Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1891, Image 1

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Annual Convention of the Nebraska Asso
ciation at Holdrege.
Store Struck by lightning Fremont
Will Manufacture : Ileer Doanc
College Winners Prepar
ing to Celehrutc.
Hor.nnnnoE , Neb. , Juno 10. ( Special Tclo-
( Tram to Tun BEE , ] The Nebraska State
Kundny School association continued iU convention hero today. The bright.
Bunny weather brought out a largely in
creased attendance , over three hundred dele
gates having registered. Hon. William
Reynolds , president of the International Sun
day School association , was present In the
afternoon nnl delivered an address to n largo
nnd enthusiastic audience wnlch completely
filled the opera house. The financial con
dition of thn association was never bettor
aan now and a largo gain in membership Is
reported since the last convention. The
work In the bands of the various committees
is being rapidly pushed through , and the
general harmony nnd good will manifested
among the delegates Indicates that better re
sults than ever before will follow this con
Commencement Kxercl e .
HVSTJXC ? , Nob. , Juno 10. ( Special Tele-
Brain to TUB BEB.J The commencement ex
ercises of the Hasting * collcue wore held to
night at tbo Presbyterian church. The orations
tions by the four graduates were : "Tho
Scnoolmaster In Literature. " by Emma May
KowlanThe : Builders. " by Ida J. D.
Myers ; "Tbo , Nemesis of the Republic , " by
Frederic Goblo of Holdrege , Nob. ; "Poets
Learn in Suffering What Tbty Teach in
Sonir'fby Maud Jorgcnson. All the sub
jects were well handled.
Graduates In the academic department
number twenty-eight nnd are ; Tranqulline
U Andrews. Steele City ; Lilian
Brown , Hastings ; Martha Cunningham ,
Hasting ; E. C. Demon , St. Paul ;
Dora Knnls , Grand Island ; Mary W.
Pickcns. Hastings ; Lena Boyd , Juuiata ;
Stella Caton , Junlata ; William Curry , Blue
Hill ; Grace G. Dillon , Hastings ; Paul It.
Hickok , Hastings ; Wllhcltnlna Stuckey ,
Lexington ; Charles Arnold , North Loup ;
Lindloy Edwards , Hastings ; Flora Fisher ,
Hastings ; Stella M. Gray , Ord ; Henry M.
Hller , Hastings ; William E. Kuntz , Wood
River ; Rollln R. Ktrby , Hastings ; Lottio
Shepherd , Hastings ; Hrown Cessna. Hast
ings ; Marv E. Fellman , Hastings ; Maud P.
Grav. Ord ; James Heartbwell , Hastlncs ;
W. W. Keith , Silver Lake ; Eleauore Ktrby ,
HiL-itliiL's ; Elmer Loucks , Hanson ; George
t"ork , Hastings.
Bishop ScauucH's VI It.
x , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.Rt. ] . Rev. Blsboo Scan-
nell , who has been making a visit to the
various parishes of his dloccae , arrived in
O'Connor lost night. Ho was accompanied
by Vicar General Choka and Rev. Fathers
Hayes , Wolfe , Dovoss nnd Mailor. The con
gregation turned out In a body to greet him
and on his arrival at the convent building ho
was presented with nn address of welcome
to which ho made appropriate reply. This
morning after mass ha administered the sac
rament of confirmation to a class of seventy-
five young people who had been prepared by
Rov. J. F. Hayes , the worthy pastor of
O'Connor , and iho Sisters of Mercy , who
conduct the school hero. Before
the ceremony the bishop gave the
children and people present a le < - -
turo of general instructions , making special
reference to the temperance nnd educational
questions. Ho was very much pleased with
the line building that had been erected for
the Sisters of Mercy nnd complimented the
Dcoplo on the great progress they , made In
such a short period. The church was not
. Q enoUgij to accommodate the crowd of
snipers that attended today , and If It
3 not for a heavy rainstorm lust night ,
ih made the roads very bad , there would
[ J f.cen still many more present.
FAMS CITT , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. I In an encounter between
Pool Grlmstcd , editor of the Morril News ,
nnd J. W. Whltaker , local editor of the
Ploblau , tbo alliance sheet of this city , which
occurred on the street In this city yesterday ,
Mr. Whitaker's head was seriously cut and
bruised. The Immediate cause of the trouble
was that on May'-11 Mrs. Grimstcd attended
a picnic nnd with a young lady friend was
upset while boat riding. Lost week the
Plubaln contained an article which attacked
Griuisted's moral character nnd claimed
ho was drunk when the accident occurred.
Yesterday Grimstead mot Whitaker on the
street and demanded that bo should retraet
the stnterncnts made. Whltnker refused and
drew u revolver , which his opponent knocked
out of his hands with a like weapon and pro
ceeded to pound Whttaker's head with the
butt of his revolver. Before jwllcemun could
reach the scone of the affray Whltakor's head
was badly injured , sustaining six cuts , one
serious. A doctor took the Injured man In
charge , nndl Grlrnstead gave a $1,000 bend to
nppcar before Judge Scott In June.
It Worked Itotli NVays.
PIATTSMOUTIJ , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special to
Tin : BEK. 1 A short tlmo ngo Charles Price ,
Frank Ingw. rson and Dautel McCurdy were
arrested at Eagle , Cass county , on a charge
of selling liquor without a license. Yester
day they had their preliminary hearing before -
fore Judge Itamsoy , who bound them over to
the next term of district court In the sum of
fiV ) each. The complaints were tiled by two
detectives hailing from Lincoln , named Moses
Brumly and John Mcnnor , who bought the
liquor In question nnd then preferred
charges and had the three defendants ur-
* V.rq teu' ' . Yesterday , however , tbo case as
sumed n now and interesting aspect , as the
two Informants were brought up before tbo
court on the charge of violating the Slocumb
liquor law by plvlngnwny liquor. Tbo evi-
dcnco produced proved this latter charge ,
nnd in nil probability the next docket of
thn dlstnct court will contain a couple of very
interesting cases In which tbo state will ap
pear against Messrs. Moses Brumly and John
Threatened with Death.
EI.LSWOUTII , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE B : n.J Last night about 1 : JO a.
in , n party of seven or eight men rode up to
the much of Georso Coles , living two miles
east of Blughnin , and called him out and told
him they had a message for him , which he took
nnd read , and which proved to ba n notice
under a skull and cross bones for George
Coles and J. W Anderson to le.tvn that coun
try within thirty days , or suffer the penalty
of death. The cause of this Is su'pposed to be
thu fact that the above two gentlemen have
been helping a man named Boll , who is on
the trail of n span of horses stolen on thn
night of April 15.
Kariners' U III Celebrate.
Hoi.nuKin : , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKR.J At a joint meeting this
evening , held by a committed ot the citizens
and ono from the county farmers alliance , It
was unanimously divided that the various
alliance.- * would join the citliens in a gnfnd
celebration at HoMrvpo ou the Fourth of
July A targe sum has been raised and the
committee having the affair in charge as-
cures u greater celebration of the glorious
'Fourth than has ever been held In thU part
of the state. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
At Camp Clnrkson.
GBNKVA , Nob. , June 10. - [ Special Telegram
to Tut BEE.I The third day of the Seus ot
Veterans' encampment closed with Quo
weather. The daj- has been nearly perfect
The forenoon was st > ent in the usual routine
camp 11 found the nftnrnoon was devoted to
camp business. Lone before noon the people
of the adjoining towns and country began to
Hock In , nnd by : i o'clock the grounds were
crowded with visitors. ,
Five o'clock wai the time set for
the competitive drills nnd promptly on time
the two camps , which were to participate ,
appeared. 1'ho first to show up was camp
No. 1 from Omaha under command of Cap
tain Edwards , and shortly aftcrCatnp No. 10
from Geneva marched into the Held under
command of E A. Combs. Ttoy cast lots
for choice. Omaha won nnd sent Geneva
fim. The latter took their medicine and
went In to win , If possible. After completing
the Uvcuty-tlvo number ? they went to grass
In front of the amphitheatre nnd the
ladles showered them with bonnets. Tben
the boys from Omaha came to the front and
performed their duty tn n creditable manner.
They made a flno appearance with their
bright new caps and guns , nnd show that
they have had peed training. The captain
deserves n ereat deal of credit for the manner
In which he handled his men. The ladies did
not show nny partiality and the boys from
Omaha were treated to bouquets Just the
The decision will not be given until tomor
row.Tho next encampment will bo held in David
City the second week in June , IfcftJ.
HEMisoroiti ) , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | The citizens of Hcmlng-
ford had the honor of entertaining the fol
lowing distinguished visitors this morning :
General Buttcnvorth of Cincinnati , secre
tary nnd solicitor general of the world's fair ;
Low Emerson , director of the Baltimore it
Ohio railroad ; S. J. McMahon , n banker of
Cambridge. O. ; William A. Gordon nnd O.
C. Green , capitalists of Washington , D. C. ;
N. D. Allen , vice president of the Patrick
land company , Omaha ; George R. Furgusou ,
Lincoln. Th'o gentlemen were under the
guidance of F. C. Grable of Omaha and were
out for a tour of the Black Hills by n special
train over the B. & M. They were met at
the depot by a largo number of business men
and ciflrens nnd taken out for a short drive
over the country , which they appreciated
very highly. They wore greatly surprised
nt the wonderful developments of this coun
try and more than pleased with the appear
ance of the country around Hemingford , as
well as with the genial reception extended
them by the people.
Fremont Gets a Hrewrry.
FIIEMOXT , Nob. , June 10. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The deal bos Just been closed
whereby Fremont gets a mammoth brewery
and ranlt bouse. The company Is composed
for the most part of local capitalists who have
been organized and incorporated for some
weeks but the last of the stock was only
placed and signatures to the contracts ob
tained lost evening. This delnitely ! settles
the project and the work of securing plans
and commencing the construction of build
ings will bo vigorously pushed from this
date forward. The authorized capital of the
companv is $209,000 and paid up capital ? 100-
000 , The builtllncs will bo irnposinir struc
tures , to cost , equipped ready for business ,
SiO.OJO. _
Illt.oming Orators.
CEIUH Ru'ii > s Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ! The second annual
commencement exercises of the high school
were held at the city hall this evening. The
class was made up of live young ladies and
two young men. The following are their
names and subjects : William H. Suudor-
land , salutory. "The Value of Education ; "
OlivoBainl , "Life nt School1' ; E Uella Sun-
dcrland. "Glance at Nature ; " Belle Phillips
" " Lauretta Morton ,
lips , "Housekeeping ;
"Flowers ; " Bertha Brown , "A Prophecy ; "
William H. Baker , valedictory , -'Advance
ment. " The diplomat were awarded L. D. by
Groom , president of the board of education.
Many handsome bouquets were distributed
to the class. _
End of the School Year.
RKrum.iCAX CITT , Nub. . June 10. iSpecial
to/TiiE BEE.I The Republican City high
school held Its commencement exercises last
evening at the Presbyterian church. There
were four graduates , as follows : Myrtle E.
Russell , Marv E. Brandt , Matteen B. McPherson -
Pherson and Francis W. Grlsweil. Diplo
mas wore awarded bv J. C. Bokter. a mem
ber of the board of education. Miss Sylvia
P. Butler , formerly of York. Neb. , has had
charge of the school as principal for the past
year and has given excellent satisfaction.
Donne Winner * .
CHETE , eb. , Juno 10. [ Special to THE
BEK. ] In the tield-diy exercises of the Has
tings college yesterday the Doano college con
testants won thirteen out of the twenty prizes
contested for. In the tennis tournament
Sweney won the singles nnd Thompson and
Green won the doubles , nil from Doano.
Hastings college won three piizcs and Has
tings City won four. In the football game
between Doane nud Hastings colleges the
score was 30 to 0 In favor of Doanc.
A Had Accident.
WVMOUE. Nob. , Juno 10. | Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] While at .vork building
n stable on his farm nbout two miles north
west of this city today , a scaffold fell with
Dud Davis. He fell ou the stump of a small
tree which struck him iu the lower pirt of
the abdomen and penetrated his body about
four inches. Drs. Gafford and Given were
immediately summoned nnd did what they
could to relieve Davis and ho will llkclyre-
llaln and Hail.
NEDIUSKA Crrr , Neb. , Juno 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The heaviest thun
der storm of the season occurred hero this
morning accompanied by heavy hall. Hall
siones as largo as eggs fell , and trees and
shrubs were stripped of leaves. No reports
have been received from the country , but
the damage to crops was undoubtedly heavy.
A Serious Accident.
HOI.DIIEGE , Nob. , June 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J Dr. E. H. Maberly , a
well known dentist of this place , met with a
serious accident today , being thrown from a
wagon and having a leg broken besides sev
eral scvcru flesh wounds which will keep him
confined for some months.
A Heavy llaln.
BIUYTOX , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKE. 1 Ono of the heaviest
rain storms of the season visited this section
last nlirht. Farmers feel jubilant over the
excellent crop prospects , which are better
thun for years. Small grain has inoUturo
enough now to mature It.
Struck hy Lightning.
FIIKMOXT , Neb , , Juno 10. ( Special to
Tun BEE. ] During u thunder storm at 3
o'clocx this morning the clothing store of B.
Blumonthal was struck by Ugbtmng and
some of tbo goods were burned , though the
damage was slight , only ubout $100.
Verdict of Not Guilty.
GENEVA , Neb , , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] In the case of the state
of Nebraska vs. Hodson of Omaha , for ob
taining goods under false pretenses , the jury
thU afternoon returned a verdict of uot
For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair ; cooler.
W \snisaTox , Juno 10. Forecast until S
n. in. Thursday : Fur Missouri and Kansas
Fair ; clear ; northerly winds.
For North and South Dakota and Ne
braska Fair ; stationary temperature ; northwesterly -
westerly winds.
For Colorado Fair ; cooler ( variable winds.
The Flro Ilccord.
SRiTn-E , Wash. , Juno 10. Tbo sawmill at
Snobomtsu burned lost night. The tire
spread to the telegraph oftlco , culling oft com
munication. Loss fully SIOo.CXXX
Congress Will Likely Be Urged to Pass the
Dorser Bill.
Itcgnrdlni ; tlic Proposed Scheme nn
Uncertain Iinml ratloa A cnt3
for Wcotcrn fctntcM Lnntl
Decisions Alllrmcd.
o3 ! FouiiTEtvni STIIRET , 1
W.HIIISOTO.V , D. C. , Juno 0.1
K Is now believed by treasury officials that
In view of recent developments , congress
will bo urged stronger than over to pass the
Dorsey bill reducing the amount of circula
tion which national banks must take out to
11,000 for each bank , Instead 2. percent of
the capital stock as at present. It is found
that national b.inks do not take well to the
4J3 per cent extension as they regard that as
uncertain , sine the department may call
them in at nny time. Notwithstanding this'
fact the comptroller of the treasury Is
recommending bankers to take these.bonds
and deposit them for circulation.
In the case of Alpheus R. Barrlneor tn
which otliccrs below rejected the application
for repayment of the purchase money paid
upon Burringer's commuted homestead entry
for the east half of the northeast one-quarter
of section 3J and the welt one-half of the
northwest one-quarter of section 33 , town
ship 60 north , range 31 west , McCook dis
trict , the acting secretary of the interior
today anirmed the decision below. He aUo
affirmed the decisions In the case of Harriet
M. Davis vs Thomas Simonton , McCook dis
trict , nnd G. K. Comer vs Herman Derfcrt ,
Cbadron district. dUmissing the latter's
contest and holding the former contest for
An Immigration agent each for the states
of Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakota will
likely bo appointed within a week or ten
days. The duties of the ottlco relate to re
ports upon the character and occupation of
Immigrants and a special assistance to United
States attorneys In enforcing the immi
gration laws.
MI-CELL iseocs.
N.V. . Hamilton was today appointed post
master at Ivlrkwood , Appanboso countv , la. ,
and W. H. Garber at Specbt's Ferry ,
Unbuque county.
Dr. J. D. Jackson was today appointed n
member of the pension bo.ird "at Grand
Island. Neb. PEIIUY S. HE mi.
COt in OF I'ltlV.l TE LAMtCi.lIJIS
Short Sketches ot'the Members ) ofthe
New Tribunal.
WASHINGTON , June 10. The court of
private land claims constituted by the presi
dent today consists of three republicans nnd
two democrats. Mr. Reed , who is made
chief Justice of the court , Is a resident of
Council Bluffs , la. Ho was born in Ashland
county , Ohio , March 1 , IS-'B , and settled In
Iowa in 1ST . He served dunng the war of
the rebellion ns an officer in the second bat
tery , fowa light artillery , and was a member
of the Iowa state senate from 1800 to 1SOS.
Ho was subsequently judge of the district
court nnd ho was elected to the Fifty-first
congress as a republican and since the close
of that congress has been engaged in the
practice of his profession.
Judec " Murray is a resident of Huntlngton ,
Tenn. He Is about fifty-five years or age ,
served in the union army during the war and
was afterwards appointed United States at
torney for the western district of Tennessee.
He Is a strong republican , but was recom
mended for appointment for both political
parties. He was recently employed as special
counsel for tbo covcrnmcnt in election cases
Judge Sluss of Kansas was formerly Judge
of the district court. Ho has resided at
Wichita. His appointment was urged by
Associate Justice Brewer of the supreme
court. He Is a republican.
The Democratic members are Colonel Fuller
of North Cirolinn and Judge Stone of Col
orado. Judge Stone was Judge of the supreme
court of Colorado for many ye irs.Ho lives
at Denver and is a fine Spanish scholar.
The United Status attorney before the
court Is Matt G. Reynolds of St. Louis , a
young man of high legal standing and presi
dent of the Young Men's republican league
of St. Louis.
Petroleum Production StiitiRticfl.
WAMIINOTOV , Juno 10. The census office
bulletin shows that petroleum was produced
in eleven states in 1801 , the total production
boiuc-34,620,000 barrels valued at $ 5,354,000.
n inister Porter X it Ilecnl'ed.
WAMII.VC.TOV , June 10. It is denied posi
tively nt the state department that Porter ,
minister to Italy , has been recalled.
Pluto Indian Meets Doith AVliilc
CiiiniliHni ; with Mongolians.
BuinoKi-oiiT , Gala. , Juno 10. A few weeks
ago a Piuto Indian named Poker Tom came
hero from the Walker river reservation nnd
after purchasing supplies , spent two nights
gambling with the Cninuse. The second
night was spent at the store of Ah Tla , and
this was the last seen of Tom.
Walker river , Bodlo nad other Indians ,
aroused by the return of Tom's horse with
out saddle or bridle , came here and com
menced an investigation. The saddle , brUlo ,
supplies and overcoat were found In tbo
fields near the river , but the body was not
found. The Indians held a court and took
the testimony of live of their num
ber , testifying that they went to
Tin's store on the night In question
and through a window saw a Chinaman nnd
Tom gambling. Some excitement was
caused oy the wife of a Mono Lake Indian
namec * Lundy , stating thulsho believed Tom
was killed by her husband and several other
The Walker river tribes threatened to take
to thn wuriJath against the Mono Lake In
dians , but U was found that tbo woman had
been consorting with Ah Tia and that Lundy
had left her , as she c uld not bo relied on.
Sheriff Carry also discovered blood stains
on the floor and about the Chinaman's store.
On Saturday Poker Tom's body with the
head and limbs cut off was found by the In
dians in the river. Ah Tin was hastened to
jail to prevent lynching and from a confes
sion ho made at the inquest hold by tbo
white people they found hlui guilty.
The case has awakened great Interest and
tbo progress of the examination Is eagerly
Knten by Hogs.
MVCOMII , 111. , Juno 10. A horror was un
earthed hero today. Mrs. Martha Way nnd ,
aged eighty , disappeared Irorn her home.
Last evening her grandson went into a pas
ture and there he discovered a drove of hogs
fighting over sonio object. An investigation
dUclosed that the brutes were feeding ou the
woman's body. Assistance was called and
the men were compelled to beat the hogs
away with clubs. The brute ) fought tbo
men" like wildcats. Tbo body presented n
horrible appearance.
LOCHVII.I.E , Ky. , Juno 10 , Lew James ,
colored , was hanged at Fulton , Kv. , early
this mornine for murder committed In , . No
vember , *
Itata Will Start Saturday.
Chill ( via Galveston ) , Jute 10. -
The congressional ships Cochrane , Magal-
laccs and Malpo arnvod hero tbU morning
from Caidcra And intermediate points. The
latter vessel brought more than two thousand
men , fully armed and equipped , from Coplupo.
The Itatn will leave for California on Sat
urday with her cargo of arms and ammuni
tion on board. She will be accompanied by
the Charleston. '
The steamer Mondreala nrrtvcd here today
from San Francisco wlib. n largo supply of
Hour and provisions. Prices are now ex
pected to go down.
citosNr.\ or/it.
Movements of Your Friends Hctxrcctt
America nnd Ivnrope. YouK , Juno 10. [ Special to Tun
Bci.J : Mrs. H. MiddlekautT of Sioux City
was among those who came over on the
steamship Havel of the North German Loyd
company from Europe.
Amonz the pissenecM on the steamship
f'urnossla of the Anchor line , that sailed on
the lith Inst , , were : Judge A. J E Uorton ,
Miss Emma and Miss Margaret Edgerton
. and Miss Mary E. StrobocUer , all of Sioux
Falls , S. D. '
Shipping XCWH.
At Queonstowu The Teutonic , from New
York. -
At Southampton The Loan , from Now
At London Sighted : The Rotterdam ,
from New York.
Jt.lllIIS Olt JFllIGHT ,
Doctors Puzzled Over Several Alleged
Hydrophobia Cn eM.
ATCHI OS , Knn. , Juno :10. fSpecial Tele-
cram to Tun BEE. ] Jacob Vandovor , a second
end son of the family nflllcted with rabies In
the western part of the county , died last
night and was burled today. Thomas Van-
devcr , the brother who was taken to Kansas
City for treatment , is In Atchison today and
will go homo tomorrow. Ho says a mad-
stone was applied to tbo back of his neck and
that It adhered two hours , effecting a cure.
His physlchm intimates tmit a bogus stone
was used In order to quiet his excitement.
Thomas says he has tclt a nervous twitching
for the last eight or nine years , but they have
bee'n more pronounced during the past ton
days. The Atchisoa physicians are vehem
ently dlscusslnir the strange case. They will
not accept the hydrophobia theory. When
William died they said it was caused by lock
jaw , resulting from having his tooth ex
tracted. The death of Jacob , who had no
tooth extracted , they say was caused by
Transfer of the Kcniains of Sir John
OrruvA , Ont , Juno y-Thousands of
people today viewed the" romiins of the late
premier. Tne governor-general , accompanied
by his staff , arrived shortly * after 1 o'clock
nnd entered the parliament building ,
where ho was mot by the minis
ters. They entered the senate chamber ,
which was literally covered frith floral trib
Six policemen conveyed tlip casket out and
placed it in the heaise. As the casket was
placed in the hearse tllo large bell in
the tower overhead tolled out dis
mally and Immediately' hundred
church bells and minute guns added
their doleful music to the strain. This was
kept up during the funeral's progress.
The cortege then formed. All along the
route of tno procession " "thousands were
gathered and moVement along the sidewalks
was impossible. The Scene was ono of
solemnity. The fronts of stores and other
buildings were in unison ; with the dark ap
parel of the crowd .whisyj , thronged the
streets and the heavy .mourning , of the
funeral cortege The cortege was the largest
ever seen in Canada.
After leaving the church , the procession re
formed and proceeded to 'tho station. The
funeral train consisted of ono buffet car for
representatives of the press , the government
private cars , "Ottawa" nnd "Cumberland"
for cabinet ministers , a car especially fitted
up for the remains , and the private car
"Melaoedia" for Lady Mncdonald and fam
ily. AH the cars were heavily draped. These
were the only cars going to tbo funeral train
KINGSTON , Ont. , Juno 10. Shortly after 10
o'clock the funeral trairi rolled into the sta
tion in front of the city hall. Police carried
the body into the hall , where their burden
\MIS deposited on the catafalque. Thousands
viewed the remains.
Unveiling of the Monument at Frcd-
erlcksbnrfr , jVa.
FncnEHicKsiiimo , Ya. , Juno 10. This town
was profusely decorated today with bunting
nnd confederate and national flags in honor
of Memorial day and the unveiling of the
monument to the confederate dead. Thou
sands of visitors arc hero from different parts
of the union.
About 3 o'clock the lino'of procession was
formed and marched through the principal
streets to the cemetery , where 3,000 con
federates are buried , amid cheers from the
throng which lined the route. The proces
sion , which was under the direction of Grand
Commander.Willlam P. Smith and marshals ,
comprised carriages containing members of
the Ladies' Memorial association and dis
tinguished guests , bands of music , uniformed
confederate veterans , sons of veterans , the
tire department and civic organizations.
The services at the cemetery were opened
with prayer by Rev. J. W. Canter of the
Methodist church , and then General Bradley
T. Johnson of Baltimore , orator of the day ,
delivered tbo unveiling cddress , which was
in part as follows :
Fellow Confoilorates. > fun and Women : For
the last twenty years I liuve been observing
with growing wonder the phenomenon of the
feelln ; toward Urn uctorson the confederate
side. It Is a fact and a wonderful fact that
thn pathos , sentiment and romance of the war
between the stnttit Is concentrated anil crys-
tnllzed about tlie cause of the confederacy.
In the jiorth today no name thrills tlia heart
like that of Leo ; no ii.'unc > oluutrHles the peOple -
plo llko that of Stonewall Jackson ; no Mag
Itaslio , no sabre clltfns llUn that of Stuart.
Neither Urant. nor Slmrman. nor Sheridan ,
the great and sncccaitul soldiers of the vc- |
tnrluusftldo , have left biiotinn Impression on
the Imagination or the hearts of the people us
Irivo the leaders ot'thQ tnnfoJeratcs. who
ded | In tmttln or yielded Uo overwhelming
forvo "lion further roslKtpnco would have
been criminal. I do not mean to Intimate , for
I do not belluvo that , the north bits
chunked Its opinion ant to tbo wU < loin
of our coursu. They ttiincht then and
they think now It was foollrh to break up the
union because , first , tbo unkm was nrofltnhle ,
nnd Hcund. because It will'Impossible before
overwhelming forces for ug t < l succeed. Hut I
do buy that the tiloa U dlnly preislnir Itself
upon the northern mind .that wa tried to
avoid war and did not want wnr. but that It
was IjroiiL-lit , wated and continued for the
purpose of LeoplnR a fact Ion In power , cn-
iibllns the controller * to make profit out of It ,
The monument xvas tboit nnvclled by Cap
tain John \ \ . Barney Th * exorcises closed
with an artillery ami infantry salute. A
bronze statue of n confeOfjrato soldier nine
and a half feet high crov7ii the apex of the
monument. Ho Is roprcsau id tui standing at
parade rest with a musket in hi * band and a
blanket thrown over th ? 'eft shoulder , A
haversack swintr * from thpsatno side , whllo
from tno right side swings a canteen and a
bayonet scabbard. On bis head rests tbo
familiar slouch bat. I.
To Hlow Up a Mountain.
YOIIK , June 10. There will bo a novel
sight afforded to tno persons who go to Beth
lehem ou tbo Weil Shore road next Tuesday.
Sixty thousand tons of rock an entire moun
tain ledge will bo blov/n away under the di
rection of the Edison hteotriocompany In the
liinoatono quarries of P * Callan. It will be
the most extensive blast in the records of
mining history and abljc crowd is expected to
bo present. f
Dr. AVindtliorst'H Successor.
BEKU.V , Juno 10. Herr Brandenburg1 , a
member of/thn center party in Borson-
brureck , ] ias been elected without opposition
to fill the seat In the reichstae made vacant
by the death of Dr. Windthont. the centrist
Two of Them Tried In the 0-imlnal Ooutt
at New Orleans.
McCry-itol , Detective O'.Mnlley'M Chief
Lieutenant , Found Guilty The
Aii'h C msp rater Himself
May Possibly Go Free ,
Nr.w OIILCIVS , La. , Juno 10. The case
which has been exciting the greatest interest
was fixed to coma up In section B this morn-
Intf. O'Mallcy and MeCrystol were to bo
tried for an alleged attempt to bribe Tales
Juror McCabo. There had been delays with
out end almost In the case an J postponements
from time to ttmo and the defense uoout
exhausted itself In putting the trial back. A
morning paper stated that hU case would bo
callid before Judge Joahua Baker In Section
It , criminal district court , consequently when
court opened tnoro was a largo attendance of
After Judge Baker had dispatched the
customary business of the morning , O'Mal-
ley and MeCrystol were called. They both
appeared , accompanied by their counsel ,
Captain A. D. Henrique. The prosecution
was represented by District Attorney Lu-
zcnburg , Judzo W. L. Evans and Mr.
Charles J. Tbcard.
After the witness , had been called District
Attorney Luzcnburg asked Tor a severance of
the two accused , as the state proposed to
place MeCrystol on trial first. Accordingly
D. C. O'Malley was told to step aside. The
purpose of the severance , Mr. Luzenburg
said , was to reduce the number of challenges
permitted to the accused. The empannol-
ling of a Jury was immediately begun and
soon completed.
McCabe testified that he was a collector.
Last February he was living at No. i4 Julia
street and bad lived there about twenty-four
years McCabe was summoned as a tales
juror In tno Hennes < y case , but did not
serve. He was challenged by the state. Wit
ness was summoned on a Sunday and
from then to Monday. U itncss received
his summons Sunday morning at his
house. McCabe now MeCrystol for about a
year. He knew him tn speak to , but did not
know where he lived. McCrystol's employ
ment was selling lottery tickets so far as wit
ness know , and was also connected with a
clothing store. MeCrystol called on witness
at No. - " Union street , where witness had a
desk. .MeCrystol como between 10 and 11
o'clock on Monday. McCrystol said he was
goinc up to the court and McCabe said so
was he. They walked to the court together ,
and McCrystal said McCabe could make some
money on the McCabe said he did not
want to because ho did not think ho would
be taken. .Witness was not called as a talcs
juror on Monday. In the evening McCrystol
met McCabe and walked with him from the
ofllce to McCabo's home. McCrvstal told
McCabe that ho could make SoOO by poing on
the jury and working for a mistrial or an ac
quittal of the defendants. McCrystol said if
ho ( McCrystol ) had the subpoena as a tales
juror it would be worth $1,000 to him. McCabe
Cabo refused the offer and said ho was not
that kind of a man. McCrystol said ho
would go out and get the money right away.
MeCrystol did not say where ho would get
the money. Soon after McCrystol's indict
ment and while In the parish prison ho sent
for District Attorney Luzcnburg and made a
confession. This confession the district at
torney desired to go in as evidence today , but
Judge Baker promptly ruled against its ad
After further testimony the case was given
to the jury at 4 o'clock and the jury retired.
In a few minutes it returned into court with
a verdict of guilty us charged.
The ruling of Judge Baker , in refusing to
admit the confession of McCrystol , saves
O'Malley in this cose , the only case connect
ing him directly with the bribery cases. The
court will now bo forced to try him upon ono
of the other charges , If at all , and they are
all cases of several years ago.
McCrystol was tried for murder several
years ao and acquitted , O'Malley helping
him out of the trouble. Smco then he bos
been O'Malley's faithful lieutenant. Mc
Crystol will tomorrow bo tried upon another
charge of bribery in connection with John
Coouoy , and O'Malley's men. Ono of the
facts much commented upon in connection
with the bribery cases is tnat Lionel Adams ,
formerly O'Malley's partner , has not ap
peared in any of the cases , even neglecting to
come ns u witness In response to forthwith
Charles Granger , another of the Hennessy
jury bribers , was tried today. Granger was
a member of greater importance than Glnudi ,
being connected with prominent families and
having an average reputation. For eight
mon'hs Granger has been in the employ of
the fruit Importers , among the Macbecas and
Oteris. Tbo state tried to connect him with
O'Malley's office during the Hennossy trial
and to provo statements ho made to O'Malley
in the presence of Detective- Collins , who
served the state In the camp of the defend
ants. Granger's counsel objected strongly ,
and the court confined the testimony to the
time of the offense. Granger was tried for
attempting to bribe ono Sbarre. The latter
said ono morning after be received bis
summons as u juror Granger coma to
his house and woke him up. When
ho came down Granger asked him if he
wanted to make fVX ) . Ho said "Yes , "
and Granger told him ho would give him that
much to go on the Hennessy jurv and work
the jury Sbarro tben declined the offer.
Granger's defense was a general denial. Ho
oweu Sbarro a debt at ft > and Sbarro come or
sent to his house thirteen or fourteen times
to collect It. On February I" Sbarre left n
message with Granger's family that Gnngor
should como to see htm. Granger went the
next morning and told Sbarro bo would pay
him tbo following week. Casually the Hen
nessy case was mentioned and Mr. Granger
remarked that amouc alt tbo parties arrested
there were some innocent people. That was
all that was said and u bribe of JjOd was
never mentioned. After being out several
hours tbo jury could uot ugreo and a mis
trial was entered |
The jury stood 0 for acquittal and 3 for
conviction. Five members of the jury who
wcru for acquittal In the Granger case were
members of the jury that convicted Glaudi.
The grand jury this afternoon made a report -
port in the slaugn'cr house caso. They re
turned the communication from the council
asking an Investigation on the ground that
tbo city council , being a legislative body ,
with power to Investigate the conduct of Its
members , to sunpoena and swear witnesses ,
etc. , wo are btrongly of the opinion that as
the acting mayor suggested In his message
tbo council , through Its committee OB public
order , ought to take the Initiative la this In
quiry so necessary for the vindication of Its
members and muko It Hearchlngly and thor
oughly with door * open to the public , or
open to the public through the proas , so that
no taint of suspicion can attach to tbo in *
vestiijation ,
PittHlmrjr Carpenters' Strike.
PiTTsncito , I'.i. , Juno 10. At present the
prospects for the carpenters winning their
strike for eight hours and an advance are de
cidedly blue. The planing mill men announce
that they Imva all tbo men at work they
want and that thn tight so far as tbo plunln ?
mills arc concerned Is ended. Today , accordIng -
Ing to reports of planing mill men , there are
700 men at work , V > ) bolng box maker * nnd
300 machine hands. Many of them are union
men who buvo gene back.
Hut. IU5-.U Trouble * .
DAU. , Tux. , June 10. The Dallas land
and loan company muda un uisijfiiment to C
K. Bird last uigbt. The liabilities are
$300,000 and the atseU nearly ? IWO,000.
In an Interview today T , L. Mar aliJ , the
president , said tbo company was ftreed to
tuako the ajsIguBcnt , which \jlll bo only
temporary , to protect Its assets , t 10
stated that tils private property sho\ )
hold to secure the creditors of the com
Thn company were tbo principal ownl
Oak CHIT , tbo suburb across the river troin
Dallas , and had to carry so much paper that
they got caught In n tight place.
NEW VottK. Juno 10. The liabilities of
Charts Halght & Co. . Hour commission
morehants at'I State street , are reported to
bo about $5 > u,000 and nominal assets consid
erably larger.
Tire ii'KTiixrnttiitf.GHHojts. .
Nebraska ntnl Colorado Men Wed
Nieces of \-Prrsl.lont I < Icvrtiinil.
WVIVI-OUTI ; , N. Y. , Juno 10. The double
we.ldlng of Ellen G. Veomens and Charles
\S' Hrnttton of Denver. Col , nnd Anna G.
Yeomc-ns nnd Joseph A. K--cJ of rice ,
Neb. , was celebrated at noon today at 'he
home of Hon. Lueien Y. Yoomoni. the father
of the brld'H. Ex-President Cleveland.
uncle of the brides , was present The ccro-
mony was performed by Uov. William Clove-
Intid of Chaumont , N. Y. , an undo of the
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
Reed left on the evening train for their
homes In the west , Ex-President Cleveland
left for Now York this evening.
n.iAKEits inr.L FIGHT.
Vigorous Opposition to S mil Dakota's
Xc\v ILiiiklnc haw.
YASKTOX , S. D. , Juno 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bee. ] A number of South
Dakota private banus have created a fund
and retained counsel to tight the law passed
by the legislature last winter compelling
private banks to incorporate under the na
tional or state law on or before September
10. Prominent private bankers claim that
the law is unconstitutional and they propose
to tight it to the last extremity. Many
private banks have applied for national banit
For n Soldiers' Home.
YAXKTOV , S. D. , Juno 10. [ SDiclal Telegram -
gram to TIIK BEE. I President dough of the
board of managers Of the South Dakota
soldiers' homo at Hot Springs announces that
the colonels of the Grand Army of the Ue-
public divisions in the state have been ap
pointed a committee to solicit subscriptions
for a fund to build a hospital at the soldiers'
home. The sum of f.VX ) was contributed by
some unKnuwu friend of the Grand Army of
the Republic In March last to start a hospital
fund. About J5.000 is needed and it is
thought it can be raised in throe months.
Free Silver Dl cussed nnd Opposed
Oltluers Klected.
Sioux , CITT , la. , Juno 10. [ Suecial Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The bankers' conven
tion adjourned at 5 o'clock this afternoon to
meet In Davenport on Juno 2 , 1S92. Judge J.
R. Reed of the land claim court , ox-Uailroad
Commissioner Peter A. Dey and other ?
spoke of the silver question nnd all opposed
the free coinage , but tbo convention passed
no resolution in regard to it.
A resolution asking for state control of
private banks was laid on the table. Resolu
tions favoring the abolishment of the free
collections system and recognizing labor as
thu source of wealth and asking legislation
for its protection was passed.
John L. Homev of Burlington was chosen
president. C. U. Hannon of Council Bluffs ,
T. J. Van Horn of Mt. Pleasant , C. C. Coon
of Clinton , J. H. Carleton of Iowa Falls , A.
E. Blgolow of Now Hampton , K. Vauuatchen
of Cedar Rapids , Calvin Manning of Ot-
tumwa , C. B. Worthmgum of Dos Molnes , S.
S. Wick of Osceola , J. M. Kelly of Mace
donia , Abnor Grave * of Daw City and J. W.
Reed of Ida Grove were elected vice-pres
idents. The executive council elected J. F.
Latimor of Hampton treasurer and J. M.
Dinwiddio of Cedar R'iplds secretary. Most
of the afternoon was spent oy the 200 dele
gates in sight seeing.
Iowa's Firemen Purnde.
CEDVK RU-IDS , la. , Juno 10. | Special Tele
gram to TIIR UEE.J Despite the fact that a
drizzling rain was falling Ibis morning , thous
ands of people were on the streets when the
grand parade of the Bremen's tournament
started at 11 o'clock. The procession was
one of the finest over seen in the city , nearly
1,500 men being in line.
The largest fire department from any ono
city , $73 , was given to Marion ; best appear
ing flro department from any one city , $ " > ,
was also awarded to Marion. Best appear
ing fire company from any ono city , first
prize SJO , was captured by the Lyons com
pany ; second prize Ji3 , B. F. Mentzer hose
company of Marion.
Trial of steamers and band engines and
straight away hose race occurred at the driv
ing park this afternoon , but were all pro
tested and the hoard of control have noi yet
reudered n decision.
Aged lowmia Dying.
DI'UUQUE , In. , June 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J Jeremiah Cullcn , one of the
oldest men In Iowa , died today near this
city , aged ono hundred and seventeen. His
health was gocd until recently , and he was
never seriously 111. His wife died ten years
ago at the ago of nlnctc-seven. '
FAIKFIEU ) , la. , Juno'lO. William T. Mc-
Ga\v , a pioneer of Jefferson countv , died
hero today. _
Will Have Ktoutrio .Motors.
Four Donoc , la. , June 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE. ] A company has been
organized here for the purpose of building an
electric street railway. Local and foreign
capital arc interested. The city council will
hold a special session to consider the appli
cation iora franchise. If the franchise is
granted as asked tbo road will bo built at
Insane and Manned Himself
CEIUR Ru'in * . In. . Juno 10. A. J. Simp
son , aged llfty-two , hung himself yesterday
at his farm near Manchester. Insanity was
the causo.
Hnllroiul KinploycM ConCerring.
Pont WATXE , Ind. , Juno 10. The railroad
employes alter their meeting last evening
hold a .secret session which lasted until after
mldmirbt. So closely were nil approaches
guarded that reporter * could learn nothing of
their transactions. A mooting of the grand
officers of the various branches has been
arranged for this evening , which Debb-i of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen nnd
Grand Mustur Sweent of the Switchmen's
Mutual Aid association will attend. Thu
session will be secret , but it U understood
that it 11 called to consider some grave ques
tions that may result In calling a L'l.'iicral
meeting of the organl/atlon tomorrow. To
day delegates with their families nnd friends
went to Rome City on an excursion , three
special trains being secured for them.
Forest Fires
Sitisncin , N. B. , Juno ID. Forest fires
arc raging in tbo provinces , especially on the
northern branch of tbo Intercolonial railroad.
Kent Junction has been wiped out nnd U'll-
ford nnd Coal Branch are in danger. Evorv
available man Is lighting the tire. Many
mill's have been burned over. The tire is
spreading , and unless rain comoi soon much
greater damage U threatened.
Family Injured by an Kxploslon.
PrmiifHO , Pa. , June 10 , A special from
Bradford , Pa. , says ; While Wallace Cor-
win and Theodore Lang were engaged In
tearing down the abandoned glycerine man.
ufactory of C , E. Tucker ut ( Jorwln Coutor ,
about ten miles north of this city , un explosion -
plosion occurred by which both were fu tally
_ _ J _ _ _
Oood Kiainpln Set 'OP America.
Br.rn.ix , Juno 10. Hcrr Awadt and Herr
Wolff , two brokers on the bourse , woio today
fined for starting false rumors in regard to
the health of Emperor William in February
last with the object of depressing the value
cf fuuds.
London Oluba Taking Steps for His Imme
diate Expulsion.
Military Title to Up Tnken from Hlitf
nnd the Itloodcd Koines Will
Stern y Cut Him A Had
Loviwv , Juno 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable. Special to Tin : HKE.J I understand
steps are ooln ? takan for the immediate cx-
culslon of Sir William Gordon-Cumnitnt ;
from the Carlen and other club ) to which ha
belongs. There will not bo a single club In
London to which ho will bo able to enter , nnd
all doors will be closed. Continental clubs ,
which are in correspondence with English
clubs , will also refuse him admittance. No
English minUtcr abroad will receive him
and ho will bo sternly cut by all bis old asso
ciates. Finally , ho will shortly bo cashiered
from the army and lose tils half pay as well
ns his military rank. Whether really the
American lady wnom ho has married realizes
the position In which sbo Is placed Is doubt
ful , but there H no doubt as to the terrible
nature of the position Itself.
I believe the baccarat counters In the pos
session of the prince of Wales were given to
him shortly before the Tranbycroft affair by
one of his friends , a member of the house of
commons. Ho thought no more of having
them than if they had been whist counter ? ,
but the public Hikes a very different view of
the matter , as is proved by the censures al
ready passed upon his conduct by tbo Wesleyan -
leyan nnd other religious bodies.
Arthur Wilson and their lot also suffer
severely. Nothing could have been worse
than their conduct. If Mrs. Arthur Wilson
likes to encourage her sons to gamble against
their father's wishes that Is her affair , but it
is universally felt that after cheating bad
once been detected should have
been stopped forthwith and the prince noti
fied that reasons had occurred for breaking
up the game. Mrs. Arthur Wilson nnd Lycett
Greene came out of the trial almost as badly
damaged as Gordon-Cumiuing himself.
The solicitor general's speech is allowed to
be one of the finest delivered for yearn in a
court of law , but ho admits that the signed
document followed by Gordon-Cuuimlug's
letter to General Owen Williams asking for
the benefit of a doubt were too much for
him. He could have got his man off easily if
it bad not been forthoso documents.
The scandal may for a time clear the social
air and chock the prevailing gambling spirit ,
but the fast .set which leads certain sections
of society has obtained too tight a hold to be
dislodged. The cud has not como yet.
.Hurried Him in Spite o 'the Verdict.
LOXDOX , Juno 10. Sir William Gordon-
Gumming was married this morning in Holy
Trinity church at Chelsea to Miss Florence
Garner , daughter of the late Commodore j
William Garner of New York. Only twenty
people were present.
The bride and bridegroom after the cere
mony breakfasted witb Lord Middloton , Sir
William Gordon-Cumming's brother-in-law.
Sir William attributes the \-erdict entirely
to the summing up and charge of the lord
chief Justice. Sir William has received
soventj- letters expressing sympathy with
him in bis troubles.
It is now dellnltQly known that Sir Wil
liam Gordon-CuaimIng nnd wife will make a
visit to tbo United States in the autumn.
Sir William Gordon.Curaming has resinned
from all tbo clubs of which ho was a mem
ber. His costs in the suit wore $ . ' 5,000.
Sir William Gordon-Gumming told a friend
today that it was not the lady generally
mentioned , but another lady well known In
society , who was the principal factor in the
betravnl of the card secret. "
Vcf.llctlii the 3t3ttnian Murder Case
nt haavenwortli.
Lc iVEXwoitTii , Kun. , Juno 10. After Mr.
Ally , counsel for the prosecution , concluded
the closing speech In the Mcttmau murder
case lost night , every one of the spectators
who crowded the court room to suffocntloa
predicted a verdict of guilty for Charles A.
Benson , the defendant.
Mr. Ady's denunciation of the murder and
of tbo murderer was a terrible ono. Benson
UnU the hunted look of an animal nt bay arid
muttered bU fear nnd helpless rage under
tils ( lowing moustache. Ho was dcomd and
lie knew it , wincing perceptibly at the
thought that mercy lor him on earth was no
Judge Ulver delivered his charsro and then
the jury , under guard of a bailiff , ictirud to
their hotel for the night. They were up
brlgbt and early this morning. They break
fasted at ? o'clocK and at 8 were again In the
jury room. At ! ) they had arrived nt a ver
dict of guilty.
Court had just opened and tbo bailiff an
nounced that the jury had a communication
> o make. The jury was brought in and tbo
foreman announced that they nud arrived at
a verdict.
The verdict was banded to Judge River ,
and be , discovering a technical ( law in it ,
ordered the jury to correct It. The Jury re
tired to make the correction , but did not iret
It right oven then and were ficnt back a
second time. When they returned again
with the verdict it was all right. The cleric
rend tro verdict guilty as charged in tbo
indictment and Judge Webb demanded a
poll. Each Juror acknowledged the verdict.
Further proceedings worn Interrupted by
Judge Webb , who said that hu do-tlrud noth
ing further done until he could determine
what motion ho should file. Ho also asked
permission to consult with Benson and with
ills associate In the case , Mr. Dili. This was
granted by the court , and tno trio went out
in charge of a deputy marshal.
Benson appeared In court this morning ,
pnlo and worn. Ho sat unmoved throughout
the sositon , nnd oven when tbo verdict that
sealed his doom was road ho did not scorn to
bo greatly affected.
Mrs. Haullbzon , Benson's mistress and the
daughter of the woman for whose murder
Benson was found guilty , Is also under In-
lletrnont as an accomplice In the crime. It
had been decided to try her on a separata
count , but It Is Impossible now that the caio
lUMltm her will bo dismissed.
Judga Webb , Benson's attorney , will ask
for u new trial on tbo ground of newly found
Appointed by the President.
WAbiusoTON , Juno 10. The president thli
afternoon made the following appointments :
Leonard W. Colby , Nebraska , assistant at *
tornoy general ; Joseph It. Heed , Iowa , chief
| utico of the court of privuto land claims ;
Wilbur F. Stone of Colorado , Henry C. SluM
of Kansas , Thomas C. Fuller of Xorth Carolina
lina and William Murray of Tennessee , as
sociate Juitlces of the court of private land
claims ; Muthcw G. Kcynplds , Missouri ,
United States attorney for the court of private -
vato land claims.
Swindled u i ottery.
i , O. , Juno 10. Last week the
lo'.tery oftlco In Covlugton , Ivy. , received a
false immugo purporting to bo from tb
Rvnnsvllie dealer to discontinue reports of
drawings. At the usual hour the Kvnnsvllls
deuter received the report of drawings in
clph r forwarded by a confederate In Cov-
li-ft . Inn K.arixville tcuu Is sal'l to bay *
i- J. 'O .y the forgery.