± ) jiiji < : n jc , j UINJ& w , xoifx OJLA.XJIIII/IN THE OMAHA. BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STREET. Delivered by Carrier In nny part of the City. II. W. T1LTON MANAGER. TELEPHONES I Business Ofllcc , No. 43. Night Editor. No , 80 , N. V. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 2 < M Sapp bloclt. If you want vmWr In your yaril or house KO to Ulxby's , yov ! Mcrrinm block. Wanted Rood ( , -lrl for ccncral house work. Mrs. II.V. . Tllton , 027 Fifth avenue. The Oray- White case was completed yes- tcr < lay before Jtiiltfo Macy and was suu- tnlttcd to tbo court. Oscur Sprlnk , a cook employed at the Grand hotel , was arrested yesterday for threatening o kill the head waiter. The English Lutheran church will Rive a social next Friday uvonltiR at the reildedco of Mn. Nelson , 20J1) ) Sixth avcnuo. Ice crcnm will bo served. Sovcnly-oiio do tax certificates have been issued so far out of a possible 10,0)0. ! ) The dojr catchers are to bo sent out on their an nual tour of the city tomorrow. The Globe nine will tackle the Keys Urdu- cm1 baseball club this mornlntr , In the after noon a gatiio will bo played between the Models and the Omaha Views. Jim Johnson and Minna Larson wcro mar ried last evening by Justice Swcarlngon , Neither could speak ft word of English a'nd the wedding ceremony was performed by means of an Interpreter. A newsboy named Hare shot himself In the leg yesterday morning while playing with a revolver. H'o resides at the corner of Ave nue II and Ninth street. Ills Injuries are not thought to bo serious. Tno last of the evidence In the Joner mur der caio was Introduced in district court yesterday morning. The arguments of _ the attorneys will bo made next Monday , after which the case will be given to the jury. In police court jestcrday morning continu ances were granted In the cases of L. Young , clmtgcd with keeping a vicious dogV. . H. Smith , with disturbing the peace , and Hoc O'Lc.iry , with charging excessive hack hire. All the cases will bo taken up tomorrow morning. A committee has been at work for several weeks past securing additions to the roll of members of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation. Since the start the list has been In creased from nbcuc two hundred to over three hundred , and the additions are still coming In. Kabbl Brown of Toledo , O. , has bcon se cured for a lecture on the : M In the First Baptist church , under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association. Ho is spoken of as a very line lecturer and his subject , "Tho Talmud , " will hoof interest tea a largo number. A motion was lllcd in district court asking for the removal of Theodore Koss from the ofllco of guardian of the estate of E. A. Babcock - cock , Insane , and the appointment of TCd Guernsey as his successor. The question will bo argued tomorrow evening at 7:30 : o'clock before Judge Deomer. It is stated that Charles Gllmorc , the missIng - Ing tanner frpm Missouri Vnlloy , was seen last Wednesday evening at the transfer in company with a gentleman named Moore- house , with whom he bail some conversation. Moorehouso tried to 11 nil out where Gllmoro was bound , but ho would not tell. * A shoot was lield Friday afternoon by the members of the Hiflo club lor the Kohl badge which has bcon held by W. Duncan for sev eral weeks past. F. A. Sackctt was the buc- covsful competitor , the score of the first four bt'lnn as follows , on a basis of 100 : , P. A. Sackutt , 78 ; SV. Duncan , 72 ; Johu Oliver , 70 ; FredNeal , OS. : The fourth meeting of the Hawlceyo Alumni association , consisting of the gradu ates of the Deaf mid dumb institute , will con vene tomorrow morning In the chapel of the Institute and continue In session three days. Delegates are expected to bo present from all ports of the state and the exercises will In clude addresses by many of the most promi nent educators In the country. For the oncnlr.g of the Hotel Colfnx the Rock Island will sell round trip tickets Juno l.'t-l ( ( , good to return on the 17th , at one and one-third faro. Colfax Springs and Return. o The Hotel Colfax at Colfax Springs , la. , will bo open for business ) Juno 10. On that duto the Hock Island will commence the sale of special excursion tickets from Council DUifTf. and other local points , good to return on or before October ill . I'fanos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 533 B'way Try Duquette' & Co.'s Pomona fruit julco tablets. Tuoy are delicious. FKUSOXA / , / ' , ! It A 0 It A 1'IIH. J. N Casady loft last night for the west. John Noilson of Carbon is the guest of his parents , 2017 Avenue C. \V. J. Jameson and wife and Dr. T. B , leave today for Minneapolis. MarshalJ. L , Tomploton returned yester day morning from Cedar Uapids. II , P. Barrett of the Worfd-Herald loft for Lincoln last evening. Ho will return next Wednesday. Miss Frances.Burns of Washington , D. C. . Is the guest of M'ss ' Anglo Wlckham of South Seventh street. Charles Nicholson and the members of the lioso team returned yesterday from their trip to Cedar Raping. MRL. . M. Shubort' and daughters , Ada and Ethel , loft vestorday morning to visit friends and relatives at Burlington and Mt Pleasant. E. FT , Hnworth , A , W. Johnson and Ilcnrv Coffeon wont to Dos Molnes yostordayt o hi- stltuto a new lodge of the Commercial Pil grims of America. Prof. W. D. McDermld will arrive In the city tomorrow morning from Wlnnepcg , Manitoba , whore ho has been living for the past ten months. Ho will have charge of the Clmutnuuua assembly grounds during the season. Morgan's prices for furnltu o on install- mcnt plan loxvor than any other douse in city. Notice ot AatlKiuiHmt for Benefit ot Credltui-H , Notice Is hereby given as required bv sec tion Si 10 , Mtllor's.codo 18S3 , that the Ju'dd & Wells company , a corporation wboao princi pal plaoo of business 'was ' In the city of Coun cil Bluffs , In. , did on the 27th day of May , 1691 , make an assignment of all of their prop erty and effects tp the undorslened for the bonotU of tholr creditors and that , all claims against said Judd & Wells company must bo lllcu with the undersigned , properly vorlllcd , within ninety days from the date thereof , Dated at Council Bluffs , la. , this Olh day of Juno , 181H. W. II. IvNKi'iiF.u , Assignee of the .ludd it Wells Co. FlUNK TltlMlll.l ! , Attorney for assignee. Grtjat Convention. The tenth annual convention of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor will bo hcl In Minneapolis July 0 to 13 ! Inclusive. Special traltm from Denver nntl Kansas City bearing delegates from the west and south west will bo comolncd at Council Bluffs , and several earn will bo ndued for the accommo dation of the Council Bluffs oud Omahn dole- Rates , together with n largo number tram tha neighboring towns and cities. A special rate of one lure for the round trip has been se cured , _ Notlut ) fur lililH , MAYOU'S OmcB , TOWN or LIKE MAN\WA IB. , Juno 12 , ISO ! . Scaled proposals will bo received by the undersigned at his oftlce up to noon , Juno 20 , ih'JI , for Improvements to bo made In said town for the purpose of protect ing the waters of said lake and for protecting the property of the Inhabitants of said town. Said Improvements are to bo made In ac cordance with profiles , plans anil specifica tions ou file ot my office or ot the ofllco of Judson & Cook , civil engineers , ues Broad way , Council Bluffs. F. 0. HKKD , Mayor. Union Park races , Omaha and Council Bluffs , Juno 0-12. * 4.000 ; Kept. 8-11 , W.500 ; Oct. 20-22 , W.OOO. For programmes "address Nat Drown , loo'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Fftotion Hand Jens Mtehaolson Killed by a Burlington Passenger Train. HE TRIED TO CROSS OVER THE TRACK. * ( Not SrrUlhllcd U'HIi Hln Position , Ho . Walked Holinrly Up to Ilia Dentil How It Canio About. The passenger train that arrived In Coun cil Bluffs irt UfO : ! a. m. yesterday over the Burlington road bore the lifeless remains of Jens Mlclmclson , a young Daim who was struck by the engine n few miles below the city near Island Park. Mlchaolson was ono of a gang of section hands who were working on the track near Island Park. Just as the engine was within n few feet of Mlchaejson ho started to cross the track. The engineer at once nut on the nlr brake and In a moment had como to a standstill ; but the moment was too long , and when _ the trainmen Investigated they found Allclmolson ly ing near the track with a horrible gash just above the right car with the blood tricKlIng out of It. Ho was picked up conscious and taken Into the car. Ho lay for about five minutes in the baggage car , moaning with pain , and died just after the train had started on Ita'journey to Council Bluffs. Coroner Waterman was at once notified , and cmrmnclllng n Jury , consisting of II. E. Grimm , C. Wesley and O. D. Ilubbnrd , ho proceeded to the office of Undertaker Estep , where the remains wcro brought from the depot. All the train men told nuout the same story , and after the facts had been learned a verdict was rendered exonerating the company from nil blame. An Investigation of the corpse discovered ttio fact that ho had como to his eeath from concussion of the brain , the bruise on the right side of the head being almost the only ono on his body. The dead man has been in this country only about two weeks , ho having just como over from thoold country. Ho lived with his sister , Mrs. Niels Nlelson , nt 23111 South Sixth street. His sister and her husband were at the undertaking rooms yesterday morning , and by their actions , they showed the grief they could not express In words. The funeral will luke place today. SECOND WEEK Or the Great Juno Snlc nt the Boston Store , Ciuincll Ilium * , In. The success attending our Juno sale has bcon most encouraging and bbyond our ex pectations. For the coming week we will offer still greater bargains. Below wo quote n fciv of the following specialties : 3'.le ' clloviot stripes , all wool , 25c. l.'ic brilllnutincs , all colors , Ulc a yard. 50c brilliantlnos , over 10 shades , full 40 Inches , reduced to ! 19c. Brocade brilliantiucs 22c. wor'h ' 32e 'Si > o special bargains In brilllantincs marked 30c , 3lc ! , 4.r > o , r > 0c ; ourl quality , 77 > Jc. Ladies' vests 7c , 4 for iific. Ladies' shaped vests 12l < jC. Ladles' fancy vests in silk and llslo 2."c. Fast black hose fie and lOc , 3 for 25c. Our 17o black hose for 12c. . Ucgulnr maJo hose in black balbriggan sold for 23c , reduced to lOc. Wo show live different lines in ladies' black hose ut25c. 28-Inch ColUmbiasultingSKc , regular 12 e. goods. Plain and striped black organdlos 13 yards for $1.00. Lonsdalo and other makes muslin sold for lOc , now 7o. 1 case heavy largo crochet quilts worth $1.10 , for ( We. Turkey rod napkins. 42o a dozen. Ladles' nainsook shirt waists eSc , sold for 7 ? > c. c.Ladles'black sateen shirt waists , dented , for $1.00. See bargains In white flouncings , full 40 lncb.cs wide , at 45c , Me , up to 81.2ft a yard. Black embroidered flouncings , guaranteed fast colors , from OOc to SI.90 a yard. Outing flannel shirts , 22c , 33c , Ji'.lc. Extra largo shirts in good quality , 50o and CSo. CSo.Bo.vs' Bo.vs' waists , 12J c , 25c , 30o. 39c , 50c. Gents' hose , 5c , lOc , 12Jc and Ifie , seamless goods. Just received 500 parasols and sun umbrel las , the latest novelties In the market and bv far the best , value ever shoxvn , In oxydlzcd handles , inlaid pearl , gold plated , 'rings , crooks , etc. Wo call special attention to three lending numbers at 1.10 , $2.00 and S3.00. See bhow "window. BOSTON STOIU' . Council Bluffs , la. Drs. WoodbuVy , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Tele-phono 145. High grade work u specialty. AH Seen by Others. Dr. E. A. ( Jullbor of Dabuqus , who re cently visited Council Uluffs , wont homo full of enthusiasm concerning the city and its In stitutions. The Dubuque Herald gives him liberal space for expression of his dollght at the observations mndo by him" while hero. Dr. Uuilbort visited the Institute for the deaf and dumb , and ho pays high tribute to " .tho well known ex-lieutenant governor , the genial and capable Henry W. Hothert , for his efficiency as superintendent. " Vie deems It fortunate that so indefati gable as superintendent was secured. The work In the Industrial shops and In structions received in the school under Prof. Mycoff are also complimented. In fact Dr. Guilbcrt's description of wnat be saw at the Institution Is bubbling over with enthusiastic praise. Nor does ho forgot to glvo duo notice of the marked Improvements made in the city itself during the seven years Inter vening since bis former visit to Council Bluffs. The Grand hotel fairly dazed him. Ho was not expecting to find In Council Bluffs the finest hotel between Chicago and the Pacific coast. . He says : "It seems like a largo bit of Chicago transplanted to the nlthorsldo of Council Bluffs' beautiful public square. " Every room In Hotel Manawa was engaged by telephone by noon Saturday , principally by Omaha parties. The management of th'o hotel has telegraphed for a lot of tents. Picnic at Manhattan beach , Lake Manawa ; good fishing , fine bathing and boating ; plenty of shade ; best place for camping out parties. Try It. Bright upland hny at slaughter prices for next thirty days ; 4X ! ) tons , H. L. Cnrmaucor- nor Pearl and 5th avenue. Memorial to Dead ConirudcH. Today has bcon sot upnrt by the Sovereign grand lodge , as the Independent Order of Oddfellows , us a day on which memorial services shall be hold all over the country In memory of the dead members of the order. In accordance with the custom , which Is of about three years' standing , the exercises will bo hold this aftornoou in Masonic * temple nt 'J : ! )0 ) o'clock , and the doors will bo thrown open to the general public. The programme which bus been pron.irod will include au opening address by Nnblo Gram ! Past Grand I ) . C. Bloomer ; devotional exercises led by Chaplain L. C. Huff and reading of the roll of the deceased by Sm-ro- tary past grand , Miss Barbara Anderson , The eulogies on the dead will bo made by the following representatives of the various lodges : Council Bluffs Lodge No. 40 , Past Grand 1) . O. Uloomor ; HumboUlt lodge No , 17-1 , Past Grand Jotm Behlcketanz : Council Bluffs lodge No. a , dogrco of Hohokoh , Noble Grand Kittlo Whlto ; Huwkoyo ledge No. 184. Pa-st Grand J. M. Matnows. A memorial address will bo delivered by Hov. S , Alexander. The exer cises will bo Interspersed with vocal muslo by the choir of Trinity Methodist church , am } instrumental muslo by Misses Ethel ami Vcrulo Witter. _ A. ( . IIIIIIKO of 1'liuw. The supervising ' nrchltoet of the now Broadway Mothodlst dhurch has made n alight change in the original plans which will add about W.OOO to the cost of the edifice and improve Its appearance- very much. The change was necessitated by a belief that the walls were ncttllilR owing to insufficient foundation on the north side and under the main tower. The north wall has settled about a quarter of au Inch since the heavy roof was put on , and this tdllghi settling has caused a small crack near the center. For the purpose of strengthen Ing the walls and arresting any fur ther tendency to settle Supervising Arch I too Maxort furnished Contractor Weaver with plana tor constructing four buttresses similar to those on the exterior of the Catholic church. For a foundation for these but- tro cs twenty and thlrty-llvo foot piling Is being driven along the outside of the watts. They are sunk below the lovci of the founda tion and will bo covered with several feet of concrete. Upon this additional foundation stonow-lll bo placed , and the buttress reared upon It , The general brllof of the experts who have examined the building Is that the additional expense was wholly unncccssury , but the church people determined to have the work done to nllny any fears the public might en tertain about the safety and stability of the line structure. Messrs. Hnrdman , Peck & Co. , manufac turers ot the Hnrdmun pianos , are In , receipt of n letter from their European rcprescutA- lives stating that hereafter Mr. Emll Bach , cojrt pianist to the Imperial family of Ger many , will use the Hardman grand exclu sively You will find rare bargains In fine mil linery nt the Louis , ' Masonic block , for the next thirty days. Entire stock must bo sold owing to a change of location. / At Lake Manawa today , free concert In tbo pavilion from 4 o'clock to 7 , and fromS to 11. Musi-Jill Mat torn. Among the musical events of tbo present season , none has been a more marked suc cess than the muslcnlo which was given lost Friday evening bv Master William Murphy in honor of Mr. Frank DatlolleU The rooms of Mr. Murphy's residence were beautifbliy decorated for the occasion , but many of the guests seated themselves on the terrace out side , whore they could hoar the muslo and nt the snmo time bo relieved of the oppressive heat of the nouse. The programme which had been arranged was followed , out to the letter , with the exception of the vocal solo which had been announced to bo rendered by Miss Kate Pusoy , who was kept at homo by Illness. Mr. Badollcl plays with the same warmth of feeling that has always characterized his work , but ho tuts Improved in execution since his study In New York. Ho manipu lates his favorite Instrument with great skill , and it is to bo hoped that ho will not allow anything to interfere with the further pursuit of bis studies. All the selections which wcro rendered by the different per formers exhibited great preparation. The programme included performances by many of the best known and most popular perform ances of this city and Omaha. The following is u partial list of those who wore present : Hon. A. W. Ford ana wife of Locan , W. H. M. Pusay and family , John Dohnny and family , W. II. Koblnson and family , L. W. Tulleys and family , H. H. Field , Thomas Cavln and family , Mr. and "Mrs. Ed Hoaglund , Mrs. Morna Moore , Miss Mungum , Miss Jnney Baldwin , Miss Archer , W. P. Officer , F. 11. Keys , Massrs. Karbach and Miss Karbach , Lieutenant Wor- don ; Dr. Bacteus , Mr. Strung. Mr. McConncll , C. A. Hlcgins , Miss Daisy Higgins , Mr. Dale , Miss Dale , Miss Minnie Mcrkol , Messrs. Brown and Miss Brown of Omahn , Miss Ada Stodhenson , Mr. F. Chan'ibcrlin , the Misses Cbambsrlin , F. O. Glcason and family , W. W. Sherman and wife , I. M. Troynor and family , Uov. T. McD. Stewiirtand wife , Hev. G. W. " Crofts , Miss Winnie Crofts , the Miss Grass , Miss Blederman , Miss Spnulding , Messrs. J. H. Wostcott , J. A. Spaulding. Albert Faul | C. A. Case , H. P. Barrett and Guy Shepherd. A pleasant informal musicntu was given last Wednesday by Messrs. Cam and Kirk Patterson , at their resldecco on Willow avenue. A select party of guests was present. Musical selections wore furnished by Mrs. Gay nor , an accomplished pianist from St. Joseph , Miss Oldhum of Chicago , Mr. Dale of Omaha and the mandolin quin tette , consisting of Messrs. Keating , Mlthen , Hess , Haas and Pattcrsmi. AU the music was admirably rendered and highly appre ciated. After the musical part of the pro gram mo had been completed refreshments wcro served , and the rest of the evening was devoted to dancing. The following wore- present : Mrs. Gay nor. Miss Oldhatn , the Misses Gait of Sterling , III. ; Misses Bow man , Nellie Bowman , Oliver Koss , Edith Koss , Anna Hess , Messrs. Driscoll and Dslo of Omaha , ZurmeuhlenUeldKeatlngMithcu , Hass , Bolt and Ross. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of Mundcl & Klein , Council Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to your city. The finest line of spring -and summer goods , most export workmen , Is what you find nt Keller's , the tailor , 310 Broadway. The Royal Neighbors will glvo an Ice cream social nt Hughes' hall on Wednesday evening , Juno 17. Dancing will bo In order at the close of the following programme : 1'lano solo , Miss Luring Solo The UcgKur Hazel Uaiun Adams Htatiiary Harmony Ititnjuurino and cnltars A t It Ins. Stnnhntm. ItnlUtliili ntitl llriifllni' . Tableau Chief Shookumcliiick Solo Anna ITelller Statuary Tragedy and Comedy Quurtotto „ . . . > .Messrs : Will Whlto. II. J. Johuph , Hurry Davis and Walter Luring. Statuary The Spoiled llaby Itucltutlon and tableau Tno uypsy Gump > tf Lake Manawa Is a tleilghtful summer re sort. The hotel at that plaso Is-well managed and sots a supurb table. ; . ' , J' OM'Lt'S I'AUTY. Meeting of the Executive Committee in St. Louis. ' ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 19. Five members of the executive committee of tbo people's parly mot this morning behind closed doors to pass upon matters of importance in connection with tbo preparation for tbo campaign of 18U3. Taunoncck of Illinois , Washburno of Massachusetts , Weaver "of Iowa , Wilklns of Kansas and Kankin of Indiana wore present. Donnelly of Minnesota will arrive tonight. At the morning session reports were re ceived from gentlemen representing differ ent parts of the counlry. General Weaver" of Iowa , George F. Gutthcr of Alabama , OS. F. Smith of Kentucky , M. W. Wllkins of Kansas , Mr. Wllklno of Illinois and others reported the prospect of' success in their states most favorable. In Kentucky and Ohio u special fight will bo made and tbo ac tive work of preparing for the campaign is left In the lianas of Tauboneck' and Schill ing.Tho The secrotar.v was Instructed to establish n literary bureau to furnish items of Interest to the reform press , which now numbers be tween six hundred and seven hundred papers. A weekly letter is to bo propaicd and pub lished by the papers. A medal was ordered to bo struck commem orative of the party's convention at Cincin nati on May U. The modal Is to bo made of ulumnlum and is to bo''distributed ' to the dif ferent , alliances to be sold , the proceed.of which are to bo devoted to campaign pur- po cs next year. A constitution was adopted for peoples' parly clubs. These organizations are to bo formed In wards , townships and counties , all to bo Under the supervision of a central club Ir. each county. The committco agreed to and Instructed the chairman and secretary to prepare an address to the peopleof the United States , A resolution was adopted providing for tbo orgiuilzatlon of the pcoplo'a party In stales where ihoro U now no organization. Another resolution , which Is tbo most Im portant action taken by the party In view of the fact that It Is the first declaration of where the party stands and Is In a great measure a refutation of the charges of dickering which wore so freely made during the Cincinnati convention , was also adopted , It declared that the national executive committee ! * unal terably opposed to fusion with any other po litical party. The best campaign policy to bo pursued during IbVJ was then discussed. Tbo con sensus of opinion was that the principal issues to bo contended for will bo the tub-treasury plan , opposition to banks of Issue and the advocacy of government con * tiol or ownership of tolcgropns and railroads. Alto. the trumtactlou of aomo routine busi ness tbo committed adjourned subject to the call of tug cunlnuuu , MAY FORFEMTS CHARTER. Kansas Central Rj ( Arouses the Indig nation of mi/ , TALK OF COMPELLING IT TO REBU'LD , Clmlrmnii Finlay Authorize * tlio Alton to U'mnbllsli , Xlroiijl ) > Summer Tourist Ilntcs Interstate Hearing ut Denver. TOIT.KA , Kan. , Juno 13. The nccldcnf yes terday ou the Kansas Contra ! road at Hnv- onsvlllo , in which two portons were killed , has aroused the state board of railroad com missioners to n condition of exirome Indigna tion. The board * proposes to take Immediate action In the matter , which li rx | > oetod to re sult In either the rebuilding o'f the road or forfeiture of its charter. The Kansas Central is operated by the Missouri Pacific ; and runs from Leavenwortl n distance of ' 'Oo miles. A. L. Green , ono o the commissioners , said today that the com mission had been hammering nt the Mlssour Pacific for over a year , 'attempting to have I put the Kansas Central bed In safe condition The Missouri Pacific has taken no notice o the commissioners' communication and now Iho commission proposes lo give Iho road ono more chance lo repair Ihe irack. Unless the road Is speedily put In a safe condition the commission , ho said , would taito steps to for feit the road's ' charter. Authorized the Alton , CIIKHOO , Juno 1. ! . Chairman Pinloy of thn Woslern Passenger association has author ized the Atchlson lo establish through sum mer tourist rates potwoon Kansas City and eastern points by way of Chicago that are equal to the combination of rates by way of St. Louis. The position is in direct opposi tion to the suggestions mudo by the Alton people and will probably lead lo trouble. TIIU ALTON IOiS ) : XOT I'AV. Today was the date for the Alton to turn over to the Western passenger association all its passenger earnings between Kansas and St. Louis and from St. Louis to Chicago from May 17 to Juno 14 , because of the Alton's refusing to res .ore rates on the for mer date. No report has been nmdo to the chairman by Iho Alton officials as to the amount of these earnings , consequently no draft has been presented by the chairman for the payment of the lino. Interstate ItcnriiiK at Denver. DnNVBii , Colo. , Juno 13. The interstate commission mPthero today for the purpose of hearing complaints from the commercial or ganizations of Denver against the railroads. The address sots forth the fact that rates from Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City lo El Paso wcro from 15 to 25 per cent lower than from Dcnver/whllo the haul from Iho latter point was from 400 to 000 miles shorter. It was also j shown that merchan dise could bo shippodifrom Chicago and St. Louis to San Pranciseo for less than to Den ver , and that the plant of the Colorado Coal and Iron company , ya.lucd at ? S,000,000 , , was obliged to close aowntpn account of this dis crimination. TuoicQUunisstoti will leave for Iho east tomorrow. Kaunas Crops. TOIT.KA , Kan. , Ju'tid I..1-Tho ) board of rail road commissioners returned this morning from a tour th'roiyth Kedgwlck , Cowloy and Sunnier counties. .Tho board reports the crops in the southwest to bo In bollor condi tion than was over before known. The farm ers are in the midst ot Ihoir wheat harvest , and vith the most'lmproved machinery it is Impossible to hnrv'es't'the crop. The section hands are dcsortlng'tho railroads bocailso of the extra .wages foftorodthemi by " farmers. Corn , pats and barloy'tiro reported In line condition and tbo yield of potatoes is im mense. t A'EIF.S'OYKH'MISltOAf. . .General Harton died at'the Gllsoy house In Nuw York. liob Clark , a mulatto , under arrest at Bristol tel , Tenn. . for assault on Mrs. John Warren , was taken from Jail this mot nine \ > y a mob and hanged. The National Soap Milkers' association In scHslon at Boston , elected Samuel Cogutoof New York president. They hold tholr next convention In Baltimore in October. The cliluf of the bureau of statistics reports that the total value of the exports of beet and hog-products from the United H lutes UuriiiK tbo month of May. Ib'Jl ' , was $7OC7.0G3. J. Wnrron JolTiirson. son Df Joioph JoflTorson , the well known after , was married In Now York to Blanche Beatrice Bender , eldest daughter of Mr. and Sirs 1'ntor Homier. . The estimates.and plans for tlio government buildings at the world's Columbian exposition Imve been approved ut Washington and ad vertisements for bids will now bo made. lllppen'B planlnp mill , sash , door and blind factory at l.oukhaven , I'a. , burned. Six vrork- liiKincn were seriously nnd a number of others slightly burned , IMSMOCO , : partly lnsuied. At .lollet , III. . Joint Kaiser , a throe vear convict , made his escape from the penlten tlury. Ho was a prufuhulonul burular. Six mouths more- would have completed his sen tence. A libel unit for10,030 was ( Hod 'against the Dallas , T \ . ( NOWK by O. W. I'Mt/.u-oralU of Dallas. The allo.jeil llbol war contained In an article published In the News ehai-Kltit ; pluln- tllf with theft. At Mcndota. Mo. , a mining town which has recently K no through a temperance revival , a number of women tempuianco crusadeis went loumicy v r.ricusun SUI-UK siuro aim poured out all their Intoxicating liquors. The trial of Turpln , Tripoli , 1'oiivrlor and Fnsseler. who are charged with revealing the sou i el of Melinite to the Armstrong company and toothers , was commenced In Purls. The proceedings are conducted In private. The names of the members of the now Do minion government will bo made known on Tuesday next when the house of commons meets again. Mr. Abbott's selection Is a great disappointment to the L'haploau wing. A cloud burst over the country between Leeds and Mlniiowakcn , N. 1) . Itallroad brlclKOS wore washed out and trains will bo elKht hours lato. The pcoplo wcro terribly scared , expecting a cyclone every minute. Hov. Father Molllngor of I'lltsbiin ? , Pa. , is almost exhausted by the unremluliiK atten tion his thousands of patients demand. He expects to bo ! ( blo to minister to all , however , by Thursday , when ho will tnke a vacation. At the Columbus O. , democratic primaries there was u Htionc contest In most of the wards and townships. Governor Campbell will have the M > ll < ! delegation from the county to the state convention with possibly one or two exceptions. Upon the arrival atCuxahuvon of the Ham burg-American ; Hniihtiiamer Normanla , from Now Yoik for llajuburg , olllcers boarded her and took Into cimlogy u man named Hoyt , alias Hhaw , who IvchAr ed with embezzlement and with dofruiidpigttovoral Berlin firms some tliuo UKO. oj At I.IU'hfleld. Ill.v 'a' passenger train on Iho Big Four was run ( Into at. r ght anglo by a freight train , wreuklilg the Paggago car and one coach. Twenty ( i > itsMiiKorn ! In the couch were badly tdiakch nit and bruised. Thomas C'lcgg of Matoon tfiH fatally injured and Con ductor Dlxoii und-Jifakeniaii Miller were seri ously hurt. 'rUl At Cincinnati , O' . ! ttio democratic executive committee- Hamilton county at u meeting , Indulged In dobatejta which Governor Camp bell was scored suycrely by all the niimo-iiua speakers except oninuid a resolution to ap point u committee ilf ten to express the sunno of tlioeominlttoollUVOovernor Campbell wan offered , but wan laWover until next meeting , In iho ruse of ItlKf United States against Ulehiird 1' . Itobcrtiiiii and forty others , known as the "Holt tuv icJ.ddy eases , " Involving Forty-ono cash etitr.es in the Las Crulou , Sew Mexico , lund district. Commlss oner LJarlur has decided that they como within the ijrovlsloiiH of hcotlon 7 , of the act of March II , IbJI , and thi'rufoio should bo continued and [ iiiHsed to patent. The little vliiugo of llrlnghurst. Inil. , Is greatly oxelted over the case of thliteen- ye.ar-old Willie Firman , who wan found liaiiu'- nu In his step-mother's burnThnrsday nlxht. It was given out by his step-mother that ho mil committed suicide Lccauko lie was cor rected for Mime mischief , hut the neighbors refuse to accept the explanation and baldly demand an InvctttlKaticn. The child was worth if-'i.OOO In his own mime. At Philadelphia , counsel for II. I'nu.ktln [ 'labor , receiver of the. Spring Ciirden Na tional bank , UK'il lu bill u aln t John Hard- ley and Kd W. Mctllll , who assigned for Iho jenellt of the creditor * of Hiiidslcy , to re cover a largo number of notes claimed to Lo jirt : ot t he ussets belonging to the bank. The intes amount to f 17,4 Hi and are those sent lanlsloy by l-'ruiii'la W , Kunnuy , president of , ho b.iuh , ou the day Us doora were closed , Traveling Inii CUICACIO , Juno 13. Gideon R Johnson , of Port Wortu , Tex. , u young truvcllug man FREE. FREE. Wc will give any article mentioned in this advertisement to each and every person that will show us a singec thing that is not as represented. Our shelving and counters arc full of Summer Goods , and we do not want to carry them over to next season ; we prefer to sacrifice them and place them on sale at prices that will sell them. 20 dozen allUy llbro , We do not PANTS. combed Kgyptinn Btib- Every Garment asl ( to All wo ask in for ydu to brlggan Uniloi-wcivr at C9o ment Guar you oomo uiuliiiHpojt our sltlo ouch , never Bold for loss anteed as buy II you window on Scott street anil not sat- oo pants olTorud for $1 , than $1.75 suit. arc - worth . . Heprcscntcd. 81.7 ; : itM.76 : , worth jislicd , $ H ; ut $ . . & ; , worth * .ol ) ; tit $ 1.60 , worth * ( ! and $7. 20 do/.oii Monarch .milld ' Our Children's SU Normal Mixtures Undor- ITS. wenr , 78o .oiiuh , rogultir . Dept. price $2 suit. 348 Su'tJ raduco 1 o'piolnlly for this sail. All Wo must introduce thts Wool Fa-oy Scotch Su ts noyor soli for lo s than $12 , department to the public , rcducocl to $8.OO. nnd will place on sato every suit that wo have 12 dozen Sutnmar Merino WqritsdB , OuBslmoroi and Oh w ofcs t'nat are well boon solliiii ; at $1 , $ . * > and worth 81O , $12 and $14 , all go at 88.OO. $0. at the uniform price rino Undowcivr nt 42o cnull , of * ; . worth $ l,2o stilt. Ladies , plcuso call and High Style Clothing eoo us. Wo havon't room h ra to toll you much of our I Only fl dozen loft of col hi h prioad Clo hlng , though wo ca-ry the largest HATS. ored French DalbMggun stock in the o.ty ) Wo mor. ly want to mention in Wo have iimrkck our Undenvoiir which wo luivo passing that wo have n i'no of tailor made suits , ra do Straw IJiitR ut nearly half especially f.r u' , waich wo w 11 ssll a' . $16 for the sulb ; former prico. boon soiling nt $ l.oO suit , wol. made , oloan ly flnishad Wo will L'ivo are aa oa ; , as nobby in you your wo will close during this appearance ai any $4O tult mousu od to ardor by a choioo of any $ U or JU.50 StllTJIatin the house for wile at 4Sc unch. custom tailor. $1.85. Inspect our goods and we are confident you will buy , because Honest Prices , accom modating salesmen , and goods as represented cannot fail to be appreciated and wil'l always their reward. THE MODEL , THE MODEL , THE MODEL , 522 Broadway. 522 Broadway. - 522 Broadway/ A. H. GOLDSTEIN & CO , , - - - PROPRIETORS. h'as been missing slnco ono week ntro yester day. He arrived hero Juno 1. No attention was paid to'hls absence until Tuesday last , when his wife , who has not heard from him for some time , telegraphed to the hotel ask ing where bo was. The hotel men know nothing us to his whereabouts and yesterday the police department was notified , but as yet he has not been found. The biif'irago re maining at the hotel Is very valuable. > Ii.l > \ < ; SlVKttKlt TKIAI , . 13nlIre 'I line Taken Up In Cr.ss-l : x- ainluiiiK tlic PcIVimliuit. MEMI-IIIS , Tenn. , .luno lit. The entire time of the criminal court today was devoted to cross-examining the central llpuro in the Postoti killing H. Clay King. Aa ' .ho par ticulars of the famous Idlllntr are brought forth publie interest increases nnd the oourt room was crowded to suftocation. Attorney General Peters asked the witness why'ho made his will In favor of Mrs. Pillow. Colonel King replied that the reason was because Mrs. Pillow was tbo same kind of a friend to him that Anes ? was to David Cop- pcrlield. There had been no Improper re lations between himself and Mrs. Pillow. Ho had supported Mrs. Pillow and family from 1883 , when she moved to his plantation. Asked why ho had made his will In favor of Mrs. Pillow , thus cutting off his family , he replied : . ' 'I did not cut oft my fnmlly. I had already provided for thorn. The reason was that Mrs. Pillow \vas to rue what Agnes was to David Copperfleld. David Joyed his wife , but there was no congeniality between them , and Agnes promised to bo a companion an honorable companion to htm. Mrs. Pillow was my Agnes. Mrs. Pillow swore that there was a money consideration for that deed ; that , she had loaned mo $1,000 of insurance and other moneys. She swore that in the bill after Dave Poston got Into the case , but she chanced her base , as she did not claim that before. I destroyed that deed. The last will was executed afterward. At that time Mrs. Pillow and I wore farm ing together. We ute our meals vis-u-vls. My family was then in Memphis. I made a later deed to Agnes for a moneyed consideration of $10.000. The deed was made to support the will she had in case it was broken. " 1 later told Mrs. Pillow I would make her n deed of gift , which s ho could record after mv death. Tills deed she said she lost , and still later J , made another , settling for the available consideration to the Arkansas plan tation , and both these deeds were recorded In Arkansas "and Tennessee. 1 made tbo deedsto support tna win oecauso a will * can bo contested after the death of the mukor. I had asked my wife bcfora that to consent to a divorce. As early at 18IKJ wo had n consultation aoout our affairs with bur parents with a vmw to a .separation. Wo bad disagreements , but we did not separate. Slnco 1883 , when Mrs. Pillow wont away , my wife and I have lived us a unit , happily united. "la 18S8 Mrs. Pillow loft mo forever to cote to Birmingham. She went first to Marianna , Ark. , and put on record the deed and tneu recorded the deed hero. As soon as I found this out I told my wlto I must go over to the plantation till the thing blew over. 1 told mv wife that If she demanded that I should go't a divorce and marry Mrs. Pillow I should do so. Mrs. Pillow and I agreed to sennrato fo life , but she camobnck , I felt humiliated nnd loft the city. 1 mot Mrs. Pillow fre quently after that. She came down to see mo nt the plantation. In July , 18S8 , after wo hud separated'for life , she came to mo ut Chicago , I don't ' know that ; I bad an engagement with her , but she told mo she was coming. Shu wonted mo to go to Wisconsin nnd got a di vorce , but I refused. She had a deed to my pro | > ortv and wanted me to plvo her monoy. I ofTereil her $ r ,0 < X ) to save the scandal and then I offered her half of the Arkansas plant- ntion. 1 consulted u lawyer about a divorce because Mrs. Pillow poked mo to. I wonted to test her. I wanted to see If her purpose was to rob me , or really wanted to marry me. If 1 could got n divorce. Ono day at tno hotel n paper was brought to mo addressed to Mrs. [ Mllow. It was n matrimonial paper and I opened It. In It I found this ad : " I * n-VJ widow , -10 yours old , 100 pounds literal Uatliollc. ft feet 7 inehoH hlitti , beautiful irunette , owning a lioiibe and other property. Accustomed to Ko.ulety of national repute. Will many none but a gentleman of meaim and culture , uconstomed to good soelety. " "In was 'on finding that 'ad ' , ' exactly fitted ' tire. Pillow nnu fearing that she was' claim- tier my property that I at once took stops to vcovor It , and the llrst bill was filed by me. ttrs. Pillow went at .onco and took violent losbcsjlon of iho property. " As to the charge In the cross bill Which the lofendant made the basis for his demand for a retraction , the witness maintained that the attorney was responsible for It , as the matter vas Irrelevant. Ho Insisted on construing ho charge us u reflection on his wlfo rattier hnn on himself , his construction being that t accused his wlfp of Intimnoy with a negro. The witness was released until Mou lay. 1'llliiKod the Town. KJUIQUK ( via ( Jalveston ) , Juno 111. Pis latches received today from Tocoplllo say hut sonic torpedo cruiser * and the warship inporlull recently landed twenty-live men , vho destroyed the archives in the govern- ncnt ofllco and carried nwuy all the money hey could find. They afterwards pillaged ho'governor's private housojind compelled he railroad company to pay duty on u quun- Ity of sultpetero which was being loadeddo- spite the protests of the company. The force then rctlind to the southward. Eye-witnesses deny the report that Presl- SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ OENTS Wiintocl Hoti7"Enlish nnd Oer 111:111. : In every county of lowu to cell vot- cilnury work of ? . " > ( ) pi''rs ; ; printeil In Get man and Kn 'lisli. Address II. llonv , Carson , lu. " " " "Vl'OltTUNITlEs" iiuiko money were never nioie plentiful tluui ut present In C'ounull Hinds , .lay 0. Cole , real estate and loan broker , No. 4 1'earl street , will uut you In the way of making handsome piollts on Miiall Investments. " | 7IOR SAI.K Lot 45 feet front on Klfth Juvenne. . between IStli and l ! > th St. , on motor line. H. 1' . Gallalian. 'J110 ( itli avc. li\ I liV.O V A NT nd 8/clioinotrIc , or char- m'ter readings ; also dl.i nohls of disease. nciul loL'k of hair for readings by letter. Siin- Suyh and evenniRS. Mis Iv Hooper. I4 ! Ave- due 1C. near corner l.'ith street. Council BlnllV. Terms , f > Je and $1.0. ) . FOKSAkE Porllpnt-'Waiited If you want to buy. Hell or rent anything In the real ehtute line don't do.lt until you Imvc seen our lar.'o list of hatvaliii. Swan .t U'uIUrr , No. A I-1 Miiln anl5 _ It 1'earl si reels. Oonnell HlulTs. FINK bred horse , that can hcnt 2:3.i : , will soil or trade. Address or cull nn 1) ) . Uroviii , ita : West Hromlwuy , Council Ulull's. _ T Swan & Walker's M : > Mfiln street nnd Mil A I'carl , Council HlulTs , yon will always II nd u "simp Imrpiln" In real estate If you want to buy , or aroo'l ; plaeo to list u bur uln If you Wjimt to Ball or trade. FOR SALE An abstract and Insurance busi ness ; good livery rftock anil controlling In terest In 'mi est-ibllslied business. Will take some good city property. Johnston 3s Vim I'litton. _ FOR SALE Elegant carriage team and line single drivers ; prices reasonable ; call and see tlictn before buvlnK. Isano M. Smith sales stables No. 418 North Seventh street , Council 1H nil's. AGNII'MCENT acre uroperty In live-acre tracts located 2'i ' miles from postotllce , for sale on reasonable terms. Some line resi dence property for rent by Day Is Iloss. FOU RENT THJ | McMahon block ! S story brick , with basement and olovator. J , W. Squire. 101 t'earl street. _ FO It a ALE or Itont CUnlen land , wlttj ' houses , uy J. U. lUoo. IDi Mala it. , OoilaoU i Bluffi dent Bnlmaceda's cmlsers mode nt attack on Iquiquo. They hay tnttt the vessels were not within rtniBO of the city nnd that the con gressional warships chased them away. FI11E AM > P Seine I > oavcH of AIRcncc ) Granted to The lire nnd police commissioners met last evening. Chief Scavoy ronorled that ox- Onicer Llndo had not returned his star and buttons nnd was instructed to have them hrouRht in at oilce. Uuvo Kftwdon was appointed a special policeman to work the city prisoners In the county juil on the streets. John McCornilcU was appointed n opcclnl [ joliconmn. His heat-Is from Gruco to Louusl anil from Twelfth to Fifteenth streets. Ten days' leave was grunted to ofllrcr II. A. Wither with pay and permission to apply for five dnyrf work. Patrolman Titos. Hayes was granted ten days leave commoncm * ; Juno 15. 15.Dr. . Otnn's hill of $ . " > 0 for attendance on the Injured firemen was reported adversely on hy the committee on finance ; and the report filed. filed.Tho The application of Joseph Hlngln nnd Jamas Ish operators of the police and lira department to ho clothed \vitli police powers was denied. John MuBrido was elected captain of hose company No. 'J lu place of the Into Captain Carter. Mr. ( illbort offered a resolution asking the hoard to aollno and specify the duties of the city physician. Mr. Hurt man gave notice that at the next mceUnp ho would request the appointment of a police matron. The meeting then adjourned without nn executive session. Mar Boiiriclus , niusio teacher , removed to 53S Broadway , over O , B , muslo company. Great millinery removal sale at the fouls' Mosohlo block , commencing this week. Must bo sold before chanelng location , Oasollno nnd oil ; cons , wood nnd coal : prompt delivery. U U. ipiotts , : il Main , tclcphom 'JJJ. _ AVnntH Wliut Mo ailKlit Hnvo SIiulc. Tni-KKA , ICan , , Juno 1 ! ) . M. B. Boal has commenced suit In the United States dibit-let court against the National Mortgage and Debenture company of Boston for ? : iS.V , ) . He claims to have been employed hy tbo company for t'vo years as loan agent , the agreement being Unit ho was to bo furnished . 100,1X0 to loan on Kansas real estate. Hud ho been provided with this sum mid loaned It all , which ho claims ho could easily have done , ills commissions would have amounted to3u,000. When he had realized u llttlo more than $ (0UO ( ( ) the supply of money was ' cutoff mid ho' now sues the company to' re cover the Ualanco'tif what ho would have made had'tho company fulllllcd Iti contract. DeWltt's Little Eurlv HUors for the Mver Koinchody'N There Is a big" Newfoundland dog bearing tng number BTO nt the police station. Ho wus picked un on tua street auU turned over to tbo police. . , , Day Cvprcaii I - - S4I - ; . . , p ra 10.15 p iii.Kan | n City Nhjht lixprem. . . ! U.VO a ra Lonvcs I CIIlCAiO. II. I , A I'AlflKtd A Tranfur I Union Depot , Council Illuirt. Ti K.m p m Kxpreio I ! i2J u ra IL.Vj u in . .Allaiitlo Kxpresa flM p m fi.OII in .Vestibule p Limited ilO.IO a ra I.PIIVOI II-IIUAOO&NOin'UWHSTKIlN.T Arrives TiHniTerl Union Dupot. Council Dlugj , | Tian f8 I.cavm O.M A11 A A ST. I.OUI8. | Arrives' Triunfei Union Depot , Council llluils , . _ | Truii9fcr 4.40 | i in I St. Ixiul ' 0nmm llallTT. , . .H'.IS'i | ni \M\W \ \ 0 > II1JIU/N , V OUINCY I Arrlvca Trniniforl Union Depot. < ouncll Illuiln. ITran iiifcr DtJ J < . 'A ! ( * J lAvus Trin * I UilM > int liiiill Illuf Ir.iifa 7.45 a ml .Sioux City Accommodation , I v.40 a ra 660 p m . . . . . . .HL Paul llx | 10W ( ji m THE ! QRANO Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotel Is Now Opan. George T. Phalps , Manager. * COUNCIL , BLUFFS Medical and Surgical Institute ims. iiEiJ.iNaKus , I'ltoi's. Chronic dlsiiasu.s of all kinds anil deform ities bpecialtuiK. Nos. Mil and MM liruudwur , 'l illuir > i. la. CITIZENSSfATlBlNl Of Council Bluffd. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS. . . . : . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 ft-I. A. Sllllor , V. O. CHumon , E. U Bhuitnrt. K. K. Hurt , J , U rJlipundscm. Oil trial I ! , llunniui. Tr uiaot Kanur.kl b.ialclnt Uuit > ucsi. Lartost capital unJ nurplui ot auy banitln Soutliwostarn IJ.VL INTEREST ON TIM i DEPO3IT3 , First - : - National-- : Bank -OF- COUWOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Oldait orKuiil < od bnnk In the city. Kuromn doiuu'tio uxclmimo und loid eourllloi. Kip munition pjlil u > oollootlo-ii , Acojjnli of ludlvM unl , liunki , li.uikur undCjrpar.uluni < ollcUui. Cor rutpoNdunco Invlteil. UliO. 1 * . HANk'Oltl ) . I'rotldont. Ju W. KIKK.MAN , Cmliler. . A. T. U1CE. Asilitant Cualtt