Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1891, Image 1

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FAiAL i'lASII ' Ol1
1 Ono Farmer Instantly Killotl and Another
* Eorlonsly Injured ,
Terrible Wound 'Mint May ' ' " ! '
Dcutli A ColumlMtH Womn-i Hot-
tlc.s a Dlnpntc by HIiuoiitiK
A .Man State Nuxvu.
Hi-.Mpujir.y , Nob. , Juno H. [ Special Tele
gram lo Tin : HIX.J Liust cvcn'ne ' between
H nnd ! t o'clock Philip Vetter , n farmer living
one mile and a half west of this pluce , whllo
retiirningtiomo was struck by lightning and
Instantly killed. When found his clolhcs
were burning , and one arm being badly
burned. One of his horses was also killed.
Augusl Polkhoa , n farmer living six miles
west of this pliice , was also struck , but will
recover. Both of his horses were killed.
_ , _ Ilni-lal of Captain Miles Warren.
r- " "iJBM.woon , Neb. , Juno 14.-Special [
to 'run Hni : . ] The funeral of Captain
Miles Warren , who died of hearo failure Fri
day , took pliico yesterday afternoon und was
largely attended. Captain Warren was a
staunch democrat and was appointed com
mandant of the stale soldiers' homo at Grand
Island by Governor Hoyd , but did not enter
upon the discharge of Ino dulies of Iho oftlco.
Ho wns a veteran of the late war , served us
second lieutenant of company H , Klovcnth
Michigan infantry. Ho served in this regi
ment until honorably discharged February S ,
1W5- ' order . Ho
1W5by surgeon's or cisabllity.
was appointed captain of company H ,
Eighth Michigan cavalry , in August ,
IWW , nnd served until Jvly , isii4. Ho
was engaged with the cnomy Juno 111 , at
Trlplotl Bridge , Ky. ; at Lebanon , July ft ;
nt Winchester , at Lancaster , Ky. , July 'M. in
the year 1SBI , and served Id all engagements
until discharged on account of surgeon's
order. After the war Mr. SVnrrcn was for
Iwo und a half years local agent ut the cop
per mlnos on Lake Superior for the Pennsyl
vania mining company , and then engaged in
/arming. In Branch county , Michigan. He
, JttWod to Nebraska in 1870 and located near
where the town of Bollwood now is. The
Ill-it reunion of the Grand Army In Nebraska
was held al Cnptiiin Warren's grove. There
was no rullwood lo Boll wood at that time and
the old soldiers came from Omaha nnd nil
ever the stuto with teams and had a Brand
timo. The captain was school director at
Hellwood for sixteen years , justice of the
jieuco for twelve years and at the time of his
death was president of the soldiers and sail-
ors'Jorpanlzutlou of Michigan in the state of
Nebraska. Ho was appointed postmaster by
President Cleveland mid served four yours.
NclmiHkit < rep Bulletin.
Neb. , Juno 14. [ Special to Tin :
. ] - The weekly wenthor and crop bullo-
, for Nebraska , issued by the Hoswell oft-
' scrvulory , says Iho continued cool , cloudy ,
wet weather has hindered the growth and
the cultivation of corn , but small grain i.s
generally In excellent condition.
' The tomperaluro has been decidedly below
average and clouds have almost continuously
ovorous't , , the ( iky.
Vho mUifuIl BUS. boon everywhere above
the average , -exeunt in the extreme north
west , and generally much above the
average. Heavy ruins on the filli and Ulh ,
followed by .cloudy weather and moro or less
rain ull < th.o\weoj \ { , fi'avo kept the surface of
prouncHocuwol for cultivation- corn is
becoming 'weedy.
The weather has been favorable for the
growth of small grain , which in most , parts
of the state never looked heller , with the
exception of some fall-sown grain that was
injured by the drouth of last fall. In the
northeast iho drouth hindered the growth of
small grain in the craly part of the season ,
but it is now reported in fair condition and
promising an average crop.
Com Is everywhere reported backward ,
nnd in some sections at least two weeks behind -
. hind the average condition for this season of
4ho year. Some of the corn Is looking yel-
U > * ; mid some replanting has been necessary ,
owiniR to destruction by cut worms nnd
wishing "but by heavy rains , but generally
tbo corn Is In n healthy condition.
Tim I'our tit at Iti-okon Itow.
Bitour.M How , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special to
Tun BKK. ] Broken How will celebrate the
Fourth with u donblo header , protracted
meeting stylo. The exercises will begin on
the third with horse racing at thu fall-
grounds , which will be resumed at : i p. in
. . .OMiio Fourth. For this purpose $3XI ( iu
purses is offered nnd is open to all horses iu
Custer county. At sunrise forty-two guns
will unnounco to thu sleeping populace that
thu ling .still floats over a free people. IJc-
duccd rules have boon secured over the rail
roads and good speakers from abroad will bo
In attendance. There will bo a greased pig
( grass fed ) , a greased polo and the usual
surtcltof wheelbarrow , sack , lean and fat
races. Sovoiity-llve dollars in prl/os will bo
given the winners of these modern Olympian
fexorcises. . A JM silk flag will bo given to the
largest , delegation from thu country. The
Broken How band has been retained tor tlio
occasion , and at night there will be a ? ' . > r > ( ) dis
play of llroworkb. The ofticors of the day
ni-o its follows : Marshal , S. B. Thompson ;
poncral superintendent , C. 1C. Wilkinson ;
president , Mayor George W. Trofren. Ono
of the host limes in iho history of Custcr
county is anticipated.
A Sniikc Story.
IlKimox , Nob. , June -fSpecial to Tin :
BHK.1 On Monday whllo Donnls Moll was
plowing corn n r.utlosnuko sprung at him and
burled its fangs In his arm. Ho shook it
loose and run n tow rods to the road to gotu
stick with whlch'to dispatch the reptile , but
was surprised when he retnrned to Und the
snake dead. Mr Molt experienced no 111
* , oTucUs ( from Hie bile , owing to a largo supply
ui tVhlsky.
Arrangements nro being made for the
grandest Fourth of July celebration ever
Known in this city. The Knights of Labor ,
farmer.- * ' alliance andctti/ons of Hebron have
united and no expense will bo spared to make
the culobrullon n success.
Wanted to Itesolvc.
Livcoi.v , Nob. , Juuo 14. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] At the meeting of the board of re
gents of the state university , Ucgimt Roberts
offered the following , whlcn explains lUelf :
Whereas , ThodlsciiKo till eicnlo-.K liua boon
found to o\lnt In the herd on tbo experimental
farm , anil that n recommendation has noon
Hindu by the profusion of lurlunliuro to dis
pose of Miinuof suld stock ; bo It ,
liesolved , That the prointsos and slock of
mild farm are likely to ho Infected hy said
disease ; Unit to soil said stock will bo crim
inal ; and therefore.
Kesolveil , That mild stock [ 10 Kent on the
farm and put In uhuruo of the Invustlituiur of
animal dlsoiisos and at his disposal.
The doctor wns refused a record and recog
nition in the matter.
limited on Sunday.
CJiusK IMANH , Neb. , Juno 14. [ Special
r TOcprnm to THE HIE. : | Al Livcngood , an
employe of the railroad shops , whllo out
hunting this mornlnir In the vicinity of Wood
uivor , accidentally dropped his gun , \\ulch
on striking the ground wns discharged in
niioli a manner us to cause him to receive the
full contents of one barrel in his abdomen ,
tunny of the allot penetrating thu bowels. Ho
was brought to the city unconscious and Is
now in n very critical condition , the nature
at/tho wound being such that very tiUlo can
y'uo done for him.
IMP * him.No
No Now CHSOS ,
H , Nub. , Juno 14 [ Special Telegram
to fiiKllcK. } Tha specials sent from ether
towns nbout smallpox hero have exaggerated
the Jacta , Tflerg are only three e o here
nnd they are quarantined. Klght mlleslnorth-
w < Ml of here , In Iho country , there are
eleven cnse < nnd two cases near Palmyra.
The diFcusn was brought herd from O'nuhn
by Lewi * Wall nbout four weeks ago. The is lit u very mild form nnd nil the
patients nro rccoverliie. They are under the
care of Dr. Honetter of Ihli place Every
ptvcuutlon Is inken to prevent the spread of
th'j disease. No now cases have been re
ported In the lust live days.
Till ) IdvliiK Skeleton.
niiAVmiCirv , Neb. , Juno II. [ Special to
Tin : JJin : . ) John Hattcrsby of Philadelphia
Is at present stopping at the farm house of
his nephew , Mm tin Perkins , in this county ,
having come to Nebraska to recruit his
health. Mr. Hultersby 1ms a wonderful his-
.lory , and his name , several years ago. win
known almost world-wldo us Hurnum's living
skeleton. And n skeleton ho really wai ,
only weighing forty-live pounds. Mr , Hat
ters by wns Interviewed by a Hn : correspondent
pendent ono day this ween anil was found to
bo In a cheerful mood for relating Incidents
of his early history.
Mr. Uattersby was born upon n farm olid
until the ago of sixteen there was nothing to
distinguish him from ordinary boys placed In
Ilka circumstances. His weight was about
ono hundred and twenty pounds , his health
was good and he performed the usual farm
duties devolving upon the country boy of his
age. Hut at Hits point In his existence u
wonderful transformation began to change
him from the plumpness of n well developed
youth to n "living corpse , " nn animated
skeleton. This phenomenon occurred
In the space of a few years nnd lofl him in
seemingly as good health as before. Such u
rare freak was at once discovered nnd se
cured by Hurnum and Mr. Bnttorsby's ' life In
Iho show business begun and continued for
many 3'cars , taking him through every stale
in the union and across the ocean lo Iho
countries beyond.
Ono of the strangest facts concerning Ihe
life of thin wonderful man \Vas his marriugo.
His wife was Mrs. Hannah Perkins , thelarg-
est fat woman , probably , the world has ever
Known mid who for yours was ono of Uar-
num's attraclions. The bond of affection
which sprung up between the hearts In these
strangely contrasted bodies was soon scaled
In holy matrimony. She was twenty years
old aiid woightid TvJ pounds , whllo ho
weighed forty-live pounds and was twenty-
lluvo years old. Stio had amazing strength
In hoi- big arms mid , when he fell ill , she
would lift him up bodily and nurse him as
thougn ho wore an Infant. Some yours ago
Mr. Hattcrsby received nn Injury which
terminated his show life , but his wife re
mained a star until her death , which occurred
two years ago.
A daughter was born to this slrango mar-
riugo. She Is remarkably handsome , being a
blonde , with Grecian features and a line
lleure , neither too fat nor too lean. She Is
married and resides ill Frankford , Pa.
OiowlnSnjtu - 'Scots.
NORFOLK , Nob. , Juno II. [ Special to Tnr.
BKI : . | The sugar boot crop prospects at
Grand Island and at this point could not bo
bolter. The great thing in crowing beets is
to have the ground prepared in the fall of the
year , as , where the land is rank it costs very
much moro to raise beets tnau where it Is
properly and carefully prepared.
plowing nnd proper preparation inl
the spring makes boot culture
very much moro profitable than it
otherwise would bo. A number of farmers
here who planted a few acres reluctantly are
noxv perteetly satisfied that it is going to
make them a great deal moro money than
any ether crop they have over grown. Toe
beet Holds are looking splendidly and Iho
prospects nro for a good crop , purring acci
dents from this time on. Grand Island bos
in S,700 acres and Norfolk 'J , : i" . A moasu.-o-
ment taken In a number of different places
yesterday in one Held showed the average to
bo twenty-nine beets to the roJ. As it takes
twentv-two"rows , eighty rods long , to make
nn acre , it can readily be calculated what the
tonnage would bo with a good yield.
.Memorial SorvlucH
Coi.t'Miii'8 Nob. June Telegram
' , , -Special [
gram to Tun Uii : : . ] Annual memorial ser
vices were held by the ICnights of Pythias
hero today. Addresses were made by M.ijor
Dale of this city and A. U. Hughes of Schuy-
ler. Music by the Mothrdist Episcopal choir
and recitations by children were the chief
entertainments nt the hall. The hull was
handsomely decorated with Hags and ( lowers.
The procession formc.lnt4 p. in. and marched
to the cemol'jry , headed by the Columbus cornet -
not baud , Sons of Veterans , Uniform Hank of
Knights of Pythias and citizens following.
About one thousand people took part in and
witnessed the exorcises. A number of visit
ing knights were in attendance.
Hwi pi Away.
CU.I.AWAV , Neb. , Juno 14. [ Special to TUB
HBK.J The heavy rains of yesterday and last
night did considerable damage here. The
milldam wns washed out and almost every
bridge around town , both across the Loup
river and small streams , was gone nnd cellars
filled with water. M. E. Schiiorlngcr's '
house , about one and ono-hult miles from
town , was struck by lightning. The roof
was torn open about half the length of tno
house and the chimney was burst from top to
bottom , the stroke p.slng down the stove
pipe bursting the pipe nnd knocking open the
stove doors.
Wvvoun , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUB. | Today was the Knights
of Pythias memorial day and was appropri
ately observed by that order in this city.
Services were hold in their hull and at U
o'clock they marched lo the cemetery and
bountifully decoralod Iho graves of deceased
knights according to Iho rules of tlio order.
The uniformed rank from Bculrico was uros-
tnt uiul participated lu the ceremonies , There
was a Inage number of citizens at the ceme
tery and in the procession.
Nr.nn.iRKi CITY , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Hii.l : : The Knights of
Pythias of lids city cclobraled memorial day
hero today. Services were first conducted in
the opera house , where thu usual form wns
gone through with. Tljero was siniriuir by n
quurtctio and tin oration by Uuv. Dr. Green.
The knights then fell In line and marched out
to the cemetery , whore they decorated the
graves of twelve of their departed brethren.
The Moral offcriugs were elaborate.
AVIillo Temp i-.irlly IIIHIIIIC.
Giivs'D IM.ANII , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special
Telegram to THE IIK. : I George Cornelius ,
nn old resident of this city , whllo suffering
from n temporary aberration of the mind ,
loft homo early yesterday morning , leaving u
letter to his fumlly which intimated that 1m
would probably never bo found alive. Ills
strange actions caused his friends great
uneasiness and a thorough search wns Insti
tuted. Ho returned to tils homo some time
during last night , giving no account of his
wanderings. _
Cldldi-nn'H Day at Friend.
FiiirND , Nub. , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HIJK.I Children's day was observed
here Dy the Congregational puoplo on u most
extensive scale. The interior of their church
was transformed Into u perfect wilderness of
( lowers and caged songsters. The strains
from Wattcrman's orchestra blended with u
chorus ol n hundred chtldronds voices , and
numberless feathered wiirblers ,
Shot by a Woman.
Coi.funt-4 , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Dm.lau : ) night Frank Trun-
bell got into a dispute with Hutllo Perry In
her house ul this place. As Trunboll was
leaving the house Mr * . Perry shot him in the
back , the ball striking n rib and circling
mound Trunbell's body , indicting a painful
but not serious wound. The arrest of Mrs.
Perry will likely bo made Monday.
Kiiln and Wind.
OKSKVA , Neb. . June 14. [ SpooiiU Tele
gram to Tnr. HER. I - A heavy rain and a tor-
rlllo wind storm visited this vicinity last
evening , completely destroying a barn and
dolug other damage ,
No Publio Man Exempt from Misrepresen
tation anc ! Galumuy ,
Homo olMlio Vlllianoni Attaukn Upon
the Integrity of PoNtiiiiiBler Gen
eral \ \ nnamaker Tlio Na
tional Hank Clroiiliitlon.
Hfttr.AU Tun Hr.n. )
Mi ) FoiniTii.XTit : STIIP.CT '
WASIIINOTOX , U. C. , Te'l4.f
The abuse which has boon heaped upon
Postmaster General Wnnnmakor and Pen
sion Commissioner Katun has called attention
to the fact that no man Is exempt from mis
representation and calumny so long as ho
holds a federal position , nnd that It is com-
forlabie for only Iwo classes of persons lo
hold government offices these who are so
poor in this world's goods that they can have
no other business connection and no.thing
whalovcr to do with private affairs , and
Ihoso who are so rich that they can resolve
all their possessions Into n class of properly
which will clTcclually disappear from the
sight of man or woman.
No sooner did those gentleman enter the
service of the government than their polill cal
opponents began a fusillade of misrepresen
tation. Mr. Wntiamakor wns first charged
With using the mulls to advertise his mercan
tile business in Philadelphia , when every
body knew that ho was the largest legitimate
mercantile advertiser in the Unilcd Slates ,
and further that ho could not use Iho mails
lo his personal advantage. Thou ho was
charged with having perpetrated some dis
honorable scheme by which his firm pot con
tracts for the clothing used in the mail and
life saving services. Then ho Was chat-god
with being bankrupt by virtue of having
speculated in stocks. Finally ho was charged
with having helped to break the ICoystono
national bank. All of these charges wore In
vestigated by dcmocrallc newspapers , willing
to stretch tbo smallest point into something
big ready to make a highwayman out of
him if ho stepped by the roadside and yet
he was not only vindicated , but made
stronger and cleaner and holler in the eyes
of the world by the charges.
Postmaster-General Wannmakcr probably
has fewer personal enemies than any man in
inn country who has douo so much in busi
ness , society , politics and the church. Ho
has always been universally beloved , llo
was selected for his capacity and popularity.
The charges made against him were there
fore for general and not specific or personal
No sooner d'.d General Raum get into tbo
pension oftleo than the enemies of the pension
system bciinu ' to hunt up something which
could Lo iflsto'rted into a charge which would
injure the republican party. His private
business was gone into , after it was found
impossible to got the slightest thing to place
against his ofllclul career , for ho had passed
upon more claims and was purformtng bis
duties with moro general satisfaction than
unv of his predecessor.It was found finally
that an old and inlimalo army
friend , in Iho course of private
business transactions , years before General
Rauin had any idea of being commissioner of
pensions , had done him the favor so common
lo all business men at some lime in their
lives of endorsing his note at a bunk. It so
happened that thai endorser wns u pension
agent. The endorsement began , however ,
long before the commissioner over thought of
being commissioner of pensions or having
any bfliclul opportuully of doing him favor ,
even Ihough ho was so inclined. It so" hap
pens also that thu routine of the pension
ofllco makes it a physical impossibility for
the commissioner to favor any ncont , to any
extent , withoul making Iho fact known to all
the clerks in the oflice , who would certainly
muKu it known to the world and result , in
driving the commissioner from olllce. Nover-
Iheloss this endorsement was taken as a
basis for abuse and General Haum has boon
charged with almost everything in Iho crim
inal category. It was done for poliiical
A good opportunity will bo presented nt
Iho next session of congress for the alliance
and democratic members to demonstrate
honestly their antagonism to the national
bunking system. Congress will bo again
askod. In u separate measure , to reduce tne
minimum of Circulation Irom L'3 per cent of
their capital stock us nt present to $1,000 for
each bunk.
II has been contended till along by the
political parties wbicb oppose property inter
ests thnt'nntional bankers are given an undue
advantage over private bunkers by reason of
their clrculaling notes from the government.
Unquestionably that charge held good to a
degree many years ago when bonds were at
par and the federal government was strug
gling to sell tnem and put the national banks
on u popular basts , but during the past ten
years when bonds have been at a high prem
ium the circulation of banks has boon so
unpopular that the national banks , have re
duced tholr capital stock In order that they
might reduce their circulation to thu lowest
ebb , and the rc'.luctions of circulation have
slcadily gone down much faster than thu
tie-cumulation of uauks. And further It bus
become popular , and almost universal , for
national banks to organize with u large sur
plus , instead of with a larger capital , because
they would not liuvu to take out circulation
upon the surplus , but the capital stock. All
this L'oos to show that no IOIIL-LT do national
bunks have any advantage over private bunks
except by government supervision , which is
in the Interest of tbo depositors , nnd the fur
ther advantage , In some remote localities , of
being able to sue in United States courts.
The latter is now most often u disadvantage.
If the opponents of tlio national banks are
really In earnest and not merely demagogues ,
as 11103- are bolloved to be , they will give
the banks a chance to raluco their holdings
of the circulation which tne opposition have
hold up against thorn ? mid which has been
the basis of the warfare against the bunks.
Heretofore the opposition has refused to do
anything on the subject , desiring rather to
destroy , the national banking system and
force the country back to the system of state
and wildcat banks , which before the war
came near bankrupting the country , and
which flooded all sections with worthless
LIVKl.V TIMKS Alli\ : [ ) .
There will bo more politics afloat In Wash
ington this summer and Tall than has been
usually during the seasons Immediately pre
ceding n national campaign , for the reason
that ut least ono of the great parties Is com
pletely at sou as to Its head of ticket or mun-
ngement , and has no issues to put forth either
for Iho nominating or election campaign , nnd
the further fuel that Iho preiiminart- work of
till Iho parties which will have candidates in
the Held next year will bo done from the
national capital instead of Now Vorit nnd
ether political centers.
It Is expected that during Iho next three
months there will bo placed la opor.ition
bureaus representing nil the parties hero.
The democrats nnd republicans will have
club rooms , while Iho alliance and sliver par-
tics Imvo already designated operating heads
ul this point. PEIIIIY S. lltvni.
\ \ ill ISHIIO Tll H.
Wisiiivofov , Juno II. The secretary of
state Informed the treasury department that
the Chinese government , in order to facilitate
more perfect compliance with the terms of
the Chinese restriction laws , has uuthorl/od
its consuls in foreign countries to issue In behalf -
half of tholr government lo the exempted or
privileged class of Chinoao Iho certificate of
identity.required. The treasury departinenl
has decided thai such certificate wll ) bo ac
cepted by customs oftlcers.
Ho Got Hvon. '
HKI.IArk. : . , Juno 14. Captain 'W. II.
Holt , who has been In charge of thu transfer
bout nt this place ever uince the line was es
tablished , was killed lust nlgut by the watch
man of the bout , ono Jamoj Woods , a white
man. It seems that Captain Holt had oo-
to roprimftiiU WcsUs sovunil llmvs lor
neglect of duty. Last night , the watchman
failed to put up the proper signal lights and
Holt hud some words with , him about It and
finally slapped him In the face. We ds re
treated from the engine' room- with the re
mark that ho would get even .with him. A
few minutes afterwards the tjoat landed at
Iho fool of Iho Incline on I no Arkansas side of
the river and Captain Holt wont forward to
superintend the movements of the crudle.ast he
river was rising. Whllu In a atooplng posi
tion Woods walked up to him and struci < him
n dath blow in Iho back of the head with an
nxo. Woods sprang into Iho water , which
was a hail l wnisi deep , mid disappeared.
Grown IC.voliaiioH ofthc Country aw Ito- the I iinltH.
BOSTON , Mass. , June 14 The following
lable , compiled from dispatches from the
clearing houses of the cities named , shows
the gross exchanges for lust week , with rates
of increase or decrease apnlnst the similar
amounts for the corresponding week of IS'.H ' ) :
South Dnl.-otii Farincrt ) I'roparliiK to
Sink Artesian WollH.
Annitpi'.r.N , S. D. , Juno 11 ; [ Special to
Tnu Bin : . | The dry weather of the past two
years has been the means of creating a wide
spread interest iu irrigation by means of ar
tesian wells and a company has been organ
ized here for the ptlrpos'e'rof sinkiiigsucli
wells. Farmers iii somo'localities are already
Inking advantage of Ihoul to IrrigateIheir
farms..Considering Iho.UK urpnssod.fft&ility
of In'osoil iulho Jim river valley , the great
motive power of 150 pounds pressure to the
square Inch uid ) the immense quantity of
water these artesian wells supply for irri
gating purposes must give this part of South
Dakota a promising fuluro.
Farmers report considerable damage to
crops , corn in particular , by the cut worm.
Hccent rains and the cool weather , however ,
are bringing wheat forward In good shape.
A now industry is being started bore. A
company in this city proposes to erect build
ings and angugo in the manufacture of beet
sugar , providing farmer ? will agree to culti
vate a certain number of acres of boots for a
series of years. Those experienced in beet
culture think that Ibis section is as well
adapted lo the raising of lhal reel us Ne
braska or oilier countries.
The schcino of the Manitoba hind agents
to induce seniors from South-Dakota to go
to the British possessions is fast coming to
naught. Settlers report that they have been
swindled in many instances and are coming
back any way they can got back. They re
port most of thu lands as almost worthless
and the chances lo make a living very poor
Business men In Aberdeen' report a bettor
feeling iu all lines.
Dirt is Hying lively along the Aberdeen &
Pierre railroad grade and rumor bus it that
the Northern Pacific is abjout to buy or lease
the Northwestern road between Aberdeen
and Oakcs , thus making connection over
their line to Piorro.
The public schools of thiw cily close on the
llth with commencement exorcises nt the
opera house. A line class of nine nro to
graduate. SuporliUondont D. F. Hood is
nbout to sever his coiiiioolion wild Iho cily
schools. This Is universally rcgrolled by
Iho cltlzc-ns. Ho came here six years ago and
has biuli up n Hno system of bchools us well
ns taken n hltrh rank umouir the educators of
the slulo.
Ilriiox , S. D. , Juno 14. [ Special Telegram
lo TUB Hr.i ! . ] Memorial servlco for the late
RUsha English , whoso do'uth occurred in
Chicago Tuesday , were hold hero Ibis nflor-
noon in Iho Baptist church , where ho
preached for four yours The attendance
was largo and Iho services were Impressive.
Addresses were made by prominent ministers
and layman.
Nearly nn Inch nnd a half of rain foil hero
lust night ; also at Urotoiij Dolaud , Frankfort
and points north of Qaks. VThcro were also
good showers at Iroquols and south to Carthage
ago und west to Wnlsoy , Itodford , Hitchcock ,
Luddon nnd Clark.
Thirteen North and tw < ? uty-two South
Dakota counties report fair progress by
growing crops. In both , Mates the past
week , rain was badly needed. In some
South Dakota localities cut ( vorms are dolnir
a little damago. It has pqpu too cool for
corn. Last night's rains \yill pre.xtly benefit
crops Injured by the Htrong. huth wind which
prevailed hero all duy ye tprflay.
American Tip.
HIM. CITY , S. D. , Juno WJ [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hnn.J Sumuat Mitormyer ,
president of the Hartley 1'AuU consolidated
tin company , and a numbe of the members
of the Now York board of directors of iho
company , arrived In Hill City lodny. They
have comu to look ever thor property and ar
range for the erection of 'n concentrating
mill of 25U tons dally capacity. Mr. M Her-
mycr says the work will now go on until the
American market Is supplied'with American
riff ; trt.i'rntiu funisctm
For Omaha and VicluHy Showers ; sta
tionary temperature ,
WASIII.NOTON , Junb K Forecast until 8 p.
in. Monday : For Missouri and Illinois
Light showers ; stationary .tempuniluru ;
westerly wlnde. f
For Minnesota , Nobrajltu , North Dakota ,
South Dakota , Iowa7 and Kansas Light
showers ; cooler ; variable winds.
For Colorado Cijlit showers ; cooler ;
westerly winds. S
I'lrHt iiiut for MulClnloy.
DIVTON , O. , Juno H. .Montgomery county
republicans in convention elected a solid
delegation of twouly-thrcMj for McKlnloy for
governor. Resolutions to that effect carrlou
unanimously us tho. undivided sontlmout uf
tuo roputmcutu or tug Miami vulloy ,
Statement of Comptroller Laojy
Philadelphia's ' Broken Bank.
Ily Adroit Manipulation of tlio Ao
connlH IJIII-KC SIIIIIM Woi-t ! Au-
btriiuluil tu Dun In Kciil
KHIIC ( ( Speculation ,
WASHIXOTON , Juno 14. After careful pre
paration and itftor submission to his super
iors the statement of Comptroller of Currency
Luccy relative lo Iho downfall of the Key
stone National bank of 1'lillitilulphlii IIU.H
been made public by the secretary of the
treasury , to whom It Is addressed. It Is n
voluminous document , containing 0,000 words
ntul embodies tlio correspondence and papers
bearing upon the Quaker city llnnuclal
The statement , which Is In the form of a
communication to Secretary Foster , bears
( late of Juno 10 , and runs substantially as
follows :
"Hit : I Imvo tlio honor to submit herewith
a Plate-meat as the facts leading up to the
final closing of the Kovstono National banic
and the appointment of a receiver therefor.
The Hrst Inlormatlon received by mo in refer
ence to what has been known as tlio
Lucas defalcation was contained In ,
a communication addressed to me by
Bank Examiner Drew , from 1'hlladelphin ,
dated January 2-4 , IHOI , and received by mo
January "i ! . in this communication Mr.
Drew .s'nys that on entering upon the exami
nation of the Keystone National bank on the
llth inst. ho. was Informed by the president
that there would bo disclosed a hitherto
ofToctmillv concealed debt to tbo bank of its
into president , John C. Lucas , amounting to
ftiOO.DOO. Mr. Drew then explained how , by
adroit manipulation of the accounts of the
bank , Lucas , with the assistance of Marsh ,
former cashier of the bank , abstracted largo
sums of money from the bank to use in
speculations In real estate ut Spring Lake
and Sea Girt , N. . ) . , and in the con
struction of u largo building in Phila
delphia , now occupied in part by the bank.
To protect the bank as far as possible Drew
took measures , with the assistance of United
States District iVttornny Hoed , to secure for
the bank without publicity whatever prop
erty Belonged to the estate of Lucas and
succeeded In obtaining the property used by
the bank as a banking house for $ - ! ! i,000 and
property at Spring Lake and 8ou Girt.
Droxv hud laid before the directors the
comptroller's conclusion about an assessment ,
and whllo some wore willing to pay , others
feared the order would creuto another attack
on the banIc.
On February 20 , Comptroller Lacey wrote
to Drew , acknowledging the receipt of drafts
of Drew's full report and directed him to
give an estimate of the exact value of resour
ces and estimate the discount upon c-ich class
of Investments. "My object in this is , if pos
sible , " wrote Lacay , "to arrive ut precisely
the amount of the deficiency necessary to
make up hy assessment upon the capitoJ
stocir. I should bo glad to see any committee
of the board which may visit Washington ,
but can convince of no bettor wav to put the
institution in first class shape than that sug-
cested by inc. Ono thing I * certain , that some
nttion is imperatively necessary , and the
sooner It is taken the better will bo the
results. '
Marsh , Drew reported , was ipnornnlly led
Into those transactions and promised Lucas ,
when the latter was on his deathbed , to con
tinue the deception under the representation
.that the ' money abstracted would soon bo
'returned'to the "bank-from thVKresnltiNjfc
Lucas' enterprises. Ho also reported IhaC
there was no evidence that Marsh tiad pro
fited by these irregularities. Drew closed by
stating that beyond the directors of the
bunk , seven members of the clearing house
committee.counscl on either side and himself ,
no ono had any knowledge or suspicion , as
far us ho could say , that the bank was in any
trouble , mid earnestly hoped * that no pub
licity would bo given to the affair until the
bank should bo rehabilitated or efforts to
that end weru found futllo.
Accompanying-Ibis letter wns a preliminary
statement of the bank's condition , which ,
after reconsidering oil probable losses , left
a capital of $ . > ( )0,000 ) intact and 11 net surplus
of $ : > r > ,8l ! ) .
Upon the receipt of this report the comp-
trolfer was confronted with a grave responsi
Lacoy's statement then reverts to the finan
cial stringency at many points and refers to
the calamitous result tbat might have fol
lowed immediately upon tlio disclosure of the
.situation or the ousting of President Marsh.
The Keystone National bank passed through
u severe crisis in December and had boon
able to weather the storm with * ( X)0OOU ) less
assets than it had when this report reached
the comptroller. It Is evident that the comp
troller could not at this time lawfully have
closed the bank , nor could bo have oven levied
an assessment to matte good the impaired
capital , us none existed according to this
January 27 Mr. Drew came to Washington
and , in an interview with the comptroller ,
stated that in his Judgment and In the opin
ion of the clearing house committee tlio prop
erty conveyed to the bank by the Lucas estate -
tate was equal in value to the indebtedness
which had been concealed , and that in any
event the predltors of the baiiK were entirely
safe. It was , however , deemed necessary
that additional funds bo placed In the bunk.
as Its reserve had been deficient for a largo
part of the time since the run in December ,
and whllo the real estate convoyed to the
bank would ultimately produce the sum equal
to that debt which it was to liquidate , that
the cash the bank needed bo promptly
reinforced , either by the sale of real
estate or a reduction in Its line of discounts.
It was , therefore , after serious consideration
deemed best for the bank , for Its creditors ,
for tbo other hunkine associations and for
the city of Philadelphia , whoso treasurer hud
an netivo account fu the Dank , that Drew
should continue the examination of the
and promptly place his assistant , Mr. Jones ,
In charge of the books , with the understand
ing that the netivo directors of the bank
shoujd visit it dally.
Under these conditions and for those rea
sons the comptroller did not insist upon the
Imipodluto resignation of President Marsh ,
although It was distinctly understood that
ho was to remain only so long as hU services
were absolutely necessary In adjusting the
Irregularities which had grown up under his
management , us ho was , since the death of
Lucns.tho only person living who was eon vera-
ant With tlio operations which resulted so dis
astrously to the bunk.
The comptroller , therefore , did not
the bank at this time for the reason that ho
had no lawful authority to do so upon the
facts submitted , and for the further reason
that ho advfbcd the bayk oxmiiluor that- the
capital of the bank was unimpaired ; tlier
the creditors , therefore , were fully protco at
and prompt efforts would bo made to lud
iilontsh the cash by the deposit of 100,000 to
ho made by leading directors and stockhold
ers which should place In it fumls until Us
own accounts became available.
The statement of Lacey then details In
oxtenso the succeeding stops In tlio cosiness.
January ! U ) Drew telegraphed that the pros
pects weii' encouraging. February 1'J Lacey
wax in Philadelphia and met the leading
directors of the bank , and It was agreed Unit
the reserve of the bank should bo restored
and maintained.
On February 17 Drew transmitted his
complete report of the bun it's condition , anil
says : "It will take some time to untangle
the methods bv which the Lucas deficiency
was abstracted. " Drew In his totter adds
"that the whole amount of the loss tias boon
appropriated by the lute president and his
friends. I am more and moro convinced. I
lmv < > felt that the present president , who
was < -ashlor under Lucas , 1ms not been in
volved In the depredation further than to
have uecn nn obedient Instrument of the
l > c'culatlng and designing chlof. Hut wltbin
a day or two I have been forced to ontorlain I
suspicious of him. I hope these suspicion *
are groundless , but I .shall endeavor to
Dutlsfy myself us soon M I can.
XUu uuxv ogimuvulcuilQu ryfurnu to thu
matter seems to have been the flnnl and
formal report , us developed by the examina
tion , which has been In progress contin
uously sltii'o tlio communication of January
' , ' 4. 1 his was dated Februarv 2s and reached
mo March 2. Having dulv cousidorod all
the Items stated In tills report , " says I.acev ,
"It became apparent that an impulunont of
: apltul existed to the extent at least of
250,000 , whereupon , under data of March 7 , I
vied an assessment of W > 0 , < H)0 ) upon the as-
Miitlim to imiko good the Imp.ilrmoiit of
Hal to that amount. "
This assessment was lovlod under a pos-
Itlvo promise made by the committee , who
vlsliod Lacey , that the amount assessed
would be paid In nuo week nt most.
March IS , Larev luul not boon ndvl i'd of
the payment of the assessment mid on that
date wrote to Drew , asking what had been
done. March l-l Drew replied , saying :
" I ho board has not us vet limiik'iirutod any
mcusure. to obtain the assessment and no
portion has boon paid In. Although thu old
board was re-elected in Januurv lust several
of them have designedly failed u > iuallfv or
have tendered tlu-ir resignations. Among
thorn Is D. P. Mchols , whom 1 had hoped
would accept , lor the time being at Ic-ast. the
vice presidency , and who is president of tlio
Central trust compi.ny. I have earnestly en
deavored to simply the vacancies in the board
with other desirable members , but under
the circumstances few such are available. "
Drew adds : "Outside of the account of the
city treasurer , who has all along endeavored
to assist the bank so far as ho properly
could by putting in every day checks , etc. , in
the bank to cover , so far as possible , his
drafts npxt day through other banks or the
Koystorio national bank , Individual deposits
have diminished smco Februarv 1.1 , ult. , a
little moro than $200,000. A hit-go mnount
could bo collected from other drafts and
ovurduo papers , and , In short , if thu direc
tors of the bunk would , UH I repeatedly sug
gested , take the work into their own hands
instead of placing it on the president , who is
absorbed in other matters necessarily con
nected with the conduct of the bank under
the present embarrassing circumstances ,
5100,000 nt least could bo collected from those
sources within a short time. " This letter bv
Urow concludes thus : "lam greatly disap
pointed in liiidlng so little active support
given by the directors In the effort to re
habilitate the bank. "
Thoiibovo reached Laccv on the Itith , and
three days later ho closed the bunk.
The statement next sots forth the letter
from Luccy to Drew on March 17 , rcplving to
Drew's letter of the llth , In which ho says :
"Tho condition of the Kovstono bank i.s such
that I must Insist upon the prompt payment
of u larger part of the amount of their as
sessment within the next live days or else I
shall feel called upon to take peremptory
action. "
"Tho bank was closed March 19 , " con
tinued Lacey , "and did not reopen for busi
ness. The order to close was given after an
interview with Marsh. Ito informed mo of
the fact that certificates representing about
two thousand five hundred shares of stock in
the Keystone National bank had been im
properly delivered to John Waimmukor
during the lifetime ol John C. Lucas , and
negotiations for tlio surrender and cancella
tion of the same had failed , for the reason
thbt Wanamakor claimed to hold them as a
pledges for the payment of n certain sum of
money duo him from the estate of John ( ! .
Lucas , and he declined to surrender tbo stock
until tbo debt was paid.
"Complaint has boon made because of delay
in appointing a receiver. This is utterly
without force , as no interest whatever lias
thereby suffered and for the reason
that tlio delay was not unusual.
The bank closed March 10 and a
receiver was appointed May 0. This bank
, vas therefore in the hands of the examiner
fifty days after being closed , Uuring which
time bo was In effect an acting receiver. The
comptroller Jias been criticized for three
things : First , lor allowing Marsh to remain
in office after his confession and not cauaiug
his arrest. Second , for delay in closing the
bank. Third , for delay in appointing a re
ceiver. . As to tbo Hrst matter complained of ,
T-hnvo thistoeay : ' , That-I arn" nbtvheru *
charged with any responsibility in con
nection with criminal prosecutions , and
the bank examiner is held to have douo his
duty as soon as ho lays before the United
Suites attorney any facts involving crime
which may come to his knowledge In the dis
charge of his duties. Bvery bank examiner
is instructed and expected to do this , and I
could not avoid the conclusion that Drew
hud discharged Ma duty after reading his let
ter of January 24 , In which ho says ho as
sisted in securing o sottlcmont'with the
Lucas estate by United States District At
torney Reed.
"I had a right to suppose that from that
time on to the final arrest that the United
States district attorney was fullv informed
as to Marsh's conduct , also the clearing house
committee , with the directors of the bank ,
who wore really the responsible parties , mid
the examiner for the delay in closing the
oanif. I desire to say that the comptroller is
governed bv the provisions of the ueto ( Juno
DO , 187 . The entire force of the i-ritirism Is
narrowed ( | owu to this , that the comptroller ,
conscious of the exorcise of the discretion
imposed upon him by the statute , decided
that it was wisest and best to impose the
lighter of the two penalties which the law pro
vides nnd give the bank fourteen duvs in which
to pay the assessment , unaor section 5,20.1 ,
rather than Immediately order it closed with
all that such a disaster moans.
"For the delay in appointing u receiver.
This criticism , of very little Importance in
any event , has been fully discussed already.
"In closing this branch of the subject , In
justice to ono whoso name has been brought
into discussion In this failure , I de-
slro to say that Hon. John U'ana-
maker has never directly or Indi
rectly suggested or solicited ono duv's
delay In closing of the bank tier of the ap
pointment of the reeoivor. In fact 1 have
met , mm out , once during tlio present year ,
nnd that mooting was March 21 , nt the'.sug
gestion nnd In the presence of A. U. Xottlo-
ton , noting secretary of the treasury. This
interview was on the day after the Koy.stonu
bank substantially confirmed the information
I received from Marsh , and ho said ho held
as a pledge certificates representing about
two thousand llvo hundred Hhuros In the
Keystone bunk. I urged him to use bis In-
lluenco in aid of the effort * being mudo to re
open the bank. I tailed , however. In my
attempt to enlist him in tbo enterprise , and
so ended communication between us.
"In concluding ttils statement I doom it my
duty to say that in my opinion the several re
ports made by the bank examiner did not re
flect the true condition of the buuic under
aonsldoratlon. The degree of blame , If any ,
which properly attaches to Drew is yet to bo
nscertnined. In the meantime , however , ho
has bean directed to suspend examinations
until the facts uro submitted and u conclu
sion reached.
Unknown 'Mini Rilled.
KIMHAI. ! . , Nob. , Juno 14. [ Special Tojo-
gram to Tun RRI : . | An unknown man was
kllloa by train No. 21 as It was noarlng
Bushnoll station , about twelve miles wesi of
liero , this morning. It was supposed
ho was riding upon the brake beam
and when the tram slackened ho fell
off. HU body was horribly mangled , There
were no letters or papon , In fact nothing by
which the man could bo identified.
Ho wns nbout twcnty-llvo years of ago
weighed about one hundred and sixty pounds
and was well drn.ssed In workingmau'H
clothes. The Jury , after a careful Investiga
tion , returned n verdict that from the ovi-
dcnco obtained ho came to his death by acci
dentally fulling from a brake bourn whllo thu
train was In motion , and relieving the rail
road company from any blame in the uiuttur.
Afraid of'.Mormon ICulo.
KU.T LIKE Crrv , Utah , Juno 14. The re
publican territorial committee mot In city
today and adopted n resolution declaring that
a division by loyal man 01 party lines In
Utah at this time would bo nn irrevocable
mistake , as It would plica absolute rule of
the territory In the huniis of the drat presi
dent of the Mormon church ; that it would
speedily rc.suIt in giving statehood to this
territory and that statehood would bo under
: he control of the Mormon theocracy ; that
I'tub U not yet prepared to accept the irutt
of statehood because 'ho majority of the people
ple still mairitmu it higher ullogfanco to the
ihrocracy under ubich they have all tt.oir
livekorvcd than to thu govcruiaeul of the
Horrible Accitlont to a Heavily Loatleil Ex
cursion Train in Switzerland.
mid First CatPinnae Into the
Itlvop-IHsli IUNlnii4 | Will Itiiu
Wealthy Candidates Tor
the Commom.
HKIINI : , Juno II. A horrible accident oc
curred on the Mccnchonstclii & Halo railway
today through the collapse of u bridge
beneath a heavily loaded exclusion train.
The train was crowded with people on their
way to attend a musical feto. Over sixty
persons were killed , while hundreds were In
jured. Thu engine nnd the first car plunged
Into the river and all Iho passengers In the
car were drowned. The cars remained sus
pended from the bridge. All tlio trainmen
were killed. Thirteen cars wore saved.
The nuitdcal fete at Muonchcnstcln wns
abandoned u.s soon as thu now.s of the acci
dent arrived and hundreds of villagers hur
ried to the scene to assist In rescuing thu vic
The bridge was an iron slrticttiro , which
was considered well built and .substantial.
The only apparent reason for the collapse of
the bridge Is thai the train loft the rails nnd
threw Its cnliro wolghl on ouu.sldo of the
IttVIl C.lXlHlt.lTKH H\tXTEM > .
Plan of Irish ItiHhoim in Iho Next
General Klcotloii.
Drm.iN , Juno 14. Tlio Mvonlug Telegraph
In its issue yesterday confirms the news that
the bishops of Ireland , llmling the cost of
maintaining memliorsof parliament a heavy
parochial drain , arc working to secure the
return to tno house of commons at the next
general "lection of wealthy candidates , who
will form the nucleus of a Catholic party ,
and says that the selection of these candi
dates has already been commenced. The
Telegraph also says thai Iho bishops for
various reasons will not support for ro-cloc-
tlon several of the present McOarthvito
members of parliament. For West
Mayo the bishops ? propose lo nominate
Mr. Kelly , a nephew of the archbishop
ofTnam ; for South Galway , Mr. Hoddlng-
ton , a wealthy Glacsloniun landlord ; forGul-
wuy borough ) the oldest son of Lord Morris ,
a law lord of the house of peers , and for
South Mayo , Mr. Hlo.tkc , nuotlior Gludston-
lau landlord. 'I hose trontlomen arc little
known In connection with political matters.
The other candidates , it Is said , will bu rich
magistrates and landlords.
Mr. Dillon will contest Norlh Mayo against
the candidate selected by the Parnelllto
party. II is an open secret that Messrs. Jer-
cmlub Jordan , member for .West Olnro ;
loseph Hiehard Cox , iccmbor for Kast CJlaro ;
John Pinkerton , member for Galway , and
Dr. Charles K. I ) . Tanner , member for tlio
middle division of Cork , will lose tholr
former clerical support in Iho next election ,
and it is believed that minor members of the
Irlsti party will not b < ? consulted as to the
dtapo : > itloii of their scats in piirllumeut.
Ijlvoly 'I'iiui ' ! at l anibfl : H-O.
CAMIIUIIIOI : , England , Juuo 14 There were
Jivcly scones at the uiu > . - . j iJRJ teloy'
* tluVin"j-tho } vending or tk "rrratfrakifrts l !
tripos. Corpus college secured the senior'
wrangler , the flrsl time since 17114 , in the
person of G.VillIo of ISdlnburg. The
second wrangler is David Mulr , an Ameri
can , son of the Kov. Mr. Maliof Currio ,
Minn. Mf.s Hoed of Girton college received
the higlust honor which the university can
confer upon a woman.
Heading ; for the Itlack. Hoi. :
CoxsTANTixoi'Mi , Juno 14. The brigands
who on Juno 1 captured several passengers
on n train near Tchcrscol and carried them
to the mountains , wiero ) they were kept un
til n. heavy ransom was paid , niys rotreallng
toward the Black sea. Bulgarian gondarme.3
attacked them and It I.s believed Thunossla
was wounded.
Something Wt-iin with Dinner.
MADRID , June 14. A sensation has ucon
caused hero by the arrosl of Iho duchess of
Custonolqucz on the charge of maltreating a
maid s inant. .
iitXX TIIK I'\l.
Fatal Tenement Fire on Upper Third
Avenue , Now York.
Ni\v : YORK , Juuo 14A tenement house
fire on upper Third avenue jearly this morn
ing resulted in the death of three members of
ono family. They were Phillip Hrady , ngod
llfty-llvo ; Catharine Hraly , his wife , aged
forty years , Phillip Hrady Jr. . their thlrteon-
vcur-old sou. Tim lire was u mysterious one ,
breaking out al I.ill ) o'clock , and caught the
tumults usloop and there were many narrow
escapes. The loss by lire was about * 1'J,000.
Weekly Cron Krnort.
Sr. LOUIH , Mo. , Juno 11. The secretary of
the slate board of agriculture furnishes thoAa-
soclatcd press with Iho following crop report
for Iho week cmllni' yesterday : The rain-
t'all WUH almost continuous the Hrst llvo days
of Lho week in nil parts of the state. In the
cxlrifmo southern portion Iho soil Is in line
condition. In the central oa.storn portion
groat'lnjury was caused to wheat nnd corn
by excessive rains and iloods. Tlio tompor-
nturo has been above the normal. The sun
shine has boon below the normal. Thu wheat
prospect dc'-llned during Iho week , the great
est injury being from lodging and rust. The
Injury from Insects U not so great as ox-
pooled. In Washington county u red bcotlo
has entirely destroyed the oat louso. Oats
and meadows have Improved during Iho
week. The upplo crop conllnues lo decline ,
bul peaches are excellent and other fruit
Nina Van /ant lo Ito Married.
Cmcvun , June II. It I * announced that
Nlnn Van Kant , whoso numo was prominent
ly before the public nt the time of the
anurchisl excitement , Is soon to bo married
to Sulvutor Stof 11 no Malnlo , n young Sicilian ,
who wns sent here by Italian pupoi-8 to look
after the Italian department of the world's
fair. He met Miss Vim /.ant mid It was a
caio of love ut Mrst sltrht. Nina is Iho young
woman who fell in love with August Spiet ,
thu anarchist , who was hanged for participa
tion in the llaymarkot not , and being unuulo
to got ihu consent of the nuthorillus for her
murrlago to the condemned ni'in In Jail , went
hoforo u magistrate with his brother and wn
married to him by proxy. After the execu
tion she put on widow's woods.
UoHprrado Goroiiliuu Killed.
TOMIISIONK , ArU. , Juno 14 , The noted dcs-
poriulo , Goronlmo , who had vowed to kill tbo
Into Sheriff .1. II. Slaughter of this county for
his vigorous pursuit and killing of some of
Guronlmo's con federates for train murder
and robbery in Korioro six years ago , when
Express Mo.sscugur Hay was killed , was shot
and killed three miles from Henson yostor-
dny. Two companions were captured , one
being shot In the thigh. A great fooling of
relief exists umona the Inhabitants ever tbo
_ _ _
HI. Paul 'I hoiilrlual Failure .
Sr. I'AI-I , Minn. , Juno 14. Vostorday
general assignment for.tho bonellt of credi
tors was tiled by Andruw Dolunoy , proprlntor
of thu Punt i''ienter company , nnminir
Himui i II. M. i ui.n.Mi . , xocrutury of tha hi.
LUJ.Ir > ' ! ! > ( , , u > v , us assignee , As30t * |
fU , < M > . natalities about tha suing.