6 TJtUffi UJV1APIA UAIUT WATD-H-DAT , J CJNJU 20 , 1891. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Bulls In Wheat Again on the Run on the Chicago Board ALL CONDITIONS AGAINST THEM , Improvement In KorclR" Crop Pros- pcctH WciiknoHS and n Decline In Corn Hlljr'ttOnlii ' In Provisions Stocks and Iloml-i. CiiiCAno , June 10. Wheat opened with nn nppcarnnconf utroiiKth , first sales of July bulnz made at OlUOI'io analn8toi'io : ' at the close yesterday. The strength was only ap parent , however , and was duo to the bidding of a few nervous speculators who had magni fied the Importance of thu wet weather dam- OKO In thn winter wheat bolt wlioro the har vest Is In progress. All of the conditions were aRnltut them. Cable market rouorts showed lower prices for both spot and futures at Liv erpool arid for cargoes for prompt shipment at Lund on. A scries of private cables from the principal wheat mnrketconters of F.uiopo WIIH shown around. These cables reported Improved crop prospects everywhere ; said that Trench Importers had already botuht more Brain than the situation warranted , which scorned to account for the sharp droo In prices yesterday , and that l.MO.COO bushels were lylnK In hulls of the Knsllsh coast for which there wcro no bidders. Kiirtherinoro , the weather tnip ; hhowed but little rain in Ktinsns , Indicating that the harvest thcro would bo resumed , and the break in stocks consequent upon the continued Bold exports assisted In the de cline. The local feeling was bearish and tlio selling presiuro ( illicitly overwhelmed the llt- tlocotorlo of buyers , within flvo minutes of the nponlni ? . July sold at oilic. : At this point came reports of serious Uiuii.-i'fo to the crop In Kansas by Hoods and hoiivy rains , a cnod Imjulry for cash wheat hero chiefly for dlroi't oxpoit arid lartfo export clearances from the soahoard. A French cable alsosuld that the chamber of deputies had agreed to the measure of the loduc-tlon of the duty on curealxllxln the date at July I. As th's ' was a c riiipinmlsc between the chamber' * wish lor an Immedlatu reduction and the action of the senate fixing the tlmo at August , It was thiiiiKht It would pass the senuto. H. V. Whlto , t Co. . Oeorgo Hmlth and Logan began tobuyaii'l ' the sellers Having been nrotty thoroughly balled out , prices quickly began to react. Kiirly shorts commenced to cover and iliero was conshlerable Investment buying. Cottrell It was thought I.ought at least ono million bushels and the scalping crowd seemed In clined to the hiiylnirsldo. The result was a change In bontlment and an advance with various minor fluctuations to OUic. Tumi the marKet liecame wouk on free offerings unit lower and wo.ik Kngllsh cables , and tlic do- cllne reported at Purls , llnrlln and Antwerp , and sold oll'toOJigC and reacted to'JUio and clofcod at that. Corn showed a little strength for the first iiilniito and July sold at MVQSfi'jic , but every body seemed to have selling orders and buy ers wore holding olT. The result was a Mir- prlsliig weakness and adeclded decline. July dropped to ! > 4&c In less than ten minutes after HID opening. It followed wheat to home ex tent but the probability of warmer and clearIng - Ing wouther was also a noak factor. On thu break good buying com menced , shortH covered freely , Invest ment buying was generous , and wheat selling up. Corn followed. The moderate re ceipts for tomorrow were favorable and 1'ard- rltl o and Cudahy covered a good deal , and there was an Irregular advance to.Vl'ic. ' Then I'ardrldgo and Cudahy turned slum sellers , breaking I ho price to Wac , from which there WIIH n recovery to WiUc at the close. OitsstirHd ; : at 3CJiff-'fic ; for July , broke olT In sympathy with corn , mid soon touched STt'to , but subsequently reacted to i:0ic : ? , broke to ; i.)7ic. reacted to IlC'ic and closed at < ' ! Uc. I'rovlHlons opened firm. Seutemher pork sell ing nt $ O.CO. but fell to tio.5' ' , then corn mid wheat advancing. It hold to SI0.70 , dioppod to tlO.fi ! " , and cloned at * 10.7.1 , a gain of In cents over yesterday. Lard and ribs gained 5 cents each. The lending futures ranged us follows : Cash quotations were us follows : I > 'i. un Steudyj unchanged ; spring patent's M.US\40 ! ; winter patents. $ I.SJtt5.1U ; bakers , - WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , OOo : No. a , iprlng wheat , 03KOiKlio ! ; No. a rod , U7 iOOo. Cons No. ' . ' , .wye. OATS-NO. 2 , IWija-'iOJioi No. 2 white , 30 < 340 ! < o : No. a white , IfcOaiio. KVK No. V , 7fiiii76c. HAHI.IV : No. ' . ' , nominal ; No. S , t , o. b. , OOc ; No. 4 , nominal. KLAXSEKU- . 1,11,07. TIMOTHY SEKU 1'rlnic , H.27. 1'oiiK-MchS pork , per burro ) , J10.30O19.a" > ; lard , per ewt. , jr'JTi ; short nLs sides ( looiu ) , tfi.OJao.Oi ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , I5.UO tt.r > .ir > ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $0.-VfM.iO. : WIIISKV Ulstllloih' llnlshod goods , Der gal lon. $1.10. SutlAiiB-Cut louf , unchanged ; granulated , unchanged ; standard "A. " unchancod. Receipts und shipments today were its fol lows : On the produce o.xchunco today , the Imttor murkut was ( inlet nnd unchuiiKod ; extra creamery , 10iai7i4o ! ( ; extra firsts , llXiOUc ; llrsts , liSilUc. Epgu , uaisc. _ Now Vorlc 'Markets. NEW YOIIK , Juno 10. Kt.ouii Receipts , 11.711 paeknues ; exports , 4.CW hurrols , lli.nsuoUsi inurkot inutlorutuly active , wouk ; sulos , i ! , Oi'J burrols. COIIN MUAI < Uull.stondyi Yellow western. K1.H C Cl.85. WIIKAT Hecclpts , 5:1,803 : luishols : oxporti , S44el ! bushels ; Hiilcs , ! M)30.MJO ) bufchels of fu tures ; 1)1,00 ) < bushels spot. Spot murkot iiulet , Irregular , closing steadier ; No. 2 red. fl.0t > ' 6fi > l.lisy In store und elevator ; tl.UO tQH.Wi ulloat : Il.0. < i4'.lay f. o. b. : unirraded rod , H.WJiitl.ll ; No. 1 northern to arrive , tl.ioii : No. 1 hard to arrive , tl.H'i ; No. l ! ChlciiRO. II.04tll.Ot > .S. Options lluotuatud nioro ou iiiuinpulatlon , opcnliiK Utt io up , decllnuiK 'i 4i.Sc. udvanecd SGCIc , closed weak ut Vi@iUo over yestordiiy. Kuport that the I'rench duty will bo tukenoir July 1 Instead of August I , tOKUthur with tlio weather toleurams. exerted Bomolnlliioncu ; No. i ! red. June , il.DTUCSl.i.H1 , , closlni ; , tl.OTV ; July , f I.OIttl.os. olosliiK.tl.oi1 > ; AIIKUSI , tl.XJ\ei.OI ( , closlni ; , { 1.00 ; Hepteni- ber , W\oaiI.OI. closliiR , iwyoj October , Jl.oiISi l.WVi , closlnp , $1.00 > 4 ; November , closing , 11 OO.lii lecomber. ) l.X\i ( ) I.OI . , closliir. H.OHJ ; January , closing , tl.wltit May , tlMlSM.W , ClOSlllL . ( I.UA. % . foii.N Itecelpts , 11,410 bushels ; exports. bushels ; sales , ? ' 'SIXW bushels of futures ; Ji,0 ) > K ) bushels of spot. Spot market null , easy ; No. I1 , 71tt'o In elevator , T''o nlloiit : unuradeil mixed , CSitT'JIio ; options followed wheut lu Its chanttes and at ono tlmo stood ? . < Kl'iO over yesterday , but closed uteaily at only ( .t < i&lioup.1 ; 11110,1.80 . , closing t' c ; July , Oai } < 2V ( > c , closing 01' , o ; August. ( sl'M C'Jt-KV , closing UIiU ! BeptemUer , CO(2ti01iC ( , closltm ie. OATS Iteeelptc , 10.000 bushels ; nxportx. 1,015 Imsiicls ; sulos , 4I\VOO bushuls of futures : 8IXH ( ) bushels of spot. Spot market unsettled , lower , dull ; options fairly uctlve , Irregulur ; July , 41'jHi.V , closing 41hoi Auisust , . , cloliig : Klf : September , lUC A c , eloslng U4 n : hot | Nu ' . ' white , 44Ho ; mixed western , aoiHlc ; whlto western , 4Kt3o ; No , L' Chicago , -"iWlitii * . 11 AV Klrm , butiiulet. IlOfS-Hteady. but iulet. | COKl'KK Optloni opened stonily nt MM points up , closed steady and unchanged to 13 iiolnti up. Sulcs , .11'J , " * ) bags. Including ! illy , < l5.TOil.VMi August , tl.MOiQI5.i5 : ; September - tember , * U.lWill.Rl ; Uctobor. JI4.0iJ14.l. ( : Decembor. IU. ' < itii.70. ; Spot Hlo , dull , tint steady ) fair cargoes , < I .V5 ; No. 7 , il .7M4 10.b7ii. SUOAII KIIW. aitlet , but flrin. Iteflned , firm ; fitlr demand ; Nti , P , 3c ; No. 7 , Uioj ) elf A.llMA 3So. I'KTltoi.KUii Kasler ; cruilo In barrels , J'urkcr's. * < l.taj rellned Now York. tn.Wffl7.IO ( ; i'hllndclphla and llaltlmure , tAWiM : I'hlla- dolphlu and llaltlmore , In bulk , (4.0U < . < . ' 3 ; united closed at t7ic ! for July. COITON KCKD On , Dull und unchanged , TALLOW \\etiUj city , ( K..00 for iiackugcs ) , 3'4'c. 3'4'c.KOSIN Qulot anil weak ; strained , commnn to good. * i.rjinci.4\ ) TunresTiMic-Qulet , but strndv ; SHG . o. KouK-Klrmcr ; western , WiM\V \ > i < : ; receipts , 5,415 pnokage . LAUD ( Jiilot , trlllo batter : western iteuin , (0.2i } | tulos , 700 tierce * at / in1 pulled , ir/ailie : 'ro.tn ' ? , 10 240. I'oim Dull. unclmiiRo < l. , , , , bcl- OUT MBATB-Stroutf , wanted ; pickled Snlmlr.s-DnH , weak ) hort clonr. M.SS. IIUTTHii-Modorulo demand , about sloaiiy. we torn dnlry. uaiSoi Klitln. tec. , / , , . . fJiiEBSE-Htoiidy. nctlvo ; onrt l ljns. 4flfl ? c. l'io lliox-Uiili ; Anicrtcwn. 110.0081UJ. Coi'i'KH-Noinlniil ; Inkc. June , tlZ.Bj. TiN-Dull , Hnncri strnliB. 120. iO. LEAD I-'lnn ; domcgtlc , ti.t-- KuiiHiH Cliy Mm-kctfl. KANPAS CITY. Mo. . Juno o.-Vr-IinlP1U ! ! ! iinclmnuwli family. il.l.vaiAS ; cholco . fl ; < ; ' l..Oj fiuiey , ll.dMJl.05i extra fnnoy. Jl.bO ; pnt- " "tt'iniSt ncer : No. 2 hard , cnah , 88O Ooi June. 80c bldi No. 2 red , eiuh. Olttlttc. COIIN- Weaker : No. 2cnih , 62ic ! bid ; June , - No. 2 cash , 40' c bid ; Juno , - unchanged ; fancy , J10 ; Rood UTTKii-toiy : unchanged : ercatnery. 13 GIBc ; dulry I04513c ; store pavkud , lOo ; DUCK- BEW. MiOc. , , I'll KCSE Steady : unchanged. Kens I'lrm at I2" n. , I'ltovisioNH-ytcaily.unchangcd'.atmnr cured iiiuiitH. h.itiiB , DSIOc : Dri'ftkfust bucon , BMet dried licet hums. lUc. Dry salt iiietits. clear sldfB. 0 Cj lllllK OlcalR. fi'il't BllOUlllCM , fi'iC. Hrnakud mciiU. cli-i.r rib sirtus. , Jie ; loiiB clours , 7Ue ; oK'iir sides. 7ic ! : shoulders. CUc ; mess pork , trj.M. Lard , pure , 7io ! ; rollncd , 7J/c ' 'Woair-nullt iinchunijod : . ? " ' ' , , ! ; . , wished , heavy nno. lliai.o : ilshr lino. I'- ' ! mealiini , 2 ( S880. Kansas and Nebraska heavy line , HWKlo ; llKliinne. 14 ilfic ; low antl carpet. l llo. Tub washed , choice. a22.i > ci medium , 3iji2o ( ( : ; dlnjry and low. 87O81H- . KKCBliTH-Whcat. 'H.HOO bushels ; corn , 10.003 buslifls ; oats , ll,0)J bnsliuls. Siiii'MBNT8-Wlieat.38.05) bushels ; corn , I. . ,200 bushc.s ; oats , 0vuo : buslu'ls. Ijlvc-rpool LiVEiti'oor , , Juno 10.-WiiEAT-Hiill ; holders offer madorat lyCiillfiirnln. No. 1 , 6s Shd ® 4d per cental ; red western , surliiR.fis SidttSs l'id ' ; KHIISUH winter , haul , BsO'.id ' ; rceeptsof wlio'it for the past three days wore 1,7,00) cen tals. - - - Including - - . . 31.000 . . . . . . . American. ' ' - mixed western , Vincrlciin corn .MW centals. uiaiii iis i percental. KKF-Mni India mess , b2 Od pertlerco. CiiKitfB-Atnurlcun. llnest whlto aiU colored , 5. ' > s Cd per owt. for old. Bt. Louis Miirkcta. ST. I.ouis. Mo. , Juno 10. WiiKAT-flrm ; cash , (1.00 ; July. ( Uic. ? COIIN Hteiidy ; cash. 50o ; July. Mo. OATH-Kasy ; cash 4c ; ! : July , 3liO. ! I'OIIK Steady at JIO.'O. I/AIID Ktuady at f i.OJ. WIIIHKV ( I 1C. u jjtoaily nnd unchanged. Mintiniipolislient Mnrkcf. MINNEAPOLIS ) , Minn. , Juno 19. WIIBAT Cash wheat lower ; demand coed ; No. < ! nor thern and low snides dull. Itecelpts , 150 cars ; shipment ! . 85 ears. Closing : No. 1 hard , Juno andJuly , I1.00V4 ; on track , $ l.l ' ; No. 1 iiortli- crn , Juno and July , ! > U&e ! : on traclf. IWJioi No. 2 northern , June , foe ; on traclt , 0. > ® 0iiic. Milwaukee MnrKcts. MlIAr-ADKRK , Wit. . JllIlO lO.-WllKAT I'lmlJ No. 2 spriiiK. cash , 94Jao3e ; July , OilJic. COIIN Dull ; No. a. Me , OATS Lower : No. 2 white , 40Hc. 1'ltoviBlONB I'lrin. pork. July , $114214. Cincinnati MurkctH. CINCINNATI. O. , Juno 19. WIIBAT Steady ; . No. 2 red. 11.02. COIIN Woitkur : No. 2 mixed. SOOCOo. OATS-DuIl ; No. 2 mixed , 4 c. WHISKY SI.1C. Toledo Markets. TOLEDO.'O , , Juno 10. WHEAT Steady ; cash and June. S1.K1. Coitx Dull ; cash , r > 9c. OATS Qulot ; oiish , 45C. STOCKS AM * ttOXOS. NEW VOIIK , Juno 10. For several days there have been persistent reiterations of rumors that ( 'old was likely to o out this week and to these assertions the tendency In exchange pnvo some probability , but the reduction In the llank of England rates and the generally better fcolln and conditions on the other side were felt to bo against such a movement , and while there was the usual hesitancy about buylir. ; , no ventures were started. Today , however , the street vas treated to the surprise of the taking of over M.IIOO.OOO for ex port oy tomorrow's steamer und stood the surprise very well. The fact made , us was to be expected , the opportunity for a boar at tack upon thy leading speculative stocks , but there was no long stoks brought upon the market , and while thu luck of support remlcrod the marking off of prlco a comparative oisy : matter the movement was spasmodic and the most Intense dullness marked the t null us ; after each drive. The movement Is felt to bo only the remains of the ono gone before , and whijo the possibility and oven probability of further exports from tlmo to tlmo are acknowledged no approlienslon as to the state of the market Is now felt In cou- soquouco of such , oveinont , while the favor able conditions both at homo and abroad uro continually rfcpt In mind and the usual con servatism Is hhown on the part of holders. The strength In silver was also today an lu ll ucntlal factor In sustaining prices , the re vival of speculative Inteiest in the metal taklns : BOIIIO of ihe edge off of the loss of the gold. Tlii ) stock market , howoior , was oven narrower than usual of Into , and outside of thu half ilo/.en stocks which now monopolize attention the movements during the day wore entirely Insignificant. Among the leaders , however , losses of from to li ! per cent were sustained. These stocks Included St , I'aiil , L'hlcimo Gas , Louisville , Atehlson , Now Eng land , Hock Ibland , Wabush preferred and Wheel 1111 ; & Lake ICrlo preferred. The opening was dull antl steady hut the shipments of gold soon started selling by the professionals und more anima tion was accompanied by a persUtont decline , which , however , was made In spurts and followed In every CIIBO by Increased dullness. The market shewed the etl'ect of tlie covering of the shorts , put out earlier In the day. In the llnal dealings und a fractional raliy took place which closed the market tirm at the Improvement. The final changes are genen-lly small losses , hut Jersey Central and Now England aru olT 1 per cent ouch , whllosllvurlsup li. ! Hnllroud bonds were a little more active to day , the sales of all issues roaehliu Ji.fio.uoo . , and the Increased Interest was seen In the llriiidrtono pi-osented and which prevented any material change In prices against the Inllucncu of the decline in the share list. Thu only movement of Importance was the rlso In the Norfolk .Sc Wexturu's 5s to ui : froiuKSli. The rest of the list was ijulet and held falrlv steady throughout. ( iovernment bonds were dull and steady. State bonds were dull and steady. Petroleum opened steady and declined slightly on a few helling orders from the west. The market then became dull and remained so until the close. Pennsylvania oil spotolus- IngU ? ; July option sales , ononlnir. UJ ; hlu-h- csi. M ; lowest , 0J l closlns , 07J. ! Total sales , 1(1.0 ( 0 barrels. The following are the clniliu limitations for the loading stocks on the Now York stock ox- ehungo today : I ) . A It. 41. preferred. VJ-H'Sl. ' I , . \ S. K. 1 p'fil , . Hi KaitTenn M at. 1'aiil R | do 1st preferred. . . . 60 I dopreferred 112 do 2nd preferred. . . IH lSt I'atil.Mln. A.Man.lOl Krlu lHH.St. . I'anlA Omaha. . . . 2.I . . . . . . . II. I' . Denver A ( iulf. lit ? Thu total sales of BKK' | : today were 117,037 shares. Including ; Atchlson , li.Sx ) ; Louisville A Nuslivllle. 1 ,000 : Missouri Tactile , a.100 ; tjt. I'aul , & ,77SUnlon , ; I'acltic , 4.UOU. Nott-H. Nuw YOIIK , Juno 19 , ClourliiRa , KO,073S87 ; boliintes. - . . Md. . Juno 10. OioarlnKf , fl.R 2UO ; buluilccs , ( J73bO. ' . JUinoy , B per cent. Juno lU.-C'learlnct , IS.6I1- 6C. ; balance * . { 1,001,027. Money. 4iJIH percent , OIMCINNATI , O. , Juno 19. Money. 027 per cent. Now York exchange , 33c premium. Ulohrlnh'fl. 11.008.500. HOSTO.V , Mans. , Juno 10. Olcirlnzi , IKI,77 < , - 703ilmlnnco. , } I.MIrt7.1. Monov , IW * , percent , Kxcnnngoon Now York , lOUI'J'ia ' discount. OIIICACIO , Juno 10. Money , nctlvo nnd firm ntftif&fl pur cent on cull uml Mlfl'J ' percent on tlino. Now Yorlc oxclinnpc , UJKISA cents iicmliini. Clearing todny. Il3.cy.i.i0) ( . Ster- R ! ng exchange , steady and unchanged , The Mo icy Market. Nr.w Vontc , Juno 19. Mosnv ON UAi.tv Emy ! rnnaliiR dam l4ta8 ! per cunt ; lust loun , 2 percent ; Hoslnxoirorotl nts , 1'ni.MB MKWANTH.B I'APKit MifBT percent. ; STKitLtxo KxciiASOB-CJulot nut. steady lit ll.854 ? for sixty-day bills nnd fl.b&4 ! for do- in n nil. The following wcro the closing prices on bonds : HtookH. LONDO.V. Juno 19.01oslng at 4 p. in. Consols , money U" > l-HI'KrloVnds ' 10) Consols , account..05 3-lli1 Illinois Central. . . . . . . I' ' " V. S. 4s 12JiMexican ) ( ord 'W U. S. 4Cj9 102U St. 1'alil common. . . . 4H14 N. V. P. AO. Ists. . . . .12U Heading 1 H Canadian 1'acldc 81Jj .Mexican Cent , now 4s 75 Krlu SUKJ Itar silver. 4'id per ounce. Money , ii1 nor cent. Hate of discount In thoonen market for both short and threemonthbills , Ja per cent. Hank < > ! ' Knxlniul Ittillloti. LONDON , Juno 10. Amount of bullion pone Into thu Hank of England on balance today , PlII'iH llciltCH. PAIII-I. Juno 10. Throe per cent rentes , OTif 3c for the account. Denver MiningHtocls. Dr.NVElt. Colo. , Juno 19. Quotations on the mining exchange today closed as follows : AlluplKiny ' . ' 0 , pgnl'lender 3- ! Amity 3 .Ittle Uulo 107 Argonaut 17 Matchless 295 llnllarnt (2 May Mareppn 125 HntiKkok C ? < .Morning ( film Ilntos lluutor C'J Ore IIlB Indian II Pay Hock ? * lllKSIz 1IU I'otoil V Ilrownlow 0i I'nrk Con IB Calliope KM lleod National M Century 8(1 ( Illnlto IK Clay County 121 Itunnlne l-odo W Cashing I nTunwnrth 18 Dlnmond II O ( JohnJ. pfd 6 DenverliaaAOIl. . . . 8 I'uzxlor 4 Kmmoiu. . . . 45 ClHlHllH.l 11 ( Jold Trensuro 35 ( Icttysburg 18 Ironclad ' . " 4 Whnlo - > 0 ! Justice n < ( Hun KranuiHoo Min-ii Quotations. SAN KitANCtsco , June 19. The olllclal closing quotations for inlutnx blocks today wcro us follows : New York Miuin < r Quotations. NKW YOIIK , Juno 10. The following uro tlio closing iiilnlni ; atoulc iuotut ) ons : Allco 10(1 ( Horn Sllvur 335 Adams Con 155 Iron Sliver 10J Anpeii 1'JO Muxtcau (145 ( lleiiilwoort 130 Plymouth ,1UO Kuroka Con .175 Blcrra Nevada ' . ' 15 Hale A Norcrosa. . . . TM SnvtiRU I'.i'i Itoinoatako 1073 Yellow Jacket 200 St. Koult * 'Mlnlnjj Quotations. ST. Louis. Mo. , Juno 10. There wcro not many stocks floiilt In this rnornliif ! , but prices were decidedly stronger. Tlio following bids wcro iniulo on call : Adnnri UHJ Mt. Key Amurlcnn 3S5 M.llreun. , . . . . Aitcc 2 Kllcitiotb 170 I.lttloAlbcrt ! > Vuiuu MuntroiD GO Boston Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass. , Juno 19. There is n strong cloniund for wool nnrt the snlos for tlio week amount to U.llO.s.'OO uonirla of nil kinds. Tlio nuirkot is-rente nirl prices tend In favor of liuvors. Good Olilo sold nt l".KSOo ; ) for XX. and XXX und above , Illc : Mluhlvun X , tv-7-ic. ! These are the lowest prices roaclicJ on these grades this year. Combing and dolalno lleocos ( jnict nt : .oa4lo for No. 1 oomUIni : . . 'tiaiWo lor Ulilo line dolalno , mid : rt : : > c for .Michigan do lalno. Unwashed combine wools move slowly nf..Vitaic for one quarter und at L'T@"S c for ? b'ood. The territory woolsworoselling utOO ® GSc forvlcun or llnu.Gml ? . t'c for IIno tncdluni.and fM&ATu for medium. Now TOXUH and Califor nia lias been belllnc moio frocly at prices raiiKlliK fiom 18c to'4o toaboutWlotofiOcclean. Australian wools were In demand ulXtGtvio as to ( luallty. Foreign curpot woo.s quiet und btcady. MlKCCllnnooUH AlarkotH. LONDON , Juno 10. CALCUTTA LINSUCD I''s M per quarter. LiNSKKi ) CAKK Western , i'O 5a per ton. Itosi.v Klnu , r > s ; id uer cwt. HtuiAii Cuba , muscovudo fair relining , I3a per cwt. ANTWKIll' , JllllO 10. L'ETItOI.KUM IfllSf paid und sellers. LtvKui'Oot. , Juno 11) ) . AMERICAN RiriimuA- ! : TOH HKKK I'ori'quurtors , 4.jd ! ; l.lndquiirter.s , OJjtl per Ib ; American llvo cuttle , rr > adper ; Ib. LONDON , Juno I1. ) . HBKK Aniurlunti rofrljr- erutor , forc < | uuiters , 'Js Kd ; lilndijuurters , Us lud pur 8 pounds by the curcass. New Vork Dry ( > OOIH ! Market. Niw : VOIIK , Juno 10. llualncss in dry cooilu is ut Dome udvnnco. Trade Is becoming recon ciled. Tlio cotton K'lods market Is now shap ing Itself and there Is more disposition to buy for tlio fall trudc , but thcro seems to bo no particular speculative feeling. Developments are gradual , und much lumltli.or business Is untlulpated. There were no price changes In cotton goods today and the market tone was settled. Ilavan i Markotw. HAVANA , Juno 10. SPANISH GOLD 32.i8a : o " " "KXCIIANOE Wonk. PudAii qulol ; l.U'UObagu of centrifugals. 'M to Iki i degrees polarization , wore sold at J.'l.tKlH cold per ( lulntal , and -Wi ( bags of centrifu gals , ihi'.i ' degri'iis polarl.atlonoro bold ut Matunzus at iaougold iieriiulntal , Oil A MIA 1.11 K S Til CK. OMAHA. Juno. 19. ISfll. OATTf.it Olllclul roooluts of cattle fa ) , as comuiircd with. M)4 ) yesterday und 1.007 iTlday of lust week. Tlio market wus ubout stoatly on Rood bandy fat cuttle. Less desirable grades slow and f > to lOo lower. I'ho ilocllno durlnir tlio week has been 15o to UJc. Ilutclier stock und feeders wore slow uml unclinnged. llous Ulllclul recoluts of hoei 8.r as compared with WrtH yesterday und SAW l''rl- ' dny of lust wook. The market was very aetlvo ; all sold within an hour and u half. The market opened So higher uml clu-ed u big f > c higher. Tlio quality was gooU. The ran o of the prices paid was { I. IJifM.M , the milk soiling at * 4.4)l,4. ) " > . I.tidit , fl.t ; , heavy. JI.I.ISI.M ; mixed , fl.4oa4.4S. The IIKO of the prices paid wii * * I.4IJ ! us compared with iM.a7i yesterday and * l.2.'ij Friday of last week. PiiKKi' Thuro were no fresh receipts of sheet ) . ' ' 10 | market svmpathUint ; with Chl- uuiro , was lower. Nnt'ves. ' J2.7MW.OO ; west erns , t'.WffiMW ; Koodoo to 7J-iu. Umbs. $ , "i.coa C.V5. Hcoi-lptH mil DlHponltloii or Stook. Olllulal riK-olnts nnd dlspotltlon of stock ax shown by the books of tlio Union stockyards company for the twenty-four hours omllii ; ; ut 5o'clock p. m. . Juno 10. ISUI : HKCKIPTA I'ATTI.E. IIO.IS. Sllt.KI' . n's .V Ji'l.'s. Can. Heart. Cars. II o.i.l. Cari.lllua.l. Cnrs. lloail 8.11" Uoprosrmtatlvo Hnlcn. No. Av. Pr. NoiTAv. 1'r. No. Av , 1'r. 8. .101:1 : $100 Rri.mi u oo sa. ISM wi" : ! 8..I01U 4 CO UiJlMI SUO 1.H..IIII5 540 10. . ttiT , 405 l .ntl'J ' ft 10 30..11M3 r. 4J JO. .1047 4 fiT'J 13.O20I 515 13. .1410 50J 17..ICOJ 4 SJ IKInJIsl 5 S3 S. . 720 105 BirjOS SIS 12. . 612 205 is. , osi i fs ir'Vso a as . . MS 270 ft. . lOVM 1 IX ) g'loTS 8 KO 3. . II Irt 80) 12. .1011 see it"u.w sn : o. . DM ) : ios a. . DM am ? . Ann 240 i..iio : aiw in. . O4t 201 5l,7n ( SIM i..isoo aoo 4. . U10 8 13 I..J-S7 2 CO STOCKlnm AND IT.EDEItf. c. . CM n sj i/i. . ' < 3it ( a co a. . 1003 373 i. . sio uio _ h , nuu.s. 3. . MM 240 1 .MM 850 1..S7SO 850 2..11SO 2 40 CAI.VC& 0. . 205 4 23 1. . SM 4 M 8. . 1C5 4 60 BTr.UllS , VCAIlUNflB. 5. . 6M 3 50 MIXKD. 40. . 740 4 ! H .MII.Klil8 AND fUMlINOEllS. I tnllljor . . . . r.100 1 tnllkor . . ! . -MOO 1 springer . , . 8J 00 No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Ph. I'r. ftl 1M ) 160 H M 03 2-'l 1201440 7.1 IS8 I8J I M H3 2JO I'.O 440 72 lit ! 1V ) 4 W > 72 231 120 440 in 170 120 i as r.i sti 120MO HI 1110 2I'J ' 4 .15 CO 353 280 440 7H 311 I'M 4 : i.r > 10 W7 44' ) II 2IW 120 435 H8 . . . .ll 100 442'i ' HO 21P , 210 4 ; 5 OS 2(13 ( 442'i 70 210 241) jr , dl 2X0 80 4 42 5 SM 4115 (1'J ( M2 HO 4 42'i 73 lOd 20D 4 35 72 21' . M I 12V 80 ISI 120 4 115 Til 2:11 : 20J 442'i 03 212 HO 4 : a 7(1 ( 210 2.SO I I2'i ' OS 211 120 4 35 7ll 200 120 4 42Vt fill 1(13 ( 40 4 . ' 13 fiO KM K.O 44 PI IIU 40n \ \ Oi 27(1 ( 40 44.- , LO 244 10 4.'I5 (10 ( 27i ; I2J 445 8) 2U7 112) 4 IB 07 . . . .208 120 445 Cl ( 212 12J 4113 53 231 - 445 02 IKi 210 413 ft ) 202 200 445 71 2)5 ) 280 I IB ! 1170 445 71 2W : 1120 4 ; i7' ' { O'J 21(1 ( 200 445 71) ) 2,12 210 4 : i7" M 21(1 ( 120 445 7J 227 1(10 ( I W'i 02 301 M 445 110 103 2SO 4'i7iS 71 250 200 145 b ! ) 171 120 4 , ' 17',4 70 2.13 IO'J 415 07 220 3W ) 4 II7'i CO Kit 200 445 77 324 10 4 ; , ? S4 ( StS 445 f.l IUI 80 I ; i7U 03 2.S5 WO 443 W . . . . 2.0 120 I 37li < ' ' ( l 2(11 ( 445 128 24(1 ( 80 440 03..2I2 80 445 111 215 ICO 440 . ' > 3 205 2Kl 443 7i : 221 2iIO 4 10 78 UKi 445 63 254 240 140 08 2:1 : ! ) 200 445 .SI 218 11H ) 440 71 l ! 2JO 443 74 2'.0 4J 443 74 2ii : 200 445 70 221 HO 440 04 2(11 ( 100 445 04 220 Kill 440 (17 ( 2c5 40 445 70 231 10J 440 l.TJ 30 ! ) 2 > J 445 07 20 : ! 8(1 ( 440 71 34(1 ( HU 443 75 323 1M ) 441) W ) 277 bO 445 74 SO HO 4 4J 01 253 100 443 m 2U2 40 440 02 . . . "M 60 445 (17 ( 2J4 40 440 01 : ill N ) 445 HO HHJ 100 4 to 50 2(11 ( 3110 445 M 222 120 440 07 2CG 40 4 4\ 71 2.14 120 440 SO 275 SO 443 77 214 20J 440 11 301 445 71 2118 320 440 50 -OS 240 4 47Vi 70 210 120 440 70 21K5 4 47'i 73 UK ) 40 440 63 312 203 4 5'J 71 2(5 4) 443 S3 31K feO 450 8.1 1US 40 4 4D 51 35' ' ) 453 CO 1IJ ! I'.O 440 S3 . . . .253 280 450 (13 ( 230 83 440 05 2(11 ( 4 M 77 240 30 440 55 3J2 M ) 4f > 0 78 241 120 440 00 314 80 455 :0 2U'J ' 80 440 70 30G 465 I'lOS AND IIOUOII 0 81 2 ; . ' . ) , 20 112 'SO 375 15 HI _ 5'J 77 137 120 410 10 1OT 3 53 - Ijive Stouk Mnrlcct. CHICAGO , Juno 10. [ Special Toiogram to THE Ilui : . ] There "was no further sagging of prices , buyers appearing to bo satisfied with the ro.luctlon of I. > ii20c per 100 pounds secured during the procortlnt ; three days. Although fresh arrivals were comparatively light , there were enough held ever cattle to swell the sup ply to moio than , average dimensions nnd HOI- lors hud to work hard lo umpty the pens. They succeeded In ilohix ; so ou a b.isls of SI. 251.25 for Inferior to choice cows , heifers and bulls. J1.75&4.00 forwtockers and feeder.- ) , $1.2530.35 for common to cx'ra shipping steers , and 81. 51 < 3 > 5.0u for Tcxatis. While the raiuo of quota tions Is thus wide tliu major part , of the day's supply clnngcd owners at iJ.O ( & 3.2."i for eows and bulls. J5.oo < jj5.7. ; ) for shipping steers , and $2.5. © 4. OJ forTo.Naiis. Stock catllo were dull : lt a cbnsldcrublrf decline from lust week's prices , offerings excdeJIng the demand , The calf market also was overstocked and weak. The ho , : market continued to strengthen. It was easily Co higher than for Thursday and ! ! > © 2Uc higher than at thu uloso of last week. Very few of the offerings wcio so poor IIH not to lie saleable at better than $3.55. The bulk brouglit ? 4.(154.75. ( This very substantial ad vance has taken place under u supply equul to that of thu previous live days and with no special encouragement from the provision sit uation. There was brisk trading today at $4.f > 54.75 for common to best quali ties. . Mixed lots generally sold at $ I.5.V(4.C5 ! and grassers at 2. > < i . ' ! 5o elf from prices paid for corn fatted hogs. At thu close the market took a weaker turn though Into sales did not indicate much actual change In values. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE Tlc- celptH , 7OjO ; shipments , 2,5,0. Market weak , dull ; prime native si corn. J < J.XJ ( ; good to cnoice. $5.405. ! j others. $4.15'3 ' ! . ' > .50j TOXUIIK , $2.fcO4.0U ; eows , $ c. > .2Vft3.7. > . IltKiri Kecolpts , 2U.OOO ; shipments , 8,000. Market active , higher ; rough and common , 84.&K&M5 ; . . .txo.lnml packers , Sl.5034.cu ; prime heavy and butcher weights , W.C5ffl4.75j light , J4.-5 ( 4.75. SllEKl' Uecelpts. 3.0U1 : slilni' > 'nts , 3.030. Market we.ik ; natl'vcs , fl..WS,5 , 35 ; Tuxiins. J3.75 fit4.3U ; westcins , * 4.2'I.8D ' ; Itimus. Now Y < irk Live Stoolc .Market. NF.W YOIIK. Juno 10. HBIVKS Hecclpts. 2,3e9huad , Incliidln.- ! ! earn for sale ; market steady. Native steers. J l.iiiS,4..U : ( ' : Texans , Sl.40f83.01 : bullstanJ eows , { 2.00'iV ) ; dres-id beef , SUffWHe. Slilpmonts tomorrow , Iuo7 beeves and 7,050 quarters of beef. CALVIS : Iteeelpts , 14" ! market steady ; veals. W.KV7lr.oo ( ; butteimilk calves , $ ' .M'5ii3.r. ( " . SHEEP llcct'lpts. 5.2iO ( head ; market linn ; sheep , $4.37V < i5.5'J per owt : lambs , ! } O.OJSi7.ll ( ; dichbcd mutton , linn at 0&10 > ic ; dresbed lamls , steady at li'iQ.1211. HonK"liecelpts , Incliullng one oar for sale , 3,001 head ; market firm at $ t.7. ' > @ . ' ) .25. City Ijlvn St uk .Xarkot. KANSAS OITV. Mo. Juno ID. CATrrUo - cclptH , 4,220 ; shipments. COO ; market dull , lower ; stcorrf , KWSO.IO ; cows , { 2.00i4l.40 : htoekors and feeders. } 2.40 < r4.U ! ; ( ) . lions IlucMlnth. (1,140 ( ; slilpinents , 1,2:10 : ; nuir- kot active. 7'o higher : bulk , $ l,40@l.5j ; ll grades , } 3.00l,55. _ St. IouiH Ijivo Stouk Alarket. PT. Louts. Mo , Juno 19. CATTM : Io"olpt . 2.8JO ; slilpiiients 1.000 ; market firm ; fair to fancy native steers , Sl.7.i ( . ' > .75 ; TexaiiH and Indian steer * . . ' . : K/L'.I.O ! . 110(19 Kece'pts. : i.oroi shlpmentH , 3,210 ; mar ket higher : hc.'iw. 1.55 4.115 ; mixed , { 1.20 ® 4. CO ; llL-ht. W.KVliil.M. 0.11 A II.l WllOl.KHAltK JI.l ICSiKTS. Krcsli Krtilts. Hi.ArKiir.iiitiES I'er case , $ ; LOO , lli.At'i ; ItAsl'iir.iniiBS I'ercasc. $1.01. CiiKititlDS L'allfarnla. per 10-lh box , Jl.7.1 ; hi lie it Tartarian , $1.75 ; southcru cherries , { 1.25 per drawer of IS quarts. LIMONH : Choice stock , per box. J0.03 ; f aiiuy , -10167.00. . TKXAS l'iAniES-.I'or : M bushel box. noc. STHAWiiKiiitinHi-MlhMurl slock. J..o ® 2.25per 21 quart case ; Iowa -stock , Hli'.rK ) per ease. OliANdKS Los -Am-clos , $3.25 ; Mediterran ean hweolB , Ji ; 'i > ii I.V.'i. ( IiiKKN tiosinKiiiiKS : ( I'er 24 quart c. 2.252.5' ) ; drawi'riif H quarts S1.7j. 11ANANAS I'or' billich , t..5U13.03 ( ! for fancy shipping ttock. . _ The following' ifiiotatlons represent the pr ces at which choice stock Is billed out on oroors unlexN othurivise blaled : ONIONS lluruiuUd. per ease. $2.25 ; Califor 1 T , . ! per Hi. > SoUTiiiiii.v HHANHWax. . C'vai7.)0 per ? j biibticl bov ; siring. 50Ui .uipvr ! ii bushel liox , 1'oTATOKS Homo grown Hloek In small let fiom thoHlore , 41-lu. Atil'AIIAtiUH 30ui0r | ( lo/ . UKANS Navy , tt ft per bushel. . OAiiiiAdK lloiuui Crown. ( Xu ) per doz , orSjo ! per Hi. SOUTIIKII.N C'AIIUU.OWIH ; 1'er dozen , $1.50. NBW | ' ( ITATOIS : for Ib , 2'/WC234C. ' TdMATdKs K'trioy stock , per ei ate , $2.50. NKW llBKTS-1'or do ? , 3fi 4.lo. I'KAS I'orbushel box , Jl.25 < il.51j per H bushel box , ( ttc. CucuMiiiiits t'ordoz , COo. Country I'rodnun. Eons f ales range all the way from 14 to l.lc. roui.Titv The market on old fowls IN a llttlu weak nnd sales of good htock are made at 43.50 Cj- ! . " . " > . Spring ehlekens are bei'omlng more plenty and aru selling at fl.O > ifl.iO per 1102. The ducks arriving are mostly Miiill : and go at about IJ..VJ. TurUoyi. , ito per Ib. HuTTKii A very larco proportlonof the but ter Is helling at luo. II AV llcbt upland , 49.00 & 10.00 ; pool or grades , So.00a7.00. Flour. Omnha milling company. Itellance , I'utont , 2PO ! Invincible1'uUmt. . W.W ) ; Lone Star , Huporiativi ) . } ; ' . VJ | t-nowllaUe , $ - . IU ; Taney 1'amlly , ( MM. H. I' , ( illlnian'a Gold Mortal. f28ii Snow White , ( IM ; Snowiliike , (2.10 ; low Krailv , tl.t.0 ; Queen of the 1'aiitry. (2 UO ; bran. tl.VCO ; chopped feed , ; ; ' 4,00 | Minnesota Superlative , J..bu. K , L. Welch It , Co. , Wolch'i Ucat , t2,65i frown Prince. ! ' .70 ; Mliine otn Chief. fS.40 ; Splendid Kumlly. 2.10i Stralglit , tUXX A very small pill but n very gooJ ono. Do Witt's Llttlo Earlv Ulsors. KOV'fll OJIAMI.l , Mrs. Chnso , Twentieth nnd O strootl3 dnn- forously 111. l rank CocUroll has rottirncd homo for va cation , from the Dos Molnos college. Dr. nnd Mrs. Ktrkpntrlck Imva returned from n month's sojourn In Colorado and Utah. C. ( J. Vnuphan. dclccato to tlioTypoitniphl * cnl union , has ] ust returned from thu lloston convention. The pupils of St. ARnes" nendomy held n rehearsal of the commencement exorcises lu Ulum's hull yesterday afternoon. II , Hoynnin , Twonty-slnth nnd .T streets , iruvon parly last e von Ing In honor of the fourteenth birthday of his daughter. Misses.Vnro of 1'npllllon nnd Hov. C. D. Allen of Custor Mothodlsl , Episcopal church , Omaha , nro the guests of lev. Mr. D.iwson. \V. W. Phelps hns sold the ClilcnRo , Hook Island nnd 1'nclllc land to the amount of Sir ; ! ,000. The transfer was muJo yesterday. Postmaster fllaspow passed his llfty-llfth milostoiio yesterday , and the employes took occasion to present him with a compli mentary address and n hnndsomo present. Miss Tina Dnlston , bookkeeper for Lamson \Vnlltor , gel a IliiKer caught In the heavy door of the ofllcc safe and badly mashed. The Injured member had to bo amputated at the first joint. Next Wednesday evening Hochtvo led < jo No. L'SI , Ancient , ! roc nnd Accepteu Masons , will hnva nn Installation at their rooms , nnd Past Grand Mu tor J. J. Mercer of Omuha , will preside. Vostcrday was nn old tlmo big day down nt the stock yards ; the hop market was the best of the season. There was n good steady demand " mand for porkers at strong prices. Tho" run was MX ) cars. The South Omnha conference camp meet ing will bo hold at Fremont from July (1 ( to 15. Kev. Mr. Dawson will bo In charge. Kovs. Mr. Daw-son and E. M. Hlchnrdson leave next week to attend the Chautauqua. EddloSwartout , four-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Svvartont , who reside ou Twenty- llrst nnd N streets , was run over.'bv nn ex press wagon yesterday morning. The wagon passed over his loft wrist and foot. The In juries nro not serious. Uurncss & Parks of this city bavo been axvarded the contract for building the ad dition to the Cudahy packing works In Chi cago. The specifications call for a building ii.VJxi'VOO , and llvo stories high. Mr. George Parks will leave for Chicago Monday to com mence work. The various Omaha turner societies will take this city by storm tomorrow evening on the occasion of the two picnics and gym nastic exhibitions to bo given by the local organizations. The Dohomlnn. Turners will entertain their friends nt National hall , and the Gorman Turners will display their skill before hosts of admiring friends nt Blum's hall. hall.Marshal Marshal Brcnnnn's ' mandate went forth yesterday that all unlicensed dogs should bo shot todny. The police went at the slaughter with great gusto and the deep , dull mono tone of the city was frequently broken by pistol shots. By noon twenty-live untairuod canines of hlg and low decree wcro gathered to their ancestors and as many loyal citizens were hot behind the ear. A Contribution from Toxnn. Air. J. B. Boswcll , ono of the best known citizens of Brownwoqd , Tex. , contributes the following item as his personal experience : "After having suffered Irora dlarrhcua for some time and hnvinir tried different medi cines with no god : results , I tried a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cuolcra nnd Diarrhoea Kcmedy , which relieved me nt once , and I recommend it to all who may bo suffering from this troublesome complaint. " YuU ThOUBLEO With an old sore , ulcer , or gun shot wound that refuses to hcJ ? For Five years " up. If I liiid a sore let ; , which so take would yield to n > ticnt- O. c O. c O. c , inent tint 1 1 took t o and be- b.mlcs of S. S. S. , wh ch prompt y cured it , : nd come there h.is 1)3 n o ign < f o . .rn ; this wis ; in 188(1. ( your K. K. Hot-T , o\vton , N. O. former self. S. S. S. , has cured many such cases after every other remedy had failed. toots on eiooo jtfo sieifl Th.Svi' " - ( ' " tl n > MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE "Lot another man pralsothcc , and not ihlno own miiiith , A stranger and not thlno own lip * . " Hov. ( ieors'o Miilor , t'urlllu. Iowa ; Knv. Anthony Jacoht , Sidney , Iowa ; Hov. .1. W. Carter. I'loiiKiut Drove. Iowa ; Hov. B. K I'erry , Cedar Hiipdn ! Iowa ; Hov. W. 11. Mlo. Leavenworth , Kan'-as ; Hov. .1. T. Mumford. JCmerson , lown ; Hov. J. W. Uathcart. ICniur- son. Iowa ; Hov. Oilman I'arUer. Rmerson , Iowa ; lion. T..I. Abel , Deeatur , Illinois ; W. A. Stroir. : . I'ouii'-ll ' Itliill's , low.i. When Mum men as the aliovo have glvou tholr testliiKiu- lals In praise of Mooro'H Tree of llfo nnd the luiiilliiK wholosnlo druir houses Miy they have given entlie Hatlsfactlon whuro they have been sold , what bel'er evldeni'o do you want ? Why should you suffer whim you can bo cured by using Mo ire's Tivoof Ufo. Mooro'n Tioo of l.lfo. a p'nlllTB euro for Kldn3f and l.lvnr iumil : : lint and all blood dl4.iini , H.IDI u ay to ituiriir whun you c.m tu curud by udlaj Mujro'4 'i'rcoof I-ifo. tiiodruit l.lfo Kumulv ) i'lllchotcr'a Kiiultiih Itlaiaond llond. | Orltfli.ul anil Only GvnutnCi * rE klwivi rrllkbll , LADIES Uk Dru.'iM fur CKIiKiltr t fnfliilt lurtJ 0rJ > , I lu Kcd aO < l tivW uicUlllo atffl ifideJ vlili Mat rllilMti ToLo 10 olkt'r. l ! < f\ttt < iuri9 roul luAtdfu. , ivnt an J fnffdlloni. At DraxxUli , cr i'n. In iltaipa Iff v ' ul l1. . lrlllui. > nUlfl loj "Krtlvr for l.aillcs.'M'iIcMrr. bj rft nm Mull. Kl.OUO Ti-nlnionlili Kami < 'u . rhrter4'litptlalC't . , MuilUnn Nqui u u > j oIIOilsys Hnparttllcarsd.DK.J Not lee to CoiitiaotorH. Illds will bo received until Saturday , July 11 , IMil. for the Kr..d.n of about llvo and onn- liulf miles of mud and thu hulldlnxof two brldires between thirty nnd forty feet In leiiKlb. In t'oliimhiis lovvimhlii , 1'lattw coiiiitv , Ncbraslia. The right to reject any or all bids N reserved. I'or particulars apply to JG-lJ-iWu i7M A. C. Vn KK Clerk Columbus T \\r l Vrl1li1I'\ Airenl'Tlo ' poll tlio I'lnlom All 1 1M ' . ( lothei Line ; thn only line ever Invented that holds the e-Jolliu * wlthmit pln ; n .per fect nK-ciihi ; imti'iil it'cently l ued , sold only ur OKi'iitK , tn wlimn thooieliulvorliilit In Klvun ; on ro- ciilnLuf ( Oculit.t o wl'lsmida sample line by mall ; ulso circulars ; price ll > t and terms to "Venls : iii'ourii your terrllnry nt < mco. Address TI1K I'IM.KSS CI.OTHKS LINK CO . 1' llurmon St.orce lur Ua'iss ' OMAHA Hend for circular orciilo n W. II. KIIKIIWOOD. 423 New Vork BOHOOL OP Life llldV , Omaha , Neti. TELEGRAPHY. OMAHA uiiiiiia' DIRECTORY. AWN1NQ3 AND TENTS. mcLa.Tont & Awn ing Co. l'Mtf , llnnimiicki , Oil nn.l HiililperCiullilntt. Snmlfor cntnlodiie. Ill ; ) Knriinni. DIOYOLES. A. II. Perrigo&Oo. M , 0 , Daxon , All.Mnko" , All 1'r Ices , All lllcjclca Sold on Monthly 1'arti. 1'nrnioats. 1315 DodRO Street. Knrniun St. , Omnli.v BOOK BINDERS & STATIONERS Omaha Republican Printing Oo. , Law briefs , bank supplies , ami oror/tlilntf la Ihe printing line. 10th ntut PoiiKla * streets. Ackerniann Bros. & Ileintzo , Printers , blndcri , cloclrolvperj , blank book manu facturer * , * llliUtoirarl Mreot , Onn'ii. BOOTS AND SHOE3. Charles A. Ooo & Oj. , Kirkcndnll , Jone ? & 0o Mnnufnctiircrs anil Job- \VhoUmlo .Mauiifactur'i bcrs. AK < Mit" for llojlon Hub- tier Shoo Co. . HIM , IIUI , UK ) IlovTnrd trct- uml HOii llnrm-y St. _ Williams Van Aor- IvVvTMoneTOoT nam & Harto , phoo factory. Corner lllh ami IMiml i K. ( lni. : 1212 Ilnrncj street , ha. Mi'ri'liauti InvltoJ Omaha , Nob. local ) an 1 examine. BOXES. BUTCHERS. John L , Wilkie , Louis Heller , Omnhn paper box f actor j HiitchcM1 nnd I'sckorV 1317-131'J ' Ioir-Hi. Tools A Bnppllos. Hoof , hoc A sheep ( Mslnits. Orilcr.i promptly llllj. ! . lllf-lll3.Inrkiotl St. OABRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. W. T. Seaman , Omnhn'D I.nrcest Viirlotr WAGONS AND CAUIUAOHS CARPETS. | CLOTHING. Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmore & Buhl. Cnrpcti" , oil clotn ! , m t- SlnnufnotiirPM , V Wholo- tlnm.curtihlifoo 14.011. pnlo C'lothlors , 1611 DoiuLit strait. 1IOJ Hnrncr St. CIGARS. West & Fritsolnr , Mi nnfnctnn > rn flnBClitixrs jobbers of Ic.ifuibncco ) . 1011 Parimm street COAL , COKE , ETC. American Fuel Oo. Howell & Co. , Shippers nnrt ilo.ilert la authrnclto and bltu * : I7B. 14th street , inliitiis cunl. Omnhn , Nob. 115 S. 15th stroot. Nebraska Fuel O Johnson Bros. , 2I3S. 13th straat. Oil Fnrnnm SirccU Omnhn. Nob. Omnhr , Neb. CORNICE. Eagle Oornice Works F , Euempinc ; Mariufncturcrs ofOnlvnn- Onlvanlicd Iron cornices , IztMl Iron Cornlco. Dormer windows , door Winnow caps , meU > llcky cnp , lln Inlt etc. Tin llKlitt etc. 1110 and 1112 Iron nnd iitnto roofer. DodcoSl. 811 Knrnnin gt. CEMENT AND LIMB. J , JV Johnson & Co. , :18B. 13th Btrait , Omaha , Nob. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatriok-Kosh Dry Goods 0 . : Dry pooit * , furnishing , Booiln. notion ) . Dry fiirnHliliw Koodi , notion K0id ( * , iont5 . Cor. lllh nn.l Howard nil. Corner llth and llarnoy ELEOTBIOAL SUPPLIES. Din'ltOlTAUTOMATIC Wolf Electrical Oo. Electric Motors Illustrate * ! Catalouua and DyiriiiKH. CutalOKtio freo. free. 11 , A. Klnnoy.tii'ii'I 1G14 Capitol Avenue. Aut. 83'MN.r.Mfu FABM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall , Martin Oo , , General vrettorn aiont Corner Jones and Uth ati. Skanilla Plow Co , Oiu.tlia. Nub. ISI'J-Mil Sliuriuan avo. FLOUR. E. L. Wolo'a & Co , , R. T. Davis Mill Co , , 1012 N. Ilith atroot. C. O. Unilcrivoo 1 , J. K. McCray. Mnnaner. Manniier nt Oinnlii. Mill at llun.lcraun . , .Minn. Cor. Eth mid Jackson sts. S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co. , .Merchant Mlllor-i , 1014 N. ICtlntrcuL Olllcu ami .Mill W13 Noith O. U. Illack - Manneer. lIUli Street. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stona Furniture Beo'oo & Runyau Furniture - niture Oo , , nituro Oo. Buccoixon to C.A. lloobo Furniture nnd cnrpcti , i Co. . im-lir.lKarimmBlrcet , Oraco and Uth Sts. fJOODS. GLASS , PAINT , OIL AND DRUGS. Kcnnird Qlasa and J. A. Fulhr & 03. , Ptvint Oo. , KVJ D.jutflll SUJJt. 1103-1412 Harneyntrojt. Omilia , NuU Omalrk William Blake , Bruoj t J ) WO-'JOS lAHTOii.rort'1 is. 017 and ClU South Kith at. , . Omaha , Neb. Omaha. Nob. GROOEHIE3. Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Raapka , 7W-7II H. lOthttruvt , HU3-K05 IlarnuyilrjaS , Omahm Nub. Omaha , Nub. D. M. Steele & Oo. , Bloan , Jolmoi : & Oo. VUi uad l.unvunwurtli I'JUt-l''Ol Joiios utruat , Urt'fH , Oiualin , Nub. Omuha , Nob. Alloa Bros , , MoOord , Brady & Oo. 1114 Ilurnoy ntruoU I31huad I.c.'ivenwortli Omaha , Nob. Om'tha , Nebraiika. GUN POWDER. Q. Oiark. Cit'nlVo turn _ . Oupunl's Hportlnlf ( Jun ixmdur. Atlat hlifli Diplu- , lllb ilaruoutrutU GRAIN AND PROVISIONS _ Tonsroy & Bryan , S. A. MoWhortor roViTK , grain , provision * ; IIJ lit Null Hunk , Drokon nd stock * . ill * 8. llth I'rlvato wires to Mn ft. Private wire lo Chi York. Uhlcxico ami Bt. KO.St. Ixmli anil Now huuli. Umh gruld York. boufthtfor nil market * Oookrcll Bros. ' P , 0. Swnrtz & Oo , ' llrokem. I'rlvnto wire * llrokorMrnlnl'roTtilon ) Id Now York , Chlnuo .V dc. I'rlrntg wire to St. HI. Louis , tipoclal alien- 1.011)9 ) ntul ChloiRO. OiHca lion ulvcn to trnck klili lu I't.Nntl llnnk.Omaha. onuraln , lul Nal'l Jlnttk. 'ir , 8. UuiaUft HARDWARE. Rector &WilholmyOo Lco-Olark-Aiulroo3jn Cor. 10th snJ Jackson its llardw.irj Oo. 1M-1IIO llnrnrr atreit , Oiuah * . Omiih.1 Nnb . IRON WORKS. Paxton & Vierling Omaha Safe & Iron Iron Work' , Works , roittM nnd cast Iron liulldlnit mirk , cnlno < . Mnnuf'rs Hro nnd burqUf brass work , icanoral proof snfcs , rnnlts , Jnll foundrr. mnchlno niU work , Iron uluitmrs nnd blncksmllh work. U. I1. tire osrapos. II. AU < Ilj. unJKtluU drvcn.llth A Jackson ill Wilson & Drake , M'f'K tnbnlnr Hues , flr bin boilers , tnnks , ato. riorro nml IPth street" . LIQUORS. Her & Co. , William D.tnt , Liquor Morchinti. Wlnjl , I.lquorl and Cl- 111. tlnrnar 'trtt' . Mnniirnctur'rii IConu j.l C.IM. llnstlndlnllltturj. l.'lll Fn.rn.iin St. , Omiu L. Kirscht & Co , , Prick & Hcrlcrta Wholesnlo Liquor Io.ilort Wholesale LlquorDcaljrl 1001 t'nrnnm Street MlKISS. . lOtli St. R. R. Grotto , Importer nnd .lobb.ir of Wlnos nnd LlquoM. lO'.l ) nnd Wi Karnam St. 1'rlce llsli on application. LUMBER. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. 0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfcldor & Co. , Mllllnorr , Notloiu Importers anil Jobberi in Uln.iki , Eta .Millinery , lidil- ; South IItU 11C-I13S. ICth St. , Omitia Mnct. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT , BTO Max Meyer &Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. , MTcJowclpM. ilenleri In I'lnnoi , Orenns , Artist1 musical ImtrumuntJ , etc. , Mntorlnli , Ktc. , F.irnnm anil Ilith. l..ii : DoiiKlni Street. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Hcllnoil nnd lubrlcttlnr oil ? , nxlo t'roaic , ota K. It. Until , Mun : < or. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbel & Smith , .Schroodar & Oi. , Dealers In countrj prod Cash bujrori butwr ail uce , frulU , vfuolublej , ciU' . anl . . cto. million inerolianti , 1207 Hownrd street. fit Bouth llth stroot. Eob2rt Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. , 1217 Hownrtl streat 1'roitiicc , frulli of .ill Write for prloni on bat klnd , oyatcrs , ter , CKK * , poultrj and lllth A. llnrney street. Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas. A. Olark & Oo. Hutter , chceio , ouzi , flutter eggs and poultr/ lioultry luiit 1:1:110 : , 109 Hownnl street. W.i South 13th street. Bates & Oo , , Williams & Oroi3 , Country produce , Tiilti ' , I'roiluco and frultl , vt < KetnlIo ) , Krocori' upeclitltle . tent , nplooi , etc. 417-UDS. IltUHt. 1211 II rnor 'trojt. I. Eandazzo & Son , 211 South 13th Street. Foreign AlXiraustlo h"rulti Klurliln OraiiKoi AHIcllr Frult . Hritnch liouse , 7 N. I'oters Bt , New Orl'ni PAPER. RUBBER G'DS , Oarpontor Paper Co. , Omaha Rubbar Oo. , Carry n full Block of M.'inufuctnrlni anl JJS- printing , wrapping and bersall klndirubbur . wrlttnx paper , carj pa Kood < . per , etc. I03J Knrn rn itrait SEBDd. I EmersDn Saoil Oo. , DufTy-Trowbridja Seed Krnvrort , doilori li Stovj tree eodt , u > t - ' ' KtOVll pip ) . < -'l-l'4l rioutli 15th 121.1-1215 Ije.irnnirnrtli .it , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , E "C. M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohu Saali & Dcor Oo Manufacturon of saili. .Maiitifiii'turoni of inou iloor.H. blind ) n nil InKi , bllmlH , ill urn , .MtmMlnk'i. Branch ( if etc. , etdl tlce , I''th and Itard. ti lith ; and Clark streets. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , String & Sons , Pump Oo , , Iliilllclay vrlnd inlllv OH lUUMOOl Farnam and UJJ .lone * Hi. ( t. RIte Ito s , actlnu inanaEor. Omaha , Nub. TEA , OOPFEE3 , SPIOES , OIQARS. Oonsolidatcd Company , 1414 and Ilia lUrnoyit. Omaha , Nob. TOYS. | BILLIARDS. II. Hardy & Oo. , The Bnmawiok-Balk Collcndor Oo Toy * , ilolls , albums , funor , i , liuoili , houxifurnUbliu Illlir I iiur Mil illin , Halnnn Ottuni Ki'inls , clilldrun'i car- 407. t < fJ H. loth atrujb rlanos. MID Kiirpuimt. Omalm SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , - LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. A. D. Boyer & Oo Huntur & Qroen , < & ? Kichanuo lluUJliu , W Kichanvu Ilulldlnj Honlll Omaha. Houth Omiinn. S. J. Ooflimn , Siniloy llulldliu Bouth Omaha. P. T. HUGHES , WllOI.IHAI.I ! CAH11 CO.M.M1HHION .M15U JIIA.NT lii'.IWl Market l.treut , Denver. Colorado. Kliiln , 111. , and Western t'roimery llulter Ku Cheese. IO.OCU A I cinply OKK c oi , with tillers to lonn tn mv sblppers and others ui lie IIIM.I llvo cases und up Hlilp by last freluht. iuud. < mo.ii ; MiltHirla ilcmand durlna May. llullablu for quotiU-JH * on do- maud. LYON & MEALY