Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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TUITI oniT'iTT i Turn tf nTTPrro
orn the In ailing Attraction on the Chicago
Eoird of Trado.
Good Crop ItcpotlH Cotttlnun to Arrive
the Xorthxvpst New York
Wlicnt Klrinop Tlio ! ' !
nniiclnl ItlartM.
o , Juno 10. The corn pit was the cen
ter of attrnotlon on the board today , nnd
specuhtors from the other pits Mootud to that
point to take n hiind In the proceodliiKs.
Tin ro wis a bl drop In prlc" In the early
trndliir. | followed by a partial recovery.
Wliout was dull , with nothing of lintiorluuco
doing until near the close , when business
picked up a llttlo. Prlco clruiRoi were con
fined to uxtrt'mnly narrow limits during most
of the Acxilon Operators wore- Inclined to
hold on" for the go > eminent erop report , duu
at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. There was no
news of a very Import nit character to Inlln-
once values. 1'aily oablcx nhowtd dull mar-
koti , wltlioiitniuch clianKo In values iibro id ,
Advltns from the northwest told of line grow
ing rains In that section , but this nous nas
noiitiall/td by the signal sorvlco notlto of
tlio development of : t cold wave with frosts
extending oxer D.'ikoti , Allnneiotu , Kntli < > ,
Iowa and NobriHl'a on Thursday night. A
BtrotiK point was in.iclo by the bulls of the
Mkhlgan erop report , showing a lo < ; s of 10
polntH In lht < condition since the hint previous
report , and of the statement that the acreage
of winter wheat In Indiana w is 20 pur cent
loxs than last year , but this did not reecho
much credence. Itoports were rceol\ed from
Kansas claiming that the nheat was alTtctcd
byriiHton account of recent rains , Drad-
Btmot'H report of stocks cast of the Hockics
ihowed a decrease of l.ICJ..OOOhusholH and west
of tlio Heckles or on the 1'aclllc coast Nho\\cd
nocnange. The export clearances from foi.r
ports , wheat and Hour , ucro rather larger ,
mid arrivals In the notthwest weio fair. July
opened atUS.Sc , sold oil toliS'U' ' , fluctuated tor
a long time between I'S ' c and IWe. . then
when the bull now * began to h ivo Its olTccu
advaneoil tof)8' ) c , with possibly a sulo or two
at 09c , and closed ut lWe. or ? .u above yesier-
duy'H uloso.
Corn opened at . ' 8l4.1S o for July against
M'do at the close yesterday on account of the
light receipts over night , but the advance did
uot hold , Theio were loportsof line growing
rains In the corn bolt. Thcro was \ory little
demand ; nearly everybody boomed to h ivo
some to Hell and the market ImniLdlatoly took
the down grade. It was not long before a
drop was mndo to WiJ4'c. As the decline wont
on. long corn began to come out and for utlmo
the imirkctsccmca demoralised. Ilaxtcr and
Earn Adams sold liberally , and the crond In-
tomrotod It to 1 o IJnpee. who Is umlerHood
to have been long u largo lino. Reports fioni
the Interior were to the nlTect th it n liu o
amount of corn was being loaded for ( Jhlcago
and big iicolptHoio looked for during
the next few days , and cables were
loner. At the lowest point the
estimates for tomorrow c.uu" In slioitlnv
small receipts In sight. The sellers Kecmod to
liavo been haried out and many shorts , who
hud u H itlbfaetoiy prollt. bo.r in to cuter , -md
there WIIH a coed loiUIon , July solllnj buck
toftT'if and closed steady atf > 7" ' c.
Oius were eak liiHympiithy with coinfind
July fell from 4 | 3 o early to 42hc , but rallying
with corn and closing in 4 ! 3 o.
Provisions wcro wo ik rind lower. Receipts
of hogs woio heavy and prices lower. Corn
was slnmplsh anil the lon.'s worn growing
tired of carrying their heavy loids. There
was no 'oneral llnuldatloti. houovor , andllii'i-
tu itlons were rather narrow , Oompired with
ycsterdiy pork HIOWH ! a loss of luc : lard and
rins. L'Sius-M'
. - .
The loading futures ranged as f < > jl
Cons-No , z
AllKUst ,
MISS I'liiiu
September , . . . .
It Mis-
Ciish quotations wore as follows :
ri.i.Hit Steady und iiiichiingcd ,
WIIPA.T No. 'Jsprliu vvhuat , tl.001.00 > { ; No.
B spring wheat , fttUllTo ; No. 2 rod , $ I.UOl4 ( < il.01l { .
Conv No. 1 ! , SOjjc.
OATH No. 2 , 44c ; No. L' white , 464 < a471ic ; ; y0 ,
S white , 4VtJfic.
Uvh-No. L' , 84o. No. ' . ' , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 71 ®
Kot No 4 , f , o. b , ( > lc.
Vl.vxsi-.ui-No. . * . ! ,
TIVIOTIIV SKKII Pi lino. 11,271.2' .
I'OKK Moss pork , purburrol , tlO.'Alnrd ) ; , jior
owt , WO'i ; short n Is sides ( loosoi , J5 G5CfV.7A ;
ry Halted shoulders ( boxed ) , * 5.i.0"i 10 ; short
ear sldos ( bo\ed ( , } 1 Id.
\\msuv Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per galen -
on , Jl.ld.
HlKIAHH-Oiit loaf , unchnngcd ; granulated ,
uncliangcd ; stiindurd "A. " iinehungcd.
liicelpts and shipments today vveru us fol-
lous :
On the pioduco exLhango today , the butter
market was fairly uutlve but steady und un
changed. r.KKt > , Uffll.V.
Now York IMarkets.
NKW VOIIK , Juno 10. lYouii Ilcceipts , a.1.4,12
packages ! exports.8,3n8 barrels ; 1,418 sacks.
Murkuleiisv , nuideiatoly uctlvo ; free sellers.
Btilus , 21 , I.'K ) Illinois.
CotiNMiiAr. " bteudy , qulot ; yellow western ,
WHEAT llecelpts , 107,700 bushels ; exports ,
IO.I.5I8 bushels ; sales , l.ll..tUO bukhels of fu-
tutii.s ! 08OJi bushulsHpot. bnot market , Irroc-
ulur , iulot | , closing llrmcr ; No. 2 red , fl.O1) ) ®
l.uyii , store und In oluvator : II.Oi CCI.lO allout ;
II wiMai.luV f. o. b. ; ungraded rod , | | .07 <
lOl.llH ; iNu 1 northern to arnvu. tl.lisj : No. 1
hard to arrive , il.lll ; No. 2 Uhluiigo , * l.uoiiI4
1.00V. Options huvu been very dull us If
awaiting the government rupoi t. Prices huv o
changed only , © iJc. that much lower early ,
but closing liiiO over yesterday ; No. 2 red
June. ! l.u74fcl.iti'i ) , closing at II.08U ; July ,
tl.001.07 } { , closing ut * l,07 ; August , 11.0.1' ' , ©
1.04 , closing nt il.OI ; September. $ I.O.lI.O.P. ,
closing ut * 1,0 1October. ; ; . * I.Oi | Ol OJ-L' , clos
ing utfl.03U ; November. ft.OI > l@lu4.V ) , closing
nttl.04.Si December , Jl.uiHdCI.OJ , closing ut
11.05 ; May ( lb'J2) ' ) , Jl.US'jai.TO. ' closing ut * ! . ( ;
H\h"Stouly. quiet.
OoiiN Ueculpts , 13.500 buahols : exports , 5s-
K2 bushels ; sulos l.USI OJO busliels futures ;
60,000 bushels np > , t. bpot murt-ot opanoil
tinner , closing easy , dull. No. 2 , niimo ! ! in
oluvutor , 07 < iiC7Jo ! ; un.'rudod mixed , M
( C71XO. Options opened Uo up , declined \4J
lf e on u break at the west , rctovered .
nnd closed llrm , June , closing tlSej July , ( Mil
o. closing illc ; August. o. ii4 ( > 4c. closing
Septumbur. OJ iBO. ! ,1-lOc , closing b.'lict
Ducembi r , 5U > 45o c. ! .
OAT Hecolpts. lilIOO ( biishu's ; exports , 418
liUBhels ; siileit , 375,01)0 ) bushels futures ; 105,000
bushels spot , bpot market unsettled , lowur ;
inoderatuly lu'tho. Options more actho ,
tvuakur. Junu closing , 4sso ; July , 4StiTilii ( ) c ,
closing , 411(1. ( ; August , 4.34 < iiUc , closing , 42 ui
beptemliur.itntiUU3 : e. closing 3Uo. bpot No. 2
white , 52lio : mixed western , 4i > < 3.Mc ; wlilto
western , rc'iiiUoi No , 2 UhleiiKO , JililfiHi c.
HA\ Dull , stonily.
IIOIM bteidy , quint ,
Cot t KB Option * oponud firm nt 10321 points
up. oloslng stuadv , unchanged to 10 points up.
Hales , 41. WJ IIIUH. Including ; Junu. flu.80mu.tio ;
July , tHHUfaillttt ; August , f I.I.IWMU M ; Sop-
UMiiberIO.tvaiu.jO | ; October. JI4.s\aivoo ; No-
member. (14-15 ; December. * ! 4.2.1ffll4 41 ; Pob-
riitiry , (14.21) ) Munh , I4 CKtll 85. Hunt Itlo ,
iliiil. easy : fair cargoes. MQUi ; No. 7 , (17.50 ,
hixuil Hnw. steudy , bettor deiunnd. Stilus ,
10.78J bugs,4iitrlfugalH UO test utJ5-lUu. liu-
Onod , quiet , easy ; No. 11,33-lGu ; No. I. ' , .KI-Kio ,
Moiuissbs rorelirn , dull ; Now Orleans , dull ;
common to fanej , 8.VSU5C.
HICK bloiidy , qiilut ,
I'hrnoi.nUM tjulot ; United closed at CS'io '
for July. ,
COTTON SBUII On.-Qulet. easy.
TAI.LOVV Hull , .
UOHI.N Dull , lower ; btrtilnt-il , common to
( rood , l..4ViW..U
TUIII'BNTIHI ! SlOlldy. . . ,
r < iiJs Quiet , slotidyi western , lOiJo ; ro-
colpts. IM'-'I ' piicUago : ) ,
PoitK i'nll ' , 'stoidy : old mess , $ lo.vxail.50j
ow mess. tl..OOiitU.'W ! oUru prime , eil.oo.
OUT MKAT8iulot | middlts , vvoaks short
. Uulli western itouin , W.M !
snles. l.OMl tierces nt * u.-ijj option sales : J.850
tierces July , 0.30 < aiJ.37i closing , W.32 ; August.
tVi.411 September. tO.Mttfl OU ofiwluff , 1457 bid ;
October. W.OifflO.07 ; oloslug , tJ.OJ.
Jiurriui MoUorutg duuiaud.atciuyi wcstoiu
dairy , 1151100 ! western rrc.imory ,
western factorr , lliilUJc ; r.lcini , loc.
CIIMKIK Dull , d to.uly i p irt BKlms , 4 < ftJG.
Pill IllON-Qulet ; AmcrlCfin , HO.WxaiS.'ii
UoiTKii btvuily : Inke , tism.
I.KMI Dull ; ( lumestlc , tl.-O.
TJ.N-Qulot , easy ; straits , ti)6i.
Knnnnn City Mnrkots.
KANSAS Cnr , Aro. , Juno 10. rr.onn Dullj
unchanged ,
WiiBAT-Qulot ! No. V. hnrd. caah , UIo ; June ,
680 bid ; N'o. 8. red , cash , 02c.
GoiiN-Kuilori No. , WJo bid ; Julio , M'io '
bid ,
OATS-Qulett No. 8 cash nnd June , 43c ! bid.
HAY Htcndr ; utiuhinuod ,
IlfTTCit Sternly ; unchniigcd ,
CliKKSli-bteady : unchaiiKCd.
noos rirm nt IHia.
1'itoviMiovrtHtuitly ; unclringod.
Wool. Dull : uiichatiKed. . . .
lUcriMn-Wheat. M/iOO bushels ; corn. & .EOO
bnsliols ; outs , 5.400 bushels.
biiifiirnTH Wheat , 81,000 bushels ; corn.
3.1,100 buahuls ; ouls , 5.UOJ bushels.
MImtciipoll.s AVIioiit Markot.
Ml.vuF.Ai'Ol.l ! ! , .Minn. , Juno 10. The domnntl
for .No. I northern wheat was good today at't
44'4u under thu July prlco. Other crudes weru
not In tiny bailer demand than of lute , llo-
colptK weio Kinall and the good wheat was
taken eirly. No. 1 northern old mainly ut
ll.08UI.iuy and No. 8 northern at li-idltll.OOW.
Iteu'luls fui twenty-four hours. 80 cirs ; ship
ments ul cars. clo lng prices : No 1 haul.
June. 61.111 ; on trnik. tl.ul ffll n" ' , No I north
ern , June , tl.teU : July , tl.oay. Heptember 2c ;
on traok. $1 ( VJ KIJU3 ; No 2 northern. June ,
We ; on ttack.lmcilSI W ; December , closed. U4o
.Milwaukee Atnrkoti.
Mil.WAfKEK , Wls , Juno 101'i.oun Un-
Wiih.vTrirm. . No. 2 spring , on tr.iok. tasli ,
IfJcJllI 00. July. 0 > 'ir ' : No I norlliein. SI.OI
Coit.N-I.iivvi'r ; No. .Ion tr iul ( . . ' ' ) ' , c.
OATH Knsler , .No V white on traek , 4V. !
llAllt.KI'lim ; No. . ' In store T.iHo.
H K-l'lini No I In storo. "W-'i ir.
. 'jiiiBt I'cru. July IUM i nru ,
July , $ il.lo
Hi-rmiTs I'loiir. 4,700 burels ; wheat , 38-
aoi ) bushels ; burley , ( lOJ ! biishnU.
MlliMifSTS I'loiir , 7. KW banols ; wboit nnd
hurley , none. _
St. I.oiilH Markets.
PT I.oi'iH , Mil. Juno 10 WHEAT Higher ;
cash ! ) < ) . : July Ill'ic.
t OIIN Kasler , cash. Vc ; July , f-5'ic.
OATH Lower ; e ish 47c ; Julv , . .O c.
I'OIIK ( Julct , ? in.75.
IAHIIDull , I1S5
Ullisicv btuady. II 16.
Iilvi I'IKMI ! Markets.
I.ivriii'ooi , . Junu 10. WHUAT Quiet , hold
ers offer modetutely.
COIIN btuudy , demand fair ; wcstein,5s 5d
percental ,
TAM.OW I'lno American , 25s Ikl nor cwt.
TuuruNTi.Nb bplrlts , 8fis ikl per ewt.
Toledo MarkctH.
TOI.KHO , O. , Juno 10. WHEAT Firm ; cash
and June. Jl. sy.
IN bteudy ; cash and June , COc.
; cash. 4Ce.
Clnutiiiinti MarkotH.
CINCINNATI , O , June 10. WIIKAT Qulot ; No.
S rod. $1.0.1.
Court rirni ! No 2 mixed , Olc.
OATS Klrm : No. 2 mixed , 18c.
WlltHh.V-ll.IU. _
Diiluth Wheat Market.
DUI.UTII , Minn. , Juno 10 Wheat was dull
but stoudy today. Hccelpts , 81 cars. Closing
prices : No. 1 hard , July , $1.07 ; No 1 northern ,
July , * ' .04 > t. _
LONDON , June 10. L-iNsEhuOii. 21s 10d ! per
LINSKBD OAKI : ( t Ibs , 10s per ton for western.
Tuiti'ENTiMCbi'iiilT ! ) 22i luiid per cwt.
New Vork Dry GooilM Markot.
NRW yoitK , Juno 10. There was more activ
ity In specluitlcs for both current und future
wants Dress goods and Iliinncls wuro In
stoidy requist , und cotton dress goods and
shirtings were uctlve for fall delivery , und
there wns u rushing demand for satins , shill
ings and Indigo blue prints of the polka dot
description : ulso for hair llnu stripes In spi Ing
goods. Corporation cottons ueru not so uctlv c
us ot late , but tbeic was u good business In
popular mukes of brown , bleached and col-
oicd cottons. Thu m ukot vvus unchanged us
to prices The condition of stocks Is a stronger
sort , material iiccumulutlons42rtW J7rrri' 'ol" * * '
goods being exception , * : -
Mtt 08.
NKW YOIIK , June 10. Thcro was no ronl
change In the temper of the stock murket
today und the dullness was still Its most
prominent characteristic , whllo the movement -
mont In prlccn was confined to oven smnl or
limits than usu il of late. A armor tone was
Impititod by some arbitrating purchases by
tbu exchange , and the murket shows also a
firmer tone In the ubsoiiLO of offerings of com
mercial bills and the demand for remittances
In consequence of tbu late selling for London
account. The dealings were moro tb in on
any day recently of n professional diameter ,
and only In Chicago Gas was there any move
ment worthy of note. In Hint stock ru.UI/.lius
on tbo rlso of yesterday caused a reaction of
over 1 per cent from the best figure , but the
loss wns nfterwnrd partlallv rocovorcd. The
market opened Hllghtly hU'Iier than last
oveiilng , and uftur a sluall concession
thu gonorul list followed the udvunco
In Chicago Oas , and while the Im
provement was only for the smallest
fractions tbo subsequent decline In Olilcngo
Qua failed to neutralize the gains After tlio
movement ruferred to the Interest , oven In In
dustrials , suggcd , und thu dullness became
most oppressive , and all movement In prices ,
oven among the moro autlvu stoeks , practi
cally ceased. I'rlces held firm In thu face of
the Intense dullness , whllo there was no dis
position to follow tlio minlpulathm of the In
dustrials. Cordage was subjected to another
lift In the last hour and scored , i gain of 2 per
cent ut the highest point , which , howuvcr , was
not fully maintained. The maikct llnilly
closed without n single feutuio In the regular
list , and generally at a sbailo better than tlio
optnlng llgurcs. Cordage showed u guln of
r , pnr cent tonight , but no other changes for
the smallest fractions Is to bo noted.
Kallroud bonds were n dull as usual , nnd
whllo the tone of the do illngs wns llrm. In
olososympathy with that In stocks , thorn wus
no muturial chungo In quotations outsldo of
the tmpiovement In bonds. Thu sales reucbed
only * iW,0 0 for the day.
liov eminent bonds were dull , steady.
Htuto bonds wuiu neglected.
Tno petroleum markut continues to move In
narrow limits nnd tbu trading is only llzbt.
The opening was steady and prices moved up
slightly , then ruucted ' „ and closed dull.
I'ennsylvanlu oil. July option , op < nlng und
lowest , CS'a ! blghust. ( A\ ; closing , C8i $ .
Total sales. " . ' ,00 * uarrols.
Total sales of stocks today were 101,817
shares. Including : Atch son , 5,410 ; Loumvl lo
A , Nashville , 11,710 ; bt. 1'aul , 19,885 ; Union Pa
cific. 4.7.K ) .
Thb following u ro the closing quotations for
thn leading stockHon tno New Vork stock ox-
clmngo today ;
Kliiiinulal hovluw
NK.V VOIIK. Juno la The l'o t says ; r.\-
chaugu vus ( Inner and posto4 rates \\uro ad
vanced 'Jo on the pound lieforo II o'clock , und
duniand hills sold ut il bTH'itl ' 873 No gold
wus on.'iigod uiul there was doubt of further
shipments thU weqk. London vvnsa moder-
utoliuypr'jfM. 1'uul ninl Louisville , but It
ns only n trade ' iniirKet. Accordln. to
Hpoi'lnl London cables the directors of the
baiikof Knglund huvu discussed the udvNu-
blllty of rediioliu tiuruloof discount to 3iJ
percent , but llu.illv dccldod to niiilnt.iln thu
uresont rale. Inasmuch as Ituiwla hus uiruudy
begun to t ako gold , and In conseiiucnco of do
iimnds from tlorniuny ulio. Today iO-0WO
Uao boon bent toltn.slu.
The Jlouoy
Ns\V YOUK , June W.-ilOMJjy OM ( UiL-Ka y ,
chnnglng from 3 to3 percent ; lust loan ,
Closed oiloicd nfJ't. '
STEillt.NnKxciiA > OR-Qulctbutflrm nt
for slxtyIiiy bills and (4.87U for dcmund.
The following were the closing prices on
bonds !
U. H. 49 , reel-acred..118 M. K AT. S S'i
U. S 41 , rmlporu. . . . 119 Mtitunl Union Ct 101
4H , reslstcrnd . . . . . IUU N J , Cent Int Cert loa
4Hi. coupon 100 Northern 1'nc. Uti , . ! ! <
I'ncillc , 1,1 of ' 05 1W doWn UH (
Loulil-mn iUnnip 49 , a Nurtliwcjf ron ols..nd
TenneMi'O N H , Cs I Oil do ilcljcntiiro Ai . . .101
do in. IOJ St. U A I. M den. 5 . 8.U ( .
do .In ' ) ( St. I , A 8. F.dcn M IO.t'4 '
CKnnilii Southern ! di V& i .St. I'nul comoli. . . . . 1214
tcntrnl 1'iulllo Uts .liri .Ht I' . C A I1. 1st" 114
I > All.J. ( liti . . . . 1141 * 'T ' I' . U ( I. Tr. ltct M ) ' <
llo 4 BJU T I' It ( J. Tr. llet . 31
H A It ( I West Ut < Tl Lnhin I'nclnolit ! ! . HH
Krloiili KiU Wet Allure. Wi
M. K. AT. ( icn'ICa. . . 764
IloNtoii . ' too1 ; Market.
llosTO.s. Muss. , Juno 10. The following wcro
the vloslng prices on stocks In the lloston
stock market today ,
A tcli I o nVTopokiiaPtll-iaiiklln 17
Huston A Albany 2KI Huron , 2
dn Mnlnu . . . . Ui.VtfiKonrMirKO. . . . 13
fill Ilur. A yuliicy 87 Osceoln Aj <
1 llchtiuiK It It. . . . 78 Oulncy 104
Hint A I'oreM p'fd. 71 Hinlii FoCoppor 60
Vlni > Lentrnl 18 1'niunrnck IWK
Moxlcin On torn 18W am Dlvwi lnnd Co 18
N V A .N Kngtnnil ,14'jVO4t ' did I.viil Co 1 H
did l nli.ny . , . . n j Moll Telephone . ' 01
Ilullninl coin p'fd Cl Lamnou btorc S l' >
\M fen coin 18 Water 1'onor 2 > i
Alloiio/MlnCodiow ) IHU'ent 15
Allinllc . . . . IStN i : T W
lloiloii A Mont 44 III All 0 IS
( > liimot A llotln , 'tM ,
I.oiulon StoukH.
_ _ I-OM)0.v. ) Juno 10. Closing ut4 p. in.
Cimsnli nione/ . , U5llTlKrle | . . . . , 2US (
Cun'iiN iircniint . ' ! > ' < rte Znils Wii
I- " It . mmilllnoht central O1
I' ' S J n . ItU Vluxlcfttionl )4 ) ? <
N \ I' AU l ta . .1. Ht. Paul comnion . . . uiTfi
Cunuitlin I'.iclllc . SOU llemllnu i 15H
liar silver. 44".d pur ounce. Money. l't@U
per cent. Hue of discount In the open mur
ket for both short und tliruo-months bills , 2 ?
{ M'i put cent
lnici-liil | Han't Statement.
DPIIM.V. Juno 10. The statement o ( the lui-
perlul II ink of Germany shows un Increase In
specie of J/I3J.OOO murks.
Hank of Knirlaml HuIIIon.
LONDON , Juno 10. Amount of bullion with
drawn from tbu Dank of England ou baluncu
today , f. i 000.
i'ai-ls Huntcs.
I'Alifs , Juno 10. Three per cent rentes , 05f
55o for the account.
Denver Mining Stocl.-H.
DKNVhit. Cole , Juno 10. Quotations on the
mining exchange today closed as follows :
Snii Franolsuo Mining QuotatioiiK.
SAN riiA.NGisco , Juno 10. The olllclal closing
iliiotatlons for mining ' , stocks today wore us
follows :
Altn. . . , U5 Mono . 25
lluluer , { 0 Nnv.ijo 15
Dest A Uclcher 30 Ophlr 415
HoiIIc Coimoltd iteil. * 7o I'otoil 410
Chollar , . ( M Smnie . . . ; , llxj
Con. Cnl A Vn UHVv.blurrit Nevndtt . ll < 5
troivn 1'olnt 14ri Union Con ; OJ
Kurckn Con 37i Utah 75
( i ou Id A Curry l"0 Yellow Jacket 220
IlnloA Nnrcrois. . . ' . ' 10 Com 70
. .Molcnn J75 .Northern tfj
New York
. .in - , m-Y'V't.Jiii0 ' ! . ' are the
clo-lniliuli1 ; lltjjj ] {
AllCJ ll/J Horn .Silver .140
Adama Con 180 Iron silver 100
Aspen V'JO Ontirlo MX )
Con. Cnla A Va ( W Plymouth. . . , 2iO
Ie idwood Ui ) Sivnuo 100
Kuruka Con .i'iO Slvrrn Nevada lbJ >
llomcatako 10
BOSTON , Mass , Juno 10. Hani ; do ( rings
today , $11,471570 ; b.ilanccs , $1,241.041) ) . Moni > v ,
50 percent. E\ch.ingo ou INOW Vork , 2JB. 5
Nuw YORK , Juno 10. Hank elcnrlnss. fl.17-
3)8,5')5i ) ) balances. $4.300,801.
HALriMUE. ( ) Md. , Juno 10. Hank elcarln.-s
today , $ . ' .200,771 ! balances , $4j7.0JO : into0 ! per
I'niLADUi.i'iiiA , Juno 10. Clo.irln.-s today ,
J7Oii'lJ37 ; balunces Jl.0.,1.087. .Money. 4@l4 !
per cunt.
UIIICAOO , Juno 10. R ites for money un
changed at 5 ® . ' ) ' } per cent foi c'llll lo.uis. and b
nor cunt on time. Now YorU exi'lmir.'o was
.Scents preni'uni. Hank i'loltrlnis , $1,1,5IS.OOO.
fcti'rlinK oxLhange. stu uly and uuclmiiKed.
KANSASOITV , Mo , Juno 10. Oleann.js for
today nero $1 , ) .S,8SJ. : !
Nl.w YOUK , Juno 10. The tro isury balance :
Coin , 8101,3.11.251 ; i-urrcnov , ? 1".I2I,107 ,
CINCINNATI , Juno 10. Money , firm at d per
cent. Now York exchange. OOiJ70c pieniliini.
TruileiH' inlk. -
ST. Louis , Juno 10. Langenburg HrotherB to
( 'ockiell Hrothers : Thu following were the
prices on the July option at t'lls point today :
COMMinTtTr | Upon | lllirh. I Low. I Close. | YmtT
July l'4H '
July t&H
July 40
CIIICAO .lunolO Scliwart7 , DupceA : MeC'oi-
inlck to ! ' . U. Swart/ Co : The ooinlnu' of tbu
government report bus kept Rpcculatur ; In Inufitiiti'of uncertainty today. ' Private
reports from crops are vc-y | f.ixorab'c. ' but
Koine traders four tbat tbu K'OMiriniinnl will
put a clIITurunt face on them and that tb i may
effect the markot. Tbo result has been a quiet
trade within n.irrow limits. It wab reported
tbat tlio Mlclilsan Btato report uonM hhow
the condition of 81 ui'alnst 1IU List inontli- and
Indiana would report 10 or Ir > per cent less
acifiice. Wo could \ of these
reports although they hud an onVi.t In
streiKthonliii ; the market. llrndHtrcet re
ports ,1 decrease In thu a > tillable Hiipply o ist
of the Kooklos of l.IBl..OKHmsliols. K uolts | ) at
olo\en prlmury points woro4'ifi)00' ( ) sblpnientK ,
500,000. Clearances from four Atl.intlu ports.
104(00 ( ; 2"l , ( M > | ) .iek.itres nour. Cilrn wns tbo
obloot of attack ilurlnutbo uailv morning by
both corn and wheat I earn , and It soon lieciimo
in Idem that Ion : corn uas buliu held out.
Tbo locil bull clliiio ] \ as Hiispectud of
fiollerri althoucli they Mute loud bidders In
person. Hecolpts ere lleht , bolnit only 170
cars for tomorrow , but shippers suy the do-
inund fo * * car lots IH even lighter
tlnui the rei'nlpts. Thcro was a uie-
dlctlon fioin the \\eathor bureau of frost
toiileht In the corn states IMilrh
the oITcLt of r.tllyln ; thn market lifter the
earlv bro.ik. To lay's uoiknnxs Indicates
that crop prospects have n much crutitur In-
( luonrn on the market ttmn the dully reculpts
or shipments. If the frost prediction proves
Incorrect further weakness inuy bo nxpei'ted
tomorrow. Oats yielded with corn , but rallied
a llttlo later The irmrrnmont crop report. Is
ennsldured mote Important to the o it nrirkot
than to any other. Provisions HecolptH of
hois wore larser than o\ieeled | and the mar
ket lOc lower. The oarlv provision mar
ket wns vi ) ryouk and although / rally took
place on thn co\crltu of shoita the market
elosmeri henvv at n sul stiintlnl decline
fioin 1 si nlaht Boniu little tlrmneis was Im-
nirtol durlni : the day by frost ropiuts uhlch
It wns thoiiKht inlfhl njurocorn Tlurauas
little co\erlni : of short stuff by several pack
ers. Armour bolnu repoited to Iri > o eoxored
10i > , o/0 barre s of pork wllhln tlio pugteek ,
The hot \\eithcr Is IncroiBlnu thec.ish de
mand , but the majority of our p tokors eon-
tlnuu % ery bearish ,
diiiCAfio , Juno Id. Lnjuii ACo. . to Toncniy
> V llryun : The who it market htm been qulot
fioin opening until the close. July opunuil ut
IW'ti1 tol81i > .sold up tolH'iO towards the close ,
and elosff it tia'io bid ; sellers at tUc. Kn llsh
cables ; no lu er without speculation. Weathur
llnniinil Immedlntu prospuctlxu supplies In-
ureaHlni ; llerlln higher on wheat and 1'raneo
hluher on Hour. Uur own crop leports are
favorabloand with llnu woaiber ; our advices
nro wheat In southern p.irt of this htatu and
Missouri will bo cutting thu latter part
of this month. The sontlmuiit huiu
and at the winter wheat markets Is benrlsh.
Until morn IH Known of the yield wo cannot
ad\lB3t > ellliiK It short. government re
port Is anxiously looked fur. Corn on Ihlit
receipts opened ut M'c for July. An attempt
to sell out a bit ; llnu ut about thu top canned u
rapid decline to M e. lluvlnj : by chorUput It
up to the closlnz price , 57 jo. The near f iituro
Is a question of weather anil receipts. Tbu
high price must bo kept In mind , 1'ulr
trade In July oats wlthllunctatlons42 > jtil3 ( c ,
closlnu- 4.i' ' o. Wu luok for an act ho trade
In until harvest. 1'nn Islnini sold elf In
synip ithy with corn and closed stonily.
CHICAGO. Juno 10. Kennott , Hopkins & Co
toy. A MuIKIJILT : Wlieal llcsltatlnt ; and
In-ictlNo , iiendiiu- the go\ernmont report ,
There was some elos'ni : up of trades , opera
tors pruferrln ? to got out of the market tiutlt
after the report Is niudu puUlla. rortlgn iid-
vtcesaru Indltriirent , Diiniestlo newf ) had u
siren .ulnmlni ; olleet. at It sct-med to how n
less be irlsli rnport than butt boon generally
looked for. Thu market closud flrlu ut nbout
thu beat price ; of the day. Corn and Outs
Tbu bull cllciuo veumv to buvo unloaded
luriro ehstro or It * holdliiKB In corn und Ita
members possibly would not bo avcr 0 to
lower prlcis for u tluiu. Hcu\y sullliiRuautcu
u sliaru break early , ( row wiituli tucio wua a
moilcratornlly on } ir 3llctlons of frost In the
west nnd north west.iind reports of danmso by
wet wcathur In KutMs anil Mlfiotir. It wns
not particularly gtton nt tbo cloio. Oats fol
lowed corn und did nilt nhow much nnlmatlon
except for a brief IrftVrvnl. I'rovlslonit The
lower hoj market , fulling off In exports , with
no ImnnHcmcnl Jti ilomcotlo coiiHiimptlon ,
caused a eontlniiod ri.ellnz In the nmrkct nnd
heavy sales by hodci ! . There wns some rally
nnd IIrni closing.
Nnvv YOUK. Juno ! -Kennclt..liopkinsXCo. .
to b. A , .MoWhortor : The general slock Bprc-
tiiatlon lias bccomo MI dull that leiulliiR stock
commission liousos tell tholr customers thut
the dally events lit the mnrktil uro hindly
woithy of tiotlni ; . There were no bulls In
sl ht last cvonlnK excepting ono or two spe
cialists and order brokers who bought few
slocks lit low prlecTClirrcnt lit tno close for n
turn today. Upon iin expected rally short
time money , CO nnd twuiiys , has become more
abundant In the last forty-olu'ht hours und has
lo mod at f > ! { per cent , The Share Holder
today says buying power at the stock ex-
cluingo Is so contracted at present that whllo
stocks may not break badly they hould not
be bought yet only on slump * . Tbu
gold shipped yustordn v goes to the HothsclitliN.
\\lththuexLCptlon of fractions In Industrial
stocks In today's market It has hecn fetituio-
Icss. Lennon has not cut any figuio In deal
ings , nnd excepting for puichascs for smalt
amounts /.uiilHvlllu ft Nashv Illo and Aichl-
Bon uurly dldn tdo anything , Ibu inurkut has
held n llrm tone and prices havu Improved
from Jn to 1 percent , St. Paul nnd Union I'n-
cIHu being entitled to bo culled leaders of
such action , bt , Paul comes In with another
good Increase In earnings being &J4of > 0 for the
flrat week In June , und reports ot Harvesting
and abundant crops In Kansas may bo
fairly considered as the cause for the
Improvement In Atchlson , und Chloigo Oas
has Undiluted between 5.1'n and 55. Nothing
dollnlto has hecn reported regarding tbu set
tlement between thu trust and the city of
Chlca.'O , but current gossip Is all f.ivorablo to
linearly mljiisitnunt on the basis of tl.OO for
gus for thoeltv und uhoiltiM.IO to consumcis
National CoidaKu has been taken In hand and
advaneoil over8 percent without any npp ir-
ontcuuao. Hllirarn huvn also irulned a nolnt
on the day's trading , although It appears to
be pretty well settled that ono of the chief
parties In the concern Is willing to seu tbu
stock decline. Hanks liuvu giilncd about $17-
000,000 slnco last I'rlduy In do iltngs with the
sub-treasury , the gnln bolus chlelly duo to
large dlsbuiscmenlH for puislons. Monuy on
call easy and tlinu money offered moro ftecly.
blocks closed dull und steudy.
OJ1AJMA l.lVi : Hl'UVK.
OMAHA , Juno 10,1891.
CATTLE Odleial rcccluts of cnttlo 1,55'J us
compared with lG87yosturday nnd 1.730 Wed ties-
day of lust wV-ck. The market v\as slow.
Ileovesiind bulelior stock were weak to lOc.
lower 1 coders were slow.
Hoes Olllchil receipts of hoes 6,719 , us
compared with 8,0 8 yesterday nnd 7.M7
Wednesday of lust week , The market was
moderately uctlvc. The quality was fair.
All sold , i'lio best ho s were stoudy , others
we.ik to u shiidu lower. The rungo of the
prices paid w is il.lCKS.1.15 , the bulk soiling ut
Jl.804 M. Light. Jl 104iV,0 : hcuvy , ? 4 8.V7J4 Ti ;
ml\cd , J4.20Q4.IO. Thoaveranu of the prkcs
paid -wns $4 84i { as compared with $ J.85Ji yes
terday und J4.'l'i edncsilay of lust wcuk.
SllKhi' . Thoio vvi'to no fresh locelpts of
shoop. The market Is nominally steady with
good muttons In dnmani ) . Natives , H001.81
westerns..75CJ5 ! 25.
Receipts nt d DlHpoKltion of Stock.
Ofllclal rccoluts and disposition of stock us
shown by the books of tbu Union stockyards
company for the twenty-four hours ending ut
5o'clock p. m..JunolO , 1601 :
ISepreHCiitutlvo S
Chicago Ijlvv Stotik 3InrUct.
OHICMIO , Juno ld > Aapoolal ( Tolojrrain to
THK lli-K.l ItecolptH of 11,0)0 head of cattle
looked larKt. by coinpurlson with tbu recent
average , but tnoy inaliu a total for thu Hist
half ot the weoUot'ohly.'I ' iOI7 H ajjalnst 41-
017 for the sumo tlnio last year , and .T > ,7."J fur
the eorres | > ondlnirtrtno In 1S8'I. ' A Hinalliir
number would liiist'is t slied the duinund
This Is ovldonl enmnh fioin the fact
salesmen \\nru uniijiju to do nioru thtiu HIIS-
taln Tuesday's prlcsjii for any class , while the
Kcnoral market way weak , ( iood to best
Klndi's of shlpplnk' ( > 'ieiuoiu H.iloiible at
sic , d/ prices , Tlieio were of null vus
about O.lioo heiid. . , u fair propiiitlou of
which answered.I . , to a dcsrilpllon of
"Kood. " Anythluf ; , . that had to soil
In competition wjtl ) Texan cattle movul
ilowly at tdiadod | | th'es. Ouotatlonx fin * na
tives ranuud from tl.y to $1.71 for Infcrloreowu
and bull" , to * I4 , 010 for fancy steers ,
tboiiKh thuro were few traiiMuctlons under
( . ' .00 or at I ctliii than ( VlKt. A very supi-rlur
lot of cornfed Wiomliig cuttlo felehed W.1S.
' PoHlllvely cured by
these Little Pills.
They also rellovo nto
trcaa from Dyspepsia. In <
ITTU digestion and Too Hearty
EjUng. A perfect rcm
cdy for Dizziness , Nauaca ,
Drowsiness , Had Taste
In the Mouth , Coatct
Tocguo , rain In the Side
regulate tbo Bowels.
Silos of retain , of which ROM were offered ,
were DII tlio btisls of tl.M.LA ) for gra "or .
mid lit f.LT'tttft.oo for fed sioors. Sunh grades
us sold yiMenliiy nmrtrng ntllfltttCS were
not snle.iblo today nt ox Or J45JWI.M mill no
ono was hungry for Ilium ut reduced prlcm.
There wnt comparatively IIUlo trading nt
bettor tlnui Hit ) , imd tlio bulk of the slulT
wont out of tlin Boilers' hiinds at $ l.r.Ol.r : > P , In
dicating 11 decline from tlio opening prices of
tlio day before of u Rood round lOc per 100
pounds. Tlio break \vusuntlscd by heavy re
ceipt * nnd the prospect of mi cauully
supply for tomorrow ,
Tlio hoc inn rUot Wus dull nt the opening of
blKlnuvs and wns tnoro Intensely so Inter ,
holders bulng obliged to "curry over" a con
siderable number of hogs. There cron fuw
u irly tr.idos itt JI.'iT'S'iM.uo. ' iiud culls tuul pigs
sold ntf..OOaiOO
. The livening .Toiirnnl reports : OATTM :
Keeclpts. I4oiil ; shipments. 4.0W ; market
sto.itlr to lower ; oxlr.i steers , W013ll.lO ( : pi line
to choice $ " > . " . " > Wlfll ! othots , } . "i.00 ® " > .ii" > l TCXUIIB ,
< i' w > 34 i-i ; cows. w.id4ii.7i.
HIKIS I'cculptR , " ; shipments , l..CMO ;
inarl.ut wiik and lowur : common , Jl OKiJI.n ;
mixed mid p ici < or < < , Jl .T.VI6I IV prlmohoivy
mid hutehcr weights. M SOiM.i5 ! | assorted light ,
MIU.I- Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments. 4,001 !
miitkot brUk. steady ; To\ans , J4iVi4l : 40 ; nii-
westerns , il.OJO'i. I. ) ! liimbs.
New York MvoSlouk Market.
Niw Yonic , Juno 10. llEbVM Uecolpts ,
l.TVl , Including ( j ? ours for s.ilo ; miirUot lOo
higher : mitlvu steers , Si uorti . . ' " > ! bulls and
cow , iM.5 © 4 Oij dressed beef , steudy at S' < SJ
ll'ic. ' Iticulpts today I.IIA beeves and 50
il tiirtcrsuf beef.
I''b Itccolpts , 4M)1j ) ninrkot stonily !
voiiK 5 W8 5JJ biittcimlll.s , M.MiiJJI SO.
hill ii ! Itecelpts. f.TS'l ' ho.idi market steady ;
Inmbs , ftl f > oas.2.ij diossed mutton , llriu at I ©
Ni'iO ' per pound ; dressed lambs , te uly ut Ut6
1.1'lC '
IKmq--Hecelpts , 7,4l > howl , consigned direct !
nomlimlly steady at f LOT ® ! "j.
City Ijlxo Stmk Market.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Jtiau 10. PATTI.K Ko-
colpt" . 2 SJO ; shipments , l.WW ; natlv es slotidy to
lOc lowui ; Texuns steidy ; steers. tJB di- * " ! ;
cows , ? 1.004.4ti ; stockcis and feeders , J2.CO ®
4. ' > .
Hoes Receipts P.CUO ; shlpincntB , 1,440 ; mar
ket VTtJOe lower ; bulk , $1 1.'uii4.10 ( , all guides ,
fl.MWil.4i ) .
SllKH1 Receipts , IJjO ; shipments , TOO ; market
UXiilSe higher.
Ht. IjOlltH IjlVC HtOClC
ST. Louis , June 10. CATTI.K llecclpts , 3,100 !
shipments .l.i00 ! ; market strong ; fair to fancy
iiuthu steers , W.OOd.OO ; Toxuns and Indians ,
* 3 INJS4 8' ' .
Iliws Ueco'pts. ' G.9CO : shipment * . COO ; mar
ket lower : ho ivy , 4.40l 30 ; mixed , * 4 0031.40 !
light. II li > © l.40.
OH.lll.l n'HOJKtA liK MA MtKKTS.
The following quotations represent the
prices at which eholco Block IB billed out on
orders unless otherwise stated :
CucuMiirns I'ei do/en , file.
fcouTiu UN KUAN * Wax , l ) < Zt75c per lj bushel
box : string..r > © Me per H bushel bo\ .
ONIO.NH Bermuda , per caso. & ! > ; Califor
nia , ; i'u per In.
NKW IlbKTS I'or dor , 40c.
1'hAs l'orbushel bo$1.50 ; per M bushel
boOOc. .
Sotimi'iiN CAUI.III.OWKU 1'ordorcn , $1 50.
Nnw 1'OTATOhs per Ib , 2'je. '
ToMATom Southern stock , bushel bo\cs ,
J.t.'i ) : flinty , ciatc , G b.iskots , $ j.00-l M per
I'OTAroFS Homo cronn stock In small lot
from the stole , Sl.tO&l.lO.
AsrAHAOUs-'iOi.1 vorilorcn ,
OAIIIIACU.- California stock , per Ib , 2ic ! ;
southern , per ciute , J.1.00.
Omaha milling company. Hellancc , Patent
J2 < X ) ; Invlnaibo I'.itcnt. I.'SO , Lonu Slur
buporliitivo , ta,50 ; bnowllake , Z..lOj ruic\ ; \
r.un ly. SI P" -
. ' . " ) | mlllconipnny , Illah Patent No. 1
and Crcnm , $ JM ) ; Illuo I ) . full p iteut , tl.Ki ;
lliwkcyi1 , h ilf patent , J. 15 ; Special Kojal ,
patent No. 10 , VOJ ; Minnesota Patent , i..85 ;
Kansas Haul \ \ heat , p itont , S..CO ; Nebraska ! Wheat. putLMit , $ . ' .1.1.
K. P. Olllm ill's Gold Vod.ll8l ; Snow
\ \ bite , 5. V ) ; hnowllake , JJ 10 ; low ur.ule. $1.00 ;
Queen of the P.tntrv. * J IX ) ; bian , J1500 ;
chopped feed , JJ4 00 ; Minnesota Superlative ,
* . ' SO.
E. I. . Well h k Co , Welch's Host , $ . ' .R1 : Crown
Prince.70 ; Mliini"-ota Chief. JJ.40 ; bplendid
IVmlll , JJ.10 ; 00.
Kresh KrtiitH.
CIIHIHIES California , per 10-lb hoJ1.T5 ;
blaok 1'ait irlan. 81 7 > ; soul horn cherries , $1.73
(3'J ( UO. pe r dr.iwir of IS quarts ; cases , $ . ' 50.
OiiAMIh- . Los Angeles $1 00 per box ; Ul\or-
slde , ? I7V Medlteirancan sweets , f.i.fiy.
TKXAS PKACIIES Per " -a bushel box , $1.50 ®
2.0J.STiiAwiittnitiES Missouri stock , $3 252 50 per
2l < | iiart disc.
G.u t.N Uoo6FliFiiiiiF.s Per 2J quart case ,
$2r > ; di.iwcrof ISqiiait' * . $1 7r >
PlM.U'Plhs-lVi do/ . $ . ' 500.100.
lu oNs Choice stock , | ioi hex , $11 CO ; fancy ,
$ .VI.
BANANAS Per bunch , $ JAO.03 ) for fancy
htock foi bhtpplu- .
( oiuitiy 1'roilucC.
Pn(7S The su plv was very llht and the
market a llttlo llrmcr , bales bclnic reported at
POUI.T iv Qoo I old fowls arc selling larcolv
at $ .1 73 , with a few faney old hens KOliu at
H.liO. A few right good sprlnir chickens bring
$4.0) ) .
llurrmi The mostof the country butter Is
going at JOc.
Now Departments to Bo Added to the
Present College.
Aitlclos of Incorporation of the Bellevue
rolloco wcro Olcd iu the offlco of the county
clorn yesterday.
The Institution Is a branch of thn parent
college that Is located In Sarpy county.
The nillcles provide that the department of
letters , philosophy , science and ait shall bo
taught at Gellovuo ; and law , theology and
mediciuo in the Oimiba school.
.Sparkling " " ( I Delicious
In puiityof quality and delicacy of llavor.
Satcnnn Oinpor Ale has no equal , either for-
elgu or domestic. Bottloa at Excelsior
Springs , > Io.
AinorioanoniIorH. .
Yollowhtono ptirk is beyond all ques
tion ono of the world's tfreat wonders ,
and the Union Pacific oxcut&lon in July
will bo the event of the sotison. Ask
your nearest Union Pacific agent tibout
Itcturn the Postal Curd.
Kcainru Jluli.
The World-Hcruld is uot very successful
with its fakes.
_ _
Do Wilt's L.ttlc Early Uisera. Best llttlo
pill over made , CJTO constipation every
time. None equal. Use them now.
, ty w ill You.
I'uii inuo to i so m ' ( 'Irlni ' con'n'nlng '
in iviuv and o a li , when y.jti know
Unit it wlil lulajourlie.v tli. swiff a
. " ' " [ fpeclfio > .S. S. whllo
S. S. S. 1 1 conta.iw no mor-
_ loiirv or poison of
a'ylcnfi ' , it Is ( lie only pnrinnno it
euro for con' a ions Hlood Tal it , or
. .i- . ,1
, , r hciou
's ' I
H i vvtiro of o cap
PURELY ' , , „ tlons IIIj h0.
VHHJJ PJdE .nltd blond p Min
er 1 1 I in ; tobojtiHtiiSLfo id. Tliuio
Is ul ill- ) . -.S. l'\ke nothing else.
' " t 'nt i On.
No other preparation
la "as good as"
Pond's Extract.
Wo Bond ( lie mnrvrlniit French I
Ilrmcily CALTHOS frrt ; anil n f
IiVul euarnntra Unit CilTlloJ M 111 r
MOI > IHKli rcr.ll'ml lani. I
< ( Iltrt-pi-rmulcirrhi'a.V urlcixtloi
und UI.SIOIIK Lu tls r. '
Use ilamtfay i/talnJieJ ,
AdjfHi , VON MOHLCO. ,
bul im.rl. IjmU , ( UtUxU , IILb. 1
- -
' " " ' „ "
' ' ' 'l1"0" id"s natc dura
IwtlcuUiV 'AJdi'.u'i.loiflJltuO CO. , ltus' le , i
1'or mile by Goodman DriiK Co.
nmliti ont & Awn
ing Oo
Ftns , Hnmmockn , Oil and
1uiibcrCothlnit ( neiullor
cntilonno. IIHKntiMiu
A , Hi Perrigo & Oo. . ' , 0 , Daxon ,
All.Mnko < , All I'rlcns , All ' SoM nn Monthlr
I'a > nicnt9
131 j I > o < lno Street. Ilp07'4 rnrnnm St , Oiililn *
Omaha Republican. Printing Qa , ,
LAW bilufs , luink mippllui , nil I uror/tlilnK In tlio
prlntliu line.
lOtli ninl Dciujl-n ulrcoti.
Ackcrmaim Bro . & Hointzo ,
Printer * , blnilor" , rle-trotrp rj , Ulniik buulc rannu-
faititn'rt ,
Illtlllownrl "tro't Oinlit ,
W. T. Seaman ,
Omivlm's Lnmust Varluty
Omaha Oarpot Oo , , Gilmore & Buhl.
Corpet" , ol ! cloths , mit- Mannficturers A Wholo-
tlnRscurtiln ifoojj.ots enla Clothlon ,
1M1 Dounlis strosL 1109 llnrncy St.
West & Fritsoher ,
Manufacturers flnoclears
Jobbers ofleif tobaccoj
1011 Fnrnani Mtront
Toncmy & Bryan , 8. A. MoWliortor
, itrnln , prurlslons ' 111 lit Null lUnk llroierl
"lid Mocks Jli 3 nth I'rlrata Ytlrai to No
St. PrUntunlro lo Clil- Vork , Chicago anil St.
aeo.Ht. l juli and .Vow Uiul . Cnih iritlt *
York. boiiKlit far nil market *
Oockroll Bros. ' F. 0. Swnrtz & Oo ;
Ilrokcri PrlTUlo wlre llriikor , ( ) rnlnl'rOTl < lon9
to Now Votk , fhlcngo , V do 1'rlvitlo wire to St.
HI I.oulj Spoclnl ttnn I eilln nllil Ihlcnijo. Olllnil
tlonxlron to tritok blili In ht .Nntl Ilniik.Omithn.
oniimln tot Nat'lllank " ' " : , S. Onmlin
KcctorAi Wilholmy Oo Cjoc-Olark-Androc3
Cor. lOtli amljnckson it.i IlirJ,7vrj Oo.6i
lai-HIO K-r streat ,
Paxton & Viorlluj Onmlia Safe & Iron
. . . Iron Works , Works
rouuht nnd cmt Iron ,
biilltllnKMriirk , enntiioi , Mnmif'r' flrannil bnraUr
tin * , ennornl tiroof mifon , viulti , j ill
loiimlrr. mnclilno mi I nork , Iron nhutturn unil
blncltviilth work U | > tire c' cnp (1 An
llr ninl 17th it. drccn.lltliA Jiu
Wilson & Drake ,
M tg tntiiilir Hues , Or *
box bollors , tnnki , a'.o.
1'lerco unit 19th I roots.
Ilor & Co. , William D-irat ,
Mnnor Morohinti. \Vliioi , Iliior9 ( | nnj Cl-
HI. Iliruuy 'triMt.
Mnniifictur rslConnjI Btn
Kaatlnilnllltti ) ) 1111 Kirnnin St. ,
R. R. Grotto ,
Iniimrtor nnd Jobber of
SVInrs nnd .
1020 nml Uril farnam SL
Price ) lists on application
L. Kirsclit & Co , , Prick & Herberts
MaxMoyor & Bro. Oo. A. Hospe , Jr. ,
St'f'B Jewelers , dealers In I'lanos , OrRans , Artist *
musical Instruments ,
ttc , Materials , Kto ,
Farnam md lth ( ! Till Douglas Strcpt.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Hcflncd unit Inbrlottlnt
oil' , axle itrottso , eto.
It 11 Uutli , Mtnaer.
M. A , Disbrow Ac Co. , BjkaSan & Door Co.
Manufactiirors of aosh , ManufacturorJ of ino.ill-
doors , b 1 1 n d i and Injs , blind I , dojrj ,
MouldhiKs llrtinchof- oto.
nce , Uth nnd Itard sts. Kith and Clark stroots.
U. S. Wind Engine & A , L. Strang & Son ? ,
Pump Co , ,
Ilallldny wind mills OH IOCtt-1004 Farnam atroot ,
and 'J-M .lonoi st (1. V.
Itoas , actlntf munavar. Omaha , Nob.
Consolidated Ooffdo
Company ,
1411 and 1410 Ilarnoy it
Ouiiiha Nob.
A. D. Boycr & Oo
IK-a Kz'hnntfa llulldln ,
South Onmlia.
B , J , OofTman. Stniloy Hunter & Qroen (
& Co. ,
W KicliiUKO llulldlu/
28 Kxchango liulldliu
South Unmlio. Houth Onnn i
IM , ' | UI .Market Ltroot , Dourer , Calnmdo.
Kltiln. Ill , ninl Wuitorn Craauiflry lluttur , K nnd
Chuuio. IOUW A 1 empty OM caiai , wltti niluri U )
limn to inr hlPP'ira nrnlothuri ( u liollllul , Itvacntoi
anil up Hlilp by hiit fraklit ( Inod chuip lluttur la
itjiniiiiililiirliu Muy Uollablofuriiuutttlu'it ou do-
in nnd
Easily , Quickly , Pormunontly
AVcuknu * * * rrvuu > ii tf lleblllly.
thu train of uvlli ( ruin varly urrorsurlatur e
the runcilta of ovurirork.Mikiic-s , worry , titc. Full
strength , durelopiiiunt , and Imio ulrin to eterT
urxan and portion of the Ixxly , Simple , naturiu
nieUiods. luiniedlala lmpni > uui ut M n. tallura
liuposilblo 2 UJO niferencui. Hook , eip
tad uniof umlliid ( > lcd ) freo. Addrcii