TWENTY-FIRST YEAH. OMAHA , FEIDAY MORNING , JUNE 20 , 1801. NUMBElt 8. fe Nebraska and lov/a Snff ir Heavily Through the Misbtj Flood of Rain. " DETAILED REPORTS INCREASE DAI\UGT \ , No MVCH , ltit ) HuntlrotlH ol' HOUHOH utiil Acres ol' ( Jralu DcHtroyisil Oliurokcc tlio Wo Ml Ktrlckoiu WATEni.oo , la. , Juno 25. Cherokee nnd < ho country ndjacent , which Tuesday night's hlg storm devastated. Is entirely cut off from communication , the wlre.s only working to Aurella , the llrsl station from Cherokee. All the bridges across the Llttlo Sioux at Cherokee - koo nro gone , together with the railroad trucks nnd wires. Later reports of the storm Indicate that It was worse than at first re ported , The courier Just arrived from Clierokeo f iJivcs the Information that 100 houses nt Oherokuo were washed away. No further loss of life Is reported there beyond the four persons drowned as reported yesterday , It Is impossible to learn their name * or how they met their fate. Everything Is In the wildest confusion , The same is true at Corroctlonvillo and no word by telegraph can bo received from there until communication Is established at Chero kee. It Is now known that six persons met their death in the country round about Cor- rectlonvlllo and the number by later reports Is Increased to eight. Houses , barns and out houses floated in the Little Sioux past Cherokee - keo all day. It is presumed they came from fcouthorland. No loss of llfo Is reported from upthccoun- try. Aurella reports from two to four fcetof water In the streets there. Cellars are flooded and thousands of dollars worth of danmgo have been dono. At Storm Lake the merchants are unable to get into their stores on account of _ Jie water. All passenger and freight "Ttranie west of Aurelia Is abandoned. The railroad brldgo at Clierokeo Is lodged In the river half a mlle below town. Material is being moved rapidly by the rail road company to repair the datnaro. The superintendent of the Omaha road tele m graphs that all the bridges nn his line are gone from Sheldon to Lemars. Aurella , nlno miles roast of Cherokee , re ports nt I Ml ) p. m. ston'Ji clouds gathering In the vicinity of Clierokeo again. Cherokee Is - pl.ut In by a vast expanse of water , and It is feared there will ho added to the already Ifi'ilTering citizens the pangs of hunger , as Ik < thu surplus stock of provisions was de frayed by the flood. No ono has yet dared rbravo the flood in boats owlnir to the masses of debris in the river nnd the wagon roads are Impassable. Thcro Is no prospect seen of reaching the puoplo from any direction until Iho water subsides. JIA ll.ll fl.lDS S V FVX.K Iltiillreds of Miles of Trno'c Demol ished and IrldneH ? Gone. CHICAGO , Juno 25. Advlcos received nt the headquarters of the Chicago & North western railroad in this city this morning In- dlcito : that , the destruction by the cloudburst In northwestern Iowa Is moro widespread than the dispatches received yesterday sug gest. From the damage to its line actually reported It appears that the deluge covers at least portions of thu counties of Sioux , O'Brien , Clay , Plymouth , Cherokee , Buena Vista , Woodbiiry , Ida , Sac , Moiiona , Craw ford , Carroll , Harrison and Shelby , covering a territory three counties In width nlong the western border of the state and five counties in length , beginning within ono vV tlorof counties from the northern boundary - \MLtho stuto and extending southward. Wttii telegraph lines In this territory ore greatly'de-moralized and It is next to Impossi ble to got accurate or detailed information touching the gonorul losses nnd casualties. This territory Is dotted with villages and covered with cultivated farms , nnd the worst Is feared in the way of damage and porslblo loss of lifo along the water courses which traverse this great section of the stato. Several of the general officers of the North- 'western road loft for the scouo last night and are making strenuous efforts to penetrate Into the devastated region. Their reports to headquarters give only the result of their observations In regard to the damage to Iho property of the company , leaving that to adjacent counties to t.o Inferred. These reports show that the main line road of the Northern Iowa division is demolished from Linn Grove to Alton , a distance of forty miles , that the Wovlllo branch , from Wo- jV JJlo to Schallor , a distance of forty-llvo -ihlles , Is In the snmo condition. The Onawn branch , from Onawa to Ida Grove , fifty miles , is equally bad off. Tracks to an aggre gate longtn of 115 miles nro entirely blocked by the carrying away of bridges and the washing out of roadbeds. All traffic this aldo and beyond the points named Is being covered by round-about llno.s. On the main line from Linn Grove to Alton thu bt-ldzo over Waterman creek , with its trobtle 2SO feet long , was carried away , and ten other bridges , llvo each way from Waterman creek , have been rendered useless by under mining or partially carried away. Ono bridge 11)0 ) feet long near Paulina Is gone , together with two smaller ones. The tr.ick is V101' ' ' away in many places. At Water- ' nmiVvrcok the track and lies have boon car ried a quarter of n mlle from the roadbed. It is Impassible to learn much lu regard to 11m condition of affairs on the Movlllo brunch , Tno wires nro down and the waters nro mill so high that U is Impossible ns yet to muko an Inspection of the lino. The officials hero fear the worst. The sumo condition prevails on the line between Ida Grove and Onawa. No reports are In from that section , which Indicates that great d.imago has prob ably been dono. It Is reported from Galva that the bridge over Maple river Is badly washed out. At the present time It l.s Impossible to cs- tlmato thu damage to railroad property In that territory , but enough U known to show it will bo very heavy. The section of coun try wnnro the flood was most severe Is tra versed by numerous brunches , not only of the Northwestern , but also of the Illinois Central , Milwaukee & St , Paul nnd the main line of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha roads. No reports of damage to these lines have been received except from the Illinois Central , whoso lines from Cherokee to Oimwu , which run along the Sioux river , nro blockaded , and the general officer * who It'll hero last night nro not yet nblo to got across the swollen . ' river to Cherokee. The wires nro all uown nnd nothing can bo learned ns to the state nt affairs on the sldo of the river. Tha officials fear the worst , not only ns to the line from Clierokeo to Onuwa , but uUo from Clio roll co to Sioux Falls. Tlio Northwestern management has a re pair crow und half n doicn pllo drivers nt each end of the breaks on Us line ready to make repairs , but the water * nro mill so high that the work cannot bo proceeded with , It % vlM take sovcrul days to put the line in con- -youlon for a resumption of trunic , The Chicago , Milwaukee X-St. Paid road r. - * / Buffered n bevero washout on the Sioux City division between Sioux City and Manilla , and trunlo U delayed on that division. On tbo Jowa and Dakoia divisions sotuu small wash- euu occurred , but not enough to prevent the running of trains. Telegraph wires are down , nnd the actual amount of damage done is unknown. Tlm Illinois Central retuscs to sell tickets or ship freight to any point west of Aurella. At Lo Mars the ruliuf party trlcgniphs that the Plci.vil river Is three-fourths of a mlle wldu and everything under water , the track has been carried away nnd thu bridges nro uono as the result of n wall of water six feet high that rolled down the stream yesterday nnd Irresistibly carried everything b < 'fnrt ( It. Vice President Ilurulmn and General Super intendent Sullivan are both on the scene di recting the oporatloiH of u largo force of re- puir men. The big Iruss brldgo at Cherokee wus swept out of the way . , . nnd . . with It went IIX ) foot of trestle oa which the company's rack approached the Sioux river. The Omni branch Is under water for four miles. It l.s reported In ChUugo Unit about ono hun dred nnd fifty miles of the Illinois Central company's truck * nro blocked or out of sight. sv.n.iir.IT cr. Kcmimc of the lainr : < i ) Done l > y tlio Little Slotiv anil I-'loyd , Hiorx CITV , la. , Juno 2V [ SpocKl Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J : : Further reports hero pluco the loss nt Sutherland by storm at { Tfi.lUO to. buildings alone. No estimate can bo furnished of the loss In the towns through out the Little Sioux anil Floyd valleys. Seventy miles ot tlio Illinois Central track was .submerged by water and the loss will reach 5100,000 and tnko many days to repair. It Is Impossible to estimate the loss to the Chicago & Northwestern. It will bo fully as great a.s that of the Central. The water In the Floyd did not roach Sioux City until 7 this morning. Two hundred houses had water In them over ono foot deep. The Paris steve company , Bonus-Mllncr roller mills , Sioux Citv engine works. Pooch manufacturing company and many other fac tories were Hooded ever the first llnor. JNO word has yet been received from Cor- rooUonvlllo , on the Little Sioux. Telegraph and telephone wire. ? are down and itU feared great damage has boon done there. The town is on the bottoms nnd has 200 population. Damage was done at Smlthland , Washata and Oto , but reports are mcagro and the ex tent is unknown , A courier arrived In thh city overland from Moville , twenty miles east , and reports that all but ono building in the town wus swept away by the water. Muplctoii arid several towns on the Maple river also suffered. Nothing additional comes from Cherokoo. The Floyd and bioux have both nearly re sumed their normal condition , and no further trouble is apprehended. The damage to crops is inestimable. Every creek and river west of Storm lake was way cut of its banks. Many fratno buildings have been wrecked along the streams. Not n county brldgo re mains In Plymouth county , and the same state exists In Cherokee county and in tne eastern portion of Woodoury. No fatalities are reported hero , and state ments that there were are undoubtedly Idle rumors. IlewlHted Three Cyclones. PAI.MHH , Nob. , Jnuo 25. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKI : . ] Yesterday afternoon the atmosphere became very clo30 , with rapidly fulling barometer and small thunder clouds , forming In the south , nnd In advnuco of the fulling rain , was soon a whirling body of black dust which extended probably a hun dred feet high , and immediately ubovo the dust was scon a funnel shaped cloud , which alternately rose and fell. The dust und cloud met , nttcr which the cyclone passed majestically off n mile east of town , carefully avoiding all stock nnd all buildings and spent Itself without doing any damage , about three miles away. The sight was awful and grand in the extreme. A smaller whirlwind , without any funnel shaped cloud . .attached , passed through Palmer , but struck only a stable and few outhouses , completely grinding them to powder and blowing shingles , boards and chickens high In the nir. It then struck n vacant house nnd threw it oft lt foundation , but did no other damago. A third cyclone , wlUi funnel attachment , smaller than the first , but larger than the second one , passed through the west of Palmer , uprooting trees and demolishing crops north of town. Passing on north , It struclf the Loup river and sucked up water from the river Into the clouds , and ns the sun was shining brisrhtly nt the time , the sight was extremely beautiful. Aside from the few small buildings demolished there was no damago. They worj all within a track u mile wide. None of them were ever a hun dred feet wide. All three passed over the ground very slowly , caused a very loud roarIng - Ing noise and were In sight at tho' same time. Ruin followed very soon after and during the night was very heavy. Lightning was very sharp nnd close , hut only stunned ono boy , who is all right today. Toi'CKA , Kan. , June 25. About 4 o'cloclt this morning the heaviest rain storm of the season set In at this point , nnd It continued almost until noon. Imports along the rail road lines indicate that the storm is general only In the eastern third of the stato. Both thu Santa Fo and Union Paclfio roads are washed out between here nnd Lawrence , nnd all west bound trains are held at Lawrence waiting until the track can bo repaired. Washouts have also occurred at Williamstown on the Union Pacific and Leampton on the Santa Fe. The damage to crops will bo great ns the harvest Is in full blast la eastern und south ern ICansas , Wheat already cut and lying m the field or carelessly shocked will be almost entirely rulnod. The fall of water Is so heavy that the ground is thoroughly saturated , and It will bo an entlro dity after the sun comes out before work in the fields will bo practi cable. _ Serious Work ol' tlio Storm. YOUK , Nob. , Juno 25. fSpocial Telegram .to TUB 1J-H. I The rainfall In this section of country Is almost unprecedented. It began about 0 o'clock last night and kept UD a steady downpour till 9 this morning. This evening it has all the appearance of a con tinuance. The B. M. road had a disastrous wreck near here on account of a washout , the Northwostorn's trains nro afraid to cross tholr brldgo watt of town and the Kansas City & Omaha train turned back a mtlo from town , afraid to come In over their shaky and undermined trucks. The county brldgoj are nearly all washed out , especially In the southern part. Three of them on the outskirts of the town are gone and many moro are reported gone. The dwellings in the low places in town were In. vnded by the rUlng waters In the night nnd the Inhabitants had to move. The crops were greatly damaged. _ Tracks anil UrldjfosVailio , 1 Out FIIEMONT , Nob. , Juno W. [ Special Telegram - gram to THIS Br.c.J L-m night's rain was ono of the heaviest ever known In Fremont. The rain fell In torrents for hour * and the strcot.s worn shouts of water. There was no dnmngo done by wind , but the Inces sant lightning played hnvoo with the clectrlo UihU. Trains on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road have been running Irregularly on account of washouts. About seven him- dred foot of track was taken out near West Point and transfers hud to bo made over the break. Three washouts between Fremont and Lincoln have shut off nil com in unlcatlon between these cities today until late this evening. The heaviest washout Is on the approach preach to the big brldgo ever the Platte , seven miles west of the city. Heavy Itnlii Fall. Oiuxn TRI.VXD , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to TUG BKI : , ; This section was visited lust night by the heaviest rain storm ever known hero. The rain fell in torrents nearly all night and was accotnpanlod by a severe thunder storm. In some of the lower localities In tbo city cellars were flooded , tbo water iu some Instances getting into the homes on the Ilrst floor. A urcak occurred In the main sewer in the southeastern part of the city , causing consldorablo Inconvenience to the residents In that vicinity. There being but very little wind , only slight damage Is reported to have been done to the crops. By actual moasurment the amount of rain fall during tlm night was found to bo very nearly fourteen Inches. Terr'llo Ulcoirlun ! DNpla. WAIIOO , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Dun. | Last night a torrlfio electrical storm passed ever this vicinity. For nearly an hour tha boa vent were ahlaxa with lightning. A house In the northwest part of town occupied by Peter GunduMon and family was struck by a bolt of llgbtnlng and was literally torn to pieces. Windows were torn out , all the shiss broken , the door * torn from tholr hangings and the frumo of the house so damai/ud that It will bo impos sible to repair It. The family were In bed at the time nnd the springs of the bud on which the famllv was sleeping were melted. No one was hurl , aside from being badly shaken , except ono child that was cut by falling pluss. The Wi.rnt Now Over. SiofX CITV , la. , Juno 25. Additional par ticulars of the Hood at Cherokee Indicate that the worst is now over. It Is stated that ono hundred houses were washed away , render ing twelve to fifteen hundred people homo- less. Hcports are coming In from all quar ters of unprecedented high water In the Hreatns , the injury to railroad property , loss of bridges nnd destruction of crops nlong the rivera. The Floyd river is out of Its banks and people have been compelled to mnka a hasty departure for higher ground The waters are receding this morning. The destruction of property in Clierokeo will reach * . ' 00,000. Besides almost alt the stock pastured nlong the Sioux Is destroyed. Flood on tlie Floyd. LiM\iis : , la. , Juno 25. A heavy flood cnmo down Willow creek yesterday , entering the Floyd river about a mlle above LeMnrs. The bottom land along the river at once became n raging tonent half n mlle wide. The Hood washed ever a mlle of embankment , twenty- IIvo feet nigh on the Illinois Central track east of LoMars where Willow crook runs udder the railroad. Crops on the bottoms wero-entirely destroyed. Hundreds of head of cuttlo and horses were left swimming In their pastures and rescued by men in boats. No lives were lost. LoMars is on high ground and sustained no damage. The flood is the highest ever known. Out In the Wet. M.u.vnitN , Ta. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tun Dec. | Lust ntcht a party of young peopln went from Alalvorn to attend commence ment exercises at Tabor. Among them were Willlo Neeland and Glcnnlo Callahan , These two went for n short walk and were caught In the rain , which began about8 o'clock. The boys were soon missed and search was commenced for them. About-1 o'clock in the morning they were found drenched and exhausted , about four miles from town. They had had a most unpleasant experience , but will suffer no great incon venience as a result. Ilaln and TJKhtnlus ; at ICenrney , KBUIXCY , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The heaviest rain of the season fell early this morning accompa nied by n strong wind and lightning. Flvo buildings in the city were struck by light ning inside of thirty miuutcs. The Fourth ward school building was struck and the chlmne.v shattered to the ground , the belfry of the United Presbyterian church was lorn to pieces , and the residences of H. L. Down- lug , Mavor Johnson and James Hnulan were moro or loss damaged. Slrango to say , no ono was Injured. Flood at Ilcndermm.- Hcxrmitsox , Nob. , June 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. | A veritable flood began falling here ut 0 o'clock last night nnd con tinued for ten hours without a pauso. Cellars are fl coded , grain is reported as laying flat upon the ground and great dnmago has been done to crops goncrallv. The Fremont , Elkhorn - horn & Missouri Valley track is washed a ay in many places. Cyc'ouo ' In * ' Innosoti. AUSTIN' , Minn. , Juno 25.- During a terrific storm in this section last night a cyclone swept over the east portion of this county , wrecking severe ! houses , b'irns , etc. . In Us way. At Marshall , a small bamlot nlno miles east of this city , a house belonging to John C ) . Fordahl was blown to atoms and Mrs. Fordahl and daughter severely injured. Flooded with WntT. Niiw\8Ki CITV , Nob. , Juno 25. | Spcclal Tolocrnm to TUB Br.i : . | During the heavy rain last night the Watson hotel and Bert Freeman's drug store were flooded with wntor. A now roof is being put on the building and the temporary canvas cover was not sufficient to turn off the heavy rain. The damage will bo over Sl.OOJ. Hardest Kver Spoil. OUXBVA , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to THE BKI : . ] This vicinity was visited last night by the hardest rain ever seen in this section. At least three inches of water fell. The small grain l.s badly loduod , but may straighten up. The small grain Is the heav iest over known In Fillmore county. Forty HOUHCH DcMtroyed. FOHT DOPOC , la. , Juno 25. Hoports say that in sixty miles traversed by the stqrm hundreds of acres of crops were dovastcd and Iho deslruetion of ether property Is enormous Forty houses were destroyed at Southorland , betides u large number which were unroofed. le Wiped Out. Stoi'.xCirv , la. , Juno2" . Late news hero Is to the effect that the town of Movlllo is completely pone , and out of forty or llfty houses only ono was loft standing. Pcoplo got most of their goods out , but they are camping out In fields. Clierokeo County , N. C. , SufTers. ICsoxviu.n , Tcnn. , Juno 25. Tbo report comes from Cherokee county , North Carolina lina , of n terrible cloudburst there last ovo- nlng : Two illicit distillers were killed and growing crops destroyed. .1 Ill.UOlti Il.tTTLE. Sailous IlomiltH or a Neighborhood ( 'l hl In Tennessee. T-iBwisnuna , Tonn. , Juno 25. The fl ht on Sunday between some of the member * of the Farmer und Taylor families living near Cochruno , rosultoj In old man Farmer swear- me out a warrant for John Taylor. The trial took plnco yesterday nnd relatives of both parlies were there , including old man Nix , his son Nan Nix , and son-In-laws Fount McConnell and J. T. Lurgun and two boys , IJ , Thrasher nnd Walter Alexander. The other sldo consisted of Jim Taylor nnd sons , John , Bud , Blue and n bov. The suit was satisfactorily sotllcd and nil started homo , when hot words between Nan Nix and John Taylor resulted In Nix shoot ing Taylor. The latter drew n knlfo and cut Nix in several places. Uolatlvcs of both parties were soon on the ground und a regu lar pitched battle ensued , in which rocks , knives , sticks nnd pistols were used. They fought until all were tired , but nobody was killed. John Taylor had his skull crushed and may dlo. Tom Taylor was shot In the liingg and badly cut and may dlo. Blue Tay lor , head beaten and face cut , condition criti cal. Fount McCojitioll , hond cut ; J. T. Lar- gen , cuts on arm and sldo. Nan Nix , cuts on throat and head , badly hurt. Miss Nora Alexander , who ran out to quiet bor brother , was struck on the head by a rock , making a slight wound. The Taylors , father and two sous , were carried homo and may dlo. I'outolllco Inspector Uesljiis. WASIHXUTOX , Juno 25 , Chief Postofllco Inspector Ilathbono today handed Uo post master general bis resignation , to take effect Juno 28. Uuihbono will bo appointed fourth assistant postmaster general. HAVE MADE TIIElR-lAST RUN , B , & M. Freight Ooca Jiito a Washout Near Yok , CARS ARE PILED FORTY FEET HIGH , Two Trainmen Killed and Ono itfor- .tally Injured Mystcr-loiiM Death of 11 YUIIIIK Glrl-ller Hotly I-'ound In n Knvltio. YoliK , Nob. , Juno 25. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BEE.J The west bound freight train No. 45 , cnglno No. HKt , which passes through York at I a. m. , was wrecked three miles weal of hero this morning. The engineer , L. II. Delaiicy , and houd br.ikeman , W. II. Moore , were Instantly killed , and the fire man , O , J. Bean , mortally wounded , The conductor , B. J. Unnoy , nnd rear bralccman , A. Matlhows , escaped unhurt , The engine , tender nnd fifteen cars were piled in n heap. The remain Ing seven caw and caboose re mained on the track. The scene of the wreck was a 200 foot fill In the toad , about twenty-fivo feet deep. A small culvert thrco feet trjimro had always been sufficient to past ) the water at that point heretofore , but last night the continuous heavy rain had tllle.d the ruvir.o ubovo and the little culvert was insufficient. Had there been n twenty foot brldgo at this place the disaster would not have occurred. The ravine filled with water , the fill In tbo track noting as a dam until the slayod torrent was as high us the track. This is easily shown from the masses of rubbish loft by the flood hltth oa the banks on either hide. Gradually it nndormincd the track until It was shaky and Insecure , and the final break , when the mighty torrent gathered strength to carry away about fifty feet of track , occurred Just at the time iho train arrived. The section crow from Bradshaw , the next station west had become alarmed about the steady downpour and had starled ever their trade in the night to Invcsllgalo. The scone of the wreck was not on their division , but they knew the train wa * coming and came on to meet it. Had they been three minutes earlier the accident would not have happened ; As it was they were just In time to sea the powerful engine , running twenty-live miles nn hour , leap forty feet across the chasm and bury Itself in the bank on the opposite side , while fifteen freight cars followed It , some of them bounding fifty foot further on and the re- mulnacr piling ubovo and around in a shiv ered mass. They reached the wreck and heard n volco from its midst. Searching around in the gray light of the morning they founa : ho fireman silting in Iho midst of the splintered debris and half covered with water. One foot was crushed completely off below the knee , his body was bruised and his head wounded. The heroic follow was pae ( ns death , for the arterial | blood had been pouring from - . ! jis shattered limb. This ho had stopped himself before ho was found , bv tnkiufejpff his blouse und wrapping it around his lejjf and twisting u surgeon's knot over the Hftrlos. Ho had then dragged himself out of the narrowliolo in which ho was wcdgea. "Coys , give mo some clothes , " ho as > ked , "I am pold. " Ho had narrowly escaped drowning , for the heavy train had com pletely finished the break In the trac * , nnd the only thing tnat saved him wus one of the cars that the torrent had to sweep around , and which warded it off. Not much could bo done lor the poor fellow In the midst of the heavy rain nnd the roaring waters but everything that could bo was'dono , and later ho was taken into York on a hand-cur. At 10 o'clock the citizens , who had located the engine , secured tools and set to work to find the two men who were burled bolow. It was hard work , as the bottom , sides and ends of the heavy freight cui-3 , the bent , broken and twisted iron of all sizes , machinery , gro ceries , binding twine , railroad ties and all the promiscuous articles ot freight wore piled nnd wedged ns tight as the terrillu force could drive them. At last they found bravo Delaney , the engineer. Ho had stayed with his engine and was cru iind beyond tbo re semblance of humanity. His body was com pletely cut in twain. His head was almost unhurt as were his lower limbs , bpt the two were lying In different places. Ho had died at his post of duty nnd died Instantly. Later , the body of Moore was found near the cab , which had been thrown sideways on the tender. Ho was lying wedged in where ho ht d boon thrown by the chock. Although ho was not crushed , ho had no doubt been Instantlv killed. To the right of the center of the pllo of cars lay two cars ucroas the telegraph wlro. The tremendous force may bo imagined as it had power to ralso the llratof these cars high enough in the air to bring tl.o wires down under itTho under car was broken to slivers , the other oiio was lying on top of it and in It was n man and horse , and , strnngo. to say , In all the rolling over and concussion neither of them were scratched or bruised. They were both prisoners. Some one chopped an opening for the man , and the horse was released about noon , when ho trotted off up the hill as if it were a holiday tillalr. Sheriff Sbrcck placed cuatds around the train to provcnt potty thefts and n coroner's jury was sworn In to Investigate the circum stances surrounding the death of the train men. The evidence produced showed that the section men on whoso heat the wreck occurred had been over all their track be tween the hour when the 11 o'clock passen ger passed through and the time when the freight was duo and they bad started out again after thu freight , und had nearly reached the place when they were met by the condition of the wrecked 'rain. Tlicru Is no blame to bo attached to Conductor Hunoy , who has been on this division , four years , or tha dead cnglnoor , who Is an old and careful engineer. Where the blame lies Is in allow ing a narrow culvert to remain In a pluco where such a volume of water might cathur. The dead employes are both residents of Lincoln , und both young menIn the prime of llfo. Bean , the Injured finjnfau , lies at the Wnvcrly house In York tonight nt the point of death , The terrible shook , loss of blood and submersion Jn the water and exposure to the rain has lowered his vital tone so that the doctors wilt have to restore It before they can attjmpt to dress his Injuries. Ho says he will recover and his nerve has never dcsortod him. The wrecking tram la at. work and the track will soon bo In running condition. Hecolvod Their Diplomat * . YOHK , Nob. , Juno 84. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bru.J The commencement exercise ) at the United Brethren colle a at this place were finished lust nlirht. BHl > op ICophart of Iowa , President Mills of Toledo university , Iowa , nnd other distinguished visitors took part In the proceedings , The graduates were Hurvcr Weaver. Myra Herman , Agnes Watt , Ella Boston , Florence Whltakur , A. L. Deal and Jfiinlo Fennor. Corner . tone Imhl. YOHK , Neb , , Juno 25. Tbo corner stone of the new United Brethren college building was laid Monday afternoon In tbo prosoncu of a largo assembly of people. Prof , J. S. Mills , of Toledo. la. , delivered the address , after which Bishop 10. U , Kophnrt placed the Atone In position , smoothing the mortar with a silver trowel. Hchulnded IlnAotot. ! : BKATIUCE , Nob. , Juno W. [ Special Tele gram to Tnr.Br.K. ) At aspcgliil mooting of the city council this evening that body ro- scladcd Its action granting permission to the Beatrice street ratlwt.y company to lay Its track and tc'ir Up tno paving on Lower Court rtrcot , near the bridge. This action was taken In vluw of the fact that It U discovered by the city attorney that the company's fran chise has expired , nnd that consequently the company Is not rocoirnlzod as a kval corpora tion , nor has It u right to uiksuch u privilege of the city. The citv council reduced the hack and dray license fiom $15 to 57.fiO for the year. Stand hy Senator Tlioinaw. PiATTfi.Mount , Neb. , Juno 2.1. [ Special to Tin : HUE. ] At the last meeting of the Pleasant Hill alliance the following resolu tions were adopted In vindication of Senator Thomas of this county , whoalthough n member - bor of the alliance , voted against the New- berry bill : Whereas. Several innllzniint and Imriru- dcnt members of the fnriners' nllliince of this county lii\c ; fruin . > iflRh motives vocurcd the PIISIIIBO of resolutions condemn. itury of thu olllcliil L'undiict of our loved nr ither. Samuel l > . Thomas. und through the blind force of enmity scattered said eurrlllous resolutions broadcast through tlieootmtrv , and Whereas , Our active nf ftilrne-is Impels u < to condemn the narrow-minded and scUlni ! dcninpo.ui'S who have placed the alliance of this ciinniy In an unfavorable light by thu foul slanders of \vorthv brother , nil nl'lo senator nnd mi honest muni thoiofcire , belt UcHolvcd. Hy Alliance No 1.3 1. " > . That the alleged resolutions of condemnation of our worthy brntl.or , iitmiul 1Thulium. . arc' un true In fuel , malicious : md unworthy of thu honi'.styromanry of tJuss oo.inty. Unsolved , further , Thut Ihu olllclal nets of Itrothur 'I homiis IIH u siMiatorof the lust los- islajuro fully Justify tno confidence reposed In him ; that ho lovaliy supported every measure tint could possioly hem-lit the farmers of Nebraska and lira vcly opposed such moiiRiire.s us would cripple the commor- clul mm Indu&trlal Intere-tti of tint state nnd thereby Injure the very Interest tint ho so ably champion ) " ' . He olveii , further. That the noisy dcinu- ROCUCS and olllce-serkers within the alllunco who nro really responsible for these disgrace ful resolutions uanronfur a miieh creator bom-lit on the ulll'inveof this county hy with drawing from It than by any other mu.ins HUoly to bo adopted by such croat nou. A. K. Tot > i > , prondent. KOIIIHT : W. RUCKsecretary. . Tnrnlxv/.irlc Opens ut Fremont. FIIUMONT , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hue. ] The third annual Nebraska turnbczirk opened hero to night , nnd will contnuo until Sun day night. The business houses of the city nro decorated In honor of the event , nnd n warm welcome will bo extended to the visiting Germans of Nebraska. The first delegation to arrive came this morning from Sioux City. A class of fifteen active turner and three classes of young ladies and gentlemen - men came In from Lincoln at T'tO : , and later a delegation came from Omaha. Several hundred nro expected tomorrow from all the principal cltloi of the stato. The local so ciety has niudo ample arnincoments and pro vision for entertaining the visitors tonight. A meeting of welcome was hold at Turner hall , which was elaborately decorated , A speech of welcome was made by Hon. John IJorn , which was loudly applauded and up- proprintelv responded to by several of the guests. Following the speeches came u ban quet , und a season of sociability. Tomorrow a grand pa'-ado will talco place , and the prize tournament will begin. Mysterious Death. HAURISON' , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BEII.J A daughter of John Peterson , a Gorman farmer living thirty miloi north of Harrison , near the Dakota line , In this county , was found dead In a ravine about a mlla from her homo Wednesday noon. The sirMeft homo Mon day mornlnp for a neighbor's , John Ostorscl , two miles distant , after a wushiub. Not re turning when expected her parents began to feel uneasy as to her safety. As the girl has been subject to fits for some time past a diligent search was mode , but no trace was found of her until Wednesday noon , when her body wa * found with the hands nnd feet in water , the head and body being just out. Thcro were no marks on the body except one bruise on the fuco. It Is thought that while on the way to the neigh bor's ' she was seized with a lit and wandered into the ravine , which has been been filled with water by nloto rain , and there drowned. The coroner and sheriff left this morning for the sccno und will hold an Inquest today. Powniu.MorriHon. . ItEAuxr.v , Nob. , Juno 25. ftopeclal Telegram - gram to THE HIE. : ] Miss Maron Uowniuif , the only daughter of W. A. Downing , and Mr. P. H. Morrison of Laporto , lud. , were married at noon today by Uev. Dr. Oliver at St. Luke's church. About two hundred friends of the bride and green : were present at the ceremony , nficr which nn oliibor.ito lunch was served at the homo of the bride. The presents were co tly and numerous. The bride's father presented her with S'J.OOO worth of National bank stock. The happy pair loft for the east thU afternoon amid con gratulations. Anotliur Vlotlin ol' Kaitli Cure. BIUTIIICD , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE I3ic. ] Bertram ! P. Buunell , aged twelve years , died suddenly this morn ing after n very brief illness , at the homo of his father on East Market street. The boy is the latest victim of the Christian science treatment. The case has been called to the attention of the coroner and an inquest Is to be hold to dotormluu the cause of death and the possible arrest of the faith curists for malpractice may follow. Itault to Ho AV < ili | | > Cl. Uni.i.BVCB , Nob. , Juno 25. | Special Tele gram to Tun Bti.l : Will Jean , a sixteen- year-old boy who ran away from homo last Monday because his father was going to whip him , was rounded up by the police at Plattsmouth day before yesterday and sent back In charge of an ottlccr today. A portion of the B. & M. track at this place was washed out last night , It being the heaviest rain fall of the season. St. iIohll'H hull Mil Clo.SOH. PI.ATTSMOCTII , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to TUB BCK.J This evening the closing exor cises of St. John's Hainan Catholic school were given in the opera house oy the pupils from the junior and minim dnpartmonts. A very largo audience was present nnd enjoyed and applauded the excellent performances of the young pooplo. Quito u long nnd Inter esting programme was irlvon. Awarded a Verdict or DKATUICG , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tola- gram to Tnii Hue. ] Mrs. Amanda Shead was thU afternoon awarded damages in the sum of $250 against the city. The case has been on trial in the district court slnco vos- torday. The suit was brought to recover damages resulting to plaintiff through having a limb fractured by a defective slduwalu , CriiHliud MlH Foot. PIIKMOXT , Nob. , Juno 25. ( Special Tele gram to Tut : Bta : . ] ThU afternoon Lionel Holmes , the fourtoan-yoar-old son of L. C. Holmes , had his foot crushed under iho wheels of u freight train on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. The bov was playlnk ubott the car. ) wh'eu the ac cident occurred. ne HoIdH Ills Dnulslon. HKATKICB , Neb. , Juno 2.V [ Spcclnl Telegram - gram to Tin : Um-Tho : ] motor line brldgo crossing Injunction cue was urguod before Judge Applogct this morning. The judge still holds the case under advisement , und has given no sirn when he will hand his decision , _ KSCIIJIG of a Prisoner. nKATiiKT , Neb. , Juno 85. [ Special Tele gram to TUG UKK.J John Burk , a municipal offender , managed to dig out through the frail wulls of the Jail this morning and mauo good his oacapo. _ Declared Her lnnano. IvEiiiNnr , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUG DEE. J The board of insanity which has been nnmlorlne ovl o condition of MM. Kllen Ilusyo. ' " .tha * been held In Jnll for some tlma. o. , T' Vd with drowning her infant son In \ \ \ , "l mil , reported - ported that she 1 Insane nnd hi ; .VPII In this condition sluco Mw was sis - „ years old. She will bi > sent to the itsylti " i noon us room cii'i he undo there for her . " ption. She will GSIMIMJ the awful penalty \ \ she would otherwise have received. \ I'Vtlrtiltry MntUM-n. KAHIIII-IIV , Nob. , June 85. [ Specla.ele - gram to Tin : Bin : . ] Arrangements were completed today for laying tlncorner < tone of the court house. Falrbury hulgo Xo. Ill , Ancient Free nnd Accepted Masons , will have charge of the coromonliH , which will take place on Tuesday , July 7. Invitations have been extended to the Masonic order throughout the state nnd a very Imposing corcmony Is antlclpiitod. Two nnd one-half Inches of rain fell hero last nlgnt , which Is by far the heaviest rain of thu season. Wlntur wheat Is no.irly ready for the harvest nnd Is sllchtly damaircd by being blown down. No other damage Is re ported. A three-year-old child cf Hon. J. O. Crumb was bitten by n rattlesnake this af ternoon. Prompt medical attention was given and the child Is on n fair way for ro- cuver.v. Independent Judicial ronTei-onee. KimiNf.v , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram toTim Hit.j : : An Independent Judicial conference of the Twelfth judicial district was hold here this afternoon. About twenty- llvo delegates from Cluster , Dawson , Sher man and Buffalo counties were present. A Judicial oigantzation was perfected by the se lection of J. II. ISdmlston of Lexington chair man , L. 1) . Irvine of IClin Crook secretary , and II. J. Thin of Lexington treasurer , also a Judicial committee. The convention will lie hold nt Kddyvillo. u small station on thu Kearney & Ulack Hills road , about forty miles from Kearney , August 21. At present the list of candidates In the Independent party for the ofllco of district Juilgo is John liarnd nnd W. L. Green. Kearnov county , Attornov Smith of Lexington. Attornuys Ilolcombo of IJrokcn How and Nightingale of Loup City. Sanguine of Tliclr Ability. Pi.iTTSMouTit , Neb. , Ju'io 25. I Special Toloeram to Tut : Hii.l : : The Plattsmouth turners started this evening for Fro-nout to participate in thostato turabczlrk. Tiioclass instructor , Prof , ICummcrow , is sanguine of the hoys taking the first prizes , nnd the boys themselves are determined to hold up tholr end. The H. & M. band accompanied the turners , together with n largo ciolcg.ition . of friends. The party comprised the following turners : Henrv ICummorow , John Lull , H. Helllckor , Paul vVurl , Emu Wurl , Otto Wurl , Henry Zuckwoilor , John Saltier , ( ius Suttlor , Louis Karges. Charlo * Ilanno , G. Muehlsteln , Henry Gatolumn. Phillip Gitol- : man. Hans Frahtn , Louis Grossehbachor , Fred Krohlcr , jr. , Sam Pattur.soii , Fred Ubln- ger , Hans Gees and Ed SchulhoIT. Have I iirvtiasod tlie Ground. NtmusKA CITV , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to Tuc Br.i : . ] The Nebraska City starch company today purchased all the land lying south of the Nobroska City elevator , belonging to the B. & M. and extending to where the old depot formerly stood on South First strcot , and will begin excavating at The 13 , & M. will remove all their sulo tracks on this land to cniiolo them to . ' - ovorto4'io-iUuioh company/- The butldlnir will bo a three-story brick , Wx ) 200 feet , with u largo elevator for the storage of grain. The company hopss to have their buildings completed and everything in readi ness to ucgln operations by September. IMiliIioCurcm my. Gcsnv.v , Nob. , Juno 25 , [ Spoclal Tele gram to Tun Bii.1 : : Geneva lodi'o No. TO , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons1 , gave a public installation last evening which was largely attended by Gonova's best citizens. After the Installation the ladies ofthe East ern Star gave u banquet which was well patronized and all report a good timo. The ladies made some money. Thu proceeds go towards pacing for an organ for the lodgj room. Miraculous I'.Vcape. Nr.mtuKv CITV , Neb. , June 25. [ Special Telegram to Tin : B'y.J : Dr. Thomas , u prominent physician , and William Housrr. whllo driving in the country , mot with u miraculous escape la-it night. Lightning struck the top of thu buggy , wrecking it. Both men were knocked fruai the buggy and rendered unconscious. The rain revived thorn. Dr. Gram sustained n broken wrist. Artesian v. titnr Power. Niomuiu , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special to TUB Bii.J : At. n citizens' meeting last evening u company was organized and Incorporated for the purpose of sinking an artesian well and utilizing the power for a grist mill. Citv and township bon 3 will bo voted to the amount of $11,000. and any deficiency will iw furnished by the company. Tim object is two fold for water works and mill power. Masonic lii-.lallation. BIAIII. Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tin ; BEI : . ] The following officers wore Installed last evening at the Musoulo lodge : Master , Dr. W. H. Palmer ; S. M. , Jcsso T. DavN ; J. W. , John Klotz ; secretary , L. II. Clew ; treasurer , I1' . W. Ivomiuy. A public Instal lation was had , but It rained very h'ird and the attendance was smaller than it u ould have been otherwise. \VUli Military Honors. Si'Trox , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tin : Bnn.j Captain August IClolnsinHh was burled today with Imposing military and civic honors. Company II , Nebraska Na tional Guards , whlih Captniii Klolnsmith commanded , buried him , assisted by the Uni form U'intt of the KnSirhth of I'ythlas of this place , performing their burial service. Knrmally Jnstillcl. : ; CH.UUIOX , Nob. , June 25. [ Spociul to Tin : Bii.lThe : ; following onicers of Samaritan Ir Ige , No. IflS , Ancient Pruu and Accepted Masons , were Insttllod tonight : A. L. Miller. W. M. ; A. W. Critos , S. W. ; P. M. Pritelmrd , T.V. . ; J. L. Paul , treasurer ; N. H. Weir , socroturv ; J. M. Ilobiiison , S. D. j L. G. Handy , J. IX : S. Hnrtzoll , tiler. Ijli'litniiiK AKiitn KeHponsllilc. GHIMI Isi.iND , Neb. , Juno 25. ( Special Telegram to TMC Biui.J During the thunder storm last nisht Mrs. LouUo WcHtphal , living n few miles south of ihls city , was struck by lightning while engaged In mllKlng a cow and was instantly killed. Shn Is a M.stur of Max Stcllck , an old resident of thh county , Will I'l'oduco the Original Copy. NEiiHAbKA CITV , Neb. , June 25. [ Special Telegram to Tuu Urn. I The motion fora now trial In the Al Ewan criminal llhut suit will ha nrguod In the district court tomorrow morning. Ewun says that ho will Introd uco the original r.ianuscrlpt nf the copy , b''arln/ ' the signature of another person. No Irtitli In the Kepoft. HP.U Ci.oun , Nob. , Juno -Special ( Telegram - gram to Tin : UKC.Thero ] Is abiolutoly no foundation for the report of the failure of the Hcd Cloud National bunk. Never slnco organization has it boon in as good condition as now. It Is us sound as n dollar , and for county bunks oxtniordlnurlly atrong , 3//A' WEATHISIt I'UItt-.VA.tT. For Omaha and vicinity Showers , slightly cooler. For North Dakota , South Dakota , Iowa , Nebraska , Mltnourl , Kansas- Pair , warmer j southerly winds. Colorado Cooler , light luowcrs , variable winds , MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD , ( blonel Sam Woods Was Dolilmxtcly Shot Down on the Sttoot. POLITICAL FACTION IS RESPONSIBLE , His Part In lli Imp'.violiinent. Pro- ( . ceding' * A - ilnstIiidejo It-.idklti Was PivMtim ilily tlio ItnnuMllnto CaiiHO lor His Taking Uir. Torntci , Kan. , , lune2 , " . [ Spoehl Telegram to Tin : Hr.iU'ports | rec.Mveil here today pluco nn entirely new phase on the killing of I'olonel Sam Wood by James Bromun nt Hugoton Tuesday. The friends nf Colonel Wood have written that ho was assassinated nnd dcclaro that the reports sent out by the correspondents were previously .submitted to the faction to which the mu-doror belonged and approved. Tlio uunt cotnpletn detail of the killing is given in a letter written to A. N. Mackoy of this city , law partner of tha murdered man. Mitckcy refused to give the name of Ills correspondent , as ho feared ha would be violently dealt with , Tlu writer declares that there wai a conspiracy among the friends of Thoodosins hodklu , judge of that dis trict , whom Wood hud caused to bo im peached , to kill him. Whllo Wood was in the court room , Itrennan talked pleasantly with Mrs. Wood , who was waiting In a buirgy for her husband. As soon as Wood came out of tlm court house Brennau shot him In the shoulder. Wood ran and Bronnuu shot him In the back of the head. Stilt Wood uid not fall , but turned around and iSreiinan shet him nndor thu right eye. The letter further says : "Everything points to premeditation on the part of Brennan , as ha stood Hherltr Cann off and surrendered only to the sheriffs of Staiiton and Morton counties who had been In town all night by an arrangement with somebody. " When the letter was received Mr. Muckoy visited the governor and Insisted on the attorney general bcluff seat to Stevens county to prosecute the case. William O'Connor , the county attorney of Slovens , whoso duty it is to prosecute the case , was an enemy of Woods , the hitter hav ing instituted proceedings contesting his election. Mackoy also insisted that n judge from unothor district be called la to try the case. It has been inpo < slblo to get iinv re liable news from Stevens county until today. The telegraph operators near the town of Hugoton refused to make any reports what ever , and the newspaper reports had to bo submitted before tlioy xvero sent out. All the leading papers in tbo state denounce the Itillinir , and it will probably rusult In forcing Judge Bodkin from thu bench. JiltI tt'J.\i 'J 110 HA. Secretary of the Treasury Finds III * Kcononilcal Scheme Did Not. Work. WASIIINOION Iinii\u or TUB Bee , 1 5lt : FoUrml.NTII STItl'.BT , > WAMIINT.TOX , D. C. , Juno 25. | Tl.o secretary of the treasury has , quite a number of times recently , designated someone ono connected with the olllco of the suporvls- ing architect of his department go to various cities throughout the country and .Delect locations 'for public buildings. Ho supposed that In doing this he was selecting mon host capable of determining the vexa tions hovering around the seloctlifg of publlo building situs , but was especially saving money for the government by taking men already in the employ of Undo Sum. On several occasions ho finds three or four of the men in the olllco of the suucrvlsing architect have been urged for these assignments , but at the time ho did not suspect that there was any ulterior move. Now ho discovers that tlioro Is an extra ? 2'J ( ) for this work in each in stun co , and the clerks , architects anil others who already drew salaries from the depart ment have been enjoying double salaries. wii.t. HITUUV : TO KOIIT OMAHA. By direction of the tiding secretary of war Sergeant Mnjor Alfred Helm , Sacond In fantry , and Private JnmeH McGuire of tha hospital corps now In this city , having per formed the duties assigned them from Fort Omaha , will return to that post with per mission to delay us follows : Sorgeat Major Helm five days , and Private McGulro ton days. I'OTMSTBIIS Ari'OINTnil TOIIVT. Nebraska Admah , Washington county , O. A. Butt vice ( ! . I' roilirneil. Freeport , Banner county , T. 11. Wilson vleoJ. P. Westurvolt , resigned. St. Llborv , Howard L-oun'y. L. L. Uurd vice G. I. A. Bradley , ro-iened. South Dakota--Cioun Valley , Buffalo county , A. SV. Miller vice F. B , Freeman , resigned. Iowa Given , Mahaska county , A , Johnson vice J. Jackson , resigned. MISCBI.MNROUfl. The president has awarded n certificate of merit to Mudlson Ingoumr , sergeant of com pany 1) , Ninth cavalry , for gallantry la action. The secretary of the Interior has Issued th second payment of $10,000 for Nobraslta'i agricultural college. P. S. H. NTUi'I'KU ' Parnell and .MrH. O'Sliea Iteiiorted to Hi ) .klarrl d l'ir ICeeH. | Los'noN , .lunu 25.-It Is learned that the marriage of Purnull and Mrs. O'Shoa took place at 2 o'clock this morning. Thu only \\ltnessos to the ctiromniiy were two servants from Mrs. O'Shea's houso. The registrar wa strictly enjoined not to glvo any luformiiliou about the marriage , nnd promised to preserve - servo the closest cccrecy. An order was given to have u solitary ono-horsu phaeton la readiness at I ) o'clock this morning , Instead of the usual order for horses or carriage for exercise , as was customary when Parnull stopped ut Brighton. Whun the conveyance ) was ready Parnoll and MM. O'Shoa onteroj the phuoton , and orders were given th coachman to drive westward. Aftc the party left Brighton behind thorn the driver was directed to proceed to Stoynlng by a circuitous route. Stcyninu' was reached at U o'clock ut which , time a heavy rain was fulling. Upon enter ing the town Mrs. O'Shua , who U familiar with the place and know the Munition of tba registrar * onico relieved the co.u-hmuu and drove ill root to the ofllco horsnlr. Mr. Parnull himself procured a special license on Tuesday setting forth that tha marriiign would occur within throj months. Ho bogged the registrar to do the utmost within his legal rights to kcop the innrrlaRO u secret. Mrs. O'Shoa were a black brocade stllc Jros'a lace mantel und a black ha ( trlmini-d with lofes. Parnell appeared to bo well nnd In cheerful spirits , but occasionally threw nervous glaniic.s around him , apparently being sorno- what anxious lest the woddlng party bu ob served. Mrs. O'Shon , too , was In good spir its and very vlvuciou * , both buforo and after tlm curomony. U is announced that a second religious cer emony will tnko place in London Iniinodlutely so as to satisfy the CatboluM Mrs. Parnoll was seen nt Walslrgham Ter race tonight. She said Khn and Parnoll were mnrrlod thin morning , but she fleol < nod to have the ceremony performed In church in London , thnro having boon diflluully in con nection with thu license. Gladstone' " Condition Merlon * . LONIIOS , Juno 'J" > The St , Jamoa OazettA thin nltornoon says Gladstone's phyilct&ni tear the veteran Matasman may not recover from the effect of the attack of Influent * , from vvuii-h ho jffund : lu the uprluf. JU was i lt rather weak by It. _ j