0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAYf JUJNB 21 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 I'EAHL STREET. Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City. H. W. TILTON MANAUKH. TELEPHONES : iluMiicfM Office , No. ' 13. Night Editor. No. 23. JIJiXTJO.V. N. Y. I' . Co. Council I ) hi KB Lumber Co. , conl. Croft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp block. Superior court adjourned yesterday mornIng - Ing until tomorrow. If you want wntor In your ynrd or house go to Ulxby's , : m Merrinm block. Chief .Iiistlco Heed of the private land claim court Issued n call for ttiu lirsl convention of the court ni Uonvar July 1. Wllllmn Blackburn and Elizabeth H. Pnrlter , both of this city , wore married yes terday afternoon by Justice Hamiuor. The property owners abutting on the alloy south of willow avcnuu botwctm 1'oarl and Sixth streets \vero served with notices yes terday to clean up. b , Terry hai been scntnnced to a thirty-day term In the county jail for committing an as sault and battery on the Infant daughter of John Gclgcr , Minden. HliilT City lodge , No. 71. Ancient Free and and Accepted Masons , will meet In special communication tomorrow evening for work In the second decree. All masons uro in vited. By order W. M. Last night Just for luck the police dropped In at the Manhattan. Three men who were having a social name of cards were locked up. No rambling tools were found. Later the parties arrested wore released. Alfred IJybec died yesterday morning at Ills residence in Crescent township , aged clehty years. The funeral will taku place this morning at 111 o'clock. The deceased h.is been a resident of Iowa for the last forty-six years. In police court yesterday morning J. Colton and John Kuiner were lined ill.JIO for drunk enness. F. H. Conlov , charged with acting as a common carrier without a license , and . ) . L Hyers , charged with vagrancy , were dis charged. George L. Smith wtis arrested yesterday on an indictment churning him with oni- bcz/ling it White sowing iniichino. His bull wus > llxed nt. $1,000 , but was subsequently re duced to . * . " > 00 by the court. In default of the amount he was scut to the county JaiU. John Cochran , who was held to bo insane and dismissed after an examination , visited John Whllmoro's house last night , intent on killing Mrs. C'ochran , who Is stopping there. Cochran nourished a big knife , but was dis armed before ho cut anyone. Ho was locked up. It is stated that lightning rod agents have been getting in their work in the eastern pait of Pottawattamie county. P.VcIs > so of Hancock him been vlctlml/.od to the extent of $ .T > 0 ; H. Brandies , f-'ITfi : A. C. Bergman of Pleasant township. $2Tr ; F. Berge , ? 300 ; H. Stude , WOO. The Scottish Rite bodies of the United States Jurisdiction in Council HluITs will ob serve St. John's day ( next Wednesday ) , lodge proper meeting at h o'clock p. in. , to bo followed in the evening by -ociul fathering in which the ladies will bo invited to Join witli the knights. The suit of the Council BlulTs boat club ajjninst N. Sehurto collect $20 foes alleged to have been Illegally charged by Schur/ whilu Justice of the pence was 10 have boon tried before Justice Swearingen yesterday afternoon , but a change of venue was taken by the defendant to the court of Justice Hammer , and it was continued. ( ! . \V. Schwartz and his whistle were re united yesterday morning uf tor Uel vo hours' separation. In giving back the whistle the chief of. police said that ho was very sorry that the bicyclists' whistles wore Just like the policemen's , and ho Intended to nave the council pass an ordinance at once which snouiuamnoruo nun to gonuio uu tno stray whistles that were found lying around loose. Kelsey and Finlc , the two men who were arrested about n month ago on suspicion of being safe breakers , completed the thirty-day sentence yesterday , which was imposed on them for carrying concealed weapons. As soon as they were released from the county Jail they were at once real-rested on a charge of having burglars' tools In their possession and they will bo given a trial on this charge Monday morning. A Council Bluffs paper Is responsible for the statement that the postonico at Luke Manawahad been discontinued because there was no republican there to servo s post master , and tha administration wo ill a not appoint n democrat. The only truth about the statement Is the fact that the postofllcc ban been discontinued because it did not pay. The old postmaster , whoso salary was based on the business done , could not support his family on $3.50 n mouth , and there seemed to bo no ono , either democrat or republican , wBo was ambitious to bo his successor. Those interested in Manawa were urged to recommend some ono ns postmaster , but as no ono could bo found , of any shade of political faith , there was nothing to bo done but close tlio o 1)1 ) co. Home was not built in n dnv. You can't pint n larpo addition mid gets tlio streets in good condition nnd have it built up in ono year. Morningsldo Is onlv a year okl and has many good houses. Streets have been graded , sidewalks built and waterworks are being put in. As much improvements tin- other year , miicadami/od streets or brick pavements nnd a score moro of line houses , nnd Morningsldo will bo tbo best to bo had. Morgan's prices for furnitu o on Install ment plan lower than any other House In city. Free concert by Dalby band nt Falrmount park Sunday , : t to 7 p. m. Visit Morulngstdcln your drive today. Komcmbor Mornlngsldc was only pluttod a year ago and all the grading , building and other improvements have boon made within u year. 1'KUHOSA.L I'.l IC.KHC.l I'HS : W. H. Hendy of Boston is at the Ogden. M. E. Johnson of Cleveland is at the Grand. James I ) . Itowan of Dos Motncs Is at the Grand. F. DoMuttlnof Oshkosh , Wls. , is at the Option. Miss May Tulloys has returned from n year's stay nt Wellesley college. Theodore Lund started Friday night for Salt Lake City , where ho will reside in the future. W. J. Jameson and wife , nnd Dr. T. B. Lucey returned yesterday morning from n trip to Minneapolis. T. A. Pilling loft yesterday for Salt Lake City to meet his sister , who has Just arrived from Australia. M. E. Meyers , manager of the Western Union telegraph ofllco , has gene to Exlrn to spend Sunday with rqlailvo.s. Mr. A. B. .1 nelson has returned from Lansing , where ho spent the winter. Ho is the guest of his son , C. II. Judson. Mrs. M. E. Mender and son of GoMion , lint. , nro visiting her mother , Mrs. A. J. btophciibon of Washington nvenuo. Mrs. Maria Bnlrd of Coshocton , O. , arrived In the city yestcrdnv on n visit to her sons , Messrs. Hiram and Guorpo Unlrd. Miss Mate Baker went to Suennndoah ves- tcrday to spend Sunday visiting friends. She was accompanied by Miss Mamo U ; ebo. City Auditor J. C. Lane returned Fridnv night from Keokuk , where h < wont to attend n session of federal court. Ho Is now con fined to his homo by illness , Miss Beth Brown has returned from St , Louis , where she visited friends. Her sister. Airs. W. K. H undersoil , accompanied her homo , nnd will visit her mother , Mrs , K. Brown , 101 Broadway. IMcnlo at Manhattan beach , Lake Mnnawn ; pcod llshlng , line linthluc nnd boating ; plenty ofslnulo ; best pluco for camping out parties. Try It. Lots nt the present price In MornlngaMo nro a sure , safe nnd prnlltnblo Investment , nnd what Is bettor yet. If you over want to build n homo in what fs soon to be the best l en Id once part of tbo city , they will bo Just what you want. Assignee's nalo of Glhnore's stoctt of Jew elry , stationery , toy , etc.5 Main sir wu NEIVS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Little Hey Riokman Finds Hh Death In the Old Broadway Reservoir. VERY PATHETIC SCENE AT THE HOME. While Hcaroliliiij Tor Flowers tlio fm l Hounlit Uriel' Pleasure In n Itul't Kldo nmlVaa Drowned. Hey Rlckman , the eight-year-old son of A. \V. Hlekman , cashier of tbo first National bank , met his death by drowning yesterday afternoon. „ In company with Ernest , his ton-ycar-old brother , and Wendell Wright , the son of a neighbor , he loft homo about ! ! o'clock in the afternoon to no to the old reservoir at the foot of Broadway to gather llowcrs. When tlio three boys reached the reservoir they sep arated and Ernest went off by himself , while Key and the Wright boy stayed together. Hey found an old raft lying In the water , and lie could not rofr.itn from getting on bo.ird in spite of the warnings of his companion. No sooner had ho gotten on the raft than It com menced to driftout from the bank. After it had gone n few feet Key became frightened and Jumbcd off on the side toward the hank. The water nt that point was about four or live feet deep. lie tried to swim to shore , but his companion knew that ho could not swim , and he set off on a run to n snloDn no.ir by , where ho got a man named Nelby to help him. him.Nclb.v Nclb.v dove for the boJy , and tin ally drew It up , but not until It was too lato. The boy was Just gasping when ho was landed on the bank , and In a few seconds hestoppjd breath- Ing. Ing.The The father of the dead boy was at oneo called by telephone , and he set out for the scene of the tragedy. He took the body in a carriage and brought it to the house at 103 South Seventh street. DM. Macrae and Bantow were summoned and every possible effort was made to resuscitate the boy , but of no avail. Tne scene at the house after the lifeless form had ne.cn brought In and deposited ou a sofa in the room was n most pathetic one Mrs. Utckmmi throw herself upon the body , weeping us though broken he.irtcd , and not a dry eye in the room saw the grief of the stricken mother. The case Is one of tlio saddest that has happened In this city for years. The un fortunate boy and his parents nro all well known , and a host of friends extend sym pathy to the bereaved friends. The funeral will take place tomorrow mottling at 10 o'clock from the residence. 110 TON STOHI5 ; Council Hhiir-i , la Note the prices on sun umbrellas and mitts for the week : SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. Having Just received part of n large manu facturer's , stock through our New York buyer , wo nro prepared to show tno largest line and at lower prices than ever shov/n in the west. A FEW OF THE SPECIAL NUMBERS : SI.I" , SI.5J , Sl.Tfi , * 2.00 , ! . ( )0 ) , $1.50. The above goods come In nil thn latest novelties of handles , such as black , ebony , studded , metals , fancy oxyd' ' < ied , oxydi/.ed with inlaid pearl , fancy crooks , horns , Mexi can onyx , Dent's latest steel rods , gold rings , and other novelties too numerous to mention in ail over 1'iDO sun umbrellas on sale for this week. See prices in show wlddow. SILK MITTS. We have received the balance of our order from the manufacturer of ladles' black and colored silk mitts and can show special val ues at 2. > c , : { . ' ! c , II'Jc. ' 50e and ( tic. Sec beautiful line of 24-inch in colors at 75c in nil the latest and roost delicate tints. BOSTON STORE. FOTHIIitl.NGilAMVlltrCI.V , Si Co. , Council Bluffs , la. N. B. Store closes at (1 ( p. in. , except Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 o'clock , Saturdays 10 o'clock. ON THE mtlGUT SIDE. Little Events That Make Life in the City Knjoyahle. A pleasant reception was given last Thurs day evening by the mombor.3 of the Council Bluffs Boat club to Its friends. A large number of invitations were Issued , and it would have boon well attended had It not been for the weather , which was very threat ening. Those who were present , however , onjoved the affair hugely. Dancing was in dulged In in the parlors of the hotel , instead of the pavilion , ns had been nt llrst intended , and an elaborate supper was served lit t'ao " dining room. The "following were present : Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Rockwell , Mrs. George II. Champ , Mrs. J. F. Ktmball , Miss Babcock - cock of Omaha , Miss Oldhain of Chicago , Miss Burns of Helena , Mont. , Miss Gait of Sterling , 111. , Misses Rockwell , Edith and Annie Rnss , Oliver , Wells , Atwood. Furns- worth , Nellie and Annie Bowman , Wickhain , Wads worth , Butts , Bennett , Stephenson ; Messrs. T. P. Bowman of Helena , Mont. , J. H. Drlscoll of Omaha , W. II. Merritt of DCS Molnos , II. S Bowman , J. N. Bowman , .1. N. Cassadv , Jr. , J. L. Paxton. C. E. R-ild. C. L. Haas , H. L. Stacy , W. II. Wnkclleld. H. Ogdeii , A. W. Casady , T. E. Dawson , S. L. Ktnyro , E. 1C. Patterson , .1. LI. Keating , E. C. Shephard , L. C. Patterson , L. Kurmuoh- lun , Jr. , and Harry Haas. A reception was given Rev. J.T. Mackay last Thursday evening at the residence of T. E. Cavln on Parlt avenue. The evening was spent in social intercourse , enlivened by some choice uiusio furnished by the Misses Maude Cavin ana Gertie Gleason. Lnto in the ovoiiing refreshments were served. The following friends were present : Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. 13. H. Odell , Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Field , Mr. and Mrs. Runyon , Mr. and Mrs. Beck , Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gleason , Mrs Simon Eisomun , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Green , Air. and MM. H. H Field. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. F. II. Evans en tertained a company of young ladies nt her homo on Sixth uvenuo , at an observation party. Thn guests commenced to arrive at about iiiHO o'clock , and from then until 0 o'clock the time passed most pleasantly. The following were present : Miss Fuller of Mount Pleasant , Miss Fannie Burns of Helena , Mont. ; the Misses Gait of Sterling. 111. ; Misses Sable Amy , Stella Pat terson , Anglo Wickhain , Lulu Couch , .lossio Ltrt.ll Farnsworth , , 11..II..1 , Nellie t _ . . Bowmiui _ . . .i _ . _ , . _ _ Elsie ! f Butts . . , Mamie DoVol , ICIsio llonn , ulllo Oldhain. Jennie Wallace , Anna Merlon , Minnie Mer- kel and the MibsesVrlght. . Liibt ovenliiK n pK'iisnnt prouresslvo hearts party was jjlvon by Miss AnglnVlcknam lit her home on South Seventh htroov in honor of hur friend , Miss Kannlo Burns nf Helonn , Mont. One of the novel features was the hontliiK of the quests by moans of sliced pro verbs. About thirty of Misr WleUham's friends were present , A fnrou ell muslcalo will bo tendered Uov. T. J. Mackay next Saturday evening in the Uonl Arcanum hall , under the auspices of the members of the Uoynl Arcanum nnd the Commercial PilKrlms of America. Mr. Muc- kay is a member of both organizations , and the two have united Iu the scheme for the purpose of showing their appreciation of his work since he has been In this city. A Joint committee has been appointed to take In chnrKO the arrangements for the muiicnlc. consisting of Messrs. T. K. Cavin , C. A. Ileno , mid W. H. Uobmson of the Hoynl Arcanum , nnd Ua Howe , H. J. Mnclmdo and W. A. StroiiK of the Commercial I'll- Krlnis. The muslcalo will no doubt bo largely attended , ns n tine programme has been arranged. Hnvo you seen those Mormngsido sou- voulrsi If not rail nt Cooper to McUco'H ofllco , 10 Main street , mid got ono. They will toll you all about Mornlnisido. AVnntetl for Forgery. Sheriff Knliibow of Shelby county was In the city yesterday looking for ono P. D. Hyde , who Is wanted ut Harlau for forgery. Hyde Is a llKhtnttiK rod man who has boon plying hU trade In Shelby eon nty for 901110 time pait , and has managed to transact some business that savors strongly of fraud , The sheriff served some papers on him In the morning In n civil suit that was started nealnst him nt Hnrlan , but he did not know nt the time that Hyde wai wanted person * nlty. A short tlmo later ho received a tele gram telling him to get Hyde nt nny cost. By this time , however , the wily lightning rod man had skipped out , and up to u tote hour last night ho had not turned up. Sher iff Hnlnbow Is itlll In the city , and will make another effort to locate his man today. Hyde stopped nt the Gordon nnd Scott hotels whllo hero yesterday. Notwithstanding the paroxysms of lamen tations occaslonnllv Indulged by some of our good people , the fact still remains that every year Council Uluffs requires n little larger pair of pants. Wo do grow some. And iu the course of every few years the increase Is nulto noticeable. What has this to do with Morrilngsldol Why Just this , that within n very few years Mornlngstdu will bo "In the heart of the city. " On the occasion of the democratic stnto convention to be held at Ottumwn Juuo " ! , tlio C. Ii. Si Q. will sell tickets commencing Juno - - , nt ono faro for the round trip , good returning Juno M. For further particulars call upon O. M. IJrown , ticket agent , No. 518 Broadway. % _ Waterworks arc being put in iu Morning- side. HANK. HOUSEHOLD. . ' .ro In Kiivor of Iiynulil"K Mrs. Wllll.uiiH' Crowd. William M. Anderson and A. J. Weldon filed n complaint yestordav against an outfit that has been doing an extensive tulovlng business of Into in the western part of the city. The outllt Is located n short distance south of the motor bridge near the river , and Is presided over by n woman who goes by the name of Williams , Shaw , or Young , as the case may demand. Anderson lives near the corner of Third avenue nnd Thlrty-llfth street , and Weldon Is bulldlne u house near by. A day or two ago Anderson went homo and found his door unlocked. Ho thought at the time that It looked as though ho had had visitors during his ub'-cncn , and the next day ho was certain of it when he went to change his clothes and found his best suit missing. About the bamo tlmo Weldon found a lot of lumber nnd .shingles that had been lying around hi ? new house were gone. Anderson nnd Weldon suspected that the Williams out- lit was responsible for the theft nnd tuoy decided to make un investigation. Weldon discovered some shingles at the Williams house , and he had n search warrant issued. Constable Evans , who served the warrant , found the shingles nnd conllscated them , but no trace was found of Anderson's Sunday clothes. It Is reported that a large load of chickens , pics and vegetables was taken across the bridge nt an earlv hour yesterday morning to bo disposed of. The neighbors are very much worked up over the doings at the Williams shanty , and threats of tar and feathering are freely made. There has been no warrant issued so far for the arrest of any of the party , as It is hard to tell who should bo arrested. The neighbors , however , do not c.iro particularly whether ono of the company meets with punishment , or all of them , but if nothing is done by the authorities in the matter they threaten to take the matter Into their own hands nnd lynch a few of them Just lor luck. Hov. Edward li. AI. Browne , the "Jewish Talmape , " will deliver n literary nnd histor ical lecture on "Tho Talmud , Its Ethics and Literary Beauties , " at the First Baptist church Tuesday evening , Juno ! K ) , at 8 o'clock. Tickets , y.lc. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , HO Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 113. High grade work u specialty. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd household goods of Mnndcl & Klein , Council BlulTs. Prices very low ; froiu'ht prepaid to your city. Cliuroli Notices. Congregational Morning subject , "Sus taining Gr.ico. " Evening , "Tho Divine Illumination. " Singing by the Orpheus quartette. Boronn Baptist Morning subject , . "Tho Church-Steps Into It. " Evening , "Tho Lord's Day. " Trinity Methodist Preaching at 10iO : : a. m. Children's day will bo celebrated in'the evening. St. Jolm's Lutheran Children's day ser vice at 1U)0 : ! ) a. m. In the Young Men's Chris tian association chapel. Preaching at 8 n. m. Christian Elder C. P. Evans will preach this morning and evening , corner of Broad way nnd Seventeenth streets. Broadway Methodist Services nt Masonic Temple. Morning subject , "Xion's Glory. " Evening subject , "Wisdom Better than Gold. " St. Paul's Hov. Mr. McCrneken of Omaha will preach In the morning. Address to the Union Sroteran Legion iu the evening by the rector. First Presbyterian Preaching by the pastor morning and evening. Tent meeting , corner Eighteenth street and Fifth avenue , at II n. m. and ! ) and 5 u. m. Several promi nent ministers will sceak. Young Men's Christian association Elder C. C. Morrison , the boy preacher , will address - dross thoyouiii men's mooting ut I o'clock. Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for next thirty days ; -I.VJ tons , Ii. L. Carmancor ner Pearl and . > tu avenue. The Keck Island sells special excursion tickets from Council Bluffs and other points to Colfax Springs , la. , and return , good until October 31. Gentlemen desiring elegantly lilting suits for summer wear will llnd Just wh.it they want at Keller's , the tailor , aiO Broadway. Coming ClinutaiKiua. The programico for the coining Council Bluffs and Omaha Ctiautuuqun assembly gives promise of a much moro enjoyable en tertainment thtit that of either of the pre vious seasons. This is promising much , for the former programmes have been very rich. This year among the attractions will bo the art lectures by Prot. Frend , the literary lec tures by Loon H. Vincent , popular lectures by John Dowitt Miller , Dr. Palmer , Dr. George W. Miller and others ; elocutionary readings by Prof. Byron W , lung line music by the ever favorite Kogcrs band nnd by vocal soloists , quartets , etc. Among the special days will bo the Fourth of July , with a lecture in the morning by Kov. Kobert Mclntyro and afternoon lectures by Prof. French and Dr. Abraham Palmer. Iu the evening Colonel C. W. Kimbull will plvo a lecture on "Tho Soldier on Duty , " Illustrated by the stcrcoptlcan. Kecognltion day will bo July 10. On the afternoon of that day Hon. John J , Ingulls will lecture. On July 20 nnd 21 there will bo the Bacon- Shakcspmiro debate between those illustrious disputants , Ignatius Donnelly und Prof. John C. Fieuman. Pliinos , organs , C. Ii. Music Co. , S3i U'way Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit Juice tablets. They uro delicious. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Councl niulTs , September b-ll , SO.fi'H ) ; October 2U-2J $1,000. For programmes address Nut Brown , Merchants hotel , Omaha. Up IJOO.SR Kmlu , In district court yesterday , n motion for n now trial In tno case of M. S. Stout and Ettor & Pierce was argued and submitted. The motion for a new trial In thu case of tno stnto against Carlson and Olson , charged with horse stealing , was overruled , Thu motion of the plalntill In ttio case of Elizabeth Smith against the East Omaha ' Land company for a removal to the United ' States circuit court was sustained , i A motion for n new trial in the case of Walter I. Smith , administrator , against B. B. Frainoy , was submitted. A motion for u new trial in the case of Thomas Baker against the Citizens' bank i was submitted. I In the case of John Yorko ngulnst F. M. I nnd C. M. Witt a judgment for the plaintiff wus rendered. A iiumbor of contempt cases which were brought against saloonkeepers by Attorney i Sims several years ago wore dismissed on ' motion of tlio couuty attorney , there beliif ! no ono to prosccMtfr. Attorney Sims was present , but n fasj , as the cases came t p ho would deny havlnp ; Rhy connection with the cases , nnd they wnSrdinecordlngly dismissed , i'ho defendants wtlbtvoro thus released were A. Drescher , Dan XWrrlgg , W. H. Bock nnd John Dooro. ole The enso of stale BRlilnst Ell Brown nnd J. II. Koblenz , chnrgod'Wlth larceny of n lot of household goods which were In the posses sion of n deputy , ibhrchal on n writ of attachment , was brought un. nnd the Indict ment was quashed. , cm It being shown to the court , that the attachment under which the goods were held wnn.iiot lawful. John Hill withdrew his plea of not guilty of having burglar's tools In his possession nnd plead guilty. E. E. Pierce withdrew his pica of not guilty of forgery and plead gulltv. The case of the state against James Muhcr , charged with assault with Intent to commit murder , was eon tinned for rosubmlssloii to the grand Jurv. This wns done as n favor to County Attorney Organ , the prosecuting witness having disappeared from the scone of action , so that luo grand Jury could not return nn indictment against him. It Is hoped that by the time another term ot court arrives the witness upon whoso evidence It Is expected to convict the defendant can bo brought to light. Council Bluffs souvenir spoons at Burhorn's. Mnr Bourlcms , music teaohor , removed to 533 Broadway , over C. B. music company. Commencing July 1 the cash system will bo adopted nt Kelloy's ' grocery , 101 Broad way. Prosperous Sunday Solmol. Ono of the most pleasing observances of children's day was that in the Fifth avenue Methodist church , where n rather novel nnd decidedly effective programme wns carried out under the title of "Tho Pearl Gather ers , " It being under the management of the superintendent , Mr. Louie , nnd his assistant , Mrs. W. P. Walker. Miss Ida Church repre sented "Koligion , " who presided upon a throne , placed in a lloral bower. The other representations were : "Kightoousnoss. " Miss Mauilo Hart ; "Education , " Hov. C. W. Brewer ; "Love , " Miss Etta Teller ; "Indus try , " Mr. Ogden ; "Gentleness , " Mis * Lena Fonda ; "Innocence , " Miss Fannie Tibbits ; "Obedience , " Mr. Spaulding ; "Nazareth , " Mr. Hut-court. The opening address by Miss Grncio Evans was excellent. Mrs. Canmcl presided at the organ. A recitation entitled "Floe's Letter , " by Grace Walker was unusually good. The chinch was pleasingly decorated and the exercises throughout In dicated that the Sunday school is in in a happy , nourishing condition. Gisolinoaid oil ; cobs , wood nnd coal : prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 24 Main , telephom 203. Swansea Music Cb. , ! ! . ' 53 Broadway. Under \ilsc Pretenses. Charles Olson , nn ex-examiner of the police force , is in jail witli n charge of obtaining money under false pretenses entered against him. It Is charged that ho went to the resi dence of n Mrs. Walters n day or two ago and represented that ho had boon sent by Marshal Templeton to got $ ' 2 50 from her to pay the line of Mrs. Hill , who in now serving out a sentence for drunkenness. Mrs. Hill was to do some wiishing for Mrs. Wal ter ; . , but nt the appointed time she did noi turn up. Mrs. wultqrs wont to the station to lind out what had become of her. She stated that Olson had gotten $ 'J..r)0 from her to pay her washwoman's line , nnd then the story leaned out. A warrant was issued for Olson's arrest and he , was taken in by Deputy Marshal Fdwler. H < j was unable to give bail and .VHS sent to jail to uwait a hearing tomorrow morning , , Special Sale Summer Millinery. Beginning Juno IS ) , and continuing until July 15. Misses Sorink & Hagsdale , 32'J ' Broadway. XltlEIJ TO KILL Ill-Ill. Tony Dcllnslcy Did His Itust to Min der Lou KmcrHou. About 8 o'clock this morning Tony Delinsky put the 11 nisli in K touches on his Omaha ca reer. , Some three or four t'nys ago ho attempted to shoot his mistress , Lou Emerson , at her house , 000 Capitol uvonuo. Ho was unsuc cessful and was chased from the house with his own revolver in the hands of nn infuri ated sister cyprhm of the Emerson. Arrests were made , and all parties fined for disturbing the peace. Late last night Dcllnsky repaired to the house , and after spending some hours In a wordy wrangle , sot ou Emerson and boat her severely. Then , when the woman was helpless from liquor and abuse , ho llred a shot full in her face and lied , without waiting to see the result. Luckily for nil parties , the ball missed the object uiir.cd at. Delinsky leaped Into his hack nnd drove away at full speed pursued by an olllcer , who tired nt him as ho lied. Emerson is badly bruised about the head and body , the result of the brutal hack driv er's ilerco onslaught , but how seriously could not bo determined at once. Shu was taken to the police station to bo cared for. . FnllHCIty. J. H. Cain wns In Omaha this wcolc. E. S. Dundy , Jr. , of Omaha was In the city last Saturday. Mrs , L. G. Paxton Is visiting her daughter , Mis. Molliu Lynch , In Vilisca , la. Mrs. A. 15. Gantt and Miss Ada Stretch are the guests of relatives in Louisville , ICy. Mrs. J. V. Hollobauph , accompanied her son , Asa , to St. Joseph Tuesday for a visit. visit.Mrs. Mrs. 1C. E. McLean of Lcadvlllo , Colo. , Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. George Jen nings. Miss Etta Clols returned to Atchlson Mon day after three weeks spjnt hero with friends. Last Sunday , memorial day of the Knights of Pythias , Hov. H. T. Boll of the Pros by- terinn church preached an able discourse to the knighu , who attended in u body. The ladles of thu Christian church gave n festival last Saturday evening which , despite - spite the rainy wriat ior , was well attended und netted a considerable sum of money. Dr. J. V. and Mrs. ' Hcnthman entertained nbout twenty-live of their friends ut high- live on Tuesday evening. Elegant refresh ments were served after an evening of much onjovmont. ' ' The Entro Nous'plub hold the last of their meetings for the seubon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sl/er. 17-10 D street , on Friday evening laSt. Tht.ro wore present ' Messrs , and Mcsd'ufnos J , E , Hlggs , Charles Iriiphagcn , C. Wviflbxlo , C. 11. HIdgo , Wal ter Davis. H. D. Sjoarns , John P. Maul , William MoArthur , JI. C. McArthur , H. E. Moore , Mesdumcs Uudy and Houtz , nnd n number of young ladles und gentlemen. Misses Nelllo Halt , Naomi Evans and Merta Morean returned Iroin Browneli hall , Omnhn , Tuesday tfnr the summer vacation. The following .voting ladles and gentlemen of Falls City havodlbo returned Irom school duties at thu places named : Ed Thomas and Miss Fannie Morton , state university , Lin coln ; Jolm Towlo , Cornell college , Ithlca , N. Y. ; Miss Cornelia Thomas , Cook countv nor mal , Englewood , III. ; Miss Eva Scott , DIKIIIO college , Crete , nnd U. II. Towlo , Northwest ern university , Evanston , 111. A Munsoy's Weekly i Miss spoonful ( after third plate ) I don't ' seem to cure lor ice cream as 1 did lust summer. Mr. Payout Jove , I don't like to crow over I ttio misfortunes of other * ; but when ire- member that all your previous admirers are bankrupt , 1 must consider myself fortunate thut It is an elf year. Do not forget Urn llaller'n Pain Parnlyzor will cure all case * of dysentery , relieving the griping pnln and restoring the bowels to healthy , action. Send for prospectus of Tuc Bui : Bureau of Claims. "THE BEE" CLAIM BUREAU , Pension , Indian Depredation , Land Patent and Other Claims to Bo Prosecuted. READ THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS All Claims Arising In Nebraska , Kim- sii , lown niul Hontli Dnlcotn Will no Handled by The Itco Itnrunn. About thirty days ago a now departure was Inaugurated by tlio San Francisco Ex amlncr , now the leading paper on the Pnclflo coast. Its proprietor , Mr. Hearst , son of the late Senator I lours t of California , who has n very largo fortune at his command , conceived the Idea of establishing a bureau of claims at Washington , manned by the ablest lawyers and specialists conversant with the routine work In the various departments and bureaus of the government. The object of Mr. Hearst in this undertaking Is clearly set forth In ttio prospectus taken from the Examiner to bo published In a later Issue of Tin : Bic : When the announcamcnt of this now do- p.nrturo was made negotiations wore nt once entered Into between Tin : Bin : and the pro- prlctor of the Examiner to Join hands and mutually sliiro In the enterprise. Those ar rangements have now been perfected and agreements entered Into by which TiinBcn bo cornea n nn-wnrknr nf thn Knnr.lnnr In tlio territory whoru Tin : Bic enjoys so extensive a subscription patronage. Under this arrangement all application * for claims , either lor pensions , Indian depreda tions , land or mining claims , patent or postal claims In the states of Iowa , Kansas , South Dakota and Nebraska , will bo taken In hand by Tin : HBR Bureau of Claims m'O uiua an through It forwarded to headquarters at vVashington where the Examiner bureau will prosecute them to a Una ! and speedy con clusion. Tin : BII : : takes pleasure In offering to all its patrons and particularly to subscribers to Tin : WKKICI.V BII : , the services of this now bureau which , wo have no doubt , will provo of great advantage to them , both In prose cuting now claims to a successful issue and in expediting all claims entrusted to Tun Buu bureau. The Conditions. As n condition precedent to any person availing himself of the services of the bureau , Tin : BII : : will require that the applicant shall send in n subscription to Tin : Ovtvn WKCKI.V BBI : for n year. A remittance of SI will entitle the person sending it to one year's subscription and also n membership in the Claims Bureau association composed en tirely of subscribers to Tin : BEE. All persons now subscribers of Tin : WIIKM : : HUB who will send us one new sub scriber will bo entitled to membership In the association In their own names and the now subscriber will also receive one cortilicato of membership besides his paper. Subscribers of Tin : DAILY BEI : who send in subscriptions to the weekly will bo entitled - titled to the same privileges ns those of Tin : WBCKI.V BEI : No .service will bo undertaken for nny per son who is not an actual subscriber of THE BEE. The Terms. The terms under which claims will do prosecuted will depend entirely upon the amount of service rendered In each case.Vo can safely assure all patrons of the bureau that the charges will bo very much lower than rates charged by the regular claims lawy Jiand claims agents at Washington. It go without saying that the Examiner and THE BEE are in position conjointly to ex pedite business and do service at more lib eral rates than nny other medium for the prosecution of claims. In ho matter of fees and charges THE Bun desires only to clear expenses. The bureau is Intended for the relief of the people from the rapacity of legal sharks. In many cases fees allowed attorneys nro irrevocably llxed by law. and in such the question is decided. In other claims such a charge will bo made as scorns to cover the actual expenses Involved in collection Wo maito no effort to solicit your patronage , as does the ordinary agcn who seeks your elalm for a financial consideration. Such is not our pur pose. Wo offer to ono and all the survlcos of n well equipped bureau , where a claim of any nature can be sent , or information in regard thereto be obtained. If your claim is worth less or illegitimate you will be so notlQod without fear or favor. If the claim is goo- uino it will receive prompt attention and oflicicnt prosecution. If unsuccessful , no charge will bo made ; provided , however , that claimants must defray their own ox pcnscs in the preparation of allldavlts , depo sitions , and other evidence outside of Wash ington. Wo will furnish the necessary legal papers and bear the Washington expenses only In unsuccessful claims. When claims are allowed , n reasonable foe will bo charged to cover actual cost. All letters will bo promptly answered and all information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , nta , will be given with as little delay as practicable. No lotor will bo answered unless the sender uncloses requisite stamus for reply. No information concerning any particular claim will bo Ira- parted until the applicant lias become a member of The Bee Claims Bureau associa tion. Address nil letters relating to claims to MAXAQEU OMAHA Hut : BUIIEAU OF OIAIMS , Omaha. Neb. CutH Quluk .TiiHiloc. Stx ANTONIO , Tex. , Juno 20. Last Tues day night nt 0 o'clock John Quosada , alias John Glnnton , walked Into the ofllco of thn San Antonio Ice factory In the center of the city , held up the clerk nt the point of n pistol , relieved him of $17 , spent the night In iiagnlos and was arrested next morning. To day he was given llfteen years at hard labor ami lies In Jail awaiting the arrival of tno transportation contractor. Qucsada Is only twenty-six years old and is related to the most prominent Spanish families in south western Texas and Mexico , They have plenty of money. Ills crime , arrest and con viction furnishes ono of the quickest records iu the criminal annals of Texas. Katnl Cyclone In Illinois. 111. , Junn liO. A cyclone , ac companied by a deluge of rain , passed ten miles southwest of here this afternoon. John Brcnnun was fatally hurt by Hying timbers , houses and barns were demolished , growing crops destroyed and orchards lev eled to the ground Details , which are meager , report the total destruction of the houses unil barns on the farms owned by John Brennan , John Wiofonbnch and John Good. Tne Implements on thcso farms were caught up by the wind and blown n hundred yards or more. More complete particulars will probably tell of greater destruction to life and property. Cattle I'olhoned for Spite. AHUANHAH Cm , Kan. , Juno " 0. It Is re ported herb this evening that a large number of cultio o\ nod by J. H. liugby , which crossed the Cn 'idlan river n few days ago , were poisoned soon after their arrival on the Cherokee strip. It has been Impossible to verify this rupurt , but the fooling both on the part of the Indians and the boomers , Is so great agaliiKt tboso who are herding on the Atrip , that some snoli calamity has heun ex pected. Bugby'H herd numbers U-tOO head. Miirdcritr Conlcusos. Wash. , Juuo 'JO , Frank Slave , an HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , Carriage Repository , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. / Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Hughes , Spring Wagons , Carts and Road Wagons. Guarantees better value and more satisfactory goods than any other houscjinjhejMissoiiri Valley. General western repository for the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and Columbia Carriage Go's biiggks , surrics and phaetons. Honan/a busies and phaetons. All styles spring wagons. Van Hnint and \ Alien igan road and farm wagons , i ] carts and harness in great variety. VV Correspondence solicited. Catalog ues and price lists on application. HENRY H. VAN BHUNT , 12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A , . TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Schoedsack , Proprietor , Offices 021 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1521 Farnam St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and refinish goods of every description. Packages received at either office or at tha Works , Cor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who have shop-worn or hoilod fabrics of nnv elmraotcr can hnva them redyed nnd linishoil equal to now. BUD FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the Intcst and most approved machinery , at less codt than you over paid before. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . S150.000 . SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . 225.000 is I. A. . Mlllur , F. O Qlo.nan , E. L BhunnrL R E. ll.irt. J. U. Edmundson. Uti irlui It. tlanmm. Transact Kouorat banktiu bun- nen. Lir'oit capit.il and lurplui ot auy bankln Uouti ) vruiturn lowu. INTERESTON TIMi DEPOSITS. Lake Manawa Hotel , Attractions : Kino Flslilnv. Ilontlng , Hath- liiirnnil Excellent Mineral Water. Only llfteen minutes lido from Council ItlulTs. Motor trains every half hour , dlieot to centerof Council Illnlls and Omaha. Most clellK lilful and ncccbslblo place for picnic parties. TELEPHONE NO. 45. 27 MAIN STKEET. Over C. II. Jnciiuomln A Co. . luwolry 'tor ' Italian , has boon arrested at Bucoda , Wash , 'or ' murder at Canon City , Colo. Ho con- csscd his Kullt and wax placed In Jiill to wait the arrival of a sheriff from Colorado. KANSAS Crrr , Mn. , Juno 20.C. . H. Love , formerly postmaster at Wostport , no longer Ills that olllco. At the request of n post- ofllco Inspector ho has resigned nnd W. C. Cook , his bondsman , was yesterday up- minted to act In his place temporarily. Love t Is claimed , Is J.'illO short In his accounts. jovu will be arrested to answer thu charge ignlnst him , of tlitKronuli Pli-nt. SAX Fit \xcisuo , Cnla , , Juno 20. The fri gate Dubordlo , the Ihujship of the French loot in tbo 1'ncillc , arrived today from 'annum , which port she loft Juno 2. The Uubordle will ptocced to Mare island for repairs. Admiral 1'arrnyan with his Mall oft the vobiol at I'unnnm to go to until , vhero he will rejoin thu vobsol on his return. Decided on Omiihn , HOSTOX , Mass. , Juno 20.-The commission ippolntod by the lust Koncral conference of ho Methodist Kplscopul church has de cided to hold the next uuudrcnnial In Omaha durliif the iiiontn of M ty , is'Ji. Killed Hy n l-'alllnu Cliuroli. LofibVii.i.u. ICy. , June 20. At Lowisport his mornliiK the Methodist church was blown [ own , and Dave Hay , colored , was killed by ailing timbers. Couples who considered It the proper thing o be married In balloons , on horsebac1 ; , at ounty fairs , In the cabs ol locomotives unil thcr out-of-the-way places , have been tils- unceu by n pair of Milford Center , O. , lovers vho had thu ceremony performed in n tennis court" during the progress of a Kiime. Vtieu the coremnny was over the bride and 'room picked up their racijuets and roMimuil holrpaino. The other dudes and tticir girls load around nnd voted It all quite too lovely or nny thing or aomolhlngllko It. Duu Kagan , "the Montana kid , " ana Arllo "Hut are llkol y to incut. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. to li'arn druhbimiklng. Mra IllKKS KM I'lfth UVHIIUC. A\7 ANTKI ) I'uplls for the iilano , orian unil ' ' guitar , by un oxpurlunurd toacliur lately from I'iilcnKO. Uooin : HU , Merrlnni hlnvk. MONKY to loan on Iinprovoil or unimproved property. Johnston Ar Van I'attun. "V\7ANTl-i : > Two peed wallers at the Model ' i restaurant. Council ItlnllH. Foil SALE Good family hot-so and top car riage ; or will trade for good unimproved lot JVpply to8)U ) Klghth HVU. DO you want the f.irth In thu vicinity ot Council llluirx , either Iinprovoil or mil in./ ' proved ? If so call anil sooour list of b.irn.-.lhg at tlio real estate ami loan nlllco of .1. C. Cole t Co. IA > > 1 your pruiirity for sale , rent or ux- chancu. witn iix. unil SOLMIIO cnstninur. .1. C. Cole & Co. , No. 4 , i'ourl street , ground Hour. C IjAIKVUVANT and sychomolrlc. or cluir- aolur roadlng * ) ; also dlagnoslx of cllseiso. : nend lock of hair fin- by killer. Sun- Snys and evening . Mrs II Hooper. IKi Avq- ( Uif. K , near corner 15th stiuct. Council Hlulfc , Terms , 5'Jo and JI.OJ. TfOUSAM-l''i ' > rKoiit-Wiinti'd If yon want -L1 to tinv. soil or runt anything In the real ostiUi1 line don't do It mil II you luivo RIIPII oul ? liir-o list of Imr.'iilus.Svv.in .t Walker , No. r > ia Main and fl.il I'n.irl sli-euts , Ciiinu'll liliifTs. ITIINE liroil hort-u. that eun heat 'Ji" : : > , Mill bell Jor triulu. Adiliu-s or oall on I ) , llrowil , in. " . ' West llroadway , fonnull Illnll'H. AT Swan .t WnlkcrCniS .Main striu-t nnd 5ii : I'onil , Coiinull IIIulli , yon will always Und a "snail liarciiln" In lual ost.itu If yon want to buy , or a isood plaeo to list , a liur uln If you mint to sull or tr.idi * . IjlOlt SAI/i ; Kle ant iirrlau : toiitn and line JNliiKlu drlviMs ; prhus reason'ililu : call nnd si'o tliuiu lioforu hnvlirIsuno M. ruiiItU saius stilli'H : No. 41H North bu\unth .strout , Council IllnlVs. MAUNlF'li'Krf'l' ueio inopui ty In llvi'-iioro tracts loo.ili'd L"l inlliN fiinn posiolllec , for sal on ri'iisiinahlu tin ins. Seine llnu iusl- < ( iL'iu'o piopurty for runt liy Day A HUSH. " ' piqiC KKNT Tliu MoM7il7on"Tiioak. story brick , with basement and uluvator. J. W Hcnilre. ! U1 1'u.irl slruuU _ _ TflOKd.VLK or Runt J.inlun Ian I. wHU JL1 houias , L > r J. ItHIoo. . II" MAQ ! it. , OouaaU Bluff * COUNCIL lll.UKKH Galvanized Iron Cornice Works , ' It ( HIAIII. \ SUN , I'UOI-'H. 1O1B and 1O17 LJronclwntj. Killiuutot fiirnlHlird cm nil klmtx of ( Jidv/uiliod / Irim CiirnUo Work Iron Kixiniiv , Sliiro KrinilB imu Cnpl'ir ' Wurk Aill < tlc wurk a | iwln'ty | uiiiili'iiciH < illcltuil tniiu | i liil . JO iiillfi fn til lllullu unil Uninlm. _ _ _ _ First-- : NationalBank : -or- OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'nld tT | ) CnjilUI , . . . olilu > t Druuiil'uil Imnk In tliu cltr. Korulim u ij iliiiiiit-tiu luch.uuo ami lucil jit-o'irltlxi. ' K | i - u ntti'iitlnti pnlil tn iiilluotliiiH.COJ inti of Imli vlil nuN. liitnkM , li.iukumaatluori'OMllun.i < jUj -uc ru < | iiin > lunculiiirltiil. ) IJUU , 1 * . HANKllll ( ) . l > ru < l > lont. A. W. UliiCMAN : , OiHlilor A. T. IlICi : . AHilitant rmtila _ Gas Heating Stoves. No ARIIKH ! No SMOKR. Just thn .ilnK for bath rooian , hud rnorns , otO , Cull and sue our litrn't ) assortment. C. B. Gns nnd Eloatrio Light Co. Sll I'btrl nml 210 Main HtrueU D. Ii. McDanolcl"&Co. , Butchers' ' and Pacers' Supli ] ) ] , Market Fixtures , Casing , ploonund Fannaio MnkurV Maohlnory. WJ. r. MaliiHt. , Ujunull Illulfv. la. AUo Uoilor4 n Illdt'n anil I'uri TTdUEX GRAND , Council Dltiffd , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel ia Now Opon. George T. Plicl ps , Manager *