Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Chicago Bean Have the Best of the Situ
alien , but Reap No Benefit.
Crop XCWH from All Huutlnnn of ilu
Country Indicate a Kplciulld
Corn Vliitd IltiHliiONM on
AVull Street.
o , Juno IS. From a statistical poln
Of view the hours hud the liost of the sltualloi
In nil of tliu pit ! ) today , hut aside from out
th"y fuilcil to roip : an advanlajjo from It ti
RpoaU of. Wheat riovd : it from ! ic higher fo
Jn.-ic to * ia lower for Augusts corn , 'tl ii
titKhi-r , and outs 2'ie ' lower. Pork IB : K'i' '
lard. It'i , anil rlhs soc up. Wheat was fulrlj
active ; cables were weak and lower. Tin
weather throu.'hout the wheat bolt was re oxeoptlonally favorable , that In tin
northwest for the maturing of the crop. IIIK
that In the southwest for the Imrvostln :
whii-h Ims heznn then.Inly started atul'fl
( I'1' ' , against Ill'Je us the lust prleo on Kntur
day Sumo buying orders were Imd frniu Ni >
Y"rU. however , and the market hanlcnoi
son.i' , 'mil there WIIH u speedy advance
wlni'h proved the top lluro ; of the day. Ai
about Unit prloo u 1-uiiilon uulilo reported tin
Krcin'h markets fiom 1 to I'jf ' lower , anil u
report thut harvesting hud nlrciid )
coniineneod In Inillunit , nml that tei
fir-lf-hlnilers we-io at work neui
VltioonncH , In thnl state , again started tin
Kill.n ' 'Turn ' I.DHL. wheat was dumped freely.
He-mi. Cndnliy and I'lirllrldge sold short vigorously -
ously and there was a iniu-k drop to HVc. A
reaction followed on the pnstlir. ; ol
the visible supply which showed nearly
one tnilllon bushels decrease ; buttlioRtrengtl :
was Imrt lived and another recession to reive
took place. Ni-nr thoeloso the niurUet bocuinc
BtmnK again and the clo o was fll'ic.
f't.rn npened weak and lower. The temper'
ntnri * nil over the west was warmer and
fori-lng. betnx almost perfect for the growing
crops which utes'ild lobe In tine Hhupo , anil
erop news from nil sections Indicate a splen
did yield. .Inly opened atM'Jo against SIV
at the close Saturday , but there was some
peed buying nnd udvaneed to file ; this was
followed by a decline to about the opening
Iljurc . 'I hen the estimates for tomorrow
came In showing small receipts In ptospcct.
Then' was n wood dceu-ase In the visible
supply. I'aHli corn was bid up to u premium
of : tWje over July , and provisions were
dining. These eondit ons caii'-ed a belter do-
iniiiid and the price of July advanced touPio.
where It eloMMl ,
Oats weie the weakest of Ihn artlc'os traded
In on the hoard. The prospeet of an enormous
crop scared the long's and they made haste to
Have tlieinsolveM by throwing over their hold
ings at whatever they could get for them.
The execution of stop orders added to the de
moralization. July started at I.HUC'WH'.iO
ngulntt Ml'io as Saturday's laft figures , and
sold down toiKc : atone time during this ses-
Blon , hut , towxrd the close the slieiigth In the
other pits caused a rally and the close was at
a7e. !
Provisions were unexpectedly strong. The
receipts of hogs were lieavv and prices weio
lower In sympathy. Provisions Opened
slightly lower , but there was good buying ,
which held during inosl of the session , wlch
the result of a steaoy ndvaneo In prlees with
only one or two moderate reactions , Septem
ber nork closed atl"2'i ! ! ' against $10.110 on Sat
urday , lard at $ ! .Wi against iffl.37'/4. and ribs
M.0'4 against $ 'i. ' 7'i.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cahh quotations were as follows :
Ki. tflt Inill ; spring iiatunU , JKa" ) ! ) .40 ; win
ter patenls. I.8U (5.10 ; bakerH' , J4. 10481.85.
WIIKAT No. 2 sprliuwheat. . Pflo ; No. 3
prliiK Wheat , ovaorio ; No. red , Ui ( ! < a So.
COHNNo. . i' , f > 7 > c.
1" No-2 wl"to > as ® = oc : N ° -
HYE No. tf. 70tif"Ic. "
HAHLKV No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. . C3c :
No. 4 , f. o. b.varao. .
l''l.AXBBii > No. ltl,09.
TiMtiTiir SEKII Prime , fl.Sfl.
r nic Mei-s pork , tier barrel. IIO.SOain.a5j
lard , uor ewt. , ( ( l.aiao.S.'i ; short rihs. sides
( loose ) , JS.avaiUfi ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
J5.uiKiW.10 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , Jfl.c : > iio.40.
WIIIBKV Dlbtlllors' finished toods , per nal-
lon. 71,10.
HUdAiiH-Cnt loaf , unchanged ; granulated ,
unelmiiKed ; standard "A. " iineliniiRod.
Kreolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the prodneo nxplninco today , the butter
iniuKot was hteudy and unchanged. ERBN , U
Vlsllilc Grain Mipply.
CilirAno , Juno l5.--Tho visible supply of
praln as reported for the board of trade Is as
follows :
. , Ilnshels. Decrease.
Wheat. . , 15."iUI,000 t)7.WK ) ( ! )
yarn 4)5I,0K ! ) ( ( ) ( Wl.rofl
* > ats 4,4iil,0--JO SS7.000
jye { i."J-ilWO 1(1,0110 (
Hurley 112,000 32.100
New York Alarkets.
NBW VoiiK.Jnno 15. Ki.nuic Hocetpts , 10,011
paeluiues ; exports , 440 barrels lf > l Racks ;
market dull and heavy ; sales , IGS5a barrels.
( /IMS JlKAi. Quiet ; yellow western , W.2.V3
WHEAT Hecelpts , 03,201 bushels ; exports ,
P5i8. ; > hnshelsi sales , f > .720OuO bushels of fu
tures ; lO'.uo ' i bushels spot. Kpot market un-
Bottled. moderaloly active , eloslnj ; steady ;
No. 2 ted , fl.OT licUM'i ' In store nnd elevator ;
H.Oi'tal.tW4 ! ( ) alloat : Sl.titHilfti.lO'i f. o. b. ;
No. 2 red , ungraded , * l.lir > Ji. < i6l.ll'i ; No. 1
northern to arrive. Jl.IiKitl.10' , ; No. 1 hard to
arrive , JI.I4i ! ; No. S ( 'hlenno , il.OU . Options
doelined © ISe on local sulllni ; , advanced
fiWIo on foreign buyliiK anil shorts eover-
IMK. cliiBliiK stonily at So advance on June
and 'tWiodeollne on later months , the later
alleeted liy favorable eiop reports. Hales In
cluded No. 2 , red , June. fl.OTQI.07V. oloslnit.
M.t-71 * ; July , JloHAl.OSi-l : . closing. H.05 ;
AiiBiiht. I.W < ai. ' I. eloslnu' , { 1.00 ? , ; Hoptomt or.
UU if MI.O > , eloslnc. Jl.OO ; October. tl.0t 5
l.CUS. olosliiK , fl.UJ'4 ! DeconUier , * l.UlJ < ift
1.0'i-lU ; , closliiif. Ji.oiTii May ( IS'J:1) ) . * 1.05 ! , @
I.IXIS. eUslnir. * l.ufl.
hTOCKK w ( iliAiN Inhtoro and afloat Juno
III : Wheat. O.Ct.171 bushola ; corn. ISu'.i .i bushels
els- oats , ur2l : i bushels ; rye 17xi'.i : ' biishela ;
barley. 10,7i : * busholb ; malt..UVsTJ biihhols ;
peas U.ICO bushels ,
t'dliN Itecelpts. ! l7flV > bushels ; exports ,
none ; Miles , Illi0,00i ) bushels of futures ; 170-
000 hiihlulsof spot ; spot nuirkct llrm.uulet ;
No. 2 , MIVlu uli > vatiirC7 ; i > alloat ; mixed. ( IKJS
C'Je ; options were oarlv presseil forsiilo nnd
doelined. l'S ' , < i.Hc ( , rallied on shorts eoverln
OATj Uei-elpts. nt.riOObiishoJa : exporls , none ;
iili't , TOMlUO biishi-ls of futures ; 141.000
bushels Knot , Hpol inurket lower , fairly ac
tive. Options lower anil heavy. Juno oloslntr.
40Ku'l .111 y , 42 > , ( iiil5c. closing. 4'e ; AuKn st. ; i7
MIBI'iC , olOHliiKur > tCii-iiitfiiiler | ) , Itvftate , elos-
IliK M'o. SMmt .No. 2 Hhlte , 4C < iUIHoi i mixed
western. . WU e ; white western , 474t58e ; No.
2l'hlento , 4llt4lio. (
MAY Quiet , stonily.
llors Hteiidy and dull.
L'otTKK ( ) | ithini opened Irrojiiliir , & to
30 noliilH down , eloseil hart'tv ' steady at 'ax's
polntb down. Sales , ; i",7.Vl ba s. liieludlni ; :
pJ uiiv , ( iti.tVi : ifl.Ki | July , ( iMjcia.oui August ,
' " . opomber | , Jl4.S.Viil5.W ; Oetolior.
Deecmbor. Jlll.7.Vt ii.W : ) ; Mnruh ,
Huot Klo , dull , nomliiiili fair earxoos ,
Niv 7. ( | 7.U ( % .
Si'U.MiUiw. : . ilull.niisi'ttliMl. Salei. 175 luws-
iiuit-i'oviiilo In lot11
heailhi - - test , at III 1-lCo ;
rclliu'il , hltiher , quiet ; No. II , IHHfic ; No. B ,
: i7-ICo ; No , U , asm No. 10 , ; i ; i-Cc | ; No. l | , : i > 4e !
No. 12 , U.l-lOo ; niMiiId A , 4 A-ltto ; hlnndard A.
I'lOl confectioners' A , 4 1-lllc ; cut loaf , fi'se ;
criislied. A'tet powdered , 4'ic ; granulated.
I JUkcubes ; , 41 > i * .
MDMHSKK l''orelin , dull , iio : asked for N )
test In ho bhoudb ; New Orleans , Meiuly ,
iuet. ]
KICK Quiet , steady.
I'ln'UDi.EVM Quiet , bteady ; united closed at
cj-Uc for J uly.
corroN HKIMI Oii.-Qnlot. nominal.
TAI.I.OW Steady and quiet.
HOMN Dull ,
LiAlilt Opened Hteady , cloved llrm nt an
iiilvunoe ; western toiini , ( dU } ( bid ; bales ,
700 Ucrue * * ut J0.17HGK.W. O tiouj ; bulun ,
.750 tlcrcosj Julv , (6.i.V36.fiOi : closing. Jfi.lV
bull Aii.'tist. 4J.M : September. $ d.Olxa < ! .TO
closing , 44.TU bid ; October , .7ISJG.9ti closing
IIUTTMIi-Qulet , oasyj western dairy. 11J.
I5 - ; western oroiimcry , l.VtfiBVici wcslori
factory , II I4'.4ci Klgln. lKe.
CiiKKn Quiet , steadyi partdklm . IBiC.
PHI InoN-yulcl ; American , Hi.OO ( > iJlS.2J.
Tuiii-KNTitci : Stcnrty. us'iiws'ie.
* - - lliVilMQiiOs receipts -
-jiiiotibtiridyi western ,
ceipts , n.son packages.
IftpKS-I'Itm , ihrtl. . . . _ . . . . .
I'oilK yulet , steadyi old mc i , JI0.50OI1.60
now mess , Jl'J.oailllWOi extra urlnic , lll.OC.
CUT Mr.ATS-lJulot. steady.
.MilitE weak.
.MilitEQulet ,
Coi'i'Kii ' Htea < ly ; lake , Juno , { I'iSS
I.IMti-Noinlnul : doniostlc , JJ.4.1.
Ti.v-jnlet , ntunilyi BtraUhl. tW.CO.
Knn.saH City MurlcclH.
KA.VS. * ! Citr. Mo. . Juno -l'OL'it-Iull
funilly , Jl : eholeo. . fancy ( ii.B5 ; extra fancy , J1.60 ; iiatont , M.\Q \ ®
' . ' . ' . ' 0.
0.WIIBAT Steadvj hard , cash , STafT'io ; June
680 asked : No. J reil. cash , Slc. !
CoiiN-Weaker ; No. ' . ' , cash , 49Ki June
4MJlM'e hid. . .
OATSWeaker ! No. 8 cash , 4uJc ! bid ; June
IKiv Steady ! fancy , lOcj good to eholeo , 7 < U
He.CUfTTKii Hteadys creatnery , iiir : C ! dairy
lUiTMIlei store pueked , ICe : OttUc.
CHEBSB Steady ; iinohaii'-'uil.
PitovisiiiNR Quiet. Sugar cured tnoats
II.IIIIB. lTilfle : nreukfast baeon , ( " { cs dried heel
hams. inc. Hry salt meals , clear sides , 0 ? e
long elearn. lij i" shoulders , f > 'io. SmoUe <
meats , elear rib sides. 7'fc ' ! long eloars , 7'ie
elear sides , 7'Je ; shouldeis , OU"- " ! moss pork ,
Jia.,10 , lard. tin i p. 7'4' ' ' ' ! refined , 71e.
Wool. Dull : Missouri uuwasliod , heavy
fine. | : iai7e : llRhi. line. 17ff&IIK ! : modluin , ' . ' ft
: . ' 'e , ICaniasand Nolir.iska heavy line. HSf/KIc !
light line. UU-l'le ' ; low and carpet. ' > i4l I Till
washed , choice. .rx&rMii medium , 3 ( itl''c ; dlngj
and low , 87 V.ti < ' ,
Hicnii'TH-\Vliuat , M.20) bushels ! corn , 2.'l. > 0
bushels ,
Hnii'.Mii.NTS Wheat , 111 , S.10 bushels ; corn , 1GO (
.St. IjouiH 'MarkotM.
ST. I.oins. Mo. . JIIIIP 15. WHEAT Lower ;
cash. fH'Jc ' : .Inly , ll.i'.e.
t'oii.v Higher ; cash. Me : July. M o.
OATS Lower ! eash 4)c ) ; July , IJc.
I'OIIK Qiili-t : ? lo. : > o.
LAKH Dull ; $ .H.I.
WIIISKV SleuUv , tl 10.
IHtTTiw-Htoaily ; creamery , ISIJIOc ; dairy ,
Wheat Market.
. , Minn. , Juno 15. Very good
demand for No. 1 nmthcrn wheat today ; poor
grades and No. ' . ' slow. Receipts for two days ,
SOOears ; shipments , i J ears. Close : No. I hard ,
June , JI.OI'j ' ; on truck. il.Ol'iQl.u' ' ; No. 1
noi them , June , Wet Jnly'.iO'lo ' ; on . , 10'iW
Oi'tej ' No. ! ; northern , June , U'lei on track , OJ ®
.Mi\v !
KiVK , Juno 15-WnnAT Quloli
No. S spring , cash. ! HS < U. ( ! ; July , Uliic.
COIIN Lower : No. II , Mi'jc. '
OATS No. S white , .O'sC.
I'uoviSiONS Kirnij pork. July. ? I\'J3 ( ,
Tol. clci Mnrkctt.
TOLEDO , O. , June 15. WHEAT Finn ; cash
and June. JI.OS.
CIIII.N I'lnn ; eash , SS'Jc.
OA'is ( Jnlot ; UiiBli , 41ie. _
Ijiverpool Markets.
LIVEIIPOOI , June li. ! WIIUAT Steady ; de
mand linn ; prime western , Ul.sCd per cental.
llUTTl.H I'lncst , no stock bore.
K' ' > ; ln tluttcr Altirkct.
KiniK. Ills. . Juno IS. Ituttor aetlve ; sales ,
1-JOU ( pounds at H cents.
Itrltisli ( ir.iiii Trntli : Ilovlnw.
LONIION. June 15. The Mark Lane Express
In Its weekly review of the llrltlsh grain trade
fays : Kngll-li wheat shows a tendency to de
cline. ( jood reds aio quoted at 40s. and whites
from 4is : to 44s. The prices of forel n wheat
show an average decline of fill. The dealings
In red winter for future delivery show that
prices are maintained , being iiuoted at Liver
pool ut ! ) s Id per cent for future delivery.
California Is rather weak. Corn Is firm and lid
deaier. Oats have declined ( id. Harley has
slightly Improved , lloans and peas are rather
Today the tone was weak. English wheats
were hold for 40s , The trade In foreign wheats
was slow and prices were against the holders.
Harley was firm. Corn was 'Id better. Mixed
American was In request. Flour was dull and
prices declined In the last quotations , stand
ing at ! ! ! ) s per sack. Oats , beuns and peas
were depressed.
NEW 7oinc , Juno 15. The stock market
opened this morning with quite-a little boom
In railroad stocks , but had to meet and over
come the marketing of a block of Chicago , estimated at about 10,033 shares , and the
consequent weakening effect of snob sales
upon the general Hat. The fcollug on the
street Is evidently much more confident , and
over Sunday this sentiment becumo so strong
thut quite a number of buying orders were
accumulate 1 and unusual activity and
strength marked the early trading. The
buying as yet Is more covering of
shorts by the trading element than pur
chases ot long stocks , but some new
buying Is not'ced and apparent purchases by
the foreigners to a more liberal extent than
usual went far to stimulate buying for the
long account , especially as the general opin
ion Is that no moro geld will go out. The
west was also u liberal buyer of its special
ties.The demand today , however , was not suf
ficient to maintain the volume of business
and the rate of Improvement with which the
dealings were Inaugurated , and the trading
during the latter portion of the day was on
the same limited scale as thutot the last two
weeks. The advance ha I been so material
tluit it sentiment In favor of a reaction giew
iniho room and the high prices of the fore
noon wore not then maintained. The demor
alisation of Chicago Uas , however , was
cheeked and only slightly lower prices
were reached later In the day in that stock
while the general list reacted materially ,
wiping out all the gains In moil of the leading
stocks. No special feature of any kind was
seen , however , and the late trading was de
void of Interest and bec'imo Intensely dull.
Slight recoveries were mudoln the llnal trans
actions as a rule and the market closed verv
dull lull steady to linn at Ihu most Inslgt.HI-
citnt changes for the day. The only material
change was In Chicago Uas which closed only
' 4 above Its lowest Ilgnro and lost S' > per cent.
Kullrord bonds were a little more animated
Lhan usual of late , the total tr.uisaetlons footIng -
Ing up { , " > ! ,000 , but thorn was the usual luck of
strong th
The following are the closing quotations for
tin ) leading stocks on tne New York stock ex
change today :
Atchlion Xl\ ilnproferreil | :
Ailaam Uxprvs * Ill ) N. V. Central \Wb \
Alton A Terre Haute , to N. Y. C. & * > t. I * 13
< lu preferroil 123 ilnpruferreil ( &
American Kxprosv. 112 Olilo , t .Mlml lppl. . . IS'j '
II. t' . It. * N 'M ilo preferrail H3
L'anaillan I'ucltlo 7' < Ontarlu ft Wi'ntorn. . . IIT , ,
I'miailltin Southern. . 4i ? ( Oregon liiipruvu 27
Ontml 1'MCllio. . . . . . . BOH OrvKon Nav 71
[ lien. A Olilo I1i Oregon Trans 15U
do Ut prc-ferruil. . . . 19 I'lH-ltlo Mall 3 H
( to 2ml prororrvil. . . 211 I'corlu , Dec. fi Kvana I'J
hlcaio \ AI ton. . . . . . 121 I'lttiliiirK Ill
L' . II. A Q b'J ' Pullman 1'alacu Ittl
L' . C , C. A St. 1 , IU Itoaillut ; ; ii | <
Uulawaro.t Huilnon.lVSM Itock I § In nil TiHt
Del. 1. . AW 134H St. U \ H. K. lit pfil. Ill
I ) . & It. U. prufurroil. ft4 HI. Paul Mi > (
KnitTunn OSi ii > preforreil 1
do Ut preferred. . . . 54 81. I * . Minn. fi. Man.U3 |
itoVnd preferred. . . 14 , st. 1'aul.V Omaha. . . . J4
Irlw Milupreferrvil \
ilu preterreil Tenu. Coal A. lion. . . . : UH
Kort Wajrno 118 Texas l-ac'ltlc 14' <
fhl. A Kant. Ill . ' , : lot. & O. Oil. ptil. . . . 7t !
UiK'kliiK Valluy . . . . Dillon 1'arltle ( .M4
luiutun A , Texas. . . . oKJil' . K. l\iri'S9 ; |
lllnols Central . . . . li , \V. St. I. . \ I' | OH
-i. I'uiil \ Iliilulli. . . . ill i dopruferri'd
10 WullH-Karifi ) K\ Ill )
. .akulfrluA . WuDlecn Uulun MH
ilu I'rufsrrtHl ' . 57 Am. foitoii Oil.
l.akuMiuro llUlklCuluruilo I oal UK
l.oulsvlllo\.Niikh. . . . T'JHJlloiiii'tuike lll'-s
l.iiulivlllo A N. A. . , . ziijjirunSilver : 114)
Mi'innlilH \ riiur :1I : .Onliulo ; , u
Mli-hluuil Central Wl UjnlvLnllvvr 5
Mil I. S. A W ? 0t | iloptefurreit Iiil
i ! prctorrtnl lOO' ' 'Hutio ' A
Minn. \ sit. I , : ) ' ( , , Ihllwi'r 2&
ilu pri-fi'irtnl bHiiltlch. A W. I' . Tor. . . . Hm
MUnourl 1'aullle fti'iiWln'iJiisluI'umral. . . . I'.IH
Mulillu A Ohio i : > druat Nintliernpt'il. . Ml
SlKlltlllU I'llllU i ( Ian
N J.ceiilrul HO't I.e.ul Triut Ih1
Sorfnlk A Wi' t pfd. . M' ' Siwir Trii't M
Northern l-adllu 21k Suutliern I'ai'lne . . . . . ' 1.114
do prcft rreit ( > Vi , Oro. K. 1 , . A- Utah Nor 3il >
t ) . P. Homer A ( iiilf. ll'ln It. l > . Woitern 1 < 8
Norllm oittTii. . . . . . . . I1H.H
Ex Dlv.
The total sales of stoelts today were IItt.101
shines. Ineludlm : : Atehlson , VO.W.'i ; I.oulKvlllo
Si Nashvll o. KIK1 ; Mh-sonrl Pacllle , 7.4M-
Northern Piu-llle , ureferrod. a.lUOj SU Paul ,
O.l.'W ; Union Paelllo , 7JN' ( .
I-'inanulal littviow
New YOIIK. .liinu l.V The Post s.iysi The
| ian pluyi'd In the niovciuent of ( irlci'S by the
iiionev nuirkot is eoctiiln to grow In import *
: ineo from this tlmt > forward. With the ma
jority of brokers the opinion Is hold that the
movement of crops uahlwarl will bo attended
liy a great HtrtiiL'cncy In thu loan market , and
Unit tnUNtrlir.'Uiicy will be to u conslduruliln
j.xtent ant'cliatt | > d. Thuro Is not tno least
tgn of tiny Mich movement | n the call
iiumoy market wlii-ro funds arc In good supply
nt cheap rates and on almost any kind
; if collateral. Lenders of time molioy. h'w-
iTi'r , who an' naturally innru disposed to ills-
mint the future , are moro chary In their
Iuillii7s. : Hlx months money Is exceedingly
Illhciilt to obtain , and ulthongli bU to
utmily days loans are Htill to bu had 1 per
; ent uolow the legal rate , the collateral is
icrutlnUrd ean-f iilly. Pretty mticli the muuo
. umiltlou of atlulM uxuu lu tU market ot
coinniorclal paper , which Isqiilto Mat at pros
cut , with nn alnioat entire absence of Iminlr ;
on the p.'irt of both city and country banks.
Flmuiulut .NutcH.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 15. Today's clear
INKS. fl.i < .ttl.
Ni : r VUHK , Juno 15. Cloarlnss. J70,6.4 , S3
bnitincffl. Ili07.17l. :
llAt.riMoiiK , Mil. , Juno I.I. I'lenrlnsi. W.T.VV
WS : babinees , t.'l4,7t5. ; Money. 0 per cent.
I'lllt.AliKt.i'iiiA. Juno IS. ( 'U-urltr.'H , f.TSS , '
IMi balances , f Iil5i)70. ; ) Money , ® ! per cent
HOHTO.V , Mass. , Juno 15. Clonrlltui. M4.07A. '
Xtoi balaneosil,4.Viir ; : : , . Moni-.v , a'iBr'lltpurcoiit '
K.VCIIIIIIKO on Now Vork. par.
CittCAdo , Juno IS. Hates for money wrn
firm at.Vit.V'i tier cotit on demand nnd ( vao'i
on time. Now Vork cxelniiuc , " .VJISOJ discount ,
t'leailnifs todav. jl4.2ill.00n , yturllnn c.xclmtiKc
wasstuady and unchanged
Tin : Aio.icy .Murki-t.
Ncir.Vnnic , Juno 15. MoNRvn > < ( 'Att , F.a y
chansliiK from 2 toll per ri-nt ; last loan , . '
per cent ; closed ottered nt2'5.
I'HIMK MKiti'ANTii.t : I'Ai'KH fi'iUT pprcctit ,
STKUI.INO K.vcitAMit-Qnlot : and strong nl
Jl.h.'i for alxty-day bills nnd il.M for demand.
The following were the closluj prices or
bonds :
II. K. li rel terod . .II" | .M. K. A T. 5 .
U. i" . 4 , I'lHIiIH j8 | Mutual Union < ! < . 101
4 , retflMered 100 IN. J. IVut Int Cert . . III )
4S" . cuupum Itxi .Northern I'ac. Ists. . . III !
I'ai'llle , s of "Ai lua 111)1 ) .xtiitup 4 . . M'j ' Niirtliwoit' eon nH. . I.U
Tonni' eo N. S. ( in. . , IIH ) I do ilcbcntiirn M. . . .
ilo Sa 10J' < 'St. ' I. . & I. .M. Hen. is
do . ' ! ( i'.llj fit. I , . , VS. K.licii. M. 10.1
Canada Southern 2ili .t''u ' HI. Paul cnnsil < . I2IH
fentral I'arlllc l ti..ll Ht I' . C. A I' . IsU. . . . 111H7m
I ) . A II. ( i. Inta Ii4'4 ' T. I' . I. , li. Tr. It' ! ' . . H7m
do I * sj , T. l > . It. ( i. Tr. lleti. . : u4
I > . A It. ( I. Went lats. 7D4 liiilnn I'liclllc Intl. . . . tW'1 ' ,
KrloXiln Si ? West Shore. . '
M. K. .t T. Hen'l li . . . 7 M
Itoiton Stock lurkct.
HOSTO.V. Mass. , Juno lTho following wore
the 1'linlnK prlcos on stojlis In the Huston
Ntock markel today.
Atchlvm A Topekn Kraiiklln
lliixtnn.v Albany. . . . Huron
Itimtim A .Maine. . . .
Kniti-rn rallruail
itu I ! * ( Jnlncy IDS
Mint , v Peru M 7 m Simla Ko Copper W ! <
I.lltli ! llock A Ft. S. . . 18 ITaiiinriirk IM
ilii's . . Ill'sHan , nii'ini Land Co. . . 18
liar silver. 44 u-isil per ounce. Money , 1
per cent. Itatoof discount In the open mar
ket for both short and threo-inonlhs bills , ' . ' ?
per cent.
Hunk ol' Kii l'md ' liiillion.
LONDON , Juno 15. Amount or bullion with
drawn from the Hunk of England on balance
today , Jt)4L'OOtl. :
Denver MiningStoo'ts.
nu.WEii. Colo. , Juno 15. Quotations on the
mining exchange today closed as follows :
San FranolKuo lin nj ; Quotations.
HAN KIIANUISCO , .liino i : . Theotllelal eloaiiiB
quotations for milling stoeUs today wore as
St. IJOIIJN Mining Quotations.
ST. Louis. JIo. , Juno 15. There was little
hnsliies done on the mining oxohanRO this
mornlup , hut prices \voro pcnerully rather
hotter. The following hhls were mailu on e.ill :
Now York Mining Quotations.
NEWYOIIU , Juno 15. The followlnz are the
closing mining stock quotat ons :
Alice nxj Iron Nllver 10)
Adnnm Con 175 I'lynioutii : JO
Aspen 200 Onturlo IPOO
Kurcka Con : < . ' > Union Con 20J
Ilomc9tuka HOI Yellow Jacket 2UO
Horn fjllvcr : i(0
New York Dry ( JoodH SFarkot.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 15. The dry RooCs market
jpeneil In about the usual form of late hut an
Important development was reached In regard
to prleo of the most popular makes of
lilcachcd cottons as had been Ion ; ; looked for.
Thusu consisted of a reduction of'jcaynnl
In l.onsdalo 4-4 hlrtliiKs ; Konsdalo eanihrles ,
Now York mills , 4-1 shlrllnis , Hone , Illaek-
Btono and KorKet-mo-not 4 shlrtliiKs. This
niovement was resumed with satisfaction
IhoiiKli the extent of the dcellne was a ( lln-
ippolntment to some. It means , however ,
that stocks are moderate. Homo ot her chanties
ire likely to follow but not as farasantlel-
latcd , while a numper of clnnxcs had been
irevlously made. The poods were moro
ictlvo but the general demand was still
The CoflVo .Market.
Kto tiK.lANlnno , June 15. fOFFBB Ilezular
uo ti'rn , nominal Kood ; secondly , l.fHto rels
ier 1HO kilos. Kecolpts diirlng the week , ( Via
niR ; pureliii'-os for the United Hlates : ) , ocx )
) ais ; shlinonls | to the United Htates , 'M.WQ
uiiKs. Stoclc. I , BOU ba s.
rels per 100 kilos. Hecolpts.duriin : the week ,
I.IKII bans ; purehasos for the United Slates ,
,0.iO ha-s ; Rhlpmenls to the United States ,
,000 bags. Htoek , 41,000 liatfs.
Havana MttrlcctH.
HAVANA , Juno 15. SPANISH ( IOI.D 83.)7 ! ) ! { ,
HUOAII Quiet : 100 biiKi ot centrifugals , fnj ;
le russ polarization , were sold at tbu poltl
) er quintal ,
TradcrH' Talk.
ST. I.outs , Juno 15. r.anpenbnrz Ilrothcrs to
? ockroll llrothers : Tliu following Is the olll-
lal range of prices on the July optional this
mint :
Cllii'Aiio , Juno 15. 4. S. Iep , a eoiiiinlsslon
norehiint , roinplliN the following HL-IIII'S :
l , rrfe t eron vo rs in the United States
SM ) , 4'IMI 0,000 bushels : ISv. ' , 501,0 O.POl hiiKhols :
< 84 , 5I2HKI.OOO ( linshelsi IWI , I)0UOOXW ! ( bushels.
Vvcrneo for four years. Mfl
Exports HIIIIIO tlino IStiO. IK 1,000,000 bushiilK
n whciit nml Hour ; 1HS2 , l-'l/'iHi.oiu ' IniKhois In
vhoal anil Hour ; Is-M. III.Oni.O'iO hnsliels In
vheut anil lluiir ; ISIOD.WUOM ! ) Imxho a in
vhoat : iiul Hour. Averajo for four your1:10 : ,
Aercasoof wheat I'-Si , il''M.umi ' ; INC' , ; i7.0(17.- (
< ' ( ) : lf-Ml. : r.i1475o,0 : IJ a. MSI2iooo. : Avorncu ,
I'nicAiii ) , Jinn1 15. I'\O. I.ocan i f'o. toTon-
rny tc llryiin : Who it opi-neil with n peed
leal of activity ut ! ) l'Br. July sold nn to mti > ,
lown to Kl'ii' . and uiosod at UiifiHifUe. ICn-
: llBh and eontlnental eablesi are i.u I , bnl
vlthoiit I'hunut ! In vulnos. Our di'inand for
ash wheat onntlnueh In a mooYrato Way
'rop reports are Kood : all to be feared Is rain
rhleh may ilola > harvest and Interferu with
he movement of the now erop , Any unusual
lohiy , ivi > hi'llovo , would cunto a nhuip ait-
raneiv The inarkut Is hoalthy. null with enr-
ont prlecH In Kuiotieour nc-w erop outIOIH are
> lllnK low.Vlth unlliterruiiiL'l line weather
* o may sell oil a eont or two ,
nit wo liolli'vo ' It a imrehiibii
tt 04 for .Inly. Our stock of
ontraet urado is now ifhdur 2.COJ.OJ.I ; this wo
uvo a L-ooil four months to uo lii' any now
prlnir will ri-m h this iiiaiUol'n do not looli
or niiieh winter hero In July. There VVIIK a
'i'iier il Ntaniiedo | to sell rorn at tliu nponlnc ;
uly was5'lH hold olTfxiU mid elosed at 51- % .
I'hoohl party on all rahU Mlek to tholr lovq
mil Iniv It. KeeolptH nro fair hut the domairl
or shlpiuont Is uood at 2 eent proniiuin over
Inly. I'mler these clreuinstances there can-
tot hr much comfort. enllluK It snort unless on
mixes. In oat thcro was a KOOI ) doul o ( e.\-
ItiMiu'iit. .Inly sold as low nu < ' U and as hUh as
LS'I. The e.OMt H at ! )7'n. ) lliu pnVliiut IH
itruii : ' . The vislblo btipply Is : Wheat , iU-
reaso U7i.OU ! ) ( corn ileereiibe , UAiOOi ! ) oatH di
sease , 2s7OtH ) .
Ciitc.uio , Juno 15. Kpnntitt , Hopkins , t Co.
.o H. A. MoWlitirtur. Kori'lBii prices were not
natorlallr lower In wheat showlir.struiiKth
n splto of our weaknosK. The buylni ; on Urn
jfcal toUuy Uiu Livuu ol u buuvr uhaructur.
Pornn of ( ho moro cnnnorvatlvo boars wore o
thai slduiiti I belloytidMo bo k-oln : loir.'for
turn. Tin'doeroasu it-nearly one million I
tin' vislblo wns hit-not than nnilelpatud. 1
corn and o-its our niivn-uHittnriluy to soil out
and buy corn. wn u ruther totter politic
than anllrlti.iti'd..tlini It It nmtcrlnll/c
siKinrr tlmn i-xp.nitf.l. WP look to se
thoi-olatlvodlireronrd'WlilDn Htllimorc. nut it
not feel HUu ( Mieouniptnj nalcsof oatsi-xeeii
onxhort r.illlcs. I'orif'is dangerous toby shot
of ii'i < ] ) t on very eiilid rallies us tno no' '
erop is too far away to mnUo sale < safe Tli
( INn-isltliin in tinififvifion ( innrKOt was dull
ciited on Saluriluy , ' 'Tho elnnio of rrtoi
trudrrs took the lniJ ) hu. | yellers wlthdtin
and sliorts forced miti'im ) r.illy. H was a tun
row mnrki't oiislly Innuonecd. Tinllrm rlos
IIIK tit top prices Hpealis for a higher tirleo fo
tomorrow unless UIH ho mnrUut should b
lower. [
Niw : VniiK.Jtiiiol.'l. Konnott. HnpUlns .t Cn
toS. A. MoVMiortor Thestoek marketopenei
very HtrotiK with nrleos eou idoratily abovi
Saturday's eloslint. The oxcellenl bank state
nii'iit on Saturday brought a cooil many out
sldi-orders Into the market at the openini
and London was also n isooil buyer , parti"
ularly ofSt. I'anl. takltiL'also some Wabasl
preferred and I'tiion 1'acllle. After the iinrlj
dealings orders .pomi'il to be scarcer am
prices elf all arouiul without , howovor. show
ItiK any special weakness. In the afti'rnoot
London was ( | tilto u seller of Loulsvlllo . '
Nnslivllle anil the pilcohioKo ' per con I. Omit
crop ii'portsandeaKy money in o the condllloii1
which are eneour.iKfni , cspcoialli
of western slocks. C'lilcuuo Oas showed eon
sldorahlo tteaknuas declln ntf ni-arly It poi
cent on lurRo transactions , nnd rcaalnltiif bu
a small portion of the loss. There have beet
vailons runinrs current to account f.if the dc-
cllnn In tin-stock. It is-aid that the city wll
Insist on dollar Kas lo all consumers ; thut tin
trust will not consent to It. and that a M'tllO'
tin-til will iirounhly be delayed If It does no
fall through. Theroaro also reports of a rlva
company applymu for permission tn lay pipes
I hi ; anthriieltc coal truilc Is not In an enconr
a -lnx condition as reporlH nriko It. ( Jpcra
tors arc mil making miiney. and the domain
Is-slack. Strrllim Is linn , but thuro aio no ro
poitsof probable cold s'lilpnienls and nothliu
to Indiea'.o thulirolil will beVont out. Monm
Isi-asv on oalls at i'ffi-'IH perernt. The .stocl
market closed dull at about ttio lowest prices
Total sales , lti..Mi. ; ) :
Avi'i-Hge I'rico.
The following tahio will show the avcrajn
prlei-of wheat on the farm , at Chicago anil li
I nu'land for the years mentioned , also tin
price at t'hlciiKo for the months of Juno am
November :
Karia [ KiiKlmull ChlciiKOj tlilciiitt
value. year. } ear. I .liluu. | Nov.
1KHO. . . J ! ( t : > if 1 OS
lbT. ! . . . 1 18
IfHI. . . 1 07
18S'.I. . . 711
Av'ge. 117
Pre.sent prleo In Kncland nbout SI.20. The
average of the combined F.uropoan wheat
crop for seven years Is I,227OJO.OJJ bushels.
1-rom ail accounts wo place the amount thl
year at l.Vs.Vj ( ) ( > .oio , or l'.w,000.0.o ' ) short of last
vour and about l.-iO.ono.CKM ishort of an average.
To meet tills enormous shortage Kuropo hay
two countries only to draw upon tonnyox-
tent , v / : India ( where crops are much heller
than expceled and where England Is now bny-
IIIK largo quantities ) and America. Could wo
alllrin the correctness of the extreme figures
put out by various stattciiins , one could pre
dict the probable future prices. Taking the
averuuo yield us per government figures o (
the four largo crop yours above mentioned , we
got 13'i bushels per acre , flgurliutlio accepted
acreage this year us a.1,100,000 and we get n
crop of 318.000,100. Taking New York exchange
llgures of 14 biuhols and we got 517,0)0.000.
Taking the Idea of some that a full crop of
wheat In the I'nlted States , or 1UO nor cent ,
means a 14'J bushels per acre and wo get
iiMhO'JO.OOO. Another view would show as
follows : It must bo accepted that wo raised
Ui.OOl.OOO moro last voar than government re
port , sav 4:10,003.000 : , now the averngo 001111111011
Is now 2J per cent bolter than last year , on
this.UasUMVe gctf > lG.uoo.)0 ( ) ) bushels.
Krom'jforegolns Ilanres we argue wheat Is
within n'few cents of Its probable low figures
forvtlnxJTnrv In several years of large crops
the lowest "liTlccs on : the crop have been
reached In June , although In the four veins
above mentioned the average In Juno dropped
from HTcloS'ic for an-average In following
November , r'rom the foregoing also both
bulls ami bears can take comfort according
as they view our capacity .to supply foreign
necessities. The bulls from the fact that In
two of the yeais with , largo crops and lar o
exports prlees were hi h , while In the two
other years they wove low. Pork has done as
wo predicted , gone down. It may do to bnv
now. We li'ivo not a particle of faith In
moicut prices of corn or oat .
'OMAHA. Juno 15. lSt. ! )
OA.TTLE OITIela ) roceluts of cattle : i.S5i , as
compared with 1,115 Saturday and MG Mon
day of last week. The market was active
and stronger on dcalrablo grades of both
beeves and bntelior stock. Common grades
wore slow and unchanged. Keedors woie slow
and lower , having docllmd SOo since Alonday
last. The receipts today were the heaviest
this year and included a bunch of nineteen
head of three-year-old llcrefords and Short
horns that averaged 1.487 pounds and sold at
$ aoo. the highest price paid at this market
during three years. Among the receipts was
a shipment of ninety-six ear loads of Utah
feeders , the largest shipment of feeders ever
received at the yards.
Hods Olllclal receipts of hozs 20.'t. as
compared with 4M ! Saturday and l..OO Mon
day of last week. The market was fairly ac
tive and all were sold early. The market was
uneven and irregular , with the general mar
ket a shade to fie lower ! some sales were made
at steady prices. The quality was very poor
and. quality consldero ; ! , the market was
steady to a shade lowor. The ran-'o of the
prices paid was $4 17'4.iO , the bulk selling at
H..V ! i.JO : ; The average of the prlees paid was
* 4.ffl. as compared with J4.i."JH Saturday and
! 4.7H Monday ot last week.
SIIBBP-- There wore no fresh receipts of
sheep. The demand Is strong and prices are
niftiest ami IJDWLMC . - > al js of
Todnv. Yesterday.
Hlirhcst . W.31 Highest . } 4.40
Uiwcst . 4.17jl'owest !
Itccclptfl aul : DiKposltioii or Stouk.
onichil rocolnts and disposition ot stock as
shown by the books of the Union stockyards
: oi.ipany for the twenty-four hours ending at
ioYlod ; p. m..Junoi ; > , 1MI1 :
i. Av. Pr.
.KIM J4 7.-
4 75
! iino ft oo
.UtiO 5 00
.111:1 : r. ir
. 12:17 : ft 15
.inn 5 15
.lino ft 25
.1110 5 23
4. . 750 4 00 17. . 772 4 00
fi. 843 2 00 . ' ! . . IWI : iO ) 1..1ISO 375
I. . b7U 2ft'J 1..UKS1 a 25 1..11JO 4 ftO
1 , . 027 3 20 10. . WO 3 40 2J. . 033 400
0. . 5S7 3-.X )
4. . 212 450
L.ISM 400
HTAI13 ,
4. . 1207 350
K < > Iiivo Stuck 'Mnrkot ,
ClliCAno , Juno 15. [ Spoolal Ti''ogruin to
'UK HHIAll : | doserlptlon1' of I'littlu sold well
odiiy. .No Krailu WUK iinotably hl her , but
horn wan nothing In tuo Hhapu of I'lillooU for
.lik-li former pr cox were nut ciiHlly oblalna-
ile. Tliti Kiippjy eoniilsti'd of iib-iut IM.dU'j
lead , of which number not far from 4.WO were
YMiiih. Nativn eattli" sold on a basis of J,2,1 |
Ml.fiO for sealiMva ? cows to faney blt-i-rn. If
hi-ro HOIO only a few hiili-s at bettor th.ui
. "I.K'I It was bccitiso : the ulfiirlnKH did nut In-
liitle many loads that Kradod nhovo "good. "
'rom t > .i > 0 toiA.M uas lliv ranx'o ut whloh thi )
uilk of slilniilni ; hti'rrs sold , and from } 2 OJ to
; ! . ; " > bought tinuroiter part of cows and
iull . Hales ot Tc'tiis SHI-SI eattlt-woio KOII-
rally at (2.7.v > t&riii , whllo thu pnivaillni ; prleos
or fed WITH JII.H.' The K'-'iiuial market
iiul.a Una look ut the close.
The hoi ; market opened weak this mornlnz
, nd It did not gut out of that slate , hartto
ccvlpla auil hot wuuiUur buth favoroJ thu ,
I weakness , aim buyers wrro cutxbloil to fll
tholr orders nt 2V < HV off from Saturday'
prlt'oi. Oomparatlvolv few of the onurltifi
| sold uhovn fLM. Vi-ry Rood drovoi i < liangiv
. hands at $1.40 , unil from took th
i iniijor part. Some nisorlod heavy and mo Hut
' woitfhls brought $ l..VUim.At tittdtocir \ graili-
, sold iironnd Jl.'iViil. ; ! ) llrais lions arc luigln
, nlng to art-lvo In a limited way. Shipper
I Miutthl niidrrilaiiil that gra * > 4 lung tunst h
i sold nt considerable discount from prices pat
for thoforu-fatled article. The uvnoriil mat
kol olo.-i'd uusy.
The'nlnu Jouriml reports
HccelptH , iiDJOi ; niarKel , aetlvoi Mrong l
higher ; extra iiatlvi-s , * otill.30t ) ( othets. '
WS.lCi ) eommon. fl.7.VTin.OOi Te.MitH , J
HtockiT . tJHW.I.IOs rows.'0. (
lines KeeelptH. 2noOi ! ) shlpmonto , l,00fl
market weak and loner ; rough nnd rom
mon , tl.iiotifel.Ij ( mixed and packers. JI-.T-df. ) 4'i
prime hi-avv and butcher wolghts. ! 4."rUiil..V'i
light , f l.a.Vfrt.M.
SiliitUcoolpls. : : . 7,000 ; shlpmpnlR. 4,00) )
market slow and lower ; muttons. Ti'xan
ji.'lVTt4.Tr : ' , : native" , f > .wxir.Mj westurns , HIM
lambs. 5.00iOU ; : .75.
Now Yorlc I/lvi ; Htook Murki't.
NBW YOIIK. Juno 15.HKRVKS Kocclpt ;
' head. Including M curs for sale. Murk ,
llrm. Nutlvc steer * , J-l.foxfMUiO ; Texus am
Colorado , f liH&.t.l. ( ) | bulls nnd cows. JS.40 ?
J4.W ; dressed boi-f. steady at HUff'-i'Si" , ship
incuts tomorrow. 200 lu-ovi-s and I.IK ) ' ) sheci.
CAI.VKS Ke-colpts , 4nnlit > ndi market lower
veals. ) ; buttprmilks. i
Slliii : : > UuiH'Ipt * . 11.205 head ; market llrm
lamlu 'ic lower ; sheep , tl.ftK&'i.nb ; lambs
1UW Sir.
llnu.s--ltccelpts.1l.2l > head , eonslened direct
market nominally steady at Jl.Wit'J.'i. :
KIIIIMIIH rity Llvo ' t u'k Markol.
KANSAS nrv. Mo. Juno IS. PATH. " . Ko-
celptx. ! ; shipments. 1.7VO ; market , host na
lives , strong ! ot' ors lower ; Texnns , strong t (
lOc higher ; steers. K2V ( ( l.tU ;
stoeUi-rs and feeders , K.W'1\\ ( ( \
lions Hecelpls , l,2iii ; shipments , l.'ISO ; mar
ket. steady to strong ; bulk , fl.SOUI..O : al
grudrs , I.'I.SXW.I' ( ) .
HliBKi' Uecolpts , 4Xi ; shipments , 400 ; inarko <
o.w.i.i iruoTjlflN.i ii .in ,
Frowh I''rultK.
PllEltlitlis Pnllf irtiln , per lO-lb box , Jl.7 : >
blaeu Taitarlan. Jl.7.'i ; southern eln-rnes , SI.7 :
per drawer of 18 quarts ; eases , f2.h ( ) .
UUAMII : l.os Ansules , W.2ij Medlterraii'
on n SWIM-IS. fcl r rci.75.
TK.VAS | 'KA ( IIES I'er M bushel box. JI.OO.
STHAwiiiitiiusMIssourl : stock. S.'i'v ' .riO pei
21 quart ease ; loWa Mock , fc'.W per case.
( fliliKN UOO.SKIIIIIUIIS : 1'er 21 quait case
J..r > n ® ' . ' " . " > : drawer of H quarts , fl.Tn ,
I'l.NKAi'i't.csI'or noJit.tO. .
| jKMi ) > B t'holi-u stock , per lo.x. : JO.OO ; fnnuy
$ . , no.
HANANAS I'or bunch , $ i.r)0Si.OO ( : for fancj
stock for shipping.
ltt.Aciuiimms-l'cr : : case. $1.00.
HI.ACK ItASi'iiKltitlcs-lVr case. $ J.50I.OO.
s The market was strong ami sales
were made all the way from 14 to l. > e , but 14'si
caught a good many.
I'ODI.TIIV Uooil old fowls are selling Itirgol.v
nt $ 'I7. > , with a few faney old hens going at
J4.00. A few right good sprlnir ehlekens hrltii !
$4.00. and .somo o.xtra largo have brought as
much asfl.50.
Hl'TTiiii The bulk of country butter l.sgo'na
at U > @IO"e.
II A v Itest upland , $0.00310.00 ; poorer grades ,
$ J.OCK37.00.
The following qnot-itlons ronre.'i'nt the
prices at whleh choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stated :
SOIITIIKIIN ( . 'Ai'i.m.owrii Per dozen. 11.50.
NBW POTATOIH : Per Ib , 2i'fi2jc. !
TOMAIOBS I'inc > stock , per date. $2.7. ) .
ONIONS llormudii , Dereaso , fc.jjUallfornla ; ,
3'4is ' per Hi.
Niw : lluisTS Per dollSCT.inp. .
Pr.As Per busliol box , $125 1,50 : uorH btiBhol
box. tile.
( 'UCUMIIKIIS Per do7r > e.
HOUTIIKIIN IIDANS Wax , ( ' < > Xl" > i per ! $ bushel
box ; Strlnc. ft < iiO ( per 'ft hnshel box.
PTATin : I loiue grown stock In small lot
from the stole. JI.IO.
Asi'AltAlifS .100 per do/ .
I'AiiiiAiii : I'allfornla stock , per Ib , 25c ! ;
southrrn , iicr ervtc. ft.(10.
IIIIANS Navy : , $ J.M ( per bushel.
Kliiui' .
Omaha milling company. Kellanco , Patent ,
J2.1X ) ; Invlneiblu Patent , * 2.hO ; Lone itir : ,
Suiicrlative , W.flO ; Hnowllakc , $2,10 ; Fancy
1'amlly. JI.OO.
H. T. Davis mlllcompany. Illah Patent No. 1
nnd C'roam , 12SO ; Illno I ) . , full patent , $2.r > .r ) ;
llawkevo , half patent , $2.C : > ; Siieelal lioviil ,
patent No. 10 , Kl.tlU ; Minnesota Patent , $2.8."i ;
Kansas Hard Wheat , patent , i..CO ; Nebrahka
Spring Wheat , patent , } 2.V > .
S. V. nillinnn's ( iold Medal. $2.81 ; Snow
White , t2..Vj ) Snowllake. J2.10 ; low irruclc , SI.M ;
Queen of the Pantry. $2 00 ; bran. $13.00 :
chopped feed , $24.00 ; Minnesota Superlative ,
E. L. Welch fc Co. , Welch's Host. $2.fl3 ; Crown
Prince'JO ; Minnesota Chief. J2.40 ; fapleudid
Family , $2.10 ; Straight , $1.00.
A handsome complexion ia one 6f the great
est charms a woman can possess. Pozzoui's
complexion powder gives It.
Fierce Hnttlo Over n Girl Hetwcen an
Kninccr and I ircinnn.
AI.MANCK , O. , Juno 15. A thrilling en
counter took plaoo Saturday afternoon on
board nn engine on the Lake Erie , Alliance &
Southern railroad between the firoinati nnd
engineer. Edward Benitz , the engineer , nnd
James MeSwigim , the fireman , wore both
candidates for the hand of Miss Julia Shicler ,
n pretty brunette who resides with her
parents nt Uergholx , the southern terminus
of the road. Both men were nwnro of the
others intentions , but never discussed the
matter on their runs and wro known to bo
on good terms.
They loft Bergholz yesterday afternoon at
! ) : ' 0 with n mixed passenger nnd freight
train. When within twenty miles of this
city MuSwigan told Bc'intz that ho had pro
posed to Julia and had been nccuptcd. This
enraged the engineer , nnd releasing his hold
on the throttle ho sprang upon his rival and a
terrible battle ensued. The train was then
running nt n rate of twenty-live miles nn
hour. McSwigan grubbed a shovel to defend
himself , but tne engineer wrested it from his
grasp nnd soon had him on his back on the
tender , pummeling him fearfully. A brakeman -
man standing on n boxcar witnessed the
light ami , summoning aid , rushed forward
and separated the combalnnts.
The train meantime had not slackened ils
speed and the passengers were unaware of
the scone that was going on in the engine.
On promise that the matter would not bu
reported both men resumed llioir posts , One
nf the bnikomcn remained on thu engine the
remainder of the Journey so that the battle
ivas not resumed. Both men evidently were
willing to let the mailer drop.
I-UW'H Say.
Pnn.ADBi.i'itiA , Juno 15. In regard to the
jomptroller's statement that Examiner
Drew's reports did not show the true condi-
; lon of the Ko.rstono bank , Drew says ho is
: ontidcnt they gave as accurate a showing as
. .ould bo made ut the time.
Constipation poisons ino Dlood : Oo Witt's
Little Early Klsors euro Constipation. The
i-uusoroiuovoa the disenso is L'one.
I'rlnco ItlHtiuuvlc'ri IllncsiH.
Bniii.tN , Juno 15. The Illness from which
Prince IMsmarch is suffering is now said to
ju rheumatism ol the spino. Ilo has been
onllued to tils bed for throe days past and
ins be-on suffering acutely.
Illooily IJ.ittlo wltli KohclH.
CoNsTANTiMiri.t : , Juno IS. News has bean
received that Araoijumen tins revolted and
Ltlucked the Imperial troops , forcing them to
utreat. The troops lost boverul olllcurs and
00 men.
As A Rule
Your o\\n feelings will tell
you , when you are in need
of a tonic or IJlood purifier.
A lack of energy , a tired
feeling , depressed spirits are
good indications that the
blood is sluggish and your
system is out of order.
"I HAVE U E J S. S. S. FOR f-E-
Hooks on Itlood anil HMn iltternci frtc ,
Tiyi B WliT Bl'tCU'lC CO. ,
malm Tout & Awn
ing Co.
Flu , ! * . Ilniumnok' , oil ami
HulitiorCluthlnt ! . Send Inr
ciit litiiiu. 11 I.I Fnriiuni.
A. II. Pcrrigo&Oo. | M , 0. D.uon ,
AII.Mnkcx , All Prices , All lcjrrli' SoM on Montlil )
1'nrli. Payments.
m)7i ) ! nmiam St. . Omaha
Omaha Ropublicau Printing Oo. ,
Law brief * , bank snppllm , mil evor/lldu lu tin
lirlmlilt ; Una
10th nml Doiul H Mn-c-ti.
Ackennann Bnn. & Hointzo ,
Printer. * , kinder * , ole.'tnitviurJ , Ll.iak boj ! < mnniv
fai turi-M ,
lllii ( lo.viirl Mr 'it , Oniihi.
Ohnrles A , Ooo & ( b. , Kirkondnlljone ? & 0
Manufacturers nnJ Jobber - Wholeialo Mnniif.irlur't '
bor * . Areutf ( for Ikxlnn Hub
I.erSliui ! fn. , IllU , 11DI
1109 llowanl straoL unil 111" ) llnrncr St.
William ? , Van Aer- "W. V. Morso" & do.T
natn & Ilarto , Fhop Kiiclorjriimpr lltb
nn. I Diiiu'l.i' ) it , ( ! ! ]
1212 llaruor struct ,
Omaha , N'ofo. ti call unit
John L. Wilkfc , Lenis Holler ,
Oiunha paper tn > x factory IJatohrr ' nntl Packer * '
KIIT-I.IKI liu < lii. Tools SuppllcH. lluaf ,
llOL' ft KtllM'p ( M lnhC4.
Order * promptly Illla I. lli-IHH ] ; , lnpk < on St.
W. T. Seaman ,
Omnhii'H InrK t Variety
Omaha Carpet Oo. , Gilmora & Ruhl.
Carpcto , ol ! clotln , mat- MannfncturoM A Wliolo-
tlnE , curtain Kea I i.ot ) . cnlo ( 'lotlilor < ,
1511 IinlH : jtroit. 110U Ilarnoy St.
West & Pritschar ,
Mnnnfoctiirers nnocUars
Jobbers of loaf tobaccoJ.
1011 Knrnam street
Mount & Griflb , ? Mahoney & Oo.
Hani-Coal Hoft.
213S. lU
Olllrcs PM .V. Kltli and cor.
Omalin , Neb. ICth nml Douetai sti.
American Puel Oo. Uowell & Oo. ,
nnd Ionian li
Shippers (
. Nth ptreot ,
anthrncltii iiml bitu 517 S.
minous coil.
Omaha , Nob.
MS. 15th street
Nebraska Fuel O Johnson Bros. ,
J13S. I3th3tra3t , Oil FarnamSirect ,
Oraatin , Nob. Omalir , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works F. Hnempintr
Manufacturers ofCIalvan- fialvanlreil Iron corntces ,
lyeil Iron Cornlco. Hormcr wlnilnw ! > , ilour
Window caps , metallosky- capn , tin tali etc. Tin
llKliln etc. 1110 and 1112 Irunanil ulato roofer.
DniUo St. Bit Kunmm St.
J , J , Johnson & Co , ,
1188. 13th atraiS ,
Omaha , Nob.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatriok-Kooh Dry
Goods Co.
fnnilstilnz ,
Dry Rood' ,
notion1 Konts
* ,
. Dry goods
Eoodi , notion *
fimllshliu' Koodt.
Cor. llth ana Howard t > . Corner lltli and llarncy
Dl'irilOlT- .
TIT ir-Di in
Wolf Electrical Oo. Electric Motors
Illustrated Cataloxua , in , | DJ naiuus. Cntnloguo
free. tree. 11. A. Klnnuy.lien'l
1C14 Capital Avcniio. AKt. 63'-3 N.Y.Mfo Ilhl'ic.
Parlin , OreudoriF & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo , , General western a ttnt
Corner Jones and ilta sts. Kkandla flow Co ,
Omaha , Neb. lir.M35l Shuriiian avo.
E. L. Welch & Co. , E. T. Davis Mill Co. ,
1012 N. lUth street. C. (1. UiutunTOO'l ' ,
J. I ! . McCrny. Mantiuer. Maniurcr at 011111)11 ) *
Mill at llciulor.ion , .Minn. Cor. 6th and Jncknon nt * .
S. F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo , ,
Merchant Millar * ,
1011 N. Kith altar-
OIllcuaiKl Mill 111.1 Noith
C. K. Illack - Man.tRcr. ll'th Street.
Schneider & Looiuis , J. T. EobinMu Notioa
Oo. ,
nd of
OentH' furnlililiiT 1:00 ti
iotluus and lurnUliliu lu'f'iz celu'jr.iti ) 1 tiriul
Rouds , "lluck km" o v or all" .
panH , ililrt . i > ont , utu.
till Howard ntrcot. Cor Mill and Howard it * .
Toncray & Bryan , | S. A , MoWhor tor
robrtu , grain , | ire Utoni 313 1st .S'atl ll nk , llrokarj
unit flocks , 315 H. Itltii I'rltuto wires to N > i
SU Prlralcnlro to Chi Vork , Chlciuo mill Ut ,
ago , SU Louli nuil No * l.oult. Cash uriklil
Vork. boiiKlit for nil martdt *
" "bockrclf F , 0 , Swartz & OoT
Ilroki-rs. Prtviitu wlro llriikor .Oraln.Provlilont
to New Yiirk , Chicago A i'to. Prlrnlo nlro to St.
ft. I.onK Special alien- I.oiiln anil Oilc.ino. Ollloo
tlun KIVCII to track til.U In t l Natt lli > nkOiimlia ,
on main. Ut .Nut Illsnk.
Rector & Wilholmy Oo Cjoo-Oliirk-Amlroosoa
HarJnrarj Oo.
Cur. lUtli nail Jueksuu ti
IM-1IIU llnrncy slroat ,
Omiihn Nn'.i
Fiuton & Viorlins Omaha Safe & Iron
, Iron Work' , Works
nml run Iron
tiiitlilliit ! nnrk , riiKlani , Mnnnf'r. ' Art nml tiiirdlnr
tirwork , ifonornl prenf unfpf , viliH , ] .tll
foiinitry. miu'lillH ! nn | nutk , Iren nhuttcrii iiuJ
Miickiiulth work. U. I1. tire e rnp < > ' . ( I. An-
Ity. mill 1 , th su ilti'i'ii. \JnoksoniH
Wilson & Drake ,
M'f'K tnlnibr mici. flra
bux Inlltr9 , tunki , oto.
Ploironn'l ' loth iri > f > t < .
Her & Co , , William DiSt ,
.Mor.-littiti. , LliiiiiM mill i'l-
Ill I Ilirn > , trt. . .
Maiiiifactnr n l\i i u Ir'i
Kaatlii.ll.i . UtttuM. .11.1 l-'nrnni m o.nVit
R. R. Grotto ,
IiiipnrlT mid .totibir of
\Vlno < tuitt htiiiniM.
10'U : iml Mil Ktirn.ini St.
Price Utti on niipllc.itlon.
L. Kirscht & Co. , Trick & Herberts
\Vhol09nlo Liquor Dealers iVliolcsnlo Miiiortc > lcri
1001 Knrnam Htrcot Nil -HI S. loth At.
G.V. . & Oo John A. Wakcfiokl ,
Ilanlwooil Lumbar , Imul Ci'iiitMit.Atllwaukoa
llyiliniilli' iviiicnt nuil
1310 North loth Stro31. ynlncyVlilto l.ltno.
Oliarle' ? R. Lee , V yatt - Bullanl Luui-
Ilnnlwooil Inniticr , woo bor Oo.
cariu ! nml paniuut
lloorliu. Nth nndlinr.i Htrccti ,
Tth unit DuiiKl.u.
Gaily & Gray , Louis BnidforJ ,
Lime , cement , etc. , oto Lumber , llino. cennntol3
cor , ' .Ith mill Doiifli IK.M Douitlni "tract.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfoltlor & Oo. , v
Millinery , Notion ! ImporU-rn mill Jobber la
Clualn. ICt3 Mllllaery.
W9IOmiiia HoulU lltU
1IO-IISS. Kith St. , Omaha ttreet.
Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Uospo , Jr , ,
M'f'U jowetpr * . ( lentor In I'lnnni , OrKnni , Artlit * '
musical liiHtriitnt'iil
. Miilcrlali , me. ,
etc. ,
Kiirimm nnd intli. 151.1 l > Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Ilellneit anil lulirlaitln :
oils , nile croi'ia , ot3.
It. II , Until , Mni'uor. I
Ribbel & Smitb , Scbroodor & Oo. ,
Dealers In country prod- Cash iMiyi-ri butter ail
nee , frulti , venutable ) , CKK" . ant uciioril cj a-
etc. iiilH lou uiGn'Jia'iti.
1207 Howard Htreet. li ) Huuth lltlintrcst.
Robert Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Hi ) vrnnlstroot. I'roiliico , fruit" of .ill
Write for prloa on b it- klndfi , oysturj ,
tcr , OKK , poullry and 1211 Howard street
Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas. A. Clark & Oo.
lluttcr , chcc"o , exit ,
Iluttor eggs and poultry lioultry and am3 ,
1209 Howard street. W.i Bouth 13tli Mrot't.
Bates & Oo , , Williams & Oroii ,
Country produce , 'rulli , Produce nnd fruity
Ti'uotahloH , Krocor *
poclnltloi. tea" , plcat ,
etc. 417-41U8. tlthHU 1214 IlarnoytrJii
L Randazzo & Son ,
211 South 12th Street "
Foreign ADomi'iitlc I'rullH X"
Florida Oranicos A Sicily
FrultH. llranch liouiie , 7
N. rctem at , New Orl'n
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Kubbar Oo , ,
Carry a full dtock of Manufacturing nn 1 Jo'j-
printing : , wrappln ; ; and buriall ktudu rubber
wrltliiK papur , card pa food ) .
per , etc. 1003 l'arna'n ( slroit.
Emerson 830 : ! Oo , ,
Sued urowern , doilon li
Kardeu.ur.ii4 , ur.itu.iiJ : '
true see 11 , ManufaUur'K slovji ml
C.'l-4''l South l. ' > tli. HtUVIl plpj.
I2it-I2l. : ' ) Iiavenwortli st ,
M. A. Dishrow & Co. , ) ' .n Sai'i & Door Oj.
ilnimfueturors of ensli , Manuf'ictururs ' of m > ill-
it dors. Ill I n ill nml lui , bllu li , dojri.
.MoiihtliiK . llranchnf- uto.
lice , l-'th ainl Izaril nn. liltli i
J. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Stranj & Sons ,
Pump Co , ,
Ilallld.iy wind mlllr 10UMJ3I Parna-u
nml VII JIIIKM O. b" .
Ho.ia , actliiK i Omaha , Nob.
Oonsolidatcd OofToo
Oompany ,
1414 ami 141(1 Ilarnerit
Omaha. Neb , j
H. Hardy & Oo. , The Brunswiok-Bilk ,
h , allMiin9r < inor i , Oollendar Oo.
till ir I me-1 il ilnn.
K.ilnnn n tturai
407. I0'.i S lOtti itruuu
1 ! 1U l'itrnarmt ' , Oiiiaha
A. D , Boyer & Oo
i-W KicliaiiKO llullilhu ,
Bouth Omaha.
, J , Goffunn , Smiley Huntar & Qreon ,
&GO , ,
1 < 1 KxchanKO Itulldini
! U Kxclianuu llulMliu
tiouth Oiualri. Suillli Oiinn i.
I5.V. I vi Market l.trcol , lioavor. Colorado.
Klulii. Ill . ami Wo t rn Cro miiTy HilttiT.vtimwl \
IIUKXlu.Uf ) A I eiuiily OKU fti. . < . with llllur * u >
inn In inv HIIIIUIH | | | anil otliurH i > liu Illlu I. Itvu i-aiiot
nil u IP hliip by tail fruUlil iu , , | u.m ip llutlur In
Miuiiit it iriiit ! llax llullublo fur iiiutallu.i < uu Iu-
TotM Ilium of CITIEOt
( 'urri' * | oii4viire lullcit'Hl. .
I01-IOS Dearborn Btroot , CHICAQQ ,
13 Wa'l Stroat , NEW YOIIIO
70 8U t 8tBOBTOH.I