0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUKljAY. JUNE 27 , 181)1--TWELVE ) PAGES. Decidedly Bullish Tendonoy In the Wheat ' Pit Today , CORN AND PROVISIONS MORE ACTIVE. In Will I Street Animated , Accompanied by n Depression In ValtiCH llenvy SlilpinentH ol' Gold Kenewctl. CllirAOO , .luno M. The feeling WIIR billl'sh In the wheat pit to lay. and for the first inln- utoor two July WIIH taken at ( { ft fc over the c'oslng ' prices of yesterday. The deferred future * were not no utroug , the sltimllon wni only lovorsed and the o'irly buyers turnuil ncllors ami u pronounced break In prices win the result. July closing IUe lower than vc < - torduy. Tlio higher opening was duo to the published reports of the widespread nnd de- NlrtH'Uvo storms In Iowa ilnd elsewhere ycs- terdny and the day before , ana was a contln- uation t the strength dcvolmied late In yes terday's Mission. An early cable from llcer- boh iti reported Hint the drouth nncl heat In Kusftln still provitlled. The bull- ishly Inclined , howovi-r , were mot t the outset by a Hood of ( telling order * from Now York ami Nt. l.oul * . Indicating that traders there wore not scared by the Hood news and on lower cables the early bulls mndu a rapid exchange of front nnd turnuil sellers ; tdiorts also bewail to pound the market. Dispatches from the Interior not only teporteil clear and line weather today In most parts of the winter wheat region , but said thuttbu elTrct and o\- tpnt < if yesterday1 ! * storms had been greatly ciiiiggnralod. July opened ntWi&Jlo against I Be at the elo o yoslciday , brolio to ir.'ijC. ro- ni-ied tulKNii : . buck to Wjc , up to US'ie , oil to We ami llnally toUPja at thu close. The late advices from abro ill were very dopreMdng. lleerbohm quoted Liverpool Id lower , and London cables til lower. Counsel- man A : lay' ) , from Antwerp , said : " .Market di'iimllshcd ; almiut Impossible to got bids. " Their Fionch advices Kald that while I'arl.s wit" iiioted | linn , quotations were 10 to 'M centimes lower. Another cause for the de pression was dlsp'itohos received from the other side by Schwartz , Diipoc and Mllmlno- Hodman. saying that foreign wants seemed to be amply provided for and that It was very ( Illllcull to sell wheat to arrive. Corn started linn , p.'irtly from the storms reported to have prevailed yesterday and partly In sympathy with wheat. .Inly sold during the llrst row minutes : it.Kl'ffir > 4c : but these prices proved so attractive that a Hood of long corn camt on thu market and short Kellers became active. The posting showed the receipts of about ncventy ears In excess of the estimates , nnd cables being lower and wheat breaking , corn was iiilcl | > to follow. July soon went to .vie. There was then some rcMClIon , but when the estimated heavy re ceipts for tomorrow were mnilo known ihoro was another weak spot and July sold to Mye. It rallied to Me , but broke again to Xic. and elosed a shade higher. Itahluln and I'lirnum were free sellers must of the Hay , inestimably on St. Louis account , llartlett-r'ni/.ler boiiuhl moderately and J. J. Bryant took a great ( teal on the break , supposed to bo to cover shorts. Oats followed corn pretty cloHoly and was also Influenced some by wheat. There was a peed trade In provisions nnd fluctuations were confined to narrow limits. 1'ork opened at Jin. In for September , against f 10.07' , as last figures yesterday , sold then to JIO.l.l. and on a rumor that yellow fever had appeared In New Orleans sold en" to J10.0J , but recovered to JIO.IO on the close. The lending futures ranged us follows : C'linli iuotntloii | were as follows : I-1 * vii Onlot anil uiicliaiiL'cd. WHEAT No. 8 sprltis : wheat , tm prlim wlifitt. fe ! ilMc ; No. 8rcd , Conx No. 2 , loyc. OATH No. y , 4iil4l4c ( ! : No. 8 wUlto.39)4 ) < 2iJci No. . 'lHliltc,38 4'J'Jc. IlVK No. tf. 77if7Sc. ( IlAlii.iir No. 8 , nominal ; No. I' , 54S03o ; No. 4 , nominal. l'lAXHk.KU-No. 1. 41.00. TIMOTHY Siii : : > 1'rltnc , JI.25. 1'oitK Mess nork , uer barrel. SO.S' ) ; lard , per owl. , iG.02i ! ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . * .VTO : dry saltc-d shoulders ( lioicill , < 5.05a5,15 ( ; ihnrt clear sidoidioxcd ) . ifi.'M'iiM.M. WHISKY Distillers' Iliilsliod uoods , ucr Bal lon , Jl , in. toxiAits Cut loaf , iindintiecri , ItrcelptH and shipments today wore as fol lows : AHTIC1.KH. Klour. barrel * . . . li,000 6.100 Wheat , buMieli. 17.UOU torn , bin-lieU. , . 2IH.OOO OaK bllMlClB. . . U4.UUO 147,000 Kyi' , bimhels. . . . 1,000 Hurley , biihlioln. liuuo On the produce exchange today , the butter market was steady and unchanged ; extra creamery , KWJIii'io ' ; extra firsts. I.vgliio : firsts. UtTclIc ; extra dairy , H'ttl.'io ' ; extra Urals , l-v'A lie ; llrstH , lliOI-1io. ! Kggs , MU15c. Now York .Markets. NEW YOIIK. Juno iU Ki.otiu Ueceipts , 12.S09 jinekageK ; exports , 8,048 bairols : heavy free Kellers ; moderato business ; sales , If-VJoJ bar- lols. WIIIAT : Hecolpts , rcnoa bushels : exports , II.OIK ) Imshels ; bales , : t.MiOt)0 ) ) bushels or fu tures ; iiMUilnit.hulHH : ) | > < it. hpot market lower ; niiiderately actlvo ; chlelly exports. No.red. . H.n.Tiil.CKi [ n KIOTO rnd elevator ; fl.Xll4i7 ( ( < l.07 alloal ; $ l.i5Ufl.u7Ji ; ( f. o. b. ; ungraded red. .No. 1 iiortliorn to arrive , * I.07f4fft 1.0734i No. I hard to arrive. 4I.I1 > * ! No. 2 I'lil- enco , } l.ii3'i. ' Options opened lH4oon further reports of Kusslnii crop dnniH e , declined 1 > ' on weaker entiles , slack export demand and domestic crop reports and elosed heavy at Kfcl > e under yesterday. No. 2 rod , June. ti.aviiiii.or.ij , closing. * i.o : . > 4 : July. ti.oj > 444 l.Kl'a , elosliitf , 4I.U8 > 4 ! August , 07S ® ! > aitf. ! rlosliiff , 07a ej Sopteinl.or , Hd'4'J7 > 4o , closing , tti > ics October , 07fW70-10eclosTiiir,07o : Novem ber. ! )7'iiUi7J40 ( , , 7Hoi Deeemher , iwiii ( t-ioslutr , Jniiuarv , eloslipt , HMcj ; I'Vorunry elosliiK at uu.'iu ; Jlay , * I.D8 ? ffil.04 , ciJ-Ini ; . < ! . . Hvi : - ( .inlet , steady i western September nnd October delivery , 'IftV.'iio. t'oitN Heoelpts , 7VVW bushuls ! nx ports. 4 , Kit biishels ; sales. r > G2OOJ bushels of Intnres ; 11 ! > , UOO bnshoU of spot. Hpot market loodtiratoly actlvo. eloslni ? ensv. No. 8 , OOJS G7e hi elevator , 07 < S:0 : < lie alloat : uiiKraded mined , 03UQO.sc ; options wore depressed nnil dull , closing woaU at ' . ( flic ilecllno on large OAT8--Hecelpt , "ll4.800 iiuslielsi oxports. 418 Imsliols ; sales , 3l.\000biiklielsof futures ; 110,000 bushels of spot. Spot markut heavy , fairly ni'tlvui options moderately active ; weuker ; Ju.y. ibVtW&ic.clusrlut : ; is > , e ; August , 3IU-'I5VC , oloslnt ; o4kic ; September. lOUMe , floilnn ; t-io ; sjiut Nix 2 wliltf , 4i > . | < n 2o ; mixed western , li.Villo ; wliltu wvntgni , 41 < u > 5c ; No 2 . llAY-l'trm ; peed demand. lloi'H Steady , quiet. CorrtK Opuiiiik opened steady and un- clianKeil to lu ixi. nts up ; closed ( VU83 points up. Hales , ; tl.VU lilies , IncluillnK : June. f7.1u ! ; July , Jlll.HHjJHl.il. ' . ; August , (15.0 1X75 ; Sop- toinlier , JI\liKiCli.83j October. 1 11.5 04I4.0J ; lo- ) cvmbor , * ii.sVit : ! 3.1K ) ; Mari'li. tl'.U'a , SiMt Itio , ijulot , tinner : fair earKOes , Jlt .M ; Nik 7 , f 17,50. r > lTAiiRaw. . tinner ; In demand ; hales , 4 cnrKOes eentrlfUKiil to Philadelphia and llul- tlmoro nt : i7-lkj ( for tKi test ; Mo tins Inii-lHuliios to test at 4o ; refined , firmer : No. 0.3' . c ; No. 7 , U'aU ; No. ti , 3 ll-10u ; No. l > , Il'.o ; No , 10 , 3 IMOo ; No. 11 , 3ie ! ; No. 18 , 3 7-IOo ; oil' A , 4 tl-HHi' ; ' c ; i-onfi'ctloiiKr's A , 4Uo ; mould A.4 > io ; standnnl A , 4 5-llkj ; ml loaf , S'io ; crushed , ftiiej pow dered , 4ic ; Kraiiulated , 4 15l'iO ! uuUos , 4 u-ioo. I'KTiioi.euu-Qulet ; unlto-l closed at bflio ! for July. I'orruN fBKi > On Dull ; ontdo uir K'rado , 85 Q8t > Ui yellow oir k'fade. : ili ll , TAI.I.OW ( juloi , Hoadyi city (18.00 ( for pa.ck- upes ) . 4 ll-ICo.- UoKtx-Kusy. ilull ; btr.ilned , common to pooil. * l.40ijl,45. Tum-UNTisK Dull , loweri 37UO3Sc. Kiliit , - Quiet and wuak ; uestoru , lOi < 2.17Hc ; receipts , f.'U pnokiiKod. Wooir-Dull. uasy and iiulvt : domoittlc Jlecco , 38ilci7et : pulleil. 10a.li'c ; 'r ixas. 1746.4e. I'OIIK Uncli.iiiKcil ; fair ilemauu ; old moss , flO.lKHII.Oi ; now men > , til 5. < I2.83) ) extra lirime , IIO.S04J1I.WX CUT MEAtH In Kooil demand ami linn. Mtmii.Ks Dull uut htoady. LAIIIH- About steady , but iiilett | western stouin.KUTH : sulef.l.lW tie re i' s. Option sales , , WO ilurpfki July , IO.884iO.84. clunlnV , W.81 ; AuttUHt. IOtJ ; ; t-opteinber , W-MKitJ.X' , cloklnu , IO.1 bid ; October , (0.08 bid. fuuoy , Urmt Hontorn dairy. eitorn creamery , tlitlSct F'lRln1" . Ifo untlvuj part nklm9 , Pie Ino.v-Qulol : American. itO.OOQlS.00. Coi'i'r.it-Iiill ) : inkc , July. 113 00. i I.KAti Klrini domrstle , 4.V ) . TIN Dull and heavy ; tralts , 120.35. KaimtH City Mnrkcts. KA.vsAa CITV. Mo. , Junn .M.-Kl.oun Dull , unchanged ; finully. ! l.IMlI.il : choice , II.4.vs ? I..W ! fancy. ll.Otfil.tVi ; extra fancy , tlM ; patent , $ ! { .lOtt'-MO. WllKAT Weaker ! No. 2 hard , cash , 84050 ! Juno , Mo hid No. a red. cash , h SM > c. CoiiN-Picady ; No. 3 caih , Mitubld ; Juno , OATS Weaker ; cash , 31 sic bid ! June , 3liO ! bid. bid.IIAV Steady , unchanged ; fancy. WOO ; new , IJ.O ) ; choice td.0'(38.00 ( ; low grades. JlOi : < a".00. ItUTTKti Htoady , tinchnngod ; creamery. t.Mt l..c . ; dairy , I0 < aiici : store packed , ICc ; uacklng , MtlOc. CHBK8E Steady , unchanged : full crcanf , northern iwliiH.liraiO'ioi ' Voting Amerlcan.lOci western. Oc ; Hklmmcd , 4 ( . ' > C : PuovtstONS Steady , unchanged ; sugar cured meatsli.iiu , lKiilOoDrcakfustli.-ieon.S ; c : dried hocf hiims , Klci dry salt meats , clear Aides , ? c ; clear rib sliles , ( i'ic ; long clear sides , fi > ic ! shoulders , OUe ; smoked mr.tt < i , clear rib sldts , T'io ; long clear ildes , 7Uc : clear sides , 74o ! ; shoulders , C'Jo ' ; mess pork , tlll.'iO ; Huron lard , pure , 7'ic : loflncd , T.Sc. Wool , Dull , unehanijcd. KddH Htoady at I2c. UKCKii-TS-Wheat , 2'JOO bushels ; corn , none ; outs. nonr. HiiirMKNTS--Wlipnt , 10,005bushels ; corn , 13,100 bushels ; oatB , ' . ' .OTO bushels. June 80. WHEAT Kasy. poor demand ; holders oiler freely. California No. 1 , Kit's 2'4d perviMital ; red western , sprlnz , 7s lid : KnnsiiM winter , hard , l < s liid s Id. Itecelptsof wlientdnrliiB tlio jinst tliri'O days weru20'.i,03J ' centals , IncluJliiK II'MWO ' Amor- leaii. CORN ( Julot and lower ; mixed western was 4 < l per eental. Ilecelpts of American tlurliiK tlio past , throe d ny wore ltoo : centals. I , Alto I'rlmi ! westorn. 3N Oil peri-wt. \\t\r \ \ : \ : American icfrlscrator. forciiuariors , 44 < 1 ; liliiiliiinrtors | , O'.iU per iiounil. St. l.otilH MiifkutH. ST. t.nuis , Mo. , Juno 80. WHEAT Lower ; ciish , Wit1 ; .lu y , S7' c. t'oitN Lower ; eimli. .W-jc ; July , 5l4c. ! OATH- Lower ; cash. 30c ; July , 3Jic. ? I'OIIK Kiislor atilO.85. I/AIID Lower att'.7J. WntiKV il.10. HITTIH : Steady ; creamery. 1315c ; dairy , U heat Market. MiNNUAi'OMS. .Minn. , Juno 20. WIIKAT Cash wheat dull and lower ; receipts , IWcars ; shipments. 1U ! car < . Cloio : No. I hard , June , tlM ; on track , .fl.OOJJI.uO'i ; No. I northern , Juno. ICiJio ; on track , U7ci No.2 northern , Juno , UJc ; on trauh , U 4l9le. Milwaukee iUiirttofCi. Mit.wAt'KRK , WIs. , Juno'-0-WHEAT Weak ; No. 'J spring , cash and July , UOc. Colts Weak ; No. II , Me. OATH-SHeady ; No. 2 white , 40c. . I'HOVISIONS I < ewer ; pork , July , iUItO , Ciiicliiiintl MnrketH. CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 26. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 rod. 11.OS. COUN I'lrmor : No. 2 mixed. fiSJ9o. ! OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 45ic. ! WIIISKV Jl.lfi. Toledo Markets. TOLEDO. O. , Juno M. WHEAT Lower ; cash and June. JI.OHJ. CHUN Dull ; cash. SOc. UATS ( julet ; ciiali. : nc. ) STOUliN . > .Vf > ItltXIHt. NKW YOIIK , June''fl. In Wall street today , more animation In stocks was accompanied by a material depression In values all along the line. The Immediate cause of this stito of alTalrs was thu renewal of the gold shipments on a large scale , with a consequent destruction of thu confidence of the bullish element In the market and the encouragement of further additions to the short account. In addition to the shipments of gold the aiMces from the other side were not very reassuring. The fact that 1C 11 rope has been , and Is now , a seller of stocks gains more believers every day the present depression In business continues. The slrcngthdlsp'.ayod In the market an 1 the re sistance given to the decline In the face of the dullness , continues to bo the most striking feu tu i o of the situation , and today , only In a few storks In which the natural downward movement was aided by other circumstances , was there any real decline of Importance. The contlncd ease of money and the prospect that U will last , not withstanding the outgo of gold sustains the speculative holder , and ho Is content to await a turn In the state of alTalis which will glvo him the advantage In thu situation. The now --oiling naturally enhanced the amount of business done , nnd the trading today wis : moro active than for a week past , but the ag gregate was still small , and the fluctuation ! ! were not especially wide. Richmond & West Po nt wan the feature of the day , developing the most pronounced weakness on V.IL-UO and unsatisfactory rum ors , some ulTcctliig the Qnanelal condition of the company , while others ascribed the gell ing to tint liquidation ot the accounts' of a noted broker whom a late misfortune has ren dered lnc.ipabo ! of attending to his own af faire. Later , Cordage was sold olT rapidly from 100'i to ffi. In the uncovering of stop or ders. The Industrials were the weakest fea tures of the afternoon , but the decline In rail- rend lists wore stopped only with the close of business , though the movement In the last hour was scarcely perceptible. Among the railroad stocks thu coalers were probably weakest , and Jersey Central especially HO. The Important losses , however , aio all In the stocks which are known as specialties , while everything shared In the decline. The market closed dull hut heavy at the lowest figures , ' the day. The final changes are all less , and Cordage Is olT 4'4 per cent. Jersey Central 2'i , Richmond & West Point l j , Ch on go Gas l" ; , Louisville & Nashville 1'i , Now England I'B , and Northern Pacific preferred 1 percent , liallroiid bonds were aUo moro animated today , while the lone of the dealings were In the main steady , but there were a few specially wealc points , which gave a heavy appearance to the list , The Richmond .t West. Point issues were most prominent among lhc.sc. The sales amounted to $ . " > 41.UuO , without special animation on any one I.SMIO or a specially wide distribution of business. ( lovernment bonds have been dull and hteady. tate bonds have been entirely neg lected. Petroleum opened steady , but after movla , ' up ' 4 , reacted to the opening , then became dull and remained so until thocloso. Penn sylvania OH , July options , miles ItU'OObarrels ; opening , IXHi : highest , BJ ? * ; lowest , 06i ! ; clos ing. ! ' . ; . Tlib following are the closing quotations for the loading stocks on tne New York stock ex change today : Atchlion WJ6 ) | Uti preferred 130 Ailumi I'.iprc.o 141) ) N. V. I'ontrnl ' . ' . ' ) < Alton.V Term Haute. 27 N. V. Chic. A St. I , . . . 13 do preferred 125 do preferred IU American Kxprou. . 112 II. C. It , A N SO do preferred. . . . . . . . Hi ( 'iimdlnu I'ncINc OntarlO'A Wen torn. . . 16 Cnnndlart Southern. . 4S ! | OleKim Improvement 26 Central 11'uclUo : > 0 Oregon Nitv til flies. A Ohio IU Oregon Tram do Ut preferred. . . . 4f ) t'acUlc Mnll ; H do 2nd preferred. . . 2(1 ( Peiirla Dec. A Urani. 17 ClilciiKO . Alton 12.1 I'lttuburit 14 < C. U. AQ SM. Pullman I'aUco 177 C. C , C. A tit. I , KWi lluudlng , ' "J Delaware. A lluiUon.l2SV Itiict l.land 70K Del. I * AW i : > i St. I. . A H. IT. 1 p'f'd , . KB t ) . A U. (1. preferred. 48 St. Paul CITS Kn l Tcnn 6 do preferred 11U4 do 1st preferred Ul St PaulMln. AMan.lUI do 2nd preferred. . . 13 'St. Paul X Omaha. . . . 2.14 Krlo Ib'il doproferred 8Ji < do preferred M ) iTenn. C'iml A Iron. . . . H''H Kort Wayua 119 Texas 1'acltlo 12 ! < Clil. A Kant. Ill B4 To I. A O. IV n pfd. . . . 76 lloekliiK Valley 21 t'nliin ' Paclllu 4.1 lliiuiton A Toiaa. . . . H141 IT. S. Kipren 61 Illinois ( . 'mitral W)4 ) W. Ht. I * A I" Wf Paul A Duluth. . . . 31 do preferred JIH . _ Tuxns 14' WulU-Furuo 1C x . 141) l.ako Krlo A W 1:1 : Wenlern Union . ihiprofurred 65 A l.l. I'otlnn Oil . l.akoShurs. . . , IWK'l'i'lonxtu ' ' Coiil .l.ouUrlloA ! Nanh. . . . > \ lloinentako 12 l.oulsvlllo \ N. A. . . . 19 IrunSHvir IW Meuiiihhi Al'har .14 OiilAilo UHVt MIchiKHrt Central Ks < n ynlckullver 6 .Mil. U S A W ! 7 | doiireferrcd 91 doprefurred lOdty Butro 6 Minn. A SI. I , ; il llulwer M do preferred 8 , Itlch. A W. P. Ter. . . . 1S > MI ( Hirl Pacltlc 6UVI > conilnC'uutral. . . . 17 Miibllo A Ohio IW ' ( ireat .Northern pf'd. . M4 NuihTlllu Cnatt 11X1 Cilc.igo | lla 62 N. J. Central ll ; i Lead Tnul lilf Nnrfolk. A West pfil. . 61 buuar Trim Kl Nnrtliurn Paclllu : : Hoiilheru Pacific 30't ' dopreferred ( ViHi Ore Hh. 1 , . A II. Nor. Z4 It. P. Denver A ( iiilf. K lltlo ( jraiulu Went. . . . S7Mi Nurthwoiiurn 104 I do prutered C'u Thu total sales of blocks today were 181'US shares , Including AtchUon U.1W ) ; Chicago lias , " " ' liolnware. Iiiiokawunna .V Western , I'lnaiuilal Notes. NKW Youic. Juno .U Olourlnss JS9,3fiS,881 ; bulani't'ii. i.'i.ir.'O.duL lliikTiiN , Miibs. . Juno M.-Clourlnii (11,01(1 ( , . W ; biiliincos , fllli.W-i. ! Monuv , ' . > ' 4i l pur co"t. Kxcliiint-'o on Now York , & 3lOo discount , KANSAS UITY , J.o , Juno "U. Uluarlnsc , < lt)67iuf. ) : OMICAOO , Juno .U Now York uxuhitnuo wubhiouily tit'.VHMlopremium. Itntos formoni'y > \uro Htoudy und unehiiiiKt'd , LMoarlnus , H'A- M'.NUOO. Kji'hiinuo wus niiotod at M.iT for slxly-day bills nnd fl.KIU forsl ht drufts. lULTiuoitu .Md. , Juno -CU'urliiKs today wt > rulK17UUli ualuncea , fll.,107. itutu , Opor cunt , I'IIII.AUELV-IIIA , Juno Sa Cleurlnzi today , KyXW.lUj ; balunct'g , (7i > i,58.V Monoy. per font. Tlio Money Market. Nxw YOUK , June SO. Moacr OM OAUr-Easy , from 1'J ' to S per cent ; lint loan , 2 par cent closed ofTurcd ntS'i ' porcpnt. I'lltMR MEIirANTll.B 1'AI'KII SH'il ? percent BTKIII.INH' KiciiANOE-yuIot nut t vuly nt f 1.884 forslxty-day bills nnd fl.SI'i for dt- inniiii , The following were the closlns prices on Lonilsi i ; . H. K. reRl9tcreil..lliiMl.M. K. A T. 6 < aw U. S. ( - . coiiponn li ; Miilunl Union < < 1UU' ' < mt , n > l loru < 1 100 N. J. Cent Int Cort..KrJ4 . rnnpniu IW ( Northern P.ic. lots . .l 1'ncinc , Bj nf 'W 105 do2li Ill lmiMnnn Stnmn In. , fit NiirlhwoU * cuinols .1:11 : Tonncjupo N. 8. r . . . ) ( ) do debenture do & . KHUifl , U A I. M. den. M R i ( do 3i BW4 si. I * A S. F. ( Icn. M I01' ' < Cnimda Southern Sds W Ht. Paul console I24ls Central Pacltlc Uti..loHHt : P. C. A P. UU..1II I ) . Alt. n. Isti HIM T. I' . U ( I Tr. llcls. . 87 do 4 < Bli < jT. P. It. ( J. Tr. llctD. . : ) i < I ) . A II. ( i. Went. Utn. ; i ; < < tjnlon I'.iclHc liti..10. 1 Krlo 2U ( tn'i , Wui-t Shore I01H M. K. AT. Con'181. . . 75' ' ItoHtou Sloulc Murlcct. HOSTON. MIMS. , JunoM. J'ho follow-In ; ; wore the eloslni ; prices on R looks In the Huston Htook iiiirl : < ol today. AlclihoiiA Topokn. . SO4 Huron. 1U HoitnnA Alhnnr Vtx ! ) iKoiirii.iifo lif'i llostnn A Mnlno ! ' . : ! ( Kr > iiln 7 C..I1.AO 85X Onlncy 107 K. I' . , S. J. AC. II. 78.1UI iSnntn Ke Copper MX Mutt. Ccnlrnl 18 'Tmniirnck ' IW MizlennCcnt.com. . isi'i Annlnton l.nnd Co. . . ,10 N. V. A N. Knit 3.1 WoU Knit l.nnd Co. . OT Illltlnnd tt'f'd I'.l Moll Telephone 200 Wln.Cen.com. . . . I.Tinson ftiiro S I'.l Allouot.MlnCo ( new ) 314' ' Wntur I'uwcr Atlnntlc . 18 If. M . IS HonNinA Mont . IU ' .V. K. T . M Calumet A llecln . VO III , A II. C . I&W franklin . igjji Ijondon HtoclCN. I.oxno.v. Juno ' . ' ( I. Closing at 4 p. m. _ Con nli. ! monur . MX Krlo. H'condi . W < Con'oN , account . M < Illlnoln funtriil. . . . . . Wi II. S. H . 1IHU MuilcnnonlliiHry. . . ISH U. H. 4' ' . 102 ; t. I'nul common. . . PI N. V. I' . A O. iKts. . . .1IH.N'e r Vork Ci > ntrnl..10IU Cnimdliin 1'iiulllc. . . . 8' . ' illeadlnir'M \ Krle. . lii I _ _ _ _ liar silver. < 5.id ? per ounce. Money , ii per cent. Imperial Hank Sttiti-nient , lll'.lll.l.v , , luno SO. The statement of the Im perial bank of Germany shows an Increase In specie of : . ' , IIJ.OW ) marks. I'AIIIS. Juno 21. Three per cent rentes , tttf Uc for the account. Denver Mining Stno'CH. IlKNVF.ii. Colo. , Juno " 6. Quotations on the mining exchange today : Ah > hany".T.7 i'O Ainlty 2J : I-lttln Uiilo. Argonaut 20 M tcilosi ! . llallarat W .May Mar.cppn. . . . m I''g ' Morning Ullm 44 llnlcn llunUjr ( ill lOre 7i ( HlK Indian 11 Pny Hock. " ' " ' l'dto-1 &H Hrownlow ( i Park Con 18ii Calllopu II Heed National HI Century 2.i Itlalto 1C. > Clay County 120 Itunnlng l.ndt ! 21 Cnihlng 10 LcaTenwcrth lid Diamond 11 4U John J. pfd & Puttier 4 4.S ClaudlaJ 12 ( Sold Treasure 31 ( icttyaburn IU Iroaclad a' ' < Whale 24 Justice IU Sail Francisco Mln n Quotations. SAN KIIANCISCO , Junc"0. Tlioufllclal closing nuotatlous for mining stocks today wore us follows : Altn 65 Ophlr llulwor 40 1'otosl llulchcr 230 I Of , licit A llelclier 75 Sierra Nevada . IS ) lloillo Oiniolldntod. .175 Union Con . 205 Con. Cain. A Vu C7J Utah . U Crown Point 140 Vellow Jacket . IK ) Oonlil A Curry 140 Com . il Hulo A Norcrosa I8.f > N. Com . 50 .Mexican 20 Nov. Q . 25 .Mono ,15 II. I W ) Mount Dluhlo 25 N. 11. 1 . IK ) Nuvajo 25 New York Mining Stocks. NEW YOIIK , Juno M. The followlmt are the closing mining stock quotat ( ins : Alice inu Horn Silver all ) AdamsCon 1S.1 Coin Silver loa Aupcn 2UO .Mexican 200 Con. Cilia. A Va. . . . 55 Ontario KSOO DeadwiKHl 125 Saving HC ( ionld.l Curry li' > Sierra Nevada ISO Hale A NorcruBS. . . . 1 0 Yullow Jacket 210 Hunieiitakc 1IUU The Wool Market. HOSTON , Mass. , June 26. The market for wool bus boon nulot but steady ; few buyers liavu buim on the market. Hales were mostly In small lots ; Ohio and Pennsylvania sold at J.lia.'We , XX. linage ; No , I , av ISc ; MlehlRun X. dull atTft' c ; No. 1. ' . 'A'lt' u ; combine and dolalno flcocos. low No. 1 comuliiK. liolnyr ( inotod at awc/l'Jc ; , line dolalno ICit lCc : tin- wushoil combing , ( pilot but flrm lit yXiVMo for ono and ono-nuarter blood and 2Sjo. IOo for threo-elnhths blood. Now territory wool htis been soiling on u scoured basis at CU.Jifi''c for line ; fiS-IttjJO for line medium ; 5. * > & > 7c for medium. New Texas and California wools liavc boon nulot and soiling In a range of from ITcto'JIc , or prlnolpuliy from SOc to Mo for pulli'il wools which are In small stock and inlet. Australian wool Is In fair request. KorulKii carpet wools are dull. The sales of the week worn 1,1147,0 Ml pounds of all Ulnds. of which 1.VJ7,000 were domestic and 850,000 pounds forclcn. Cotton ' arkct. NEW YOIIK , Juno 20. Iliibbard , I'rlco & Co. my ; The oponliiK here was somewhat irregu lar ut an advance of from 4 In G points , but the bears ovldcntly regarded the advance In Liverpool as a good th'ni ' ; to .HO 11 on and their olferiiiKS broke the market some. 1 points below lust evening's tlgurcs. from which there wus a slight recvory. The close , however , was feeble and Dual iirlcus were 4 points lower on the near futures nnd " to ( > iio.nts lower on the llstant July. Notices for about ten thousand bales Usuou today had less olfeot upon the market than wus generally anticipated. It seems to show that the market will ronmln for ho next row days almost entirely euhjuct to ho weather condition pievalllng lu the south , with a short Interest snlllclnUy largo to guar- inlco a sharp advance should they develop unfavorably. _ Now York Dry Gootls .ifarkot. NKW YOIIK , Juno " 0. lluslness In dry goods wus of a satisfactory character , though de mand was somewhat more quiet with the an- : > reich : of thu stock takliu period. Local job- LHTS cleaned up thulr counters and will nut In now goods by Monday. The demand at ( lint iiands was steady for popular goods , The mar ket retains u good position us to supplies. Stocks nro moderato and the tendency of val ues are rather towura firmness than other wise , although occasionally there Is a rovul- sUm to a lower llgure , Goods that have been Milling at a low llgure to elono stocks have a [ ondoncy to react some , bulug already higher. Men's wear woolens are receiving moro at tention and a number of now goods will ho ipencd next week , Including the Utverslde goods , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Havana .MarkotN. HAVANA , Juno 'M. K.XCIIANOK Weak : In the United States short Bight gold , ' ? © ' . ) Dremlum. HunAii Klrm ; yesterday. 7KW : bags of cen trifugals l to IKi'4 ' degrees polarization , wore bold atta.r.iifrUUi ( ? gold pur quintal. Iionilon .MarketH. LONDON , Juno " 0. CALCUTTA LINBEKD 42s ) or quarter ; linseed cake , western , illTatid ier ton. KtHNUli I'ETItoi.KUM 59-lVa3id ( per Hallo n. KINK KiisiN Oil per ewt. Chicago Hide CiiiUAno , Juno " 0. [ Special Telegram to Till : HEK. ] Hides unchange.l. Tra l Talk. Ntw YOUK , Juno ' . ' . Kcnnott , Hopkins ti . 'o. to S. A. McWhortor ; The stock market ius been moro nctlvo and decidedly wealc oday , the ilHin.unl for .stock being so llmlli'd t was almost haul to trade at all. Prices de clined abruptly. Today Hlohmond Terminal , 'oidago and New Jersey Central were oatures very conspicuous. Humor * ha\e icon that the Richmond Tormlnal would de- fnttlt on Us Interest July I , but this the illlyliits ot the company omphutlcnlly deny. Another rumor thattne holdings of a largo iperator \ > linsu moiita. condition requlied htm to vacate from the street have been thrown ipon the market t-eems to bo ji reasonable cause for thu brc.ik. TJio break In Cordage It s halil Is one to calll'ig of some loans against which the slock was hold us collateral. Thu weakness of Jersey Central wus on account of i largo amount of selling. Ills rumored that trouble Is brewing iiinong the coal roads be cause of the contract which Cox llrothers ntve made with thu Iteadlng road. Ixmdnn i..s been a largo bollor all day. The total amount of gold to bo shipped tomorrow will he K'nxOOJ : which Is a very ( It'proHhlug fciuurit to the market. The Delaware , Lacka- wiiiui > V Wchtrrn has declared Us usual quar terly dividend of I1 * per cent , but thu stock Is dull and only steady. If It should become iictlvn through liicroaM'c ! oirerlngb It would probably decline , as nothing win rants Its sale it present prices. Money Mo I per cent. Tno market closed weak at binall fractious above the lowest jirli-cH. Hnlos , liti.i < ( Ki. OnicAdo , Juno lU lvennntt , Hopkins ti Co. to H. A. .McWhiirtcr : Wheat erop damage reports were rather coiiBpiouoils In the no b- papers which perhaps accounts for the strength , July selling at Ole and December at niic. The former changed hands quite freely ut the opening. Hut llttlo December sold above Wo , and It was sc.on down to Wto. Around this prlea I'nrdrldgii was an enormous buyer. UUn * at least . ' .SOO.oou. and iHsslbly 4UOJUO ] biishoU December. Me had tried to prevent action on culls ycsturduy and sold : iu ; vlly ut times and tried to keep tlio market down , but In uplto of uirorta culls were good and loft him short i > orhani7,0'X > , OOOor B.lK.'o.OOO ' , With u prospect of u wet hurvuit , he wna lu anything but a couifortublo frame of rnlud wbcu ho weut Uotuo. On thu break thli ) f morn'nz ' ho gi\vn hU broken unlimited orders to buy. tmd they ntf\ : * kept pretty busy. In addition ho sold nut * Inr.'Hy yrsturdny , nil of which were good , h' ft thought nt least half hU line was covered. 'lu vlow of the fact that thli will all , .t > b for sale again whether the matVfl rallies or bro.'Us. tpco.tllatlvu Koiitfiucnt has again ttitned very licurNli. Iitnn wJi Imx oecn on the Umg slue 'Oine days , him-cliunged over to the short side , bailiu bit prediction of lower prl-cs on the belief that foreigners areso sorely dls- ironed llniinrlally'.thc'v ' will bo unwilling to take prompt care of the wheat cargoes now arriving o freely oir coast , and the pressure from this source will-bo rellcctcd on thl * side , coming as It docs at a time WHOM the now i-ioti Is about to move. Thin l expected to cause stagnation In the export trade nnd glNo the hours nn ailvftntiigo they have not hitherto possessed'Tho trade Is so unani mously on the short sine that nomothlng may occur to unset their calculations , but It must bo admitted there Is nothing In skht at tin moment to ciu ! o much anxiety. A Now \ ork crowd headed by Cottiell liai been buying again today , so It Is roportod. but they have done this several times lately , only to bo shaken out at a lo s and It Is l.olluved their holdings will go over tomorrow on further weakness. Thivcash demand hero continues good , eh.irters having been made for 111- 000 bushels and over ' . ' .VOflO ) bu-diels withdrawi from store. It Is claimed that not moro thai WO.OiO bushels remain unsold In Chicago ele vators. On the ( ither hand It Is ns erteil that the wheat tnnvod out. IUIH been shipped on con signment , and ii | t Is to be sold the shipment Is an clement of weakness. The situation Is greatly confused , favorliu higher prices In the end , but for the present the bears hav the marmot. Corn and Oats Hue nnd clearing weather and quite favorable crop reports from widely scattered sections Infused courage nnd energy Into the bears , and they w.irmcd up to work \ory de cidedly , hammering vigorously all day and closing It very weak. Uonni gave his atten tion to corn , and says he expects to see Itoil at 40c. The receipts are. Increasing much fuster thiin anticipated. Provisions--Toomuch Importance was given to the trlchlnm news ycsteiday. It Is now said they have been discovered In only 2 per cent of the hogs Inspected , a low percentage. In consequence provisions withstood iho weakness In grain , making a small gain for thn day. At present the packers are Inclined to hold the market up. Stocks of pork , lard and ribs at the end of the month will be about the same as at the end of .May. 031A 7/a 1.1 IK ti TO Vlt. OMAHA. Juno a ? . 1801. OATTLB Olllolal rocolBts of cattle OKI. as compared with lriU yesterday and KM Friday of last week. The market was fully steady on handy , fat beeves , other grades were slow and weak. All grades of hutchorstoek and feeders were unclmuxo ( I. The receipts were very common. lloos-Olllclal roco'iuts of hois 'I.S''I , as compared with IWOI yest rday and 8l ) l-rlday of last week. The market opened slow and about steady with sales Irregular and uneven , and closed actlvo nn I llrm to "e higher. All were sold , 'ihe rnngo of the prices paid wasl.i04.40. ! the hulk selling at il.7'i © l. : 'j. ' Light. JI.axB4.3Jli ; heavy. 4U.V34 41) ) ; mixed. M.iOI.X : > . The average of the prices paid was $4.ilM. : as eompaiod wlthfl.W yester day nml Jl.414 I'rlday of last week. SIICEP There were no fresh receipts of sheep. The demand continues In excess of the receipts , and prices stand llrm. Na tives Ji7.)5J. ' > .a- ) ; westerns , $2. ! > } S\Oj. Good CO to 70 Ib lambs tt. IlcuclptH a-id DJHposItion of Stock. Oniclal recolutsati'l disposition of stock as shown by the books of thu Union stockyariU jompany for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. m. . Juno -M , 1891 : UUCKll'TA D 3P031TION. lluycra. Cnttlc. HIIBH. Slicep. Kcprcsoiitatlvu Sales. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. W..1007 400 M.,1I1S , SOD It.1001 ) 535 19..1218 500 25..101)1 5 U5 21..1200 5 40 COWS. 1. . P83 150 HO. 67 ! ) 103 1. . 000 2M 4. . 803 1 05 15. . tea S 25 A..1120 a 00 CALVES. 1. . l.'tO 4 50 5. . 140 4 50 HULLS. 1..19IO 203 1..1510 250 8TOCKKII8 AND FUEIICHS. 46. . 511 2 40 52. . 8DO 3 CO WESTEHtf CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. Late yesterday 0 feeders 570 SI X > 1 feeder 75' ) 2 50 22 feeders 81:1 : 3 21 Williams , Sayor& Duquette 23 ? feeders 1033 305 No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Ay. Sh. Pr. 4 240 $420 Kl 252 1 GO $4 30 5 288 420 ttt 103 M ) 430 02 148 SO 420 71 101 120 43) ) 74 101) ) 80 425 78 22:1 : 200 4 , ' 10 Kl 10ft 320 425 . Cl 200 4 32S ! 60 ll .ICO 425 Cl 231 120 4 : i25 ! 5 1M ! 4 25 73 211 120 4 32(5 ( r.7 200 3'0 423 70 2H M 4 3i'5 ! 73 217 120 425 C'j 2(11 ( IfiO 4 32K 7 . ' 154 80 4 2.'i Cl 27i ! 210 4 32'S 72 201 1GO 4 27'4 ' C ( ! 273 ICO 4 32 M C7 217 200 427" 71 213 103 4 'WS 74 221 120 427'i ' 71 2.'U 11V ) 432" 70..214 103 427(4 ( CS 2.S2 120 4 32(4 ( 70 llll 120 427(5 ( 05 244 40 4 Xt 111 ISS 1(10 ( 427(4 ( 07 215 40 435 M ) 201 1CJ 427(5 ( C2 "t" 1W ! I 35 75 2)1 120 4 27'4 C8 2sO 240 435 75 201 SO 4 27'J ' Kl 313 UO 4 : i5 C7 2.17 410 430 C2 255 20) 431 78 US 20i 4110 05 2.4 ! BJ 435 03 231 120 433' CI..250 S'J 435 n 217 120 430 71 215 120 1 : i5 .VI 230 120 43) ) C,5 240 4. . ) 4'15(4 ( 74 22 ! ) llll 430 03 231 40 4 371/ W > 213 120 430 55 . . . . .II330 ( 43715 ( El 21 ! ) 120 4 ; W C4 8.Y1 12) 43715 d9 . . . . 20.1 IfiO 430 Kl 21)J ) N ) 437(5 ( 52 22.1 83 430 55 ! ! 22 40 410 02 245 ICO 430 48 31U ICO 440 0 < 2u2 240 4 30 I'KIS AM ) IlOIlnII. 59 110 ICO 325 5'J ' 130 60 3 COne no Ijtvu Stock .Market. CuiCAdo. Jiinoai. [ Spoclnl Telegram to Tin : HIK. ; ] The market was firmer today. Theio was a supply of only about 2K)3 ( ) natives and the run of Texans ( fid not exceed that num ber. For good to choice sorts , of which theru was only a handful , buyers iraclouMy ; con sented to let prices advanced point or two , a gain In that class of lee per cwt being noted. The poorer grades sold strong In sympathy , but no one scorned to wiint them nt any ad vance , Old COMB and thin crass Texalis sold at about the sumo figures as on Thursday and the market for common grassy steers was as unsatisfactory us heforo. Native cult o sold on a Imals of tl.OO&i.riO for Inferior to choice cows , heifers and bullK. jl.75Q3.75 forstoekors and feeders and 8l.lHKiiO.35 for very common to fancy shipping Moors. Tovns oattlo were saleable : it Jl 25ti.'l.25 forgrassors and at $ l.3 ( til.75 for fed .steers. ' { Calvescontinue In heavy supply and are sollmt ! low , limited at * l.7V < i 4.75 for poor to choice , " with sales larijely at t'.UM3H.n ' ' Not nearly as mahyiiotfs arrived today as a majority of the doalmiu had looked for. eouse- iiuuntly a firmer fooling obtained. Holders generally asueil MtUtujiilvunco on ye.stordiiy's closing ( | uotatlonsnjd the published transac tions show tli.it thijy , vairlud their point , the average gain belii' ' { rather moro than .V. Very few of tln > offerings wtint below fl.4i ; the bulk brought J4.5Hfft,4.CO. JUMiro were a number ot trades at $4.i' > 5 , itml a row higher Inures , * 4.70 in one InstancOi/HhlppoiH' orders called for moro than half of the supply , and as paeU- ers were interintcd Jiuyors the supply was soon out of Bollorv liandx and the market wound up firmer ati4.30ft4.tk' > for poor to cholco grades The l-.vt'iilng JouruMt retorts : CATTI.IHo : - celpis , 4,000 ; Khlpinentii , 2.01)0 ) ; market wlimily ; no prime ulcers on Hale. ; others. { . " > 0 < il.V8l > ; Tox- ans.t2.40irfl.5ij stoCKCTH , * 2.'it > iS.'I.Uii cows , K'.30 It 1.10. f MlXIK KeculptH , ' -44,00 ; shlpmoiils. H.OO ) ; Market actlvo ; hleher ; common , RH.Viil.it. . ; . . , Uod and packer * , tl.453i4.rio ; prime heavy and butcher welghta. Jl.f.MCIX ) ; llKht , il-MW 4.KV , tillKEl1 Receipts , O.OU'J : HhlpmentH , 4.000 ; market Blow , weak to lower : imtlven , f(5iii ( 5.25 ; Tuxuns. (1.03 ; westerns , tl.U.Yiil.3 ; lambs , r-- Now York Iivc Htook. New VOIIK , Juno M. HKKVKS Itecelpts , ,4ii head. Inoludlnu S'l ' cars for sale ; market lull : native Bteors. f I.T.'iKO.U.I ; Texans , | .L5Ji6 ,1U ; bulls nud cows , f..fl 4il. 10 ; ilreHM'd beef , teady. r > > iftO > iu ; Hlilpniontu to lav , 4'U beeves , oinorrow , i'47 beoven nn I Ufi41 iiuartursof loef. CAI.VKB lti'culits | , diOliiiad ; market steadv ; veals , t-t.mSM.Kn buttermilk calves , Jl.T.VifU.SI. tIIEKllicclit ( | . 4,8'4 head ; hheep do lowci ; ambiibtoady ; sheep , Jl.'Jfit.'i.U ) ; lambs , ( U.btxU HiHiH.-Ili'CPlplH , 4avi lioiul. conslgnea dlroct ; narkut nominally steady atfl.4'J .V 3. KIUIHUH City lilvo St ick .Xnrknt. KANBAH CiTir , Mo. . Juno SO. CATTLB Ho- colpti. 'J.OOO ; Bhlptnouti , T7U ; be t natives firm ; otUorvUuUiTexaui strongi Hours. JWii5.75 ; I cow4 , JI.40Ci.'l.&J : stocknrt and fcodors , H.W > 3 I 4.0D. 4.0D.Hoos Ilccolpts. B.1SJ : shlpmontK , l.lOOi mar- ; kotnotlvoamt Ro lilghort billk , fl.IK > a4. ; i all Rrades jXl.T.va .W. i . Hur.Ki1 Kcoolptn. iiono ; hlpmonts , IOJ ; mar- kul Rtually. i Ht. IjotilH lilvo Htonk 'Mni-kot , PT. f.ot'is , MoJuno V6. C'ATTt.R Uorolpt * . 7i > > . shipment H'IK ' ) ; marknt utronit : fair to fancy iinllvo steers , It-iKVa'MW : To.rnm ami Indian stoora K'.iXViti.'iJ. HIHIH Itocp'pti. l.ftiOi shipments , 1.700 ; tnnr- Not stronit : honvy. } l.4Kit'iO ( ; mixed grnilys , w.ift84.4r > i light , tt.avitu.v 03H Il.t IIV/7 ; lis titti .W.I ItKKTS VcKctnlllt'H. Tlio following ipiotntloiH roprc < icnt the lir.ees . at whluh cholco stoisk Is billed out on otitois unli-ss othorwlso " "t-itedi UNIONSHormmln. . per case. J''il ; Califor nia , -'io ' potHi. . rAiniAOK Home grown. COo iiordiir , or 2(4 ( e l1.ic per II ) . SIUTIIKIIN uuti.m.owmi I'er dozen , fl.50. NKW I'OTAioiis-l'or Ib ' . ' . - , ( Jc. TOMATOBS V tiicj stock , per crate. K.'iVA o * " ' "N'K\V ItKKTS-I'cr do/ . 'uv 'Ulu. l'EAs-1'er bushel box , il.'JTJl.rO ; per Hbushol box , .VIP. t'L'cir.MnKii.n-'t'or dodO&flOu. . SotiTiirtHN HIANS-\VIIX. : 7.Vper M bushel box ; siring. WiiWOo per la bushel box , I'OTATOKR Homo grown stock In smalt let from tlio store , Jl.ln. Asi'AiiAniia Wo pi-r do/ . IIKAN8 Navy , lift. ' ) per bnihol. Kloiif. Omnhn milling ( 'ompanj. Kollanoc , I'atenU Invlnciblo Patent , tt.w ) ; l.onu Star. S'uiieriativc. JiM ; fnowllnko , J11U ; Knney l-'ainHy , ll.tw. K. T. Davfs mill company. High Patent No. 1 nnd Cream. { ' . ' .M ) ; Illno D. . full pi'ti'nt. $ , ' . " > -i ; Ilawkeye. half patent , IS.i"i : ; Special Hoynl' patent No. 10. * : ilK ) ; Minnesota 1s tout. Ji.Ml : KUIIHIIH llnrd Wheat , patent , $1C < ) ; Nebraska Sptlng Wheat , pntelit , S. . . ' . . " > . S. F. ( Illlman's Uold Medal. K. n ; "now White , t..SOj Snowlliike , $2. IDs low urade , Jl.f.O ; Queen of the Pantry. W.W ) ; bran , Slil.dO : ohopped food , fc"(10 ( ; .Minnesota yiiperlntlvc , K.'l , . Welch & Co. . Welch's Host , J..W : Crown Prince. J..70 ; Mlnni"-ota Chief. $2.40 ; fanlumlid Ktimlly , & .10 ; Straight. tl.tX ) . ' 'lMllK. ( IlrMrKiiKiiitiE4 I'or cast1 , Ji75. HI.ACK KAKi'iiniiniKs-l'ereaso. $1.03. CIILHIIIKS Calif jrnlii. per lU-lb box. 1 1. 2. " , ; ® l.t : > ; Houthorn cherries , J1.'J. " > per drawer of IS < ] units. OltA.Mins I.os Angeles , $3.11 ; Mediterran ean sweols , l.7r ( > . TKXAS I'KA ( nr..s Per 'a bushel bov. ( ' . .VS'Iic. S'riiA\viihituiis MbMiurl stock. J..O.'iiV.'J.'iper ' 2) ) ( iiinrleaso ; Iowa stock. * J.2."i per ease. ( iiinr.v ( ioosiiiHuiiiK.M : 1'cr 21 quart case , il.yM8S.aQi drnworof Is quarts , ( l.Tfi&V.OD. PINIA'IIS : | | : Per ( to/ . ? : i.i > 0. LKMo.vs-Cholcc stock , per box. W.fjiuoy ; , W 7va7.00. HANANAS Per bunch , $2.i"0.1.0J for fancy shipping i tock. _ Country I'rodtioc. Pot't.Tliv The reeelptsof old fowlsnrollltlo light nud sales of good stock are made at i.'iriO 0.1.UO. .Spring chickens arc becoming moro plenty and are selling at W.03O4.0U per do/ . The ( lucks urrlvliK nro mostly small ami go at about ts..v. ' . Turkeys , Uu per Ib HUTTKH A very Inrgo proportion of the but ter is selling at We. Kdfis The receipts of eggs are moderato , and the market holds at H&lHio. HAV IluMt upland , Su.uoaio. 0 ; poorer grades , 8C.QUS7.00. _ JOHN A. MctillANE. KlIANK G COVDON McShane & Condon , INVESTAIIiNT BANKI-KS , 300 S. 13th St. First National B n'.c ' Build ing , Omaha. Neb. Dcnl In stock. ! , bonds , securities , com ir'r 'I'll ' pa per , etc. N'cvotliue UiaiH on Improved Om ihi : real eMliilo. Short time tinina. with b.mk stuck , or on all approved culliiteral security. IN TIIK COUIJTS. General Clos t'p of Affairs ol' a Very llnsyVcek. . The judges of the district court , or n portion tion of them , enjoyed n rest yesterday , owinc ; to the faet that there were no cases ready for trial. Judges Doano , Hopowcll nnu Ferguson worked with tlio cases that have been on trial for several days in their rooms. .Itidgo Estcllo acalt with the usual number of criminals. Mike Orocu was placed on trial charged with snatching a purse from Mary J. Schooler. U. S. Horlon , who on May 4 forged the name of Charles Ogden to a bank check for 570.10 , pleaded guilty and , was remanded to jail to await sentence. Nols Jensen pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing 545 ! worth ol carpenter tools , the property ot Ed. R Trnpp. Ills bond was fixed at $1,000 and the case was continued. Kusson Boise , the young man charged with havinir burglari/.ed the hardware store of Lee. Clark , Amirceson & Co. , pleaded not guilty and was released on bail. A Cure for fiinrrhcua. Mr. J. A. Burntson of Colburp , Montgomery ory county , In. , has found out how ho can euro any case ot diarrhoea. Two of his chil dren had the disease , for about six weeks ho tried four different patent medicines without. benclit , but ho flnnUy got hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhina Homedy , which ho siiys completely cured them , and hois confident it will cure any case when the plainly printed directions are fol lowed. Dcciskm In Favor ol' tlio .Milwaukee At St. Paul Ity. The now iKilauo sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pnul Uy. , with eluctrle lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , ut 0:20 : p. in. , dully. Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil IHulTs , and arrive in Chicago ut ltO ) : ! u. in. , in ample time to IIUIKO all eastern connections. Ticket ollico , loOl arnam street. F. A. NASH , J. R PHKSTON , General Ajjent. Citj Passenger Agent. Konrtli of July. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway will sell tickets between all stations on their line in Nebraska at one faro for the round trip. Tickets to ao sold July H and -1 , good / > nly on day of sale ; good'to return until and including July ( I. To and from Sioux City the rate will be " 5 cents more than the one- half faro. T.V. . TKASDAJJJ , G. P. A. Knurl 1 1 ofI uly Kates. July ! ! and -1 the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , railway will sell round trip tickets between all stations on their line [ or one and one-third faro. Tickets food for return passage until JulyO. Ticket ollico , IfiOl Karnam stroot. Cot a .Meilal. At the seventh bi-annual national rlllo ouniamont , held at St. Louis , .Mo. , this nonlh , the socoi d prUo was carried off by I A. Htoi'kmnn of this city. Th vuluo of th prize was $150. Don't "Monkey" with your Blood , Delay It dangerous In elck- . .w.si ltl.ic i'Clullv huzardiiua IndlKcasca of the I ) | < HFM | . Cor ruption breed * corruption ; mid iimilcasenIf neglecteddevelop 'ntti ' Incurable chronic dl - p laasafc.i. 8n \ hum cure fuf nil U. U.contiiKli'Us liliMwl luli-niilin. . Inherit ed Bcrofula , Kkln Krupilunii , nnd Iiu8 cured tbou andii of cut-en of C.'itieer. It la n powerful tonic for deli cate | ieinon , yet Is liurinli'M mid Incaimblc ( if Injurluy luo lno tnli UUe ) ktcil. A trentlKO on lllood and Skin nirciiwi mallcil I'litK on a | > | > li- caI Ion. DraggUtB Bell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Ilruu'er 'Jt Allaiiln , Gn. OMAHA Semi tor eirrulnr urennuii > VT. II. hllKltWOUl ) . Ki Nun SCHOOL OP I.I fa lllil'it , Uuiaha. Ne.b , TELEGRAPHY. OMAHA I n i lililiiuiaiiiiiuii ) a DIRECTORY. " ' AWNING AND "TENTS. in all a Tout < fe Awning - ing Oo. Kli B . llnnnnncki. Oil nn'l ' Itiititperciollimu. HpiuKur cat < iliik'iii > . IIIJ KnriKini. BICYCLES. A , 11. Perrigo&Oo. I M , 0. Daxon , All.Mnkin. All Prices , All "l ic' ' Sold on Muilthlr Piiftiicnts. 1315 Doiltfo Street. 1COT"4 Faruaiu Ht. , Om.ilm. BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS Omiiba Republicau Printing Oj. , brloTs , bank supiilliM , nti.l . ertfrythln In the rrlntlna lino. 10th nnil Hoiixl i' MroeH. Ackormann Bros. & Ilcintzo , Printer ? , blmler.i , cloctrotrpor.i , blank Iniok ninnn- facturer < , 111(1 ( Ilowar.l utr. ' . t. Oimh.o. BOOTS AND SHOES. . CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. COAL , COKE , E TO. Omaha Coal , Ooka and Oontaut & Squira ? , tiima O-D. Ilnrdunil noft co-il ship- Hard nnil loft ei\l. | )3r , 8. 1 : . Cor. Kith nn I DJIU- 130S Fnrn im .itroot , lia strueti. Uinihi Mount & Gri3b , P. II. Mahonay & Oj. Hani Coal Soft. MS. HthatruJC. OCIces S13 N. inth nnd cor. Omnhn , Neb. ICIth anil DoiiKlns i"ts. Eagle Oornico Works F. Ruempins ; Manufnctiirern ofCalvnn- Gnlvanttcd Iron cnrnlres , Ixed Iron Cornice. Dormer windows , ilonr Window caps , inetallc kv- cnp , tin lain etc. Tin IlKhts etc. 1110 nnd 1112 liun anil Mate roofer. Uodliu St. 811 Kaniam St. CEMENT AND LIME. J , J. Johnson & Co. , UBS. 13th strji Omaha , Notx DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry Goods 0.1. , Dry pomH , furnlahlnt notions , unnU notion ) . Dry itnniK . Cor. llth and Honrard at * . Corner llth and llarney ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. UKTUOIT- AUTOMATIC Wolf Electrical Oo. Electric Motors llliiBtruted Citilo.fuo : nnd D/II iiuos. t'litiilo no freo. free. II. A. Klnney.dc'tri 1C1I Capitol Avenuo. AlL ! 83'-3 N.Y.I.Ifu llld'k' . FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parliti , OrendorfF & T. 0. Northwall , Martin Co. , GenorM western intent Corner Jonei and Uth ats. Hknnilhi Plow Co. , Omaha , Neb. I.H'.MtJl ' : Sherman nvo. FLOUR. E. L. Welch & Co , , E. T. Davis Mill Co. , 1012 .S" . ICtlistroct. C. (1. Uniterm ) ! ) I , J. K. MeCray. Mnnuccr. SlnnnBor ntOnnln. Mill at Henderson , Minn. Cor. 6th nml Jackson iti. S. F. Oilman , Oinalm Milling Co , , .Merchant Mlllon , ' 1011 K. IVtli Dtro'jt. Olllco nml Mill 1:113 : Noith C. K. lllnck - St ni'ior. : Kitli Street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Pur- Beobo & Runyau Fur- Co nitura Oo. nituro , , Succoisors toC.A. llcobo Kurnlturo nnil cnrpof , ft Co. . llKi-IU'J Fiirn.-un ( treat. inil lath Sis , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Kobiuson Not'ioa Co. , nnil Importer' of Johtiers ' Kent" furnulilnj zmli nutluni imd [ urnlaliliw m'f'U celulir.ito.1 br.in I "lliiek kln" ovoralK niuiH , ulilrti , coatH , uto. llll llownnljtreet. Cor 12tli mill Howard t . GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Konnaril Glass tmJ J. A , Fullar & Paint Co. , 1103-111' ' llarney trn9t. Umulia , Neb , Onnlii. Williau' Blaku , Bruod z J ) Ci ; unJ CUI South IDlU St. . . Oiunlin , Nel > . ( IllKllKl , Nob. GROCERIES. Alleu Broi , , MoOord , Brady & Oo. 1114 llarnoy ttraut , ntliiuiil U'livomtorth Omnlui , Neb. lm ) ; lia , Neltriukn , GUN POWDER. Uueh 0. Olark. ronl Wuntoni Animt of Iiupunfa Hi jrllnu ( liiu- liowiler , Atlui hlgliuiplu- ktve.llluitln. cap.fin * liagllurauy GRAIN AND PROVISION Tonomy & Bryan , S. A. MoWhortar Brokers , iirMn , protlilon SI3IH.Nntlll.nk llrokurl and Mock * . HIS s , 14th PrltalA nlrci to Ma St. I'rlrnto wlro to flit- Tork , ClilcntfO And tit * . St , lrfiil anil Nan VorV. boiiKlit for ll itrkot * J Oookrcll Bro&7 F , 0. Swtirta & nu , " . PrlTMo irlrci llrokorsOr lnl'roTlMon tO.V-w Uirk , CMcnffo A etc. Prlvnte wfro to at. ft. l.onl KpeclM niton- l.ouln nmt Clilcnxo , OHIO * llonKlvon to truck bMi In l l Nell llnnk.Onmlin onuri\ln. InNat'llUnk. Ktchnnca bMV , a. HARDWARE , Rector ( feWilliultiiyOo Lec-r/lark-AndrooJua Cor. loth nmf Jiwkfon ti Hardware Oo , 103-1110 llnrner stroat , Ontithn NeU IRON WORKS. Paxton & Viorlliig Onmha Safe ft Iron Iron Works , Works \\roiiBht ( inl eml iron , hullillni ; work , cnnlnc > i , Munuf'rs flre ml buml.tr t > m work , itnnarnl I'twit afe , TAiilH , Mil foundry , ninclilne unit mirk. It.in shutteri llJ tiliick mltli work. U. 1' . flre. e rin fv o An- IIj. ninl Ktli st. drccn.UthAJncktonili Wilson & Drnko , M'f'R tnbutsr nun * , fir * liot bollera. tnnkv ole- 1'loron nn > l lOlli mreali. LIQUORS. Her & Co. , William D.mt , I > liitir | Morchinti. \Vlno , l.lquon nlll > 'l- IIU Itirnny itr.nl. .Matinractiir'r.i Koimoly'i Knrs. Kntllnillalllttort. 1.11.1 l-'nrnim St. , OntVu L. Kirscht& Co. , Frick & llorlert-s Wholo.inlo I.lcjuor Dc.llerf Wlioleinlu MquorDcml jr 1XI rarn.im Htroo * POI - HH 9. 10th Ht R. R. Grotto , Importer nnd .luMnr nt \Vlnm nnd MIIUOM. 1070 unit Wt ! Kiirnain St. I'rlcu llsti o LUMBER. 0. W. Douglas & Oa John A. Wnkofioltl , Hnnlwooil Lumbar , land IVuiu nt.Mllnalikeo llydrnulln Cement ami 1310 Niirlli Idlh Ptraat. ( JiilncyVlilto l.luio. Oharlo ? R. Leo , Wy -Bullard Lum Itanlwooit lumber , woo.l ber Oo , cnri'cts ' nml iiuninat tltiorlnt ; . Will nmllzanl Strooti , Dili nml Cody & Gray , Louis Bradfonl , I.lmo. cement , etc. , eto . I.unibor , liiocomentiti ! cur , lull unit Douglna utroot. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stoneuill , I. Oborfohler & Co. , Mllllncrr , Notions Importer * nnd Jobbert la Clu.-Oci , Kta .Mllllncrr. 209,210nndVU South llth 110-113 S. 18th tOinilii ttrcct. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , BTO Max Meyer & Bro. Oo , A , Hospo , Jr. , St'f a Jeweler * , ilenlon In IMnnoi , Orcnni , ArtlstJ" Diimlcnl In truinunti , ulp. , Mnturlnls , Kto. , Knrn.nn tint ] IGth. 1.11.1 IKniKliu Street. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Itcllneil nnil lubrlcitlnj oils , nxlo Kruno : , ota It. II. llnth , .Man-war. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. N'otloo to ' ( ) iili-u'lirH. Illds will ho received until Hatnrday , July 11 , ih ! l. for the ttrudliiK "f atiuu live and one- half miles of road nnd the building of two bridges between thirty and forty feet lu length , In Columbus township , PluUo county , Nebraska. The right to reject any ur all bids Is ri.'Mirvecl. I'nr p.irllculiun apply tn J -l ; . ! * ) M A.O. 1'lfKKTT. Clerk Columbus Towmblp. riiur territory ut ouco. AiJdru TUIS i-i. i.tt.i3 i'LOTllKB LINK CO. , U Uuriugu SU , Weico Ul Uwui