THE OMAHA DAILY BEEftrTUESDAY , JUNE 9 , 1891. TRYING TO DEFEAT SHERMAN , Plans of the Independents to Retire the Ohio Senator. THEY WILL MAKE A THOROUGH CANVASS , Chlcnco "Will Try nn Experiment . irltli Klcctrlo Onrs Operated by UiificrKfouiul Wires New Knlurprlsca In Prospect. CHICAGO OPFICR OF Tun BKE , 1 June 8. f An organized effort Is to bo ramla by the now people's party In Ohio to defeat John Shonnau for reflection to the United Stales senate. f his will bo the lending Unlit ot the pnny during thq present 34car. Pursuant to this determination it Is Intended to place a ticket in nomination In cacti county nnd every senatorial district. In addition to the state ticket to bo named at Springfield In August. Preliminary to this work there will bo held nt Columbus Friday next a mealing for conference of flfty or mnro of the leaders of the movcmcDt In the state , whereat the rntoof apportionment for delcpatcs lo the SprinRlield convention will be llxed nnd other matters of Interest to the party will be considered. A systematic canvass of Iho state Is to bo tnado by such leading HgliU of the party as Senator Pcffer and Congressman Simpson of Kan sas , General James 15. Weaver of Iowa , tbloiiol Davis of Toxin , Messrs , T.xu- bencck unc. Strcolcc of Illinois , aud others to tbo number of tnoro than Ilfty. A. XIHV KI.BCTItlU STUKKT ( Mil STSTBM. Arrangements are bolnp made for the trial of a new system of applying electricity as a motive power for street railway cars on the tracks of the North tilde company onVob Btor and Fullerton avenues. The cicclrib wires nro being carried in undertrround con duits between the rails. A slot like that in the cable railways permits the plnelnp of the car in the circuit. It is claimed by the pro prietors of the patent that the tests will show tholrsyslom lo bo wholly practicable. securing a speed equal to the cable cars , at less expense nnd without the danger of the overhead electric systems. H1UC JXDUSTIIY FOIl CHICAGO. According to Otto Schinno of the silk manufacturing llrm of Hobinson & Co. of Yokohama , Japan , the finest of imported silks will bo boucht : W per cent cheaper n year hence , and at the snmo time an Important industry will bo established in Chicago. Mr. Uchluno says tliu'silk indus try of Japan has developed no further lhan the making of plain silk "pieces. No dying or stamping is dono. "what wo intend doing , " said Mr. Schinne , "is sending our product to Chicago and New York , where wo bcliovo It can bo marked nnd finished Just as well is in Franco. This will result In a great saving , uoinpc away with the extra duties that must bo paid whou the goods as llnishcd uro Imported hero. " JfO ONE \mY HUHT. As n Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul ex cursion train ot six coaches , loaded with pas sengers , was returning from Frankland last evening the engine pulling the train jumped the track nt the intersection of Ashland avenue and Bloomiugdalo road. The passen gers wcro thrown from their scats and a panto ensued f or a few moments , but as tlio train was running slowly no ono was sc- , . nously Injured. TO I'ATTnUN AFTKll PARIS. It is stated on high authority that resident and outsklo capitalists huvo placed In the hands ot a prominent real estate broker of this city an order to try to secure an entire block In the business district , tbo object being to erect upon it a monster structure sixteen to eighteen , nnd possibly more , stories in height , after the style of the Magazln do Louvre in Paris. The building will cost between $8,000,000 end $10,000,000 , and Is to bo occupied by rotnii dealers in all branches of trade , so that ono may make all his purchases undorono roof. JVESTEIltf TEOVLK IN' CHICAGO. Among the \vostorn people in Chicago today were the following : At the Grand Pacillc- . P. KaufTman , DCS Moines , la. ; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash , Omaha. At the Auditorium C. I. Ives , C. D. Ives , William Vosa , A. B. Cummins , Mrs. Mont gomery , Miss Montgomery , DCS Moines. la. At the Lelnnd Major A. W. Clanoy , Dos Molnos , In. At \Volllngton-J. . II. Adams , Omaha. At the Palmer II. M. Erwln , Sioux City , la. ; Mrs. Lnmo , Salt Lake City , Utah. At the Tremout J. J. S. Cossles , Forest City , S. D. At the Sherman C. L. Watrous. DCS < rJ\loitiC3 , In. : T. II. Macombcr , Helena , Mont. iion. J. M. Cloland , H. P. Chcsloy , James Mahoney nnd A. S. Gnrrottson of Sioux City cnmo to Chicago today to talk to railroad managers about securing special rates for ' the Sioux City corn palace display next Oc- ttober. General Freight Agent J. A. Munroe of the Union Pacific arrived today to attend this week's session of the trans-contiueiitnl association. Next week the association will consider matters relatli.g to the general management of the road. ATKINSON. _ _ Mothers will find that Hnlior's Puin Par- nlyzor is a sure and pleasant euro for dar- rhoea. _ _ sowrn School Kxlilb'ts. A novel and interesting exhibition of school work has boon prepir d by Superintendent Munroo and his corps of teachers In the city school for parents of pupils and persons in terested in the public schools. Commencing next Thursday and lasting tlireo days aud tnreo ovcnitiBS , n puono oxntmuon will to made of the written work of nil tbo pupils of tno schools during the past school year. Kooin 1.MOS N street , occupied by Mnsson & McMlllon , will bo used for the display. A ? this is simply a means of giving parents an opportunity to become familiar with tbo wonc and progress of the pupils , the exhibits will consist simply of the daily routine of the post school year. All parents of pupils and persons in terested are Invited to visit the room. Notes About the City. ROY. H. A. Trelbor has cone to Osccola. A. C. Powers Is visiting ( rlcnds In Beat rice. rice.A A son hns been born unto Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Marsh. v Mrs. A. Alahu of lllair , Is the of Mr. end Mrs. C. W. Miller. J. P. Webb of the Tribune has returned from Chadron with his family , Mrs. Worland of Kansas City , the in- dupojcd Mrs. T. C. Laur , has arrived iu this city. city.Henry Henry Harris of Bussett , sheriff of Brown county , Is visiting William F. Meyer , Third % vord. Assessor lllchonl Haungou has turned in his assessment papers to the county com missioners. James B. Smith has returned from Lincoln where ho was attending ttio tate shooting tournament. dual-makers' union No. OT will moot In old Turner ball , Twenty-Sixth street , between L and M streets. The clttlzcns1 nlllanco will hold a mooting In old K. P. hall , Twenty-Fifth and N streets , ( Tuesday evening. Pavlnp Contractor Wood worth has com menced stringing curbing along Twenty-llfth ptroot , where ho will lay paving. t Commission man K. Scott Harrcll has removed to Omaha and has taken a house near Twentieth uud Lcuvenworth streets. Tbo child ron's day services In the First Christian church were postponed till next Sunday evening on account of the weather. I Mw. F. A. Secord , with her children , of CbeyunnoVyo. . , who has been visiting her brother , fcJ. O. Muyflold , has returned homo. i. William Chambers , William Walker and another William Chambers , after a short but eventful and unpleasant trip to the Black Hills , S. 1) . , have returned. . ' ' Edward L. Wallwork of Chicago is hero vlsu'.ug bis brothers , Jonn and William H. Wallwork of tbo yards. Mr. Waliwork Is accompanied by his family. I Mws Mury bpofcttlor , who has been nttond- Mng school at Nebraska City , "has returned to upend the summer vacation nt homo. Miss lllllo Humport , who wont to attend the cloi * ItiK exercises , returned with MUs Spoottlor. Ttio children of the German Methodist Sunday school were taken to Omaha yester day afternoon bv Pastor H. A. Trclbcr anil the teachers nnd' Joined with Iho German Mcthodiit cburch in holding children's day services. The funeral sorvlccs over the remains ot HUM ( Jcrtlo Calhorn will bo held at 10 o'clock thli inoniiop at the homo of the parents , Mr. and MM. George Calhorn , Twenty-second nnd N streets. The body will bo shipped to Chicago for Interment. William R Denny of the commission firm of Iloynold * . Grill Se Donny , who was called to Hot Springi , S. D. , on account of the seri- om Ulna-is of his father , has returned. Mr , Penny mx-ompanlcd hU conviilosclng father homo to Chicago. A very small pill but n very good ono. Do Witt's Little Earlv Hison. DAISY FINDS HI2H M/V. lliippy l-'lnnl Act In the Hudson Girl's llunmnuo. The Identity of Mrs. Hudson-Davis , the mother of Daisy Hudson , whoso romantic discovery of her mother's ' whereabouts has liccn the subject of considerable press notlco , has been learned , says the Ht , Louis ( Jlobc- Dcuiocrat. She is the wife of Charles F. Belts of thl * city , a well known real estate man and capitalist. It aho was learned that Mr. Betu went to Omaha on Friday nlijht to claim Daisy. Moreover , it is hinted that money considerations cut a prominent 11 euro In the case , Mr. Belt's wealth lending some plausibility to these statements. Henry StrosburR. who lives on North Tenth street , Dotwcen O'Fnllonstreet and Cass ave nue , has been accused of mistreating Mrs. Hudson-Davls-Botts. Mr. Strosburg is the husband of Mrs. Belts' mother ; in othnr words ho Is her slop-father. He was seen by .1 Globe-Democrat reporter and asked concern- inir his connection with the caso. Ho spoke readily of the facts having a direct bearing on the case , but declined logo deeply into his step-daughter's past history. Ho denied hav ing ill-treated her , the extent of their differ ences being that he pimply did a father's duty in advising her. Ho said she was in clined to bo rather sociable aod bo only tried to restrain her. In the fall of 1S74 she was married to William P. Hudson , her first husband. He did not hear of the union until two months after it took place. Later , when Hudson disappeared from his family. Mr. Sirosburg HUpporU'd Mrs. Hudson and her daughter , Daisy , for tnreo years , ho says. Hud on was ainplovcd In the Golden Eagle , Humphrey's and Famous clotlilng houses , and up to the time ho foil a victim to tbo liquor habit , Mr. Stros burg s.iys , ho wus a uood , square , well-mean ing mnn nnd n good provider. Ho furnished end maintained n. nice bouse for his family , the couple living on the west side of Nintti street , between O'Fallon street and Cuss nvo- nuo in 1874. The same year Mr. Strosburg met Hudson in front of the Everett House ono evening , the latter remarking that ho had registered himself and wife at Iho holcl and that ho had "Daisy where you could not got her , " Mr. Strosburg corrected the statement thr.t Daisy was kidnaped in the following words : "Newspaper readers are misinformed as to how Daisy left her mother's arms. I saw the parting invself. Ellen she I < generally called Nclllo gave up her daughter volun tarily. It was on Sixth street , between Cnsa uvenuo and O'Fnllou street , in broad day light , in 1S31. Ncllio not only told Hudson lo lake Iho child , nut gave him a bundle of her clothing and then ordered him away. " The step-father , continuing his conversa tion , said that Mrs. Hudson bad sued for di vorce in the circuit court , but was afraid to prosecute , and , aftorboing docketed a year , the case was striclccn from the books. Later she went to New Orleans nnd Now Albany , and the marriage to Uetts followed. Dr. Birncy euros oatnrrh , Boo bld < j PAIR OF INQUEbTS. Dr. Harrigaii'a BiiHiiicsa Necessitates ItimnliiKn Double Hcnilcr. The coroner held an inquest at Hcafoy's yesterday afternoon over the body of the baoo found in the lumber yards Sunday. Dr. Charles C. Allison testified that ho had inado a post-mortem examination of the in- tant , and found that it was a fully developed female child. External inspection showed no signs of violence. Tests showed that the lungs bad contained air , hence the child was known to have been born allvo. The % vitncss stated that death had been caused by suffo cation. Walter and Willie Butler , the boys who found the bodv told their story and des- crlbedt ho bodv when first seen. A couple of other witnesses were exam ined , but no light was thrown upon the sub ject. ject.The Jury returned a verdict stating that the child came to its death by suffocation by the band of some pet-sou unknown to too Jury. * An inquest was held yesterday afternoon to determine the cause of death of Anton Weld , who was killed Sunday morning near tbo roundhouse of the St. Paul & Omaha ; load by being run into by a passenger train * on that road. The fireman on the passenger engine , Dan iel Kennedy , tostltled that ho saw the man step from an engine standing on tbo track next the ono on which the passenger train was approaching. Ho yelled nt the ronn , but before the words were out of his mouth the man stopped directly in front of the approacning train nnd was knocked down , Tbo train was stopped at once and ' the man picked up. Ho wns'slill alive , but died bctore Ihe Wobslor street station was reached. Tno other witnesses examined were Dun can Ashmolo , the conductor of the passenger train ; James H. Rainbow , engineer ; Albert Lake , brakcman ; T. F. McGuire , an eye witness , und John Olseu , n friend of Wold. At this point thu Jury adjourned until 10 a. in. today , in order to allow Coroner Harri- gan time to procure other witnesses. The engineer nud ureman of the dirt train on which Weld rode will bo scut for and their testimony will close the evidence. A Good Huliiitltnto. Instead of a cocktail In the morning , "wo fellows at the club1' taper off by taking a re- ' fresbing drink of Sulpuo-Salino. At the Tbo Royal Italian Gypsy band Is noted for Its sweet charming native airs. The muslo is original and the compositions are rendered lu a manner that betokens the artistic ability > of Its rncmbors. This , orchester la at the Eden Musoo thi * week and will delight the many patrons of that popular house. In the Curio hall the wrestling boars are the feat ures. Their antics nro amusing. In tbo theatre an excellent specialty company pre sent amusing sketches and variety special ties. ties.Do Do not forgot thit nailer's Pain 1'aralyzer will cure nil cases of dysentery , relieving" griping pain aud restoring the bowels to healthy actlou. Government I.lquor Licenses. Collector Potombas Issued an onlclal notlco to all applicant * for a government liquor stamp that , their application must boiuhls ofllco by the IWth Inst. , accompanied by the foe , in order that stamps may be issued on the same by July 1 , the beginning of the llscal year. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Htsora : only pill to euro sick headache and rjulatotho UJAM U Dr. Kensington troiita the oyo,1310 Doclgo .11 it A OKA vn * . T. R. Raymor of Lincoln la at tire Dellono. J. J. Coyhl of Grand Island Is at the Mur ray. ray.F. F. P. Morgan of Choppel U at tha Mur ray. ray.James James Spencer of Lincoln Is at the Del- lono. lono.C. C. W. Seymour of Nebraska City Is at tbo Dellono. Con \V. Hoyd ot Gotbeubure Is a guest at thoMUlarU. It. A. Simpson of Dluo Hill U a guest at the Dollono. J. D. McCoruiack and wife of Frombnt are attheMlllam. A. J. Campbell and wife of West Point are at the Murray. Mrs. htnnia J , Jonoe will spend tbo summer with her falbor at Cutling-ivlHc , VL SOME ASSESSORS' ' FIGURES , What tbo Good Mou Hold as to the Value of Omaha Properly. CORPORATIONS STILL GET OFF LIGHT , Sample Valuations Tnken from the Hooka ns Ilaturnnd to the County Commissioners Tor Equalization. The assessment for the present year has been completed , and most of the books nro now In the hands of the county clerk. They were returned yesterday nnd wcro after wards thumbed by any number of Interested property holders. Too books of the Vhlnl and Fifth wards arc still out , but will bn returned'today and will bo before the county board this after noon , when It sits to equalize. The boon from the First ward Is Incomplete , . the as- soiior having entirely failed to make any footings or recapitulation. A glance over the books returned shows the valuation of the property of the various wards to bo as follows : These figures will bo subject to clmngo and when the board of equalization has com pleted Its work some reduction jnay bo made In the totals. The valuation of the works so returned Is greater lhan last year , and thocommissloners nro of the opinion that when the railroads and % banks are assessed , the total valua tion of the city will not fall far short of $31.000,000. The assessment for last year as equalized was as follows : IIKAI. I I'mI I IMTATK.IsoNAI-1 TOTAL. yirat mini. . . . II , 14feu ; ' ) . " . , 5 IU > 7I.MJl Sworn ! wnrd. . , I.IH.OIO 1IMI7 1.5HI.U7 Tlilnl nnrd. . . 3,117,1.11 WI.715 Fourth want. . . IIII.SW Firth ward Sltth ward. . . . in\yt 79,555 l.M'i.4''l Seventh wnrd. ' ' : KlKhth ward. . . iliiit'.sri llli'liV ) Ninth ward. . . ixajt Total ri'nl p tate . . Tntnl personally 2AM. Total banks fill.0.11 Totnl rnllroacls WolUS Totiil tulcurapli 3M3 ! Total 1'ullman cars 1125 Total tlVJsi,7IJ ( ! The oooks that have boon returned show some interesting figures. The street rail way company is assessed nt fC.,000. ) Last year it paid on a valuation of fill,173. The water works company Is assessed at SOO..IIO. Last year its assessment was $55,010. The gas company shows up with $00,055 , which is the same amount as it paid taxes upon last year. The electric light company does not got off quite as well. Last year its personal property wus valued at $13,075 arid this year it Is put in at S15,445. The Wil low Springs distillery is assessed at 55,450. Last year it was SVSO. The Globe loan and trust company refused to list its property and the assessor listed everything insight. He placed the value at00,000. The proprietors will by bcforu the board , claiming that the assessment is unjust. The Barber asphalt company has listed $3,000 of property. Krug , the brewer , swears ho has $5,835 of personal property. Including twenty horses. Metz. who is in the same business , could tlud but $5,190 of personal property , which in cludes thirteen horses. QThc Byron Keed company listed S14.500 , while Herman Kountzo put in j-S.OOO , all cash and nothing else. A. J. Hanscom is the largest individual tax payer on personalty. Ho is willing to bo as sessed with $ i7U35 of goods and chattels. McCord , Brady &Co. pay on SlO.y-'S ; the Mc- Cormlck harvester cnmpanv on ? IUm'ir ' Pax- ton. Gallagher & Co. on JO,9A ) ; D. M. Stcelo & Co. on $19,150 ; Sloan Johnson it Co. on $9.550 and Liningcr. Motcaif & Co. on f5ti95. Among the retail dealers S. P. Morse & Co. admit that they own 913,550 of property ; Hnyden Brothers SH.UOO nnd FalconerSS.OUO. The books of the country orecinnts show a gain in valuation , especially so in personal property. Men nnd women prematurely pray and whoo hair was falline , nro enthusiastic in praising Hall's Hair Kcnower lor restoring the color and preventing baldness. MAIti MEN IN ARSIS. Politics Creates Trouble in the Letter Carriers' Association. The Omaha branch of the national associa tion of Roller carriers has struck a snug and the order is about to split asunder. Some days ago at a regular meeting of tbo association hold-one rainy evening , there were but few mumborslu attendance. George C. Cloffnor , who is a central labor union manO3 , well as a mail carrier.saw a grand opportuni ty to swing the association into the political arena and at oncci > ut tlirough a resolution pledging Iho support of the letter carriers' association to the central labor union. Ho was then elected as a delegate to the letter carriers' convention that convenes in Detroit the last of this month. The next morning the news of the mooting spread among the carriers , many of whom denounced the methods employed in Ihb most cmphatlu terms. Simply In denouncing the th.'i matterdid not end for fifteen of the mem bers withdrew. There are more to follow and these who denounce Iho meeting as n po litical movement stnlo that thov will disrupt the association without It swings back into lino. Gosjlor'sMagioHeodacho Wafers. Cures all headaches In 20 minutes. At aQ druggis Marring ! ) Ijlcotisos. The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Address. Ago. I Patrick MuF.lllsott , Omaha i..v. ; . . . .23 I Julia Co ( Toe , Omuha t Si j William S. Lewis , Omaha M I Ida II. Thompson , Omaha . . . . , . . . . . -.29 j Oarl A. Victors. Onriha . . . . . . . . . . . .ju. ! . . . . . . 1 Ida U. Henderson , l-'iorunou 20 j Anton Noldslolstl , South Omaha 23 I .Mattlo Wlsa , South Omaha 23 j Alexander UuoknurSioux01 ty , 25 t JullaStuwart. Iowa. , . , aa Horslbrtl'H Aclil I'hotjptinto. HI KfTccts of TobauutV ' . . rellovodby llsuso. The Da ret Stock. , The dispute over the ownership of the William Darat stock of whisky took another turn In the federal court yesterday. Jacob Darat furnished a bond for $11,000 for the sixty-ono barrels of whtsuy and the goods were ordered delivered Into his pos session. and dellclously as tha fresh fruit * The Sha of Persia Though ndranccd In ffpn , lias hair ot rnten hue. < ! ray Imlrs arc sfrlctly prohibited In Ills dominions , and llftttco * the largo ship- menu tothateotmtrpolAyer's Hair Vigor , by the nso of which thaghair * subjects saro not only their hair but their heads. Acer's Hair Vigor restores ilio 'natural color of the hair. It should b on crcry toilet-table. " Some tlmo ago mjrlialr began to fade and to fall out so badly that , I thought I should bo bald ; but the use of Aycr's Hnlr Vigor has restored the original color and made mjr hair strong , abumlampttnd healthy. It docs not fall out any mor/a-- / , Addle Shafler , WO Itace at , Cincinnati , > 0ilo. | "My lialr ( which hid partly turned gray ) was restored to Its youthful color and beauty by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I shall continue to use It , as there I * no better dressing for the hair. " ClaUlo Capp , Gcorccana , Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor , nv DK. J. 0. AYBB & CO. , Lowell , Mass. Sold br > H DruKRUu anil IVrfumeri. Drs. Belts & Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , IAOB DOUOlAAS STREET OMAIIA. NE3. Tno mcrtt widely- and favorably known § peo- mllata In ttio Unltol States. Tholr long ex perience , rcmnrkitblo skill and universal suo- ce a in the trcatinont and euro of Nervous , Chronlo nnd Surgical Dlanasc * . entitle theie eminent physlclnnn to the full confidence ot the afflicted everywhere. They guarantee : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITlVE OOKB foi the awful nffocta ot early vice nnd the iumor or.M oTlla that follow In Us trnln. PRIVATE. UT.OOU AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , completely nntl permanently cured. NEKVOOS DEIIILITV AND SEXUAL DIS ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treat- rnont * PILES. FISTULA AND RECTAL UI-CEUS cuarantccd cured without p-iln or detention from business. HYDKOUELE AND VAIUCOOELE perraa- nently and successfully cured In ery cato , SYPHILIS , GONUIiUilKA. GLEET. Spor- rmitorrlvjs , Scmliml WltaUness , Lost Manhood. Night Emissions" . Drtuyud Faculties , Foiiml * Wonknoiq nnd all dclli'.ito disorders pooullaf to either ox positively cured , in well as all functional disorders that result from youthC.'J follies or the oxreisiif'tnsituro years. STRirTIIRijailal-i"ltced yermancntlj O I IVlV/l Ulxlv cured , removal complete , without uuttln : . cniistlo or dilatation. Ourca effected at homo by patient without o mo ment's pain or nnnoynnco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGED MEN. A SURF awful cITeoU ot rt. OUK.L , fllP-F , Vcu which brlngi pnianlc weakness , d < * stroylnz both mind end body , with all Its dtfojdod lll . permanently cared. HP's ' RPT1\ Address those who hare 1m- L > L\3. DUllO paired * them ) Ives by Im proper Indulgence and solitary nablts , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , atudv or marriage. MARBIED MEN or.chbso entering on that happy life , aware ot.nUysIcAl debility , quickly assisted. i- OTJR. SUCCESS Is based upon facts. , ; PJ re Practtoal erp rt once. Second Every cmo la spoolally studied. thus starting right. Third medicines are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit each CUM , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. NEB TRADE MARK. WRITE , DESIGN , and place advertisements. Points claim ed : Effective and economical service ; extensive acquaintance with best news papers ; beat methods from wide ex perience ; the advertiser's interest our aim. UIRITF US f ° r estimaes { of IlIVl i L cost in detail on any line of advertising proposed. For state lists showing papers published , their circulation , population , cost of inser tions of advertisements in each state. Sample book showing our work sent for 4 cents to pay postage. edited in the highest order on short notice. BIG RUN ON CIRCULAR WRITING. * ALDEN & ; ; FAXONj NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS , 66 & 68 W. 3rd 'CINCINNATI ' , 0. PRESS'THE BUTTON , IT LIGHTS ! Burnt a bright Itim'e from a minute to 2 hour * TTienr > tirn | lcnlaclf IlifbUn ? Pocket Law * and C'lz r LlKhurcvtr Intro duced. A match lafa la at > | > tarauci but BtnaUerla lz Auiarvelof lav - nultj , Uuful and , itir * , cxpriwed rrcpaid to anr adilreaa , ' ou rvCelt > t ot bl.OU. Noai h iN dfn IAL V ' Co. , lieu Uuildltitf , Onuua , Nub FIVE DOLLARS. Today we place on sale in our Men's Clothing Department the greatest snap in the way of a suit of clothes ever offered to the male portion tion of this community , when we will sell Five Hundred Genuine All Wool Fancy Scotch Cheviot Sack Suits , in all sizes from 34 to 42 , cut , made , lined and trimmed way up in "G ; " suits that never should see a mark under the Ten Dollar notch , at Five Dollars a suit. FIFTY CENTS. * * As a companion picture to the suit sale we will also put on sale today Five Hundred * Fancy Pique , Marseilles and Duck Vests , in all s . sizes from 33 to 42 , in all sorts of checks , plaids , stripes and figures , in all sorts of light handsome colors , either single or double breasted , with handsome pearl buttons. Not a vest in the entire lot worth a cent under a dollar , and from that on up to a dollar and a half , all'in one grand lot all at the one uniform price of Fifty Cents each.We m can't give you the earth for half a dollar , because Jay Gould owns it , but this comes mighty near to it. CARS RUNNING -TO Passengers carried FREE from the end.of the Farnam St. line right into the heart of the additionGo and see ADDITION TO OMAHA. Everything about this property is HIGHTONED EXCEPT THE PRICES. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Before the prices are advanced. There is nothing like this char ming location in this city , with its high ground , beautiful houses , splendid neighbors , level graded streets , city water. - THE , PLxA-GEX KOEL THE. OHILTDR.E1N. Why not GET UP OUT of the MALARIAL , districts and live and feel good. RENT your houses in the LOW LANDS. -Come and let us talk with you about it and tell uswhat you want and-we will treat you the best -we know how. PATRICK LAND CO. , BKE BUILDING AMUSEMENTS. BoytTs Opera House , Commencing Tuesday , Juno U Grand Production of The County Fair , 1'roscnloJ Exactly as at the Union Fnunro , Theatre , Now York , where It has houiitbu per manent attraction for tliroo yorirn. i \ T7N T I The Union Pa1'0 Company. v r v T y f The Ituimlng Horse llaco. THE MKIUY I1USKINO BEE. I20.COO exploited on thu stugo In this produc tion : DIME EDEN MUSEE. ( , 'ornor llth and Farnam Streets. WEHIC Tlio Wrestllnir lteais. _ Iho Itoyal Italian Uypsy Hand , The llulllvs I l-'iircolJom . Dick Duvlin , thn Irish . Hot btuue. thu Mnthomatluul Murvol. and a host of hkctch Artl.iU. A l'rotftabli > Hour or Amut > omejit. _ Uc itb < won po ci < ul fcaiUfegaliuil ftf. K vifAJlSt.pettraM. . b 4 c ( tump ) lot A.MMH UON DRUG CO. . Uufl.lo , N. Y. Vorualo by Goodman Drue Oo , She Saved Her MONEY , And so can orerr ouU llouiokoopor t > r alirajri bar * lu < on hand handCAMPBELL'S VAENISH STAINS. tha onlr artlclo eror iro4uoa ) l with which nnj per on can at ( Hunt oijioiio mU bjr ooo npplluatloa rmtnlnanil vnrnl.Hh nlcl ChamberHot . lluruaui , Hod ( toaili , Chnlr , Taliloi , Iour4 an < t all klndi of wouil work In benallful tint ! of UHKItltY. WALNUT MAIIOIIA.NV. mmWOOD. 0 , K , nr VKUMII.lOM It will itnnit WAtlilnv una U rorr durable. Halt puund will rtiitnln un > l nnUiia > ot ofi-lialr * . and ana pint wlllordlnirllr renawnCbambirHDU Kor roomi nneintrt tii una Ballon acoardlnv to lie. 1'rlcei' IIAUVl'lNM Do ; I'lNT. J J. Illclur4loa UruJ Co. . Omnha. Wholoiala Auunii. OMAHA ISi'nd forolreular orcallou . J York TELEGRAPHY. YOUR STOMACH IS OUT OF ORDER , Your breath is bad , your complexion la yellowish. Turkish Liniment stops all pains ; cures rheumatism , sprains , bruises , etc. Cures cholera morbus , diarrhea , colic , and any pain in the stomach or bowels , sec , of any druggists. Turkish Tooth Wash is fra- gant ; cleanses the teeth , per fumes the breath and hardens the gums. 250 , of your drug gist. Turkish Remedy Co. , Omaha , Neb. Vrt IfflfffJBW RfflfTftl Barror1n * fro" TH WtAiC mirN " " * rrocu ° * 9 U lw ILMiU immBv yuuthlulerron arlr decor , wanting weaknnu , lott m oJiixK ) , ut . I will Hndft valuable Uvatlw Ix-alMj ) coatalulo | full particular * fur homo cum , imKK < ; ' rbargu A. pUD'lld mvdlcal work | atuialii ba road br oren man hn U iiTrmn anil dolilliuti'it. Adurort Vtot. V. C , 1'OWLIiJl , Moodui , Couui