THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 8UNDATF , JUNE 21 , 1801-SIXTBEN PAGES. This woman was buried alivc.yom may sayor at least ready to be.because doctors had all given her up. What a world oft thought these few lines convey ? They mean simply this : An unfortunate human being , suffering from a complicatio of diseases , lay on her pallet surrounded by her mourning friends and relatives. "Is there no hope. Doctor breathlessly inquired. One after another the learned men shake their heads and retire. The most prominent of the tors , one who enjoys a large and lucrative practice here in Omaha , said to Mr. Nicholson , the brother of the woman , whom the doctors declared Tost"Your sister will die in a few hours. " Almost heartbroken the brother held hurried consultation with his friends , and they resolved to have Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chinese Physician , as a last hope He saw her and was told what the doctors had just said. He then examined the patient and startled everyone by telli ing them that in one week the patient would be out of bed , if not entirely cured , provided they \vould implicitly follow his directions. Read what happened. Flow marvelous ? Let Mrs. Nicholson tell her story herself. " About seven years ago I was living in this city and was quite wealthy by the death of my husband , who left me a valuable parcel of property near the ) ostofficc , and other valuables. On account of his death , and also losing my children and the worry and sorrow caused by these afflictions , my health began to rapidly ddf dine , and 1 found myself suffering fiom a complication of chronic diseases. 1 doctored in Omaha , but received no relief. Then 1 began to travel all'over the United States , taking in the lamous healtli resorts with which this country auoumis. Still no ncip. Then 1 i returned to Omaha and sold my property and traveled ail over lurope * hoping to get cured. After spending nearly all of mv money on doctors'fees and medicines. I again retmned to Omaha , broken down in bojy and mind , a mere wteclK fastjo'sing all my money , and despondent of ever being cured again. 1 began to doctor with the most prominent physicians in Omaha. At this time I was suffering fronj Female Weakness , Rheumatism , Heart Disease , and at last Hemorrhage of the Lungs. The doctors told my brother I could live only a few hours at most. 1 know th $ doctors tried to do their best , therefore I will not mention their names.v My friends" decided to take me up to Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chinese doctor's office. They took mfe upstairs on a litter. I was just like a skeleton. Dr. Gee Wo examined me and made me anxiously happy , the first genuine joy 1 had experienced for years , by confidently exclaiming ; ' 1 will have her'on her feet in one week , " - , " 1 have given the doctor permission to use my name and picture , arid you will see by the cut taken after being cured by Dr. C. Gee Wo that I am enjoying ctf cellent health , Since taking the Chinese doctor's medicines I have not been sick a single day. I write this , hoping I may be the means of saving some other poor uhfortuiw ate from premature . death. I can honestly recommend Dr. C. Gee Wo as a wonderful physician , as I tried doctors all over the world , and never found one able to restore ; me to good i healtli until I i met iu > . C. GEE wn . . ' < MR.S. NICHOLSON , 718 North 16th Street , Omaha. " ' That's why the people are all talking about KemeJies , that are entirely unknown in this country , inathm , lost manhood , female weakness , blood diseases , whites , dropsy , heart disease , asthma ; costiveness , diarrhoea , etc. . etc , Dr. C. G. Wo 1ms for the benefit off DR. O GEE WO'S DR. C. GEE WO'S DR. O. G J3 WO'S DR. O. GEE WO'S _ You cnn get them from your drujjpist or by writing1 to Oiiwhn nddroKs th < Chinuso Medicine Co. , Omulm. Nob. All other alllctud with these disease ! Ihoso who live in the country mid PATARRU1 Cure/ Lost Manhood Cure Kidney and Liver Cure , write Dr. . , . . persons PlIRF . . Sick Headache / , to C. Goo Wo filltj N. Kith St. , Omaha , and enclose a le ! stump for reply ] rt tt PI \J U 11L. v I 11II He will send , free , blank and boolc. Fill the blank 11 question out and tin not afford to conn to Omulm and treat , DR. C. GEE WO'S DR. O. GEE WO'S yon a put upjn bottles. 8 different medicines , DR. O. GEE WO'S DR. O. GEE WO'S necessary Chinoto . Medicine . will bo sent to cure your ease. Even'thing 'sscnt ' Indigestion RHEUMATISM CURE. and free from p.iblic ctizo. Persons living in Council Uluffs , South Omaha Mich one ( or a certain disease. Tliuy Cure can also call at the ollico and got a bottle of medicine for trial. Weakness ire as follows : BLOOD PURIFIER , Female , CURE. PRICE - $1.OO. PRICE - _ - _ _ _ ONE DOLLAR. HOT : m , 9 p m. North Sixteenth Street SUNDAY'S ' SPORTING ROUNDUP. Hita and Fumbles on Maay Diamond fields. WHISPERINGS FROM THE WHEEL. The UliiK nml Its FollowcrH Trnck niul Mublo Gossip Correspond ence , C inlloitKCH " " ' 1 Q es- tloiiH AiiH\vcrctl. . Proprietor Scnnlnn of the Washington American Association club telegraphed us follows to Monngor Shannon Thursday : WASIIINOTON , 1) ) . , C. . June 18. To Dan Shnn- on. Muniigur of tin : Onmhu HIIRO Hull club : ? don't bullovu In contract lironKlnK. but cm j-on scouri ) your release- from Omaha , It so I will ihe you JIM ) a month to manage tlio Washington club. Answer. It , 51. SOANf.ON. And Shannon turned the missive ovur to Undo Dick and told bun to nnswor It. How Aliout Imttt Week's RTec-t ? OMAHA , Neb. , Juno 17. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Ilr.n : Now that the season of outdoor sports U fnlrly opened , tuny I not call your attention to ono class that I think Is sauly neirlootcd In Omatial I refer to horse racing. I mean good , old-fashioned , honest trials of speed and endurance by thorough bred horses. There are at least three good reasons why. In mv opinion , a series of ilrst class races should bo indulged in here this icason. 1 , Thcro Is a flno string of fleet-footed racers owned by western brooders that would bo ready for such a contest if reasonable In ducements wcro oTorod. ( 2. Thcro Is no p > ibllo entertainment that the pcoplo will moro liberally patronUo dur ing the summer season , inul ll. All our surrounding sister cities are awnko to the Importance of this subject. Besides it would advertise Omaha and bring us thousands of summer visitors. Le gitimate horse racing Is enjoyed bv nearly all classes , and If the business men of Omaha would awuko to the Importance of the sub ject and make up some liberal pursjis , a string of llyors could bo procured that would attract thousands of people from all parts of thostato hnd western Iowa. The facts are that Kansas City. St. Joseph , Sioux City nnd even Coun cil jiluffs havu moro enterprise In this direc tion than Omaha , and nil this at the expense of Omaba , both from the standpoint of pleas- sure and business. Western breeders have not boon npgloctlng these beautiful and Hoot- foot od anlmalb , and I am certain that right hero within n radius of UK ) miles of Omaha can bo found a score at least of horses that can batter 2M : ! und may do much bettor. Cannot you sot the ball rolling that will ro- lult in the near future In u few Ilrst clans en tertainments of this kind lu Omnlm. Ucspcct- fully , etc. , A , U. CIIAUDE. Hilly I'lx IB Agreeable. ' LINCOLNNob. . , Juno 10. To the Sporting Editor of Tin' UBK : In regard to Mr. Wortz's challenge In your last Sunday Issue I would tay that I have won the Pope cup once , and I do not think It necessary to win my prizes over nguln , However , I will run Mr. Wortz n race over the Council 1)luffs course Satur day , Juno " 1 , for any kind of a prUo ho WlstlCS. \VlLI. PlAJEV , M u n tolorlni : Challenged. OMAHA , Nob. , Juno 20. To the Kuitor of Tnu DISK : I hereby challenge H. Muntofor- Ing to a two mlle race , ho to give mo one- fourth of ft mlle start , Haco to bo run hi- itdo of ttiroo weeks In private and for ucdal. Ciuiii.i'8 K. SHXANCII , Y. M. 0. A. champion. A Mistaken Iilon. RAX FIUNCISCO , Cal. , Juno 20. [ Special Tolecram to TUB DUE. ] George Dlxon will train for his fight with Abe Willis at Joe Dfavo's threo-tnllo house , on the San Lean- dro road. Dlxon , In spite of the reverse hemet mot with by Dan IJaly la Omaha , wbo out-fought and punished him severely. Is very popular hero. Sporting men will , however - over , back the Australian , who is said. In spite of his recent performance In the Calu- foruia club , to bo a first class featherweight. Dlxon met no reverse at Daly's hands hero nnJ It is queer how such an impression pro- vails. True D.dy uiado a very creditable showing with tho'Boston hoy. but that is the most that can be saia for him. Sport. Ed. , Bco. High School Kleltl Day. On Monday , Juno 23 , the Omaha high school class of "Jl have their class day exor cises , comprising field day contests and u plo.ising programme of recitations and musical selections , following wo give the programme , togothoi with prizes offered the successful contestants. Ono of the principal features of the exorcises at the high school will be the class song , which was composed bv Miss Margaret Cook and is entitled the ' Tree Song. " IMIOOHAMME. President's address W. C. Taylor Class history Misses Itlco and Ilnkur Trcuuratlor. Itollln Smith Tree Song. Class poem . . . < Marie 1'nrkcf Address to lower classes Ilrowor McGiicno Class prophecy Agnes WiuU Class Song. FIKItl ) 1 > AV CONTESTS. Omuhn high suhool grounds , Monday , Juno . ' , IbOl , ut l:3Ui : ) . in. K.NTItir.H. Knimlng broid Jump : P. Ilaker , ' 01 ; W. Thompson , ' 9.'i E. I trad Icy , ' 01 i K. J. Morrow , 'Oil : Hi-nry Ciarl 'O.1. One hundred yards dush. first heat : II. Itiillor , ' 01 : V. Hater. 'I'l ' ; K. liradley , 'Oli P. J Morrow. 'DJj A. I'oterscn , ' 03. Standing Inoad lump : I' . Ilakor , ' 01 ; \ \ ' . Thompson , 'OS ; IX Ilracllov , ' 01 ; II. OlarfS 'M. Ituiinlnif hlchjuinp : W. Thompson. 'OJ ; H. Hradley , 'HI ; S. Hrown , ' ! ! . ' . Unit hundred yards dash , Recond heat. SUndhiK hluli jump : IX Hradloy , ' 01 ; S Hrown. V. ; C'arl llutriniin. "Jl. Uno hundred yards dash : Third heat. Ili [ ) . skip and jump : P. ll.ikcr , 'ill ; W. Thompson , V. . llaso hull throw : II. Ilutlcr , ' 01 : P. Ilaker , JQ1 ; II. Oliirk , 'Oi ; S. Hrown. 'U , ' ; W. Thompson , ' T'olo vault : T. J. Moi row , ' 0.1 ; II. Clarlt , ' 02 ; V. Schneider , ' 01 , TKNNH ENTIIIE9. Conti'st ut YniuiK Men's I'hrmtlan associa tion grounds , Tues'lay , Juno S.I. at 1UI3 : : u. yj. Miss Itlrdlo Adams , ' 01. with llrower Mu- CaKiio. 'Oli Miss Margaret .Cook , ' 01 , with I'r.uiols Ilaker , ' 01 ; Ml a Margaret MoKell , ' 02 , with Arthur Ourterrj ! ; Miss Cora McUnnd- Ilsh , 'W , with Scott Urown. ' 1C1 : Miss Kdlth SchwarU'vll. with llt-rt Itutlor.'IU ; Miss Ada Stnno. ' 0.1 , with Lynn Uhuiruo , 'Oil MNs Julia Subwnrt01 , with Howard , I'.irimjleo. ' 01 ; Miss Hello Morrow , ' 01 , with ( ' , J. Morrow , 'Bit Miss Kiiinm Us oed , 'id , with llonry LRiood ) , ' 04. The prUes oifored comprlso the following : Ono bumirod yard dash : Pair of gold cuff buttons , from Miss Stacla Crowloy. Kunufng broad jump : 1'alrof tcnnls-sbocs , from Georso W. Cook. One hundred yard hurdloirace : Solid sil ver modal , from CSIobo loan and trust com pany's savingH bank. Hunnlng high Jump : Solid silver medal , from the ll. KG. Standing high Jump : Straw hat , from Pouuody , the hatter. Dasoball throw : llat , ball and glovoi , from Hiiydon brothers. Polo vault : Solid silver medal , from Mr. Homer P. Lowls. Tennis prize : Uncquot for lady and bolt for gentleman , from Cross & Dunmlro. Standing ul'tlieiiiutcurn. . Following Is the alleged standing of the so-called City leacuo : Won. Lost PorO't. niitmondi A 0 .1000 Nonpurulu 7 1 .867 Cranes S 2 .714 Went Omulm 3 5 , ur& l-'ulconers 3 10 .2.10 Shamiocku 0 U , nee Orchards 0 4 .000 With You i1 MoraliiK'0 Coffee. What has become of Charley Abbey I Heard that Watty' * hair was turning yellow. Dentlner's roast has driven Dave Ro\re back to work. Is the flcht to narrow down to the two Ne braska teams ! Jack CrooUs rauka with the finest of second end boscmon. Alyord Is Just the man to fill Washington's woalc spot at third baso. Ho has been play- Jack O'Brien has been doing most of Du- luth's slugging. Columbus Is vtry tired of Snecd. He Is a snide out-Holder. Worden is playing bettor ball slnco his club shooic Columbus. It begins to look llko Omaba and Now York this fall , doesn't iti White Wines hasn't effected much of a chnngo down in Denver. Minneapolis keeps pegging nwav ] ust as if she had a hope of winning the pennant. Elmer Smith's homo run Thursday was the first on the homo grounds for n month. The association umpires ore not giving sat isfaction. President Kramer is after GaiT- noy. noy.Dan Stearns is the dirtiest ball player in the country , and is a disgrace to the profes sion. Gunson of the Kansas Citys is n great lit tle catcher nnd decidedly handy with the stick. Vickery of Milwaukee has narrowed down to thrco ponies u day and consequently is dolnc fine work. Little Coonoy mar'.o a run up in Khodo Island ono day last wcok and captured u pretty Cranston girl. Some peed friend of .Tack Crooks tondorlv referred to him as "Monkey Face" in Satur day's game at Cincinnati. Hutchlnson li the mainstay'of ' the Chicago team. Luby and Gvmbort are outclassed , but young Stein is doing good work for Alison's aggregation. Johnny Sowders Is rapidly getting in form , nnd when ho docs the Cowboys may win u gamo. Johnny Is ono of the nicest little men In the business. Old man Anson said early in the year that ho had no foarof the Now Yorks. Now it appears that Now York is the only club ho need have any fear of. The contract Jumpers Meckln and Hay- mend have both boon blacklisted. At the close of this season they will dlsa' and never be heard of again. Clnrko refuses to go to Washington , and the management will keep him on the bench. The right thing would no to give htm his release - lease without.furthor fuss. There Isn't a nvm In the country plnylncn hotter loft Hold than Lirry Twitcholl. Ho bos played in forty games , with but two errors - rors , and has an average of .931. Sharotl's arm has snapped and Jack Glasscock Is laid up with a uhahlcd thumb. In the midst of Now York's Joy there is scattered a few pangs ot apprehensive ser row. row.After After Wllllo Mains stopped into the box at Cincinnati last Saturday onlv ono Colum bus lad saw lir.n. That was Mlch'iel Legs Lchano. Ho was spared twice by "Yank" Robinson. Captain Shannon Is the only Western asso ciation manager who door n't say that ho Is going to win the pennant. And still Shan non's chances are about as gooJ us anybody oUa's. Sporting Times , Glasscock now heads the Now York bat ting list. There must bo something the mat ter with Gore , for ho used to bo one of the best "loader-oil men" in the buslne < s. It is quite likely that Gore desired a change. Hy Haou of Mlnnoauolls , when Jim Mac- ullar raado his nppcarancn up thora , wired Billlo Buniio : ' 'If you ( ret away with either Duke or Shugort I shall nuke It a point to oven up with you personally for damages sustained. " If "King" ICel docs not load the association In hitting this your , ll will not bo the fault of dear , kind friends. Onlclnlly ho got a throe-bagger last , wcok for a fly inulTed by "Pop" Corkhlll. That wa the Associated press1 unbiased ostlmato of the play. Hoirers , now catching so well for Lincoln , won bis spurs lu thn Houston olub ot the Texas Icaguo in ISs'J. scnppy Jovco , now third baseman of tlio lioston lleds , was a member of the same team and , late In the icason , Houston sold both to Toledo. The leaguu race Is something beautiful to gaze upon. Anson must now oat n Jer oy fed cow , for no ono bollevcs that the western clubs are stronger than their eastern breth ren. If Cincinnati will only brace up every thing will bo lovely in the leiiguu camp. The Plttsburgs are a peculiar aggregation , and ills doubtful if they land In the tint di vision. The club has very atrong bitten , but the men look out for their averages and smash the ball instead of trying to bucdlloo. The work of the high-priced pitcUor husbcec ing n steady game slnco joining Snydor's tail- cndcrs. Paul Radford Is a Sunday observer and won't play Sunday ball. John Irwlu had to fill Paul's shoes In last Sunday's giimo at St. Louis and ho ( It-win ) came near making u moss of it , ns ho made two errors out of five chances offered. Boston won , howovor. The Loulsvilles are drawing poor crowds , and , unless the team Is greatly strengthened , the club will quit u big loser on the season. Largo crowds attended the g.immos especi ally on Sundays when the Colonels were winning during the showery month of April. Kelly's Killers run up agiinst a snap once in a while nnd the boys pile on the agony in great slmpo. After n lav off of several days Kelly's men ran amuck last Sunday when the lloorcd poor Washington 1" to 1. Kelly corked out two throo-baggers and a slnglo In live times at bat. The Clovelands and Bostons broke even two and two. The weather was cold during the first two games nnd only 1'MM ) people were present. The weather was line during the last two games and over live thousand IK'oplo turned out , nearly four thousand being present on Saturday. another big disappointment. And what a hole the tc.irn would ho In if Mack should happen to got injured 1 Catcher Naglo yvas recently dropped from the Chicago p.iy-roll. Ho received an uncon ditional roloasc , but Anson is willing to reengage - engage him when ho recovers the use of his throwing arm. "I'll try to get my arm in slinpo , " said Napie to Anson. "If it comes around nil right I want to rejoin tno Chicago team if there Is an opening. " Naglo says Anson treats all his men well. For n tall-ond aggregation , Pincinnntl has nothing to complain about. In four Boston games including two games on Decoration day the attendance reached 18,000 ; Now York , in four g.imos , the attendance was over nlno thousand and would have been much bettor nnd Loft us' men won ono of the Ilrst the three contests. And still some croakers will say that Cincinnati would mulcu more money in the association ! The report that Charlie Uadbourno fought with an Illinois regiment during the war has not been .vholly authenticated. However , it is well known to war historians that Charlie , with other 111111011 boys , started across the plains In the full of ' 05 to fight the knock- kneed Sioux tribe of Indians. On the way out "Had" fell In with Jesse James and they bcoatno fast friends. "Had" still mlhoros to the wild western hooray style of doing busi ness when ho starts out to paint u town. Boston is likolyjtg have but ono club next year. There iirowideucos that a big deal Is on the tapis , unitiomobody will soil out a la Cincinnati bffjthorhood this fall. Boston Is the only city in ) the east to fool chilly on baseball. Saturday the league Crowd was only : ) , ' .IS1 the smallest of the year but nt that bcTter than Ilia combined attendance at any two association contasts. The league total attendance on Saturday was : tiiil ) ( ) , and of this 2J.2SO th < 4 largest Now York crowd on record saw Chli'.igo lese mi oxcltinc game by ono run. Seven game * in the asso ciation on both , ; ! Saturday und Sunday at tracted 17,111. ' ! . Ujujo ball is In a pretty heal thy state in tliesuiujiys. ApolM Club Not H. Wortz's Eagle bas arrived , and It is n "buto. " Schncll had botUir soil his \vhool and Join the Salvation urmj. Plxloy will ride under the Lincoln Wheel club colors at York. Plxloy wont down to Lincoln last wcok to rldo a couple of races with the ulllauco town champion. The weather socins to have 'It In for the cyclists of this region , only ono run so fur this month. Heard Bulndorff Is going to make a trndo for an Eagle , That's right , old boy , any thing but a safety. Plxloy and Wortz rldo n two and n half mile raca on the Council BlutTs course next Saturday Hftornoon. Willlo Wcndlo will attempt to break the 2:70 : record on the Fourth , riding a pnou- matte tlr > ) d , ordinary. The run to Glenwood lost Sunday was postpouod on account of bad roads , but u start for Blair will bo made today. The wheelman of the city nro thinking so- slously of forming a cow'boll brigade to go out and scrcnada Councilman Olson. Understand that a very speedy man , dub bing hlmsolf the Young Men's Christian as sociation champion has challenged ono of Omaha's fastest llyors. Mockott attempted to break the two-milo record last Thursday night , but got loft. Let him ride : i full two miles on that track nnd ho will make it in about ten minutes. The Apollo Cycling club wil bo ropro- soniod nt York by Flcscher , Dcnman , Wortz , Holton , Schnoll und Potter. With such men us these the A polios should capture a few prrzes. WorU and Floscher wont down to Lincoln Saturday night for the purpose of challeng ing Mockott for any kind of u race ho wishes to run. Now wo will watch him ride a mlle in 2:54. : Gross , accompanied by Lillie Williams nnd a now uniform , consisting of u plug tint nnd anew now suit of qjothos arrived In town lust week. Must have held a rovnl while lu the Twin city. A report says Mockctt broke Flcscher's record of 2:5" : ) on n elxtoon-lnp trucK last wooic. Ho never did it , for tlio simple rea son that the track on which ho rode is twen ty-two laps to the milo. The programmes for the York races were received last week. It is quite an nrttstlo picco of work nnd coniists of eight races , four ordinary and four safety , for which some ualuublo prizes arc offered. Holton and bchnoll went over to Newton last weak nnd got it in the nock. Holton cot third in a one-mile race and Schnoll last. The farmer who won rode a heavy road wheel while Schnoll rode a racer. ol'tlio AVheoI. R. A. Powell Is local consul at Grand Is land. "Nicol the Tudor" has boon appointed tnllor to the Nebraska L. A. W. mom- bo rs. Jack Ktistmnn wears a band of crepe around bis hat now. .Causo , a puncture in the balloon tire. Wuldron of the Omaha Wheel club racing team , rides a pneumatic like an old-timer and makes the boys sick with envy whoa he whirls past thorn. Flowers seem to be quite plenty out in the northern part of the city Judging from the mammoth buttoniorcs worn by some of the club liouso frequenters. "Scorching" over the Council Bluffs course is rarely done nowadays Some of our prominent wluctmen who tano evening spins across the bridge can testify to this. Wulstoln Seymour of DJS Molnos , his lately bcon appointed ortU'ial handlcappor for District No. 10 , which comprlsot tlio divis ions of Nebraska , Iowa and Now Mexico. Die 1C Bolt sojourned with the Council Bluffs wheel club Sunday , and In company with them made thu trip to Noola. The roads were so bad that tuo party tralnad It homo. Nebraska division has gained three now momberti this weult , J. A. Uuvaua < 'h , No. 2VJ72 ; R K. Elhworth , No. 25'J7l : ; John Kelley , No. 25,117-1. All are residents of Omaha. Dr. Jones Is responsible for the present cnuo In card playing at the club house. Ho Introduced a new game called "domino whist'1 or "poker whist" ono evening of last week nnd it has caught on llko wildilro. Co in o around and learn the gamo. "Cvku" Lyttlo , ono of the old timers , pedals along In some of the "scorches" "Just ns easy , " und tins no trouble to keep up with the procoislon. "Cyko" is another devotee - voteo of the U. O. O. who has lately forsaken bis Ideal uud taken up with the "chain gang.1 Emerson , Porterflold , Morris , Kastman , Epcnotor und Smith took In the bund con cert ut Hunucom park Sunday attornoon. By the way , the pane Is growing moro popular ns n rc-iortumong the wheelmen. Whether it U the music , t'vo cooling khudo or the fair BVX which draws them no ono soumsllltng to admit. At a into mooting of the city council an ordinance was introduced by Councilman Oo ! < on prohibiting cyclist * to rldo tbolr machines chinos on tlio strouts without a halt or gonrf. TJiasQ bolls und gongs are to bo rung utovory corner and wboji approaching cross streets. What n utco nolso four or tlvo hundred bulls nnd gongs will make in the future. Solfk'en.Wnldron nnd Courudi , three of the faithful , went down to Missouri Valley Sun day. They report the roads In very fulr shape nnd their treatment at the hands of the Missouri Valley wheelmen was both n surprise and pleasure. "Nothing was too good for them while they remained within the contlncsof the village , The Missouri Vnlloy boys were rather disappointed that moro of our boys did not turn out. The races nt the coming moot nt York will be eight in number , and uro equally divided lotweon ordinary and sufoty. Below is the programme and prize list : Ono milo ordinary , novices ; prizes , silk umbrella nnd shaving sot ; two places. One mlle safety , novice ; pri/es bicycle lamp nnd traveling bag ; two plaoas. Two mlles ordinary , open ; prizes , gold and silver medals ; two places. Ono mlle safety , open ; prUos , gold and sil ver medals ; two places. Quarter mlle ordinary'open ; prl or , cyclometer meter and tiair outing shirts ; two places. Two-milo safety , open ; prides gold and sil ver medals ; two places. One-half mile ride and run , novelty : prizes , silver cup nnd L. A.v pin ; two places. One mlle ordinary H:20 : class , prizes , pair pedals and dressing case , two places. A six-day , twelve-hour , bicycle race for girls is one of the Juno events at Minneap olis. Three Minnesota girls are training for the race Goorgio Laporto , Tresslo Glass- ford and Jennie Paris. They will bo pitted nculnst "crack old timers" Miss Baldwin , Miss Hurvoy nnd Miss Nelson. At Now Haven this woolt W. G. Murphy In a ono-milo safety handicap rode from scratch on n pneumatic safety in 2 minutes 2Jn < seconds. This is the fastest time ever made in competition in the world. A bicycle Uro brigade has boon formed in Houston , Tex. The corps consists of two tundoiiis , currying as , hooks nnd ropes , nnd n number of slnglo machines , carrying forty feet of hose each. Columbus , O , , mail-carriers nro to be olo- vitod on bicycles. In Washington not only tlio narrlors but the messenger boys rldo wheels on their rounds. A score of pretty cyclists are boolcod to make the "century run" from Newark to Philadelphia today. The mlle record for pnoumatlc-tlrcd wheel will bo tackled by A. B. Uicb ut Hartford on July I. There Is to bo a big tourney nt Buffalo this month. Dan Canary , the trick rider , will bo there. A bono shukor race will bo n feature of the league moot ut Detroit. Sporting Notes. Prof. John Donaldson has taken charge of the ntblclic rooms of the Twin City club. "Parson" Duvls Is to bo married to a Frisco girl , and will settle down tUoro after the Filzslinmons-HnU ilgnt. Jimmy Konnnrd , tlio "St. Paul Kid. " Is trying to get on u light with Martin Flah erty , the LOU ell bantam , now In Chicago. Hello Hoiko.s , IMcks and Colonel Felton all tied for the flwt money In the shoot for the Audubon club purse at Chicago and divided . Boston has nCat Brooders' association , and Its first annual show Is creating much Inter est In tbo homo of the blue stockings this week. Tom nyan of Chicago , nnd Billy McMillan of Washington , have signed to light for n tl.WKi purse within 200 miles of Chicago Augustb. Diinny Noodhnm of Minneapolis nnd John Collins , instructor of boxing at the Detroit Athletic clubwill light to a finish with gloves for an ? sOO puno nt Detroit tomorrow night Joe Lannon does not seem to have any Idea of quitting the ring , for ho has notified Joe Clioynskl's backun la 'Frisco that ho will moot their man on arrival. DUclplcs of Ur.alt Walton und advocates of rillo and shotgun are remembered now In grout departments In the Sporting Times. It is tlio handsomest publication of the kind In the bind with its now summer of mnny colors. "Sailor" Brown writes the following letter : "I have concluded to retire from the ring. I have n position that pays mo $75 u mouth , which is bolter tuan lighting , for after nil I have dona I haven't saved enuugti to buy u dog house. " Tim Denver iradostrlan match was n mUor- nblo llusco. The attendance was so poor that the gates were closed uftor three duv Manager Tomllnson Is In the hole J.VX ) nnd the suwdust trnmnora will not got n cent Eight of the nine huvu not a dollar , nnd all are fully 2,000 miles from homo. Tbo situa tion , to them , U dosporato. An effort will bo made to got up a scries of short races fof their benefit. At the close the score stood : 1 * . Guerrero , 2'tS ; Connor , 2H3 ; Cartwrightk 22Hon'elman : , 220 ; Cox , 223 ; Moore , 200 ? G. Guerrero , l'J2 ; Hurt , 1 < J2 ; Dona , 177 miles ! Charles Moth , the wrestler , was knocked out by Bdlv Woods of Denver In throa rounds last Monday night. Moth had tha best of the mill for two rounds , but at tha opening of the third Woods landed u heavy fuco blow und then placed a right-hander In the jugular , sending Moth to earth , where ha wns counted out by Hoforeo Donaldson. lm. > - ' mud lately at the ton seconds , however , > J regained his feet nnd sidled In again. Ij/atid scrimimigo Unit followed ho was thwwB oven the ropes by Woods and a claim of foul mado. This wns not allowed , however , ns It occurred after Moth was counted out. MulsumiClCnra , the newly arrived chnra * plon Japanese wrestler's challenge to wrcstld * any man In America for $2.10 or $ T 00 a side > , mixed style nnd Japanese style Included , has boon accepted. Ernest Hoebcr called nt tha Police Ga/i-tto ollico jestorday , posted $50 forfeit and loft the following challenge : "la reply to the challenge cf Mntsuma Kara , tha champion wrestler of Japan , to wrostU Grirco-Kotnnn , cntch-us-catch-oan nnd Jnpat - ese styles upninst any man In America , I act copt. Will wrestle Kara according to thtt' proposition for $2.10 or S500 a side. Thsf mutch to tnko place two or three weeks frooi signing articles. " Ql/KSTIOMi AXI > AXSff'XItS. t f OMAHA , Not ) . , Juno 10. To tlio Sportlni ; r > l ItorofTiiK lint To settle a hot. pli'nsa un finer tlio following : A bats II that ho IIIIH mora money In Ills pocket Hum H has. A shows iM. , und ( I if' ' ) . A thun claim * thu bot. dot-luring that II bud no money In bin ( A'a ) iiuckot.-- I'rlntur. Ans. Any authority would dor'Jo ' ngaltuji A. He loses , OMAHA , .limn 10. To the KportlnK Kdllor oi TIIK HIK : : 1'loasost.ttn In dunday'H HKK In ) mt county In Ireland tlio parents of Johu fV b'nlllviin came from , Shamrock. Ans Connemnrn. | JKUWooi > . Dale , Juno 10. To tlio Sportlnf Kdllorof TIIK llii : : : In u KIIIIIU of unvhru nays lie will play alone , H nays bo will ulay a ono. If II t'el.s thu throe tricks does It count u ( itii'lirn , which Is two points , or does ho siot ) four iiiilnts , or to iniiko four polnl-s mast you liiKo nil thn trl''Iis'1'lotisu unswnr this Ul jour neM yiiniliiy'n IlKK. Itaadwood , Alls. It is it "eiicbro" only. OMAHA. Nob. , Juno20. To the "porting FdU nil-of I'm : HUE : In nganidof m/zle-d'iz/lo , A M pnlntH , H 51 points ; A lilds U , liolil ue , Mm : , qni'im anil Jack and culli for ten. , w H liuldH A iniikus M polnlN. II clulms no out too , and wins tlio uotI' J McOrutli , Ans.This question was kindly answered by mall last week and answered corruclly. Mr. McGruth , you must recollect In tlili llttlo iramoyou spunk of that when pUylna for any kink of u stake your partner Is youv opponent always. Can you get that through your thinker , If so , you liuvo tbo answer. I < ii played low us I said last week , ho wins , II not , not. ioux CITV. la. , Juno I ft. To the Sporting I'dltor of TIIK 11EK ! Will you ploitiu dm Ida ilio following question In the next Mimdny KMIO of TIIK DAILY Hi. > : : A hut * II llml th ilout C'lty Imhiiball club will boat thn l.oMttri bui > oiall | club ! ! to I 'I ho score of thu'nm was I to 0 In favor of tlio bloux Oltyv. Whlob , wlimV Thomas Htanton Ans. Ono to nothing Is better than 2 to 1 , uul of course A wins. When ho mailo the iiot It wns Implied that SlouxCity would win uy n score of 2 to 1 or hotter. t-oimi OMAHA. Nuli.lnnn IB. To the Ppnrtlnf frllfornf TllK I\KK \ : Kindly answer HIT foH'-w- liil ? In your next Sunday odltlun. I Imt th t Imalia wins on u eurtulii duv. piny ur pay , Hitln iirovunts the Kiiuo. | Do I Imat Ans You do not. Tbcro are n couple of loiters at tbonuortlnff department of this office for C. W. Ashlnuor. tbo bicyclist. Slim/io.v , NI < | ) . , JIIIMI IB To tlio Kportlne r.diturof Tin : HI.K : Will you plu.isc unto la THE M-.MIAV HKK whether or not thu itiuii w > nut In HID following cam. The IIIIKC riinnor with uttninlit UK to cot homo from tn rd but did not miilio It. nml In rutnrnliiK to third tha liull witH uliciid of him and wan hold out by the luibumuii. the runner In slldlnIn trnlng axHlnsliliiioiitiitri'ldifil ball with nu < h foron n K to knock It from the IKIHCIIIIUI h liiind , though iiiiliiteiitlon.tily Thn umpire decldoil ihn biiho rnniiLT not ouU How wai H-\lj , HI Is. Is.Mis. . Tbo umpire was correct. KI.MHOOII. Nub. . Juno | 5 , To the Sportln , Tilttorof lntillEr. : A dUpnie has irisen ate to n holder uri up curve cuu bu throyu or uutl , -A U Muytlulu. j Ans. It can.