THE OMAHA DAILY BJBB : THURSDAY , JUNE 25 , 1891. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. FOll TIIIMK COI.l'MNS AHVKIITISKMKNTS will bo taken until IK3U i > m for llm nvrnln * nmt until g.aopm. for Ilia inurnlnit or Hunilor edi tion * , Ilntcii "ClluMlon WnnlP < 1.MalnIInlpW nti1rt , " "Femalo Help Wanted , " IX tnntn n word nrn lnw tlon nd 1 rent i word thornafU-r. All other ndfrr- tlnonirnlnlnthp'o colnrnni" in > nH n wordtlMt Inner tlon and 14 ! ronln a word lliorraftcr , or 12 | > cr linn per month No advertisement taken for lem than i'i cents for thn Brit Insertion Ternn cn h In ml- Tfincc. Initials. Humes , symbols , etc. , pachenunlni n word All adverllsmunnlii mn t run con-ocu tlrolr Adrcrthnrn , liy reqiicMtntf n numbered check , ran hare their answer * addressed to n "mini tiered letltr In carnof TllK 1IKK , Answerii no nd dreaded will bo delivered only on iirescntallon oftha chock. It A NCI r < > FFICKH-ADVKIlTIHIStl Hl ) | Tl IK K rnliiinns will t > o tnken on tha above condition' I the. following bindneM hiiin-en , wlio nro author- lied to tnkiiprlnl | notl < esnt tha ramo rate ns can behail at Ihitmnln onlre , South Oinnliu Hranch oniceNo 2 J .N itrcct , John W Moll , I'harmaclnl , lltli nnd Mn < on nlrect * R. II. Knrnnworth , riioruinrlKt , 7lli CinnlriK ntrcot. W J Hiiirheii , Pharmurl t , ISIN Ii.lh street ( IporvuY 1'urr , Pharmacist , 1713 Louvenworth trcot. 11 UK lies' Pharmacy , 2llh nnd Farnam SITUATIONS WANTI-I ) Faranttt , ( to. , vr. tnp nfftrnt fn'nmn nn thu ixigf. " H'ITUATIONr yu\\'iimvr'i.AiV AH HOUHK A ketipororcarn of rooms ; haru ruforcncnx Ad rtross It ID , lieu onico. M32I * > A SITUATION WANTKI ) IIY A I.ADY KIIOM thnnast an lininckeepnr In prlvuto fninllr or hotel , or any position of Irust , where 1 pan have mjr llttln Klrl , can furnish refprencii a * to character n yiull an nbllltjr. Callll'jN ISlh utroel , Omaha. Neb . room 3. MV ) A WANTKI ) A HOUND UK- porlnr , with tun jcmrn etporlencu desires posl tlon on responnlblo dally , best of reference" Ad dress 1'nul Hay , Uco. A-WANTKI ) A SITUATION HV A YOUNO MAN who npcnks Herman nnd American , acquainted with tlin clothing and tfroiorjr lnmlnp'1 , no objec tions to leaving city. Address It t > i , Ileo omen 2J25 * ir-fr- .A DKNTISTS. WANTKI ) . A POSITION IN IiAII ff * jVornlory bjr well expnrliinioil Uimlhliman. Will accept ainnll salary to bcxln lr. Masters , mo I' Bl. , Lincoln , Neb 3203 ! ' A WANTKI ) , POSITION 11Y A YOUNO IiADY AS clerk In onlro or store ; several years experience Address , It Bl. Uco. 287 2.1 * - VOUNIJ miHMAN WITH A TI1OIIOUII ( A-A poiiitniin Kchool rdiicntlon and wllllnu to work t anjrthlnx dcilrc * a altnntlon whlpli will bn an aid to him III IcnrnlnK the KtiKllnh IUIIKUIIKU , of which lie ban a limited knowledge : wholesale hnusn pro lor re J ] can furnish references Aildiesa 1140 , Unit , Mj7l2S A WANTKI ) , A .SITUATION MY A YOUNO ladjr stenoitraphcr , Kiporli-nccd Unilcntnnila book kcppliiv. Good references Addreaa < . ' II. , C19 N. 17th. city. 25'4 * A-WANTKI ) H1TUATION3 KOU OO01) ) my waiting rooms aroalwioa full front 9 a in t ( Ip. ni. Canadian Kmploymunt olllcu , 3IIH S l.Mh -'H TolnplionoSSI'H AVANTJ31I MA liK For 7'0ci ( , etc. . nee l < n > of ft ' column on ( his jiaae. - V NTKiVYOUN ( ! M.V IN OUOCKHY TOHII Mint Imvo llrat claim roferuncos. IM)1 ) North 'JOth troot. M1WB5' B WANTKI ) . MAN OK INTKI.MOKNCK AND KOOd character ; must bo neat , active and willing to make himself Kencrally useful I'urmanunt nnd * -r peed pay to such man Apply after 10 a. m M H. Vlnher , 17 Chamber of Commerce. MJ."i ' . ' ' > ) -WA.NTii : ) , A IIHOOM TIKIl. K1HST CLASS , ) at once 4UU west 7th streetIrand ( Island , Net ) YJ-WAM'KI ) , 10 FIHST CLASS KXPKIIIKNCIII ) JJsalosmcn lo sell furniture , carpets , blanket * , Ac. , tiono but llrstclnss men need apply 'Iho Iloxlon Bloro. B-WANTKD HAILHOAD MKN FOll MONTANA. Idaho and Washington Cheap faro. Hallroud laborers for Iowa free fare Krumor & Kramer labor agency. .KM B lllh st 3M 2o- B WANTKI ) "i KIHST CLASS MKN FOll DAIHV work Ames Ave Dairy. J F Hoch. SOI * . * B K.YPIHIKNCIDOHOCKHYCLIHK. : : : MUSTHK familiar irlth north part of city. Hcfcrences re quired Call 1.141 N 21th street. SOI U' T > -OUTTIHS ; AND TAILOHS WANTKD ovuu JJ1,700 have adopted the A 1) Undo new method Numbers of them nro leading cutters of this contl nent. others are on the way to fame and fortune Taught at Cleveland Cutting T-hool .MJJ527 * -WANTKD8ALKSMANTO rAHHYTHK IlKhT paying side line on the road Aildress. giving full ipartlenlars of line and tenltory. biimatra ClgarCo. _ . Chicago , III. 2.V ) 21 * "O-AdKNTS WANTKOONSALAHY OH TOMM1S JXtlon. llrewor A Stnnriurd , Nursuriiueu , Ottawa , Kunsns. 2lr > 28 * 1 > 1IK.VOK GOOD ADDH1W. MKTHOPOMTAN J > M'fn Co , UO ) Howard Omaha , or 117 N 12th Lin coln. 125 J > 18 * WK WANT ONK IIUNDHKD AGKN'IS 1MMK dlatel ) ; { I per day nr good eommlHsInn ; purlieu lars free Address Kxeelslor Manufacturing Co , J.nCrosso , WIs. US024 * B-WANTKI ) 100 MKN rOH H U WOHK IN WY- omlng nnd South Dakota ; good wages Albright Labor agency , ll.'O Karnam street. M'.x > 5 -soq SA'LKSMKN WANTKD TO BKLL ouit PHK- mlnm nursery stock : the largest nursery west of the MUxlKslppI river : the finest stock : all the new nnd old fruits ; the lowest prices and biggest pay to ngeiits ; money advanced etery week ; outtit free. Write us at once. ( I J Carpenter Co. , Kalrbury.Neb. 877 Jyl4 n-OHGANIJIKHS WAVI'KD-tM AND JIOO IN J ) | lvo mimths ; first eertlllc-ulo In ? 50 class dale Julyl.lh'l ' ; first class organisers wanted ; write for V. torini ) . Miprome lodge , the I nlversnl nrogresslvu o , 17. WashliiKton street , Iloston , MansM7'.X M7'.X ) Jyl2 * BWANTKD MKN TO T1IAVKL KH OUH CAN- adtan nurseries. btone.V Wellington , Madison , WIs. M.1) ) ' > ,0 * B-IIIMONKYSKLMNOTHKLirKOrPT ( ! HAH num ; only II HO Agents wanted American Hook Co. , New Yoik Life building. Omaha , Neb. 7.U JU -WANTKD OHdANi/IIHS IIY THK KHIHNOLY Aid society Pa > s Its members ? ll e\ery six mouths Has paid Um.lXJO In benetlls Heservo anil benefit fund held In trust b > the tdato of Massa chusetts Terms liberal Address Krlendlj Alii HO clety , Wultham , Mass. .M5.O J.l- T > -WANTKISALKSMKNON SALAHY Oil COM J'ml 8lon to handle the now pntent chemical Ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novelty over prodiu I'd ; erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ends ) no abrasion of paper ; 200 to ! M per tent prnrlt ; one agent's pales amounted to fl > 20 In six days , another f.12 In two hours We. waytonegen- oral agent In each state and territory , lor terms nnd full rwrtlrnlam address the Monroe Kraxer SlfB Co. , LaCrosso.vis i'r ? IIKIjP. For ril'M. tie. , see top of Hist column on thin jwiyn. C -WANTKI ) ( Hill , KOH ( JKNKHAL HOl'SK work , also strong nur-xi girl Mrs M. Lev\,2al7 Dodge street , opposite high school M.U1 27 -WAN nil ) , A COM I 'KTK.VlMilHL KOH NUIISK and second work .Mrs ( icorno Pntcrson , 2 . ' 'I Howard st. .M.l'7 27 -WANTKD AT ONCK , VOUNG GIHL TO TAKK charKO of clilhlren nnd nimlat 111 housework flood homo for nice ulrl Mm D O. .McKnan. 1114 bo .I'lli ' 1 31 i . _ -WA.STKI ) , HKLIAHI.K ( Hill. KOH ( iKMIllTu , hoiiFnork In small family A good ulacti for the right party. 210 S Siith t , half black north of I'arimm M cars , German preferred. 25 25 A HOUSKKKKPKIL ADDHKSS J P. Ames , Illalr. .Veil 277 2 1 C-WANTKD. A ( ! OOD ( illll , roll OKNKHAL lioiisoMork , 5iill Bt Mary * ave. 'W.'J C-WANTKI ) , KIHSTCI.AS1 OPKHAIOH FOH Hummond lypawrller. Cull Slut ) Iiith st. 2sl'Jj C-WA.NTKD A COOD COOK MllS. W W , . , Marsh , back of llrowuell hull , bill nml Pine IrootH. M2t1) ) 'J6 * -WANTKD AN KXPKHIKNCKD NUIISK GIHL llest city references reij ulred German or Ho heniliui preferred tin Mi 2idh street. M.1M 20 * C WANTKD A 01111. ton GKNKIUI. HOIISK- worn. bl.'S. 18th .MV70 -Voii It KST. Til K NKW Tom I HO lT : I , OF 10 rooiii nnditlUii , on N liilh nml Hut stores now occupied by the Peoples mtimmotli Installment lioimi , Wubster Htul ll.lh Will rent llio store w\i \ rutely If nlshcd Ueurn , LS N. Y I.lfu. 31I.4) FUHNISIIKI ) HOUSK , ALL CONVKNIKNCKS ? July Ut lo ticpunubor 1st , IU Adtlross 1101 Douidus .a/J uj 1V8IUXM ) IIOUSK , ALL SIODlfRN I.MPHOVK .l-'nu'iili. ial M. nih M. , j blocks from now opera liousti , New liouno with fiirunco. -ill 2M * Tf -7 HOOM"7oiTAIK ( , KirilNISIIKI ) OH UNH'H J 'liUlivd ; eheapto rlulil luiitlcs , 2IU Norlli Xkl tri'i't. Apply on premises .M.71''i * fV-TiTil IlkN-i'TTpLKN DHMjTlOOMlTlTsrDKN I'lj" J-'all modxrii convcMileiu'ei , ilneii location In clt ) , UI& Park mo ; pron'iu occupant , .Mr S It Hoodor i > o tuslon tilviiu July I , k'oixl barn iillucheil , "III bold I horses ; llln'rul ternnt nnd lom ; lensu to rlnht imrty A | > | ilr 3a Iloo bldv , or lU.'l I'nrkuiu. John ( iranl 4t _ IV 11)11 HKNT , 4UOOM HOUSK CHKAl * . SiVITUJ J-l'npllol UToniitf. 2)U-24' ) _ n-K8ll-AUI.K ! IMIOOM IIOUSK nH HKNT.tU J7pur iiionihi k-it , hut and cold w tor. batliaml ( urnucot Dodiio ana filli utreuti. tr.d J. llortb- wick. iU H. I4t > t. H-KOH IIKNT.8KVKN HOOM HOU8KI MODKHN JT'coiirtnlcnc'tui clitvrn tuul null ; In 1100,1 order ; IllUP wrd itr it. B. 1Cook. . Wl New York l.lfu llulldlng. MJOI JM IIOUSK WITH llAIINi DKSIll cution , muJuruto roul , Heard llrot 1410 i itreel. MM7 V-FHUH HOOM VIAT ton HKNT. uioa. nrril truet , IUJW par monlli Inqulru In tor .TBl 21' , - , Aj > jilr C. 8. KUullnr. bUl N , Y Ufa bldii KOH For rnttt , IA , * toj > nf fint column on IN * yage , jJrnoins , w'llli nil modern lmp'rotemnnl , J3181 aVe street. C. 1) . WQOdworlli , UU Douglas. W3 TIP YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSE OHSTOHK Usco II K Cole , Continental block. 2TiO . . . . . . . K. rCK'K VAHD.flllADKTHKIW. - /clly and clslorn water , cleffanl ncUhborhooil. 2 blocks from elrect car , HIIS Till avenue , or llcll' " pharmacy , cor lllh nnd Mason , JJ3 lFOll HKNT IIANDSOMK IMIOOM HOlISK IJM moilern convedloneo * In porfecl orders paved streets ; motor and within ! i minutes walk of pom- otilco. Nathan Hhclton , IMI Farnam street , MI5I D-FOIl IIKNT 9 ltOOM HOU ! < K. MOIKIIN ) CON- vonlenee * , VfH Davenport street. Inquire yrrt Davenport struct 48J D-auooM IIOUSK , MODKHN IMPHOVKMKNT.S. wllli barn Kli'llilre , I2VU N. 18th St. 2A3 Ji D-FOIl HK.VT , MIOOM COTTAUK AND HATH , cnnlrnl , 137 M ( > mom cottnue. central , 11.10) ) . ti room collage , near motor , 113 00 3-room cottaiii ! near motor. 11000. Brooms unfurnished , ( IUUU And th IIMI renldencn Hal * tn tnn city. No stores. The Mead Inv t Co , 4U Ileo llldir , 2UJ D-POH HRNT.TWO . FIVK-HOOM HOIISKS AND ono three-room house Inquire J. L. Hill , 2 ° l ( > l Hoiilh Uth. Mia 27 D-tOH HKNT I.AHC.K NU.MIIP.ll OF HOUKS slores. Hals.elc . 1'iUU per month nml up Now , llsl 1st of each month , ( iuorifo J. Paul , HXTJ Farnam street. Wl Jy2 -FINK NKW I3HOOM IIOUSK. WITH ALL modern Improvements and barnlinn location for aphy lclun J II I'arrollo ronlal agency MI23 J2 > 1NKW MODKHN AND MOST DKSIHALLK IN ' -'iheclty Three or four rooms suites , Complete for liouiekccplnir BlSbWd street. TU Von Horn M13I -FIIIIMSIIHI ) IIOUOK , I OH HUNT JULY AND Aiit'iist. 7 rounK , bath , etc , de lrahln location , references required Inqulro 112. Ileo bldj ? IM HH ) HKNT , FOIIH PIHSr CLASS IIHICK i ) | houses Kiiqulre of Dr. Coirinun.olUcu WJ S l.'itli. feO-1. -STKAM HKATKD MODKHN FLATS , 707 AND 7011 S 1ulli alrcel K F Illnner , HIS ) Fnrnnni 20I-J.7' -roil HI'.NT 10 HOOM IIOUSK. ALL MODKHN Improvements or will sell furniture N K cor. 2Ud and lllnney ds.Kount/o Place , tM month. 957 2ti' -BHOOA1 COTTAOh , CI1KA1" . INQ. 25IS CAP ! 'avo T\-H HKNT NKW 7 HOOM IIOt'SK , WITH l .ill modern tmiirovcments , 1 block from Walnut Hill motor , U'lUU Theo ONen. UIN Y I.lfo 2U D -KOI I HKNT 10 HOOM IIOUSK CKNTHAM.Y located , modern Imiirotemcnts 7IJ.N I'Jth XVI - HUNT 8 HOOM HOUMi : AND 11AHN.82I 5 : S 27th street Apply on promises. DI3y > * D - HKNT 7 HOOM IIOUSU. a l HAIIN K Y. Inquire A H Uladstonc , 1310 Douglas street. - HOOM IIHICK HOtHi : , ALL CONVKN D-8 * . J' " ) CO. Ii room brick Louse , I'JOUU. H K Cole , t ) Continental W8 _ -IIOU9KS. ALL KINDSTHHKK NICKLY PIJIl- nlshcd llnndy & Co. , Ilil4 Capitol nvcniie. SOT FOR UK XT i''uuxisiii-u ituoais. I'or > 3tci , etc. , tea tn > nf fiat column on l/i / ( jmoc. 1-KOIl tKNl'-NIlMi1\'r ; l ITHNslKD ItOOM , IJalso ai. . i Ji * six room Hat 1 Ul Capitol Ave E-2 NICK KHONT HOOM's KOH U12NTI.KMAN only , 2010 Davenport street. 2S4 iF-KmiNISHKDKOOMS ; IIAT1I AND OA . I7J1 * -HJHNiailKD HOOMH03 CAPITOf. AVKNUK. ii I'M 2b 1 ? VKHY I'l.KAflANT FHONT HOOM IN PHI- illvule family for Kciillf man. 8J5 3 211th street. J.'l 1 HOOMS 15 , f8 , . .115 , IW7 N 18th. 17-PUHNISHKI ) AND UNrUHNISIIKI ) HOOMS. Ijiuoderii tomenlenccs. llourd If desired MB NlSlh. \ 10124' -rUHNISIIKD HOOMS , LIGHT IIOUSKICBRP- I UK. ami HI. Mary's u\enue 8p 17 rUHNISIIKD HOOMS , I3JI N 21ST NKAH cablo. C57-Jy7 - FHONT HOOM , 1701 Cupltol nveniio. E-LAIK5K 418 FUltMSIIKD UOOaiS AN'1 > KOAltl ) . For title * , etc. , fee top nffliat , column on tlits puue. T ? NicnLY l'UHNlbIlKD KHONT HOOM , HOAHI ) I1 for two , 15 ( X ) per w eek 201 1 llariioy MllS 28 * 1 ? -1 OH HKNT TO C.KNTLKMnN , NICP.I.Y KUH- " nlihed front room , nlcovoand bay window Mod era conveniences , IIIHII , private family. I7.B Geor gia avenue , S 21ith street. 282 25 * 1 ? 1 TWO SOUTH HOOMS WITH 11OAHI ) . 1011 Douglas. 17 < UOOMS AND 1IOAHD 2103 DOUGLAS. _ L' 274 20 * l-Dr.SIHAHLK HOOMS AND liOAtll ) , 18.-J CHI- JU M-'J-I 27 * cngo. - - T ? HOOMS .VND 11OAHD. 1923 DOIKiK STHKKT. r M-70Jy22 ' - ) ? ] ) , : . . : furnlHlioil or nnfnrnlaUeil , uud buunl nt tha Kroiuar. 1NJN. 25tli stroct. JI5tl-J > 5' ? UOOMS ANIJ IIOAHD AT YOUNO WOMKN'S I 1 homo , 109 8 Kill Btreot. 71X1 lylii * -UOOMS AND rilthT-CLASS HOAlll ) , U01 CAI.T 1UOOMS 1 684 Iy5 ' - . ) 1100MS , DOAIII ) , 25.1' . ST. Ii'-FUIlNISIir.I 'Miiry'suvoniio. ' 621 ] yJ 17-THK faT. CI.AIH KUHOPKAN HOTKL , COH J I itli and Dodue , will muko low rales for rooms by the week or month with or without board 250 17-I.AlUiK MOUTH KUONT HOOM WITH AI.COVI3. -L lntlo nr en sulto ; lth board Itefen'iicci 2214 Fnrnnin IIBSI * FOll 111-3NT HOOMS For > < te , fc. , see top of flnt column on this pitae. YAuAND ) G Bhiule. Hi S Kith DtriMit bbl 2j Hll HKNT 4 UNFUUNISHi : ! ) HOOJIrf 11)11 G hoUHekeeplnx to family without children. City wuter , etc. 1'rlcollAUU 1701 Webitei street "M HOARDING. b'or Kites , etc. , fee top of first column on this -i'iia.MANnotisn.nioiMM Kood board , nice rooms , modern convcniciirei ; rnteit unit location In cannot bo excelled Mr Horn , Prop. J11CI JJ KOH HUNT STOH15S AND OKKIGI.S. I'or intis , etc. , fe top of flu' column i t l/i/ / / 1 I Oil UKNT. 1 MTOIIK HOOM ON THK COHNKll lof lltli anil tarnani , JiHXJ per month ; nl > , o one an llth Btrcut , near Farniun , { i.'iUO per month John llamlln,917S. Uth , I.lnton block. MUj r KH ) HUNT D1ISIC HOOM IN 1IKT LOCATION In thn city ; uroiuid tloor. U. K. Units , ir.'O boiith 15th street. illll Ji , ' 1-S'lOHi : HOOMS AT 707 AM)71 a SOUTH Il.TII , J. team heated K. K lllnuer , 151 Farnum Uj J.T TI I OH lul-JT THK 4 S rOHY 1IHICIC IIIJILDIMI Jwlth or without power , formerly occupied by tliti Iteo Publishing Co , Dill Farnam st The build 1m : lias n tlrt'poof cement hiisemeiit , complete steam heattiiK llxtnres. wuter on all the Moors , ius etc Apply at the olllco of The Ileo UI5 - FOll DUSK OH OFFR'i : HOOM IN N. Y. I.irfi J bldit Apply at Star Loan and Truit Co. ' .is : ! 21 T-KH ) UKNT OH 8AI.K , MY HUILDINI ! ON I.IOIICB St. , bet lUth nnd lllli , ( I , A. LlnUiUlst , 31US 15th. _ _ _ _ a > l f- Mill HKNT DUSK ItOOM , AT Oil N. Y l.fFK IbHlldlliK , J I FOll HKNT THK THHKKSTOHY IIHICK MinlMliu ; , I1IO Douelns street , suitable tor nliiilesnlu purposes , I1IU per mouth Ulias Knuf- iiiiui , IM DouKlas street. I'lS ! , . < * . , see tup nf fii st column onif ( / * j " . u fenced for horves and colts , ' 'Ji acrms of lame oml ntldKrnss , will call for itmtdelUer , clinrct-s reatoiiublo Imiutro Ktnns , ( VI 1 Pnxlon block , or uddrens Ijeortfo li tiuiis , South Omnlia .Mill Jyla * T - FOll HKNT PYTHIAN IIALI. PAXTON ill.K , < ' .Monday nndTliursday evcnlnui ; rent f.U luclud IIIK llulil , elevator , janitor , leu water , etc Apply to F J. Mickett , mnnnKur , aK .Now York Life blilk- " _ _ blilkMtiljS "iaAUDKN FAHJl TO HKNT. T. MUHHAY. UHN'lVYi. AOKNOV. Fur ititet , etc. , teetopof first column nn thti L"1 i AUKNOY , CONTINKN" lal lllock. 2M KTO HACK. Kor rates etc , , teetop of flnt column on thli iwitff. M CHKAPKST AND UKhT STOUAfJK FOll furnlluro Well s , Hjj J aruaium > eI. 1 M-OLDKS.T. CHKAPKST AND IIKST 8TOHAUK bouso lu city. Williams & Croiu , 1311 Ilarnoy.M07 M07 -IIKST 8TOHAHK HUILDINQ IN OMAHA. covornmont botidetl warehouse ; household KOIIIU carcil fori lowest rates W. M , llushmiiii. 11)15 ) l.cavviiwort'1 ti WANTKD-TO UUY. Unr rate tte.tteetopvffintcotutnn nnthttpuqt TV-WANTKI ) TO HUY , ( JOOi * IlKSIDKNCK LOT i'or house and lot. or several lots located * o as to make n Kood bqildlnn Bite , must bo 111 first class ru.lil.nco part of the city , ParlUs ausworlnii this snould nl o full descrlptloo of property , lowest price , terms , wlivihtr lucutubcrcd , and If so bow uii/clJ. O W , ! > . V71 AVANTKD-TO HUY. For mtet , etc. , f top of Jlrtt cnlnmn nn Uit AT HOOD < sfroiiivriMK ; i-Ai't WANTE ) o iNiiHOOD , M Ut Nat. bank bldir. 2AI-29 For rittft , etr.iitttnii < ifjtrttc > } liimn im thl * " -rXHtSAI.K , tnNITuK"i'cbllrhKTB 8- room hniiiin ; will sell part or llio wUulo Apply 8 < 1 N Y Ufa b'd'it. 8O ) i _ -IIOUHKIIOI.I ) FUHNITUUK NKW AND 8KC- end hand , for * al < ) on easy payments. Call and cxamlno before purchasing , dtoro , H > 'J1 Howard st. MWl-JdO KOUHAIjK-llOU8HHAVACoXHljTO. ; for Irrm * , tie. , rte lop nf flrtt eohiinn on tnu ) Mi/4 J .1.MO old or will trade for Iliiht linear or phaeton In KOod condition Addro s Ilor 7M , Omahn. 24I-24 * iV-HKAVY Ht'ltlNO WAUON KOH SAIjK AT i70' _ > U'arenworjhjit _ Ml 1KAM A' IIOIWK1 KOHSAI.K HINOI.K DHIV J crs or carrlAKO teams Can furnish any kind of hojr < ndp lred Call at C t ) Woodworth i Co. or addrosn , 1' J Klcmlnx , Cnlhoun , Neb 761 P-KOU SAI.K , I IIA1MK THK Ol.n KASHION 1 Murvnn horaus , trace dlrcot to Justin Miirnan Do you want one Direct to I. II Dodno , Walnut. Ills. SAM : KAMH.V rAituiAOK. LKK A Nichols' alalilp , a < tli and l > aTpnworth. For rattt. etc. , rr lo ; > nf flmt column on tht * ] Q-ta T'Oll OOOI ) "QuitllK PIANoT . . . monlhly payments , f 100 In bUKity , horse or cown K F Hinder , lil'J Farnani M18 2ii' Q-I-OH.HALK , A LOT OF FINK. KHKSII MILK cows , call , afternoon , at my yard , 2ith and Hurt st K.8. Je < tor 837 24 _ _ _ / \-rOH SAI.K ONK UPHIQIIT SHOW CABK WSjIUfeot .rodMohlo. IM QI7' > OOluVS TW'olOOM HOUBK AND 11AUN with two yeirt loose of ground on cable line IM Dounl/u / itreot 151 28 Q-f I'O WIM. HUY A MAONIKICKNT UIMUOHT piano , stnndnrd make and as xood an now. In quire after 7 o clock evenings at 21IJ Caldnell st 7C4 For rnlcji. rtc. , see top ntflrsl column on this " " lJ-WANTl"TO KXCH.VNOi : I'ASTUHAOK JVfor the service of aifood Jersey bull. Address 110X21 , city. MJW Jyl" -CI.KAN. DHY AND I'HIVATK STOHAOK OF furniture Omaha htovo Hcpalr Works 1207 Doimlas MJ3ISJ4 T > -A KAIH DHIVINO IIOHSK KOH ITS KKKl'INO JVby arellablo party. ( Jood usaito nnd kccplne. Address H 47 , llee. 2COK _ -WANTKI ) . OHADINO , HAUMNO SAND. KTO , for part pa > tucnt on lot or house and lot K. F HIiiKcr , IM'J ' Farnam .Ml * ) 2 > 1 < ACHK I'ASTUHK NKAH I'HNDKIt. 'riiurston Co , Neb ; plenty of sprlnir water nnd shade. Inqulro at 1213 Harncy. Huijh ( i Clark.M2I5 M2I5 M -MASSAdi : THKATMKNT. KI.KCTHO THKH J-Lmit ) baths , s alp A hair treatment , manicure i chiropodist. Mrs 1'ojt , Jl'JH S. 16th , Wlthnell hlk 273 11 KIIUNITL'UK HOUOHT , SOLD , &TOHKI ) ' Wells. 1111 l-nrnam street Y\ ! \ 1 > ( JHKAT HAHCJAlNd IN AM. KINDS OK JKW- JVolry andi silverware on account of the recent lire 3 Jonasen , Karnani and llth sts 174 JJii PHOPKSSIONAI.NUHSK MHS S K.110UTON. LlfllSCusH street. Omaha Ail j M OLAlllVOyAXTS. For rates , etc. , see ( o ; > nf flist column on this itaae. S-1UST AHH1VKD , MADAMK T.nSHKHK. TIIK greatest clairvo ) ant and trance medium over be fore the public Satisfaction guaranteed. Massage a specialty. 418 South 15th st M .10025- S-no AND bii : : PHOK. WAHINO.MKDIUM AND real astrologer , at 332 N Ihth street. (100 00 to any one who can equal him In telling past present ami future , causing speedy marriages , bringing the separated together , ami In business atTalrs his ad vlco la Invaluable. He tells jour name In full , aska no ipiestlons ami u es no cards of tiny description In his profession. Satisfaction given or no pay. Consultation fee , ladles , f 1 UO , gentlemen , $1IX ) M67J Jy5 * S-MASSACK MADAM DKLZ1KH , OVKK 1110 S. nth. 200 Jyb * O-MHS NANNIK V WAHHKN. CLAlHVOYANl" traneo speaking , writing anil reliable business medium , lour > eurs In Omaha , ll'.l N. Uith H ) MASSAGK , 1JATIIS , KTC. Tor mien , etc , see tni > of fiist coliimti on thLi rp-JIASSACK , IIATHS AT MADAM1J SMITH'S -i iiarlors , Id lloor , 420 S. I5th street. MSSU 27' r1-.MASSAGK , MADAM13DiLJ5IKHOVKH : 010 S 11 -L 200 J > b- PKHSOXAIiS. For i a'cs , etc. , see tup nf flift column nn this jwicre. TT-WANTK D INKOHMATION OK" ! " ! ! ! : WHKUK- Uahouts of Nelly Parker , who was In this city In Tebruary last. Address H&U Ileo. ,111124 * U-COIIUKIPONI ) KOH AMUSKMKNT , INSTHUC- tlon or matrimony The best correspondence bureau , Particulars In plain sealed envelope for IOC. Lock llox 2ii , Omahn. 21C J.T' U-ANY ONK WHO WILL SKNI ) MK ONK THIAL subscription for the Ladles' Home Journal 8 months for ft ) cents before .luly 1 can reserve 2" > e for their trouble K. C Morroll , 1U1-4 rarnaiu , Omaha , contestant for $1,01 prize. Ml'.RJ 27 3IUS1C , AKT AM ) IjANGUAGK. For ra'ea , etc. , see ton nf fit it column on this mac. V -TWO SKCOND-HANI ) PIANOS AT A ( JHKAT burKiiln , uprlK'ita. ' I6\i \ LhlciKO st. JWJyl'J \r PUPILS , GHAM.MAH A SPKCIALTY. llff ! > Doiiulni 2J'JJy21 "tr-OKO F ( iKI.I.KNIIKCK. TKACIIKH OF THK ' banjo ; with Hospe , 191.1 Dougliis. 24'J \r-WANTKI ) PUPILS I OH TIIK PIANO , OHOAN ' and Kultnr by an nTperlenced teacher , lately from ChlciiKO. Apply Wednesday evenings. 7 lo 8 , al 1U7 S 10th . MJ27 27 - IIUKOHK IIUYINtJ A PIANO K.VAMINK THK now sciilo ICImbull piano. A , HOBpo,16lilouila ) > < MONKV TO IjOAN-HHAIj KSTATIi ! . 1'ornitn , etc. , see top of fli it column on tliti l > 11 Vos , 508 1st Nat. bank uh ] . J | ' "J \\r ANTHONY LOAN AND 1 HUST CO , 113 N. \ - ii I.lfo. lend nt low rate for cholioBecnrlty on Nebraska or Iowa furms , or Omaha city property i TO LOAN IIY 1'HIVATK PAHTY AD dress H M Ileo . 311 21 * \ \ LOWKST HATKS ON HKAL KSTATK LOANS. 0 J. CasHoll. ail. N Y Life. j ( ,7s JyS \\T liUAHANTKIll ) MOHTCAHKH ON SAHPY , ' Tlinyur. CuinlnK anil btanton Co , lands for Bnlobyll T Clarke , IU Hoard of Trado. tM r-SKCONISIOHTJAiK ( IXANS FHOM CO ) TO tlO.UUU. Alex ; Mooio , Wl llee bulldluii. .Ml.SI r-4 > PKH CKNT KIHST MOHTIiAOK LOANS. Hlchiird C Patterson , 1.7 Now York I.lfo .MOTI \\r-MOHTlA ! KS WANTKI * , I.ONd OH HI1OHT tlmo ( leorKn C. Wallace , JIO J. J. llrown bulldluK , li'tll and Douulas 631 \\r-LOAN3 .M.VDK AT LOW HATK3 ON CITY property. W .M. Harris , 1120 , tremor block , 4.1) \ \ rHl'ILDINC. LOANS 0 TO 7 I'KH OKNT ; NO IT addltlonnlchariteM forcomiulsslonorattornoy a fees W 11. ileiklo , Urst National bank bld # .Til 1 ( .0A N ONIM PKoll > property at oiirrout rules ; funds on hand ; no delay , l.oo. 1' . lllust It Co ,20.1 llamtio bldif 274 \\T-THK CKNTHAI. LOAN AM ) THUST Co" li has removed to The Ileo bulldlm , ' , main lloor , nt rlKlitof entriinco. City loans ut lowot rules C A , Murr , muniiKer. 15 , ' Jyl'J \vrpHIVATK"ilON KY TO lA AN. J. 1) ) ZITM.K. > > 1)14 ) N. Y. I.lfo. . .77 \V-MOKT < 1AK ! I'OANS WANTKI ) , MtCAliUK ii Investment company. V7U \\r-MO.NKY TO IXAN ON OMAHA PHOPKHTY 'i rldt'llty Trust compniililll Farnum. 'J , J Lr-KASTUHN MONKY TO LOAN AT VKHY low rates H II. Iruy , 2ml N. Y. Life. MsO ir-KlMIIALL , CHAMP A HYAN , make loann on Improved city property at lowest rates. Uttt Fnrnam street. 413 JIO ArCHKAlMONKYPHtl.A. . MOHTtlAtiK AM ) II Trust CO. wantuKlIt odico loans. ( ) eo. W. P , C'oates , represoulallvo , 7 llonnl Trade. 'M \\r MO.NKY TO LOAN ON CITY PHOPKHTY OH 11 custom Nebraska fur.ns , K. F. HIiiKer , I.M'J Farnam. MONKV TO I.OAN-CHATTI.f.S. bi > i nicj ( , etc. , tee top of first column on thlt V-MOM.Y TO IXAN IIY II. F. MASl'KHS ON jVclmttcl nml collatloral ecurlllc > for any tlmo from I to 11 monthsIn , uuy amount to suit borrower Loans made on household uoods , planoa , orKans , horses , mules , liousen , leases , waronuuso receipts , elo. , at the lowwst rules possible nllliout publicity or removal of property My loans are to arranged that you can maka a Kaymeut of uny amount ut uuy tluiu uud reduce principle and Inlorest. If you owaitbalunioouyour property or hare a loan that you want thanjfod I will pay It on and curry It for you. If you ttml It moro convenient call up tulophouo IWl and jrour builuut * Hill bo ar ranged at homo. Money always on hand No delay. No publicity Loweil rates. II F. Masters , lloorn 4 , Wlthnoll blk , 14th nnd Ilarnoy stsi V MONKY TO UIAN ON 1IOI19KH , WA11ONS , - < v.furniturepianos and cullat'alsecurity lluslnvss conttdwllal. tr J Turrj , HIM , llamgo talk , 415 MONKV TO LOirV OHATTI.Ti3. Forratretc. , Mf ( "P offlnit jalumii nn tMt jMg < . MONKY""i-OANnirwi YunMTUiii i7ivM X " ' - ' ' ' stock" 'i.e. . Mo'd montluii MUhnui'patillfTljri'l. . . eil rates. Duff Green llffi-onllnenlal block. 2IO-17 V-S'ONKY ' ON nntNlTUHK , 1IOHSKS. KTC. -A.Koj tone Mott KO U > . , room a , Slieely blk. X -OHATTKI. HANK , 819 a. I1TH IXANH MNK\ * on clmtteln or collatefujjil reanonnula ratei. 3.1 Tor ritf ( , etc. , ttt top o flfst rolnmn on l/itt / jxioe , \-lltWtNKS.I ° ' * KNINO FOll A PAIITYV1TIt JIDOW'-k will pay an expenses and pay back the. amount Invested within m itayn. He quick , an auch opporluulllosiio soon Address It It ) , Ileo. I 2ai 34 V-f' SALK. I/UMHKIl YAHI ) AND HKSI- I denre properly. Only yard In town Good terri tory No yard nearer llinn nlnn miles For partlo- ulars address P. O. box 374 , McCoolJunctlon , Neb. - MAN WANTKI ) COMl'KTKNT TO run a itpncral inpply ntore rnnneeted with Inrtto maniifarliirliiK bu lnpis ; must havoKOOd roeord nid boabln to ItiTcstlViillMlii good dUldend paylnx concern. Address It 67 Uco 3Ufl , IU V KOH SAIiK , A STKAM I.AUNDUY IN OMAHA. JUood business and location. Address It M lien MM i * V-WANTHD-l'AltTSKIl WITH , ) ! GOOD 1 chance for the rlnlit man Address , It M , Ileo onion. MEB 4 * \r-CAHIt PAID KOH KNDOWMKNT I'OI.ICIKH IN I old linn compailli'4. Senil deicrtptlon A K llrockkMby , box 2,1.1. Hartford , Conn IBajyll * V-TOI SAl-K A KIU8T CI.A HS , WKM , KSTA'"lT I llslipd butcher buslnoss In thin city Hue fixtures and good caih trade To anyone meanlm ; bmlnois hero I ? an excellent chance MuUboaold In next sl\lydays M A Upton Co. , Ileo biitldlnx . . . M6UJ v-KOH flAi.R A M.KA'N srocic ov HAHD" X warn tlnivaro and stores Mock will luroliu about $ 1,0ml to * 1,500. for c h or part Pinh Any one ineiinliiK bnMnesn address ll.ll.Ilcoolllce. Ml.f ! Jy5 * V WANTKI ) A IIAI.K I'AHTNIIH IN MVIIIIY , I boardlnu and sale stable , II.UOO Addn-ai I'I'.i , lleo. _ MISOJI7' V-CONTIIOM.INO INTiniKST IN THK MOST 1 sncce < ful business In Omaha , 111 health It the reason forsotllnK Addrens 11 Hi. Dee. IH1 24 Ar-roil SAI.K AN OM ) , WKM. I'AYINO IISTAH I Ilibod clk'iir business ; ( food reasons ulvnn Address PDJ , lite MT8D \rnoTii. : MKN TAKI ! NOl'ICK. DO YOU WANT Ja Kood buslneis1 Uuy the Commercial , the londliiK hotel at Ilroken How , Nob. 4tfJ Y-TK.V SCHK.MKS TO MAKI3 MONKY IS THK title of our nenr book , icontaliilnK ten levin main and honorable schemes for mnkliik' monuy on smalt capital : exposes tricks and swindling In btiHl- no Hi Rlrvs hints and advice that may bo worth thousand * of dollar * to you The schemes are so clearly explained any ordinary person pan under- plunnlnK other dpala and enable yuit to trnsp future opportunities Sent prepaid for tl. Amen can Hook Co , Omaha , Neb Ml'.M } > FOIl KXCIIANGK. For rates , ttt , set toi > offlist ciilumn nn tlits page. ro""KXHANfKrONK ( yUAUTP.Il SifTKN : ) OK Improved land for a ( rood second hand bcarso Address box M , ( i , Hushvllle , Neb , A. W Glenn 317 2el r/-riiiritcii unwn A. SON , IIOWK , NIH : , 'JoiTer for salO or etclmnKon line herd of regis tered Cillowa > cattle , con < litlmc of one bull , thrpo years old , and twenty live head < if cows nnd httlf- era , all llrat claM animals Alvi two tine trotthiK bred stallions , three and six ycari old , Rtnndard ; one Clyde and 1'cTchnron stallion , I ! yearn old Them are line Individuals nnd auro foal Betters Aliu 1ft or XI ) Htiuirtunl proilucliiK mares In foul to ntaudnrd ptallloiiHV111 aell any of thu above stock cheap for ca-di or exchange for elear land or for steers , one , two or three years old M'"I3 2ii" V DHUO STOCK WANTKI ) CI.KAIt I'llOPKIlTY Aland rash to tiado for stock of UOOO to JifiUil. Ad dre iU64 lieu MWI23 * V WHATIIAVK YOUTO'IKADK IN AS MUST /Jpa > ment on fl room liuuiomill full lot In North part of city , llalancu monthly. G. L. Green , 47 Barker block. 28 S3 y IIO11MM 1 OH LOTS , 40.11IIIOWN IU1MINO. ! /-I Iy y WHAT HAVi : YOU TO KXCHANOKI CAM/ Oil /Jwrlto full parllcJlurs. Ale < Moore , 401 Ileo bulldliitf. 730 y TO I\CHANOI : : ion n.iiAii ior , I.AHOK , /J'tyllsh fiuully horse and carrlaKe. 443 Ileo build- Inn. IM y KOH SAI.K OH KXQIIANOK IIY OWNKIl IfiO / acrpH ot hind , less than miles from a thriving town Inentral Nebraska' , lloiiao , stable and uoll , 4 nores under ciiltlvatloh , jialnnre xooil hay land Abstr-.t of title , everything complete. Address HUl.ooolIlco. " ' M 17180' y-r-roit i\ciiANGK. : QHOICK LOI-S , CI.HAK HJH / modern cottage 6 to ! l rooniH , will asftimo Ineuiu- braucn ; locution nestorsoutlinest. K K. Hlnirer. 1613 Karnam. MIS7 2u * y-TO K.VCIIANOK COHNEK FACING HANS- /Jcom Inrk and five olheritood lots forChlomo residence property Address O 40. Iloo. 1SJ2 ! ( < FOll SAtil5 llKAIi KSTATK. Kor rules , etc. , see tovnf first rolunin on Iftls ] Loir A'Ts AAN ( AN lot In the heart of Omaha , with n 10 room bonso almost new. that eoit ti.'OO , bpnldeii other Improvements , only J4.600 flOO cash $100 every .1 months 2 year * * rent at the rate of ftO per mouth will bo guaranteed 2 per cent discount for canh. In ease of cash sule will pay 2 years rent In advaiu p Willis M Yiitca. Nebraska Nat'l bank 2'H i fOH SAI.K-WA1T UNTIL SOMIIONi : KI.SK HAS boiiRht 2.'iJi Davenport t rial then say that Is Just tbu kind of n home I wanted to buy. 247 LIST VOUIl IlKAI. KbTATi : rOH SAM : WITH Ceo. J. 1'aul , KOJ I'limam st 203U 17011 SAI.K KAHM CONTAINING 80 ACIIKS IM- Improved ami IS atrei timber ; farm Is all fenced , M acres timothy p.istuie orthnrd , crovu , IV. ; story lieu e. barn uninnry , nlndmlll. all In KOod shupu , farm Is o miles southwest of I'lattamouth , the county seat of Casn eount > , atid 2 miles from .Murmj.n nen town on the Missouri 1'aclllc rail- toad , 1 mlle from Hchool and church. 1'or pin IK n Itirs address I'M , lieu otllcc. 7DS IT'OH ' SAI.K NKW SOUTH KUONT 7-HOOM -t bouse , bath , etc , on Mayno street , 111 Orchard II1II , lull lot , 2 blocks from motor , price , f.l.fiOO , nn terms to suit purchaser This Is a barKaln. W It Homan , rooms 8 and 10 , Kreiucr block. 7t > 3 H 17011 SAI.K ATfiOO I'KIl ACUK , A SI'I.KNDID JL section of South Nebraska laud , four miles from station on II A M It It. Kasy terms. W H Ho man , rooms 8 and 10 , Krenier block. OSIJyl OH SAI.K-KAHM ADJOINING CITY OK 1II.AIH , Neb. H W Mcllrldo. M60J.IJ' LOTH. UUH'lvO SI1UM/S2ND. fJ.l'OOOO hl'.WKHS paid for Call at once , ( J. F. Harrison. 1U- NnwYork _ Ufo. _ 703 ,10 rjou-5is : KOH SAMIONKASYTKHMS ; nousns il for rent. Addieas German American bavlnus Hank. IM OWNKHS 1O MST TIIKIll 1'HOI'- erty If they hu\o bnrKiilns to oiler. K K Hlniier , 15IU 1-arnam FOU SOU I'll OMAHA PIIOI'IIHTIKH , 11USINKSS , tnicknKU or residence , KO to thu leading real es tntu dealers In bontb Omaha , Kd Johnston & Co. , corner 'Ith anil N streets MJoij 17IYKUOO.M 1IOU > KS 1NOHCHAIII ) HIM. , fl.WIO -L each on monthly payments. Thomas F Hall. .Ill 1'axton block. 2S7 17O11 bAI.K A I INKlMI'HOVi : ! ) KAHM OK 200 1 acres ; 100 under cultivation ; shade trees. fruit , windmill wagon scales , etc , 100 miles weat of Omaha ; tJO per acre Address G 43. llee _ 2S3 HOIIIUNS , HKAI. HbTATi : , lOil N. Y. MFK 17OH SAI.K KI.KGANT IIO.MKS ON MONTHLY 1. paymentH Will build any priced bomo to suit you K. K Ulniior , 1319 Karnam. 207J.7 * 1OH SAI.K CHKA1' . KASY 1'AYMKNTS. "TT Jstory new II room honhvi with bath , cellar , etc ; full lot N Shelton. HUU'arnnm. _ VO 1/011 SAI.K-TO WOHKIVGMKN ONLY ( Sl'lJCu" L lators need not npblj-I on tlmo or monthly , a nealcottatfti&t less than actual value nxldu property , only ono block to electric line In- qulro at room Mi , UiuaUs'.Natlonul bank bulldlnu 1 / MI/.NJ Tor rtitti , etc. . net tn\ \ ' ° h column nn till * } > uu' . ObT-A DAHK I.KATirRK CAHI ) photo , cards , etc , luslfh ! ) Hnilor M III bu reward cd by ruturnlng to Clnii. llarvoy , Iil4 Karnam. ( JI5 T OST , hMAM. SKYK 'rftlllUKK. HAD COM.AK -tJwIth bells attached IliceUo reward at 514 North y.'nd nt N"J _ ; _ d.ti 21 LOST A GHAY CHUCIfKD VKST WITH and cards of Hlahup uU'/Co. and ono Koldllllud watch , stem winder , numtfirits known , closed casu with coslal broken and mil double twlstod chain Under please leavu ut 4,4 , ' . latli , llliUu ) ) Oil Co. and Ket reward _ , , _ SOS 2l O'lOI.KN KHOM THK PHKMISKS OK A K Ol'honmi , In the southwest part of th city of Omiiha , on thuiiliiht from thu Ituh to the 1'Jtli day ot June. Ib'.H one Unlit bay maru. about ten years old , both 111 ml feet whlto , uno fore foot about half white down tu 1 nuf , small star oil foruhuad , has whltu collar m > rks , itl o small whllu spot on top of head , pony build , Inclined to pace , uouil coudltloi I'Ji will bu palil for return of maru , tM by the slier- Ill for arrest and conviction of thief. J K Hoyd , therlR of Douglas county Nebraska 307 24 * OTIlAYKmOWN IIOUSK 3 YKAIl OW * Jweliilit MO pounds lleturit lilt and Mayno , Or chard Hill Howard _ _ HHri ! 1 OST SUNDAY MOHNINd ON SLKKIMNO CAH JJIeiivluif Kansas City lait Katarday nlulit. small diamond mud gold oliliiK. Kinder will bo liberally ruwardwl by leavlny nuiiio at onico of Pullman Palacu Car company , Uultixl State' Nutloual bank building. MWTtt * HTI3AM FKATUKU UIWOVATOlt. For rnlf * , etc. , tee lop nf tnt column on tiiit inic. K DM , flCka AND 11 1.LOW8 W ASH K I ) , VKATH en bouifhl Mull orders promptly tilled Work f oiled for and delivered Kr nkAuBouai t A Kronklln MIU I'ATF.NT BOMOtTOlia. For nt ( , tte. , tee lop nf flrnt roliiiiin tin tht * ( uttfe. TJATKNT LAWYKUS AND SOLICITOUS , o. w 1 Sues A Co. , npobnlldlni.Omaha llrnnch entreat at Washington , D.O , Consultation free. M TAKKN Ul' . _ t'orrattt , ttrect < tpufjlnl column on tttti " " " " " " " " "u A "in.r 1 less cow , Owner can hnvo same by calllnn at JIM Cumlntf street. PATTKHNS AXI > MODK1.H. For ratrt , ttf , , re topofflrrt tnliunn nn tills ) MO ( , SANDijltSON , WHNKIMSTH AND JACKaOM 3Sl-Jy M WHAT TYl'IiWRlTKR TO BUY Arcyan open to conviction ? If so conalilo enmllilly our nmohliie. Don't rcpoiit to your- suit whiit Is told you. Imo-UtiMto. anil your own opinion will bo of sonio viilno. K you wlsli export opinion do not consult Intcroslud conipotltors. Send for Illustrated catnlo uo slvltu full uscrlptlon of the Smith Promler Typewriter Tte Smilli Premier Type Writer Ca , B. H. MAYHBW , Mannzor. 1009 } Farniun Street , Omahn , Nob. BICYCLESSOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS M. O. DAXON , IGOTi FARNAN ST. Tol. 1182. - - Omahn. Neb SIOU.X. CIT1T A I'ACIFIC. I Arrlvm nmlm I Ioi > ot 15th niut Wubstcr 8U. Oinnlin. Oinnlia U. 1' . Utiput , 10th and .Marry bit.Oni ill n. Arrives Oinnlin. Omaha. 8 10 n m bloux City Accommodation. . Witt p m 1 00 p m Sioux City Kxpross ( Kt. Sunday ) 12 40 p m & 4" > p m bt. Paul Limited l .23 n m S 15 p m Bancroft Passeiiiier ( Kx Sunday ) 8 4 > a m t . 'A ii.'l ( .Wo i Translor ! Uni n * ) iit 'Mill II I Ir tfo 7.4S u ml Sioux Llty Accommo'1'vtlon ' I -40 650 p m | . . . St Paul KxDrois llUUU p ra COMMERCIAL DRUGGISTS commit fraud In nutistl- tutlnc any other porouj jiloater when HKNSON'S I s iiskcd for. Tliey do so In order tn niRko more money out of you liy aell- liiK you something tlml . . ( junta them lew Ilnwar ,1 of worthiest Imitation" . Sliulo Mint 1 > . I ) . Rev. W It. Hondonon , editor of the Cen tral West , received tlio tltlo of D I ) from in alum inator , Central college , ot Duusvllio , < Cat IU roooat coinmouceiuoat , Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is tnltcn ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio tnato , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem ollbottmlly , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures ImbUunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd no- ccptnblo to the stomach , piomnt in its notion nnd trnly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and ngrecnblo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have nimlo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOc and $1 bottles by nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAl , -OUISVIUF KY ATI" vnoir n v A Written Guarantee lo SYPHILIS CUHE EVERY CASE or : MONEY REFUNDED. Our corn Is permanent and not a palehluit up. Cases trraUid nro yearn ago h.vo nuvcr seen a symptom since , fly describing case fully wo can treit jou by mall , and wo ( tire the ramo strong Runrantco to euro or refund all money. Ilium who prefer to comn hero for treatment can do so and we will pnjr railroad faro both wars and hotel bills whllo hero If w o fall to pure. Wo challenge the world for a ca o that our JI.U.IO RHMKDY will not euro. Wrlto for full particulars and Rotthoevidence. Wo know fiat you are skeptical , justly no , too , as tlio moil eminent phyjlclatu luuo novorbeenablotoRlvo moro than temporary relief. In our nvo years' practice with the SIAOIO KF.Slt DIt has bcon most dlfilcult to overcome the prejudices against all no celled specifics. Hut under our stronli Kifuanteo you should not hxltato to try this remedy. You Uko no clmneo of losing } our money. Wo Rimr- anteo to euro or refund every dollar , and as w o have a reputation to protect , also financial hacking of 3CO , . 000 , It Is perfectly eafo to alt who will try thoticat- meat. Hcrctoforeyouhivobfonputtingupand paying out your money f or different treatments and although you are not yet cured no one has paid back your mon or. Donotwasto anymoromoncy until you try ufl. Old chronic , deep seated casoj cured In 30 to 00 days. In vestigate our financial standing , our reputation ns businessmen. Wrlto us for names and ml-lnrsoa oC thoM wo have cured who have irtron pomilulon to ro- fortothem. It corttayou only pos'aso to dothtilt ; will save yea n world of s uttering from mental stnln , anil It you are married what may your offiprlng sulfur through 3 ourown nofllRfnco. If j our symptoms ara sere throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and Joints , hair fulling out , eruptions on any riartoflhol > ody-ecllnirof ( rtneral depression , palm In hendor bones , you have no tlmo to warto. These who are constantly taking mercury an I potash Bhould illicontlnuolU Conitantuno of thi-sodruifS wlllsurily bring sores and o itlntf ulcers In thu end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence nent n alcd In plain envel opes. Wo Invite the moit rigid Investigation and will do all tn our power to aid you In H. Addnns , COOK JSKJIKDf CO. , Omaha , JV > 6rai'.n. Ofllco 13th and Karnnm , second floor , entrance 13th t.1 MAGHT CURE Flf 3600 for H O.IHO of Lost or Failing Maulood. Ocnoritl or Nervous Doblhty , nuil.iicis of tody ot mini ] , the olTools of orrorior uxcussoi In olil or yoiint ; Hint wo u.innotumc. Woijiiii- r.iMtoouvcTvousoorrofiiiKl every dotlnr. rlvo ilajs trial troutinotit $1 , full cniirso $5. 1'nr- coptlbio bunullts roall/i'il in thren ili-ys. lly niiill. hi'cnroly puukoil from obsurv.itlon. COOK REMKDY CO. , OMAHA. NKD. LADIES ONLY MArif FEMALE REGULATOR , Snfo itnil llliHUlU Corlnln ton dny or inonoy rofuiuluil. I'rlc-t ) by mull K. So.ilod from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , Oinulia , Nob. . . IttlBBtlllllll - " " - - - -4T5SV BAD BLOOD I : Pimples on the Faoa | ; Breaking Oat | j Skin Troubles | ; Ilttlo Bores | HotBkln ) i Bolls I Blotches | | Ooia Boreal Bad Breath ) ; Bore Month or Lips | : If you milTir Irom nny or ; tfiew jinDtum , i ENGLISH : IBLOOD ELIXIR ! ! W H Y ? "OABS vP0ulift1LO ! ° D f lUvo you ever used mercury I If BO , did you : clvo youn-elf thp neoiled attention aMho tlmo I. 11112 KII11V : MAIlliKI * . IrxcoJ on rooarj Juno "I , a. IBJI. WAllllA.VTV I1P.RD3. r A llntison , IrtisUc , to A. S Mangold , lot : i , blk : . ) lloiisou , * 350 William C'olfiix to W I. Solby , lot 10. BlU lli. ! Diuiiloo 1'lnto , . 1 II U Dovrlus nnd wlfo to Hunry Ilrmnun , lot 10 , blk I. "Oomot" 803 Constantine lloasto Anthony llauinuls- tur , Bi , lot ? , 1)11 ( 2 , IlorliacliNL'nil mill 2,150 llrh.iDl Munuli nmllfn to Kll/ibuth Miinab , hit II , hllc 1 , Qiilnn's add. . , . 4,000 i'ilto ( Koss to TliomiiH KllpntrluU , w 150 ft of s'J ' lot 7. blk. > , Orchard Hill . . . . , .00 .S Uood nnd wlfo to ( Jlirls ( Jrotmak , lot l.'i ! , blk U , Albrlclit'H antiux to South Omaha. . . 170 Jo eli | plcka and ulfoto A W liahcoolc , lot II , blk Ul.tioutli Omnha . 3,1'CO I ) V Sholus ami wlfo lo (1 ( W Iliisoh. t > 10 ft lntU4 anil w IS ft lot 21)1 ) kU , HrlgRS IMaco 4,000 L WHmllli to.T K Wobstur.w ! . of n 107ft lot ! . ' > , ICoycs' dlv In lot U , Caiiltol add. 10,000 South Omalia land coinp.uiy to Mlohaol Collins , lots 13 and 14 , blk IWl , Honth Omaha 2,200 Hamo tosamo , lots isnnd 13blk4Wsumo CLAIM IIKCII3. H li nnrllclis to A , T I'opplotnn , lots 4 tn 0 , 12 , 1.1. blk ; lota 6. 7,8.1211) ) 15 , blk SI ; lots 0 toll , U 14. blk 10 ; lots I ! ! nnd 111. blU 12 ; lot 2 , blk 21 ; lot 2 , hlkn ; lotH 2 and ,1. blU 20 ; lots U and 10 , blk IU ; lot 1 ! ) , blk 2V' , I'opiiluton ptrk I.ronnrd Swoet. special niastor , tn A A lliiulianan , lot IS. blK22 , OarthiiRn nod 37 Tot.'il amoiintof tr insfois } 33,089 DoWitt's Little Kitrly Itlsors ; only pill to euro sick licaduclio and vo ulato thu bowula N < * w Juino to Don Coininonclnp Sunday , Aluy 'U , the Chlcuffo , Milwaukee < Sc St. 1'aul railway will establish a through line of slooplnir cars between Sioux City and Dos MOHIUH via Madrid. I'ausaiiifora from Omaha and the west can leave Omaha at O.lil ) p. m. , secure Hlooiilnp car auuointnodallonu and urrlvo in los Alolncs at I ! a , in. Ho- turnlni , ' , leave IJos Molnos 0.10 p. m. , arrive Omaha ! ) : 15a. m. linln caru on hotli trains. Tlclcnt olllco , 1501 Farniun Htroot. R-A. NA.HH , ( Jon Ant. J. E. PUKSTOX , City Pass. A t. DoolHlon In'nvor of the JMIIwnnkro At Kt. I'uul lly. The now niiluco ulooplng ciu-s of the ChiciiL'o , Milwaukee fi HU I'uul Hy. , with oloctt'lii lights In every bortli , will continue to lonvo the Union depot , Dinuhii , at 0:2 : < J p. in , , dully. PIIHSOIIKOIS tiilcliif thU train uvold tratiHfor ut Coun cil Bluffs , unil iirrlvo in Chlcnso fit 1I.J10 u. in. , in iiinplo tlmo to miiKu nil unstorn conncctloiia. Ticket olllco , 1501 Fanmm streot. l ' A. NASH , J. E. PllKSTON , Gonorul At'ont. City Paasontror AtronU Ut * AWAUO. Anncxnotl ftir tlio ( JmtUiiR of St , Htfnry'H Avouiio. The prorKMltloa to clianpo the Rrndo of Howard atrool nntl St. MnryU ovonuo from StxtMnth to Twonty-llNl ntroot hi\i ronphod tlio point where the report ot the npprnUon niipoltitou to nssOTi dnintiK'O' * Imi boon bofot-u tlio council niul It now In llm hands of the cotmnlttoo oil rndos ntul griullrt . Tlio report submitted shows ditmiXROs a\\unlod ns follows : D. O , 1'iUtor oti $ 1,800 00 1) . O. Piittorson Atn 00 Willlnm KniKO ! L'OD IX ) A. Nortrnnt U.'O 00 Heath HrothotS M ( K ) Cmlv ft Hordun M ) 00 ( inlim WlKtr 'UH ) 00 Katliorlnu llontituay 50000 Clwrliw So.turow Hill 00 Nelson llolqulst ! )0 ) 00 .TnniM K. I.ntson SJoO IX ) Thotiins Cniroll. . . . . " 00 IX ) C. U U'rlfilit , MX ) ( X ) KlclianUott .t IJarot TS,1 ( K ) ( 'eortfo II. IllKKtns 4.M5 80 U. O. MoKwnu IK ) 00 Mllto l-oo 1 Wu 00 Dalfo t Uoetl 100 ( X ) A. Frodrloltson INX ) 00 W. K. Stoi't7fl lf.OO ( X ) Honrv St. l-'ollx It.OOO IX ) Vnn ( llldor.t I'flostlimn 100 ( X ) Mtilvlhlll & llrunor JIAO IX ) Chris U'oltt-lok 100 IX ) John K llohin 2MH ) 00 Omnha piinonunn company l.TlX ) ( X ) .lolmton ft Kobltlotu 7WX ) 00 V. Nason 1'JIO IK ) Kllon Pnrltor ! iVJ W ) H J. Lovott lid T5 Mnlora Clarkson 1,1111 .10 Jiitnes K. Hubnanl fi77 .U ) Wads. Toft 203 M. K. Schoofllcr 177 , ) II. IJiicliumu ISO IX ) M.V. . ( 'Into h7ft 00 .lames \Vithrow iJJr. 00 Mary K Moyor. -U5 00 C I'otorson SWOO Susan Woltv 75 ( X ) FrmicU O'lirlon I0i ; 00 Total $40 , IU 80 Staiul Vour ( iroiuiil. When you inalto up your iiilnit to take Hood's ' Sarsnp.irilln , do not bo Imltiml to buy soinoothnr propar.itioti lustcail. C'lotksinay ulaliu that "ours is as peed as Hood's" and nil that , but the peculiar tucult of Hood's Sur Haparllla cannot bo uiiuallcd. Thciofoto have nothliigto do wltlisubstltittrs and luslstupon having Hood's SarsapatUla , the best blocd pttrtllcr ntul building up inodlclno. ADDIOI ) A MIODK.Ah ItUANCII. Now Addition Made to llio Proposed ITnlxorslty ofUniahii. At the mooting of the Omlm : ineiilonl college - lego on Saturday last , all tlio arraiiKOinouLH for iU ulllliatlon with Uollovuo cello o , uiulor the corporate title of the Unlvorslty of Omnha , were perfected. The oojoct of the corporation will bo to promote liberal educa tion hi letters , bclonco , jilulosophy , art , law , theology and inoillclno. J'ho oxocullvo com mlttco of the hoard of trustees of the pro posed university have Just addressed n letter to the two Institutions In which they stnto that each Institution will ho allowed to ad minister its own nlTnlrs ns at present. Kiicli will have the rOKiilatliiK of Its curriculum of studios , nnd willboropresnntoil In the univer sity board of trustcos by llvo porsons. Tl.o graduates will have thuir degrees confonod upon thom by the university. The olllcors nnd directors of the now Omaha theological seminary , which will nlso bccomo a part of the Unlvorslty of Om.ilm , mot yesterday afternoon , nnd Hov. Slophon PliolpR presided. The building coinmitteo ro- portcd that nnout f 10,000 would be needed to begin work , and ono of the board ofTorod to donate one-tenth of that amount to start it. Dr. Oeorpo L. Mlllor has generously of fered twenty-llvo acres of Seymour park for the .seminary upon condition that the main building , to bo located thereon , cost not loss than $ iD,0)0 ( ) , and that Its foundations be laid \vlthin throe years of the olTor. It is now the intention to secure the necessary funds the coining fall ami to begin the work of erecting n MOX)0 ( building e.itly next spring. 'llio financial committee , consisting of Rev. H. V. Atkinson , JJr. George L. Mlllor , Kov. J. Mllllgan , are pushing mattora and will open the seminary Tuesday evening , September 1 , with public exorcises in the First I'roabvtarlun church. Examinations for admission will bo hold on Wednesday , September'J. The course of studies will cover three years of seven mouths onch. The training will bo thorough , nr.d < s Intended to ptopato the student for the practical work of hn edu cated ministry anywhere , but will have speciid adaptation to the wants of the west. The Bomluury , through the university , will give ttio degrees of bachelor of divinity nnd doctor of divinity to such of Its gradu ates as It nny elect. It doors will ho open to students of every denomination , but , thu In struction will bo distinctively 1'iosbvteiian , so far as the seciillar doctrines and policy taught. The school of letters , sclonco , philosophy nnd aits , known as the acadomlo and collegi- nto departments will bo located at liollovuo. The university charter goes Into operation September 1. No changes are contemplated in the faculties of the different institutions. Hov. Ur. John Cordon , in speaking of the .seminary , said an erroneous impression pto- vailed concerning the action ot the general nsaoinbly of the I'roshytorian chmch at De troit toward tlio institution. It had been an nounced that the assembly had fulled to en dorse the notion or the local churches in founillnir the now somlnnrv. This , Dr. ( ! or- non says , was an error. The chinch warmly endorsed the institution ai.d welcomed it to the chinch. Dr. LJirnoy cures cainrrn. Qoo bldj. Kinlic//lcd a Wa ou IVIircI. James Doyle Is chnrifed with the rnthor novel crime ot ombcz/llng a wngon wheel. If it had boon n silver can wheel , there wouldn't have been any thing ho very unusunl about It. but the embe//led ptoporty Is nn Iron-thcd. sixteen spoku wheel of the , 'iiluo ofM. Put Swconoy is the romplnlnlng witness and ho nllcgos that ho allowed Doyle to talio the wheel to use nnd leturn at the oxiiration ] of one day , hut Doyle has neglected to do HO , and hns In fact converted it to his own use , contrary to the statutes In such cases mndo nnd provided. Wherefore ho voices hi grief und indignation. Ur. Dlrncy cures oiit'trrh , LI ? bid/ T.OHt lll , Ill ) ) . Ed. Sovcrns Is engineer nt the Drown block or rather was yostoulay. Ho isn't ' nny more. Ho Imbibed not wisely but lee well , nnd Holler Inspector StandoVen boramu olllclally cognl/ant of It The icsult Is simply this : Standovon filed n complulnt ngalnst him charging him with being drunk whllo on duty as an engineer , anil an olllcor towed Mr. Kovunis to ] ail. Last , but not least , Mr. Sovorns1 license hai been i evoked. DoWltt'a I.lltlo Karly Hlson ; best littl pills for dHH | ) | > siisour ! stomach , bad broalh , issssssss ; _ Swiff's Specific S - - - - - - A Tested Remedy For All s s Diseases s > A reliable cure for Contigloui s Blood Poison , Inherited Scro. Tula and Bkln Cancer. s As a tonic for delicate Women nnd Children It has * no equal. s Uelng purely vegetable , Is harm. s Icn In lt effect * . A treating on Illoort and flkln DIs- s caicn luallud yuKx ounpiillcalluu. JJruutftit * Sell Jt. s SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , s Drawer 3 , AtlAnti.C * . issssssss3