Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 14, 1891, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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Kire Sale of Shoee.
Crowded dally- -Bargains I'or Monday and the balance or the week. Don't miss this golden op
portunity , but attend the only Fire Sale of Shoos.
THEY LADIES' 411 pairs of
Ladies' fine Kid
MUST GO. Fine French Kid and Button Boots ,
Dongola all go Monday
As advertised and
Tuesday at
Monday Biltton Boots 98c pair , worth
and Tuesday , , from $2 to $4.
We still offer
all our Ladies'
Burt Shoes at
Shoes $3.00 pair.
Worth $6.
Don't miss
this hargain.
Only 2 pairs
sold to any one
PAIR. \ lady.
Bargains of a lifetime , as advertised
store crowded daily. Special bargains for
Ladies' fine kid button boots 31. ' 18 , worth $ .1. Hurt's fine shoos nil go at $0 pair , worth SO. Ladies who wear
narrow shoes should attend this salo. LJurt's Kangaroo ahood , for gouts' wear , only $3.50 ; "BO. 60. Ladios'-'fine
Oxford tics at HALF PRICE.
Gents' Fine Shoos at a sacrifice. Ilauth-
' . . . away , Soulo & Harrington's fine shoes
Boys' canvas lace Shoes only 4-y C pair always sold for $7.50 , our price for your
Boys' lawn tennis Shoes only 35C pair choice $3 a pair.
Men's alligator Slippers only T5C pair A. W. Canp&CVs line cell skin , kanpa-
' roe and French calf all go att a pair ;
Men's lace Shoes
canvas only 75c pair
worth 80 and $7.
Men's canvas lace Shoes , rubber soles only 75c pair
Gents' tan goat Oxford tics , $2.00 a pair ;
Men's patent leather Oxford Ties. . .only $2.OO pair worth $3.50.
Men"s kangaroo congress only $1:98 : pair "Wo mean business and must sell this entire -
Mens calf low shoes only $1.48 pair tire stock in (50 ( days.
Children's pebble goat button only 73r pair
Bops' pebble goat Button only 97c pair ofSlioesandSlii
Children's no heel button only I9c pair
Ladies' tan goat Oxfords only 75c pair 114 South Sixteenth St. 114.
Ladies' point goat house Slippers..only 49c pair ( Old Boston Storo. )
Ladies' side lace Shoes only $2.OO pair Store Opan Evenings One Prioa to A1 ! .
ttlio Canteen , at Port Omaha and How it
is Conducted.
. A'nrJcty of ri t ! rc < ! tlnK Items t7nth-
oroil Among the Country's Defend
ers in the Several Military
Tbo canteen of Fort Omaha has been in or-
Istonco for several your * nnd is considered
pno of tbo most successful lu the army. It Is
nh.irga of Captain Charles Keller , U com
pany of the Second , wfioso management Uas
evoked the commendation of orery member
, ot the regiment ,
i During the last year the not profits of tbo
i f n.itltutloa were 17,000. Tbls amount was
divided among the eight compadios of the
( regiment * the band and the hospital corps.
| SChls 37,000 wont to purchase extras for the
tnoss table and such otbor purposes as the
jjeompuules might decide upon. As a couso-
, 'quenco the soldiers on Joyed a taste of butter ,
t PKK3 and other luxuries ever nnd above the
rough essentials of llfo Issued by the gov-
Until recently tbo soldier vas not issued
vegetables. Tncio ho was compelled to pur-
1 chiiso with his own money or out of such
funds as his company might hold In common.
Jt was this deprivation which seriously af
fected the honlth of many a soldlor , which
; ) od to the establishment of the canteen ,
( Which Is really but a store on tbo co-opara-
tlyo plan. Recently , however , the attuntion
i. - > m. , of congress was directed to tbo matter aim a
I ' law was passed allowing an Issue of vegeta
bles to the extent , of a pound a day to each
Boldlcr , After the passage of the law , the
proceeds of the cantcon were applied to the
jpurcbateof other delicacies aa above ref -
f erred to. In connection with the canteen
I there U a post garden comprising three acres.
[ In tbls garden lastyonr were raised lettuce.
- t radishes , onions , cucumbers , snap beans and
'cabbagea valued at $500 , This was another
paving for tbo companies , because It enabled
just that amount of money to bo expended in
I other ways.
( Several months ago an order was Issued
1 from the war department directing that 10
per cent of the proilu of the canteen should
bo given to the baud for the purchase of
music * , the extra pay of musicians and renalr
pf Instruments , While Uncle Sam pays
band members as llbetallyns he does soldiers
wP"d provides thorn with Instruments , ho has
Megluuted to maUu provision for Iccoplng
the latter In good condition save by Indi
rectly taxing-tho soldiers for tbo purpose.
JJcsliItM this percentage , the band also en
joys pro rata the proceeds of tbo citntoen ,
vrhlcli some soldiers consider n double share.
In the cantoou are sold bread , ham , sauago.
( tobacco , crackers , pipes , candy , fruit , ItnicU
ijcnaclis , cigars and beer. All of .these nro
> old nearly at cost and for It cents
ji soldlor receives from H to Id lluid
ounces of boor , a moaauio which
Jio could not obtain out.iide the canteen for
that amount of money. Soldiers are not nl-
owed to drink to excess , to become noisy or
nunrrelsoma around the cantcon , a steward
being appointed to guard against such eon-
vducU Tbo division of tha proceeds takes
place quarterly and the prollts vary botwuon
fcOO und $ .T per month. This gives each
company , for ltd own use , between $50 and
t/M / a month.
( Tha success of the cantcon is the pride of
the Second , and It U understood that sotuo
tiow feature ! are to bo added to It.
Fort Omaha.
Second Lieutenant Alexander Plpor ,
ralgtuh Infantry , Fort Koblnson , has boon or-
, perod to report for duty nt Fort Omaha In
connection with the Second infantry.
' Second Lloutonants A. Itufllulngton , Sev
enth Infantry , Fort Lotian , Douvur , Col. ,
and Leon S. Roiidlcz , Fifteenth Infantrv ,
North Dakota , with turoo other otllcers
Svhnsu names have not jot been announced
tivo been ordered to appear before a
uoard which U to meet In. this city , to under
go examination for promotion. It can not be
.tutcd when tbU board will meat because of
hu absence of Major John M. Bacon , Sev
enth cavalry. , acting Inspector general at the
department of Uio I'latto , who M aUont on
uuty The othar menioera of the board are
Colonel Frank Wbimton , Second lufuutry ;
ilajor D. W.Buuhuui , SovoutU Infantry , lu-
specter , small arms practice : Major Albert
Hartsuff , surgeon ; Captain \V. G. bpencer ,
assistant surgeon , and Captain Waring , Second
end Infantry , recorder.
Before this board rccantly appeared Cap
tain John Simpson , assistant to the chief
quartermaster of. the department in charge
of tbo quartermaster's depot at Omaha. Ho
successfully passed the examination for pro
motion to the position of major.
There will bo no summer encampments this
year except such as may bo bold without
moro than ordinary expense to the govern
ment. The troops at Fort Omaha , in their
marches to nnd from the rifle range at Bellevue -
vuo and their camp llfo at that point , have
nearly as much experience as they would de-
rlvo If tboy should bo ordered into
a general camp nt a given point.
Last year , however , some companies were or
dered Into camp with the several regiments
of the national guards of Iowa , the latter
state bearing tbo greater part of tbo oxpenso.
A similar trip is contemplated this year ,
though as yet tbo Iowa authorities bavo not
completed preparations for It , There are six
regiments of militia in that stito and it is
not yet known whether they will go into
camp by regiments or brigades. When this
question shall bavo boon decided It will bo
determined as to what part the Second will
play in the gatherings. Adjutant General
Green of Cedar Rapids , la. , called on Gen
eral Whoaion at Fort Omaha recently , and ,
with him , talked the matter ovor. Captain
Charles Keller , G company , Second Infantry ,
however , has boon ordered to report to Gov
ernor Boles ot Iowa for duty In connection
with the militia encampment , but will bo
charged with tbo instruction of the guards In
rlllo practice.
.lames Noble and James Dove , the Wmno-
bao Indians who visited Fort Omaha last
week for the purpose of securing tbo enlist
ment of Ilfty of their trib ? In the Second in-
fnntrv , have returned to their reservation
nuar Ponder In tbls stato. They were in
formed that no provisions bad been made for
enlisting any of their people and that they
would bo Informed when a change would bo
made In this respect as regards tbo intention
of the department.
The station of Lieutenant Colonel Smith ,
Eighth infantry , has been changed from Fort
McKinuoy to Fort Robinson. Nub.
The war department has decided that the
enlistment of recruits for the Twonty-llrst
infantry by tbo ofllccr sent out from Fort
Sidney , Nob. , the headquarters of the regi
ment for that purpose , shall bo confined to
this state. Tbls order , however , will not
prevent enlistments for the same regiment
by recruiting officers stationed , at any of the
military posts throughouttho department.
Applications for the discharge of enlisted
mon under general ardors , Nos. 80 and 81 ,
from tbo war department of 1800 , still con-
tmuo to pour in rapidly.especially under tbo
three-year and three-months privilege , which
Is without payment of money , under general
order No. SO. Under ccnoral order No. til
discharge- rurohas-j In the second and
third year of enlistment is nt the rate of $3
per month or SM ) par year ,
Thu uoiU of Fort A. Lincoln , near BIs-
mnrk , N. D. , and Fort Shaw , Mont. , ro-
ferro.l to elsewhere have boon ordered aban
doned by the war department. Both posts
nro located In tin ) department of Dakota. It
Is not expected that any of the pans In the
department of the Platte will bo ordered
abandoned this year.
The cavalry competition for the depart
ments of the Platte , California and the east
will bo hold this yo ir at Fort Robinson , Nob. ,
although it is believed that an effort will bo
made to Induce the war department to change
the location to the Bellevue rlllo range , near
this city , as it is understood that the owners
ot the ground on which the ran go is located
bavo otfurod the ground rent free to Uncle
Sam for another year.
Colonel T. H. ytauton , chief paymaster de
partment of the Platto. ha. * boon pay In go ft
the troops at Forts Koblnson , Nfobrara ,
Moada and Pine Rldgo tbo past , woolc and is
expected to rotuni to headquarters tomor
Fort HoliliiHon , Juno JO.
Colonel Stanlon , paymaster of tbo depart
ment of the Platta arrived this morning and
before ono could while twlco bud paid elf the
Lieutenant Plpor , Eighth Infantry , canteen
officer , makes the followinirsaowtnuforMuy ;
Total salosJl.-W.SU ! ; cash on nand.SV7I-.74 ;
vuluo of stock and lUturcu , jl , UJ-.ffJ.
Lieutenant Piper goes to tha Second infan
try at Fort Oniana and Lieutenant Bcnton ,
Ninth carulry , takes bis ploco a * canteen
Building U the order ot tbo day. Two sets
of onicors * quarters and the commanding
ofllcera' quarters era nearly ready for ah Ing-
ling. Two cavalry stables will Do ilnlshed
next week , A now addition to the post boa-
pltal Is completed , to bj used as an Isolation
want or morgue , Vhoru U also being bnill ,
in the roar of tbo hospital , a-two-story stable
of eiifht stalls on tbo ground lloor.
end story Is to bo fltted up as a carriage
house and"granary.
AJnrgo party of capitalists from Washing
ton , D. C. , under the ciceronago of Congress
man Buttorworth of Ohio visited the post
today and were guests of the ofllcors for n few
hours. The G cavalry band rendered some of
their best selections for their entertain
ment. It was broadly blntod that the visitors
intended Investing lu Nebraska property.
The whirr of the moving machine Is heard
from morning until night cutting the gross
off the two parade grounds.
Fort Robinson , under the present regime ,
Is as clean and neat as rakes and brooms can
make it * The country in sight looks bettor ,
thanks to plenty of rain , than it bas during
our four years occupancy. Captain Corliss
bos thirty men at workdallyfixhiffaqueducts
for irrigating the gardens and post.
General News.
A full company of Indians for tbo Ninth
Infantry bos boon filled from the San Carlos
reservation nnd bos boon sent to Whipplo
barracks where it will constitute company I
of that regiment. This Is the Ilrst company
of Indians recruited in the department of
Arizona. Lieutenant Albert S. McNutt ,
Ninth infantry , arrived at San Carolsou
April 10 , nnd within two weeks had flfty-ttvo
recruits from the San Carlos. Apaches , Mo-
haves , Yumos , Toutos and Whlto Mountain
Tbo experience of enlisting Indians for
company I , First ' -fsulry , has not been a
success at Fort Bldwoll , Cal. So far but few
have agreed to enlist. Lieutenant L. H.
Strothor has been directed to proceed atonco
from Fort Bldwoll , where the supply for re
cruits is exhausted , to Pyramid Lake agency
and to the sub-agency at Walker Lake , Nov.
The Idea Is to raise at least one' company out
of California and Nevada.
Second Lieutenant Samuel D. Sturgls of
the First artillery will bo relieved from duty
at the military academy In AiiRUst nnd pro
ceed to St. Louis , Mo. , nnd report to Brign-
dlnr-Gouoral Wesley Morrltt lor duty as
aide-de-camp on bis staff.
Fort Shaw , Montana , has boon ordered
abandoned. It Is n fort which bas figured in
the history of many regiments which have
served on the western frontier. It was lo
cated In the summer of 1807 bv Colonel
Reeves commanding four companies of tbo
Thirteenth Infantry. In 1871 MnJor-Goneral
John Gibbon made It the headquarters of the
Seventh Infantry und wrought a number of
Improvements. lu 187S tbo Seventh was re
lieved by a detachment of the Third Infantry
commanded by General John R. Brooke , now
commander of the department of the Platto.
In 1883 the Third was relieved by four
companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry under
Colonel Yah Homo wbloh attll retain posses
sion , although the colonel removed the regi
mental headquarters to Fort Mlssoulu. It
was from Fort Shaw that General Gibbon
inarched to intercept tbo warlike Indians
under Chief Joseph , In 1878 , which resulted
in the hattloof Big-Holo wboro General Gib
bon and several onicors were wounded nnd a
number killed , among thorn Lieutenant Brad-
Icy and Captain Logun.
The examination of student onicors at the
school of application , Fort Leaven worth , will
continue to the sixteenth inst. The graduat
ing exercises will take place on the 17th.
A now signal lantern Is being experiment
ed with by the chief signal oHlcor. The light
Is furnished by a candle and an improve
ment bus been Introduced by which a Hash
may bo used , The department Is also testing
a louz distance telephone , all the apparatus
of which may bo cosily carried by ono man.
The Army and Navy Register speaks In
complimentary terms of tha successful man
agement of the United Servlco club and
hopes that there are few persons In or out of
the service who are not members of tbo club.
At tbo last meeting of tbo board the follow
ing were elected to membership : W. D.
Rose , lieutenant. United States navy : Ste
phen C. Mills , Ilrst lieutenant , Twelfth in
fantry ; G. 1C. Overtoil , captain , United
States , army ( retired ) ; Patrick Cusaclc , cap
tain , United States nrmy ( retired ) , and W.
J. Sews , cnslijn , United States ntwy ,
Tbo following onicors am nbnut to retire
from tbo Fourteenth infantry : Captain
Charles II. Warrens , CapUln Hassan , Lieutenant -
tenant Charles A. Johnson. This is grateful
news to the senior lieutenant * of that regi
ment and the infantry arm of the service.
Captain Henry Catloy , tate of the Second
Infuiury , retired , is now residing at l.YXJ
South SuUuu street , Syracuse , N , V" .
Captain Crosby P. Milter , quartermaster's
department , is expected in Omaha shortly to
Inquire- Into tha construction of the quarter *
tbo now Fcrt Omaha authorized by recent
acts of congress.
Mrs. T. T. Tbornburg. widow ot the law
Major Tbomburjr and formerly of Omaha ,
sails for Europe on Tuesday next.
First Lieutenant Otwav C. Borryman ,
mariuo corra of the U , S. S , , Omaha , hug
been attached to MaraUloiid for duty.
$30 00 Dcd Room Suits $33 00 $12 00 DlnnorSots 8 0 60
28 60 Bed Room Suits..i 18 00 8 00 Tea Sots 6 00
10 00 Bed Iloom Suits 11 < iO tOOToaSets 2 00
0 00 Bcdfl.O ft hlRli 3 00 1 25 Water Sots Coo
00 Beds 1 CO 0 00 Gasoline Stoves 4 00
3 00 Wool Top Mixttrcssos U 00 10-pioco Tollot Sots ! l 00
2 CO W. W. Springs I a > Fanoy Imitation Cut Glass Tutn-
10 00 Dinner Sots 10 00 blors 4Co
Third Week of Our Great Removal Sale.
By warranting our goods to be just as represented and selling
them at exactly the prices advertised , we arc enabled to sell more
goods than any other Furniture Store in the city. During the past
Knocked Out
Completely , week a gentleman was heard making this remark : "I can buy more
goods of the New England Furniture Co. for $5 than I can get at any
other store for $10. "OUR NHW LOCATION , 1315 Douglas Stieet is
Competitors IPaLrailiziecI t > tjj Our
Prices- the most central of any in the city of Omaha , five different car lines
pass within four doors of our store.
SFCIAXi NOTICE We take old furniture , stoves , carpets , ete. , in exchange for new goods ,
and allow our customers from 25 to 8O per cent more for them than can be realized out of them
by selling them to a second dealer. Our second hand dep't is on the 4th floor , entirely separate
and distinct from our new goods. Goods delivered free to any part of the City , South Omaha ,
Florence or Council Bluffs. Free , to every purchaser of $8 worth of goods or more , a genuine
heavy French plate mirror with solid oak frame.
Buy Buying Your
Goods at. the
The Best \\gshing Ma
chine on Earth.
Sold ori Trial
This Elegant Bed Lounge $7.5O.
In a recent issue of.tjio Philadelphia Medi
cal News an article wi h the above rather
startling heading niijjenrs from the pen of
Professor Bonn , lately of Milwaukee , but now
of Chicago , ono of America's most distin
guished surgeons and original investigators.
Dr. Sonu was ono of the earliest among tbo
physicians of America to reculvo and test
Koch's lymph , and being a careful , cautious
observer his conclusions , after several
mouth's thorough trial In tno Milwaukee
hospital , carry with them all tbo more
weight. His article < s too longto publish In
its entirety , but from , the folloxvlng extracts
its pith and meaning may bo gleaned.
"When six monthi ago the telegraph oper
ator at Berlin touched the key of his instru
ment and Hashed to all parts of the world the
Joyous tidings that a euro for tuberculosis
had at last econ discovered , the people and
physicians felt that the millouium in medi
cine had come. For days and weeks the
public press devoted a liberal space to tolo-
pruphlo messages , to editorials and messages
from medical mon , relative to the now treat
ment. For months the medical journals in
all countries rivalled each other In present
ing the latest reports from Berlin and other
largo medical centers , in the form of tele
grams , correspondence , editorials and ether
original articles. The first announcement of
the diicovory brought thousands of patients
and doctors to the German capital , the
former to bo cured of their tubercular dis
ease , the latter to receive instruction and
make themselves proficient in all the
details of the now treatment. No ether
event in the world's ' history ever
attracted so much attention , and no
discovery In medicine or surgery over found
auch ready introduction and universal accep
tation. The discoverer , the distinguished
'Koch , the father of bacteriology , had scored
so mnnv victories on this modern field of re
search that every word ho uttered brought
conviction. His views were promptly adopt
ed and applied ovorvwhoro by the best men
In the profession. Within a few weeks the
most enthusiastic and encouraging reports
came from scores of prominent clinics and
largo hospitals. Volumes were written and
a now journal devoted exclusively to this sub
ject came Into existence. It is true thatsomo
of the moro conservative members of the
profession wcro a little slow ill accepting the
now doctrine and practice , but the great ma
jority followed the current sot in motion by
tbo great Koch and Ills many eminent admir
ers."It was not long , howeverboforo the glow
ing accounts of tno results of the now treat
ment came at longer intervals and In a moro
moderate tone , and were Intorspowod with
the reports of cases In different parts of the
world in which it had provutl a complete fail
ure , and in a not inconsiderable number oj
cases It was charged with having caused a
speedy and fatal termination. Then en mo
tuo timely warning of the veteran patholo
gist , Ylrcuow. who fphgwcd by numerous
post mortem oxumlqatibns of patients who
died while under thwt'treatment , that death
was caused by the dj iiomlnutloii of the an-
rasa from a local -jpous actud on by the
lymph. The evidence proving this source of
danger has been rapidly accumulating and
has contributed largejyvtoward subduing the
ilrst enthusiasm and limiting the scope of ad
ministration of the r remedy. Time enough
has now elapsed to JilUKQ of the merits of the
treatment of tuberculosis by JKoch's lymph
or as it is now calloti.luperculln.
"Tho ncuumulatcd'pxperloncos from all
xourccs have shown wiyonJ a doubt that its
iudlscrlmlnata use is attended with many
Immediate and remote , dangers , and most
cases In which it at fl'w , appeared to provo
benotlcial have relapsed and after weeks and
months are no bottor.Jtit even worse , than
when the treatment was begun. Many who
were enthusiastic In th' r' prnlso of what tboy
observed from tbo usfb ot the remedy in the
beginning , have now suspended Its uso. Hos
pitals and wards sot aside for the special
treatment of patients suffering from tuber
culosis are now deserted , The market Is
overstocked with a supply of Koch's lymph
and Koch's uyrlUKCa.
Tbo treatment of tuberculosis with Koi-h's
lymph and the numarous substitutes which
have rocantly boon forced on ttio attention of
the profosuors , will BQOU bo ouly a inattor of
My "Away with Koch's lymph , " Is based
upon my own olMf-rvatlons made in.tho Mil-
( v.iuUoo ho.ipl > al during the lust four months'
aetvico la that institution prior to my ro-
movul to Chicago. The material is not largo
but tbo careful observations made , outltlo
mo to outer my protect against any further
experimentation with tula remedy.
"It Is no.v generally conceded that many
cases of tuberculosis reported as cured have
ulncer relapsed ; some ot those have died and
others have been tubjectod to different treat
ment. In many Instances , of count ) , tbo
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tno mo twldoly nnd fnvnruhly knoirnipeo *
lalliU In tbo.Unftei Statos. Their lena ex *
perlcnoo , remarkable skill and universal suo- In tbo treatment and cure of Ntrvoua ,
Cbronlo and Surgical Dlsnaiui. entitle theio
eminent physicians to tha full confidence ol
the afflicted every whom. They cuarnntee :
the awful r ( Toots of onrl.v vleo und the iunior-
or TlU thatfollovr In UH train. _ _
pondllr. complntoly nnrt ponnanmitly curod.
ORDERS yield readily to their oldllf ul treat-
Fuamntcod ourod without pain or detention
nently nml suoco-Mfiilly uurud In every ease ,
matorrlMjs , pomliml Weaknoas Lost Mnnhnou ,
Night Emissions , lincnyrd Kacultlag , KetniU *
Woakneis and nil dellunto disorders pcoullM
to either tax positively cured , HI neil in nil
functional disorders that result f mm youthf.u
fnlllei or the oxcmsof mature yours.
STRTrTlWP Qunranlpo-j yormune n tly
O 1 I\1V 1 Ul\Ercfl < i , removal complete ,
without outtlnii , cnnitto or dllntntlon. Cure *
effected at homo by patient without a mo *
menfn pnln or tuinoyaneo.
A TIRP nrwi Tb ° nwru | " "f01" * . ° '
3UK.L L.UI\L KariY view which brlnw
oraanlo weahness. destroying both mind and
body , with all Its dre dcd 111 * , permanently
111 ? RIJTTAddrusi those who bare Im-
m\O. IJL.1 1J puirod tbpini IVM by Im
proper IndnljtBiico nnd Military nnhlU , wbloh
ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn fof
builnnsi. atudy or marrluRii.
MARniEU MEN or thosti ontnrlnR on that
life , aware of plij Jlaal debility , quIoUly
Is baaed ! upon facts. Plrst'r.iotloal eiptrt-
onoo. Second Every cmo U ipoulnlly studied.
thus itartlni ? rig lit Third modtotnei are
prepared In our laboratory oxnotly to suit
each CHIC , thus o ( Touting euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
D 1" ' . VKI.fX nollllAUD'H OIIIKNTAI.
a V":5 * - . lt MioviiT n , 1'imiili'ii , Krrck-
' - - * " " "
id er r lmwli on , .aa dcfl.i
, il U > : Un , U hu
jtluau iho te > t ot (0
/ / } mil. ' uul li 10
. ' //I"
to botureltli prop
erly mular AiTcjit
no counterfeit ut
ulialUruiunu. Dr.L.
A. Bujmr Mid to a
Udrof tlialmut-toa
( a ixttlciii ) , "As you
lailleiwilltuitftlitfin ,
I rrromliienil 'Uuil-
mud CrrHin'aitli *
Irjutliarmtul of * l !
thtt Fkin prvtarii *
lioniu11 Her < ultf \
all IHvgKl'ti anil
> Kanry uo
n In th < ITnllwl NUU , r nml and Knropr
rtHIKT. llOfKINH. Prou'r.37 liraat JunmBU N. Y
original report bos not been supplemented by
subsequent communications. Since even bv
the use of Koch1 * lymph an aoioiute dia/
nosls Is not always possible , it may bo tJt |
some of the alleged cures rest ou a faulty
\Vhito the tuberculin treatment of poimon-
arv tuberculosis can show no bettor results ,
It 1s dinicult to ignore the fact that It has
been productive of moro barm that almost
other plan of treatment heretofore
any . . _ _ , . . , sug-
„ ! „ , score
Kuaiuu , uu VM Oww.v. uiono the verdict ,
Away with Koch.1 * lymph l is timely and
Imperative. "
Associated with The San Francisco Examiner *
For the States of Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas and
South Dakota , for the collection of all legiti
mate claims before the various Depart
ments of the Government.
EDWARD P. ROGGEN , Manager ,
Room 600 , Bee Building , OMAHA , NEB.
Will practice in the SUPREME COURT OF THE
UNITED STA TES , the Court of Claims , the several Courts
of the District of Columbia , before Committees of Congress ,
Indian Bepretlation Claims.
We Obtain Pensions and Patents.
All Classes of Land Claims. '
Mining , Pre-emption and Homestead Cases
Prosecuted before the Gene l Lund Olltco , Department of the Interior , aud
the Supreme Court.
Thousands yet entitled. Write for information"
Widows , Minor Children , Dependent Mothers , Fathers , and
Minor Dependents Brothers und Sisters entitled.
Pension laws nro now more liberal than formerly , nnd many are
entitled to bettor rates. Apply ivt once for list of questions to
determine right to higher ratun.
Ail letters -will be promptly answered and all
information concerning form of applications for
claims , terms , etc. , will be given with as little
delay as practicable. No letter will be an
swered unless the sender encloses requisite
stamps for reply. No information concerning
any particular claim "win be imparted until the
applicant has become a member of The Bee
Claims Bureau association.
Address all letters relating to claims to
Bureau of
1 l2cper square foot. By the roll
$1.40 per hundred sq. f.
James Mof ton & Son Co
1511 Dodge Street.Omaha. Tel. 437.