12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUJNE 14 , 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES RROTHF ± JJ.\A _ > J J. JL JL JLi/ " w- * pom * [ irrnn * - ' V MB W I i II IIIIIIIB I r- * * - M VMoOOaHMB MAflBBl M * rfWW MBV9B > MMMMtfW * M HMkw Blfe * W Ctitting / the Prices Deeper and Deeper. Remember $50,000 worth of Fine Dry Goods , to be let out at any brice in order to reduce stock. Read every itfn carefully and don t for get yon can make money I . . bv attending this sale. Colored Embroideries , Wo will olTor Monday the RroatoBt bill-pain In Kinbroiilorica over nlforcdln Onmlin. About CO ploco.s line Xophyr Embroideries , 0 inohos to 27 inches wldo , In Htrlii blue , pink , blnclt , navy blue , rod nnd crorun grounds with white figures , formurly sold from 60c to 81.75 yard. Choice Monday only lto ! n yard. If you expect to ( rot any of this lot , you will hnvo to como early , HH they will not last lonjj at this prico. Colored On Embroideries , Ou About 100 pieces fine Zopbyr Colored Embroideries , ! i Inches to 10 Inches wldo , In light blue , navy uluo , rod , cream black and pink , inndo to mutch the wide ones , formerly sold from lilc to ( iOc yard. Your choice Mondny He yard. Don't think this lot will last lonpor than 11 o'clock. So como early Monday morning and trot a bonollt. Ladies' LISLE HOSE This 1 ? a stunning bargain. About 05 dozen Ladies' finest qualities of Bril liant Lisle Hose , In fancy stripes and solid colors , in drop stitch nnd solid blacks with raised ribbed cord. Gus- Botcd seams. None in tnolot worth less ilmnl.i5. ! They go Monday at 5Uc a pair. 100 dozen Ladies' regular made French Btilbriggan IIoso , worth 25c. Go Monday at lie pair. Ladies' ' Opera Length Hose , Elegant quality fast black fine gauge Hoso. during this cut price sale at $1 a pair ; worth ail.75. BENNISON BROS IN THE REALM OF SPORT , The Usual Weakly Grist for the Pan nnd the Orank , THE RING , TURF AND WHEEL. Sporting Clippings of All Kinds , Sizes nud Colors The Crack Shots of Omaha A. Hatch or Interest ing QUCNtlOllB AllSWOl'Cll. The Omaha shooters acquitted themselves most creditably at tbo state shoot at Lincoln last week. Pnrtnolno and Kennedy won the team badge shoot , with 10 out of 20 , against ilx teams. Pnrmoleo won the diamond badge with 50 straight. This entitles him to tno entrance money in the same event no-.t year. Purmelw also won the L. C. Smith gun. Ho tied with Lutchran of Lincoln on 'JO out of 100 , nnd boat him on the shoot off. Other lessor prizes were won by J. B. Smith , W. II. S. Huuties , Will Nnson , Billy Brown. G. P. Brucher , B. Blum , Hurry Clarke nnd Fred Montmoroiicy. The Omaha gun club will bold u big three days' tournament at the fair grounds In October. After tMxloy'8 Curls. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Ben : I hereby challenge Will L. Pixley to a race on bicycles for the Apollo club championship cup. which ho now has the honor of holding , Bold race to bo in private und to take place within throe weeks from today at ono of tbo following named places : Omaha fair grounds , Union driving nark , Council Bluffs , or the Council BlulTs course. lies peel fully , G. DEU.VVEKTZ. Duly nnd Vim HCKH Mulched. Danny Daly of tbU city nnd Johnny Van Hess will battle to a ilnlsh with small gloves for a $500 purse bcforo the Minneapolis club on the night of Juno iiO. Jack Davis and Ed Kothory will bo behind the Omaha boy and are coulldeut of bringing him out a winner. It Will niakou A match is as good as mndo for a llnlsh fight between Jim Hightowcr of this city nnd Curly Mills of Chicago. If the purse can bo mlsod hero , nnd it Is only WOO , thu light will toke place at Tasmania Hull , South Omaha. UroiikliiHt for thu CrnnkH. ' Eltoljorg is doing great work for Omaha. The Delivers are not hitting the ball as of yore. Minneapolis Is now ensconced iu third place. Shugart U still playing a great short field game. Sam La Honuo Is putting up n tine second for St. Paul. Kansas City has. released their phonom Holder , Mr. Hog , Elmer Smith Is doing tbo best hlttluc of the Kansas City team , "Bug" Holllduv bus been wearing Orator O'llourku'b smoked glasses while playing iu loft In New York. lib Gasplpulets. Willlo Mains , loads the American association ut the bat. Ho stood forty-lint In the Western. It Is observed that Mr. Flanagan has finally Joined the l''urmnrsund , Is nhcudy distinguish ing himself with the stick. It will bo Duluth in lieu of St. Paul after July 4. The stanaluir of the teams will not bo changed by the transfer. In Flanagan , the O'Briens , Hyn and Mor- rlsoy , tuo Western association has nemo strapping b ! llrat basemen. Perry Wordon was hissed for n ' 'dirty ball" trick at riu Louis last week. And ho U a Mound City boy at that. The Idea of sticking to the old-fasblonod custom of putting pitchers iu to pitch because it Is their turn Is a very foolish one. President Young anys there nro several well known inon playing this season who will bo debarred from Joining national agreement clubs in the futuro. Bloux City boa signed Gus ICrock , noted as WHITE GOODS Sic , IOc , A great slaughter of fine White Goods. Monday 200 pieces in broken pkiids , stripes and chucks , beautiful goods and at least ! ! 5 per cent undet regular value , but they go Monday hi 8Jc , IOc , ] 2c jard. Never before wore such fine goods olTcred at such low prices. Bargains in Wall 1'apcr. SWISS Embroidery Floimcings 43e. Wo closed a largo line of fine 45-inch white Swiss Embroidery Flouncings ; seine in this lot are hemstitched and uro cheap at $1 yard , choice Monday , 4c ! ! yard. Oriental Laces , 5c A largo lot wide Oriental Laces in fine goods , in white and cream , worth from .T5c to 7oc. choice Monday , 6c yard. Ladies Silk Hose , 1 i JL . ' Our own importation ladies' war ranted fast black Silk Hoao , a very su perior quality , only $1 pair ; very cheap. Cashmere Bouquet Soap , 19c. Children's Hose , 15c 100 dozen children's fine Brilliant Lisle Hose , in navy , seal brown , tans and grays , also blaok , formerly sold Irom 3-lc to 85c. They go Monday at I5c pair. BENNISON BROS too first plavor who felt the razor after the famous brotherhood ono-ycar-btralght-away- con tracts proulnmation. Over in St. Louts they say that Willie McGlll is n tower of strength for six or seven innings. There is some talk of signing McGlll for Omaha , but it is only talk. The association has thrown its declaration , "Wo won't touch players under contract , " into the waste basket , " nnd will make raids wherever a good player can be corralcd. The Sioux City Journal gives Wldnor this cold roast : "Wild Hill , from Cummlngsvillo , who never worked nnd never will , has been released. Ho will soon got a job tending bar " Pitcher Clausen , of the Milwaukee com bination , must have evaporated and floated away iu vapor , as nothing has boon hoard of him since going to the Hot Springs eight weeks ago. First Baseman Campion will not bo re leased by Manager Cushman until ho is given n further chance to play baseball as it should bo played. At present ho is doing all the fans can ask. Captain Tobeau was vary foolish to write that letter homo , but the friend who botrnycd him must feel very proud of the work. "White Wings" should have burned the missive before ho mailed it. ttyn , the tall nthloto who guards first base for the Mlllorsleft a ullt-cdged record at Mil waukee. Only for his timely hnttlitg the re sult would have been otherwise. Though not u Tollable hitter , ho was iu it all the time. Gcorgo Tobeau has been unconditionally released by the mauagamont of the Denver tenm. ' 'Ctilnplo" McOtarr has boon chosen cantaln in Teboau's plaeo. Toboau's release arose from chnrgos made against Manager Van Horn by the player. Jimmy Macullar , the old Lincoln short-stop. is In big business. Ho is in the employ of the American association to Induce \Vostern association players to jump their contracts. Jimmy pinys the crook with thosnmo success he plays ball. Up to date ho hasn't secured a single player. The National board comes out with a bulletin warning players under contract not to listen to association tempters. They will be ineligible to play with National agreement clubs In the futuro. The venal clan have heard the same story before , but it has uovcr boon carried out. People who can jump twontj foot in the air nnd kick tholr heels together us many times before coming down , usually travel with the circus , hut Trondwav may bo soon this year with the Millers' association. Ho is the happiest and nolsest coauhor in the Western association. The empty benches to which the Loulsvillcs have been playing recently uotokon n con dition of nfTalrd that is growing alarming. The receipts of yesterday's game wouldn't pay the incidental expense * . Loimvlllo Post. And this is where Dad , Josia and Eddie threatened to go. Shoch has resigned his position as captain of tbo Milwaukee olub. Of late they have needed disciplining , nnd ho rather than gain the disfavor of his associates preferred to resign. It is generally believed that the Jtrowers will put up a better iiuallty of ball during tbo balance of thu season. Larry Twitchell has been n king bee in the field at Omuha und Captain Shannon whis pered : "I'rlthoo try thy arm in ye box once more. " Ho tried it and Lincoln ordered up a furniture car to carry oft tholr earned runs. Sixteen of the eighteen scored wore made on nice , clean , everyday sockdologors. . Ken Mil ford. They tell a good story about Willlo of Kelly's Cincinnati . , Ho was staving in a house nnt fur from the grounds in that city. Ono day ho told Manager Bancroft that ho was afraid ho would hnvo to clmugo liU res idence. "Why I" asked Bancroft , Corno to flud out ho had secured n room that belonged to u another follow in the day time , so thut Willie hau to got up nt U o'clock in the morn ing and give tbo day man a chance to sloop. Bcnton Herald. The report that "Deacon" White hod signed with a Western association club is not correct. Wbut a shame it Is to thus disturb the pcaco und iiuiol of the good old nine in the evening of his life. Ho Is still raising * broom corn up In Northern Now York , and while the twilight deepens into the shades of evening ho Is wont to gather around him a group of admiring coming lights of the ' diamond and tell bow Ezra. Sutlon and him self poked the Ice from iu front of Washing- TURKEY RED DAMASK , ,15 pieces fine Turkey rod taolo Dam- aska , colors are perfectly fast , good pat terns , Monday only at Klo yard. LINEN GRH8H , CO pieces all linen plain Crashes ; also check glass towolings ; they are worth IOc yard , but you can got what you wunt Monday at 4c yard. LADIES' Shirt Waists , Monday wo olTor choice of our cntiro stock of ladies' Prdnch Percale Shirt Waists , in light and dark colors , at the low price of 75c each. BARGAINS IN BABY GLOHK8 30 infants' long cashmere Cloaks , in ono color only , rod ; wo will close out the lot at 75c each. They are really worth from $ , ' ! to $1 each. Children's ' Muslin Drawers. 15c pair. SUMMER CORSETS , Another lot just arrived , on sale Mon day at 50c ; they are a regular 81 quality Como in and got a pair Monday , at half price , only 50c. Prices are cut on Carpels. Ladies' Initial Handkerchief 12jc. BENNISON BROS ton's boat whou they all crossed the Delaware togotuor. Seattle Telegraph. There are several players not many miles nwiiy from Omuha who may draw u lossou from this not clot of Prank Hough's : "Think of Jerry Denny being released , and not ono loaeuo club entering : a claim for his services 1 Verily there is a sermon for the comini ; ball player. There can bo but one result of a collar-and-oluow wrestling match with John Barleycorn. Somebody Is bound , to bo thrown , and it's never J. B. " Whisperings of ttioVIicol. . Ecu Little will attend the Detroit meet. Wo hnvo been having quito a spell of "mud horsa" weather of Into. Binnoy street seems to bo the favorite bauut of the racing mun nowadays. Morris , Kastman and Portortlold will rep resent the Omaha wheel club at the York acos. A review of the two great rend races dem onstrates the fact thut tbo safety bicycle is decidedly "In It , " ordinary cranks to tbo con trary. Sloftton and his bu lo will go down to York nnd help out the entertaining committee. "Frank" says this is an extra inducement to the boya. Wonder of wonders 11 "Pad" Mittauor was In town last Sunday and the T. M. C. aid not have Its accustomed run. What U going to happen 1 What has como of the Lexington whcol club I The unco strouK organization is now unheard of in the cycling world. Perhaps the York meet will bring it out again. The Irvington-Milburn race In Now York state was won by Graves of the E. B. C. in I h. Ill rn. 35 U-5 s. , his handicap was U minutes. McLean 1C. C. W. , second in 1 h. 4 m. 41 s. . handicap 7 minutes ; Porter , U. B. U. , third and time prize winner. In 1 h. at ) in. 11 s. , handicap a minutes. Van Wagp mor , ono of the scratch men , nnd the only ono to llnlsh. came In in 1 h. 43 m. 2-5 s. The winners all used safeties und the course covered some " 5 miles. Van Waggoner rode an "Jiuglo. " "Jim" Josophl , ho of the auburn locks , formerly of the Omaha whetl club , now of Detroit , had a narrow escape from the clutchoH of the law near Chicago during the grout Pullman races. Ho with sovornl other cycllata were ridiug the sidewalks and luwns In one of the pretty little suburbs when an oOlcor arrested the whole party and escorted tliom to the village court nouso. Whllo the ofllcer the others "Jim" was guarding , light ly mounted hli stood anil buforo the guardian of tbo peace discovered the aUxmpodo ho was half a mllu down the road toward Chicago , The other members of the party oacu con tributed $ ! 5 as a lino. The two great road races , which always at tract so much attention among the wheeling fraternity ouch year , were successfully run Decoration day. The Pullman'raco. at Chica go interests us inoro than nuy other from the fact that it U nearer homo. Of the 110 start ers , 114 llnUhod. Barwiso of the C. U. C. , wltb a ten mlnuto htxiidiuap , won iu CO min- utos. Starr of Knglowood second in 51 m , 55 s. Bode of C. C. C. , third In Si in. Starr had an 8 mlnuto handicap and | 3odo 7 min utes. Vnn Bidden , ono of the scratch men , made the fa-itoit tlmo ever inaju in any Pull man road nice. IIu Mulshed iu CO in. 17 f- . Mounts of ull descriptions , styles and umuo.s were used.pneumatlcs being well reprosontod. The winners all bestrode safeties. Tbocourso covered lt % miles. It is now a settled fnot that the Nebraska division will hold its annual meet at York on July ! > , nut ) 4. Great preparations have boon made , and Piiyouo who attends will have the beat ot good times. A special train will Icavo Omaha on the evening at the 'OJ , and will land Omaha cyclists in Yprk some tlmu in tbo night , Hotel accommodations will ua reserved , so that no ono need ft'ar ho will not receive attoiitiou. Delegations from Grand Island , Kearney , Fremont , Lincoln and neighboring towns will bo on liana to uiako things Interesting. Nothing Of Importance will transplio until the Uh. The morning will bo tukou up by the recaption committee and buslnoHs mooting of tiio ( tlvUleu. About IU o'clock the wUo.-lmon will form Iu a column and parui'o the princi pal atroc'ts alter which the liniguo pho o- grapher will proceed to "shoot the crjwd" in several different positions. Alter dinner the race i will take up theuntlro ufUricon As these races are open to ull there 1 lit loduibt but that some of the eastern ciuo s wl 1 en ter. After the races there will I elbe a lantern piirmlo and bumjuot an-1 thuvhote affair will cud with a grand ball athluu - LADIES' Lisle Vests 13c Now remember this vest gooa just for ono day , Monday , at Uc ! ; it Is a fancy stripe jersey ribbed lisle vest nnd is really cheap at Mo , you can buy half a liozon. no inoro to ono customer , at lite each , Monday. French Challis Just arrived , 25 pieces half wool French clmllis in beautiful figures and rich colorings at only 20c yard. Black Silk Grenadines YSc Black silk iron frnmo grenadines in stripes , plaids and figures , at 75c , 83o , 81 , 81.2o , $1.35 and $1.50 yard. No ono can or will give you as good value on grenadines. Wo s'.ill have a very good assortment at oOo vard. Black China Silk 39c 10 pieces solid Vblac1c China silk , that you would pay obfowhere at least OOc yard , you can buy of us , Monday , at ti'Jc yard. . , Black Gros Grain Silk 5 pieces black gros grain silk , nnd every yard \varranted , this silk is cheap at 31 , butj itj goes , to reduce block , nt 7Jo ( each. t. BENNISON BROS. bicyciouniforms will bo full aress nnd quito the proper thing. Don't see why our racing board can't get together and hatch up something of this kind. There are cyclists enough in the west to help out a scheme for an annual road race , and wo have courses enough upon which the race could bo run. Florence would make an ole- gnnt course. What wo need is something to give cycling a now impetus , and road races , tournaments and meets tend to do this moro than nny other schema concocted. Twenty- live thousand people turned out to see tno Pullman race and were as excltod as the cyclists themselves. Apollo Cycle Observations ) . Pcoria has a seventy-year-old Ordinary rider. rider.Wortz Wortz will ride his Eagle in the York races. Holton and Schnoll leave for Newton , la. , today , whore they will ride several races. Waldrou has given up his Ordanniro for n balloon tired autoty. Ho will go on the path this season. Frank Shill lias retired from the racing path for good. Ha is devoting all his tiino to art. at tbo present. Mockett of Lincoln spent a few days in the city lost week. Ho succeeded m getting a match with Pisloy. Jones of England lowered the half milo safety rncord from 1 : ll ) to 1:09X : Qt Padding- ton , England , recently. Fleschor talks of getting a pneumatic tlrod Ordannrio. Ho says when ho does the other people "won't bo in It. " Mucntorforlng , who fell a conplo of weeks ace and broke his arm , is coming around all right and will begin training for York at on co. It is claimed that the average high grade safety Dlcyelo contains over seven hundred sopun\to niece * , including spokes , nipples , chains and balls. Bert Potter , on bis "Modol B , " is showing up In line shape. Ho takes his evening rides ever the Bluffs course with the boys and muUoi thorn all work to stay with him. Pixley leaves for Lincoln Wednesday , where ho will ride n llvo and ton-mllo race with Lincoln's flyer , Mockett. Douman goes along to look after Pix's interest In tuo Alli ance town. Perrigo spent several days in Yorit last wjolc loolilne after the interest of the Omaha boys for the League of American Wheelmen btato moot to bo hold there July 4. He says it Is as line a half milo track as there Is In 'tho state and thnb Uhero will bo fast tirno mndo on it. U , The question is''N.Vlll they have a team racn at Yorlr on tho"l'durth of .July. Lincoln stands ready within icani , the A polios have one ready und ttioOlnuhu athlotlu club talks of organizing ontf'Tbr the event , and as all the boys seem ttfj favor of this move , ono should bo includoil'iK ' the programme. Among the noiv'pon who will bo on the path this year are , ' Holinoll , Mulhall , Morris , Wuldron and Jl Henry Ku-stnuui , yclept ' ' \VIndy \ , " for snort , together with these i Flescher , Donmafj,1 , Pixloy , Wortz , Holton and Porter , who/nro training hard every evening on thu nlyfTs course , and it is a very interesting sight-'to see some of the Hub dashes raado. ' " 9'j' ' ' ( A party of the bcya will go down to Lin coln Saturday nlljLuto ( { witness tlu race be tween Mocliott u d Plxloy. This will un doubtedly bo ono 9/ / | iia boat races seen In the ututo for some tliui y It will bo a tlvo-mllo race , the men startfng from opposite sldei of the track , thus making the race a spurt from start to llnliti. Quito a good deal of intaraU li manifested in the event. Lincoln nyclUu nro conlidont their man can win , whila tha Omaha sports say Mockott won't bo in It with Pixloy. Questions und Answers. NKWM AN UIIUVK , Nol ) . , Juno 10. To I ho SportIng - Ing Kdlturuf THU UKK ; I'lu.ieostuto In ritm- duy'a ItuK wliero Uniiilm llr t got Walsh , ICItul- Jort ; l > d HtiUurV U. V. A. Aus. Keokuk , Chicago , Newark , N. J. OMAHA. Juno 11. To lliu Sporting Editor of TlIK IlKKi Will ) Is COIIrtldoHHl thu HWUtUSt iiltchur In this association , und who holds the bust record up to JniiuT ? Dead ( Jume , Ans. (1) ( ) Duke. ( J ) Don't know. OiiAiiA. Juno ii : To the Bportlni ; Kdltnr of TDK UKK : Did .Minneapolis break even with Mi wauUi-o at Milwaukee ? I ) . J. Aus. Mllwuultoo , throe ; Minneapolis , ono. CouM-ir. Ili-UKru. la . Miiy : n. To the Bport- lilt KUltur of TlIK UKK : Will you piuaso aniworlhrougn your Imi ilry column vtliuli Domestics. Domestics Pink Chambrays worth 12jo , at fie yd. Fancy pliiid Ginghams at Cc yard. Standard Prints 3c yard. 30-inch figured Percales , & ! c yard. HG-inch solid black Ponangs ( ! c yard. Pine npplo Tissues , a beautiful wash fabric , nt ific , 18o and 20c yard. 2 cases SG-inch bleached Muslin , at 5o yard. 10 pieces chock Cheviot Shirting nt 45eyurd. 200 Feather Pillows , C9c ouch. Scotch Zephyr Gingham , 18o worth 25c. Carriages. Great mark down sale of baby car riages. Wo propose to close out everyone ono , in fact wo are obliged to close thorn out , as wo have no room to carry them during the winter. Now is the impor tant time to buy the baby a nice i-ar- riago at loss than wholesale prices. Got one Monday and save big money ; fine ones at $8 , $8.00 , $9.80 , $10 and S12 , worth from $15 to $25. Don't miss this chance. Pozxoni's Pace Powder , 25c. Brooks' Spool Cotton , Ic spool. Lunch Baskets , IOc and 25c. CHALLIS , 2c. 100 pieces figured light ground Chal lis , go Monday at 2cyard. Baby Carriages at wholsalo. BENNISON BROS the owner of Tonny and who rode her In the Krooklyn handicap. Sport. Ans. Pulsifor , owner. "Snlkoy" Barnes , rid or. la. , Juno 9. To the Sporting Ed itor UKK : Will yon please unswo r tlio follow- ln iiuerios In your nest Issue ? How many Bii'nen has lliuchlnsou pitched for OhlcaRO this season. 2. How inutiy KHIIIOS has ho won and how many lost ? A Subscriber. Ans. Twenty-two games. Lost seven. LINCOLN , Neb. . Juno ii. : To the Sportlnc Editor of TUB BEK : II. hots that straight arm pitching , or the old style of tossing the ball , was douo away with in the National league ton years H'JO. D. hots tliat It wasn't , and the two ask TIIK DF.K to doeldu the muttor. Ans. Straight nrm pitching was aban doned about 1870. NniiroLic , Nob. , June 13. To the Sporttn ? Editor of Tiu : UKK : In n game of high flvo where both Hldas mnko points enough to go out , who goes out Hist. The bidder , or nro the points counted accord I nK to grade ? Norfolk. Ans. High low Jack , and tho'gamo trump 5 , and oft 5. OMAHA. JunnlX To the Sporting Editor of TIIK HKK : Will you kindly corruot n Rtntamont In your I'sno of last Sunday itliout the tennis club ? It should reid : both mombnrs of the Yonn lion's Christian Asso ciation nnd non-ineinljurs are admitted to the Young lien's Christian Association tennis club. Respectfully , JOHN WILSON HATTIN. OMAHA , Jnno in. To the Snorting Editor of Tin : UKK : IH Wally Andrews playing ball tills year ? If BO , whore ? If not. can you tell mo his present address ? II. W. II. Aus. Now Haven , Conn. LINCOLN. Nob. , Mny 20. To the Sporting Editor ot TIIK HUE : Will yon plnuso state in TIIK SUNDAV UKK the events which guntirnlly constitute the nthlutlo programmo at Yale ? Iteadur. Aus. Base ball , foqt ball , rowing , h Igh ump. 200-yard hurdle race , 100-yard race , col nnd too wnlk , and in fact , all thu ovcats of a regular field day trial. OMAHA , June 12. To the Sporting Editor of THE UKK : i'leiibo state In Sunday's sportlin ? columns If possible , where I oan obtain MIIIIU Information concornlnK birds and thulr UKRS , cither l > y hook form or by means of letter.- , ? Edward Lowry. Ans. "Studor's" or "Cones' " Birds of America. Any book seller will obtain tltlier for you. There Ls a telegram at this olllco for Danny Daly , pugilist. OOUIIT HOUSE , OMAHA. Juno a. To the Spurting Editor of TIIK UKK ; In play ing u Kumo of ruzzlu Ourzlo , IU points for enmo , A Is SI nnd U ftO. II bids la nnd A N Ills partner with the kins nnd they make 14. II plays thu high. low. Jack and KIIIIIO. Each pl'iyor fins n curtain amount up. Who wins the pot ? Thuru uru llvo persons playing the game. "Kaz/.lo Dnz ln. " Aus. B , scoring blga und low , wins ) , of course. I. O. O. If. The grand loclgo of Missouri has desig nated Juuo 14 as memorial day. Grand Master ISvnns instituted Princess ledge No. 05 , Daughters of Koboicah , at Gordon on the 4th lust. The lodge was Insti tuted in tha afternoon with forty-eight charter - tor members nnd n very pleasant entertain ment was given in the evening. Kuth ledge No. 1 , Daughters of Hoboknh , gave ono of its regular entertainments last Saturday evening. It was culled a Jnpjnoso social , the ladles on the ciiuirtainmunt coin- nil tteo being arrayed In becoming gowns made In Japanese stylo. A pleasant musical programme was given early in the evening , followed by dancing. A. O. U. W. Union Pacific ledge , No. 17 , will give a mu sical and literary entertainment at the lodge room in the Barker block on the M lust. , to which at members und frloud * of the ledge are invited. The Hupromo ledge will convene in annual session in Detroit on Tuesday next and will remain in session about ton days. The dolo- gntus from Nebraska to this meeting are J. W. Curr and Dr. S. U. Putten of this city and George F. Milburn of Mindon. Urand Master Workman Tute of Grand Island U one of the trustees of the supreme lodge and will also attend. A Morutiiint'H Opinion. Mr. John Cnnighur , n merchant at Carag- har , Fulton county , Ohio , says that St. Patrick's Pills nro the best selling pills he han dles. The reason is that they produce a pleas ant cathartic effort nnd are curtain and thor ough In tholr action. Try them ivhon you want n reliable cathartic. For aulo by all druggUU. Another Drop in Prices. These who bought c.ipots of us 1 ast week said yur prices were lower than these of our competitors. They were right. I This week wo shall make ANOTHER REDUCTION. Wo will not quota prices , but wo want you to visit our Carpet Department , and talk with our salesmen. If you want-si cur pot , you will bo pleased that you culled on us. Wo have on hand a lot Smyrna Rugs , which wo do not want to mix wilh the now stock wo are just now purchasing for summer nnd fall trade. You can have thorn at cost this wook. They are good patterns. Look at them. Wo are soiling Lace and Chenille Curtains , at prices that are bhatnofully low. But you are the gainor. Be sure and got our prices this wook. Wo still hnvo a good many rolls of China Matting on hand. As wo adver tised last week wo will lot you have it at about your own price. It is the best opportunity to got Matting you ever had. BENNISON BROS SCIMETAR AND TIGER CLAWS Will Take Possession of Omaba Next Summer * . IMPERIAL COUNCIL OF THE SHRINERS. Next Session to Bo in Omnhn Now York Masonic Grand Ijodgo Ad dress of the Supreme Chancel lor Kuighta of Pythias. Members of the Mystio Shrine , or , moro property , the Ancient Arable Order of the Nobles of the Mystio Shrine , are rejoicing in the taut that the next session of the Imueriul coui.cll , the governing body of the order , Is to moot in Omaha naxt Juno. The session this year was hold nt Niagara Falls , Judge Gustuvo Anderson being the delegate to that meeting fromTtuiglor temple of this city. It was through the herculean .efforts of the judge that tno next sosslon was secured for Omaha , and there Is great rejoic ing In the tents of the faithful of Tangier ever the result of the diplomacy of the im perial potentate. Thu imperial council is. composed of some of thu most prominent members of the Ma sonic fraternity , and the facttli.it thu next session will bo held in Omaha means thut this city will bo the scene of such festivities ns weronovor witnessed hero before. In fact the city will assume u brilliant carminenuu during the mooting , the otfoct of which will bo discernible toi some tlmo after the event has transpired. The Shrine occupies n unique aim 301110- whut annni ilous position among the secret HO- clotles of this country. It Is not n fraternal organisation In the strict sense of the term , there is no Masonry in It , nor has it any con nection with Masonry , beyond the fnot that its membership is recruited exclusively from the commnndories of Knights Templar nnd the various consistories of the land. It Is not a benevolent organization , and the chief ob ject of its existence is to create fun , uxcito risibility , promote good-fellowship , and min ister to the social wunta of Its members. The rather rude attempt to trace the history of the order to some oriental source and give its rites nud ritual the semblance of antiquity has provided an excellent burlesque on .somo of the older fraternities that claim to trace tnolr origin to the Gurdsn of Eden or some prehistoric period. The Shrine , wnutuvor there I * good or bad about it , is n YatiKoo in vention. It is purely an American order and exists nowhere else. There me no temples or bodies ot ttio order outsldo the Uaitod Stuioj , except Hamusos umiplo in Toronto , Out. Out.Tho order was prncticaliv organized In Now York in 1871 by Sherwood C. Campbell , James S. Chappoll , Oswald Merle d'Auglgne , Edward Edd > . Charles T. McClonachan , Gcorgo W. Mllmr , John A. Moore , Albert P. Moriurlty , William S. Patterson. Duniol Slcklos and John W. Simons. This unlucky number of thirteen Illustrious nobles met and organized Mecca temple No. 1 , Septem ber Si ) , 1872. It was not , however , until 187S that the order botran to spread and new torn- pies iiogan to bo instituted. Damascus temple of Uochoiter was the first temple orgnnUed outside of Now York , and was really the first temple to confer the orders and admit members by In itiation under the revised ritual. This tcmplo was orgauued February S , 1875 , with Guorgo F. Lodor as Illustrious potentate. Next camu Al Koran temple at Cleveland , Syrian temple at Cincinnati , Mount Sinai temple , Mont- nellor. Vt. , and Naja temple , Albany. The Imperial grand council was formed Juuo tl , 1871) ) , with thu following oUlcors : Waiter M. Fleming , grand potentate ; George F. Lodor , deputy grand potentate : i' . F. Lonhnrt , grand chief rub ban ; K. M. L , Killers , grand assistant rnbhan ; Wllllnm It. Whiting , grand hik'ii priest : Samuel It. Car ter , grand oriental guide ; A. L. Northrop , grand treasurer ; William S. Patterson , grand recorder ; Albert P. Mormrity , grand financial secretary , und Benson Sherwood , grand ceremonial master. From that time onward the order grow in numbers , tcmplos Basement Bargains Wo nro oloslni ? out , our stock of Wall Paper nt prices so low that It will puy you to hnvo your piipcKitK done now nnd not wait tint ) full , Wu can furnish you first class paper Imnunrs nnd will gunraiili'c ullorn to b satisfactory. fi.OOO rolls Wall 1'npur nt 3o , 5e , O o. 7c , 80 ICo. 5,000 rolls Rlit Wall Paper , 7c , IOc , 12c } , 15o mil. mil.Try Try us once on Wall Paper , wo cnn save yon bin money. Monday wo offer 1,000 Chlnn Dolls , 13 Inches lone , nt lOu eai'h. 100 children's High Chnlrs Monday nt 40 ? each , ( ituil 01 cs. lluukoyu III\MI mnwcrsfl.ro. l.Ouo foot liiwn hose Do foot : warranted. Steel paidon rakes USe each. Good | > nrdon hoe 2Sc. Sp.uh H and shove's l e. Window Huruun JrumosaSc each. Lamp ehliiincys , nil sl/es , 3u each. LOCO bottles itinonla IOc. 1.000 pint tin cut s --e ! ' ouch. D'pliur.s.'c. 7c , fc. UnKu patties , Ic eacli. 1.0)Hle ) | ) tins Ic each. Mlll < .Skimmers , Ic. TIM Spoons , Ic. llrass bird case spring , Ic , I'upui'r Dredges , Ic. Screw Drivers , Ic. llrassWiirdrobi1 , Ic Individual Halts , Ic. Ice picks IOc. Clood curry coiiih.r c and Iflo. ( Salts and peppers 'ic. t. Iinishade ! | 5o. Garden Trow els. Tic. Hinges , no pair1 Wlrn picture cord , iiopackngo Dover og buator-t , lilo. Tad ; huniniurs. So and IOc. Scrub brushes , .rio lOu. nnd 15c. . Copper bottom w ish boilers , SCO. Wash boards lleeacli Clolhcs wringers ll..1 ? . Western Witshln ; ; machines $ J,50 , Polld copper ten kettle $1.15. Copper bottom tea kettles , 'J5c. " " 5-foot stcpladder 5Sc. Folding Ironing boards (180. ( 1,000 glass rose JarsJOo oneli , worth 400. * 1.000 f'lassanco dishes ISo ) each. 2,000 blown glass tumlers ; ! 9e set. Oluss fruit dishes l.'iu , ' > o , 35c , worth double 1,000 zlass finger bowls IOc each , worth 40o. Hand lamps lac. 1' ) nnd > c. Glass cream sets 1'Jo ' sot. Siisnr slftors , with silver tops , 13o. Glass water pltcliora IOc each. BENNISON BROS and popularity , until now , when n temple of the order is lound in nearly every city of prominence In the United Status. There nro llfty-clght temples of the order scattered ever the North American continent , which have now an actual membership of nearly 15,000 nobles on the roster. u. or r. Supreme Chancellor George P. Shaw of Eau Claire , Wis. , has issued his address to the order. In accordance- with the custom which decrees that midway between sessions of the supreme ledge the supreme chancellor shull Issue an address to the ordor. The following - lowing excerpts are made from this excellent - lent document : r "Tho order outers the twenty-eighth year of its existence , with a splendid army of moro than , ' 100,000 bravo men and true , marching steadily forward under the trl- colored banner of Pythian knighthood. Ono year ago 2 Kt,000 name.s were enrolled upon the rasters of membership throughout the supreme jurisdiction. Within the past twelve months this number has boon in creased to t07,000. ! malting an Increase dur ing the year of 41,000 or about ouo-sixth. "Tho financial reports of the order show that the supreme lodge is on n sound llnafc clal basis , that its Interests are bolng skillfully - fully cared for and faithfully guarded by the ofllcors upon whom devolve these responsi bilities. The reports show nn amount on do- posit greater by $7,000 than the amount on de posit in any procouing year immediately fol lowing n supreme ledge session. " "Tho dovclopr.iont of the uniform rank Is n marvel , and the record shows an Increase of 153 now divisions during the past year , with a total membership exceeding ! I. > , OUO , being nn incrc.iso during the year of ( i,0 % ) members , or ever ono-llfth. Taking Into con.sldur.ulon the reaction usual to tint you * following nsu- ' prcmo lodiro session , tno fuct that the record of the past year has eclipsed that of any pre vious year's work .slnco the establishment of the uniform rank , spo.iks volumes for the en thusiasm and energy ills played by oftlcers nnd sir knights , nnd for the military methods em ployed and the systematic and persistent ef forts which are belli ? made by them to plant the banner of the uniform rank In every part of tbo supreme jurisdiction , " With reference to the Endowment rank the supreme chancellor states that it Is in a healthy condition and is now entering upon a year of unparalleled prosperity. Ho pro- die Us that before the expiration of the limit tlxod by the supromu ledge for Insurance or ganizations to discontinue tlo ) use of the tinmo of the order the loyalty of the oillcoro and members of such organizations will prompt them to obey the mandate of the supreme premo ledge and discontinue- use of nch _ . uiimo. The castle halls of Cincinnati nro becoming alive to the Importance of Lmildlnif u Pythian co-stle. In that city , and as consl'lorablo en thusiasm has been developed on the subject , It Hoains probable thut a Pythian structure will bo erected In thut city at no distant day. The grand lodge of Now York hold IU nn- iunl meeting in New York city , commencing nu the 3d In.st. This was the 110th annual communication. It was the largest assembly if Masons that ever convened at an annual urisdiotlnn. The Emplro stain nov has 731 ivorkmg lodges with an aggravate inembur- shlpof 77,000 in co * < l standing. The contro versy , on a Jurisdictions ! question , wtileli lias existed butwooa the grand lodges of Now York and New Jersey was announced as 'ruternally settled , nnd uimcablu relations restored. The report of the grand secretary and treasurer und the address of tbo grand mister showed Masonry In a prosperous con dition throughout the alato und harmony prevailing - vailing every whoro. Of lutoyoirs the ulec- lon of grand ofllocrs has always proved a rather tame affair , and as a general rule , where u uliango is now nmdo , the ofllcors as cend the fraternal ladder In regular rotation without much opposition. Such was the lasb session. Most Worshipful John \V. \ Vroo- nan declined a ro-nlectlon and William jhourer of Brooklyn was utmnlmously elected grand master. E. M. L. Khlers was re-elected grand secretary and John J. CJor- uan was ro-olectca grand treasurer. Thu next meeting of tbo eraud priory of Canada will seemingly prove an Important oue. Thu question of adopting thu American ritual will ocoupy the attention of the body. and It now seems probnblo that the Unltea- itatos work will bo adopted with u trlnitar- un addition , whuluvur tlmt may mean. Covert lodge No. 11 will ccluurata ILstwon- y -11 fth anniversary on tbo Mud InaU by glv- ng an catortuiuuiuut at Masonlo hull.