Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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lin tnkrn until IZ&Op. in , , fortho evening
edition , nml until flsro p. in. , ( or tliu morning
edition And bunoxr llrt
mEUM8-CnsU In advance }
TJATES Arlvertl'rmentson thlRpnenwIllbo
J elmrpod for nt thn rate of Hi cents par
vronl for Ilin flrnt Insertion , nnd Icrnltiorword
for cncli Mibfr | tinnt Insertion , nnd per
linn per month. No Advertisement taken for
Iffs ( linn si cents for tlio first Insertion.
TNITIAT.r1. UKsymbols. . etc , , conn tench
JL UK one word.
rplinrft advertisements must run ronsecti-
J. tlvoiy nnd umlrr no nircumstnncpi will
they 1 o token or illscontlniicd liy telephone.
PAllTIEB ndvcrtlslne In tlio n roliimns nnd
linvlnc their nimwrrsnndrrsfipd toa"nnm-
t ft I'd letter In cnro of TUB HF.K. will roccl vo a
nnmlirrd check to rnable thorn to pel tholr
JrttiT * . Answers will bo onllvorcd only on
presentation of thin check. Tni'loso answers
In envelopes properlr aadrcssrd.
I , I , ndvortlfpmonts uni'rr ( tin Imnd of
A " .yprdal Notices" nro published In both
Ilio mornlni nnd ovrnlnR cultlonsof TIIK HUE.
HIP plrcnlnllon of which nirprepnlm morntliiin
JO.fOO piiprrs dally , nnd plvrs the iidrcrtlsor
llipliptipflt not only of thn Inriro circulation of
TDK ItEK In Omnhn , hut nlso In Council muff * ,
Lincoln nnd nthcrcltles nnd towns n thewcst
Advertising for these column' wio * taken
onlho nl ovr ) < < ondltlon . at the fii.owtnz busi
ness houses who aronutliorlml to tiikn special
notlrr * . nt the same rates us can bo had at the
main ofllcc.
621 N. Street , Lister HlooK.
TOIINW. IIELU Pharmacist , llth ft Mason"
' stroot.
I1APE It EDDY. Ftatloncri and I'rlntor
113 South lOth street.
rumlnzstreet . KAUNSWOKTH. niarmaclsU 2115
S. 1'lmrmaclst. C24 North ICth
street ,
/ 1EO. W. 1'ARR , riiurmaclst , 1718 Leaven-
north street
tlUHES' 1'IIAltMAOY. 24th and Karnam.
J'ormte > , etc. , itetop offrttculumnnn thin pics.
TnffA NTE iT ijnUoiT is n8si" niit'ubook -
. keener , olnrk or poncrnl olllce work.
Best of references. Address. I * Si , HOP.
' M 693 11 *
_ L
WANTEDSltuatlnn by a young lady
stenopruphor. ExDnrliincnd. Good rof-
orcncos. Address O. It. , 019 N 17th at. , olty.
M t&8 10 *
SITUATION WnntPd hy a young married
man ( is porter ; references and bust of rec
ommendation. Address 1' "U , lieu olllco.
MCSO 10 *
SITUATION Wnntcd-ny innn and wife ;
competent to take ulmr o of farm ordalrr
buslnOHs.i Address V 25 , Deo. MCTtSO *
WANTED--A position hy a competent lady
fitonogrnphcr. Host of references. Address -
, dress l . , iB. Hop. _ 072-8 *
WANTED Situations for good girls ; my
waiting rooms nro always full' from fl a.
m , to ( > p. in. Canadian Employment ofllco.
3M'j ' H. l til. Telephone 881. 249
nurse. Mrs. S. E. IJouton
1815 Pass strcot. Omaha. _ : uu yip
J'orrac ( , etc. , tcetop offlnt rnlurnti on IMspagt.
"V\7 ANTED Silosman traveling from Omaha
IT to handle "Maglo" pocket cigar lishter.
dime , nickel ( ind penny solf-roglstcrlng banks.
Excellent fllilo lino. Liberal commission. N.
ijr i > u. , iiuu uuuuing.
"W ANTKD - - Mun rccplvoJnstructlon.keop :
books. Call 035 Now York Llfo. Wages
115. MC80 9
TUST out. Most wonderful advertising dev -
v vlro over known. Pells to every merchant
and miinufnctiiror. Splendid employment.
Hlg pay. Steady work. I ncloso stain ] ) . Arc
J. Mfg. Co. , icaclnc , WIs. MfiBTiO *
WANTED Ono carriage trimmer , at once.
O. J. Anderson , Ul'J ' South 12th St.
f MGt JO *
" \Trj\NTi- ; ) 3 news agents , teed runs for
* good mon. Apply in person ; no attention
paid to loiters. K. K. News Co. , Lincoln , Nob.
WANTED Salesmen nnd salesladies every
where , on salary or commhslon. Call or
address McQnlston Mfg. Co. . room 32 , Darker
block : MOW 13 *
WANTED-2 flrst-class milkers. Amos Ava.
Dairy. J. K. tloeh , GQ1 10 *
ANi'EO Organizers hy the Krlendly Aid
Society. Pays Its members 8100 every
nix montliK. Has paid $30 .ooo In bonellts.
Kraervo and bcnellt fund held In trust by the
Btatoof Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad-
die.s Krtoudly Aid Society , Waltham , Mass.
" M530 Jy3 *
ANTED Atonce.aichltccturaldraughts-
innii , good at detail nnd construction.
Apply W. H. Allord , manager I. Hodgson. Jr. .
Drown blk 10th and Douglas strcot 001-8 * *
, > 7 ANTED At Grand Island nnd Norfolk.
-cssaotlvo young men and boys to work In
Ijool Holds. J. O. Ilamllton , Secy. M537 11
AGENTS wanted ; cash registers. Klrst-
oliiss , ronponslblo agents to sell "Tho
Cashier , ' the only register perfectly adapted
to retail Mores ; cash or credit business ; ren-
flonablo prices. American Cash Register Co. ,
1(8 ( Qtilncy street , Chicago. Moll 9 *
WANTED Teamsters , shovelors and
trackmen for work In Wyoming and
Bouth Dakota. Albright Labor Agency. 1120
Karnam street. MISl
3 WANT tin all round printer for permanent
position , who In a good local writer nnd n
coed solicitor , makes friends and can keep
them : must send satisfactory references ns to
hone.sty , sobriety , faithfulness and activity ;
Wages from $10 to $15 ; state , , experience ; want
Mm right a war fora largo weekly In Kansas ,
AddrcssO 01 , lloo olllco. 4188 *
" \V ANTKD-SalpsmPii on salary or commfs-
rl hlon to liandlo the now-.patent chemical
Ink pruning pencil ; the greatest selllnciiovol-
ty ever produced : orates Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; no abranlon of paner : 20U to WO
per cent , prollt ; one agent's ales amounted
- to $ il o In six < | ays ; another $32 In two hours ,
-r wo want one general agcntfor cachstato nnd
toirllory , Kortnrmsnml full partlciilnrs. ad
dress the jlonroo Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Orosso ,
WIs. 247
i. etc. . tec top of first column onthUpnoc ,
"IX'ANTKIV A girl for general housework In
' small family , with references : 1000 Far-
cam Btroot. s ± J
G IKli wuntod for general housework IfilO
Sherman avo. Mrs , J , M. Coiinson.
677-14 *
\VANTEI-Coinpotont girl for general
Y > housework. Apply , 7UIM. 23d at. CM 0 *
\X7ANTEP-OlrI to take enro of children or
VI assist at housework at Oil N 17th tit.
071-10 *
"IX/ANTKD Olrl for gonnral housework.
" T < ! o6d wages paid , 3 In family. Inquire 511
SSUhhtroot. OCl
WANTED A clrl for general housework as
( Irst or second girl. Cornmn profored.
-oaHi corner lUth and Howard. MU47 0 *
" \\7ANTKD-Olrl for general house work.
> V IS11 S. mh htrect MGI4 13 *
" \\7ANTED-Cpmpeteiitsowlng woman. I'or-
i maiiont omploynieiit. Mrs. A. M. Carter.
S.MO Parimm struct , 457
for liUf .f < ' . . rrt top > ot flrit fnntinn nil md uno
TTIOU UENT-Cornor Hat , nix ontsldo roomst
J. also rioms snltablo for olllco and living
roonm. Ho ferences required. Wright & Las-
bury , 1GQI Howard. GCU-IO
m\VO U-room now brlok lionsca , 2.VTJ. Si7B
4. Harnoy stroot. Hmeaton & Allen , inuil Knr-
limn street.
OH' HENT-Choiip. Eight-room f urnUhed
lionso , on motor Uno ; largo shady yard :
barn. MuclomlU15 N. V , Life. MUi'i U
QOIJ ! Oapltol Avenue S-room cottaii > . West
i half -Ml Davunportstreot Uheao. Innnlru
at 'J31S Oapltol avonuo. M3I1 10
. irou KENT 10 room IIOUHU. all modem Im-
JL1 proviinuMiU , 8 ; ' ! d , botwouu St. Mary'a avo-
nilD and Howard. Encjulro cor 31st and rtt.
Mary's avonuo. SID
S iTEAM noatod ni"durn llata. 707 unU 709
Mouth lOtn. E. K lllnutir , 1MO 1'urniiui.
"IjAOU KENT 0-room home , modern convuii-
JL1 lunoos , X&H Davenport struct. Inuulro
8aa Davenport atruot. 4S9
17MH HKNT By Juno 20 , U-room homo
' V uowly painted and papered , well , cistern ,
_ * olty water , bath and furuavo , SMI Uavpiiport.
MsM 10 *
"fiVMl ItKNT llrlok house , eleven room ,
. * avery eonvoulvnca. Apply on promUes.
ur. dwurUluntlu.VOlu nud Ouultol avVnne.
MWl U *
_ _
ForniU * . tle.tMMp of ftrst column on thlt pags ,
TT OIt RKNT Rlcxnnt lO-rmim hrlok lionto
JL. nil modorii linnr'ivuw nuts on car lino. J. II
I'arrnUf. H. K. cor Kith and Dodgo. _ 075
171OK ItENT 1-rOtim rnttrrRnwtth Unrnrtmrt
JU fiirnltnro for Bale , 1721 g. 1'th ' at. 68.1 ia
HOt'HK ' , S rooms , burn , olty wntor , ,1M urrei ,
inisturo , North 21th nt , duo cast 1'ort
Umnlui , II- per month. Apply tmnirdlataly
across tlio utruot. M C91 lS'
'I/UNKnow IS-room house with all modern
- * Itiitirovoinrntt and barnj flno location for
a pliyslclan. J , U. 1'arrottu rontnl UKOIIUV.
IF you wish to rent a house or store sec II. E ,
_ t'olc , Contlnontal block. 'J.VJ
K-HOO.M house , nlco yiird , uliiidn Irons , city
-'nnd clstprn water , uloftnnt noljjnl'orhood , a
nloekH from ttruotcars , till S. ith aviiinto. or
Itoll'a pliariiiacy. cor , llth and Mason , 2M
Ij'tOll HKMT 10-room housn , centrally local-
tid , modurn ImprovcmoilUi , Imiulre , 711 ! N ,
10th. -OX
_ _
rpEN-ItOOM liouao with barns desirable lo-
-L oiitlon , moderate rent , lloard llros. . 14 in
M 837
"TTIOU ItENT 8 room hoitsp , fl room rott.tgo ,
J.1 bath. otc. Apply 0. S. lilRUttur , 601 N. Y
Llfo bldg. < W
_ _ _
TTIirTEnN 0-room brlok homes , all modern ,
JL. except fiirnncpJ2..V ) tier month , near Hhcr-
inan aventio motor. U. F. Harrison , 012 N , V ,
Llfo. 014-J83
_ _
HOUSBfor rent Two story IIOIISH H rooms
with all modern Ininriivomonts. a13 ! Lake
street. 0. 1) . Woodwortli l..U Iou las. UOJ
TTlOIl ItKNT 7-room hoiiftn. Iff. . ' Ilarnoy. In-
-L' ( jnlrnA. If. Gladstone , 1JIO Dou lus street.
FOItHKNT Kltchnn , ( lining .room , and ex
tra rooms If doslrod. In Hat of ' * . ' fur-
iilshrd rooms. Kamllv of llvo persons will
Loan ! with party , and can have tiny amount
of nrst-oluss bo.mlors besides , liuiulro RiU S.
Kith. _ 4fil-8
TT1OH UKNT Now 7 room houso. with all
J- modern ImprdviMiionts , 1 tilouk 5iom Wal
nut Hill motor , iX. Thco. Olsen , 'M N. Y. Life.
10-HOOM house , burn ; Kountzo Place : . . . . .
li month to right parties. J , J , Ulbson. U.
3 , Crolghton block. Ml)5 ! )
8-ROOM brick house , all conveniences , $25 ;
fi-room brlcic house ' , tJO. H. K Cole , 0 Con
tinental. ? / . ! tt >
HOUSES , all klnds-threo nicely furnUliedT
pundy&CT. , 1014 Capitol avenue. bU7
. ; KENT -Largo number Of houses , stores.
Hats , etc.$3.00 per month and up. Now
list 1st of each month. George J. 1'aitl , 100)
Knrnam stroot. 001-JyU
FOU KENT , cheap : a good < cn room modern
house. Inqulro SuVM Capitol avenue. II.
II. lioblson. MU73 JIB
"ITIOH KENT Ilandsomo 11-room modern
JL1 house : all conveniences : In perfect order ;
paved streets : motor , and within 5 minutes
walkof po-Uolllco. Nathan Shelton , 1IU4 Far
nam street MI51
Formic * , etc. , see tup of first cnliimn on this ptge.
FOH KENT Nicely furnished room , gas and
hath. 2U10 llarnoy strcot Koforonco 10-
tlulred. MG82 IIJ *
T > LEASANT rooms with private family for
JL three gentlemen , 2404 Cuss st. M H8U 15 *
rflWO or three nlco rooms for housekeeping.
JL 321K N 15th street , Mat C. G.VMU *
TTlUHNlSllED roonls. 13H N.Slst. near cable.
- li.7 Jy 7
FIHST floor private house ; yard und shade.
CI2 S. tOth street. MC43 0 *
LARGE front room , also small room , : r22 N
15th street. 52.5-8 *
LAKGE furnished room , modern convcn-
Icncos ; $12. 524 3. 10th St. , lint D. MOtl 0 *
T7IURNIS1IED rooms for light housekeeping
-L' or bedrooms ; 4UO N IDth street , 3d lloor.
070-9 *
17\OK \ KENT Two nicely furnished rooms nt
JJ 2ia Harnoy. _ 578-8
T71OR KENT Kurnlnhod rooms , 119 S. 25th
JL1 street. Splendid neighborhood. M5)9 0 *
FOll RENT Nicely furn shed rooms In nrl-
vato resMonco , 1522 Howard , corner lOtlt
street All modera conveniences. Lawn
around building ; 497
( rent , room. 1701 Oapltol avo. Jli
OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1C07 Douglas.
VERY pleasant front room in private fiim-
lly for gentleman. 8J5 S. 29th at. _ 3J1
rpWO or four rooms , light housekeeping , 2020
- 1St Mary's avenue. 172
ILEASANT rooms , single or on suite. 115
South 20th st 778
Jorrii ( , cc. , cefopo/rflf ? column on this .page ,
TTiOH KENT To gentlemen , a largo nicely
furnished fiont room with alcove
and bay window. Alt modern conveniences ,
nice lawn ; private family ; with board. No
W2 Georgia avcuuo , S 29th utroot. OfiO-10 *
NICELY furnished front room and board
A for two. 2011 llarnoy street W18-11 *
LHASANT furnished rooms with board.
vry desirable location , Koferoncos. 2214
Karnam. M Kll 13 *
HANDSOMEsnlto of rooms with board , 1622
Chicago strcot. MHS 0 *
DESIRAT1LE second lloor rooms , either fur
nished or unfurnished , and board at the
I-ronzor. 110 N.SSth strjct M571 Jy5
T7\URNISIIED rooms with first class hoard ,
A. MIU Douglas street. 499-10 *
TJOOMS and llrst-class board , 1901 California.
- * - * ' 585 Jy5 *
_ _
TARGE front corner room , handsomely fur-
-'nlshcd ; also smaller onellrslclass ) ; board.
1931 California st. 680 12 *
ROOMS with excellent board , $25 and $23 per
montn. 411 N. 19th struot _ 43S-UI
TflURNISHED roomsboard,253J StMary'savo
riAHE st. Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th and
-L Dodge , will make low rates 'or rooms by
the week or mouth with or without board.
_ _
UUNISHED rooms and board , 1923 Dodge.
[ M258
_ _
Forraten , tic' , eeetopofflnt column on
OAIlDINa Tttblo "board , Tfonfo .
with or without room ; bath and gas. 1015
Douglas. . 1570 12 *
_ _
DAY boarderssolipttcd at 001 South 20th
street i U15-12 *
_ _
ULLMAN house. 1310 Dodge street , for
good board , nice rooms , modern conven
iences ; rates and location It cannot bo ox-
celled. Mrs. Horn , Prop. M103 Jy2 *
Funatej < , ( tc.i ( tajinfflrftcoluii > n on this pans
TfTOR RENT Kind , smalt family apartments.
-L1 all ontsldo rooms ; best locality , modern
Improvements. Inquire. iM 1'axton block. 257
NEW , miidnrn and most desirable In thnoltyT
Throoor four room hultcs.818 8 , 22nd stroot.
T. L. Von DOrn. M484
For rate * , etc , , we fop of jirttcolvmn on Ihli pige.
OirRENTTho 4-story brick hulldng.wlth
or without power , formerly ocuplod liy the
Ilco Publishing Co. , 91H I 'u mam st Tlio bnlld-
lug has a tlioproof cement bai > umontcomploto
itcanflieatln ; ; Hxtures.wator'on all tlmllours ,
; as , etc. Apply at the olllco of Tho. lice. 015
Ij'OR ItENT Store , gtwdttand , with d-rooms
'Jp ; \ stairs , lately occupied as saloon , 2il.M N
uiuet , SoiUh Omalia. Apply E. Koaron , IllOS
15th btrcet , Omaha. _ 527-10 *
FOR UENT-In Shonandoah. la. , a good
hrlolc business house , third door from
iKwtotlloe. luqtilro of J. R. Irvln , t-lioniindoali.
la- M3US 12'
FOR HENT-OrRiilo. my bulldlnR on Jones
st.boUOth&lUli G.A.Undiiulat.'JlOS ] 5th.
_ _
FOU UENT-Desk room , at 811 N. Y. Llfo
building. xta
WOK RKTJT-Tho thrco-story brlok bullil-
* In * , 1110 Douglas street , miltablo for wholo-
lalo purposes , 1110 per month. Una * . Kmuf-
nmnn , ittti : Douijltts street. ya
Forrtitt.ite. , itetop gfjirtt column
GARDEN farm to rant. T. Murray.
m 9
I WILL take horses In pastures ot 3M acres ,
ClialTeo farm , 3 miles s , w. ot South Omaha.
lear Burpy mill * . UUS 12 *
; rooms a 1707 nndTonSoutli ICth , steam
STOIIF . E. K. Hlngor. 15IU Farnam.
Forratt * , tie. , itetop nffirtl eolumnon tht $ pige ,
WANTED Kurnliihod rooms and board In
' ' small private faml y for Rentloman , Indv
and child. Address P 10 , lice otllco. B70-8 *
for rnlft , tte. , _ tee laoat _ _ flrttt > tnmnnn thtt nrvjt.
177" E. COLE rental agency , Continental bjk.
yorratcetc.frr.topofflrit column onlhm page ,
BEST Rlorngo building In Omaha , govern
ment bonded warehouse : household goods
eared for : lowest rates. W.'M. Dushmnii , 101'
Loavenworth , 20.1
IIEAPKST and boststorago for furnlturo.
Wells , 1111 Karnnm street 200
STOKAOE of household good * : olunn , dry
place , privately stored , term * moderate :
wo also store stoves during tliu gilinmuri wo
will got inoni from tlio hoiison and dollvcr
tlioni In the full In good trl mi To I. 000 : 1207
Douglas. Onmlia atovo Uopulr Woika. 7:0- : 17
OLDEST , chonpcst iiiut best Morigo ; house In
olty. Williams & Cross , 12U Jlarnoy street.
For rate * , rte. , tec top cffirtt column nil thl page ,
WANTED To huy on oasv ipaymonU
house of about 7 rooms nnd fnlrslzad lot
In peed locution. Address t'JII , "Due ollluu.MC7fi
WANTED To huy a liorso and buiiiy. llrst
class board In iiuyiiiunU 1UJ1 U.iUfnriilti
atrcot. MBit 0 *
WANTED To buy Rood rnstdoneo' lot or
liousu nnd lot , or several loU'Iocatod so
us to mnUu u peed building slirhu must bo In
first class resilience part of the city. "Parties
answering this should giro full description of
property , lowest | , rluo , torms. whuthor Incum-
bciud , und If so Low much , O ll > ' Ilco oQleo.
t U71
_ _ _
K you have any old clothes to soil lot nio
know by Mall. Kallsh , 2133. J3th stroot.
M U7IJ-.T 10
For raits , etc. , tee top of first column ijn thlt page ,
FOItSAljE Furniture of a 10-room nou'so
cheap. Ho use for rant' Inquire 19 ; J Uoazo
HOUSEHOLD furniture , now and'accoml
hand , for sale on easy payments. Call
nnd examine before purchasing , Store IfL'l
Howard street. MS11 Jap
FOH SALE At n great sacrlflcc , elegant
household furniture. line carriage team ,
carriages. sleigh. harness and robes , also flno
Jersey cow. A. J , Hanscom. 1824 Douglas st
(107 ( J 15 *
Formic * , etc. , ree top of frt.1 column nnthlx p ge ,
FOK SALE Sorrel liorso ; Rood driver or
for saddle : perfectly gentle. Owner leavIng -
Ing city. Address 1' . S7 , Ilfco. 633-10 *
IJ1OK SALE Ladles' phaeton , nearly new ,
* - very cheap. Ituiulro at 1'ark Ave. Ltvorv
stable. 381 li'
_ _
riMIE Standard Cattle Co. luivo a few gentle
JL old cow ponies suitable for children that
they can sell cheap. Apply at their olllco at
Ames. Nob. M474 10
ir.OKSALE Family oarrfaso. Lee . .
JL' ols. stable 28th and t.oavenworth. nigliS
TTOU SALE Hand v road wagon. Can bo seen
JL room 4 lloo building , 212
Ferrates , etc. . seetop of first column on this pige.
TTlOItr.SALE ISOi cordsmlxeT woodI at FTo r-
JL ! onco. Inqulro 11. O. Clark , 1218 llarnoy.
A1574 0
FOR SALK White pine klndllns at Consol
idated llox & Mfg. Co. , 20th and Walnut
Telephone 1722. 518 8 *
SAFES for sale No. 1.53x48x30 outsldo meas
urement with burglar proof .chost. double
flanged doors outsldo and Inside , combination
lockHeard Iros..St. ! Louis. No.2 , 70\Ol.xH2.out-
sldo mcasunimcnt.UIobold ; Norris &Co.oors
same as In No. l. These safes are the proper
ty of Washington county , they are .lust the
sufns for county jmrposcs. Andreas Tholnas
Wilkinson or W. fj. Harrison. Illulr , Nob. 405 8 *
F Oil SALE An olocant tire proof safe with
burglar chest. 1'hll Stlmmol , Oil. Jones
street , Omahn , Neb. 270
Foil SALE Magnificent upright piano at a
big sacrifice. Inqulro at 2111) ) CalUwcll St. .
after7 o'clock evenings M9S8
For rates , etc. . see top of first column nn this p e.
PHOLSTEuNoand imittrosaos reno-
vatcd ; also f urntturo repaired. E , I'otor-
son. Xiao .North 18th st. _ MJOl-a ) *
WARNING Understanding that Irrespon
sible piano timers are traveling through
the state ns being In our employ or rouresent-
Ing us , wo would warn the public to buwaro of
them unless they can show proper creden
tials. Max Mover & llro. Co.tnrgost nnd most
reliable muslu homo In the west. 5S'J ' 12
you wish to advertise any thing any whereat
at any time write to Goo. 1 > . Itoweli St Co. .
No. 10 Spruce street Now Yoric. To get com
plete Information you should bo careful testate
state your wants fully. " MSI ! 10
I71UUNITURE boutht. sold , Stored.
- 11111 Hirnam street ,
aUEAT bargains In all kinds of Jewelry una
silverware on account of the roconf ilro.
B. Jonasen , F.irnan and llth streets. 174-JiW
Forr.ifej , etc. , tee top of flr l rnlunin on tltti pyge.
and see I'rof. Waring Medium and real
GO astrologer at 322 N. lUth stieot.J100.0U to
unyono who can equal him In telling past ,
present and future , causing speedy marriages ,
bringing the separated tor thtir , and In busi
ness atfnird his advice Is Invaluable. JIo' tells
your name In full , nsUs no questions and uses
no curds of any doscrlptloilln his profvt&lon.
Hatlsfactlon given or no par. Consultation
fee , ladles , $1.00 ; ROntlenieuI.CO..k.l Mvi72LJy5
ASSAOE Madam Dealer , aver idlO S..l3th
_ , . - , r 2UJ.Jyti
MH3. Chambers. inagnotlo''Oienler and
celebrate < l clalravoyant and medium.
400 N. llith street. _ . , . 4iij-u )
MADAM Do Carson , born wth ( a double voll ,
daughter of the sunny goulh .la the won
der of the world In telling past , "present and
future. Co i no and sou her 007 .IN' Jlittustroot
upstairs. _ . 517-iu *
MHS. Nannie V. Wnrronolairvoyfnitrnnco
speaking , writing and rullablu l > uslncvi
medium , four years In Omaha , 111) ) N.lilth. 2UJ
US. I'OKT , palmist fortunoitoller tolls
past and future from lines of tlmOiand In
old gypsy way ; ladles only ; foe 11.03. WHS * N.
21th. '
Foriates , etc. , rtelQitaf ilnl foliimn on t/ili / pays
L-A lady wlthj rufOrnhi e > fwoiild
like to Rlvo nuiblo lessons' In oxeKange
for room. Address 1 * 18. lloo otllco. 'MC2aia
OKHESl'ONIi for niiiusuntoiit , Jnstruntton
or matrimony. The lm t loorrwpowdenuo
bun-ail , partliMilars In plain seal < jduiiy ) Umo
for lOo. Look Hex XM.
FprratM , * te. , seetnp nf first column
GKO. , V. Gullonbeoic. toaclior' of tUi3 biiijo" ;
with HospB.l.ui : Douglas. ; „ , - -ji'J
f > EKp KK b uylngaplano luainlnn the now
-LJsoale Ulinball plano.A. Ho polSU Douglas.
For rate * , ttt . , tee top vfftrtt column nn thtt jnQt ,
TOST Sunday. May : i Ut , * uai rot ey o elms
J-Jia with gold Riiuln , 1'luasu luuvo ut'2l5 N.
Klrd street and roculvu reward. Ctta 6 *
LOST A light gray sack cent with Uay
book In. Kottiru to 9U Faruam and got
rowanl. S165IU *
cr tvfri , tic. , tec top of flit column on Ihlt pags
HIGH class droasmaklng. Evening , dinner
and weddlnit trouaoau a spoolalty , Kit
inU style warrati ed perfect. It. Q , Maxwell ,
Itunigu blook. room 4 ' . . 405Jiu
NUAOEMENTB to do drcssmaklnx In fam-
lllea nollclted. Miss bturoy , 3)10 ) llarnoy
R . corner I5tU uud Jttokson.
116-JS1 *
Fofntf4tttt. , eetopofJistl ! columtt nn Mitt j > ig .
ANtEir-YfdVtlowVth * 2\3W to iVoOO to
take Interest Innnw cnteriirlso. No op
position. lllg manoy .jVldrau , I"a3 HPO. ,
M etn 11
ANTED-l'srtnnWVnh $ roe or WO to start
pool room and clcntstore. . Address. 1 * 30 ,
ncoomco. ' "f , _ Mean n *
WANTED-AmnMttnko it half Interest
in n livery , boarding und sale stable ) . A
flno clianco for the rl nt man. Address 1' , I' ' ,
Ilco. ' > ji MMH ) la *
_ _
TTOK SALEortradoj + Ono of the oldest ero-
JL1 corlos In the city. tVUdross I * 17 , Don oOlce.
i at MKli 10 *
_ _
WANTED 1'artlo Slaving money to loan
on re nl estate to oornwpond with ( Ino. J
1'aul , ICO ! ) Karnam strei-t. _ Mli27 13
whole set ahstracta In county and
ONLY farm loan business In western
Iowa for sale or trade. Address I' Kl care
I lee. MI118-1U *
_ _
1J1OK BALE-Allrst chuss. well rstabllshed
X1 butchpr buslnoss In this city. Kino fixtures
nnd good cash trade. To anyone meaning
business hero Is an n.xcellont chance. Must
he sold In next sixty days. M. A. Upton Co. *
Ilco building. MMi )
T71OU SALE-J.M Will huy an old estnbllihod
J- business where party can clear $150 par
month. Address I' 2 lice. 4l > t
TT1OU SALE Kurnlturo and undertaking
JL business In good town , with or without
store building ; part cash , balance gilt edge
paper or clear real estate ; Invoices about
fcl.lH.XJ. Hex UIJ Lincoln. 285
TJ1OK 8ALE-A llrst-class meat market with
Jgooil trade. Ice house , slaughter IIOIISP and
everything In llrsl-elass style , will be sold at
a bargain ; located In one of the best towns In
Nebraska , only 00 miles from Omaha. Ad-
dro sO08 , lice , 'or Louts Heller , butchers'
tools and supplies. 111U Jackson st. 437-0
SLEAN general siot'K of mcrcliandlso for
O farm and money , llox 295 , Fr.mUfort. tnd.
HOTEL men take notice. Do you want a
good business ? liny the Commercial , the
loading hotel at llrokon Bow , Noli. 409
I f ) SCHEMES to Make Money. Is the title of
* -\J our new book , containing ton legitimate
and hoiiorublo schemes formaUIn ? monev on
small capital ; exposes tricks and swindling
In business ; gives hints and advlco that may
ho worth thousands of dollars to you. The
schemes are so clearly explained liny ordinary
pcrson.oan iindcrstanil thorn. It will glvo you
now Idons , aid you in planning other di'als
and onahlo you to grasp future opportunities.
Kent prepaid for $1. American llnolr Co. .
Omahn , Nob. M129J2J
Forraica , etc. , tcetop of first column on this pagt
S 1ECOND mortgage loans from $500 to $10.000
Alex Moore , 401 Ilco building. Mr34
l ; PERCENT tlr t mortgage loans. Klchard
1 'C. Patterson , 9J7 Now , York Life. M074
Olt SALE 22-foot lot with brick building
on Dodge near 12th. price $9.001.00. Address
J. K. Hliaw. 1220 Lowe uvepue. 07J-21 *
cottage and full corner lot. 4 blocks
from motor , $1,500 , Km cash , balance $20
per month. 4-room house and lot 4 miles
northwest , $700. Hutchlnson & Woad , 1524
Douglas. 579 8
TjlOll SALE lie t bargain In the city : house
JL1 built for myself U.years ago ; full lot.splen-
dld barn for 2 hnr.-os , on 29th st. near Walnut
Hill motor ; will move Inlor2 months'- very
easy terms. Thoo. O'.pen ' , 201 N. V. Life.
- 5S412
OUTGAOES waiifrJSTlong or short time.
Geor oO. Wallace , 'UOJ. J. lirown bnlld-
Ing , 16th and Douglas , , " , . 5S1
made at low1 rates on cltv property.
W. M. Harris , 1120 fAOiucr block' , opp. P. O
E.&C.M. AnthonyiitSN.Y. Llfebulldlng ,
lend money on farms In choice counties In
Nebraska and Iowa , alho.on good Omah t resi
dence property ; lowest ) rates ; host terms ; no
delay : money ready. Titles and values p.isso : !
on here. I'.i 275
"D WILDING Inans'fi'to 7 percent ; no nddl-
J Jtlonal charges for commission or attorney's
fees. W. iJ.Moikle , Klij Natlonal bank bldg. _
MONEY to loan on lprovod city property
at current rates ; fuiiils on hand ; no do-
lay. Obo. K. lllusL & Coj.t Ilamgp j > lilg. 274
"PRIVATE money ta loan. J , D. Zlttlo , ! ) I4
JL N. Y. Lito.r T i or ; . . . ; . . srr
MOHTOAGK loans 'Jwantodl' Me'Caguo In
vestment oompaiiyT.a 273
MONEY to lo'iln on Omaha nroperty. Fidel
ity Trust compiny ; , < 10l4 Farnam. 27u
EASTERN money to loan at vary low rates.
H. 11. Irpy. 20J N. Y , Llfo MM )
TjflMBALL , Champ & Ryan
JLa. tnako loans on Improved ,
city property at lowest rate's
iao.Karnam street 4I3-J30
' Money I'hllo. Mortgage and Trust
Co. , wants gilt odso loans. Goo. W. 1' .
Coates , representative. 7 Hoard Trade. 381
MONEY to loan on cltv property or eastern
Nebraska farms. K P , Ringer , mil
nam. 2.KJC7 *
For rates , etc. , tcetop of first colum i on this page.
ONEYtoToarTbylt.F. Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any time from
I to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor
Loans made on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. . at tlio' lowest rates posslblo
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
II payment of any amount at any timu and ro-
iluco both iirlnclual and Interest.
If you owe u balunuo on your property or
liavoa loan that you want changed I wilt pay
It elf and carry It for you. If you llnd It more
convenient call up telephone 1IH1 and your
business will bo arranged at home.
Money always on hand. No dclav. No pub
licity. Lowest rates. n. F. Masters ,
Room 4 , Wltlinoll bile. 13th and llarncy sts.
to loan on cliattlo security. No
M publicity. Address IJco. V 20. MnnsiS
MONEY to loan on horM's.wsigoiis.furnlturc ,
pliinos&coltat'al .security , lluslncssstrlct-
lycoiifldontlal.Fred Tcrryioom4iiRumgeblk :
MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. Keystone
Mortgaup Co. . room 208 Shooly block. M284
Forrate , etc.teotop of'firti column on this page
flHATTEL bank.HIO < S. 15th St. , loans money
won chattels or collateral ut reasonable rates
JVTONEY loaned on furnlturo , llvo stock.otc
i--L from 1 to 3 months , without publicity ;
owest rates. DutT Green , room 20 , Continen
tal block. 211) ) J37
OHATTEL loans at lowest rates. 0211 Now
OYorkl.lfo bulldlnif. , R. A. Morris. 874J21 *
HA. DARNER loans money on chattel SD-
curlty. Room M , Chamber of Commerce.
ilMB ) 0
Furratts , etc. , teetopof first column , nn thlipaye ,
OLEAlt land to exchange for HOY
IXSOSIienandoah , la. MC21 V > *
1J1OK EXOHANOE W.010 equity In Omahn
resldeneo for Iowa farm , business hloelt or
nercliandlso. Addres * K 7 , lice , Council
Illulfa. la. _ < _ M UH.12
for lots , 40i : Ilrowu hulldltig.
_ i _ MViOJy5
CHOICE stock of KA'Ipral ' mcrcnandlso and
store bnlldlnt ; npar DCS Jlolncs to ex-
ihangu for U cash NiUJ Improved farm lit
.vestorn Iowa or hOliUieastern Neliraska.
lood-i Invoice Jj.lHM ; liW/ldlng , Jl.WW. Address
lK. . I'attcson , Valid jp ; la. _ Midi
" 110 EXOlIANOE-CHmier facing
J- park andflvo otltoH''l'Ood ' lots for Chicago
caidenco property , 'Address U 40 , lloo.
_ _
WANTED-To trado"plano for u family
horse and light phUeton buggy. A. llojpe.
Mil Douglas. _ 'i * i 7UJ
For rutcj , etc. , tee ( < i n//r t column nn IMiptge ,
11TASSAUE Madam Uolzlor , over 610 8. lUth.
\fASSAOK bathH at Mildam Smith's parlors'
u-L ad lloor. 420 8 15th Btroct. _ irTi-IO'
IvrASHAOKtroatmenUelectro-thennal batlw.
til-scalp nnd hair treatment , mnnlcuro and
ihlropxlUt.Mrs.l > o t,31UHH.13lliWlthuollblk.
- * * 27J
_ _
\fASaAQE cabinet haths , tape worms ourod
LU.In2l houn. Mdwo Guerotto , WU Dodiro.
\flS3 8TOWE. olootrlolan. aa
LUKiimae block.
t' topof/lnt touinn on thlt pa ?
ATENT lawyers and solicitorQ.W.Sucs &
Co. , Ilco bulmlutr , Umuho. llranoh ofllco at
D , U. U. Consul tut Ion frco. 2i'J
Vtorratt * , ttc , , ttt topnf frtl column nn t/iti / pigt
i cars now running. O. M. Power , room
Chumborot Commerce. M cat 15
JJ , GIltaoNi solo ngontr Kountzu- place
rdom T , Crolghton block. MC.S
GllKAT IlAIMlAIN-noiUlllful homes li
Dundee | > laro will ho sold to right twrllc'
at price * M > low It will make you smile , am
the enrt are running , too. Patrick Land Co.
Ilco building. M07U1I
SEND for Real Estate exchange list. Ueo
J , Paul , icou Farn. atroot. MO.'B t
"ITOH SALE-Farm adjoining city of lllalr
JL1 Neb , 11. W. Mcllrlde. M.V J2
TTKWiSALE-Or rent : house with 13 large
JL1 rooms and largo attic , double floor , brick
In the studding , adamant plaster , splendid
funmco and all the other modern Improve
ment * ; , lot 43.tt20 , Improved with sod anil
largersire .shade trees ; the house is almost
completed ; ihero-is a good stable on tliu lot
J.rIoeM,00j : ( ) 11.000 cn h. tmlanco W ) every :
months ; wilt al i ) take a lot between I'lirimni
and ( 'umlng west of ; r'd st. In part payment. .
Willis M. Vines. : id and California st.s. 4V
Q REAT ll.VUGAIN-Hoauttful homes li
Dundee-place will bo sold to right imrtlo-
nt iirlOei K > low It wlir make you"smile , am
tlio ours are running , too. 1'atrlck Land Co.
lloo-liulldlng. MB7D K
R HoiitiOmaha | roporty. Imslnes-i , tracks
niid'or residence , go to the lo.ullnj.11 *
tntodcnlerii lirFonth Umnlui , Ed Johnston
Co. . cor. 24th and N sts. M'SO
TTlIVE-room honsm In Orchard Hill , 11,300
-L1 each on monthly payments. Thomas K.
Hall , : U | I'axton bile. 237
WANTED The' houtosenkers of Omaha to
take a ride out , to Dundee place , the
aflutocrntlo'.addltloHfili the now car line , free
of charge. PatrlelcLand Co. , Iteo bulldlnir.
MU70 1C
TJ1OR'5fAr < E A homo at a bargain ; convon-
JL lent housoof 10 rooms ; modern Imptovo-
ments. Including raugu : lot 43.xI2i ) feet ; flno
shrubbery ] ctP. ; 81,5 0 ; * V)0 ) cash , balancoilOO
( ivory T months , with Interest at'noreont.
WlllIsM : Yatos. S. W. corner : t2d and Callfor-
nlastsr. 430
TT1OR SALE A Una Improved farm of 200
JL1 acres00 ; ! undercultivation ; shade trees ;
fruit , wlndnilll , wilgon R.alos , etc. ; 100 miles
woHtofXiuiha'Jpcr : ; acre. Address Q 40 , Itec.
' . . . . ' . . 289
t/\TANTED The libusekeepers of Qmaha to
T T , , take a ride out to Dundee place , the
aristocratic addition on tlio now car line , free
of charge. Patrick Land Co. , Ituo building.
. MI170 10
S. R011UINSroal estate. 10-SJN. Y. Llfebldg
"I71O11 SALE Elegant homos on montly piy-
Amerits. . Will build any priced homo to
suit you. E. K. Itlngor. 1519 Karn.un. 207-J27 *
1" ADIES Take a look at and rldoon our now
4-1 ear line to Dundcu place ; It will not cost
you nnytlllnz. 1'atnck Land Co. , Itoo build-
Ing. ' M070 10
FOIl SALE , cheap , easy payments : 14-story
now 0-room house.1 with oath , collar , etc. ;
full lot N. Sheltoii. 1(114 ( Farnam. on
FOR SAljE To worklngmen only ( spcoii-
Inters upod notapplyon ) time or monthly
piyments a neat cottage at less than actual
viiluo. Inslno property , only ono block to
ph'i'trlc lino. Inquire ut room 202. Omnha
National hank building M61X ]
LADIES Take a loon at and ride oh 0111
new car line to Dundco place ; It will not
cost , you anything. Patrick Land Co. . Deo1
building , MbTU 10
" " " '
Wo will place on sale a flno assortment ol
India Silks at.Tic a ynrd.
These silks are worth ( Tic. Wo closed out a
line of them , and so broke the price.
Wo will also sell I'ongeo Silk at 40c , 10 Inches
Pongee Silks , 27 Inches wide , at ( Vic.
And a splendid assortment of Wash Silks ,
tor fancy waists , at Mo.
These silks all worth at least one-third more.
\Vo have two special styles of Ladles' Slioul-
lor Capes , Havarlan and Stanley , that have
lioon soiling at J8.73 and $9.00 ; tomorrow only
Thpse are vpry popular styles.
In Colored Wool Dress Fabrics , specially In
tended for summer wear , wo nro .showing an
j.tcuptlniml line. Wo would call special at
tention to our 50o Ilrllllantlucs , our Luster
llrllllantlncsat 7. > c.
Our Cheviot Siiltines nt 49c , our Clnillls at
Mo yard , and our Novelty Conibhiatlou at
S3.73. . „
These are all specially low In prlco und tha
quantity Is limited.
Wt would solicit an early Inspection.
Our Satlnes at fl'/fc. 9c , HWo and lac cannot
jo duplicated unywhoro for less tnan from Oo
to33c yard.
Umhrollas at f 1.13 , worth $ I.G > .
Umbrellas at2.W , worth 82.75.
Umbrellas at 23.00 , worth $7.50.
1RED Mohle , S. li cor. Farnam and llth.
.jVLot . nijotluirman praise thep , and not thine
iwn tno'uth. A.M ranger and not thlnu own
IllV JJav OcQrxu.Mlilor , Carlllo. Iowa : Itnv.
liithony Jacobs , Sidney , Iowa ; Iov. ! J.V. .
tarter , . I'loasant Grove. To u ; Rev. E. K
'erry. Cwdarltnplds Iowa : Hov. W. It. Lllo ,
jonvonworth , Kan ajs : Hov. .1 , T. Mum ford ,
SmerMjn , Iowa ! Itov. . .1.V. \ . Calhciut Emni-
on. lowaKov. . Oilman I'arkcr. Emersmi ,
owai lion. T. J. Aliol , Decatur , Illinois ; W.
1. Strong.iContlcIl llluirs , Iowa. When such
rQunsJho | aUovo.havc. given their testlimm-
ull.lHlltiilsijotMoonj'H ' 1'riio of Life and the
eaillntvjioje ulivdnik1 houses say tlio.y havti
: l\'Vi Outiro .satisfaction whoiti they have
i cufioh ) , wh t better ovldoni'o do you want ?
Vhy should you suitor when you can ho cured
ly lustiiK Jlppro n Tree of Life ,
llooro'a Trooof I.lfo. u pixltlvo euro tar Kldnor
nil I.lvur lUjuipUliU.K'lil nil bloml illio.nui. Doot It
r to aiitluriliua rou cnn bu cured by usliuMuoro'a
'reuuf Llfo , liiulro-vt I.I to llomoilr' '
Are you open to conviction ? [ f so , consider
andtdly our machine , Don't repeat to your-
of | whiit Is told you. Invustlvato , and your
vrn opinion will bo of some valuo. If you
rUh oxpcrt opinion do not consult Interested
Bend for Illustrated catalogue giving full
csorlotton ot the Hmtth 1'reinlcr Typo-writer
k Smitu Premier Tyou Wriler Co , ,
R H. MA.YHEW , Manazor.
IGOOi Furnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
.1 hereby glvou that noulod bids will bo ru-
ulvtxl atourollloe , i'endor , NuU. uutolp. m. ,
uno U.lbUl , for the erection , construction and
oinnletton of a two-itory and baaument
rick bnlldlntSOxlOO feet lu accordance with
he plans and ipoclfloMlona on Ulo In our of-
ou ; ulw ) bids for furnUhluK any part of the
laterlul , or performing any part ot the work.
tTo ro urvu the rUUt to reject .any and all
Ida. Welter Droa , JTdJl'M
Both the niotliod nnd results when
Syrup of Figs ia falcon ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste , nnd ncU
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver mid Bowels , clonuses the sys'
tern effectually , dispels colds , head-
nchea nnd fovora and cures hnhitunl
constipntion. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its hind over pro
duced , pleasing to the tnsto nnd no-
ceptnhlo to the stonmch , prompt in
its notion nnd truly hcncflcinl in its
eflccta , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd ngrccnhlo substances , its
mnny osccllent qualities commend it
to nil nnd have mndo it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo. in 50o
nnd 81 bottles by nil leading drug
giste. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hnnu will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not nccopt nriy
M tiriuuii UuarantcoK
Our euro U permanent ami nut a iiatclilni ; up. Ciuc <
tirated llvo yeam ago Imvo never wen nnymiilmi
ulnco. Hy ilMcrlliliiKiosufnlljf wo can treat > ou l > )
mall , and wo Rlvo the jamo itioiifuuarniitco to cur <
or H-riiml all money. Thoio who prefer to como lion
for CiuAtincnt onuilo fo nml nu will nijr railroiul fan
liolh ways nml hotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to CHIP.
Wo rhnllongo tlio worlil for a i-a o that our MAGIC
UKMKDY will not euro. Wrltn for full | urtlviilar > nml
Eel the ovlilcnce. AVe know tunt you aio kcitleal | ,
jiintlBO , loo. ns the most cmliKiit plijThliUn * ln c
never been alilo lo clvo moro than teniiorary | relief
In our nvo joars' practice Hh the MAOIO UKUKIir II
linn been nio t dllllcult to ovei-como tliu iirejuillee ,
HK.'Init nil Bo-enlledupCLines. Dut umlcr mir utioiii :
cuar.iiitco you rlioulil not tieltato to try thin remedy ,
You tnko no chain o of losing your money. WuRiiivr.
niilro to euro orirfiiiul o > ciy , nimoiKa Imven
reputation to protect , nlao llnnnelal ImcUnirof t3CO , '
ODD , It It perfectly hufo to all who will try the tieat
moiiU ltcictufoK > yoiiitvube ) niiittliiRiipanil | | nylnn
out ) our money for illfTcren * . tioitmcnts ami allhoiiRli
joaironnt jctciirej | i.iM backyour mon-
uy. Donotwiutoanyiuoicinniivyuiitllyoutiyui. Old
chroiilc.ileepsealcileaMtcuiedliiSO to 90 days. In-
Vr.-tlRAto our financial btaiullni ; , our ( n < u
liUHlnoiis mrn. Write ua for mimes uml mlilresva of
tllojo wo liavo cured who lia\o Klvcn permlsilon to re
fer to them. It coiti joilonlr poslago to ikltliUlH
will uavo ) on a world of miirci Intf f loin strain ,
nml If j ou are married what may your offapi luff MilTer
tin ouch your own negligence. If yoiirgymptonisnro
aero throat , nuicoua pitches In mouth , rheum itUm
lit tionea and Joint' , hair falling out , crnptloni on uny
partof the body , fecllmf of prcneral depression , palm
in head or lionet , j ou have no tlmo to wakto. Ihoso
who nio constantly takliiB men-iiry and potash should
discontinue It. Constant ii'o ot thc.u drugrt 1U imrely
bi Ins bores and enllnit ulecnln the end. Pon't fall tu
\\rlle. Allcoiivniomlenco | lent koalcd In plain cnvil
opes. Wo Invlto the moit rigid liircitlk'atloli nml will
do all la our ) H > wt > r to nld you In It. Addrenn ,
COOK. HK3tii > r CO , , flinttliil , ft'ehrtukn.
onlco inih nml Karn tm. second'floor , entrance 13th f k
i600 for n ciiso of Lost or Falling Manhood ,
Gonornl or Nervous Debility , weakness o
bodv or mind , the otVcctH of orronor DXCOSIV
In old or young tliat.wn cnnnotuuni. WoRiia
rantco every ca o or refund every dollar. Kl vi
days trial traatmont $1 , full course $5. I'ur
cuptlblo bonudts rcallzud in ttiruo dtiys. I ) ;
mall , hocnroly packed from observation
IIIHUIU Certain tea d.iy or money refund .
Ity mall * 2. Hocnrolysi-alod fromoosorvaloii
COOK REMEDY ( JO. , Omaha , Nob.
7 i : > a ml . . . .SIuux city l'a vnKoi < , | ) p n
i.UA a ml . .Hi. I'nil I K.xpre a' . lll.V | > it
1.0-1 vi-i I SIOUX 'MTV A I'AL'JKli.I I Arrivoi
Om.ilm. I Dupot 15lh and Wolntor Sti. I Onmliii.
1.4 ] i ] . , . . „ „ . . 1'aul l.lailtud. . . I v.T > a m
Lonvun ICIIIUAOC ) i MmTIIWKtfTKIlN.i Arrlvu :
Umaliii. | If. 1' . ilopot , Ulth olid Muruy Hit. I Omnlia
IMS n m . . . H.l.'i u n
130 p m . . . , V tlbulo l.luiltod , , . : iO n n :
'J.30 p m ' .Kaitorit Klror. 8.IK1 a n :
hounl iuil : ; K * . lextupt Monday ) p n :
l.uiivu UMA1IA X ST. LOUIS I Arrives
0 m alia. ! U. 1 * . Uopot , lUlli and Muruy Sta. | Onmliii
iOU p ml SU IAIIIU Cnniiun Hull I13.M p re
l.onvu I K. ! : . A.MO. VALLKY. F Arrlvo
( Jiiialiu. I Ilopot l.'ith nnd U'oludir 8l . I Oiiinha.
UOU a ml Illnok tlllU MX pious 6.1u p in
UUO n m , . ( Kx HiiDWrt ) . Kxp , ( Kx , Mon ) . th'M p ui
5.10 p m Wnhoo , V Lincoln I'm , ( Kx. sun ) 1 ! . ; ) : > a in
6Ujim ) . .Ynrk .1 ynrfnllt ( Bx. Biinilny ) _ . _ ll.OT n m
Umvoa I C. . ST. I' . . M. A O. I Arrives
Unnilin. I Popot lith itnd Wulnlor Hti. I Oiimlm.
tl.lU a m . . .Sioux City Accomiimdatluii. . . U.UJ p ni
I.UI p m Sluux Clty ) i | > rcn ( Kx. rSunday ) 1'J.tU p in
i.l'i p m . . .HUl'nul Mmlturl H.'JJ n in p ui JliMicrull ra semcr ; ( Kx Suiulny ) H.Ji n in
l.unvoi I MltiHUUHl 1'Al.lFlO. I .Arrivoi
Qlnalitt. I noput litli anil Wiibilor Stu. I Omnliu ,
10.3) ) u nil . . . .St. l.onls \ 1C. U. Kxpruiii. , I UJtt ) a m ,
jm ) : p ml " ' "ill * K. O. Kxprom. . jft.'O | i ni ,
l.oarua I . . , . . " " Arrlvo ,
Transfer ! Union Duput , Ciiuiiull ii 1" TrnliKfui
lUlf ) a ml . . .Knn .ii < ) U7 Day ix ; , . . I MJ u in
IQ.Ii p ml . . Knnaan City NlKlit Kxproin. I C.3U a in
UlllCAliO , 11. l. . Arrivoi
'I'ranfur ' j _ Jnton ] Doput , Council llhiirn. Trnnnfor
11,10 p nil Nlulit Kxpron I ti.Su n in
V&5 a ml , .Atluiitlo IJ | .rc & .M p m
6.IX ) p ml .Veillbulo l.imlteil , ( Hi.'W a m
Leave * K I Arrlrci
Transfur ) Union Depot. Council Illutl ITr.inifn
0.10 a m . . .Chlcngo Kxnruti. C.UO p a
6O ) p m . .Vottlbule IJmllc-J. ! " . : i'J n ra
10.011 p m .Kn > t rn Klyor. 'IM u m
8JX ) p n. ' . . * . . , . . .Atlantla & * iil. ) , , , . . . . , , .ftj a u
nai ) p in Iowa .U'commoilntjmi t'At iinlx ) I.W ) p m
* i < eaVui i UMAIJA&5T. LiuTs" r iri77r
lrnni es | JJnlou Deput , Council Itlulti.
l.tO'p | . . . . . . . ] f . ! l. . .r.
rrantferl Unluii ljot > ot.J/o'iiiicl / | lllu'm. ' ' ' '
940 It m .t'titcniru KnpruM.
O.UO p m .Clilcagu Kjpresi.
T.OA p m " - ton I cul
i e ra
Tri\ailef | Union Doiot. Council .
7.43 & ml .bluux Cltr Accommodation. . .
of Union Paulllo Mtorpkorporn
Hnllnmil NntOH ,
A vutnor has boon cttrront tor sororAl
wookn and Is now assuming some color of
authority to the olToct that there U soon to IM
n cimngo In the olllco of ntorokoopnr of tlto
Union I'ncllle , Thai position Li Illlod by .1. II.
titntford who wns appointed lo that position
by Mr. Admits when the Inttor nssumod the
timungcmcnt ot the road , Mr. SUIToul's '
prcdoccssor Ucorgo V , Laling ! ! who had
boon in ctmrKO of tlio store depart incut titular
Mr. Clark for some umo rviul It U stntml on
Rood authority that the faios luivo deorood
that thn next turn of the whocl will plnco
Mr. Lnbnzh on top iig.ilu In full ohargoof liU
old position. Tlio * ( Into Ilxoil for this chnngo
Is July 1.
The Missouri 1'nclllovlll brlitR another
solid sugar train from Now Orleans to Onmlm
the latter part of thU week. Theru are
WHKX , pounds of ttio sweetness which wns
mnda nt Now Orleans and U conslgneil lo
1) . M. Htoolo .t Uo. of this city. The train
started yoslontny and will nrrlvo about
Tlio washout on the Missouri 1'ncmo bo-
tvvcon Atchlson nnd ICans.vs City which oc
curred on Saturday has resulted In ttio aban
donment of froi | > ht trains , nnd passongof
trains nro sent via Wynndoito and Lenvon-
worth. The track will bo ready for uiu to
day.An ofllclnl clrcut\r was Usucd from Union
Pnclflc honduunrtors appointing O.V. .
stipcrlntciulent of the Union I'aollo
coal dopnrttncnt vk-o .1. S. Tobblti , resigned ,
the uppolntincnt to tnko oITcct Juno 1C.
Don't Knol Well ,
And yet you nro not sick enough to consult a
doctor , or you refrain from so doing for fear
you will nlarin yourself and friends wo will
tell you Just what you need. H Is Hood's
S.irsnparilln , which will lift you out of that
uncertain , uncomfortable , dniiRorous rendi
tion , Into u state of Kood health , conlldenro
nnd cheerfulness. You've no Idea how potent
this peculiar medicine U In ? a&cs llko yours.
New lilnn to DCS Molur.s.
Commencing Sunilny , May III , the
Chicugo , Mihvfttikoo & St. Paul railway
will establish u through line of sloopintr
cars between Sioux City and Dos Monies
via Mai ] fid. Passengers from Omaha-
and the west cnn leave Omaha ut 0:20 : p.
in. , aocuro sleeping car auuonmiodntions.
and nrrivo in lies Molncs at ( t a. m. Re
turning , louvo IJes Moinus flilO p. m. ,
arrive Omaha 9:45 : n. m. Dining cars on
both trains. Ticket olllco , 1501 Fnrnnm
stroot. F. A. NASH , Gon. Agt.
J. li PitESTdN , City Pass. Agt.
Oiiinliiv's LloIcKatlon IJOIIVOH for tlio
State Knoainpiiioiit at GeiiRvn.
Omaha's doloRntiou to the annual encamp
ment of the Nebraska division of the Sous
of Veterans , loft yesterday for the on-
campiccnl Ki-ounds nt Oenovn. Those Rolnpr
wore Colonel Frank J. Coates , commander of
the Nebraska division ; adjutant , John L.
Gideon ; quartermaster , John .U. Keovo ;
past colonel , Moses P. O'Hrioti. member of
tlio couucil-ln-chiof ; captain , .Tamos E.
Edwards , in command of Crook cntnp drill
corps , and twenty-eight members of the
corps. Other "members of the organization
will go today and Wednesday.
Ono of the matters to bo roiiBtdorod nt the
encampment is the election of a dole-gate to
the comniimdery-ln-chiof , which Is to meet
In Minneapolis in August. The detonate
elected must bo in attendance at this en
campment , und It is expected that John M.
Thurston will bo there , in which case ho will
be elected , otherwise Adjutant J. L. Kocvn
will bo the choice of tlio eastern part of the
slate. The Omaha contingent KOOS solid for
Thurston or licovo as 11 rat and second choice ,
and bos sixteen votes of the ISO in the busi
ness council.
A box of Ayer's pills lias saved mnnv n fit
of sickness. When n remedy does not iinppou
to bo within vouch , people nro liable to
neglect slight ailments , nnd , of course , it
sorlous illnchs follows they have to suffer the
consequences. 'A stitch in time savo.s nine. "
Decision in Favor of tlio Chiuafjo
Attlwaukco & St. Paul Uy.
The now Palace sleeping cars of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. ,
with electric lights in every berth , will
continue to leave the Union depot ,
Omaha , at 0:20 : p. m. , daily. Passengers
taking this train avoid transfer at Coun
cil Bluffs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 :
a. rru , in ample time to make all eastern
connections. Ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam
-itroet P. A. NASH ,
J. E. PUESTON , 'General Agent
City Passenger Agent.
The Council Will Continue tn Use IM
I'rcsciit Mcctlnir ICooin.
At the last mooting of tlio city council that
body received , a communication from the
board of trado-domundlng the vacating of the
exchange room in the Chamber of Commerce
The matter was referred to the committee
on public propcrtv nnd buildings. That com-
miftco lias consulted with tlio board of trade
and an extension of the lease has been se
cured. The city will pay the same rent M
before , but will bo a tenant at will , probably
occupying the room until the new building is
completed. In the lease there will be n now
condition. As soon as the produce exchange
is In operation , which Secretary Nnson states
will not bo later than August 1 , the city coun
cil will bu required to move IU chairs nnd
tables into the gullory nnd keep them there
except on regular mooting nights of the eouu-
Huvo Ton Got a HorHO ?
Kvery man who owns a horse should know
that Httllcr's Barbed \Viro Liniment Is the
only remedy that will glvo prompt relief to
nil sprains , cuts , urnho.s nnd gulls , and Is
warranted to effect a complete cure.
THIS mo via1 * ai.vnu.HT.
TNriTUUMUNT.S pliiooTou rouorU Juno 8 ,
\VAiiiiANTv nnnits.
Thomas Itrennen toM T llnrl.e , s'/i ot lot
! . ' , blu 7 , 1st add to .South Omuha . 11,350
Thomas Hrpimon to Morgan 1 lea fey , n'.i ' k
ot lot L' , lilk 7 , 1st add lo Sontli Omaha ! , ) < ]
O 11 and ICU liallou to W H MunliiK , lot
4 , I'l-uy n'a sill ) In I'iUilson'.s ndd . 1..WO
E A lloiisoii and wife to Anna M Vatos ,
lots n and K. hlkT und lots M and , blk
II. IlrlKicii I'lnco . 7,200
W KOallahan and wife toOhlcaKO. Kock
Island .t I'aolller.illway coniiiany , und
H of lot I T > , bllcKU , Omaha . 1,7M
Jane Kranols anil husband to Margaret
1'ottl rew , s'of lolH , blk L'17 , Omaha , '
and e'/i of o4 ot tax lofJl In li-l. > -ii. : 1
Jane Francis and husband toKarali Jun-
kltisou , o'/4 of lot'Ja and wK of e'/J of
tax lotai In lU-15-iaund s1of lots 7
and H. blk L'lll. Omaha . 1
Hir.ili A .lonklnHon to Margaret I'ettl-
Krevv. lot 8 , 1)1 k UI" , lot II , lilk a ; " . ,
Omaha , o'/i ' of eli of la In NW m in-lS-Kt 1
Nolllo K Kurtz and 1/liolj-
ertsou , lots. Kurtz sub . ,400
0 0 und W Norton to llartmrd ritlxKtt ,
lot l , lilk U , Jultur's add to tJouth
Omaha. . , . . . . 700
MnrarnUo I'uttlRrow nnd husband to
Jane Krnnels. lotll , lilk 2iW , and north
H lot 8. hlk JT , Onialiu . , . . . . CIO
J II 1'Dabody nnd wlfo to W II Union ,
lotll. blkllICoiintz4thadd . 4.COO
J (1 ( I'rrstou and wife to 1 * J Jliowne ,
eiiHt V northeast W-IS-IO . 1,003
Bouth Omaha hand rumpany tn T W
CollliiH. lot Hi , hlk 111 you Hi unmlm . CM
J 11 Tlionison to M K \Vllllam < - < Iot
1 and ' . ' , blk ' „ ' , Andrews.t lleiiHon'H add 1,539
J M Wiistuillold to A A Mxon , lot 10.
lllca. Mo. Avo. pk , . . . JIM :
OAVhynuin and wlfo to J TlloiilMns ,
lot' . ' nnd : i. Hillings Hull Dlv . 1,000
J J Wllklnion and wife to Olmi. I'ou- !
unbeliur , lot 1U , bll < 4 , Uraiiiinercy 1'ark , 1,009
Joseph NlelmtH ot al. to J N 1'roni'or ,
eli lot-li. lIU"-V-i , Onmlm . 3
Earnh A Junklnson to Margaret I'ottl-
Krow , an Irro tract In aw MI lU-l. " > -ii : . 2
Marftarot 1'uttUruw ' and htHbaml to
Huruli A Junklnson , uii of eli uf lu In
uw 10 1U-15-IU . , . t
J V Ilnyd , Nhurlir. to S A Goldsmith , w U )
ft lot 11 , hll : 7. 1'lUrlcU'u Sinl add . 1,331
Siuno to OV hoomli. lot 3 , Idle H.
Ihvlulit ft I.yinnn'.sadil . 4T3
Andruw Norxuurd , udinlnUtrator , to
ILisiniia Andor on. all lot 3 III blk UB ,
Oiniilin , s of fee line . , . 1.523
Unltrd St.itew to i > J lirown , w
15-10 ( u.Uint ) ) .
Total ainoiint of tian fera , . . <
I-ailloi who vnluo a rollnod coraplnxlon
must use Po .zonl's I'owdor. It
oft and beautiful akin.