _ iTransfer .1l ) jT ni I . .8t.'l.ouU Caiion ll'all'.rU.I5"p'm | " ' Iavo | 'CirCAllO | , IIUHI/.N't OUINCVT Arrlvoi Trunsfnrl Union lhUOt , CiiuiR'H Ilium. Trnunfor -J.IU u m ChlcAuu UxpruiiT I'M p in IU.U ) , | . , , " , p ui I Chicago i.4jrn 9 4unui 7.05 p m | . . . . _ . . .t rpilon ] MCI > \ . . , , _ . J 13 a m mi Sioux City Ace ) inrabTstlon . . . . . MO V ml Bl. P.ul Kxpr * < > iIU.UU u m Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tlio tnslo , nnd nets Rently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver nnd .Uowcls , clonuses the sys tem cH'octunlly , dispels colds , lieml- aclics nnd fevers nnd cures huhitunl constijiation. Syrup of Figs is tlio only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tiiBtc nnd no ceptuhjo to the stomnch , promjit in its notion nnd truly hcnclicinl in its eirects , prepared only from the most henlthy nuil ngrccnhlo stibstnuccs , its many oxccllcnt qnnlitics commend it to nil nnd have inndo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for snlo in GOc and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it Do not accept nny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SVFRANCISCO. . CAL , > nut.iv c xr. wiv , A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or „ . - . - _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro 1 > | * 'rniaiicnt nml not a imlchliiB up. CASOI tiralod fire yoiir ago Imiro noror eocn n symptom Hnco. Iiy dcscrlhlnfrcua fully we cnn treat you by mall , and woRl'O thoramo c Irene uimrantpo to euro or refund all money. The o who piufer locomo lu-ro fortrcatmrntcundoeo nndwewlll pny rullroiul faro lioth Waya nnd hotel till * whllo here If wn fall to euro. Wo chullcriKn tlio world for a case that our SIAOlu HKMKDY will noteuro. Wrllo for full particulars and Kctllioofldonce. Wo knovr thnt you nro nleptlcal , Juslly no , too , na the most omlnenl | ihy lclaiuliaio novcr boon nbla to Biro moro than tcmporarjr rtllcf. In our ll > o years' iirnctlc * Ith the JIAI1IO ItKMI.UY It han been must dinicult to overcome Iho prejiidltrn BBalnit nil To-called Bpoctaca. Hut under our i > troii Kiiarniitoo you fhould not hoidtulo to try thin n-mady. You take no ehaiim of losliiit your money. Wo Riiar- antco lo euro or rrfiuid ovtry dollar , nnd na wo have a reputation to protect , nlso financial lineklnit of e3CO- 000 , Itlipcrfi-etlyonfoto nil who will try tlio Irent- mcnt. HorotoforoyouhaTolirenputllnBUpandpnylnn out your money for different treatments nnd nlthotiKh you are notyetcured noono lias paid hack your mon ey. Do not vrmto nny nioromoney until you try us. Old chronic , doe p ncitoJ canoi cured In SO to 50 days. In- Tcstlsrato our nnanclal etandlnii our repulallon ai buslnois men. Wrlto tu for names nnd aililn-iui'-s of thooo wo have cured who li ro clron pormlmlon lo ro- fortothcin. It costs jou only postaso to ilothUilt will Bavo j ou a world of > ulferlni { from mcnUl strain , nil if you nro married what may your oir priiiB suffer through your owiuici.-lltiiico. Ifyoiirsjmptomiinro sere throat , mucous | > au-lict In mouth , rn-innati ) m In boiuB and Jolnln , hnlr f ulllns out , oniptlons on nny Tart of the body , feellnffof general doprcsalon , paln3 In head or bonus , yon have no tlmo to waste. These who srn conntantly tuklni ? mercury nn t potash Bhould dlicontlnuolt. Constant utooC thc..u drufc-a wllUuroly brln boreflnndcatlnir lileoraln Iho end * Don't fall lo wrlto. All corrc ponilenco sent n-alcd In plain cnvcl- opoi. WolnvllolhomontrlKld liivotlfutloji nndlll do nil In our power to old you In It. Address , COO1L Jti:3fKItr CO , , Omaha , Xrbranlta , Onlco 13th and Farnnm , soeond lloor , entr&neo nth Et. MlEN ONLY. J600 for it cnso of Lost or F.iillna Mnuhuod. Gonural or Nervous Debility , woiiknuss of hoilv or mind , thu olfuotsof urrorsor uxvusaus In old or yon us that wo ciuinot euro. WUBIIII- ran too every case or ref and n very dollar. Vivo ilnys trial troatinont $1 , full cnnrso $5. 1'cr- ccptlb'.u honi-Hts rcallzixl in tliruu iluys. lly mull , spoiiruly pnultoil from obsorvatlon. COOK BEMEDV CO. , OMAHA. NKIJ. LADIES ONLY MARIP FKMALE KEaULATOn , Safe and lilHulU Cortnln ton ilay orinonoy rofiiiiileil. Prliui by mall iZ. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha. Nob. _ II ' I ' I L yar . li > r | > liliin Iluln. S-J J3Vi.cur > dlnlUtotOdayi ! Hap ytlllcarid.DK.J.BI PlIEHBLlb , n9a.O. Drs , Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO STI-iElST OMAHA , NEll. Tbo innit wldoly nnd fuvorubly known spoc- lullsH In tbi ) t'nlU'il ' Htntos. TJinlr Inns o.x- | ) orlumo. rcnmrkablo skill nnd unlvorsiil sue PI-R-I In tbo triMilmunt anil c-uro of Norvmis. I'bronlo and rinrKloal Dlsi-asos , i-ntltln llic.He i-mliient ubyKlulans to llio.Inll conlliluiiL-u of the alllk-ti'if nvorvwhoro Tlmy miuranti.-o : A ( JKIITAI.V AND I'OSITIVh OUItK for tbo awful oiroi-lH of rally vlco and tbo iiuincr- oiu nvlK tliat fnll ( v In Its train. I'UIVATK. III.OOI ) AMI HKIN DI8KASKS snoodllv , i-oinnlntnly nnd pKrinaiinntlv ouroil. NKKVOUS ) ? | ; , ANDSKX17AI. DIS- OKDKKyylolil roudlly to tbolrHltlllful trout- monl. 1'II.KS. KISTIILA AND UKOTAh UI.CKUS Kiiarunleoil cured wltboiit pain or iluluiitiun from btislni H-t. IIYD1EUCKI-K AN'I ) VAUICOOKMtmrina : - nontly mid hiici-i'.ssfully unn-d In nvory ease. SYl'IllLI.i. UO.NUUICIKI-.A. ( JIKKT. rpur- iiintorrliii-a. Somln.-il Woiikm-is I.ust .Munliuoil , Nlulit. l-'inlsslons , Doi-ayi-d KaunltlisH , Komiilo Wuukiuiss nnd all di-lluato dlsuidei-s pc'i-nllar lo oltlier Sox puslllvi'ly i-nri'il. as wu , | as all filiietlonil : dlsordurs Hint n-Milt from youtb- fnl folllu-i or iho excess of niatitro yonr5. 'rWICTIIIOK Ouarntiteod iierminontly : iJ 1 1\IW1 u 1\1 < enrol , lomuvnl I'ninplolo , wltbnut riillliin' , i-uustlo nr dlliitntliin , I'uro uirtu-tcd at boino by palloat wllliuiit a mo- mnnt's pain or annoyani'O. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGkD MEM , A 'slIlVK ' | " 1PI ! ' Tim awful offm-lH of /V OUKL UU1\U c-ariy vloo wliluh brlngx orsanln wn.iknoss , dosti-oylna botb mind and I.inly.v th all In dreaded Illx , perinani ntly i-iitod. iS , K HI TIAdOross tli-iio who b vo J./IW. DlvlU ) Inipalroil tlii-msolvi'i by Im- tirnnr | ) Imlulk'i'iieo und solitary habltx , which ruin both mind and bt > dy. uiillltliiK Ilium for business stmlv or miu riano. MAKICIKO JlK.N or these onlt-rln ' > tliat bappy 1 fi > . nwuru of pbyslcul dublllty. iltilukly insisted. OUR SUOOI333 Is bused iipmi facts. First I'raetlcal oxpnrl- iiiico. Si < ituiil Kvury cusn IsHprolnlly studied , thus stnrtln right. Third Meillutnus aru prennri'il Jti our Inboratory cmiotly lo Hull ouvli citHu , tliua tilTuctlnt ; euros wllhout luj my Drs. Bctts & Belts , HOP DUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEEJ. : DOCTOR The Celebrated K.VUI.ISII ; ' rill ro l-oiltltoC'ir for Hick ; iAOKEn'S ailncli i IllllouBn ft aurlS Millpillon , Hniull , Un . : I PURE tint u4 fWvorlto Mllb the ! ndln Bold In Knj-lan.l for li' m from juur iMvczliti , at ; Mail til W. II A < o. , ; j PILLS , 40 "Ml Br 4 r , JI , . Ttrk. ; SOVTIl O.M.4U.1. School ICniRrtiilninoiit Postponed. On account of the inclement wiutlior the ontortaliimoiit or tbo blgh school was IHHI- iwncd ami will bo given In Ilium's opera IHMISO thU ovonltiR. Tim M tin leal Union bum ! of Omnhn will Ittrnhh the muslo. rriVsltlcnt Chnrlcn T. Von Alton will pr.lilo , niul Mr. James II. Van Uuson will ili'llvoi tbo mldross to the class. The pru raninu proiiilscs to bo un oxooodhiKly liitofo.sting ono ( Juaraiillnn ItalNi'il , Oovornor Thnyor lm l Mioil n pnclniun > tlon raising thu iitiuntntliio iis'iiln t 'l'o\m cnttlo from nil thnt part of Toxm known us tin' Pniilmmllo , comprising the ontlro north' wustern part of the stuto. llv the povorn- or's proi-liitiintlon thn line of the prohibitoil district Is nmtlo the nmo i the government lino. This largo section U full of good healthy i-nttli , und it U oxtiectcil that the ro > oolpts from thnt section will ho largo. Will Aol Itri-olvo Slook. Mnnngcr W. N. Hahoock has received notlco from tbo Union 1'auiilo that stock would not ho ractilvetl for thipment west of Vnllv.x ; on nccottnt of the condition of tin rend buds caused by the Into rnlns , ami from the Chicago , Bt. Paul , Mlmu'upolU , t Ouialm that shipments for the Sioux Cltv would not bo received. Illv Division. Lily division No. 8 , Uniform Hank , Kntu'hta of Pythias , U now n full division , having n complement of member.- ) . The addition at members of Into has ln-en very largo nnd gratifying to the Pvthlan fold. In order to have sufficient drill room next Thursiiay evening the meeting will bo held In Dlum'i hall. Notes Alioiit tin * city. The Epworlh lenguo ontcrtnlnment wns postponed on account of the storm. Joseph W. Kdgorton , who has boon con llnod to his bed for a month , Is bettor. Joseph K. Slmnklonnd Miss Joslo Hoblnet , both of this city , have been licensed to wo I. Mrs. Mlnnto.Iminennnii of Helena Mrnt , is visiting her brotiiur , Kdltor John lUtiu - hart , S. Michnllscn , nt the Cutlnhy packing plant , ran a nail In his right hand causing a painful wound. Manager W. N. Ilnbeoek , nftor n business visit to ( lovoruor Ttmyor , has returned from Lincoln. Holthus Jettor has returned from Friend nml neighboring sections , where ho went ru business , Tbo liohomiiin Turners will go to Hnsor's park next Sunday to Join in n picnlo with Omaha Tumors. The venerable Mrs. licgloy , wife of John llegloy , rosldlnir near Pninlllon , Is listed among tbo sick. Louis V. Swift of Chicago , treasurer of Swift i-t Co. , is visiting Manager A. O. l-Vi- tor of Iho plant , Frank Seykortt ol Iowa City , In. , hns re moved to this city to accept , a position with his brother , Edward J. Soyliora. James McOuiro ami brldo have roumiod from Chicago nnd have gene to housekeeping In the Uoulil-Uookford block , N street. L. C. Finch , mail ngeiit of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , Is visiting Mrs. Finch's parents , Mr. nml Mrs. Samuel \V. Dennis. Henry Koch , the missing elork for M. J. Fullrledo's Nebraska shoo company , took with him $ ' , 10 or more. No trace of iho man has been discovered. Never before were the sto'ckynrds so Hooded with water as they were yesterday forenoon. The hogs In ono pen were taken out through three foot of water. None of the swine were drowned. O. F. Hums , the popular nml ofllclontnight ngent at the Union Pncllle depot , has gone to spend n week nt his homo In" Fremont. Do- fore his return Mr. Hums will visit Serlbnor and other places In that section of the state. Next Sunday the Urowns will play two cnmo.s of ball on the exchange grounds. At 10 o'clock it game will bo played with tha Pieklors , nml at'JiO : : with the Twelfth street club , both of Omaha , Each game will be for $ . " > u side. A string of cars and ono of the stockyards locomotives on the track west of the Ctidnhy plunt were cut off by n wnstiout. The cars wont oil the tracks'and nt onetime It was feared the track would sink so as to overturn somoof the cms. A. Clnnda of the firm of L. L. Mnson & Co. , while nt N nnd Twenty-second streets , was overcome by nn attack of heart trouble and enmo near dying. Mr. Clauda was taken to Iho residence of Cnptnin Jacob W , Cross , whore he now is. A roiitrilMitlon from TC.TIIH. Mr. J. n. Boswcll , ono of the best known citizens of Urownwood , Tex. , contributes the following Item as his personal experience : "After having Buffered from diarrhoea for some tlmo and having tried dlfTcront medi cines with no good results , I tried a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlnrrtuua Hemedy , which relieved me nt once , and I recommend it to all who may bo suffering from this troublesome complaint. " New Line ( o DCH CoinmonciiiK1 Sunday , May ill , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , ljaul railway will establish a through line of sloopinc cars between Sioux City anil Dos Monies via Miuh'id , I'aBsoiiffoi'H from Omaha and the west can leave Omaha at 0:20 : p. in. , souuro sleeping car acconiinodatioiiH and arrive in DCS Moinua at U n. in. Ho- turning , leave Dorf Moiiies 9-10 : p. in. , nrrlvo Oinnlmlbloa. in. Dining ( tars on botli trains. Tick at ollloo , I.Wl Kiu-nain street. I'1. A. NASH , Gon. Atft. J. K. I'HKSTON , City Pitas. Agt. WANT TO PUO.lKCUTIJ J1IM. lltirpor IJroH.l1iM * 'I'licuAllugoil ' ; \H : iit , J. ClarUo HiiHHcll , Harper Bros , have written Chief Sonvoy , stating that they dealro to prosecute J. Clarlio Kussell , alias Franklin J. Clarke , nllns Harry Onus , with other nlinsos nd Inllnltum , but Inspector liyrnos has informed them thnt nothing can bo done until the cul prit Is apprehended. They request the chief to use every effort to arrest the fugitive , nml they promise lo render such assistance ns lies In their power to see justice done. How to Coimli'i-noi the Kfi'ootM of Im pure Water. Mr. L. M. Mnrtln.Hunerintemlontof the St. Louis , Des Molnos .V Northern railroad , says , "On my return from a recent trip south , whore tno water wa. < very Impure , 1 was at tacked with n violent case of cholera murbus , Having heard u irreat ilaal of Chnmborlntn'n Colic , Cholera and liurfha > n Komody , I con- clmliid to try It , and with the most bonnlU lul robiilts. " No household should over bo with out u bottle of this remedy. KXCUItMON ' . ( > \T. , Via IlioVabasli Itallroiul. I' or the national educational conven tion at Toronto. The Wabush will soil round trip tickotn .Inly 8 to J. ! at half fare with S2.00 added for inoinhoi-ship fee , ( rood i-uliii'iiltiir until Soptuinbor ' ' ( ) . Kvorybody invited. Kxcurriion i-ati'H lutvo boon inado from Toronto to all the Biimniur ruKortH of Now ICn land. For tickets , Hloupliif , ' car uccointnodaUniiH and a haiulKoino houvnnlr K'vln ' full infoi'ination , with cost of mdo trips , otn. , call nt the Wahawh tlclcot ollli-o , l-iOU Farnain Htroot , or wrlto O. N. I'laytoii , nortliwuaturu passongut- ont , Oinuhit , Nob. _ Alt' . Cariiitntui-'H l''igurcH. The county commissioners have decided to change Assessor Carpenter's Jlgiirui on the valuation of the Globe lonu & trust company. The assessor placed the valuation of this In stitution nt &iKU ) < X > on his books. He now states thnt he wus In error nml on this state ment thu commissioners will lop off flHO.OOO , assessing the bank at fJO.OOO. Home of thu other taxpayers propose to protnst against therciluttloii. ; ! They claim that U Mr Carpenter - ponter mndn nn error In this assessment , ho box m.iao Hku errors in thousiea-nnoiitof their proporty. _ Do not forgot tint Hnllor's Pain Paralyior will euro all cases of dysentery , relieving the griping pain uud restoring tbu bowels to healthy action ,