THE OMAHA DAILY SUJND&Y , JUNE 21 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. BUSINESS RUSHING. The Flro sale of Shoos , 1M South IGth street , crowded djvlly. All poods sold ns ndvortlsotl , only 30 dnys more , nnd the grout anlo closes. FIRB DID IT , YOU GET T11K BARGAINS. Shoea nnd Sllppors slightly clatniiffcd by amoko and water , sold nt your own prlco. Wo want inonoy , unil this week will bo the tmui\or wcok at the "Flro Salo"of Shoos. Ronil and see what wo olTor you for'thls week only : Pair for your choice of 810 pairs LADIES' damaged by water only ; worth in any store from $2.50 to $3.50 a pair. "Peerless" Kid Button Boots , a shoe that has always sold d > " 1 for $3.50 ; our price this week , every pair warranted , - p J- Cincinnati Custom Made Shoes for Ladles' wear , mndo of the best dongola , nnd warranted equal to any $4. BO shoo in the $2.48 city ; our prlco this week . Ladies' Slippers In endless variety. Our prices are at least 50 Per Cent Less Than the regular prices. Children's Hand Turned Shoes , sizes i to 5 , only 25c pair. Don't miss the bargains in our Misses' and Children's department. This week we offer 50 cases Men's Button Shoes at less than the cost of the uppers , our price $1.25 $ , $1.50 $ , $2 $ , $2.50 $ , $3 $ Pair. _ Gents For one week wo shall sell all our Burl's Kangaroo Shoes for $3 a pair , worth $6. SO. One pair to each gent eman. Men's Low Shoes and Patent Leathers nil go at fire sale prices. SPECIAL. Ladies' Kid Button Boots , cdds and ends , 9Sc pair. Ladies' hand sewed Cloth House Slippers ; 36c pair. Men's Tennis , rubber soles , BOe pair. Men's Canvas Lace Shoes , rubber or leather soles , choice of the lot 7Bc. Men's Kangaroo Congress , $1.98. Children's Spring Heel Button , sizes 8 to 8 , 23c. Children's extra quality Shoes , all sizes , 5Oc , 63c , 73c and 87c pair. Big Sulo Commencing Monday A17 Must DO Sold. FIRE SALE DP SHOES and SLIPPERS , I14--South 16th St. 114 Old Boston - - . ( Store. ) Bo auro und look for the largo signs nnd our number , wo have no brunch. Store open evenings. Muil orders will receive prompt attention. E. S. PLATA U , Manager. ECHOES FROM THE ANTE-ROOM Annual Session of the Masonio Grand Lodge. GRAND CHAPTER OF THE EASTERN STAR. Klosumo of the Proceeding ) * of These Two Boillps Both Hold Very Quiet ScflBlons DoliiKH at the Other Orders. The thirty-fourth annual communication of the grand lodge of Nebraska , Ancient , Free _ d Accepted Masons , was hold In this city during ; tbo past week. The grand ledge con vened at 4 p.m. Wednesday and adjourned at peed Thursday to moot next year in Omaha. All the grand ledge ofllcors wuro present except the grand chaplain , Kov. Jacob A. Hood , who bad boon summoned before the grand architect of the universe , July 9 , 1890. Ko appointment had boon made to fill the va cancy and the chair of tbo grind chaplain was draped iu black , remaining so during the " osslon. Including the past grand masters present and the grand ledge ofllcors , there were 2(30 ( members of the grand ledge in attendance. The address of the grand master was very exhaustive , containing flfty-ono pages of closely printed matter. U covoiod a great variety of topics and showed conclusive evi dence of hard und faithful work on the part of tlio prrml mster. Ho reported flfty-nlno lodges constituted during the year and ton fronted , The report of the grand treasurer showed the following figures : General fund m- eolpts , $3l,4Til.Ot ; disbursements , $10,3:18.15 : ; ualance , $5,133.70. Masonlo homo fund balance , fli.834.43. The report of the venorabio chairman of the rommlltuo on returns , E. 1C. Long.showod k total moinborstilp In the stnto of 0,717. Itns announced that Past Grand Master ttobort W. Furnos was confided to his homo by n carbuncle , thus preventing him from at tending thu session of the grand ledge , as Iiad been his custom since its institution. A resolution was passed oxprosslne thu hearty pympnthy of the grand ledge and the wish that his Illness might not tissumo u more crious phase. An amendment was submitted to the law which provides that It U n Masonlo offense for n Mason to engage In the soiling or " "handling of Intoxicating liquors. The amend ment proposed the addition ot a clnuso mak ing It nn olTenso for a Mason to lease a build ing owned or controlled by him for such pur poses , or allow the same to bo dono. The fiiuundmont was laid over for ono year under Jlho rules. The ofllcors of the grand ledge will ofllclnto nt , tbo laylmr of tha cornerstone of the court jiouso nt Plattsmouth one week from to morrow. The following ofllcors were elected nnd were Installed by Past annul Master French : Drndnor D. Slaughter , Fullerton , Brand Blaster : Smnuol P. Davidson , Tecumseh , deputy grand master ; Lewis A. Kent , Mln- Apa , grand senior warden ; J. P. A , Black , Filoomlngton , grand Junior warden ; Christian Ilartmnn , Omaha , grand treasurer ; William U. Bowen , Omaha , grand secretary ; George \V. Martin , Ivoarnoy , grand ohnplnln ; Al bert W. Crltos , Chadron , grand orator ; Leo P. Gillette , Beatrice , grand custodian ; David M. MoKlhlnnoy , Hustings , grand i minimi ; Charles J. Pticlps , Schuylor. grand senior deacon ; John A. Ehrhard , Stnnton , grand Junior deacon ; Jacob King , Pupllllon , crnud lylor. The session of the grand lodge was n very flulot ono and no Important business u as Iransiiettul. 7 Crete ledge , No. 37 , has elected the follow- And rows nndV , II. .SUInner , trustees. The oniccn of the four blue lodges in this city , namely , Nebraska , Capitol , Covert and EU Johns , will bo duly Installed next Wodnoj- flav livening , St. Jonu's day , The Installation l bn a Joint one. Order of tlio r'liHtcrn Stnr. . The sixteenth annual sosiiou of tho'grnnd > hnptor of Nebraska , Order of the Eastern Star , was held In Freemasons' hall in this J city lost wook. The grand chapter convened i Tuesday evening and adjourned Thursday noon to moot next year nt grand Island , the second Tuesday in Juno. There were about thirty members of the errand chapter and the session wa an Im portant ono , although the business transacted was almost entirely of nu esoteric nature. The grand , chapter was honored by the presence of Airs. Nottio Hanford of Indian apolis , most worthy grand matron of the general grand chapter of the United States. After the opening exorcises and the usual addresses of welcome and responses on Tues day evening , the grand chapter adjourned to the banquet room. Tlio good things having boon disposed of James B. Brunur astod as toastmoster and callo'd upon several of those present for ro- marlw. Among those was Mrs. Kansford who made an Interesting talk on the order iu gonornl. She referred in glowing terms to the rapid increase in the order and especially In the Now England states. Since the lust mooting of the grand chapter over thirty chapters had been organized at various points Jn the country , and the order generally was In B very prosperous condition. The grand matron referred with regret to the fact that In Ohio that blue lodges were so ungallant nnd so old fogyish as to refuse to permit chapters of the Eistern Star to moot Ju roa- sonlo halls , The election of ofllcors was hold Wednes day night and they were installed Thursday morning by Most Worthy Grand Matron Kansford , as follows : Mrs. A. M. Billings , Genoa , grand matron ; W. N. Nnson , Om.iha , grand patron ; Mrs. M. E. Mussolman , Osco- ola , grand associate matron ; George W. ICeono , Kearney , grand nssoclnto patron ; Kov. II. A. Guild , Lincoln , grand secretary ; Edwin Davis , Omaha , grand treasurer ; Mrs. M. 1C. Osgood. Tecumseh , grand conductress ; Airs. ICato E. bars by , grand nssocluto con ductress ; Mrs. W. D. " Gallup , Norfolk , Adah ; Mrs. Koso Galbraith , Hebron , Huth : Mrs. Alvison , Omaha , Ksther ; Mrs. M. A. Ilnrtigan , Hastings , Mnrthu ; Mrs. Lee , Kearney , Flcctn ; Mrs. Lane , Lincoln , war den ; II. M. Kokjor , Clarks , sentinel ; Turton , Lexington , chaplain ; Mrs , Hoberts , Hislng , inrrshul ; Stevens , Gruiul Island , lecturer. Vesta chapter has elected the follow ofll cors for the ousulng year : Miss Mary Strong , W. .M. : Charles n. CoonV. . P. ; Mrs. A. Wbltmarsh. A. M. : Frank P.Thorn ton , secretary Edwin Davis , treasurer ; Miss Magglo Coady , C. ; Miss Mamlo Tod- hunter , A. C. Woodmen of tlio World. Sovereign Commander Koot has returned from an extended tour of the camps nnd from the Hold where Ho has put several now deputies at work. Ho attended the meeting ot Alpha camp Thursday evening mid guvo un interesting account of his journey , The sovereigns nro Jubilant over the fact that the Woodman of the World has existed nn ontlro your without any death losses or nssassmonts. The order was promulgated nt the Paxion hotel In this city Juno U , Ib'.H ' ) . Sixty-seven now camps have been insti tuted during the lust throe months and ac tivity 1s reported In sovornl states. Forest No. 1 of Ontario Is the tlrst Woodman camp established outside of the United States. A socondlnrgo camp has been established nt the homo cltvof the sovereign commander , Lyons , la. , n city of U.OOU population. Deputy Waldo , assisted by the sovereign commander , Instituted a big camp nt Musca- tliio , la. , last week. The ode of the order have boon sot to music by Dr. A. J. Baker ot Denver , ana en graved ode cards with the notes are being Is sued from the Visitor oftlco. The Sovereign Visitor Is now located In this city nt&Uj Shoely block. It will appear for this month In n now dross furnished by an Omaha typo foundry. U. U. Frnllck , the business manager nnd associate editor , has established his residence hero , The Woodmen have adopted a novel rogalla. It lb a handsome badge made of aluminum metal four and t\ half inches long nnd two nnd o half Inches wide. Dies have been designed especially for thorn ; ono sot being broken in experimenting with this now metal , which , It anpuars , Is more dlnlcult to handle than nickel or silver. The amplified ritual of the Woodman of the World U being printed. U la commended as novel nnd Interesting. The three degrees are Morning , Noon mid Night. Snort lectures have been written for It by Ingoranll and Tal- mage nnd the degrees are liberally splocd with quotation ! Irani t ho boU thoughts of the highest authors. The Pacific Jurisdiction , which U on Inde pendent bonoflclary of the Woodmen of the World , hu paid JO,000 In death bouoflU dur- ! Ing Its llrst voars four of its losses were $3,000 , which were paid In full. Beautiful deslgus for gr.uuto monuments are being considered by a committee The Woodmen of the World uluces a monument at the grnvo of every deceased member mid u uniform an appropriate design is to bo adopted. About seven hundred now members were added to the order during the mouth of May. Covert's Anniversary. Covert ledge No. 11 will celebrate Its quurto-conteunlal tomorrow night by holding a banquet al Masonic hall. Members of the ledge and their wives will participate. The ledge was organized July 4 , 18(15 ( , un der dispensation granted to William E. Harvey as W. M. , II. P. Douol , S. W. , and Theodore H. DoLoss. J. W. The ledge met in the old Pioneer block on Faruam street whore Goodman's drug store now stands. It was duly chartered by Grand Mnsinr Kobort Furuus , Juno U3 , 1WW , with twenty-eight charter members. The following ofllcors were elected and installed by the < grand master : W. E. Harvey , W. M. : II. It. Dnuol , S..W. ; C. F. Catlln , J. W. ; George It. Smitb , treasurer ; C. F. Wliltmore , secretary ; C. W. Lymau , S. D. ; Lewis May. J. D , ; James F. Tnvlor , tylor. Of the charter members only live are still members of the ledge , ntimolv , II. P. Douol , J. S. Gibson , Algernon S. Patrick , Samuel Burns and St. A. D. Balcombe. The others have either died or moved away , or are not now members. The ledge now has n membership of 217 with the following olMeors : George E. Gib son , W. M. ; Samuel J. Bodon , S. W. ; William Hitter , J.V. . ; M. O. Maul , treas urer ; 13. 1C. LOHIT , secretary. K. or i * . Triangle ledge No. , )4 celebrated Pythian memorial day lust Sunday. A .special mootIng - Ing of the lodgd was heid at which anproprl- ate memorial exorcises were hold , The only mcmbor of the loileo who had died during the your was John II. Butler , and eulogistic ad dresses were made by several of the mem bers. Koyul Arcanum. Union Paclilo and Fraternal councils have dissolved and will form under ono organi zation tomorrow nisht. The now council will have a membership of iiuotlt ono hundred and tw3nty-llvo , und will bo known as Union Puclllu council. JJIl'IKTlKti , It has boon discovered that a Kentucky clergyman has tbrco living wives. The rebel yell among the theologians comes close to being u howling success. Madame Blnvatsky's spirit Is still appear ing to people in Franco. India and England. Kov. Horne of Brooklyn , who has been charged with kissing the pretty girls of his congregation , la no heretic , anyway. Clorlcus Why do tlio houthon rage and Imagine a vain thing ] Cynlcus Because they get stuck on so many ll-cont pieces taken up In the collections , probablv , On Sundav evening last nCloarflold , Penn , , man dropped aS.1 gold ploco In the contribu tion box nt the M. E. church at Tlonesta , but on Monday , when ho discovered It , ha returned - turned aim got f I.O'J In change , A well-known 1'rovldcnco clergyman , be lieving that other things than charity should begin at homo , made his wife's low-necked dross the subject of recent exhortations. Sbo bocnmo so Indignant that she has sued for a divorce , The announcement that certain city churches will bo closed during a portion of the summer gives various parsons an oppor tunity to ask the tlino-houorcd question : 'Are wo to understand batttho devil takes a vacation lu summer ! " Minneapolis has a pastor who U making war upon newspaper men and who avows tha opinion that "if there Is ono place In hell that is hotter than another It will bo reserved for the wicked olty editors and reporters , " There Is n saving condition lu that word "wicked. " A French priest , who had usually , a small congregation , was ono day preaching at a church In his village , when , the door bolnp open , n gander and several goose cnmo stalkIng - Ing uu the middle aUlo , The preacher , avail ing himself of tha circumstance , observed that ho could no longer Und fault with tha people of his district for nou-uttoudanco , bo- cuuso , though they did uot come thomsolvoj , they sent thulr representatives. Do Witt's Little Early Risers. Best HtUo pill ever mado. Cure constipation every time. None equal Use thorn now. 1520 Farnam St. , New Store in Paxton Block , Cor. 16th Street. ALL GOODS AT RETAIL. Newest Styles of Silk Umbrellas , IflCINTOSHES ALL SIZES , Very Nobby Goods. and Best Very Low Prices ! GLOVE FITTING BOOTS , Rubbers and Lawn Tennis Shoes , j Wholesale to Dealers. NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS. In order to satisfy the public that we mean what we advertise , you are hereby notified that if there is any complaint made , ' or people are not satisfied with the effects of the Turkish Rem edies , that is Turkish Tea , Liniment , Cough Cure , Asth ma Cure and Halm's Golden Dyspepsia Cure , to notify us and return empty package and we will cheerfully refund the money. Respectfully yours , Turkish Remedy Company , , Neb. - - - - - - - - , - - - I have a pmltlro remedy for the alxjvo ditoiue ; liy Ita UBO thousands of c&scs of tiia"\vorst kind anil trflong standing luvo Lean c jrcJ. Indeed a j strong 11 my faith in ita I'Ocncy , that I will send TWO IIOTTW s FKEE.vrith aVAUJAHUITKEATISKlin this disease to any mt- fererwho will send ino thuir ElWww mid I'.O. addrcna. T. A. Hlocnm. HI. C. , ISt I'carl St. . N. V. IjcOtlu'H I'frloilioiil Pills. This trunub rumcJy nets directly upon Ihu Kimnrn- tlvu orifiuu and cures aupprfesalun uf fin inunauj. J2 ortliroo for W , und can bo mullud. Hhoulil not bo ustMl during precti.mcy. Jj Pora , drug l * ! : * nnd tbo | * ubllo supplied by tiuudmua UruK Co . Omaha HOW HIGH MENCO TO HELL. Father Ignatius Dsrcribea the Process for the Benefit of Oh'cujjo. NO SPECULATION IN FUTURES. The Monk Has Not Trimmed Ills Theology to Suit tlio l > roviilllajj V Uoiloni 1'otcr tlio Hermit. Gmcnao , Juno 19. [ Special to TUB BKE. ] One day last week at the hour when the voice of mammon is louduit In the grain pit , I attended one of the noon meetings of Fa ther Ignatius , the Emaeopallnn" monk. At this hour hu.speaks in that very business-nice structure , tlio First Mothodiat church , nt Clark and Washington streets. If it were not from the black and gilt sign projecting rom the cor a or at the second story no ona would over suspact its ecclesiastic nature. Thu outlines of the building are square and smoko-bogrlnicJ n-id its occupants are drug gists , barbers , lawyer. * ntid follower. * of va rious other secular pursuits. Ascending two nights of stops covered with the names and occuuutions of the tenants , wo reach the church proper on the second lloor. Here , where thu resljtless tide of commerce sweeps to the very gatoi of the sanctuary , this moult lifts his voice In warn ing to this monuy-gotting generation. PrecUoly nt the time appointed for the ser vice , clad in the .sombro frnrmonU of his or der , ho walked rapidly across the platform and fell upon his knees bolero the pulVlt. Ho remained in this position for a few moments and then rising announced the opening hymn from a pamphlet containing selections from his own compositions. When ho prayed ngaln he stood with his fa > : o upturned nnd his nyes llxcd above him. As ho spoke ho rose frequently upon tip too with nls arms ouUtretchcd as If for him the heavens opened and the ecstatic spirit were about to lilt from the earth Its tenement of clay. So Peter the hermit must have looked when ho pictured the Holy Sepulchre In the hands of Inlldcls ; so this modern crusader looked as ho dopiotod the hiiimin uoul in the clutch of soltlshness and greed. For several days Father Ignatius hail suf fered from n severe cold and as ho road from St. Lmko the story ot yioiHoh men und Ln/.t\- rus his voice was at. [ Unit scarcely audlblo above the noise of tha trflfllo on the streets. As ho proceeded , howqvur , his tonns becnmo stronger nnd coming to that part of the nar rative whore It is recorded of the rich man that "In hell ho lilted uo.lils . eyes" his enun ciation was terribly Distinct. His reading wus most remarkable. J.'lrom ' the black cord around his waist hung Uln only modern feature - uro about him ti pair pt.oyoglassos. At the beginning of each versnil | hold these to his eyes for u moment as If to refresh his mem ory from the text und thun letting them fall finished the sentences with fervent gestures. It was with the tone of > , an eye witness that bo repeated the languagojuf tno narrative : "There was n cortaludcich man which was clothed lu purple and line linen and fared sumptuounly every < layil ) "And there was n certain beggar named Lazarus which was laUI'Ut his gate lull of sores , 'And ' doilrlng to ha fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. " There was a toiin of prophetic indignation Ir. all this , which gathered force as ha pro ceeded. "And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels Into Abrn : ham's bosom ; the rich man died also and was burled. " Then tbo brass cruelflx with its imago swung against iu ohalu and rattled as tha monk turned his fnco heavenward la righteous triumph ! ' And in hell ho lifted up his eyes , being Interments torments , " "I do not ralnce matters , " said ho In the beginning of his discourse. "I have not pruned my theology to suit the prevailing fashion. I bollovo in hell an otorniil hell. Eternal justice demanded It , " ho continued. It was not from hatred oi the individual , but from love of the community that laws were enacted for the punishment of crimes. Bo , whoroua slnuor sudora.1 lorumt for evil APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN , PIRFICT IN ronM I-MATCIIUSS IN Y/ARI / wire tb ao teuu fur llftlvirt ruta tau t > iloy bojml I Illtl vtrvpulloitraUl. Crcry UAH can bi 8TRONO ana ViaollOUS In all rcipccti. YQUNQ MEN OR OLD , ivfftrlng from NERVOOB DE BILITY , Loit or railing Man hood , Fhyilcat EiMiiti , Mintal , Worry , Btunttd Dtvtlopmcnt , or aor KR80HAL WKAKHI8S , can b r.ltar.d to PERFECT HEALTH ltd the NODLE VITALITY ot STRONG MIH , the Frldo Hud rowtrot Matloni. Wo claim liy ycnrs of practice by our picliHl\o mctlinri * n uniform "MOMOPOLY or socccas" In twat- Incnll Dluaiei , Wtaxnecteiniiil \ Afflletloniof Men. Testimonials ' from fiO States And Territories. min mptif nnntf irllthr itnt freeBcaloil.posl- UliK ncW UOUu iiittl.fnrnllmttpil tlinp ! Qt\ ItMhllo youcnu. mil E pl natlom for HOME TREAT- MElir. You can bo FULLY RESTORED ai Thoniandt haTtb enbyui Riadourtvatlmonlali Addrtisatonet ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.Y. leat in j nuiitrUx fur ull tb i „ . . , . . . - nmiiuutf' dt.ichttiscs r.rO siVR . TlvatoOl-i-1-venof ; , u . tortnin CIITM for tin * ( 'chill- 1 tnthiKvvnkutbd peculiar j _ to wi.tmn. 3 in d onir tT 11 riMrr , ha It nnd feel aafn | lTHStV'M8CHMir , rHl in rerommonUlDK It la CIHJN ru/iiuutTi , n agj nvy'l nil sunsrfr * lj 3TOJER | ( ( p ) Dfcuun ai , j heM by nnmiflsuL. gPEOl'LKwrite for Illustrated family p.ipcroii oponiilous ! > ou tunian. nstulu , plica , wrl iccle , hydrooiflc i brace" , nppll , - fur doformltlea ! Blue contt- 1 book for men , cxplaliilnitwlii AT- motif nuns rannot uct citrril of snoclal , prl- \ te , chronic dlsea o .8ctnlnnlwfuknrfi8,1083 raunliiHxI. elect , yphllla , unnatural louses , and . nlilch unlit nil foriUBr. - rciiuu * of nliiKO or OICMSOH rlusc , liUpnlnusH or llfo's diilles. r. I.lelilc tVandorhil Ucrraun Inilcorutor cur nil. To pniMi Its merlin , SI trial Iwltlo sent free. IIr.'i'lit .V. < . .1)1V. ) . Nlutli street , Unnsw City , " > ui cnu I rancl co. Cal. deeds done In tlio boJy , many were turned to ropoiitiiiiuc by fojrof tlio horu.iftor. Ho contrasted tUo positions of Dives nnd the boRgiw uoforo death mid nonlyini ; ttio p.irublo to modern timo1 ? described how tlio rbh man in Chloago lured miinptnously every tlnv , vhilo La < uriia sut , hungry at his ( jate. Ho pointed to the sowlUK lrl. tolling six teen lioun day and woariiiK her lingers to the bono for xvajios whioli barely kept , body nnd soul toiethor , while nor heartless om- plover swelled his banlc account with the pro'lits of her industry. Profussod Chris tians were exhibiting un indltTorenco nliout tha o thliiKS but they must awnlio. "Amen 1" catno from the tiudlenco to the right of the spnalror and was echoed from various parts of the houso. "Your 'amens' are very comfortinif , " said the monk , "but God expects you to do somo- thinir. With those poor creature * ttt your doors you have duties to perform which do not bojjln and end with church uttondanco nnd church contributions. " In conclusion he said that ho hail boon er roneously represented Sn the reports of pre vious sermons us declaring that riches are an ovil. On the contrary , ho s lid , money was ono of the greatest instruments for good that had bi'on ( iivrn to man. it was only the ubuso of riches that was punished. In appoiranco Fatbor Ignatius is essen tially EnirlMh. His is round , full nnd vudiiy , yet ho hni none ot the English stolid ity about Him ; his warmth of matiuor makes him at homo with his andlonco the moment ho cotnos Into the pulpit. So far. however , ho has not awiikoncd the enthusiasm which marked his advent in the east The interest ho has aroused Is distinguished more by cnri- ositv than religious fervor and Uhic.uo's spaetilation in futures , is for thu moil part still conllnod to the board of trade. KKISK ATKINPOV. Insist on gottinj ; Cook's Extra Orv Cham- ii no if you want u pure urtlclo ; there nro no headaches In it. -tun Thirty million dollars ii Involved in n law suit in Phlladolphi.i ovnr hut trimmings. When 0110 talks about big luwtults this eas ily goes to thu head , A Inily tlovor swear * . But step on the hem of her druas , I'.itoli thn oxprosslim of her ovu and you will conclude "ahu don't ' have to. " Tnko care of your ostilch feathers If you own any. The price Is going up , nnu , of cotirso , such being the case , our autumn and winter hats are to bo loaded with ttiem. Fashion sfp" > s to bo vibrating Just at tlio moment ns o her coming dictum about .inlets. From some European qunrtora U Is reported that tha long MilrU are on the eve of sweeping lhomtolvQ3 out of ailhtunce , A pretty hci Is imido of white inoiiascllno do solo. The brim Is v ry wldo and ( luted and tlio crown is surrounded by a wreath und surmounted by u bunch of sprint ; Howard. A handsome traveling cloak is of dark rod changeable sillt , with Modlcls collar nnd opauluttus nml u ilonteleo polerlno. A silk and jot flingo ornumonw the shoulders and at the bottom of tha cloak Is a black silk und Jot ombroidurv. There seems to bo an absolute mania for brown straw hats of every shade , the favorite shnpo baing n low crowned and broad brimmed sailor or n coquettish llttlo shnpo which turns up very high behind nnd Is fastened with a bunch of Howard or the in evitable small wings which nro seen every where and In every color , pale grucm and yellow being the favorites , The Cloopatran craze 'is responsible ( or nn article In utockings beaded to represent sniiko scales. Palo * hollotropn U ono of the now fashion able tints for stationery and note paper ; cor respondence cards nnd envelopes are made in ttiis dullcato tint , wltti a tiny bunch of purple violets In one corner. At n recent society excursion , ono of the prettiest girls in Chicago , were n navy-blue surge , with throo-quartor coat edged with a narrow line of gold ; a similar line appeared nt the top of the deep hem which Mulshed the skirt. The eo.itumo was completed ay n soft , Unity , white silk slilrt , with rows of pink nllk brlur-atltohliiif. Broad-banded mourning stationery U sel dom used now except bv widows , and not always by thorn. 1'laln white envelopes , sealed with black wax uro much the bettor form ; the paper may lie plain or may have address or monogram or crest In black at the top of the page , Iloyond fashion , thorn Is always good taste In stationery , and good taste slept long buforo extremes of color , shnpo or perfuming U reached. The special tennis hat h a sailor with n higher crown than the novelty tmllor and note o broad a brim. It comes In all colon mi a Mrs. M. D. RILEA'9 BUNION PROTECTOR. Cured a cn n of 80 ycnr ' Mainline. II cnn lie worn In tliu sumo aliu lioc Hllp * on nnd oil with thu stceilnif llldoi nn unliirued Joint , nnd Kt us In- Uai.trullcf. In thruuHlies l'il-a25 conls. Kor nlo liy ,1 A I ullcr A Co. , Klnilor'n Irn Store , Me tormlck \ lu ml. nnd ( . 'link Sliou Hlnru motory uwu Sliuriuiin stieot , Chlonwu. QUICK1 la QUICK , others In AND THE compirlfon nro slow or DKAD. Ifniftfrlngtry EAD. WOOD'S PLASTER. It lloves , Ctirci. All Is trimmed with n band of ribbon with no bow or loops nt the side , bolnj ; fastened merely with a clasp. The pancake hat Is n late freak of fashion. The white chamois glove , with deep gauntlet - lot , is expected to "take. " Women ot slender figures will accept with pleasure tno latest revival dresses laced at the back. Exquisitely cool looking dresses are made of oraandio dotted with bluets , aud made over a blue slip. Mountain dresses have the inovitnbln shirt waist , .supplemented by a warm coat to bo donned when needed. Of belts there is an unlimited variety. Leather bolts , Uussla , crocodile skin ami auodo nro In many doslsrus. The straight braided bolt Is pretty. Said Mrs. A. to Mrs. B. "Do you think Mrs. C. so very handsome ? " "Not a bit , " said Mrs. B. ; "why , 1 mistook vou for her as you catno Into the room. " "A half dozen veils to one bonnet , " says the Paris modifies black not embroidered with rosebuds for the street ; pale lilno nnd mauve tints of the finest meshed not for the theater ; white and gray for day wear , with fancy toilets. A ronl unlquo suit designed to shine at some of the summer resorts is of white ton- lils cloth , dotted with half-dlmn sized gold spots. Tha skirt Is plain , slightly wrinkled at the top , with a dozen rows of ilt.o gilt br.iid about the foot , A little silver article , which has just made Its appearance , has boon received with open arms by the women. Its mission In lifo is to hold up n train. It consists of threii parts , a line silver chain , a largo silver spring catch anil a small sliver ring , A wrap which the society girl should nt the llrst garden pattv of the season is a capo , but such n capol The capo must blend in color with the gown with which it Is worn. Should the costuno bo yellow the capo will bo made \ellowbrocntledslllc. . The pattern of the silk is rosebuds. Eaoh tlr.y bud is dis tinctly outlined with a gold thread. Tha Jaunty mnldon whoso shopping cos tume Is nn the brownish tinge , carried her wealth in a pocuet , book of brown suodo. Snould the gown bo brightened by n touch of gilt braid hero and there the nockot book iniiv bo mounted with gold. The popularity of the heavenly tint has re sulted in a revival of un old favorite and the sumniiu- girl will bo u geometrical vision of polka dots. No shndo IB to be despised , but the most nought after is the old slyiu navy blue ground with n medium-sized dot. Black faille will bo worn more than for some time , usually with a bright combina tion. A hamisoma street toilet Is of the wldo-wiilo black cheviot. The coat basque is short and plain , The sloovoi nro black silk and tha gown is finished in black Hat cord a quarter of on inch in width , The novel low-crowned sailor lint Is going to bo the fnvorltn for outing expeditious. Chid in n striped navy bine und white llaunel fiuit , with a big , rolling Jack Tar collar nnd n broad four-in-hand nooktto , and topped by one of those broad , low-crowned snllor hats , Mrs. Jack Tar or MUs Ulll Tar Is as pretty and refreshing a sight as Jack Wishes to tnko with him upon his yachting or sailing ex pedition. Hay ! Do you want to remove those pimples from yourfacol UsoIIallor'stiarsnparlllu and Bur dock. It Is warranted to oftoct a complete cure. Mff JK\\'iiH\\ Jiveler' ' llcvlcw. Diagonal ring settings are generally ad mired , A unique Idea is an InkstanJ shaped as a kettle. Silver halts pierced la delicate [ figures afford delight to many. A geese quill In silver Is a combination penholder nnd paper knife. An oddity In necktie fastener * Is a dimin utive pair of tweciore In stiver. Baseball Mends will hall with pleasure a silver penoll case disguised its a bat. Four trade dollars hammered together oompoio a mutch box frequently seen. A four-loafed clover In sliver formed by small beads is a garter buukle Just out. For misses' bracelets tha most favored flower ornamentations uro pansles In cnninel. A beautiful cut-glass claret Jug U overlaid with a Uollcato tracery of silver in foliated designs. The latest form assumed by Individual salts and poppers U that of thimble * with perforated tops. A quoou chain poudaut singled out for U , MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE "l.ct tinothur 111:111 : nraNothcu , and tin'Ihlna own month. A str.uiKor und not thlnn O\VQ lips. " Huv. tivniita Mlilor , Curlllo , luwu : Kov. Aiilhony Jncnbi. .Sidney , Inwit ; Kov. J. W. Culor. : I' ( Jnm > , lowu ; Kov. K V I'orry. t'udiir Kiiulds town ; Kuv.V. . It. lilln , Ijimvtmworth , Kiuii'iis ; llov. .1. T. Mninfnrd , Kmurson. lowu : Huv. J.V. . O.ithourt , Ilimir- Hon. lowu ; Kuv. ( lllnuui 1'iuUor. Kiuurson , Iowa ; lion. T. J. Abel , Docntur , Illinois ; W. A Strong , Oonnoll Illitlls , Io n.Vlion stioh UH the abimi huvt ; jjlvon thulr tustlniun- liils In ptiilsu of MOIIIO'H Tiou of Ijlfii mid the Imullim > hnlutilu : drui : liouicw say thny have plvon unllro Hitlifaation : whom thny liuvu hfoiiiiolil , nlml bettor ovldunuo do you want ? Why should you tmiror wlinn you aim bo utirod by uslni ; Mouio's Trooof Ijlfo. Mooro's Tree of l.lfo. n poiltlio euro for Kldnar and Ijlvor CoiupUInt anil nil blood illtoaAoi. Dooi It ay to suitor niton you cnn bo euro.I by u hu Moaro'i Trooof Llfu , tnoUroitt Ufa Houioily ) Phenoline cuneo 4 4 Gelds in the ty oni pplTci. lion ; U ) Catarrh Q In a vtry thort 2 59o llm < : cn 59o Hay Pew cnH 59ti from thic toRrt cn D diyii ' I ti E&raohi tiQ Q Initially , 4 BOo p r Brttli , 4 Cmok * . O 'CUEAM , OU IIA (110 A I. linM/ll'F/KI/ / / . ' ffiSSri © l > UeA * ! , iid uviYjr lilnnlili i on W5"y aJ3r 'JfcN - litauty . and dvlli * ilt union. U Imj fttmul thu tufit or 10 Jf.ii * . oiul IH no IHU mlcM * \ \ aictelt In IHJ Miioltl * pioh | > orljr nmilo , Aitxpt lie ruuiili ifrlt C BtniUai iiiino. lr.I ) A. tiHii Mill to a Utljr of lliulmtit tt n ( a pntlunt ) "AH 3 oil ' If Ull ' l of ull I / _ J sV-B ! luUni."Ko"iwlu"b'y ! | l - Sf \ \ * & v N. nil imvKUta mi'l ' * ' 'k Jniuy OucHla Dial- " " i'llUT "lI''il'Kl\HVi ' ! ' "r. 1fl"wt ? juiii ! ) Ht N Y INTEREST PAIDONDEP05IT5 5.E.CQR. CAPITALS 100.000.00 DIRECTORS lAUWYMAH-E.W.NASH. JHMILtARD CUV-C.BAnTON-C.B. LAKE. Jd.BROWN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. Manhood B < es t o r e d. A victim of youthful Iliiprudc'iilMi cnimliiK I'rinnit. turo Duuir , NITVUIIS Dulilllty , JMnnliiioil , etc. , linvlnx trlml III viiln over known rnimvlr , IIIM illnciivuri'it anlniiila IIO\IH HHMilV ; ) Nn ilriiK oriiluc Irk ; laiinliiiLM Niitiini * own cum , KITvd liiiinudliito niitl iiuriiiniiitut Di'tuctlnn liu- iMiiillilu fiy | > fur ioiuiletci | truntniiMit nrnl turo Hocuriily < i'iilcilti ( niiy luldrcja. u. J ( Iruli.'iin , Her l.'ui , l.oi Anuuloa , Oil. HOTEL. nniri'itu , < " ' ' t-itli tintl inriHt miltHtfintliillii J/lltfl Jlllitilinu ' " OlIUllHI , Nfl' ! T < lt lifiti'ii itt'U'li / / < > iriitlH ririiiiurrum li < iH < 'ini-nt to rouf. Atl tint i-vtllni/M unit tloorn lined trttli AHliVHtuaro /n-uitf itiliiil , imililiiu It iiiiiiHHHtlitu tu burn r/u/c.7. % M'lrvcHi-itif ntitl flt-n iilnnni Ihroiif/liiittt tlitt luillilliiif. fttciiin Itaiit , /io ( < uil cold initcr unit ! f b/e B , BILLOWAY , Prop. originality Is nTnm-o-Shnntor cap In gold with a star of pearls sot In front. An olnboratoly conceived umbrella handle Is a carved Ivory horso's head and mane , equipped with harness and saddle In bright silver. Among the now conceits for lady shoppers U a writing tablet formed bv celluloid slips bunched together In a silver frame represent ing n fun. A heart-shaped mirror in tbo centre lend * additional charm to this tiillo. In the effects of n young man ot fastidious tastes Is to be sron , In a collection of over llfty scarf pins , n tiny Jumping Jack of gold nnd enamel , to which a Una gold uhuln IH at- . Inched , which , when pulled , nets the thing iu motion , _ Have Vou ( lot u IfornoV Every man who owns n homo should knew that Hnller's Barbed Wlro Liniment IH the only remedy that will glvo prompt relief to nil sprains , cuts , tjruUos and galls , uud U wurrunlod to effect u couiplelu ouru.