THE OMAHA DALLY BEJU : 'MnDAV , JUJS'JS ' 181)1. ) THE OMAKA. BIDE , . COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : No. 12 PEARL STRKET. rcllvri.iJ by Carrier In any part of the City. H. W. TILTON - - - MANAOEH , TELEPHONES * Business Oflleo , No , 43. Night Editor. No. 23. 3lIOtt 3IKXT1OX. N. Y. P. Co. Council UlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. Croft's chattel loans , 204 Snpp block. The democratic primaries will bo held next Bnliirday evening. If you want v/ator In your yard or house KO to Hlxby's , JIOU Morrlnm block. John Tlnncll and Llwlo Hutler , both of Council IllulTs , were married yesterday by Justlco Cones. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to William Klrbv of Pottawaltamlo and Nclllo Vetiublo of Mills county. , Dnlbcy's band gave Its fourth annual ball lait evening In the Masonic temple. It was well attended , and the dancing was highly enjoyed. Special services are being held every even- IIIK In the Trinity Methodist church. Dr. Tevls1 preaching and singing lire proving great attractions. Blurt City lodge , No ? ' , Ancient , Free nnd Accepted Masons , will mcot in special com munication thin evening for work in the first degree. All Miuons are invited. Tno ladles of the Presbyterian church gave n pleasant social last evening In the church parlors. Ice croatn and strawberries were served to a laivo number of guests. Children's day will bo observed lu many of . the rhurches next Sunday. The children of the Sunday school will conduct nil the oxer- cites In the Bcrcuii Baptist church ID the evening. A pang of men was busy yesterday ropair- lti [ ? the pavement on Pearl street. The cedar blocks have rotted away and in manv places great holes have appeared several Inches below the surface of the rest of the paving. Barbara , thn Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dofrlos , 2120 Ninth street , died nt 0io : : o'clock last evening of inflammation of the bowels , nt the ngo of four and n half months. The funeral will bo announced later. Articles of incorporation wcro filed yester day In the ofllco of the county recorder by tboVnlnut milling company of Wr.lnut , Pot- tnwaltamlo county. The capital stock Is J'JI.COO. The incorporators are J. C. Spang- Ii-r , O. W. Eroc , O. M. Moshcr and K. D. Burko. The foreclosure suit of L. Hummer against Stephen tlrlmshawo wns on trial yesterday afternoon before Judge Smith In the library room of the counU * court houso. In the ofllco of the superintendent of schools Judge Mncy heard another section of the case of. Gray ' against Whlto. Architect Schmock lot the contract last night for the handsome pavilion that tno park commlsHlonors hnvo decided to erect In Fair- mount park this season. The work will be done by William ICastnor , formerly foreman of the J. A. Murptiy company. A force of men will to put to work today and the hand some building will bo completed by July 1. Henry Dean wns examined yesterday by Commissioner F. S. Thomas , on the charge of Insanity , and was found to bo In his right mind. Ho wns immediately rcarrested on on Information Hied by John Bishop , charging him with threatening to kill Fred Hoist in Washington township. Dean was brought Hjeforo Justlco Swcnringcii , and after an in vestigation wns discharged. An alarm of flro was sent In yesterday morning fiom the Grand hotel. The news quickly spread that the hotel was on lire , nnd In a short time ttiostreet in front of the building was crowded with spectators. They .were considerably relieved although some what disappointed , to learn that the alarm had been merely in order to test the flro apparatus. The firemen wcro on the sccno in a'fo\y , minutes. A line of hose was quickly conncojdd with a lire plug , the mon mounted Iho uJJaln , : by moans of flro es capes , and'liiii,9liort time the hoao was play ing upon the roof of the hotel. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music dp. , 533 B'wny t AIjlSI S A 1,101 At the Bos-ton Store , Council IJluftM , Iowa. Special Juno snlo for two weeks bocan SATURDAY , JUNE 0. Ono or two of the thousands of bargains offered at this Rt-cat sale , WASH GOODS. Ifio Vlgoroux suitings for lOc a yard , 30 In. wide. 1'J' o Columbia suitings , choice styles , 8) ) 0 , or 13 yards for $1.00. rBo chullles for 2 > $ c , or 10 yards for 25c. 10(5 outing flannel for Gjo. } > i Clinntonp Pongee , worth 18e , for 12' c. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. lOc ladles' rlbboil vests 7c , or 4 fori'io. 20o ladles' shnpcd vests , 1'J' ' o or 2 for 2oo. fiOc ladles' fnnoy vests ! Mc. 7Bo ladles' silk vests for49o. bnlbrlKgim hose llloor 11 pair for HOc. Juat received another lot of our No. 375 laillcs' last black hose , worth 45c , for this sale 25o 11 pair. Ask to sco them. DRESS GOODS. 45c brllllantlnos , ilurlnir sale for .lie. fiOc brllllnntlncs , during sale for ilOc. All the newest nnd most deslrablo shtulos. All our OT > u and T.'io black honricttas , serges , etc. . In ono lot for 57 o during this salo. All our $1.00 black goods In honrlcttai , sorgos , whip cords , siitln strlnes , Drape D' Almas , In ono lot for this sale 77lc. BOSTON STORE , Council Bluffs , In , Try Duquotto & Co.'s Pomona fruit Julco tablets. They are delicious. PEMtHOX.M , I'A It A OKA 1'tIH , George Wlsu has returned from a visit to South Dakota. Mrs. Oharlos Eborsolo of DCS Molnc. % Is In the i-lty , the guest of the family of George L. Smith. Hon. M. F. Rohrer and J. L. Vcsov re turned yesterday morning from dodur Rapids. U Seubert , wlfo and daughter , and Potcr Wuls started for Germany last Wednesday. They will bo away several months. B. A. Halo , grand sachem of the Improved Order of Red Men , wns in the city night before fore last , on a visit to tribe of the oroor. N. P. Dodge loft last evening for the oust where ho will bo joined by his chlostson , who Is Just completing n college course. Tho.two -will then sail for Europe , expecting to bo n broad until fall. Lon Bassott , who has bcou spending several months In Salt Lnko City In tno hnpo of regaining his health , Is expected homo this evening , His friends will bo pained to leant that ho Is still In very poor health uml has received but little bcnollt from the trip. 13. S. Carl , cashlor of the City Na tional bank of Davenport , R. Van Vechton of the Cedar Rapids National mink , L. Alden , president of the Bank of Imogcno , and II. M , Dostwlck of the Woodbine bank , were In the city vostorday on their return homo from the banker's con vention at Sioux City. They were piloted ever the city by C. R. Ilnntmntuul were very favorably Impressed with the appearance of things hero , _ ltoi > us for Sale. I have two cars of 1,000-pound mares and guiding * , ages from two to seven , which I will hold nt the transfer stock yards for the next ten days. Fred Slieeloy. Morgan's prices for furnltu o on Install ment plan lower than any other house In city. u < -'arr't\KO. Yesterday morning Mrs. Ueon.0'H. Champ and driver wuro out for a rltlo. When they reached First street the pllo driver virtuoso who Is employed on the now Methodist church suddenly struck up o solo. The hors" * begun rcnrlug and plunging , and turned the carrlago directly iiorobs the street. At this moment a farmer's team that had been ( rightonrit by the same uolso cauio dashing along and crushed Into the carrlago , upsetting It anil spilling the occupants Into the ht root. Several cltUons who happened to sco the affair rusheu to the rc&cuo , u part of them securing the horsei whllo the rest assisted Mm. Champ and the coachman to get out of tholr prodlcauiout. The carrlago was cousldorably damaged. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Little luformal Consultation Between Oitl- zina and Railroad Official * NO UNION bEPOT IN SIGHT AS YET , Homo Plain Tnllc lit n Quiet tt'ny on llic Topic Develops Very Mttlo JIopo lor I'YIiMulB ' of the Pr juot. A mooting was called last evening In tno board of trade rooms for the purpose of con sulting with a number of ofllcluls of the Kan sas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railway company , who wcro In the city on n tour of Inspection. ' It was nt once surmised that the call had something to do with thcunlon depot question , and the room was accordingly filled with citizens. President Hart of the board of trade calk-d the meeting to order nnd stated the object. The ofllclals had not wanted to meet a Inrgo number of the citizens In a formal way , they simply wanted to look around quietly and sec what sort of people Bluflllcs were. The following ofllcLils of the Kansas City road were moment : W. ( J. Brown , general tic. assistant general freight agent , St. Joseph ; A. C. D.iwes , vJncrul passenger and freight aqont , St. Louis ; Ci. M. Ilohl , superintendent , St. Joseph ; O. M. Spenser , general solicitor , St. Joseph , and J. W. Hod dens , chief surpcon , St. Joseph. W. II. M. Pusoy nnd O. F. Wright , as members of the depot committee , recalled the trials ana tribulations they had been through In the vain attempt to make the railroads believe that Council Bluffs really wanted n union depot and did not Intend to take no for mi answer. They referred to the fact that there had arisen a division nmong the people , n part having given up the idea of ever having a union depot nnd tried to induce - duce the companies to build new local depots as the next best thing. They were very much opposed to this move. To bo sure , It looked very dubious , but with the eye of fuith they could look ahead and see. somewhere In the dim future , that union depot in all the glory of brick and motar. Mayor Mncrao did not have anything par ticular to say about the union depot , but ho called the attention of the railway ofllcials to the fact that their bridges over Indian creek were oil too low and they had caused the overflow of the bottoms n number of times lately after heavy rains. M. F. Uotlrer stiteu that Council Bluffs people wcro very modest. This natural mod esty had Interforred with the progress of the city from the very lirst and it had amounted almost to a mania la the matter of the union depot. The members of the committee had never struck him as being particularly modest themselves , nnd yet it was painfully evident that the depot matter had not been pushed by them with us much energy nt it might have been. Omaha , ' St. Joseph , nnd any other city that might bo mentioned , would not pay any attention to any talk about hard times , but to Council Bluffs the oxctiso had answered as well as any codld have done. E. L. Shugurt thought Council Bluffs had given the railroads everything they had ever asked for , and in return had gotten abso lutely nothing. There was no use in mincing matters , the city wanted that depot. The depots that are now in use are a disgrace to the city , nnd it would have bconn irood thing for the company and a good thing for the city If someone had touched n match to the Burlington depot ten years ngo and burned it. This was getting a little personal , and W. C. Brown hastened to say a won ! in behalf of his company. Ho said that ho know that plans for a now local dcoot had been drawn up. and the now depot would protmoly bo built in n short time. In reply to a question he stated that in all probnbllity'tho erection of a local acpot would mean the non-erection ot tno union dopot. It was thought best that In order to m'o- servo peace all around all should adjourn to the Grand hotel , where a banquet had been Erepared for the guests. It was a Into hour afore the partakers of the feast , about seventy-live in number , separated , but when nt lust they did separate they felt nt peace with each other and all the world , even If the } ' could not see any very substantial re sults from the ovenlng'a consultation. Do Witt's Little Early Risers , best pill. Notice ot Amlfjiinicnt Tor Benefit ot Creditors. Notice is hcrobv given as required bv sec tion 2110 , Miller's cede 1833. that the Judd & Wells company , a corporation whoso princi pal place of business was in the city of Coun cil Bluffs , la. , did on the 27th day of May , 1691 , makes an assignment of all of their prop erty nmt effects to the underpinned for the bonollt of their creditors and that all claims against said Judd & Wells company must be filed with the undersigned , properly verified , within ninety days from the date thereof. Dated nt Council Bluffs , la. , this Oth day of June , Ib'Jl. W. H. Ksii : > iinn , Assignee of the Judd & Wells Co. FllANK TltlMIII.R , Attorney for assignee. Don't fall to see the pattern hats at Mrs. Pfoiffer's for half pilco thU month. It Always llnpprns. The tclccram which was received day before - fore yesterday announcing the victory of the Council Bluffs hose team No. S nt the lire- men's tournament In Couar Uaplds , was re ceived with a great deal of good feeling by the people of the city. Yesterday another telegram was received which rather put the nbovo mentioned good feeling to flight , and substituted for It large , angry loouing gobs of Indignation. The telegram stated , in ef fect , that a protest had bcou filed by four of the unsuccessful competitors in the : < 0'J yard strnlght-a-way race , against the awarding of the first pnzo to the BlutTs team , and giving as u reason the fact that Lozler , Hess , Hough , Pepper and Whitney are nil professional foot-racers and railing attention to the pro visions of the constitution of tbo stnto asso ciation forbidding professionals from taking any part in the tournament. A counter protest was filed by Charles Nicholson of the Bluffs team claiming that there was hardly a team at the tournament of which onoor more of the members were not professionals. The matter was taken under advisement by the board of control and yesterday morning it was decided to rule out the Bluffs team. It was thought that the same action would probably bo taken with regard to the other companies which nro run ning professionals us amateurs. DoWltt's Little Hurlv Risen for the Llvor Bright upland hay at slaughter prices for next thirty davs ; 450 tons , H. L. Carmancor , ner Pearl unit fith avenue. Buy your furntturo , carpets , stoves nnd household goods of Mamlcl & Klein , Council BlutTs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to your city. _ Lost n Chronometer. FrnnkCovnlt loft n gold watch hanging In n shed on Fourth avoiuio where ho was workIng - Ing day before yesterday afternoon. At 0 o'clock When ho wont for his vest ho found It , but the watch had been carefully unclasped - clasped from the chain , the end of which had been placed In the pocket. Mr. Covult thinks ho has an Idea who took the timepiece and lie means to put some of his actcctlvo ability to wo In capturing him , The vuluo of thu watch Is about ? JO. A very small pill but n very BOO J one. Do Witt's Little liurlv Hlson. Col ( ii \ SpriiiKH via the Itnuk Island. Everybody has heard of thorn , located on the "Great llock Island Uouto. " Colfax has n dozen medical mineral springs and hun dreds dally testify to their merits. Savon llrst-clusa hotels furnish pleasant homes nt very low rates to the throngs nt health and pleasure scokcra. to Ho Dropped , Charles C. Dlckenson , the young man who has spent tbo last two days In the city Jail on the churgo of seduction , was brought before Judge McGca yesterday morning lor a pre liminary examination , Dlckeuson waived examination , and was bonrid over to await the action of the grand Jury , his bond being fixed at C > 00. In default of the bond ho was sent back to jail. The girl's father ho * inserted his willing ness for the youthful transgressors to marry and the girl has also been willing , but Dick- cnaoii vns obstinate. Yesterday ho changed his mind and consented to have the knot Mod. A license was Issued bv tbo clerk of the county court , but the wedding did not talco place. It Is po slblo , however , that the parties will bo marj-lcd In a dav or two , nnd that the proceedings against Ulckonson will o dropped. _ Constipation poisons ttio blood : OoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers euro Constipation. The rausercmovod the disease Is gone. Union Park races , Omaha nnd Council Jlluffs , Juno 0-12 , f 1.000 ; Sept. 8-11 , MWO { TJet , 20-22 , $4,000. For programmes address Nut Brown , sec'y. , Merchants' hotel , Omaha. Hats nnd ( lowers nt reduced prices ot Mrs. PfoitTcr's this month , Great reduction on black lints , from 50c to $2 , at MM. Pfoiffor's this month. AIKK NOT MAIiljIS. Decision by the Supreme Court on the Snhjcotor Wonmn'H Kl hl" . A decision has been rendered by Chief Justlco Beck of the supreme court of Iowa In the case of N. Schurz ngalnst W. F. Me- Mctminy and Mrs. Sarah McMcnamy , which settles the question how far the property of n wife Is liable for the debts contracted by her husband. The suit was commenced in the superior court of this city two years ngo lust winter , the nlalntlfT asking Judgment against Me- Mcnnmy nmt his wlfo for f-Ji" } , duo on n lease of u piece of residence propertyand an at tachment on u landlord's writ on the per sonal property of the wlfo which was used on the promises during the time when the root bccnmo delinquent. Mrs. McMunnmy alleged In her answer that she never entered Into any contract with Schurz ; that she lived on the promises for u time with her husband , but the rents for the tlmo when she lived there- were all paid. The attorney for the plaintiff demurred to the answer on the ground that it showed upon 1U face that the property levied upon subject to the landlord's lien , nnd that the wlfo was liable for the rent sued foi. The demurrer was sustained by the Judge of the superior court and the defendant appealed to the supreme court. In commenting on the case Chief Justice Beck states that clearly the wife Is not Hablo on the lease for she made none , but , If at all , from tba fact that she was the wlfo of thu lessor , and used the promises with him as n homo for tha family , the rent thus be coming family expense. Her liability , as created by the statute , Is for the expenses of the family , for debts contracted for the prop erty , or , If for rout , for the homo occupied by the family. A case in point is cited in which a man contracted for twelve tons of fuel , the last six tons of which ho refused to allow to bo delivered. It was hold in that case that the wife's property was not liable , as thu fuel had not been used for the family , and hence could not bo considered a family ox- ncnso. Tbo Justlco concludes that no liabil ity arises against the wife for the rent of a house which was never used by the family. Tbo decision of the superior court is re versed , nnd the case thrown out of court. A Mystery Clock. Anything out of the way of the ordinary will attract attention of the crowds oven in the busy streets of Council Bluffs as quickly as in any place in the world. M. Wollm'in ' , the well known Jeweler at 538 Broadway , has given the curious ample op portunity to test their ingenuity in endeavor ing to fathom the mystery of a mysterious clock which ho has recently completed and placed in one of bU show windows. So far tha , profound and persistent have ut terly failed to discover the influence that compels the unique tlmo marker to so ac curately record the hours and minutes. A short time a o Mr. Wollman made an elec tric clock that attracted attention not only in Council Bluifs but in trade and expert circles all over the country. The mystery clock is far ahead of the electric apparatus in unique ness and incomprohcnsiblcncss. In appeur- anco it somewhat resembles the colored alco hol signs in a drug store window , being simply two glass globes placed ono above the other. They nra supported by a delicate pedestal which IB notched to show that it docs not conceal shalts or pinions. Tbo base is simply a piece of solid cherry wood turned out eight inches In diameter. From this the slender pedestal rises and supports the first globe , which is about seven inches in diam eter. On this glebe is the dial marking the minutes. Screwed to the ease is a solid metal hand wnih points to the minutes as they go by , the glebe revolving nnd making ono complete revolution iu each hour while- the hand remains stationary. Above this is the smaller glebe about four mcbos in diameter with a dial around its equator indicating the hours. A plcco of silver plated steel spring bent in the form Of u figure 3 , | is screwed to the base and forms the top support for the two clobcs and carries the stationary hand that point : out the hours on the smaller glebe which revolves once every twelve hours. The globes are of very thin and ox- qulslioly transparent glass , nnd bavo no ap parent connection with each other or nt the top of the base except by the delicate pinions that pcnetrato only about one-thousandth of an inch into the glass and form the axis upon which the globes rovolvo. Another peculiarity that makes the mystery of the mechanibin still more profound is the fact that either of the globes can bo revolved backward or forward on their delicate pivots with great raplaity without injury. When tbo motion ceases they got right down to business again , losing only the tlmo occupied in spinning. The whole device sits on n mirror in the show case and can bo picked up and ex amined ut will. The mystery is , what Is the force and whora is it located that moves the globes around so accurately and continuously , ono Just twelve times faster than the other nnd both In perfect tlmo with the big regula tor that looks down upon the strange < } cvlco as much mystified as tbo mechanical oxnert who critically examines or the street gamin who gazes upon it through the stow window. It has bean intimated that the sunlight or heat Is the motive power , but Mr. Wollman has disproved this by placing the time marker in the shadow. With the exception of the glass globes , every part of the mechanism has been made by Mr. Wollman at his bench at odd times. It Is u strange and remarkable production , and olds fair to remain a standing puzzle lor future generations. Jo CH Murder Cnwe. The Jones murder-Insanity case was on trial again yesterday before Judge Ueemor. Dr. F. S. Thomas was on the stand In the morning and a good shuru of the afternoon. Ho stated that ho thought Jones was un doubtedly Insane , but said that In.his opinion the best pluco for him would bo seine farm , where ho could bo nlono and could have his liberty. The cross-examination by Attor neys Organ and Mynstcr was Ilka that of Wednesday in being highly peppered with references to hallucinations , ntuoorous in sanity , progressive dementia , nnd other equally wonderful things. At the closb of Dr. Thomas' testimony sev eral witnesses were put on the stand to tes tify that they had talked with Jones and bud found him In most respects very much llko other mon. In ovcry cusn. hoivoyor , U wus developed on cross-examination that those men had had nothing to dollh Jones for unywhcro from four to fourteen years. Some- testimony will bo broucht In this morning by the attorney for the defense , In rebuttal , after which the case will bo submitted to the Jury. Jury.Do Do Witt's Little Early Oiscrs. Best little pill over made. ( Jnro constipation every lluio. Nona equal. Use them now , Mar Bourlclus , muslo teacher , removed to & 3S Broadway , ever C. B. muslo company. Great millinery removal sulo aC tha. Louis' Masonic block , commencing thU week. Must bo sold before cliannlng locution , The finest line of spring nnd summer goods , most expert workmen , Is what you find at Relter's , the tailor , plO Broadway. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 loarl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone HJ , High grudo work u specialty. , " , Gasoline and oil ; com , wood and coal ; prompt delivery. L. U. Kuotts , 21 Mulu , tclenhouo 203. KITTY HIlU. , ' OUT. Unco Scene AVcnt on Jyit 8ho Wasn't In It Other ailihapH. When preparing for the. great race SCOHO nttho opera house la.stnight two of the thoroughbred race horaca ail been taken up In safety , but when "Kitty1 ' the handsome bay mnro wns placed on , tiio clovntor , nnd when near the singe , tho.ropos hroko letting the mnro nnd bur rider fall. Five or six foot below the street entrance the safety catches got In their work nnd stdpped the lift , with n sudden Jnrk , throwing the mnro off her foot , barely missing her rider. The accident delayed the sccno for a moment. An an nouncement was made to' 'tlta audience that on account of the accident only two horses could appear In the raco. When the treadmill began to roar "Kitty" showed signs of uneasiness , nnd it wns feared that she would fall from the clovntor lu her excitement. Fortunately nothing of the sort happened and the nervy little inaro was raised to the floor by the aid of u block and tackle. Upon examination It was1 found that the horse was not Injured beyond n few brulsoi. This Is the third accident Unit Kitty's rider has had recently , anil ho con siders himself lucky to have gotten out ulivo. J. W. Berkstrosjcr was homeward bound last night and when near the corner of Six teenth nnd Davenport streets wns seized with r. fainting spell. Ho full to the sldcwalK bruising his face , but was not otherwise In jured , The patrol wagon was called and convoyed Berkstresscr to his home , nt the corner of Thirteenth street nnd Capitol nvonuc. The sick man is subject to these spells nnd n doc tor wns called upon his arrival nt homo. Jnko Bowman , n fourteen-year-old boy was schilling on the stops of Boyd's opera house last evening and fell. Ho broke his loft arm nnd raised an awful howl. Ofllcor Gorman was near and took the lad In charge. For tunately tha patrol wneoii was passing and Jacob was taken to the station and later re moved to his homo , 1012 North Sixteenth street In the patrol waeon. Medical attend ance was summoned and the broken arm was set. Dr. Birnoy cures caturrn. Boo bldjj. Nebraska's Great Crop PronpeotH. Mr. O. A. Williams , county clerk of Dundy county , A. 0. Leslto and Judge Burk of Chase county are In the city. They ore unanimous in the statement that the crops in the extreme western nurt of the stnto look better than they do with'n ' n hundred miles of the Missouri riyor. Judge Burk said that the rye was higher than his head and wheat Is very fine and heading out. Never hnvo such quantities of crass been seen bcforo in western Ne braska. Many of tbo farmers who were com pletely discouraged last fall and winter nro feeling all right again , and some who loft the country are preparing to go back. For Frank Johnson. A largo crowd attended tbo dance given for the benefit of Frank Johnson , ox-ser geant of police , at Garfleld hall last evening. Nearly live hundred tickets had been sold and nearly all of the ticket holders were present. Chlof Galligan wns aown on the programme as master of ceremonies , but in his absence Detcctlvo Ellis acted lu his nlaco. Twenty-six numbers 'were ' on the list of dances and nearly all of the crowd stayed until the lost danco. It was an enjoyable party and nutted , a neat' sum for Sergeant Johnson. DoWltt's Little Early Risers : only pill to curosirk luai.iolio .n.l ri aUjJthj ) ) VJli Condition of the Injured. Mrs. M. Goldsmith afjd the little daughter of Mrs. L. Lazarus , who wcro injured in a runaway accident Wednesday afternoon , were slightly bolter last night. The attend ing physician stated that Mrs. Goldsmith was doing us well us could bo expected under the circumstances , buf'tho little girl still continued low , shoxving little if any improve ment. , DoWitt's Little Early tUsers ; bist little pills for dyspepsia , sour-itotnaob " , bad breath " * * i - - 'I he Death Roll MisrnTn , L. I. , June It. Lord Meyer , the millionaire- sugar relinor nnd raombur of the firm of Dick & Meyer , is dead. XE1TS OP fffSTJEltOA V. The Bohrlng sea bill hhs received royal ns- fcont. The Anslo-I'ortuzuosu convention was signed at Lisbon , The French chamber of deputies has voted to admit tallow free. A cloudburst occurred ut Chllllcotbo , Tex. , and four mon weio dro'vned. The Husslan Imperial council has decided to enforce the new tariff on July l.'l. At Toledo. O. . the Yardmasters' association chose Lincoln , Neb. , as the next place of meet ing. ing.Russia's Russia's negotiations for a commercial un derstanding with Germany has been rup tured. After celebrating their silver wedding In Denmark the czir and czarina will visit Em peror William , The New York university elected Dr. Henry M. McCracken chancellor to succeed Dr. John Hull , resigned , Mrs. Coventry Wcddoll. who la ante-bellurn days was one of the society leaders of Now York , died today. Huv. Dr. W. W. I'cnn of 1'lttsflold. Mass. , lias accepted a call to the pastorate of the Unl- arlan Church of the .Messiah of Chicago. At the conference today of the Glamorgan shire Con rcuatlonal church thu conduct of thu prince of Wales In the buccarut scandal was denounced. At Cincinnati , O. , David L. and John S. Lyt- tlo , dealers In boots and shoes under the firm inline of Lyttlo&Co. , assigned. Liabilities , llliO.OOJ ; assets , i'M.'lW. ' At the church council In Illrmlnsham , Ala. , n motion reproaching the prince of Wales for his conncntlon tho.rcccut gambling .scan dal received no second. Ity the breaking of n rope on the hoisting tube In u mint ) ut bolloville. Mo. , LowN Davis and Thomas Hughes were preulpltuteU to the bottom of the shaft and killed. The Michigan governor's veto of the bill ap propriating fW.COO for the entertainment of thu Grand Army of the Republic at Detroit In August was sustained by a strict party vote. Thn famous crater of Bolt ituru of I'ossouoll , near Nanlos , Is shuwInK Btgns of renewed ac tivity. This volcano was active Ionic before Vesuvius was , but for ages has buen nearly extinct. In the house of lords the marquis of Salis bury laid on the tnblu the convention with 1'ortURul In relation to thu Eii''liKh and Portu guese possessions In South Africa. It was not discussed. At Helma. Ala. , MoConnoll Shelly , son of ox-Coiicressmiin O. M , Hholly. In u saloon quarrvl was shut by a .bartender. . Tbo bull struck Hholly below the left nlpulo. Shelly will probably dlo. John Youn ; : , u mulatto , was murdered last Monday utToxiirkana , Ark. A colored porter confessed ho had killed Youn ; for flu and u yearling hteor , bulnj ? llislltrutud by Young's wlfo and bur yar.imour , All are In Jail. The municipal authorities of I'orrcs. Kn - land. In the vicinity of fir William Gordou- Ciimmlnx's seat , Altyro , huvo dco dod to o\- tund u festive wolcomu , to Sir William on Saturday on the ocuublon of his return homo with his bride , ' ' ' Near Mur < | ucttc , Mlclli"nwln to thu failure of thu brakes to wori < 011 a.Hjiuh Shore freight train KoliiK down tmliiuiso ! ; hills the train Jumped tint track In fuil ) | , ( if thu station while goinu ut u troinendoim'hpuud uml smashed the station house Into IllmlCrv , The engineer was fatally Injuicd , but tlfii Other trulnniun es caped with bruises , 'Did' train was demol ished , 31 , . ' The chairman of tlm-London gonernl oii'iil- bus company u.vpluins.thut the demands al- roiidy conceded will cost tllu company il.M.OOO ypurly. nnd that the demands pressed by the niiiii , If conceded , will { Oit3i-ViitO yearly , and that thuroforo any tutCbiT yielding l > y the company would Involve It In bankruptcy , ' cu ing that ttio prollts earned In Iti'JO amounted to only $ : r.5OUO. You will never1 ' find" time for anything , If you want time you must make it. If you wa nt to try Carlsbad Spru- del Salt , You must "take" it. It Is Nutura'u own roinoay Tor nil tUs- oft u's of the btomiioh , 11 vo mid kidney , ( or constipation nud rheumatic ullco- tions. liu duro to obtain the genuine imported article. LcOno'H I'oriodi cnl IMIlN. Tlili French remedy ucti directly upvn Ilia genera- llro oniani uml euro iuiiru ilun ut the tuentoi , 12 orltui'O for fi , ami cun t > o umllo.l. rlliuulil not bo uiudUurlux pregnancy. Jubburn , OruuifliU nnd lliu public iu | > i > ! led bjr Uoucluian Drug Co. , Ouiatio. A woman's aim is to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health , take Dr. Picrce's Favorite Prescription. All the func tional irregularities and weak nesses that make life misera ble to women , are cured by it. It's a powerful , invigorating tonic , and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable , perfectly harmless. For ulccrations , displacements , bearing-down sensations , un natural discharges every thing that's known as a "le- male complaint" it's a posi tive remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction m every case. It costs you nothing , unless it helps you. You can afford to try it , on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it ? SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OITOKTUNITIKS to miiko inoiiuy were nuvcr inoru plentiful tluin nt moment In Council Illiills. .Iiy : U. < 'olc , roul ostuto and loan broker , No. \ I'earl street , will unt yon In tno way of iiiitkIng Immlsuinc prollts on small Investments. 17UJU PALK-Lot 45 feet front on Klfth JL uvcntie , between IStli ; iml llltli St. , on motor line. H. 1' . Ualluhim. 'MID fllh live. and s/uliomotrlu. or cliar- CljAlUVOVANT ; uNo dliiunnsls of dlso.iic. nond lock ot hair fur readings hy loiter. Hiin- Says and ovciiiiiKt. .Mrs It Hooper. I42i Ave- due K , near corner 15th street , Council ItliilVH. Terms , Mo and $ l.OJ. FOR. " ALB I'or Rent Wanted If you want to buy. soil or rent anything In the real estate line don't do It until you have seen our lar.'o Hit of bargains. Swan & Wulker. No. li- Main and lia 1'oarl street- . Council UlulTs. TASTIJ1JAGK for may bo had on the JL Galluhur f.irm. Apply to John ( J. Lee , 100 Broadway. FINK bred horse , that can heat -r : ; > , will soil or trado. Address or call on I ) , liiown , 132-J West liroadway , Council HUilVa. TSwan & Walker's IIS Main street and Hit I'earl. Council IHulTs , you lll always find a "snap bargain" In real estate If you want to buy , or a peed plaeo to list a bargain If you _ iint to soil or trade. TjlOKHALE An ntHtrnctnnd Insurance busl- J-1 ness ; good livery stock and controlllm ; In terest lu an established business. Will take some Hood city property. JohiHton & Van Pjittoru TflOH SALE ElcKantcarrlaso team and fine Jslnclo drivers ; prices reasonable : call and see then , bcforo buying. Isaac M. Smith sales stablus No. . 413 North Seventh street , Counuli liluffK AONIF1OENT aero property In live-aero tracts located 2ii miles from postoflleo. for sale on reasonable terms , gome line resi dence property for rent by Day & Hess. FOK KENT The SIoMtihon block , a story brick , with busomcnt and elevator. J.V. . Squire , 101 t'oarl street. TOOK SA.LE or Kant SarJan lanJ. wltU JC homes , Oy J. B. ttloo , 101 Mala it. , QouaaU Bluff * ELECTKIC TRUSSES , BEL.TS , CHEST PROTCTO.IS. , El C. DR. C. B. JUDD , 606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la TELEPHONE 264. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70,030 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 Dimerous I. A , MUlor , R O. Glloaion , R fj. Bhuk-nrt. E. B. Hart. J , I ) . Eclmiiutlsmi. Olrirlai H. Unman. Tr.ii)3iot : baalcln : bu-ti- nets. Lartest capital und aurnltii ot uy ban 1C In Southwestern IO.T.U INTERESTO.N TlM i DE DSI P5 Dr.EH.CHAfflBERLIN . . , Eye , Ear , Nose anJ Throat SURGEON , Council BlutTs , la. Shugart-Dono H'lc. Room 1. 0 to 12 m. 7 and 8 p. m. NEW OGDEN HOTEL. ThoNow Orden Hotel. In Council Ilinir-i. Iris bcun completely rotiirnlsliod and nioilernl/i.'d throughout , und Is now ono of tliu bust hotels In thu state. It Is lou.itoil In the liiislnesi pirt : ot the city and the uloctrlo motors | > inn the door every ( our nunutin. Flro I'scupc * ) and flio uturms throughout the building. Bloum bout , lint und cold w.itur uml hiinshino in every room. Tiiblo iinsnrpassod anywhere. H.ituH , f-.iK ) n day. GEO. M. WHITNEY. Manager FirstNational : - : - Bank -OF- COUWOIIi BLUFFS , IOWA. 1'nltl Up Caiiltnl , . . . . $ io ; > , ooo Oldnxt ur > Miil > o < l In tlia oily. FuraUn uml dome-tic uxflmiuo "nil SM ultld I. K pjtU ; , ACQJ I. H f Imllpll null , hunk * , biiikiiriuiulajrpOMUjiii JjlljiUl. Jar UKO. 1' . S.V.NKIIU ) . I'roililont. A. W. 1UIHMAN ; , l.Vulllor. A. T. lUCK. AJtUt'int Ctvihl3r _ Xr Qiiimlnrs Attor"0 > ' ! "lt liw | I'rao- , a oallllUlli tlco In the m.ito and fuJural eoiictrt , jtoimi ' ! , 4 and 3 Mmxurt llono block , Council limits , la. riiimtiPrc Attorney nt Law , No. 10 , J , WlalllDcla , I'uuri street , ever llmh- null's htorp. Tolonliono No. \ > tl llaslnusi liourn. Bu. m. toy p. m. Council Illilttrf , 1 1. Gas .eating Stoves. ' N ( > No KMOKK. Just the thlnff for hath rooms , bed rooms , ota Cull and i > co our lurxo assortment. C , D. Gns and Elo trla Light Co. 211 1'oarl uud lilO Mulu SlruoU Meet the Immediate Wants of All Classes With Reliable Clothing of Their Own Manufacture. Oilr Mid-Season Prices Throughout every department are made on standard and le inn'o goods for the purpose of rcdiicin"'stock , no jobs run in o ITM'C ' a furor , people know us better. We still have qn - a ' of Men's Broken Lot Suits , placed on serinre ; oarers , it $8 , $10 and $12.50 , to those who can secure a I'it they are real bargains. "You may be lucky. " They embrace all colors , iu sack and frock. Knee Pant Suits , ' $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3 , 50 and $4. Omaha mothers know all about the style , trim and quality of our boys' clothing. Boys' Knee Pants , separate , for summer wear , extra quality ; we've got sufficient to supply the demand at 50c each. Shirt Waists for both ladies , misses and boys ; in this de- p.irtment we show many novelties , you'll find the assortment very large , but the price very small. You'll save many a dollar on summer wearing apparel , by keeping a close watch on our big show windows. CO. . , RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , Southwest Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. C Money cheerfully refunded when goods do not satisfy- ' ( Send for Ilustrntcd Catalogue. ) NO CURE ! ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Mnnj yentV oxporlcnco. . A recnlnr pnuhi.ito In medicine ns diplomas sliorr. Ii . still treating with tbf crroutcstuuci'i'is , nil .Vermin , Clircima nnd 1'rlvruto Dlsomes A p-'eminent euro ifu.irnnteeil for Catarrbi SpenufttorrhcBn. I.oit Mnnhood HcinlnMViMkiies . . . , Nltrlit . I.osi . t , Imp.ito icy , Syphilis. Strkturo , nnd ill dUetiiea of thu Itlood , bkln and Ulln.iry Orion a. N. II. 1 L'unrnn.uo Jjijj tor uvory caio I undertake nnd ( all to euro. , . Consultation . free , ttook iMyaterlcs . of l.lfo ) scat fruo. OHloj houra U a. m. to 9 p. m. Bunda/ 10 a m. to 13 m. Send stamp for reply. OPEN AGAIN With an Entirely New Line of Goods Bought tor < Cash Direct From the Manufacturers. Cash Always Talks. I have secured some of the 8OO Men's Black Worsted Suits greatest bargains in men's and © 7.OO boys'suits ever heard of in this BOO Men's All Wool Dress Suits , city. I can sell men's and boys' In differentstyles , from clothing SO per cent off of manu S5 to S58. facturers' prices. I am prepared * to back up every word I say by 8OO Boy s' All Wool Knee Pants , showing goods and giving in different styles , at prices. For example , hero are BOO. a few leaders : BOO Boys' Suits , ago 4 to 14 , dur ing the sale at BOO Men's Working Suits . . S51.OO. A.LSO.OO. 4OO All Wool Boys' Suits , agoj 80O Men's Suits at 4 to 14 , at S4.BO , SQ.Q5. I Carry a Splendid Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats Caps Boots Shoes Etc. , , , , , . Council Biuffs , COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dylii ; ; und Olounln ? done In Urn Highest Style of the Art , FuduJ und Bt.ilnoU rubrics inudo to look ui wood a * now. llo.l Kimlhurs rloumm Ity Munm , In I > 'UHI C'.us ' < Manner. Work promptly donu und dullvuro4 la all pirU : of the country , buiul for prlaa l8t > ' , 0. A. MAOIIAN , IToii. 101J uroudwuv.Ni _ ir Northwusturu l 27 MAIN STREET. Over a It. Jucijuomln & Co. , Jewelry Stoi Tl-IR QRAND , Council Bluff. ? , In. Thl3 Elegantly Appolntod Hotel Is Now Open. George T. Phclps , Manager.