THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY ! -MORNING - , JUNE 10 , 1891. NUMBER 352. VERDICT AGAINST GUMMING , Close of the Baccarat CVe in Favor of the Defendant ; . ANOTHER''EXCITING SCENE IN COURT. General Williams Appeals to the Lord Chief.tis'lco for Protection , but is Told -to Hold Ilia Tonjjuc. Loxnov , Juno 9. Too Jury In the baccarat jcandril ca e returned a verdict this moraine against William Gordon-Gumming. Tbo Prince of Wales was not present when the court convened. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge had hardly taken his seat when General Owen Williams stepped to the front of the bench and said , his facu pale and bis voice husky i "My lord , I have to ask your protection. Yesterday , Sir Edward Clarke thought pro per" _ _ , Hero Solicitor General Sir Edward Clarke sprang to his feet and interrupting General Williams , cxc'a'tncd : "I nsk your lordship to Interfere and that General Williams shall cot be allowed to m ike a statement as he has not the pnvllec-c of doing so. " To this General Williams botlv replied : ' I was accused of an abominable charge. " Hero the lord chief justice interfered , sayIng - Ing t "I do not remember the expression , but I do not think you can bo allowed to speak. " Dut General Williams persisted in being heard , remarking angnly : "We wcro ac cused of sai'rificlng an innocent man. This statement ivas made without , any evidence brought forward for its Justification. " Lord Coleridge again interrupted the genera - era ] , remarking with considerable warmth : "I cannot hear any statement from you,1' nnd immediately commenced bis summing up , while General Williams retired frown ing and preatly discontented to bis scat. The chief justice said that if the jury found tbo defendants had' spoken tno truth , their verdict should bo for the defendants , but if r 11UI7 thought the charges they made were not true and that Sir William Gorfion-Cum- tnlng did not do anything wrong while playIng - Ing baccarat at Tranbycroft In September last , then their verdict must be for the plain tiff. Continuing , the chief justice analyzed at Icnrtb , the evidence given by the plaintiff , which evidence he said was well worth con sideration. During another portion of his summing up Lord Coleridge said tbo prince of Wales pre-enceat Tranbycroft was s'ufllcient to explain Lycett Green's objection to crea ting n disturbance in the baccarat room or elsewhere by culling attention to tee actions which bo objected to on the part of Sir H illlam Gordon-Gumming. After the recess Lord Coleridge continued M -charpe to the Jury. When the chlel jus- itP Oefltied the law of libel as different from the law of .slander , and when be gave special instructions ID regard to the amount of datn- nces which the Jury should , if they so de sired , assess in the event that they found the case for the plaintiff , it was considered that Coleridge's instructions decidedly favored GummingBui wnen he analyzed the evidence of the dcfenoants and that of General "Williams , the prince of Wiiles nnd L'ord Coventry It was judged that this was in effect an endorsement of their evidence. While 'admitting ' the improbabil ity of Cunimifig , in'liis position ana wealth , lowering "himself to cheat and to cheat bis frinud , the priucu of Wales , too. Lord Cole ridge made a strong point ajrainst tbo plain- lilf "in calline the jury's attention to his fail ure to face his accusers. Continuing his reference to the prince of Wales , Lord Colcridgo said that the prince was ho "presumed a gentleman , and the in stinct of an honorable man was to range him self on the side of bis friends. If tno prince did not beJle\o the story ho would have made it n point to show the world that he did not believe It , but ho ( the prince ) had not met the plaintiff since. " A military tribunal , the chief justice added In substance , -vould Judce if the proccedincs .vlth which General Williams and Lord gentry were concerned formed an infrac- tlotrrjf the rules and regulations governing the army so with that point tbo Jury need not trouble themselves. He ( Lord Coleridge ) did not know It the gentlemen Just mentioned Jiad or had not broken any military rule , but if they bad done so. in the chief justice's opinion they bad done so with the best of motives. Lord Coleridge also paid that ho did not know why the Jury had been informed that It was Impossible for the names , of the prince of Wales and General Owen Williams to remain on the army list if the _ name of Sir Willian Gordon-Gumming Vfas"eliminatcd therefrom. This had nothing to do with the case. Tbo Jury's verdict would not have the slightest effect upon the military authorities in one way or the other so fur as the gentlemen mentioned were con cerned. Rroceedin ? to the consideration of the precis drawn up at Tranbycroft , and setting forth the outline of the events which took place m regard to the baccarat scandal , tbe lord chief justice said that the precis was not | n evidence in the case , ana that it was merely a statement of the affair written by CBO of the witnesses in the suit. Lord Coleridge then turned bis attention to Sir William Gordon-Gumming , though his eyes were kept continuously upon the Jury men and not upon the plaintiff. During this branch of the discourse Lord Coleridgo se verely criticised the baronet's conduct after leaving Tranbycroft , referring to the events subsequent to September 10 , the day when tbo Traubycroft party may be said to have prokcn un. His conduct tnen , according to tho-chlef justice , was not of a nature tending to show that the plaintiff was Innocent of the charges brought against him. At another and later period of the charge , Lord Colcndgo , referring to the criticism which has been heaped upon tbo prince of Wales slnco the affair first became public for tbo share tbo heir apparent had taken in the Traiibycrofl episode , laid In the main that England was not only a free countrybut a censorious one , Tbo Ufa of tno Jikvce of Wales , Hko that of every Other-person of ran IT , was continually made a subject of public comment. . _ "The prince of Wales , " Lord Cowridgo added , bomeubat pathetically , "poo.- thruugh mauy boring ceremonies , and what tf ho did Introduce baccarat into that great house ! " In the absence of any portion of the scan dal being directly connected with tbo prince of Wales , Lord Coleridge could not imagine bow any harm could bo done to the mon- orcby , to the prince or to anybody else , ad ding significantly , "though soma people flight have asked when tney heard of the trouble at Tranbycroft , 'Why did not ho read his blblo ! " ' "But , " ald the lord chief Justice , "no body was anv the worse for the hard worn- Ing man taking his pleasures among bis friends , " "Did tbo Jurv bcllovo that Jhe pi ilntlff signed the dishonoring document in which po suited that bo bad cheated at card * and dirt this to save the prince of Wales ! Was not the charge evidence far too great for the causal" Lord Colcridgo said In addition that bo couM not understand bow a man could glvj &vviy nil for whli-n , Ufa was valued and all Wb'iU ' muds life worth living. The lord chlel Justice wound up his charge to the Jury with the following emphatic not to bo easily misunderstood remark after what ha had already Raid' "I send you , pcr.t'emcn of the jurv , to do your duty and nu" I'l'i'g ' the noble \\ords of tbo great man to t * t c vision , 'when you pass your Judgment vik ftSir William liordon-Cuintnlnet , 1 pray y j rfy-ollect your own. ' ' W fcn the vase was finally given to the } n5y < i\ cry body seemed relieved. From tbo r -10'Theory rttlrud to deliberate upon their vcrJi t uaitl they returned to tbe court rocri only ttftaeu minutes elapsed , showing apparently that they were of ono opinion us to it" merit * of the case. \\heathoelerlc suddenly announced that taa July w i rady to report , then ) was a movement of surprise throughout the audience encepresent. . The announcement that the Jury had found a verdict for the defendant was received with slluht hissing. The court officers had .SOTIO difficulty for some time In suppressing these marks of dis approbation of the verdict , Thev were , bow- ever , eventually suppn-fi .od and tne court room vacated bv the audicnco. W'ben the verdict wa * announced to be against Sir William Gordon-Cummin ? tbo latter to all appearance * was the matt un moved man la the court. 'He folded bis arms and looked straight at tbo Jury , but otherwise did not move a muscle , bis face not showing tbu slightest trace of emotion. Lord Middlrton , however , Hushed scarlet and then turned very pale. MM. Arthur Wilson and Mfs. Lycett Green vveraaNo noticed to turn pale when the 'verdict was rendered and were evidently greatly frightened when they heard the hisses which greeted It. The two ladies mentioned stood for several minutes whispering earnestly with their counsel , and then , accompanied by their respective hus bands , they passed lowly out of court with bou td heads , nobody spc'aking to them , to all appearances the objects of much dislike. In fact so frightened and downcast were the tearing of the defendants , unless Mr. Bcrkly Levitt be excepted , thatanvbody would have taken them for people who had just had a crushing , withering vurdictTcndorodagalnst them. "Tno Wilsous win" had , as if by magic , spread from tbe courtroom to the crowd out side and Irom tucro all over London , and it was evident as the defendants drove away by xhe chilling manner In which they were recanted that popular . yrapathy wa ? with the guest of Tranbycrolt , whoso future was now us black looking as that of a man con demned to a long term of imprisonment for a helnouscrimc. In the meantime how different was tbe creeling extended to the defeated litigant , to the unsuccessful one. Sir William Gordon- Gumming. The latter all this time , while the defendants with fast sinking Hearts were leav ing the court room , had remained calmly seated in his usual place. When the Wilsons bad disappeared the baronet stood and prate- fu'Iy , smilingly shook bands with Sir Kdward Clarke and with others TV no pressed around him with many cheering "words of sympathy for the man whose career was thus blighted beyond nil hope. The soldierly form of Sir William , Instead of shrinking beneath the blow wbich had been dealt aim. seemed to bo proudly drawn up to its full height o > ho walked slowly but steadily to a little table near by , donned his ovsrcoav carefully placed bis bat on his head and , accompanied by Lord Middleton , walked out of tbo court by one of tbe private- exists , followed bv the pilyinir glances of the ladies "who still re mained in the galleries anxious to have the last glimpse of tho-victim of Tranbycroft baccarat playing. As the still proud looking baronet and Lord Middleton loft the now law courts there was another instance of tbo different manner in wbich the general public looked upon the victorious defendants and upon the defeated plaintiff. Sir William and Lord Middleton were no sooner recocnlzed as they entered the latter's carriage than they were loudly , repeatedly and enthusiastically cheered by the excited crowds packing everv approacn to tbe new law courts , the reception con trasting vividly , and most significantly with the totally different manner dead iilence with which the Wilsons xvere greeted as they drove tiwav. Sir William held a consultation with Sir Edward Clarke , Mr. Gill and his solicitor in tbe course ot-the evening before proceeding home , where bo denied himself to all comers. A group of friends still adhcnng to him mot at the turf club in expectation of seeing him. Since the scandal bccnmo public Gum ming has not been seen at tbe Marlborough or Guards club , but has occasionally visited tbo Turf circle. Tonight the members of the Turf club seemed undecided how to act. Personally Gumming is liked at the club. He has an bonorablo record through out in all his dealings wilQ members of the club and many are adverse to bis expulsion. The division of public feeling uoon the ver dict ivill largely act as a division , the aristo cratic circles siding with tbe decision and ap.- provine Lord Coleridge's charsro , while the mass of the public sympathize with Gumming nnd accuse tbe judge of gross partiality. The hissing with which the galleries of the court saluted the verdict was repeated outside by an excited crowd thronging the corridors. The defendants on leaving the court were . " urrounded by a mob and numbers of in sulting illusions were addressed to them until they reached tbo protection of their carriages. Mr .Lens , their solicitor , had to fly for safety to tho.adjacent chancery court , where he escaped oy climbing over a bench. Just oeforo leaving Mrs. Wilson telegraphed the result to the prince of Wales , adding con gratulations. The popular reaction is largely duo to Sir Edwnrd Clarke's'outspokcn and fearless ad dress. When he appeared In the looby of tbe house of commons tonight ho was greeted witn many congratulations on the ground that he bad aono the best that could be done against enormous difficulties. His friends fear that the Increased distinction he has acquired in tbo trial will not commend him to the court. The line ho took in his allusions to the prince of Wales will be attended with considerable social risk. Tbe court is still an immense socia' ' power and could operate to cbrck the career of even Sir Edward Clarke. A lobbv report credits certain min isters with telling Sir Edward Clarke thut be went too far in his comments on the prince of Wales' relations with his client. Political issues of the affair promise a spet-dy development. A group of radicals in a house of commons , after n private confer ence , have decided to ralso a discussion witb ipccml reference to the prince , of Wales by motions upon tbe army estimates. Mr Mor ton has already given notices that in commit tee on estimates ho mil move a reduction of tbo salary of the Commander-in-chief In order to raise a general debate in the case. An indication of how the religious pub lic view tbo scandal Is riven in the speeches made nta meeting of Methodist leaders tonight on the suppression of gamb ling. Mr. Moulton , president of Wcslcyan conference , who presided , declared that gambling permeated all classes and that it was time tbe evil was confronted , else it would soon ruin society. Pnnce Hughes was cheered to tbo echo In saying that he took tha first opportunity to think Sir Ed ward Clarke for his ( earless and manly speech. Sycophants and time servers , be said , might ccnsuro Sir Edward Clarke , but true men would pralso him. It was reserved for baccarat that tbo heir to the throne should be given to one of the wont forms of gambling. Sir Edward Clarice mtzht have excited the anger of some , but he bad man fully done bis duty. The effect of the verdict In military circles , as generally understood , Is tbat Sir \VIIllaro , major and lieutenant colonel of the Scots Fusilier guards , will be promptly cashiered from the artiiy aud Just as quickly eipellej from the Marlborougb club , the Guards club , the Turf club , and any other social organiza tion to which be may belong. Tbe summing up of tha lord chief Justice during the afternoon was undoubtedly more against Sir William Gordon-Cummlng than wore the chief Justlco's it-murks durin ? tbo morning. The utterances of Lori Coleridge may be said to have amounted practically to instructions to tlud a verdict against tbo plaintiff. Ono of tbe baccarat jury > nen was inter viewed after tbe conrt had adjourned and said theru was no doubt from the nrst moment the jury retired as to how the ver dict would go , Each of the Jurymen , ho said , was asked a * soon as they wcro alouo n bother ho wa for the plaintiff or the de fendants , and each reply was given without hesitation "for the defendants. ' ' The Jury man , tbo ccntlemau \ > bo was inter viewed , frankly admitted that be sympathized with the plaintiff , but he was so struck with the unanimity of opinion which prevailed in favor of the defendants tbat although be would have liked to have found Sot the plain tiff be tald bo couid not conscientiously do so lit face of the evidence which bad txxm pre sented on behalf of tbe defense. The inter view txi Juryman said in conclusion that it ap peared to him that the Jury hid made up their minds ( is to.lbo wrdict they would ren der before the lord chief JuUico summed up and made hU charge. Swcden'a Heir App-trcut III. bTOOKiiiuM. June -Prtnc * Guitave , heir apparent la the throne of Sweden aud Xor- way , is aiufftirouxiy lit will * Lafluenia. CONDEMNED BY THE PRESS. Oomment of London Papers on the Outcome of tbe Baccarat Case. NOT COMPLIMENTARY TO THE PRINCE. The Time * Advises the Wilson Family to Scclc Social Retirement , arid the Course of \ nes. ! LO\POX , Juno P. The Times , Telegraph and News , commenting on the baccarat trial , endorse the jury's verdict. The Kews qualities Its Judgment as follows ; "The pity of It all Is the presence of the heir to the throne at the head of a baccarat table. Woo to the monarchy when it can no' longer perform wbat may fairly bo called Its last surviving use tbat of leading a ptire , simple and cleanly life as an example to its subjects. It is grotesque to have.a prince carrying about baccarat cotmtfirs wherever he goes as a Mohammedan carries his pray ing cape. " The Chronicle has a scathing article , nearly two columns In which it condemns the jury's ilnding and Lord Coleridge's par tiality. It declares tbat no evidence- was ad duced Inconsistent , with the hypotnesis"that Gumming merely played the \\elt known coup do trois. It says : "Tho verdict means ; according to the jury , thai Cummlug doUbar- atoly cheated an illustrious but Impectlnlous friend by a trick reouiririg" "long' and toilsome years of practice to acquire : that though for years an habitual card player without provoKing the 'slightest suspicion , he suddenly plunged Intoa wild and ostentatious orcie , cbcatinc tbo oiily man in the world on wboso patrdnago.bis so cial and professional career depended . There is nothing incredible in Cumminss/gnfng the damaging document on the ' strength'ol a statement of the prince of Wolus' cringing minions dooming him to a fate \rorhe'.fnan , death In order to save what thew1princo of Wales is pleased to call his honor" . Cd'mmtnir is not the first gallant Scottish fcenfletiran who has sacrificed both honor nnd tbe fervid passion of loyalty to the priooo , or whose devotion has been rewarded by cruel nnd cynical ingratitude. Ho has this satisfaction that'no other man without the soul of a flunkey bas ever run the smallest personal risk for the sake of the helrupparent's honor. Tbe article , proceeding , flatly accuses the prince of Wales of violating the pledge of secrecy and calls upon the authorities to in dict Sir Ailllam Gordon-Gumming for the criminal offense of cheating. It declares that if tbey do not the public will know wbat to take , and says tbe duke of Cambridge shriuks from his duty in regard to the military of fense. It is to bo hoped that parli ament will not prove so pusillanimous. The Chronicle finally asks what steps will be taken to vindicate justice in the crime which the prince of Wales compounded by sUnina the compact wita Sir William Gordon-Gumming , or whether tbo infamous scandal will bo bushed up forevtr. Tbe Times advises the Wilson familv , which it accuses of being needlessly respon sible for the tragic ruin of a fine career , to remain in social retirement. In regard to the important aspect of the cae the Times says : "Wo express the universal feel ing of millions of English man and women when wo say that wo profoundly regret the prince of Wales' connection with the affair. Wo almost wish , for the sake of English society , that as the result of this unhappy ca e tbo prince of Wales hud also signed"a declaration that he would never touch a card again. " The Standard says : " "Even if the plaintiff comes out worst in the affair it must bo ad mitted thai tbe defendants and their friends have a somewhat tarnished refutation. The whole business is ignoble from tbo beginning to the end. There is an air of vulgarity and shabbiness about it , acd it must in common fairness be acknowledged that the--prince of Wales cannot be wholly exempted from the censure passed on his associates , " AValos at the Ac t Races. LOXUON. Juno 9. The prince of Wales , fresh from bis weeK of listening to the legal war waged over the baccarat scandal ib the court of queen's bench , was present at the Ascot races today in comoanyjvith the ever popclar princess of Wales and ber daughters , the princesses Victoria and Maud. The auke of Clarence and Avondale. the heir pre sumptive , the duk of Cambridge and tbo duke of Saxeweimer were also among tbe royal party The prince of Wales and all the royalties mcntioaed drove in state from Windsor castle the grand stand , b&ngr pre ceded by the Yeomen prickers ( volunteer light horsemen ) In dazzling uniforms' of 'green and scarlet , headed bv one oflho baccarat trial witnesses , the earl of Coventry , as mas ter of the buckhounils. Amid much cheering and artistic tooting of couching horns the procession was formed , and the whola line of vehicles drove slowly and with much dignity to the royal stand , where , upon the prince of Wales' presence becoming known , there was tx sceuo of en thusiasm similar to those witnessed during tba drive from vVindsor , and all doubts as to the manner In which the prince of Wales would bo received by the public afte'r the baccarat trial revelations were set at rest. But Few "Busses I > un > lr c. LOXPOX , June 0. There was little change In the 'bus striuo this morning. Very few buses are running. A number of road oars loaded with non union men paraded the streets this afternoon. The occupants sang and cheered lustily and were answered witb groans by the strikers. The excitement was Intense , but the police preserved order. The road car directors' met and explained to tha mentonigbVthat it is impossible at present to Increase wages aad pav the dividend proposed. A resolution pleuciug the men to resume work in the morning was carried unani mously. This will enable tbo company to start 100 car * . John Burns addressed a mass meeting of strikers , declared that he had collected 3 in three minutes in tbe county council In behalf of the sinkers and that victory was certain. Tbe speakers were booted at by non-union men , but tbo mounted police kept order. Tbe concession of twelve hour * moans a loss to tbe road car company of JOQOO and to the general omnibus of 70,000. Tbe striking omnibus men have sent out a number of drivers and conductors witb col lecting boxes Into tbe streets and are can vassing tbe pedestrians in tbo leading thor oughfares In 'order to ralso funds to assist them In carrying on the struggle with the companies. _ Oppose IncreitHod Miiniin , Juno 9. Three Cuban members of tbo senatn and the chamborof deputies have received a telegram from a lar o num ber of the corporate bodies aud landed pro prietors of Cuba , oogslug their representa tives to oppose tbo proposed increase of tbo sugar taxes in Cuba , as provided for In the Cuban budirot presented la the chamber of deputies on Wednesday last by Scnor Fable , minister of tbo colonies. Among tba provi sions of the budget were tbo abolition of export duties on tobacco , an Increase of tbe land tax on sugar and tobacco plantations and an increase of the tax on sugar and tobacco producers and alcoholic beverages. In the Common * . LONDON , Juno 9 , After a futile attempt by radicals and Irish members In the bouse of common * today to defeat tbe government by strategem In tbe absence of member * attend ing tbo Ascot races , an acrid discussion arose on Mr. Leas' new clause of the Irish land bill , providing tbat the land commission be recoa tructed. Th opposition accused tbe government of a dcstro to decry nnd thwart the only body possessing" Irlsh'conflJenee be cause It prevented greedy vendor landlords from obtaining exorbitant prices. Mr Smith repudiated Sir William Vcrnon Harcourt's Imputation of a fraudulent Inten tion on tbo part of tbo government , aud de nounced the violence of tne language. Mr. Gladstone challenged Mr. Smith to quote the violent language or tbu words Im puting fraud. Mr. Goschcn warmly defended Mr. Smith. Numerous Irish amendments were rejected , and finally Mr. Balfonr , after declaring that the corcc rose not from Sir William Vcrnon Harcourt's uneasiness , Which was expected , but from his intolerable tedlousncsi. carried the clause under closure , but at the same time ho proposed an amendment which mot with Mr. Sexton's approval. Biill'uur on the Crimes Act. LONDON , Juno 9. Mr. fialfour , chief sec retary of Ireland , said today that all clauses of the crimes act dealing with boycotttnc and intimidating can be withdrawn from the whole of Ireland excepting County Clare and some of tbo baronies in which the "plan "Of campaign's btlll exists. Upon the debate on the govern ment education bill being resumed Mr. Dai- four made a statement to tbe effect that Ireland's share of the budget would be up- plied to freeing elementary education in much the same way as in England. Mr. Balfour - four added that an early opportunity would be takn to deal completely with the problem of compulsory education. Ho bad little bopo that tbo measure would be passed this ses sion , but it had been introduced In order to consider it during recess. Tbo minimum grant for Ireland for this purpose , said Mr. Balfour , in conclusion , would bo f'JOO.OOO. Couldn't Hit the Town. Iqriqrn , June 9. The armored transport Impcrialo nnd the torpedo cruisers Lynch and Condell appeared In slgbt about 4 p..m. today and betran firing on the town , but the range was too ereat and no damage was done. The torpedo vessels were chased by the congressional .ships Uuascar and Abloa. Atfi.:0p : m. all was quiet again , tbo ship having appatently retreated.' srj jr/.vc u.titimLEr. Sub-Committee of the Philadelphia Council Listens to Testimony. PninpELPiiu , Juno 9. vTho sub-commltteo of the couni-.ll which Is Investigating the affairs of ex-City Treasurer Bardsley met todav. Mark M. Davis , secretary and treas urer of the Bradford mills company , prac tically owned by Bardsley , , testified that since January 1,1SS9 , to May II , 1S91 , Bards ley had transmitted to - him ) i505,700 to bo used in the company's basiacss , Davis did not suspect that this was 'not Bardsley's money because tbo latter prior to 1SSO bad given him S7.S,203 for the sama purpose. Charles Liwronca , assistant cashier of tbo Keystone bank , testified that ho knew nothing of Bardsley's transactions with tbo bank. Ho testified that h had before the date of John C. Lucas' presidency of the " bank made alterations in the books "to cover Lucas' overdrafts. At the time of the run on the bank ho told the director * that Lucas1 indebtedness wa ? 1,0-33,000. He and Presi dent Marsh took : every precaution to keep this knowledge fromsBank Examiner Drew by false entries. Samuel C. Lucas , a director of the bank and a brother of the deceased president , tes tified that neither he norbj'sister-in-luw be lieved Lucas' indebtedncss < la the bank to be so lar o as was claimed. 'fThcv bad paid ffiOO.OOO to raise the cloud 'th rras ; ovorlhe good name of Jobn C. Lncas/ John S Davis , who wsoffered the presi dency of the bank and who made an Investi gation of tbo bank's affairs , testified that Lucas owed the bank WJO,000 - In making an examination of the banR's affairs be noticed that persons whoso names were unknown to him were indebted to tba bank for $400,000. This , bo was told , was properly chargeable against the Lucas estate. Tno committee then adjourned until tomorrow. i'lcu < l < Guilty. Pnii.APEi.pnu , June 9. John Barasley , ex-city treasurer , was arraigned this mornIng - Ing on seventeen separate indictments charg ing him with loaning money as a public oM- cer , deriving gain from tbe deposit of public money and converting public money to his own use. He pleaded guilty to every count. ' Two weeks from today was set for 'bearing evidence when the court , would proaounco sentcnco according to its wehrht. While arsrulng for two weeks' delay coun sel for Bardsley said he yna preparing a statement for Bardsley and " would take most of the time to get "it readv. This caused a revival of the rumor that Barasley Intends to make a confession of everything. D'EATII. Litigation ProDablc .In Settling Up Hta Kstrtte. Cnicioo , Juno 9. Soma weeks ago a young man named Charles Dunham , who was re puted to be a wealthy dealer In railroad sup plies , but about whom littlewas known , died of alcoholism at the Wasflngtonian borne. Dunban bad lived in Washington for some years , and it is said he camp.of a good family and was well known lu. social circles in Washington and Baltimore. In bis dying hours be was nursed by an attractive young woman who claimed to be hlv'wifo. Today under tne name of'Dora ' F Dunham she was appointed administrator of the estate in the probate court. Protracted litigation promises to grow out of'DnnUam's death , as his partner In tbo railroad supply business , a man named Fenn , claims to nave a bill of sale of tbo property , made to ' him" by Dunham shortly before bis death. Mrs. Dunham's attorney declines to trivo her maiden name , but says that sbo was' united to Dunham by a common law marriage in Baltimore May 13. ! Ss9 , and tbat Dunham has recognized her as his wife since that time , not only in Balti more , but in the fashionable circles In which they moved in New York. V 8in JOtlA'S ItKjfAIXS. Lying in State In tho" Senate Cnam- hcr nt Ottawju OTTAWA , Ont. , June 9.-JJfee body of Sir John Macdonald now lies in iittte in the sen ate chamber. At 5 a. m. tbe ; rivato funeral service was conducted at Ear iscliffa , by Hec tor Bogard , after which tha remains were berne to the senate chamber At 10 o'clocK the doOrs were thrownt open. sad since that time thereto * been a parfecl jam of visitor * . Lord Stanley ana staff wero'theflrst to come. and as tbe governor general paused at the catafalque be deposited a twjeatiful wreath on tbo casket Next caraoitesnber * of tno cabinet , senators and members of parlia ment , after which privals citizens were ad mitted. | Columbia Law School Commencement WASHIXOTO.V , June 9. The | tew school of Columbia college had its antjnal commence ment exercises tonight beftjre a crowded bouse. There was a largo graduating class. The address to the graduates Was made by ex-Senator Jobn B. llenaerspirof Missouri. Hesoldlu part : "Whin Iseo tbo thriftless farmer leaning upon the governulDnt instead of bis plow for support , and. , the workman wasting bis time in organizing labor unions against capital b-x-ausalt u pot his own and complaining tbat tbo ; world is unkind , the words of ta slus to bls riead come vividly to my recollection : * Thefault , dear Hrutus , is not in our star * , but la our&elres , that wo are underlings. ' " No More Guld Plating of Coins. CUICACIO , June 9.-jTbe secret service oM- cers bave notified all tbo Jewelers of tbo city that hereafter they will 1 prosecuted- counterfeiting In caio they ON caught gold plating illvcr of nlrkel coins for banploi. This action has be n taken became U has been discovered tbat tome of those bangles have been posted as tbo gold coins tbey re- tciab'.o , AFFAIRS AT CAMP CLARKSON , Second Day of the Sons of Veterans' En campment at Genera. NEBRASKA KNIGHTS OF RECIPROCITY. Organisation of the Xew Order nt Hastings A Horc Thief Hound Over Jlydr.iphnhla Among Live Stock. GENEVA , Neb. , Juno P. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] J"ho second day of tne Sons of Veterans' encampment has passed off nicely with notnlng to mar the peace and harmony of the occasion. The morning was spent by the different camps in practice for the com petitive drills whli'h take place tomorrow. The balance of the day was spent in trans acting the business which pertains to tbe or ganization. At 5:20 : the dally dress parade took place , Colonel Coates commanding , and the boys acquitted themselves In a creditable manner. Every train which arrived today brought new Installments of the blue coated boys and the streets of the city tonight ars crowded with them. The camp grounds have all the appendages In the way of amusements to make a success. All Sons of Veterans here were todav pre sented by tbo Kcliof Corps with beautiful hand-painted badiros containing tbo date of the encampment , etc. Tboork of painting tnem was done by the ladles of Geneva , and are something tbat tno boys will keep as me mentos of this" their1 first encampment. Tbe name of the camp has been changed to Camp Clarkson. There are DOW abpu\ two bund.f d and fifty delegates here ifn'd from 700 to SOO Sons of Veterans. Nearly every camp In the state Is represented , and 1C Is expected that all camps will have delegates hen ? . Last ulgbt a camp fire was held In Floral hall , which was .attended by a largo crowd , and the bovs were chocir fUil of enthusiasm and all report a itoOd" time. J. E. Neill camp from Beatrice is here in large number * . Xotwitnstimdlnvr that the prospects are bad for pleasant weStlibr Geneva Is beginning to put on bur gala attire in honor or the visitors who are expected this week. The encamp ment was first named "Camp Coates" In honor of the present commander-m-chief of the Sons of Veterans , who is a citizen of Omaha. For convenience sake the headquar ters will be In town and not at the grounds. They will be located in the parlors of the new hotel , the Jameson , was rushed to completion in view of this fact. The camp is located on the fair grounds , about one-half mile from the center of the business part of tbo city. The grounds are well supplied with water and all conveniences for camping purposes. There are now sixty tents ID readiness for use , all tbat could bo obtained from the state , but there is a large hall that can be used that will accomtnoJato as many as the tents , nnd everything has been arranged for the com fort of tbo visitors. The University of Om hi. BELLEVUE , Nob. , Juno 9. | Special to TUE BEE. ] Tbe annual meeting of the board of trustees of Bellevue collese was held today. Tbe most important business which came be fore the me'etlngjtvas tha..chango in , tbe arti cles of incorporation and tha cbango in the name of the college , which will bo known hereafter as the University of Omihi , the object of said corporation will bo to provide liberal education in letters , science , philo o- phy. arts , law. medicine , theology and other departments of knowledger The .department of letters , science and arts , kriown as Bellevue college , will bo per manently located at Bellevue , and tboso of law , theology , medicine and other profes sional schools will bo located at Omaha or elsewhere as may ba deemed desirable. H. T. Clarke was re-elected president. T. J Balrd of Plattsmouth. first vice president , W. J. Harsha , second vice president , and Rev. S. M. Wove , secretary. The condition was found exceedingly cratlfving , money being in sight'to pay every bill. Wbilo waiting for the train at the depot this evening - ing tbe trustees held a session to consider the matter of building a new dormitory at the college. H. T. Clark having Just sub scribed fXX ) for tbat purpose. Tbo board will probably meet again tomorrow. Fairmont Schools. FAIRMOST , Xob. , June 9. [ Special to TUE BEE.J Tbe eighth annual commencement of tbo Fairmont high scnool was held in the opera house this evening. There were ten trraduatcs this year , the largest In the history of tbo schools. The work done by Prof. Van Eaton during his four years' stay bas placed the Fairmont schools In the front rank of graded schools in the state. Tbe COJHC admits graduates to the senior preparatory class of tbe state university. The graduates were as followaj Grace I. Rushton , Carrie H. Dewov , Mablo Honn , Bertha bimpsou , Helen Miller. Mamio Farrar , Maggie E. Hauphwout. FranoM. Gntchess , Stephen J. Ambler , G. .L. HaUghjvout. The salutatory was delivered by Slis = Grace I. Rushton and tha valedictory by Maggie E. Ilaughwout , both elected , _ Graduating Class. TEKAMAU , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special to THE BEE , ] The graduating exercises of the Tc- kamab high school were held in tbo opera house. Tbe class is composed of Misses Lucy Goodwill , Lillie Merrill , Mattlo Shafer , Emma Smith , Alice Hall , Edna Matthews , Minnie Fischer , mile Swanson , Nora Wy- roff , Carrie Mason , Messrs. AVill Wormnan , I Robert Templeton , John P. Cameron. Wil liam Dayboff , Charles Dayhoff , Lloyd Spiel- man , and all acquitted themselves with credit. Tbe mala quartette composed of Dr. C. C. Smith , F. W. Conklm , F. E. Ward , P. O. C. Sullenberger , rendered ex cellent music. Tbe opera house was packed and standing room was at a premium. Driving ABflociatidii Organized. YonK , Nob. , Juno 0. JSpocial to THE BEE. ] A driving association has boon or ganized In this city. Its object is to advance the interests of trotting and driving horses in the county. A constitution and by-laws were adopted , and ofilccri elected as follows : W. H. Reader , president ; John S. Knott , vice president ; " A. J. Bolster , secretary ; E. W. Mosher. treasurer ; Henrv Fry , t1. Whit- comb , J. W. Small , L. F. Southwortb and T. E , Bennett , directors ; About forty mem bers loined at tbo Initial meotlng. Tbo uo of < tbo agricultural society's track and grounds has been secured , and on July 4 the association will conduct its first special programme. _ A Prosperous School. FIIEMOST , Neb. , June 9. ( Special to THE BEE.J The summer term of tbo Fremont normal and business college opened today. The attendance Is the largest at the begin ning of a term in tbo history of tbe school , 300 students being present at the cnapel exercises - ercisos this morning , with assurances that the number will be increased to 400 before the close of the week. Tbe school is in a most prosperous condition. Next Monday a large addition doubling the capacity of the college proper will bo doalcatod wllu appro priate exercises. A now dormitory with sixty rooms is now l'i ' mxoe&s of construc- llon- xhiu of lleuljiroclty. Neb. , June 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tut BEE. I Pursuant to a call In the local papers for a meeting to be held In the Queen City land company's onice to orfaulzo a ledge of Knights of Reciprocity , an entnus. iastlo meeting was bell It was calioci to order by J. B. Keodle , and on motion , Leo pold Hahn was elected temporary pr * si leal and Fred Reancr temporary iscrclarjr of Hastings lodge No. 1. Many complimentary and enthusiastic speeches wore'made , pro nouncing reciprocity , as now being applied by the United States , n great and wonderful success. On motion the meeting adjourned for one week , until the constitution and by laws are se.-ured , when a rtnaneut organ- lintlon will bo perfected. his Is the first organization of this charau \ In Ncbraskx Hnstincc "Flo d l } * ' , ' ] tort. . HISTIKOS , Xeb. , Juno ITSpecial Tele gram to THE Brc.J An el"5 slastlc nudi- cnce witnessed the third anrt 5tiold day ex ercises of the Hastings colle"l > is afternoon at the college athletic assoen grounds. The tennis doubles were won Brown nnd Heartwclli the mixed doubles Norlln and Cunningham of tbo Hastings cc o ; single * by Sweeney of Crete. Baseball tnnnvinir contest , \ - i by Bert CnniWPll of Hastings ; distance 110 yards. The one milo race was spirited and was won by Moritz of Hastings. Caraweii won the several foot races on the programme with ca e , the Doano contestant being distanced in each case. Football kicking was won by Moritz ; dis tance , 100' feet. The gro nimuio was some what lengthy , but entertaining throughout. Sunday t-choo. Convention. HOLPUCGC , Xeb. , Juno 9. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEC.J The annual convention of the State Sunday School association began a three days' session hero this evculuc , E. A. Stevens of Grand Island presiding. The address of welcome was made by Rev. Chapia of the Holdrego Methodist Ephmpal church , ana after a brief reply by the pioii- dent the audicnco listened to an eloquent address on tbo suojcct ot bible study by Rev. Watnwrieht , About two hundred delegates uro present and a larce number are expected tomorrow , when the convention will bccin its regular work. A Serious lltmn\v\y. Coi.rvntra , Nob. , Juno 0. ( Special Tele- pram to THE BEE.J A serious und possi bly fatal runaway accident occurred on ono of the principal business streets this evening about 9 o'clock. Uus Kochler , an insurance and real citato dealer , was driving borne from n business trip to tbe country. When ho reached Eleventh street his team became unmanageable aud ran about ten blocks into a summer kitchen in the northwest part of town. ICoehler held his scat until the sud den stop , when ho was thrown to the grouud and rendered unconscious. He is badly In jured internally and has two ribs broken. Omaha nnd Sioux City 1.1ncs. XIOBIUIM , Xeb. , Jube 9. [ Si > ecial to THE BEE.1 J. E. Bennett , an agent in the Inter est of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad , was in town yesterday tak ing notes in connection with the plans filed in the county cleric's ofilce on the 3rd by the Sioux City & Northwestern. He explained that the route into Niobrara from Bloomfield would not materially interfere with the Sioux Citv line. Papers ware served on him as agent of the Omaha line to keep hands off the line as surveyed by the Sioux City company , and other agents have accepted service. Brownville Graduates. BnowsviLLc ; Neb. , June 9. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Last evening Prof. M. B. C. True of tbo high school of ibis place dellv ered his address to the graduating class be fore a large and appreciative audience in the opera houso. Commencement exercises will be held next Friday evening , at which time tbo graduates will receive their diplomas. Amonz those who will graduate are Wamon A. Brown and Emma B. . Brown , children of humble colored parents who for a number of vears have resided in Brownvlllo. Bound Over. STUART , Neb. , Juno 9. ( Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] James Carroll , who decamped with the team of bis employer , Patriak Mc- Doni.ld , 'last Friday and wa ; captured at Burwcll on Saturday uleht , was arraigned before Justice- . W. Wertz yesterday. Ho was bouud over aud in default of boil waj sent to jail. It is probable ho will plead trullty bsfore Judsro Kinkaid and receive a Hcbt sentence. He attributes tbo cause of hts rash break to drink. Oddfellows Decorate. WI > TEHX , Neb. , June 9. [ Speolal Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Oddfellows memorial day was observed at this place today by the Tobias and Western loJgcs. A procession was formed at tbe ball and marched to Plain- view cemcwrv , wbere , after appropriate services had been held , tha graves of deceased - ceased Oddfellows were decorated. The floral offerings were elaborate and coitly. To Itt n New Itnnd. Nioniuni , Neb. , Juno 9. [ Special to THE Bnc.j At a special meeting of the board of supervisors last evening special elections were called In three townships In the eastern part of Knox county to vote Sl',000 bonds July 13 , 13 and 17 in aid of the Yankton , Nor- follc & Southwestern railroad to Wausa , con necting with tbe Omaha lino. Bitten by a Mud NF.WMVS Gnovr , Neb. , June 9. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Several weeks ago a maa dog ran nt large here for several days and before it was killed bad bitten a large amount of stock. The result is that a numocr of bogs belonging to fanners have died of hvdro- phobla. It is reported that a child. at-North Brunch was also bitten. A It'A V TO RVKOPE. "Western People Who Seek Pleasure Abroad Shipping News. NEW Yoiih- , Juno 9. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The following Wyoming folks sailed on the steamship Wisconsin of tbo Guion line : Mr. nnd Mr * . DInxvooly , Mrs. Taylor , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Isaacs , and Mr. and Mrs. William James. Mr. T. A , Mansfield , Des Moines , sailed on the steamer Servia of the Cunard lluo for Liverpool. Steamship Arrivals. At Boston TheStato of Maine , from Liv erpool. At Philadelphia Tbo Maine , from London. At Moville Tbo Ethiopia , from New York. At New York The City of Chester , from Liverpool. _ tllE H'EATHKIC If O RECAST. For Omaha ana Vicinity Showers ; sta tionary temperature. WAPIUXOTOK , Juno 9. Forecast till 8 p. m. Wednesday : For the Dakotas Light showers ; cooler ; northerly winds. For Nebraska Light showers ; cooler ; northerly winds. For Iowa Light showen ; stationary tem perature ; southerly winds. For Kansas Light showers ; cooler ; westerly winds. For Colorado Fair , cooler ; northerly winds. Iron nnd St el Worker * . PiTTsnujto , Pa. , Juno9. Tbo Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers today endorsed the bricklayers' strike. Tbo amal gamated also pledged Its support. The en dorsement of the bricklayers' htrike as passed py the convention contained a signifi cant clause , stating that the magnificent C. L , Davis < Atvln Josllu ) theater building hero was being put up by entirely non-union men , and dctflritig all labor organizations to "re member that in tba future. " This tneaus a boycott. Forest Flrrs In Mulnc. SKOWUEOAV , Me. , June 0. Largo forest flre are raging in the vicinity of tbe Upper Enchaiited Ponds and on I'uihi. Uoatu. It j U feared tbat all the dams in tie I'arlin stream and lumber rim pi theu- and on tbe ' I'pper Eucban'od will bo dctr'Vfd F"th Ing but nun will keep the fires from spreaj. lag. , Remarkable Question from Nebraska Dis posed of bj Commissioner Morgan. RIGHTS OF ORIGINAL AMERICAN CITIZENS , CnnuTlntt's for Promotion In the Army Patent * for Western Inventors ioutli Dakota Lund Contest Cases. WASHINGTONtlimetuTui ; Her , 1 i 13 FouitritBVTii STIIEKT > , WASIIIXOTOV , D. C. , 5ft ! f ludlan Commissioner Morgan today dls- po ed of a very remarkable question wbich was presented by Superintendent LJaekus of the Indian school at Genoa. Nob. Superin tendent Backus soma time ago advised the commissioner of Indian affairs upon the strength of resolutions passed oy the workIngmen - Ingmen of Norfolk , Nob. , to prohibit for po litical reasons the working of Indians In the sugar beet fields of tbat state. Superintend ent Backus' protes.ors looked upon the work of an Indian In the same light as they w uld regard tbat of a convict or alien. Commis sioner Morgan says in hi * letter to tbo super intendent tlmt tbo Indian is the original American citizen and has n better right to work when , wbere and bow bo pleases than any other citizen of this country ; that the Indian originally owned this country anil that white people are in point of fact trespassers upon it. The commissioner regards the advice of the Nebraska superintendent and the organ ized labor friends as tbo most advanced step ever heard of against , the education of tbo Indian and the efforts of the government to maku him self-supporting , and believes that it would better become tbo Indian to protest against the methods of those who object to his labor. Commissioner Morgan reminds theobjoctors that the people around tbe Car lisle. Pa. , school are sufficiently civilized tenet not protest npainst the education of the In dian and snjs that if the people of Nebraska " desire It be" will bo glad to transfer tno Indians from the Nebraska school to tbo ono at Carlisle , nnd close up the former and let the people of Nebraska themselves take charce of the education of their Indian ? . At the Indian otlico tbe suggestion from Ne braska Is regarded as the most unique of the ace and if it could be framed wiula doubtless attract widespread attention at the world's fair. MILITARY OKPEHS. The following named officers will report In person to Colonel Frank Wheaton , Second infantry , president of the examining board , convened at Fort Omaha , nt such time as may be designated , for examination bv the board as to tholr fitness for promotion : First Lieutenant William J. Turner. Second in fantry ; First Lieutenant Montcotnory D. Parker. Ninth cavalry , Second Lieutenant Leon T. Roudiese , Fifteenth infantry ; Second end Lieutenant Arbrabam P. Buffinirton , Seventh mfnntrv ; Second Lieutenant Fred erick V Krug , Eighth Infantry. The officers named will report their addresses at once to Captain John K. Warring , Secoaa infantry , recorder of the board at Fort Omaha , and will hold themselves In readiness to appear for"cxamlnation when summoned utWbu'tba conclusion of their respective examinations will return to their proper stations. I'ATEXTS ISbCED. Patents were issued todav as follows : James H. Calta , Sastalia. S. D. , stove ; Ivory G. Colc-ord , Dos Moines , la. , tooth for thrash ing machine ; George W. Howe , Wasbmeton , la , , ventilator ; Edward C. Johnson , steam eccino ; Peter F. Petersen , assignor of one- half toW. . O. Schmidt , Davenport , la. , safety car brake ; Fremont Reynard , Amhcrst , Neb. , nut lock ; William W. Runyon , Coming , la. , bill file : Arthur Ryan , assignor of one-half to B. Lindsav. Pierce , Neb. , hay gatherer aud stacker ; Henry Scbmltz , Wyraoro , Neb. , bridle : Augustus W. Araughn. Meulo. as- signor to F. H. Ivingsbury , ( Jreston , la. , printing machine. JIIsCELLAXEOUS. Tbo marriage of Miss Barbara Hoffmat of Bentonville , Va. , to Mr. Robert L. Donahue of Iowa took place at tbe Ivy City church near here in the presence of their friends and the congrecation. Tbo ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Buck. After tbo wedding Mr. and Mrs. Donahue repaired to the residence of Mrs. Charles Rosewag , where a reception was held. The bride ana groom will tnko qulto an extended tour through tbo south and west , making loua their home. Acting Secretary Chandler today remanded back to tbo local olticcr at Huron , S. D. , tbe contest case of Orsdn T. Gilaen vs John N. Hawkins. He affirmed the decision In the casq of William L. Jacobs , rejection of proof from the Aberdeen , S. D. land ofllce. Ptnur S. HEATH. Unknown Young Wonia-i Found Floatinu In tlic Delaware Illvcr. CAMPEX , N. J. , Juno 9. The body of a pretty young woman was found floating in the Delaware river above the Vine street ferry landing today. Mystery surrounds tha cause of her death. On the wharf near wbera the body was found , a pocketbook wa * picked up , containing a receipted bill in tbo name of Blanco Humphrey. Several articles of wearIng - Ing apparel were also found. These are prac tically tbe only clues to tbe unfortunate woman's identity. An examination of tha body revealed two bruises on one of her limbs. No otter marks of violence have been discovered The clothing is of good quality and the woman was evidently re fined. Mrs. Coleman , xvho resides near the river , states that near midnight last nlgbt sbd beard a scream and n volco cry out "For God's sake don't , " and then the heard a splash. A deck band on a ferry boat wblcb crossed tbo river between Philadelphia and this city was at the landing place at which the body- was found , saw tbo body this afternoon and recognized it as the body of a girl ho taw on tbo boat on which ho was employed last night. He sayb that early in tbo evening two rather rough looking men , accompanied by tbo girl , crossed from Philadelphia to this city. Shortly afterwards they wont back and later on the three came over again. Near midnight tbo men returned to Philadelphia without the woman. The man U positive to bis identification of the body. Tbo police learned tonight that the dead woman bad worked for Mr * . Edenburo , a dressmaker at 1SJ9 North Eighth treot , Philadelphia , by whom she was also known as Carrie Burroughs. Mrs. Edenburn iay tbe woman bad been in her employ about tix weeks. She loft her house between 7 and 8 o'clock Monday evening , apparently In good spirits. The woman had stated to ber tbat her homo was in bbamokin , Pa. Tbe pollca are Inclined to tbu theory of suicide. Mnrdi-r Caused hy Jealousy. DENVER , Colo. , June Ex-Poltcemaa James C. Jones this evening met hi * wife walking with T. J , Stnuvti near Twenty , suth ana California streets , and after quar reling with blm for a moment drew bis re volver and shot Strawn dead. Jealousy was tbo cause , although there scorns to be no foundation for lu The murderer was arrested , but refuse * to say a word about tb affair. AI er on Illalnu. SBATTLK , Wash. , June 9. General RuiftU A. Alger of Michigan arrived here y ester- day. In aa Mntervlow ho said ; "If Mr. Blame indicates to the republican party that be i.I b < ? a ou.Ji < 1ate for preilduut I tntllevo b t\ ill > r ' LI -atta l in a muuu-nt. I bellavo hf w i L > . Uiu bett mun In the republican P-rty "