THE OMAHA DAILY BJfiB , THURSDAY. JUNE 25 , 1891. THE CITY. Omrlcs FlshbttcU , who vigorously hut unsuccessfully resisted Olllcor Murncll fl nltomtit to nrrcsl him , was lined $15 ! tind costs for his resistance. Tito tetnporaturo yesterday no re ported by the local signal service ollloo was as follows : At 7 a. in. , 78s ; at 10 a. m. , 8J ! ° , nnil 1 p. in. , 8 ! ) = ; The Continont'il congress of medical run ! Biirjilciil BpcclnliHtH inot at the Paxton - ton yesterday morning and after trans acting routine business adjourned to meet nimln in August. A Card. We wnnt every la-ly and nil the boys and plrh to pall on your druifL'ist nml sot some of our beautiful curds auu a book of valuable nfortmitloii frco. Hvi.i.r.ii Pitoi'uir.Tiiiv Go. TWIiNTV.KOUK 'JIMS TIM 1C. FlrHt Class Geminated from tlio Omitlia TrnlnliiK Mchool. Tour hiintlrcil friends of higher , education braved the canicular rnyi of yesterday after noon's sun and assembled In Hoyd's to wit ness the 11 Mt Brndiinllni ; exercises of the Omaha trainltii ? school. The programme opened with the son , "Oh , Swuut Summer Wliul , " which was given bv the entire class. Mr f. U MrComicll ot the committee entraining training followed In a short address , in which he dwelt upon the history of the school from Its inception some years ago to the present time. Ho snid that it was n protege of the board of education , and though still In Its infancy , gave high promise for the future. From it Omaha will draw the Instructors of her cltbens , and towards which she should pursue a helpful and liberal pollcv It lias not yet cost the cltv a penny , and , though only one year old , has already given ample proofs of its utility In wising up young men and women who can nroperly tench the young rnlnds intrusted to their care. Ho congratu lated iMrs. tiraco Sudborough , the principal , end her two very competent assistants , Misses tetmnn Hugh and Helen WyckolT , who , by their Indefatigable and patience , had made such results us they behold possi ble. ble.A very tuneful instrumental duct , "The Wandering .low Wnltyes , " was very charm ingly rendered by Misses Elizabeth Liddell and Ann Mnch. Miss Clara Maude Church read a thought ful essay on "Froobcl and the Kindergarten , " In v.hicii she traced the causes and circum stances which led up to ills establishment of his now well known system. Miss Minnie Laura Hurgland's ' essay on "School Discipline" was marked by a sub tlety of thought , originality of expression nna grace of deliver } * that was truly admir able , and elicited the encomiums of all pres ent She scored the antiquated methods still in vogue in many of our schools , and pointed out the proper' methods to secuio order In the class room. Miss Jcannctte Gibbs sang 'The Angel's Serenade , " with violin obligate , most accept ably.MUs MUs Lois Gertrude Morroll personated Clio , the muse of history , and in sweet sounding verse told of the sunshine and sorrow row that had fallen to the lot of the class of "Jl. It was n pretty sight to see twenty-four charming young ladies assuming various graceful nttltudei to the music played by ono ol their number.When the young ladies had finished their call&thcnic class they sang ' The Cuckoo" with great spirit. Hev. Newton M. Mann then addressed the graduates in his happiest and wittiest vein. Ho said that ho did not Intend to Inflict long nrcuchincnt upon his perspiring audience , but ho had a few words of advice to give them which mlirlit aid them In avoiding those faults which tend to nullify the work ot many wnll-lntcntloned teachers. Ho said that teachers ns a class were unin- fluentlnl. They do not have any followers , and are , as It were , isolated from the sur rounding world. Probably they could find the reason by looking into themselves. Their exercise of pedagogic sway in the class room renders them and conceited over-bearing towards - wards those with whom they come in con tact. In the language of the day , "Thoy know it all ana nobody else is in it with thorn. " Such conduct excites otherwise friendly persons ng.unst the profession , and renders nboitivo manv ot the bcst-intentioned efforts , Ho counselled them to m.ilco ft lends among the families of their pupils , not for any sinis ter purpose , but in ordrr to vender their in- ihirnco for good more lusting and far-reach- int ; in Its olTccts. President C. F. Goodman , ns the repre sentative of the board ot education , then pre sented the twenty-four young ladies with diplomas. The class song brought the exor cises to an end. The stage was beautifully decorated with llowors and potted nlunts. On it besides the graduates sat Dr. VV. S. Gibbs , F. U. MeConnell , W. S. Popplotou , Mrs. G. 13. Sudborough , Misses 1C. Hugh and Helen Wycuoff. Many of the young ladies received handsome lloral tributes. These aie the graduates : Kll/abeth D. Allan , Ida E. Ulackmore , Mary E. Drunor , Minnie Buiyluml , Mollia Conoyor , L'lara Maude Church , Mlnu Doyle , Ltioy'W. Evans , Jeannette Gibbs , Edna llainoy , Cordolln Johnson , Mary Latey , Minnie Lawton , Anna Mach. Mary MoMahon. Lois G. Morroll , Cal- llo MeConnell. Carrie Hobortson , Isabella Ituss , Sadie Schlosingor , Anna Withrow. You can never know till you try how quickly u dose of Ayor's Pills will cure your sick headache. Your stomach and bowels need cleansing , and these pills will accom plish it moro effectually and comfortably than any other medicine you can lind. Water llentH Duo July 1st. No discount allowed after July 1st. 6 nor cent discount allowed on water rents u paid on or bufuro July 1st at olllco of AMUUICAN WATKKWOKICS Co. , Room KKt , Boo building. WOULD ItHTTUll GO 1IO.MJ2. Ait KvniiKcliHt Win ) In Neglecting Ills Own Family. There is a gentleman in Omaha doing evangelistic work In connection with the mission meetings begun by Hev. Charles W. Savldge , who , If reports are true , Is very badly needed by his family at Lincoln. His name is E Goodman and It Is under stood that ho Intends to look after and ad minister spiritual advice to the poor , forsaken people of Omaha who have not been gathered Into the fold by any of the numerous churches of this city. The other day while Mr. Goodman was at tt'io Young Men's Christian association rooms ho accldoi.tly dropped n letter on the Iloor and u tow hours afterward when the Janitor was swooping out ho found It. Ho de livered the letter to ono of the ns- Blstiints in the secretary's olllco but no one about the rooms know the man to Whom the letter was addressed. In order to ascertain moro definitely the owner of the letter and whether It was of BUftlcioiit importance to bo worthy of an advertisement " vertisement , the young man took "the letter out of the envelope , whiuh had already been oiHUied , and re il it. The contents pioved to bo very interesting , The writer was the wife of the evangelist and ho was pleading with him to como homo and nssUl in suppoitlng the familv. Among ether pathetic things the lady Bold : " 1 will give you our dally bill of faro , Here It Is : Ono loaf of broad' , 5 cents ; ono quart of milk , 5 cents. Can't you do something to assist us in getting oven the bnro necessities of life ) Do your friends , Dr. Durham and Uov. Savltlgo , believe that the Lord wishes you to neglect your family and leave us destitute while von are trying to save the poor and neglected of Omaha ! " Whoa Mr. Goodman wan finally found and the letter handed to him ho looked at It Indifferently and said : "Yes , that's ' mlno. I suppose I dropped It out of my pocket while up tharu In the reading room. " A feeling of deep Indignation U brewing against him among those who have learned of the circumstances. American U omlorH. Yellowstone park la beyond all tines- tloa ono of the world's uroat WOIUIUIB , und the Union Puclllo excursion In July will bo the event of tho'season. . ABIC your nearest Unloa Puullio agcut about It. .Ml A. HOVTll O.It . . 8t AKHCH * Kntcrtnlnnient. The closing exorcises of St. Agnes' pa rochial school , held In Ilium's opera house Tuesday night , was as creditable to the pupils ns gratifying to parents and to the Sisters of Providence. The room was filled wltn Interested ones nml the well arranged programme , excellently rendered , kept up an unubatod Interest. The musical proficiency of the punlls was marked. South Omaha can Justly claim schools in ferior to none In the state. To Oi'Kiml/.o Si-loot J. F. Ilollowell of Gr.ind Island , deputy grand commissioner of the select knlgtita Ancient Order of United Workmen , is in the city arranging to organl/e n lodge of select knights. The now lodge will bo organized in the Ancient Order of United Workmen hull next Monday evening , \ \ ork of Vlcloil DDKS. A horse , belonging to Mr. McCrenry , was attacked by a couple of vicious dogs at Twenty-second und O streets. Ono dog sciral the norse by the no/.e and the other bitting it on the logs , forced the enraged animal over a high bank in the streets. Anniversary. Hough Ashlor iojge of colored Masons , of Omaha , held its annual picnic In Syndicate park this afternoon. Samuel ' . Ernest was marshal. Dr. M. O. Rickets delivered the address. An interesting was rendered. The attendance wus largo. Wouldn't Maud Ho Inrtlnn. All the dav laborers at the Avorv 'brlelc yatd south of Albright , yesterday wejo given the alternative to a reduction from $1.75 to $1.'J5 a day or quit. The men promptly quit and a war is being madoal iho$1.2. > rate that will likely draw a general wage war. Notes About the City. Frank J. Persons has sold his rosldenca on Twenty-third and O streets. Stock Inspector Clark Howard condemned a line steer diseased with lump-Jaw. G H. Southorland of the exchange has Just returucd from Iowa , bringing a bunch of line beeves. Editor A. S. Mercer of the Northwestern Live Stock Hcporter , Cheyenne , Wyo , is in the city. Judge H. H. Knapp of Wakofinld and Er nest Blow of Ulair are the iruests of Hev.Hob- ert L. Wheeler. H. J. Wnnnah , car inspector for the Fre mont. Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , has re moved to Omaha. The closing exorcises by the eighth grade of the high school will bo held iu Ilium's opera house Friday eVeninc James Stonok of the cutting gang at the Cuuahv packing company's ' cut the second finucr of his right hand nearly off. The Sisters of Providence took the pupils of St. Agnes' school to Syndicate park ycstoiduy afternoon to picnic. The King's Daughters will meet this after noon at the residence of Mr. und Mrs D. S. Pinnoy , Twenty-seventh and II streets. Charles A. Blrnoy of the commission firm of Waggoner , Uirnev & Co. , after nn ex tended Jnunt through Colorado has returned. I. and Herman Clark of Tarkio , Mo. , who have been visiting their sisters. MUs Austn J. Clark and Mrs. A. C. Weir , have relumed homo. .lamps P. Hayes chief of the G. II. Hammond mend company lire department , has resigned to go to Chicago to accept u moro lucrative position. Miss Anna Christiansen , sister of Mrs. J. H. EggeiN , has Just arrived from Schottburg , Schloswicb-Holstein , Germany , und will visit Mr. and Mrs. Eggers. Cornelius Loose , QUO of the capitalists and leading business men of Monroe. Mich. , on the way to his western ranch , stopped to visit his old friend , Captain J. D. Thomas. The Young Peoples' society of the First Christian chuich will give its postponed social in the Swonish Baptist church , Twenty-second and 1C streets , tomorrow oven- ing. The public is cordially invited to at tend. tend.Otto Otto Schultz , a cattle knocker down at the Cudnuy packing company , had his right hand nearly torn off. After knocking a beef down the half-stunned animal attempted to gore Mr. Schultz as bo was about to soi/o its head , and the horn entered the hand at the base of the thumb , tearing clear through the palm of the hand. Sickness Among Children , especially infants , is prevalent moro or loss at all times , but is largely avoided by giving proper nourishment and wholesome food. The most successful and reliable of all is the ( ail Borden "Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk. Your druggist and grocer keep It. EXCUUSION ' 10 TOUOM'O. OXT. , Via the Wabash Riitlrcxrl. For tlio national educational conven tion at Toronto. The Wnbabh will sell round trip tioUotti July S to 13 at half faro with S2.00 added for membership fee , good rotnrninq- until September 30. Everybody invited. Excursion rates have been made from Toronto to all the summer resorts of Now England. For tickets , Bleeping car accommodations and n handsome souvenir giving full information , with cost of hide trips , etc. , call at the Wabash ticket oliico , l.r > 0J : Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton , northwestern passenger agent , Omaha , Nob. _ IgnatluH Donnelly at Ilnyd'H. The great literary treat will occur nt Boyd's ' opera house next Sunday evening when the studious sago of Nimngcr , Hon. Ignatius Donnelly , the author of "Tho Great Cryptogram , " will answer Colonel Hobert G. Ingersoll's lecture hero on "Shakespeare and His Creations. " There is piobably no man alive bettor acquainted than Mr. Donnelly with this subject. Ho has made this his life study and It has boon almost universally conceded that the questions and proofs that the eloquent supa puts forth cannot or at least have not been answered by any living man. Colonel Inger- sell recently attempted it in Minneapolis , Duluth and elsewhere , but failed. The Chicago cage press club lecontly offered Messrs. In- gorsoil and Donnelly 51 , 000 each and nn equal share of the receipts if they would como in Joint debate on the great subject at the Chicago cage auditorium. At Urst Colonel Ingcr.soll refused , but it is now stated that all dllli- culttcs have been satisfactorily arranged and some time next month the great agnostic and the studious sago will como face to face In the discussion of a theme that will attract the eyes of the literary world. Hnvo You Got n Every man who owns a horse should knew that nailer's Barbed Wire Liniment is the only remedy that wilt give prompt relief to all sprains , cuts , bruises and galls , und Is warranted to effect a complete cure. la A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome , her baking powder doc : such nods * DON'T. Pnn't attempt to reform the world t It l n Inrxo hemisphere und llfo Is short , Don't talk nnlltlos to ladles or dry goods to gentlemen ! Unoil tttsio will nndorso neither. Don't think becaus you have boon succrss- fill In one thing you can succeed In all. 1'ew people succeed even In one thine. Don't ' think yourself phyMpnlly omnipo tent. The woaki-st persons and tlio shortest lit tul are frequently those who feed the best , Din'tdulny when you foci wc'ik , languid run-down or debilitated. Take something to stimulate your nnergtes at once. Don't think that any stimulant will do DoetoiM , Hu'ontlstt and the brst auth irlttei njrruo that pine whiskey Is the only reliable stimulant. Don't I o deceived into using nn Inferior whiskey. Hctnuinber that thu nm-t popular , tln most pure , t iu most nowciful and the nuxt valuable whiskey Is Duffy s I'uie Malt an I that It has been so admitted for yeuin. Don't li'tiour dealer doino your or Irn- poio upon you by saving hit bus "HdinethliiK jiiHt as uooil. " "something bo can rufoin- nipnil. " lie has nn lull-rested motive In such ai ri Ions and the slui ilil 1)0 distrusted. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists J4OO UOUGlAAS OMAHA. NEU. The most widely nml favorably Known spec ialists In the United Slates. 'I heir lone ex perience. remat kulilo skill und unlxcrsul sut- ci'ss In the treatment mid euro of Nervous. Chronic and Surgical DKea--es. entitle thisn eminent uliyslelaus to the full confidence of the ufllleteu everywhere Tlu-v iuuruntcu : A CKKTAIN AND I'OSlTlVh OUIIE for the awful ell eels of eaily vice und the numer ous I'N Us that follow In ftu tiuln. I'KIVATK , HI.OOI ) AND SIUN DISEASES speodllv. completely and permanently cured N'EKVOUS DEHIUTY AND SKXUAJ , DIS- OUDiUb : yield readily to their skillful ttojt- r.S , FIbTULA AND HECTAL UT.CEUS suiiruntcpd cured without puln or detention from business. HVDUOCKIiE AND VAKICOOEkE nenna- nontlv n nil successfully uured In nvery case. SYl'HIUS , GONOKKIKIIA. ( JI/EET , frpor- inatorrhiuu. Seminal Weakness Lust Manhood. Nl.'lit Tmlsslons. Decayed r.ieultles Kemule Wenkness and all delicate dlsoiders peuullai toelthersox positively cured , as wcil as nil functional disorders Out result from youth ful follies or tlio excess of niuturo yearb. * \TKIC'TI11I < Uuuninteeil permanently Ol IVlV-'l U l\JU cured. lernOvul eomplutc , without cuUlns , cimstlo or dilatation. Cure effected at homo by patient without u mo ment's pain or unnoyaiHO. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. P rTTK Tll ° awful utreets of L , UL1U. , eaily vloo which bilmrs weakness , destroying both mind and 1'ody. with all Its dreaded Ills , uermatt.ntly cured. HP's ' HT7T r < s Address tlioso who hayo U1VO. Dul to Impaired themselves by Im- u roper Indulgence and solitary habits , nhleh ruin both mind am ! body , unfitting them for business study or marrlugu MAUUIKDMKN or those entering on that happy life , aware of physical debility. quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon faets. First Practical experi ence. t-eciiiicl Every case Isspeolally Mudleil , thus starting richt. Thiid Medlelnes are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit oaeli case , thus directing euros without inj ury Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DCUGLAS STREET. OMAHA , NEB. Hlorpnlne : DOCTOR Thcso Calcinated OOLISIIj Pills are a I'oiilth o Cure f or SlrU ; iAGKER'S uiluchct HltloiiKncH * , and ! Oaimllputlon. bnitill , plea * . * PURE nut and n fuvorlto Mllli tbc- I luillcs. Sold In England for Is , ; d. , In America for BSc. Get- Iticm from your Uruuslst'i or ; son J to IT. II. liOOkt U J. (0. , ; ! PILLSo 40 Mr.t Ilros.Inijr , > rot \ . i HOTEI * Jttiirrau , tor. 1-ttll iintl ittlic tnont mtliHtunttnllu cniiNtructc.l Hotel Jtiillillna lit Onitilifi. fici-cral liein'H ui'lcli jire trulla rnnnliii/ from liiim-iiu'iit to roof. All tltti celllito * unit HOOI-H lined ii-itl ; AyueHtoare jiroof lit ntiiHiliiiifi it iinixiHHllila to burn quick. J > Yco ctcaitfH mill Jiff. dltifiiiH tltroni/ltoiit tlio bntlttliiiIttcniit heat , hot unit colil tinier mill HiuiHliiiici , * el et'i/i'ouiti. 'AuOlu iiitanrjmHHcct tiny , tvlterv , B. SILLOWAY. Prop. _ From the "Pacific Journal. " "A gri-nt Invention Imn licon iniido by Dr. Tutt of Now York , llu luw iiroduced ivhlrh Imitate * imturo to jiprfrrt Ion : It nrts liistantnrieoii lj-aiidlsiHTfortlyliiiriiili'-'s. ' l rlco , SI. Olllcc , 3U A ; 41 1'nrk I'lncv , N. V Manhood Res t o r e cl. aA victim of jontlifnl Imprndonco cnnrlni ; I'ruma. tire Doiny , Nervous Doblllty , l.ust Manhood etc. , ImvInK tried In vain etcr known remedy , li.ia dl co\credaslmplo 11O.MIJ UKMI5UV Nn dru orolectrluliurnbiiBS Niiturot own euro. iilo ; t Imiuedlato and pcnuanent Detection Im- 1 pa > K for compltto treiitmcnt nnd euro , ecu ely any address. C J Cirabnm , Uox I'iifi. os Ant'olei , Cut. \Vo fpml tlm mnrxclong Trcnrh ] ( rmcdy CALTHOS fi-co , iitnl a lofulcuurunteutliut t AITIIOS lll ST01 > IIUcharCM . .1Kml lun , ( 'lTKrHnernijit irrlnii.arleotilo uud lliklIIti : ; I.o.t Vlcor. Use it and fay tj satisfied , AJjfii , VON MOHLOO. , Bait Im.rlrm AjfnU , notloniU , OLUx No other preparation is the "same as" Pond's Extract. PERFECT HEALTH Itlolmrd H , lleek , l.ockport N. V. , wrltoi Unit utter miiuy ) i'iir ' miffcilnit from NITMIUS Debility , bloup- fL' ) .nL' 8 , Tnltrlilnn of Muscles he was rt'ntorvd by lour boxes NEIIVK IIKANB "ImubG. " liosayi , "but fool iko | a youni ? man " II per box , potttpuld. I'aiu- nhlattreo NIIUVIC 111IA.N t'O . UiTCAl o , N Y. Bold by Uoodumn Druu Co 1110 t'urnum 81 Oinna SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE nour KiiANKroui , Kv OPEN TimoUQHOUT THE YEAR , Tlio second torui of thin mcaitoiulo je ir bvutnii flrat Momlny Iu July und clo.oJ third Woduonday la Deoouiber next Cor. 1) K IIUVU , Rupt , I'cut-OMlco , KAIIMIUI.E , Kv. CENTRAL COLLEGEHM ELlZ.AUiHflol | ilEHTWORTH MILITART ACADEHY = D B aBLLKUO , Bup.rlutendent ion LE FRANCAIS. Freooa Moutbly iUgatlns. An Inralustila help to French i tuiltutt and t * ctiuri. Kreo .anipla copy. \Y > NEED A year ago , two years ago , three years ago at this time of the year almost every man you met had on a negligee shirt. Its different this year. This mud that gets so stuck on you , this steady downpour of rain , this continued cold weather , have made a man think more about an overcoat than a cool shirt. This spell of unlocked for weather has not been confined to Omaha or Nebraska , but has extended throughout the entire country. Manufacturers of shirts had prepared for an enor mous years' business. Thousands of dozens of fancy shirts were made for this season which remain unsold , that with warm weather would have been sold long before this. ' We have been taking advantage of this state of affairs and have recently made extensive purchases at about our own figures. Today we begin in our Shirt Department a grand special sale of The largest lot of shirts ever on sale in the west at one time. The best made lot of shirts ever on sale in the west at one time. The hand somest lot of shirts ever on sale in the we&t at one time. The cheapest lot of shirts ever on sale in the west at one time : Toll © tiie Tale. Seventy-five cent outing flannel shirts , in handsome patterns At 40c. Eighty five cent Madras Negligee Shirts in stylish Stripes At 50c. Dollar soft finished Cambric Shirts in light fancy effects At 65c. Dollar twenty five cable twills and Madras shirts , "very toncy" At 75c. Dollar thirty five cable cloth Shirts , "they're new doncherknow" At 80c. Dollar fifty Duck shirts , every one a "bird" At 85c. Two twenty five silk stripe Madras Shirts At $1.50. Two fifty satin stripe Duck Shirts , elegant Goods At 151.90. Four dollar French Flannel Shirts , custom made goods At $2.50. Four fifty French Flannel Shirts , with silk stripes At $2.90. Five , six and seven dollar pure silk Shirts , simply elegant At $3.25. We want to impress upon your mind this fact , that these shirts are made by the largest and best manufacturers of shirts in the countryand that for fit , shape and make , no house has better goods , no matter what the price. Weshall also put on sale about two hundred dozen Boys' Waists , in all sorts of materials , shades , colors and styles , in checks , plaids , stripes and figures at 20c , 3Oc , 40c and 50c. Need we say that they are less than you'd have to pay for them elsewhere ? MO TsIO F AY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Many years' experience. A rcenlnr Knulimto In medicine ns diplomas show. Is still trcntlng with tlio greatest success , nil Nervous , Chronic nnd Irlv. to Dhon'.os A porminenl euro uuuranteed fur Catarrh , Spermatorrhoea , Lost Mniilioocl , t-cmlnsl Weakness , Night I < oi4i s , Impotu icy , Bjphllls. Mrlcturo , nml all discuses of tlio Blood , 8Wn uncl Urlnury Ork-.ins. N II I Kuurnnteo f > OJ for every c.iso I undortnko and mil to euro. Consultation free Cook iMrsterluj of I.lfo ) sent free OMIcu hours J u. m. to 3 p m. Sunduy 10 a in. to 12 in. bend stnrap for roply. CUBES AND PREVENTS Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia iillainmiitlon of tlio I < u UK * . Kldneyi nnd Itoweln. Helitloi , Clillbliilni , Kroit Ultoa , Tootlmclia , llo.iducho 1'ulns In tlio Hack , Clieat and I.Uubs , iiu.l . all the usual Ono application of HAWVAVS ItHADV to tlio inrti alToctod , will Inituntly rollova nn1 teen cur the BiitTerpr. Internally In doioiof from thirty to sixty drops , In Imlf a tumbler of wntor , It lll cure In few nii.ment , Urnrunn , ifpasms , Wonr , Colic , Klntnlenco. llonrtburn , Dlirrhoei Sick He td icu Niigseu , Vomiting , Cold CMIK Nervousnesi , tiloeplosanoss , and nil Internal pains. 60 cents u boltla. ulo ut druBKiats. UADWAV A CO. . Jl Wnrron bt. ? | | nwrKAl'D'H , O It I E.N T A I , HtiuoiesTnn , I'lmpli * , Fuck- loKvMuth I'nli'hcH , Uiifch nml bUn "id evt-ry bltnii h on . biauty , and dttlm ' ' " It Ims ana la n iiiino ui . . .tlolt to l > rum It U in iii- tily nimle. Atttiit no cuunri rfclt of thnllnrniiuv. llr.L. A , t > Hri wild to a lad ) uf thehuut ton tlenl ) "As 300 esulllUFetht'm , \ 1 rtcoiniiiciul ' ( , ou * I ' ' rnud'HCirain'antlit } / It oat hoi infill of nil tlie * Un prt | > nra * llonn. " Forpwleby nil DiuKKUH nml l-Hiicy Guuda Dual * I'nllc'l ' SIMc * ( 'nnnilinnnd Km ope T. ItorKl.Si ) . l'i ou'r , a ; U real Joins St . N , V ALLAN LIN El KOVAI < MAIf , bTCAMbllll'd , MONTREAL and QUEBEC To DEHRY auU LIVERPOOL , CAM IN , t'M to tout. Aciordlni ; to Steamer and locution of btatorooui Intcrmedlnlannd Hteer.iKo nt low rittci. NO C.VTa.'l.K CAItltllilt. ) SI.KVIOI ; 1 L LINK. j f-TEAMbllll'S. NKW VOTin : nnd OLA-.OOW. via Londonderry , every Fortnight. 25th June. BTATB OP NKVADA. II A M. lull July , b'l'ATK or NUIIHASKA , 11 A M Slr.Uilly . , bTATKiOK UlCUIUilA , 11 A M CA111N , M& up Kcturn , ! ' > . ' > bleuniKO f IU' Apply to 11. , t A.AI.HN , Montrnnl or to II U MOOIIKS. Wnbiiah 'Itiket Olllco. W f.-VAH. lliirllnuton TlcUct Olllco Nt Icu t < i Conti'iioioi'H. Notleo Is hereby ulvi'ii that bills will 1)0 ro- cclvi'd by tliu lln.inl of I'ubllu I , anils nml Hu'ldlniTNiit ' tliiiullicoof tlioSuiTulary offtmo nut II .Inly liltli , lull , nt l 'oMuuk mum for the cruet Uin nnd oiininlfon ) | | of IMONMIIKN , lilti'bun and laundry liiillilln-s for the liisiinuHyutn | nt llasliir-'s. Nctir.tsUu HliN will bo rerun o I furtln > \ iilniis bninc-ln'-'Of uorlc unit inutur- lal und iibu umnpiitUi bid. Pliius und HColllrutliiiH | ) niuy bohcon nt the nlllfo f the UuiiiiiiUuiiiir | t I'nMlf Iiin > ls u nd ut MiiL'oln , Ni'lir icUu. and alsu ut thoolllvouf F. M. I'.Hlb. Arehltt'ut , Uinulia , Nobrnnlui. C'diilractiiraII1 Ito rcqulrod to ( onftuia htrli'tl v to cundltluns of the * \ HItleiit luu- , . Thu lloaril ruitirvL'S thu ilKlit tu lojuct any and all lilda. Uutcd .Inrio 18th , IK'll. ' A It. Hl'MI'IIUKY. 1'rob't. of Hoard Jo u f. Allen , fceo'yof btato FREHCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE andpsrminent CURE for alt dli.iVi.oTlHeUFTINAHY ORGANS. Cures whoroolhorlrealmentialu. Full diriclioniwllh each bottle. Price , one dollar. See ol E. L 8TAHL Fov Bale By All tYrinil. ji.noHMliI bcndic Uumrlfol AJJ.ti. U6N L1KUG CO , BuSllo , H. Y. For vale by dooduiuu , Drug Oo. BASE. BALL- OMAHA _ _ - 7-Q MINNEAPOLIS TODAY. Oaino culled at 4 o'clock. Ladles' nd mission ! ' . ' EDENlYEUSEE COURT llth and I arnain Streets. WIIK : : OK ,11 NI : ZINU. riiHili nnil w lie S oiko ( ti iriuurs. linn In , Suttlro I'lnyur , Clilr 'ttu. 1'ryor , Itouty , Hilly Younx , Mnrilmll nud Carroll. l.nilloH1 nuiivealr day , Krtdn ) , South Down I.iimbi Klvi'ii nwnj Ontitlino ndmlU to nil. Open dully Mom 1 I" 10 flic Best Pill On Eartlit fir. IIoli [ > 'N Ltttlo VoKOtulilo JI'lllB acl ! > Reruly yet rrouiptly on > < th Liviiu , klin. NKYSnud HOU'ICI.S , Vuvum nml clrnnelag the syf tciu lhor > ouKldy nnd they cur * hnbttual oonatlpntlon. 'Ihey nro nugnr ionte < t , do not ttr8 purely vegetable. 45 plllulnonch vlnl. Tor- foot dlK ntloa follnuu thi'lr ni-e , llioy AIISO- CVHl' SICK IIIIAII.XCHIC , mil nro Itcmiiimi'iuli'il l > y LcuiMnij ; U'liy- lIcluiiM. Fur Halo by ilruKK > t or i > oiit by wall. fi fconta it vlul or B for 41.00 , Addroii J'S MKUICI.VIJ CO. , Props. 'an Francisco , Cat , Chlcaflo , 111 National Bank U.S. UEPOairOrtf UMA'IA. V5 Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st. 189O , - O'-J.BOO Odlcer and llrectorllo > iry W Vntm , I'raildant , J.fwl H. llwKl , Vlfo-l'ro < iilunt , Juraot W SaT < . | , \V V.Morie , John B lollliu It U Cutuliu JN 11 I'uiilck W It S lluitno' . cmliltfr /n-Ibl IUON BANK. lornur Utlinud tVnrunui jti A GonoralllituUIiitIu ! < ilnos4Trans ictot OMAHA jSi-ndlor clrcuur oriau m IV I1 111 hllKUVNuUII ( W Now York OliOOLi OF ll.ifollldu.uiuulm lb , TELEGRAPHY MOORE'S E Ol1 LIFE "Lot another man pralsothcc , and nn * . ihlno o n month. AstrnriKri' and not , till no own llpi. " Hov. Gt0iu ! ! Millur , t.iilllo : , Iowa : luv. ! AnlliDiiy Juciibs Hldnny , Iowa ; Hov. J. W ( 'artor. I'lutisiut tJroxc , Iowa ; Kov. E. K 1'ciry , CodnrHapUls lowi ; Itov.V. . It. hllo Ijuiivuiiuorlli , Kaifas ; Itov J , T Muiiifirid. KinciMiii , Iowa ; Kuv. .1. W. C'.ithcMit , inii'r- : t-on. Iowa ; Kov. tillniiin I'nrUer. I'niersnii. Iowa ; lion. T. J. Abul , llocatur , IlllnoUj W. A StroiiL' , Council Illnll , Iowa. Whun such rr.on as the aliuvu have Khun thulr to-tlnion- l.ils In pr.iNcs of Mooto's Tri't ) of llfo nml thu lomlliiK wholusalo drna houses say they 1m vo plvun cntlro satisfaction where they have been sold , what bettor ovltlunuo do yon want ? Why should yon sulfur when youcan bo uiuotl by imlnK Mom OB Tree of Imo. Mount's Tree of I.lfo , n ponltlvo euro for ICIitnor nnd Uvur Coiuplttnt nnd nil blood illieitix lloui It ny to nutter when you c.m bo cured by inliu Mooro'i Treeof Life , t'noUront I.lfo lloiuojr' Plienolino CURES J 4 Coldi in the 4J3 4a Head J3 by one pplica * J3n lion , n J3S Git&rrh S In a vtry ihotl 2m H limt. 2H 'JJ 0 y Fever H 0 from lhr t lofivt UlU 0D dlyt , U ) Earaob iniumly. 50o per Bottli. MiJiti'i Ct , YOUHG-MENVOLDMEM" QIT IH THE TOILS OF THE SERPCtTS Of DISEASE. They m U htrole tfforU to fr themiilv . ft. bat not hnowlni bow to lucctnlullr OUR NEW BOOK rMQirr * * r > ii itil , ( Hkiiii ) fora llmlll d lllTio.'il > lalo > thtphlloiophyof Dluai- 4t and AQlctlOQi of tbfl Irgani of Man , and how bv HOME THEATMENT , byinttbodi eicluilvdy our awn , tbtor l ' ( ot Lot or ralllDi Manhood , Ointral and Hervoni Of btllty , w aknin of Bod7 and Mind , Eflictiof Errort or Eicriin , ntuntid or Bhrnnkin On mi cnn IM < 'nro < l. BinillU U dar. lIowtoZnlar.andBr BtbinWEAK | UHDEVELOPED OROANBAPABTBof BOD Vnad. plain toalllntjrcitjrt. Utnlc.lllr ( row U > Hulti , Tirtlloiln an I r-'otjlfo C uom . _ -AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY"J In HOllInu oiir niiiiieriiun kpinltllli * * * Al iiyn auinctbliu non Kmppo < ted ft ) nai Munli HL.f. | Uk'h'lnu ' I'cniPt Liniiii nud ( Ik'nr I UuiMr Mulu IMino Hiiri'ltiit ill'ilc ' f < ir | iurit niiltlo4 n id dlmu > and nur Iruit i \\rtuiili , f r piul'iu on or tnkln. "II Ibu I | IB of fruit uaiuVrltu lor clrc.ulnr of > noTcltlL'8 or lull on Nt rta Wo'tjr i Speala ty Co. I oo lluildin.1'iii.ihn ' Neb nnnllTl BANIIAI.WOOII tAl'lH-fcH are Uiu II11 III ! I fl bt'it un < i oiuy i , i ulu prmcrlbol by uuuu I n tuiU | r piutuum for ilia curu o oiiorbuea anddlicbar oi fruui tlia urmury uujijt.jJ4 > j4 bvt To the Citizens of Omaha and Vicinity : "r f1Oco Wo Is n roaulur crniluiito of rniillclno from I'hlna , hiIng taken n thor ough course of study , oMondlnK oxer right yuiri. In soiniMif tlio host Ohinov ) colloue . Ho oilers Ills services in nil thine sulTorlntj from iltKoiin's of any Kind , and foolH conildonl that In t > vi < ry 1'iiM ) no nndoitiiUis lie can uu yon KOMI. .Most of tlio IriKrodloriN ho. IKCS In his romo- diet nro imtanlcal Mihstnncos from t liin.i , many of them unluiou n outside of that court- He oliaritos nothlnitforoxamlnatlon.consul- tat Ion or adUco. \ on um call and ha\o n fill ndiy chat with him. anil ho will frankly slain what tin ran do for yon. His ivnmilta- tlon and communications cimductid In tha titn est prlvnoy andstiloicsl lonlldoni'e. Ills reinvdlos are cany to taUoand porfi'i-tly liarnui'ss. Tlio mu-t of I hour not on tire hUio.l. iinrlfj IIIK it and ilostroj IIIR the nilc'iobi'.s ot liai'lorm. IVi Imps you are sulTorlnu from sorno ills- o i o of limit Mainline and have tried almost oxory rtMiiody known without MIIOCOSS Woillit It not ho Holt to try llu > t'lilnvsc mode of trontmi'iit now , or at nir > rate call nnd let Dr. t' . tiooVo \ o\amlno tliu onvo and toll you what hi'ran do ? Hr. ( . ' \Vohastlioiisandsof tostlmoillals In Mis possession , among whlclr ate tlio fol lowing : It. II YOUNO. S7I" North Twontv-fourth i-tii'i't. Ornalia. Curoil > < u\oro cold and r.ip- Idiy ( imulopliiK consumption ; was told ooiilil not last six months ; wholly with till- ni'-i' romiHllos MIS ! II , Lfon , IVtt Tlfth Htrcot.-PulToreil w III ) sli'l ; lioudai'ho and Koni'ral doldlt | > ; hail lied all Minis of modlulnt's and doetors. Now olnist and hoaltny. St V VAN \\OIMiit ( : , 1717 Third street , onnclt Illuirs. ticnoial dohllltyand pains Iu licst ; few WOOKS tioatmcritnovor ; foil Uottor at pri > ° ont. MUM. P. O. Uion , Ponlh Omaha , ( AllirlKht ) . Aflrr trvinir other lornoilli's for olilit * iisod Ir ) Ouo Wo's tioiiliiient ; now compiutely cured. JOHN II. IIAMMHTT. S-outh Omaha , ( West Alini ln ) . Hour t dlt-oii'-o and ualn In ohi' t ; short con r to of In-iitinrnt ; now almost curcil. MHSV. . A. NICHOLSON , IK)7 ) I iKlitouiith stroi'l. nhunmatlsm , then homrnorniisu of the Inn sund Dually heart disease ; complete wrecK , went to ICnroncand tiled everythlnzi now entirely cured bv Dr. ( lioWo. MR-J. . ) . 13 YA'Pl.S.l" ! > 0 Q Btrcot. PoutU Omaha. I'oinalo VM-aUiii-s nrid nlok head ache ; I'onld net no relief till Dr.tJeo Woeiirod me. Will Kindly recommend him for tbeso ) tlOllhll'H , 1'or thu hcneflt of thosr who cannot aeu tha doctor he h is ( iiepared the following elcht ) rurncdles foi tlio most urev.ileut , diseases ; BLOOD PURIFIER , RHEUMATISM CURE , CATARRH CURE , INDIGESTION AND DYS PEPSIA CURE , SICK HEADACHE CURE , LOST MANHOOD CURE , FEMALE WEAKNESS CURE , AND KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. The o troubles easily bo dlapnosod an' the proper remedies pie Mired. Kor all otnoi tionnles write , eni'loslni ; st.imp for question blank and hook , .is the. doctor uses u special remedy for each disease. DR. C. GEE WO , H North 16,1 , Strait Office Hours from 9 n. m. to 9 p. m. , Every Day. THE S PECIALIST llorctlian 15 yoirt cxporluncj In thu trait njnt ot PRIVATE DISEASES. Acureitunrant eain to5 il.iri. vrlthant halOJiof un hour's rlmu GLEET. The rnn t complete nml absolute cure for prlofit uniJ nil nnnuylriK Ulsehiirtfcj over known to thu [ nodical profoaalun I'uruinncatly curctt hi fromfi to 1J Uaf4 Or pnln In rohovlnv tlio lilaililor curoil without pitn or lustruiiiunls , no cutlllik' , no illlutlriK. The moil rcniurkiibloroniudy known to luoilarii aciQuco. SYPHILIS. loWdiiyn- MifJrow'n troilmont for thin turrlblo blooddlaenionin been prononncod ttia iuo t successful remedy over dlscovornd for tin * nn- Boluto euro of the dUoim Ills nuccui wllliinll dUcn o Ins never been o < iu illo t. A coniplotu our r * * ' guaranteed. " LOST MANHOOD ncsMiitl no iknosHos of tt o Hoximt orxini , nervoin- And iliuldlty nnd despondency nbioluloly curoJ. 'Hi orellot Is luimedliao nud unnpletit SKIN DISBASE33 , nnd nil dlenio < of the blood , llror , kldnoyi , aal bludder periimnontly cured FEMALE DISEASES The doctor s "Homo Treatment" for ludloi 11 pro nounci'd by all who Imro n od It to bo tilt ) moit cum. pletonnd convenient remedy ever otlvred for thl trentmentot femnlo dlioinoj It H truly n wonderful remedy Hours for ludlet . from 2 to I only. DR. McQRHW'3 Mnrvollotn success In the treatment of prlvntodU * oinoi lini won lor him n rcpiitiitlon tvlilili Is trulO nation il In clmmctcr , ami Ills Krett iiriuy of p itlunt * eai lies from tlm Atlimtlo to the I'm IHo The doc lor H n uradimto of "roculnr" mcdlclno nud hiu Imy IIIK and lareful uxporloncn In hujpltul practlca , nil Is cliismid amonK the li'/nlln / uperinlhts In mod rn ncluiico Treilniunl by uirrospomliinto. > yrl'-v V" orclrcul.ira about oiieli of the ubovmllieiioi , froa. Oltieo , 14th and F.irmm HtratiW , Omaha Nob. Entrance on olthor Btroot. Purify yourbloocl. Now is the time to do it , or else your system will be out of order all summer , cleanse your liver , stop your kidney pains , quiet your nerves , cure your sick headache. Turkish Tea will do it. 250 package , from your druggist , or sent by mail on re ceipt of price. Halm's Golden Dyspepsia Cure , warranted cure for dys pepsia. 5oc box. Will refund money if it don't cure. TURKISH RKMKDY CO. , Omaha , Neb. DR , BAJlEYT Graduate Dentist , At'nil hot of 1'ootti on Itubbtr. l t HVri IIOM.AH ! ) A porfool uloo < l 'luulh eitmo < l pain or dariuur , n > - ; witli.jul unnutthttllct. Uol'l aaa \ . ' > vur lllllnn < Hi lonoit rnoll. ridtto na < t trowa Work 'i'auta iiHuuul | iut i All nurk wur- linicd OPFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntrnncfl , letli iimel elurator. Oyoa Blltlltt U'ClUCfc ,