Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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" " "
IwYllTlriEMKNTVffnr these columns will
1 > o tnkrn until 12:10 : p. in. , for the ovnnlng
edition , nnd until 80 | ! p. in. , for tlm morning
rdltlon nnd hUNUAV llr.t
niEIUMS Cash In advance.
"T7ATE8 AdTcrtlirmrntion Ihlsnapflwlllbe
J olmrcrd for t the rnto of Hi cents per
word fnrtlio flratlnnertlon , tind Iccntpcrword
for rncli guhgrrjurnt Insertion , nnd II.BO per
line per ii.itntli. No ndvcrtlscmcnt taken for
Jem tlmn SI cents fur the Drat Insertion ,
INITIALS1 , llz ; * symtoln. etc , , countench
IK one word.
fPHEHE advertisements must run ronwstij
X lively nnd under no circumstances will
they I o fnken or discontinued by telephone.
PAHTIEH ndverlMnz In thrsn columns nnd
having their nnswrrsnadro ard 1oa"num-
Icird letter In rnroof TUB HKK.will receive a
tiuinlcrrd chrclcto enable tliem to pet tliolr
letters. Answers will lo delivered only on
jireientntlon of this check. Pm-Ioso wnswors
In envelopes properlv addressed.
ll , nd\nrtl enient5 under tlm bend of
A "Hpoi'lnl Notices" nro published In both
Ilie inorn'ne and cvnnlntt enltlotmof TUP. HKK ,
Die elrcitlntlon of which nrcrcpnlrs inorntluin
'O-O ( ) pnpen iliilly. nnd plvcs the advertiser
Ibo V neflt not only of tlm Inrce circulation of
Tur. l\rr. \ in Onuilin , but nlio In Council tlhiffH ,
Lincoln iiml other cities nnd
Artvrrtlslni ? for these column' wij1 "o tnknn
on the nhove conditions , lit the f il.uwlna busl-
ncf houses who nroanthorlml to tutor ppdal
notices.ut tlio same rates us can be hud ut the
tCgiN. fr'trcet , Lister lIloi'K.
TOHN W. HELL. Pharmacist , Iltli Si Maon
* strn't- !
ilASE & EDDY. Ftallonors nnd I'rlntor
113 South Ifilh street.
II. rAKNSWOKTH. Pharmacist , 2115
. Cumins street
T .1. IirailES , Pharmacist , ( .24 North ICth
* * trcot"
EO. W. PARK , Pharmacist , 1713 Lcavcn-
G wortlr street.
TTUOHKS' I'HAIIMACV. 2Uh nnd Furnnm.
Pnrratm , tie. , tcttop of flrtt column onif ( / * pigc ,
SITUATION wanted by a eood hro-id and
cake baker. l. > years' expo 'loiiee. Address
utonco , E. M. .Miller. Greonluaf , Kan. M7I3 1:2 : *
" \ A7ANTEISItiiatloin for good clrls ; my
waiting rooms are always full fiomO a.
m. toll p. m. Canadian Employment ollloe.
II4'S. ' . Toliiphuno 881. U43
pUOKKsSIONAL nurso. Mrs. S. K. lion ton.
X Ifll.i Cass street. Omuha ,
J'unntrf , tie. , icctopnf flr t tolumnon thi ( < i > nic.
WANTKD An Intalllsonl. youiiR man : also
n hitly acrjualntpd with the city. Hoom
C02. lleo biilldlnir. Call botwocn 10 and II a. m.
Ask for Mr. Kelloy. ai77i : 13 *
rANTHD A blacksmith to leave Iho city.
Must bo a Kood horseshoor.and wa on
repairer , ono who can sharpen tools preferred ,
Apply to Hugh Murphy , 1 03 I'lirnam street.
Omaha , Nub. M 770 14
ALIVE man wanted to take charge of our
busl ness lu every largo ( Ml v In the west ; ono
experienced In organl/lng lodges nreferred sour
Order , Incorporated under Iho stringent laws
of Mas nchusctl8 , has over S''no.HX ( ) on hand , of
which f 130.000 Is deposited with state troai-
iiri'i ; has M ) lodges nnd 18,000 members ; pays
1100.00 In one year , $10.00 per week slok benollt :
plan recommends Itself ; honestly and eco
nomically managed ; purely mutual ; repre
sentative men wanted to take charge of states
on most liberal lornm. Address for Interview.
IM.-J Ili-o olllno 753-1 : ! *
" \\7ANTnO-Atonce , architectural draughts-
Tr mangood atdotall and construction. Ap
ply W. H. Alford manager. I. Hodgson , jr. .
Itrown block , ICth and Douglas streets. 746-14
WANTED Drug clerk , German preferred ,
Gco. W. Parr , 1718 Loavcmvortb. 751 lil
/ 1 KNEHAL agents and canvassers looking
for u permanent money-making business ,
no competition , should sccuio the sale of the
patent ildjiistrtblo shoe. Address with stump ,
Consolidated Shoo Co. . Salem. Mass. M717 22 *
TDItlXTEU wanted nt Cliiibo & Eddy'sFrlday
X morning. 770-11
BIG money selling the life of P. T. Illinium ,
only , SUJO. . Agents wanted. Amorloan
Bqpk.t'o.Now York Llfo bulldlnir.OmaliaNob.
' 7U2-Jy ! )
" 1 17 ANTED A young man who has oxporl-
T r unco In the dry goods , clothing , boots and
shoo lines : must come well recommended. Ad
dress M IColln , Aurora , Nub. 7.VI-12
ANTED A tinner who Is a good tuba
player , salary $10 per week ; must bo
peed strong player. Write at once to A. II.
JCSIer , Hebron , Nob. 707-11 *
A good moulder for architectural
tural work. No other need apply. Hast
ings Iron Works , Hastings , Nob. 737 12 *
"V\7 ANTED Salesmen a ml salesladies ovory-
T whore , on salary or commission. Call or
nddius.s McQulston Slfu. Co. . room S2 , Ilarkor
' ' ' . MM1I3 ! *
"Y A'N/rED A competent man cook and
i three trained waiters at the Uhautaunuu
assembly at Kroinont. Juno SI to July 15. Ad
dress. Ulrs. Q. A. llluo. Fremont , Not' . 707 III *
\\TANTED-Young man for clerk and he
1 useful In store , a eood salesman In boots
nndshoi-sor clothing preferred. Address P
40. Hoe. 700 12
ANTED Organizers by the Friendly Aid
Hooloty. Pays Its memhers JICO every
six months. Has paid 9.100,000 In benefits.
Itcsrrvo and bcnellt fund hold In trust by tlio
isiateof Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad
dress Frlondly Aid Society , Waltham. Mass ,
ilSIO Jy3 *
WANTKD Teamsters , shovelors and
traokmcn for work Iu Wyoming and
South Dakota. Albright Labor Agency. 1120
Farnam street. 31431
IV ANTED Salesmen on salary or eommls-
V > slon to liandlu the new patent chemical
ink erasing pencil ; the greatest selling novel
ty ever ptoduci'd ; erases Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 200 to 500
percent , profit ; ono agout's sales amounted
to Jfi.'O In six days ; another KCJ In two hours.
Wo want ono general agent for each state and
territory. 'For terms and full particulars , ad
dress the JlonrOo Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Urosse.
WIs. ' -J47
* . , tee top of firitt column nn III ti jnu .
\TIMISE wanted Apply at : CII2 IluTTon str.
J- > Windsor Place. M77I l" *
" \\7 , ANTEDr-Glrl for general housework , 4'4
11 Nl'lhstrcot. 7-811 *
" \\l ANTED Girl for housework. 617 s. Ifl st.
V > 70-ia ! ) *
A GIHIi wanted for general housework'S13
half Howard. 720-11 *
"VV7ANTED A good female meat and pastry
T cook. Good wages and permanent situa
tion. Address , M. H , Judd , Now Logan , Lyons
ob. 7-7-Kl *
'G 1UL wanted for general housework 1010
bhurnmii avo. Mrs , J. M , Counsmau.
077-14 *
\\rANTEn-Olrl for Ronnrnl housnwork.
TT liooti WI\KOS paid , U In family. Inqulro 514
Q Kth htroot. ( i04
TVANTKD-nirl for general liousn work.
1811 a 18th street. JIOU IU
'y r inl trt tnunf _ _ nrti rmumn 'in iM *
ni\VO 0-room now brlok IIOUKCS , 2J7U. 2.Y75
JL llnrnoy street. Kmeaton & Allen , inmi Kar-
imin .street. _ MEW li *
fjTINKnow 12-room house with nil modern
J-'lmiirovouu < ntH and barn ; line locution for
u physician. J. 11 , 1'arrotte renlal QKOIIOV.
FOlt IthNT Oiaaii. ElKht-room furnlshwl
house , on motor line : largo shady vnrd ;
gooa barn. .Muoleod , UI5 N. Y. Lite. ' 7:14-14 :
K-ltOOM house , nlco yard , shade tu-es , city
tJand olsturn water , ulopinl nolghUirhood , 'J
lilookh from vtrvot oars , llll H. 7th nvimue , or
lloll's pharmacy , cor , llth and Mason. ' 'W
"IJIOH KENT Largo nuinbor of houses , sterns.
X1 HiitM. oto-.t-VOU per month and up. Now
list 1st of oauh month. Ucorgo J. Paul. 1UO )
Farnam strcot , COI jya
STEAM heated iwdcrn flats , 707 and 700
youth IQtn. K-K ItltiKcr , 151 ! ) Furnam.
au-j-.T *
TTI OIt KENT 0-room house , modem convmi-
X1 Ipnoos , XXEl Davenport street. Inquire
az = J Duvenuort atri-ot. 469
TT OU KENT Elegant ID-room brick house
X1 cor. SOth nnd Hurt st , modern Impnjvo-
r-fimnta upuly to J. H I'arrotto , S. E. cor 10th und
Dodge. C7S
IjlOH KENT Hniidionio ll-room modem
X' hou i ull coiivriilonci'i ; in iwrfect order ;
paved utroetai minor , and wrlthln 5 tuluutci
? "uffr4"1 ! N"11" " ' b"flltoa < MW SH
, etccetopo'ftnt wUimii n thli rnos.
TT1OII Ili' T Nicely fnrnlnlipd seven room
J- cottage , convpiilently locate : ! . rofnroneo
required , ( nqulro Nothorton Hall , room ICJO.
I'lrst Nat , bunk. M 771 li
TjlOK KENT 14 room modern brick house , all
* - eonvonliMiooi , doslr.iblo location. Innulro
Nothorton Hall , room320 , Vtrst Nut. bank.
M 771 U
IT1OII UENT-0 rtxim dwollliu with largo
J.'yard , oasv walking distance. Innulro
Nothorton Hall , room IL'O , First Nat. bank.
M 771 14
Oil KENT 10 room brick dwulllne. south
front , Oass st , , rent moderate. Inqulro
Nuthcrlon Hall , roontltto , First .Sat. bank.M .
M 771 It
TTIOU IlKNT 10 room house , at Mary's avo-
J-1 MHO , , , , , i 0
10 room brick hoiiHo.Houlh 20thst M
fj room house. Norm tilth st , . . : n
Inquire Nothorton Hall , room 320 , Klrst Nat ,
bank. M 771 14
Ii'OIt KENT 10-room houso. centrally local-
oil , modern Improvements. Inquire , 712 N.
19tlh liXJ
HOIISK , fi rooms , barn , oily water. 3W aercs ,
pnHturc , North -Ith Bt , due eant 1'oit
Umahii , 111 per moulli. Apply Imtuudlntely
across the alrBnt. M ( i'JI ' l.V
4 'Wflfc UKN'T 10 room house , all modern 1m-
X' provementH. H. 22d. between St. .Mary's ave
nue and Hunurd. Enijulru cor 2Ut und St.
Mary's iivenuc. " 610
KENT 4-room cottage wilh barn ; part
furniture for sale. 172:1 : H , nth st. SSI 12 *
ELHOANT 2 lloor house all modern Im
provements , No. 403 N. 2-ld slroot. Aliply
at 1.1)0 ) I'a main street. T..O 14
rphN-ltOOM hrm o with barn ; desirable loX -
X cation , moderate rcnl. llo.ird llroj. , 1410
Dougliis st. M 8S7
TJ1OK KENT fl loom house , 0 room cottage ,
XI bath. ote. Apply C. S. Klguttor , SOI N. Y
Llfo bldg. 400
"I7UFTEEN C-rooni brick houses , all modern.
X' except fiirnneof2.uO : ! nor month , near Hhor-
man avenue motor. C. F , Harrison , 012 N. Y.
Life. 014-J22
HOUSE for rent Two story house 8 rooms
with nil modern Improvements , 2J18 Lake
stieut. C. I ) . Woodworlli 1512 Douglas. _ OOJ
"I/OU KENT 7-room house , 202J Harnoy. In-
X1 quIrcA. 11. Gladstone , niO Douglas slroet ,
room Hat , furnished or unfurnished.
IX'I Capitol avenue. 7/.8-12 *
T71OK KENT Now 7 room house , wltli all
X modern Improvements , 1 block firom Wiil-
llilt Hill molor , $25. Thoo. Olson , ? 04 N. Y. Life.
IfOH 09ALE Now south front soven-room
house , bath , etc..on Maynostrcot. In Orch
ard Hill full lot , 2 blocks from motor ; price
W.fiOJ ; on tern's to suit purchaser. This Is a
bargain. U' . K lloinan , rooms 8 and 10 ,
Fren/cr b'ock , 703 2i
8-ROOM brick houie , all conveniences , K5 ;
0-room brick house , UO. II. E. Cole , 0 Con
tinental. U23
OUSE8 , all kinds-throo nicely furnished.
Itundy & Co. , 1014 Uapltol avenue. b07
FOU KENT Furnished 5-room collage for
Iho summer : deslmblo location and low
rent. Address O 51) . Hue. 702
IF you wish lorcnl a house orsloro see H. E.
Cole , ontinental .
T71OU KENT Very desirable prlvato rosl-
X1 denro. Kith and Farnam. U. C. Patterson.
M7 N. Y. Llfo. 720
T710K KENT , cheap ; a good ' .on room modern
X1 honso. ItKitilro 2520 Capitol avonne. 1) .
II. Koblson. M075 J15
For rate * , etcteetopofflrst mlitmh on tMt pige.
' '
. bath. etc.
O 2J47 Doilgc , opposlto public school. Private
family. M 777 14
NICE large south front furnished room for
rent. Gentlemen only. Call after B
o'clock. 2110 California st. M77.r. 12 *
T71OII KENT Nlcoly furulshod room , gas and
JLJ bath. IWIO llarnoy stieoU Reference ro-
ruilrcd. Mia' . ' 17 *
TTiOU RENT Furnlsliod room. fl''O H. 18th
-t ? street. 3d Hour. M740 la *
T71RQNT rooms. ,11)15 Capitol ( ivonuo.
JJ , ' ' ' 762-17 *
THURNISHED room for ro'rit , 2:115 : Douglas
J3 btrcot. M741 17 *
TTIiirnlsbod riKims , 119 B. 23th street. Spleu-
J did nclghburhood. M5itl 14 *
IjiOR RHNT-Nlcoly furnished room. S7.00
Jporiiioiith. . 180s Fiirnmn. 7'il-Kl *
"IJ1OR RENT To gentlemen , a largo nicely
1- furnished front room with alcove
and bay window. All modern conveniences ,
nlco lawn ; prlvato family ; with board. No
( H2 Georgia avunuo. S 20th stroot. 000-14 *
T710R REN'P-l nicely furnished room , mort-
Jorn convonleneos , 2nd lloor , $10 ; must have
references. Mrs. H. 0. Moses , -'iW Karnam.
72112 *
1 > LEASANTroomswjth prlvato family for
three gentlemen. 2401 Pass at. M 1.80 . 15 *
FOR RENT A deslrablo front room nicely
furnished ; urlvato family. Gcntlomoii
piefcrrcd. 2412 Dodge street. 724-K1
ADIEtj or . untlomon desiring elegantly
furnished rooms , single or on suite , oliunu ,
please call at ' 210 N 17th street. Transient
solicited. 7111-12 *
U11N1S1IEI ) rooms. 1334 N.-21st. near cable.
( i.7 Jy 7 *
FOR RENT Nlcoly furn shod rooms In pri
vate residence , 1522 Howard , corner IBth
street. All modern conveniences , Lawn
around building , 4U7
TARGE front room. 1701 Uapltol avo. 418
jmORUENT Furnished rooms , 1C07 Iouglas ;
VERY pleasant front room in private fam-
llyjor gentleman. 8Jj S. 2ilth st. - : IJ1
TWO ar four rooms , light housckooplng , 202rt
St. Mary's avoniio. 172
"PLEASANT rooms , single or cu suite. 115
X Southl'Olh si. 778
ror nitenetc. , ftetopofflrtt column tin till * page.
T7IOK HENT-l'leasant rooms , furnished or
X' unfurnished , and good board. 210:1 : Doug
las slrcot. M730 12 *
HANDSOMEsultoof rooms with board. 1822
Chicago street. .MlilS 14 *
A NICELY furnished front room and board
tor two. 2011 Harnoy atrool. iKa-u *
OK KENT Neatly furnished rooms with
bonrd. 2010 California M. 701-1S *
I > LEAPANT furnished rooms with board ,
very desirable location. Koforonnes. ! S14
Furnani , AlU'lllU *
"pvESIHAHLE second Ihior looms , either fur-
Xnlshod or iiufurnlshud , and board at the
I'roiuer. 110 N. 2.1th strjel. M571 Jy5 *
TJOO.M8 and boaid atyouuj womou's homo ,
J\10US. 17th Nt. 7W
T71UUNISUED"rooms with first class board ,
j ; 20ii : Douglas stroot. 40-.I-1B *
"I OOSIS'aiid first-class board , 1001 California ,
XV 5s.t Jy j *
I A11013 front-corner room , handsonioly fur-
J nisi KM ! ; also amaller , ones ; llrst-classboaril.
1DJI Callfornlaj < ti \so 12 *
'l&JyV '
rpHE stv Clalr European hotel , i-or. lllth and
X Dodge , will make tow rates for rooms by
the week or month with or without board ,
UKNldHED rooms and board , 19J3 Dodse.
I'nri-atei , etc. , tte top uffntcoliimn on tltl $ p iga
Fen KENT Three rooms , alcove and bath
room upstairs lu now two-Story house ,
bailable for light hoiibulicuuliig , Islcolooal-
Ity. AodroMi P 4S , lice. MTT"It *
KENT t unfurnished rooms for houso-
' keoulnirtn family without ehlldron. t'lly '
walur , oto. Prlcu < 15.00. 1714 Webster slreot ,
lloor prlvato house ; yanl nnd shade.
Otaa. liith streot. MtMJ ta *
TjOR RENT Kind , small family apartments.
A' all outsldo rooms ; best locality , modern
Improvements. liKiulrctkai Paxton blook. 257
"VfEW , luoaorn and InoitdLMlrnbluIn thuolty ,
J-VTIireo or four room sulte8.8isa.22nd streot.
T. 1 + Von Dorn. MJSI
Mrratett. , itf top offrttcolumn nn t/ili / j up
\\TANTED Small neatly furnished hoiuw
l fur July anil Auaust In cltlior Omaha or
Council HluiTs , centrally luonted. good neigh
borhood. Address P. U. box 075 , Council Hlulrs.
une is *
STORE room * at 707 nnrt 700 Soitth letti.itoara
heated , E. V , Rlngor. ISlii jfnrnnm.
05-J27 *
Ttrralet , fit. , rt * t Pnt _ _ flr1 tolilmn on Ihlt tvv
HE. COLE rental agency , Continental blk.
. 250
Forralei , tie , , teetap offlrtt column > onlhltpiaa
ARDEN farm to rent. T. Jlurrny.
IWILIitako horHOs In pastures of 200 acres ,
Chaffoo farm , S miles a , w. of South Omaha ,
noargarpy mills. _ MM8 12 *
I'nrrnten , cle.tectnp afjlnt column on tlm page.
BEST plorago linlldlni ? In Omaha , covorn-
mont bonded wareliousu ; housuhold Kfiods
oared for ; lowest rates. W , M. Uushman , loin
Loavonworth. 2C5
CHEAPEST and best storage for furniture.
Wqlls. 1111 Farnain street. _ 2 p
STORAGE of household goods : clean , dry
stored mo-'iorato :
place , privately , terms
wo also store stoves during the sum "rcri wo
will got thorn from the houses aiiiOsllver
thorn In the full In good trim. Tel. , i a , 207
Douglas. Omaha Slovo Repair Wotks. < TTO- . )
OLDEST , cheapest and best storage hoiiso In
city. Williams It , Cross , 1214 Harnoy street.
_ _
For rait * , etc. , nee top pfjlnt column on thti page.
ANTED-IMatformBcalns to weigh 000 to
l.OUU pounds correctly. Also medium
sl/cd burglar proof safu In good condition , all
I'hi'ap for cash. State sbo and price. Address ,
P. IIJ , Hoc. M7111 lil
\\r ANTED To buy some good second-hand
' i show cases. II. 0. Moses , 1114 llonard st.
720 12 *
WANTED To buy good residence lot or
house and lot , or several lots located seas
as to make a good building sight , must .bo In
llrst class residence part of the city. Parties
answering this should give full description of
troporty , lowest l-rlco. torms. whether lucuin-
uicd , and It so how much. O Iff , lleo olllco.
IF you have any old clothes to sell lot mo
know by Mall. Kallsh , 215 S. mh street.
M C70-.T 10
For rates , etc. , ice top of first column ontltti pag * .
FOR SAbE Furniture of a 10-room nouso
cheap. House for rent. Inquire ltd Uoago
HOUSEHOLD furniture , now nnd second
hand , for sale on easy payments. Call
and oxamlno before purchasing. Store 1G21
Howard sticot MCJ1 : JtO :
FOR SALE At a great sacrifice , elegant
household furniture. line carriage team.
carriages , slolgh. harness and robes , also Duo
Jersey cow. A. J. llanscoin , 1S24 Douglas st.
007.115 *
Forrate * , etc. , tee tnp of first column onthh-ptge.
" 171OR SALE First class top bugg'y , good.
-L cheap ; also M-lnch Columbia. , export bl-
cyclo. JJ-ti Now York Life. it 778 14 *
TJ1OR SALE A nearly now llrst class covered
-L1 delivery wagon for butcher or grocer. Address -
dress P. S. Caaoy , South Omaha. M7-IB 10
T71AMILY horses for salo. Single drivers or
- - carriage teams. Can furnish any kind of
horse desired. Call at C. 1) . Wood worth & Co , '
or address T. J. Fleming , Calhoun , Nob. 7CI
$ 0.00 will bur a top buggy used a few times :
cost now. JI25. $12.50 will linv doublosot of
work harness. Co-oporatlvo Land and Lot
Co , , 2QN liith street. 700-13
_ _
FOR SALE Ladles' phaoton. nearly now ,
very cheap. Inquire at Park Avo. Llvorv
stable. * Ml lj
_ _
rpHE Standard Cattle Co. have a few gentle
J- old cow ponies suitable for children that
they can sell cheap. Applyat their ollloo at
Amps , Nob. M474 10
TTOR SALE Family carriage. Let1 uriiloh-
- * ols. ntublo.'Jlli and LoavqiiBrortli. m2i8 (
Forrates , etc. , tettop offtrtt eolunnonllit , < ip'ige ,
$100 will buy a magnlfldent upright 'piano ' ,
standard make and 3j gopJ nSi now. In
quire after 7 o'clock evenings nt 2419 Culdw oil
street. _ . . . ' , ft 7C4
"IT10RSALE Anelozant flro'pro&f sufo vHth
- * - ' burglar , chest , Phil Stlmmol , Oil Jones
street , Omaha , Nob. tnn , , * t a70
p-ioe *
MASSAGE truatmont.elootro-thOriKalbilths ,
scalp and hair treatment , manicure and
chliopodlst.Mrs. Post.Ulll . .lStliVIthuull bile.
_ _ , . , _ F .37.1
PHOLSTERING nnd 1niattresls' i "
> ! rcnq-
vatcd ; also furnltUro'ropalridi-'E.1 Petersen -
son , 1 IIP North 18th st > - M5W-20 *
_ _ _
W "ANTED A good furhlshod. room with
board forono gentleman , close t&c'rntor
of city , with prlvato family prof rrt'U.Hofor -
once exchanged. Address P 47 , Hey , , , , ,7 12 *
AX7ARNING Understanding that irrcspon-
t slblo piano tuners ari ; travoliiiK thrpugh
the state as being In our employ or1 represent
ing us , wo would warn the public to bownro of
them unless tlioy can show proper creden
tials. Max Mover it Hro. Co. , largest and most
reliable music house In the 53'J 12
TfURNirURE bought , sold , Stored. Wells
* - , 1111 Farnam ftrcoti 27 ]
GREAT bargains In all kinds of jewelry aim
silverware on account of the recent lire.
S. Jonubcn , Farnan and llth streets. 174-Ji0 !
Forr itet , ttr , , ice top of fint column nnlhls
PERFECT satlAfactlon and cheapest or no
money. Mrs. Stover , 400 N , 16th street , iird
floor. M7 8 12 *
GO and see Prof. Waring' Medium and real
astrologer at :122N. : Itlth street. $100.00 to
anyone who can equal him In telling past ,
present and future , causing spocdy marriages.
bringing the separated together , and In busi
ness alfalrs his advice Is invaluable. Ho tells
your name In full , asks no questions and ut-ca
no cards of nny rtosorlptlonln his profession.
Satisfaction given or no pav. Consultation
fee , ladles , jl.OO ; , J y5 *
MASSAGE Madam Dolzlor , tlYor Oil ) 8.13th
_ SO-J-JyO *
MRS. Nannlo V. Warrou , clairvoyant , trnnoo
speaking , writing and reliable Illiniums
invdiiim , fouryoars In Omahn , 110 N , Kith , 20J
MRS. FORT , palmist fortune toiler , tolls
liast and f uturo front lines of the hand In
old gypsy way ; ladles only ; fee JI.OJ , OOIW N.
24th. M750J IS *
Forrate , etc. , tee tap nf rtrvit tolumn on thlt pj5 <
I > MtSONAI < A lady \vltli retorencus would
llko to give muslo lessons In nxchango
for room , Address 1M5 , Hoe olllco ; MC5I IS *
CORRESPOND for amiisomont. Instruction
or matrimony , The best correspondence
bureau , particulars In plain soiilud envelope
for lOo. Look Hex 320 , Omaha. 210-j jj *
tbrratei , etc. , tee tnpnfflnt column on flits page ,
MASSAGE baths at Madam Smith's parlors'
M Hour. 4.JOH 15th btrect. _ > m U *
TirASSAGE Madam DoUlor , over 010'S.rath. .
" * *
- _ , . . 20U-Jya
MISS STOWE. masseuse , olcctrlolau , 313
Ramgu block. M 358 , li *
Forratei , tte. , itt tap nffirit' column on thtt pugs
GKm Gollo.liVoSl < ' tonc"or' " ' ' tmTbiuijo
with llovpo. 1513 Douglivs. aia
BEl'X51lEbnylngapJano nxamlne tlio now
kCulo KlubiUl phuio.A. IIOjpelil3'oiigliiH.
fomiicjicf. ( , teetopofjiritctiluiannnthta page.
T OST Purse containing 10 bill and change ,
XJ earning * of a hard Norklni ; Mrs.
L. C. Norton , Km N. 17th alroot 703 u
STUA..ED-niir bay horse. 1.200 His."siring : ,
halted In hind logs. Finder please notify
L. Sllcott , S , K. cor. llth and Nicholas street ,
T OST Juno 7 , alx-yoar-olilreowu' tinder
XJnioaio notify Jospommi Droi , Florence
Lake. 1 'TU6'12 *
1'orrattt , . tte.itetopofjlnt caumnon lf\tt \ pug
PATENT lawyers and solicitor * . G.\V.Suca &
Co. , uee bulfalae , Omaha. 11 ranch olllco at
Washington , D. U , Ootuulutlou freo. 259
Forrateiiete , , tf.topo/jfr l column on thU
rPO A practical prlt nq with iluO caih a gooil
JL opening I * ofTor V , Address O 41 lire
onico. i hi MT47 '
"TTIOR 5A1-E 410,000' tock In boat Wyoming
JL ! oil company ; m ifcd mi offer. Address P
3H. Hoc. V M7I2
WANTED-To bctfrbw 11,500 for 3 and 3
years. OooiLsoiTond mortgage given ,
Address37 Hoc.ri , ? M7I5 li !
WANTED-AmAnt < Stake a half Interest
in a livery , bourdlnn nnd tale stable. A
flnoohaiico for the right ) man. Address P , 10 ,
lice. F ; , ; M590 1U
WANTED-PBrtlotf'lmvlnB ' money to loan
on real estnto ttfiMrrnjpoad with Goo. J
Paul , 1C09 Farnam fltrriot. M027 13
IjlOR SALE A first class , wall established
i.1 butcher business In this city. Flno fixtures
and good cash trade. To unyono moaning
business hero Is an excellent chance. Must
bo sold in next sixty days. M. A. Upton Co. ,
lluo building. m M50J
FOR BALE Fnrntturo and undertaking
business In good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance gilt cdgo
paper or clear real estate ; Invoice * about
T3.W.O. Hex 043 Lincoln. 2ST >
general stock of merchandise for
CLEAN and money. Hex -"Jj , Frankfort , Ind.
fOTELmon take nollco. Do you want a
leood business ? lluy the Commercial , Iho
.ding hotel nt llrokon How. Nob. 400
SCHEMES to Make Money. Is the tlllo of
our nnw book , containing len legitimate
nnd honorable schotnos for making money on
small capital ; exposes tricks and swindling
in business ; gives hints and advlco that maybe
bo worth thousands of dollars to you. Tlio
sohemes are so clearly explained any ordinary
person can understand them. It will glvo you
now Ideas , aid you In planning other duals
nnd unable you to grasp fiiluro opportunities.
Sent prepaid for tl. American Hook Co. .
Omaha. Nob. M120J25
Forr.itca , etc. , tcetop of flrtlcolumn on thlt pigt
LOWEST rat os on real estate loans. C. .1.
Caswell , 810 N.Y. Llfo. QOT-JyS
CJECOND mortirago loans from 8500 to $10,000
O Alex Moore , 401 lleo building. MC84
is PEKCENT first mortgage loans. Klchard
t'O. Patterson , ! 7 Now York Life. MOM
wanted , long or short tlmo.
George G. Wallace , II10J. J. llrown build
ing , Kilh and Douglas. Ml
LOANS made at low rates on city proporty.
W. JL Harris , K20Fronzor , block' , opp. P. O
E.&O.M. Anthony,318 N.Y. Llfo building ,
lend nionoy on farms In cholco counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Oinalri rosl-
dence property ; lowest rales ; best forms : no
delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed
on hero. 273
money to loan In amounts of
? l.r.OO. $ . ' ,000 , $5.000. $0.000. S7,00 , > . Money
right hero. Alex. Moore , 401 Iloo bulldlnir.
J ] 759-14
TIILDINO loans n , to 7 . percent . : no nddl-
Hlonal charges for commission or attornpy'd
fees , W. U.Molkle , First National bank bid ? .
MONEY to loan on Improved city property
atcurroiitrates : funds on baud ; no do-
lay. Gco. 1' . Hlusl&Co..Uji : Ram''o bldj. 274
P RIVATE money to loan. J. D. Xlttlo , Oil
N. Y. Llfo. J3i 27
MORTGAGE loans Iwantod. SIcCaguo In-
vi'stmcntconipaiiy. j 273
MONEY to loan on Omaha nroporty. I'ldol-
Ity TruHtcompa > iy."Ilil4 1'aruam. 271)
EASTERN nionoy to'lAan at very low rates.
II. H. Irey.SOJN. V. Mfo MiiSO
KIMHALL. Champ lyan
maku loans'on Improved
city proDcrty'aUowest rates
' street 4I3-J30
CHEAP Money Phlla. MortBago and Trust
Co.- wants cllt ntlao loans. Goo. W. P.
Coates , representative , 7 Hoard Trado. 2dl
MONEY to loan on pity property or eastern
Nebraska farms4' ' E. F. lilngor , 1511) Kar-
nam. ' 2JS-j:7 *
For rates , tic. , eeelop u/ijlr ( column on thla p tge , I
_ - _ - -i - . - - - _ - -T y . l j. ' J.J.Xu t X UW * * irrU . I
] V1 ONEY to loan by n/P. Masters on" 'cTiattol
-LTJLunil collateral securities forauy tlmo from !
1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
rower. '
Loans made on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , louses , warehouse
receipts , etc. , at the lowest rates possible
without publicity or removal of proporty.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
u payment of any amount ut any time- and ro
il uco both prlnclual and Interest.
If you ewe a balance on your property or
liavo a loan that yon want chanced 1 will pay
It off and carry It for you. If you IInil It tuoro
coivpnlcnt ) call up tolnphono Iti'Jl unJ.your
huslnchs will ho arranged at homo. '
Slonoy always on hand. Noilolay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. * II. V. Blasters ,
Room 4 , Wlthnoll blk , 15th and llarncy sts.
M : ONEY to loan on ehattlo security. No
publicity. Address lleo. I' SO. BI.SC812
MONEY to loan on liorses.waRous.furnlturo ,
planos&collat'al security. Business strict
ly conmlcntlnl.l'red Torry.rooniWlKaniGo blk
M ONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
! Mortgage Oo. , room 208 Shooly block. M234
Forratesclc.scctoi > offlrtl s/ilumn an tlilt page
chattels or collateral at reasonable rates
_ ' &
Tl/TONEY / loaned on furniture , llvo stock.oto
-l-'JL from 1 to 'I months , without publicity ;
lowest rales. Duff Green , room 20 , Contlnon-
tal block. _ iilO J27
/"IHATTKfj loans at lowest rates. Oil Now
V York Llfo building. It. A. Morns. 874JJ1 *
For rate * , etc , , see too of jiret rnlvmn on tliti pige.
POM KENT The 4 > story brick bulldluR.wlth
or without pouor , formerly ocuplod by the
lleo I'ubllshins Co. , Hill Farnam st. The biilld-
liiK hiiH a II ro proof cement basement , complete
stcnm-he.itltiK ll.\tui-e-i\vntflr on all tbo doors.
gas , etc. Apply at the otllco of Thu lleo. 1)15 )
TT1OU KENT Desk loom or part of oillco ;
J- ' front room on 1'arimm street. Inqulro at
IX ) 1 Hue bld'g , I ) to 10 a. m. and 4 to 0 p. m.
FOH KENT In Shcnnndoah , la. , a Reel
brlok business house , third door from
nostolllco. Innulruof J. U. Irvln , Shonaudoah.
la- J1TO8 12'
P OU KENT Orsale , my bulldlni ? on Jones 11th U.A.LIndqUlst.aiGS 15th.
IT OH KENT Desk room , at Oil N. Y. Life
JL1 building. _ Mi
TTOll UhNT-Tho throe-story brick bulld-
JImr , 1110 Douglas street , tillable for wholo-
aalo purposes , $ I1U per mouth , Ulias. Kauf-
nmnii , 1UUU Douglas 'ulrcet "Kl
Forrate , etcatcetoi > o/Jlril column DM thttpige.
TROA'UDINa-'I'uhlo board , feTa
J- > with or without itiWrti ; huth and
D AY boarders sollrltod ut 001 South -1H1-
street. ov , , WV1-1S
ULLMAN house , _ lUid DodKO street , for
lfoo < i board , nice pgoouiH , inudorn convun-
lencosi rates and location it cannot be ex
celled. Mrs. Horn. P lj , MIClJyS1
Forratei , elen tee top o/jw ! { column nn thti
. . . . . . . . i--- , . , . , . ilK > J. . . . J -
ri"VO ole iint housi'sliwlth largo east front
X lot 75x150 foot , ontond of thu finest streets
in the city , Splendid * nolRhborltood. houses
have all modern Improvements , furnace ,
bath , hot and cold Mater , clstorn , etc , liiru'o
Uiirii with city wattir and sewer connection ,
KvervthliiB In Ih-st-cliiKs condition. I'rlco.
$ inril)0. ) 1'ropprty will yield an annual liicomu
of fl,500. Will suit and take a imxlurato
aiuount of real estate in paymant. Ocorco N.
Hlok.s , itKont , N. Y. Llfo bldtf. _ M713 12
ELEGANT modern built olffht room houso.
llunsoom place. All convenlunces. Hplcn-
did nolKhborhood. lllg bur.aliu Hicks , N. Y.
Ufo bldg. M71.1 12
_ _ _
II V pay $1,000 or tiOOO fora house anil
small lot when you can buy ton bounti
ful acres , sulomlldly adapted for u nlco homo
and gardens for the same nionoy , Itemomber
ton acres wilt plat (13 ( boautlful lot * tliut will
brine WOO each with the city's growth. Call
and buo the cholco bargains wo offer In aero
proporty. Hloki , N. YV Llfo bldg. M7HI3
JJ. GI11SON , solo nRont KoiinUe place ,
room 3 , Crolghton blook. _ Mi.81
T71OK SALE-lIost bawaln In the olty ; IIOUHO
XI built for myself a yoara IIRO : full lot.plon-
Uld burn for 2 horses , on 20th t- near Walnut
Hill motor ; will movu In lor 2 months : very
oany tornu. Thoo. Olson , ioi N. Y. Llfo.
cat a
Fnrrala , ett , , te topnf trsl rtiliimit on ( M plji
7710H 3AT < K A hargalnt n nlco lot in Kowloi
X jjlace , South Omaha , very chenj ) If onsh li
pain ; gowl Investment. Address 1 * 40. Uco.T351I
TTIOU SALE Cholco lots In Dundee Dace ,
x cam now ruunlug. 0. JI. I'owor , room 'M ,
Ohumborof Oommoroo. M CM 15'
SA LR-Fann adjoining city of Illatr ,
. 11. W. MoHrlilo ! MS05J2'
FOU SALE 22-foot lot with brlok bnlldlna
on DodRO near 12th , prlco * 0OOJ.OO. Address
J. It. 8haw. 1220 Lowe avonue. CTa-2.1'
COHNEK on 24th utroet Soulh Otimha i-an bo
had at a barealn some trade mlulit ho
taken , If some cash. Ilutchmson & Wciul ,
l.'ai Douglas. _ 73.1-1 a
T71OII SALE Two lots Improved with con-
X1 venlcnt boniest close to business : a few
minutes walk from line schools , rolloRos and
motorcars ; ono or both of them at a Brent
bargain for eashoron easy payments , Tltlo
perfect , Willis M , Yntes Nebraska National
bank , 7fj
QTUANGEKS who are looklne for a cholc"
CJIot for a homo , look at Kuclld Place , : ilst
nnd Pacific ; terms to suit. J , II. Evans. ! OJ N.
Y. Life. 7M HI
LOT 0. block 0. Shulls 2nd. t2.20).0d. ) l-owers
paid for. Call at once , O. K. Harrison , 1)12
Now York Life. 703-IW
T71OU South Omaha roporty , business , tr.ick-
x ago or residence , so to the lontlliiK t is
tnto dealers In South Omaha , Ed Johnston
Co. . cor. 24th and N sts. MiM
"KHVE-room houses In Orchard Hill , 1MO
X each on monthly paymonls. Thomas K.
FOH SALK A fine Improved farm of 20J
acres : 100 under cultivation ; shade Irr-es ;
fruit , windmill , wagon s-alc't , etc. ; 100 miles
west of 'JinuhajJ-M per acre. Address U 43 , Ilet .
_ _ _ | _ 2S3
IjlULIj lot on gradu near Hauscom I'atk
X1 shade trees , naif prlco. 4I,7. > 0. Addres < P
411 Uoo. 74 ! ) IS
Q HOmitXS.rcal oslate. 10211 N. Y. Life hills
O- - *
- 240.I-J8
T71OH SALE Klegant homos on montly p.iv-
X' niouts. Will build any priced homo to
suit you. E. R Ulniror , 1511) ) Farnam. 20NJ27 *
FOK SALE , cheap , easy payments : Hi-story
now G-room houso. with liat-h , collar , etc. ;
full lot. N. Sholton. 1014 Farnam. 0)5 )
T71OH SALE To worklngmun only ( spccu-
X' lators need notapply ) on time or monthly
payments a neat cottage at lots than actual
value. Insldo property , only ouo block lo
oloolrlo lino. Inquire at room 202. Omaha
National bank building MO'Kl '
Forratct , tie. , tectnp ofint column on this pige.
/1LEAU land to exchange for mdso. llox
W OSi ( Shonaudoah , la. J1K1 K > *
rilO TKADE 40 clear lots city park. West
X Poinl , Nob. Want some kind of business
prefer millinery , furnished Hut or .saloon. Ail-
d l ess p 44 , lleo. 757-14'
TTOUSE and lotcleartooxchanco for vacant
-Lproporty. . O. J. Caswell. 81 N. Y. Llfo.b'JSIl
b'JS-Il '
WHAT have you to exchange ? ( Jail or
write full particulars. Alex. Moore , 401
Uoe building. TJO
TTIOH EXCIIANGE-rtOOo equity In Omaha
X residence for Iowa farm , business block or
merchandise. Address E 7 , llco , Council
III u Its. .la. J1G4412
H ORSES for lots , 403 llrown building
FOR EXCHANGE I have cholco farm lan.l
clear to exchange for a good lot or cottage -
tago In Omaha : will assume some Incum-
brance. J. H. Evans , 30S N. Y. Life. 752-18
CHOICE stook of general mcrunandlso and
store bnllillru' near DCS Molnos to exchange -
change for U cash and Improved farm In
western Iowa or southeastern Nebraska.
Goods Invoice fS.OO ) ; building , $1,500. Address
T. 1C. Putteson , Vandalla. la. M404
TITO EXCHANGE Corner facing Hanscom
J- park and llvo otnor good lots for Chicago
resldenco proporty. Address O 40 , Bee.
' 183 J 2S
WANTED To trade piano for a family
horse and light phaeton buggy. A. llospe.
1513 Douglas. 735
For rate * , etc , reeIvn.of'JInt ' column on Hits pag
STEAM feather washer ; beds , tloks and pil
lows washed ; feathers bought. Mailer
ders promptly filled Work called for and do
ll vo red. 'Vranlc Anson , 31st and Franklin
streets. ' M 745
TTUUSD kohlo.'a E. cor. Farnam and llth.
JC 231
R-SANDERSON , cornorlSthandj7ickson.
. 11U-J24
I.uuvoV | CillJAil ( ) , liUUEI.NOTON & Q. | Arrlvoi
Omaha. I JlopotlOtli nnil Mason tits. I OumUiu
- .X ) l'J\ \ dj ; i.o C vrrl v u
Omilia. I ljq > t llt'i til On ilia
J.envoi I K. i ; . , ar. j. A c. n. Arrives
OliinliB . I Dvpot lUth nnil 3ln oii 8t . Om ih.'i.
' . ) . : * ) u ml . . . , l < nnns City liny ICrpnm . . . . , t.SI p m
a.4J | lujK. U.NIithtKxp. via U. Trnni.l 0.15 n m
Leaves I UNION I'ACIPIU. Arrlvois
Omnlnt. I Depot 10th nnrt Murcy 8t . Omulin.
10.10 n m .Knnsai City rfxproti ( ex Sun. ) . 4.35 p m
10.20 a m , Donvi'r Kzprnsi. 4.00 p m
.60 l > m Overland Klyur 90. ' ) p m
4.30 p m . .tirnml Lilind Kxp. ( BT. Sun ) . . 11.S5 a m p m . . . I'nclHo Kxprois 3.1U p m
LOIXVDI IOI1IUAUO , Mil * & ST. 1'AUL.I Arrive
Oiimliu. I U. I' , ilepot. Hint Mnrcy Hts. I Oamlui
J.20 p ull Chicago Kx\rot \ I 11.50 m
J.I 5'11 m I Uilcimo Kiprofi I U.IO 11
l.oiiTOl I CHICAGO , U. I. A 1'ACIFIC. I Arrive !
Onmlio. | U. 1' . ilepot. lOtli nnrt Mnroy SU. I Uinnlm.
Loiiroa iyilICAUU.t NOHTHWKrfTIOUN.I Arrives
Onmlin. | u. I' . < l pnt. IQlli nml Miiroy Ht < . I Onmhn.
limvu I OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS I Arrives
Ounlia.llJ. P. ilqput. llltli anil .Mnrcy Sta.l Oinnli n.
tfU IjQUla Cannon Hull..II-.JA | > inFer
For chafed akin
apply Pond's Extract.
AWrUlJn Guarantee li
Our tvre I * permanent and notii r * trhlnir vn * Cane *
tsvatad flr jreara Ago hATe norar M U av/niptnn
tlntA. Xly dcncrlltlnff c o f ally we can treat you by
malt , and w fctrc the lam * slrontf BUArantf to car *
or refund all money. ThOieAtho jirefer to COPI * hm
lorti\Mtinrntcnnil' > o andwowlll iur rallnvul fare
both VQri and hotel bltll-while hem If v * full to ruin
We rhitilenKO ti ) world for a eaiw lhat our HAniO
ISKltnUY wilt not nn. VTHt for fnll particular * and
Ret thoerlJtncn. AV know that you ar nkeptlcal ,
Justly no , too , nt the inoit eminent phytldiini h t
never been -\lilc to RT | moro than toimwnvry relief.
In our Hvc > ear ' pnxetlr * with Iho MAIllO 1SKMKPY It
hat been mo t illfflcnlt to OTrrcume thi > prejudleei
ecaln t all mwalled upeclllct. nut under uur itronff
guitra ! ! ( < you tliould not titillate to try thl tTinnl/ .
You luke no rlmnro of UuliiR jour ) nonf r. Vfv RU r.
antro lo euro or rrfunil rvrrjr ilollulami n w # Imvr a
rt > | nitntlon to protert , atio HnnnrUl liacktnKot I3CO-
000ttl4p < ifrcl1ri > ardto all who will try tlm trrat-
menu llmi'lororpyoit hate Un pulling up and paying
out } our money for different treatments and althouch
you i ronolyeteiiirdnnonthiu paM back jrour mon.
cy. Ho not wanto any nlora money until you Iryui. Old
chronic , ileepBerttetlrflie. ctiiedln 30 to 80 day * . In *
7r llRMo our llimnclal itiiutlnir , onr reputation m | < f \Vi1tou4fornainus and mtJnuia cf
tliunero Imvo euiv l who harlvon ( perml lon In ro-
fcrtotheni. Hro Kj-otifinly polaito to ilotlil | lt
trill saro J on a world of utiirerlnir f rum nienUI slrnln ,
and If you are married wlmt may your ofl > | > rnR ! nulTer
tin oueh } our own negllfrriKT. If your ityinptnnmar *
peru throat , nnieoni pdtrhes In mouth , rltimmntUiii
hi bonoa nnd joint * , hair fulling out , oruptluni on any
l art of the body , fi-ellimot in'iieriil deprvmlon , pilni
In luMil or IIOMI-II , youlinroiio tlnn lo vrnntr. The
vho am constantly talctiifr uercury and potn h Bhould
dln'nntlnnolt. Conntjvnt n o of the o tliuir * will vurelx
brlnffMilt amtaiitfnff itlronln tlio end. I > ont fall to
wHI . Altfxrre * | HmOene i nt nealrd In plain envel
ope * . Wo Invlto Iho moit rl ltl lnveitli.itloa and will
do alt In our power to Bid you In It. AddreM.
CIHtlt JliMKl r CO , , OIIIII/KI , Ifrbraikn.
f niro llth nhtt Fa num. pev oiid floor , entrance 13thM
1600 for n , caseof Lost or F.illlnj * Manhood ,
General or Nervous nubility , weakness of
l.od v or mind , the ellVctn of errors or excesses
In old or young that we cannotcilru. Woeua-
ran teoo very eas < > or refund every dollar. I'Mvo '
daj s trial troatiuout $1 , full coursu $6. 1'cr-
ccptlblo bonollls reall/ed in three days. Hy
mull , securely pm-lted from ohsoi vatlou.
IllnUlU Co i lain ton day or money lufund
Hy mall J2. Hccurely sealed fromobsorvalo
COOK REMEDY UO. , Omaha. Nub.
Plnplcs on the Foco j
BrcnklngOnt ) !
Bkin TronUos | j
Llttlo Bores ) Hot Bkin | ;
Bolls I Blotches | :
Gold BOTOII Bad Breath | |
Bora Month or Lips | :
If you nuir < T from nnr of ;
tfiero jmptoiii" , tuka .
Have yon i - - ippil mercury I If * > , did you j
Iitlvo yourself the noeilrd uUi > ntlon at the tlntola
; NVo iired not tt-H you „ llmt jrou rcriujro n LIuo.l ;
inrdlc'nc. ' to ensure freedom from tlio after el--
Ift-cts. l r. AeUer > I' Klond Kllilr lltlip :
only known nifdlclno that 111 thoroughly cradl- ;
pitn the potion from , the V"tl . .m' . HOOK ° > Kit 0V > S
Irourdrup-uNt. or write toV. II. JI
> . , 4 Went Ilruiulwiijr , Nor
: < ) ( YorIJ YiiT.t T
tiottorrliocti , ( Heat anil l.riicoi'i-ln > < ic
cured In 2 clays hy the French Ueinoily cn-
lllloti the KINO. Jt dissolves iiKalnst an Is
ausorhoil into tno Inflatnoil parts. Will rufuml
money If It does not euro or oausos strioturo
Ur.ntlemon , hero Is a rcltahln arttolo. $ .la
paekatio or 2 for 15 per mall prepaid. Jlc-
I'ortnlek & Lund , Omaha ; U. A. Alulflinr.
Howard Mi-ycrs and K , .1. Sevkuru. South
Omaha ; A. D. Foster and M. P. Ellis Council
Ilium * .
To euro nillousnesB. Sick Hcadncho. Constipation.
ilalarln. Ltvor Complaints , take the safe
and certain remedy , S.IIlTll'8
t7 othoBMAI 8lZH(40 ( llttlo twans to the hot-
Ho ) . They nro tliouiojt convenient : suit ( JlEaei
1'rlcoof cither Ue , 25 contu per buttla.
KESSiMtfS017- . 70 : Photosrravuro ,
Clk.iOOBB l
pnnDlBlioof thla picture tori
eanta ( coppers or stamps ) .
, . . f.K SMITH & CO. .
TUakuro of "
"Illlo Bosiis. tt. Louis. Mo
I.'ritUh Slcdlcnl Journal.
" The best beverage. "
ROOT Btat sr- * "
I'ackaeo raakiyi fi gallon * . , IpalkHllK , rd
npK'l7incr. ] ( Unld bj rli
rtoalrn. A/fA'/'fttioaiitlful
I'lduro Hunk end cnrds
Bent ti any nnn nddntcJ"
o.u ninKS Acc. . .
PJjilndolp1- ' It 1 , KIDD'U GKUM
Kit AIMCATOIl Cures nil illseinos bccnnso It kills
tliomlcroboorKurm. Put up and rotiillod In U. fs
nnn IS slioi , llio latter 2 I2 I snllons Hunt anr-
wuuro prppnlrt on receipt of price orO. O I ) . Wo
Issue n guarantee to ciiru. The piihllc. trndo nnd
1ubbur < supplied hy Iho ( ionitmtm DriluCo. . . Me-
Connlck , t Ijimd , Onnilia ; U A. .Molvliur , Howard
Stjruru unit K. .1. Soykorn , fdiith Oiuiih ; A. J ) . Kos-
tor mill .M. I' . Kllln , Council mull- .
nnnllTA BANUAMVOOU CArsur KS nro the
II 1 1 III ) I D boXai'i only capsules prcicrlbeJ ur
" regular pliyilclaoi for the euro of
jonorhooa nnd illaulmriim fro u the urlnurr
luiorttudor ocqulioit. tl./ ) per box.
TNSTRUMENTS plaooU ou rocorJ Juno 11 ,
0 W Ames and wlfo to A It UiiinmliiRi ,
lot It , hlkU. Illllsdnlo . . .J 350
io : llohysholl and wlfo to I ) II .Smith , lot
a. blKftl. Omalia 12,000
OcorKlo Ilous-curoii anil husband to H It
Johnson , lots 5 and II , Mulionuy's auh lu
hll < 2 , Uui.iilnKhain'H add . . . , . . . . 800
W W Uoolc and wlfo to W 1) Kdwards , lot
24 , hlk 2 , Junction View Terrace 200
O FJayni'4 anil wlfo to I 1) .Taynes , lols
22 and l , lilkn , bhorman Avoiiuu narlc 2,000
Henry Kilters to C O llrltlln , lot 4Kun-
sluuton adil 1,700
N .1 Smith to F 11 Mead , lots 21 and . N
J Smlth'.s IMare , tl.aweauh . . . . . . 2,400
John Wohur to 10 II UatoUIn , lulO , hlkO ,
Orchaul Illll 000
/.Ilia Marno and husband to U W 1C tor- )
hoy. lots fi to 7.12.1:1,14,10 : , 17. is , hlk 2 ,
lots I to T. 10. 11 , I ! ! , to 18 , hlk 3 , lulH I , 2 ,
4 tn 15. 17. IS , hlk 4. lots I , II. 4. 0. 18. hlk
r > , hits 2 , 4 tt ) IK , hlk 0 , lols 2 , II. G to 15 ,
hlk 7 , lots II. 7 , 8. 10 to II. 10. Ull ; 8 , U l !
Mayuo's 1st add to Valley 1
Total amount of transfers 920,031
Dr. Ulrncycuros catrtrrh , Dee bhljj
llpvnlt Against ilia
LONDON , Juno 11 , Dispatches rocolvod
icro from Mozambique nuuouncQ- that great
oxcltnment prevails there owinu to thu fact
bat Chief Gouvola , who ruloj over tlio ter
ritory between the Zambezi and the Punfrwo
rivers , with -l.tXX ) followers , has revolted
opnliist the 1'ortuguosa authorltios m favor
of K UrltlsU protectorate. 'I'ho 1 > ortUKUQ30
iiwo &c t troops to ( lucll tbo revolt.
Ho sure mid Use Mrs. Wlnslow'a SootliliiK
Syrup for your children whllo toothlut , ' , 'Jo
cents a bottle.
Declalon In l nvnr nV the
Milwniikco & St. 1'iiul Ity.
The now Pnluca slooplnjr cara of the
Ghlcupo , Mllwtiulcoo & St. Paul Ry. .
with oloctrlo lights In every berth , will
continuo to luuvo the Union ilopot ,
Dinaha , ut 020 ; p. in. , dally. Pasfmngord
tiilthif , ' thla train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs , nnd nrrtyo In Ghlcapo at U:3Q :
i. in. , In ample tluio to make nil eastern
connootlonB. Ticlcot ollloo , 1501 Farnam
street , R A. NASH ,
J , li PaicaTON , General Ajront.
City Possongor
Dr. Farkhurst Makes n Bitter Attack on the
Qonortil Assembly.
OpponuntH of Prof. Urines UNOI )
Solinnios to Gain Tliclr ICntta
AVhiuh AVonht Korovop 1)18-
u Booulnr I'olltluliin.
NK\V YOIIK , Juno 11. For bold neeusntlon ,
rlalntic.s.s of spoocli nnd fearlessness of utter-
auco , the criticism which will appear today
in the New York Kvungollst over the slirim-
turo of the Uev. U. H. 1'arkhurst , and
directed against the Detroit assembly , ox-
cob , If anything , the famous sornion pruauhoil
by that clurKyinau two weeks a o lust Suit'
day. Ur. I'arlihurst bOKlns with a review of
the work of the assembly , giving whatmlxht
bo called the "brighter slilo. " He then
abruptly outers upon a bitter attack , In which
ho handles the Princeton uoutlugout without
Klovos. Ho says ;
"If 00 per cout of the mombars were nheop
watting lo bo led , 10 per cent wcro bellwethers -
wethers wnltlng to load them , and I'rlncoUm
was that bollwethor. Princeton Is doctrlnally
jealous , oren more Is she ecclesiastically am.
bilious. Formerly 1'rliieotou was dummated
by the general assembly. Union In 1SSO
helped her out from under the domination
mid mistakenly surrendered soinu of her own
autonomy for 1'rineotoif.s sake. lint Prince
ton has no cuuius for remembering those who
befriended her In her extremity. She cssay.s
now to convert the assembly into her i-hulr
of state and Union into her footstool. Union ,
by her nctlon lust Frldav , iiullo.iloil that she
does not care to hold Princeton's ' foot.
"The bad fcaturo of the Detroit assembly
was it.s pol Hies. Jersey politics nro bad , and
Princeton is situated In Jerhoy. Princeton
cupturrd the moderatorship-by what moans
we will mention presently. Dr. Circuit being
In the chair , it was , of course , incumbent
upon him to make up the committee.Vo do
not censure Dr. C.recii for having so much
regard for Dr. Pntton as to want to make
him chairman of the committee on theologi
cal somlnurios , but wo nro surprised that
Dr. Pattou's self-rasped should have allowed
him to accept , the position when it was offered
to him. If the case hud been that Princeton
had been under tlio suspicion of Union , and
Dr. William Adams had been moderator , I
will vouch for it that ho would never huvo
made Dr. Hitchcock chairman of the commit
tee on theological seminaries , and 1 will
vouch for it that , had ho dotio so , Dr. Hitch
cock's dcllcato sense of Illness would never
have permitted him to consider the propo
sition for an instant. A dcllcato sense is u
beautiful thing , although somewhat in tbo
way sometimes , when oiio's only uniuUion is
to win. Not only that ; not onlywus Prince
ton inllueiico put In control in the
committee , but the coiii'iiittoo was
'packed' by men of tbo same animus.
1 am simply saying what everybody knows.
A trick was Ihus resorted lo that would have
been hooted out of courl if allumpleil in the
arena of civil politics. Tlio speaker of the
house of representatives would never have
dared to maliu up an Investigating committco
on the principle that Dr. Green made up the
committee on seminaries. The general ub-
horrenco of suet partisanship would have
buried such a speaker too deep to bo reached
by the fluul resurrection.
"There were three of the directors of the
Union seminary present at the assembly , and
wo naturally , with the simplicity of men that
had uavor hud a Jersey initiation , .supposed
that the committee would line to have the
light turned on , and that they would bo
pleased to confer with us before bringing \ \
their verdict. Such simplicity on our part
may bo pitiable , but it is hardly coiisurablo.
Two out of three oven went so far us to vol
unteer their services mid to suggest to Dr.
Palton's committee that wo would bo willing
and glad to como before them and state any
facts that they might wish lo quesltou us
upon. They mot our overture so far as to
say that they should bo clad to hear nny thing
that wo would communicate. Ono of us lit
particular was informed that such cltuUou
would bo mado. Isothiug cuma of it. Kot
ono of us was sent for.
"It hns Just transpired that the trueJ.Torsoy
principle of sluiiousucss animated Iho method
by which Dr. Grcou was elected moderator.
Dr. Patton , rcproionUng Iho Princolon in
terest , approached Dr. Dickey , u director of
Union , with the request that ho should
nominate Dr. Green for that position. Dr.
Dickey ossontod , with the understanding on
his own part , and lie supposed on theirs , that
If Union helped Princeton , Princeton would
remember the service further on and reim-
ourso Union by friendly dealing wilh Union
and Union interests. For Princeton to mnko
n catspaw out of so line a specimen of u man
as Dr. Dickey , is an act so far beneath tlm
dlenity , even of Jersey politics , as to rcrjulru
some work outside of the polite vocabulary in
order to give it Its Just charaetorizallon. "
Dr. Parkhurst and Mrs. Parkhurst sailed
yesterday for Liverpool on Iho Uritaimic.
and Delicious
In purity ana quality and dcllcauy of Havoc
SiHerlun elngor ale has no equal either for
eign or domestic. Bottled at Kxcelslor
Springs , Mo. _
Strange Story of a Woman IJol led nntl
DoNiM'toiI oy Her Huslianil.
fJisw VOIIK , Juno 11. The supreme court
yesterday hourd u romance. Suit was begun
against A. S. Schneider , a good-looidug Gor
man of thirty-live- the rocovpry of 80,000
marks , the property of Ills wife. In addition ,
it Is said , Schneider will bo prosecuted for
bigamy. Mrs. Schneider for over a year hod
lived In widow's weeds , weoplugflay and night
for her husband , whom slio believed to luiva
died in Spain. Ono day , last Christinas , hpw-
evor. on Hroadway , she wallt'od into her hus
band's ' arms. For a moment , she wus diuod
and believed she had had ouly a vision of hLi
own dead shado. Shu bocutno satisfied Unit
there wus nolhlng spiritual about him , and
ho then introduced a pretty Spanish girl who
accompanied him , who he said would be a
charming companion lor Ills wlfo. Ho then
asked Mrs. Schneider where she II von and
told her lo hurry home nnd make tilings
ready for his reception and ho would bo closu
after her. The unsuspecting woman hurried
off , but sin to then she has not laid oyca
cither on Schneider or the Spanish beauty ,
Schneider oriqlnnlly said farewell to tilt
wlfo In October , 18S ! > , when ho sailed away to
Uonnnny wilh power of attorney to obtulii
50,000 murks bequeathed to her by her father.
Months passed , but no word reached her of
her husband's whereabouts. At last , lu tha
following spring , a letter came lo thu almost
heartbroken woman setting forth that
Schneider hud obtained Iho nionoy and would
rolurn by u sailing ship , as no disliked tha
discomforts of steamships. Again months
passed without a word of her huiband , anil
then aha received a scrawl to the effect Unit
his shin hud been wrecked on the Spanish
coast , hut lhat ho had been saved. Later
came thu sau Intelligence. In a strange hand
writing , that her husband was dead. With
the lotlor came 1,000 marks , ail lhat ho had
loft of her fortune. Her lawyers , after great
diftlculty , succeeded lu serving the court
summons on Schneider , whom they discov
ered In an uptown billiard room.
Clos'iior'sMagio Headache ' .Vuforo. Cures all
lieadechos In 20 mlnute-i. At ail druggls
Prof. Cniilluld of KIIIIHIIB OIIOHOII l > y
llio Ktnto It ( > K < 'i > tH.
LiXror.N , Nob. , Juno 11. iSpcclal Tolegratn
to Tin ? lKK. ] At 11 o'clock last night the
board of rogouts , in session at the $ tate uni
versity , sprung u surprise upon the public In
.ho election of a chancellor of Iho university.
i'rof. James H. Cantlold , profossorof history
n the stale university of Kansas located at
Lawrence , and the gentleman who created
a favorable Impression us Iho orator of tha
commencement oxcrctiot at the Funko yes *
turday morning , Is their cholco ana tils
election wa.s unanimous , ( t Is to tako. effect
mined lately. The salary Is fri.OOX ) pur annum ,
-jUico the rmnovnl of Dr. Irving J. Manatt lu
IbSS Dr. Chariot 1C. Ilo oy ha * been acting
chancellor. Prof , Canflold was not apprised
of his election until today ,
Small in nlzo , trout in roiultst DoWItt
Mttlo EarlyUlsora. Doit pill for ftoustlpa
Jon , best for SlcK Uuadaolio , boil for Sou *