Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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George IIoppo nntl A. L. Phllbrlck ol
Preston were brought In under nrrcbt
by Deputy Marshal Ilepflnger for boll'
ing liquor to Indians ,
The thirteenth annual commencement
exercises of Crolghton collouo will be
held In Iloyd's opom liouso , Wednedny
the 2-llh lust. , nt 8 o'clock.
C. K. Thornburg wns nrrcstod here
ycsterdny nntl turned over to Dctnc-
live Pound of Lincoln , who will take
him back to the cnpltnl city tonnswor to
n charge of obtaining money under fnlno
preterites. Ho IB alleged to have tin-
lawfully obtained $76 from n Lincoln
real CHtnto linn.
A Travullne .Mnn Saves n AVomnu'H
A tr.ivelltur manstopping at the Leo House ,
Cnmi > boilsburgIml.oiileiirnlngthal a lady In
ho village was suffering terribly with cr.imp
collu , IHIVO ttio landlady a bottle of medicine
which ho hnd with him anil requested her to
take It to the sick woman. The mcdlclno re
lieved hnr promptly and she liellovcs saved
hcrllfo ; it was Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
nnd Dlarrliirn Hcmetly , the promptest and
most ruliutilc mcdiclno In use lor bowel com-
Try Jos. Rath , cash market , for low
prlceb in meats. 711 N. 10th.
Killed tin : Horse.
A team belonging to Anton Swoboskn , n
farmer who lives near Elkhorn , became
frightened when near the corner of Four
teenth and Douglas streets yesterday
nnd ran away. 1'hu horses dashed down Six
teenth street nnd at the Intersection of
Howard street struck a north-bound
motor car. Ono of the horses fell ana broke
the loft fore leg. The driver and his other
horse escaped unhurt , but the wagon was
considerably oroken up. Ofllcor Dillon
shot the suffering li01-30 and the dead
nnlmal wagon removed it. The Incident
drew qlilto a crowd and as usual In such
cases a largo number of hangers on were
proffering free advice. No delay wa * caused
to the as the animal was quicKly
dragged to one side of the street where it lay
In a great pool of Its own blood.
Have You Got n Horse ?
Every man who owns a horse should knew
that Haller's Uarbcd Wire Liniment Is the
only remedy Unit will give prompt relief to
all sprains , cuts , bruises and galls , and Is
warranted to ollect a complete cure.
AVator KcntH Due July 1st.
No discount allowed after July 1st. 5
per cent discount allowed on water rents
If paid on or before July 1st r.t olllco of
Uoom KM , Boo building.
J. Clarke Itussrll'H Cards.
Evidence Is accumulating to provo that J.
Clarke Uussoll , whoso brief but brilliant
career in this city was chronicled exclusively
by Tin : Bun , is a slick man from Slippery-
villo , and that Omaha is not the only scene
of his unsavory operations. This morning a
delivered a lot of cards at the
Knntcr for the missing swindler.
They read "Franklin J. Clarke. Now York.
Special eoirespondent Harper's Weekly ,
Franklin Sqtiatc. " They were gotten up in
the same style as those ho distributed hero ,
the only dlftereneo being In the name. They
were evidently intended for use In his
next Held of operations , but his
victims hero tumbled too quickly
to suit his plans , and the
cards will never bo called for. Mr. Orms-
Husbcll-Clarko has gone , probably never to
return , and the cards will bo given out as
souvenirs to any of his victims who will call
for them.
A Cure for Diarrluua.
Mr. J. A. Burnison of Colburg , Montgom
ery county , la. , has found out how ho can
euro any case of diarrhoea. Two of his chil
dren had the disease , for about six weeks ho
triej four different patent medicines without
benefit' , but ho finaUy got hold of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kennedy , which ho says completely cured
them , and he Is confident it will cure any case
when the plainly printed directions are fol
Try Jos. Bnth , cash market , for low
prices in meats. 714 N. 10th.
Mr. J , E. Bennett died in Council Bluffs
Thursday nightaf tor a brief illnes , occasioned
complication of lung troubles that followed
an attack of the grip. Ttio deceased was a
member of the Omaha typographical union
nnd wns employed in Tin : Bm : composing
room. Ho was thirty-eight years of ago and
married , his family living In Mow York. He
was a member of Triune lodge K. of I''which
will have charge of the funeral.
The reinalnstwero'brought to this citv and
will bo forwarded to New York , at the re
quest of Mrs. Dennett who Is at , the bedside
of her slci ; father and can not come hero.
"My father , at about the ago of flftv " , lost
all the hair from the top of his head. After
ono month's ' trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor , the
hair began coming , and , in three months , ho
had a line growth of hair of the natural
color. " P J. Cullen , Saratoga Springs , N. Y.
Auction Glass niul Crockery.
212 N. 10th , Now York store , entire
Block damaged by ( lie will bo sold ut
auction every evening nt 7:30 : o'clock.
Graduated with Honor.
At the recent commencement exorcises of
the St , Louis law school Howard Kennedy ,
Jr. , of this city , was a A-arded the highest
honors of the class. On the occasion of the
presentation , by the faculty , of the diplomas
to the graduating class , Mr. Kennedy tvns
designated to deliver the valedictory address.
This honor was moro marked because hereto
fore a member of the faculty had delivered
the address. Mr. Kennedy stood nt the head
of his cltiis during the last two years of the
course , The young man prepared for hit
collcuo course and subsequent law studies at
the Omaha hlgli school.
Small in size , irroni in results : DoWltt
Little Early Risers. Best pill for Constlpa
lion , best for Sicic Headache , host for Sour
Mart Hoover will tarry on the hill for the
next thirty days , the Ilrst and lost tea of
which will bo on bread nnd water. Hoover
was drunk Thursday and Insulted a girl at
SoveutitMith and Nicholas. When her mother
demanded to know what ho meant by It , ho
lumnpU over the fence , remarking that ho was
looking for trouble , and seizing the old lady
by the throat brutally blacked both of tier
eyes , Hoover belongs to a , gang of young
toughs who have caused the police much nu-
noynnoa. _ _
A Card.
Wo wnnt every lady and nil the boys nnd
girls to call ou your druggist and got somu of
our beautiful cards and a book of valuable
nformutloii frco.
HU.I.K.II PaopuiET.uiir Co.
The HCO'H Hlrthday.
TUB BKU received ninny congratulations on
Its successful completion of \\onty years of
existence from friends In Omaha and through
out the stato. Among the letters received
! lust evening was one from a gentleman who
i lias read TUB BKK from Its tint Issue until
now , L. Sip \YIsiior , who snyst "Accept
my best compliments on this tuo twentieth
birthday of TUB HKK. "
Dr , Btrnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldp
Sunday -School Convention.
I There will bo a meeting In the Young
Men's Christina association pirlors Wednes
day , Juno ! M , at 2 p. in. , to arrange for the
Douglas county Sunday school convention *
Will the pastors nnd superintendents ot the
Sunday schools of the county see that three
delegates arc chosen to attend said meeting
E. A. STKVB.N ! " ,
Douglas county organizer.
Say !
Do. you Wont to remove those plmplos from
your fueol Use Holler's Sarsaparllla and Hur-
dock. It Is warrftuttai to effect a coiuploto
Accompanied by His Bride , Qon , Ji M
Schofiald Visits Omaha ,
I'crHonnel of the Party Traveling
with Him , the lOxtunt of the
Tour and the Services of
the Great Fighter.
Major General John M. Schofllold , com
innndlng the nrmy of the United States
arrived in the city yesterday morning at 10 : It
He was accompanied by his bride and the
gallant gentlo-nen who assisted nt the tiuu
tlals In Kcohuk , la. , Thursday. No. 200 ol
the Chicago , Burlington it Quiuoy. This
loft the train from the east at , Pacific Junc
tion nnd was hauled to Council Bluffs. Then
11 was attached to a Unloa I'acillc engine
and thence drawn to this city.
On Its arrival a Bii : : reporter was pre
sented to the general. The latter was seated
In a largo easy chair In the observation vesti
bule of the coach. Ho was dresiU in a suit
of dark blue clothes. Ills bend being covered
by n soft gray hat. Ho was evidently ( n on-
Joymcnt'of the pretty prospect which lay before -
fore him , the flowing river , the grassy slopes
of the distant blulfs nnd the gr.Uofulsun-
shlno which was dispelling the gloom
which , for ten days , had settled over the
city. Ho was also in enjoyment of perfect
hralth. His face was ruddy nnd bronzed aa
H.from exposure. It was in pleasant contrast
to the short gray whiskers , showing the ad
vance of years which scorn , however , to have
had but little effect upon the sturdy com-
manner. The general's light blue eyes were
bright and beaming and evinced n feo'Ing ' of
contentment to which the gallant soldier's
last conquest in a measure no doubt con-
Beside him nnd upon the settee of the yes-
tlbulosat Mrs. Scoliuld. bho was attired in
n dark traveling costume nnd , with veiled
face , was expecting to leave the car.
Her llguro is petite , her manner artless and
winning. Her oycs are dark brown and
brightly Illumine the countenance. Hsr hair
Is of a lighter shade , her complexion fair and
her disposition seemingly that of one who
aims intuitively to inako others comfortable
regardless of herself. That she will succeed
In tendering happy the honored yours of her
husband tnero is little reason to doubt.
Around the apartment and entrance thereto
stood the members of the general's staff who
accompany him on his tour.
Tuoy wore Captain C. B. Schoflcld of the
Second cavalrv , Lieutenant A. B. Andrews ,
Fifth artillery , Lieutenant T. H. Bliss.First
Captain Schoilcld Is n brother of the com
mander , resembles him in appearance though
ho is considerably younger. Ho graduated ,
from the military ncadomy In 18TO and was
a participant among other engagements In
the celebrated campaign against the Sioux in
187(1-77. (
son-in-law of the
Lieutenant Andrews , - -
general , graduated from the academy In IbSO.
Lieutenant Bliss graduatoJ from the acad
emy in 1S75. Ho has been Instructor of lan
guages In West Point , adjutant of the First
artillery , Fo.tross Monroe , and professor of
the nuval college , Newport.
The general stated that his trip would consume -
sumo several weeks. Ho was going directly
to San Francisco , thence to Puget sound , and
on the return would travel by the wuy of the
Northern Pacllii- , Inspecting whatever mil
itary posts might bo on the wat
"During my stay hero , " ho said , "I shall
visit Fort Crook , nnd nrrangements are now
bciiiB perfected for that purpose. I am
anxious to view the site , as I under
stand It is admirably adapted for the pur
pose , though but little has as yet been aono
toward the erection of the fort proper. "
The general was asked when ho thought
the worit ho referred to would bo under
taken. <
Ho loaned 4 back in. His chair , and with a
scnso'of ' disappointment said :
"I can not tell. It will depend upon the
appropriation. These are slow sometimes in
becoming available and I am not accurately
Informed as to what condition this appropri
ation Is In. Your quartericaster , however ,
would bo able to answer the question moro
satisfactorily. "
With regard to the prospect of trouble nt
Pine Ridge , General Scholiold said :
"Tho advices which have reached mo ns
regards the situation there are that no trouble
is to bo apprehended. The question at issue
Is , ns you-know , n settlement of the boundary
line between the Uosebud und Pine Hidge
reservations. The dispatches seem to indicate -
cato that the m I'ter will bo satisfactorily ad
justed , though no vote has , as yet , been
taken , by the Ogalnllas or Brulos. In the
east thcro is no nnticlpatlon of trouble. This
feeling is also .shared by the nrmy , while the
work of the commission will , of course , bo
watched with iuterest. "
At this moment the officers of headquar
ters , department of the Plutto , made their
appearance und were Introduced to the orido
and the general himself. The latter , how
ever , had previously met several of the gen
tlemen , among them Colonel Sheridan ,
Colonel Stnnton nnd Colonel Eluirhos , the
second ofllcor having Served upon the gen
eral's stall during a period In the war.
The visitors were Invited into the drawlnc
room and the general's hosoUality was ex
tended in some excellent cigars. Among the
guests were :
Colonel M. V. Sheridan , assistant adjutant
general ; Major John M. Bacon , acting Inspector
specter general : Captain E. H. Crowtbor ,
noting Judge advocate ; Colonel W. B.
Hughes , chief qunrtermaster ; Mujor W. II.
Boll , chief commissary of subsistence ; Col-
T. II. Stanton , chief quartermaster ; Captain
C. Ayrcs , chief ordnance ofilcer ; Lieu
tenant F.V. . Hoc and Lieutenant Charles
M. Trultt , aides-de-camp to General Brooke ,
department commander.and Mr. Brooke , son
of the lost mentioned. General Brooke was
unable , personally , to pay bis respects to the
commander of the armyhaving been contliied
to his homo through a sudden attackol' Ill
ness.When the gentleman had disappeared In
the drawing room , Mrs. Leo nnd Mrs. Mizoly ,
formerly of Kcokuk where they hnd resided
near the bride , called upon the latter and
were pleasantly entertained.
The reception was informal and continued
but a few moments after which the party
Ictt the car.
The general had Intended to vlst Fort
Crook , but changed his mind and decided to
attend to some private business In the city ,
take luncheon with General Brooke at his
residence and then indulge in a ride through
the town. lie will leave for San Francisco this
evening over tuo Union Paclllo at 7:20 : p. in.
General Schoilcld Is now In the sixtieth
year of his nco , having boon bora September
' . " . ) , ts , lu Now York. Ho will retire lu IS'.tS. '
Ho entered the military academy ut West
Point in 1819 nnd graduated July 1 , ISM , as
brevet second lieutenant of artillery. Ho
became ilrst lieutenant la August "of the
satno year and was major la the
First Missouri volunteers In 1801.
In the same year ho declined n captaincy In
the Eleventh United States inlnntry , but nt
the same tlmo accepted the same position la
the First artillery. Ho was brigadier gen
eral of volunteers In November of 18(51 ( , also
brigadier general of Missouri state militia ,
major general of volunteers In 1M- ! , brigadier
general United States armr in ibtjl , major
general In ISO' ' . ) . The general has had experi
ence In every arm of the service , had been
singularly surscssful and Is In the enjoyment
of the honors to which ho is entitled by tbo
services ho has rendered tils country.
The party was In chargeof W. ( J. Davon-
iwrt , p'tssongcr agent of the Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy , and was looked after by
Mr , Thomas Orr , chief clerk to Assistant
General Manager Dickinson , when It reached
tlila side of the river.
Hulijccts Tlmt IntoroHt the Imwjrora
In the district court C. F. Adnmsycstordaj
morning pleaded guilty to the cnargo of poll
larceny and was sentenced to thirty days tu
the county Jail.
The cnso of the state against .Too Pcarsor
Is on trial. Ho Is charged with assault will
Intent to murder. Pearson hnd n row will
AlStroble , drew n revolver and tired at him
The hall failed to Inlllct a fatal wound
though it took off ono of Htroblo'a lingers.
The case of Lfavld E. Thompson , presldonl
of the Lincoln electric light company against
the Omaha National bank Is still occupying
ttio attention of Judge Ferguson and a Jury.
This case grows out of the Kdholm fc Akin
falluro and has been on trial twonty-twc
days. Shortly after tno firm went to tlu
wall Thompson camo'ln with a claim of ? .JT , '
(550 , alleging that ho had loaned the member.
of the linn that amount of mor.oy to carry on
thu business. The refused to nay the
debt and as a result the suit was brought
The trial wilt drag along during the greatci
portion of next week.
It Is conjectured that a specific may yet be
found for every III that llonh I * Jiolr to. How
ever this may be , certainly the best specific
yet found for diseases of the blood Is Ayor's
Sarsaparilla , nntl most diseases originate
from impure blood.
Try Jos. Until , cash market , for low
prices in moats. 711 N. lUlh.
Newspaper Tor Sale.
A well established newspaper nnd job
oflco ! in n good town In central Nebraska
will bo sold dirt cheap if taken before
July 10. Only small amount of cash re
quired , balnnco on easy terms. Pub
lisher Itns other business requiring his
attention nftor ditto mentioned nnd must
sell. Address K 21 , euro lice , Onmhn ,
When ForcpnuKli COIIICH to Town < luly
HI A Great Show und u Hlf * One.
The only really great tented exhibi
tion wo shnll hiivo in our midst tnis
! season will bo the Adnm Foropaugh
shows. In the past , extending over n
period of almost a generation , tins mag
nificent exhibition "gained the glorious
word of popular applause , " nnd now , ns
in the past , "its worth is warrant for its
welcome. " Everybody will bo willing
to admit that "good tilings should bo
nmised , " and therefore is the Adnm
Foropaugh shows worthy of all the
praise they are constantly receiving on
all sides.
On Friday , July 21. the great Foro-
pnugh shows will bo here , nnd with it
the biggest array of circus talent seen
for years. Among the principal features
this season is that marvelous troupe of
aerialists , the Ilanlon-Voltors. The
management of the Adnm Foropaugh
shows have secured the services of thos-o
incomparable gymnasts for n season of
thirty weeks at a salary of moro than
The Voltors belong to a good family.
They were educated in England
and formerly worked in a bunk ,
nndr in the evenings after dinner , they
practiced gymnastics for their amuse
ment in a public gymnasium. A man
ager who accidentally &nw them per
form , proposcd'making an engagement
with them annually. They laboriously
earned about $000 each in the bank , and
the aforesaid manager olTorcd them a
siilary of $000 n month. They closed
their books nnd came to this country
nnd joined the Ilanlon Brothers' combi
nation , whore they have won both fame
nnd gain. Foropatigh's exhibition will
give two entertainments hero on July
24 , and for the accommodation of the im
mense crowd Sure to attend reserved
numbered scats will Do on sale on day
of performance at the Opera House
Milwaukee Jt St , Paul lly.
The now palace sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , daily. Passengers
talcing this train avoid transfer nt Coun
cil Bluu's , nnd arrive in Chicago at 9fO : :
a. in. , in ample time to mnitc all eastern
connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam
street. F. A. NASH ,
J. E. PRESTON , General Agent.
City Passenger Agent.
New Line to Oes JMoiiin.
Commencing Sunday. May 31 , the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
will establish a through line of sleeping-
cars between Sioux City and Dos Monies
via Madrid. Passengers from Omaha
a ndtho west can leave Omaha at ( i:20 : p.
in. , secure sleeping car accommodations
and arrive in DCS Molnes at 0 a. m. lie-
turning , leave Dos Molnes OMO p. in. ,
arrive OmtihaOi-l/jn. / in. Dining cars on
both trains. Ticket ollico , 1501 Farnam
street. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PRESTON , City Pass. Agt
American \VondcrH.
Yellowstone park is beyond nil ques
tion ono of the world's great wonders ,
and the Union Pacific excursion in July
will bo the event of the season. Ask
your nearest Union Pacilic agent about
INSTRUMENTS iilasoJ on roo3ra Juno 19 ,
W A Ilrawn and wlfo to A J Whldden. o
It feet of lota , blk lit. Walnut Hill . . . .i 100
K M Drown and husband to William
Hopper. 1)0 ) 15-15-10 4.7M
Daniel Illinium and wife to Trunk Dale-
zol , lots'II niul 'H , blk ( I , W 1 , Solby's
1st .idd to South Om.ilia 700
Loulsu Linn toj S Nutblt. lot fs tilk 11 ,
an.l Irrugnlar tract In Waterloo 1,500
V Mausi and wlfo to U HraillwuK , lot " . ' ) ,
blk 1H. In add to blk IS and 1 , ind ! add
to llcdford I'lnco 1,000
M W K Purchase and wlfo to Kstliur
Hey on , lot' ' , blk 10 , and Irrugnlur
tract at point 4U rods n of ue eornur ut
lot 10 , blk 10 , Waturloo 110
Catherine 1'arUer and husband to R O
M un row , lot 4 , I'rnyn's sub In Mlllard
& C's add 2,500
South Omaha Land Co to Jennie Mor
gan , lot l > , blk Kit. South Omahii 775
South Omaha hand Co to James Gilbert ,
lot 11. blk 40 , South Omaha 073
Ibaae Sharman and wife to George
I.egire. lotl > , blk l.Ohcrry Hill 700
O A Wllcox and wlfo to A U Knicker
becker , lot 17 , blk a , I'oppltiton t'ark. . . 1.200
Jit Landfiold ut nl to Central Invest-
merit i-oinuiiny. lota 4.und 5 , nii blk
"N , " Lowe's add i
II W Yates and wlfo to 0 II 1'iirmuleo ' ,
blk 1 , VatesA Ilumplo'a add ti.500
A U Mii on anil wife to W S Ilroukinan ,
lots Hand I' ' , blk 1(1 ( , Walnut Hill 2,000
Jonathan Iliunnett ot al to M V Chap
man , w H nw ti , w S4 BwU. no M sw Ji ,
nw > i HU u , UJ-io-lil inn
K II Oruwell , unecliil master , to J A Fry ,
MV ! i nw ! 5 , l-ltl-10 . 1,010
V U yiuifor , uu-clal | intiBtor , to Q W E
Orlllltli. tax In iM5-ii ( : . 5,700
W II Iteoltinaii , Bpeulul iniibtur. to U W
Yates , blk 1. Vati'Stt : llouiplo'B add. . . . C"j1
M Molla and husband to I'ubllc , dtullua-
tlon of Etrcut un osldo otawUao U.
8-11-13 . . . .
Total amount of transfers . J''i '
m 3aking
" 'owder ' :
Us\id iu Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nud refreshing to tiio tnsto , nnd nets
gently yet piomptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , clonuses the sys
tem efleetually , dispels colds , head
aches nnd fevers nnd cures huhitunl
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd ac
ceptable to the stomnch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and Imvo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in COc
nnd 81 bottles by nil lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for nny ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
n i. i..u uttarameuiu
ax u , , -ui ux
.Mini rolspn main tit nml not a pnlrhlngup. C'IIFP *
'tinted flvo yi-ais nio ha\o never POPM a M mptum
iimc. fly dwmtiliigLiuii ! fully wo cnn tn-nt > ou uy
in-il. niul MOBiiotho MIIIO itioiiKKU.iranli-o to cillo
oricrumlnllinoncu Thonowho pilfer to coino licio
forttvulmcnt i-andopo nml wo will I' ly nil'ionil ' fnic
both w ) nnd liol , 1 hills wh.lo heio If wif.ill to cine.
Wu rhulk'tiKo tlm world for n in o that our II.U.1C !
Ur.UI.IiY Mill not i HID. Wiltu foi fll'l pailli-iil.ii > niul
Kct llierthlnuc.o know that jou 110 skeptic\l ,
JlHtly so , lee , ni the moat i-iiilncnt pliyrli-l un h IM >
nimr l ii n ihle to jrltu mom thnn tt-miior.iry ulhf.
In our 11 vo } earn' piaitl.o with the MAC.1C UKMI 1)V It
has liccn niovt ( Illllctilt to otcrcumo the picJml'ii-1
nff itnst nil eo ( alii it PiK-i-'iMi-it. Hut under o-ir ptionR
un.ii.intio jou fhoiiMnot lie-ltati ! to try thlimncdy.
You tnl.e no rliam oof Icwlng J our money. Wu Biiar
nntiotocuro or ufuiul c\ei ) doll.irnnd na wo lm a
reputation to puifc i olln.iiulal ImiUliiKof * . 0 ,
000 , It la PCI fed ly i..i fo to all who will try tholient-
nu-nt. lleictofoioyoiihnvebeeiiiiutllnBiipnn.limjnn :
out join- money for dllTi-n nt ti out nn nts nnd nlthocirli .
3 r > u pi o not.\etcuied no ono has pahl bai-kyonr nm-i.
cy. Do notujhtoatiyiuoiciuoney until jontiym. Oil
cniontc. ( IccpHcnled ra > ot cillid 111 30 to 90 ( Hys. In *
7i > iil.r.itoniir tlnnncUl ttandlni ; , our ipputallnii n. "
biiHini'Ha men. A\iitousror iiinns nntl mldriB * B of
thvta ne ocuiwl ho lmo flten pi > rinl lon to r < - -
fcrtothini. Ite ts3011 only pon'.ieo to ilothNill
willsntojoun woitdof Btidcilnst fiom nientnl strain ,
nnd I f > on ni o mai ilixl hat may your olTtpi IHK sutler
thioiuh jouro ) infjjligcnio. Ifouminpti nwnro , mueotll patches III mouth , rlicnmatli-in
In liouos nml joints. lulr fulling out , eruptions on any
part of the body , Crrllng oC RI ncral deprc lon , pilnt
In hei.d or 1-oiH s , joiiliavano tlmo to watti- . These
wlionlocaii tjnlly taking ini-nuiy nn.l pota h should
dlM ontlnuo It. Coiutant uwi of thi-.o ill ilgt wll ! mn ly
brlni ; boies nnd c illni ? nlicrsln the i-ud. Don't fall to
wriU. All eoire pcnJenie sent n-nlid lu plain PIIM 1
OPC.H. Wollltltothemo-tllKid Imcttluntionand will
do alt 111 our power .o nld > u In It." ,
COdli JiiitiiH CO. , tlmuliit , AVhriM/m.
< ' ' . > o nth nnd rainam. peeond llooi , cutrnnco 13th I *
600 for u ciiso of Lost or Falling Manhood.
General or Nervous Uoblhty , weakness of
Itxlvor nilml. the otTcctsof etrorsor i-xuussos
In old or yoiiiij ; that -annulcure. . WuKita-
rft n t co u very ca--o or rofdntlc very dollar , Klx-c
diiys trial truutinuiit. $1 , full cdiirse $5. I'ci-
ccptlli'.e lioiuitlts realised in three days. lly
mull , srciuoly packed from olisqi vatlon.
IIIMUIU C'ortaln tea day or money rrfniidud.
1'j U-e by mall 12. Scaled from oli'-orvatlon.
COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha. N'ob.
Drs. B6tts& Betts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno moit wlrtoly nnd favnruhly known ipeo *
loltita In ttio Unltol HtAtun. Their lonp ox *
peclonoo , roinnrkiiblo iklll ana universal sue *
COM la the treatment and euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and BurRlcal DUmiscs. cntltlo theia
eminent phynlolnns to the full confldonooot
the aflllotcd ovorywhore. They guarantee !
the awful < > ffoct5 of early vlco und the uuinor-
oi : arlli follow In Its train.
spoodlly , complf > toly ninl pr-rmanrntly cured ,
OltDERS yield roudlly to thalr ekllUul treat-
" '
marantcod cured without pula or dotuntlon
nentlr nnd successfully cured In every ouso ,
BYPHiLis. aoMiaiiiEA. GLEET , spor-
matorrKo : , bomlual WcnknotR , Lost Mnnliood ,
NlKUt EtulBstoiiH , U > ocaycil Faculties , Komiilf
Woakneia und nlUAellciitu dtsordcrh pceullai
to either BOX positively cured , HI wull a all
functional dliordirathat r Hiu t from you tlif.u
follloi or the oxoecunf mature year * .
S'PRirTlIRH011"1111'0'1 yormnne n tly
O 1 A.1 1 U l\L < cuTeu. temovnl complete ,
without cutting , atnstio or dilatation. Gun *
effected at home by putieut without mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
The awful effect * ot
Bttriy vlco which brlnm
iriianlo wcaknes , * Ilc8troylni ; both mind and
-iody. with ull lu ilriudod Ills , permanently
Aflilrcss the e who have Ira-
| Ui.Und thumi Ivoi by Ira-
jropor IndulRono * uil solitary nablti , which
ruin both mind and body. unllttliiB them for
. study onraarrluKO.
MAUUIK1) MEMkir thosa cntnrlnf ? on that
nippy life , awuraiot physical Oclillliy , quickly
atslated , _
[ a bated upon fact * . First I'nictlaal experi
ence. Hocond Every ca'io la ipeclally ituulea ,
thus itartliiK rlRbt Third mudlalne * are
irvparetl In our Inborutory ozaatly to * ult
v ch en * * , thim offoatlng euros without Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Old Men. Wo\il ; M ddlo aged men. 1'roma-
urulyolu Vomit ; Mfii , brlnt ; buck bprtn y
stupurlubt oyu , utrunuth. ambition and du
al ruby use of .Nurvo llcaiu. Thuy uurruct
youth's urrors. cure all nurvo tioublfM. tl box
> lboxuh (5. Nurvo llcun l/'o. , lluffiilo , N V
ioly by Uoodumu Uruu Co. , 1110 I'arn.uu St
ff'i& B lilffm iin'i4iUimi Otu * n nr/uiU toili <
i j < , ii > ( riuVla ui vurii tuti ; laiiud com-
I hrUUt il p | tSttt * cam vbtnallctbtn ( ill. A
Irtal cwnntieM lAt mcMi iktfUeal. lrlc . 50cli _ , and
11.00 , c' Uraiiliti or kr mill. 8 > mpl TIU-K ' ° r
tump ! HR. It. BOHITFIf AITW , St. P UMina.
i i i n i
" " " " " ' " * ' " ' " n - " " < - ' ' ' ' ' t i M < im .11. . . i. " - - i
Just Look at Your Shoes.
Nice looking affairs to wear , ain't they ? All out at the toes , run
clown at the heels , and a total -wreck generally. Didn't buy 'em of us ?
Of course you didn't. Our shoes wear better than those"did. . Every
pair of shoes we have in our entire stock from the workingman's shoe
which we sell fora dollar and a quarter , to the genuine hand-sewed
French calf shoe which we sell at five and a half [ and guarantee to be
as good as you dressy folks have been paying toney shoe stores seven ,
fifty and eight dollars for ] were made for us by the most reliable shoe
manufacturers in the country. Every pair we sell has the "Nebraska.
Clothing Company's" name on them , and are guaranteed by us to bo
the best shoes for the price that can be sold. This week we are making
a specialty of two grades of shoes which for good solid value you will
find exceptional :
AT We are selling men's casco calf Shoes , in narrow ,
medium and \vide , in all sizes , all styles of toes and
lasts , in lace or congress that we guarantee will
equal any shoe you can buy for two and a quarter or
two and a half in this city.
We are selling a genuine Goodyear welt fine call
AT * Shoe , in all sizes , styles , widths and lasts , in differ
ent styles of toes , that are worth anywhere four1
dollars. We sell this shoe to you with this guar
antee : If , after wearing , you have any cause for , . . ,
dissatisfaction , we will either return you your
money or give you NEW SHOES FREE.
. A Cause for Coolness.
We are selling Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers [ shirts
with either French necks or silk bindings ] , that are
worth thirty-five cents , for
We are selling Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers , in two
different gradesor Normal Mixed Shirts anchDrawers
( shirts have French necks and silk bindings ) which are
sold for fifty cents everywhere , at ; EACH
We are selling tan or flesh colored Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers ( shirts silk bound ) or handsome gray Shirts
and Drawers ( shirts with French necks and silk bind
ing ) that you will see sold for seventy-five cents usually , for
We are selling silken finished Balbriggan Shirts an.d
Drawers ( shirts with French necks and solid silk
cuffs , worth a dollarand a quarter of any man's
money , for EACH
Gsiino called ut 4 o'clock. *
Ladies' admisbion to all pnrts , 25c.
EOYB'S Opera , House.
Saturday and Sunday , Juno 20 and 21 ,
Opening with n
of the wondorfiil
CIlAULiS : anil MAKTIIA , The \Viulfs flreutcit
.Mind HcmlerH niul Sccoinl blBht Scora.
rruncli Inutelnn.
Mademoiselle Savona
In her Itnnrinliirtlnn , nmltlcil , "lll.AC'K
ART. " Anil
Bnucan Franz
In Ills Wimilorful Spirit Cihliift.
Corner llth and I'liriKun Htrcuts.
LA BRM/A MINMK uiul hur wondurful
card-pliiylni : ilnir , I.llllr.
HIC.NOK DODDUKT'lT , the strongest man
A niiitcliloss coinpiiiiy of muslc'il nrl sts
mil t'onuMlluns. lloiiutlfiil autrobsuri , ohurin-
duncorb tinil tlnii'lv sonu's.
CA1IIX , fM to tM ) . Accordlnt ! to Stonmcr
nml location ( if Stnti'room.
Intenncillnto nml StoontKo ut low rates.
GT" A T T1 1 SEKV10B Oli'
vhi Londonderry , u\ury Kortnlnlit.
25th Juno , BTATi : OK NKVADA. 11 A. M.
S.ird Jiily.hTATH OK ( iKOUCIA , 11 A. M.
CAIIIN , Mi nnd Upwnrdn. Ilctiirn , f5 ( ! nnd upwnrdi.
Muernno Jl'.i.
Apply to H. A A. AM. AN , Montreal , or to
II. II. MOOUKS. 1SUS Knrnnm Ht. , Oiiiitlin.
In Fclllni ; our ninncrons Bperlnltlcs.
ninuthliii ; new. Kiop pouted. Try our .MnKlc Bulf-
.Ithtliik' 1'ocki't Lump niiit Climr l.luhlur. .Mnule
Hum Hunk. Surplus Hunk for pennUn , nlckloi nnd
hnei , und our rult Cnn VVrenth , fur puttiiik' on or
iiKInf oil the topn of fruit c.ina.Vrlto for circular
f wuulc novcltlut , or CM 11 on
North Wo3tar.i Speola ty Co.
L'oo Ilulldliik' , Oinulm , Neb.
77 o Jlltirrau , Cor. 1-ltli
it tin' tmiHt HiiltHttintttillu conHtriict
Jlutt'l Jlnllilliiu In On < ilitt. Htircrnl
u-iirii tirlvli Jlru tr < ttlH rttnittnuruin
niHfint'nt tu t'liuf. All tint cclllnuH nntl
lOtll-Hlilll'll trltk AHllfHt < IH / / < ! Jll-OUf
iilnn , timlitiif/ tiniHiHHlliln tu burn
( Jt I/ ( / . - , J'Yl'f ! CMCff Jlf'N II lltl'O IllllflllH
lu-uutili < tiit tint ImHiliiiii. ? ittiin In-iit ,
nit < ui < ( voltt nutt'.r unit miiiHliliiuin
ccci'i/roum. 'Aulilo iinHiii-j > itnncil ititj-
Graduate Dentist.
A full Sot of Tooth on llutihor.
for K1VK Duf.bAlM. Aperfoit
HI minrantouil. Toelh citructo I
11101" 'mln ' ° r fow'i nnl
ddutnuamthotlen. Hold nnd
.vor llllln.M nt lowuU rnuK.
Itrldifeund Crown \Vurlc. Teulli
wlthuutlilntu * All wur wur-
Kntrnnce , lllth ilruut clorator. Opeu uvcahiip
until b o'cluck.
HTTT j-d "V
i cmalc li * nih | moti powerful ( oi * < euUtor 1 en
fectlyttrt. NcitrftlK ftiiivitptM. h n4
liViUuUYi. AdJuii LldN DUUGCU.t
For 8ulo by Qooduua Dcu& Co
No. 108,110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. ,
| 1 itticlu. 1 y 1. . i. 1 I.HI U. |
Man ti ( net nrors of Iron anil Steel
bon , Yiir.1 Limn Fence's , also Farm ,
Stock , Park anil Cemetery Fences. Iron Vasm. Clmlr-i , Sottoa
nwl Crcstlncs. Solo ( .gents fur lluelttliorii
GulviiuUuil Stuol KitJbou Wires.
Telephone 1772. Sample ? at Factory.
Your breath is bad ,
your complexion is
Turkish Liniment stops all
pains ; cures rheumatism ,
sprains , bruises , .etc. Cures
cholera morbus.diarrliea , colic ,
and any pain in the stomach or
bowels , sec , of any druggists.
Turkish Tooth Wash is fra-
gant ; cleanses the teeth , per
fumes the breath and hardens
the gums. 25C , of your drug
gist. Turkish Remedy Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
She Saved Her
Anil rn cnn every ituoU Ilouaukeopur hr nlwnya bar-
IIIK oil hunil
the ( inly nrtlclu over pimliici'il with whlchnnr I ir3
lluht uml lir line npiillciitlim
tun ran nt > uxixmmt
reilnliiiinil riirnUli m ( Iriiiiti.'r tU. . llurvnim , Mini
sti-niU , Lhnlr * . Tntilui. lh , n " " . ' < ' } ll > l . 'l'f ' ; ! ' w . " ' 'l '
work In liraullfiil tlnti of CIIHHIt V. WAI.Nl'T
MAHOIMNV , 11ISISW ( ) OI . OrtK or VKItMlli ON
It will tnml wruhlim nml It > ury iturnliln. llnlf-
liuiiiul will ruitulii uml llnUli 11 Hot of I'huln , nml una
pint will onlliurlly riinmv nl hiiinburSut Kur rouim
( inoninirt tn nnii vnllnn nccontlllk' to nltii I'rlrm.
IIAI.K I'IN'i'rt. : ) o. I'lSI' , 6Jc. Utcluriliaa llru <
Co. . Ouinlm Whnli'milo Auu-iitit.
National Bank
u. a DEPosiTour. OMAHA ,
Capital , - - - - SAOO.OOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O , - OiZ.BOO
) NV Vntoi , I'rotlilaats
ORIceri ml | lroctori--Honrr
U-KliH. Hewl , Vlca-1'roililonti JnnieiV H r . .i.V
V , Murio , John H. Co Win. It U CutUlru , J. N. II
1'utilck W. 11. S. llughui , cutlilar.
Tl-llfl IKON BA.NK.
Corner IJtli iiuil KornnniMli.
A CdieralltutiklnzllnslnmiTransao teil
TO WEAK MEN the ciTucU from ol
_ _ yuullitul nrrort
Mlydecar , waiting weaknriu , loit muulxxxl , etc.
I will Kim uTtlualila trtatlio ( wali-il ) cnuUlnlni
fulliJ rtcuUr ! for home cut * . I'ltUl ! ot rttug *
A pV nllJ ( meaic l woilti iliould IM ittti ttjeietl
rnin who U nirimi. an < 1 drhlllut'il. Actilrort
Vtot , V , C. I'O WLKJt. MuuUui , Cuiiu
Morcth.m | j ycart experience In tha traitiu'jat oC
Acuro tiuiiruutooj In 3 to6 d.iyi , wlthont helOJiol
un hour'H tlmo.
The ino t coraplctu nnd nhioluto euro for nloot nnd
nil nniKiyhiK dUehnrKeH over known to the medical
pretension. I'erinnnently cured In froiuS to 1U dayi
Or pnln In rcllovlnc the bladder cured without pita
or InHtniMienls , no cultlni ; , no dll.itlnx. Tha mu < '
tcmurkuhle remedy known to modern nclouco.
( "n roil In HO to M itujra Dr. Mci ( row's treatment for
thlM terrible blood dlseine hai been pronounced tht
nioHt auccesaf ill remedy over dlttcoTorinl for tin ? nt -
elute euro of the ( Unease. Ill" ouccoii with till *
ill CMiso Inn never been oqunllo 1. A oomplota cure
liuuriiuteed ,
nosB.nll woiknesscs of tl o noxunj or an * , norvoui *
And tlinttllty und ( lospuudoacy nbaututul/
Th urelluf Is luunedlato ami ooiupluu * .
nnd nil dHcn oi of the blood , llvor , klduoyj ,
bladder permnnciitly cured. "
The doctor a "Horco Treiitiiiont" for Indlas U pro
nounced tiy all who linve unud It to bo the most com-
pletennd convenient rcinody ever ollerod for tin
trenttiient of fenmlo dliwiiix It H tru ly n wonderful
remedy. Ilourn for ladloj , from 1 to I ouly.
Mnrrolloitn success In thu In'ntnient of Frlrntodli <
eiiei ; lint won for him n reputation nhleh IK trull
iifitloinil In chnrnctor , nn t hla itreit uriny of p.illnuU
reu : bus from the Atlnntle to thu 1'nclllc. The doctof
Is n Kriiduntu of "reuul ir" medicine nnd has h |
IORK nnd careful exporlence In hotpltril prncllca ,
unit U chumed iilnunu the lundliiK apeclnll > t4 In mod'
ITU nelonco. Trc.itiniMit by curruipiiiiilunca WrIU
forclrciihiri nbout each of thu ubuvo ill.u no ) , fru *
Olllco , 14th and Farnam Strouti , Otnah *
Nob. Entranca on olthur streot.
Thir mill hirolc tfforti to fr t th miil il.
tit not tnowlof bow to locciilfullr
Ihfr itrt npla ilti | > klr nd vlok Intoaottilf
jlin.Hbll to iuUUttlTkir li 1IH. I'll
MOl ft . p
, i tn < > AnlctUDi of tha
Oriani ol Man , odhow by
braithoili iiclnilnlr oar
own , tht ttnrsl cuw-sot
toil or rulllni ll nlioo .
Otnirtl nil Hitromi Di
/tllltr. Wtttmiii of Do4r
find Mind , EUictiofCrroic
or EICIII.I. Bluntt *
Bhrnn\ Ornnt run > > : . .
Howt EnUri li48tr n tll BWKAK.
to 1 *
Men l.illfj from M Hum. Tmlloiln it * ' " ,
. , . - . . |
AaMD.lll.lbtlO.F ll..llf lltIDllDtll.ll.o4 " {
Kii.I.V : I1OI ItAI II-N Olllr.NTAb
" Olt JIAIilt'AI. ' IIKAI lU'lDll.
Itrmovr.Tnll , I'lmplr * r'n-ctc *
If. . Mulbl'HIcbri ItulKliilKkla
iJ oirerjr MciuUh ua
a , U.uty , uJ dcflt *
lili union , ll hn
> i > a tiio tc.t ol t
nil. anil ! < >
, . . .inilrx H < Ull lt
to be ur It I * iiru | > -
rly inatlR Avt i < k
no cuuutfrfelt ot
tlinllui uuiii * . Dr.L.
A. hftjrr kattl to A
I rimniintniruuu-
f uil' frnm'Mth
Irutliiimtul uf all
tli ikln prH' ra-
For ! by
* ' *
' N tliTuunchi'ti'itfi
. K.ncr Cuuilt lfi < 2
er lnlt UnltttlaUi ! Canaila. add f.iirop *
ttlll ) . T. HUl'KINa , I'rou'r. niinat JguciBU H , Y. M
nnniir * HANIIAI.WOOI ) UAl' ara the
DOGUIA ' oil ami onlr c piul ( ir Crlti j \ > r
< jUr pbrilclani for tb * cur * oC
Oonorhce * and UIiobariKi ( rum lb urlnarr
tt"U UiUAl.U ujf Ugt.