Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City.
nuslness Ofllcc , No. 43.
Nfflht Eilitor. No. 23.
Mi ]
N. Y. P. Co.
Council IllufTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 20-1 Snpp block.
If you want water In your yard or houw
po to Illxby'fi , 'Vfi Mcrrlam block.
.1. , T. Htcadnmn will deliver nn address at
the Fourth of .filly celebration nt Mtilvcrn.
The Pottawattainlo county fanners' alli
ance will meet in N'cola July 1 at U o'clock.
The Models will cross hats with the Ath
letics of Omaha next Sunday at Munawa ball
A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
Peter IJ. Olcson of this city nnd Molllo
Peterson of Avoca.
The Married Ladles' Social soclnty will
moot tomorrow afternoon r.tthohonie of Mrs.
Kd Schlckotun/ 1 10 Honton street.
Wanted Pupil * for the plnno , organ nnd
BUllnr by ancxH3rlonced | torchor lately from
Chicago. KoomlfOI Mcrriam block.
Arrangements are being made for the es
tablishments of n kindergarten department
In connection with the Chnutauqua assembly
this season ,
Cioncrnl 15. F. Test Is putting now life Into
the Council Uluffs Nonpareil. Ho Is booming
the old lown city for all she is worth and she-
is worth all ho says for her.
In police court yesterday morning a line of
f.M.tiO was assessed against Henry Fruedlng
for keeping u disorderly house on Urojdway
near the corner of Union street.
The school board will hold a meeting to
morrow evening to vote the dlplonris to the
members of the uraduatlng class who have
succeeded in passing the examinations.
The Juniors of the high school will enter
tain the seniors at a reception to ho given
next Tuesday evening at the residence of C.
I ) . Wuito of the school board , on Sixth ave
M. .1. Hubbnrd was fined fcJS.OO in pollco
court yesterday morning , for drunkenness
and carryingconccaled weapons. Will Stew
art , n young darky , wus flned flu.'JO for
Special communication of Kndrion lodge ,
Ancient Free nnd Accepted Masons , this
evening. Worlt in the third degree. All
master Masons in good standing are Invited.
Uy order of the W. M.
A motion for n now. trial was filed yester
day afternoon by the defendant In the case
of Thomas against the Canning company , In
which n judgment of iUO was awarded the
plalntlif In the superior court several months
Complaints are being made over a pond of
stagnant watcrwhich has stood at the corner
of Fourth avcnuo and Seventeenth street
over since ttio last overflow of Indian creek.
It Is covered with n green slime , and Is likely
to cause considerable sickness in that part of
the city unless removed.
Thomas O'Brien died ntnn early hour yes
terday morning , nt his residence , 11111 Fourth
avenue , nt the ago of seventy-nine years.
The funeral will tuko place this morning at 1) )
o'clock from St. Francis Xiivlor's Catholic
church The remains will bo Interred in the
Catholic cemetery.
Phil lietLs wus arraigned In pollco court
yesterday morning on the charge of assault.
Ho was scullling with a number of other men
on Upper Hroadway when Ofllcer Murphy
happened ulong. Thcotllccr tried to stop the
fun , and Belts stuck his knife through Mur
phy's hnt. downs not , ready for > trial und a
continuance was granted.
Rabbi Drowno delivered his lecture on
"Tlio Talmud" last evening to n rather small
audience In the First Baptist church , The
speaker was suffering from a severe cold , and
It was vvllb dllllculty that he could handle
bis voice. Despite the hoarseness of votco
and smnllness of audience tbo lecture proved
a delightful treat to the listeners.
Mrs. M. L. Honors /lied an Information
Monday night ngrlnst Xeph Hughes , who
lives on Lincoln aveiuio , charging him with
threatening to kill her. Hughes Is regarded
by his neighbors as somewhat quarrelsome
and Mrs. Hocors and ho had some words
which led to the arrest. He will ho given n
hearing this morning at 10 o'clock before
Justice Hammer.
William Wallace became engaged In a fight
with Pete Egnn and a beer bottle last evenIng -
Ing In a saloon on Lower Main street , nnd
Egan nnd tbo bottle came out best. ( Juicer
Wuggcck ran across Wallace , whoso tears
were falling In great showers on account of
nn ugly welt over his eye , and took him to
the pollco station whore he was slated with
drunkenness. Egan got away. *
A circular has boon issued with reference
'tCsthe excursion from the southwest to the
International convention of the Christian En
deavor societies to bo held ut Minneapolis
Julv I ) to 12. The excursion train will leave
Council Bluffs Wednesday evening July 8.
The faro for the round trip from this city is
$10.81. It Is expected that a Inrgo delegation
will go from this section of the country by
the special train.
In the district court yesterday a motion fern
n new trial was filed in the case of deorgo
liryson against tbo Chicago , Burlliutou ; &
Qulnoy railway company. As grounds for
the motion an affidavit was filed by some of
the Jurymen who tried the cuso on Its first
hearing , statlncr that ttio verdict they tiud
rendered had been in the nature of a com
promise , und had not been according to the
weight of the evidence.
The members nf the police force nro begin-
nine to complain about the Inflexibility of the
rule that requires them to wear tholr heavy
winter coats buttoned up tightly beneath
their respective chins while the mercury sit-
zlcs out of the top of the thermometer. By
great exertions they succeeded In retting
permission sumo time ugo to leave olt thair
belts und now they want to depart still an
other degieo from true metropolitan dignity.
The Boston Post contains an account of
the class day exercises of Harvard univers
ity , In which great credit is given Mr. John
LocUwood Dodge , son of N. P. Dodge of this
city , for the success of the day's entertain-
input. Mr. Dodge was the chairman of the
committee on Hrrangemonts , nnd although he
had n great many thing to contend ugalnst In
the way of bad weather and other untoward
circumstances , still ho overcame them all mid
the exorcises wore a great success ,
What Is moro attractive than n pretty face
with n fresh , bright oiuiploxlonf For It , us
Commencing July 1 ttio cash system will
be adopted nt IColley's grocery , 101 Broad
The Rock Island sells special excursion
tickets from Council Bluffs and other points
to Colfax Springs , la. , nnd return , good until
October ill.
\ \ > lln Not to Itluinn.
Yesterday's dispatches contained nn ua-
count of the arrest of B. M , Wells of the
Judd-Wolls Invostmqit company In Chicago ,
on the charge of disposing of the linns prop
erty for the purpose of defrauding thu
creditors. W. H. Knephor , the assignee of
the firm , was seen yesterday by a llii : : re
porter and gave n lull explanation of the
affair , setting Mr. Wells right in every par
"I appointed Wells my ngont to take
charge of tbo property of the firm In Chicago
cage , " ho said. "Somo of the firm's credl-
tois went on to Chicago und tried to get
possession of the property to satisfy tholr
claim. I hud no right to settle the claim
under my Instructions from the court , and
Mr , Wells bad no right toglvoup the prop
erty without Instructions from me. I had
ordered tbo lumbar which was at the bottom
of the controversy to bo sent to this city , and
the only thing for him to do was to send It
according- my order. The arrest was evi
dently made for the purpose of Mulling
Wells lute paying olT the llrui , but it fulled to
work , "
A Curtl.
Wo want ovo'ry lady and nil the boys nnd
glrU to call on your druggist and got some of
our beautiful curds and a book of valuublo
nformatlon free.
H4M.UU Ca.
Gentlemen desiring elegantly fitting suit ?
for summer wear will Und Just what they
want ut Holler's , tbo tailor , ! UO Broadway.
District Court Will Consider the Ordinancs
for Fining Saloonkeepers.
Narrow Identic of Itontineii from
Drowning \Vomnti Under Unmix
to Knup the I'cnoc Wells'
Arrcnt Kxnlalncd.
The city ordinance which gives the Jtulgo
of police court power to Impose a flno on the
keepers of disorderly houses Is to be alvcn
another whirl this morning in district court.
U'llllnm Dlhavor win nrrostod about n
week iitfo , charged with the maintaining of u
disorderly house. Ho pleaded itullty before
Judge McGee and wus sentenced to pay it
line of & 4.GO , In default of wlilcti ho was sent
to the county Jull to board the amount out with
Sheriff O'Neill. ' It bus long been a question
whether the city ordinance authorl/.tng pro
ceedings of that klud Is local , and U.lsiwcr
consulted Attorneys Dalloy and Aylosworth
as to the stops that shoulu b < j taken. Yester
day afternoon the matter came to a head , und
a wntol habeas corpus was sued out In dis
trict court for the rolemo of UllsaVor.
Tlio ground upon which the writ Is asked
lor U the Illegality of the ordinance. Tno
attorneys claim that trio city ! ms no rieht ( o
punUh ollonsos of any kind except in so far
us Unit right Is given it by the statutes of
the state. They further claim that there U
no such thing us u disorderly house men
tioned in the statutes , so that no law relating
to the subject can Do passed by the city.
The question will bo heard bcfero either
Judga Smith or Judge Decmer this morning
nt U o'clock , and the matter will bo decided.
The city ordinance above referred to Is to
bo tried to Its utmost capacity In the next few
months. Captain W. A. Hays was arrested
several days ago on the charge of keeping a
disorderly house , and ho was lined $ ( ! I.IO
night before last at a session of the police
court held for ttio special purpose of hearing
his case. Ho at once gave notice that the
case would bo appealed to the district court.
Ho has retained the legal services of Cicoruo
H. Hewitt , and the case will bo pushcu to
the furthest limit. The outcome of the
cases will bo watched with great Interest ,
from the fuel that when Attorney P. E. Sea-
brook loft the city the saloonkeepers and
a peed share of the business men
of the city lay back and congratulated them
selves that tnoy would not bo troubled anymore
moro by such proceedings. The line system
has been In vogue In all the principal cities
of the state ever since the passing of the
prohibitory law , but the 'question of Its
legality Is ono which has never been decided
by the supreme court. Whichever way the
case is decided this morning , It will bo ap
pealed to the supreme court , and thus u vast
amount of litigation Is likely to result from
the opening up of the subject.
An ( JIYciiblvc Itrciitli
and dry throat are promptly relieved by a
drink of Sulpho-Sallno , bottled at Excelsior
Springs , Mo.
Council HlufTM , la
Note the prices on sun umbrellas and mitts
for the week :
Having just received part of a larco manu
facturer's ' stock through our New York
buyer , wo ore prepared to show Ino largest
line and nt lower prices than ever shown in
the west.
$1.111 , Jl.ffJ , Sl.T.I , fJ.OO , t.Oa , $1.50.
The above goods come In all tun latest
novelties of handles , such as black , ebony ,
studded , metals , fancy oxj'd'/.o-l ' , oxydi/ed
with inlaid pearl , f.incy crooks , horns , Mexi
can onyx , Dent's latest steel rods , gold rings ,
and other novelties too numerous to mention
In all over 1,500 sun umbrellas on sulo for
this week. See prices In show window.
Wo have received the balance of our order
from the manufacturer of ladies' black tuid
colored Mlk 'mitts and can show special val
ues at li'ic , Sic , a'.lc. 50c and liie.
See beautiful line of 24-Inch' In colors at
Toe in nil the latest und most delicate tints.
FoTIIBlllNailAM , WlllTElAW & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
N. B. Store closes at U p. m. , except
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 o'clock ,
Suturaays 10 o'clock. '
I'roifl ( if a Linuu' Institution.
COUNCIL Ui.utvs , la. , Juno ' . ' 3.--To the Ed-
* IUir of Tin : BEIS : It has always been some
thing of a mystery to mo that the local IIOWR-
papers , usually so prompt to praise and boom
all local Institutions , should overlook one of
the greatest enterprises , not only in Council
Bluffs , but In the entlro west , when writing
tin the important improvements and enter
prises of the city. I refer to the
United States Masonic Benevolent as
sociation. It has only been In TUK UKF. that
I have seen anything of late about this pros
perous coiiccrn. Columnb buvo been written
about the mugnlliccnt six and seven story
blocks , the motor lines , the parks , bridge. ' ,
Chuutauqua , Mannwa and scores of other
things that command moro than local atten
tion , but very llttlo has been said lu the local
papers about this the largest and best known
Masonic Insurance society In the world. Wo
must measure an enterprise by the extent
and character of the business transacted and
the amount of monoylrcciMved and paid out.
By this measure all the other enterprises In
the city dwindle Into perhaps not liislcnitl-
cance , but Into small proportions compared
with the Immense volume of business
transacted by this association. Out
side of the member * of the order
and the many bonetlcnrlcs In the
city and vicinity there are few people who
realize that wo have got right hero In our
midst one of the greatest concerns of Its kind
in the world , but If they would pause as they
rush by that beehive of industry , the Masonic
temple , they could hear from the street the
Incessant clicking of the HyliiK keys of type
writers , the rush and clutter of messoniror
bays and clerks , and If they would pass Just
about the time the mall Is gathered up for
any of the trains limy would sea the po al
clerks coma to the big bjx at the lower
end of the shute that leads from the
mailing room and gather up the letters ,
not lna ; common delivery mall bug , but In a
big government mail Hack. If they would
uslc the two postal clerks who carrv away the
big sack about the number of letters dullv
tuicon from this single mall box they would
learn that as high as 4,000 are often deposit
ed by the Masonlo people- a single day. If
this would not give them u suftlclent Idea of
the vast voliimo of business transacted a
visit to the various dupartments wliuro the
young lady iimi Kcntlomcn clerks are the
pictures of concentrated auurir.v , and atwo-
mlnutc-i chat with Secretary W. J. Jameson ,
who Is a steam engine of cnergv hlmolf ,
would force thn conclusion that there Is no
other building In this part of the country
whoso walls Hurround a busier phalanx , or
witness the pouring In and out of such a tide
of business.
The unprecedented success of the associa
tion Is duo llrst and primarily to the plan
uKn | ) which it Is organized , furnishing llfo
Indemnity to Masonic brethren and their
families at the lowest cost consistent with
strict business principles , with a guarautca
fund from ouch member that elves a tlnan-
clal standing and contldonco that cannot ba
shaken. This guaranty fund tins reached
the Immense sum of $1 : > 0,0 > H ) , and continues
to grow with the sumo marvelous rapidity of
the company itself. The interest on this
fund will pay this yjar four of tbo regular
death assessment * . The company since it
has been oirnnlmt has paid out from Its
Council Illuils oftlco and through the
Council Bluffs banks , over flO.OOO
to the widows and orphans' of
deceased Masons. The association makes n
liberal contract with the assured , free from
annoying restrictions. U does not purpose
to give Its members something for nothing ,
but guarantees to gtvo each the worth of his
mouoy , and to pay In full suo'a benefits the
assured 1s entitled to under the terms of his
In answer to the demands of Its patrons the
association Is Issuing a Sl..V ) certltlcata upon
proportionate rates of larger certificate * .
This Is for the bcnellt of patrons who do not
dcslro to carry the regular M.fjOO certltlcatcs ,
which WM formerly the smallest Issued. It
also enables the many whoso coulldoaco lu
the association , which was rock-rooted from
the llrst and has been growing every day , to
Increase tholr Insurance , making thn limit
fO , > 0 Instead of & > ,000. The moro I
look Into the plan of this mngnlll-
cent Institution the better I am '
pleased with It. and the prouder 1 become of
the fact that it Is u Council Bliills Institu
tion , organized by Council Bluffs men and
broucht to Its present wonderful stage of de
velopment uy Council Bluffs brains and en
The head of the association U Judge J. R.
Reed , who has Just boon appointed chief Jus
tice of the United States court of prlvnto
land claims , than whom thcro Is not a man In
the country with n cleaner record for honor
and probity. All the other ofllcers aw gen
tlemen of equal Integrity and high character.
W.O. Wlrt , llrst vice presldontnnd managerof
the western department , Is a gentleman whoso
ability as an insurance man cannot bo ques
tioned. Fred II , Brown , second vice presi
dent and manager of the rartcrn department
with headquarters in Chicago , has an unsul
lied business record and the experience of
twenty years in an insurance manager.
There Is not a hotter known man In Council
Bluffs than Secretary and Treasurer W. J.
Jameson und It Is largely to his fertile brain
and steam-pressure energy that the marvel
ous success of the n-ssoclatlon is to bo at
tributed. Ho is the working mem
ber of the association and gets
through with an avalanche of
routine business everyday that would para
lyze nn ordinarily constituted individual.
Ho pulls off his coat and rolls up his slcoves
when ho comes Into tha ollico In the morning ,
but this Is the only departure from his drawIng -
Ing room manners. Meet him when you will
and ho has a crushing grasp for your hand
and a cheery smile that adds days to your
Ufa and makes you feel that there. Is some
thing more than words in the brotherhood of
mun. Dr. T. B. Lncey , the medical director ,
stands at the topof his profession , and closely
and critically examines every rl. k that Is
offered. There Is not a man connected wltti
the association who has not an unsullied rep
utation , and whoso life has not compelled
perfect confidence of all who know him. It
Is an institution that I am proud of , both as a
citizen of Council Bluffs and as a Mason ,
conlldont that It Is protecting my wlfo and
babies better than any other ascncy can.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers : only pill to
euro sick headache and regulate the bowels
Assignee's sale of Gllmoro's stock of Jew
elry , stationery , toys , etc. , 'J'J5 Alain street.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 53S B'way
Mar Bouricius , music teacher , removed to
KiS Broadway , over C. B. music company.
M'K11HO\A t , l\l It A Glt.l I'HS.
S. Caldwell of Avoca is nt the Ogden.
C. V. Scott of St. Louis Is at the Ogdcn.
M. F. Rohrer loaves tomorrow for Mon
W. O. Wlrt Is homo from an extended
western trip.
Mrs. Mark Sears is visiting friends In
Kansas City.
Mrs. E. A. Spoonor Is visiting friends In
Nebraska City.
City Treasurer L. Klnnchan loft last even
ing for u visit to Minneapolis.
F. H. Keys returned yesterday morning
from a Uvo week's ' stop at Colfax.
Mrs. E. P. Johnson u ill spend the summer
with her husband's parents at Oneida , la.
Thomas Olllccr loft yesterday for Excelsior
Springs , Mo. , on a health seeking trip.
Mrs. Hugh Burke of California Is In the
city visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Miss Margaret Green has returned from
Albert Leu , Minn. , where she went to attend
college commencement.
C. F. Montgomery has returned from Iowa
college to .spend the summer with his parents ,
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Montgomery.
Mrs. H. F. Hattonhauer lolt for St. Louis
yesterday afternoon , called by the serious
illness of her daughter , Mrs. R. O. Wells.
T. J. Evans loft last evening for Spirit
Lake to prepare for the outing of himself und
his family , who are to follow in a few days.
Thomas Bownan , R. J. Clancy , T. E.
Casady and J. J. Frainoy left las't evening
forOttutnwu , to attend the democratic state.
E. Rothertand wife , of Des , who
have been vlsitintr Superintendent Rothert
and wlfo , of the deaf and dumb institute , loft
lor homo last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Meyers have returned
fjom a two months' visit to their old homo in
Albion , N. Y. They start for Okobojl the
latter part of this week , where they will
spend the summer.
Do not forgot that Halter's Pain I'nralyzor
will cure all cases of dysentery , relieving"
griping pain und restoring thu bowels to
healthy action.
Guolino.nd oil ; cooi , wood and coal :
prompt delivery. L. G. Kuotts , JM Main ,
telcphom 203. _
Swanson Music Co. , ! 135 Broadway.
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High
grade work u specialty.
the Waves.
Bert Evans , Mlko Klldaro and Charles
Evans had an experience at Lake Mannwa
yesterday morning that will last them the
rest of the season. They were crossing the
lutto while a stiff breeze was blowing. They
attempted to tack , when the rudder suddenly
broke. The weight of the boat had been
thrown upon the rudder , and the giving way
of the support cupjizcd the boat and sent the
three occupants into the water head llrst.
They wore near the south beach when the
accident occurred , and they at llrst thought
they would bo able to swim to
the shore without much trouble , but
the wind wus from the south and a
short trial convinced them that It
would bo flying in the face of
providence for them to try to swim In that
direction , and they turned about and struck
out for the north shore. A young man named
Thomas , who tends the boats saw tholr pre
dicament and sot out lu a row boat to help
them. After ho had nearly reached the three
swimmers , ho too run acalnut tha wind and
capsized. Hu was so near the others , how
ever , thatkthoy were uhlo to reach the boat
and climb on top , and In this way the luck
less quartet drifted In to shore. There was
nothing so very serious about the affair , but
It is a little too soon yet for them to look at it
in the light of a joke.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething produces natural , qulot sleep.
'j cents a bottle.
Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's.
Union Park races , Omaha and Councl
Bluffs , September 8-11 , M,5)0 ( ) ; October liO-li-J
4,000 , For programmes uddross Nut Brown ,
Merchants hotel , Omaha.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of Mundol it Klein , Council
Bluffs. . Prices very low ; froluht prepaid to
your city.
Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for
next thirty days ; 450 tons , H. L. Carman , cor
ner Pearl and nth uvenuo.
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco
tablets. They are delicious.
Put Under ItniidH.
Mrs. Williams , the leader of the gang that
has had soinounpleasaut notoriety during the
past week or so because of the thieving that
It hus been alleged they are dolnu near the
east end of the motor bridge , was arrested
and taken before Justice Cones yesterday
morning for a bearing on the charge of
threatening to kill. Mrs. James Richardson ,
one of her neighbors , tiled the information.
Mrs. Williams was accompanied by the whole
outfit that hangs out at her house , who came
along to see that she got Justice. Her case
was heard by the Justice , after which 3110 was
put under bonds In the sum of f.'oo to keep
the pence. Shu gave the bond required and
was released. _
DoWIH's Llttlo Early RlsoM ; b.-st , llttlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , b < id breath.
Iturncd Ity CJnnolliie.
Mrs. James Spare had an experience with
gasoline yesterday morning at her residence ,
814 AvenuoA. As she was lighting her
tttovo some of the oil that bad leaked
out caught flro nnd thi < ] ( | amcs ( Inched UD In
bcr face and sot her clofkuii * on tiro. Hy the
BssUtnnto of some of tbo neighbors tlio llro
was extinguished , but not until her hands
nnd face nad been badly burned. Her InJuries -
' Juries nro not conslderoj\fiorlous. \
Use Hnllcr's Sanapnt'llia and Durdock , the
great blood purifier. _
HhooH .JMly ,
At , the Union Park , Council Bluffi.
Running races.
Roman chariot races , .
Roman standing races.1
The bnrbccuo , l,7f > 0-pQund steer , hilled ,
dressed and cooked on.tjhu grounds.
Morgan's prices for furnltu o on Install
ment plan lower than any other house In city.
Picnic at Manhattan beach , LakaManawa ;
good fishing , fine bathing and boating ; plenty
of shade ; best pluco for camping out parties.
Try it.
Men Who Prautlco "Spcolal" Mod-
lulne Conferring.
Five or six professional-looking gentlemen
with patriarchal beards drove up to the Paxton -
ton about 10 o'clock yesterday morning.
They proceeded at once to the cafe , whore
they were closeted lu secret session about
half nn hour , after which they -rcontorcd
the hotel lobby nnd dispersed. Whun approached
preached by THE BEE reporter they were
loth to give him any information. After
fighting shy of questions for some time , the
gentleman who posed as the loader vouch
safed the Information that they were dele
gated to the continental congress of medi
cine nnd surgery being held hero at present
\ \ hen asked for a list of the delegates bo re
plied that ho was unable to furnish It , nnd
know of no one who could. None of his com
panions would tell what was the object of
the meeting , by whom called , nor would they
answer any other pertinent questions.
Early In the present month n conference
was hold in this city by a lot of doctors ,
who have been tabooed by "regular" prac
titioners. This conference decided to call n
meeting of Its follows In order to organize
some kind of an association for self-protec
tion. Circulars replete with rhetoric were
scattered over the country by the executive
committee , residing In Omaha. The circular
requests all non-regular practitioners to
gather Here on Juno " 2 and 2. ! for the pur
pose of "perfecting an organization for the
higher elevation of medical , furglcal and
scientific attainments ; for the promotion of amore
moro thorough mutual intcourse among
liberal physicians ana 'icclallsts ;
to secure fair and OIJL legis
lation , and advance the Just claim
of these who practice medicine and tbo dif
ferent specialties of medicine and surgery in
the estimation of the better class of the people
ple and the law. "
In u conversation lust evening ono of the
participators in the congress admitted that
tha meeting was called to take steps to legal
ize liberal medical methods.
A meeting was held at 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon and on organization perfected.
Today the concrcss will continue Its deliber
ations with closed doors.
No griping , no nausea , no pain when Do
Witts Little Early Risers are Ukon. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
" What's that ? A new invention
which works all the year round ?
Surprisin' theeo days are not like
the old times. Bleedin' was the
only remedy them days. But now ,
as you say , Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is a true remedy
for the blood. "
It's not like the sarsanarillas , that
arc said to ho peed for the blood
in March , April and May. The
" Golden Medical Discovery " works
equally well nt all times , in all sea
sons and in all cases of blood-taints ,
or humors , no matter what their
name or nature.
"Golden Medical Discovery" is
the only Blood and Liver medicine ,
sold by 'druggists , guaranteed to
benefit or cure m every case , on fair
trial , or money paid for it will
be promptly refunded. World's
Dispensary Medical Association ,
Proprietors , No. 003 Main Street ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
ft Summer Resort ,
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attiactlons : Pine I'Milntr. floating , Ilnth-
IIILnnd Kit-client .Mineral Water.
Only fifteen minutes ride from Council
IHuITs. Motor trains every half hour , direct
to centers of Council IHuUs and Omaha.
Most delightful and accessible place for
plcnlo parties.
Of Counqtl Bluffs.
nnicrroiis I. \ . Milter , P. O. Olonion , E. L
BhuKart. K. K. Hart , J. T ) . ' EdmumMon , UtrtrLui
If , lUitinrvn b.iukliu bmi-
nen. larioit cnpltilmil / iiirplm ot * uy
banlcln Sjutliwoitoni ! > . .
Gas HeaUrig Stores.
, i i
No Asneal J o HMOKH.
Just tlio tlilnz for bath'rooms , bed rno'nstta
Cull und KUO our lurjjo ussortmunt.
C. B. Gas and fiib3trl3 | Light CD.
Sll I'ourt und 310 MulnStreet. .
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegantly Appoints ! Hotsl
Is Now Opsn.
George T. Pnol ps. Manager.
First-- : National : Bank
1'iilU Up Oiitul , . . . . $1011,000
( ) ldu > t oru'JiilOHl bank lu Ihu cllr. Kurolk'n anil
rtuniotiu uschan d unl loJil irairltl ) ) . h'l jcli
attention palil to olluclloii' , Acojintiof Inllvll
ual * . .inkir4nniloorporjtlou * 4jll3lt31 Oo *
ru i > on < liiico Invtleil.
UEO. I * . aANr'OlU ) . I'roildent.
A.V. . IIIKKMAN , Caihlcr
A. T , lUCK.A ilitaHt Cashier
* xsita > rT | T *
-Harbor shop , with three chairs ,
ilolni ; fair liuslncsi , sia llrouclwny.
T OST hotweon 1H MadUon. and Dtleslmi-k's
J-Jfnnily ntnro n Indy's Bold watch , Klmlur
return to HU3 ttapp block and rccolve tmltahio
MONP.V to loannn Improved or unimproved
_ property. Johnston & Van I'attun.
f\O yon want the earth In the vicinity of
IJ Council DliitTX either Improved or unim
proved ? If so cull Hiid uuuonr list of tmraulni
at the real estate and loan ollico of ,1. U. Cole
* Co. l.lst your pioiiurty for sale , rent or ex
change , witn us. nnd aoiMiro customer. J. U.
Cole A Co. , No. 4 , 1'oarl street , ground floor.
OliMltVoVANTiiuil Rrvlininotrle. or elmr-
neler roilliiK : ( ; iil o ( IliiKiHiMlH of disease.
ncnd lock of hair for reacUnm by letter. Kun-
hnyRuml OVUIIIIIKM. Mrs II Hooper. 14 ! Ava
il uo K , near corner ISth street , Council Itlull' ? .
Terms , Wo und SI.OJ.
to Imv. soil or rout anything In the real
state line don't do It until you have Keen our
list of bargains. Swan , t Walker , No. 5'J |
midviIVji ; l struct" . Council llluffH.
FINi ; bred homo , that can heat 2X : > , will sol
or trmlo. Address or eiill on 1) ) . Drown
IICM West llroailwny , Council
ATHwan & Walker's M : ! Main street and SKI
1'uurl , Council lllnlTH , yon will always IInil
a "snap bargain" In teal estate If you want to
buy , or a good place to list , a bargain If you
want to sell or trade.
FOIt SALC Elegant uarrlatfo team and line
Mnglo drivers ; priced reasonable ; call
and see them before huvlnir. Isaac M , Smith
sales Htublea No. 418 North Seventh street ,
Couni'll lIlnlTs.
MAONIKK'KNT aero property In live-acre
tracts located U".4 miles from postolllcc ,
for sale on reasonable terms. Siynu line resi
dence property for rent by Day & Hoss.
FOU KENT Tlio McMnhon block. 3 story
brick , with basement und oluvutor. J. W ,
i-qnlrc. ! 01 I'uitrl street.
FOK3A.LB or Kant Q.irilaa UnO. wlta
houi , t > r J. 10J Mala ( U. OouaaU
on liiHtiillincntH.
Wo buy only In car lots. C'HII give lowest
prices. Our Haclnc refrigerators took first
prlre last year nt Minneapolis for best anil
most economic-ill refrigerators ugainst all
GiiHolInc Sloven on InstnllinoiitH.
The genuine Now Process and Quick Meal
Now 1'rosess. No Inferior Imitations. Call
and see us , Old generator stoves for S9.UO up.
Victor l-lcycIeH.
We are now able for the first time to supply
onrtnido on these celcbr.ited bicycles. The
best Is always the cheapest.
Surccii Wire , Doora and Frames.
Largest line of fancy and plain doors.
frames , hinges and wire. If yon Knew how-
little It costs to lit your houses with screens
no ono would be without.
( 'oi , t : & COM : , 41 Main street.
I'on't Give Awuy Itlonny
And get nolhlnz In ruturn. Yon are simply
doing It when you pay the price commonly
asked for an ordinary lawn mower If the price
Is more than f."iO. ( We will sell you a llrst-
uluss. warranted and guaranteed twelve-Inch
mower for 95.00. Kvamlne them.
Garden Hone Ou per Ft.
Good quality and will glvo you satisfaction.
Come and see It.
The Host Ilcfrlfjcrntor
Is the North Star It Is not like sumo others
that are warranted to freeze without Ice In
doir-days. It does use some Ice , but USDS less
und produces a loner temperature with less
than any other refrigerator on the market.
Mexican Hammock * , 75o.
They are worth looking at and will give you
lots o ! comfort during the summer.
Columbia llloyule.4.
Plenty of them now to supply all domands.
There Is no other In the world equal to lu
llaso bull goods , step-luddurs , water coolers ,
bumpers and clothes baskets , the lightning
Ice cream freezers , that fruo/o In from three
to live mlnutoH , from 41.23 op. Junior gaso
line stoves from i-l to IT. the Reliable , the best
I'rocesH. Evaporating stove made ; for sale only
ut I * . O. IKiVol's , tt)4 ) llroadwuy.
Economical Kcl'riKcralorH.
It Is the amount that pcTopIo save , not , no
much what they ojirn , that eventually makes
them rich. In buying a household necessity
like a refrigerator It Ts well to consider .some
thing olho than the first cost In deform nlng
Its economy. The Guernsey Household ICofrlg-
erator U as handsome us u piece of parlor
furniture and costs leas than any other llrnt-
oluss article , und stands at the head as ii.n
economizer of Ice , giving the lowest cold u1 r
tumporaturc. All the pucklni ; Is mineral
wool , the best non-conductor of heat und
moisture known. All parts can ho taken out
und cleaned. Investigate the Guernsey
Household before inlying.
The Now Quaker City Is In every re.spoot the
counterpart of the 1'hlladclphla , und much
eheauor. Kroin W to J7. Wo curry the 1'hllu-
dolphla also and you can tuko your choice , a
Screen Doors
and window screens , the largest and llnpst * n
the city , und all tha latest novelties In tli o
hardware line. at. 811 USA UT & KONS ,
No. 11 Main Stieet. Council IllufTs.
All klmli of Dying unil Gleaning done In tli i
HlKliestStyloof ttio Art , Kutlud uncl Staluoil
l''ni > rlcs imulo to look in KOO < ! * now. I to.I
I'eutliurs Clou nod Uy Hti-iini , In Flint , Clusi
Murmur. Work iironiotly donu/mil / Uollruroil
In ul ! part * o ( tliosountry. bund for urloa
lUt "
- 0. A. MAOIIAN. I'roii. .
10U Uroadwnr. Near NorthwuJtoru Uauas.
TrtU3E3 , BE UTS , OH d
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
606 Broadway , Council Il'liiffs , la
Sims & I' anil
fcilcrnl c'ouits. Itoonm : i , 1 und Sliii ; iit
llvno blouk. Council HuilN , lu.
flninhnrcAttorney t I.uw , No. 10
. J , UliluWlS , | > 0lir | Htrcot , ever Husli-
null's More. Tulupliono No. J > 'i. lliHln
liourn. Hu. in. tot ) p. in. Couiiul ! llltitK 11.
. . .
Eye , Ear , Nose and Throat
Council BlulTs , In.
Shufjiirt-Bono B'k.
Hooni 1. 0 to 12 to
7 and 8 p. m.
with half a glance that this is a safe place to
buy your own as well as your boy's clothes.
We'd rather miss a sale than mislead a cus
tomer and have him disappointed or disposed
to "BLACK BALL" us at every opportunity ,
for we're after that kind of success that comes
in the long run from serving people well.
of School Suits and Dressy Clothes for Boys
have done "heaps of good. " Some of our cus
tomers are as enthusiastic about these goods as
if they had an interest in the business. It all
comes from the splendid satisfaction realized.
Isn't this better than "bam boozeling" the people
ple and having them feel that you have played
a "confidence game" on them.
Hoys' Knee Pant Suits , -1 io H Graduating Suits for the boyer
years , neat in pattern , strong in or youth , from H to IS years ,
service , $2.00.
natty , nobby suits in sack and
Hoys' All Wool Knee Pant three button cutaway , with price
Suits , our own make , dozens , of attractive and styles superb.
styles , all handsomely made up
popular prices , $2.50 , $3 , $3.50 , Hoys' Long Pant Suits , H to 18 ,
S'1.00 and $5:00. : suits especially adapted to the
Over fifty styles in handsome boy of the period as regards ser
and dressy Knee Pant Suits , at vice , H $5 , $6 , $6.50 , sr.50 , $8 ,
$5.00. $8,50 , $9 and $10.
2B dozen Indigo Blue Star Shirt Waists to
close at BOc.
For the Ladies' we carry the largest and
finest assortment of Silk , Silk Flannel , Madras
and Zephyr Shirt Waists in this city.
As for Hats and Furnishings , if you don't
realize here's a money-saving place to buy
these things , something's -wrong in your inves
Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
( Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy. )
( Send for llustrntcd Catelogue. )
With an Entirely New Line of Goods Bought for
Cash Direct From the Manufacturers.
Cash Always Talks.
I have secured some of the 8OO Man's Black Worsted Suit
greatest bargains in men's and AL S7.OO
boys'suits ever heard of In this
COO Men's All Wool Dress Suits
city. I can sell men's and boys'
in different styles , from
clothing 5O per cent off of manu
SB Lo S8-
facturers' prices. I am prepared
to back up every word I say by 8OO Boys' All Wool Knee Pants ,
showing goods and giving in different styles , at
prices. For example , here are 5OO.
a few leaders : COO Boys' Suits , age 4 to 14 , dur
ing the sola at
BOO Men's Working Suits SI.00.
4OO All Wool Boys' Suits , ages
8OO Men's Suits at 4 to 14 , at
I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' ' Furnishing
Goods. Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Etc.
546-548 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manr ream'oiperlonro. A regular urniluafo In mrdlclnu . a illplomai iliuif. It itlll Ueitlnif with tli
irreiiteit lUfceii , all Nurroin , Clironlo nml I'rlrato Dl.unnut A | ii > rm uiont curu Kiiraiiloi t for ( uurrn ,
bnvrmalurrlKim. Uul Manhood , Nominal \Vuakriuu , Nlnht I < o n > , Imputoricy. HjphllU. hlrltture , unit all
. .
di.euiei . of tha Illooil , tiklu auit Urlnurjr Organi. N II I ifuarauiuu f.'OJ for ururf cunu , 1 uuiK-rlnku . . and fall
to cure. Contullallon freo. Hook iMyiUrlei of UJ ) ul frou , Ottlo livurn ' a UL Ul tt u.
10 a. ui. to H m. buud itamp for r plr.