8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JURIS 22 , 1891 , THE Great June Clearance Sale , of Special Import ance to Gloee Buyerei Close buyers for cash win have an opportunity of buying goods this week at prices seldom offered in Omaha. In every department of our store we will offer bargains of interest to buyers of honest goods. No humbug , no nonsense and no shoddy at any price. We mention a few of the different bar gain lots comprised in this sale. II SS.OO ALMOST HALF PRICE. $5 , Almost Half Price Lot i. We will sell 100 suits of men's fancy cheviot suits irf neat brown and grey mixtures , per fect fitting , in four different styles , of cloth , at $5 per suit. We refer our city trade to samples in our window , to our out of town trade we will furnish samples of the cloth for one week. Suits will be sent by express with the understanding that if they are not found to be as represented they may be returned at our expense. All sixes 35 to 40. LOT NO. 2-$6.QO Lot No. 2. $6.50. No buyer of honest , well made cloth - in" can afford to allow this sale to pass without investiga tion , this No. 2 lot is made up of 150 suits in two styles of genuine all wool Sawyer cheviot , lined throughout like any regular $12 suit , and will be offered at this sale at $6.5o per sutt. Remember no shoddy making guarantee , and the price $6.50 for all sizes. Send for samples of the cloth. Lot No. 3. Cutaway Frock Suit , $9.SO Lot No. 3. Cutaway Frock Suit $9.50. Every per son should stop and see the sample of this black and gray mixed cheviot cutaway suit in our show windows at $9.50 , the price all the season has'been $15. We have a big lot of them. Our inventory is to take place July ist , hence this price of $9-5o ; all sizes. They won't last long. Out of town cus tomers may have samples as long as the suits last. If AcocHHiiry with Knl von. CHICAGO , Juno 21. "This Is n woicnty question nnd wo will ll ht It out If wo have to do It with knives. " Joseph O'Kolly , the special envoy of Mr. Paruell In America , ut tered tonight the words quoted. It was nt a mass meeting of Irish-Americans In Central Music hall mul the speaker was warmly dis cussing the ciiuso of Irish nationality and the services of Parnoll In Its behalf , Hourr Harrison risen , M. I' . , and Will Uedmond , M. i' . , also niado ml dross on and urt'eil support of Par- noil. Their follow nfembor of parliament , John O'Connor , was unahla to bo present , being Indisposed. Among the well known citizens present worn Postmaster Sexton and ox-Mayor Harrison anu Mayor Crosier. The wnrm weather and the fact that this was Derby day apparently Interfered with the Attendance , which was not as largo as had been hojH.nl for. Sny ! Do you want to remove these pimples from yourfacol Use I lallor's Sarsaparllla nnd Bur dock. It Is warranted to otTect , a i-ompleto euro. Send for prospectus of THE BEE Bureau of Claims. Now Ijlno to DCH Commonclng Sunday , Muy 81. the Chlc io , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will establish a through line of eloopiner cars between Sioux City and Dos Moines via Madrid. Passengers from Omaha tuultho West can loavu Omaha at ( ! ; 'JO p. m. , Bocura sleeping ear accommodations and arrive In Dos Mollies at U a. m. Re turning , leave los ) Moines 0:40 : p. in. , arrive Omaha 0:4.5 : a. m. Dining cars on both trains. Ticket ollluo , 1501 Farimm street. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. li PUESTON , City Puss. Agt. Water lloiitu Duo July Int. No discount allowed after July 1st. 6 per cent discount allowed on water rents if paid on or before July 1st r.t olllco of AUUUICAN WATKKWOKICS Co. , Room 103 , Boo building , We can mention only a few of the special bargain lots at this sale. At prices from $12 to $18 you can have the best in the market. Clothing never was offered in our store at such prices. Remember the quality , always the best. SOMETHING TO INTEREST ALL. Special Sale of Mil Wool Gassimere and Cheviot Pantaloons , AT S2.OO AND SS.YS. We have been selling this line all week at $2 and $2.75. We will continue the sale of All Wool Cheviots in three styles of popular stripes at $2 and $2.75. We will sell 500 pairs of neat stripes and checks , in all sizes. We want every person in this state to get a pair of this $2 75 lot. Send for samples of the stock. In fine goods we offer special lines of high grade goods at reduced prices. Don't purchase until you have looked at these lines. Send mail orders fora pair of our$2.75 pants , and if you find they are not as represented , send them back ; we will pay the express charges ; the experiment will not cost you one cent. Bop'and ' Children's ' Blotting Dept Every table in this department is made attractive with spe cial bargain lines. We cannot enumerate the different numbers , but only say that better value is offered at this sale than has ever been offered in this city. We don't deal in trash , hence we can only quote prices consistent with good goods. This city has been flooded with cheap , trashy clothing. The public has grown tired of this sort of thing , and since the opening of the Continental in this city we have sold only the best grade of clothing , guaranteeing every garment. Special bargain lines in boys' all wool knee pant suits at $2 and $2.50. Boys all wool cheviot and cassimere suits at $3.50 and $4. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE , Corner IBth and Douglas Sts. The Largest West of the Mississippi River. TOURIST RATE REGULATIONS , Kulcs Governing the Sale of Tickets in Trunk Line Territory. BOYCOTT AGAINST THE ALTON STILL ON. Western llonils Neutral GcttliiR Tirtiit of iho Fitrei ! l.onn Con- tehteil IjlliRntloii Dcolileil , lluto Aar. . CHICAOO , Juno 21. Chairman Donald o the Central Tronic association has advised Chainnan Flnloy of tlio Western Passenger nssociation that In mooting the rates of the "Soo" the western roads must observe the following rules. No round trip tourist tickets shall Do Issued at points in or through trunk line territory ; no round trip tickets shall ho sold to Buffalo ; no round trip tickets shall bo Issued to n destination reached by crossing a line drawn through Portland , Me. , Rochester , N. Y. , Concord , N. H. , Bellows Falls , Kutland , Vt. , and IMnttsburg , N. Y. This arrangement must bo considered as void nnd revoked If competition with the "Soo" line result In a reduction of rates from St. Paul and Minneapolis to an equality with the fare obtained from Chicago. Commissioner C. K. Fulton of the Chicago nnd Ohio Tralllo association hiis issued a cir cular signed by the general passenger agents of the "Ills Four , " the Pennsylvania , the Motion and the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Day ton roans , and addressed to all connecting lines , In which It Is sot forth that passenger rates are disturbed by the appearance In the market of portions of tickets sold over cir cuitous routes at short line rates and bearing sufllclent limits to permit of tholr manipula tion by brokers. Connecting lines accord ingly nro notified that unless these tickets nro In future limited to continuous passage , the roads In the Ohio Ulver Trafllc associa tion will refuse to honor them. Tlio board of rulings of the eastern roads has been trying In vain to Induce the trans- Missouri lines to unllo with a boycott against the Alton. At a meeting of the transconti nental association In this city a resolution drawn up by the board of rullups wa& pre sented endorsing the order of last January to discontinue the payment of commissions. The question was defeated. Keports are In circulation here to the effect that sonio of the eastern roads have crown very tired of the boycott and ono by ono are quietly resuming thosaloof Alton tickets. Ofllclals of the Alton manifest no interest In the situation whatever. They say that the eastern lines can resume the sale of tholr tickets or not as they please ; It makes no difference to tbcm. Under any circumstances they will not re- redo an Inch from their present position. Old Miration Douldcd. CiiicAfio , Juno SI. Justice Harlan sitting In the United States circuit decided the lone contested litigation over the old Chicago , Danville ft Vlnccnnes ( now the Chicago & Hasten ! Illinois ) brought by C. C. Morrlmnn and other Judgment creditors of the eld com. pany. The action wns In the nature of a creditor's hill to compel tao Chicago & East ern Illinois to pay the Judgment creditors of the old road , It being alleged that there was fraud and collusion in the sale of it. It wai also sought to compel Edwin Walker , Joseph Hound mid others to pay Judgments for funds paid thorn by the Eastern Illinois , possibly for bauds which Walker bad , but which com plainant alleged were given him for the pur pose of allowing fraudulent foreclosure to proceed. Justice Harlan hold that the Eastern Jill- noU could bo hold by the creditors of the old roads , but that WalUor and Young must turn over the bonds to their creditors , allow ing Walker , however , a reasonable turn for attorney' * foe. Suit as to tdo. Eastern Illinois road was dismissed and will po appealed by Morrlman et al to the now appellate court. If Justice Ilarlan's decision U lUsUluod it means u saving of $500,000 for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Attorney Walker will bo compelled to pay something like $100,000 , the value -bonds which no retained. Freight Kate War. Nnw Yonic , Juno 21. The freight rate war to points in Mexico , which was inaugurated about two weeks aeo , still rages with as much violence as when llrst started. While the war had its origin it Is believed with the Ward steamship line In connection with the Mexican Central road via Tnmplco , it bos extended to many of the Central American roads , resulting in n general demoralization to points beyond the Rio Grand. An attempt was made yesterday to restore rates to the former tariff , but the Ward line was not willing to concede to the Spanish steamship line the differential rate asked for. The Mexican National , which , ills alleged , caught the Mexican Central , In connection with tno Ward steamship company paying rebates , at once entered Into the light , and the two lines have been making things lively. If not reap ing the greatest amount of revenue. Until the Spanish line Is granted the differential nskcd for Ills promised the war shall bo kept up. New Knilrond Sulicmo. GiiANi ) Ru-ins , Mich. , Juno 21. It devel ops from recent railroad combinations that n movement of no loss Importance than devel oping the Duluth & Winnipeg into iho Rod river valley Is on the tnpls. Yesterday In spection was made by representatives of a foreign capitalist and the Rod rlvor grain inon , ttio latter being headed by Son Stonor- son of Crookston. The proposition Is said to build no further toward Winnipeg nt present , but to turn off the present line at or noartho place and go via Leech lake to Crookston , Red Lake Falls or some other Red rlvor point. This would parrallel the Hue to Lake Su perior that J. J. Hill has inmind south of Leech lake nnd make a rod hot scramble for grain and coal business. A TALitJ OF TWO TOWNS. A Pair of Young GliuitH Hauling for County Supremacy. Gopher and Blattvillo wo ro two riva North Dakota towns In the good old days of ' 83 , says the Detroit Free Press. Both aspired to bo a county scat , bu t , unfortunately , being in the same count y the aspirations of ono or the other must necessarily bo blighted. Goplior vowed that her ambition should never bo given over , and Blattvillo swore , with equal firmness , that she would have the county seat or dio. Gopher and Blnttvillo were the only important towns in Geese county. Blutt- villo had 123J inhabitants. Gopher claimed the same number. The fraction in both cases stood for a minister who gyrated equally between the two towns. 1'hus it will bo scon that the matter of population cut little flguro in the con troversy. Natural ad vantages were also balanced to a hair's breadth. Gopher hud Bomo rocks in her surrounding boil , while Blattvillo rested on a black , sandy loam that hold not even a pobblo. But this advantage was olTsont by the water , for , while Blattvillo's virgin sod yielded nothing but alkali , Gonhor's rocks gave out the nectar of the gods. Then , too , Gopher had a colonel , a iudgo and a general in her conllnos , but nor excessive pride on this account was humbled when Blattvillo imported a bonan/a farmer who had onuo served liis own interests in the United Status sonato. When the Northern Pacific railroad company painted their Blattvillo water tank a deep rod Gopher turned green with envy , and the wires were kept hot botwcon that town and St. Paul until , the depot at Gopher rejoiced in a coat of delicate bluo. Gopher lost n hind olllco by flro and Blattvillo llitnpod her wingH nnd crowed above the ashes ; hut Gopher roared a magnificent strticturo with a tower and clock nnd a weather vane that never turned with the wind , but always look-oil towards Blattvillo and wriggled its ( IngorH. At this coup on the p'irt of its rival , a lorriblo rage t'iiii\"pil nt the vitals of Blattvillo. Su.'iPihtii" had to bo done to offset BO umnlfutu an advantage but what ? The elders of the town debated with closed doors and , as the result of this debate , a posse of Blattvillaiirs swooned Bilontly down on Gopher , in the dead of night , and Btolo the tower , clock , weathor-vano and all , and the no.xt morning an itinerant Gophorito. as ho got off the railroad track to walk around tlio iiatcd town of Blattvillo , behold his native tower with the vane turned derisively - risivoly towards its own homo. This was altogether too much and Gopher swore in recruits for a campaign against Blattvillo. An army of twenty- throe men was rnibcd and telegraph wires were cut BO that its movements might not become known to "tho pow ers that woro" until the tower had boon returned to its original place. But , despite all precautions , the secret got out and the Gophorltios found the tower protected by the ox-senator , his farm hands and every able-bodied citi zen of the town. The Gophoritcs wore determined , and would certainly have recovered tholr lost tower had not an execrable Blattvillaln burned it before their very eyes. Tlio Gophoritos retreated to Gopher where they hold a council of war and de cided on a plan of action. It required n two-thirds vote of the county to locate the county scat nt either Gopher or Blattvillo , nnd Gopher smuggled into her borders and kept hidden a mob ot fifty men long enough before election to enable thom to vote , in iho meantime harassing Blattvillo in a host of ways about the burned tower to draw the enemy's attention from their plot. The election cnmo , and when the votes wcro counted Gopher was found to bo ohoson county seat by the required majority , nnd Blattvillo could laugh over the tower episode and welcome. But , at this juncture , beheld the flno Italian hand of the ox-sonator. Pulling various political wires , ho managed ( how no man knowoth ) , to work himself into the territorial legislature for the solo and only purpose of dividing Geese county in half , thereby malting his beloved - loved Blattvillo a county spat , all other towns to the contrary notwithstanding. By dint of strange and won drous methods the ox-senator suc ceeded in this , his plan , and if over the reader of this sketch forgets himself so far as to go to Dakota ho may find , if ho wishes , two counties eight miles wide by thirty long ; and ho will discover that the county seat of Gander county is Blattvillo and the county seat of Goose is Gopher. Strange as it may seem , this story is , in the main , a true ono. But the two narrow counties have been rejoined binco the above was written , and the county scat has reverted to Gophor. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething produces natural , quiet sleep. " 5 cents a bottle. Decision In Favor of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'iiul Uy. The now imlaco sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , daily. Passengers taking this train avoid traiibfor at Coun cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 0liO : a. m. , in ample time to inaice all oaptorn connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , J. E. PaicsTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. DoWitt's Llttlo Enrly Risers ; bt-u little pills for dyspepsiasour stomach , bad breath. "Roo-hoo-hooI" cried the brido. "Wnut is It , iloanl" asked the groom from the other end of the. bro ikfast table. "Y-y-you tiavoibub-broken your pup-pun- promlso , " sobbodtho ) bride. "Yousum noth ing should ever camp between us , and the hub-breakfast tabUils there now ! " A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable and Wholesome. her baking powder docs such BOYS' ' LONG PRNT SUITS , Our advice to patents is not to wait , but come curly this week. We are overstocked with fine goods in boys' long pant suits , and have marked special bargain lines at $6.50 , $7 , $8 and $10 , which will show a saving to the purchaser of $2.00 to $5.00 per suit. FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. SPBGIML UNDERWEKR SRLE , Light weight underwear prices for this week will be for French balbriygan. 750 per suit. Sold all over the city for $1.26. MEN'S GAUZE SHIRTS , 15c AMP 25c. We offer the balance of our merino gauze shirts in all sixes , no drawers , at 150 and 250 each. Mail orders must bo accompanied with sufficient postage. MEN'S HAT DEPARTMENT. Our stock of straw goods must be reduced , and in this department we expect to be very busy this week. Prices will be cut in two. Men's Mackinaw Straw Hats , all shapes , silk lined , 750 , sold usually for $1.50. Men's Mackinaw Braids in all shapes at 25c , 35cand 5oc , BOYS' MATS. If you have trouble to get suited well come to the Contin ental. We have everything. Special lines in Boys' Hats this week at 25c. For 500 you can have your choice of a dozen nobby styles in all shapes. SHIRT WAISTS. STAR GOODS. PRICE 75c. Seventy-five cents for the grades we are selling meang less than cost. Other dealers will show you a Star waist at 75c , but that is all it's worth. We will reserve nothing. Our entire line of $ i , $1.25 and $1.50 goods this week and this weel < only at 75c. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cure * nil disorder ) * of the Stomach , Liver , Howls , Kilonys , Illmldor , Nervous Diseases , Loss of Appetite , Hun Indie. Constipiiti in , Costiveiiess , Iiiiligcsli > u. IMHoiis- ness. Fever , I'iles , Etc1 , , and reirlers the system less liable to contract disease. DYSPEXPSIA. KADWAY'S PILLS nro curu for this complaint. They tnno up the Internal secretions to houHhy notion , restore strength to ttio stomach , mill on.iblo It to uisrform Its functions. Pricoific u box. Sold by all drusKlsts , or uiiillod by IIAUWAY & ( JO. , & Warrou StriiotNow York , on receipt of prlcu. NO GUR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Mnnr years'experience. A regular itrndunto In nicrtlclnonn diplomas show. U itlll trcntlne with the greatest BUccoii , nil Nervous , Chronic nnd I'rlvuto Dlionie * A porm'inent cur Ktiarnnti'i'd for Catarrh , bpcrnmtorrhruB , Lost Mnnliooil. Somlnal Wcaknos * , Nlfflit I/IIIK , linpitaicjr. SjrphllK Stricture , nnil nil ( llsi > n u > of the lllnnil , Mclii and Urinary Ore ma. N. II. 1 Kuarantco tUM for every cnsu I midi'rlako and full to euro. Cnnsultntluii frco Hook iMvati'rlB * of lAlo ) luiit fruo. Olllcj hours 'J u. ui. to 0 p. m. Hunday 1U u. in. to 12 m. Send gtitmp for reply. BAD BLOOD ! Pimples oa the Face j Breaking Oat ) Bkla Troubles | Llttlo Sores I Hot Skin | Boils I Blotches ) Gold Boroil Bad Breath ) Bora Mouth or Lips | If ) u ulTVr from any or tboio jniptu' , take ? AGENTS MIKE BIO MONEYS ! In fi'lllnit our miini'rous ipoclultlca Always itiincthlni : now Kcop | ) O tncl. lr ) nur Mnijlo Hulf- l.lKhtliiK I'ni'ki't l.uiiiii nnd Clirnr l.liihtor. .Miiulo Illniti llnuk. Surplus llank forpennlui , nlcklot und dlmv < nntl uiir rnilt Can Wrcnili. for pultiim oi > or tnkliiK "IT HIP t"ps of fruit cnns Wrltu for circular of iiinKlo noTC'ltlud. or cull on NVrth Wo3t9r. Speola ty Oo. Uc'o llulldlni ; , Onmlm , Neb OMAHA fend tor circular or cull onV T II. hllKUWOOl ) . m Nutr Vork OHOOL OP l.lfo Hid ii , Oinaliu , Nuu. TELEGRAPHY. Ni.tlc'o to ContriuMorH. Notlcu Is linrahy ulvon that bids will be re culvixl by HID llo.ird of Public Lauds and HuililliiK-.ut tlio olllco of i hi ) t-prrotiiryof Mini ; , until July IHlh. 1-lM. ui U oVIiifk iiiion for tliu fri'i'llou mul coiuplutlon of IMOWIIII- * . Ullt'lii'ii anil laundry linllilliux for the Invino Ahyluui at Iliihtliiim. Ni'brail.u. ItliN will ho reouUoil for tlio v.iiloiih braiu'lii'Mof work and niatur- lal unil us it coiiiplt'lo bid. I'luns und Hioclllrutlons | may bo s > pen at tliu olllco of tliu CuiiiinlhHluiiur itf I'libllc haiulsiinil lUillitlunt Lincoln. NolirtihUu , and also at thoolllcuoC 1' . .M. nils. Archlti'ct , Oniuhu , NuDruuku. C'ontructois will bo required to conform strictly lo conditions of the Miurlflcatlons. Tliu liouid ruburvuh tliu rl Ut tu rujcct uny und till bids. Uutcd Junu IBtli. Ifcflt. A. H. IIUMI'IIUny. I'rub't. of lU.iird . Join U. Allen , Scc'y. uf Stulf. ' BASE BALL- OMAHA VS. MINNEAPOLIS TODAY. Gnino called ut 4 o'clock. Ladles' admission 25o EDEW MUSEE Coiner llth mul I'anuuu Streets. VtKKK M' Jl'NI ! 2M ! ) . Chlldi nnd "Ho S.'inko C'h.iriHC'r . ( iiiri'la , Hi ttlro I'layur. I'hlrettu , 1 ryur , Uuutjr , Illlljr VounK. Mamhall nnd I iirnilL l.iidlc ' luuvvnlr day , I'lliinr. South Donn Lauibs Klvun iiHiiy Un > itliuu inlmlU tiuill. Ojicn iliilly fJnni 1 to 10. DR , BAILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Hot of Tooth on ( or HS'i : DOM.AILS , A purfout itiniifuiirantooit. Tuuth oitractul wltliuut pain or daiiKOr , an I "I without nnaotttietlr * . Uold and .llvor UllliiKt ut Inwoil rnoti llrldno and Crown Work. Tuuth wllhuul pluloi All work wur- PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntrnnce , Ilitu Ucot vlavator. Opun until S o'clock For neuralgia bathe with Pond'a Extract. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAnu F.XPOSITION , 1880. , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT THE If OPTICAL NEW J. .H HOUSE OK TUB ALOE & TENFOLD CO. , Practical Opticians j And branch of world ronownoi ! option ! t Wl l ! * mentof A. S. Alee A Co. , SI I.ou ! . Our method U * " inporlor to nil othori ! our Intiioi uro iiiperlur : will not nonrjr or tire tlio cjos. The framri property ad justed to the fnco. Eyjs ToBtod Proo of Chnrsro. Prices Low for First-class Goods.1 THE ALOE & PENPOLD CO. , 114 B. 16th St. , Next to MAHA MANUFACTURING CO. , No. 108 , 110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. , , J i cue lid ly L. t. 1' ' tiUi.U.j Manufnotiireru of Iron nnd Stcol Klu lion , Y r.l Lnwn Kciircs , also Farm , Stock , Park iinil tVmolorFences. . - * Architectural Iron Vnsm , Olialrn , Sotted and OresthiKs. Sold Monts for lluckthorp OulvuiiUudritcol Klbuoti Wlrea. Telephone 1772 , Samples at Factory UVJJ AOKNTH WANTED. _ _ Boffarlnc froa the ciri'cH at youthful errorl early cle * r , wasting woakni-M , loit roiiuhood , et 1 will ecml a TBlualilo tr atl ( m-alMl ) full particular * tor bomo cure , I'HKli of AeplomlUl medical work | ihoulU b read tr iirerf man who U PTTOIU anil df hllllatccl. A'l < lr Prof. F. C. 1'OU'MCU. Moo Jn . Uonui Veil UAT.MVWN ANIHIHAN J lltiaduiiurturH iloiiiirtiiicnt of tliu MlMourl ollluo of tlio ohlof fimrturinuHtcr | , bt. l.onlj MII. . MuyM. . IK'JI. t-ualud iiropMiiilh. In trill- tutu , Niihjoot. to tin ) usual KinillHons , will 1) ) rurulvud at tills ollk'i ) null at the uHlcuH of th uniirteriniibtuM at tin. fullowlmt iiaiuod Mil lions until 1'J o'clock niKni. enntral HtiiniUra tin , i' . . hum 19 , Ih'JI ' , and tliiiioiiiii ! | > il. rrrfnriiiilt IIIK mill iliillvurliiK cliirini ; llio tlscitl your Ixuln- iiiiiK.luly 1 , IbUl , uf niiti. i'orii mul linin , at KOI ts l.o'innnwortlt and Itlluy. Kaiisuij l urt lli'iii ) mid Hill , Oklahoma turrltory , and l > ort Huiinly , Inillan territory : Torts J.owlM un < l l.iiciiii and nt Denver. Colorado. Hint at umiipl at Outlirlo and UKliilioinii I'lty , Oklahoma turillory. I'ropoHiilH for ilullvory at otliue polntx will bo unturUlnrd. Illddortt mi i6 , Mute tlio placcti where they uroposo to inako dullvcrloR , The Kuvrriiniuiit rcsurvcH tlio riRht to roloct any or all I ) il , or to contract for iiitlmr Kind of Kuiiiillui , or micli portion ol i-iirli iia may liu conilileroil for tlic test Inter est of tlio Hurvluu , mul lo walvn miuli clufoeU an uro not In ronllli't wllli tlio luw. I'rofur * tun-it III lin Rlvim liiurtlflumif ilmmstlujiro- dii'-tlon or imiuiifiu'turf , rundlllouHof < tu < U- lly and prlco 'Inolmllni ; In tlie prlfuof foroliiw iiroiliii'tlonii or iiiiiiiiifiiutiin'H ' Dili duty ttier * ; on ) liiilimuqiml. . IlliinU proiii ) in and urlrite4 t'lroul.ir , Klvlnu full Information , will IN fill1- iilihiul on application to tlilu ofllcu or tiNjia oiiiirturinuiilitiaof tlio htulloiu minimi. vuloiii'M containing propobul * Ruould nuirked "rropomtU for OuU. Corn mid Ilran ut - , " nnil uclilrckked to the iiii'j-r. kU'iiud or to tliu iiiiartcrnmslnrs of tliu i- tlon * nuiiied abovu. UV. . Kuiter. ijnurtcr * uidstcr , U. B. A. , chief ijuartomiMter