0 THE OMAHA DAILY B $ | ) : FHIDAY , JUNE 12 , 1891. TUP pnpntt i Tiifp KftnirpTp TilE SPECULA rivE MARKETS , Prices of All Grains and Products on the Down Orado in Chicago , BEARISH GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT , Oilier American Mnrkctn Also Against the Htilln l.ivo Block ViilueH Steady to Stronger On Wnll Mrcct. CiitCAno. Juno II. A weak feeling pervaded nil tliu pits lit tlio start iind prices took tlic down grade , nil the grain iind pioducls scor- ItiK u sharp decline. Tlicro was 101,10 function from tlio extreme depression , but tlio prevailIng - Ing lone WIIH ono of weakness during tlio en tire ho stm. ! Wheat was very heavy nt the tnrti the Undo sremod to give the govern mental crop report a decidedly bearish Intcr- prctiitlon and thu liquidation nnd short sellIng - Ing wcro licnvy. The condition of winter wheat Is reported n favorable average. Cables wore lower for Uverpool nnd qulut nnd un changed on the continent. 1'rom London It was reported IIP Impossible to make salei ot- cent nt concessions , and all American mar ket * wcru lower and weaker , Ht , Louis taking the lead In the decline. Tiioro was very little bullish news. Now York reported liflH boat loulH taken for export ; the receipts hero More largely below the estimates and the out Inspection rather liberal , though the do- tniind for cash wlirat was Unlit. July starlet ! nt U/mQlttlic , against S'c at the close yester day. The soiling pressure was very heavy : long wheat coming out In Iaro blocks. Tim result was a slump amid much excitement to iHiWr , with some sales reported at Ofl c. At thin point heavy buying oidura from Now York and St. Louis began to come Into tlio pit nnd tlio free covering by shorts , who hud been buying In their lines on the decline. I'egan to make Itself felt. The result was an Irregular reaction to 07Uc. I'ardrldgo and Cudnliy cov ered u big line from 117'jo ' down , but put a largo inrt out iignln after the rally , and thu lend of lone and shot t sales becoming again too heavy there WHS another slump near the Close , dropping to We , anil stood atlKj o at the Close. It was n decided bear day In corn us well as In wheat , nnd It seemed to bo u race between them to decide as to which oould godown Iho fastest. The bull clique , which has been ro Kittling tliounnnwnid pressure for some-time , seemed to have withdrawn Us support. The frost piodlcted for most of tlio nortnwesturn fern belt by the signal service for last night ( lid not matcrlnll/o ; on the contrary , the Weather was reported line for the crowing Crops. Liverpool prices were 'id lower and receipts worn heavier tlinn antlclp itod ; to this was mhliV. the stupldness of wheat. Long corn wont overboard freely. Short Kellers were steadily Increasing tholr lines nnd confidence was seemingly ex hausted. .Inly started at M't&Xio auatnst ,17'S Wfi'ip at the close yesterday , and sold elf nipldly toWi c , roiictert with wlie.it to fiuKc , anil finally went down with thatroroal , touchIng - Ing W > o and closing 'Sc tibovo the bottom. Oats shared In ttio general dcmorall/atlon. July started tit 4 'ie. touched 4 % , sold oir to dlTnC , reacted to42Je. } broke to4I'c. and closed at thu bottom. I'rovlsli.ns followed corn rather closely. There wns a bis hlump during the first hour , uork leading In Ilia decllnu , but there was some recovery later and a drop at the close. The market In compirlson with yesterday's close shows u loss of : i7e ! In poik and 7)4o ) In lard and ribs. The leading futures ranged as follows : Ciish iiuotntlons were as follows ; J'V un Easier ; ! Wu lower. WHEAT No. 2 snrlnwheat.07o ; No. y spring wheat. OIW.o ? ( : Jjo. a rod , 07UtOc. ) COUN-NO. a , r > 7c. ! OArs-No. 2 , 4IJ4C ; No. 2 white. 4'.c ; No. 3 White , 44e. HVK No. 2.84o. HAiir.cv No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 71 © 72c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , We. ri < Axai > in : No. I , I.II. ! TIMOTHY SKKO I'rlme , JI.S031.no. 1'oiiK Moss pork , tier barrel , J9.S7U : lard , per ewt. . 1.1 B7KSO.O. ) ; short nts sides ( loose ) , f.'i.W © 5.70 ; dry balled shoulders ( boxed ) , I5.UO\10 ; abort clear sides ( boxed ) , * .VJ , " > . WHISKY Distillers1 Hnlshcd goods , oer pal- on. $1,10. SUDAns-Cut loaf , unehangod ; granulated , unchanged ; standard "A , " unchanged. liecolpts and shipments tod.ty were as fol lows : On the prudnco uxchaiiRQ today , the hnttor iniirkct was actlvu and iinchiingcd. KRKS , 14 Qlfic. Now York NEW YOKK. Junu II. ri.ouit Itccoipts , 10,708 pacua-1's ; exports , 0 8 Imiruls ; : i,8l5 sacks. Miirkutdull. huavy. Sales , 15.S50 bariols. WIIBAT Hecoltits , Ol.noo husholt ; ovnorts. car-n : biinlicls : s-iios , 7icsnoo : iin&hrls of fti- turch ; irJjt.UOi Im hult snot , fipot nuirKut. iffl'JfJo lowur ; actho : clilclly for ox port : free sellers : oloshiK tteak : No. rcil , J1.0.ff01,07i . store anil In ulovator : Jl.Osffll.ooalloat : Jl.Of.'Sffil.ouK , f , o. U ; nnirrailoil ri'il. } l.04Wliay ; No 1 northern to arrive. Jl.wiJS : fso. I hard to arrive , JI.MU : No. 2 OhlfiiKO , JI.U7ai.Osl5. Options ha\o licen steuillvilcclliiliiKiinil : closed wo.ik at a ( luollnoof lU&Se. Although thu export hnsl- nrhs was\ery larKO , all parties were frlcht- en oil t > y the eovurnmcntluiwlnx ot' crops and iinloadlni : freuly. No. a red June , l.ttlJ4l.07i { , closing at July. II.OSO1.OOU , oloslns at Dull , steady. _ Jl ' 'T-lun ; Canada country made. COIIN HccplptH. 28,250 bushels ! exports , , IOO bushels : sales , 804,000 bushels of fntuies ! 1WI.OOO Lusho'.s of spot. Spot market aotlvo , unsettled , olostni ; woak. No. 8 , WiOGOJJo In olo- yator , 07 < 307a ! nlloiit ; ungrudod 1111x011,0.1(74 ( 07ic. ! Options. 2'4 < tMJio lower , oloslna weaken on u Unlit linslnuss , attempts to rnillo : und . .l.lntll4U , 1'1-UUIIIIJtlr , > > UU. OATS Ilui-clpts , 112.000 bushels : exports , 1 , < 87 unshols ; sales. il O.OUO bushels futures ; IV5.001) liiisholH npou Spot market fairly active , ! ja lie ) lower and weak ! Options woiik but fairly actho. June clohod , 47o : July , W.OtH'ic. eloslnB.47e ; Ai nst , 4m < 34lc , closing. 4l ot Buptunilor ) , JBHOJUo , closing : iiSo. ! Hpot No. 2 white. Mo : mixed western. 4Ml5Ja ; wlilto wuHlurn. rXJQrttct No. 2 UhluiiKO , 4SSill'o. Ilurs Dull ii'iul stolidly. CorKKB Ontloni opancil bnroly steady at S points uu to 10 down , closing steadv and un- cluinifi'd to 10 points down. Sales , 1BMK1 liazs. Including : June. * IUW1U.70 ( ( ! : July , Jiu.ivj ; , 10.40 ! August , * IR.8lxat.VSi ; Sopomher , II.MUXa 1R.40 ! October. l4.7f > : Novmher. JI4.iXiSl4.tt : ( ; : Dcccmbor. fl4.3vll.SX Snot Klo , dull and nominal ! fair cargoes , tl0.ut ) ; No. 7,4I7.W , HuilAu--Ituw. inoro aotlvo , barely steady. Fair running. 8 IV-llCW 7-l u : contrlfiignls ! W test ataWin-lGo. Salos. 070 liogsheaiU and Jll bags muscovado nt 2 < > i , and n.ooo bags muscovado at 8 l&-lior ! " " U-1UU , 11 II , 1 % , d U-1UO n. ijulet. hold ut Ho for 60 test In liogshouila ; New Orleans , iiiilot und steady. HiCK-Stoaily , dull. 1'miiOLEUM Oulet anil lower ; rodno.l Now York , tWii-TIc : Vhlladolphlu nnd Ilaltlmoro , fO.KVji7.l5i rhlladelphluuuailaltlmoiolnbulk , . . ( 'orriN SEKII OIL Dull , TALLOW Actlvu and caslori city ( f..OO for packages ) , 41 II-lBo. KosiNOnlot , steady ; strained , common to Bood , Kilds-Qulut , weak ) western , 10'i10iO ( ! ro- colptH , 8,115 paukiiKOs. v 1'oiiK Quiet , Htoady : old mess , IO..W2I1.M : DOW mess , * r..UO < J61'-.Wi extra prime , fll.W. OUT MKATK Quiet , steady. MIUUMCH Dull , uasy ; khort clear , { 3.53. l.Alii > Lower , ilullt wusturn steam , $3.27 } ( ; ales , 300 tlorccsj options , no MII | > : July , 0.2:1 : bidt August , * O.Uj ( jentombur , W.W bid ; October. W.U ) . Active , ituudyt partsklms , l'ia IIION Dulli American. lti.XHil8.2S. ( ) Coi'i'Kii Dull , IrroKulur : laku , Juno , tl'.Si. I.RAU Nominal : aomostlo , tl. 7ij , TiN-Dull. steady ! strain , I.UVO. Uur u-Qulut , ntcailyj woaturii dairy , H I.tc ; wcslorn. croamcry , t.VJM6Koj western factory , lnauUci Klgiris , I8jt.folic. ) KIIIIH.IH City KANSAB CITV. Mo. , Juno II , 1't.oun Dull tinrimtiKcil. WiiKAT-QiitotjNo. ? . liartl. cash , OOo ; Juno TOo bid ; Nn. 2. red , cash , OHfc. CoiiN--Woukori No. V , cash , Sllia bld | Juno Ml'ic bid. OATS Weaken No. 3 cash nnd June , 42o bid HAV Stc.nlv to nrin : iinuhaiiitod. IIUTTKit Slctulys unchanged. OiiKR i-Htculy : : iino DioaI'lrm at ll'.Jc. I'ltovisio.NHStu.idy ; \Viiirr-lnll and weak ; iiiichanccd. HrcKliT.s Wheat , at , 4 jo bushels ; corn. 0,100 bnshols ; o.itsUK \ > bilshols , ritiii'MKNTfl Wheat , 40.GOO bushola ; corn. 1.C09 bushels ; oats , 8,00 } bnsliols. MInninpiIlR AVIicnt ItlnrknU Mi.NNiui'Oi.iP , .Minn. , Juno 11. Cash wheat was In svmp itliy with the decline In futures. Clood domanil for No. 1 northern wheat ; olhorsKcncriilly.s'.ow. Hccelpls , toucnrs ; ship ments IB cars. Closing prices : No. 1 hard , Juno.il.0l ; on track. * l.iail.ui' : { | No. t north ern , .limi' . < LOU : .Inly , ll.00' < : on trao . - . 81.00)4 ) ( iil.CO.'f ; No. 'northern , June , Dcj on tr.ick , U7 Ht. Louis MarkctH PT. I.OUIP , Mo , Juno tl WHEAT Weak ; ciish.U'lot.Iuly , lf."Jo. CHUN Wnnu ; ciiHh. r "c : Julv. Me. OATH Kasler ; rash 47Hci July , I'OIIK Knalur , f 10..V ) . IAIII > Lower , $1,8) , Wiusicr 21,10. Livr.ni'oor , , Juno II. .YIIKAT Quiet , hold ers olfer moduiately. COIIN Stonily , domain ! fair ; mixed west- urn , fi' d percental , LiNsni'.it On , iis Hi ) , CIIHI.SB 1'lrst wlilto and colored , 47s pcruwt for now. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Milwaukee AliirXots. MII.WAUKBP , WIs. . Juno II. WIIKAT Hasy ; No. 8 spring , cash , l > 75&U8o : July , VJ'ic. Coii.v Lonur ; No. II , li'lc ' , OATH Loner ; No. 2 white. r.C4c. ! I'IIOVISIONS nasy ; pork. July. Cincinnati MurkctH. CINCINNATI. O , Junu II. WIIKAT Nominal ; No. : ! icd. ti.03. COIIN Wo.ikor : No 2 mixed , ( ilffillc. OATrt-Kustor : No. J ml\cd , I8c. WHISKY $ ' .Hi. Toledo Markets. Tor.Eno , O. , June 11. WHEAT Lower ; cash and June. 11. l' ' { , COIIN Dull ; c.ish and June , O'JiJc. ' OATS ( Julet ; cash. 40e. tiTOL'KS AXlt10.VHS. . Nr.w YORK , Juno 11. The trading In about three do/on stooKs comprlsoJ all there was of Interest In the stock market today , but among these shares a moro decided and firm tone pi o- vnlled during the greater portion of the day and a more nnlfoim upward movement was established. If anything , the late crop report was tlio stimulating Inllnoncc , and the gran gers were the fo.ituros of the limited dealings , the Industrials taking a moro subservient position In the market. The continued ease In the money market , with better prospect of ulTiilis on the other sloe of tlio ocean showed In nn evident bullish temperament , the for eign operators and smallnessof tbe'oxports of gold so fur this week h ivlng gene far to stimulate lomo buying for thu long account and morn to prevent opuratlons for the short account of late. The general Impression Is that If theiu Is no n aterlal amount of gold oidoiud for Saturday's btoamers there will Ue \ery satisfactory bank state ment , and on this expectation there Is no dis position lo shorten the list to any appreciable extent. More oiu'onragumcnt was > , eon , how ever , to nuili ) u market on the domestic situa tion alone , and the forcl n possibilities were Ignored to a greater degree than usual of late , the western operators buying the gr.mgcrd. nnd Boston buying Atehtson under the promise shown In the crop report. Under these circumstances the stocks , which have been weakest of late Including Atehison , Hur- llngton and Kouk Island , naturally took the load In the dealings , but St. 1'uul , which was bought for London account and Chicago Gas which was still bought by Chicago , wore less prominent In the matkct. The trading element , as usual , were beailsh. but had not the courage to make any marked demon stration acalnst the llstnnd the llrm tone was not seriously Interrupted , although the lim ited buying was not sulllolent to mane any material upward movement. The opening of the market was made with small and Irregu lar changes from lust night's figures , but firmness , which remained the one feature of the day. was soon ilovoinpoJ and continue.I to mark the dealings throughout the day. The most prominent movement was In Iluillngton , which ono time was as much as III per cent above Its last nlnht's price , and most of this was retained attbe close. Atchlxon and Rock Island wcrucloso followers of the loader , but at no time were they more than a fraction bettor than the opening I in nro. St. Paul , Chicago cage O.is and Louisville were also active , but were kept within the narrowest limits throughout thu day , and the final uliunecs , as with oven the moro prominent shaios , were Inslgn ( leant. The market closed dull and steady at ul.out the highest prices. Kullroad bonds wcro a Jilt lo moro animated today , the sales of till Issues reaching the hum of * 4tUK)0 : ! ) , hut the tone of the dealings wus the same monotonous level of steadiness. Government bonds have been dull and heavy. Htato bonds have boon ont'roly ' neglected. Petroleum continues almost stagnant today. The only trading wa * In July option , which opened sto uly , advance. ! H on a few small buylns orders and closed dull. July option sali-s , 10,0 K ) barrels. Opening , CSJii highest , GSi ; lowest. US' ! ; closing , UStf. Tht > following are the closing quotations for the lending stocks on tne Now York stock exchange - change today : The total sales ot stiwks today were r-M.'Jsi share ! ) . Inoludliig : Alchlsoii. r..G'itl ; Louis ville k Nashville. 17.401 ; Missouri PaelUc , : t"JJ ; St. Paul , l .400 | Union 1'uolHc , 8,017. l''iniuulul ) Itovicxv , Nisw YOIIK. Juno ll. The Post says : In accordance with the decision arrived at u'irly In the week , thod rcctorsof the Hank of Knu- land aid not today make any change In the olllclal discount rate fiom 4 percent. Reports today Imllcntu that a considerable amount of gold will bo drawn away by Russia , and though the Hank of Knglund Is well prepiireti to incut all demands , tno o\pcuted with drawals naturally etui so somu uneasiness , which HhowH Its Directs | u the lower prices there for stocks. Tlio Money Market. Niw YOIIK , Juno tl. MONKVON OAI.I. Easy , ranging from 8'i to : i per cent ; last loan , -14 ; closed ollored at iiS. PuiMB MKIIOANTILK PAi'Kii-fljJ'ilT percent. HTKUI.INO r.xciiA.Mm-Qtilct and llrm nt tl.HI forslxtyiliiy bills and l 8"y for llfty-day bills. umUI.HTU for demand. The following were the closing prices on bonds ; Flnitiioltit N'oteH. NEW YOIIK , June U.-OIoarluBS , J10t.783.S78i balance * . JI.5I9.WJ. CINCINNATI. Juno 11. Money , a tier cent. ' HOBTON. Mu a. , Juno 11 Oloarlnuf , I12.COI- Tfilj baluucei , (1 , WHI , Mouoy , < iM DO ccuU Exchange on Now York , 10fll5 per cent dis count. llAt.Ti onn , Md. , .Tune 10-Ciearlnm , K.lfll- 407 | balances , KM7.4T3 : money , 0 porcent. I'ltlNAliKM'illA , Juno It. OlourlnZB , M,7M.- Bii : ; bnliinee * , * 1,1CO. , 10. Money. IStVi per cent. OiltCAno , Juno II. Money In good demand nnd firm nt S'l pur cent for call , and per cent on time. Now York oxchiuno steady nt 75 contA prem'iim. Ulcarlngfl. tU.IUXOOO Sterling oxchaiiKo wrts steady nnd utichaiiged Market. NOSTON. Mass. , Juno ll. The following wore the closing priors on stocks In the llostou stock market today. p Atctilson A Top ok ft. . 3lf Krnnklln 17 lloKlon A Mnlno 195 Huron , Chi. llur. A Qidncr. . 87 : K'enr.'firso. . . 1 < I.ltlloltock A ft. S. . IS O ccoln , - \ > H do 7 10U O iilncr < , . .t 7 Mexican llond Scrip. 1144 .inntn Ko Copper 60 N. V AN , HiKf'and. I la Tamarack , . . . Ill Died A I , . Cjnip , com.ir.l San IHOKO lnnd Co. . IB Itutlnnd cum , . . . . . . 104 JVett Knit Jind Co. . 1 H' VtU.Con.com 18H Hell Telephone. AI Ion 01 Alln Co ( now ) 'IM.I.iMiuon More H Irt Atlintlc l&'ij Water Power 2) ) ( HiMlotiA Mont 41(4 ( O.M l CnhmiUA llccla 2 > n N. n. T. 50 Osccola vo .III. A II C ! ' ' I ) IUlll StOljlCH. LONDON. Juno II. Closing at 4 p , m. Coii'iiH , moncr..ft > .t-lil du 2ndi l'J' < Con tola , ccount..9JA III Illinois Central IW.4 U. S. 49 ISItt Moxloanord IS'i St. Paul common . . . i" > > * N V. P. AO. Ms. . . . M ( Itivullnit ' " ; * ( anaillan Paclllc N ) ' | Mexlcnn font , new 4s 70 ( Krlo 2iU ) liar silver. 4IV1 nor ounce , Money , l'5 per rent. Kate of dls.-ouiit In tlio open mar ket for both .short anil thrco-months bills , 2' . per cent Hunk of Hiiirlaiiil lltillloii. Lovtio.v , Juno II. Amount of bullion gone Into the Hunk of Kncltim ! on balance today CI7i'X ' ( . Unlllon In tlio ItanUof Ki.jliind m- cre.iocd t's > O.IKl durliu the past week. The pronortlon of the Hank of Kngland's reserve to liability , which lust week was 44.r : > per cent , Is now 4ilOG per cent. Pnrin I tentos. PARK. June 11. Throe per cent rentes , nr > 42' ' c for the account. The weekly stitcmenl of the Hank of Knineo shows au Increase 01 10,075,000 francs gold and a decrease of 1OJ3,000 fruiics silver. Dpiivor MlnlnnStoc'.s. DKNVEII. Colo. , Juno II. There was a trlflo better feeling on the mining exchange today. 1'rlees closed : Snti l rniiolHCo Min ii QiiotatloiiH. SAN TiiANctsco , .luno 11. Thcofllolnl elosiiiK quotations for mining slocUa today were us follou.s : Alia 70 Mount Dlntlu ZSO Helchur (0 Navajo 15 licit , t neither : ,0' > Opalr 40D llodloCoiHulldated. . W I'otosl , IT.'i Chollnr S" . Snvnk'o Ili'i Con. C.il A Va MO Hlcrra NcvndaH \ ) Cronn I'olnt HO Union Con 70 fiuuld& Curry ITU lUnli 20 i llalo.V Norcross ISO Ilil'o 1 70 Moxlcnn VJO IN U ( jj Mono r St. Ijoiita Mining Qiidtntloiis. ST. Louis. Mo. , Juno 11. There was very little tradlii" on the mining oxchariKC this morning and prices b id a inarUcd downwaid tendeney. The followln { bids rtoroniadoon cill : American , v > | P Murp'iiy , . . , . . , . T" Hlmut'd 3IUU blhorAvo 100 I.lttle Albert 7 Muntros3 5H : Viimn 'M Moimtaln Kef 60 Now York Mining Qiiot.-HloiiH. NuwYoiiic , Juno II. Thu followlnc uro tlio closing inlnliu block ijtiotat ons : Alice i ; > J Horn hllxer .145 Adams Con 183 Irnn Mirer IIX ) A | ion yju Ontirlo , : IKR ) Con. Cnla A Va. . . . . 8iJd Ophlr , . .i. ; . . 4UO Deadivooil IIU Piymoulli : rj Kurcka Con -.IM SIVOKC i k 175 llumcsta o UOJ Sierra Nevada. . . . . . . . 170 Wool Market. LONDON , Juno U. The offorlnss at the wool sales today comprise I U.V ) ) bales , mostly Australian , willed was Konor.illy offered quite cheap. The attendance was KOO I. The eoia- petltlotih showed Improvement , " but thoio was no ehanKO In prices for seed grades of me rino there was excited and keen Ill-tiling and these jrrodes sold at full rates. Urou breeds were In autlvu reiixtost. They sold rather against purchasers. The lower grades ore sIlRhtly Itnpr.ived , but there was iioquotublo change In prlees. Cape of Good Hope and Natal wools weio welt sought for anl sold rc.adlly. Kollowlni ; arc the sales and prices obtained : Now South Wales , l.ftlj bales , scoured. HdWls4d ; Now South Wales looUs and nieces , ! Hdls"d ; greasy.fl ? . @lld : Now outh Wales leeks anrt p cees. 2t ! < aVSd. ! Queensland , liOO : b.ilcR. scoured. ld ! Ms ; groiisy , 7 ! dls. Melbourne nntt Victoria , 1'OObulos ' , scouroJ , 8dls 8d : scoured locks ind pieces , TJfdffils "itl ; greasy , 7dls ! 8 > 4rt ; greasy looks and piecesi41104d. : ! ! Aiibtrulla , KOiithern , ! 000 dales , scouiod , scourcu locks and pieces TilwlbU ; greasy , O'.iU at'digroasv locks and piece ? , 5d0'id. ' Now /ealand , "M ) bales , scoured. -Id(2ls7irt ( ! ; scoured locks and pieces , 5 dls7d ; greasy , 7' ' d10'/idj greasy looks and pleoos. 4 idiJ ( 8Jid. Tasmania , 100 bale * , greasy , ! tStl(5 } ( > ls > id. ( Japu of Oood Mope and Natal , UOO b.iles. scoured , 0Jd@Is ! ld ) ; greasy , OdQoljd. The competition was renurully .ood nnd the irlecs of long merinos were unchanged. Those of the hhortor kinds \voro prices a 'aithlnv easier. Kew Capo of Quod Impound N'utal skins woio sold. Tlio prices were as fete - o s : Meluourno nnd Victoria , clothing and combing. ! ! 34dfi7d ; pieces and damaged , ! MJo 'id. Houth Australln. clothing combliit ' , , 8A)0 ) ; pieces and damaged , l id. The Cotton Marker. New YORK , Juno II. Hubbanl , 1'rlco & Co. ay : Foreign markets opened easy this morn- n , feeling thu ell'eet of our decline of yostor- lay , though sp liners bought more freely than or homo time past , the low prices tempting hem to carry largo stocks. A rally In the orenoon wus sustained 'it the close , which was iiulot and steady , with near position vlthln J point of yesterday's prices. Our narket opened with buyers at Iast evening's irlees and , after a very ijuletdav , elosed at u mrtlal Improvement over the oponlng. all radors appearing to wish for further light on rep prospects , which will govern the murkot n tuo future. Now York Dry GootlH Mnrknt. Nr.w YOIIK. Juno 11. The dry goods market vas without much eh 1111:0. Deninnd was fair. mt on the moderate scale of the past few lays , with unchanging activity In Htutr just onilng on the market. Illeached hhlrtliiKs voro more active lu some features , but there vas little doing In the outside market. The ) wlght anchor . bleached and half bleached , vcro reduced to B'Jc. Dressed goods , llannols and lilunUets were In moderate demand , but hero Is a large sale ot that class of goods , vhlcli are In bolter condition than for several years and prices are very firm. Havan i M HAVANA , Juno II. SPANISH * " ' "i'xciiANni : ! Quiet. BlIflAli Quint ! sales , 0,0X ) bagi centrifugal on private terms ; I..VIO bugs centrifugals. It" degress test polarization , at Mntaiuasat IJ.OU2) ) 37114 told per iiilntal. | NEW YOIIK KAC AwnB-M@73c ( promtum. Trailers' Tnlie. ST. I/OUIH , Juno 11. r.angtmhurg HrothorH to Cockroll llrothnrs : Tha following wus thu range on the July option today at thla point ; COMMOIIITY'I Opon'l llltih. I Uw. I ClO'O I Vest. Wlieit- VHt UIK Corn July. . . 6m K OatH- July. . . . SU S3 ninit rupert was heavy nl thu oponlng. The Irht price was from 07o } to 07Xo. ? The early ImylnK wnn Ity a prontlnont local soalpor , who olil freely ycstunlay , Ills wants Kiippllucl. ho inarkuthulil off from 7 ? u to W c , roue ted n icnuriil trailing touliio , ThDhrouktowanU lese nave no warning anil the clusln priuo Is ittliu lowo.-it point or tne iluy , l l.u ) to tni ! o or July. Urup conditions tire hlchly fnvor- ihlu , with reports that thorn will bo onsliloniulo harvostoil In the south- vest : hl.s wouk , C/'uhlos are ilull und lower n line weather principally. The bontlinont a very lioarlHh anil will rocjnlro sonio huiiKo in conditions to chtinuo U. Corn ouon- il nt M'io ' for Julv , biilil ax hkh us 5J c , nnil Inst'il at M'io. The ilucllno In wheat hail 11 oed clo.il to ilo with the ileullnii. O.its In yniputhy with corn iloollnoil from Ma to INo. The liiiRlnosiilolnix In nil thuKr.iln pita IIIH heen hoiivy. I'rovUlons very wo lc with onsluoniblo lliiililiitlon | by outalili ) holiluru. OlilOAiir.liinoII. Schwurtz. Iiiico. ) | % SleCor- ntck to K. O. Swartz .t Oo ; The popular Intor- irotatlon of the Kovurmacut. ruuurt U no oiik'or nuoitionahlo. Its toarlnhnoss was ilaln ycstonlay afternoon anil was oniplm- Izcil by a vury weak niurlait today. The inuitoiir inutlionmtleliint illllor Kroutly In k'nrliiK how iniicli DOUKO'S liRtiro * Inilloato , nit iiunu can U jiirolubi than fiUOuooOJi ) , The lost oxportssiiy It Imllo.itoH a crop of from : ttOOJoOO to I4J,00)XW. ( Oabloi were lower , but orolffncrs showed a disposition to buy cash wheat frcoly on the decline , It being rumored ,3 ; that round lotn woro-tnltcn In Now York for export. To th B is tdliiiitttrlhntoil n llttlo ro- ncilon In iirk'ontthorltT o. Cahlo4annniinuuil that tlio ltii"slnii pafttntncnt wax todtv (1U- ( oiiNsln u reduction of tfiiport duty nnd that the I'roiioli Ronato had urJurcil tholr reduc tion to no Into olTuol ntDn.ce. The trntlo was very active on the dWllhc. It Is | > osiltIo that the ilccllno may ho cHctikcd temporarily , but liroipi'dB nro for lowrr prices. Harvest U tnovlna gradually norlliwiird twill St. l.iviU " " " " " neil tires , rilif iinfl" done corn Kront ( tooil , , vniul crop reports are favorable from every quarter. There has been Kcncral RoltltiK by the country as well ns by the bull clique who have hi'cn worklni ; thu tnnrket for NO mo tlmo pimt. Indication ! ) point todecldetlly lower prices. Outs \\uo wi'iilf , the Rovcrnment crop report Indlcatlnit a much larger crop than WIIH expected. It Is Hunted II will amount to 07ilOJtf,0.0 against .V.UOJO.UJO last year. 1'rovlHlons have been very eak with heavy unloadltiK of IOIIK stn IT for country account. Aln.oit the only buyers have hi'Oti Bhorts and these hardly covered before they sold out attain , ceni'rally at a low or prluo. Packers lire slowly taklnic In their short lines but we can see no Indica tions of coed buying for Ions account which Is the only kind that will eln-ck this decline. Everything points to decidedly lower prices. O'liiCAni ) . Juno It , Konnett , Hopkins & Co. to Cockroll Ilrotiiers : There WIIH considera ble unloading of uliuaton the government re port wh'ch the traders view as bo.irlah. Miorta hold the market for u tlmo and under strong incHiiire It broke quietly to iKiJiu for July. ln ) reports of he.ivy export business at the sen boar 1 there was n shatp recovery to Wiu with lii'llcatlons of a still further ad vance hut the estimate by a loi-al statistician that Iho ( loveriruent tupoit Indlctites a crop of "iiiino.OUO : biishuls sturtoil reniiHi-d neil ng , resulting In a further bieaK to Die. The wheat closed tit U'iUc rather llrm. There has been n good deal of wheat Hold out on stop orders and the shorts tm > o covered quite Ircoly. 'I he speculative nontl- nient continues very bearish and o.oiitor.s | : in edit tlKJc for . .Inlyheat. . I'orolitnors show little weakness , tuKinir It for export qtilto finely mil our .slocks are bulni : .Inun on largely. The trade believes that there " 111 be enough to supply the demand until the new crop Isavallablu and th a nlllllll the dellel- ency tibio.ul. The bears aio makln r the mar ket at prevent anil otitsldo onlersaru looHinii'l to airei't theilcellne. Charteis today. 110.000 bushels. Com and o.its h ivo ylolde.l to tie ! genet at downward tendency The old bull clique hnIng taken tholi prollts on the Into bulge , show no ptcMint In licathm of com- uiuncliu' a now dual , and until they do corn will nrobablv be a saloon good rallies. The long futures of oats showed considerable stiemttb ear y , the government indication of thu crop ranging from OJO.oju to t T.'i.nou bushels , but ga\e way with the rush later In the day. The ptovlslon m. > iket could not fall to no uf- fi.olod by the very weak gialn markets. The M'llliiL' wus general almost , altlioir.'li In the way of liquidation by the public. I'ork was much the most aotlvo and shared the general deel ne. Klhs and lard are gottlng to a point wheto they Iind moro friends. The e oslug waH weak at outside llgurcs. OMAHA l.ft K STUCK. OMAHA , June 11.1S91. OATTI.E Olllelnl rocclms of cattle JSK ) as compared with l.riVJ yesterday mm f)4 ' ) Thurs day of last week. The market was active and linn on gLoJ grades , and slow nnd nn- clianged on others. IJntchcr stock was slow an'l sazulng. I'eoders were weak nnd lower. lloas Olllelnl receipts of hous 4OW , as rompari'd with 0,719 yesterday and 0.870 TnursMlay of last week. The market was f.ilrly iietlve and s.oady to a Hhade lower. All Mild. The range of the prices paid wnu $4.IO J.\tlio bulk selling at W.S a4.ai. l.lcht , J4.IW 4.i-i : : heavy. Jl.l.rWJl4.r : > ; mixed , * 4.2fl(744.1.1fl. ( The tivei 1120 of the pr ccs paid was $4 221 * as compared with $ I.34M yesterday and J4/.TJS4 ThurMl.iy of List week. Snr.iuvOllicltil receipts of sheen 410. The market w is active and llrm. Natives , $ .1 DOS. { " . - ' ; westerns. fJ.T.V&VJ.'i. llccclpts 11 Ml Disposition of Stouk. ODlclal receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union stookyardB coi.ip.iny for tlio twonty-four hours ending at 3o'clock p. m. . Junoll , l-il ! ! : " DISPOSITION. YKAIU.INO STLKIIS AND 1 JO. 70S 4 00 ETOCKEIIS AND FEKUKIIS. 3. 020 2 00 33. . 710 3 40 29. . 720 350 4. 41) ! 2 00 17. . 7:17 : 3 45 1. . 02J 3S5 III. (143 ( 2 00 7bO 3 50 1..1070 375 0. 71)1 ) 310 COWS. 10. BOO 205 4. . 605'2 RO 3 .1001 375 10.U U 2 10 4. . 010 3 00 3 .100J 375 1. < uo 2 ao 1..1300 333 HULLS , 1..1510 275 1..1340 200 1. . 080 310 CALVES. II. . 107 355 1. . 150 400 1. . 110 450 SPAYED HEIFERS. C2. . 877 4 25 25MILKUHS MILKUHS AND SI'lUNClKItS. Imllkor . . . $2000 1 milker . 2500 1 springer . . . 1 00 lions. 1'ins AND noumi 37 BS 375 ' k B5 108 325 12 DU 3 00 01 , 127 121 80 3 b5 SI1BSP. No. Av. 1'r. OT westerns. wothor .ffrans-fed. . . , 7(1 ( fl 20 10 ! wcstoriiH , wctlior , 'gTii8S-fed . . . 70 4 20 110 westerns , wethers , corn-fed 110 4 8VJ ; 100 westerns. wotherH. orn-ted . . , ,110 4 t2i Ohlunin Ijivo-Stouk Mnr'cot. Citiiuiio , Juno U-ySpoulul [ Tulo ram to Tim IIKK. ] There w sii _ llrm in irltot today for all descriptions or cuttle , but llttlu or no ailvunco In any clustt 'fho proportion of the supply docs not appear to cut any llgnro In shaping the coursoof iprlcos , th it matter Is regulated by the "combine. " The 7..VJJ im- tlvcaon Halo were bought up on a b.islsof 44.40 GKUO for common tu , xxtr.i shipping btonrs , $ t.)0 ( ) < iil,25 for slonkerAiihd foudcrs. and ( I.i5io : 4.50 for COWK , heifers nnd. bulls , und quotiit Ions for Tolas cattle weio ll.5Cxai.75 for gr.issors and t.l.'MtVIO for fed Mtocrw. There were no aiiloa at tno outside figures and Very few at better than * 5.h5 , though thu olTorIns In- eluded a goodly number of fat 1,350 to 1,5V- ) poiind Hteem. At Wednesday's deollne there was an active ilonrind for UO.B. Fresh arrivals were at least6.000 huad less than expected , nndilc- uplto the fact that fresh and stale olTerlngH eomblnud made an exceptionally liberal sup ply , there wax a steadier tone to the nrirkot. r'ulos ' were made at { 2.0)l.55 ) , culls and thin pigs boiling at * . ' .00"itl.oo , and a low loadH of hupcriorUtility ( tlndlng buyers at < tlV5. ! The marKet closed fairly firm at f l..lS'iil.M for medium and heavy weights , and uitl.3rii4.5U for light. The greater purtof the trading wus within a ranco of 10e per 103 pounds. Thu livening Journal reports : OATTI.K Itecelpts. 10,0J3 ; shipments. 2.500 ; market. ,00 ; COWS. { > .5iK3l,2.5. llndti Itucelpts , 21,003 ; shlpmoiito , 12,000 ; narket active and Ktoudy ; rough , f l.00 < t l.20 ; irlmu mixed. 11.3044145 ; prime heavy and iiitnhcr wulghta. H.Wiil.M ; assorted light , I.40&4.53. I.40&4.53.Ilooolnts , 7WO | iblpuuuti , 9,000 ; ninrVot nctlvo nnd ntcnilyt mutton , Texans f 1. 1 0 4. M ; do Texas feeders on nlo ; natives , tuo < 3.\xt Bcstorne , tl.f .vaVi3 ! lambs , tO.OO 517.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now York Mvo Stoolc Slnrkct. NRW YOIIK. Juno II. HEEVF.S Hecolpts I.1IU1 head , tilt , for export ; no trade , feeling firm. Dressed ooof , steady nt 8U < iM4o. ! Ship ments today , .TM beeves and ; < OJ slacp ; to morrow , 325 boevcs nnd 500 sheep. CALVES llccclpts , 03 ; market stcadyt vcaK ? : . .iww.W ! buttermilks. $4.rofti.2.\ SIIKKIHecolnts on truck. b89 head ; market weak ; sheep , W.n , < itVHT'J : lambs , 7,00ti.M dressed mutton , llrm at W5Gio ! ! per iiound dressed liiuibs. I2ai3'ic. ' lloos.-HecelplH. : t.un head , conslffiicil direct market nominally steady atll.Ma5,2J. : Kitnsns City Mvo Stuck Mnrkct. KANSAH CITV. Mo , Juno II. OATTLK Ko- eelpt . SI9) ) ; shipments , 870 ; natives steady Tcxnns sttong ; steers , $ , I.7MJ.V85 ; cows , R03 Q4.45 ; stockcm and feeders , i . ' . ' .was I.2.V Iloos Ilccelpts , 8,050 ; shipments , S.r > 10i inur- kot opened higher , elo < od weak ; bulk , $4.20 ® 4. : ; all grades. UMXrtl.40. i-iiim' Itccclpta , ( i o ; market Btrotig. St. Ijotils Ijtvo Htook .Market. ST. Lotus , Juno II , OATTLB Ilocolpts , 4,500 ; shipments 4.200 ; market active : fair to fancy tmthe steers , $46030.00 ; Texans and Indians , $ , I.OO4.y5. HoiiH Ileco'pts. ' 3.600 ; shipments , 4.100 ; mar ket lower ; heavy , $4.354.45 ; mixed , $ J.OOOI.40j light , W.aoffll. 0. _ _ Oil A HA n'llOLKH.lljK JIA ItKKTS. The following quotations represent the prices at which choice stock Is billed out on orders tin ess otherwise stated : UNIO.NH llerniudii , per ease. $ . ' .60 ; Califor nia , 3iu ! per It ) . Nnw llKCTH Per do ? , IlSttMCe , PEAS Per bushel box , tl.3jQI.59 ; per H bushel box , GOc. TOMATOKS I'nncy stock , per orate , M.OO ® 3.25. CucuMiti.its Per dnrcn , Me. SOUTiii'.HN HKANS Wax , Kil75o per > J bushel boMtrlng. : . 5 © H ic per 'a lm hol box. SOUTIIKIIN CAUI.II I.OWKK Per doren , $1.59. NKW POTATOM per Ib , S'ie. ' POTATOES llnmu crown stock In small lot from the store , Jl.lW.1.10. AspAitAdUR-'iOi ! nerdoren. CAiiiiAOK-Callfoinla stock , per Ib , 25c ! ; southern , per ctutc , $ .1.1)0. ) Fresh Ki-ullH. CIIKUIUKS CallfoiHla , per 10-11) ) box. $1.75 ; black Tartarian , tl.75 ; southern ehorrlcH. f 1.75 © 2.00. per diawerof IS iilarls | ; cases , $ -.OJ < iW.25. OiUMins Los Angeles. $ t.iO.3 ! > ; Mediter ranean sneets , $3.5 Kit. ) . 75 Tl'XAS PKACIIES Per. . 4 bushel box. 11.03. STIIAWIIHUUIIIS Missouri stock , } 2.2.va2.JO per 21 iiiiart case. OIIKKN ( J ( > OMIIKIIUIIS : : Per 24 quart case , t-.r > 0 ; drattorof 18 quarts. $1.75. PlNKAi'l'M.s Per doz. $ .1.00. LUMONS Choice stock , per box , $0.03 ; fancy , W 50. 50.HANANAS Per bunch , $ J..VI.OO ) for fancy stock for shipping. Country Produce. Eons The market was steady at UttH'ic. POOI.THV Goo.1 old fowls tire .selling largely at $ .175 , with u few fancy old hens going ut W.OO. A few right good sprint ; chickens bring $4.00. IlUTTEU The most of the country butter Is going at lOc. Flour. Omaha milling company. Kollance , Patent , (2.TO ; Invincible Patent , $2.80 ; l.ono Star , .Superlative , $2,50 ; Snowllukc , $2.10 ; Fancy Tamlly. JI.OO. H. 1' . Davis mill company , High Patent No. 1 and Cream , 12 SO ; llluo I ) . , full patent , $2.55 ; Hawkuye , half jiiitcnt , ? J.1T ! > ; Special Hoval , n.itentNo. 10 , WOO ; MlnnebOta Patent , $ -.85 ; Kansas Hard Wheat , patent , J..GO ; Nebraska Spring Wheat , patent , $ . ' ,55. H. F. Glllman's Gold Medal. $281 ; Snow White , $ - ' , : > 0 ; Snowllake , $2.10 ; low grade , $ I.M ) ; Queen of the Pantry. * 2 M ; bran , $1500 ; chopped feed , i-4.00 ; Minnesota Superlutlie , $2.K ) . K. L. Welch & Co. . Welch's Ilcst. $2.85 ; Crown Prlnco.70 ; Minnesota Chief. $2.40 ; Splendid Family , K.IO ; Sttiilght , $1.X ( ) . The boat and cheapest Car-Startor Is sold bv tb.3 BarJini Sjllajt Ca. , Chicago , 111. With It ono man can move a toadeil cir. 1MIKPAUEI ) FOR A STOUM. Bur lnrs Liy in an AHRorteil Supply of Kutibcr GootlB. Burglars visited tlio store of the Omnha rubber company in the Puxton block last inuht , , < TU J entered by way of the freight elevator m the back part of the building , getting access to the shaft on tlio second floor and descending to the lower floor , \vtiero they picked a lock and gained admittance to the store room. The thieves gave the stock a general over hauling , oven visiting the basement , and helped themselves to about $40 worth of goods , including several pairs of rubber cloves , tennis shoos , combs , bands , tooth brushes aud coats , nnd scattered tilings gen erally. They unbarrjd n side door nnd tool : their departure via the front clovutor en trance. Tuoro is no clue to the visitors. Men nnd women promaturolv pray nnd whose hair wns fnllluc , are enthusiastic in praising. Hull's Hnlr lienowor lor restoring the color and preventing baldness. The Thoolojio -oiuIimry. . The faculty of the T'rosbytorian theologi cal seminary bold a mooting yesterday at the Paxtou hotel. Rev. Meade C. Williams , D. D. , of Prince ton , 111. , professor of now testament litera ture and exegesis , was present and entered earnestly into the discussion of va rious subjects pertaining to the seminary. Dr. Williams is yet undecided ns to wheth er ho shall remove to Omaha with his family , but in nil probability ho will decide to inako the Nebraska metropolis his homo. Ho has lour sons who * would bo likely to engage in business in Omaha should their father como hero to llv < o. Dr. Williams is a mmi of largo means nnd of n generous nnd lioorul puolla spirit. Ho nnd his family would certainly bo a welcome addition to the population of Omaha. A Curd. Wo want every lady and nil the boys and girls to call on your druggist and got some of our beautiful cards and u book of valuable nformutlon free. HUI.IU : Piioi'itiErAiiif Co. A X\O UXUE The members of "Tho County Fair" com pany now playing at lioyd's ' opera house , who have boon engaged for the sutiimor run of nine weeks In Chicago , nt Hooloy's thea ter , commencing Juno 'J8 , are ns follows ; MUsei Marie Bates , Ella Salisbury. Murjia- rot May , Mcssw. J. It. Smith , fitzhugh Owsloy. Arthur Cook , Hobor Wolsoly , C. C. Babcock and H. Clark. To DiHpul Coldfl , headacnes nnd fevers , to cleanse thn system effectually , yet gently when costlvo or bilious or when the blood Is Impure or sluggish , to permanently euro habitual constipation , to awaken thn kidneys and liver to a healthy act tlvlty , without irritating or weakening them use Syrup of Figs , L i ( Ghh L tih I hail n cancer on m Fatal tongue that > pi end nn- results til my tliro t was BO nl- _ r ° m f i otoil that I could eon co- ly swallow. My physl- cancer cian said It was a ca > t > ous sores \rry siinll.ir to Ucn'l. have Q iint'H. S. 8. S. ctiio 1 often inu Bound and \\cll. 1 been b Hove It saved my life. , averted ' . A. M. Goldsmith , by tak Ilrookljn , N. Y. ing S. S. S. Itook 01 IJlood anil J-kliullKcaprB fico. OMAHA luCllllffi a DIRECTORY. OBMBNI AND LIMR J. J , Johnson & Oo , , 2183. 13tU att33\ Omahn , Nob. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS MUSIOAIj INSTRUAI3Nr3 , ETO Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. , M'f'cjowolorr dealers In I'lnnos , Orsans , Artlsti" musical Instruments. MntcrlaK Ktc. , etc. , Farnnni nnd ICth. 1M1 Doimlai Street. OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. Kcflncd nnd lubrloitlnT oils , axle frroaso , oto. U. 1) ) Iluth , Mnniwr. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibhol & Smith , Schroodar & Oa , , Dealer * In country prod Cash biirort butt3r nil uce , fruits , vcitotnblos , CKK'1 , an I Ronoril co u- etc. mission morchaiti , 1207 Howard street tU South llth street Eobart Purvis , B. B."Brancu & Oo. , 1217 Howard strooL ' . I'roduco , fruits of.Ul Write for prlcos on but blnUi , oyators , ter , CKKS , poultry and 1211 Howard stroJt. Katuo. Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas. A , Olark & Oo. Butter , clicflso , cgxi. nutter CKS and poultry poultry nnd Kama , 1203 Ilonrnrd itrcot CO ) South Utli otroot. Bates & Oo. , Williams & Oro3i , produce , 'rulti , Country ' Troduce and frultv voKOlahlo ) , Rrooor ) ( pcclaltloi. toai , splcai , etc. 417-41'JS. lltliHt. 12U Humor tlraA Bandazzo & Son , 211 South 12th Street , ForolKn .VOomostlo Fruits Klorlila OranKOS & Sicily Fruits , llrnncli house * , 7 N. 1'otcrs at , Now Orl'ns PAPER. | RUBBER G'DS , Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Rub'bar Cnrry n full atock of Itunufncturlinf nnd JGJ- printing , wrapping nnd boraull kinds rabbcjr wrltln * paper , cnrJ pt- Koodi. pcr , etc. 1033 Knrnim stroai. SEEDS. STOVES. Emerson 830 ! Oj. , Bced Krowora , rtoilori ti Sto73 Cb , Kiirilun , ur.ni , urala.ial ' trco aoo 11 , Mnniifnctur'K itovoiinl 4.'I-4'j | South 15th. utovo plp3 1211-1215 Lwivonwortli at , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , ETC. M. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bjhn Sail & Djor Oo. Manufacturers of sash , Manufacturers of ma lU- itoors. bllndi and lnU4 , blluli , UojrJ , MoulilliiKS. Urauchof- ota flcu , I''tti and Izanl sti. IGth nml Clirkitro3ti. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIE33 TJ. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Stung & Som , Pump Oo. , Ilallldny nlnd mills. 01 ? 10UM03I Karnam itroiU and Vil Jonui it. ( I. b' . lions , acting mnnnKcr. Omaha , Nob. TEA , COFFEE , SPIOES , OIQARa Consolidated Ooffto Company , 1414 and 1110 Humor It. Onmlia. Nob. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , - - LIMITED. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. P. T , HUGHES , W1IOIKJ.U.K CASH COMMIH.SION MICIUIIANT _ IM.MMI JIarket I.truut , Donvur. Colnralu. Kluln , III. , uud Woitorn Cro iniurr lluttur. huono. ID.l/J'J ' A I uuiptr c u en MII , with lllli-ri to oin to mv liliipur nnd olhum lo ho tlllu I , t vo mill. an" ui HhlpurlttUfruUlit. iiii ; l.clii i > llutiorla iviuunil ilurliiK MurUullablu fur uuol illoa on Uu- iianil WANTED Total luuet of CITIES , COUNTIES , tiCMOOU BS7 va B uarw DIOTnlCTH. WATER COMHAME8,8T.R.R.COMPAHIE8 ! , to. > ltcil ) Correvpundtnco x i N.W.HARRIS &COMPAHYBankErs. , lei-tflS Dearborn Btreol , CIIICAQO' 13 W3'l Street , MEW YOltlC- 70 SUto Ot-B08TO '