PART TWO. PAGES 9 TO 16. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JUNE 21 , 1891.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 3. Still Greater Bargains ( 2 , Still * Lower are the Prices Made in Order to Reduce the Largest Stock of Dry Goods in Omaha , in Order to Vacate the Annex. Silk Department. Special for Monday. We arc determined to clo'-p out all Summer Silks mid will cut prices still lower thun before. I&ICCOH ) | Chmn Dress Silks worth 40c , Monday 28e. All of our Wash Silkb worth $1 , Mon ti ay 6c. ! ) 10 nieces Clioncy Bros. ' Dress Silks worth $1 , Monday ( > 3c. 10 pieces Fimich Failles worth $1,25 , Monday 88c. 20 pioeds Plaid Surahs worth $1 , Mon day IMC. 6 pieces Blnck Gros Grain Dress Silks worth from $1 to $1.25 to $1.50 , Monday e toOOo tol. 5 pieces French Faille in Blacks.worlh from $1.10 to $1.25 to $1.50 , Monday 88c to Hoc to $1. 10 pieces Armour in Black , splendid poods , worth from $1.25 to $1. 0 to $1.05. Monday $1 to $1.10 to $1.2o. Grenadines in stripes worth 81.10 , Monday Too. Grenadines in Black , worth $1 , Mon day OOc. Plain Black and Cream Cninas worth from 75e to $1.50 , Monday OOc to $1. K : Colored Dress Goods. We have just received tin * \\cok a largo variety of dress goods in all the latest styles and patterns. Owing to the lateness of the season wo bought these goods for 60o on the dollar , and will place on sale Monday bargains that eolipao everything over offered boforo. 38-inch all wool siripos , would bo a bargain ntSOe , Monday lic. ) 38-inch Black and Gray Mix , former price 45c , Monday lc. ! ) „ 42-inch all wool Plaids that have been Bold in the city for 81 per yard , Monday 48c. 38 inch Silk Stripe Plaid , good value for $1.10 , Monday OOc. . 40-Inch Silk Striped Plaids wo sold % fc early in season for $1.25. go Monday Sjpr 75a. Hl-ino double faced Plaid in elegant patterns which you would think cheap lor $1.25 , Monday only 85c. 40-inch Albaiross , very fine , former price $1 , Monday 05c. 60-inch Mohair Brilliantines , a great bargain , only 75c. 40-inch Camolottcs in grays , browns nnd tans.'on Monday only 75o. 40-inch Pure Camel Hair Suiting worth $1.75 , Monday only $1. Our line of Cashmeres , Henriettas f nd Serges complete in all colors 'and the prices are the very lowest. Just Received Ono hundred Combin ation Suits ol the very host patterns. The pricoon these goods early in the Benson was $13.76 to 818. Wo will place the suits on sale Monday for $8.60. Wo will call your special attention to our line of cheap Casnmores and Beige Suiting , which will bo on sale Monday and at extra low prices. Black Dress Goods Our Black Dross Goods Department Is now very complete in all lines of plain ami fancy dress goods , alto mourning goods , stripes and plaids , and the very latest novelties of the boiiben which we will offer at a very low price. Our wrlco forinch ( ( ( English Cashmere - more will bo only lOc. Wo will also olTor a fine Henrietta Cloth for 2 < ) c and 33c. Those goods are worth twice the amount wo ask for them. .SHk Finish Henrietta , 10 inch wide , > * * nil wool , for 05o , worth SSc. Wo have ( i nice line of Summer Weight Black Goods , such as Nuns' Veiling , that wo guarantee all wool and fast black , to offer for Monday is sale at 60o. 60o.Wool Wool Grenadines in stripes nnd checks for only 7oc , worth at least $1. We have a few pieces more of those $ ! , $ ! 16 and $1.25 Serges and will oiler them for 600 , liOe and 76c. bilk Warn Henriettas , a nice fine quality , 40 inches ivido , former price bus been $1.25 , now they go for ! (5o ( , and the 40 inch goes for only $1.25 , worth at least $1.75. Our fancy weaves start at 60o per yard nnd go as high as $1.10. Every ono of them is a bargain at one-half more than wo are asking for them. Our trade in Brilliantinus has been very largo , owing to the extra good value wo have hail to offer , and the prices wo quote on these goods are for pure Mohairs. They range from 45o to 75c. Do not full to boo those goods. Special Bargains FOR MONDAY ! Ladies' Cambric Dressing Sacks uhvlttul and embroidered , with bullsour ' * ! . 15 , $1.2-5 nnd $1.60 at i)8o ) ; our 81.75 , 2 , 2.25 at $1.16 and $1.25 , Ladles' Shirt Waists and Blouses s , Fancy and Pmin Cambric Gingham ; Sateens : our 8116 , 81,26,81.60 at 08o our 81.75 , ? 2 , 82.25 ut 81.16 and 81.25. Grand Letting Down THE PRICES SALE Of Gents' Furnishing Goods for Mon day. Tommorrow be begin a grand clearing sale on all summer goods. Price will cut no llgurc. The goods must go and go quick , for onr moving day is near at hand No one should miss this grand opportunity , 100 do/.en gents line linen cu8s , worth 25e per pair , at loo. Gents' ' extra largo black silk hand kerchiefs only 5c ( ) each , worth $1.00. , 100 do/.cn gents' fast black cotton half hose , IJormsdorlT dye , only 25cpor pair , worth lOc. 50 do/-n ( Gents' iiine suspenders onl.C 20c worth 3"c. > . 1 cabo of Gents' seamless half hose only 5c , worth lOc. 100 do/.en Gents' Windsor Scarfs , only 5c , worth loo. 50 doxcn Gents' Nook Scarfs , elegant patterns and ( lowing ends , only 25c , ac tually worth 50c. 1 case of Now York mills unlaundricd shirts , double back and front , coiitinu- ous facings , hand nuulo button holes linen bosom and bands , , only 50c , redu ced from 75c. 1 case of Gents' laumlried shirts , made from the best muslin th it money can buy , open or closed front , only 81.00 each regular price $1.60. 1 cahu of Gouts' domot flannel shirts only Hoc , reduced from 50e. Gents' line plaited bo otn Ovcrshirts , only f > 0e. reduced from 75c. 100 do/.cn Gents' line summer outing Shirts , one ( Joe each , reduced from $1.2/5. Genta' line sateen , madras and crcpo shirts , onls $1.00 rccuccd from S1.50. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. 1 case Children's Fast Black Hose , aoublo heels and toes , only 19c per pair , dctual value 40c. Ladies' Black Cotton Hose 5o per pair , worth lOc. Ladies' fancy cotton hose 6c per pair , worth lOc. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose , Rich elieu ribbed , only 12e } per pair , reduced from 20c. 1 case of Ladies' Fast Black Cotton IIoso , Tlcrmsdorf dye , only 19c per pair , reduced from 25e. 50 do/.on Ladies' Fine Imported Fancy Hose only 25e per pair , reduced from 50c. 50c.Ladies' Ladies' Extra Fine Fast Blnck IIoso , Hormsdorf clyoonly3oc per pairreduced from SOc. Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Hose SOc , worth 75c. Corset ? If prices will do it wo intend closing out a coed many lines of Corsets on Mon day rog.mlloss of cpst. An elegant Summer Corset only SOc , worth 50c. All our Frenph Woven Corsets and Striped Corbels worth 7oc , reduced to 50c. 50c.An An extra fine 81.00 Corset reduced to 75o. 75o.Great Great Moving Sale For Monday. A fine siuibhndo tomorrow only 59e each ; 21-inch English sateens fast black , only 7oc , worth $2.00 ; 20-inch Alabama serge umbrellas , gold cap handles , only $1.00 , reduced from $1.50 ; Hno2i-lnch ( gloria bilk umbrellas , natural sticks , oilvor trimmed , only $1.60 , worth $2.50 ; bust quality imported 20-inch gloria silk umbrellas , gold crook , umbrellas , only $2.00 , wet th $3.50. Ladies' Jersey Knit Underwear. 1 case Ladlob * Vests only Sc.othcrs able loo. 1 case Ladles' Fancy Knit Vests lOc , reduced from 20c. Ladles' Wlllimantlo Lisle Vests only lOc , worth lOo. Lndlcb' line Swiss Ribbed Vebts , tied with ribbon on neck and sleeves , only 25e , a bargain at SOc. Ladles' fancy Lisle Vet-Is only SOc , worth $1.00. 1 case ladies' fine summer Merino Vests , Fronoh necks and ribbed tall , only 50o , worth 7oo. Wrappers. In Mother Ilubburd nnd Princess Btylos , Calico , Gingham , Lawn , Sateen , Cambric , light and dark colom.JSSe , $1 , $1.15 to $2.25. Ladles' Skirts SOc. Ladies' Fancy Jerseys nnd Blouses OSc. OSc.Ladles' Ladles' Cambric Skirt and Wai&ts " * l ° 5 All our Ladies' Silk Waists and Blouses In all styles nnd colors ut a urcat reduction. Wash Dress Goods. 12 12 t SPECIAL BARGAINS. FIRST BARGAIN 2C } YARD. 2 cases Do Nymph Challis will bo sold at 2)c ) yard. SECOND BARGAIN 3c YARD. In this lot you will llnd all our best Shirting Prints and a beautiful line of Tinted Challis , all at 3 jc. THIRD BARGAIN 50 YARD. All our lOc Challis in this lot , now styles of Dress Prints , new styles of Dress Gingham , Manchester Fine Sa teens , Outing Flannel , India Linen , Lawn Cheeks , Lace Stripes Apron Checked Ginghams , all at6c yard. FOURTH BARGAIN-0C YARD. Choice of all of Garner's best wide shirting percales , all the latest styles for bojs' \\aibts ; these we o sold by us this season at 12cynrd } and good value , hut now before wo move wo bhall clear them out at OJc yard. FIFTH BARGAIN TiO YARD. Choice of all our 30-inch wide Armen ian serges , Lyons serges , plain black Silicon , zephyr styles in gingham , fine lawn cheeks , best Amobkeag apron checked gingham , all go at "io yard. SIXTH BARGAIN IOC YARD. All plain colors host Chttmbray , fancy figured batecn , Fayal batiste , Garner's best 30-inch wide batiste , plain and fancy lawns , zephyr gingham , imitation China silkyard wide Dutch blue calico , choice of all at lOc-vard. SEVENTH BARGAIN 12C. 32-inch wide best ehallis , light or dark ground. Toil clu Nerd gingham , India cashmere , fine llannelottos , blacker or white lawn checks , Aroyron cloth , pineapple tissue , Shantong pongee , all go at 12 jc yard. EIGHTH BARGAIN 15C YARD. Bi'otonia suiting , fine finished coin polka dots , fancy imported sateen , big line of black or white dtoss goods at 15c yard. yard.NINTH NINTH BARGAIN 17C YARD. 2 cases plain black sateens which will speak for themselves at 17o yard ; com pare them. TENTH BARGAIN foe YARD. 2 eases plain black sateens , fine im ported Scotch zephyr , big line of blacker or white drcbs goods , at 1'Jcyard. ' ELEVENTH BARGAIN 23C YARD. This will include an immense line of beautiful and fine wash goods ; do not fail to see the bargains at 25c yard. TWELFTH BARGAIN 350. And lust but not least the "Korrah Moire ; " wo u o thoonly house in Omaha whore you find this fashionable wash fabric ; third shipment this season now in ; they are polling frcoly and are extra good value at 35c yard. Furniture Department. Wo arc soiling the carriages for the babies this season ; no doubt whatever about that. Another deep out for this woolf. Wo have the largobt variety in town ; all beauties in every respect , and they are btrong and well made. Last woelc our sale was a surpribo oven to us ; bo hero goes for this week also. All our ) M > .50 carriages $0.50 ; all our 810.60 carriages $0.85. Thoie are Rood car riages , bicycle wheels , braced arm , lueo edge parasol and uphoibteiod in ramie. Thebo two carriages are a. gonuinf3 , bonnfido bargain. All our $12.60 car riages at $ S 45 ; nil our $10 carriages at $10 , This is a shell shape and has silk parat-ol and a regular beauty ; the num ber is limited. Not a single carriage in stock is olTcrod at the regular retail price , but at a price which MO know will keep them moving. Special olTer this week on fine oak center tables ; 48 styles to chooco from , and the price is rock bottom on one and all. Cull and examine our large and varied line of bedroom suits , extension tables , plush chain ) and rockers , bed lounges , cano-soated chairs and rockers of all kinds , reed and rattan chair ; ) and rockors. Wo carry a complete line of high chairs and children's chairs and rockers. 'Special Offer This Week. Solid oak rookor.cano snat,81.05worth $2.60 ; oak dining chair to match , $1.110 , worth 81.76 ; lawn folding settee , 4-foot , $2.85 ; 5-foot , $3.15 ; rod or antique fin ish. Gut ono of our fine Bamboo easels , brass tipped , for 75c. worth $1,60 ; solid oak , brass tipped , $1.25 , worth $2. Vibit ourfurnitiro depart ment for anything you want in this line and you are sura to save bomotliing on oachurtlclo. Ruchings , Ruchings Exquisite styles in fine silk and crepe ruchlngs at 5o , at 7c , ut lOc , up to 2oo yard. Clothing Dept. GREAT BARGAINS FOR THIS WEIK. : 500 Children's Suits 81 , worth 81.50. 350 Children's Suits $1.50worth $2.50. 400 Children's Suits $ l.Toworth $11. All our light weight Children's Suits must bo closed out by July 4th. 1,000 pairs all wool knee pants 50c. ] , COO pairs all wool knee pants 3oc. Men's Clothing. Men's $5 Suit ealo will continue thi week. Summer Clothing , Alpaca Coats $1 , worth $1.50. Alpaca Coats $1.50 , worth $3. White and Blade Vest 75c , worth 81.50. f i All the Eisetnan stock of light weight Coats and Vests must bo closed at 50 per cent off. off.Men's Pants. SOc to 75c , $1 , $1.25 , 81.50 , $2. 82.50 , $3. Lowest prices in Omaha on Men's and Boys' Clothing. Draperies. Real China Silk Draperies SOc , C3c 75c , 87e , and $1.00 , worth 75c to $1.50. Art Cotton for draperies at Sc , 7Jc , lOc , 12c , ISc. . . , Imitation China Silk 12c , 15c , 18c and 25c. 25c.Dotted Dotted Sjiviss for Sash Curtains at 15c , 18c , 20c , 2oc and 30c-valuo 25c up to 50c yard.Window Window Shades in all colors , mounted on self-acting spring rollers , at 17c , at lOc , at 25e. Windsor Ties. Now styles satin 'Windsor ties at 3o and 5c. Silk Windsor ticn at lOc and 12c. Finest Scotch plaid sllic ties at ISc , at lOc , at 2Sc ; worth 35 to SOc. Ribbons ! Ribbons ! The largest stock of fine Ribbons wo have over shown and at lower prices than over before. Fine quality of silk Ribbons at 2c , at Sc , at fie , at 7e and lOc yard. Fringed nnd plain silk cashes in all colors at 87c , $1.25 up to S2.25 each. Chenille Portieres Wonderful bargains from New York auction sale of Windol , Stokes & Go's mammoth stock. Splendid now styles at $3.76 , $ t $4.60 , $5 and ur to $12 , for gooJs never sold loss than 3to$25. Tln'so are extraordinary values nnd should not bo overlooked. Trimmings , This department is making special cuts on all kinds of Dross Trimmings , Linings and Dressmakers' Materials. r Trunks and - tali ises. The quality of our trunks and valises nnd the prices we sell thorn at tolls the whole story. Trunks .that sell every where for $5 wo lot you huvo for $3.05. Fine ziuo covered trunk , iron bottom , strips on top and sidpa , valence all round , good lock and hasps , covered hat box , in fact an.A . 1 trunk ; Do you want one' ? Get ono. * On bags wo can auit ypu in any style at any price. All we osk Js your inspec tion of our goods. . Wo are always glad to show you. * Hat Department. MEN'S HATS. Do you want a light weight stiff hat at i regular pricey You can buy it of UR Monday We are overloaded on Men's Straw Hats. Wo have put the knife to them and they go Monday at } rogulur price. / BOYS. An elegant line of Buys' Straw Hats , leather sweats , good bhupus , ut lOo for our Monday sale. Boya' Uluck Straws 25c , Hoys' Cloth Hats 25o , Boys' Soldier Cups 23o , Carpet Dept , People who have not visited this department partmont may not behove It Is the larg est room devoted to carpets and carries the most varied tind extensive line of de sirable goods west of Chicago. Arlibtic styles in Ingrain Carpets at 2Sc , 33c , 37o and 43c , worth 4oe to 75c. Splendid variety of extra super wool Carpets at 55c , S7c , G3c and OSc , worth 75e to $1.25. High art designs in the bcbt quality velvet , moquetto , tapestries , body Brus sels , nxmlnstorb and Royal Wilton Car- pots. Wall Paper. The enormous trade of this season forced an entirely now purchase. This lot includes many advanced fall styles , but they all go at closing out prices. Such values were never known. Robes A beautiful stock of Dress Robes just received and will bo placed on sale Mon day for one-third the price asked for thebo goods by any other house in the city. Drug Department. Wo will offer you great bargains on soaps , drugs , toilet articles at such n price that you cannot help buying. Lieblg Beef Iron Wine 50c. Hcod's Sarsaparilla 83c. Hoou's Malt Bitters 75c. Parker's Hair Balsam 40c. LiobigBeef Extract 33c. Ginger Ale 15c per bottle. Persian Insect Powder 49c per Ib. Mothlno Balls , 3 boxes for 25c. Ammonia , largo bottle , lOc ; small,5c. Vaseline , plain , Sc per bottlo. Vaseline , perfumed 7ic per bottle. Glycoiino , largo bottle , 15c. Arnica , largo bottlo. 15c. The Now York Gold Paint lOc per box. box.Paris Paris Gold Paint loc per box. Variety Gold Paint , containing G dif- soront shades , IPc per box. Star Gold Paint 25c per box. Eagle Gold Liquid Paint loc per box. Every ono can Ube toilet water when they got a 11-ouiico bottle for 33c. Best Imported toilet water SOc per bottle ; what von have to pay anywhere o so 75c to $1 for. Soaps are too numerous to mention There is no excuse for keeping the house unclean when you can bay a 5c cake of boap for lo. Candy Dept. Mixed candy lOc per Ib. , worth 20c. French cream candy , made from pure sugar , ISc per Ib. Cream caramels , 17Jcperlb. , worth 25o. 25o.Chocolate Chocolate drops , small , 20c per Ib. , worth 40c. Poauut stick candy ISc per Ib. Jolly creams 19o per Ib. , worth 30c. Finest French creams 2Uo per Ib. , worth OOc. Old-fashioned licorice drops 35c nor Ib. Ib.Marsh Marsh mallow's lOe per box , each box containing 21 squares. Fruit. Fine California lemons 25c per doA Fine California oranges 20c , 25o , 30o per do/ . Fresh dates lOc per Ib. Mixed nuts 15e per Ib. Strawberry Jam , Just received another lot of pure strawoorry jam put up in pure granu lated sugars ISe pound. This is the finest goods you over oat , you cannot make jam as good as this yourbolf , iho strawberry Is all whole , not ail mashed to u jolly. You will have to see the jam toappieclate it. You can mike \ory fine strawberry short cake of it. Lawn Mowers. Wo will sail you lawn mowers cheaper than over before. The 10-inoh L. O. Keen Klippor $1.00. The 12-inch L. G. Keen Klippor $ A. ) . The 1 Mnch L. G. Keen Klippor $0.2" . The 10-inch U G. Keen Klippor $0.50. Every part of the Keene Klippor is warranted. Ice Cream Freezers Two quart 81,16. Four quarts 81.75. Wo carr. - a full line of the Lightning and Wulto Mountain freezers. HOUSE Furnishing Goods Pie pans Ic each. 1 qt tin pans 3c each. 2qt tin pans 3Jo each. 3 qt tin pans 4o each. 4 ( jt tin puns 6c } each. 6 qt tin pans Gjo each. 0 qt tin pans 7c each. 8 qt tin pans Oc each. 10 qt tin pnus lOc each. 12 qt tin pans 12je each. Preserving Kettles. 2qt preserving kettles lie c.tch. 3 qt preserving kettles 12c } each. 4 qt preserving kettles 1 Ic each. 6 qt preserving kettles loe'oach. _ 0 qt preserving kettles 17je eacli. 8 qt prcberving kettles 21c o.xch. 10 qt preserving kettles 23c each. Tea Kettles. No. 7 tea kettle , copper bottom 25c each. No. 8 tea kcttlo , copper bottom 35c each. No. 9 tea kettle , copper bottomSOc each. Our whole line of tinwaro has been reduced to manufacturer's prices and wo will soil you ono piece of tinwaro just as cheap as you can go to the fac tory and buy by the gross or car load. Granite Ware AND BLUE ENAMELED WARE. Wo have purchased the biggest line of Granite and Blue Enamel ware over received in Omaha. Our prices toll the story. Preserving Kettle No. 10 2-qt. SOc each ; regular price 50c. Preserving Kettle No. 20 3-qt. 43c each ; regular price 76c. Preserving Kettle No. 22 l-qt. 52c each ; regular price ' , Mc. ) Preborving Kettle No. 20 0-qt. C8c each ; regular price $1.13. Preborving Kettle No. 28 S-qt. 91c each ; regular price $1.25. Tea Kettles. Tea Kettle No. 7 $1.25 ; regular price $2.25. Tea Kettle No. 8 $1.81 ; regular price $2.87. Sauce Pans. Sauce Pans No , 10 2-qt. 30e each ; regular price SOc. Sauce Pans No. 20 3-qt. 43o each ; regular price 75c. Sauce Pans No. 22 l-qt. 52c each ; rogulnr pi ice ! )0c. ) Sauce Pans No. 20 0 qt. OSc each ; regular price $1.13. Sauce P iiih No. 28 S-qt. 91c each ; regular price $1.2. > . And the whole line comprising every thing made in the , above ware at corresponding spending prices. WASH TUBS 35C , 45C , 55C EACH. THE BEST WRINGER MADE $1.75. THE WESTERN WASHER $1.50 EACH. Unhandled cup * and saucers , 2c } each. Handled cups and SIIUCOL-B , 3ju each. Dinner plates , 4c cacli. Pie plates , 3c each. Wash bowl and pitchers at274c each , Sauce dishes , 2o each. Platters at 3c , Scand lOc each , Soup plates and bowls at 5jc each. Chambers at 23o cich. : Cream pitchers at 60 each. . Vegetable dishes at 3c and Sc each. Tumblers atjo each. The above goods are the very best white ironstone china made , Bargains DECORATED WARE 100 piece imported decorated dinner sot , $0.60 : worth $25. 112 pieces imported decorated dinner sots , $10.60 ; worth $35. Decorated cups and saucers at 02o per faOt. faOt.Decorated Decorated dinner plates , 35o per sot. Decorated pie plates , 33o per sot. Vegetable ana covered dishes. 69e each. Decorated sauce dishes , 22u per sot. Milk crocks ut 3jc per gallon , Mason Fruit Jars. Our prices on fruit jars are the lowest in Omaha , MYDEN BROS. Letting Down Prices 3 Ibs. can apples 7c. 3-lbs can pumpkins ( Ic. Salt Lane Kvap. peaches lOo per Ib. California Evap. poaches 12c } per Ib. 3-lb , can of Bartlett pears 17o } can. 3-lb. cans of all kinds of California plums , such as green gages , egg pining , Golden Drop plums , Damabon plums a 12jc per can. 3-lb. can of very fine California table peaches 17je can. 3-lb. can very finest yellow Baltimore peaches loc per cnn. Brick chccho lOc , whole cream cheese lOc. Young American cheese lOc. The best salmoif lOe per can. Wo will fioll you a good butter for lOc. The very finest country butter at UJjo. Don't pay double this price to other dealers. Come hero and you will sava money. Our very fancy Iowa creamery we'll sell at 15c and'l7jc. Remember our butter is first-class and prices lower than tiny store in the city. FlourFlour , Flour Why pay $1.75 per 50 Ib sack for a. name ? when you can buy from us , the very best Minneapolis full patent flour made expressly for us from selected wheat , "llaydon Bros' Best Superla tive" at $1.36. Every sack guaranteed or money refunded. Snow Flake , 5o. Central Mills Best Superlative , $1.09. Enoch Morgan & Son's Sapolio , per bar oc. Very Laundrv Soap , 7 bars 25c. Sal Soda , or washing Soda , He per pound. You will pay Sc per pound in. iinv other btoio. Soapino 'Ho per package. Gold Dust ie per package. 1770 Washing Powder , 8Jc per pack- ago. ago.Poarllno washing powder 3o per package. All Kinds of washing powder 3Jo. Best Laundry Starch , So. * lJiyt Parlor Match lo. Most Mixed Bird Seed or Food So. Deviled Ham , So. Potted Ham , So. Potted Ox Tongue , 5c. Spiced Pigs Feet , Sc per Ib. Spiced Tripe , So per Ib. Shrimps , 20c per can. Imported Queen Olives , 35c per qt Very line evaporated Raspberries , 20o worth 35c. Very line evaporated Apricots , 19o ; worth 30c. Very fine evaporated Block borrloa , 7c ; worth J2c. * Pure Fruit Jolly , per pail , 70c ; worth $ i.s : ; Very fine evaporated Apples , 12o' } , .worth 2oc. Imported Chow-Chow loc per qt ; worth 3c. ( ) Imported Mixed Pickles , 15o ; worth 25 e. Very fine gallon Apples , 20c ; worth 4.r c. c.3lb can California Black Cherries 15o. Imported small Pickles lOo per qt , worth 3 > c. Wo will sell you largo Pickles 60 per qt. Imported Valencia Raisins , very fine , 81 c. Imported Strawberry Jams. 35o. Imported Rod Raspberry Jams , 35o. 3-lb. can California Poaches , 20a Thla IB the best Peach you over bought. Imported Catsup , 15o per qt. Imported English Currants , 7jo. Sweet Chocolate , So. Premium Chocolate , I7jc. Condutibod Milk , lOc. Sugar-Cured Hams , lOc ; Picnic llama , 7c ; Boneless Hams , Oc. Bologiri S uiMigo , 5c ; Llvor Sausage Sc ; Head ChuubO , Sc ; Frankfort Sausage sago , 7je. Dried beef , lOo and 12Jo. 1Mb. can Blackberries , 8Jc. 5Mb. Preserved Raspberries , put up In sugar syrup , 17jo. Mustard , 5o j > or bottle Absolutely pure Baking Powder 35o. Oil Sardines , 5o. Mustard Sardines , lOo. 08 per cent Lye , for scrubbing , lOo. 60 per cent Lye , for scrubbing , 60 , Teas , Green Japan , a good tea , lOc , 21o , 28o 29c. 29c.Sundried Sundried Japan Tea , 15c , lOo , 23c , 29o , 35u and 40c. Uncoloi od Japan Tea , 20c , 20o , 35o 43c , 50c , 6o. ! ) llaskot Fired Tea , lOc , 23o , 25c , 20o S5o , lc. ! ) Young Hyson Tea , SSc , 40o , 40c , GOo. English Mruakfast Tea 35c to 05c. Oolong Tea 35o to OSc. This Is the finest line of Tea that waa over offered in Omaha. Do not say to yourself that wo > cannot soil good Tea for these prices , lluy a pound and bo convinced. If you do not liico the toiv wo will refund the money. They are all worth two and three times the price. COFFEE. Wo hell you a good Samoa nnd Rio cotfco. crushed , lOc , and Moca and Java coffee crush , 25u. Our pure Moca and Java roaUod freah. every ua } , tfoo ,