OMAHA UAIJUY HJUJU , JLHUJDAr. J'DjN J0J 4J , 1SU1. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , reeling Somewhat Stronger in the Ohicngo Grain Markat , GROWING CROPS DAMAGED BY STORMS. Ilcpnrtq of llcnvy Ilnlni In ilio South- \vuHt Have n Tciiilcnoy to KttlCII tllC MltrkClH rinaiiclal Itcvlcw. . Juno25 The drst saloi of wheat tills morning wrro niiulo at Immaterial changes from tlio t'loilnt ? nrlccn of yesterday , but Iho feeling was decidedly strotiK for n tlmo Shorts covered freely mill the ( iHorlnK'i were inengra and prices wont up rnpldly. Kiiln- liU "bout 1i ; In a few minutes This NirciiKth was In the face ofvon' < calilcs anil wua duo nltnont entirely to weather condition In the south west. Itilnnuoro reported In Knntaa and Missouri , and In Nohr isk i tliere bad been a phenomenal downpour , us well us destruc tion by Moods In northwestern Iowa. The Oln- clnn.itl i'rlee Current. In Its Hiininiary of erop conditions , reported Inipitlrinciit In some SPC- tloiiH by locent i.ilns and i > < tuoi > lnlly In nnd .Mls-ourl. In addition to thin , Ituerhohm Bi'tit a tc'uT.uii rupor'lnj the whoiit crop In Kn 3li us buliiu Inluri'd by almost tropic tl bent. The weiUness In the forc'Rii market did not Hbow any alarm on the other side In ron- sotjiience of this , but lueiil shorts were made nervous on account of It when tikon In con nection with other adverse news. On free covorliiK bv shorts and sotno Invest- inrnt uuvliiK the udrunuo above noted was easily br night about Hut after the most urgent biu era Dad II led up , tbeailvincucamu to a halt Be lors liOL-amo more norvoiH , prli'oi loniniLiKCd to w.tlible and llntlly luolie : but this wim followo 1 by a recovery. Lite e ibles ihoued a ronsldciablo ( in prlccM at 1'arls and Horlln July opened at Its close yesterday , atIi2'8p , advanced to trie broke to u4c ; , 10 ictcd loUi'Sc.eloslnKatOlc. ' I'.trdrldKo was a poiler of the I ci oniher option , Corn u is also veiv Htroim fora I line , tliouch the llrst tr insaetlons weio a uliado below yeb- lertlny' * closu ' ] ho renewal of bad we.ither In thu MJiithwust and lie.ivy rains In Nebraska and lotvu. to etbt r with the buoy nicy In wheat earlj ' " the d ty. all eontrlbutcd to de velop strength and st tried shorts to covering on an e\ti nsl\o scale hater , when the es timates for tonmiiow weie posted xhuulns a lirospiet of hea\y receipts , the maiket iie an to Inak nnd the \\eakiicss was In ( reused by the break In wheat which com menced about Die s line time. July opened at K-i'sC , iiKiunstMV uttliu close yesterday , and readied We , but iiulcUlv re oted to.'il'ie and dually to lie. eased olT and held for a tlmo around M'jc , nut on the estimated hea > y re ceipts tomorrow , fell to HK 'In. ' Another rally took It to " > t' ' c. . .nil the close was at Mo. O.its follonul the lliictuatlons In corn and clo c'l at a gain of 'itsyc comp tre.I with ycs- tprday I'loslslons op ncd wo ik There was nn o'- fort to ereatu some al.trm ov er the fuel that n inorninK P IDIT reported the discovery of tl Ichlnut In . \ tovhon's at the vard-.but It was not \cry successful beplomlier pork opened at $ IO.W against 8.U.2S1 J at thu close yestt rdny , Bold oir to t'A \ ) , reaetud to i\0 \ ! . uioUu to (10 n\ mill closed at * 10.07' ; . Lard and ribs show net losses for the day of 7 ! f e icb. 'I he lo film : futures ntiueil as follows : Cash qumiitlmiB ucro as follows : Ki , un Nominally unchanged. \\HEAr-No. 1'spriiiL' vvhoat. O'vUOIc ; No 3 , inrlng whoat. ( Oc : No. a rod , WxitOSu. Cons No i. iVj ; e. OATH No. : ' , \ 'toNo. \ . 2 whlto , 303404c ; No. .1 white : : iS'$14 ' 'ie. HVK No „ ' . T'lft'Sc. HAIII.I.V No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ; No. I , nomln il. Ki.Axsrt D No. 1 , TiMoriivbhKo I'rlino , ll.SO1 } . 1'oiiK-Mchs iiork. ti r harrol , $975 081 ! lard , per owt , M.UO ; short nlis sldis ( loose ) . ? r > (5)r.T'j ( dry Baited shoulders ( lioxed ) , J50S < iir > r > ; slmrt clear hides ( hoxcdi , $0 'J Vfto 'A\ WIIISKV DUtlllors' linlshod goods , our Kal- lon. ji.m. fcUOAiis-Out loaf , unchanged ; Rr.tnulatud , unc'haiiRcd ; standard "A. " nnuhincod. llecolpts and shlpmunts today wuru as fol lows : On tlio prodncG oulmnKO today , tlio butter market was ( inlt-t and nncliaiiKC'd ; o\tia oro.tinery , ll llii'o ; oxtia Orsts. IVQURu : fl 1.KU1U' ; oMr.tdalry , 14 no : iixtn tlrsts. 14u ; lirsts , lli.ffll.'Ho. I.KK- , Now Vcirlc Nnw Yonic , .Inno U5.- 1'f.ot'ii Receipts. 10,811 packa.'C'H : exports O.IM Illinois l.JIJ sacks ; iniiikot dull and unulianjcd ; s tic's , 1U.15J b.ti- . C'OIIN MKATr-Oiillj stuady. WHEAT Hoci'ltits , lOI.UOJ Imshols : exports , 50,711 ? Ijii'-lic'lh ; M lies , 2,43(1,000 ( bubht'ls of f u- tnrt-s ! ll.iw i IniHliolH spot. Hpot niurkat Rtrons- cr : very dull. No. ' . ' ic'd. Jl.wiiil.tKiij In elevator - vator ; * I.U7 alloit : J .iii4l.u ! i4 f. o. b. ; nn- pradcd rc'il , $ l.nii,54l.o(5 ; No 1 northern to arrive , Jl.OSffll OsV. o. 1 nurd to urrivo. tl.l O J.IS'ij ' No i ! ClilciKO , ( l.m > idll.OI > i. Options advancudTn'8o ' un loports of Uninu u to crops bv itornia , re ic-tod , ® ' on wc-ak ca bles and closed 'ifcloovor ycstoidny through roporlsof diiiiiairn to Uiisstan crops No. 2 red , June. tl.MVM tO\ , closing , > , ; .Hily , ll, ( , cloliiK. . HKOIVt : August , 117(8 ( % liS c , closlne , l > hitfj Hpiituintor , WIiau7iu. ! ( closlnR. D7a o ; October , OTV&Qsc. closlnp , ! Wc" Novenibor olosod nt Da'aos December , USlt ® O'Mie. f osliiK , U 4i" Janintrvcltislni , | > 4 ; Kcuiiinry elost-il at tl Ulj May , lil.l&'Vibl.o.l1 : . clJslnir , ll.UIV lUni.tVMAi.T-QulutC.innln : ; country nmdo , COIIN Iti'colutK , 227,800 bushels ; exports. 110.IK.8 bushels ; Hales. r , , ( XW busliolH of futurei ) ; 4.lX)0 ) bushels of Bpot , 8n UATs Uoeelplf , 74.700 bushels ; exports. 4,483 uiiHliuls ; Hales , 4U,000 ( bushels of futures ; 75KH ( ) bushels of Mint. Spot nuirkot Irro.-niar , dull ; options falrlv nethe. llrmer : July , JoC. ® iRi'.iC , closing ii'i'io ' ; August , , .vtt.vo. . olosiiL ; 8.1 Mi ! heptember. J4'0.l41.c , ekuliullli.e ; spot No. 2 whlto. aniMorn. } ; . KVIlUo ; whlto western. 4Vfy > 5c : No 2 Chicago , 40io. ! II AV I'lrmi fair demand , lloi'H-Qulet , steady. C'o > rtK Options opened Irregular at SQM points down , eloped sloidv nud uiiehiiiuod to 20 points down , talcs , 52.5JO baps , IncIuditiK' June. (1021 ! Jiilytin.2titilll..n ) ; Auirust , JI5 4. ) O1.1W ) ; coptQluber , } I4 S.V.BI50A ; October , J14.IIJ 4614.40 ; l\o ember , * l tdHS-llliO ; Decem ber. ? auO : ; Hiiot lllo. tlrm. moderato ; falreawoes.l.l' > i ; No.7JI7.5S. rutuiiItiiw. . aellxe , linn ; fair rctlu- \\\f. \ \ \ i'e ; Rules 7,013 hozheadh mnstoadu , b'J ' test at lie ; 25,000 IHUH rurnambuco , Ml test at ao , 14WO ! lin ii ci'iilrlfii'-iu , | K1 test at .l\u und a.r.l" hairs molasn's HIUIII at 2"tai l-li ) for 8U test ) rellned , fithlj autho , linn BS rorelRii , dull ; Nun Orleans , Bttmih , ilull. Hii'h ( Jiilot , ( steady. 1'i.iiiot.hUM-yulet , stoiidy ; united closed ut CflSe for July. COTTON Si vu Ou-Qulet , unsettled ; crude off rado. ' . 'MWio : yellow oir Krade , a.K2ll. TAII.OVI'lrm , iiultst. Ito-iiN-Uiilut. I'lii-yi nlrained , common to good , Jl.tlViM 47'i. Tuill'K.MiNK Dull. eiU , : ! SItwtie. IJddb-Quiet , In-t'Kiiluri v\estern , 1717'io ' ; receipts , 7.UU7 packuuex , > 1'OHK Quiet , linn ; old nii'ss , . new mess , Ul MJI'j j u\tru prime , CUT MKATB rirm , wanted ; middles , quiet , wi'iik ; bliort cle tr , $ .1.15 , IMHII Oiit'iied tlrm , closed weak ; western BteitiuH'Jt'l ; sales , 1,150 tierces. Options iltn , S.VM tlorci'Ht July , ID'.N , ulosliiK , M.'i bid ; August , fUixQC Acloslnj ; , Wjy bid ; optum. ber , W.1W1.8 , clubliiK , M51 bid ) October , M.C2bld. Hurrhii Quiet ; fiincy , steady ; western dairy , Kttl&c ; western ureiitnury , H KlultH , Iho. UIIEKSE Moro net ho , easy ; part 4IM e. I'm liiON-Dulli American. < iaooais.'J. Coi'i'Kii-Stuiidy ; liiUo , July , (12 53. LEAD rirm ; domi'stlil.4i 4. TlN-Qulot , III instrain. . fW.40. "MlutiPiiiiolis Wheat 'Market. MiNMAi' : < ) i.iH , Minn. , Juno M. WHEAT Dcallnek In wheat were mostly lu September ana December , and business a ut no tlmo Uaccl U , 1-5 curni shlpujuuu , iW our * . C'losot No. I dard. June. tl.Olt on trnclf , 1 1.0 Ul 01' , ; .No. i northern , June. 'i7'.ic ' ; .Inly. I'Hc ' un truck. iHHfit'w'ioi ' No. ! i northern , June , Olc un trao i , St. LoitlH MnrkctFi , PT. I.nirm , Mo. , Juno 23 WIIBAT I'lrm on h , IN' ' < ri July , 8i"io. Uonsrirm ; unsli. 57c ) .luly.B'i c. OATH II Uhors cash. "Jfic ; July , J2o. PntlK-E-MV jit ! l 2JaiO.i7i. : ! I.AIID-Dllll lilt . ) . \\IIHKV il IB. llt'rrcii ( 'nclianged ; croimcry. 13SI5c ( City Mnr'ot . 'tTV.Mo. . i iino2"iViiKAT Slronzer No. 2 hard , c-iili. fvka-Hjc ; Juno , SU'jO ' bid ; No , red , cash , S' ii'Hc. CoiiN-y'.eady ! No. 2ca3li. 51'XC ! Juno , Sl'il S1'4C. OAis-Qiilct ; No. 2 canh , 3C(4c ( bid ; June XV , c. _ _ _ .Milwaukee .Mnrlccts. Mir.WAUicBK , Wu. , June -WHEAT I'lrm No. 2 sprliv. cash and July , Dl'io. ' COIIN UruliiinRuil ) .No. Jt57c , OATS No. uwliitc. 40'io. I'uoriainiKiiotikur ; pork. July , ? a87'5. ' Cincinnati .MarkolH. Ci.NCiN.vATr , O , Juno 25. WIICVT Htrons No 2 red. * l 01. CotiN-Hteady : No. 2 mixed. Me. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , WHISKY il. 10. Toledo TOLEDO , O , Juno:5. WIIKAT Higher ; cash ! l 01. CdiiN . -iidy ; cash , Me. OAIH Quiet ; oiiBhlOo , LtVEiii'oor , June'i'i WIIKAT MarUotciulot liolders oiler moderately. COIIN Qulut , butbte.uly ! mixed western , 5 _ > llnnca | > oliM Klotir Itovlow. MiNM'M'ot.i" . SUnn , Juno ! . The North ivi-sturn Miller s.iys Tlio amount of Ihiui inndo bv the mills last uii.'U was sonunvlii llu'liter. The week's output as Pi'i.ViU liar rels an aver.iiro of U'.n.'i ' narrels dally , a'alns 1 11.4V b.irrels the week before. H..ljU b.irreli foi thoeorri'spondniK tlmo In IbUJ , and n.'iO liarrols In itvd. Whore a week auo fouiteoi mills were riniiilii. . om * less Is now In motion fho Htoj > at Diilnlh , hovvi'ver. Is 00,0 } i.irruln less tlntn a year lino. I.o "i llrms li-ive obtained very low frelKh rates on foreign shipments the p ist week am Lids has enabled them to do a llttiu ninro ex : ) iirt tr.ulr tli , in would liavu I ei'n posslhli under other t'ondlt ons Part of ihe biislnes .VMS done In pttcnts though the prices re : elved woulil not more Ih. in let sellers on 3V en The export sh'piiionU ' for the vviol ivnro'uVJl.l li.irro s aculnst .l7-"n bands tin no edln week London iiuot.itions for IN bs o I. f. are. I'.itcntt , , .WsUJS.Il Od ; b.ikcrn " StTOVhS .t.M ) It It V 1)1. NFVV YOIIK , JuneS" ) . Tlio two ptrtlos In tht itouk MiarUct , if they in ly bo allowed to be . ' .tiled two parties , continue to hold tliol [ round undismayed and the market continue ! .o stagnate , while Iho only motion to bo seer s the slow settling down , which Is tlio usu il iccomp intmcnt of such a condition of alt ilrs Today's market w.ts onlv a continuation o. . , ho term of stagnation , belli ? eipially dull ind listless with these which h tve prouolcd 'or ' the month. The onnlnz was made on n Kimowhit larger voltimo of business that hat of yosteiday. but the Increase In aiiima .Ion seenit'd to bo entirely the result of tin tpp iront selling for foreign aucoiint , vvhlcli nude first prices all slightly lower than last ilcht't U uic. The foreign sellini ? , however vas moro app.ttont tli in real and the liillu- Mice which It exerted soon p.ibsod away caving the market in the s line old rut o lullness and utter slngn itlon , broKenonly b > , he sticii 'tli In siiar | , whljh rose I ' per ccnl in Ilk'lit trails , ictionH Thuchtricter of the railing In sn ; , ir , liowcvei , nrdvuntcd Its us I nir any inllucuc'o upon the rest of 1 10 ni'ir- < et , even amen ? the o'her Industrials , at.O irli'cs , with huio and tiiero an iinlmpurt int jxceptlon , remained at the same dead level hroiiKhout the day. The slatoment of tin 'eimsyh aiil.i inilroid for M tv had no eirect , lowrvcr. and It was seeming y In line us tc : ho general expectation a to what it would 10 The m irket llnallv closed dull , as It hid M-cn throughout the day , at lnsliniUuant ihatuos fiom last n ulit's prices. Railroad bonds weie dull. is nau il and pn1- ionted the usual lacU of fuatuio though there tcrosomc miiiked cliannesfrom tlie lasts-tic" tvc'orilcd. Tlietradlni ; reached only t4'HOUl ' , L'ho final ch lilacs were genor illy ln tlio dlreu- lon of lower ll ures. Oovcrnmcnt bonds are dull and steady. : t ito bonds entirely ucKlc-'tL'd. Petroleum ojiancd dull , voty few tntnsac- : ! onsoccurre.l and the movement of prices \us very nairow , the miiuct closing dull. 'cnnsylvanla oil , July option , sties , li.O.ll uiiro s , opened , 03 % ; highest , Wf slowest , OJ'i ' ! losing , COS. Thb rullowins are the olosln 5 nnot itlons for he leading stocks on tne Now Yor.i stock cx- oday : The total s lies of stoekb today weio t > f8 Ii ires , Inclndlni : Atchlson , I'.lbO ; Louisville . NuslivllloriTO ; tat. I'nul , i,0U ! Klnanolul Ituvluvv. Nr.vv VOIIK , Juno 2Ti The 1'ost ' says : ( Jood uthotltles Jo ned todiy In tueiilctltiK a iirthor export of cold by taturday's Btoaiu- rs > ; prob ibly not less tlian 8l.OJ.uuO ) In Iho nco of those expect itlons there was nj back ono to the tiiurKot. The m ijorlty of tlio locks changed diirln : tlio afternoon from heir early price. SiiKar certlUcatcs , liowever. Did gradually oir from tholi lilKhur level of he forenoon , and Huston houses continued to upply tlio market with Atchlson , boms ap- arcntly dlsconr.iKed liy tlio fresh news fur- shed today of tlio thoroughly condition f the boot and shoe ti ule. Chic tire U is alone hewed ovldeucoof Him support , and this otibtless moans that the famlllur clique of iiinlpulittois n that Dpceialty Is ayaln In the utrkuu Financial Noton. NEW YOIIK , June 21 Cloirluss today , KV H',13.1 ; bnlanc-os , JU70.0.B. llusros , .Muss , June US. Clo.irlnss today | | .07(1C.U ( ; baliiiifoi , ( I.H7.I.S1. Money , ' . " , per 1'iit. Kxch.iiinoon New VorK , lOc dlbcoiint to HAI.TIVIOHK , Mil , June -CloarltiKs today , l.U7. , 00 ; i alanecs , $ lil,5os. Kute. U pet cent I'lllt.AUKLi-lllA , Juno a\ ( . 'learln.-s today , lrin.iH)4 : ) ; balanoes tl.V-J.Ol' ' ) Monoy.4 piireoiit. OitiCAfld , Juno as. Now Vork ovchuiuo as hie idy at 7 c premium. Utttsfoi mnney ere steady nnd unchanged. Hank clearings , II/'II.QOO Mori n cxcluuiju was bto.idy and ucbnugou. Tlio Money Mat-knt. NKVV VOUK , Juno 2.V MO.NKV o.x CAM , Fasy. ! untftue ; from I'l'iiJ ' ! per cent ; last loi.n , j vrcent ; cioaed olfered atI perLOiit , Plum : MfciiovsTii.i : 1'Ai'Eii 5in.7 percent , STKitt.t. > ( i KxcitvdKQulet nut Him at I Ml' , foi i-lxty-day bills and'J fur du < i tnd. I'lio following wcro the closing prices on onils : tjiilon Pacific tils , . . . . . . . . . . , „ tVvsl biiurtv 1 K & T. I.CHI I ( ii I'llI'lH ItUlltCH. JunniiT. Tlireo per eenl rentes , OTf ) o for the iiocount. Tlio weekly Bt.tteinent o ( liu Hank ot True Minus mi Inero.tauot 4UTi- 00 ( runcb ut gold mid TW.OUu ( ruue of bllor. . Hank of KiiKltunl Itnllluti. LONDON , Juuo''S. The bullion In the Ilank t tusluud lucroukud i"JJ ,0J > durlui ; thu uabt week. The proportion of tlio Hunk of HnS' lnnd'4 reserve to Ihtbllltlc * which lust wcol was 4U UT par cent , U now 43.72 per cent. Hoston stootc Mnrkot. nofiTO.v. M u . , Juno iVTho followlna wort the ulntltnt prices on stocks In the Huston stock tn.irkel lodny. IjOlllloll HtOflCH. LostiON. Juno " 5. OlosliiB nt4 p. m. II tr tlhor. I5'id p"r ounce. Money , 'ilt. ' per com. Unto of discount Inthcopen nmrko for holli short nnd llir o-tnonllis bills , Ui poi .ecnt _ Dnnvor .MltilnijStoo''s. DEVVKII. < Vi1o. Juno 'JV-Ilcttor feellns or the nilnltiK exeli.uue today , billet IS" 0. Sun l-'ratioNc'o ( luint ; Quotations. 8\v P.lANt isco , June 25. Theollielalelosin' ? iitot | itlons for niluliij atooks loday were as follows : Nv York 'Mining NBW VOIIK , Juno - ' " > . The following are the closing mining stock qiititat ons : Ilavniia ni HAVANA , June y > SPANISH Oot.n n'l" ' ! ® 2is : ; l.xchiuuc. iiulct. fctiOAii Ituyois willing to do business ; 1 , ' . " > J li tss centrifugals Hlj2 decrees iiolarl/.ttlon , wore sold .it gold per ( , and ! l , 0) ) bigs contrifng tlserti bold at Matanas at $ . ! . . gold JILT < O Hale JIar' < " : riur.vio , Juno 25 [ Special Tulcsr.ini to Tim IIKI : . ] Hides are ilull .ind wt-aU ut the folUiuinitqiiot itlons. Gicnn s.iltt'd. lljiht and hi'a\y , No 1 , ri'ic ; jim n salted. Unlit .ind botxy. No. S. 4 < a.4i4c : calf , 7 < o. 1. 'r : c.ilf. No. " . > ( - " , ciuuu hides bell at le less tli in nbosu pi lees. New York Dry GootlH Sfnrlcot. NEW VOUK , Juno C5. lluslnoss In dry coeds \\iis f ilr nnd without special fe.ituro Then * \\oro iiddllldu , il now pr CDS In Indigo blue and shlitliu prints , the A mo i lean sales boln inadu ut j c and . )3iC ) rcspcctfu'ly. ' 'Inl'c. Nnw Yo-iK. Juno 2. > . Konnott Hopkins & Co to S. A. McWliortcr * Thoiu Is hut \orv llttltt Interest about the n irrow and small do.illiu' tiiday. IMuctuatlons In prices lit\e been conflnud to small fractions and havn been duo entirely to the sealpini ; trades of loiiin tiadcrs It Is a dull market. nwltiK to scarcity of buyer- , , lint has lather a weak iintluitoiiu In consc'iiuenCK of the dribbling sales of long stocks. The ftitiiro that Is whim the tonmiKo Is made by tliK year's ciops is jiiovlnu Is promlsliiR , but the finniedlato slt- uatlimdoes nut encourage epuculatho or In- vestnifiit buy 11,5 except for these who aio wll IIIK and e\pect to watt for all the Improved conditions nmtcrl.ill/o to.idvancu prices. Statements IUIMS bec-n publlslio.l today of the 1'cnnsyhania system. Like Shorn , .Michigan anil boiuhurn , and tlu-y a I show a fallins off In ruvonuo. I iko Shore n.ts earned Its dividend , but Canada Southern has fallen short. The rcnnsylvanla statumunt shows u deureaso of { IGl/iGi. fator- llntf t'XchitiiBO Is firm and just ul the closing of I'lisliiu a the annoniK emcnt as made th it I..MD.O U has been t tkun for shipment on uiday. Tlic m tiketelosud dull and sto idv at about opening prices , excepting for C'lilca o las. which h is advanced J per cent. Money easy on call at " © 'J'l percent. Total bales , UO.T.iO. UIUCAOO , Juno 25. Konnctt , Hopkins A , Co. tub. A. Mo\V hot-tor I'lio mls roscople Inspec tions In provisions now on at the stockyards bhoub trldilmu In many of tbo si uulituird hoys. This hits made the market \\otk nnd lower today. It was app trc'iitly In shape fin a Hi tie tally. The uncertainty its to wh it the Duriiianont oircct may bo caused free selling of loiu property and the close was weau at Wheat The steady tone of cables and wet wonthui In the western harvest fields Insnlre 1 the bulls with sulUi'icnt courage to buy a iitt e wheat , and thlb , with short covering by cau tions bears , bo pod the price tip about a cent , Tin- cash niaiket ru'csory ' btrons ; and relit cts thu irrowlni ; scarcity. No. ! . ' spilnj ; sold hero today In a round lot at 4o OMtr.lulv thttwas bid tor moit > New croi | Is said to hpm > sold In ht. l.ouls l"e o\ui Aiutist foi u small lot The boars nro still willing to soil at very low pilces a crop that Isn't harvestt'd which ma ) turn out badly damaged , wh lo the foiL - L < UII outlook shows no lmpro\ement , Keports lit diouth In siiiithern Russia and an ad\ance Inalutb aio aKaln ciurcnt and \onched for by a piiimlnent news attuncy. In splto of thesu assnriiu conditions , It Is not safe to count on n ore than a moderate Lilly unless thu woithor should contlnuo unfa\oi.tbti. The bU he ti combination la for the mo ment suemlimly In control , and will not allow much of a Lilly If crop prospects sh'iw upell It Is a weather muikct , ami lie who Kets prompt Information of Important ebaiiKes will bo likely to proiit theieby. C'orn and Uats The market opened easy for corn , but moved iu > luadllv on cinerlnx by hlinrti , followed later by a sharp lire ik on the posting of lar o car-lot estimates fin tomor row , boats raiding the pr ! e down to 5lo for July , They oversold , however , and the bull L-lhiuo had nodllllcnlty In foirliiK them In at hUhar prices on the rally In wheat. Thu tains me lutardlm ; the cultivation of an alieidy li.ic'KVMud crop. Oats weroraihur heavy most nf the bess.on , and thedumand for Investment Is poor. As a .short sale , lard looks mine promising Hun other pioduetn. blocks are vury largo iinJ dlmliilbh h.owly. _ O.1I.I II. I I' a lit VK. OMVIIA. Juno 2.1. ISDI. OATTl.E-OIIIclal rocoluta of cattle J.SI 1 is comnarea with IW8 yesterday and SJ Ihnrs-day of last week. The market was ito idy on the best Krades of betnos and slow iiul r/iilUo lower on other crudes , lltilcher itock wnh nlow anil weak to lower , Tcetlers wort ) lifeless. lions Ulllc'lal rccotuts ot hoza 3iOI : as I'omiurod with ll..M. yest rday and R.OUJ riiursday of last week. The market was itudvu and steady to a shade hluhut , the ml- vancti huliiK almost whnlly on mi\od liojs. Mlold tinrly. 'Iho lanje of the prices inld vMnilAxai.41. the bulk tolling at II IWT4 I Ti. tlio market olosed e slci. Ll lit , * 1 2)U ) ti5 : ; heavyUC41 40 ; mixed , II JtWti..n. Tnu : iv eniKO of tlio prices ptldwus tl.U. as tom- uared with * ! . . ' < yesterday and $ ur3i 1'hnrs- iluy of labt week. 8iiKU > There were no ftesh receipts of uliueu. The ilom , ind exceeds the rerelpts and lirlces rule llrm ut the recent iidvunco. Na- llves JiTVijAOTii westerns , K'.ftJfeiO' ) . CJood 3J to 70 I ' ' lleoolnls mil DlHposUlon ( f Stauk. Ollluhtl rni'OlutH ami tllsposltlon of stoek as ihown by the liookh of the Union Mookvunlu : oi.ipany for thutwenty-foiii hours ondlni ; at io'oiuok p. in. . Juno 'i' ) , IS'll : HKUKIITP. Sales. No. Av. I'r. No. Av , I'r. No Av. I'r. 1 . KX > tl 03 15. 104. ( I UO 10 UU tt 10 i. . W3 ICO J..mO fii ) \'in \ * AMI nourm. 11 . 07 2 5) 10. . . . 109 300 _ Chicago Ijlvo Stojk Market. CIIICMIO. , Innu2'i C5peel.ilToleKr.ini to Tut llti : ] Tlie Munition in e.ittle was without liiipto\oiiit > tit In uny respect The only do' serlption for whltli the nrirkot had uny up- pt'.inneo of llrmniss H.IM i'\trt shlppliij steers. .oinutliliiK ccod rn uicli to hrlni : loo1 , und oirurlium in thiit elass wore too few tojl\u a f.ilr Ide.t ofiilnc"4 bo fur as cows nnd hulls and the Keneral run of steers were concerned , buycts enint piottv iiuar hit In ; their OMII w , iv n the in it- terofprlees They bought pool to fair eonn and bulls at $1 MIw ' " > . nnd eoliinion to coed steerat I l.'J.VdA 2 " > , while It took a good biineh of i , iss Tex.ts sti-ors to brine more than tJ.7r > . IhunitiRuof prlc' iinywherc from 85 ® Mo lower than last week. Trade w is dull early , and scarcely les-i so later In the d.iy , but by dint of hard work s ilesinen in ma o I to make pretty peed ele.ti inc'ps t-.tles of ntthescru on n basis of $1 ij@ I 7"i for Inferior to clioleo cows. heifers and bulls. $1 7.ViSl.7'i for htoexers and feeders and fl Tiftaitt for cotnmon to fancy shipping steer" . TO\.IB cattle , of which about 5KK ( ) arrl\ed , were salable lit $ .2 : ® . ; 25 | for u-riissors and atl2Vfi47'i for foJ stects. Ke- culpts f.illlnchhort of eirly estimates , tbo market for Tc\.ins closed ( Inner. Today's sales showery little cli inpo In Btlecsof htus As Is n.ost fieqiientlj- theca e the market was slrntiRtT at the oprniiiR of business th n nt the olon1. hut the chaiuo In X'tl'les ' seal -elv loauhod iiiol | ihlbproportlons I rom f2 ( ) ( S4 UO foi c'lllK tht-ro was tr.KlliiK all the w.t v up to $ ! . ' > ' , at which fUiiioa few loads of assorted ho.'s note we irhed. Olleriius we-ejnottv uniform , .is to the quality ind t he rfi eater p irlchanccdh iiidswilhln uian-u of I ie percwl , or at fl.4'i(2 ( > l Vi The market llnishe I iiiitc | woik ovccpt for prime lllit | we L'bts The l enln .Iournal reports : C.'iTTin-Ho- ceipts , l Iiid0 : shipments. . i. " > 00. Maikot stoadv ; prime to o\tri sioeis Jl : u : othets. f "i 2" > Ct'i Kij Tosans , J..iVtSI.O ) ; stoekeis , IJ 7 ( ® 4.25 : cows. irl. < iflr 4.0 lions Uecolpts , j'l.flOO ' ; shipments , 12.003. .M irket steady to lower : roujih. t4IOt2" > ; . . .i\ed and Backers , $1.4 ip,4 i ! > , ' ; prime he i % v and butcher wei hti. , $4 OSIOJjllKht , $4 2" > ® 4 01 01MIEIP MIEIP Recel | ts. SOU ) ; shlpmo'its , 4010 Mariietsteady tolowqV ; natives , * 4 12'4a- ' ( ) ; Tovin- . * 4.l.'i'ai2 > ; westerns , $1 2j < il5.00 : lambs , fO.OXij.75. ( ( _ New YHPK I.fn : btoolc SInrkot. Niw : Yonic. Juno 25 UEKVES Uecclpts. 2V,1 all for export nnil slaughterers : no tracltiiRi feeling linn Dressed beef , b' auiie ; KlilpinciilH tomoirow , 24'1 bee\es. CALVIM Keceipts , 2u7 head : biitterinllk cahes , * . ' > ) ® .too SIOEIUecclpts. . " .T ? ! head : sheep steady ; lambs weak : sheep , $ i.2via" > 25 ; lambs , JGOO ® 800 : dressed mutton , firm , IxJilO'ic ' : Uresaed lain' ' s , weak. 10H8'2c. llons Uecolpts. 4,7G'I hold , conslgnco direct ; market nominally ste'tdy r.t $ l..iO&5.25. St. Ijouia Llvu Stock Market. ST. I.OUH , Mo , Juno S3 PATTI.E Uo"olpts , ; i , ( ( li hlilpments 8,0.0 ; market duli ; fair to fancy native stouits I..70 ) < a800 ; Tcxans and Indians. * , ' .2G@ I OJ. IIoa-4 Kuco'ptH. ' 4ioo ; ; shipments , blank : ihiti ket stron j ; lietvy , J4.4531 T5 ; mixed , J4.IU ® 4 50 ; IlL'ht. * 4.a > 34 50. K-itiHUH City Ijlvo rtt mk KANhAS CITV. Mo , Juno 25 CATrr.-c ito- ceiptH. 2..IOJ ; Bhlpmonts. l.MI ; market about BUi.uty steers * )1oai.7'i ) : ; cows , Jl,40 < H.Ol : stockcru and feeders , 1 1. MS 1. 1)0. ) lions Hfcclpts l.o j shipments , 3,400 ; mar ket lower ; bulk , $1.2 > © 4.i5. : 031.111.1 WIUHt.H.l l.K JI A It KETS. VCK > tallies. The following quot ttlona represent the pr ces tit which choice stock Is billed out on uraeis unless otherwise t.t tied : UNIONS liuiniuda. per case. $ . ' .25 ; Califor nia , -'it' ' pot II ) UAIIIIAIIE Home grown. OOc pet dai , or 2i ! UJ'iC pel Ib > UAUMFr.owi'li 1'er dozen , JI.W. NKW I'OTMOhb I'CT II ) , 2' ' e. ToMviOEa I1' inoj stock , per crate. $ J.2u ® J 5 ) . Ni\v : HIITS : : I'er do ? , ao ® 5o. I'KAS I'er buslioT boJ1.2 > U1,50 ; nor M bushel box , We. C'ucuMiiiMts 1'or do.w Gio. Soi'TiitcitN Hi A. > s Wa71u per H bushel box ; s rlii , . ' . MJAliUu per 'i bushel liox , I'OTATOI.H lloiuu Kniwn Moulc In small let From thoHtore. $1.U. Asi'AitAfltis 50u per do ? . IIUANS Ntivy , Ii05 per bushoU Flour. Omaha inllllns company. Hellance , Putont , ( "K ) ; Invlncil ) o I'atent , J.'HO ; hone Mar , siiucrlative , J'- ' . " > 0 ; buowlluke , 12.10 ; Kaney l'iinll > . KI ( KI. H T. Dit\lH mill company , HlRh I'.itcnt No. 1 nud Cream , * -'HJ. Blue 1) ) , full p : > tunt. f..5'i ; llawkeyr. half patent , ; Special lioynl' intent No. 10. JUKI ; Minrit' ot.i P. tout , * . ' 8G ; Ivans in Hard Wheat , patent , $200 ; Nebraska rtpilni ; Wheat , p item j-.r > 5. b. V. Ulllnian'b Gold Modal , U81 ; Fnow Whlto , t..r > 1 ; bnowllake , (2.10 ; low crado , tl.r.O ; [ jueeii of the I'antrv. ? . ' W ) ; bran , ( IKiO ; Chopped feed , { .H.X ( ) ; Minnesota buperlathe , * V.'l. ! . Woleh & Ca. Woleh'b Ucst , tM ; Crown l'rlnco,8'.70i Minnesota Chief , J2.40 ; faplendul I'amlly , J2.10 ; btralnln , tl.tiQ. Frewh Frulth. IliACKiiKiiltiF.s | 't > r case , $ . ' .7V lli\t K'ilul'ereaso. . $1.03. L-iiKlllttts l allf jrnlil , per 10-11) ) box. J1.2 ; SI. . 15 ; soutliern C'liorriuM , il. 25 per drawer of IS I uurts. UiiAxiKs I.os Angeles , $3,2."i ; Mcdlterran- > un bweou , 81,75 > Tr\As l'i\i IIES Per > > { bushel box , ( AQT c , S i lu willliuii.sM lt > oui I htoek , $ ' ,0.t..2per ( ( ; i quart ease. Iowa htock , } J,25 per case. ( Inn s t.oosuiKiiiiiKb-rc'r 24 quint case , ( J2' < 1J 51 ; dr.iwt'i ' of Isiiiart3 ) , 1.7,4t2o3. I'lNI'Al'I'I.KS I'er 007 , MIO lii.MO.N8 Choice htncfc , per box , M.25 ; faney , I7niOO , Ir-i IU. \ > AS 1'or hunch , } J.503.03 for faney block. ' ' roiintry I'rutliico. I'ot'l.Tiiv Tbo reccliitsof old fowls are llttlo llulit and Hales of pooj block are mitdu at t.l.r.0 . 5.I.IK ) , hurlni ? C'ltlckBijs are bocomliiif more plenty und tire KHlllnli" " ut ( MOiCilOO per do * . I'lio itucks itrrlv Itu nro mostly small and KO .it a outf.'S1. Turkoj-B , tic per 11) A Miry liltijepioportlonof the but ter .sM'hliK at lOe , I ( idh The rtcoipU of OZKS are moderate , ind thu market lioldH at UUll'tU 'k Ilest upland , fO.UOitlo. u ; poororgrados , JollV A. MthllANE. TllANh C. CONDON McShane & Condon , , INYliSTMl-Xr BANKIsRS , 300 S. 13th St. Kirit National D nk Dulkl- ln , Omaha. Nob. Deal In Bdx-ki tHinilt § ourlllin , coin ni > reli\l pn l 'r , c-ic NLVtillniu luuiu on liupr ir I Um tint rt'itl i tiiio Sliurl line toiiii with banli ihUi. , ur ua all ul'prun'ii ' cullutcrnl tccurltr. Alioitt Ijtinipaurd Cat 11 o. OMUU , NcU , Junu ' 'S. To the Eultor of -Tin : HKI : . My iiltc'iitioii uas hocu called to a paragraph that appeared In your Sunday Issue In ivgurtl to a steer nt South Omuha stoc Ic- vnnl bald to bo affected with "lumpy Jaw " I urn thu "veterinary burgeon" that gave the fortllleuto that the animal was lit for human food aud I coutoud bo yet , even It the cu- ULCERS , CANCERS , SALT RHEUM , , RHEUMATISM , BLOOD POISON. Ihcno nnd every Kindred dl case arising from Impure- blood BUccc * fully treated hy that or-falllng and beat of all toutcs nnd medicines , Books on Hlood nud Skin Discuses f no. Printed teeUmonlalSEcntou application. Address e Swift Specific Co , , ATLANTA. CA. Inrgoinont was nctlnoinpkosi , ns there \vc no suppuration or breaking down of tti growth nnd from the appearance of 111 onltual none of the Interim ! otvuns wcro n fectcd. In courtesy to mo 1 think the mat UKement of thu South Omatm stoeltynnl stmuld plvo mo the privilege of seeing tli post mortem. This steer was purchased , ns I understood fnr Ncls Morris at whoso si ui hter house I Chicago u Held Inspection Is bcinir carried on under tbo new moat Inspection act , so if h ran the cuuntlct lu that place thoiovould b no fear of his meat being diseased. I do not know what law regulates the shit mont of c.utlo from South Omiihn , biU I d think animals In the early singes of lump Jaw ( and uny Hub cnl.nveinont about th head or face Is now-n-davs sure to bo consld ered ns such ) arc condemned and other dl c.tses moro detrimental to the human rae nllo\\-cd to nass I think we lire straining at gtiMand swallowing n camel. I doubt ! there is on record in American deithftoi. . lumpy j.i\v in the human subject. lilt 11A111) KllHirT , Member of the Hoyul college of votorlnnrj surgeons , England. No griping , no nausea , no pain when D Witts Little B irlv UU JIM arj u H i. S-iull pill. Safe pill. Uedt pill. VKTKIIXXS OK TIIC XVAIl. Arc You Ilccclvliift tlic I'cnsioii ti \ > hioli You arc Kutltlo I ? There nto thousands of soldiers of the lat vuir who ate sufTering from injuries rcceivci nnd diseases conttactod during the late war In many Instance : , these injiuies nnd disojbu will carry thu victims to the grave. This i to bo roijrottcd It is nevertheless the fact To such iks those the nation is indebted. Ti such as those the uatlon aims to discharg * its indebtedness. It has striven in this ditcc tion for years. It has paid out millions ti suffering soWiers and Is still disposed to aic them to the extent of Its power. Do all the soldicrj enjoy the bcnelits ol ( tension to which they are entitled J Ttun do not. Why ) Because they nro Ignorant o the laws which have been pasbcd for their benolit. Thoie nre consequently thousands of sold lor ? who nro entitled to pensions. Thcie art thousands who nro now receiving pension : who nro entitled to an inctease of the satin but who uia not tocciviug that increase. Al such have claims against the government All such should mi' : ' o inuuiry "ns tovtha they nro entitled. They may do this througt Tin : Hi L'S Ut itrAL OF UI.UMM. This buioat will not bleed the soldiers. It will not do eoivo him. Itill expedite his cbiim. If hii claim is worthless , ho will bo informed of tin fact ut the earliest uossiblo moment. This bureiu is in the interest of the soldier. It i : picparod to cive tlie soldier whatever information mation on the subject ho may require. Ii another column of TUB Bun jou may reac \\hat this bureau pioposcs to do nnd how I liopo ; to do it. Wiito to the bureau for in formation. OverT OOO Howe scales nave bosn sole nnd the demand increasing continually. Boi ileu iVKclleek Co. , Cliicago , 111. KUB3ING IT IN. In support of u resolution to advertise in THIS BUB , Couuciltnun E. P. Davit i\id : "Sotno tirno a ro wo ndvortiscd in th < World-Uornld , but us it was read by onlj i few , wo received no bids. " The resolution was unanimously tdopted. Dnnnolly nnd the Cryptogram. At Boyd's opera hou-o next Sunday night [ Ion. Ignatius Donnelly , tbo studious author ) f "Tho Great Cryptogram , " and n man lotcd for his eloquence , \\ill answer Colonel { obert G. Ingorsoll's ' recent lecture in this : ity on "Shakespearo and His Creations ' ' L'hero is piobably no man allvo better ac- inaintod with this great question that at iresent has nrousod the Interest of the English speaking world , than Mr. Donnelly. Ic hns made the great Shakespearean qucs- ion the study of his cntiro life and his 'lows have oeou endorsed by many of the vorld's ' most prominent mathematicians and itudents. Mr. Donnelly will nlso touch upon VIr. Incersoll's religious \Iewsnndbringto icht some of the colonel's ' mistakes in both iterntuto nnd leliglon. It hns boon piutty tenorally conceded that Mr. Donnelly by his irgumonts has placed Colonel Ingcrsoll in irobably the most uncomplimentary position 10 hns over been during his btilliant career , vlr. Ingcr.soll llrst had his say at the Lyceum hcntro , Minneapolis , when ho told of .Vllliam Shakespeare's creat merit without Irst giving the subject suulcient study and bought. The colonel soared up those rc- narkablc Mights of oratory for which ho is nmous without a thorough investigation of ilmkcspuaro. Then the studious sago of S'iningcr catno along and knocked all of In- ; crsoll's thcoiics into a cocked hat nnd asked ho colonel n few questions that the great ignostlo could not answer. The press gqner- illy conceded that Mr. Donnelly had much ho best of the great question. For Sehlitz boor apply to H. R. Grotto OUOFurnam. Weakening. Omaha Dnilii ' > f.iin > cn > t. The World-Herald , which is neitl > er fish , losh nor good ted herring , is weakening in is contest with TUB Ben. List joar the utter paper had the enterprise to employ n pccial train to Grand l.slnnd on Sundays at , cost of ? UO for each train. By this moans L served its pillions at that point and at in- crmcdiato points , mid fiorn these to other loints oil the nillioad , from several hours to early twenty-four in advance of the ro0'ular nail service. Last November \Vorld-Hcrnldnskod to oin TUB BKB in this special service by pay. ng half the expense , nnd TDK Hr.i : con- ontcd. But about Juno 1 the W.-II. draw ut , thus leaving the Jtili euttitlu < < > 'the lice. i'u better evidence tit in thti cvitlil be fuinl lic < l / Hie fiat that Tlie lice lnflncinct llii tiieaktnu , the bachtnuenf the ll'uilil-llcriilil. Do Witt's Little Knny Kisers. nest llttlo illl over made. Cura constlpilla i every lino. None equal. Use them now. t Tulco u Trip. A party of about twenty teachers in the nibllo schools , headed by Miss Hurl ha ) owoy , special tcaehnr In calisthenics , will tntt on Tuesday next for n tiip to pulnis of ntoiost In Maine. The party \\II1 go vl. ; the iurlington to Chicago , when they will ) uin n arger party , traveling in iisiwclul train over he Chlcat-o kt Grand Trunic nnd the Giand PrunH to Kingston , thcncu by bout to Mon- teal , and from there uy tall to I'urtland.Hur [ arbor , and other points of interest in that Icinlty. The party will bo abdont about four veeUs. Uf , BU-aeycuroa caurru , 13 JQ bUf ? OMAHA DIRECTORY. AWNINQ3 AND 'TENTS ma ha Tent & Awn ing Co. Kins' lliimiioclt * Oil unit Iliilitierciotlilnir Si-nillur rittloKnc IH.i t'urnuui BIOYOLBS. A. II. Perrigo&Oo. Mi 0 , Daxon , AllMnici All l'rlco.1 , All lUcjcIo .ild . on Muutlil Parts. Hit Dodge Street. t , Omih BOOK BINDBRg & STA.TIONBR ! _ Omaha Republican Printing Oj. , Law brlofs , bunk eupnlp | , mil erorrtlila * la tl ; prlmliw Unit IQth niul Doiul > ' "trect Ackertntuin Bros. & Ilointzo , I'rlnters binder" , ilootrolvpori , tilmilt booi matin fiutiircM , Illtillowirl Mrvt Onn'ik BOOTS AND SHOE3. BOXES. BUTCHERS. John L. Wilkie , LonU Holler , Onnhapnpor box factory IliitrherV nnd Pucker Hli-lll. ) Diiiitlii Tools A MHIIH | | | 'too lioir A xlu'i-p ( inln-'i Onlcrt promptly 1111JI lllfi-IIM Jnrk m SI CARRIAGES , BUQGIE ? , ETO. W. T. Seaman , Omilm't T-nrntHl Viirlaty WAGONS AN'I ) CAItlU.VlJKi CARPETS. I CLOTHING. Omaha Carpet Cb. , I Oilmaro & Ruhl Carpet" , ol ! clot'u ' , ra ' . - Mamifncturert A Wliolo tlnR , cnminooIi , < 3tJ fnlo Clothier ) , 1611 luilii strait. 1IW Uarnoy 81 CIGARS. West&Frtoclm , Mnntifictttrer * nnocUiri Jobbers of lonf tobaojoi- 1011 Kirnitn street COAU COKE , ETC. Omaha Goal , Ooka an I Ooutant & Squires , Lima Oi. Hnrtl and nrt coil ahl.- Itnrrt nrnl < uft ciil P'r , S. i : Cor Hit'i n'it Ij i { . 13J3 Kiirnin itroet , lai stroutt. Oiniln Mount & Grili ] , P. H. Mahoaoy & GJ. Iliird Conl Soft. 213S 14th strait , Oriem 811 N irth anil cor Omalin , Nob. 10th and DOIIK ! n st * . American Fuel Go. Howell & Ox , Shippers nnd rtetlo-t li authricltu mil bin- J17S 14tlitreat , Illinois coil Onmlii , No" ) . 513 S ISthstrojt. Nebraska Fual Oj. , Johnson Bros. , S13S 13th strait , OH FurmmSircot , Omaha , Nob. Omnhr , Neb CORNICE Eagle Oornico Woiks P , Manufacturprs ofOalvnn- OnlTiml/pd Iron cornices Izeil Iron Cornice. Dormer wlndov/8 , dee c p , tin His tie Tli IlilliU ftc. 1110 Iron nnil si ito roofer. Dodge St. 811 l-nrnum St CEMENT AND LIME3. J. J. Johnson & Co. , :168. 13th JtrJH Omahi , Net > . DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Koah DIJ Goods Oa. fnrnUUIn , Dry coeds , notions , , ont ) Dry wood , ? notions eouda , . furnlshliii ; fooili. Cor. llth and llonard ti. Corner llth an I Itarnc ; ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uin'UOlT AUTOMATIC Wolf Electrical Oo. Electric Motors llluntratcil CattloKUO and DyniiuiM ( ittaloiiuc free free. H A Klnnoy , ( , t n I lfH Capitol Avenue. AiiL blJ N \ l.lfo llU't ; FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , OrendorfF & T. G , Northwall , Martin Oo , , General western aKont Corner.Jones and Uta ts r-kaiulla Plow Co , Unialit , Neb 11-l.lil ' bborinan aro. FLOUR. E. L. Wolo'j & OD , , R. T. Davis Mill Oo. , 1012 N Iblh street C. G ITn lornnol , J 1 ! Vic Cray Mitmiror. Manager nt Oin till. Mill nt llcndcrdon , Minn Cor 8th and Jackson its. S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co. , Merchant Mlllori , 1014 N. llitti BUOJt. Olllcu and Mill 111) Noith C. E. Illaclc - Mnnaifer 1 ( Hi fetreot. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Furniture Beebo & Runyan Fur Oo. niture Oo. niture . , Successors to C.A. Hcobo Kurnlture and carpats , A Co 1115-1119 Tarnain Htrcot , Grace and Uth Hts. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Echnoider & Loomis , J , T , Eobiuwa Notioa Oo. , lobtcrs and Imporlors of aentv furnlililnT KOII | notions and fitrnUliliu m Vt ci'lulirit 11 brtnl . ooili , "lluck.kln ' overulh i. pints nlilrtH , rniU , uto. Illl Iloward stroat. Cor l-'tli un I Ilorardxtt. Willian Blake , Bruos L } i m It. ! 17andCI9 Boulh l ( < lti Si , Onialii. Nt'b , Onrdia , Hugh 0. Olark. denlVu4iurn A unt u' llupuul'ii ttpurtlnil Dun , ULT Atlat liitihaiplLi- GRAIN AND PROVISIO N Toncray & Bryan , 18. A. MoWhortor llrokcm. itraln , prortnloiK 312 11 Nntl lltnk. llrokflr * mil Mock * : il3 8 I4tli 1'rlvuto j > to \ ft. I'rlvittcwlro to Clil- \ nrk , Clilcnuo nnd lit. ili ) M. IAII | | < and New Ixiuh. CaV KMlU Verk. lioiiidilfor all market * Oookroll Bros. ' P , 0. Swarta & Oo , llrokori I'rlrato nlros II roliori , DrainI'rorhlons to New Vurk ( lilcnKO A etc 1'rlvnto rrlro to st , St < Hpprlal allc'n- o ill ami Ch'CMio , Oltlco tloncltcn lo track til U In l l.Satl llank.Onmlm. uiiinnln lit Nat I Hank KxclnnnoliM n , S. Umk HARDWARE. Hector & Wilholmy Oo Lec-Clark-Audrooaaa Hardw.xrj Oo. . . Cor. lOtli au.l Jackson 'H KB-II10 ilnrnrj < Oniitlia Nnti IRON WORKS. Paxton ft Viorlirur Onmlm Bafo & Iron Iron Work' , Works , nrniivlit nnil rut Iron bulldlntf work , ptiKlnin Mnnnf'r * flro ntul tuirglur brn work , tfonor'il jirnof unfM , vaults , Jull foundry , miolihu ) mil nrk Iron flmtti'ri mi I blick ! inllh work U P llrt1 i'"rnio < l An- llj nml Kill it. Orn'n.lullJncVionJti Wilson & Drake , M'fR tnbutnr flues , Bra hov bollors , tank * , oW. I'lerco nml lilh tr < ? ot < LIQUORS. Her & Oo. , William I.l'l'nr ' MI M'II ' iti \Vln3i , Mqiiorj niul CI- llli it inu/ < tr.u' . Mrmuru tur ri f n ul linatlnillt IllUori 1111 1'nrnim St. , Onu'ii L , Kirsoht & Co. , Trick & Hciljcrts Wlmlci lie I.liiior ] Do UO \Vliolcs-ite llquortc l Jr 1UUI Karn nn Street 3 10th U E. R. Grotto , Init'ortor nml lolibir ot \ \ IIUM nn 1 1,11 ion 10JU unit Wli t-iirmm St. I'rlpn IHt tin nppUcttU > LUMBER. G. W. Douglas ? & Oa John A. Wakufiolil , inpiirlnt.Anicrlrnn I'or Hnnlwooil f.umbar , liiiiilCoiiiunt.Mllnnukoii llyilnullc CcmcMit itutl 1110 .Vortli loth 9trt Ijnlncyhllo Lima Charles R. Leo , Wyatt-Bullard Lum llnrrtwootl linnbor , wool ber Oo. carpelK nml | iirqiiut ; llcoiliu il nmlliardStrciJts , fth nml llouulin. Cady & Gray , Louis Bradford , I.lmo , cement , cto , cto I.umbor , ! lmoconiontot ] cor , tli nml Donglu stroeu MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonehill , I. Oborfoltler & Oo , ( j Millinery , Notloni Importcm nnd Jobbcrl la " Cloik ) , KM Millinery. AJ3,210nmm. ! Huutb llth lln-113S Iflhau , Ora-ihi Direct. MUSICAL IN3TRUtvIE3NrS , ETO Mas Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , IIospo , Jr. , SI f'Kjuppr | , rtcnloM In Pianos , Orgnin , ArtlstV mutlciU InitruiUunti , lie , MatcrltiH KIc , Knrnim and Ifith. Kill DoiiKlas Street. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Ilcttnorl nnil lubrlottln t oiN , axle Krcuto , otj H 11 Itntli , Mnn-Kor PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbol & Sin'tb , Sohroodsr & Oa , Icnlrr < In country prod Cnnh buyori butter ml uce , frulu , etc iiNKlon morclianti , 1207 Howard street 4J1 boutli lltli "trout. L Randazzo & Son , Sll South 12th Street frorelun .tlXimcstlo Krnlti Hurl It Urnni.e A Sicily Krultt llnncli liousu , 7 N. 1'etera St , New Orl in PAPER , RUB BUR G'D3 , Carpenter Papar Oo. , Onuha Rubbar Oj. , Curry n full etoclc of Manufacturlnt ant jj > - printing , wratipln anil borjall kill U ru'jbjr writing P pur , c tr j p i- Kill ) 11 per , etc. IDJi riuiiii t SE3O3. STOVES. Emsrsoa 8201 0 : . , Feed Krowort , rtotlarili pardon u'r usr tla 111 tree neo 11 , vian ift-tur'z if > r3i til Mt/U ( ) , ) lp ) 1211-1215 Ijpivonwnrtli st , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETC. M. A. Disbrow & Co. , Boliii Sas i & lioor Oo MamifuUureiM of cifli Manufiu turors of mou IUKI , bllnili illors. door < . lill nil < nml .Moulillnvi llnncli of ute , ( 'till tlcu , l.'t'i anil Uir.l U loth ami CI irlc itrcuti. STEAM AND WATES SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Strinj & Puino Oo , , Jlallld i ) win 1 mllli i | ) IMMI ( Parnin nn I v ; > IOIIIH ut. ( ) b' UOSM , acting inanacor. Omlm , Nub. TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , CIGARS. Consolidated Ooffjo Company , UUan.lintl Ilarnnrit Omalm .Sub TOYS. BILLIARDS. , f * y H. Hardy & Oo , , Oollendor Oo. ToyK , ilulU , iilbiiini.fanoy . cooili , liouiefurnldhlnc Illl trt n 1-1 it I ill in , Hilmnnttiim Kini'Ui clill Iron's car- 407 IW4 lUtli atroju rli.'os III'J rarnimU. Dili i la SOUTH OMAHA. ' JNION STOCK YAFJD3 CO , . LIMITED. L.TVD . SIOOK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Oo Huntsr & Graju , & .K > Ki'liin.-o llulldliu , 10 iua llulUIni Honth ( Jni lilt. ( Jin t'i t. 3 , J. Ooffnun , Sm.lo/ & Oo. , i Omali JOSEPH eiLLOTT'S ' PER33. STEE5. . GOLD MUDAL , PARIS FXPOSITION , 1080. TE | ! MOST L LRFEOT OF PENS Total , ul CITIEO. | COUMTIREi , CntlOOL UIOTRICT8 , WATER COMf AHlEa , BT. I'orrf puadrnie mlrittf ] N.W , HARRIS ( i COMPANYD3nker\ le .ias Dearborn Otreot , CHICAC < J | . : S Wa'l Street , NEW YOIIIC 3O U't