Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE- * FRIDAY , JUNE12 , 1891 ,
Oitj Attorney Fopplcton's ' Opinion in the
Waterworks Oasc.
Do tlio Work nt tlio Coinpniiy'n Kx-
PCIIHC , Force It l J ) ( > It or
Forfeit ItH Frail-
oh INC ,
The waterworks company wlllpo Into court
If ncccssnry to resist the order of the council
requiring the laying of water mains without
hydrants on North Twentieth strost from
iznrtl to Uako.
This mutter has boon a stihjoct for discus
sion In council meetings for a , year. The
council has uttcmptuU to have ninlns laid
preparatory to the paving of the street and
the waterworks company has refused to luy
iho pines without the council orders flro
nydnintH placed at Intervals of100 feet along
the lino. The matter was recently referred
to City Attorney Popploton , who presented
his opinion to the council last night holding
that the city has the authority to order the
mains laid without at tlio same tiino ordering
the location of ilro hydrants.
Mr. i'oppleton's opinion Is hrlofcd ns fol
lows :
"Tho provisions of the city charter contain
clear directions and grant clear power to re
quire water , trns and sewer connections to bo
mudo before paving. Of course It is Impossi
ble to rcqulro water connections without
water mains. The power , therefore , to com
pel the connections , carries with it the power
to compel the laying of all mains necessary
to establish the connections.
"Tho only question left therefore is
whether the waterworks company , under its
contract with the city , Is under legal obliga
tion to lay water mains in accordance with
the order mid direction of the city , or whether
the city is absolutely powerless In respect to
the laying of mains , and thn water company
is solo and exclusive Judge of when and
where , anil how , and to 'vhat extent It will
Increase the water supply of the city of
Omaha and by means of now water mains.
"Thocontiacts and ordinances relating to
the waterworks and the water supply of the
city are decidedly otic-sided arid framed
without reference to the interests of the city ,
yet I think they contain enough to show that
the city has the legal right to control the lay
ing of water nmlns and to compel the water
works company to lay sjich mains on any
street , or in any case where the necessity of
the public , viewed with reference to an ado-
quatcd water supply require such mains. "
Mr. Poppleton cites the ordinances govern
ing the acts of the company anil then says :
"Hero is a clear and unequivocal declaration
that the grant of right , of way and other
privileges was only Intoi.dcd to bo piv n to a
company formed for the purpose of supplying
the cit > of Omaha and tlio citizens and in
habitants thereof with watpr for domestic ,
mechanical , public and fire purposes. The
franchise of the corporation is for that pur
pose. It Is a public purpose , in part , at least ,
Just ns much as Is a railway company orotlicr
corporation whoso end and purpose Is to perform -
form a public duty. With this public duty it
must accept public regulation by law. In
this case , regulation by ordinances , at the
hands of the city council , from which it re
ceives Its franchise. The- purpose of the
grant of these franchises would utterly fall
if one-third or one-half of the people of the
city could bo deprived of the use of water
simply because the corporation did notchooso
to lay the necessary mains to supply that portion
tion of the people.
"And while I do not claim that the city
council could-compcl the waterworks com
pany to lay mains for purposes of water sup
ply where such supply was not needed , and
where new mains were entirely unnecessary ,
I so claim that they are under obligations to
furnish the rcqulsito water supply In all
cases whero.thoro can bo fairly said to bo a
public nee'd. "
' 'That such a need exists upon North
Twentieth street no ono can doubt for an in
stant. From Cuming street north to Lake it
Is ono of the most densely settled portions
of the city , occupied by mechanics and laborIng -
Ing men , living mostly In cottages and fre
quently upon fractional.lots. It , Is doubtful
whether any equal space of ground can bo
found In Omaha more densely populated ,
"To say that Its people can bo deprived of
n water supply because the water company
don't choose to lay water mains , in order to
supply them , Is to say that the Omaha water
works company system is an absolute and
complcto failure , and that 1-10,000 people are
at the mercy of the waterworks company.
"Whatever the courts may do , I do not
cliooso to put myself on record In favor of the
autocratic power of the waterworks com
pany to deal with the people of Omaha ac
cording to Its own will In respect to water
supply. In my opinion the people of the city
have some rights as well as the corporation.
"While there is no express language In the
ordinances or contracts out of which the
franchise of the waterworks company
spring , declaring that the city may control
the location of mains and order the same put
In where , In the opinion of the city council ,
the publlo interest requires It , the letter ,
spirit and purpose of the contract and ordi
nances , in my Judgment is such us , coupled
with tha express provisions of the oruinauccs
ana contract to grant power to the city to
control the laying of mains and order thorn
In where there Is clear publlo need therefor.
"If this obligation exists , how is It to bo en
forced I
"I know of but three \yays :
' First , let the city go forward and do the
work and charge It up to the waterworks
company , and deduct the amount from hy
drant rent , or other dues from tlao city to tfio
waterworks company.
Second , by a proceeding In mandamus to
compel the waterworks company to perform
Its duty In respect to the laying of mains.
"Third , by proceeding to forfeit the fran
chises of the company.
"Section 11 of ordinance 423 provides that
in cnso of refusal cr neglect of the water
works company to comply with the provisions
and requirements of the ordinances , and each
thereof , and to do certain other things thuro-
in specified , all rights , privileges and Im
munities granted and acquired under these
ordinances bhn.ll bo forfeited , and the city of
Omaha shall bo and become vested with "tho
ownership , possession and control and man
agement of Mild waterworks company and
appurtenances thereto or connected there
"Under this clause , In my Judgment , If
there is a clear forfeiture the city of Omaha
has power to take Immediate possession of
the waterworks without waiting for any
Judicial proceedings ,
"Ol course , in taking this stop , It would
take the risk of a forfeiture being declared.
Itut , In my Judgment , it Is the most effectual
"If It Is true , as Iv Is said to ho claimed by
the waterworks company , that the city has
no voice as to where and how it shall extend
Its mains and water connection the city
practically has no waterworks system , and
nn alnnhito conflict between the municipality
and the waterworks cannot longer bo de
"If It Is to come at all , In my Judgment It
it bettor that the city should resort to horalo
measures and bring the waterworks com
pany under the control of the city at once ,
than to submit to a tedious unu dllaory liti
gation for the purpose of compelling the
company to perform its obligations to the
"Unless some arrangements can bo made
With the waterworks company to moot the
VtlsUoa of the city council In respect to the
laying of mains and making connections ,
delay In testing the question of control Is the
worst possible policy for the city to pursue.
"Tho quicker these questions are met the
bettor. "
Superintendent Hall of the waterworks
company , In spcaklnir of the opinion ef City
Attorney Popploton , said : "The opinion Is
i carefully prnpared document and is good
ro Jill tig , Mr. Popplotou , however , is slightly
mistaken. Wo do not refuse to lay the
mains. Wo would only bo tco glad to do
BO , but before this Is done we must Insist
that the city plant the hydrants us provided
for under the contract. When these con
tracts are placed wo will lay the Twentlenth
street main , but nut until then.
"Tho city pays the company J.10 per hyd
rant and simply because thesu hydrants hro
not placed the nmlns have uot been put
down , " Mr. Hall volunteered the Informa
tion that the distance between Izard and
Lake will require two hydrants , When these
ro i > ut IB Lo states that tbo maiua will bo
Uld and that his men will keep out of the
way of the pavers *
"Of coursocontlriucd ' Mr. Hall , "there
must bo a basis of contract , and wo claim
that the basis of our contract with the city
requires the placing of a flro hydrant at every
400 feet of main laid. Otherwise the city
could order ono hydrant out at Clifton Hill
and compel u. to run our line clear out there
oven If wo did not got n consumer on the
lino. " .
Snnaparllla belongs to the stmlax family of
plants , and Is found very generally over the
American continent ; but. the variety that Is
richest In medicinal properties Is the Hon
duras toot , of which tuo famous Ayor's Stir-
saparilla is mudo.
Tomorrow ( Friday ) bolwcon 4 mid 5
p. m. , nny child Riiluiifr ut our Btoro will
bo presented gnitl.4 with a nicco of work
mniio by Prof. Gold Englo , the jmpor
king , now exhibiting In our show windows
dews afternoons and overlings.
Pcoplo'u Clothing House , 18011 Doug
las struct.
Gala week at the People's. In order to
malvo this week long to bo remembered
wo have decided to gtvo some extraordi
nary bniirnln ? . MOM'S suits ( pure all
wool cheviot ) , H7o ; actual value , Sll.uO.
UVIDKM 10 IJNDtil ) .
ImHt of tlio Testimony AKihiHt the
Institute DootorH Ilrnrd.
The hearing of the medical Institute faculty
was resumed ( it 10:30 : yesterday morning
after a half hour's > vait for the coroner ,
who was engaged nt the Lewis Inquest.
C. W. Orlng , the undertaker who prepared
the bodies of Miss Beaver and her child for
burial , the first witness called. His
direct , testimony was mainly a repetition of
that previously given by him nt the inquest
and detailed by Tin : line.
Dr. lE. . Coulter , who was present at the
post mortem , was the next witness ,
and detailed at length what was
discovered at that examination of the body.
Ho saw the bodv of the child and was certain
that its skull had been crushed. Ho thought
cranlotomy had been performed , but did not
think there was any necessity for such nn
operation in this caso.
On cross examination ho stated he had
changed his location live times In the past
eight years , and hud otllclatcd at a couple of
dozen post-mortems in Omaha during the
past year.
After drawing out quite an amount of In
formation of this nature , the defendants' at
torneys took up the case In issue. The doc
tor said the body of the child was badly de
composed , and admitted that the appearance
of the head might have been caused by the
decomposition tlio body had undergone.
The attorney had some difllculty in pinning
the witness down to the use of common ,
everyday terms. When the attorney wanted
to know about the top of the child's head the
doctor dissertated on the fontancllc , and
when the questioner asked about decomposi
tion the medical cctltlcman gave Information
about the softeninc of the tissues and the
dissolution of the body. Thb witness domed
that ho was prejudiced aoamst the defendants ,
but said ho was prejudiced against any place
where crime had been committed. The wit
ness was so ovaslvo In his answers that the
attorney for the defense , in replying to an
objection by the prosecution , took occasion to
roast the doctor to n turn. The roast had the
olTect of exciting the dander of the doctor ,
and in answer to subsequent questions ho
vehemently denied that ho expected any pay
for being present at the postmortem.
At half past 12 the witness was excused ,
mill miirt ndlonrnccl until 'JiHO n'rlnnlr.
Dr. J. E. Summers was the lirst witness nt
the afternoon session. Ho stated that ho
assisted at the post-mortem. From the con
dition of the child's head ho supposed that
crnuiotomy had been performed , but stated
that the body was so badly decomposed that
it was impossible to make much of an exam
From the Inspection of the remains of Miss
Beaver It would bo impossible to tell whether
cranlotomy wns-iiecessavy or not. The wit
ness said that there was always slight
ruptures arid homorrhagb'ut childbirth , and
ho could not state positively that the lacera
tions had been made by instruments.
Dr. Penuody said that his ouinlon was thut
tlio lacerations were caused toy bunglosomo
midwifery. Ho saw the remains of the
child and noticed the crushed con
dition of the skull , but no particular
examination was made as the body was too
badly decomposed. The condition of tha
skull might have been caused by decomposi
tion or from the effects of an attempted
delivery. Witness could not say whether It
had been necessary to perform craniotomy ,
but Judged from the size of the child that it
was ono which demanded the use of forceps
nt delivery. Ho said u physician would bo
authorized in using instruments at the deliv
ery of the child. Hemorrhage always follows
labor , and patients sometimes dlo in spite of
all the doctors can do.
Dr. Victor Coffman said that In his opinion
the lacerations were produced by mechanical
violence. Ho would not say that cranlotomy
had been performed , and could not tell
whether the head bad been crushed before
or uftor delivery.
At the conclusion of Dr. Coftman's testi
mony Attorney Gurlo.v uroso and addressing
the court made a motion to dismiss the de
Mr. Gurloy said : "This Is not a charge ol
the state of Nobrasltn atralnst those institute
doctors , but a case of Harrlgnn and others
against MoLaughlln , Williams and Sinclair.
There has uot been enough evidence intro
duced hero to bind a dog over. Your honor
can't bind those men over without nny evi
dence , simply because somebody wants you
to , because these doctors want you
to , for some reason , God only
Unowa wlmt ; or because the county
coroner , that assistint county attorney sit
ting behind Mr. Morcarty , that friend of the
pconlo. Post-Mortom Harrigau. wants you
to. "
A ghastly grin pervaded the features of the
coroner , which was quickly succeeded by a
surprised stare and followed by a death like
paleness. Mr. Gurloy continued his speech ,
briefly setting forth what the prosecution had
charged , and claiming that none of the
charges had been substantiated. Ho closed
by ngalu moving the dismissal of the ac
cused. *
Court adjourned at the conclusion of Mr.
Gurloy's remarks. This morning Mr. Mo
rcarty will nrguu for the prosecution ,
Stand Voiu- Ground ,
When you make up your mind to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla , do not bo Induced to buy
some other preparation Instead. Clerks may
clnlm that "ours Is as good as Hood's" and
nil that , but the peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla -
saparilla cannot bo equalled. Therefore have
nothing to do with substitutes and Insist upon
having Hood's Sarsapnrilhi , the best blocd
purifier and building up medicine.
The following irurdiifJ Uiu.iuivurj Is
sued by JnA'f ) Shield i yjitorJay :
Niuno uurt aJdroai. Aco.
I rrod.I.Orau. Oniiilm la
I tllara M. llulinor. Uiuttha S2
I JtiiuosJoppurgon , Omuha. -26
1 Kllc.a Yost , Onialia S-J
J Frank Vaimk. South Omaha 24
I IlosHlo 1'iixn , South Onmha is
j William Andruw. South Otuuha Si
} Gtu.uo Younitt Houth Uumlia . " . . . .M
A O' perfect purity.
Lemon -I Of erroat etronsth.
EoonotT > y In their uao
Almond I
Rose etc.rj Flavor as delicately
And dollolously as the fro ah frwlU
Tlio Jury In tlio 3fcycr > Olpcn Cnso
Vn\ln \ tc AHI-CC. '
The Jury tn the cnso of Chariot 11. Olson ,
administrator ot the ostnto of Etlwnrd II.
Olscn , dcccnsod , against Mn * * AIoycr" has
boon out since Monday , nnd the chances of
nn agreement nro but llttlo batter than at the
last term of ojurl. Ycstorduytfid twelve
men niipcnrcd before Judge Irvlno ntia asked
for further Instructions. These Instructions
were given , nftcr which they 'nskod for
the rending of the testimony of , Max Mnyor ,
Chief Galllgan nnd Suporlntondcnt of Dulla-
ings Ucorgo C. Whltlock. The liolnt on
which tliey stick U whether or not the build-
inp was In n snfo condition prior to the llmo
wiioti It was blown down.
Mike Johnson , ctiarecd with assault nnd
battery , was brought boford .Iiulgo Kstcllo.
The county attorney wltti-drew tlio cliargo
nnd .lohnson pleaded guilty to nsinult.
Thocnse of Mike Whnlon against Ocorgo
Wiulcll nnd J. 1C. Mnrkcl is on trlnl before
.luilL'o Irvine , \vndcll contracted to build n
house for Whnlen , got the money , but fulled
to pay for tlio nintcrlul nnd ns n result , lions
to the amount of $ M,0H ( ) were lllod ngalnst tlio
property. MtirUel is the bondsman for
Chnrles L. Onkford has brought suit
nirninst the Omaha street rntlwnv company
nnd seeks to recover the sum of $7,500. In
June , 188S , Charles wns employed tn the com
pany's ' burn on Park nvonuo , Whllo HO cm-
ployed ho was kicked by n horse nnd hU leg
broken. Ho now fcols tlmt u Judgment must
bo outaincd before ho can over become a well
man.W. . II. Ilnrvoy of South'.Omnhn was before
Juduo Estcllo to nsk for n writ of habeas
corpus to tnko him out of Jill' . The writ was
denied nnd as soon its n requisition can bo
ouinincd Ilnrvoy will return to Mills county ,
Iowa , where ho will nnswcr an Indictment
that charges him with having disposed of
mortgaged property.
A box of Aycr's pills mis saved mnnv a flt
of sickness. When n remedy docs not happen
to bo within roach , people nro liable to
ncglcut slight ailments , nnd , of course , it
serious illness follows they have to suffer the
consequences. "A stitch in time saves nine. "
Flour. Kloiir. Flour.
Down it poop.
Pillalniry's Best , Sl.-lS.
Davis No. 10 , $ I.-18.
DaviH Uluo D , 81.29.
Snow White. 81.23.
Keel's C. 0. D. Cream , 99c.
Cull at Rcol'a C. O. D. ,
522 N. 10th , for
Flour nt above prices.
Telephone 195.
"I should llko to know why the beard of
public works does not do something to save
the pavement on Spauluing street , " said a
citi/on of the Sixth ward last night.
"About two weeks ago when a big rain
came and swept out ft part of the intersec
tion at Twenty-seventh and Spnuldtng , the
attention of the botml wns called to. the
necessity of preventing n recurrence of the
Hood , but nothing win done. Last Tuesday
night the heavy nun caused another cattt-
clnsm on Spaulding street und carried away
nearly half n bloclc of cedar block pavement.
Some of the pavement is doubtless floating
down the Missouri river and mucn of it h
scattered ulong the gutter for half a mile
below the olaco where it should bo , between
Twenty-seventh und Thirtieth on Spaulding
"Two weeks ago , StOOjudieiously expended
would have saved this pavement. It will
now require $1,000 to repair tlio duinngo , ana
in tha mcni.timo Spaulding street in the
vicinity of Twenty-seventh , Twenty-eighth
and Thirtieth is practically impilisablo. "
Have You Got a HO.-HO ?
Every man who owns a horse should know
that Haller's Barbed Wire Liniment is the
only remedy that will give -prompt relief to
nil sprains , cuts , bruises and Ralls.and' ' Is
warranted to effect n coraploto curo.
The Pennsylvania lilacs.
Are prudent , prompt and progressive ,
and wo like to ss'.y a good word for them
at till times. Their Pennsylvania lim
ited is a great train ' , but the Ksystono
express , which is 'the now fast train
leaving Chicago 10-13 : a. in. nnd reaching -
ing New York the next day at 2 o'clock ,
is bound to draw a paying business and
become popular for Chicago people , ns
well as the army of travelers who roach
Chicago by the \restibulo Limited night
trains from the west.
New Ijlno to les aroints.
Commencing Sunday , May 31 , the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
will establish a through line of sleeping
cars between Sioux City and Don Monies
via Madrid. Passengers from Omaha
andtho west can leave Omaha at 0:20 : p.
in. , secure sleeping car accommodations
and arrive in DCS Moines at 0 n. m. Re
turning , leave Dos Moines 9:40 p. m. ,
arrive Oinaha9-l.r : > a. m. Dining cars on
both trains. Ticket ollico , 1501 Farnain
street. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PRESTON , City Pass. Agt
Another Hotel.
Dr. Mercer has commenced the erection of
a flvo-slory brick hotel upon his property nt
Twelfth anil Howard streets. The structure
will cost § (11,000 ( and will bo ready for occu
pancy this fall.
A Pure Cream of Tartar .Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes -
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry , Light Flaky
Biscuit , Griddle Cakes , Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other bakintr powder < lns such -vor ) '
Boyd's Opera House ,
Comnu'iiclng Tuesday , Julio ( X '
Grand Production of
The County Pair ,
1'roscntml Exactly us ut the Uiqu | | Fqnnro
Tliimtrc , Now York , whore It 1ms Iniuntliu pur-
miiiicnt attraction for throu yo irn.
c * > TTTT \ | The Union Kqiiiiro Company.
v"m > r v' itunnliu llurseUucu ,
TIIK Mnu iv iiirsKi.Na iinn.
exploited on the stuso lu this produc
tion ,
Corner lltli ; uul I'ariiiiin StrouU.
The \Vru8tllni : lloiiis.
Tlio Koyul It illitn ( lypsy Hand ,
Tlio luillU-H , in II'HI-CO I'omcay.
Dlek Diivlni , tin ) Irish iiL- .
Sol atouo , tliu Mikthumutiuul iiLM urvol. and a
uo t of Sketch Artists.
A Proiltablg Uour ol AwuseuieaU
Boils attd Pimples
Arc nature's crforUl < t eliminate poison from
the blood. Tlili recall may be-nccomjillslicd
much more cflcctualy | , as well as ngrcc.ibly.
through tlio proper.excretory channels , by
the use ot Aycr'a Biutuparllla.
" For several ycara I was troubled with
bolls nnd carbuuces ! > in casting about for a
remedy , It occurred tu mo that Aycr's Sarsa-
parllla had been used In my father's family ,
with excellent success , nnd 1 thought
what wns goo < f for the father would also bo
good for the son. IThrcc or four bottles of
this mcdlclnu entirely cured me , anil I have
not since Itunoro Uian two years had a
boll , pimple , or nny other cruptlvo trouble.
1 can conscientiously speak In the highest
t rms of Aycr's Snrsnpnrllla , nnd many
years' experience In the drug business en
ables mo to speak Intelligently. " C. M.
llatfleld , Farmland , Iiid.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
rnitPARKn BY
tR. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mats ,
VrlcoSl ; iUbottltii. Worth * 5 a bctlUs.
, Who rules in this town ? ,
Depends on the question up.
The lamp-chimney ques
tion what sort do you break ?
Whatever sort your dealer
deals in.
How , do you think , he
selects his chimneys ?
He buys those that cost him
least ; he can get the regular
price for them ; and the faster
they break the more he sells.
That's how he reasons.
Tell him you want Mac
beth's " pearl top " or " pearl
glass , " tough glass , transpar
ent , clear , not foggy , fine , of
right shape and uniform. Tell
him you'll pay him a nickel
more a piece , and that will
cover his extra costs twice
over. Tell him you don't pro
pose to break any more. Try
hand at ruling.
your T- OEO.A.MACBKra&CO.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tne most widely and favoruWy known § pec-
lallata In tlio Unitol States. Their lonK oz <
porlenoe , remnrkulilo skill nn < \ universal sue'
cois In the treatment and cure of Nervous
Chronic nnd Surgical Disputes , entitle thos (
eminent physicians to the full confidence oi
the nfillotort everywhere. They Kiinrantaei
the nnlul rfToctn of curly vlco und the uumor
oi : erlls tlmt follow In Its tniln. _ .
ipcndlly. complntoly nnil nprninncntly cured
OltDERS yield readily to tholr eklllful trout
Guaranteed cured without pain or detention
" '
nontly and successfully cured In every ouse ,
niutorrl o bomlunl Wouknes ? , Lost Mnnhoou ,
NlRht Emissions , Decayed Kucutlo3 ! , FemuU
Wuaka 03 and ull delicate disorders pcoullni
tn either sex positively uiirccl , no well ai ull
functional disorders that resiiltfrom youthM
fnlllos or the excess of inntiiro yunrs.
TPIPTIIPIJ Ouarantoort pormane ntlj
J I I\1U 1 U IVC CUrcd , complete
xvlthout cutting caustic or dllatntlon. Curc4
cfTootcd at home by put lent without a mo
ment's pnln or unnoynnoo.
A IIPTJ fl I HP Tl > nwful oITocU ol
rt. OUK.U UU1\L
. \ < early vlco which brliw
weakness , de.stroyltiK both mind anil
ody. with ull Its dro ( led Ills , permancntlj
cured ,
HI1 ? RPTI < ( \ Addruss those who have Inv
L/lxO. 1JL , 1 IO palrod thuini Ives by Im
proper Indulgence and solitury nahlts , whlot
ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn (01
business , stud v or murrluKo.
MARRIED MEN or those entering on that
happy life , aware ot physical debilityqulokli
Is based upon facts. First Practical experi
ence. Second Every ca 10 la specially studied
thus gtartlnB rlKht. Third medlolnea arc
prepared In our laboratory exactly to sull
each cnso , thus effecting cures without Injury. .
Drs. Betts & Belts ,
CAPITALS : 100.000.00
National Bank
Capital , - - - - ,
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1S9O , - OU.BOO
Ortlcers and Dlrectani-Henry W , Vatei , I'reildonti
1 'wls S. Hood , Vlco-l'midant ; JnnioiV , daviuo. Vf
V.Morie , John B. Colllni. It. U. CuiUIn . J. N. 11
1'utrlck. W. U. S. UUKIM * cashlar.
Corner VAUJuid FarnamSti.
A GeneralItuulciof Hugue.-n | Tninsaito I
Graduate Dentist.
A Pull Hot of Tooth on Hubbor ,
for KIVK Koi.LAiia. A perfect
lit liunrantoed , Tueth extractul
without p.iln or ( UiiKor. nul
without unnojthellcs. ( iold anj
illvor HllliiKi lit linroit raut < .
llrldira und Crown Work , Tooth
without | > lute * . All work war-
Entrance , Itita street elevator , Open evening i
until 6 o'clock
i Eurrertnn from
tliu vKi-cta ol
_ - _ _ „ . Youthlul erron
eatlr Uecar , wnMlnp weakiirsi , lout uuuuoiKi > l , etc.
I wfll Mtid ixvftluaGlo I'BltsB ( w aloll cmitulnllil
full particulars for homo cure. I'll 1-12 of cbauo
Afplendld modlcol worlct inoulil lu read l > y wer )
mau who U norvnnt and dehllltatod. Addreri
JL'rof. 1 % 0.1'OWF.lilt. Illouiluu , Coiiik
OMAHA bund tor circular or call on VV J
11. BIIKIIWOUD. m New Vurk
SCHOOL OF i Omaha , Nub.
TTTT * 1-nr
Bargains all the year round ? Do ! Eh ? Well , ' you may get fooled on it.
But there's one thing you can't get fooled onand that's in buying one of
those five dollar suits of us this week , They are without exception the
grandest value that ever tested the purchasing power of a five dollar note.
They are made of strictly all wool Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots , goods
that if you know anything at all about cloths , you know arc as good
goods to wear as any goods made.The colors are in greys and fancy mix
tures , the patterns neat , the sizes from 34 to 42. We rise to remark that
we will guarantee this suit will wear as long , hold its shape as well and
look as well at the end of its usefulness as any ten dollar suit you can
buy in Omaha.
In connection with this great five dollar sale , we begin today a sale
of elegant all wool dark suits , at six dollars and fifty cents. A great many
of our customers could not get suited in the five dollar ones , as their
preference was for a darker suit , and in order to meet this demand , we
place on sale four hundred strictly all wool sack suits , in two handsome
patterns. Suits that if we hadn't struck a snap in buying , would have
been marked eleven dollars , go this week at six dollars and fifty cents.
which we are selling for fifty cents , are talking for us in every quarter of"
the city. They are made of Pique , Marseilles and Duck. They arc in
white and light grounds , with neat figures , stripes , checks and plaids , ir
all sorts of colors. Compare them with the ones your partner paid' a dollar
lar or a dollar fifty for. That'll tell the story.
Why are these vests like a Dago ? Because they can be washed and
not hurt 'em one bit.
1 Newipupcr Advertising Aai nt4E
Send four cents in stampi for fifty cuts II-
lustratliig newspaper nils. Something nice
suitable for any line of business.
Practical Opticians
Ami briinch of world renowned optlonl oilnblUh-
ment nf A , H. Alee A t'n. , Ht. J uli. Our method li
auporlor to nil other * ; our Ictuei are nipcrlor. win
not woiiry cir llio the eyes. 'JUo framci properly ud-
Juited to the face.
Eyas Tested Proo of Chnnro.
Prices low for .First-class Goods.
114 8. 16th St. , Next t PostifHoo
Any li'ilr. "Mirt tnmp nnd xet tieo nme
I iinrkniia of I.rnmn-iiDiik U-nf Hcucltl' rur IV
in ilo ThmlilM nnil U-uc irr.iiuu. Ill" mint nc-
rueful f Miiiil romiMly uvur miliL You lll v
tlmi'xtulloiit ctii-ct uficr tnkliu Ilia Ur < t
itiunt 11.01 ut ill ugxUtu ur by mall ,
TIc . .VunrtiCar. . 1-ltU ami
fttlia titoMt Httlmtatitiallit faimti'itftr'l
Hotel JtlttilitliliIn OiiKttifi. Nei'oi'tll
Iteui'il brlcfe flra traits riinnlntrow
litiHcincttt to roof. All tincclllnji * anil
jlooi-H Illicit iritk AaltcHtoH flro ] < > ! > ]
itiliin. iimlitiiu if Imi'oiHlMa fa bui'il
quick. I'tra escapes anil jlro alarniH
tlti-ununont tlin linililina. Steam limit ,
hot anil cold tntfcr unit HtniHliIitclii
ei'cri/roow. 'J.ublv inmni'jiaaacil ttnj-
Cor. 1-Jth and ( 'apilol Aye.
Just completed , has 1OO roomg , throe
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
fine el vator and dining room service , IB
fire proof throughout , fine billiard rooms
and the finest toilet rooms In the city. Largo
sample rooms. Suites with bath , etc. Cor.
14th and Capitol Ave. Street car servlcj In
all directions. Kates , from $2,50 , to $1.
"SANAT1VO. " ttif
Wonderful Kpauld ,
Honiedy , la Fold wit ha
tociirunll IJcrvous lls )
cafee , eticli as Wc'ilr
Memory , iota o ! IlraH
1'ow or , h u nil aril c ,
Wnkcfulnesa , I-ostMar-
hcotl , SVrvoumeiB , I.i.s-
allude , all ( lrolr.ii and
Botoro&Aftor Uso. loss ut power of the
Photographed from life. GcncntlM ) Orgaui , lu ecr , caused by
OTsr-eiertlon , j outhful | ndr cretlon , or the exceptive
use of tobacco , opltnn. or EtlmulantB , which ii'.lmately '
lead to Jnflrmlty. Consuniptlon nd Imanlly. 1'ut up
In conveiiU'iit form to carry In the vest pocket , 1'rkc
Jl a pacbcxc , or 6 for (3.Vltli every 15 order we K've
a wrltttm Ruamntco to euro ur nifuiHl tlio
iixinny. Sent by mall to any address. Clrc-uHr trie.
.ttentlon thli pai r. Address.
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , , Ilrsnch OiHco for U. S. . .
417 IVnrhorn fltrrol. rillCAOO. II.K
, , , . FOlt BALK IN OMAHA. NEO. , IJV
Kulin & Co. , Cor , ISth & Ioizl FU.
J , A. fuller & Co. , Cor 14th & Dunvli
A I ) I n u-r * < 'o I'liunril Illiiffa In
Ji.j v. . ; .vK.K ( . ,
lvucuii [ ruinedy for nil ( h
unualuip1 dlncluii RCS nn'
prlVAtnillicaieuof men. * .
certain euro for llic ilvlijll-
tatlne v.uulcuc peculiar
to women.
r- , , IpreinrtbellnndfoeUnfn
> iMTHlE / CHiMJfHCo In rc'comniuiioliic It W
NoM ! iv
. 01.00.
Burnt a bright flame Iram a minute to 2 hours
llrdiirncllriiUtlf llichtlnirrnrkcv
I.anii | und Ulitar Milliter < \ IT Intro
ducfd. A match vafo In api arttnc * ' .
but Mimller lu vlz . A man el of Invc
nulty. L'lrful mill cimuiildit
hmni > lecoiiietowlhHlHcct'i' | | o-
d , fri'vald In nj
receipt ( it r > l , < ll. (
Onmha , Neh
GOLD MEDAL , PARIS FXposiTloH , 1880.
- - '
urslvu relief like "Dr. i'lurcu'i ' Mujnutla 1'Uitlu
Trim , ' lilmgrurfiltliouiiaiiilil If you want tlio
Morctlmn 13 yoaM cxporlonou In the troura33t of
Acuro guaranteed In 3 to5 diiya , without uolosi ot
nn hour's tliuo.
The moot complete nnd ubtolutQ euro for elect nn < X
nil imnoylriK dl. cmrk'oi ! over known to the uieille.ul
pretension. I'orm.inuntly curuil In froiuSlotUi
Or pain In relieving tlio hliuMur cured without p.iln
or Inatiimicnta , no cutting , no dilating , The moil
rcmurkablu remedy known to modurn soloncu.
Cured In 80 to 0) ilnya Ur. MoUroir'a treatment for
this tcrrlblo blood (110140 hit * boon pronounced tbo
niii tnueccs8fill remedy over dlioovcrod for tlip uu-
eoluto cure of the dlio.iio. lll nuccoii with I nil
illseixsd hm never boon c"iiillo | : L A complete curJ
fiiuruntuurt.LOST MA.NHOOD
ncss.nll wciknc3'U3 of tl o Muxtinl org.-mi , norvnm.
Anil timidity nnd ileipondunoy nbaolutely curoJ.
Tliarulluru IniiucdUto nnd runiploto. . ,
nnd nil dl-emoi of the blood , liver , kldnoyj , auit
blnddur pernmnontly curo.l. *
The doctor s "Homo Trnntinant" for Indloa li pro.
nouncoil by nil who have nin I It to bo tbo moil com-
plctonml ciinvonlonl rcinudy over olfuroil for tha
truntmentof fouialodl'piuiM , liluriily it wondurlul ,
remcily. Hours for Itiillui , from 2 to I only ,
Mnrvelloun niiccons In the IriMilnient of prlvntodli *
unsoH hits won tor him a roputntloii which la trulp
niitlouiil In charnctur , and hla Krout nrmy of patients
ronthoii from thoAtluntlo to tliu I'liclllu. Tha doctor
la n uruduato of "ro iil-ir" moillclno nnd him Imy
IOIIK und careful ojcperl'tnoa In pnictlcd ,
nnd IH ulniHpd IIIIIOIIK ilin icudlni ; ipoclallati In mod'
ern acle.ioo. Treatment by corruipondonco. Wrlto
for circulars nboutoich of tliu nuuvo dlaenoi , froo.
OHico , 14th and F ruim Streets , Omalu
Neb. Kntranct ) on nlthor btroot.
l.ut iinotliur mini prulfctliff , mid 110' tlilno
own iiiiintli , A Htrnneur inul not tlilno iiw
lips. " Hov. Oi'ii ) < ) Millor. Ciirllln. lowai Hey
Anthony Jacob * . ldm > y. Inwui Itov , ,1. \v
. on ,
lion. T. , I. Alio ! . Ih'L-.itiir. . { Illlmlv W.
A SU-IHU , fouii'tll lliiir | . luwiuVhun auoll
ii.on ut tiu ( iiUitn liavu clvoii tliiilr tuiitliiionr
lull In iiMilNuof Moiiiu'iTifoof Mu ( un < l > - ! > <
luuillnu wlmlomlo ilnic IIOHHO.H my tnuy UivVV. .
ulvun i-nllri ) Mitlsf.ictlim wliuro they Imva '
Vr PII sold , wlmt iHit'i-r vlili'iiiio do you want ?
Why hlidiiKl yuii snil'cr when you can bu uurod
by nsliiK .Moir ' Tri-cof Mio.
.Mooro'i TroooT l.lfu. n pmlltra co-e for Kldntr
and l.lrer Complilnt and ull blood dlio ioi. | ) o i It
ay to nuUur whou ruu can hu cured br uilnj Moorc'f