Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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A larcfnlly Prepared Report Representing
Every County in the Statd
Inaronso Noted In the Acren ; o
of All Cercalfl Kxcopt HprliiR
Wlicnt Fruit llntcd
Very High.
DKS Moixns , la. , Juno 19. ISpoclal to THE
J5EK.J The Juno crop report prepared by the
Iowa weather and crop .service co-oporatlng
With the United States signal sirvlco was
issued today. The report Is tabulated from
ever ono thousand reports representing every
tounty in the stato. It reports the crop sea-
Bon of IB'Jl generally late , and the wcnthor
conditions unfavorable for seeding nnd other
farm work during March nnd the first half of
April. half of April brouirht moro
favorable conditions for planting and gave a
fitrong Impetus to vogotatlon. May was cool
mid dry until near the close of the month ,
and In many parts of the state crass and
email grain suffered materially from drouth
and cold wcathor. But despite nil these
drawbacks and adverse conditions our Juno
crop report makes a very good showing for
the state nt largo , giving a now Illustration
of the never failing productiveness of Iowa.
Compared with last year , there Is an in
crease In the ncroago of winter wheat , corn ,
broorn corn , winter nnd spring rye , wlntor
nnd spring barley , oats , Max , clover , millet ,
Irish and sweat potatoes , and a decrease in
spring wheat , sorghum and timothy. And
the average condition of corn , wheat , rye ,
barley , clover , potatoes and all Kinds of fruit
is materially bettor than last year.
The rciKirts on winter tvhcnt Indicate MI in
crease of I'M per cotit in the acreage of this
cereal , and that it has been planted In
oventy-two counties , ns against sixty-six
last year. The condition of the crop , as re
ported by 440 correspondents , Is 101 per cent ,
u'ho crop was damaged to some extent In
Louisa and Dos Moines counties by the
Ilosaian ( ly , nnd the growth of straw is so
great In some sections as to seriously en
danger the crop.
Of spring wheat 301 corrcspondor.ts'roport
ftn Increase In the acreage , and JWO a de
crease ; showing an average decrease of 1 per
cent. Its condition , as reported by 7 l corro-
pondcnts , is 9\y \ per cent , agalnut ( Klj , last
year. . The total acreage is 2,071,003 8 decrease -
crease of 20,928 acres.
In corn there has been nn Increase of SJf
far cent in the area planted to this great
etaplu as reported by 02(1 ( observers. Of thia
number 'M report a small decrease ,
nnd Mil an Increase. This adds 713,031 to the
number of acres planted , as compared with
1 last year , malting a total acreage of 9.OS,8U. : !
U'ho condition of the crop , ns shown by 1,0.55
"correspondents Is OR per cent , ns against SOU
per cent Juno 1 , 1SW ) . Prom every county
there nro rcoorts of the depredations of the
cut und wire-worms , but the full extent of
damage cannot at this time bo estimated.
Ivloro than the usual amount of replanting
pas been necessitated by the destructive
Svork of these pests.
An increase of about 3 per cent is reported
in the acreage of broom corn , the total being
bbout J.U20 acres.
Sorgbutn has decreased In acrcago about
SjJf per cent , or a totpl of about 21,0.10 acres.
Of winter rye there is noted au incro.isod
ttcreago of about 2 * per cent , and of spring
wheat 1 J per cont.
The .small acreage of winter barley has
boon increased 2 % per cent , and spring
barley -jj , the total acreage being about
Of oats there is an estimated increase of
8K Pcr ctmt 'n ' acreage , 020 observers noting
nn Increase , nnd 2.SI a decrease. Its condi
tion is rated 92 % per cent. Compared with
the acreage of 1890 , there is nn Increase of
00.65 ! ) , making the total number of acres
E,805,270. It was badly injured by drouth in
the northern half of the state , and there is an
excessive growth of straw In southern dis
There appears to hnvo boon nn Incronso of
4 per cent In the area of llnx , The average
condition is 01 per cent , and the present total
Dumber ot acres is estimated to bo 205,030.
Thi'rolsa slight decrease reported In the
acreage of timothy nnd it was badly injured
by worms and checked by drouth. The acro-
tgo Is estimated nt , til,7U-l. ) ; ! ) Clover has In-
creuscu about 5 per cent and millet 10 per
cent ,
The acreage of potatoes was incroascd this
year about OJt per cent and the condition
07 } per cent , with nn average of about 1SO-
425. Sweet potatoes have increased 5 per
The condition of fruit is rated much hlchor
than in Juno , 1800. Apples nro rated at 101
lorcont ; peaches , 10(1 ( percent ; pears , 09 per
_ < jnt ; plums , 00 per cent ; grapes , OS'.Ml per
coi\ " currents , 100 | x > r rout : raspberries , 9(1 (
Jpor cunt ; strawberries. 04 2-3 per cent ;
blackberries , 03J per cent ; gooseberries , 07
J > er cont.
The conoral condition of llvo stock Is fair ,
With few exceptions. Cattle , 03V ( .orcent ;
hogs , 922-IJ percent ; sheep , 90 % per cent ;
torses , Ouk' per cent. There appears to have
been considerable loss of pigs and colts ,
caused in part by the scarcity of food , and
thin condition of sows and mares.
May 20 was the date of the latest frost , but
.lio material damage resulted from nny 1'rost
lifter the middle of May. Considering the
frequency of frost visitations the total dam-
ego resulting therefrom was very light.
The condition of soil is placed at 03 percent
as the average of 937 reports.
Throe hundred and seventy-eight corre
spondents estimate the season U > have bcon
ten days early , nndKill make It ten days late
Jn their respective localities. It was tloubt-
oss both early and late as to certain things
tiotod. The iloworing of certain trees nnd
the growth of grass would bo marlcod early ,
but thfi season favorable to seeding of small
grain was ten days or moro late. The corn
planting season was about as early as the
average , possibly in some sections a llttlo
for SonwIckue.sH I/no Ilorsoforil'H Acid
1'h. Hpliatc.
Dr. WV. . Blackmail , Rrooklyn , N. Y.
nays : "I nm very much pleased with It In
caslrkncss , Several cases have bcon
brought to my attention where It afforded
prompt and entire relief , "
A XX O V\ VIJlttXTS. .
On Sunday , Juno 23 , Hon. Ignatius Don
nelly , the noted author and orator , will leo-
tur < s at Boyd's opera house on his Baconian
theory. During his lecture Mr. Donnelly
will take occasion to answer some of Colonel
Jngor&oll'H statements in his recent lecture
"On "bhnkospcnro. "
The Stcon , Zanzlr , Mott combination will
clvo three performances nt Boyd's opera
Louse , commencing with the doll matlnco this
afternoon und closing Sunday evening. The
press , wherever they have appeared have de
voted columns to their mysterious entertain-
fiient. The Sloons , who nro two of the promi
nent features ot the company , are no
Btrnncors and nro well nnd favorably remem
bered as the attraction with iCollor when
last horo. As mind readers nnd exhibitors
of second sight they excel tbo late Bishop
nnd Holler. The superb entertain-
nieut given by Zanzio , styled the
nionurch of conjurors , nnd the now
illusions Invented by himself surpass
Anything hnrutoforo pwsented bordering on
the supernatural. The latest hypnotism , the
preat psychological mystery , Is astonishing
pud confounding to the senses. Mile. Savona
\.vlll also present the latest Parisian Illusion
mid reproduction of incautatory tallsinaulo
sorcery practiced by the ancients , also In
fciualn , and was forbidden by the severe laws
of Constantino. The wonderful spirit cabinet
produced by Duncan 1'Vanzo Is positively
Astonishing. During this boanco faces , forms
* nd ( lowers will bo materialized , and cornet
o by the ghost nnd nmuy ether uppar-
y supernatural things.
Do not forgot tlm Halter's Pain I'anUyzor
Tvlll euro all cusos of dysontnry , rollavitiK the
prlplnj ; pain und restoring the bowuU to
poalthy action ,
At a mooting of the rnustar workmou anil
focroturlcs of the various local assemblies of
t\a Knlnuts of Labor , It was decided tlmt a
" lolnt local special mooting call bo Isjuod for
Jtloudny nl ht , Juno J , In Green's hull , nt
jyhlch Stnio Master Workman W. H. loch ,
btato Secretary A. H. Olgolow auJ tUa stuto
executive hoard and SUto RoprosontAtlvo I.
I ) . Chamborlnln will ho present , A committee -
too of thrco wni appointed on nrrnngomcnU
and the Indies of local assembly 0-10 will ,
after the rocotltiK , tender a recaption to the
stnto olllcors. All Ktilghts of Labor In good
or bad standing are Invited to the mooting.
A handsome complexion Is one of the great
est charms u woman cnn possess. I'ouotil'a
complexion powder gives It ,
Contrnctor Coots TollH How Ho Kin-
ployn nnil L'ny Tlicin.
The dlfforonoo that has existed between
Contractor Coots of the city hull nnd some
members of the council relative to the em
ployment of union labor In the construction
of the building Is about settled.
Council Morcarty , who has boon the cham
pion of the union Inbor movement In connec
tion with the city hall , snld yoifrdny : "I
wish wo could nmko Coots nlro union men ,
but I don't see how wo can do so. Ho has
tbo contract to erect the building , anil truth
fully 1 fall to sco how wo can dic
tate who ho shall hire. Wo can ask him
to glvo union-labor the preference , but I
don't see ho\v wo cnn force him to hire any
particular class of men. "
Contractor Coots In speaking upon the sub
ject said , "I think the council Is making a
mountain out of a mole hill. I also
think some of the men nro ox-
ceodlng their authority In trying to
dictate what tnon I shall hlro.
"Regarding the charge against mo , I want
to say thnt 1 do not discriminate ngninit
union labor. If n man comes to mo aim asks
for work , I give htm a Job without asking
whether or not ho Is n union man.
"I have not discharged nny union mon because -
cause they were union mon. All of the mon
now on the work except bricklayers , so far
as I know are union mon , and nil nro receiv
ing the highest union wages. The only non
union men on the Job are the bricklayers , nnd
the union mon m that order would not work
bucanso I would not pay them for nltio hours
on Saturday for eight hours work. This I
could not do.
"Then It was a rather queer proceeding , "
concluded Mr. Coots , "for the council com
mittee to hold un Investigation of charges
against mo without asking mo to bo present.
I nm wlllingjxt any time to face and answer
nny charges against mo. "
Baldness ought not to conio till the ago of
5.1 or later. If the hair begins to fall earlier
use Hall's Hair Hcnowcr and proveut bald
ness and grnyuess.
Hriitnl Treatment of n IJoy by Ono ot
tlio 1) ( > K Cntcliorf ) .
The city council committee on police will
hold another meeting Monday afternoon , nt
which they will have another round with
Dog Catcher I'ulaakl.
Vestcrday a charge was filed against
that gentleman nnd it , along with the others
will bo investigated.
It Is charged that Thursday Pulaskl and
hU mon were down on Williams street catch
ing dogs. They found a llttlo lad who had n
dog In his possession. The boy scouted
danger and drove his dog into the houso. Ono
of Pulaski's mon in a rage caught the boy ,
throw htm Into the dog wagon , saying , " \Vo
hnvo lost the dog , but wo will take you down
to the dump and drown you. "
The liulo follow was frightened Into
spasms and is now in a precarious condition.
ItcvorHoil the UHIIII ! Order.
The assistant dog catcher received a severe
castlgatlon yesterday morning at the hands of
Florist Stewart on Capitol avenue. Mr.
Stewart's dog , a well bohavcd animal , was
quietly sleeping on the doorstop of the estab
lishment when the "dog wagon" drew up and
the minion of the dog catcher seized the ;
sleeping animal by the nouk and back an d
II red him into the wagon.
Mr. Stewart's attention was attracted to
the sccno and Mrs. Stewart also appeared at
the door bewailing the fate of her pot. Mr.
Stewart mounted the wagon and seized the
dog fiend by the throat and hold him with
one hand , whllo with the ether ho ho ex
tracted his dog from nmong the pack of howl
ing , yelping curs. This done , Mr. Stewart
turned his attention to the man and adminis
tered n severe thrashing to thnt individual ,
who then mounted his wagon aud drove
away , swearing vengeance on his assailant.
A largo crowd was attracted by the affair ,
who cheered Mr. Stewart on and threatened
to help him do up the dog catcher , but Mr.
Stewart didn't need nny assistance.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers : only pill to
cure sick headache and rcgulato the bowels.
Discrepancies Shown In the Returns ol'
Several 1'reclnctu.
The assessor of the First ward Is not the
only man who is In deep trouble. Assessor
Cosgrovo of the Third ward Is now on the
rack and his constituents nro after hltn. They
nro finding sovcral peculiar things , but the
most strilting is his valuation of the oaatono-
hnlf of lot 7. block 01 , city. This lot is on
Capitol avenue , between Twelfth and Thir
teenth streets. Last yenr Mr. Cosgrovo val
ued It at $11,750 , but this your , although the
improvements are the same , ho places the
value at $1,185. People and property owners
in the vicinity nro anxious to know why the
vrJuo of the property has deprcciate.l to such
an alarming extent , while theirs has olthor
increased or remained the samo.
Major DeiinlH' Kick.
George L. Dennis is after the assessor of
the Seventh waul and proposes to show that
ho has not performed his duty. Mr , Dennis
has lllod twenty-six protests ngalnst the as
sessment of the residents in his Immediate
Last year the assessor vSlueil Dennis'
house at ? - , 100. Since then no Improvements
have been iniulo , but this year It Is listed at
SJ.SOO , whllo the assessment of others in the
vicinity has been lowered from J-J5 to $31)0 )
DoWitt's Little Eurlv Risers for the Liver
H. J. Hall of Lincoln Is nt the Murray ,
C. A. West of Norfolk Is nt the Millard.
Juan Doyle of Kearney is at the 1'axton.
Mrs. Folsom of Lincoln is at the Dcllono.
S. D. Jackson of Nellgh Is at the Dcllono.
D. N. V > heeler of Ponder Is at the Dvllono.
T. H. Pollocic of IMattsmouth 1s at the Pax-
Watson Plckroll of Beatrice is at the Mur
ray.Hon. . Thomas Majors of Peru Is at the Mil-
J. F. Winters of Rod Cloud is nt the Mil-
T , C. Calahan of Friend Is n truest at the
L. H. Rogers of Fremont Is a guest at the
W. H. Rood of Weeping Water Is at the
Paxton ,
H. N. Moore of Roi Oak , la. , Is , at the
F. J. Murphy of Duvld City is n guest nt
the Paxton ,
Miss Emma B. Booker of Mcado , Nob. , is
nt the Murray. *
Al Miller and Rome Miller of Chadron are
at the Millard.
Ooorgo Sanderson of Hastings Is n guest
at the Dellouo. ,
J. W. Holmes aud John Huns of ICoarnoy
are at the Paxton.
C. W. Benson nnd E. S. Knllor of Aurora
are at the Murray.
J. R. Bank's and J. Watts of North Platte
are at tuu Millard ,
J. M , Thuraton and wlfo returned from
Kansas City last menu
Judge Miller of David City is In the city
and called upon Tun BRU.
Miss Clara Dohmo of Baltimore irlntho
city visiting tbo Mlsios Wedges.
Messrs , Jacob Roinlmrd , Qoorgo C. Krnus
aud L. F , Flosor of Columbus , O. , are visit
ing this city nnil being looked after by Mr. J ,
Q , ( Jllmoro nf ( illuioro & Rubl of this city.
Judge M. P. Kincaid of the Fifteenth Ju
dicial district called upon Tins BUK yester
day. His attention was directed to TIIK BUB
Bureau of Clalmi and bo gave the now departure -
parturo his unqualified endorsement ,
Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syr-jp for Chil
dren Teething curua wind colic , dlarrhtua ,
&u. ' . ! 5 couts u bottlo.
The President of Haytl Said to Have
Become Insane.
Ho Display ) * His Temper Wlicn Called
Upon by the Foreign Ooii-
sals nnd Una to | llo I'aal-
lied with Music.
NEW YOUK , Juno 10. According to a letter
received yesterday by a gentleman In this
city from o friend In I'ort-au-1'rlnco , the In
telligent residents of thnt distressed town
bcllovo that President HIppolyto li for bo-
llovcd that ho was ) Insane. Ills disposition
to massacre his cuomlos Is not regarded as an
Indication of madness. It wan his queer con
duct on Mny 80 , when all the members of the
diplomatic corps nt Port-au-Prlnco called on
him to protest against tli o violation of thn
Moxlcnn consulate as an asylum of refuge by
Hlppolyto's savage sokllors , Four menGen
eral Sfmll , M. Hosjlb , Lo or Cauvln
( formerly Hlppolyto's ' minister of Justice ) ,
nnd his brother , wore dragged from the
Mexican consulate , nnd a refuge had boon
violated , and naked what assurance the con
suls representing the other governments had
thnt tholr sacred offices would bo free from
Invasion of assassins.
HIppolyto became very angry. Ho shook
bis hand at Mr. Tweedy , glared at the other
consuls. Including Frederick Douglass , and
strode to the door.
"Is this the way , " ho oxclalinod , "to talk
to the president of this country ? "
With that ho hurried out , slamming the
door behind him. The consuls looked nt ono
another In consternation. Presently from
nn adjoining room came the soothing notes of
n lluto. HIppolyto hud resorted to muslo to
calm his norvcs. The consul * listened for a
moment m.d then ono of them said : "I think
wo had better go. "
They were just about going when Mr.
Loachaud , the minister of foreign nITatra , en
tered nnd begged them to stay. Ho apolo
gized for the abrupt dopnrturo'of HIppolyto ,
saying that the president , had had much
trouble and that It had unsettled him. Mr.
Lcachaud said ho would go nnd bring back
the provident , whoso flute was still ringing.
The lluto stopped and In a few minutes
Hippolyto , looking suave nnd apologetic , en
tered the room with Mr. Loachnud , Ho
bowed low and said :
"I bog of you not to go , gentlemen. I
merely wont out to glvo nn order to the com
mandant. "
The French consul bowed as politely us
Hippolyto nnd said the president's apology
was acceptable to the French republic. The
German consul , who is said to have n stand
ing order to do exactly the opposite of what
the French consul does , said the apology of
Hippolyto was satisfactory to him as n per
son , but as the representative of the German
empire ho could not think of accepting the
apology. Ho protested against the rude bo-
hnvlor of the president and would report the
Insult to the emperor of Germany.
Hippolyto got as pale as his complexion
would pormlt. und going over to the Gorman
consul patted him on the back , asking him to
please overlook the occurrence. ' ! assure
" said " " have misunderstood
you , HIppolyto , "you
stood mo. Puss it over this time , nnd it shall
never occur again. The residences of the le
gations shall bo rnspcctcd. No ono who flees
to them shall bo touched. I obtained the
right for my soldiers to enter the Mexican
consulate from President Diaz. I telegraphed
the situation to him and ho nnswerod giving
mo the power to take the four men from the
consulate. "
The letter says Hippolyto had been subject
to violent tits of insanity before ho became
prominent in Hnytinn politics.
Generals Sully-Guorrior nnd Bador , two
of the most oapablo of the revolutionists ,
wore notkillod ns llrst reported. They es
caped and mav bo hoard from loading a force
into Port nu-Princo.
The letter says HIppolyto Is no longer pres
ident of the people , but of only those whoso
prosperity depends upon his reign for ho is
practically a Ulnc now. The people of the
north are anxious to got rid of him.
How to Counteract the Kfl'octs of Iin-
l > uro Wntcr.
Mr. L. M. Mnrtin.supoiintondont of thoSt.
Louis , Dos Moines & Northern rnllrond.says.
"On my return from n recent trip south ,
where the water was very impure , I was at
tacked with a violent case of cholera morbus.
Having heard a creat deal of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Dlnrrhira Remedy , I con
cluded to try It , nnd with the most beneficial
results. " No household should over bo with
out a bottle of this remedy.
Still allco Header.
OMAHA , Juno 19. To the Editor of Tim
HUB : In the very intorostlm ? rovlow of THE
Bun's history In this morning's Issue I was
rather surprised to see ono of my old business
cards in the reprint of the llrst copy of the
llttlo BEK of twenty years ago ; but I was
still moro surprised to find among the per
sonal notices that "Ho" the undersigned
"dwells hero no longer nnd no traces remain
of his abode. " Now this places mo in a
rather perplexing situation , and as I am
pretty sure that I am not yet in heaven , and
holding the same vlows ns Bob Ingorsoll m
regard to "hell , " I hardly think thnt I can bo
thoio , cither. Still , this last emergency , ac
cording to Mndnmo Uhwatsky's thooaophy ,
mav bo a possibility. But being so unfortu
nate as not oven to comprehend this
sublime philosophy of our modern Hin
does , I began to look around In
sober earnestness , but could not coino to any
other result thnn that my ronl "abode" was
right here -Omaha , Douglas county , Nob. ,
and that I had , like most other mortals ,
dwelt and had my abode acre over since
Still It was comforting to know thnt my
old friend Mr. E. Hosowntor , who is now on
a trip to Europe , could not bo the author of
this review of THIS Bun's history , for , as the
card referred to indicates , I have not only
patronized TUB BKK from its very beginning ,
but have boon and still continue a constant
reader and subscriber of Tun Bri : , and baa
also the honor to .servo In the nauio legisla
ture with Mr. Hosowntor in 1871.
Hoping that you will make this correction
for the sake of my friends nnd family , I ro-
maln Mr. Kosowutor's nnd TUB Ucii's moat
uumblo and obedient servant.
Gliorokco Strip Troubles.
AIUCANSAS CITV , Kan. , Juno 19. It Is
stated hare on good authority that a thor
oughly organized body of boomers will shortly
enter the Cherokee strip nnd cut all the
fences and grass , thus forcing the cattlemen
off the land. The cattlemen on the atrip
without authority of law hnvo boon warned
bv Secretary Uoss of the Chorolteo nation
that all cattle found trespassing will bo
,1 , ?
FlaYorin <
Vanilla A Of perfect purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Almond EoonomynthoIrU3 | °
Rose etc.rl Flavor no dollontely
nnd dcllolouslyas the fresh fruit.
Hero Is n Cn o 3hnt } Mny Uo At-
trinptod IlLaukinnlt.
Thomas Murray , tbQ millionaire owner ot
the Murray hotel and yorty row on Har-
noy street , has a law suit , on bis hands , not
ono of the ordinary kind , but ono that
bristles all over with sensations.
The petition In the case It tucked away In
the archives of the ofllco of the clerk of the
district court.
It shows thnt Amanda Oarllch U the plain
tiff nnd that to heal her Injured reputation
nothing less than too.sum of & 000 will bo
required. Under oath slio states that she Is
a married woman , twenty-throo yors of ago ,
the mother of ono cblldtand Is lair to look
Both she nnd her husband are poor and nro
compelled to toil from sun to sun to enable
them to accumulate enough to keep the wolf
from the door.
Early last December Mrs. Garllck loft her
homo and husband In Iowa , nnd with her
babe , a leather-lunged youngster about ono
year old , came to Omaha to find honest em
Shortly after her nrrlvnl she wont out to
hunt a cheap IIDIHO to rent. As she strolled
up and down the streets she discovered tbo
Murray shanties nnd made application for
ono of them. Murrav would rent , but ac
cording to the facts sot out In the peti
tion ho had another scheme. Ho wanted n
housekeeper , n motherly woman , ono who
could cook his meals , dust the furniture and
give the Interior of tlio house a presentable
appearance , Mrs. Oarllck was not averse to
accepting such a position aim a bargain was
struck. She was to bo paid ? .J per week , bo-
sldos board and lodgings for herself and
All wont well for a whllo , but the night before
fore Christmas a change took nlaco by
which Mrs. Oarlick ceased to draw her
salary. She had retired , and at midnight ,
when she was dreaming of the sweat days of
her girlhood when good old Saint Nick used
\ fslldo down the chimney nnd
1111 her stockings with rosy cheeked
apples and sugar plums , she awoke
to the rcallratton that there was a man a
real llvo man In the room. Women llko she
lot out an unearthly scream , pulled the
blankets ever her head ami concluded to lot
the burglars tnko away what they wanted.
It was not a burglar however , or at least
that is what Airs , Uarllcic avers in her
petition. Ho'was finally driven away by her
She immediately loft Murray's house and
went out Into the cold Christmas morning to
find employment In a more congenial atmos
ConccrnlnR Advertising Frauds.
OMAHA , Neb. , Juno 18. To tbo Editor of
THE BKK : I have Just road In your morning
napor a very funny description of J. Clarke
Russell , the alleged agent of Harper Brothers ,
and o.s our natuo happens to bo connected
with his list , I wrlto to say that so far as 1
know ho did not even call upon us , and I
do not wonder at that , for wo give such ad
vertising humbuus cut very little encourage
Within the last six months wo hnvo had
two different attempts made to defraud us ,
but in each cnso tlio attempt was made by n
man whoso log had been amputated , and the
plan consisted in having n certificate from a
country physician , and then a list
of suDscrlbors including many of
the moro prominent names In our
city. It is needless to say that both the
name of the physician nnd the list of mer
chants were forgeries ; but when ono is im
posed upon in this way in tlio name of oharl-
ty , ho Is to bo somewhat excused , as it Is a
compliment to his botto.r nature. I confess ,
however , that I have but llttlo sympathy for
uny of our business mon Who may bo imposed
upon by a scheme to boom our city nt the tail
end of some magazine , for the very scheme ,
even when genuine , Is at best but a very
direct species of fraud ; and when nny sen
sible man reads an account of some mushroom
town nt tbo beginning or end of his maga
zine , ho is apt to suspeot that the Doom is all
that there Is of the town. I sincerely hope
that Omaha , resting as It does on a substan
tial basis , will carefully avoid any such
foolishness. "
1 nm led to write because the merchants
have recently had a circular sent to thorn ,
purporting to como from the Review , and of
fering to boom our city , nt nn early day , pro
vided they receive certain liberal patronage
In the way of now subscribers. Who knows
but what this Is also n fraud. I was recently
asked to attend a meeting of the board of
trade to consider this matter and to encour
age the scheme , and I wrote that I could not
attend , nnd that , furthormoio , I was
opposed to our sanctioning what
to mo scorned like foolishness.
I see , however , that the agent
of the Review is canvassing our city and
bearing a letter from the board of trade , and
I cnnnot but think that it is small business
for n Rovlow which stands as high as the
ono in question to lend Itself to such "puff-
Ing , " and I cannot but think thnt oven If
genuine , suoh a notice will do our city an inJury -
Jury rather thnn a benefit.
Ai to the common habit of writing long
personal notices and publishing portraits of
prominent people , I have always thought that
it was time enough to write a man's bi
ography when ho was dead ,
Dr. Blrney euros catarrn. Boo bldjj.
Union Musicians Protest.
At a mooting of the park commissioners
yesterday afternoon n committee from the
Central Labor union presented a protest
against the employment of Green's Seventh
ward band and the Walnut Hill band to play
nt Hanscom park on the ground that these
two organizations did not belong to the labor
union. Green's band and the Walnut Hill
band had been engaged by Mr. Liningor to
furnish the next two concerts nt Hanscom
The board could take no definite action upon
the matter as Mr. Llnlnger was not present
nnd the ether members preferred to wait
until ho could bo consulted with regard to
the contract made with the two bands in
question. The matter will bo disposed of nt
the next mooting of the board. In case the
two bands In question nro shut out it will
probably glvo the Musical union the contract
for the summer , as the members of that or
ganization are members of the labor union.
Volume of Business Not aa Largo as in
Other Years at This Time.
Soiuo ItcNltntloit OwltiK to Hcocut
Failures Conditions of Trade at
Various Centers Increased
Failures Over Ijnst Wcolc.
NEW Yontc , Juno IP , It. O. Dun&Co-'s '
Weakly Hovlow of Trade will say :
Whllo crop reports continue remarkably
favorable , the volume of business nt present
transacted Is not as largo nt It has boon in
other years at this time. This Is In part because -
cause exceptionally hot weather nt many
points has induced something lllto miJ.ium-
mor dullness , but the moro Important cause
undoubtedly Is thnt trade In many branches
has been waiting for certainty of improve
ment and dnllnlto ardors before undertaking
now risks , Thcro Is also some hesitation
owing to recent failures , particularly In
Philadelphia. Credits hnvo boon moro cau
tiously given In the woolen nnd the boot and
shoo trades and this has lessened the volume
of transactions , hence It Is encouraging to
Und that there Is actual improvement in the
demand for consumption in several of the
more important trades nnd that manufactur
ers already begin to fool the effects.
At Boston moro disposition to buy is no
ticed In the leather trade nnd steady orders
for boots and shoes , though small , give en
At Philadelphia the wool trade Is waiting ,
holders asking moro than buyers wish to
give , but the leather trade Is healthy with
bettor prospects. In building much depres
sion results from rccont failures.
Pltuburg notes bolter demand for manu
factured iron aud Cleveland moro demand
for pig.
At Cincinnati trade is picking up nnd nt
Detroit increased In some lines , wool moving
nt U or a cents lower nricos thnn a year ago.
Chicago notes wool receipts double last
year's and nn Increase of one-half in wheat
nnd dressed hoof and n moderate increase In
hides , but decrease in flour , corn ana Inrd.
Sales of dry goods and shoes continue to ex
ceed last yearns.
St. Louis notes some change by frequent
rains , und whllo the lumber , building , hard
ware , paint nnd oil trades are especially
active , the general nggrogato is rather loss
than n year ago , though of fair volumo.
It is important that all northwestern nnd
southwestern reports mention ruin and
brik'liter crop prospects.
Crop prospects strengthen confidence at
Kansas City nnd business Is improved nt
Louisville , decidedly nt Montgomery and
slightly at Now Orleans. Trade is small at
Memphis , quiet at Llttlo Rock , dull nt Nash
ville , bettor than usual for the season nt
Atlanta and much bettor than last year at
Reports from all quarters Indicate llttlo
complaint as to collections. Regarding money
they show almost everywhere nn ample sup
ply for legitimate nnd safe business , but it
is frequently mentioned that there Is no sup
ply for speculation , and nt St. Louis
the market Is stifl'or at 7 and 8 per cent , at
Kansas City llrm at 8 to 10 , and Detroit
strong nt 7 , rather stringent at Cleveland ,
tight at Llttlo Hock and Atlanta , close at
Nashville , aud In good demand at llrm rates
at Now Orleans.
From other points reports indicate com
parative caso. It Is a hopeful sign that the
demand for manufactured iron and stool Im
proves. For structural iron there is a rush
of ardors , though bar iron is only fairly ac
tive , but plates are in good demand. The
stagnation produced in rails by the combina
tion to hold up prices is shown by the ofllclal
report that the sales to Juno this' year were
but 725,370 tons , against 1,080,000" same
date last year , aud deliveries but UU7,000
tons , against ,198,000 last year.
Tlio wool market at New York shows Im
provement nnd n larger demand by manufac
turers. In woolen goods thcro Is a largo volume
umo of business and the orders show thnt n
distinct gain In the consuming demand Is
felt. The orders for foreign goods are said
to bo r > 0 per cent loss than a year ago , but
the domestic trade gains.
In hides largo receipts at the west have
broken the combination to lift prices , nnd buffs ,
after rising from 5J ( to 7 cents in March ,
boll at 5 % cents again. Coal Is very dull , copper
and lead unchanged , aud tin a shade lower.
Speculation In broadstufTs has bcon moro ac
tive and wheat is about 1 cent higher in spite
of the prospect that the yield will bo the larg
est over known. Corn is weak nnd lower and
oats 4'4 cents lower. Cotton has fallen IMti nnd
the price is the lowest since 1SS4 , receipts
continuing heavy. Cofleo Is > cent lower and
oil 1)4 cents lower , but pork products are a
shade stronger.
The business failures occurring through
out the country during the past seven days
number 253 , as compared with a total of 244
last week. For tlio corresponding wool : of
last year the figures wore 101) ) .
Do Witt's Little Early ttisors. Best llttlo
pill over raado. Cure constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
To lioro for OH.
The Nebraska oil company filed articles of
incorporation in the ofllcoof the county clerk
yesterday. The corporate stock is $150,000.
The incorporators are Thomas Ilackott , J.
D , Boyle and David Kid of Pennsylvania
nnd Samuel Lewis of Omaha. The purpose
of the company is to drill for oil In Douglas
and adjo'ning ' counties. *
The following marriaio licenses were Is
sued by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name ana Address. Ago.
I Charles llolfiminn , Oinalm ' . ' 7
I .losophlnu Ulc , ( Jiiitihu 21
jWllllnm Wlttu. Collar Illullti SI
I Alveim Nluniun , Urutnu 10
Skins on Fire
With Itohluir , Burning , Elootllnff
Bczonmo Instantly Rollovod
by Gutlcura Romodloa
Our llttlo son will bo four year * ot go on
tho2 > th lint. In May. IWho ai nttivckoil
with n vorr imlnfnl bronkliiRout uf thn iKln.
\Vomlloil inn imjMcltui , who trcntotl him for
nbnut four wpoks. The child rucolvoil llttla erne
no good from tlio treatment , us the bt .iklu
out , supposed tiy thn phvulclnn to bo hi VIM in nu
niittrevntod form , bticunte larger In blotches ,
mill moro nnil more distressing. Wo were fre-
( liinntly obllgod to get up In tlio night unit ml )
him with niHlain wnlor , strong llnhnnnts , utc ,
1'iimlly wo railed otlior physlclniu , until noli-ss
tlmn six luil ntttttptt ) > d to tutro him , nil nltku
falling , niul the ohilil .itcivllly getting worse
uiul worse , until nDout the -MUi of ItiMt July ,
when wo bpgnn to give him Ci'i trim v IUm : > i < -
VK.VT Internally , and Iho cimi'ituA nuil Crri-
CIMA Sou1 oxtwrimlly , and uy the lust of
August novanso uuiirlyoll Una wo gnvo him
only oiin dose of tlio UKHOI.VKNT about uvory
second day for about ton days longor. ivml 1m
has never iioen troubled slnw with the luiirld
mill uly In ml w mod less thnn one half of n
bottle of CtrriUiiUA IlKsoi.VKNT , a llttlo less
tnnn ono box of CifTiuuitA , unit omy ono cake
Cayugn , Livingstone Co. , III.
Subscribed nud Sworn to botoro mo this 4th
aayofJ , u.ry,187.
a N. COR , j. , , .
Cuticura Remedies.
Parents , do you ronll/.o how > nur llttlo ones
sulfer. when lliolr tender iklns uro lltonilly
on ilro with Itching , burmngscniy nnd blotchoil
akin utulHCiiip discuses ? 'Jo know thnt aalnglu
application ot th CCTICITIIV UFMKUtra will
often ulTord Instant rullof , pormlt rest nnd
xlnep , nnd point to n poriunnont iiud economi
cal , ibecntHo HO ipeoiiy ) euro , nnd not to mo
them , without n momunt'H doluy , la to bo itultty
of positive Inhiimnnlty. No Kroator loicnry ci\n
bo bestowed upon 11 child tluui u clear ikln nnd
pure blood. Ci'Ticun v UKMKDIR- * are absolute
ly ptiro , nnd mny bo mml from Infancy to ago ,
from pluiples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. I'rlco , OiTTH't'iu.fiOc ; So IP ,
Ulc. ; UKHOI.VKNT. II. 1'iojmreil by the I'OTTKII
"JIow to Cure Skin Dlsf ascs. "
/J | ( SElnnnd Sciilppurlttednnd beautified
by Utri irrii.vtioAi1. Absolutely pure.
Arm-1'AiN 1'fjksTKit relieves rnait-
r nmtlc , aclntlc , hip , kidney , imi.-uni-
_ Inr nnd chest pains. The llrat and
only instantaneous pain kllllnc strengthening
Liebig Company's '
( lot genuine only
with this 4 f * < l nature
of Justus von Mebl ; ; In blue.
Keeps for any length of time anywhere.
MAKIS : Tin : HIST : unni1 THA.
Extract of Beef ,
For Horses , Cattle , Snoop , Dogs , Hogs , ,
500 Pafito Hook n Treatment of Animals
nnd Chart Went Free.
ctniE8 < FoveriiConBC8tlonn.IiiHnminntloB
A.A. ( .Spinal fllcnlnultlH , illllk 1'over.
Jl.II. SirnlnH , J.QinencHN , Klieuiimtlsnu
< : . ( /--DlHtcnipor , Nanal Dinchnriroo *
D.It. llotu or Grub * , Worm * .
K.K.-CoUEhB , IIoaTca , Pneumonia *
Jf.F. Cello or Grlpr * . Hollyacbo.
G.I2. DllacarrlnBo. llomorrhaiftia.
JI.1I. Urlniiry nnu KlOnnr IMacnHOS.
I.I. Ernpllvo DIHPUHCH , niitiiBu.
J.K. IllHCiiHea of IHucntlou , I'arntyala.
Single Bottle ( over 50 doses ) , - - .00
Stable Cane , with SpeclDes , Manuiil ,
Veterinary Cure OH anil Slodlcator , 87.OO
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil , - - 1.00
Sold by Druggists ; or Sent Prepaid anywhere
Bnd In any quantity on Receipt of Price.
Oomor William and John Sta. , How Yorfc
In UBO SO yuan. Tbo only rocooesfnl remedy for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
and Prostration , from 'overwork or olhor CHIMOH.
91 per vial , or B vt l and large vial p&wder , for $9.
BOLD BY DitcoorsTs. or rent postpaid on receipt
Our. William and John Stu. , N. Y.
Plmplou on the Faoo |
Breaking Oat |
Skin Troubles |
llttlo Bores | HotBkla )
Boils I BlotohoB )
Cold Bores ) Bad Breath )
Bore Month or Llpa |
If you aulTir ( rum onr or
Hive n . . ry | If o , did you
crtvo yourselC tlio neoued - - nlteiry . . . . at tlia . tl.ino , I
\Vo n'wl not toll you tint you require n.blood
mollclno , toonsuro frtulnin from tlio Bftcr el-
r ta Hr. AiUcr > KnKll.'I , . " * > ' P
Bathe wounds
with Pond's Extract.
To the Citizens of Omaha ami
Vicinity :
' Dr. O. OPO Wo I * n rrciilur pnultuto ol
mt'cllolno from t'lilnii , Imvlnir taken n tlur <
oiuli ciitirso of Hliuly , cxlomllitff in or night
yi'iilN , In aoiuti uf lh licit Oliiiic o uolinKos.
ItuoiTorH ills st'rvlcm to nil thoin sultorlnjj
from illMiusctof uny Idiul. und feels contMont
tlmt In every oust ) lie iiiulortnkuM liu uiin ilo
you Rood ,
Mott of tlio Itiffrodh.'iit.i lie tiica in Ills rotne-
tllus iiro uotanli-nl sulntiinctM from t'lilnii ,
many of tliuiu unknown outsldu of tlmt emni-
lliii'hnrKOi nothing for o.tuinltmtlon.cohMil
tut Ion or mUlcron eiin imll nnd Inuo i
friendly oluit with nlni. nnd lie will friuiKly
stuto wliut lit ! can do for you. Ills oonsuilii-
tlonf mill I'oiiiinunlriitloin conducted In the
litn est jirivuiiy itnd MtrlchMt ronlldunco.
Ills roiiu'illns nro ciisy to tiiKoaml porfootly
harmless. Tlio most of HHMII not on tlio lilooil ,
mirlfyliiK It and dostiiiylng the tnli'robos or
1'orliapsyon nro snfTerlni ; from Horne dln-
ousoot lonustnndlii ! ; and hnvo tried utmost
every remedy knouulthout success Would
It not bo well to trr the ( 'lilnesimoitn ' of
tioittmnnt now , or ut nny r.ilo eill : nnd lot
Dr. U UroVi > uxiiuilnu thu uiu > o nnd toll yon
\Uiut ho do ?
Dr. O. Ooo Wohnstlioiiinnilsof tostlmonlnli
In his possosslon. nmong wnloh mo tlm fol-
lowlnu :
11. II. YOUNG. S715 North Twontv-futirtli
street , Oiiuihn. Ctirod sovoru cold and run-
Idly developing coiisuniiitlon ; was told could
not liiHtsIx months ; ciiii'd wholly Kith Clil-
nose MMiieclles
MIW. II. MTGU 1B03 Klflh htront.-RulTnroil
with aids liu'idiirhn und Kunurnl dolilllty , had
trlod nil Idnils of mcdlolnes nnd doctors. No\/
roliust und lumlthy.
M. V VAN WOllMnU. 1717 Third street ,
Council Illults. llenerul ilnlilllty and pulns In
ohest ; few woons troiitmunt j never foil not tor
than ul niosuut.
MHS. r. 0. UIOU South Oniuli.i , ( Albright ) .
Aflor trynur othur rumodlus for oliiht VO.IM
n HOC ! Dr , Uuo Wo's tro.vtiuunt ; now oomiuutoly
cm on.
JOHN II. II AMMHTT. South Omaha. ( West
AluilKht ) . lluurl illsoiiHO and nalii In chnst ;
Khorl coin-so of Ireatincnt ; now almost uurod.
MKS. W. A. NIOHUI ON , IK)7 ) I iKlitounth
Btiuot. ltlioumutlsm. then ht mmoinii ) < of
the IUIIKH and llnnlly hu.n I dlsuaso ; con.pletn
wrecK ; \M < ntto Kuronuaiid tiled uvuryllilnK ;
now iintlio ] v uniod bv Dr. ( iuoVo. .
J1HS. J. K YATKS. . "IV ) Q Hiioot , South
Omnliu. 1'Vmulo wo.iUni'ss und slek honiN
uelie ; c-ould cut noiulluf till Di.Coo Wo cured
mo. Will Kindly recommend him for thcsa
I'or tlm lienclH of these who cnnnot see thn
doctor ho has piopmt'd the follonlni ; ol ht
rumodlos for the most uruvalont illsousos :
Thcsn IrtubluM oiin oa llv ho dliurnnsod und
the juopor nimcdios procured. Kor all otlior :
tiouhli's wilto. unuloslnu staiup for question
blank und hook , us the uoutor uses a special
rouu'dy for each ( llaeiise.
5I91 , North 16th Street ,
Office Hours from 9 n. m. to 0 p.
m. , Every Day.
f ho Best Pill On Eartlit "
Ir. IIolib'R Llttla
VoKotulilo 1'lllH net
KOLtly jcit iirornntly nn
tin , I.EVtiJI , KB I ) .
clonnMngtho ByflnmUior-
ouRbly nnd thuy curj
linbltunl consllpntlnn.
They nro suijiir oonteil ,
do not gripe , very
email , uasy to tnkn , ono
pill n iloso , nnd nro
purely vegetable. 45illlglncnch ) vlnl. Per.
( col illKOstlon fnllnwH their neo. They AIJ.SO.
inclnro Koconiiiiciidoil by Leutllnt ; I'Jiy-
ilcluua. Fornnloby i\tugghla \ or i.out by mull ,
XJ tents a vial or 5 far 81.00. Addrot )
fan Francisco. Cal. _ Chicago , 19 ,
Jl'o Offer You n Jlvmetly
which future * Niifftu to
Ufa of Mother and Vhtlil.
Jtotm Cotifliifliient of Its
J' < in , Jlorrur anil Jtlalc ,
Aftcrnilnjiimubotllonf "DIotlii'r'H I'llenil" I
sulli'ml imt llttlo pain , mid < IM not uxpcrlimcu tlmt
waikni'si urturwiml lunul In such cmi'.s.--tlra.
ASNIK ( liUK , Ijunar , Mo , Jan. ISlli , Ib'Jl.
Sent by ux ] > n > s. chnrKi'rt pr | mlil , on locotptol
prlci',81 W ) | 'r liolllu Nook to M.HlH'ii mulled n ( MI.
A POSITIVE ! and permanent CURE lor nil
dlsoasesottho URINARY ORGANS. Cures
whore olhor treatment tails. Full directions with each
battle. Price , one dollar. See signature o ) E. U
STAHU For Qalo O'j All DrucuHsto.
morning we will offer 350 pairs of Men's All Wool Cheviot and
Cassimere Pantaloons in medium colored stripes at S ! per pair. Samples
may be seen in our Douglas street show window. We guarantee every pair
strictly all wool and cannot be bought outside of the Continental for less than
$3,00. LOT NO. 2 :
450 pair of all wool Cheviots , in dark stripes and light checks , at $2.75 , in all sizes up to 40
waist. Mail-orders promptly filled. Samples of the cloth will be sent to any address , or a pair
of either lot 'will be sent and if not satisfactory may be returned at our expense.
76es Star Shirt Waists 7Bc
In order to reduce stock , we have decided to cut the price on our entire line of the cele
brated Star Shirt Waist , and will offer them for the present at 75c. Over 100 dozen to select
from , light and dark colors , nothing reserved. Send mail orders with postage.
Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River.