TT-TTi ! ( TMAT-TA DATTW REHK' TTiTnAY .TfTNTT 2fi. 1fini. 8PEG1RL NOTJOE8. f A DVLHTISK.MENT.S KOII TIIKSB COLUMNS VV. will he taken until 12 . < ) p.m for tliu cvcnlnff knil until 8.30pm for Itiu morning or Sunday nil Hate * Hltualtons Wanted ' "MalottelpWanleil , " "Female Help Wanted I'-i cents it word Mm Imor lion end I cent n word theteiiltcr All ollinr ndver tlsr-nicnts In llifff column * 5 cents n vronl llr t Inser tlon and I'iennHa ' wonl thereafter , or 12 per line vermouth No advertisement taken for IPX tlmn i. ' , routs l < t Ilio nrcl Insertion Terms rash In ml Ynnee Initial * , nmire' , symbols , etc , eachcount ns fi word .Ml mlvertlM'iiietiU must mil rnn ncii lively Advertisers , by rcitie | < llnB a rtmnlieriHt check , rnn linto their nn wi is mlilrvrrml to n limn l/crcrt letter In euro of 'I III HKE Answers i"i nil fircMcd will bo delivered only on presentation uf the check TiHAM'H OKKICKSAliVI 111 l INr IfillTIIKSU Ji columns lll IIP tnkeii on thu nliovo conditions Ht the following liimlniM limnes. who nro ntithor Ircrl to tnke specl il notli es nt tha same rates at can beliad nt themaln otliee . . . . FoiithOmalin Ofllei' No 2023 Nelrcet , Lli- .lohn'w llnll , Pharmacist , lltli nr.d Mnnon strceti H II Knrnsworth I'linrmnclsl , 211'iCtimltiK street W J Illinium , I'lmrmiitlit CJIN. Ilitli street flenruc W 1'orr , rimrniHClst , 1713 I-vnvi'imorth Irppt IliiRhcV Pharmacy , 21th nnd Fa rnn m SITUATIONS AVANTGO _ o , tie. , tte ton nf flirt column on tin * wigc. lYA YorNiVlAN' . A I'lAf'K C > r nj klnil In wholesale or ri'tnll IIIHUM ; sntl f.ic tory references : stionk anil wrllo nngllsh nnd ( lur Inan. Address SG , lleo. MUS2rt' WANTIID SITUATION IIY A VOUNO LADY A stonoKrnphiirVlllliu to commoncu on nmnll ( alary AdilrosiS 1. lleoolllco Mfd 2S WANTKD , A J.ADY DK3IHKS A POSITION A nn working hoti'okecper , need nonnntrosn. t ifos reasonable Address S J , llco M.Vil 20 - 11V WIDOW LADY AS HOI SC. A-SITUATION of rooms , liavo reference" ! Art Cress IIIlleoolllce ) M12I 2t ! - A SITUATION 11V A YOUNTI MAN A-WAN1KD Gorman nnd American ne < | iinlnlnil Vlth thn clothing nnd ( 'merry biislneM no objec tions to leaving city. Address ItM , llcuolllco 29 2.V - ' . WANTC.D A POSITION IN LAH oratory by wnll experienced Knullnhmnn Will nccopt small salary to begin Dr. Masters , ' 'W P Bt , Lincoln , Nob. Si02H - WANTHD. POSITION IIV A YOUNO LADY AS clerk In onicaor store , koveral years experience Acldrcm , It 61. llco M7 2J _ - WAS'TKI ) SITtrATIONS Kill OOOI ) OIKI.H ! AWAS'TKI ; roomn nro iilnnys f nil from On in to Cp m Cnnndlnn Kniilormcnt | olllca , 31lj ) M IJtli TolephonoBHl ZH For rcila , tte. , tee tup of ft ft enlumn on l/is / I T > - WANT I'D , riJTTKIl AND TAILOH KOll COt'N- JJtry. Apply between 8 nnd Do clock this livening Bt Scott house. , Council Hlnirs A M Drew , ! 2'J U , -WANTKD , AN KXPKltlKNCKD HIITCIinil ; .llCeriuan preferred Apply to Cbns. Helnrlehi. Wakollold , Nub , , : i > . ' 7 * -WANTKD. A I1IIOOM TIKH , KIHST CLASS , at once 41" west 7tb streetGrand Island , Neb scri . ' -WANTKDUAILHOAI ) MKN KOU MONTANA , JLlIdnho and Washington ( heap fare Hiillrond laborer * for Iowa frc-e faro Kramer A Krniuer labor agency , 803 S llth Bt M 2u- -WANTKD 2 KIHSrCUSS MKN 1011 DAIHY B work AmcsAvo Dulr > J , I' Iloch Mli , - -CUTTKHS ANDTAII.OHS WAN'I KD OVIJH JJ 1,7011 bavo adopted tbo A D Uncle now method Numbers of them lire lending cutters of this c ontl ticnt , others nro on the wn > to fanio and fortune fraughtutl CutlliM bchool. M.JI327 * AOKNIS WANTKDONbALAUV Oil COM M TV slon Hrewer A Stannnrd , Nurserymen , Ottawa , ansas 2I" < K' -MKN OK GOOD ADDHHSS MKTHOt'OLITAN M'fg Co , 1COU Howard Omaha , or 1J7 N. Utti Lin coln. IJ-.JylS' "n WANTKI ) 100 MKN roil U II. WOIUC 1NWV- .looming nnd Poulh Dakota good wages. Albilubt I abor agency , 1120 1-iiriiHln street M'Ji3 -NO HALHSMKN WAN'I 111) TO SKU. OUH PHM. mlnni nursery stock , the largest nursery west of the Mississippi river , thu tlnest stock ; nil tbo new nnd old fruits ; the lowest prices nnd biggest pay to Agents ; money ndvnnced every week , outllt free Write us nt onco. a J Carpenter Co , I'alrbunNeb S77Jyl4 B OHGANmitS : WAN'I KD-KO AND $100 IN live iiiiinths ; tlrst ccrllllcito In IV ) clusn ditto July 1 , I&'JI , tlrst class organizers wanted , write for terms .Supremo loilkP. the Universal progressive league , 17. Washington street , lloslon , MastM71X M71X ) Jyl2 T > WANTKDMKN'IOTIIAVKL lOUOI'll CAV J'adlan nurseries Mono A Wellington , MaillHon , Win M.U. 0' T ) niGMONKYHIILLINt. I'llKLlKKori'T HAH .Dniun , only tW \ ) Agents wnntctl American Hook Co , Now York I.lfn biilblliig Oniiihn. Neb 7 ! . > Jy'J TJ-WANTI5D OHOAN1/IIKS MYTHK rilIiNILY : J'Abl society. Pays Its members Illx ) every six months lias paid RUXIOUO In benefits ltciur\n nnd benetlt fnni ] held In trust by the state of Mnnsa chusettH Terms liberal Address rrlvndly Aid so clety , Wuttlmm , Mass M5.A ) JyJ * O-WANTKDSALKSMr.NON 8ALAHY Oil COf- J'mlsslon to baudlu the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the uieatcst selling novelty ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In IUOHCC oncls ; no abrasion of pnper ; 2UO to MX ) per cent tire lit ; oim agent's sales nmounted to (020 In six anys , allot bur twin two hours Wo want onegen * cral iigent In each state ami territory I'or ti rnn end full particulars address tbo Monrou Krnscr Mfg Co I.H CrOBBOSls 2 > 7 AVA XTl ! ] 1 > K K M AI j U 11HI j 1 . ' 7i Ji'or tatif. etc. , tee tniinfflitt column nn till * j C/ttons / , keep books , good nngus UJoNoiv York Life , .M H.4 'i. ' -WANT ! ) , A KIIW I.AD1USTO COM address circulars , etc , nt homo : p angiigod Address , with stnmp , "II Vt'eukly , " ( th nnd Arch , Pbllit , | > . C-WANI'I ! ! ) . H13Kiui'.NCKS : llKQUIUP.l ) A uopinn to do cooklnx und Kcnoral houiework on ranch Wyomlnu l.nsy noik nnd uooil wnues ICzpunseb paid to Wyoming Wanted by July 7th Apply to Mrs ItomliiKton'Ihercsn I * . O , Coiucrio Co , Wyoming. Ill I 'u4 C NIrKD (1IHI , Hlt ) CKNlill.M. riof'Si ? work , itlso strong nur-o clrl .Mrs. M IMy. . -U,7 UoclKO street , opposltu hlvh M'hool M Ul 27 -WANTKI ) , ACOMI'KriINTIilltl , HH NLIl K and ncconct work. Mrs Ucorua 1'aterson , 3JJ1 Ilowaril st .M 117 J7 -WANTKDATONn : , YOUNC ( illll. TO TAKK rlmrKO or children anil assist In honsottork. Oood homo for nlconlrl Mrs I ) . O MuKwnn. lilt Bo 2 > ith st su ' 'o' C ( -WANTKI ) , A COOD ( illtlj VOU ( UIMMt , linusiinorkStill St Mnrj s uvo , . ' ; i-'J CC C WANTKI ) . riUST CLASS OlMIIIAIOIt KOll lliimmiinil typewriter Call JIOS liith st 2S.121 -WANTIID AN K.\FiTiTnNcii : ) NUIISII : "i.TmT lle t elly reforeitcc'H riHinlred ( ! eriuun 01 llo liemlnn preferred SliiHo 2ith street. .M.'I.V.'IJ < li-OH 1110XT I10UHKS. Fin t nfM. etc , tee layi of fli ' * t coliiinn on l/i / ( JMI/ . ' . liatb.eto. Apply O S hlirultur. 801 Y Life bldn. 4'.iQJy. < D KOll 11KNT. tfltOOM MODKItN I1OI SK , larKo barn , south front 2iUS Capitol n\enue. rent CiOtXi per month Also several small hiMi es well loc ilcid. HbrUerA I ) Donahoo .M.lil 2U KOH IIKNT , KLKISANT S HOOM HOUSl 'NtT IQUil I'aelllo street , llck | , N Y Life , Jl.2ii 11-TWO9 HOOM NKW IIH1CK HOUSliS , 2'irt ' . ' 073 JLMlarnu ) street. Suienton A Allenltxo i-nrnuin treut. .iii.a' -KOU IIKNT. KUHNISIIKD I1OUSK NINTi rooms mid barn Holbrook , I lleo bblg .111 Jriioiiis and orilce , on N Ibth , and tin sto'res now occupied by the Peoples maminotl. Initnllmunt lion * " , Webster nnd liilb Will rent Iho ttoro > ep nrui-wiy If ulshod hears , 1M N Y l.lfo Jill .10 1 l-KUTlNISIlKI ) HOUSK. ALL CONVKMKNOKS , J'Jnly 1st to boptembur Ut , M3 Addioss 110.1 Dougliii. , WJ 'S Ta HOOM IIOWK , ALL MODKIIN IMPUOVI ! laments trjl s 17tb M , 2 blocks from now ciper i lioiifo Nuw lioiiho mtli fiirimco. Sill . * J 1KOlt HKNT.SPI.KNDTDI I HlOM UKSlDKNcT : ! 4 all modern comeiilouici tinest location In city. HIS Turk nvo ; prc ent oieupuni , Mr S U lloeder , | io M < > Hlan lilvun July I , guud barn attached , will bold I houun ; liberal terms und long lento to light party Apply K.M Ike bid.ur 1021 Park tt\e John lrnut , ! TDKSIHAIIM : U-IIDOM iTousi : KOH IIKN r , t w J'per month ; inn , hot and cold xutur , balband Iiirnncu ; DodKeand 27lh streets IVed J llortli D-tOH IIKNT , 8KVKN UOOM llOUsK , MODKItN convunltnciK , clitern and well ; In KOOI I order , III. ) Howard strciot. K K Cook , Wl Now York l.lfu Jlulldlnu. M.M7 'i , ' Tr 'KN UOOM HOlKiK WITH 1IAIIN. J alilo location , moderate runt lleanl llros 1110 Douiilus street. Mw7 TArOUHUOOM KL KT toil IIKNT , H70s1i.lH J 'street , til 0) ) per nioiilh Imiulru In store J8I . ' ! " ] } F01I i IIKNT. 6-1IOOM CUITAUIS AND HAfll , JL/centrol. grtJO. 6 room ( oltacv , central , JIS.IX ) G room lOltuKe , uenr motor , f U 00. H room colluB * near motor , 110 00. I roam * unfurnished , 110 00 And luii buit renhlcnco tints In tha city. No tturiM. The M ait luv't Co , , 4U Hen lllJu VJJ B-KOIl IIKNT 1) ) UOtM 1IOUSK , MODKIIN CON- venlencet. W3 * IMtenpurt itreet. luaulra XS1 Datuniiorl street. 4S ) -S UOOM HOUSK. MODKIIN IMI'IIOVKSIKNTS. _ "jth barn. Knuulri ) . 1 ) N. I Jib st. _ j ai 1"\-KOll IIKNT. oOSl I1OUSKS AND tj ° .y > tluce-roa nouso. Imiulru J 1. 1IIII. iu > ! BoutU Uth. JIJVJ 21" D K YOU WISH TO IIKNT A HOUSK Oil STOUK MI 11. Ji. Cole , Coutlcuutttl block. XM ) FOR unsT noo.sna. i'or ratr * , < te. , trf tor ) nfJMt column on ( Mi jiousn Vnu ! iHTN-rTsToiiv li rooms with nil modrrn Inipnifcments , street < \\oidwOrtli , 1MJ Doinjlm frUOMorSBj < 'KYAHIl,8IlA iTllKK8 : , city nnd cistern water , nleitanl nclKliliorbiiinl. 1 blocks from street car * Illl H 7th avenue , or Hell's plinrmacy , cor llth anfl Mason V > 1 D-Klt HUNT HANIHOMi : II HOOM all moitern convpdb'ncei In perfect order pnveil streets motor nnd nllbln A minutes walk ul post- ntllcu Nnlhnn Shellon KU Kiirnam street M15I DKOIl iliNT L\llK ( NHMIII'.ll OK storcMlatsotc. KH ( | icr montb and up New , Hit 1st of cadi month. UiorituJ 1'iiul , 1UW tnrnam Hreet Wl lyj -N1IW MODKUS AND MOST Di : lllALLK IN the city Ihreu or four rooms suites Complctu for lioniukccpliiK bl3SZ2d street r L Von Horn Hll ) IIKNT , KOI'Il MUST CLASS Illlint houses , inquire uf llr ColImanolllce220S IMh 2aQ2'J _ _ _ D-STKAM HKATKD MODKUV ITiATS , 707 AND JWS Itilh slreot. I ! K Hinder , ISIS ) Karnam. _ 71)1 ) .127 ; 1V-HJII HUNT IOHOOM HOUSK. ALL MODKItN 1 Vlmproveiuenti * or will mill furniture N K cor 22d nnd llliuiey stsKoillit > n I'lnce , I.'O month U'i7 'u * -8 IIOOM C01TAOK , ClinAl' . 1NQ ave Mm Jyl ! -roil IIKNT NKW 7 UOOM 11OUSK. WITH itll modern Improvement ! ) , I block from Walnut Hill motor , $2.'i ( JO Tbco Olicn. 201 N Y l.lfo Sl' . , , 10 HOOM HOUSK CKNTUALLY JvlocBteilmodern Improvements 712 N. I'Jth. 35.1 -I oTfuKVrTHOOM HOUSK AND 11AHN , S2I S 27th street Apply on premises Dill 25 * -KM HUNT T HOOM HOUSK , 2072 IIAUNKV lniulra | A H Gladstone , U10 Douglas streetMK1 MK1 "H-8 HOOM 11HICKHOUSK , ALL CONVKv" I'lcnccs , f.'iUD I , room brick house , t20U ) . H I ! Cole , b Continental li2S \-IIOUSKS. . ALL KINIH-TIIHKi : NICKLY KUIl J nlsbeil lliindy A Co. H.II Cupltol nvcniio fe07 " KOU unx'r Ku'iVxlsiini ) iiooais. t'ni tjlci , etc , hfe to > oJlitlc * > liunn on I Mi iitiuf. Jlilns MM ; 1 I ? KOll HUNT Jl'LY AND AUGl'&T , I'UIl- J Jnlshed six room cottaxo , 1B1I Clarke street M3M 28' _ _ ruiiNisiini ) IIOOMS rou HUNT , SINOLKOH Ijon suiteM ] \ DoiiKlai street. MJ7J 2S * _ 1hOll HUNT , NICKLY UllNISHIJI ) COOL Ijrooms at northeast corner liith nnd Hownrd Lnwn uround bulldlug. 1-rom (7 00 to Jo u month 343 1 -2 NICK HIONT UOOMS 1 OH UT.NTJ.UMAN 1-Jonly , 2010 Davenport street 231 I-HIH.MSHID : HOO.MS ; HATH AND OAS 1721 J Doditc st MUAJ' i-tuiiNiaini : ) uooM.i'O ' ) CAPITOL AVHNUK , i J | 1M . _ _ 1 ? VKUY PLKASAN'T UtONT UOOM IN I'll ! -l vnto family for gentleman. 8Jj 3 2ilth street . > - ' ! E-HOOMH } 5 , J8 , II. , tI5 , U)7 ) N 18th. [ MIT ) .Iy2 _ _ _ _ - ' ' - HOOMS , LIGHT HOUSKKIUIP E-Kt'llNI'-HnD ' meniio _ b"9 - HOOMS , 1331 N 21ST NIIAH E-rUHNISHKD C..Jy7 * _ -LAUGH KHONT HOOM , 1701 Cnpllol n\enuo 413 uooais AND I'm tatn , etc. , ifc tt > i > nfjn it column on this iMut. " ' " ' - : ' 110NT IIOOM , IIOAHD 1 for two , f > ( X ) per week. 2011 llnrncy. Mll.r ) 23 * iTi-ron UIST : TO OKNTLKMIIN. NICHLT nu " nlshcd front room , nlcovo and b ly window Mod ern convenlc'iices , lawn , pilvalo family. ( , . . ! Geor Kin avenue , a 2'ith street _ 23J5 * 17 TWO SOUTH HOOMS WITH UOAHD Ifill I1 Douglas 915 31' 1 ? LAllfii : KlTHNISIini ) IIOOM AND HOAHD -1 In private family for two Kcntlemen ; room see end Moor , very cleslrnblo , location central , refer dices ruqiilred Address S 2 , llco N)5i23 ) ! * 171-FUHN'ISIIKI ) SKCOND STOIIY HOOMS TO JL' rent with board. 201 S tttli avenue MJ55 , IO - HOOMS AND HOAHD 2103 DOUGLAS. 1JIHOOMS ' 27129' li-DI.SIHAIlLi : HOOMS AND IIOAUD , 1S2J CIH- 1' CIKO MAUJ7 * U-llOOMS AND IIOAHD 1BJ ! DODGH i 17-DiMHAIU.iSncONIrLOOHHOOMSKlTHKH : : 1 furnished or tinlurnl > hcd , and board nt the 1 renter _ H , .N 2Jth street M571 Jy3 * 17' HOA11D AT YOUNG WOMKN'S 1 bomo , KM 3 17th street. 71X ) ) ylt > ' HOOMS AND KHtbT CLASS IIOAUD , 1101 CALI 'fqrnlu _ 6M 1)5 * 1-UUNItiIIKD HOO.M3 , IIOAHD , 25.T5 ST. F Mary's inenue. 621 JyJ I ? ' 1HK bT. CLAIIl EUHOl'KAN HOl'IIL , COlt i. llth and DodKo , will uinko low rates for rooms by thn week or month Hlth or without bonid 2V ) 17' LAHOl'.hOUTH 1 11ON MIOOM WITH ALCOVH , JL slniilo or en sulto ; with board Hefcrences. 2314 I'lininm llli 23 * KOR 1U3NT lYoOIttS XJNVUIINISIIKU For tales , etc. , fee fop nf flat calwnnontht * 7MW. ' ' YAiTlTAND tnTsiTnxJoiTpiiiVATu'nous'ij ! G sbaclu. 012 b " street 6bJ 'JSJ -roil uiiN"r \ UNKUHNISHKD HOOMS roil liousokcenliu to family without children City water.cte. I'rlcoJlJOO 1701 Webster street 7Jil I'or i attf , etc. , * cr. lo | > of flat column on tlits inae. ILMNIOMUW Kood board , nice rooms , modern conveniences ; rates and location In cannot bo excelled Mrs. Horn , Prop. M4ISI J-j * _ l-'Oll UKXT STORKS AM ) OPKICKS. I'arrntfn , etc. , fee tannf flia' column on this ON TIucOHNllfl I of llth uml Kunium , fJMII per month ; nlxo onu on lltb stictit , near Curnnm , ff > 00 per month John Hamlln , ' .117 S. 1 1th , Lin ton block M U. ! I tOUUKNr DIIs-K HOOM IN I1KST LOCATION -IIn the city , ground Hour G. K. Hiitta , 220 bouth IWli street MH1 20' T-STOlli : UOOMS AT 707 AND m > SOUTH ll.TlZ J steam hunted I ! 1' HIiiKor , 1319 I'.irnnni 05 J7 * 1-HHl HUNT TUU 4 SIOHY HHICIC IIUILDING Iwlth or without power , formerly occupied by the lieu I'lililhlllnn Co , ' .ill ! Kurimm st 'Iho build IIIK has a tlrepoof cement Imsemcnt , complete uteam hi titlnu \turet. . water on all thu Hours , gas etc Apply at the otlico of The lleo U15 T Tou uTNT : oii iAi.ur MY IIUILDING ON JJonen st , bet lUth and llth. . G A. I.liidqulst. , il ( ! S15lb _ 2111 1 1011HKNT DUSK UOOM , AT till N. Y MI'K Ibulldlui ; . 2t i T-VOll HUNT TIIK THHKi : STOIIV IIUICIC IhulIdlnK. IHO DoiiKlai struct , sultablo for wboleialo inirposai , tlio pur month Clias Kunf man , I Jti DouulnH street 2uJ KOll J-'orruf" , etf , kte In roliimn on till * jtaae. Y rAsruuK-i H A Vic NIW : PAsuii : jusr ' fenced foe horses and coin , 2i across of Umo and wlhlKrass ; ulllcall for and ilclhi-r , charges reasonable Inquire KMIIIS , Ibij 1'itvton block , or address Gcurtoci Gnns , Soutb L 'mini Mill JylV -KOH IIKNT "I'VTIIUNTlALI , J'A.NTON ill.K . < > Monday and Tbuindn ) ovenlu.'H , rent 'M. luclud Inu lUht.c'luvator , Janitor , Ice nnter , etu Apply to I' . J tiuckutt , manager , 20J New York l.lfu blclf _ § _ _ _ _ _ ' --liM -G'AHUKN TAHM TO HUNT T MUUH AY ' M273 AVAXTKII TO HUNT. _ ttt ton of flrt foliimii nit -v AN "i ' "HY A coupLNi : room , null board In prlvato family , nllhln 13 minutes' walk from lluo bulldlim , etuto terms Ail dross S 4. lleo MI71.'i | _ . " r ' ll h Aonxov. I'm nit' ! , etc , tretoi > offmt cnlninn nulhii ) X7 < J -II "r 8oLK lTvrAlT lTNCVrcON' ? INfiN" Jtill lllock 250 STOUAO12. r r ratet tte , , reetopnfflnt catwmn tin this pave. HJLKAN. Dll Y AND V'lll VATrT STtmAO JToT1 furniture Uuiulia titmo Itupalr Works , 1.M7 DcniKlas. M-Cll ' AND llh'Sr STOUAI1K Kll ) _ iiUure Wells , till Knrnam street 2ul M-OLDKST. CHKAPKVrAM ) HKhT 8TOHAGK huuju in city Williams A Cross , 1211 Harnuy M4J7 _ _ _ M-1IKST blOUAIlK 1IUILD1NO IN OMAHA , Koveriiiuent boiulod warehouse ; IiousehoUl K0od cared for lowest rates. W M. llushmaii , luli l iucunorth i AVAXTUU-TO H U Y. _ For nitei.rlc. , itt itapuf flrH : column on tlitt itqe. -A LK1HT SKCONI ) HAND DOUlll.K HAlf DOSS Addrcu II 81 , lleo o III CO. .M3U7 Zj * -WANTKITNDIlANlNKIIllA8KA8UpiuT\Tr : court reports. Address box 431 , Central city , Neb. m - : _ AT WANTKI ) TO 1IUY , ( IOOD IIKSIDKM'K LOT ilor houiu ami lot , or savernl lots located seas as to niaka a good bulldlBK lte , mint bo In ttrit class reildunca part or tbo city , l" rlli' unjwcrlng this ihould iflvo full daicrlpttaa uf property , lowest prlco , toruii , wbulbcr lDCUuibrd , ud K to bow much O IU , IStia. Wl WANTI3D-TO BUY. Fnr rater , tte. , > 't top of flrtt column nn WiU fx > 09 " " " , n. U , Vo < s , tOU Ut Nat bank hid * 28I-W I'or rntft , etr. , ctoflofflf ttnliimn on thk fiUj -f 6u SAIM , VuiiNi rim" OK A COMPLKTK Y room homo : will sell part or Iho whole Apply Wl N Y Life Ii'il ' g 3i l 20' _ _ KOlTHALU , IMHTY IIOINO BAST. HKATINO nnd nnsolne stoves , bed and ilrersnr. breakfast mill centre table seven itooil chairs nud laundry I ttnslls , AcMrs K M. , .I2d and CumliiK _ 33123 HOtHKIIOlit ) H'HNITflir. NKW AND SKC- enl band , for silo on easy pnymenti Call and examine before purchasing Store , I Id I llownrd st KOU SAMO-UOitSiS\V I'or term * , etc. , nf IDJ ) oflrnl column on t/iu fHU' i ) KOU SALK CIIKAP , A TKAM OK LIGHT 1 horses band made wngou and harness Address at once S 5 , lleo. MJ a & ' p-i'Oii SALK CIIKAP , i.imrr m.vss HOCK- ' nwny nnd good plnno box top butty , both In good order Inquire al room 207 , Omaha Nil Hank building il' < 0 > -HKAVY SPUIN'O WAGON toll SALK AT J K" _ 2703Lenvenworth nt. - P KA.M1LY IIOHSK.S KOllSALK SINOLK. DIUV- J ers or carriage teams Cnn furnish any kind of homo desired Call at C D Woodwortli A Co , or address T J Klemliig , Culhoun , Neb. TM p KOH SALK , i iiusi ; THU OLD KASHION I Morgan horses , truce direct to .liHtln Morgan Do yon want ono Direct to I. II , Dodge , Walnut , Ills AH al' i > -Toii SALI : KAMIIA CAHHIAGK LKK A 1 Nichols'stable 2 < th and Leuvenwortli MM /'or rctk . e'c , arc top nf flnt column ou Wi/i / ijf i \ , ' " " -l-Oll SALK , A NKW SSHTH P.'T' QlOll stand and attachments cheap at 4 - bldg MJ5' -foil SAM : , vitrroii SAKKTV niP7crn , NKW , . \HKiiit2i ) Init , Kood rondltlon , ( irlco IIUU Tea body.tho hnttur , iti \ 15th. M3U 2S Q-.Miitlt\ ) UOU.VI ) . $1,500. COSTH.OOO SKATS 4S homo power Aililruss A H , 123 Clnimlmr of Commurcu , I hlcuiro , III. M M 2j * 1 OH SAI.K , C ( > r 1C KII Hl'ANIKIi 1)0(1 , I'KDI- Q : Kreed Address Cockur , box 71. . Cltf. JIJ7U37 * Q-JMO Kl | ( JOOI ) SQtlAUI ! PIANO ; $100 IN monthly pnymrnls , flW In buggy , home or conn 13 V Hlnnur , lilii Kurnnni -f7 > OU 11UYS TWO UOOM IIOU8K AND 1IAH.V with two yi'nri leaao of eround on cable line U18 DotiKlas atrcot 151 3tl' Q-JUK ) W1M. IIUV A MAON1KICKNT Ul'UIOHT liliuio , ntnndnril nmku anil m Kood as now. In qulro after 7 o'clock uvunlngs at 2111) C'aldwoll at. 704 For ralfo , ftc , tee top of first column on tliti pcif. ( ! " \VAN f V"l : V To KXCliANlS i'ASTUIlAUK J Vfor the xervlcu of a good Jursujr bull. Addrcnii lloxSW , city MS.'B Jyl' Tr W/\SIIINlTON IH Till : WOIID MMN WITH 1901110 mcniiR. men willing ; to work and bo olid of n colony tlmt will build n urent city ou the 1'acltla coiiMt arc ) Invlti'il to InvcitlKuto thu pliuis of the WnshlnKtnn Colony Co Call early at Omaha bond quarter * , Mi uml il/J Ilrown building. 44'J ' . ' 'I 1J AT'AIK DltTviNitrrToRSK FOIt ITS KUIU'INO I Vhy a reliable ! intrty. Good usaKU and kucplnit Adilress K 47 , lli'o V 0 SI 1J WAN'I HI ) , CHADlNi ; , 11AOM.SO SAND , 151C , 1 Vfor pnit tin ) nicnt on lot or house und lot. R 1' ItliiKur , I5IU I'lirn 1111 ill * ) W K MASSVCI : TiinATMUNT , IIICTHOTIIIH. : : : mill biithi , nonli | tt. hnlr truatmcnt , ninnlcuro &ihlroiodlst. | Mrs 1'ost , 31'JJi , S 15th , Wltbnell hlk 273 1J KtlllNlTUHK BOUC.HT , SOLD , BTOIUID IvWcllg. 1111 hnriiam street. 271 IJ-GHKAT I1AHGAIN3 IN ALL KINDS OK .1KW- - * Vclry and silverware on account of tbo recent Ore S .lonnson , Karnam and llth uts 174 j O -PUOI l > SINALNUIlbK-MHS. ) S.II.UOUTON. R 1315 Cii.i.i streut. Oinnhn. 301-J.K ) OIjAlllVOYANTS. I'onate * , ctf. , see fop nf flint column o ( AID vaae. S -OO N lTbiirrub"lV ; WAUINMnlItM ( ] ! AND real uMroloKcr , nt .t.vJ N liith street HOOUOto any ono who cnn equ il him In tclllni ; vast , present and future cautliiu speedy niiirll.-ifoi , brlnulnu the separated tocether , and In blHlues alT.Uri bM nd > lcols Invnlunhle lie lolls > our nnme In full , aiks no iiiestlonsand | liven no cnnlsof any description In bis piolei lon batl fuctlnn ulvon or no pay. Consultation ft.o , lacllus , II UO , Keutlcmen. tl 00 _ M572 JyS" i MAbSAGB MADA5I 1)1:1 : 11:11 : , OVKIl filO S S ; I Itll SCO .1 JU S-JlllS NANNIi : V. WAUUKN , CJjAlIlVOYANT , trnnco apenklrtfr. wrltlnc and rollnhlo buslnesi medium four years In Omaha , 11) N loth , 2JO , ItATIIS , IOTO. Tor retted , tic , tee fop nf flrit column on tl\t * JL p.irlors , jtl Boor , 4JO S r > th treet MSS327 * fp-MASriAOH , MAUAMUDULZlUlt.OVKU 810 S 11 1 201) ) JyO PKHSONAI.S. 1'orta'ts , etc. , see tnpof fln-t colimuioit tM * ] > a < ie. U-COUHKSI'O.VD roil AMUSIJ-MlINTTlNSTIltlC tlon or mutrlmony 1 bo best correiponilenco bureau Particulars In plain sealed cnvclopo for IUO Lock Ilex 3.'ii. Omaha. iilli JJ7 * _ ANY ON 13 WHO WIM , bKND MM ONK TKIATj subscription for the Ladles' Homo Journal 8 iiiontliH for W cents before Jill ) lean roiurToZTio lor their tiotiblo i : C .Mnrrcll , 1914 Farimtu , Omaha , cuntostnnt for ? l OOP prlfn MliK ) n _ arUSlO , AllT AND IiANGUAGK. far ia' ' < M , ttc. , ace tV > uf Jlnl cnluinn on I/if / * pane. \r-1HK OSfoODIlY pclo. OK STKN ) ( ! . ' rapby , Uoehenter , N Y ThoroiiKh Instruction by mall Including manual , ruaclor and speed book , MOW Hooks supplied for self Instruction Krnrod syuopaU for 2 cunt stamp. TT TWO SIICONIHIAND PIANOS AT A GIIHAT T Inrgaln ; nprlKhts. Ml Chicago st. 15.ljylJ V l > 11IMI.S. [ UUAMMAK A Bl'KCIAI.TV. 1007 > Don 2TOJy2l irJKO K GKLLKNIIKCK , TKACHKIl OK THU ' banjo ; nlthllospu , 151J Douglas. 2)J \r WANTKD PUPILS KOU TIIK PIANO , OHOAN ' aud guitar by an experienced teacher , lately from Chicago Apply Wednesday evenings. 7 to S. at 107 S llitli M.K7 \r-HKI01lK HUY1NO A PIANO KXAMINK TIIK 1 now scale Klmball pluno A Hospol5t I Douglas .IX ) MONK Y TO LOAX-ItliArj KSTATi : . Forratei , etc , act loj ) ufjlmt toluvui onif ( / * jxiye. \ \ -KoT ) " "sVlOUT TIM iTl'Al'KU WANT15D ( T > u Vosi , ttW 1st Nut bank bld | { . 281 "J T\r-ANTlINY ) LOAN ANiTlllnT CO , flls N. Y ii Life , lend nt low rate for cbolco security on Nebraska or loiru farms , or Omaha city property MV09 _ \ \ -LOWKST IIATKS ON IlKAL KarATJ ! I.OAN8 M o .1 Caiwell. BltlN Y Life _ OTjjyS \V-CUAUANTIKD : MOIITGAHKS ON HAUI-Y. V > Tlnoor CuniliiK' and Htonlon Co , lands for sale by II r Clarke , II ) Hoard or Trade Vju \\r HKCON1) MOUTOAOK JXJANS KIIOM ISOO TO 51UIXX ) Alex .Moore , 401 lleo bulldlus .MUSI \\r iT 1-1:11 : CUNT "KIUST MOIITHAOI : LOANS" > > lUchurd C I'litterson , H07 Now York I.ifo. JIl,7 | \I3S ( ! WANTKD , l.OMr Oil 8I1OUT ti tlmo ( ieoriiu O Wallace , JIO J. J , Ilrown biilldliiK , Kith and DoiiKliis , Ml . . . MAIM : AT LOW IIATKS ON CITY property W M Harris , ll.-o , 1'ruiuer block , 4JO \\rHUlLDlVO LOANS 0107 PKH cVlNT , NO it nililltlonnleharnc's forconimlsslonorattornoy H fees W II .Milklo. Urst National bank bldg lit. TO LOAN o.v i 11 property nt current rates , funds on hand , uovlelay lien K Illust A Co ,203 Itumuo bbljt 274 \\r Till ! n\TUAIj IX > AN AND THUST CO il lias removed to The llco bulldliiK , main llooi , at rUht ofentrnnco. City loans at lowest rate * , c A Mnrr nmnaiiur. lijjyl'j ' ATHIO.NKY TO LOAN. J.I ) ZlTn K. AVoTi'i VU N V Lite 277 \\r MOHTllAf5K LOANS W.VNTKD , MLC.Milli : 'i Imestment company. ' 'Id \\r-MONKV TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKHTT 'i fidelity Trust company , 11)14 ) Karnam 27'j MONKY TO LOAN AT VKUY lowftttl" 11 II Iroy , SOON. V , Life , J12jO \ \ r-KiMiiAM * ciiAMi' \ UYAN ! II maku lonnn on Improved city proierty | ut lowest rules. \M \ > Kurnam stroet. 4)3 ) J30 \\r-CIIKAl1 MONKY1'HILA .MOll'ltiAtli : AND 11 Trust Co. . wants itllt eil-u loans lieo. W I1 Coates , repreientatlvu. 7 Hoard Trade _ 201 \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON CITY 1'IIOI'KUTY Oil oaiteru Nebraska K. K llink'fr 151'J Karnaiii _ 20Sji t\n mtei , etc. , net t < iti of flrit minimum Ihlt MONUY TO IXAN ON lioilSKS , WAiNS' ( furniture , pianos and cullut'atsecurlty. Uusliioss coundontlal I red Terry. 1UU , Itamgu lik. | 415 -MONKY LOANKD ON KUIIN1TUUK. I.1YK stock , clo , t toil months , without publicity , low- cut rates. Duff Ureen 119) ) Continental block 210-jn ' -.MONKY ON KUltNlTUIIK , 11OUSKS , KTC. Koytluno UorU'ua * Co , rouu 20D , Sheuly blkUMl r TO iqA.x-ciiATTrijS. Fortatei , ( te. , r lop nfjint column on Mil * p X MONISY TO LOA llY II K MASTKHS ON chattel and collatlcraV securities for any tlmo from 1 to II monthsIn anaainoiint lo suit borrower I ians madn on tionsBhWil goods , pianos , organs , horse1" , mule * , bouses , Ifiules. warnhnuvi receipts , cto. at the lowest rate * litf lbl < j without publicity or removal of property . ' My loans nro so arrnmtod tlmt yon cnn makn n nnvment of nny anionnl/in nnjr tlmo and rc'duco both principle and Interest If ) iui owen lnilnnieoa'jonr property or Imvo n loan that yon wnnt chnntred I will pay It oft and carry It for yon If yoiTUnd It moro convenient call tip telephonn it nil. four business will bo ar ranged at home Money always on bnnil No delay No publicity. Lowcsl rntcs " ' H K Mnsterii , Itoom 4 , Wltbnql ) b'k , IJtli and Hurney nt M .13 _ V-t'lUTTKI , UASK , ,11'JH UI'H LOA' I MONKY Von chattels or collateral l reason Hue rules U TmHixi5ss ciiAxons. /'or rnlci. f tc. , > tt lop of flrtt column on tM * ixic/f. A -A * SI'I.KNDID LOCATION MTH'T ToOD I physician in eastern Nebraska Addrcai II 1,1 , llco 314 Jti V-S1IOK DIIALKIts , I HAVK IttST J. i > lartto stock of tennis shoes 7. T Llm ey , US 1 V-tO'l ' SAI.K , I.UMBKIl YAlll ) AND HKSI- J clenco property. Only yard In town ( lood terri tory No yard nearer than nlnn miles Kor partlo- ulurs addrcst 1 * . O box J74McCool Juuctlon , Neb 8JI iS \r-HUSINK3S .MAN WANIKD COMI'KTKNT TO 1. run a uenernl supply store cotinec tc i with laruo manufnctiirlim business ; must bavo itood record and be able to Invest MOOJ In Rood dividend pnylnii concern Address U 57 lleo 805 , w VOI HALK , A 8TKAM LAUNDHY IN OMAHA. J-Oood business and location Address II .V > lleo . Mi 2i | AT" CASH PAID KOll KNDOWMKNT I'OLICIIIS IN Lold Una companies Sfiul description A K llrocklesby , box ill , Hartford , Conn 4WJylf V-KJH SAI.K A riiiyr CLASS , WILL : KSTAII I lUlu'il butcher bnilness In this city Hno fixtures nnd KIIOI ! cash trade lo anyone mennlnv business here Ii anoxeellont chnuco .Must ho sold In next sixty daytf .M A Upton Co , lice bulldlnir MWJ \r-.OIl | SAI.U A CLHAN 9TOCIC OK 1IAIU ) Jwnro tlnwnro nnd stovei Stock will Invoice about f 1,000 to $1,100. forca h or luirt eaili Anyone meaning builuess address H.ll. Keooillco MI'V , Jj5 * V WANTKI ) A HAIiK 1'AIITNKII IN 'l.IVr.UV 1 boarding and sale stable , J 1,000 Address I * I' ) , lleo. \r-KOH SALIC AN OM ) , WIILI , I'AYINO IISTA11 Lllshcd clear business , , good reasons given Address I * U , lleo M7S9 -noTnr. MIN : TAKK NOTICI : DO YOU WANT n KOod lii lno T Iluy the Commercial , thn loadliiK hotel at llrokcn How , Neb 400 FOll UXOIIANGK. Forratfi , etc , tee top nf first column on Mih rVfA N TRn KOKT Y At5ll KS I M 1'llOVH D. VITH /Jfrult , for line stock of Krocorles and llxturen ; Hood location In Omaha Inquire of II f1. lleo ofllcc. SI15'I23 > rTO ISVCHANGK , ONU yUAHTKIl HKCTION OK /Jlmproved land for a good seoond band bcarso Address boxSSti , U , llughvlllc , Neb , A , W Glenn. J17 20 * _ y-ciiuitcii HOWK A SON. iiowi : , NKII , fJoftfr for sale or exchange a line honl of reels tered Galloway cattle , conslitlnx of one bull , three yciiri * old , and twenty-llvt ! head of cows nnd heif ers , all tlrst clnis unltuals Alto two line trotting bred stallions , three and six yeirs old , standard , one Clyde nnd Ten heron stallion , ( t years old ' 1 hcie nro line Individuals and sure foal getters Also 15 or 20 standard producing mares In foal to standard HtnlllcniM Will sell any of the above stock chc'np for cash or etclmnjie for clear land or for steers , one , two or three years old M."J3 2i > 4 y rou K.XCIIANRI : voii DIIY GOODS oil 'Jclothlnit , a clean stock of Krocoile nnd fixtures , doing a good business , Inventory fJ,000. Address lock box 1313 , Lincoln , Nob. il.17 . " . ) WHATHAVH lOaTOTHADI ] IN AS KIUVP /-'payment on loom hoilse and full lot In North part of city , llalanco mouthly. O. L ( Jrcen. 47 llarkcr block. 2 0 23 rlIOIlbKS 1XU LOTS , 403 I1UOWN 1JUILD1NO -WHAT HAVK YOU [ TO , i\OIIANOi : : ? CALL Oil AJwrlto full particulars. Alex ilooro , 401 llco building. 7.10 _ _ Z TO HXCHAMJi : Kpjl CLIIAIl LOT. LA1UIK. stylish fuuilly borso and carriage. 412 Ilea bullil- lug. 150 _ _ y ion BAM : on RXCUANHI : IIY OWMUI ice A/acros of linn ) , le s than I miles Irom a thriving ton n In central NehruHka. Hoiipe , slnblo and well , 4" acres under cultivation , balinceuood hay land Abstract of title , averytblni ; complete Address UUllcoollico. MI71 , 4) ' yKOll II.VCHANGH , CtlOICi : LOTS , CL1IAH 0ll /Jmodcrn cottiiRO II to Ortfoms , will a sumo Incnm briinco ; location wcatoraviitUwcst. K. f. Hliipcr. ' I anuiill. , rTO KVCHANOIS COIINIIU KACINO HANS- f-icom Turk and llvo other Kood lots forChlcaeo residence property Address O 40. lleo. 16U2t ! KOlt SAIjK RIOAIj HSTATH. , J all modern , east front , lurffo barn. 20 < i H. < llst ave nue boveral Hiuall clwelllnKs , JUKI 00 cash mid monthly payments for balauco. 7 room dwelling , cistern , furnace , bath , city water , hot and cold , all llrnt class ; will take a clean vacant lot for K of lirico , balance on easy terms. Sbrlvor A O'Doniboo M l > l 23 _ TOOK AT THIS 1IAIIOAIN AN HASP KUONT J lot In the hourt of Omaha , with it 10 room hoiiso almost ne , that cost Ji,7Ul ! , besides other Imprinomcnts , only ? 1 500 $ VX ) cash S100 every ,1 montbs 2 years' rent at tbo rate of FK ) per month will boKunrantccd 2 per cent discount for cash In case ofca h ale will pay 2 > eirs rent In advance Willis M Votes , Nebraska Nat'l bank yil A P N15AT COTTAOH WITH CONVKNlKNcili SN on Hamilton st , Walnut Hill , largo lot , fHOO Hiitchlnson A Wead. IJ2I Douclas St. S47 27 CKVKUAL IIUST CLALL IIOMKS IOSHLLON onsy terms. Will take clear lot us tlrst pa > mcnl. Call and sec us. Udellty Trust company , 1014 1 HIV nam street , 340 JO 17OII SALI3 WAIT UNTIL SOMI ? ONK KLS12 HAS A 'bought iXS'i Davenport st mil then say that Is Just tliu kind of n bouio I wanted to buy , 247 1ST YOUll UUAIi Kbl'ATK toil SALK WITH J I'niil , 1 1 03 Kurimm st 2J023 17011 HAI.13 I'AIIM CO.NTA1NINO 60 AC111IS 1M proved land and 15 acres timber ; fnrm Is nil fenced , II acres timothy pasture , orchard , Rro\e. IH story bouse , barn , crnnary , windmill , all In coed sbapo ; farm Is 5 miles southwest of rintUmouth , the county scat of Cuss county , unit 2 miles from Mnrrn > , n now town on the Missouri Tactile rail rend ; 1 mlle from kcbool and church. Kor partlcu 1OH SALK AT HOD TKll ACIIH , A Sl'LUNDlD L section of Soutb Nebraska land , four miles from station on II AM It U Kuiy terms. W U Ho man , rooms 8 and 10 , Krcnzor block. l > 34 Jyl VOII SALU-KAIIM ADJOINING CITY OK IILAHI. i'Neb II W Mcllrlilo. MWI JJ' IOTO , HLOCIC9. SHULVS2ND , f.,200 00 hllWI'.US J paid for Call at once , C. K. Harrison. ! > U Nowork _ Life. 701W _ ) HOUSKS roil SALKONKASYTIIllMS. HOUSi- ; , for rent. Addrons German American bavluiis Hank. 153 YITANTKD OWNKHS TO LIST TIIKIU mop i' crty If they liavo bargains to oner. K K Uliilter , 1519 Karnam MlbS .V 170II bOUTH OMAHA PIIOPKIITIIIS , 1IIJS1NK.SS , 1 trackuKnor residence , go to the leadlni ; real es tate dealers In houth Omttlia , Ud Johnston A Co. corner 21th and N streets M.'bcl l.MVK UOOM llOtlsraiNOIlCIIAIll ) HILL. tl,100 I each on monthly payments Thomas r Hull , JII I'axton block 2IJ7 u uoiiiiiNS , HIAL : KITATK , lOii N. y I.IKIJ O. 2IUJ3- 17011 SALK KLKC.ANT.IIOMUS ON MONTHLY Ipayment * Will blillll any priced homo to suit you K K lllUKer. IM Knnmm 207J.7 17OH HAiaT ciTliAP , KASY 1'AYMKNTS , | tj' -L story naif I , rnoni licluutu with bath , cellar , etc , full lot N hhelton , lill Kirtmm IW l01t SALL'-TO WOlllC1fljMKN { ONLY ( Sl'UCU -L Inters need not up ty ) on tlmo or monthly payments a neat cottnKt * t loss than actual value Inside property only out ) block to electrle lluo In ciulru ut room .u ; , Ouiubii Kutlonul bank building v McW IjOsT. l'i > r rate * , etc. , tec tup t > Jlnt column an IM * TOST-ON I'AIINAM , HhT II/l'II AND 21 ST J pocketbook , Ucloor kejs , Umloi ploasu return to 2101 Kariiam lf , M & ' CTltAYl-.D , 1IIIOWN WOIISK 3 YKAHS OLD. O i > | jfhtfc.iQ pounds , llqliu-n 4lst and Miiynu. Or chard Hill Ilowaril - , , , 27ci-25 * STI3 A > I J > ' 13 AT 11 lillT "lilJXO V ATOu ! r r' _ ' > _ t\te \ * , rtr. , fee tnnnf jirtt roliimn on thli i ni ! . l > iiS : , TICKS AND 1'1LI/WS WASIIIII ) , I BAlTf 1 > ers boiiifht Mull order ] promptly Hlleil Uork called for and delivered trunk Anson.jlst A I ranklln M7I5 1'ATKNT SOLICITOUS. Tor rule * , etc , tte top nf flrrt column on ( fib i nye. " " " ' ' I TlTN'l LAWYinii"ANl"rsoLH1ITOItM , 'o \V- 1 Sues A Co . lleo bulldlnif. Omaha llrunch oDIco at Wushlniflon D. C. Consullutlon Iruo 1'i'J I'ATTIJUXHAXn MODISH. _ / 'or rain , tte , , te tnp of jlrtt column nil thin ) > aic ( , ' " SAMEUiON , COilNEIl I5TU AND""JACKSON 83.1 Jy & Bafferlnc froto E the SocH 01 youthful erron trlr decar , Tvastlnz vf oaknoia , loit uiauriood , ete. I will * oaj a Vftluahla UtatlM ( tcalcd ) oonUlnlni full particular * for bema cure. I'll 111 : of chirsa A ipleiidm nmllcal work t abould bo read by oven man who u n'rroin and diMUUtici. Addreri Vrof. V. C. I'O\VLIUl , Aloudui , C'oiiu . AND OTHER DOCTOR THE SPECIA LIST Morothnn 15 roiri oxporlenoj la tha troitnuat of PRIVATE DISEASES. Acuro KUarantuoil In 3 to5 clirs , without balaiiof on hoitr'd tliuo Tha roost complete and absolute euro for stool ami nil annojInHcllichnrKCs over knoirn to the moillcil protection. I'oriaiinentljr oureJ In fro mi to U Uar STRICTURE Or pain In rpllorlnir the bluiUlor cured irlthotit pain or Instrumonti , no cutting , no clllatlni ; Tha uioit rtmarkablaromoilr knoirn to uiotluru iclonco. SYPHILIS. Cured In HO to 60 days Ir McOrow'i trnntmont for this torrlbto bloo < liltiaa olin boon pronounced lha mnitauccossfulromi-ilr orc'rilMcororxil for t'ii .ib- oluui euro of the tlMotsti Ills sucooii with mil dlacase ha * never boou oqtl ilia t A cuiuptott ) euro SUarantccJ. SUarantccJ.LOST MANHOOD ness , nil irciknc"0.i oftl o notnal oritini. norroui- And tlnildltr and denponiloncy nbtolutolr curoJ. Ih orulluf is Iniuiodlate and complete SKIN DISEASES , nnd all dKcaiei of the blooJ , llvor , kldnoyj , nnJ bladder pcrmauuntlr curol FEMALE DISEASES Tlio doctor a 'Homo Treatment" for Inrtlni H pro nounced by all who h ITU inc. I It to bo thu moil com plete uml convunlnnt reined/ ever oHercd for the trontmcnt of fcmitlo ilhei e ) It I * truly a wonderful rotuodjr * Hours for ladles , from I to 4 onl/ . DR. McQREW'3 Marvellous uccc > ss In the treatment of private dl - o isM has won for him a reputation which 1 triilp national In character , an 1 his itri-at army of p Hleiitl rcachc.1 from the All intlo to tliu I'arltlc 1 ho doctor Is a Rraduito of "rivulir" iiiDillcliio and has liv lone aud careful experience- hoipltil prnctlcu , and 1 tliisud nnionu Iho leadlni ; Bpcclilliti In modern - orn Rclotlco Tre itmcnt by correspondence Wrlto for clrcul irt about each of the abuvo dUonof , froo. Oillce , 14th and Karnam Streets , Omaha Nob. Entrance on olthor street. SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT THE OPTICAL NEW HOUSE OV THE ALOE & PE8FOLD CO. , Practical Opticians And branch of world ronnw i < nl optic il embllsh- mcntof A. 8 Moo A Co. St t.ouls Our method M superior to all other * ; our Icius ire auporlor will not ireary or tire tlio oyos. Ih3 frames pro pot ly ad justed to the fnco Eyss Tested Proo of Charge. Prices Low for First-class Goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , 114 S. 15th St. , Next to PostDffloo RK1LWRYT1MECHRD Leave- I MHSOUUI PAPiKlC. I Arrlvoi 0 limb a. I Do put 15th and Webs ter Sti I Omali a 10.10 H ml fct. Louis A 1C C KxprcTs 11 , ) n in" _ ) _ ) _ St Louli A K C Kxpren I fi 20 p m Umvoi I K CSI' JOKAC II I Arrlnn Transfer ! Union Depot Council Illiiffs iTrtiislor -T-- 100) n ru Knniai ( lt > ltty ) Kxprutt J ti p m 10 1) p m Kama ) City Nluht rxprois 1. 20 a m Lciivm It 'HCAIlOA NOIU'ilWKsTKUN I Arrlvui Trniutorj Union Djpiit. Counoll Dluili Irrantfo leaven I OMAHA A HI' UUIS I Arrlvoi Iritnifui ! Unlun Depot , Council Ilium1rtnitor \ " 4 < D p ml 8L I.uuli I'snin lull | Hli p m L > tMI I HIJJC it'i ' \ . Tranilar Ul 11 ) -I Ml ) _ _ tta T4S a mi Sioux City Accummod4tton MOpuil . . . kit , Paul Kiproti | W u a A Written Guarnnleeto CURE EVERY CASE or 'MONEY ' REFUNDED. Ojr cam li permanent and not r'U'Mn up. C M treated flvo yt t ma h v n ver sc n o I , mjilnm Inc * . Hy ic cr.binaca o fully w c n lw t you ky mall , aid IM ) cltetho ra ilronc cur rtro to curn 01 * r fu J nil money. The > wba prctf r to comn tttrt ] for lrc lmcnt in Uo n and wo "III p y r l roml l\n both ways and hotel bills wall * hj a It wo till t- ' cure , Wn ch.llfnc tha worl I for c th lo r UAH10 ItKMUiT will not cur * . VI rile for full p rtkiilsr and RCllhnovlJenei , Wo know CiM you am fleftlcal , juitly so , too. as the mJ t rrilneni vhy lcln ha < natorbrcnnhlotoBlvo more than t nnor.-vrj rrllrf. In our nro jrira' pmrtlco with the MAHId IU.MI 1 > Y II libfim most illfflcnlt to ovfrcon lbcprfjud trs BK ln-t all fo-r llrd siwclOps. Uul under our strong CUJMlitco ) ou ihould not lif.ltAte to try IliK rrmtily. You tile nochiiK-o of loslliu your monty. Wo ( tu ir- anted lo euro or refund ovoiy dollar , aid ns wo hive a reputation to protect , alio ftnmicUl backing of KO , . COO , It li perfectly safe to nil who vlll try the treat- inent. Harotofuroyuiihtvobeen pultlngupand raying out your money fnr dlTeirnt troitinentii an 1 alt'iough you are notyeteurcd riouno bM pilJ b-xrlyniir mon. t ; lie not w ita any nmro noiiry unill yo I try in. OM cSrontc. dorparmte 1 cftsonuri-d In S ) t 04 diys In- vrs'lgitoour flntnclll atnnillnfr , our tenuutlnn ni bu lnrnincruTrltouiforintries ami nJilnst or tlio wo liavo enrol who have rl > "i p rnilulon to ra rer to them , Hconljjouonly | > oi no tu tlolhlitll will \vo } ou & world of sufTcrlnir from ricntil striln , and If you nro nmrrlol wli&t nuy your oS prlntt sufcr throuh your own ncjllgeui-o , IfjourtyinptonHarii foriithroit , mueous patches In mouth , rheum ti m In lioirsnnd jol itn.Mlrfnlllmo'it , eruptions on nny rartof tli body , feeling nt c no-il deim lon , r 'ni ' In I oiitorbones , jo'llin ono tl no to wule. Thosn who nro constantly tul.lnif mi'ivury a-i I potos * ! nhotiM dlsrnntlnuolU coni' ht u i f thmoc ! u ivilliiunly bring ore milcillnirul eralnCiocnil. Don tfa lti write. A 1 coriripon li nc t < iitM'nlrd In plain eivrl- opes. W3l.ivllathomoUrt.rld Investlgitlountiilwlll do all In our power to Ml ynti In IU Ad Irni. COOK Jtr.lirnr r . . Omurui , A > brr > < ; .n. Ofilrn lllhmull nrnnmnocomlriuor , cntrituea ISthLI "FOR "MEN ONLY , for n 01150 of Lost 01 Fiilluz ral or Nurvont 1 > > -I > Illy , woakniM * of 1 nch or mind , the olfi-cMs of otrorsor t TCOHSHS In Hi i or ton n , ; that un i an nut euroc 1:11 1- raiiti'oi > \ ryeii i' 01 riifund CNCTJ dollar. Vivo days trial tro itmont $1 , full o mrsii $ " ) . l'i r- coptlbio hiMiiMlts ronli/oil in Iliu-o cliiyi lly mull , sc'c'Urol } ' n icltod from ohsot vatlon. COOK KKMli-UY CO , _ OMAHA. Nhl _ . _ LADIES ONLY MAfilP FEMALE ilEaULATOH , Sifoitnrt IllnUlU Cortnln ton day or inoni'V rofnnclud. I'rli'o hy miitl J2. Si-aluil from n Mur\.itlau COOK REMEDY CO. , Oniiihn. Noli. Pliysicians , Surgeons anil Specialists , l.iOO UOUGLxAS OMAHA. NEIJ. The moit widely and fuvoiably Known spec ialists in Iho Unlti'd Mates. Tln'lr Unlit cx- poilunuo. roinarU.iblii skill nnd unUorivI suc- ci'S3 In tlio treatment and euro of Nervous , Chronic nnd bnrKlcal Dlsoasos , i.utltlo these umlncnt uhysltlans to thn full c'onhdcnue of the ullllotocf everywhere Thcv Ktiuranteo : A CiniTAIN A > M ) POSITIVE Ot'KIJ for the awful olToi-ls of oaily vice nud the numer ous CM IN that folio.v In Its train. PHIVATi : . IH.OUI ) AND SKIN DISHASES spoedllv. rompletfly npiinnnpntly euro I NHUVOUS nKHIJ.lTY AM ) hi\UAL ; IIP- OHDKHS ylold ro.ullly to their sklll.'ul treat ment. IMI.r.8 , KISTULA AND HKOTAL UICiKS Eu.iruntood cured without puln or detention from business. HVDUOCKMl AND VAKICOOHIjE nerma- nontly and Miccessftillv etinid In ovrrvense. aVlMItl.Irf. UO.NOUUIKKA. IjiCT. ; rpm- inatorrhoMi , .Semlnul Woakncisi , I-ost Miinliood , NUht KmlssloiiM. Doi'iiyod I'liuultlcs. J-oninle Weakness and nil dulloato dlsoideis pocullar toolthorsox posllholy cured , as wo.l as nil functional dliordeis tlmt result from youth ful follies or tint excess of tnaturu yojis. sTRir'niftF Ouar.inteod permanently OllVlv/l U l\Li curotl , romovul oumpluto , without i'uttln0' , caustic or dlliitiitlon , Curu olloctocl ut homo hy patient without a mo- muiil's pain or nnnoyanio. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. A QflPl ? riMi ; The anfnl nHoets oft tOUIM. . . UU1VI < early vloo whluh hrlngs or anlo wuaUno1. ! ! , clcatroyliiK hoth mind mid body , with all Its dicadcd Ills , pciinuiitntly c-nrccl , nbo nT7T PQ Adrtrosi thnso who liavo IvlxO. Uljl 1 > J Imiialrod tin msclvis hy Im proper IndiilKrnco nnd military habits , nlilch ruin both mind itnd body. unlltthiK them for business study or man lago. MAUIUKD.MKNor tlioio entering on that happy lift1 , iinnro of physical debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon fnels Kirst Practical experi ence boecmil Every uaso IsHpielally stuillcil , thus stnrtlns rlKht. Third Medli'lneti nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit oauncaso , thus cjlTuctln euros without InJ ury Drs. Betts & Betts , DOUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB. oMacbeth's " pearl top" and "pearl glass" lamp-chimneys do not break from heat , not one in a hundred ; they break from accidents. They are made of clear glass as well as tough , as clear as crystal. They fit the lamps they arc made. for. Shape controls the draft ; they arc shaped right. Draft con tributes to proper combustion ; that makes light ; they im prove the light of a lamp. But they cost a dealer three times as much as common chimneys , and , as they do not break , he is apt to be anxious lest they stop his trade. Di minished sales and less profit are not agreeable to him. , There are two sides to the question. Have a talkwith him. I'lUetnm ; . ULO. A. MACIILT1I & CO. 2 Million Bottles filled in 1873. 18 Million Bottles filled in 1890. 11 THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " Much favored ty her Majesty , " Woiu.u , LONDON. " " "Thclcstimciage , TRUTH , LONDON. " " Cosmopolitan liKiTisit MKDICAI. JOUKNAL. " Cheap as well as good. " " The demand for it is great and Jtcreastng.- TIJIKS , LONDON. MIOUDIIBKILLUIl li KIDD.SUKIIM KllADlCAToil- Cures all dlmaiet tociuie Itkllli the microbe or u rm I'm up and retailed In ti. It ana li sliui. Hie Uttar 1 I2 I Kalloin Hunt any. whvru prupsid un rccolpl of iirlud urC O D Wo liiuo aiiUMintr toouru 'lha uiihllc. trade imj lobben suupllud liy lha < iood'iian Drua Co .Mo- t'oriulrk A Lund , Oui > ba , C. A Matcher , llowanl .MjuriindK J liarkuro , Sdiilli Omnli , A D rus- lur uil il f. bliK , Couucll VAniAUTiK V Ktttotu.itlniiH ofn Y wr lit Ilio County' * Tnxntilo 1'rojiortjv The folIoultiK trtblo show tlio Inrrcnso nnd ilccnwn of the tnxnlitii property of tlio pro- thorountry n romp.troil wlin the of IV. ) ) , crtluiivo of and McArdlo Mlllnrd . . 1 iilnn Vlllll' ) W iterlcul \\esltininhn . . 11 t.aid Oninbii . ' ,1 wnnl Omnhn , M w i fit Oninbii 4th Mil ward Omiilin itb mini Omnhii Tth wnnl , On a'li'i Mb ward. Oniulin Dill wnrd.Oiunba Eolith Oiunhit Total . The falling ulT In Iho vnliittlnn : of I Is InrRoly duo to tin1 fnot Hint sine-o tlio formur iisscHsniciil the product of Hust Omii- 1m lun been taUt'ti from Its lotrltory The doi'i'iMso | 'i thc < IJUhth w.ird Is rt mat- tci tint Is ui xplnlnoil. .South Om.ili.i's ciccTi'itso Is cnusml to some extent by thu fiiut It Ims lint niiotivUaii of html thnt Ims bci'ii ndilcil to Douilus pro finut , nncl alio thill out of the fotmor pro- ilnct of South Omilm the iiivclnot of ( . 'Ion- tnrf lint be-on iTrntud. The falling oil' In the vnliuttlon of pe'iMMml piopurty Is u multor tlmt nmy bo ehnrirod ntf.ilns * the assessor In innkliiK his t omuls ho f.illcil to Iliul n ulnno. Again lie hnnillc il HtituliPi'ty e'tiuliouMlv , n * but fovv litni'Uc'i'pors nio vnhiod nt moro th.iu $1 L'.irh. Hil Doiul , uho b.tH n wntc-h tlmt cost him $ tWK ) , ( ilnout It nt $ . " > for nsic-is- ttiuiit purposei. The olhor costly nntch li ownctl by the ni- si'ssor nnd U vnluodntf I , though It Is only nn old silver ntTnlr. \Vlint It Must bo c.nofuily cousldurod by tlio crcat majority of pi'oplo in buying even iiCLOislilos uf Ufi1. Hood's Sars.ip.irlllai.'otninunils Itself \Utli fotco to thu Brent middle clnsioi , IICIM so it comb'ncs ' posltlxo ccononiy with mrdlc'innl povvor. It is the only modi- clno of v. liii-li tan truly bo s.jld "IUO closes onu dollar , " ami a bottle tnkon nccordiiiK to directions \ \ ill . orniu to List u month. Past nnd IjuxiiflnttM PUHNCIIKCI' Trains In tlio lOiiRt. Tlio , tlmt famous favorite with travelers wlio nro wtllliij { to pay n little extra for quiet uxrluslvo- nosd : uul ontortalnlng' Bpocialtu * ) , runs as iiaunl from Chicago every day iit5 p. in. to Now Vorlc the next day at7 p in ; but the Pennsylvania lines have pl.wd In service a now train without extra fare the Keystone express , "No. " 2" which is destined to at once rise Into popularity. It hns now coaches , mnok- iiitr , dining and sleeping cars , nnd the Pullman vestibule from engine to roar platform. It is a fast train. Loaves ( . 'liicngo at 10:15 : a. m. every day and runs solid to Now Y'ork next tl.iy at - p. m. It carries llrst class i.ibsoiitors ) only. Try It. ) TIII2 hOIIOOIj CI3NUS. . Dlsorepnnoj Illsrovpretl in tlic Hooks of Can ICnmncrntnr. There is trouble blowing for somebody In connection with the t.ikliiR of the school cen sus in Iho First ward i.tsl joar. It has been discovered that , the list was padded , many of the names being lopcatod thrco or four times. Soon nftor the diecovery was made ono of the records In which the names ot ITlistwaitl children wote written as ro- tuined bv Mr Toloy , the Piiumeialor , disap- peaiccl from the board rooms ami ima not been seen since by the societaly. Jiulclnir fiom the loturns now coming in from the sanio ward , it is believed that luut yeai's re turns wore luddod to the extent of between live hundred and ono thousand immo-i. The omimei-ator claimed that ho found about-1,100 chlldton In the Flisi w.inl The Kontlomcn who nro cnumeratlni ; the childien in that ward now think they will hu unublo to lincl more than ! ! , Ul ) ) to H.bOO children. Enumerators were paid thiro c-utits per name year and homo mcmbors of lao hoard seem to think they bavo ditcovcri d the cause of the p iddiiiK. Mr. Foley , who took the census in the Kirst ward , is n brother-in-law of onu of the members of tne board. The matter will probably bo investigated by the bonil of education. The \voi U of taking the census will bo coin- pletod within \\cek. . Following mo tlio enumerators this year : First wai d , Assessor Ebronport jSocond ward , Vucluw Dworalt ; Third ward , l''rank Solan j Fouith ward , Assessor Carpenter j Fifth wnid , II. A. Giant ; Sixth ward , W. A. Uacktis ; Seventh ward , M. U. Roach ; Kluhtu ward , W. U. Phelps , and Ninth ward , J. P. Connolly. Yon can never know till you try bow quickly u dose of Ayor's Pills will euro \ our hick headache. Your stomach nnd bov\els need draining , and UICHO pills will mom - pllsh it moro erfectnully ami comfoitabl > any other medicine you can llnd. I ourlli of July ItatoH. July 3 and 1 the Chicaio ; , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will Hell round trip tickets hotwoan all sUtioiiN on their line for one find one-third faro. Tickets Rood for return passage until July 0. Ticket otlico , 1001 Karnum stroot. TJ11NIC TIIiV : AIII3 llUUGTjAltS. i'oliuo CaptnroH 11 Oonplo of Jail llir.lM \ \ It'i Unsavory Kccordn. Frank anil Link Wilson nro iindor arrest on suspicion of boin < ; the parties who burglarized Howard's ' meat mailcut Tuesday The mon nro nlso wanted In Loavonworth for n slmllnr Job. They wuro released from J.ill there Frldny , and a dry Roods store wns biirglnri/od tlmt night and a lot of sltlc nnd othur Koods stolon. Tin ) mori were nr- ii'&tcd for havlni ; burKlar ) ' tools In their possession nnd were ilnod t" ( ) nnd costs , The moiioy to pay Iho line was aunt by Miss Nettle - tlo Wilson of'8I'I U.tsHlus street , In thH uitr , and it wns nt the ubov nuinliar that tbo men wcto found and put under arrest. They refuse - fuse to answer uny and all qiioillons. To Dlnp-1 bcndnclioj and favors , to clonnso thn system offactunlly , yet ( 'ontly when c-ostlvo or bilious or when the blood Is Impure or sliiK'h' , to pormancntlv cum habitual constipation , to awaken the Itidncvs and livar to a healthy act tlvity , without Iriltatlng or wcakonlni ; luoin , liso Syrup of Figs. mis in : ii/rv M. pUooJ on roonr4 Juno 23 , U II nml K (1 ( llalloii to P I'rlos , n n vr s w I'l-lii-I ' I w d . 31,000 Martin ( ! r ice nnd wlfo to .11) Murphy , lot IS blk U' . hhnll's M nitil , w il S.VX ) Jolin I'.ill-it und > vlfo to II Somnuir , lot H , blI , jo , drnmlvliiw , q ed L'53 A I' Tuki < y ot ul to A J IlKliop , lot lU.blk 7. Ollftiin HIM. d . 2MQ Anna ( / KiiRHlrom nnd IniHliand to T .1 Knnx , lots 21 to j , blU 1J , Koso Hill , v. d . . . uOO J II Johnson nnd nlfo to A K Kelley ot ul , lot I. blk I.W , tiuutli Oin.Um , w d 1,00) Itotlnu llneliler to A It Kolluy ut al , lot 10 , blK 1 0 , South Um.ihu. w d J U llrlsuo to I , O Hmlth , lot 1 , Ink , , buiuiilura A. llliiiob.uuli's. add to Wal nut Mill , w d . . . . , 2,000 J K Ulcu to M ai.isico , lot 17 , blk O.IIakor I'liiin' , w d . O li Hunx nnd wlfo to J U Trunnory , lot 'fi , blk U , AlbrK'ht'n unnux to boutb Um.ihu , w d . . . . CM I ) W Morrow , itiuulul mnHtvr , 10 llulon II Clarlii lot 7 , blk 0 , Diiponl i'luou , duud Total Miioiintof tranifori. 112,410 How well we remember grandmother's attic , no IniKnint with madlclnal tooU and herbs ) Poor uld soul , how precious they icomcd to her * Ar.d yet , ono bottle of Ayor'4 Harsaparllla would do moro good tniu whole collcctlou of