Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Yale Wan Only In the Oontest to Shut Oat a
Default ,
Hlroko nnd N'o. 7 Worn Madly Unttlcd
Story of tlio H-.iire O.iy Mocnos
tins Clnmlo TliuiiiOH'
Nrw LONDON , Conn. , Juno 20. Harvard
won the battle of universities. She won
easily and earned the race well. It Is not
likely thnt holler , stronger , steadier and
moro beautiful rowing has over boon scon by
any sot of men over out on the water by
any of our colleges. At thu end of the long
four-mllo pull the Harvard eight , line terra
cotta statutes , nil covered with squirming
muscles and shining with their work as
tnouuh they had been waxed , seemed as
fresh ns when they started.
To describe n race so that the most kind
nnd willing render may Imagine thnt no snw
It , Is not to bo thought of. How shall ono
make words to describe n terrible slrugglo of
twenty minutes twenty minutes of
ceaseless yelling , screaming nnd blow
ing of steamboat whistles , twenty
wild minutes , during which 2,000 girls
with crimson decorations Jumped steadily up
nnd down without even thinking of such a
thing , M stopping , while crimson men hurt
their vocal chords , swore their host oaths ,
nnd , too wild to bo sordid , forgot to remem
ber that. Hush times loomed ahead , and that
their little crimson dollar. ) would soon becoming
coming homo bringing blue dollars with
them. Then how Is unyono to describe these
2,000 girls In blue , blue outside nnd blue
inside , rolling blue eyes to heaven , squeezing
their little hands together until their tips got
blue , but nevertheless heroically shouting
comfort to the blue oarsmen whom they loved
sopnssionntoly nnd who nulled so hj-nvely
nnd hopelessly In the horrid crimson wnko.
Could anyone describe those girls I Cer
tainty not. And as for the blue young men ,
if IJossuot of Franco cnmo back from Iho
grave ( for ho made n specialty of funeral
orations ) ho might make a fccblo attempt to
stnggor nl Ihcm. II wan terrible for those
blue hoys.
Think of knowing thnt your men can't lose ,
and then having Ihom simply thrashed to
Think of drinking champagne for dinner
nnd then nil through the sultry , dusty evenIng -
Ing yelling "Any part of $10,000 on Yale1
and then lo wake up to the fact that odds of
1,000,000 to I , though seldom given , could not
hnvo been enough , for Yale had been bcnten
out of her boots.
This Is how the sad thing came nbout. Tlio
Thames river , anxious , lilto all rivers , to im
press the big ocean with its importance ,
spreads out wide as it guts down to-Now
London nnd muke < a line place for rowing
races , Thnt U whore the race came off to
day , as It bos done for years.
Tlioy Know It Unu Coining.
The river was a fine sight. A gentle
breeze was blowing up the stream. The tide
wns going up , nnd the race therefore wjis lo
be UD Iho river instead of down. A Heel of
yachts , a grand collection of small boats nnd
n fleet of big sound steamboats , nil decorated
with gay colors , covered thu rivers' surface ,
each with it ; * nose pointed up strenm , ready
lo follow Iho racing boats or comfortably
anchored to see the shells skim by.
The stnrt wns to bo made Just above the
big railroad , nnd from there up n line of blue
nnd crimson lings marked the courso. The
nir wns full of excitement. Everyone felt
thnlsomolhlng wiis going to happen.
Thu Harvard men knew in their bones that
they were going to break Yaio's run of Uvo
snccossivo victories. Yale fell thnt she wns
going to glvo Harvard n sixth successive and
unparalleled licking. About the foot of the
brldgo supports poor , but gay 'and ' shouting
crowds were massed. Along the shore ,
wherever a view could ho had , farmers in
their wagons stood flicking flics from their
horses , while their daughters , very pretty ,
nnd sons , very brown , yelled Just like the
/rail beings on Iho yachts.
Along the edge of the river there strolchod
a most wonderful thing. It was a train of
thirty-four flat cars with nn awning nnd
rnlscd scats like n little Unrnum's circus on
wheels. That was the observation train. At
each end of it there wns n locomotive nnd
these two locomotives were needed , to drag
the wild yolllng crowd that filled every sent. .
In the circus. Seats were reserved and highly
paid for , and ll was a goodly sight to look
upon , cither for nn ordinary lover of gaiety
or for n stockholder In the road.
Opposite the rowers' qunriers up where
the finish was to be , boats and crowds were
packed thicker than unywhoro else. When
the time cnmo , which was 11 : ! U ) o'clock , a
small launch came out from the shore. She
carried a blue flag and pulled behind her u
racing shell , nnd had the Yale crow on board.
From another spot cnmo another launcn. She
nlso towed u shell ; she carried the Harvard
flag mid the Harvard crow. Twenty-live
minutes nftor II found the men throwlni ; off
Ihoir loose coats and Jerseys nnd gelling into
their boats. Five minutes later , nt almost
cxnctly U tfO , tbo referee gives the word and
they nro off. Klghl big men , united to the
wntst and beautifully reddened by the sun ,
sat straining every nerve In iheir boats.
Htory of the Itaoo.
When Iho crows were glvon Iho word Har
vard cuughl Iho water flrsl , and setting a
fast stroke of forty at once pushed
the bow of their boat slightly in
front. Yale started with a thirty-eight
stroke , and though they put a great deal of
power into Ihelr work Iho Yale boat did not
move ns qulcltly ns was expected. Harvard
held her fnst strokes for n short time , during
which she had , 1CU yards from the stnrt , in
creased her load to nearly one longth. For a
few strides both crows caught the swell and
Eplushod quite badly. Then settling down
ouch crow gnvo n very prtlty exhibition of
rowing. Tlio Harvard * , however , clearly
sending their boat along nt n botlor speed
thnn they have over Miown in practice , and
were gradually crooning away from Yalo.
Ynlo's work on the ether hand wai much
Inferior to that .scon In their dally practice ,
nnd there wns n perceptible hang of the boat
nftor every stroke.
At the half imllo Harvard led by a clear
length. All during Iho second half Harvard
continued to gain , Hero Iho steamers
crowded in on the beau nnd thu swell
caused both to do some ragged work for a
few Htroueu.
Nourlng the ic'.lo ' flag Harvard increased
tier lend to nearly Ihree lengths. From the
mile to the mlle nnd a half Harvard con
tinued to coin foot by foot , and It bocnmo
only u question of how many lengths Har
vard would defeat Yalo. In the next half
Harvard by strong ami steady work Increased
her load to nearly six lengths. Yale's boat
continued to settle and hang , and It was now
n procession.
Just after passing the navy yard the tug
Cassio got squarely into Harvard's course ,
and they wcru obliged to mane a wide s worvo.
Yale , however , profited little by this Inci
dent , and Harvard , geUIng back into their
course continued to widen the gap between
their bent und that of Yale. At two and a
bait miles Harvard had gained an additional
thnio lengths , und after passing the threa
aud a tinlf mlle flag they bud n good lead of
ten lengths ,
After passing the three and a half mlle
flag both crows settled down for a final spurt ,
aim hero again Harvard showed their super
iority In every way over the Now Huvoii
crew. Both crows did excellent work ,
but the Harvard shell continued to show
u steady gain , nnd they passed Iho finish
pulling forty strokes to the minute wb.Ho the
Vale , eleven length ! ) behind , rowed thirty-
auveii. Harvard' ' * crow rowed at ouco to
tliulr quarters und Yule paddled up to the
The offlclnls were ; Heferooa , William A.
Molklebam , Columbia ; Judge Law run co 10.
Soxlou , Harvard ; Deb Coolc , Yale. TimuM ,
Charles F. Adams , Harvard ; George A.
Adoe , Ynlo.
Slroko Onr > rn Uattlod.
The cause ot Yale's-unexpected and over
whelming defeat U found in thn fact that
two of her men , the two most important lu
the boat. Stroke Gould and Hagarmau No. 7 ,
were not equal to the occasion und lost their
head * .
As Harvard began to incroasa their lead
near the oud of the tint tulle , It wiu noticed
thnt Gould cut his strokes short and pulled
with diminished effect. The rest of the cro\v
Instead of keeping lima with Gould followed
Hagnrman's slroko. After n while llagar-
mnn became sllghllv rattled , the result being
thnt for the greater part of tbo race the men
In waist and bow followed the stroke set by
Captain Hrowstor. The difference In the
swing on the men wns slight , to bo sure , out
slight as it was , It was enough to cause
Ynlo's boat to hang porcoptlblv after each
stroke , nnd to settle so badly aft that the
bow frequently was out of water three or
four feet. Both crows were also proatly an
noyed by Iho swell from Iho big steamers
that followed the raco.
In speaking of this point Gcorgo Adco , the
well known Yale man , expressed himself
most emphatically nnd declared thnt Ynlo
ought not to row another race over tbo
Thames courso. Mr. Adco refused to criti
cise tbo work of tbocrow for publication , but
did not deny thai "sovon" or "eight" handi
capped tlm balance of the crew.
St. John Sheffield , n prominent Ynlo of
ficial , did not hesllnto lo any Hint Yaio's
work was n great disappointment , nnd that
ho rogrollcd very much that either Sims or
llrowstor had not been placed at Iho stroke
oar. A number of other Yale men declared
that Ynlo's crushing defeat wns duo to the
fact ihni they were oulrowcd by Harvard.
Ilob Cook disappeared down Iho harbor and
went to ono of the summer hotels , while the
Ynlu crow and tliolr friends boarded the 4
o'clock train for Now Haven. The Harvard
crow came down the river at 4 p. m. and
headed by standard bearers Hying the two
flags they won In loday's event , wont to the
I'iquot house , where thny were tonight ten
dered a reception.
AnvloiiH to Sell.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UKE.J At noon today It was
announced thai Iho Omaha loam had been
sold to n syndicate of SI. Paul gentlemen ,
headed by James J. Aborn , clerk of the mu
nicipal court , nnd Theodora / , Cowlos , man
aging editor of the Pioneer Press , for $ ll , .r > 00.
A decided hitch , however , occurred in the
afternoon , when an ncont of the Sioux City
tenm arrived and offered to soil the Iowa air-
grogalion , bag and bacgago , for $5,000. On
learning that the Omaha deal was nbout to
bo closed ho dropped his price to 1,000 , nnd
nskedfortlmo lo goto Sioux City and dis
cuss the situation with the owners. An
ngroumenl was reacted that no Iransfor of
either team should bo made until Monday.
Saints VH.Innors. .
CIIAIIIIOX , Nob. , Juno 2ti. [ Special to TUB
BKK.J The Sinners were defeated a second
tlrao yeslorday by the Saints and have prom
ised to sin no moro on the diamond. The at
tendance was good , and both sides were vig
orous ! } applauded when u lolorablo play was
mado--whleh was qullo often. The boys
were playing for n good cause ( beautifying
the comotorv ) nnd deserved the pralso they
received. The best playing wns done In the
third Inninj , when thoSninls received an
egg and Iho Sinners one bow-legged little
run. Thu score stood 23 to 20 in fnvor of the
Saints. Bntlerles : Powers mid Godsall ;
linbcock nnd O'Hnnlon. Umpire : Carllou.
I % 'l / , / , ItKTUKK E.
South Dakota Hound to lie Kuprc-
Ncnttd at tin ; World's Vnlr.
YA.NKTOX , S. D. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB DEI : . ] Ttio South Dakota
world's fnlr commission Is in session in this
cily. Organ Uation hns been completed , nnd
Ihe ollicers nro Fred T. Evans , Hot Springs ,
president ; T. II. Conn iff , Pierre , nnd F. G.
Halo , Scotland , vice presldonls ; Robert O.
Fisk , Gettysburg , secretary ; W. W.
Taylor , slilo treosuier , custodian of
exhibit funds through his term
of office ; executive committee , President
Evans , Vice President Halo , I , A. Burdlck ,
Aberdeen ; Porter Warner , Dead wood ;
Charles Keith , Volga.
A resolution providing for the election of n
board of lady managers nt some racet-
idg was passed. Oliver Gibbs , Jr. , of
Humsoy was elected general manager of
the exhibits. The next meeting vlll
Uiko place at Huron. Ono hundred and flvo
legislators hnvo ngrccd to atlond a special
session of Iho legislature without expense to
the stnto , nnd nine moro nro required to com-
nol the governor to call a special session.
President Loucks of the stnlo farmers' alli
ance , who was elected a member of Ihe com
mission from Iho south district , has declined
lo servo , aud is oxorlmg every influence to
prevent independent legislators from con
senting to attend the special legislature ses
sion. The commission is confident the neces
sary money will bo raised.
Taking of Testimony Continues.
STUUOIS , S. D. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bui : . ] At the opening of court Ibis
afternoon Sam Oliver was tailed lo Ibo sland
and loslllled to seeing the defendants shortly
after the shooting. The boys told him they
had trouble with Indians nnd had probably
killed ono or two. Sergeant Krouso wns called
nnd testified thnt these were the only Indlsus
In the neighborhood nnd did not number but
two bucks with squaws nnd children. Inter
preter Wells was called to the stand to
testify ns to the date of arrival of troops nnd
the number on the battlefield. At 4 o'clock
court adjourned until Monday morning , when
it is hoped that ether Indian v/ltnwsos will
Y. 3f. C. A. DiHtrloc Conference.
YOIIK , Nob. , Juno 20. ( Special Telegram
lo TUB 13KK. ] The Lincoln district Young
Men's Christian association con forouco con
vened hero this afternoon. The district in
cludes tbo couiitios of Lancaster , Seward ,
Hamilton , Polk , Hutlor nnd York. The
attendance is not as largo as expected on ac
count of Iho irregular running of trains. The
conference occupied Its flrsl oveulng by list
ening lo an address of welcome by Dr. B. F.
Farley , president of the homo association ,
and nn address by Hev. C. B. Newman of
Lincoln , after wnloh n reception wns hold.
This session will hist Saturday and Sunday ,
ISrnkomnii Fatally Injured.
Rt'i.0 , Nob. , Juno 20. ISpoclal Telegram
to Tns BKK , ] Jnmcs Hlgloy , twonly-slx
years old , n B. & M. freight brakeman ou a
train thnt left Atchlson nt 0 o'clock last
night , stopped between iwo cars whllo mak
ing n coupling nt Wblto Cloud lust night nnd
the wheels cut off his log nbovo the knoo.
Ho was brought with nil possible Imsto to
Hulo for surgical troaltnenl , but it wns three
hours before the surgeon saw him. He lost
n great deal of blood anil will probably die.
Ho lives at Nebraska City and has a wife.
. Death of u IMonocr.
Uviox , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKK. ] ' David C. Stu.irt , 0110 of the
pioneer settlers of Cass county , dlod at bis
homo near hero at 10 : ! 10 n. m. today. Uncle
Davy was born in Hoano county , Tennossuo ,
July 8 , 1801 , making him eighty-seven
years old. Ho came to Cuss county
forty-one years ago , nnd made his homo for
suvonil yonrii upon the spot where ho died
today. Two years ago , nt nu old settlers' re
union hold hero , ho wns nwardod a cane as
being Iho oldosl settler In the county.
Ntirvy Horse Thief.
Ei.woon , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bir. : . ] A Gorman , giving his name
us Gus Wilson , appeared here today before
Judge Coohruu , and plead guilty to horse
stoallng , nnd was sentenced to three years'
Imprisonment In the penitentiary. Ho flrst
stole a gray mart ) in Buffalo , traded in this
county , and then stele the same animal from
the party with whom ho traded. Ho admits
that ho is connected with a gang of thieves
In this county , but gives nothing away.
Died Iroin n IttittlcHiiako HI to.
GIUNT , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BKE.I Annie Peterson , a five-year-
old daughter of Glllchrlst Pulorson , living
eight miles northwest of Gwut , was bltton
by a rutttcanuko yesterday and dlod this
Sudden Death of a Veteran.
NOHDBK , Neb , , Juno 20. [ Special to TUB
BKI : . ] William Palmer , a prominent Grand
Army man in this sootlon , died suddenly ot
heart disease. Ho was on tbo streets in ap
parent good health thirty minutes before his
Deadly Work.
GIUITOX , Neb. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKK. ] A terrible accident oc
curred In this place today , Mrs. George F.
Halnny and Mrs. Tutro were both Instantly
killed by a west-bound special.
Five Thousand Pcoplo Taoklo a Bough
Proposition at Skeopskead.
Former Lose Their Money Imt Tlireo
ol' tlio fjatter iMay
Tllelr Idves Spoctl
HAV , N. Y. , Juno 20. Kaolne
was continued hero today before n crowd of
about five thousand persons , who , in trying
to keep cool nnd at the same time pick win
ners , bad a bard time of it. The card pro-
seated was made up of over night entries ,
but it was a good ono aud furnished some
first class sport.
The feature of the dny wtw the fifth race nt
seven furlongs , bents. Atlantic was an oven
money favorite and won the first heat in a
walk , but afterwards had to glvo way to
Lynn , who won tbo succeeding heats nnd
mco ns ho pleased. Of the other events the
llrsl went to the ravorlto , Drizzle , nftor n hot
finish ; the second to Air Shaft , a strong second -
end choice ; tlio third lo Birmuda , nlso u second
end choice ; Iho fourtn to ttio favorite , fairy ,
and the last to Admiral , who was at 2 to 1.
An accident happened In Iho third race
thai might hi vo resulted fatally. Hamilton
nttomptcd to mnko his run In thostrotch wit.
the favorite. Port Chester , when ho was In
terfered with nnd horse nnd rider went down
together. The horse rolled completely over
Hamilton , but fortunately did not hurt him.
I'lrst race , sweepstakes for throe-yoar-olds
and upwards , one mile. Klx starters : lrl/.lo ,
115 , (2 ( to I ) , won bv u nose from Uhcsapcako.
115. (7 ( to 2) ) . who was two lengths before CuS-
slus , 112 , (11 ( toft ) . Time : 1:113-5.
Second race , purse fl.iOJ , for two-year-olds ,
Holllns futurity courso. Toti starters : Air
Shaft , IjS , (4 ( to I ) , won easily by u lenglh from
Tremont. lii. : in to 5) ) , who boat Count , 'M , (20 ( to
1) ) , n length nnd n half. Time : 1 : t ) .
Third race , handicap HwpopstnhiM for threo-
yeur-olds , one mile anil a furlong. Savon
staiters : Phonograph went out wllh n rush
nnd whnn ho re.iched the turn was a length
before Lli/.lo with Ulchul and Bermuda u
length upart. This order provallol to tbo
last turn where Phonograph gave way to Lti-
zln and Lntircstnn moved to third place.
Iilzzln was Ilrst Into thu stretch with Blchal ,
Laurostnn , Iturinudu and Port Chester imxt.
Hamilton In the lust named wns pocketed nnd
in uttoinntliiK to coniu through he tripped on
KIcbnt'H hcols and foil.
In the seventh stretch Bermuda came
through upon the otitsldo mrl won n pretty
race from Uluhnl , ll'n. ' (5 ( to 1) ) . who beat Llz/.le ,
lull. (10 ( to 1) ) , n head. Time : l:5i'J. : (
Fourth race , sweepstakes , seven furlongs.
Peven starters : Falrv , 110 , ( Mo 5) ) . won by a
length and a half easily from . Kitty T. 105. (10 (
to 1) , who beutSIrrocco , 111) ) , (5 ( to 1) ) , a length.
Time : 1:2S : 2-5.
Fifth race , seven furlongs , boats. Tour
.starters : Atlantic. 70. ( fl to 5) ) , made nil the
running and won handily by n lenglh from
Lynn , ill. (7 ( to 2) ) , who boat Ilcck , 103. (10 ( to 1) ) ,
three lengths for the place , St. Luke was clls-
tanco'l. 112 , ' 3 to 1. ) In the second heat Atlan
tic sot tbo pace for a half when ho gave way
to Lynn , who galloped In nn easy winner by
two lengths , Beck was distanced , fn the third
and deciding boat Lynn mndu nil the running
and won by thirty lengths. Time : 1:23 : 1-5 ,
Sixth race , n hlghwclght hanilleap , ono mlle
nnd n quarter on thu turf. Seven starters :
Admiral. 118. (2 ( to I ) , won easily by half a
luiiztn from St , John. 117. (100 ( to I ) , who beat
Vengeur. 118. fJO to 1 ; , two lengths for place.
Time : 2:09. :
Disappointment 'at Chicago.
CHICAGO , Juno 20. The day was perfect
and 7,009 people saw every favorite bowled
over on a fast track at Washington park
today. There was no slake foaluro in Iho
card , but the six races were well contcslod.
The day's enjoyment was marred by a sad
accident in the firat raco. Miss Dixie , the
second cho'tco in the betting nnd ridden by
the well known and popular Jockey , Tom Brit-
ton , struck herself while in tbo back dtroteh
and fell. Britton was thrown against the
fence nnd was seriously injured. The boy
wns tenderly cared for by friends and rc-
uiovod to the hospital in nn unconscious
stato. Later it wns reported that ho hud
sustained a concussion of the brain aud was
in a serious condition.
Frank Kinney wns played by n select few
to win Iho first dash ; Miss Kenyan at 12 to 1 ,
won from Dan Kurtz after n hard drive.
Shipmnto was the "good thing" in the second -
end event. She opened at-I to 1 , bul2 > to 1
was the best to bo had about her chances at
the closo. She ran a very disappointing race
nnd finished last.
My Fellow was installed n red hot'Tiivorito
for the handicap. He was. never in it , Joe
Blackburn nt . " > to 1 winning handily ,
There wns no favorite in 'tho selling raco.
It was 4 and 5 to 1 thorn. Ira Ebrldo
won the inonoy. Faithful nt 5 to 1 won the
fifth rnco nnd n 0 to I chnuco wns successful
In thoslxlh. Following nro the details :
First racn. purse JODO , for two'-voar-olds. on-
tranoo $10 , three-fourths of u mile. Twelve
utartors : IConyon , 111 (12 ( to t ) . won by n nouk
from Dan Kurt111 (3 ( to 1) ) , who beat Frank
Klnnoy. Ill (5 ( to 1) ) , u length for the plueo.
Time : I : III.
Miss Dixie foil on the back stretch.
Second race , pnrso JC > 00. for tliryo-yenr-oldi ,
entrance $10. ono mllo. Six stirters : : Yalu ' 111 ,
H5 (5 ( to I ) , won by a short head from llal-
gowun , ll.r > ( - to I ) , who bout Hagen , H5 (3 ( to I ) a
length. Time : l:4'J'i. :
Third race , Immlleap , for three-year-olds
und upwards. * I5 enuh. with $ rsa udiloil. one
and one-sixth mllt . Seven uturtors : .loo
Blackburn , til (4 ( to I ) , won by a length from
Alolm. 115 (11) ( ) to 1) ) . who beat UIo. kner , 113 ( fi to
1) ) , a head. Time : 1:48' : ; .
Fourth race , purMi tru1. for threo-yonr-ohls
and upwards , soiling , one nnd ono-elghth
miles. Nine starters : Kd Kbrldo , 107 ( H to I ) ,
won by a neck from Kd Hopper , 107(5 ( to I ) ,
who boat Anna KUCC , 105 ( ll to 1) ) , a. length.
Time : l.Vl't. :
Fifth rnco , purse WTO. for throii-yoar-old
nnd upwarils , ono-mile nnd seventy yards.
Six starters. Faithful , 107 ( ! lo 1) ) , won by n
nook from Tom Ito.-ors , Iff (4 ( to 1) ) , who boat
y.endnr , M ) (8 ( to I ) , n. luneth. Time : lilli'i. '
Sixth rare. pure fiiOO , for throi-yenr-olds
nnd iipwn r 's , solllir , ' . one and ono-elgthth
miles. Nine sturtms Ilob'L. 117 ( t ! lo 1) ) , won by
n leimth from L'hnpmup. 112(2 ( to 1) ) , .Murle 1C ,
101 ( S to 1) ) , third , a Km nil away. Time : 1:50 : ! ; .
Had Accident , at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 20. The weather
wns wnrm nnd fnlr today and a great crowd
visltod Iho races. The honors "wore' evenly
divided bolwoeu Iho favorites nnd-lonu'shous.
Of the winners. Tramp , Virginia'nnd Mnmio
M , were the favorites and Wildroso , Askoy
nud Vldotto , the outsiders.
A lorlous accident occurred la. the flrst
race , In which Jockey Drain received Injuries
thnt may cost him his life , The ton horses
which were In the race were coming down
Iho slrolch In n good bunch when Van S. ,
ritldon by Drain , loft his feet and fell.
Lltllo Slslor , Hockot nnd T. W. , ridden ro-
spoctivily by Tnylor , Vnnduzon and Ezoll ,
piled up ever the fallen horse nnd jockey.
Vnnd uzeii and Tnylor o.xtricntfd themselves
from thu mass of kicking animals unhurt.
Drain nnd 10/ell were pickoil up unconscious ,
lizoll soon recovered , but Drain is still In a
precarious condlllon. Ills Injuries are con
sidered dangerous. None of Iho her os wore
hurl. The details :
I'lrst race , one-half mlle : Tramp won , Miss
1'ranols bceoml , Lucy Day third. Tlmu : 0:51. :
Second race , one-half mlle d , sh , fur horses
owned In Wynndotte county , Kansas , only :
Virginia won , Van S second , Jorold third.
Time : 0:5Uj. :
Third race , Kansas City .stoonyards handi
cap , one mlle ami scivonly yards : Wlldrosu
won , Florence Slaughter ! > ucond , Urrluk third.
Time : 1:41) : ) .
Fourth race , seven furlongs , boats. First
h < * at : Purth'an ' won. Dyer second , Klsle It
third. Tlmu : l-ll'i. : Second heat : Askoy won.
Klslo B second , Dyer third. Tlmu : 1:31. Third
beat : Askoy won , Parthian nocoml. Time :
Fifth nice , five furlongs : Voilulto won ,
llalllsher .seininil , pistlme third. Time : 1:0.1' : .
Sixth race , live furlongs : .Manilo M won ,
Ilohht second , Florence bhanus third. Time :
1 : oa'v .
Clone at Spi'iiiilleld. .
SrniMlFlKl.P , III. , Juno 20. This wris the
closing day of the Juno racoi of the Spring-
Held Driving club.
Threo-yPar-old pace : Won by Jesse L. Best
time : 2:24M. :
Frvo-for-all trot : Won by Dr. Sparks. Best
time : 2'JvVi. : )
2:4 : trot : Won by 1'rlvatu Joo. llesl time :
llesiiltH at llartrord.
HAiiTroun , Conn. , Juno 20. Haclng results
nt Charter Oak park today , the final :
2Sl : olnssi Iiluhtnlim flrst. Time : 3:23K : ,
2.Mli : , 2'S14 ; , StU } . . Amondor socund , Arago
Jil'j claas ; MOM Alice flrst. Time ; 2 > I9 ,
Pyraoiiso Declared OfT.
NEIIIUSK.V CrrxC' Nob. , Juno 2 . [ Special
Telegram to Tun bun.1 There were no races
nt Syracuse , anil.tho programme has been
declared off. The directors will nrranpo for
a two days' lancotliift on Tuesday nnd
Wednesday It'thowcnthor ' Is favorable.
City's Clinniplons.
CIT'V , lo. , June 20. Minneapolis
won from Kunshs City today In a pretty
game. Wilson lost the game for Knnsns
City. Sawders' pitched a magnificent game ,
hut the patched up team could not support
him ns ho deserved. Klllen was invincible
at critical times , bcoro :
KnnmM Cltr 0 00000000 0
Minneapolis 2 0 0 U 1 0 0 0 II
Thrco-linso lilts : HowclorK. Stolen II.I-IM : Mo-
( Hone. Dolililuiiliiyi : llunulo anil Wnnl. 2 ; Mo-
lilonn. lIuiiKln nnil Wnnl. Klr t lm-o on linll. * : ( lit
.Smvilnr * , A : oir Klllun , 3. lilt t > y I'Hchi'il tinll : Ward.
Struck out : lly Sowilir.41 bjr Klllvii. 2. I'aHvit
hill : : Wilson , S. wild pltchos : Hinvders. 2 ; Kll
leu , I. Tliun : Onu hour nnil thirty-live mhinto.t
Umpire : ( iiiilnuy.
(711 in OH Today and Tomorrow.
Jupiter Pluvlus.still hns It in for the ball
players. Ho hung on to the string nil dny
yesterday , aud the wnter came down In
rivers. Of COUMO the flrst of the Milwaukee
series could not bo played. This afternoon ,
however , they will got the second off If they
have to play In gondolas.
A greal crowd should bo on hand loday for
Iheso are really Iho gre.U games of Iho season.
If wo can take three straight from the
11 rowers the flag is as good as ours , thai is
if wo win oiiougn games afterwards. The
teams today will aland ns follows :
Omaha. Positions. Mllwanicro.
.Shannon Second I'etlt
Donnrlly Third ( irlm
Halllsnn ItlRht Hnrlo
KutflilTo Oatoh Sell river
Orlllln Middle llurko
McOnuley First Campion
Walsh Short .Shock
Twllchcll Loft. . . , Dalrymplo
Kltoljorg Pitch Uavlcs
Fared Mice Omaha.
DRXVBII , Col. , Juno 20. No game today ,
the Duluth club having been delayed by
Lixcoi.y , Nob. , Juno SO. The Lincoln-
Sioux City game was postponed on account
of rain.
Western AHSOI ; | UOII Standing.
1'lnyod. Won. Lost i'or Ct.
1'J ' .ten
20n :
: n
Chicago Wins and Goo * Into First
I'luun Onun Morn.
CHICAGO , Juno20. Chicago won the fourth
straight from the tailendors loday , making
most of their runs on very yellow errors of
Harrington , ICoounn and Uelllv. After hav
ing practically won the gntno Hutchin son letdown
down In the ninth and allowed" the visitors to
hit him safely four times. Uciilly made a
scratch four-bagger with the bases full.
Score :
Chicago 0 11-11
Olnclnnatl .1 7
lilts : Chicago , in ; Cincinnati , U. Errors :
Chicago. 2 ; Cincinnati. < . Karnod runs : Ohl-
cnco , H : Cincinnati , 5. llattorles : Hiituhlnso n
and Klltrldgo ; Klihies and Harrington.
Ci.Kvni.ANn , O. , Juno 20. The local tonm
pounded Iho ball all ever Iho field , knocking
King out of the box in tbo fifth Inning ,
Denny's ' brlllinnt playing , Miller's ' work nt
third nnd the batting of Davis , Denny nnd
Vlrtuo were Iho features of Iho gamo. Score :
Ohivolnnd 1 0238000 * 14
1'ltUburg 5
Hits : Cleveland , SI ; I'lttsbnrg. 8. Krrora :
Cleveland , 5 : 1'lttsbunr , fl. Earned runs :
Cleveland , 0 ; I'lttsburg , I. llatteries : Young
and Zlminor ; Kins , Maul and Maok.
PHILiDEi.i'iiiA , Juno 20. The Phllllos de
feated Brooklyn this afternoon in n close und
well played gamo. Cusshtn , formerly of the
Now Britain club , wai In the box for the
Quakers and showed up like an old timer.
Score :
Brooklyn 0 .1
1'lilladoliilila 0 2000101 * 4
Hits : Brooklyn. 8 ; I'hlludolnhln. 10. Errors :
Brooklyn , I : Philadelphia , - ' . Batteries : Tiirrv
ami Kinslow ; Cosslan and Clements. Kurneil
runs : Ilrooklyn , 1 ; I'JilladelphlaX' .
Nr.w Yoitic , Juno 20. Boston . nnd Now
York could not play here today rain.
Gladiator I'ote at linrgc.
Ci.EViii.iNii , O. , Juno 20. liight-fioldcr
Browning was tonight released by the Pitts-
burg ball club.
National lasmruo Standing.
Played. Won. f ost. for O't.
Obloneo SI 03 .mi
Now Vork ft'i 31 21 jyjii
Boston 51 20 25 .M7
Cleveland 0(1 ( 21) ) 27 .r > lH
Philadelphia 54 27 27 . Al
Ilriioklyn 55 2tl 20 .47,1
Plttshni-ff 52 SJ 33 : is.i
Cincinnati 51 20 34 JJ70
A31KltlV.lVl.l THI.V.
Kelly Unmercifully Hlnnghtorcd liy
the Commie ItrownH.
ST. Lou n , , Mo. , Juno 20. The Browns won
a jug-hundio game from the Clnciunatis
today by phenomenal batting. Mains pitched
two Innings , but hud to retira owing to sick
ness , IColly nnd Hurloy covering the points.
Kelly's slow curves were pounded unmerci
fully in the sixth nnd ninth Innings. An
drews nnd Johnston did splendid work in the
field. Score :
it. Louis . 0 3000210 3 15
Cincinnati . o 100 4
Illt > : St , Louis. 19 ; Olii'dnnatl ' , ft. Errors :
St. LouH , II ; Cincinnati. 5. llattorles : Nottl
und lloylo ; Malni , Kelly and Hurley. Earned
runs : St. Louis , 7 ; Cincinnati , 2.
11LT1' HAH A NHW HAM , .
BOSTOX , Mass. , June 20. BuflliiBton used
n now slow ball today nnd the Orioles could
not touch It. 1C lo vcn of them struck out , und
only ono made thti circuit , duo to an error of
Brown's. Score i '
lioiton . ! . ' . o o o 3 o 2 i o o o
iiiiliiinoro . . ; . . o oooo i o o o t
lilts : Boston , I ) ; Baltimore , fi. Errors : llos
ton. II ; Ilnitlmor-1 , I. Hatter es : Hiillllnx'ton
and Murphy ; Townsend , Mmldtm and Kobln-
son. Earned run * ; lloaton , ! l.
WASIIIXOTOV , 'Juno 2)1. Ferguson's do-
cislon In thu olghth Inning , declaring Boccher
out at third wjicn It was the universal
opinion that he was safe , materially helped
tbo Athletics lo will today's game Score :
Washington . V.'o 2
Athletics . , , . . , ,0 00 1 0 0 3 0 4
BIN ; Washington. 2 ; Athletics , 0. Errors :
Washington. 2 ; Atljtittlcs , 2. ll.Utorles : Cnr >
soy anil Lohnmrrt > 'Woyhln { and .Mllllin.
Eurned runs : Wellington , 2 ; Athletics. 3.
American Animation Standing'
Plnyo I. Won. Lost. Per Ot.
lloston 19 33 i'l .614
St. Louis M 41 Si .an
llaltlmorn M 3.1 25 JMl
Cincinnati ft ) iil ) ; jo .MO
Coliimbiu IVI 31 33 .40 }
Athletics CO ED 31 .4 0
Ixnilsvlllo 05 2(1 ( .40)1 )
\Vushlnulon 58 It )
Hedhot Gun 10.
ATI.IXTIC , la , , Juno 20. [ Special Tologratn
to Tun BKICarroll's : ) nrofesslonnl loam
cnmo ever yesterday and tackled Atlantic's
amateurs. Ttiuy won , but they dldu't have
the map the expected. Score :
Unrroll . 01000001 0 2
Atlunllj . 0 1
lllls : Atlantic , 5 ; Carroll. 7. Errors : At-
lantle. 2 ; t'urrull. 2. llatturles ; ilammoiid und
-Miners for Atliintlu ; I'luk.inl mul M alloy for
At Davenport Davenport , 10- Ottawa ,
At Cudur Humus Cedar Itnpld * ,
Jollot , C.
Church Ceremony Will BJ Colobnvted in
London nt Their Leisure.
Tour of Aiiiorlon Conlpinplated Ire-
latid'H Ijt'iuler Happy In tliu
Union rolltltJiil ICnVut
Not Coiisldfi-ctl.
| Cfl//rl(7/it / | ( / IVItlill Jd'NM ' fjimlnnTnil' / " . 1
UiiioiiTON' , Juno ' . ' ( ( . [ Now York Hernli'
Ciiblo-Simcint to TUB nii-Mr. : ) Parnoll
wnt interviewed today mid stilted In explana
tion of his itmrriugo that ho simply found It
impossible to procure a llconso In any church
In the country , and to prevent n colny of the
ceremony had It performed nt the registry
olllco , but declared that the service should bo
colobmtcd ncraln In London when ho is able
to put In a fortnight's residence in the me
tropolis. ThU will probably bo within a
After the election at Carlow ho will pro
ceed nt once to London , taking'his wife , ll
possible , though she i : handicapped by tlio
necessity of remaining near her lawyers , In
vlow of the approaching trial of the will suit
with her brothers regarding the Kltlmm
I'arnpll will In future tlovoto especial at
tention to the Irish Industrial question.
With reference to his projected American
visit , ho Intends , If poislblo. to visit tin
United Stnto.i in ttio autumn , and believes
ho will Hud public opinion entirely favorable.
Ills plans nro not yet settled , but bo hopes to
bo present nt the liulumoro convention.
I'arnoll said ho had not considered nor in
tended to consider the political effect of his
marriage , but was puMonnlly enjoying
greater happiness now than ho had over before -
fore experienced.
Political lOnVetol' tlio Vovo.
[ Copj/riyh' , IH > 1 , till Xcw Ynrk As&icluttilYm. . |
LONDONJuno'1) , ) . Mr. and Mrs. IVmuill
entertained some friends yoaterdny evening
at WoUingham Terrace , mid received today
several intimate frionds. Strong impression
prevails that Panicll's marnugo will rapidly
enable him to uo reinstated as Irish loader in
parliament , in splto of the fact that the
Catholic clergy will not nccopt the marnngo
as condoning his offense. If the feeling in
parliament reflects the sentiment of the
country , the marriage will become n big
political event.
No immediate restoration of confidence between -
tween I'arnoll and tlio liberal leaders Is pos
sible , nor is it probable that the faction fcutl
will end without long opposition from his
irreconcilable enemies , but tlio marrlngo has
deprived his fees of ono of their potent
weanons of attack. His moral position ns-
sured , political restoration , it is generally
believed , becomes n matter of time.
Mrs. Parnell talks of leaving Brighton and
taking a largo house in London. If she wins
tlio probate suit she will bo rich mid nblo to
entertain. These knowing her best soy she
aims to form n political and artistic salon to
crcato which she has capacities. Under her
onon advice Mr. Purnell will immediately
modify Ills tactics.
In the light with the MeCavthyitcs recon
ciliation will bo the watchword. Mr.
McCarthy has practically withdrawn from
the leadership of ills party on nccout of 111
health. Ho has consented , however ,
nominally to retain the chairmanship until
the leadership is settled in the liberation of
Messrs. Dillon and O'Crion.
Sir William Gordon Cumming's defense in
the baccarat case wherein ho proposed to explain -
plain how ho was suspected , has been sup
pressed by the advice of frionds. Sir Will
iam linds his social relations the same ns
over. The appearance of Sir William ns n
candidate for parliament in the next election
is being arranged for. A qulut canvass pro
ceeds in favor of nominating him in the con
servative Interest.
While aristocratic- circles are willing to
show themselves oblivious of Sir William's
fault , thsre is a popular reaction in tuvor of
the prince of Willed. A uioro hearty recep
tion never preeted the prince than on the
occasion of his public appearances this week.
The vlgilunco committee in Wbiteohnpol
has boon reawakened to nativity l > y
nn undoubted warning from Jack
tbo Hipper. A letter identical in
style and writing with previous
missives from Jack the Hipper has been re
ceived by the chairman of the vlgllants in
which Jack announces that ho is about to per
form another operation mid that if the chair
man of vigihi'.its attempts to track him ho
will knit'o thorn to the heart. It U the duty
of tue Dolice , ho saya , to catch him. Ho adds
that ho has boon nearly cuugnttwico , but Unit
ho will ncvor bo taken nlivo.
\VIII ISxulitdo Hopnrtnrs.
Loxno.v , Juno 0. Parnell declares that
ho will visit London Immediately nftor the
elections nt Cnrlow lor n successor In parlia
ment to the Into O'Gorman Malun.
In referring to the contemplated religious
ceremony , ho said that ho would do his best
to prevent outsiders from Doing present ,
"especially roportcM. " When asked If ho in
tended to tnko an active part In the Cnrlow
election , Mr. Parnell replied : "I shall cer
tainly go to Cnrlow ; In fact. I will start to
morrow If I can possibly manage to do so. I
am confident that wo shall .win. "
The elect on U nwy bo stated is the only
contest since the O'Shoa divorce proceedings
which Mr. Parnoll has had n chance of win
ning. IIo will take Mrs. Purnell with him to
Carlow if ho can conveniently do so , but
Mrs. Parnell is known to bo n bad sailor mid
on the other hand she Is compelled to remain
near her lawyers owing to the coming trial
of the will suit in whlcn she and her brothers
nro interested in respect to the Klthom
Mr. Parnoll intends to devote special at
tention to the Irish Industrial question in
which ho is more Interested than In any other
at present. Recently Mr. Pnrncll has given
support to Mr. Balfour's Irish land
bill , believing that It Is a well
conceived measure nnd that it will bo well
carried out. Mr. Parnoll bollovos that the
measure referred to will greatly bcnollt both
[ ho Irish tonant.1 nnd tlio Irish Inml ownors.
In conclusion Mr. Parnull snid that ho in-
ornli to visit the United States during ttio
coming autumn , being of tlio opinion that
Lho sentiment of the Irish nnd Irish-Ameri
cans on the other Mdo ot the Atlantic Is In
ils fnvor. ilo will try to attend the Irish
uitloiml convention to bo held nt Baltimore
during the fall.
When Mr. Parnell wai ashed what ho
thought would bo the political otlcct of his
marriage , ho said that ho hud not trivnn the
inosllon n tliought nnd that ho did not In
tend tc think of what thn effect of his mar
riage would bo. He nnd his wlfo , ho ex
plained , voro perfectly h.ippy , nnd ho was
low experiencing greater nappinoss thnn
over previously uunng ttio course of hU
Ufa.The reporter with whom Mr. Parnell had
this Interview adds : " 1 never saw
Mr. Parnoll In n more healthy condition erin
in better spirits. "
Tlio MaHlur IMumboi-H. , O. , Juno 'M. The master
plumbers have rcconslclnrod their action In
recommending Murray for appointment ui
chief of the sanitary plumbing bureau at tlio
world's fair and have elootod Andrew P.
Young of Chicago Jotoph A. Me-
Donald of Baltimore was chosen president ,
and Washington won llxod on at the next
place of meeting.
Tlio KliiK.Murdup Trial.
'iu * , Tenn. , Juno 5. The arguments
In the King trial wuro resumed In the criml-
nnl oourt this morning. Mr. Mltehuii of
Mississippi concluded his speech for the defense -
fonso and was followed by Mr. Thornton for
tbo sumo sldo. ( , on oral Iviiko Wrlirlit con
sumed the balnnce of the sostlon in an argu
ment for the state. Ho will roiuino tomor
Hlddliid l > y Lightning.
FIIBMONT , Neb. , Juno 3(1. ( - ( Special Tolo-
grutn to TUB One , ; -During the heavy rain
storm today J. C. Plot's line resldonco on
North Broad street was struck by lightning
nnd two rooms badly riddled. Mrs , I''lor and
daughter miraculously escaped , receiving
only slight shocks from the lightning which
played all about them. The damngo to tbo
resldonco was about $100 , fully Insured.
fin in : ittn.iT.tii nv1.1,1 ox *
KnormoiiH Quantity Stored In tlio
Mint * of tlio Country.
WASIIINOTOX. Juno lid. The trade dollar
bullion which U to bo coined Into standard
dollars Is stored In the mints nt Philadelphia
nnd New Orleans. It reuilu from the meltIng -
Ing into bars of tlio trade dollars redeemed nt
their face value under the net of March it ,
1SS7 , providing for the redemption of nil such
coins not mutilated , defaced or stamped , pre
sented within six months from the date of
the act.
The total number redeemed was T.IWU.OM , n
portion of which hnvo nlrondy boon coined
into subsidiary coin. The act of March It ,
IS01 , provides , however , that the balance
shall bo coined into standard silver dollars ,
and that this should bo donn "ns soon ns
practicable. " Owing to the mandatory coin
age of 2,01)0,1)00 ) ) ounces of silver or * J.f > siooo
n month until the 1st proximo , under the net
of July U , 1S9J , It has boon Impracticable up
to this time la coin the trade dollar bullion
Into standard dollars.
Tbo amount stored nt Pnllndelphln Is 1-
M.'i , PJ3 line ounces nnd the amount nt Now
Orleans : tUW,7s'J ; ' line ounces. Tins will make
In all about 5,1IS'J31 stnndnrd dollars , n
not prollt above Its cost of a little over $ Mi- ) ,
( XX ) . The trade dollar weighs -ISO grains ,
while the stnndnrd dollar ' ' .
weighs -ll'J'.j , lenv-
ing a margin of prollt of 7' ' grains on
each dollar received. As a mailer of fact ,
howovrr , the plooiw wore nbr.iidod by wear
about o grains each.
It will take from three to four months to
execute tliii recolnngo and about two months
to rccolti the stock at Philadelphia. A largo
amount of subsidiary silver nnd mint coinniro
will nlso have to bo recoinod at Philadelphia
during the sumo potiod. The last conirross
made on appropriation of $ ir > l > ,00 < ) for the ro-
coinngo of the uncurrcnt fractional silver
coin now in the treasury , abraldcd bolon the
limit of tolerance.
Thn Is about ns much ns has boon nppro-
printed for the bust six or seven years nl-
togo'her. It Is estimated from what lias
already boon recolned that the loss which
tnls appropriation will reimburse will bo
about " > nor cent ; that it will pay the ioss on
the recoinngo of from l,000)00 ( ) to 1,000,000.
The demand for dimes continues unabated ,
and most of the rocolnugofortho present will
bo of that denomination , although " . > -ccnt
pieces may also bo coined at San Fran
The coinage of dimes during the Inst three
years has been $ ' 1,170-171 or ! llriiH,7U ( pieces ,
the principal part of which was executed at
the Philadelphia mint , taxing thnt mint with
Its cramped space to Its utmost capacity. It
is proposed to distribute this rocolnago bc-
twcon the coinngo of minor coin 1-cont < ind
5-cont nieces is conllnod to the mint at Phil
adelphia. This coinage has been very heavy
for several years. During the last
three years the coinngo of fi-cont
pieces amounted to $ .20,09.3,101 and the coin-
aeo of 1 cent pieces to SlaiH ! ) : ( , making n
total coinage of 3ISIi7 : ! > , ( i71.
This has all lieon absorbed by the public
nnd there Is every Indication that the demand
for these coins will continue largo for months
to came and add considerably to the work of
the Philadelphia mint. Tho" coinage nt tbo
mints nt San Francisco und Curson Cltv
after July 1 will bo conllnod to gold pieces
nnU such recolnngo of subsidiary silver coins
ns may bo required on the Paul tic coast.
Cornell Collusje CommonconiPiit.
MOUNT VKK.VON , lu. , Juno 'M. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BKI : . ! Cornell colloca com
mencement exercises closed yesterday. The
graduating clais numbered twenty-six. The
honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on
J. 13. Albrook , J. A. Ward and J. Bowman ;
the degree of A. M. on Hov. F. M. Coleman
nnd Prof. ( ! . L. Hill. The past year has boon
most prosperous with largoat nvorngo at
tendance in the history of the college. The
total number of students enrolled was ( MiS.
Prof. E. T. Djvino ot Philadelphia , secre
tary of Iho American uo.i lomy of political
and social science , has boon olectoJ to the
lirincipalshlp of the preparatory depart
ments. .
Hniik I'rc.sldont Sued.
CHICAGO , Juno 2(1. ( The IConoiha County
bank began suit In the United States dis
trict court today against George F. Harding ,
n wealthy attorney of this city , to recover
SI,500,000. The suit grows out of certain
transactions In 18M. (
At thnt time Harding was president of the
bank and it is alleged thnt ho took and un
justly retained notes , bills of exchange.
Ixjnds , deeds , etc. , to the amount of ? 100,00 ( )
belonging to the banlc and ether collateral
aggregating the amount sued for.
XKWN * ' YESTEKlt.t Y.
Additional gold amounting to $ .100,000 has
! ) cnii for export.
Thomas Harris ( colored ) was hnnscd nt
'hrovnport , li. : , for the murdorof Kllal'runk-
lln , his mistress.
The president has slsnnd tlio commission
lOpiiIiiU"- . Iv Uathbonu fourth assistant
[ XHlnmstor uenernl.
Mrs. Maine Hill , a woman supposed to ho
allllctod with lenrosy , died at lit-r home In
Itullalo county , Wisconsin.
l.oiuslioiomi'n employed nt Chicago docks
along the river have struck for an advancn of
r > cents nor hour In wages. Ono stuamshli )
Him granted the demand.
llomllioldnrs In I bo Minneapolis ft St. Louis
road will request W. II. Trnosdalo , ri'uunt ro-
oiver. In roj'onsldor his roilgnatlon HIM re
main n.s chief olllulal of the road.
During n lovers' quarrel nt Wiist Superior ,
WIs. , ( inor o Hnrkti shut Nelly Kklminr allsa
Nelly King , the cowboy dotoctlvc , and there
s M'arcrly any ehanco of her recovery.
The forthcoming crop bulletin of Illinois
tate department of agriculture will .show
that on . I line " 0 tbo "wn crop In noitbcrn di
vision of state was Id per CIMII. of iivuriixoi In
central portion , U.I ; and In southernu.1.
The alliance resolutions as reported by the
committed at Ijrand I'orli.s. N. I ) . , an > revised
imltt nur woman sulYrnuo , free toxl books and
lui niDrtgage resolutions , but demitiidlng
ovurnnu'iit ownu liliof | rallioads and silver
coinage In an cqu illty with gold.
A collision of frebiht trains occurred on the
Ti-xas ft I'nitlllu road within the corpnrnto
hulls of JolTorsun , Tux. , killing Instantly is.
M. ( loan , roar braUcman. It It. ( iratuiir. n
ramp , bos'dm ' about twunty-livo lu > vf cuttle.
oinpli'lnly demolishing the engines ami abuut
el btears. .
Tlio slenpor on the Northern I'aclllc loft the
rack ono mlle uo'.l of Kosobnil , .Mont. , Im-
ntisoof a washout. The car tlppod over In
ho water. Sixteen pi'oplo wuro In tbo ear and
overal wuro more or leas Injured , but not HU-
Irmsly. Among the ninnbor vi-ro the loin-
icrance orator I'ranels Murphy and wife of
'ltt.sluirn' . Mr. .Murphy's nobu wan biokon.
Ji > mn ? , '
Potsongor Rntos Will Bo Slashed Mondaj
By the Chicago & Alton.
Openly AcuitHud of UoHiM'vliiK "I"
olMlfin to t.lve Ilia Association nil
Advantage Unrllnuton Uo-
HIIIIUVS Commission
Juno 20. ( iencral Passenger
Agenl Charlton of the Alton road addressed
the following communication to Chairman
Finiey of the Western Passenger nisoclutlou
tliU afternoon :
"I nnvoyotir favor of the 21th lust , declin
ing to grant relief for the appeal ot the Chicago
cage , t Alton for reduced rates from Chlcnito
to St. Louis , Chicago nnd Kansas City nnd
Chicago to Denver. You do this on the
ground that the Chicago & Alton Is not en
titled to have the agreement ministered In It *
favor nnd it is thcroforo not necessary for
you to pans upon the merits of the applica
tion. II uppours to mo Unit n decision of
this character could ns easily have boon
made nt the meeting of the 2'ld Instant when
you received my lottorof the 20th nnd ought ,
in ordinary fairness , to have been made nt
the earliest date , and not now. You first
sought to delay the hearing until the 25th ,
and then on being urged , you naiiioit the 2'ld.
"To any disinterested outsider all this will
have the appearance of being nn effort to
cause delay on your part and put us nt a se
rious dlsadvnntngo for several days. 1 huvo
the pleasure to advise that wo have notified
the inlerstato commerce commission that , wo
will place In offecl on Monday the following
reduced rates : Chicago to St , Louis $0 ; Chi
t-ago to Kansas City ? 10 , Kansas Cltv to Chicago
cage $10. These rates nro rendered nec
essary by mileage tickets , and ex
cursion tickets being made practically
good to bearer on the lines of our competitors
nnd by misuse of one way llcltots from the
territory in which wo nro boycotted , such
tickels being sold for Iho express purpose of
being scalped over Iho lines of our compet
"Complete evidence of all this was placed
before you nt Ihe meeting of tlio 2Md nnd in
communications from lliis office prior to that
time. You hud nlso obtained on your own
part direct evidence of all this by tests In the
market nnd on the trains of our competitors
nnd you wefo good enough to explain at Iho
meeting to two lines nt least that the man
ner in which mileage tickets were manipu
lated In violation of the agreement was most
unsatisfactory to you.
"It was shown nt the meeting that on
these lines mileage tickets were mndo prnctl-
cally to bearer. The one faro rate named
hero between Chicaco nnd Kansas City
makes no lower rate for our compjtitors than
thov are now making on their own tlckuls ,
which are sold nl $20 for the round trip und
are made practically good to bearer. The
reduced one-way rate will not decrease the
ravonuo of our competitors and is absolutely
necessary for our protection. The same up-
plies to the rate from Chicago to St. Louis.
"Wo nro unnblo to take any other course as
Iho market is loaded with tlckuls at scalpers'-
rates and our competitors uro reaping n hnw
vest because of our forbearance , on which'
they have evidently boon counting too much.
Wo hold in reserve"tho right to make n rnlo
of W trom St. Louis lo Chicago and $ M from
Chicago to Denver contingent upon the be-
huvior of our competitors. After this want
ing if they full to reform wo shall hnvo lo
apply Iho proper remedies. "
Speaking today of Iho acllon of the Chicago ,
Burlington ft Quincy road in rosumlnr tlio
payment of passengers commissions In eastern
territory , Cieneral Passenger Agent liuatH
said :
"Tho report ns It has been published places
us In n fnlso position. Wo have resumed the
payment of commissions ton limited extent
but have not violated our agreement with
the board of rulings.
"Somo of tbo eastern roadu have nol
carried out the agreement , and consequently
wo have not had that protection which was a
condition of our compliance with the request
of thu board of rulings. Wo no longer feel
bound not to pav commissions to the agents of
these roads , which are six or seven in number
and confined to the Central Traffic iissocmlion
territory. Accordingly we have given notice ,
which Is now effective , of the resumption of
commission paving to those parties. "
Of coin-so the othnr roads will follow the
Burlington's example.
Minister Clark K i" > rtnd Dead.
MOsc-ATiNi : , In. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele-
graui lo Tin : Br.K.J A report has been re
ceived hero of the death ot Hon. Alexander
Clark , the well known colored man who was
recently appointed minister nnd consul general -
oral to Liberia , Africa. It came In n letter
to his son-in-law , Ueorgo W. Appleton. from
John Sims of the semite postollico In Wash
ington , dated the 2id ! Inst. Mr. Sims says
the stale department received u cablegram ,
dated Juno ! t , announcing Mr. Clark's death ,
but giving no particulars. Mr. Appleton at
once telegraphed to Assistant Secretary ot
State Whnrton , In [ Hiring If tlio i-oiwrt is
true but up to n late hour hud not received
n rnply. There seems but slight reason ,
however , to doubt the truthfulness of Mr.
Sims' statement , us ho made particular In
quiry al the state department , nnd found the
rumor he hud heard to bo correct.
The 1'ni-iH linkers' Strike.
PAIIIS , Juno20. In splto of the bakers'
demonstration yesterday It is now atnled lhat
the majority of thai In do have not strui-k.
Today the hakories are guarded by police nnd
military. Arrangements to supply the mas
ter bakers with all the bread Ihoy require
liavo been mado.
Two Texas N ijroi H IjynHicd.
DAINUKIIPIKI.I ) , Tex. , Juno 20. Noivs has
just boon received that two negroes living in
Cass county , ton miles east of hero , were taken
out and shot by unknown parties. One of
the negroes baa a notoriously bad lopututlon ,
which Is supposed to bo the cause of nil
doath. _
Only Oil" tirndinUe.
OOAM.U.I , Nob. , Juno 20.-- [ Special Tele-
grnm to Tin : Bii : ; . | The doling exorcise *
of the public schools at , this place ivn < lulJ-
todny and Miss Kloanor Iliekox win the only
graduate. Shu was presented with u diploma
by II. L. ( iould.
Is prepared from Sarsnparllln , Dandelion , Is the best blood purifier before the public.
eradicates Impurity , and cures Scrofula
Her- U every
Mandrake , Dock , I'lpslssewa , Juniper -
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Sick Headache , Indigestion
lion Dyspepsia , Illllousncss ,
table remedies. The combination , propoi
and preparation are peculiar to Hood's S.irs.v gestion , General Debility , Catarrh , lllicuma-
, and Liver Complaints. It overcomes
tlsm Kidney
narllla , giving It curative pi.wor not possessed ,
liy other medicines. It effects rcmarkablu comes that cxtremo tired fecllig , ami builds
cures where others fall. up the system ,
111 consider Hood's Sarsaparllla the best " Hood's Sarsapa.Ilia was a God-send to mo ,
for It cured mo of Dyspepsia and liver complaint
medicine I over used. 11 gives mo an appetite * "
mid refreshing sleni' ' . and kpcpa the cold out. " plaint with which 1 had suffered 20 ycar-i.
' . . Huii.MiiiCK , South Pallsburs , N. Y.
J. S. I'ooo , 100 Spruce Street , 1'ortlaud , Mu. J. II.
' I made " Hood's Sarsaparllla takes less time an v
11 When I bouglit Hood's Sarsaparllla .
Investment of one dollar In medicine quantity to show Its clfcct than any other prep.
a good aratlon. " Mils. C. A. HUIHIAIID , N. Chill , N. Y.
for tlm first time. It has driven off rheumatism
" wife had very poor health for a Ions
tism and Improved my appetite so much that "My
boarding mistress says I must keep U time , suffering from Indigestion , poor appetite
. She tried everything
lucked lip or she will bo obliged to raise my tite , and constant headache.
could hoar of , but found no relief till
hoard with every other lioarder that takes thing we
' . She U now
Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Sarsaparllla. " THOMAS DUIUIKLL , slio
the third bottle , and never felt belter
W Tlllary Street , Ilrooklyn. N. Y. taking
In her life. We feel It our duty to recommend
" I rind Hood's SarsaparllU the beat remedy
. " ( iKoiiui ! SoMKit-
for Impure blood I ever used. " M. II. lUxTKii , It to every 0110 wo know.
ticket agent , 1' . & It. ltd. . Hound llrook , N. J. VII.I.K , Murelaml , Cook County , III.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla
l " drujgUU. II ' ' " ' 8J. l'tei | r d
' SolJ >
1 y
. , ' & <
alt druiCKlili. ' * ' P
Bold br Lowell. M .
' I. HOOU4CO , Apotli rl u.
b/O 1 HOi'U * : CO. , AMI' " ' * ' < I < 0"cll > MMI < 'byf
I Ono Dollar
1OO Doses One Dollar | OO Doaoa