Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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IMIH nnP/'ttl i'rilfP XtinffPTO
Good Dtsplivy of Strength in Chicago Wheat
on Eu'l ' News.
1'rnvUloiin Only MotlornU'ly Active
\vltli I'HiJcH I'rnctlcnlly Unchanged -
changed Mvc Stouk Value *
r Klnitnollil. , Juno 17. Wheat displayed Rood
dixilof nrcnitthnt tliealiiit and for u lmo !
tiui'd U < above yestnrday's close. ' 1 lie
now * seminilly favored Uin bulls. Thu weathur
limp ghoni'd continued ruin In the winter
wlii-at licit , rind feirs : of ! i wet harvest inmlo
li'irls nervous and Rood buyers. Cables veto
fiurly slciicly mid outside markets OUOIH d
fcironK. Hraililrtov's ippnrt BSIVO u dtoiusiiu
In tin- iillnlilo supply ciist of llio Uouklui of
l.fiiX ) , ! ) ' 0 bnsho'.K and -iSii.UK ) buMm's ' on tin : I'a-
cine const. Tim ( .ocrclnry of the Kunsiis state
board of agriculture was quoted s sayliiK bis estimate of Hit' ITO | ) of that state had
ci-roncou-dy been jtl\on ut KMM',00. ' ) bnshe-ls
ln ti-iiil of 4MiOOl,00. , ( Joildi's , Kirk wood mid
othi r foreign IHIIISI-H ueiu free buyers. July
opened ut 0 c. iiKfilnstWiac at tlin O'IHO yes
ti'Kluy , nnd sold tip to IW' c. Hut at
tli.s . joint Now York parties bcpm to sell
In .ivy , I'nrdrldxo nnd Cudaliy brsim to feed
tin market with hhoit wheat , and < ( raring
i ulhiir s reported In the houlhwi-st. wben
tinc line became. Kioat uiiil
niMhoncd. July fallliiK off to K > T e , It llnctu-
ntud within a narrow riitiiru din-Ins tlio re-
tnikitidur of the1 tension and elosod ul'.i.'i'io , Urn
: iii i-mlro ns yesterday.
( urn 'vas i-ironi ; and at tlmos bunyaiit. .IllIV
si- Unit tip 2c from yesterday's close , nnlisc-
ijiii-iitly hut about IP of the di'cllnn but re-
u > ' i red part of It. The receipts fell over I' ' )
rnislM'loM tin' estimate. thiMveatbcr WHS coin ,
tenillir.'to retail ) the ( sniwth of plain * , eiinli
turn went t < ia premium of 4HeHliorls covered
fri'i'ly. ontsldi ) Imylitu orders were Keneroiifl.
am. the MClllittf emwd xepined to lie pretty well !
bailed out. . ! nly niinud | : at WXiWin.c , sold ut.
C'lie to W. i&'ll'.i1 , bro. < o to Mil.l'.Mllie. and I
iunini'fil to 5Ve. : Tliu liuyiiiLon tbe bulu'o
wns liberal , l.npin t I'd. presumably
fin M. Louis onleif , but Hoyden & Co. and
ll.irtlotl I'niurieio LO ( ! Hefomlii. IIIKI Ibu
nualler sborls weio also eoverlnK L'oiieionsly.
Tlir niirl ! < et wn also helped a good deal after
11 piiD'cd Hie call nrleoi by purchases niado
atialtist c.ills sold. Hut the denuind L'niliiilly ( :
hlaeUened , the ollerlnirs lncreii pil and the
weather bcroiiilnu wanner tie ! market lost
miiiiu of Its stn-niftli and .Inly fell toiliVie.
There as another rally to f > 7 ! e , and tliu clixo
WIIH at W..u.
Oals were iltapohcd to follow corn and trade
was more active and prices higher , though all
the advance wan not nialntaliicil.
I'lovlHhuis were only moderately nut It o , hut
developed MIIIIDtreii lh oarlv In i > riip.tthy
with the Him feelliiL' In tliu craln pltn , and
KIMKI ndtantM ) In IIOKS at the ttookynrds.
Later on Ki-oil sclllnc and the siibserinent
WHikiiovi In Kraln price. " eased elf ome and
at the eluse porn stood al the saniu Hilire an
yebleidiiy. I.aiil lout IJi.i'iWf ' , and ribs were
unehanKed loll'ic ' lower.
ln : futures ranged HH follows :
Cnbli ( | iiotntlons were us follows :
Ki , tin Unchanged and dull ; spring patents ,
I4.U i5fi'i.40j winter uatents. H.BJfaS.lO ; bakers' ,
WHEAT No. 2 sprint ; wheat , n" ' < c : No , 3
luring wheat. OitaiMu ; No. 2 red , HSffiWo.
Cons No. 2 , rlc.
OA'18 No. 2. ILSitflAUc ; No. 2 white , 4iy < S42Uc ;
No. : i white , : KiUft4lUe.
UVK No. 2. 7Uc.
HAUI.EV No. 2 , nominal : No. 'J , nominal ; No.
4 , f. a b.'iW4G2c.
I'l.Axst.KD- . l.fl.07' { .
TI.MOTIIV SK.EII I'rlme , fl.ltTlii'.Sfl.
1'oiiK Mcss pork , per barrel , IIO.II'M : lard ,
per c'Wt. . . JG.2 , " > ; Kliort nl.H sides ( loosu ) , IC.OOii
d..ri ( ' ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , ( S.uOti.'i.lO ;
hort clear sides ( boxed ) . M.i.Vi.ri.4li. :
WIIIPKV Distillers' finished goods , per Knl-
lin , 11.10.
SUdAiiB-Cut loiif. tinclmiiccil ; granulated ,
unchiingi-d ; standard "A. " unchanged.
Itccclpts and shipments today were ua fol
lows :
New York
NEW YOIIK , Juno l7.-Ki.ot < K Iteeeipts , ( WOO
packages : exports , ri.SOil bariols , H7S saoks ;
innrkot dull and unchanged ; sales , 17,1.1 : ) bar
rels ,
COUN MKAI , Yellow western. J.18 ffl.lKl.
WIIIIAT Hecelpts , 2.\hOO bushels : exports ,
1MI.8T7 bushels ; sales , : t.5VIliUO ( bushels of fu
tures ; K7ltii ( bushels snot. Hpot miirkel > < t < ti'to
hlL'her. linn , quiet ; No. 2 red , f l.O'.lVi''.iU In
htiire and elevator ; ifl.lO'JWI.ll'i alloat : ! 1.0 : 'i
O'.IS ' f. o. U : No. 2 red , nnuTaded , tl.i.ViUI.U'i (
t\o 1 northern lo arrive. JI.II&.1. 12 ; No. l hard
to arrive , ( l.livai.lli'i ' ; No. 2 Chicago. tl.07A , .
Options opened steady , udvant-ed a < rf.5BC on
llradstieet's report of a decrease In the sup
ply and manipulation at the west , declined
Jift'icoii loamlng through line weather re
ports , closing llrm with Juno \c up ; July , 'gu ;
other months unchanged to Vie down ; No. 2 ,
red , June , , , chislng. } . ( ( , ; July ,
fl.KiViTiil.UiT-IOi August , fl.ui-i , ® ! , 2S. . I'loslnir ,
fl.UI a ; Seplomler , fl.UO't'ai.Ol'i. closing , fl.illi
October , JI.OI'vWI.Ill V eloslnr , fl.0i4 | ; Novem
ber. closing , tlilPi ; December , flli2't'i ' ' ( > I.03ij ,
cliiilni.- , jl.U2iHillary ! : ! , closing , * I.WH ; May , , > 4aiou. ( ; clJslnB.Jl.iiity.
COHN liecolpts , 1H,40) ( ) ) liushcls ; exports.
OO.Kl" bushels : sales , 1,2 PHX ( ) bushels of
futures ; r > 2 , ( H ) bushels of spot. Spot market
higher , but unsettled , closing easy ; No. 2 , 71 ®
T2ltO In eluvator , KSO ic nllniit : ungraded
mixed , TdQTWiu ; No , 2 white , 73e ; options ad
vanced Kit. I ' , con Mimll receipts nml shorts
covering , fell ( icon freer olTerlnas and closed
1'iirely steiidj at iittl' e over yesterday ;
Juno , tl71 iiiUic. ( I'loM ng ( isc ; Ju y , H4'tit' > ? c ,
closing 04c : August. U'.ftlKI'io. closlug 02c :
yentemlier. BKaOHje. closing file.
OATS Itecelpts , 27,000 bushels : oxports. 3lf
linsiiels ; sales , 2iX > , WO bushels of futures ; B7. X )
bushels of spot. Spot market stronger , but
quiet ; options loss active arid Irregular : Juno
olos iu' , 41'4c ' : July. 4.i4@44Ui > . closing 44140 ;
August. : * Hta : 8 4-c. ohnlng : tsiHc : September.
iml > (6'fi > 4o , eloslmr IJi'tn ; spot No. 2 while , 4CVi
ft4Tn ; mixed western , 4liilflo ; whltu wcstcru ,
ITttNtvi No. 2 Chicago , tXHWc.
lloi'rt- Steady , but quiet ; utato coinmon to
choice , 2 : > 3Kc ; Paclllc coast , 2Viti2c. ;
CorfKK-Optlnns opene < l weak ut 1030
points down , closing steady at I.vftt5 : polntH
down , bales. 4ii,00u bags. Including : June.
IIIU.V. July , $ IA.lKKitln.OUi August , * I.MIW1.V40 ;
September , * 14.7MOI4.IOi October , 114. ! .Mi6l4.3.l :
Noveinl er. JI3 7.Viil4.80 : December JI3.Wjfil3.70.
HioHtlo , dull , lower ; fair cargoes , lllWO ; Na
tMW. iiulet. steady : fair refining ,
2ii-HV. : Hellned , uiicliiiiii'il ; fair demand.
MOI.ASSKS l-'orulKii , quiet : Now Orleans ,
quiet , steady
Hiri- : Stonily , quiet.
I'KTHOi.Kini-Stoady , qulutt uiiltod closed at
CS'ie for July.
coi-ros MII > OII , Dull ,
TAI.I.OW Steady.
KOHIN Stonily , iiiilot.
'I Ulll'KNTtNK-Qulot ; 3SUC.
Koos-julet , weaker ; receipts , 7,385 pack
HIIIKS Plrin , quiet.
POIIK yulot. steady ; old mess. JIO.V(31l.W ( ;
new mess , H2.1KIC4I2..VI ; extra prime , (11.00 ,
CUT MKATH-Oulct , steady ,
M mm. KH- Dull and weak.
liAiu > Lower , dull : western steam , M..V ) ;
i a I OK , 7.V ) tierces , at M. KitKi.v.'i , . Oiitlons :
Sales , 4..VW tlercchi Juyl. < 1.5 , eloalng. 1(1.53 ( ;
August. M.tW , doting. tn.A { ; September , fo.7. 4
5.HI , closing. < 0.7h ; October. W-W. eloslns , f&lO.
IIUTTKH Moduntto demand easy ; western
lulry. l.'ktilftoestera ; creumory , littls-oi
wetitorn factory , lUl4)ic ) ; Klglns , ISc.
OIIKKSE Moderate demand , weak ; part
iktniR , 4Un > { c.
I'll ! ImiN-IUlll.
Coi'i'Eii Strong : June , lako.
I.KAD Nnmlnal ; doineatlc , f4.40.
TiN-Slcady , llrm ; straight , 120,75.
Tot'KKA , Kan. , Juno IT.-TIm Kansas
[ 'armor tomorrow win print reports from
every county In the stale which show that
the wheat crup Is above thu average. Har
vest Is In full blast In the southern counties
em ! tno grain Is reported perfect and plump ,
riio promhiuot both winter and hiirlnir wheat
is exceptionally good. The Hessian lly lias
aumuKi'U wbeut In spot * In miyerul counties
iua ravuxv * uy tlio lly uro Hill reported lu
I F"l ! worth. Greenwood and Sumner countloi.
I There h very llttlo damiigu from rust
I nml It U mentioned only In reports
from Mcl'hnrMin , Iowa and lluek-
KOII con n tie * . Only II vo cnuntlcn report
whaat IK.OII roniHlnlug coiintltM o. < ipeot an uv-
rrnno crop or bolter. . Oats , llax , barley and
millet ncru sown Into nnd the acreage in
duced. An iivornKo crou Is now assured.
I'oiirtrcM countic * report corn as poor. The
crop Is late , wrni'y ' and a poor stand In many
counties , I. U tuil corn wtmfiod badly Ihliycnr
! n tunny countle.i , and It Inn been nocoMarv
to rcpliiut In many ncctloni. Corn In western
Kniis.ii Is itbovo llio aver.i.'e. The fruit crop
of all kinds It tlio mint nrornlilng In the his
tory of the state , although sonio little dnmngo
was done to small fruits by Into trusts. Kvcry
county reports crops Above the avoragu for
nil kinds of fruits.
KIIIIHMH City .Markots.
KANHAH Crrv. Mo. . Juno 17. PI.OUII Unlit
fKinlly. ll.lf I.25 : eh.lcp. ll.4WI.vit fnncy.
ll.lWil.O.extra ; fancy , tl. < * > ; patent , K
WltKAT-Steadyt iiif. 2 hnrd. cnsh ,
June , Wic bid ; No. 2 red , cash- . , ' . . . . .
COHN I'lrin ; No. 2cmli. : > 21J < ! bid ; June ,
. .
OAT-4 Qnloti No. S enitii , 40jc ! ; .Innr. 4lHc.
HAV Mouily : fancy , lOc ; good to choice , 7 ®
Hteady ; creamery. I.Kllfte ; dairy ,
IWt.3c ! ; store puel.ed , ICc : packngos ,
Kims l-'litii nt l''c.
CIIKKSI : Meiuly ; uiichiingcd.
PiiiivisiiiNs Quiet. Sugar cured monts ,
hams , fi iuc ; ureakfast bacon. 8 > jc ; dried hoof
lianirt , lOc. Dry salt meats , clear sldc-i , 6 { e ;
long eleiiiH , iic ? : sliouldur. * , f > ? ic. SmoUed
inuutf ) , clear rib sides. 7'c ' : long cloais , 7U' : !
' clear side * , 7'ic ' ! shoulders , ll'ie ' ; mess pork ,
' IIII..V ) , I.urd , pure. 7vu ; icllned , 'i c.
! Woor. Hull : Missouri unwashed , honvy
fliiiKW c : light lino. KltH'inicdlnm ' ; , 2 < it
' 22c. Kansas and heavy line , ;
! light lino. Uftli'.e : low and carpel , litllo. Tub
, washed , choice. ; Mi' ' ' < - ' ; medium , 3 iii'-V ; dingy
1 and low , 274621'c. '
| UKCIIITSWheat : , 21.00) bu hcls ; corn , C , < 00
bushels ; oats , /.Mi bushels.
Mlii'.MKNT.s--Wlieal , 2 , Tuu bnshols ; no corn
and oats.
lYIieat In Stook.
.Mi.NNRAi'Oi.tH. Minn. , Juno 17.Tho cash
wheat market was iftl'io ' higher today. The
demand for northern was good , with sales
running from th. < July price to * .in above for
i fancy wh"at. No. 2 noithurn was dull , somu
early sales weru made at pretty good prices.
I but tnu demand was soon supplied. Samples
I that came In Into were slow to move : liny
i guideweru dull ; the bulk of No. I northern
sold attl.iu4Ciil.l. ( ( ) KecelpU for inohty-fimr
hours wore in ears : shipment * . , 4' . ' cars. Duluth -
! luth ruiolpts , IJ cars Clo-d ng qu itatlons :
No. 1 hard. Juno. * 1.03 ; on tr.ick. I1.U3QI.U.I1 * !
I Nn. I northern. June and July , tl.OO' , ; Soptcm-
her , IK'et ' on track. Jl.ojljiai.oi ; No. 2 northurn ,
Juno , ! W'ic ' : on track , ( Hlifcuslic ; Uccembur ,
loHfil iiliie ; October. W0l'e.
No Uiiluth miirkot ; wires down.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Juno -I'l.ofn-Qulot ,
W n HAT Steady ; No. 2 spring on track ,
cash. U.VTtOtic ; Julv. 93ic ; No. I northern , il.i.O. .
COUN I Uglier ; No. 3 on track , OTic.
OATH Higher : No. 2 white on track , 42ic. !
UVKjniiit : No. 1 In store. Wo.
IIAIII.KY Weak : No. 2 In slore , Kt' ' o.
I'HOVIHIO.NSQulut , Polk. July , ilU37i ! ; lard ,
July. W.w. ;
UECKli'Tri-Klonr ' , B..VW barrels ; wheat , 28,500
linshols ; barley , 4.iO ! ) bushels.
Hini'.MKNTS I'loiir , 15.000 barrels ; wheat , 0,000
bushels : barley , none.
St. IjOiiiH Marlcotn.
ST. I.OUIH , Mo. , Juno 17. WHEAT Irregular ;
cosh. $1.00 : July. UP OI'dc.
COKN Illirhur ; casli. 574c ; July. M ? c.
OATS- Firmer ; cash42c ; July , J ! . " > ; ic bid.
POIIK btendy at il0.r,2i. ! $ .IK ) . ,
WlllSKV II 1C.
Liverpool MnrUelH.
LIVBIIPOOU Juno 17. WIIUAT I'lrm , de
mand poor , holders orTer sparingly.
COU.N riiin ; demand fair ; mixed western ,
Is 7d percental.
UIIIXSK American , llndst whltu a.'id colored ,
4Cs per cw t. for new. ,
Toll-do .Miirkots.
TOLEDO. O. , Juno 17. WHEAT Steady ; cash
and June , 41.011.
COUN Dull : cash. COc.
OATti Qnlvt ; ci'Sli , 44e.
Cincinnati MarketR.
CINCINNATI. O. , Juuu 17. WIIKAT Scarce ;
No. 2 red. f 1. 023 1. 0.1.
COHN St longer : No. 2 mixed. fiOc.
OATH Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 4JSt4Jc.
\VlUHKY 81.10.
srovits AM * it ox os.
NEW YOIIK. Juno 17. The stock market
today lacked the stimulus of a honvy rise In
Chicago (3as , and that stock was much loss
actlvo than during the last two days , the
market therefore In the absoncu of any In-
crcaso In activity In railroad .stocks , being
most Intensely dull throughout thu entire
session , The dealings wore still almost en
tirely of a professional character and thu
usual small and uninteresting transaction1 ;
marked the trading In all parts of the list.
The general situation continues to Improve.
The culmination of the advance In Chicago
das was followed by a partial reaction in that
stock and a sharp decllnu In sugar , but the In-
diienco of various rumors upon the
general list was hardly perceptible , though
prices yielded somewhat. The professional
nature of the dealings was very apparent In
the dullness and the smallness of thu lluctua-
tlons. The 01 onln was Hrn and : t small ad
vance In Chicago Oils was followed by a slight
Improvement In thu general list , but thu reac
tion noted was followed also by the restof the
market and a heavy totio was imparted to Ihu
duallngs which lasted durin ; most of the day
after that tlrno. In fad. the late trading de
veloped a decidedly weak tone , and the
western stocks In particular sull'ered se
verely , The volume of business was
also largely Increased by the bale of
long stocks. The general llst-rtas totally de
void of feature throughout the day and all In
terest In thu dealings was centered In a few
leading stocks. Thu market closed dull , but
weak , at the lowest prices of the day which ,
however , In most stocks were o lly slight frac
tions below thositof Inst evening , while sugar
is down 2 > 4 , and Uock Island , bt. Paul and
Misiourl Paclllo each 1 percent.
Railroad bonds weru not so actlvo nor so In
teresting today and a smaller amount of
Issues were traded In , the sale of .ssuos reach
ing only iMI.VXXi , which failed to develop
a single feature. The tons was fairly
steady till the last hour , but tlio
weakness then shown caused no material
change In quotations. Tlio Atchlson , Kansas
it TOXIIS and some other Issues weru weak , but
others presented a llrm front throughout. No
signs of a revival of Interest In this depart
ment were shown and the business done was
entirely of u retail character.
Government bonds were dull anil sloady.
State bonds were dull and without feature.
Petroleum was extremely dull , the move
ment being narrow and trading Insignificant
In volume. July option , opening , ll1 * ; high
est , ( W(4 ( : lowest , IVS'i. l.lma oil , closing , MV
Total sales , 7,100 barrels.
The following are the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on tno New York stock ex
change tod-uy :
Atchlion S2 ? < do preft'rreil Ki3
Ailumi Kipri'H" lit ! N. Y. Contml 1UUW
Alton A Ti-rre llnutr. M N. V. C. A St. 1 , liife
doprufurrcil 15 ( In preferred Hi
Amurlcnn K < i > ro > i. . 113 Ohio A MhMlmlppl. . . IB
II. U. 1C. A N SU do prefurred 85
Cnnuillnn I'aclflo Ontario A Wetiturn. . . Iti
Canadian Southern. . I'JM On-Run llnpniTO _ .
Ci-ntral 1'aclrlo 31 Oretton Nav ; 0
ChOJ. A Ohio lOlflOreinm Trans UK
do lit preferred. . . . US' * ll'uc-lllc.Mall IKi
ilo''nil preferred. . . IKHtUVorl * . Due. A Evans IB
ClileiiKO A Alton I'-'A ll'ltntmrif Ill
( X II , A Q HMdll'iiliinan I'ulaco IbO
C. C. e. ASl. I. U f IHoadliiK SlMi
DelawuruA HuiUoil.lTJ'l IKock lilanil 7'J ! <
Ii-l. I. . AV lilMj , 81. I. A K. K. lit pfil. IU
1) . A H. II. prof rr il. . ' 0 | tit. Paul 1114
Knit'l'enn 6H | ' ' " prcferrot 112
ilo lut profi-rreJ. . . . tt ) 81. I * . Minn. A Man , " ' '
ilnViiil iirufc-rrud. . . 11 Bt. I'nnl A Omaha. .
Krle Oo nrofvrrtMl hi
iluirofem-it | WH'Tonn. ' Coiil A Iron. .
Furl Wnjn" I4'J i'lVxnii I'nrlllo.
Chi. A 1C"it. Ill M Tol. A I ) . On pM. . . . 70
Hocking Viilloy M fnlnn I'acltlc ( Hi
lloiutun A Texas. . . . ! > } i 1 ° . K. Uxpruix It
llllnoU Contrnl . . . . 9 ( W. St. I > A I * lOJt
St. t'Hiil A Dulutli. . . . 91 ilu prott-rrt-il 2.t
Ktiuaii A Tunis im Wolb-Furt'ii K > Ill
l.ako Krlu A W UJtij Wontt-rn Unlim KU )
ilo | irnf rro.l &ii Am. L'tulon Oil VM
' 110 f.iloriulo Coal ml
llomentako IUH ,
l.oulitlllti.v N A. . . . MH irnnSllvfr luo
.ML-IIHIIB | | A L'lmr l Oqlullo 1W
MlcliluMi Cenlrnl H QuUkillver.
llll. U H. A W 71 iluprvfurroil Wli
Ooprt'ferriHl 1UI Hutro &
Minn. AMI. I < ' - llulwer SO
Oo pn-fi-rri'il 6H , Illcli. A W.I * . Tor. . . . ISX
'iicine 1KH \VI con lnContrnl. . . . IbH
Mobllo A Ohio . . . . . ( ircat Nnrlliuriipfil. . hi
Nmlirlllu fniitt 1U6
' ' ' ' ' ' '
N. J. Central Ill ) U-ailTrnnt. , . . . . . . . . . . 17H
Norfolk A Went pfil , . M Him-nr Trim
Norlhurn I'ncltlu 21(4 . . . . : u
dopri-fi'rrctl C8 liro. H. I , . A t'tnh ' Nnr _
U. r. Ik'iivur Aliulf. I' . ' II.U. Wo.u-rn 3'J
Norlhwottfrn 11W iloprolVrriHl 7IK
TiTo total hales of "stoci-s todny wofol2HT24
shares. Including : Atuhlson , 7'CH ; l.oulsville
.t NnshvlDe. IU.M5 : Missouri I'aolHe , U.22J ; tit.
1'aiil , lu.KSA ; Union I'acltlc. U.U.V ) .
New YOIIK. .In IHI 17Tho I'ost aitysi The
Hiicri'M of thn opuratloiiH In L'hlciiito ( Ins
iiatnrully ktlmulati'd thtioiioratorH In other
nattily munlpulatcd spcclultli'K , Thin inornlni ;
thi'i'.tiiKrt oponuorh In siK-nr trust trU-il their
hand and niut with complutu t-ticcchs to break
the prli'n l.uuj tlmn 4iX ( ) hliarcs wuro bold ,
nearly all In thu second hour , und thoiish this
was n llRbt biulnt'ss forcueur trusts the ro-
hiilt wiu a bruak in prlcoof : i'4 points. The
iinivenicnt In Itfctilf wus of llttlu eonsonuenco ,
buliiK buucd on no authuntia IIUMTI , but In thu
ondition of the market was onouKh
to doiiiorullio the Keuural lint. TrudlnK was
uot largo , but the trofcialouul fluuiuut
turned bc.nrlsh at on 'o and broke prices from
! i to I point In nearly all leading spivlaUlc * .
JiOillnvlllo & Nashville Miowcd unexpected
reslntnnco to the decline , which Indicated that
the l < ondon bunkers Inivu put out as much
short stock In that direction us they deum
prudent. London's recent opcrat'ons In tliU
stock havelecn somewhat unusual , for
the stock sold yesterday and Monday came
from houses which do not often resort to
short Miles. Presumably they e.xpeet to
cover their short contracts by the new' Louis-
vlllo stock to be Issued next month , which
they will take , either by syndicate contract
or by open shareholders subscription.
Flnanclnl Nott-H.
New YOIIK , June 17. Clearings. 1105CK ( > ,517i
balances. , " .
HAMIMOIII : . Mil. , Jnno I7.-Clearlngs , J2.03-
742 : balances , t'Jff ! , . ( ! . Money , 0 per cent.
I'liH.AtiKr.i'iiiA. Jnno 17. Cienrlnss today ,
JII.lir.MU7 ; balances , JI.2I2.1W7. Money. 424(4 (
CINCINNATI. O. . Juno 17. Money. M,7 per
cent. New York exchange , llrm ulCOQ/Kie pre
mium. Clearings , { 2,024,0 U.
Nr.w Ulll.tiANS , I/a. , line 17. Clearing *
today. Jl.nio.NK New Yorx exchange , cotn-
mtTclal paper , li. " > c bank , il premium pur $ | , UIK ) .
f'ntrAno , Juno 17. Hates for money were
llrm ut'i'iftG percent on call and Gpnrccnton
tlniB. Hank clearings JI4.Kll.HX ) . New York
exchange wns weak at par. Sterling exchange
was steady and iiNrliatiK il.
Tlio Money .Market.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 17. Mo.MivoNi'Ar.t. Ka y :
ranging fiom 2 to 'I per cent ; last lo : < n , 2i !
percent : closed offered at2i. !
PTKiii.tNU K.\iiASOt-Jiilet ( ( and llrm at
II.Mi ? forHlxty-dny bills and ll.hbKt for de
mand. *
Thn following were the closing prices on
l.onds :
If. . 4 , reiititoroil . .IIT-Jfi M. K. A T. < , 'ts
U. S. 4 , coupons IISXl Mnttial L'nlun 11 . . . . 101
4S , registered W ) N. .1. font Int Cert. .
4 , rouponi JOO Northi'rn 1'iic. Int9. .
1'iic-lllp , c.i of 'P5 1W ili > 2il
. . Nnrtliwo't1 rnnsoln.
Tennuioi'O N. H. ( ! . . . ( ) ilo lU'lu'ntiiri ) 61 , . . .IU1
ilo fit 11WW St. I , . A I. M. den. SH . 87
do H tOMi M. I. . AH. K.Cvn. M
Cnnniln'oiltlurn 2ds a'i'i ' SI. Paul rmnol
Ci-ntrnl I'nrlllu Ut9..1l ( * > M 1' . 0. A I' . l t . . . 111
1) . A It. ( i. Ists U\ T. I' . I , , ( i. Tr. llcts. 88
Uo 4 < M T. I' . II. O. Tr. Itctj.
II. A H. C. Wont Ists. 7i'4 (
irlu2il : U7 West Shore.
it. K. AT. ( Jon'ICs. . . 7ti
London Stocks.
T.oNno.v. Juno 17. Closlns at 4 p. m.
Cun nlii , money..Hi lA-Hil do Snilt 1004
Consols , ncrount. . . . VH * llllni > l.i Central W'i
U. H. Is llll ! , .Mu.xlcanonl
17. S | i * 102 St. I'niil eonimon. . . . (57H (
N. V. I1. A II. Intl. . . . HV New York Central..10.1
Ciinndlnn l'.illle ! Si-V Muxlcnn Cent , new IH 75Jj
Uric 2UH
liar .silver. 44 ( l-lfid p r ounce. Money 1 per
eent. Kate of discount In theopon market for
both short and tliioe-muntliH bills , i.a ! pur
Ilavanii AI'trlcctH.
HAVANA , Juno 1 ? . SPANISH GOM > Ji. ? ? i ©
2.w. :
xciiANnu Woitk : on the United States.
short sleht , f-'old , U ? ; iiieinliiiu ; on London ,
I ! ) \i' preniluin.
SUIIAII Quiet : 817 biiKH ol eenlrlfucals. M
depress polarization , were sold at M.Ulii iold
pur quintal.
Itnnk of lOn liinil Itiilllon.
LONDON , Juno IT. Amount of bullion with
drawn from this Hank of Knfiland on balance.
t ol ay w as .mi.ouo.
I'nrfn IlciitcH.
I'AUI . Juno 17. Three per cent rentes , 05f
17iC ! for the account.
Denver "Mining Stocks.
DKNVBII. Colo. , Juno I ? . Quotation * ) on the
nilnliuexphaiiKO today closed as follows :
San Francisco Mining QiiotationH.
SAN riiA.NCisco.Junu 17. The ofllclnl closing
( | iiotitlcins : for milling stocks today weru us
follows :
St. Iouis liiiiui ; Quotations.
PT. Louis. Mo. , Juno 17. Tliuro wiia not much
IradliiK on thu niliilu exchaiiKO tdduy , but
prices wore lirm. Thu followlni ; quotations
were made on call :
AiI.'Ull U'J till. Key ; te >
American foi M. llreen 37
Little Alhuit S t-llvor At'0 155
Munt.-ono CO Viimn. .m
New York Mining QiiotntioiiH.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 17. The followinc are the
closlni ; mining stock quotat ons :
Allen 15) Ontario ; 1H )
Deailwooil 110 riyinoiilli 30. )
Kurt'ka Oiri S7.ri ( SiiTHKo 110
Ilomt'itiiku lOTi SH'rrn Nevada 10)
Horn Slltri-r 840 Union Con 2iJ )
Iron Silver 10) Yellow Jacket ax )
Cotton ( iooilH "Murlcol.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 17. The cotton poods mar-
kut la slttlnu' on iihout the basis of ' 40 under
Into quotations. Today thu Masonvlllu 4-1
lilrai-ho i eotlon w s redueeil to t-'sc , which
was a icductlon of 'iC a yard. O itsldo of
hleauhed shirts there was but n.oder ito trade
In staples , ( iln hiiins , tc//.le < l cloth and [ irintH
wore the subject of good ninll orders , \\oolen
artlulus were ( ) ulot , uut with the product al
ready well sold , _
Trailers' Talk.
ST. I.OUIK , .luno 17. f.ansenbnri Drothors to
Coukrull llrothers : Thu following ; was thu
tiiKo today on thu July option :
coMMoiiTrv | Upon. rTllnli77 now. I * ' I Veiit
, , Wl
July. . . . . . .
I'liiCAdo , Juno 17. Koiini'H , Hopkins A Co.
to S. A. MeWhortor : has hold Its own
today thouuh thuru han buun conslderablu re-
alUliiK by disappointed bulls and an Increase
of at ( oust ono lar e short Interest. Cables
havn not , shown much sti eir th but crop dam-
ak'e reports liavn been more numerous and
emphatic' . The feuluiK Is htlll bearish ami It
Is hard to advance prices with BO much short
wheat pressing on tnu market. Corn and oats
Thu wut wualhur haH had a stimulating ef
fect on corn , thu ground being si wut In homo
sections It uan't Do worked and the weeds gut
ting thu upper hand. Thu oanh situation con
tinues very strong nnd' this favorably In-
lluences thu prlcu of options. Oats show no
animation nnd glvu no uvldunco of doing bct-
tor at present. In provisions very llttlu was
done lu thlx market o.xceptby room traders.
No fuatuto of Inlmest. Thu strength lu eoru
prevent I'd a break.
.NK\V YIIIIK , June 17. Kennett Hopkins & Co ,
to S. A. McWhortor : Thu strength of the mar
ket at thu opening was alnmst untlfely duo to
the Hi Mini'xs of urlcus for American htockh In
l.onilou and a moderate amount of buying
hero on London orders. So far as current
nuwh calculated to atrut ! thu niaikut was'con-
cernud It was rather against an Improvement
In prlce.s. The moil Important was thu
htruiulh of foreign exchange , and thu roil no
tion bv thuClilciuoiSt Altonof pusienger fares
on round-trip tloketn between Kansas Ulty
and Chicago. 1'lils ruJuction being lliuiesuttof
thu ( allilru of the Chicago & Alton company
tocoinutoany hatl ! > ( actory Agreement with thu
\Vcbturn I'assun er absoclutlon. Thu reduc
tion was uut $1.0. ' , but It la the wedgu that may
split the whole passenger business and du-
moralUu thu ithsoulatlon. Sterling u.ichango
Is IInn and some drawuis quolu higher r.ites ,
but there Is no Indications of told being
shipped. The strength winch thu market
hhowed at the opening wnsbut temporary anil
tliun thu undertone wasdroopmg with Missou
ri 1'acllle and voiiiii other western sto. kseon-
hplcilously weak. Thu Missouri I'acltlc hlnmld
havu declared Its dividend today , but on tno
plea of thu lack of aquoriini thu actions of thu
company hiivu buen postponud. It Is a matter
of gossip In thu btieut that the dividends
will to at a reduced ra.e. , Chicago lias and
sugar have been moro largely traded in than
any other stock. The former after
advancing above 55 In thu last hour
hroku2 | > cr cent and this occurred after a
statement had been tulegraped from Chicago
that thu trust had settled with thuulty. Thc > .u
certificates are being manlpulatu'l ' by nniHter
hands and the Mrcot Is u constant loser. scums to linvo declined becautu theru
was loo. < to sell and very few buy orb. Thu
feeling ib that the tltut U making uul little
money and It Is known home prominent In
siders uru not avurcu to seeing price * lower.
Thu money market has been uasy at2''Ui : pur
cent. Murkut closed ut about thu low cat prices
of thu day.
CltlCAO i. Juno 17. Schwartz. Dnpoo k Mo-
( 'ormlck , Uhicagu , to R U. Hwurtz ft Co. :
Wheat opened llrtn with active buying , said
U ) bo largely for thu account of fcoutb western
ihorta iuduceU probublj \ > y tUu rulus which
were reported In tluti Intcr wlioat sect on.
Wcim > IIKeiy for . . iiKiimii ! time to have u
weather tuarliiit . itnlliihwhoonn gueAi U iiet
Is likely to SIM In nni l fi.rtiiuatt'ly. tali : PS
wore featuruiuit. the .United Kingdom
rather weak , Antucrp higher , I'nris lower for
wheat nnd high , r for Hour. 1 1 rail HI reel's
showed a dci reaso ( if1 'JI.lM'i.O.Xi biiilH'l.i In
available stocks rust : ' , id west of the Kocklu * ,
but It hud very llttlir eiroct , Heeelnts al
I'leven primary polntS. ity.oft' : Hhlpme
. . . Now York Untiled IfWHW bushels
of whoat. making " < 2ii.lK)0 ) In two clays.
The corn dual win the center of Inter
est today. The rains' ' tlh-valent In the south
west are delaying rt > i'itrui. [ which are running
under estimates. M. I.imls bus been a u > od
buyer today to cover shorts , "ry weather Is
reported In New Kngland and Is Inducing a
ho.ivyshlppliigdcm nil ( or oar lots In iid.llt'.on '
to this a laigedemanil Heruuted by an evident
siiiift're In the June option In New York which
makes It possible to ship from Chlc.igo ut u
good round prollt. So long us receipts con
tinue light wo sec hut little chaticu for a inn-
tcrlnl break and a fiirllier advitnco would not
.surprise us. ( ) : its linn but not aetlvu. thu
chief buyers being shorts and prices largely
Inlluenced by llueluatlons In corn. 1'rovlMons
fchowed rather a weak front although u bad
break was prevented by the strength In grain
markets. It Is evldent'thnt the timid shorts
have covered during thu Inst two days and
buyers mo becoming sjarcc except for small
jobbing tots from country speculators , It
will take better buying 10 sustain prices. Ho-
culpts of hogs today 2.VOOJ , oUlmates fur to
morrow 22,0 K ) .
CnicAfio. Juno 17.-I' . ( j. [ , ociin .t Co. loTon-
eray .t llryan : The who-.t market htis been
quiet with trading lo-al. July opcnod with
llttlo ollVred at Wc , sold up to l > fi' ' e ,
as low as li.,1- , , cloicit at DS' e.
Crop reports fiom the wlntor whoat.
states continue good as to quantity and qual
ity. but delayed bv wet weather , which ex
tends over thu viilltV vrlnlnr wheat belt. 1'n-
1 ess wo luivu sunshlno o r deliveries will bo
light and in famr of higher prices. Cables
are dull , but values unchanged. Cash wheat
today brings ftom 3c lo 4o iiremlum
OUT July. Corn opened at .VinC ? for July ,
sold as high as , 'i , ' ' „ ! , and closed at Wl'iO
bid , Thu demand for shipment is good
nnd cash olTerliigs bring a piemlum of ; l cunts.
Unless receipts Ini'reasi ! wo cannot have
lower prices In the future. Dats are ac
tive an < l to a gie it extent a weather market.
Crop reports generally are poor. Hog pro
ducts are very firm 'and appear to have
touched the bottom for the present. Wu look
for higher prices In the nuar future.
OJl.lll.l I.1VK STUCK.
UMA.IIA. Juno I" . ISni.
CATTi.E-Olllclal receipts of cattlu 1.471 * , as
compared with 2uii < * yesterday and t..V > u
Wednesday of last week. The marUet was
slow and weak to lOo lower on beeves.
Huteher slock was unchanged. Feeders were
wore almost Hal. A bunch of twenty head of
1,401 hooves sold at"i..s ; > .
Hods Olllclal receipts of heirs fi.02l. : as
compared with P , . " , } . " ! yesterday and ii.71U Wed
nesday of last week. The market opened
active and a shade h ghcr , and closed actlvo
and a simile ti > Tic higher. All wcie sold
ourly. The quality of the icoelptn was fair.
Thu range of the prices paid was'it.l.1'1 ' ;
thu bulk sulllng atM. M : ! . > . l.lL'ht. 51.-1 6
4.W : : heavy , ifl.3uffil.4ii : ml.xed. tl.WWt..lJ. Thu
average of the prices paid was as com
pared with $ l.2s's ' vestorday and Jl.24'/i Wed
nesday of last week.
SHEW ' 1 heio were no fresh receipts of
sheep. The demand for good muttons con
tinues In excess of the receipts , and prices
are llrm. Natives. tJ.lO ® . " ) . ' . ' . " ) ! Westerns , J2.75 ®
Kccclpttt nrd I IsjioK'iion of Stook.
Olllclal rncolutsaml disposition of stock as
shown by thu books of the Union stockyards
coi.ipany for thu twenty-four hours ondlng at
5o'clock p. in. . Juno 17 , IS'JI ' :
1. . 880 2 00
4. . 195 3 50 4. . 140 4 25
ilvo Klook haricot.
CIIICAOO , Juno 17. l ) ) ooliilTiii'sriiiii | toTiiK
HKH. ] 1'ulr to cholcuKmilt-H of nntlvu cuttlo
woio In ( 'noil ( loniainl toilay nnil ii uirnKi-il
about Nto.'uly. The rii \ > of nutlvtuviis HniltDil
to U.Oiid , u lurno imrt o'f which \VIIK not up to
lliu reinlrunniit'i ] ) of buynrn for i-itsu-in anil
foreign nmrliitlK. llvJilurs of prlnio cattle -
tlo tlu-roforo wur ? not rt-iinlrod to
inako any prloo i/iiJLces'-liiti'i. all unltiiblo
olVorliiKs bolnu promptly tnUcn nl ytistor.luy'H
iliiotatloiiH. ( IruiU'sjifjiatlvo uatllo that have
to soil Inconipotltlon with KrassToxnns wt-ro
aualn wuak , Hullliit'cJAlioiit Idu luuor than
Monday. The suIrs , thoiiuh Inr cly at f'J.Wi ®
fl.W , were on a basis of ? l.Mai.5 ) ( ) . The oiithlilo
( liiotatlon Is iniroly nominal , no trailiv. linvlnj :
boon olToi'to ( at over t'l."d within tlio lust tlirro
wui-ks. The run of ToxnH uuttlu was cstl-
nmtuil at 4.MiO. ( At a rc'ilnollon from liiHt
weok'H prlfc.sot 1 ifol.'ic thuro was iin aotlvo
( Imiuuiil ut * l..v > 1i.a.M for rnixsiTM , uiul at
f3liv < 5.25 for ft.-l. Thuro was u contiiiuiul
wuukncai In the calf nuirkotit , the tuipnllo *
boliitf t Ki hoavy. Quotations wi-ro $ l.7. ' < iW.iO
for noor to choiuu. An extra iuoonnil ; ualt
broiiKht * .V5) .
Anothurlto per 100 pounds wns nddcd to the
vitliin Of IIOKH , fl.A'.Ht'iil.O ' ) bulnu' fri-ulv p ild for
best la-uvy and nu-illuin wiiUhtx. and H.i& \ for htriutly uhoh'o llKht. Poorer lots bold
nil thu way down to t2.oiiisl.00 , nt whli'h nmco
there was llttlo tradliu In ciiils and
p UK , but from t4.f > 0 to lift ) wi-ro the pon-
illar prk-i's. moro than t lit oo-fourths of the
Hiipply uroKSlnu the xonli-s at that raiiK'o.
Cirussurx wi-io ni' H-otoil at u i-on.sulur.iblo ro-
duullon from prlvvs paht for corn futtfil IIO--K.
In fuel thuro were few buyisrs who would
touch thorn at all. The Into fi-ullni ; win , not
us Him at that prevalent at the opunuii ; of
hiihlnuhs and bomo hogs wuro lull In the i > cll-
or ' handu.
The KvunlnB Journal reports : CATTr.K--Ilii-
celplH , 13OvUi uhlpmuntH , 4.0OO. Market slow
and nculci prlmo natlvos , H.W2A.Wi
| Toxnn . M.
: is. ' , : OOWM. < i..VKu.'i.7V
Moo ; * lli'colpts. 22OlXl [ hlpmcntJ , < ,000.
Murkut ncllvi- , higher ; roiiph nnd common ,
( I.UU4.4'.ii ' .nl.M-il and iKH-kor * , l.4.Vil4.r > r > ;
tirlmu hunvy nnd butt-lior weights , tl. . '
lljihi , * l.4ivft .o\
SlIKKP Hl'Cl'lJito. tt.OOJs .slilptilPnt.i.
Market fairly iiollvo anil stoivilyt nntlvcit ,
M.fWl5.KS ; ToxniiK. JI.SOi wcthors ,
Ni-w York lilvo Stook SInrkot.
Nnw YOIIK , Jnno 17. URKVES Ilocolpts ,
S.C07 bond InclndliiK loScnrs for sulr. MnrKot
dull , 1 1' per c t lowiT ! tinllvi' Fti-cri , JI.4OJ6
aS5 ti r i-wtj bulls and oowa , ! die * i'd
i'of Mottdv al SVifaiHjc per pound. Shipments
today. Mi bcove.s and 4,080 iiuarterM of
l-cef : tomorrow. 1.000 neuron ,
C'AI.VIM Itecclpts , 4.473 head : market i-io
per pound lower : veal * . fj.U030.00 per ewtj
nuttctniilk calves , } 2.UVitl.Oi ) .
SiiKKi1 Kecclptv. N.5I7 head : market firm ;
sluep , fl.SAat.liO per cwt : lambs , JUi ( ) < ? f-7.7.1i
dreosed mutton , llrm , UillU'fo per pound :
iln-Hsc'il lam'.M Ntuady at lOSIil-c.
lloo > i--jiecelpti. ! n,2. > l liead consigned direct ;
market nominal ; Mcady at il.30Q3.2. > .
KIIIIHIIH City hlvo st iok Mnrkot.
cclpt * . 2.UW ; shipments. v.MO ; market llrm
for bcsl nntlvi'H and Texans : cows , dull ;
steeri. { i.2.v.l. ' ) : > : cow * . < I.W4fc3.l > 0 : stockcrsand
feeders , $ -.Mi ( ) < il4.2' ' ) .
Iloos litirelpta , 8.080 ; Hlilpmenti , I.OlX ) ; mar
ket fie higher ; bulk , * l.2- < tl.M ; all Wades ,
gllKp.i' liccelpts , 1,100 : market steady.
St. I.oulH Ijlvo Slock Mitflcnt.
FT. I.ot-iii , Mo.Tune 17. PATTM : Horelpts ,
4IOi ) ; shlpments6.i : ( > 0 ; marketflrm : fair tofaney
native SU-OIK , J..4K ) ( j.UO ; Texuns and Indians ,
' > : i.Vi.i.r.n.
Ili > ( ! S-Keeelpts.i,2'iO ( ' ! shlpmentH. 1.2)0 ) ; mar
ket a shade higher ; huavy. $4.4.'io,4.55 ( ; niucd ,
j lltrht. fl.Ki : S4.40.
0 .11. ill. I It'll : JIAUKKTS.
Trcsh Ki-tillM.
Iti.ArKiinnitiit-i Per caw. $ : i 5.
HI.ACK UASI'IIIIHII.S | : Per case. il.OO.
C'MKiiliiKS Culirirnl.i , per 10-lb box , 11.75 :
blai-k Tartarian. $1.75 : southern chnrrles , $ I.M
per drawer of IS iinnrts.
UIIAMII : l.ns Anitules , J3.25 ; Muillturriia-
t'lin NWeels , W 50il'l.75.
TEXAS PKAI ins Per 'i bnsbol box. 75c.
STiiAWiiKiiiur.s Mls-ourl stock. * . ' . ( ) (82.25 ( per
21 quart case ; Iowa stock , ? 2.25 per ease.
( iini.v : : ( lOosnnniiiiiKS Per 24 ijnait case ,
12.25 ® ' , ' . 10 : dra wer of HriiiarH , J1.75.
I'lNCAt'i'i.KS Per noKI.IO. .
I.KMO.NS-l'holec stock , pur box. JO.OJ ; fanuy ,
S'l ' l.
HANANAS Per bunch , J2.5l ) < iJ3.00 for fancy
shlpplnu stock. _
Country I'roiluoo.
1'OL'i.Tiiv The market on old fowls Is a llttlo
weak : ind sales of Kood stock are mailoat i.'l.'iO
( ? ! .l.7f > . KurliiK chlel.C'iis lire beeonilm ; moro
iilenty and are selling ut ji.OOU4.(0 : ( per iloz.
The ducks arriving are mostly small and neat
at about S--IO , Tin keys , ( if per Ib.
IlL'Trnii-A very ItirKOproportlonof the but
ter IssfllliiK ut lOc
II AV Hum upland , $9.001410.00 : poorer grades ,
M.OWffi7.0i ) . _
The following quotations represent the
pilcesat which choice stock Is billet ! out on
orders unless otherwise stated :
UNIONS llormuiln , ucr case. * 2.25 ; California.
3'Jc per Ib.
CAiii'AOE Homo grown. 75c per do7.or.'lo
per Ib.
NEW POTATOKS Per Ib , 21iB2 ( c.
TOMATOES I-Nnej stock , per unite , $2.75.
Nnw Itur.TS Per doz. : i.'iiii40c.
PKAS Per bushel box. ! l25ai.Y ) ; Der M btuhol
bov. ( We.
OtlCtlMHKliR Pur doz. 75c.
yoUTHiMtN HKANS Wax , flT i'So per K bushel
box ; string , 5'iii CO per ' 4 bushel box.
POTATOM Homo grown stouk In small lot
from the stoie. fl.10.
Asi'AUAOUs 50o per do/
IHIANS Nuvy , $ ; . ( V > par bushel.
Omaha milling eompanj. Kollance , Patent ,
$2.W ; Imlncibo Patniit , i2.Ml ; s'ar ( ,
Superlative. 82,50 ; i-nowllake , J2. 10 ; I'ancy
l-'amlly. SI.OO.
1C. T. Davis nilllcompany. High Patent N'o. 1
and Croiim , $2.M ; Ulne I ) . , full patent , t2.5.1 ;
llawkeye , half patent , : Speclul ICii.vnl ,
patent No. 10 , M.IU : Minnesota Patent , ? 2.S5 ;
Kansas Hard Wheat , patent. tV.OO ; Nebraska
Sprhii ; Wheat , patent , $2,55.
S. I' , ( llllinan's Gold Modal. $2.8'i ; Snow
White , $ . ' .50 ; Hnowllake , $2.10 ; low urailc , JI.IMI ;
Queen of the Pantry. J2.00 ; bran. 815.10 ;
chopped feed. $24.00 ; Minnesota Superlative ,
* 2.N ) .
K. I- . Welch & Co. , Welch's Ilesl. S2.Kr ( Ciown
I'rlncc..70 ; Minnesota Chief. 42.40 ; fcplendid
Family , $2.10 ; Straight. Jl.OO.
When the Lord Chief .Justice of England
orders Cook's Extra Dry Champagne , it's ' a
sad commentary on our Aiiglomaniacs.
He IH Scnt-nucil to a Tliroo Voars'
Turin Court X
The criminal division of the district court
was the drawing card yesterday. Long
before the arrival of the judge an anxious
crowd began to gather.
It was generally understood that John N.
Campion , the trusted cashier and bookkeeper
of the Consolidated tanlc line would plead
guilty to the embezzlement of W.400.
Shortly after court convened the prisoners
wcfro brought in. Among the number was
nil old man , gray haired and bowed down
with grief and shame. Hi was John N.
Campion. Ho took uscatbssido Attorney
Montgomery and n whispered consultation
took place between them.
After the read ing ot the journal , the pris
oner was arraiirned and the information read
by Countv Attorauy Alahonoy.
"Mr. Campion , to this , what do you plcuu ? "
asked Judge Kstcllu.
"Uullty , " faintly responded the man at the
bar , as his limbs twitched and hu wiped
nwnv a tear.
The penalty was explained , after winch the
Judge aslted : "Uo you still desire to plead
guilty { "
"Yes , " answered the prisoner.
"Then " continued the ' ' .
, Judge , 'you arc.
sentenced to a term of three years in the
penitentiary , at hard labor , and during no
part of this sentence shall you bo kept in sol
itary confinement. "
A number of ladles , Iriends of the guilty
man , broke down am ! cried as they wulchcil
the prisoner take his scat in the dock bosulo
the othc.r criminals.
The crime was embezzlement. Per a num
ber of years Campion held the position of
cashier for tlio Consolidated tank lino. Some
time ago the company discovered that they
were losing hums of money. The cashier
was suspected. Detectives were put to woik
on the case and it was soon discovered that
bo was keeping two sets of books. Ho was
accused of the crimu aud confessed bis guilt.
In tbo case of Mike ( .ircen , charged with
assault to rob , tbo Jury after being out forty
hours , announced an inability to agree und
was discharged.
John ilrennun plead guilty to the theft of
f'M from a lodging house. Ho was sentenced
to twenty days in the county Jail.
John U. Clumpltt , charged with mali
cious destruction of property , gave bonds in
the of ' und released from
sum f-'OO was cus
The bearing on the writ of habeas corpus
sued out by Franklo Miller is being heard by
Judge Estelle. Some months ago Ituy Cam
eron , n resident of the burnt district , robbed
a granger of ftdO. Hho was convicted and
sentenced to eighteen months in the peniten
tiary. IJoforo goinir to prison she Implicated ,
the Miller woman , by charging that site- took
and concealed fill of tbo money. l-YanKio
Miller wus arrested and is now In court ,
claiming Unit she Is unlawfully imprisoned.
"I do uot believe that I would bo alive to
day had it not bcon for'Uugunt Fcrro-MniiKii
iit-bo water. " R H. Muhiin , CoffcyvilluKuii
Booksr n B cod
CURED and S .In dis-
oasas tree ,
Swift's Spec lie S. S. S. cur il my
little b y of i-on fu\i \ : , fium which lie
luul Millem ! H long titno Iliad tiled
tliu IJCB : ] ihv ii i. us i nil giuat iiianti |
ties of iiR-illc nee witliiuit a\iill. A
few 1 oti os of S. S. S , diil llio wo k
Ilo IK now uijmiiiK' the IIH o" lun'th
and lias i.ot had any t > yn | > iomt of the
d'fc.iso ' for o\er n .M'ir. :
W. A. Clayton , AdiliN. . O.
ioJno Lo. , AU nta , Ga ,
nitiha Tout & Awu-
ing Co.
Kli n . llniimmclis. Oil nil
ItiiMierClolhlne. Si'inltiir
ciitnlinnu' . 11 III KII r num.
A. II. Perrigo&Co. | M , 0. D.IXOII ,
K , All I'rlcos , All ' "Wlo"oW n Montlil )
I'll j mcnts.
1.115 IloilKO Street. rurnam St. , Omaha.
Omiilm Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law brief ) , bank niplli ! . nnil crer/thln In tlia
priming line.
10th nml Donul H stre 3ti.
Ackermnim Bro3. & Hciutzo ,
llmlerj , rleotnitrpcTJi blntik book m.viu-
fnctiirert ,
IliniloworJ Jtri'i'U Omilu.
Charles A. Ooo & Oo. , KirkendalliJonus & 0o
Mnnufiitturors nnJ Job- Wholp'iilo Mnmifaoinr'i
burs. Airont * for Morton Htib- *
ln'rMiou I'o. . IIIU 11UI , nml llUiillnrncr HI.
" * " "
WilHaim , Van Aer- 0"o.7
nain & Harto , phoo Factory. Tomer lltli
nml Doiik'Im * t , Oiu- ;
lurnoy street , 1m. Merchant * Invltoil
Omaha , Nob. tooill : nt ) t uttimtnii.
John L. Wilkie , Louis Holler ,
Omiihnpnpor box fnctorr DutchcM' nml
: ; - ! : Do'.ul.n. TeeM A Ciippllo . lleof ,
line \ 'hei't' ' .i ln .
Orders ( iromptly llllo I. lllii-IIIS Jiirk < nn St.
W. T. Seaman ,
Omali.Vs I.arie t Vurlat/
Omaha Carpet Co. , Gilmore & Ruhl ,
Carpet * , oil olot'H , mit- .Mi\niifncturer , t Wlmlo-
llnijcirlalii : { OO li.ol ) . imlo ClnUilori ,
Ill Doujlii struit. IKWlIarner St.
West & Pritsolnr ,
Mnnufnrtiuer * rtiiocksr
Jobber" of leaf tobacco .
1011 1' ntreot
Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ooutaat & Sq
Lima O.i. Hard anillift ship-
llartl Hiulifl roil. l'"r * ,
S. E. Cur. liitli mil DJU/- l.TU ? Karn nn stioot ,
] u ; troot < .
Mount & Grit'fin , P. II. Mahouof & Go.
Hani-Coal Soft
213 S. lllli.troC.
Orices SI'I N. ICitli anil cor.
Omnhn , Neb. 10th nml DoiikMa * stt.
American Fuel Oo. Ho well & Co. ,
Bhlppor * ami dealer" la
anttiraclto anil blt.1- 5178. llthetrcot ,
nilnoui coal.
Omalm , Nob.
VliH. Utlutroot.
Nebraska Fuel Oj. , Johnson Bro ? . ,
2133. 13tli struct , ' .ill FarnnmSircot ,
Omnlia , Nob. Onmlir , Neb.
Englo Cornice V7orks F. Huemninsr.
Manufacturers orttnlran- Onlvanl/ed Iron cornice * ,
lieil Iron Coinlcu. Dormer wtnilmv * , ilnnr
Window c p , mi'tnllo * ky- cajiK , Ilii laN eto. Tin
llKliln etc. 1110 and 111. Iron and V ite ronfer.
1 Bll Kirn-iin : Ht.
J. J. Johnson & Co , ,
2189. 13th itril %
Omaha , NoS.
M. E. Smith & Co , , Zilpatrick-Kosh Dry
Goods O.i.
( iirnllliliu ,
Dry Konil * ,
. Dry irooil * . notion * , \rent *
jlood * , notion *
lurnUbtni ; iioodi.
Cor. lltli anil Howard t * . Corner lltli ami llarney
E. L. Welch & Oo. , E. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
1012 K. ICth stroeL C. O , Uuilurwuo 1 ,
.1. K. Mi-Cray. Manager. .Manniror atOnulit.
Mill at llundori'iiii , .Minn. Cor. Stli and Jaokwa ntv
S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co , ,
Merchant Midori ,
1014N. Itlth nlroit.
Olllco and Mill MM Noilli
C. K. lllnck - .Mnn ior. llltli Strei-t.
' "
Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Robinwa Notion
Oo , ,
Jobbers nnd Importer ! of *
( lenta furnlifibu ifooli
notions nnd furnhhliu m't'it ccliilir.ito I lininl
liuoil , , "lluckskln" < ivon ll ,
punt * , nlilrt-i , i-'iiti , uto.
llll llownrd ntreet. Cor. I2C > > nn.l llow.ird in.
Kennard Glass aud J. A. Fullar & Oj.
Pnint Co , , 14WIMUUUI ( Strut.
1(03-111' ! Iliirncr I
Oin.ili * , Null- Oniuhru
Williain Ouunnings , lilako , Bruoj t. I.
' Uisfunvi-orl'i it.
GIT and 019 Boutli lilU ( Ht. .
Onmlni , Neb. Oni.'tlin , Nul' .
Paxton & Qallaghar , Meyer & Raapks ,
IOi-711 S. lOlti "trout , 14U5-1I05 Himiur ilr * t ,
OninliA , Null. Omaha , Ni'l ) .
D M. Steele & Oo. , Sloan , Jolinoi : & 0 } ,
iaJI-1'AlJ Jono < itroot , Vtli und 1/onTunwortli
utrc-uH ,
Oiu.-ilm , Nob. Oiunliii , Nub ,
Alien Bros , , McOord , Brady & Oo.
llll Humor itruut , JStlinnd l
Omalm , Nub. Onmlni ,
Hugh 0. Olark.
( iviil Wi'Hturn Auuntflf
Dupont't ttpnrllia liun-
pi'wilfr , Atliu lilut > u < pl > J-
Ivu.lllaillntf cnp4. f ui
lib llurucitrvtU
Toncray & Bryan , ' S. A. MoWhortor"
llroVcr , , yrHln , protlilon' .111 lit Null lUnk , Urokert
nd Mocki" alS s. lltli 1'rlTMA < tlr * to No
St. 1'rlrMowlre to Chl-i Vork , Chlctio nd 8t
wosi. I.OUU and Now' ' Ixjuli. I'mh until
Vork. l bought for ill mar not *
OookroiT Bros.1 I Y , 0. Swiuts & Oo , "
Ill-overs. I'rlT.-ito nlrai illriikori.dMln.l'rotliiUiiil
L1 ? , " * \ 1"I'lilCHiio A etc. I'rlvnl * nlro lo .11
St l.ouls. riiwlnl au nI.OUU and ni'omio. ' Oitlco
tlon KI OI , to truck bldi In l t Nntl luuk.Oinnlm.
onirrnln. lit.Nki'llUnk. Kirhaimablifir , t > . Uni 'm
Bates & Co. , Williams & Oro33 ,
Country produce , 'ruin , I'roJuco and frultl ,
vi'Keliililo * . Kroeert'
rpeclaltle * . tei , cplim ,
etc. 417-4HIS. llth St. 1211 Uirner * tro3t.
L Randazzo & Sou ,
211 South izili Street.
Foreign Ahomentlc Fruit *
Klorldu OrniiKe * A Hlrlly
Krult * . llrincli lioiitie , 7
N. I'eters Ht , Nuvr Orl'm
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L , Stranj & Soi3 : ,
Pumn Oo , ,
1CXW-10JI Furnainitrojt ,
llnlllilnir wind mill * . DM
nnil Ittj .lonoi Ht ( ) . t' .
Itonv , ncthiff mauHifor. ( ) in lia. Nub.
Consolidated OofTao
Company ,
UllanillllO UnrnoriL
Oiualin. Nell.
A. D , Boyer dc Co Huutur & Green ,
& 8-UI Biclmniia llullilliu , 1U Kiclianua llulMlnj
South Kuulb Oinnnik.
B. J. Ooffman , Bmiloj
&Go. ,
nuu Ililllillni
Hu nth Omaha.
I.V.'I Wl Market , Dunror. C'oliirmlo
Kl ln , III. , iiinl Wu t-rn rreaiiwry Iliiljor , Biiimiia
I'lieo.e. 1U.IW ) A I unii'lr VM ' . " { , . " ' ' " " J
lonn lu inr > lilip | ri nml . .itlnrn > In ) II lu I. ' < " "
V . ' . clm.i > llutlor It
am i n HlilP > l t frolnlit. ii'Mnl. | *
Si-Miimil .Jiillnu Muj. llullnblu lur uuoutmu. on ,1 , .
ui > ml.
nnnllTI HANHAI.V ) UAI'HULKil r thl
DUCuTA onlr captului pr c/lb J bl
- - . tiUr lcUin fur tli uurn u.
Oonorhi tnrt < ll cU rgm from tn uiln ror mu
ouvrltuUut w-jul iu4 H.Uivut bux. All drugKUU.